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RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Published by Deadl0ck, 2023-04-01 08:34:27

Description: RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Keywords: Retro Gaming,James Bond,Retro,Gaming


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Goldeneye 007 251

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goldeneye 007 Official Nintendo Magazine - Issue 63 - Dec 1997 258

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goldeneye 007 Gamepro - Issue 108 - Sept 1997 264

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goldeneye 007 Edgge - Issue 48 - Aug 1997 266

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goldeneye 007 “S�ll unbeaten on any home Electronic system, this is the defini�ve Gaming Monthly game for Bond - Issue 99 and FPS fans alike.” - Oct 1997 - 91 / 100 Retro Gamer Official Nintendo Magazine (UK) Nintendo Power - Issue 100 - Issue 59 – Aug 1997 - Sept 1997 (Mul�player Hints) A massive 12 page preview and An in-depth mul� page ar�cle the first in the UK we got to on hints for how to play the see of the game. mul�player maps. “The game is brilliant in both the single-player mode, opening up new weapons each �me a difficulty level is cleared (the cougar magnum in the easy difficulty level), and in mul�player mode, making it the best mul�player game on the system (edging Mario Kart 64 by a hair). In fact, we can say with a clear conscience that Goldeneye 007 is the best single-player first-person game on any system.” - 9.7/10 - IGN (26th Aug 1997) “Upon first seeing GoldenEye at the E3 conven�on, I was underwhelmed. I mean, here was yet another first-person shooter, with the only features se�ng it apart being the neat-looking sniper rifle and the fact that it was based on a movie that just about everyone had forgo�en about. I couldn't have been more wrong. GoldenEye not only lives up to the \"quality, not quan�ty\" mantra that Nintendo con�nues to tout, it surpasses it. The sheer joy experienced by pu�ng a bullet in some Russian's head with the sniper rifle, from 200 yards, never gets old, and the countless mission objec�ves spread across 12 different environments and three difficulty levels ensure that the game has the staying power of - dare I say it - Mario 64” - Game Spot (19th Aug 1997) 269

Manual James Bond 007 Walkthrough 1998 | Nintendo / Saffire INC guide Before Nintendo had to hand the now lucra�ve Hints James Bond license to Electronic Arts, they And Help decided to get one more James Bond game out on the original Gameboy. So, ge�ng American developers Saffire Inc (most known at the �me for their Simpson game Virtual Bart). The team here, took the brilliant design decision to make a James Bond game in the style of an overhead Zelda game. From the beginning with the beepy rendi�ons of the James Bond theme, and the cute Bond and world graphics, and you are sold. With 5 long missions, whimsical and funny dialogue, lots of pickups and gadgets. This game is just so much fun to play. Star�ng in China, our hero, must find some secret plans, to then return to London for your overarching missions, taking you on a rip-roaring adventure across the globe and mee�ng such villain favourites as Oddjob and Jaws. Seeing places like MI6 and Q workshop is such a charm-full experience, helped by the fun wri�ng. 270 The game starts, in China and has you build The figh�ng in the game is very basic, but like Zelda Bridges with the villages (literally). �tles it serves its purpose.

James Bond 007 Also the cute graphics just work so well, and whilst the actual ac�on parts is a li�le dull, the game s�ll keeps you playing with a The game is all about equipping the A and B big smile on your face. bu�ons with the right equipment. Not the most difficult game out there, but it will definitely keep you entertained right to the end, with the ever growing gadgets and gizmo items picked along the way. Overall this is pure joy to play, with it being a complete love le�er to the Bond Universe, with so many nods and winks. Sure, it’s not going to set the world on fire, or revolu�onise things. But if you are a�er a fun, light, Bond adventure then you can’t go wrong with this li�le gem. At a military camp, the game takes you on a Seeing Q and his workshop in the cute globe tro�ng adventure to many locales. graphics is so joy-full to see. Seeing the radio ac�ve symbol and canisters Bond considers to sod off the mission and In true James Bond fashion, that are broken is never good! do some swimming instead. You save the world and get the girl. 271

James Bond 007 Some familiar faces show up, such as The game has a Chinese opera�ve, you Oddjob, who hurls his hats at you. work with in the adventure. Jaws also turns up and tries to take you The character designs and wri�ng is so out for a bite. (Hope he brings flowers - Ed) cute and fun. There is lots of detail, but s�ll easy to see Bond goes up against some sumo wrestlers. on the small Gameboy screen. Let me show you my sushi-chop. Hi-Ya!! 272

James Bond 007 The graphics whilst small, always looks so Mee�ng your boss M for your next mission. detailed and gorgeous. I love the li�le details in the artwork. Bond tries to leg it from the military You want that Shake, Not soldiers a�er him. …Sh�rrreeed!! Love this game. As the game progresses, you will find Up against the end of game boss, who loads of different items to use and select. seems to be in an Aliens cargo loader.. 273

goldeneye 007 Licence to cheat Nintendo Power - Issue 105 - Feb 1998 274

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Goldeneye 007 279

goldeneye 007 WOT THEY SAID… Nintendo Power - Issue 105 - Feb 1998 “Bond is back in style. A must “There are a few problems such as invisible barriers blocking have �tle for the Game Boy. bullets, and visually it's not the most ambi�ous Game Boy It's a sort of modern day game, but the simple look works well as does the music. Zelda which you're Overall, James Bond 007 is an exci�ng, fun game that should going to love.” provide players with plenty of entertainment.” - Games Master Magazine - 8/10 - Nintendo Life (30th Oct 2010) - Issue 73 - 8th Sept 1998 “This game is about par: Most RPG fans “One refreshing aspect of this game is the way in which it will enjoy it, but if you're buying it strictly expands the RPG genre into the modern-day world of high- for the ac�on elements don't. The Bond tech espionage. For whatever reason, the James Bond license, while being used as a cash cow, mys�que has a powerful hold on the public's imagina�on, genuinely helps the game. Overall, it's not great, but a lot be�er than some of the and this game provides a miniature glimpse into the glamorous world of 007. Playing the game will leave you other crap out there.” s�rred, maybe shaken, and quite reasonably entertained.” - 7/10 - Nintendojo (3rd Jul 2003) - 7/10 - Nintendo Life (24th June 1999) 280

Goldeneye 007 C&VG - Issue 197 - April 1998 281

goldeneye 007 Nintendo Magazine (UK) - Issue 68 - May 1998 282

Goldeneye 007 283

Manual 007: Tomorrow Never Dies 1999 | Electronic Arts / Black Ops Entertainment Picture the scene, I like everyone was s�ll riding high on the thrill that was GoldenEye on the N64. But we had by 1999, done all it had to show and were excited to see the next James Bond video game. Then we see a video promo with Desmond Llewelyn playing Q, telling us this new James Bond game soon to be released. But then it’s saying PlaySta�on only. My heart sank, I had a Sega Saturn and an N64, but no PlaySta�on (as my flatmate owned that). It looked different being in the third person, but it s�ll looked interes�ng. Walkthrough guide Promotional The iconic parachute from The CD of the PlaySta�on game. video starring the film is there. Ah! So much an�cipa�on was had Desmond Lewelyn for this game. as Q Game Advert (UK) 284 The opening level had nice missions, but the Level Two sees Bond skiing. This is a nice, short controls take some effort to get used to. sec�on and well done, mixing up the gameplay.

007: Tomorrow Never Dies So, on its release, we rented the game, excited to get another round of Bond. It started promising, with the CD music kicking in of the famous theme and an exci�ng collec�on of some of the scenes in the game. Like the Promo had promised, we knew we would be in for an epic adventure. Then we started to play it, and our enthusiasm waned. The game controls felt so awkward, it all ran so jankily, and o�en you would be shot and killed without even realising whom or from where had killed you. It was certainly no GoldenEye beater that was for sure. It’s nice of the these Special Ops to slowly climb But we carried on playing and went right the way through the down the rope, to be easily taken out. game. As we got more used to the controls, we did find some fun with it, but it wasn’t the follow up for Bond we all had hoped for. Playing it again today and looking more objec�vely at it (instead of comparing it to another game), and there is much to have fun with here. Up-scaled on an emulator like Duck Sta�on, and it starts to look a lot nicer, and whilst the controls are s�ll tough to handle, it s�ll worth a play through. Especially as there is some nice ideas here, even if o�en poorly implemented. Some of the levels are really quite pre�y. The game does its best, but limited to not one of the best Bond films, leads to some rather dull loca�ons. 285 The auto targe�ng works quite well in the game, making shootouts quite fun.

007: Tomorrow Never Dies But the missions here have some fun, you get to drive and pilot vehicles. Also, it has some nice skiing sec�ons in the game to break up the ac�on. It also makes full use of the CD format, with good speech and voice ac�ng and all the flashy produc�on values that Electronic Arts always bring to the table. Made by Black Ops Entertainment (no not Call of Duty, but the team behind games like Black Dawn, Terminator 3 :Rise Against the Machines and Jaws : Ul�mate Predator), the game would be met with middling reviews, with most perhaps unfairly comparing it to GoldenEye. The car driving sec�on is tough to control, but doesn’t outstay its welcome. The night �me level, using night vision sights to Pilo�ng the Harrier jet and blowing stuff up, is definitely take out the enemies is just so cool. a highlight in the game. 286 Ooh, lots of Boom Boom s�cks… Me want! The sniping here is more accurately represented, but doesn’t feel As sa�sfying as sniping in GoldenEye for some reason.

007: Tomorrow Never Dies As it stands, the game is OK, a long way from perfect. But go into it with an open mind and you may have some fun. Even if it’s to enjoy the many ideas that were expanded and improved upon in later James Bond ou�ngs by EA. Overall, once I stopped looking at its flaws, and comparing it to other be�er James Bond games. I went on to have quite a bit of fun with this game. Given that you can pick the game up for pennies, it is certainly worth having a quick go. My advice, s�ck some cheats on, then have a few hours of fun. But only do so a�er playing some of the EA be�er efforts. Blowing things up with a bazooka never gets old. This level was a lot of fun. STohme egaomf ethies ainlldaoboorusteec�qounipsplionogkthfaenAtaasn�dc B bbuut�tohnesAwI iitshot�heenritgohot selqouwiptmo erenatc. t. UThseingamaecihsianlel agbuonust, eloqoukipbpeinagu�thfuel,Awaintdh B TThheeregaismqeuisteaall babitoiunttehqisugipapminegththaet mAaaknedsByou feel a bad-ass Bond, 287 gbrue�aotnesffweciths dtheepirci� shot. abnud�tohnast wisiathgtohoedrtihghintge.quipment.

007: Tomorrow Never Dies Licence To Cheat Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle Invincibility & No clip Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Up, Up, Select Maximum Health Select, Select, Circle, Circle, L1, L1, Circle, L1, L1 Open all missions Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Square, Circle Open locked doors without key Select, Select, Circle, Circle, R1, R1, R1 Show objec�ve places Select, Select, Circle, Circle, L1, L1, R1, R1 50 of everything Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Select, Circle Automa�c Mission Complete Select, Select, Circle, Circle, R2, R2 Cheat Camera View Select, Select, Circle, Circle, L2, R2 Debug Mode Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Circle Disable cutscenes and bu�on prompts Select Select Circle Circle Triangle Circle Triangle Square Editable debug data Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Square, Square, Circle, Circle Flash Mode Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Select, Select, R1, R1 Freeze Objects Select Select Circle Circle Triangle Square Triangle Square Level 6 has lights in start area Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Down, Down, Select Minimum health Select Select Circle Circle L2 L2 R2 R2 Movable square in main menu Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Select, Select, Circle, Circle No Ground & See Through Some Walls Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Select, Select, L2, L2 Paris Carver can take more hits in level 5 Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Select, Select, R1, R1 Remove addi�onal details Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Select, Select, Square, Square Remove all objects Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Le�, Right, Select Remove all on-screen displays Select Select Circle Circle Triangle Circle Circle Shot object gets highlighted Select, Select, Circle, Circle, Triangle, Triangle, Square, Square Show level borders Select, Select, Circle, Circle, L1, L1, L1, L1, L1, L1, L1 Unlock all FMVs 288

007: Tomorrow Never Dies WOT THEY SAID… “Tomorrow Never Dies isn't a par�cularly Electronic bad game, but it's definitely one you might Gaming want to consider ren�ng instead of buying.” Monthly - Issue 126 - 3.5 out of 5 - GameSpot (Nov 1999) - Jan 2000 “When is a sequel not a sequel? When it has the same lead character, but a different developer and publisher, and plays differently on an en�rely different console. Such is the case with James Bond's latest foray into the videogame world.” - 3.5 out of 5 - GamePro (Nov 1999) “It's unfortunate that TND must be compared to GoldenEye, but if you wanted to put your money down for a Bond game, and you had to pick from the two, you'd expect an honest answer. No ma�er how much you try to separate the two games, and review them individually, it's a lost cause. GoldenEye is s�ll so good, two years later. Plus, Goldeneye is the reason that MGM and Black Ops decided to keep the Bond license to themselves. Bond was popular again.” - 5 out of 10- IGN (Nov 1999) 289

007: Tomorrow Never Dies Edge - Issue 80 - Jan 2000 290

007: Tomorrow Never Dies Official Australian PlaySta�on - Issue 30 - Jan 2000 291

007: Tomorrow Never Dies Did YOU KNOW? The game was the first Bond game to feature a full Bond theme tune, with the films theme tune by Sheryl Crow. The original preview of the game was adver�sed with Desmond Llewelyn reprising his role as Q. In the sec�ons he showed in the video a game called, “Tomorrow Never Dies : The Mission Con�nues”. However, the final game released, instead followed the movie closely and the sec�ons such as scuba diving and first person shoo�ng sec�ons shown never appeared. It also looked a lot more fun in the driving sec�on than what we actually got. Desmond Llewelyn plays a scuba diving It certainly would have been an interes�ng sec�on that never appeared in the final game. What If? Had we had got the game as ini�ally envisaged. In some old websites (long since shut down now), there was a developer diary for the game. A small excerpt of this, when asked how the 2-year development cycle had gone? to Director William Bo�. It also showed some first person shoo�ng \"A typical day eleven months ago - we sec�on, that also never appeared. were just ge�ng started with the actual game design. We were evalua�ng where The car sec�ons looked at bit more involved we could place different technologies originally in the promo�on as well. within the various levels we had designed. And then we came up with some new designs that matched the film. We wanted to include a snowy environment somewhere in the game and realized the Arms Bazaar, which was to be the opening level of the game, would be a perfect match. Obviously about a year ago things were much more open, there's a lot of things up in the air.” 292

007: Tomorrow Never Dies 293

Manual 007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) Strategy 2000 | Electronic Arts / Eurocom Developments Guide Released on 17th October 2000, the game on the N64 Emulated N64 passed many by, with them looking on towards Upscaled to 4K the next genera�on of hardware. It’s a real shame as well, as this is a real hidden gem, being as close UK TV to a GoldenEye sequel as we would ever get (well Advert with James Bond in it). Based on another lacklustre Bond film ou�ng, and with interest in Bond beginning to wain (despite Pierce Brosnan doing his best in the role). This N64 gem o�en gets overlooked sadly and it’s a real shame. Even be�er is playing the game via and emulator and up scaling the se�ngs to 4K resolu�on. It all looks jaw droppingly good. You can also on emula�on make changes to the controls to allow mouse and keyboard support, making this even be�er. What is stunning about the game, is that it retains the mission objec�ve elements of GoldenEye and three levels of difficulty but makes an interes�ng variety to the levels. So, one minute you a shoo�ng out at a bank, worrying not to only knock out the ordinary security guards trying to take you down, via your watch on stun dart. Or stopping a full terrorist invasion of the MI6 building. To the next moment at the London Underground rescuing hostages and finding an ever coun�ng down bomb. 294 The watch has loads of gadgets in this game, The levels are great, the MI6 building being The electrocu�on laser is really well done. a�acked level is awesome.

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) Even be�er is playing the game via and emulator and upscaling the se�ngs to 4K resolu�on. It all looks jaw droppingly good. You can also on emula�on make changes to the controls to allow mouse and keyboard support, making this even be�er. The game has much greater variety as well. The What is stunning about the game, is that it retains the mission skiing sec�ons are super fast and well done. objec�ve elements of GoldenEye and three levels of difficulty but makes an interes�ng variety to the levels. So, one minute you a shoo�ng out at a bank, worrying not to only knock out the ordinary security guards trying to take you down, via your watch on stun dart. Or stopping a full terrorist invasion of the MI6 building. To the next moment at the London Underground rescuing hostages and finding an ever coun�ng down bomb to defuse. Or even stealth missions, where you must creep around at night and bug phones and take out cameras undetected. Each mission objec�ve and environments play so differently, that it is a genuine pleasure each �me a new level becomes available. Some of the gadgets like night vision later in the The game has so much love and care taken with it, with a wide game, is a welcome addi�on to the �tle. range of excellent weaponry, and li�le touches, like Bond throwing the empty gun magazine away as he slaps in the fresh one. It all keeps you immersed and feeling the adrenaline pumping. The gadgets here are a lot more varied as well, your watch can do a mul�tude of things this �me, such as electrocute people and circuitry with your laser, grapple hooks to Batman you to higher loca�ons, or knockout darts, for missions where you cannot kill the people as they aren’t villains but security guards. The range of weapons in the game are really Like GoldenEye, ge�ng used to the N64 controls again can be impressive and look really good. tough. But there is a plethora of configura�on op�ons, so a�er some playing, you will eventually get used to it again. The explosion effects and smoke, are very My favourite level is the underground. Watching trains go whizzing by, impressive during the fire fights. finding and defusing a bomb and saving hostages is truly epic. 295

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) Of course, with emula�on, you can even set up modern controller configura�on, or even play with mouse and keyboard. Which if you are a person who prefers that, this is a revela�on. The mul�player in the game is really robust. One nice So, as you can probably tell I have become a huge inclusion are bots, allowing you to s�ll enjoy alone. fan of this game. All that though, and I haven’t even talked about the robust mul�player in the game. Here it also includes bots, so for those with no mates able to play can s�ll enjoy the mul�player. It also includes lots of modes of games to play, standard ones, like capture the flag, man with the golden gun and new ones such as an Uplink. Here you must find three satellites which you must takeover, whilst you own them, you will start racking up points, with the one at the end of the game with the most points being the winner. Overall, this is a fab game, that sadly in December 2000 (even a�er Perfect Dark) it was just too late on the N64 to make an impact, combined with it being a weak Bond film ou�ng. But the big ques�on to many will be… Is this game a GoldenEye beater? The answer is objec�vely in many ways yes. Of course, nostalgia means I will always prefer GoldenEye, but this game is a hidden gem and a worthy successor to GoldenEye that needs to be played by more. There are loads of mul�player modes in the game. One of my favourites is the game Uplink. 296 The electrocu�on watch gadget, is a fun way Each level is so different and varied. It is a genuine to take out the enemies. pleasure to see each new area.

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) Licence To Cheat Unlockable How to Unlock ALL WEAPONS Complete Turncoat on 007 difficulty in 6:59 or less. INFINITE AMMO Complete Fallen Angel on 007 difficulty with 120.000 points or more. INVINCIBILITY Complete Meltdown on 007 difficulty with the best �me. MORE POWERFUL ENEMIES Complete Russian Roule�e on Agent or 007 difficulty in 14:59 or less. ONE SHOT KILLS Complete Flashpoint on Agent or 007 difficulty with 160.000 points or more. STEALTH BOND Complete Night Watch on Agent or 007 difficulty with 120.000 points or more. Classic skins Successfully complete the game on the \"Secret Agent\" difficulty se�ng to unlock Tuxedo Bond, Baron Samedi, Oddjob, and Jaws. Contemporary skins Successfully complete the game on the \"Agent\" difficulty se�ng to unlock Alec Trevlyan (006), Wai Lin, Max Zorin, May Day, and Christmas Jones (dress). Covert skins Successfully complete the City Of Walkways 1 level on the \"Secret Agent\" difficulty se�ng with a �me less than 3:45 to unlock the Covert skins. Exo�c skins Successfully complete the Cold Recep�on level on the \"00 Agent\" difficulty se�ng with a �me less than 3:25 to unlock the Exo�c skins. Game Shark Codes Enable Code (Must Be On) F10A9240 2400 | F10A6804 1000 Unlock All Levels 81102EE6 0021 Have Machine gun2 with Inf ammo 91639CCB | 91639DCB Infinite Oxygen 800E25E4 0004 Infinite Time 81103B82 0000 Invincibility (also in mul�-player): 81112F68 0101 297

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) WOT THEY SAID… GamePro - Issue 146 - Nov 2000 298

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) “It has to be said that this game is decidedly “The World is Not Enough is an excellent 3D shooter for different in gameplay than any Rare or Acclaim Nintendo 64 and an amazing follow-up to Rare's GoldenEye. shooter. If you're an FPS buff, get in on this Whether or not its ul�mately be�er than Perfect Dark is a game. If not, just check it out. Its simplified ques�on that's open for debate, as different gamers approach and cool cinema�c feel of the single obviously want different things out of their shooter. player mode will whisk you away in no �me at However, if it's an incredible single-player mode packed full all.” of spy gadgetry, stealthy missions, clever mission objec�ves and outstanding graphics that you're a�er, you can't do - 8.6 out of 10- Nintendojo (Oct 2000) be�er than this Eurocom shooter, even if it does fall a li�le short in the AI and mul�player departments..” - 8.9 out of 10 - IGN (Oct 2000) C&VG “The World Is Not Enough belongs in the upper echelon of Nintendo 64 so�ware, but it - Issue 230 lacks the polish required to reach classic status. More stealth elements and less reckless - Jan 2001 gunplay would have helped give it the elegant feel that's appropriate for the franchise, but thanks to the cool gadgetry, it s�ll maintains that James Bond vibe. The limited mul�player mode hurts TWINE's value, but the one-player story mode is fast, fun, and entertaining. Those looking for the second coming of GoldenEye's perfectly tuned gameplay and Perfect Dark's customiza�on will be disappointed. Bond fans will enjoy this game immensely, and for serious FPS fans, it serves as a nice diversion.” - 7.4 out of 10- GameSpot (Oct 2000) 299

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) Nintendo Offical Magazine (UK) - Issue 100 - Jan 2001 300

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