Important Announcement
PubHTML5 Scheduled Server Maintenance on (GMT) Sunday, June 26th, 2:00 am - 8:00 am.
PubHTML5 site will be inoperative during the times indicated!

Simple And Fast

Never before was it this easy to create a eye-catching publications. Just import your PDF and input your text, images and video in the page editor and you've a digital magazine that you can share with everybody.

Fully Customizable - Make It Beautiful

Completely DIY your page flipping book with a variety of pre-designed templates, and just adjust the templates with custom logo, backgrounds, colors, buttons, navigation options and more(80+).

Read on Any Device

Create life-like digital in HTML5 which work on nearly mobile devices, including iphone, ipad, Android phones, Android tablets. View it anywhere, anytime, online or offline.

Branding of the Publications Pro

Remove ads

Remove ads Pro

No more ads around your flipping book, no more related page flip magazines displayed on the right! Ensure your audience engages with your content..

Customize your digital reader

Customize your digital reader Pro

Customize the large logo that is being displayed while the magazine is being loaded; Customize the logo in the top-left corner of the digital reader; Use a branded background to be used in the digital reader.

  • Publishing
  • Interactive
  • Mobile
  • Cloud
  • Security
  • Multi-Output
  • Monetization
  • Configuration
  • Branding