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6 x 9 TEMPLATE The manuscript copy new headers 25-11-18

Published by drstevegreen, 2018-11-27 08:57:08

Description: 6 x 9 TEMPLATE The manuscript copy new headers 25-11-18


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1 Chapter one *Most autobiographies start with an exciting first chapter called a foreword or prologue. This of course is to capture your attention, enough for you to want toread the rest of the book. The second chapter is normally thebeginning of the authors life. Nothing wrong with that, it’sunderstandable.When I read a book, I normally always skip this and get straighton to chapter one, so I have made the first chapter a way ofexplaining a few things that I think are important to theenjoyment of this book.This is an adult autobiography which contains strong languageand mature themes and should only be read by adults ofeighteen years of age and over and even then, only by peoplewho are not offended by descriptions of the sexual act.I believe that some of the memories I have put down in thisbook will stay with the reader for ever. The women mentionedin this book were the very best ones in my life and I remembereverything about making love to them. One of the mostrewarding pleasures in my life has been from what I learntfrom Michelle: how to give a woman pleasure beyond herwildest dreams and believe it or not, ´not a lot of people knowhow to do that.` 1

Chapter 1One thing to consider is that most days I arose from bed atseven thirty in the morning and got back in at ten thirty in theevening, Monday to Friday, to go to work; for fifty threeconsecutive years. I began work at fifteen and continued untilsixty eight years of age when I retired, and only then becauseof circumstances outside my control. I say this, because of allthe good times that I have had, you may think, did this boy everwork, but I am not going to tell you about all the boring parts,like the crumpet I didn’t get; well only occasionally. Hopefully,this will at least make you curious, about the following pages.A famous movie star said he didn’t bother with a ghost writerbecause they tended to make the story too bland and then wenton to thank ten people who literally helped him in writing hisbook. I would like to take this opportunity in thanking myfaithful friend Tonto, I mean Microsoft, who nearly had anervous breakdown correcting all my spelling mistakes butnever complained. Whenever it got too much for her, shewould occasionally, shut the screen down and let you thinkyou had lost two years of work. Yes I had backups, but there’snothing like a blank screen to give you a blank mind. Also theprinted version of this book is ¨Book Antiqua` font, size 12which is much easier on the eyes than what the publishers use.They use smaller printing to save money; not to save eyes.I have read many autobiographies over the years, by peoplewho were either movie stars, sport stars or celebrities. The onecommon denominator was they all wanted to be liked and werevery careful not to spoil their reputation in anyway. Whatmakes this autobiography different, is because I lost everythingat the end including my reputation and who I am. If I hadn’t,you probably wouldn’t have seen my ass for dust. What youget here is a story of my life, written in a certain way: powerful, 2

Chapter 1angry, passionate and a sharper edge than is the norm. Totallydevoid of whether you like me or not, whether I am a goodperson or bad person, just simply, nothing but the truth and weall know the saying, ´before you cast the first stone.` I alsooccasionally like to put the number down instead of the word,so it registers more clearly.Lastly but probably the most important thing to remember isthat my age is similar to the Stones, the Beatles, Pink Floyd,Daryl Hall and John Oaks, Santana, Jimmie Hendriks and soon. We were all war babies: in London we had, had six years ofwar, being bombed by Germany. Twenty percent of the peopleour parents knew, they didn’t know anymore because theywere dead, blown to smithereens. After the war, the young menof this country had to deal with the American invasion,American service men that were based over here, taking alltheir girls because they had the money and the luxurious placesto take them, like the Douglas House.The Douglas House, London was a US servicemen's cluboperated by the United States Air Force for twenty-five years attwo different locations in London's West End. The club'spurpose was to provide \"home-style service\" (which includeda luxurious night club with a terrific sounding eight piece Jazzband, just like the movies.) for the thousands of Americanairmen based in the United Kingdom and US servicemen of allbranches who might be passing through. The first locationopened in 1945 after the Second World War in Mayfair. AlsoAmerican musicians dominated the music charts.Fourteen years of food rationing in Britain ended at midnighton 4 July 1954, when restrictions on the sale and purchase of 3

Chapter 1meat and bacon were lifted. This happened nine years after theend of the war.The young British working class geezer was on his knees andnear to extinction. Then at the beginning of the sixties, ´TheBeatles` hit the music charts and the rest followed. Drugs, sexand rock and roll. Suddenly everyone was famous and if theywasn’t then they could be tomorrow. London, Liverpool,Newcastle suddenly became the places to be. A working classaccent was the in thing. Posh was out. My timing was right onthe button and I really made the most of it. The seventies andeighties were out of this world and some of the time so was I.The first part of my career was in high fashion menswear.Ultra-stylish gear in shops all over London: Kings Road,Oxford Street, Carnaby Street. It was like working in a nightclub every day, music, women and everything you needed tokeep going. Then at the age of thirty two a total life change.Abbey Life Assurance Co Ltd. and that’s when the fun reallystarted. Slowly working my way up to Abbeys Chairman Clubstatus and the incredible life this provided.It’s a roller coaster ride and I hope you’ll enjoy it with me. 4

2 A South London boy *From the first memory of my life I was always optimistic and competitive. The first words I remember hearing, was my fathersaying to my mother “Look Greta, even at his young age, helikes to put everything back perfect”. Which I thought, was agreat compliment. I was born on the 10th March 1945 at No.9 McDowell Road,Camberwell, London, SE5. Just as the war was coming to anend. I was two months overdue. My mother said I was alwaysshrewd, I was waiting for the war to end. I was only at thishouse for three years. A rented terraced house in a long line ofmany, it had a front door and not much behind it. The onlymemories I have of the house, is a tin bath and an outsidetoilette, oh and near a railway line, so that when a train wentby I would dive under the kitchen table to hide. A few weeks after I arrived, my mother was talking to theinsurance man when he asked her for the new baby’s name, togo down on the policy. At that time she hadn’t got round tothinking of baby’s names, so just said the first name that cameto mind, Roy and that’s the name I was given. Like many autos, I’m not going to go on about how mymiddle name Hered was my grandfather’s, who was a directascendant of Hered Caesarea named after the grandfather ofHerodom, whose exploits of and son of a Roman client king ofJudea, was legendry in the year 1804. 5

Chapter 2 No, no middle name or anything else, just Roy and by thesound of it, I was lucky to get that. Having said that, it’s a namethat you can’t take the piss out of too much. You can’tabbreviate it like Richard to Dick and then tricky Dickie Nixonor that wonderful lovely name Danial, to Dan the lavatory man,William to bill or if your unlucky, little willie in more ways thanone, which doesn’t sound very conquering. Hello Wankie, Imean Frankie and so on, but I won’t go on. In business andmost other situations Roy Prentice came over quite well. WhenI introduced myself to clients, I would always say it like JamesBond. My name is Prentice, Roy Prentice. Ok back to normality, we moved from there to a very lovelyfour bedroomed house just off Kingswood Drive, Dulwich,South East London, SE19. The house was situated in a goodspot on a very attractive council estate. The local primary andjunior school was a part of the new buildings and very pleasantto go to. My brothers and sister really liked it and so did I. But there were disadvantages: dad and mum had further togo to work and their friends were all based around theCamberwell area. These days it wouldn’t be a problem becauseeveryone has a car but in those times few people owned wheels.After a while the situation became just too much and myparents asked the council for a transfer back to Camberwell.The council treated their request quite urgently, as people werequeuing up to get into the Kingswood Drive Estate. So we moved back to Camberwell to a three bedroom flaton another brand new council estate. One of many that werebeing built after the war, Crawford Estate. Like the house atDulwich, it was nice to have your own bathroom and indoortoilette, and it was much nearer to dad’s bus depo, so he didn’thave to travel so far. Crawford Road must have been over halfa mile long and they were still building when we moved in, 6

Chapter 2eventually the estate went from one end of the road to the other.Then branched out each side. They also laid plenty of grasslawns and a children’s playground, which made sure that theflats were not too much on top of one another. Intermingledwith this, were groups of two storey three bedroom houseswhich also helped to separate and allow a more attractivespaciousness. The flats were six storeys high. We were on thefirst floor. 8 Baldock House, Crawford Road, Camberwell,London, SE5. I was the youngest of 5 children. The brother before me haddied at the age of 18 months and my parents had thought theycouldn’t have any more children. So, there was an agedifference of 6 years between me and my nearest aged brotherJohn and then 2 years to my sister Joan and another 2 years tobrother Alfie. My mother was 40yrs. of age and my father was49yrs of age. My dad was a bus driver on the no. 42s. My mum was anoffice cleaner at to 8am and 5.30pm to 7pm. In-betweenshe was a mother to four children. They never talked abouttheir past, they were too busy with their present: which wassurvival. My dad worked every rest day of his life. When hecame home from work, he read the paper for half-hour, thenhad his dinner, then went to bed. Sometimes after work hewould go to the pub and then when he came home he wouldgo to bed. They were born poor and they died poor. I willalways remember when the tally man (a man who collectsmoney every week for his company who had sold yousomething) called. Sometimes my parents never had themoney, so my mum would go to the door and tell him. I wouldstay inside and look at my dad pacing up and down with hisfingers in his ears so he couldn’t hear anything. Six years ofhaving Hitler dropping bombs on them, having half of the 7

Chapter 2people they knew dead, and then this life. When I was 5-8yrs.old I would cry a lot in the evening and my mum would say“Why are you crying, you silly thing.” I was crying because Iwas so sad for my mum and dad, I knew they had, had a hardlife and had lost a lot of their love for one another. My father had been married before and had two children.Apparently, he found out that his wife was carrying on withanother man and left them. He never saw her or the childrenagain and never mentioned them. My mother had 10 brothersand sisters and we saw them all the time. The only man sheever went with was Dad and after he died, she lived for another16 years and didn’t even think about another man friend. My mother had to go out, so she left me with my brotherand sister. John and Joan. They got involved in something andforgot all about me. So, I forgot all about them and went out fora walk. I was only 4yrs. of age. Myatt’s park was about 20 minsaway, when walked by a grown up. Apparently, I was walkingalong in the park saying, “where are the swings” when a localman found me and very kindly brought me back home to myvery worried parents. My first outing alone. When I was 5, I heard Johnny Ray singing on the radio. Ithought he was terrific and started mimicking him with all theactions, crying and on my knees, Oh and singing. He was anAmerican singer, songwriter and pianist. Extremely popular,foremost of the 1950s. (Ray has been cited by critics as a majorprecursor of what would become rock and roll for his jazz andblues influenced music and his animated stage personality.) At Christmas time, my school always put on a Christmasconcert, where a child could go onto a small made up stage andperform whatever they wanted to do. Poetry, dancing, singingetc. in front of the other children and teachers. I went on andsung a Johnny Ray song “Cry.” It brought the house down, as 8

Chapter 2they say. I did all his act, on my knees and crying my eyes out.At the time, it was number one in the charts and the childrenloved it. They all went bananas. They literally had to close theshow, some of the children were fainting, I was a star. Mumhaving ten brothers and sisters meant we went to a lot ofparties. Now, whenever we were at a party, I sang Johnny Raysongs and afterwards everyone there would give me sixpenceor a shilling. I was making a fortune for a few years, untilJohnny was discovered in a men’s toilet doing unsavourythings to another man’s private parts. He then went out offavour pretty quickly.There were two stories about the injury to my right groin. One was, that my sister Joan gave me a ride on her bike andthe crossbar damaged it. The other was, that while I wasplaying football, I was kicked in the groin. The accidenthappened when I was six years of age and quickly developedinto a serious injury. There was a three inch tear at the groinand it was very painful. After a few days I couldn’t walk. Adoctor visited the house and would put on a calimer poulticetwice a week; this went on for six months. I couldn’t walk fornine months and had to be taken everywhere in a push chair. Iremember my mother sterilizing the cotton wool in the ovenbefore the doctor arrived. He used to say, “You don’t have tomake the cotton wool go brown Mrs Prentice.” My mum wouldfollow him around and make sure everything he did wascorrect and clean. She told me later that she would talk to himwhile he was washing his hands, but what she was really doingwas making sure he was washing them properly. She wasn’t taking any chances, my brother Bobby who wasnext to my age had died when he was two years old from health 9

Chapter 2problems from birth and if something had happened to me, Idon’t think she could have carried on. It’s hard to appreciatejust how hard life was in those days. No dishwashers, nofridges no washing machines and no money, hardly. Half thepeople you knew and loved were dead from having Hitler blitzthe shit out of you for six years and four kids to bring up withfood rationing and the dangers of bomb sites all around. One day my mother was pushing the pushchair with me init of course. We had just left home and I was babbling aboutsomething when she hit me hard on the face with her right openhand. I stopped talking and wouldn’t have thought I said muchfor the rest of the journey. Actually, I didn’t say a word for therest of the journey and I didn’t cry, I just sat there stunned.Without my mother I was dead, she did everything for me andloved me more than anyone. That was the only time she everhit me. I just had to stop typing this book for a while because Isuddenly started crying and it developed into heavy sobbing,it was hard to stop, I think I’m OK now. My mother hits me andit takes sixty eight years for me to cry. During this time I was reading a book, can’t remember whatbook, I turned a page and there was a picture I alwaysremembered. Two thirds of the page was taken up by sanddunes and the other third was blue sky. In the middle, was anArab type of person riding a camel. The stillness of the pictureaffected me in a melancholy sort of way. The Arabs face lookedas if he knew exactly where he was going but that he wassomewhere else far away in his mind. The camel looked like heknew the journey of by heart. They both looked veryinsignificant within the vastness of the desert. I used to look atthe picture for hours on end, I couldn’t pull myself away andabout once every ten years it pops up in my mind again. 10

Chapter 2 I don’t remember much of the nine months with this injurybecause there wasn’t much to remember. I couldn’t doanything. The whole in my leg was big and I do remember thepoultice being put on time and time again. Eventually, whichseemed like forever, the injury healed and then I had to learnto walk all over again. When I first tried to walk, I would losemy balance and fall over. After a couple of weeks I wasliterately back on my feet and soon playing football and cricketwith my two big brothers again. The scar of the injury is stillvery prominent now in my groin and is about three quarters ofan inch by three inches. No girls have ever commented on itwhen making love, I suppose they would have been far moreinterested in other parts of my anatomy. At the age of eight my mum took me to see her secondyoungest brother, Jimmy. He was thirty one years of age,married with two children. I heard on the grapevine that hiswife Sally was much younger than him, only a tender twentyone. So she had, had the children at a very young age.Apparently this had not affected her beauty and by all accountsshe was, I heard my older brothers say, ravishing. So even at my young age, when my mother asked me if Iwanted to come along with her to see her brother and his wife,I jumped at the opportunity. I wanted to see how beautiful,ravishing, was. They lived just outside of London, more in thecountry. A long journey, two trains and a bus, about one andhalf hours. When I was young I suffered from travel sickness,so the journey was quite unpleasant for me. We finally arrivedat their house, a very nice cottage type. Jimmy was a tall, good looking, slim man, who was totallybald and had a very gentle personality. He informed us that hiswife was not feeling well, she suffered from bad migraineheadaches and had one today. My mum and Jimmy talked the 11

Chapter 2afternoon away while I played with the children, or tried toplay, because they were so much younger than me. And waitedfor Sally to appear. But she didn’t, not even to say hello orgoodbye. On the journey home my mother was not very happy, shewas half talking to me and half talking to herself. Mum saidthat even if someone is half dead you can pop in and say yourgoodbyes and then, that’s the trouble with young wives. Inodded in totall agreement. One day my mother’s brother, Sam came to visit us with hiswife Bette. They were a lovely couple, he was tall, good lookingwith a mop of blond hair, she was shorter with dark hair. Samhad just purchased a new car which was a big event in thosedays if you were working class. They decided to take my mumand dad and me for a drive around the block. Half way round,it broke down.My best friend at that time was a boy called Harry. I’m ashamed to admit, I don’t remember his second namebecause we always called him Harry Boy. My mum saying“Roy, Harry boys here, are you going out.” He was a year or soyounger than me. Blond hair, not as tall as me but stocky andtough. For a while we went everywhere together. I lived on thefirst floor of Baldock house and he lived on the top floor. I hadoften told him how nice the house was that we had lived in atDulwich. One day I decided to show him where it was. Lateafternoon we set off to see it on foot. Google states it takes 39minutes from Camberwell Green to Dulwich Village bywalking, but we were only 8yrs. of age. Anyway, we made itand stayed there for a while to look around and to rest. We then 12

Chapter 2set off to walk back home. As we got nearer to Baldock house,we saw bright lights everywhere, police cars and police menand ordinary folk. Tannoy loudspeakers and public-addresssystems were set up. So, we went up to a policeman and askedhim what was going on. We of course, was what was going on.The time was past midnight. There was still a lot of bomb sites around at this time.; askids we made the best of them. Each site would have campsmade of corrugated iron, where the leaders of the local gangwould plot the next attack on their unsuspecting gangneighbours. The grownups had, had there six years of war andnow it was the children’s time to go to war. Each area had its own army. One gang would slowly creepup on another who would be discussing something in theircamp. All of a sudden, all hell broke loose. Catapults wouldsend large stones raining down on the camp: if you were in thecamps, you felt as though you were going to die. The suddennoise of fifty stones crashing just above your head, oncorrugated iron has to be experienced to fully understand thetotal shock to the system, which quite often resulted in some ofthe children literally shitting themselves. It goes to show whya lookout was a very important position to hold. All the children in the area had been looking forward toGuy Fawkes night and now the day had finally arrived. Forsome weeks, we had slowly been building our bonfire on abomb site across the road from our block of flats and it was now7ft. high. We were very proud of it and looked forward tolighting it at 6.30 pm. when all the children and their parentswould be present to enjoy it and let of their fireworks. Me and Harry boy were talking to one another on my frontbalcony on the first floor, you could see the bonfire from there.The time was 1pm. Harry boy stopped the conversation and 13

Chapter 2said, “Is that smoke coming from our bonfire.” “No” I said,“your imagining things Harry.” “No, I’m fucking not,” he saidand started to run down the balcony and then down the stairs,I followed. We crossed the road and were on the site. Now wecould see more clearly, someone had set fire to our preciousbonfire. All the work we had put in to it for the great night, Ifelt like crying. Harry didn’t feel like crying, he felt like killingsomeone. There were two boys, about 14yrs. of age, one held thematches. Harry who was only 11 yrs. of age said to him, “Didyou set fire to our bomb fire.” “It’s not your bomb fire, this ispublic property and we” Harry interrupted him “I asked you aquestion cunt, did you set fire to our bonfire?” “Yes.” Theywere older and bigger than Harry and me and I didn’t fancyour chances at all. Harry moved to the boy who was doing thetalking and hit him with two short left hooks, followed by aright cross and knocked him clean out. He then went to theother boy, who couldn’t quite believe what he had just seen,and pummelled him. Left right, left right, left right, until he hadknocked him unconscious. I looked at Harry in a different light from then on. At 15, hehad a baby with a girl of 18. When he was 21, they were marriedwith 5 children. You never know how your little friend is goingto turn out. 14

3 This Sporting life *For some reason, I don’t know why, I always wanted to do better than my brothers. They would sometimes tease me but they were always helpful and encouraging. Oncewhen I was playing cricket with my brothers our team onlyneeded one run to win and only had one batsman left, me. Iwas eight years of age playing with kids of fourteen to sixteen.The opponents captain said, “If we bowl him we will not holdback”. This was with a cricket ball! Alfie said, “He won’t mind,you bowl however you want to.” He walked back a very long way to start his bowling run. Itook up my position with bat at the wicket, absolutely petrified.It seemed like a lifetime from when he started his run to whenhe let the ball go. I stuck my bat in front of me and shut myeyes. I heard Alfie shouting run, run. My first moment of glory. When I was eleven, I went to Loughborough school inBrixton, London. About a 20 mins. walk from where I lived.Both my brothers had gone there and both had played for theschool football team throughout their time there. The first andsecond year were put together and then 3rd year was a team,4th year was a team and so on. So, when the team was first picked, I wasn’t in it. I went tosee the sports teacher, Mr Gorman and said, “Both my brothersplayed for the school football team so why haven’t you pickedme.” “Are you as good as your brothers” he replied. I thoughtfor a few seconds, then said I’m better. He was a stocky, nice 15

Chapter 3looking young jovial man and he laughed and said, “For yourcheek, I will put you in the team next week”. We won 12 goals to 3. I scored 9. I was used to playing with kids 7-8 yrs. older. The same ageor one year older was like taking candy from a baby. From thattime, I was a celebrity in the school, revered and praisedregularly every week in the school hall for my football exploitsof getting us to the semi-final or winning the final in the lastfew minutes by squeezing between two defenders and blastingthe ball into the goal. I was also good at sprinting in the 100yards. On sports day,our school would compete with the other schools in SouthLondon. Every year I would win the final and every year SteveChandler would come second. As I bent over with hands on myhips, trying to get my breath after the race, Steve didn’tcongratulate me. He would walk by and barge my elbow andsay, “Cunt.” I had perfected a good start which gave me a fewfeet advantage and throughout the race Steve would becatching me up, but not quite. Every year the distance between us would get shorter. Inthe last year, Steve had got a bit taller than me and I knew itwas going to be a tight finish. I got the best start I had ever goton him and just focused on running as fast as I could. I couldfeel him getting nearer and nearer, it was like he was breathingdown my neck. I was petrified that I was going to lose the lastone. We both flashed past the tape together. I had no idea whohad won. Steve brushed by, hit my elbow and said, “Cunt,” Ihad won. After that if any one called me a cunt, I knew I wasdoing OK. Around this time, a man called Mr Hughes who lived on theCrawford Estate and was a great football enthusiast, decided tocreate the Crawford football team. The first and all subsequent 16

Chapter 3meetings were held in the Crawford Estate launderette. We hada first team and a reserve team and started in the bottomdivision of three. The first year we just played and got to know one anotheron the football field; then we started to get our act together. Inthree years we went from third division to first; culminating inwinning the first division in the first season we were in it. Idon’t know how to say this, only very bashfully, I was top goalscorer every year. The final goal that I scored, to win the firstdivision title, is one that I occasionally dream about on a goodnight and the one I mention again at the end of this book. Having said that, the backup that I had was impressive. Oneof the half backs was Steve Chandler, who could move prettyfast and the other half back was as hard as nails but also totalclass. To my inside right, inside left was a boy called Johnnie,who had the bad fortune of being a close runner up to my goalscoring every year. Johnnie was more like George Best. I wasmore like Michael Owen. Johnnie dribbled a lot and finishedwell. I was faster and finished quick like a rapier thrust. One particular thing I did was sometimes instead ofsteading the ball before I hit it, just hit it. This always left thegoalie that fraction of a second late, which was enough. Theother good thing about having two lethal goal scorers were ifthe opponents defence concentrated on one then the other onewould strike, consequently defences were always stretchedagainst us. Also because we were both goal scorers, we couldfeed the ball to one another, knowing exactly the right pace andposition we would have liked for our self, when receiving sucha ball. The whole team were worth their weight in gold and pickedand kept on their toes diligently by Mr Hughes a tough gentleWelshman, who had no qualms about dropping someone from 17

Chapter 3the team if they weren’t pulling their weight or were simply notgood enough. He had a few arguments with dads who thoughttheir sons should be in the first team and not the reserves. Hewas never swayed.At eleven years of age I took my eleven plus, (An exam that decided whether you were a success or failure in life.) Ifailed. This was a difficult time for me. I excelled in football,cricket and running but academics were another thing entirely.It wasn’t that I didn’t have the aptitude, I was just bored withanything other than sport. Fortunately, I then went to a school, Loughboroughsecondary, who had just introduced a system where you tooktwo exams every year, May and November and based on thoseresults, the top four pupils went up and the bottom four wentdown. There were four classes. A, which was the top, B, C andD. This way, kids who weren’t so bright didn’t hold up the oneswho were and A & B were groomed to pass as many GCEs aspossible. I was in C, which didn’t bother me too much becauseI was still totally into sport and had a lot of friends in my class.A particular friend, Roger Saunders, who had been my bestfriend at my previous school was also there and we sat next toone another. So that was OK. Not for long. The next year something disastrous happened:nearly every friend I had in my class, including Roger, went upto B class and suddenly I was on my own with a bunch of kidswho were not particularly bright and didn’t want to be. I was13 yrs. of age and had to get the hell out of there and up to classB. This was not going to be easy, I had never applied myselfbefore and wasn’t sure how to go about it. 18

Chapter 3 There was a teacher, Mr Jones, an older man of aboutseventy years of age. He had been brought back fromretirement to help out; there was always a shortage of teachers.So, I went to see him and told him my problem. He told me thatif I wanted to improve my situation I must do what he says.One of the things was that I might have to be unpopular withmy classmates, because if there was anything I did notunderstand, I must put my hand up and ask the teacher toexplain it again and again until I did understand it. Also, I musttake my homework very seriously. I did everything he said andprayed every night to God “God, I don’t want you to help me,I just want you to be with me and make sure I don’t get myunfair share of bad luck.” The kids didn’t like me keeping them in after class andmissing their playtimes so I could fully understand everything,but I persisted and eventually they accepted the situation. May was here. We had taken the exams a week before andnow we had the results. Out of nine subjects, I came top in 7and was the overall winner by a mile. Now it was all down toNovember. Back to studying and praying. November came andI did one better. Top in 8 and overall winner by more than amile. I didn’t make class B. I went straight up to class A. AlthoughI had bypassed my friends there was a consolation. In class Athere were the two most beautiful girls in the world. SheilaMiles and Carol Bulmer, I will always remember their names,who were the best of friends and always sat next to one another.The first day I walked in to my new class, I was introduced andas I walked past them they both gave me adoring looks. Theroom started to spin round and I was glad to sit down. 19

Chapter 3 This proved to me that if you really want to achievesomething, you will. As the saying says, “Be careful of whatyou really, really want, because you will be sure to get it.”Also, at this age I had my first sexual encounter with the opposite sex. I think sexual is too strong a word, but Idon’t know how else to describe it. I was eleven and a half andshe was about the same age. We went up to Myatt’s Park andlaid on the grass, on our backs next to one another, enjoying thesun. Suddenly without word or warning, she put her hand onmy trousers where my penis was and left it there, I then put myhand on her dress where her pussy was, we were still lying onour backs next to one another. After a few minutes she took herhand off, got up and we both walked home. It was the last timeI would enjoy the sun without my penis changing shape. Not long after that, at the age of twelve I had my first wank,I couldn’t decide whether I had enjoyed it or not. For the next few years I would end up with a girl, at theback of the bike shed, snogging and caressing her breasts andthen stop, because I didn’t know what to do next. She wouldsay “Is that all then” and walk away.Between the ages of thirteen to sixteen I spent a lot of time at the Wimbledon Tennis Tournaments. I would go duringthe first week and see some terrific games on the outside courts,remember there were no tie breaks then. On the second week,I would go there and queue all night to get a queue ticket forthe game I wanted to see, normally a quarter or a semi-final. 20

Chapter 3 How it worked was, you queued up from about six thirty inthe evening to twelve noon the next day. People had sleepingbags, put up beds and all sorts of contraptions, I had a cushion.At twelve noon Wimbledon officials handed you your queticket. As long as it was a number within one hundred and fifty,you would be ok. I always started queuing at six thirty pm theprevious evening, so never had any problems. You then went back home to refreshen. Not rest, because ifyou went to sleep, no one would be able to wake you up for aweek. You then went back to the Wimbledon Lawn Tennis clubat twelve or any time after and changed your que ticket for theactual ticket. The only problem was, after such a strenuousnight with very little real sleep, when watching the tennis fromthe middle, your head had to go from side to side. Thissometimes sent you to sleep, until you fell off your seat. I saw some truly great matches; there were no tiebreaksthen. One that stands out in the memory, was the semi-finalbetween Rod Laver and Rafael Osuna. The first set went tosomething like, it was a long time ago, twenty four games totwenty two games. Nearly each agonising point went on for along time, with Osuna finally clinching the set. The crowd gavea standing ovation, as though the match was over and forOsuna it was. He was absolutely shattered. In contrast, Laverlooked like he was just warming up. Osuna was fit, but Laverwas on a different fitness level and proceeded to take the nextthree sets. Six- one, six-love, six- love. At that time, there was also a lady’s player who I wasinfatuated with. Karen Hantze, who later married, and becameKaren Hantze Susman. I first saw her when she was sixteen, walking along to oneof the practice courts at Wimbledon. A beautiful, boyish,suntanned Californian girl. From then on I went to see her 21

Chapter 3whenever I was able to. I remember seeing her play ChristineTruman in the semi- finals at Wimbledon, which she lost. Shecouldn’t stop crying and because of that I knew then that shewould win the final one day. She didn’t disappoint, Karen won the final of theWimbledon tournament the next year, when she beat VeraSukova. July 1962. Karen was crying with happiness then andso was I. Of course I never spoke to her or knew her butwhenever I saw her with someone, she seemed so happy andlovely that as you can see now, she certainly made animpression on me.(This is how I remember it. The matches took place over fiftyyears ago and I couldn’t find any exact archive on them.) At the age of thirteen I used to play tennis with TonyHughes. Tony was a very fit guy of eighteen years of age andmore of a friend to my older brothers. We must have playedsome twenty matches together and I won everyone. All wereplayed at Brockwell Park. Brockwell Park is situated between Herne Hill and Dulwichin South London. The total park area covers over 125 acresmaking this a generously sized London park. What isparticularly appealing is the unique vantage point from the topof the park which offers fantastic views of the city of Londonincluding the Gherkin, the Shard and Canary Wharf. Evenbetter is that fact that the six Brockwell Park Tennis Courts offerthis view, making this one of the most pleasant settings fortennis in London. One summers evening, we were playing our tennis andTony was 6-3 5-2 up and basically only had to hold his serve towin against me for the first time ever, after twenty previousmatches. As it was getting dark, I suggested we pack up as Iwas finding it hard to see the ball. He said that it was more 22

Chapter 3difficult for him, because he wore glasses, I said it was moredifficult for me because I needed glasses. He said that if wepack up now he would never talk to me again and moreimportantly, he would never play tennis with me again. So wecontinued and he lost the second set 5-7. In the last few gamesnot only could I not see the ball, I couldn’t see Tony, it was pitchblack. But somehow I survived and won. The next week weplayed the deciding set and by the end of the set I had wontwenty one matches in a row. My two brothers, Alfie and John, at the ages of twenty andeighteen, played for a local football club called Medway. Mostof the matches took place on Mitcham Common. They had twoteams. The first team and the reserve team and both played intheir relevant leagues. John played in the first team, Alfieplayed in the reserve team and sometimes in the first team.Both teams used to meet on a Sunday at about midday in a localpub, ‘The Plough,` which was a five minute walk from wherewe lived, then go on to Mitcham. I will always remember one particular match which wasplayed at Mitcham Common. The cup final, between Medwayand another team, whose name I cannot remember. What I doremember is that the other team were in a much higher league,so were classed as a much better team than Medway. TheMayor of Camberwell was present. He lived next door to us atno.7 Baldock House and there were hundreds of spectators. After about half an hour of play, it was clear to see thatMedway were being outclassed and at half time, went in, twonil down. The second half was much more of the same andwithin the first five minutes, the other team made it three nil.Medway, managed to pull one back to make it three one but itseemed all over, the other team were just too good. 23

Chapter 3 Medway had the ball, it was passed out to my brother Johnon the right wing. John was one of the few players that playedfor Medway who had class and was as good as anyone on theopposing side. John was very fast and so he went down thewing and as he neared the corner flag, centred the ball. But hedidn’t centre the ball like most wingers do, he used to smash itwith tremendous ferocity, like a bullet out of a gun andwhoever it hit in the penalty area it would ricochet of them andend up anywhere including the back of the net. Now the centreforward for Medway, I don’t remember his name, everyoneknew him as Kipper in respect to his very large feet. He wasalso class, past his prime, but if the right ball was given to him,he could devastate any defence anywhere. So, John and Kipper,when they connected, could devastate any team in theseleagues. So, John smashed the ball into the centre, Kipper connectedwith his head. Ball in the back of the net. Three, two. Ten minutes to go, ball passed out to John, who acceleratesdown the right wing. The opposing team go into panic mode,calling one another every foul piece of language they can thinkof and asking, why John wasn’t marked when the ball waspassed to him and both his legs broken. John crosses, kippergets his head to it. Three all. Minutes to go. The opposing team have hit the woodworkfive times in the last ten minutes. Medway are holding on bythe skin of their teeth. Medway’s right back blocks yet anothershot and It rebounds to Medway’s right half who is just outsidethe penalty area. He passes the ball out to John, who, becauseof all the attacking by the opposing team, has been leftunmarked and with both his legs still intact, accelerates andgoes on his run down the right wing. The only player who had 24

Chapter 3not been defending was Kipper. He was always left up front,come what may. Sport is a funny thing and nerves play a big part, losingthem and holding them can make all the difference in theworld. Whatever sport, very often, there comes a time when ateam or a person is winning easily, too easily and relaxes afraction of second in the mind which allows the opponent anopening to get back in the game. Suddenly the winner realiseswhat has happened and has to concentrate to raise the standardagain. But now the mindset is not what it was and for the firsttime in a long while since the match began, the winner feelsnervous. Not totally in control of his game. Now when thishappens it is up to the opponent to take advantage. In mostcases the opponent fails to do this because they are not goodenough or consistent enough, but some are, and then thewinner becomes a looser. Because now their loosing andblaming themselves for allowing this situation to occur. John’s going down the right wing and there’s that feeling inthe air that there is nothing no one can do to stop what is goingto happen next. He nears the corner flag and crashes the ballinto the penalty area, lower this time, knee level. The defence isconfused with this and are in total disarray. Kipper volleys,Medway have won the Cup Final. The Mayor offered to give me a lift home in his Rolls Royce,which I accepted. Comfortable and posh, I thought and it was,but half way home I was bored out of my mind and reallywished that I had gone home in the club coach. Celebrating,with the Cup Winners. I was fifteen years of age, a Thursday afternoon atBeckenham sports fields, the school always went there one daya week to play sports. Four coaches took us there. 25

Chapter 3I was on the football pitch, running down the right wing in apractice match before a league game on the Saturday. The usualconversation was taking place. “Put it through to Bob” shoutedsomeone, “you cunt, why didn’t you put it through to him?”and so on. It amazes me that a lot of people who never sweargo to football matches, where there’s more swearing than at ahen party, especially on the pitch. As I kept going down thewing following the run of play, getting nearer the goal a lifechanging happening occurred. I wasn’t thinking of where theball was going to be played, in fact I wasn’t thinking aboutfootball at all. I was thinking about something else entirely andat that moment knew, that I wasn’t interested in footballanymore. 26

4 The big wide world *At the age of 15, just as we were starting to prepare for our GCEs, the local authorities decided to join Loughborough school with Corment school. Cormentschool was looked on as being a much more inferior school tous at Loughborough and this was a big blow. Instead of the 450pupils we had at Loughborough, the newly builtcomprehensive school would have over a 1,000. At thebeginning, it was disastrous and steadily got worse. Theteachers I knew and was comfortable with disappeared. Thebuilding was more than twice the size of Loughborough.Totally modern with none of the atmosphere of the oldbuilding where the ghosts of my brothers laid. Wednesday,Derby day at Epsom. I was 15 and 7 months. I was so fed upwith the changes at school I decided to take the day off and goto the derby. I cannot remember what sort of day I had there,but I never went back to school. At the age of 16 and at the height of 5ft 7ins, I stoppedgrowing, while my counterparts continued. So, to compensatefor this I started weight training which I continued to do allthrough my life. Together with tennis I became a very muscularfit person. You don’t just feel the benefit of this physically. Italso gives you a tremendous feeling of calm and power within.A very pleasant way to go through life. Combine this with theexperience of life as you grow older and it’s a special place tobe. 27

Chapter 4 As I have already mentioned, my mum was an officecleaner, so she had a word with the director of one of thecompanies she cleaned for, Hall Harding in Camberwell Green.She truthfully told him my situation. He said he would take meon immediately and pay me cash and then when I was 16, hewould put me on the books and that’s what happened. I mustjust say at this stage, my mum was a good talker, she had thatsomething. She also firmly believed that only superman couldever get close to how good I was. I was phenomenally lucky tohave a mum who believed in me so much. I was at HallHarding for three years. They thought a lot of me there andwere very nice people but I didn’t want to be there for ever andsome of them had. In those days, most offices had their typing pool. The roomwas long, with the typists at their desks, one behind the other,each side with the walkway going down the middle. When Ifirst started at Hall Harding I would take things in for them totype and as I walked down the walk way, I could sense themall summing me up. “Oh well, he don’t smell, not bad looking,wonder how big his cock is.” It was very intimidating initially,but I soon became used to it. A few days before Christmas, at lunch time, all of the officestaff would go over to the pub across the road to celebrate andget pissed. One girl, Jackie, only about five foot nothing, a veryattractive blond, who always chatted to me in the typing pool;she was twenty one years of age to my sixteen. After an houror so in the pub we would get together and have the best snoggof all time. We would be all over one another and attemptedeverything other than full intercourse. Then at closing timeeveryone would say their goodbyes and go home; I was leftwith a great big hard on that had nowhere to go. Thanks Jackie. 28

Chapter 4 Jim Manual was the office manager. Half Indian, halfEnglish, he was a very good looking man. He was about fortyyears of age, tall, slim and always had a smile on his face.Intelligent and easy to talk too, everyone loved him.Unfortunately one woman, loved him too much, the Managingdirector’s secretary. He went into Jim’s office one afternoon andfound them having sex on the office desk. They were bothdismissed on the spot; just as Jim was coming, he was going. At the time, everyone thought it was just an office fling, thelady in question, Rose, was a very attractive person and it waseasy to see why Jim fell for her. Two years after this, when I hadleft Hall Harding, I was waiting at a bus stop at Oxford Streetwhere I worked nearby and who should queue behind me? Jimand Rose. We were waiting for different number buses andthankfully London transport didn’t let us down and we wereleft waiting for some time, time enough for us to talk to oneanother at great length. It was certainly not an office fling, theyhad both found other jobs and were now married to oneanother. They looked very happy and very much in love. Theywere such an intelligent and professional couple that you couldsee they would have no problem in having a good life. I wouldhave put her on the office desk and made love to her, withouthesitation. I rode home on the bus, imagining this with the hardon. Still, it was nice to see that things had turned out all rightfor them. When I was 17 years of age, I met a very nice Jewish girl. One evening I took her back home to our flat. 8Baldock House. We were in the sitting room on the settee, I hadone arm around her as I kissed her and the other hand up herskirt, inside her panties gently fingering her clitoris. The smell 29

Chapter 4coming from her pussy was very pungent, when suddenly mymother came in with a pot of tea and a strawberry jam spongecake. The aroma of hot pussy and strawberry jam was new tome, I think I preferred the strawberry jam. Another time, I had been to the Streatham Locarno and meta very nice girl there. About 5ft 2 ins. Dark short hair, stylishand a good figure. We danced, had a drink and chatted to oneanother very easily. I asked her back to my home (my parents’home 8 Baldock House.) When we arrived home, everyone hadgone to bed, so we went to my bedroom, undressed and gotinto bed. We were kissing and cuddling, then all of a sudden she said,“I don’t want to make love, sorry, I just don’t feel like it.” Andshe turned over to go to sleep. Obviously I was a bit put out, ah well you can’t win themall, so I thought I would go and make myself a cup of milkycoco and have two digestive biscuits to go with it. I took themback to the bedroom and sitting up in the bed, started to drinkmy coco and eat my digestives. She turned around and said, “What are you doing.” I replied, “You said, you didn’t want to make love, so I’mhaving a cup of coco.” She replied “Don’t be ridiculous, of course I want to makelove, put that coco down and come here.” Never one to argue, especially in bed, I obeyed. She wentbananas, she couldn’t get enough. Perhaps it was the aroma ofthe coco. 30

5 Michelle *Mid October and I was going to the off licence to buy some crisps and a bottle of Tizer, a very popular soft drink at the time. The off licence was about fiveminutes’ walk from our flat. You crossed a fairly busy road,went through an alleyway and turned right and 100 yards up,on the right, there it was. Just before the end of the alleyway tothe right, there were some arches, one housed a weight trainingclub, I trained there three times a week. Further up the hill from the off licence was Kings CollegeHospital and past that Ruskin Park. Opposite the park entrancewas a very nice watering hole, ´The Fox on the Hill.` Just as I was about to go into the off licence, a very beautifulgirl came out. She had no uniform on but I felt she was a nurse;she went walking up the hill. I decided to forget about my tastebuds and followed her, as I caught up with her I said, “Had ahard day at the office, I mean hospital”. She turned her head slightly, wow, she was a looker, andsaid, “You guessed I was a nurse” “Yes,” I said, “it’s the world weary, knackered look thatgave you away.” This drew a very slight smile from her and we started tochat. Her name was Michele and she was from Worcestershirewhere her mum and Dad lived. She was renting a smallapartment in a road that run along the back of the park. Wewere walking past the pub so I asked her if she would like to 31

Chapter 5join me for a drink, she was quick to say no, so we said ourgoodbyes and went our own ways. I went into the pub andwatched her from the window going into the park, she had toldme she always went through the park to get to her road whereshe lived. I then came out of the pub and went down the hill toget my Tizer and crisps. Walking home, I thought about her,she was a beautiful girl with a lovely figure and natural blondhair, I would have said about twenty three years of age. I wasProbably too young for her, I was only seventeen, she hadgiven me the impression that she wasn’t at all interested in me,although the chat was quite amicable. So when I arrived home,I didn’t think any more about her. A few days later, I was walking up to the off licence and shewas walking down to it. We talked and I asked her if she wouldlike to go for a drink. To my surprise she said yes, it was abouta five to ten-minute walk up to the pub, plenty of time to get toknow one another more. She had been a qualified nurse forthree years, she was 24 yrs. of age and a nurse in a ward forseriously ill and injured patients. I got the impression that shesuffered with them. We reached the pub and went in. Sat downwith our drinks and talked some more. The conversation wasgood but she had this way of putting me down without trying,add to that, blond hair, blue eyes, an incredibly beautiful facewith those full lips you only see on the big screen and I didn’tknow if I was coming or going. I was young and realised at thisstage of my life this was someone special and I wasn’t. “Must be going now” she said, “you finish your drink,perhaps we will meet again some time” and she was gone. I was really pissed off. I didn’t finish my drink, gave her afew minutes to be gone and went home promising myself neverto see her again and step up my weight training to four times a 32

Chapter 5week. I made a point of not going to the off licence again, Icould get Tizer somewhere else. Three weeks later my weight training club closed for twoweeks due to the owner’s annual holidays. This happenedthree times a year. When it did, I would go to the club atDenmark Hill School which was about a mile past Ruskin Park. On a chilly Wednesday night in late October, I had finishedmy weight training session at the school and taken the busdown the hill to the stop just past the off licence. I then decidedto pop into the off licence. At seven pm, as I walked towards it,there she was, about to walk in. She saw me and smiled, “How are you” She said. I was holding my sports bag, I haddone a good session in the gym and felt good. I was and wasn’ttoo pleased to see her, I didn’t want her to take away my innerpeaceful strength. “I’m fine, just done a training session at Denmark hillschool, my clubs shut for two weeks.” “You certainly look in good shape” she said and smiledagain, showing white teeth that would have lit up any darknight, it certainly lit up mine and then said “I really fancy adrink Roy.” I replied “I’m feeling tired and just want to go home,perhaps we’ll see one another again some time, good bye” andstarted to walk off, I didn’t want her talking down to meanymore. “What, what do you mean?” she said and then she startedto cry. I said “Hold on, why are you crying, you don’t feel anythingfor me, you’re always putting me down.” “I’m not,” she said, “I just get confused, I have really baddays at the hospital. The last time I saw you, earlier that day ayoung girl had died, she was only fourteen and I found her. I 33

Chapter 5had become close to her.” She caught her breath between a soband her beautiful eyes were looking like she was seeing the girlbefore her. She went on, “I really like you, you don’t know howmuch, but you’re so young and I’m confused.” I wasn’t confused. I have never seen life more clearly; thisincredible girl was telling me how much she liked me and herewas a chance to be with someone special. I said, “Please stop crying, come here and let me hold you.” She came into my arms, stopped crying and just sniffled,she had obviously had another bad day. I didn’t just fall in lovewith her on that night, I also worried and cared for her fromthen on, it was a pleasant change from only caring aboutmyself. “Shall we go to the pub?” I said. “Yes please” she mumbled in my ear. We sat in the pub drinking and talking until closing time,she told me a lot more about herself. She had split up with herboyfriend who was 28yrs. of age, nine months ago. The splitwas not amicable and it left her depressed for a while, now shewas ready to start enjoying herself again. She said that whenshe had first met me, she liked me immediately but thought Iwas too young to get involved with and that’s why she was abit offish. I said, “So, what do you think of me now?” “I’ve told you, I really like you and I don’t care what ageyou are. When you said to me that you weren’t interested, Irealised how much I wanted to be with you and panicked. Ididn’t know what to do, so, I cried.” “I promise you one thing, I will never make you cry again.”I held her hand and she smiled, a wonderful smile, that said itall. I think we would have been happy to sit there and talk allnight, but we couldn’t as they were shouting last orders. 34

Chapter 5 We left the pub and I walked her back to her apartment. Itwas on the second floor of a three-storey newish building, justoff the park. Very nice. We stood outside in one another’s arms. “Do you want to come in for a coffee” “Do you want me too” “More than anything in the world.” We went up the stairs holding hands. She unlocked thefront door and we went in. The sitting room was a reasonablesize with nice furniture, one bedroom and a small kitchen andbathroom. She turned to me and said, “I want both of us to getundressed and get into bed and I want you to hold me for awhile, so I can feel safe and happy, knowing I’ve got you.”When she said this, she had a vulnerable, little girl lost look.Then she said, “Oh by the way, I’m taking the contraceptivepill.” We lay naked in one another’s arms and then she said, “Please don’t take this the wrong way, I want to be with youmore than anything, but can you tell me, have you made loveto many girls.” “A few” wondering if she was going to start putting medown again. She went on, “Have you ever sucked and kissed and caressed a girlsPussy.” “No, no I haven’t.” “Well, if I showed you how to do it to me would you mind?You would be able to give me incredible sexual pleasure.” I replied that I would like nothing better than to make herhappy and give her the pleasure she wanted. We kissed and Icaressed her breasts, while one of her hands went around mywaist and the other caressed my bum. Then she asked me to godown to her pussy and instructed me on what to do.Fascinating. She suddenly moaned and said, 35

Chapter 5 “Oh Roy, you’re so good to me, just keep doing that. Oh myGod, that’s wonderful, oh Roy, the minute I saw you I wanted,ooh, ahh Roy.” She then went down to me and took my whole penis rightdown her throat and then took it out and looked at it, licked itlike a lollipop and then sucked it hard. I came into her pussyand we fucked the night away. I awoke with someone gently shaking me. I didn’t knowwhere I was. I didn’t know what day of the week it was, therewas Michelle’s beautiful, very, very sexy face looking down atme. She said, “I’m late for work” “So am I.” We kissed, a long passionate kiss and then we rushed to getready, I had to get home before I went in. She said a littlewarily, “When are we going to see one another again?” “Tonight?” “Yes please.” I was working at Hall & Harding, who were situated inCamberwell Green High Street, so both our jobs wereconveniently near. Tonight, eventually came and at 7.30pm Istood waiting on the corner of Denmark Hill and Bessemerroad, about fifty yards from Kings College Hospital. She camewalking towards me, I don’t think she could have looked anyhappier, what a difference to the other times. She walkedstraight into my arms and we kissed, tongues right down eachother’s throat, oblivious to anything else other than ourfriendly warm bodies together. We walked up Denmark Hill tothe pub, occasionally holding hands and kissing. She was reallyup for it again, I couldn’t believe my luck, I adored her. We hadone drink and couldn’t get home quick enough. 36

Chapter 5 In her lounge, I began undressing, she was alreadyundressed and started to take my pants off. She said “I’ve been dreaming all day of this, having your wonderful,big, young, fresh cock in my mouth.” She sucked it with relish and every now and again took itout and handled it with gentle firmness. We got on the bed andI went down to her pussy, slightly taken aback by the wetmoister of her sexual juices, I did all the things she had taughtme and some that she added while I was down there. The blondpubic hairs and wonderful lips of her pussy, the smell of thejuices were everywhere, in my mouth, nostrils and head. Istarted to stroke her pussy lips with my penis and she wentcrazy; she instructed me to lay on my back. She sounded like aschool mistress who had gone bonkers, she squatted on top ofme and expertly guided my penis into her vagina. From thatday on I was gone, absolutely besotted by her and her for me. Something that the intellectual sexually minded inquisitiveperson may be interested in was what Michelle said to mearound this time. She had strong views on her own sexualityand explained to me that if you believed God created womenthen you have to believe that sex is just for pleasure. If that’snot true then why does the anatomy of the female orgasm havenothing to do with procreation? If God made women then He, She or It, made women’ssexual equipment for pleasure first– and babies second. Inother words the basic Christian doctrine of sex has to be thatorgasms are intrinsically good and need no justification. Theclitoris is outside the vaginal canal. So if God made us, or if weevolved by chance, either way the lesson is the same: Femalesexuality is about pleasure. 37

Chapter 5Men have to orgasm to make a baby. No orgasm, no spermgoing into the right place. Not so with women. In fact thevagina is the last place you’ll find a female orgasm. Our culture is obsessed with depicting and idolizing bothvag-gasms and intercourse as the ultimate in sexual expression,everyone acts like there is not a definition for female orgasmwhen there really is a pretty damn good one. For the record:most women orgasm from having their clitorises rubbed, justthe way God intended! Yes, it is all about pleasure, not babies. So many women and men who have felt confused,frustrated, or ashamed about their ability to orgasm each othersuccessfully. We each have to figure out, almost completely onour own, how to orgasm in a world that overwhelminglymodels and teaches us how to do it in ways that are notphysically possible. The Church has told us sex is for makingbabies but the very “design” of women tells us that if that is sothen God messed up! He, She or It should have put the clitorisINSIDE the vagina! BUT God seemed to like orgasms more than babies. No vaginal orgasms have ever been recorded in a lab.Women have having orgasms in labs since Masters andJohnson there have been many studies. Sorry guys: womendon’t need your penises they need touching and rubbing bytheir own hand or ours or by their lesbian lover. A woman alsoenjoys her clitorise and pussy lips sucked just like a man enjoyshis penis and balls sucked, The vagina is so bereft of nerve endings that some vaginalsurgeries can be performed without anaesthesia. Sex Education classes be they evangelical, Catholic, secular,focus on reproduction, pregnancy prevention and abstinencegives kids a lot of information about intercourse, but little ondisease and pregnancy or free options like mutual 38

Chapter 5masturbation. The omission is especially a bummer becausealternatives would give teens a way to release sexual tensionwithout doing “it.” Women have their strongest orgasms by their own hand,second strongest by someone else’s hand, and weakest via athrusting dude and the frustratingly indirect stimulation of hispenis rubbing near but not quite, exactly where you need it. Contrary to popular belief, most women don’t take“forever” to come. Most women come as quickly and as easilyas men, given the right stimulation. Men would also take“forever” to come if they were only being stimulated by, say,someone diligently rubbing their pubic hair. People need to know how women’s bodies work—this isimportant, big stuff! Every woman needs to know that she is perfectly normaland not somehow broken sexually because sex in real life isn’tall about someone climbing on and doing it. In other words themovies, many books, the Church, most porn…. LIE! If you believe God created women, then the only way to seethis fact is by also acknowledging that the very way a womanis made is for pleasure, not making babies. In fact the fact of women points to the fact of pleasure beingintrinsically worthwhile.I stayed over at Michelle’s place three to four times a week. She met my parents and they adored her. I introduced her tomy tennis club at Sydenham, they could be a bit snotty tonewcomers. The club would have social tennis on Saturday andSunday afternoons, where everyone played a set of mixeddoubles and then you would change partners and play anotherset and so on. Michelle was a very good player, in her tennis 39

Chapter 5clothes, short white skirt just below bum level, white tennisshirt, natural blond hair and incredible figure, seeing her cometo the net and play a classical forehand volley was a sight toremember. Everyone at the club was raving about her, theyloved her. I was talking to a lady member and she was saying“Roy what a lovely girl you have brought to the club, she’s asmashing player and I was talking to her just now and what amarvellous personality.” This from a lady who never had agood word for anyone and hadn’t even acknowledge mypresence up until now. But Michelle had this effect on people.She had a lovely intelligent personality but also wore her hearton her sleeve and sometimes gave you that little girl lost lookthat just about finished you off, and she was mine. I used towalk around most of the time with my head in the clouds, Icouldn’t believe that she loved me. But she did and she morethan proved it to me every minute of the day I was with her. After a few months, she had two weeks off from thehospital. Holiday, that was due to her. She wanted to spendsome time with her mum and dad at their home in Worcester,which was only natural. She hadn’t seen them for a while andshe loved them very much. They lived in a large detachedhouse in its own grounds, wealthy people. Her father, had beena qualified solicitor, running his own company. He eventuallysold out and bought an antique shop in the nearby village. Themother owned a string of ladieswear shops in the surroundingvillages. Michelle wanted me to go with her to meet herparents, I wasn’t so sure. When things are precious to me, Ithink very carefully about how to handle them. Michelle wasmore precious to me than anything in the world, by a millionmiles. Her parents were in another world from me. My parentswere very poor, totally different worlds. However nice her 40

Chapter 5parents were, because of the difference in our upbringing therehad to be a fair chance that we would not get on. Now if I wasgoing to meet them for the first time, say for a couple of hoursno problem but to stay with them in their house for two weeks,no way. What if we didn’t get on, I was stuck there for twoweeks and they would have to put up with me. It would ruinher reunion with them, she hadn’t seen them for some time sheneeded to spend time with them and not be worried about methere. Yes, tell them about me, absolutely, let them get used tohearing my name and eventually we would get together. Thankfully, she totally agreed and thanked me for being sowise for my very young age, her words, not mine. She thensaid, “How am I going to get by for two weeks without you.” Isaid, “Absence, makes the heart grow fonder” She replied, “I’mnot talking about my heart, I’m talking about my pussy.” Ireplied, “We will just have to give your pussy a lot of lovingattention for the next few days to get you through,” and withthat I pulled her jeans and panties down together and shestepped out of them, sat on the settee and parted her legs; I didthe rest. I saw her off at the station, we stood on the platform, thetrain was waiting, ready to take my love one away. She wascrying her eyes out, I couldn’t take much more, I had neverexperienced feelings like this. Over the past months, I hadcarefully explored every single centimetre of her body from herlittlest toe, to the longest strand of her hair. She thought I wasmad, but loved it. She knew as a matter of fact that I was totallybesotted with her and she loved it. She had at last found whatshe had wanted, total love with another person. As the trainstarted moving, she waved out of the carriage and then she wasgone. I cried my eyes out, because I wouldn’t be seeing her for 41

Chapter 5two weeks, but also with happiness and the most wonderfulpure joy of having met this fabulous person. One week later, I received a telegram. “Had a lovely timewith mum and dad. Now want to spend the 2nd. week withyou. Feel very rested so you will need extra stamina. I will letyou know details of my trains arrival. XXX.” I arrived at the station early, I don’t know why but I wasnervous. A week away from Michelle was a long time. The trainfinally arrived and she stepped off, onto the platform; I went tomeet her. “Everything ok darling,” “No not really, I enjoyed being with mum and dad for thefirst few days, but then I really began to miss you, I started toget, sort of panic attacks, I don’t like, not being with you andthat’s all there is to it. How about you?” “Same, I don’t want to be anywhere, except with you. I wasfeeling really nervous just before you arrived, that wasprobably a panic attack.” She smiled and said, “Have you got to go into work today” “No, I’ve got the rest of the day off” “Thank god, please take me home to bed and pamper me.” “Yes mam.” I replied and we were off to her place. She hadspoken to her parents about me and they were happy that shehad met someone else who she could love and trust. We werein bed later that day, having satisfied our sexual appetites for awhile and during the interim period before we started again,we chatted. “Roy, you know how much I love you, don’t you?” “Mmm, yes, I know.” “Well, I told one fib about you, I hope you don’t mind.Please say you don’t mind, if your angry with me, I´ll just die.” 42

Chapter 5 “After what you’ve just said, there’s no way I will be angrywith you. Now hurry up and tell me because it’s been 15 mins.since I sucked your pussy and I’m getting homesick.” “I told them you were 21.” “Darling, you know what’s best. I don’t mind how you playit, who knows, by the time I meet them, it probably won’tmatter. They will see how much we love one another and that’swhat counts.” “Roy, I love you so much it hurts” ”Michelle, every day I’m with you is a privilege and anhonour. I just can’t believe how lucky I am” Then I went down to her pussy and listened to the music.“Oh Roy, oh Roy, I love you. I love you so much. Let me go onmy hands and knees. Come into my pussy from behind. Ahh,ahh that’s it. Fuck me Roy fuck me, I’ve been such a naughtygirl, such a naughty girl, oh my God, there must be somethingwrong with me. I just can’t get enough of your wonderfulmarvellous cock.” Sometimes when we were making love, Michelle would besucking my penis, while at the same time she would befingering her pussy and then vigorously massaging her G spot.Having her expertly suck my cock and balls and at the sametime looking down at her fingers bringing herself off, gave mean intense physical and emotional sensation; followed by meorgasming. Afterwards the love and affection we felt for oneanother was so intense we just used to cuddle up and enjoy it. With Michelle, life just seemed to get better and better.Every day was a joy. The minute I awoke, she was in my mind. One Sunday afternoon, with the rain falling outside, westarted to talk about our childhoods and our families. She hadone sister who was three years younger than her, they had bothgone to the same private mixed school. This was a local school 43

Chapter 5in the area, so they never boarded. Their parents didn’t believein it and always liked to be the constant guiding light in theirlives, always close at hand. When I talked about my brothers and sister, she was reallyinterested, and asked me many questions along the way. I toldher about going to see the sports master and then scoring thenine goals and she literally jumped up and cheered. She told me about how her school was very goodacademically and very good at sport. The two sports sheexcelled at were swimming and tennis but she also likedhockey. She passed a lot of GCEs and decided to go intonursing. She thought it would be emotionally rewarding andnurses are always needed, so it can be a steady flow of income,with lots of opportunity for advancement. She also liked theidea of helping friends and family to get or stay healthy. Shesaid that she really admired me at the way I looked after mybody and that it was a big turn on for her. She spoke more abouther sister, they looked very alike and had always got on well. Spring was here and summer just around the corner. Saturday afternoon, sunny and quite warm. Michelle andmyself had just played a mixed doubles tennis league match forour club, Sydenham, against the Epsom Tennis club. Epsomclub is right next door to the Epsom Hospital and two of theirplayers were nurses there. After we finished our match we allgot together in their club house and sat down to a late lunchthat they had laid out for us. Six of them and six of us. Everyonewanted to chat to Michelle, that’s the way it was. Sometimesthis kind of adulation that she attracted worried me. Surely,one day someone would be attracted to her and she would beattracted back. The lunch went very well and everyone enjoyed 44

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