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RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Published by Deadl0ck, 2023-04-01 08:34:27

Description: RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Keywords: Retro Gaming,James Bond,Retro,Gaming


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The Spy Who Cloned ME 501

The Spy Who Cloned ME 502

The Spy Who Cloned ME 503

The Spy Who Cloned ME 504

The Spy Who Cloned ME OUT SOON IN 2023 ON STEAM, I CAN’T WAIT. 505

Toys ‘N Stuff The name’s Board…Game, Board… Of course, the best Bond toys are always the Corgi cars, and I have shown some of the best of these do�ed in random pages of this book. But I wanted to give a couple of pages, of some of the many James Bond board games and toys that’s been released over the years. 506

Toys ‘N Stuff 507

Toys ‘N Stuff 508 1995 and the huge popularity of the film GoldenEye, resulted in some wonderfully detailed recrea�ons of the Aston Mar�n DB5 and Xenia Onatopp’s Ferrari F355 car. In 2000 The Corgi defini�ve collec�on was a great set to collect for. With some new Bond cars never recreated before. Each car was 1:36 scale and each box also containing a poster of the respec�ve films.


Show me the money Show me the money…The Video Games Using, it’s possible to see the console sales at least of all the James Bond games since the N64 era. I have charted the units sold of the main console releases, and the results are quite startling, with none of the games ge�ng even close to the Golden Eye N64 sales. A big surprise was that “From Russia With Love” sold so poorly, as did “Everything or Nothing” when compared to “Agent Under Fire” or “Night Fire”. The chart certainly does flag, that gamers prefer First Person to Third Person, when it comes to their Bond games. Units sold 510

Show me the money Show me the money…The Films Looking at James Bond films, by Box Office, it’s clear, that whilst I am personally not a Daniel Craig fan, in box office returns, he is clearly the best Bond in terms of revenue. Even surpassing the heady heights of Sean Connery’s Gold Finger and Thunderball. However you look at it though, Bond remains a relevant and important global franchise, even a�er 60 years in films. 511

Thanks and acknowledgements Thanks and Acknowledgements… All copyright is of course owned the respec�ve people. I hope they see and understand this is a fan made, totally free book. Whose only purpose was to compile all about James Bond video games in one place, for people to enjoy and help educate and learn about an important gaming franchise, that has spanned across decades. I want to thank my fellow RGDS hosts and our listeners (especially Turnbl who helped track down some of the magazine reviews and was incredibly helpful and pa�ent proof-reading this book.), along with the wider global retro community, for making such a cool place to hang out, and help in preserving our video game history. This book was a pooling of the retro communi�es’ efforts. Every magazine lovingly scanned, or captured, on many now defunct web sites. All helped in compiling this book and making it possible. There are too many sites and people to list here, but for now let me list some of the main sites, who were so instrumental in helping me research for this book. Sites: Moby Games ( - The defini�ve database of all things video games. (h�ps:// - Stores so many old videogame magazines and manuals. Sega Retro (h�ps:// - Loads of magazine scans. Retro Mags (h�ps:// - Even more old videogame mag scans. Amiga Magazine Rack (h�p:// - Old Amiga magazine scans. Amiga Hall Of Light (h�ps:// - Amiga Database of videogames. Spectrum Compu�ng (h�ps://spectrumcompu� - Spectrum database of videogames and roms. World of Spectrum (h�ps:// - Spectrum database of videogames and roms. Lemon 64 (h�ps:// - C64 database of videogames. Lemon Amiga (h�ps:// - Amiga videogame database. Wikipedia (h�ps:// - A great online encyclopaedia. Atari Age (h�ps:// - A database of all things Atari. CPC Rulez (h�ps:// - A database of the Amstrad CPC. BBC Micro (h�ps:// - A database of the BBC Micro and its games. Calvin Dyson (h�ps:// - A mega James Bond fan. Lots of reviews. James Bond Dossier (h�ps:// - A great 007 site. MI6-HQ (h�ps:// - A wonderful site for 007 news and informa�on. James Bond Magazine (h�p:// - A brilliant magazine for Bond fans. List of all other James Bond web sites (h�ps:// Apologies for all the others I missed. But all of your efforts helped in the produc�on of this book. 512

RGDS Don’t be a stranger… Well, that’s it. You have got to the end of the book. But if you liked what you have read and love retro video games, then consider joining us our RGDS Discord channel and subscribing to our RGDS podcast. Maybe if so inclined dropping us a podcast review. As men�oned we do all this for free, simply because we love video games and we love the Retro Gaming community, and want to help it to con�nue to thrive. Outside of Discord, my Twi�er is the best way to get hold of me on h�ps://twi� I am happy for this book to be hosted or rehoused on any site on the internet. As long as its not changed without my permission. Or directly charging money for the book for profit. If you do print it out then please send a picture of it on Twi�er, I would love to see it. So, look out for more Retro Gaming Discussion Show (RGDS) podcast, retro gaming content 513


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