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Home Explore RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Published by Deadl0ck, 2023-04-01 08:34:27

Description: RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Keywords: Retro Gaming,James Bond,Retro,Gaming


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LicenCe to kill One In Every Port… The Amiga and Atari ST versions are pre�y much iden�cal, with only the music sounding richer and playing slightly quicker on the Amiga version. The 16-bit ports are the best way to enjoy these games today, with lovely, detailed graphics and effects. It all makes it feel like a full-blown arcade at �mes. If only the difficulty wasn’t set so stupidly high. (Thank fudge for trainers and cheats). The Spectrum version is the best 8-bit version of the game, with detailed graphics, smooth game play and great �tle music on the 128K version. Like the other versions, it’s a pity the game is so darn hard. Going back to the game for the podcast and book, I couldn’t get off level one, although as a kid I did get to level 3 with the swimming somehow? (It’s called ge�ng old - Ed). The game plays well, but looks so blocky and ugly, the brown on brown on the graphics o�en makes it difficult to spot some of the enemies un�l it’s too late. Dear oh dear, what a missed opportunity. The game in the sta�c screenshots look not too bad, but seeing how slow and jerky everything is in the game, makes this one port to definitely avoid. Smaller playing area and jerkier sprite movements, make this game inferior to the Spectrum game. But considering the hardware limita�ons, this isn’t too bad a version considering. This is another solid port to try, it looks fantas�c and the slower pace and more forgiving game-mechanics makes it easier to play. The only downside is the terrible PC music and sounds, which comes across more a drunken fly singing a sea shanty as opposed to the Bond music. This is another solid port to try, It looks fantas�c and the slower pace and more forgiving game-mechanics makes it easier to play. The only down side is the terrible PC music and sounds, which comes across more a drunken fly singing a sea shanty as opposed to the Bond music. 102

Licence to kill WOT THEY SAID… Crash - Issue 69 - Sept 1989 103

Licence to kill The Game Machine - Issue 23 - Oct 1989 Your Sinclair - Issue 60 - Dec 1990 104

Licence to kill Zzap! 64 - Issue 53 - Sept 1989 105

Licence to kill The One - Issue 10 - Jul 1989 106

Licence to kill 107

Licence to kill C&VG - Issue 93b - Aug 1989 108

Licence to kill ACE - Issue 24 - Sept 1989 109

Licence to kill CU Amiga-64 - Aug 1989 110

Licence to kill 111

Licence to kill Amiga Format - Issue 2 - Sept 1989 112

Licence to kill Amiga Compu�ng - - Issue 16 (Vol 2 No 4) - Sept 1989 113

Zx spectrum 2 James bond action pack 1989 | sinclair(owned by Amstrad) Q Audio Tape (You tube link) Q Audio Tape (Mp3 download) 114

Zx spectrum 2 James Bond Action Pack In 1990 before the Christmas holidays, Amstrad who now owned Sinclair, did a new game bundle themed around James Bond. Called the ZX Spectrum +2: James Bond Ac�on Pack. The pack came with a game tape, a Q Heavily adver�sed on TV and magazines, there was a lot of introduc�on audio tape for each part of the excitement towards the pack. I remember seeing this pack in game to play, and a le�er and passport. the window of Dixons and wan�ng it, even though I already owned a Spectrum +2 already. But it just looked so damn cool, and I loved James Bond. Of course, to release a Spectrum +2 in late 1990 (so 1991 really) was crazy, especially at its rather he�y £159.99 price point. Madness when you consider that the SEGA Mega Drive had released in September 1990 at the comparable £189.99. Along with your Spectrum +2, it also came with the Spectrum light gun, called the Magnum Light Phaser. You Tuber: Nostalgia Nerd, does a great video covering. the pack, and it’s the surrounding screen shots are from that video. I have linked his You Tube video here and I urge you to give it a watch. 115

Zx spectrum 2 James Bond Action Pack The James Bond Ac�on Pack had three James Bond games unique to the pack, and all to make use of the included light gun. It was a cool collec�on as well, sort a�er by James Bond collectors. Alongside the Spectrum +2 computer and light gun. You got a dossier with James Bond’s passport and a le�er from Miss Moneypenny. You also got on side B of tape 2 an audio tape. This was an introduc�on to each of the games, by Desmond Llewellyn, reprising his role of Q to introduce you to each sec�on of the game. The tape is done really well, with great audio produc�on and unique dialogue performed by Desmond Llewellyn, even if Q on the tape says Brockerly and not Bromerly like in the game. S�ll it’s a fantas�c set of extras , that really sets the theme of the pack and I really wish more console �e-ins would give this level of thought and care to the addi�onal “feelies” of the pack to set you in the mood. 116 Bromley’s Estate has Bond clay pigeon shoo�ng, and then taking out a SPECTRE helicopter.

Zx spectrum 2 James Bond Action Pack The first game included in the pack is “Bromley’s Estate” and has James Bond doing undercover work at the place, whilst clay pigeon shoo�ng. This has different levels, each with waves of a clay pigeons to shoot down against various background scenes. Finally, a SPECTRE helicopter turns up and much be destroyed with ten shots to complete the game. The �tle is ok for what it is, but the targe�ng is unforgiving, and the light gun is quite limited in its accuracy. This makes it quite frustra�ng to play. It’s a shame as the game had real poten�al. I was hoping it would be Spectrum's answer to Duck Hunt, sadly however its one you probably won’t be returning to. Q’s Armoury, a target range, but The second game in the collec�on is the weakest of the bunch. with worse target accuracy for Called “Q’s Armoury” it is just a basic shoo�ng range, with only some reason. Bizarre as both games three levels and not much variety. Bizarrely the accuracy seems were made by the same developer a lot worse than “Bromley’s Estate” when I tried for this book. and of course using the same light gun. Par�cularly weird as both �tles were made by the same developers, and they look to be using the same method of measuring the targe�ng. The final game is “Mission Zero”. This is just the game “Living Daylights” with light gun targe�ng slapped on top of it. In fact outside of the different name on the physical tape, in game it just says “The Living Daylights”. It does make the game a bit more fun at �mes, but the Fairground and Train levels are a lot tougher with the limited accuracy of the light gun. Overall, given other �tles available on the Spectrum at this �me, these games are a bit of embarrassing inclusion, that fails to show the Spectrum computer (already at the end of its life) in the best possible light. S�ll for James Bond fans, the pack is a must have inclusion to own. Mission Zero, is just The Living Daylights game with light gun controls slapped on as well. S�ll, it does make it a bit easier than the original with the gun. 117

The spy who loved me 1990 | Domark A�er “Licence to Kill” had been released, Domark was in the unenviable posi�on of holding the James Bond licence, with no sign of a new James Bond movie in sight. So instead Domark decided to look backwards and choose to cover an older but well-loved Bond film, starring Roger Moore. The result was one of Domark’s best James Bond games they released. But it’s a frustra�ng one, as weird design choices such as having to pick up Q tokens to progress, means you must o�en slow down to a crawl. All this stops this being the Spy Hunter beater it really should have been. Game The game has great graphics, but bizarre insistence on manual picking up Q tokens, turns what could have been an exci�ng Spy Hunter beater, becomes a drive with granny simulator. Such a shame as this could have been really good. [Amiga version] . [Amiga version] PLAY ONLINE Amstrad CPC The speed boat level is a bit more fun, with nice ramps to jump over. Cheap dead ends force unnecessary replays, to learn the level. [Amiga version] 118

The spy who loved me I’ll take you back…To the Future Marty! It is so frustra�ng as well, because on the Amiga (wrong film - Ed) The equipment screen to version, it’s a really solid game engine, with it being a kit out your car is really cool. [Amiga version] lot of fun, when you speed through the tracks. I am not sure what this says about me, but the most sa�sfying part of this level, is “accidentally” running over pedestrians in the middle of the road. (And this is why people, I should never be given a Licence to Kill designa�on.). The next sec�on on the speedboat also is a bit more fun, with you able to jump over pier walkways and shoot other boats. Some annoying dead ends forcing mul�ple play through can frustrate here. But it’s the third sec�on where you are in the underwater version of the car that’s the best bit. This is a fun but rock hard shooter, but looks gorgeous, making you wish they just concentrated more on this and make a ver�cal shooter. The underwater car sec�on is by far the coolest part and looks gorgeous on the 16-Bits. [Amiga version] From this sec�on on-wards are 16-Bit only The end of level boss in the underwater car sec�on sec�ons of the game. Here you must use the of the game. I really wish there were more of these mouse to shoot the enemies in this single screen levels to enjoy. [Amiga version] shoo�ng sec�on in the style of Opera�on Wolf. [Amiga version] Next, we have a Mastermind like sec�on, to A�er the underwater sec�on, it’s another ver�cal shoo�ng 119 guess the correct entry code, before the Subs Level this �me on a jet ski. [Amiga version] nuclear missiles are launched. [Amiga version]

The spy who loved me From this point our 8-Bit crowd goes home for a nice vodka mar�ni, but our 16-bit brethren have a few more levels to go. First, we find ourselves in the underground base, with a nuclear submarine and Opera�on Wolf style mini game. Here you much shoot all the henchmen on the single screen. Survive that and you find yourself in the corridor with lots more henchman to blast at. Then Jaws himself turns up and must be shot in the head ten �mes before he gets to the middle of the screen and kills you. Survive all that, and then you get to see the big boss In the final sec�on in the underwater base, you man himself, no not the WWF wrestler of the 80’s have to shoot out all the enemies, including Jaws. (aww that’s a shame - Ed) but Karl Stromberg the big Then you have to shoot the main villain and rescue villain of a film. He comes out holding a big busty page a big breasted Bond girl, so you can use her bouncy three girl, replete with bouncy wobbles (I think you buoyancy to float yourself back to London safety. mean the Russian agent Anya Amasova -Ed), who you (Stop that -Ed). [Amiga version] must rescue. And that is it, you have completed “A Spy Who Loves Me”. 120 The end screen, Anya looks mor�fied in the picture. She went to bed drunk, with someone who she thought was Roger Moore and woke up with a banging hangover and this old geezer. We have all been there Anya, don’t worry. (Speak for yourself - Ed) [Amiga version]

The spy who loved me One In Every Port… By far the best port of the game. Not only do you have fab intro music by Ma� Furniss and art of Tony West (he also did the Licence to Kill game as well), but it runs and plays the smoothest of all the ports. Much weaker sound and no�ceable slow down, make this an inferior port to the Amiga. The Spectrum is a really solid port. Its slower naturally and less happening on screen, but despite all that, it’s s�ll rock hard to play, and having to reload from scratch to replay from the first level is really annoying. I should note like all the 8-Bits it only Includes the first three sec�ons of the game. Dear oh dear, Domark really struggled with C64 didn’t they. This is a slow, juddering mess, with blocky ugly sprites. Best to s�ck with the C64 big brother on the Amiga version then. Now this is more like it. S�ll slow like the Spectrum version, but looks pre�y gorgeous compared to the other 8-Bit versions. Of course it can’t hold a candle to the 16-Bits, but it’s definitely top �er of the 8-Bit offerings. C64 graphics, but marginally quicker. But bad PC sound as always, so best to s�ck with the Amiga version then. 121

The spy who loved me This is what happens when you ask an intern to draw a cool James Bond loading screen, but then find out last minute the kid can only draw Dick Emery meets Russ Abbo�. [C64 version] Thankfully the Amiga intro had the awesome music rendi�on of the James Bond theme by the ever talented Ma� Furniss. [Amiga version] 122

The spy who loved me WOT THEY SAID… C&VG - Issue 108 - Nov 1990 124

The spy who loved me 125

The spy who loved me Zzap 64! - Issue 67 - Nov 1990 126

The spy who loved me Amiga Format - Issue 17 - Nov 1990 127

The spy who loved me ACE - Issue 39 - Dec 1990 128

The spy who loved me CU Amiga - Sept 1990 129

The spy who loved me Amiga Ac�on - Issue 15 - Dec 1990 130

The spy who loved me 131

The spy who loved me The One - Issue 26 - Nov 1990 132

The spy who loved me 133

The spy who loved me Crash - Issue 82 - Nov 1990 134

The spy who loved me Sinclair User - Issue 105 - Nov 1990 135

The spy who loved me Your Sinclair - Issue 59 - Nov 1990 136

The spy who loved me Zzap! 64 - Issue 69 - Jan 1991 137

The spy who loved me Your Sinclair - Issue 59 - Nov 1990 138

The spy who loved me 139

Game 007 James Bond : The Stealth Affair manual 1990 | Interplay / Delphine In Europe we knew the game as “Opera�on Stealth”. A fun spy, point and click adventure game by Delphine So�ware. By the same guys who brought us the games “Cruise For A Corpse”, “Future Wars” and “Flash Back”. In that version you played John Glames, a US spy opera�ve who bore a surprising similarity to our ever tuxedo wearing, vodka mar�ni swilling spy. It was a big success, but a few months later for the American market release, publisher Interplay managed to get the James Bond license, and so a few text changes later John Glames became the real deal with him being James Bond. Sure, Delphine needed to explain away, why James Bond was suddenly working for the CIA and not MI6 (although they called it mistakenly MI5 in the game). But s�ll finally we were able now to play a point and click James Bond game finally. PLAY The game explains why Bond is working for the ONLINE Americans, apparently you are on loan. If I were Bond PC DOS I would be suspicious of all this, not only did the CIA director say MI-5 and not MI6, but the CIA Walkthrough Headquarters you are mee�ng is in Washington and not Langley. (You should go out more - Ed). [Amiga version] In Europe it was published by US Gold without the James Bond license. Here it was called Opera�on Stealth. 140 The CIA seem to be so �ght, that poor old James Bond must go scrambling in coin slots to buy a newspaper! I guess the CIA HQ in Washington has no expenses budget? [Amiga version]

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair The plot has a top-secret plane called stealth, which has been stolen by the nefarious Dr. Y and his minions. Bond’s mission isn’t off to a good start, it As to the game, well it’s no LucasArts adventure, so looks like his contact has already been expect to do lots of saving to avoid insta-death marked. [Amiga version] frustra�ons. Also, the ac�on sec�ons later in the game don’t really work and annoy rather than enjoy. I think though the biggest issue with the game is the weird and o�en mundane puzzles. James Bond should be using his gadgets and his smarts, to get out of death-defying situa�ons, not rummaging coin slots for a coin, going to the toilet to make a passport, or buying a red carna�on flower. It also doesn’t know whether it’s being a parody of James Bond or a serious adventure, with the wri�ng all over the place in that regard. The games ac�on verbs are handily shown as a drop down list. [Amiga version] Bond is having his usual affect on the ladies I see. [Amiga version] Hello, the name’s Bond, and I am part of the stereotype agency. You are under arrest! [Amiga version] Another daring escape for our Bond. [Amiga version] The game has great artwork and music throughout. Sure the 141 puzzles are no LucasArts adventure, but s�ll quite fun. I would have loved to have seen what Rebellion (Broken Sword) team would have done with a James Bond adventure. (Sigh a boy can dream). [Amiga version] < The ac�on parts of the games, don’t really work and are the weakest part of the game. [Amiga version]

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair Having said that, the game does have its charms. From Bonds swaggering walk to great graphics and I find it surprising that James Bond has never seen another point and click adventure, as I think it lends itself so well to the genre. Being able to depict exo�c locales, and a story thriller of mystery or intrigue, work so well it the genre. But what we have here is a deeply flawed but fun solid entry, and worth your �me. The versions between the versions are pre�y iden�cal The game really has nice artwork within the game. on Amiga, Atari ST and PC DOS. So play whatever is It’s a pity more effort wasn't put to the puzzles. [Amiga version] your preferred poison. James Bond does a death-defying shimmy across the pool to reach the other side. I am not too sure, why Bond, couldn’t just walk around the pool? [Amiga version] In the control room of Dr Y’s evil lair. [Amiga version] Bond fails in his stealth a�ack, creeping up on the With the HQ soldier. Time for a Looney Tunes brawl. [Amigaversion] Island destroyed. It’s up to you 142 and the Bond Girl to make their daring escape. [Amiga version]

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair WOT THEY SAID… Info - Issue 37 - Mar 1991 ACE - Issue 37 - Oct 1990 143

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair Amiga Ac�on - Issue 13 - Oct 1990 144

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair 145

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair Amiga Compu�ng - Issue 30 (Vol 3 No 6) - Nov 1990 146

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair Amiga Force - Issue 7 - July 1993 [Budget Re-Release] 147

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair Amiga Format - Issue 15 - Oct 1990 148

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair 149

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair CU Amiga - Sept 1990 150

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