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RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Published by Deadl0ck, 2023-04-01 08:34:27

Description: RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Keywords: Retro Gaming,James Bond,Retro,Gaming


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007 Everything or Nothing 401

007 Everything or Nothing 402

007 Everything or Nothing 403

007 Everything or Nothing “Ever since the success of Nintendo and Rare's take on the James Bond film GoldenEye, the world's most famous secret agent has been cast in first-person shooter a�er first-person shooter. It seems as though Electronic Arts has been trying, with varying degrees of success, to recapture the magic of Rare's classic Nintendo 64 game. But for an agent as versa�le as James Bond, cas�ng him into a shooter has always felt a li�le limi�ng. There's certainly much, much more to the character than just running around with a gun. Electronic Arts has finally come to this conclusion, it seems. Its latest Bond game, Everything or Nothing, is a third-person ac�on game that blends shoo�ng, driving, and other types of ac�on together in a seamless fashion, delivering an awesome experience that puts you in 007's shoes be�er than any game to come before it..” - 8.8 out of 10 - GameSpot (Feb 2004) [Game Cube Review] Electronic Gaming Monthly - Issue 177 - April 2004 404

007 Everything or Nothing “Despite its daring, varied design and big-�me “If you haven't guessed by now, Everything or Nothing looks, produc�on values, it's not perfect. There are frequent sounds, and feels just like a James Bond movie. The ac�on is problems with camera view, and the auto-targe�ng fast-paced, the cars are cool, the women are sexy, and the vacillates between adequate and maddening. villains are hell bent on ruing the world - there's really However, good games can make you overlook their nothing else you could ask for. The game can be a li�le easy flaws, and on this count Everything or Nothing is a at �mes, and the short levels hurt the flow of the game, but success. Is it the next great evolu�on of gaming? if you've been a fan of 007 on the big screen or on a console, Perhaps not, but it is a step towards crea�ng the you won't be disappointed by his latest ou�ng.” ul�mate James Bond �tle.” - 8.8 out of 10 - PSX Extreme - 8.5 out of 10 - Game Informer Magazine (Mar 2004) [PS2 Review] (Mar 2004) [Game Cube, Xbox & PS2 Reviews] 405

007 Everything or Nothing Edge - Issue 134 - March 2004 406

007 Everything or Nothing “It's certainly a step up from the rather stagnant “Try as it may, Electronic Arts has been unable to shake the FPS rut in which Bond was trapped, and it wins the legacy of Rare and Nintendo's highly respected GoldenEye award for being closest to the movies, but its 007, a standard-se�ng first-person shooter for consoles and remaining flaws stop this from being the fantas�c adapta�on of the Bond movie. It seems that with GoldenEye beater we're s�ll wai�ng for.” each release, The World is Not Enough, NightFire and so on, fans of the franchise were always stacking it up to - 5 out of 10 - Games TM expecta�ons that are almost impossible to meet. This �me (Feb 2004) [Xbox Review] with the release of James Bond 007: Everything or Nothing things have changed. EA's internal development team has cra�ed a hugely entertaining third-person ac�on �tle that “If nothing else, EA's latest Bond ou�ng proves offers up a bevy of gameplay styles, mostly centered on that there are some very brave marke�ng people strategic shootouts and gripping driving sequences.” working in Redwood Shores - crea�vely - 8.5 out of 10 - IGN (Dec 2003) lobotomised marke�ng people, perhaps, but [GameCube, Xbox, PS2 Reviews] brave nonetheless - because following a couple of half-hearted 007 adventures since the turn of the “We've been mesmerized by James Bond since childhood. century, the indomitable publisher has finally And then GoldenEye 007 came along and turned his console realised what everybody else already knows: that appearances into some of the most an�cipated in gaming. it will never produce a be�er Bond game than Too bad, then, that none have stood up to Rare's Rare's GoldenEye.” masterpiece and the superspy mantle has been taken up by - 6 out of 10 - younger, less Bri�sh playas. But EA's had a secret weapon (Mar 2004) [PS2 Review] in development for years, and in third-person, no less. Could it break the FPS shackle to put 007 back on top? Absolutely. “Like most 8 year-old boys, I had a love affair with Lacking only the stellar mul�player of GoldenEye 007, 007. When asked what I wanted to be when I grew Everything Or Nothing nonetheless may be the best console Bond ever, with rich varied gameplay that has something up I would without hesita�on snarl, Bond, James for everyone. The over-the-shoulder view is what 007 Bond. Then I’d provoca�vely raise an eyebrow in needed all along. A�er all, espionage is all about between sips of my fake voyeurism, and now we get to see every detail.” mar�ni shaken, not s�rred.” - B - Game Revolu�on - 4 out of 5 - GameSpy (Mar 2004) [Xbox Review] (Feb 2004) [GameCube Review] “It's bright, but won't tax a hangover. It's neither “007 Everything or Nothing is a solid package with all the en�rely memorable nor forge�able. It's 'Quite makings of a great movie, game play is fun and exci�ng, Good In Places And Has That Scene Where That Thing Blows Up, You Know'. Just like the real and the addi�on of 4 Mul�player modes including a Coopera�ve mode strengthens the replay value.” thing. And you can quote us on that. Obviously.” - 8.4 out of 10 - Xbox Addict (Mar 2004) - 77% - (Feb 2004) [PS2 Review] “As one of EA's blockbuster games, Everything or Nothing is by no means subtle. It's big in nearly every way: big budget (we're assuming, given the cast of famous actors and Bond screenwriter), big explosions that fly by you as you race through levels, and a big storyline that has you travelling all over.” - 8.5 out of 10 - 1UP 407 (May 2004) [Xbox Review]

007 Everything or Nothing Licence To Cheat Driving: Infinite Health Full Cheat LIST (PAL) H388-PFR6-MXY2R Full Cheat LIST (US) Ac�on Replay (PAL) RYTK-P5QN-7MZ3F (Master Code, must be on) DPUE-04E4-40XKP XY6F-HQG7-TQ7TW | Y20A-A8VX-VUXPC PKXJ-MZW2-8355X |QQDQ-GYCZ-M6J57 Driving: Infinite Missiles P090-GHTX-JM7WU | TDD6-H577-45Y8N GT1K-6Z14-F65TC 57D2-FUGK-2KWMU | NR2N-90QW-52Z4G RYTK-P5QN-7MZ3F |2PB9-J13Q-MZ0UM | YDRG-54EX-6VQDU XNA4-9KMR-9DD4F AYCU-ZXFD-G8E9V Infinite Health Unlock/Complete Missions 8B9Z-Z64D-RP717 | MHQV-R2B7-7KXF1 2GQE-X8UE-U0WCA RW77-E41N-C5K7Z | 5BT4-TXVB-39F7X 4FE1-ZT71-CHGDT Infinite Ammo YM0Y-MR1G-53ZGH CK12-N4Z4-4Z943 | MHQV-R2B7-7KXF1 8M95-GN3W-VR0QQ 408

1965 - Adverts for the icon James Bond Aston Mar�n DB5. This is a great toy recrea�on. 409

Manual GoldenEye Rogue Agent Prima’s 2004 | Electronic Arts / In house strategy IIn what has to go down as one of the most cynical guide cash-grabs in video game history, EA decided to release a Bond game called “GoldenEye : Rogue TV Ad (UK) Agent”, that not only has nothing to do with the game or film “GoldenEye”, but you don’t even play as Bond, but a fired MI6 agent who is working for the villains. Hmm, a Bond game without Bond! There’s a good idea! (…not!). So why is it called “GoldenEye”? I hear you cry? Well a�er an accident, you have an opera�on to have a “Golden Eye” installed. This “Golden Eye” will get upgrades as you progress, le�ng you see through walls and stuff, and even going all X-men and Jedi with telekinesis later in the game. But what about the game itself? Well, it starts off in a helicopter with you and James Bond, flying to Fort Knox against the villain Auric Goldfinger. Next thing you know, the helicopter gets shot down and James Bond is hanging for his life, as you escape from the crash. But before you can say “Cor Blimey! What’s going on?” James Bond suddenly falls to his death and you le� standing shocked, not sure how to con�nue the mission. A�er doing the level, you find its a VR simula�on, and you are told by a robo�c looking M (voiced by Judi Dench) that because you failed to save James Bond in the VR simulator, and so you are out on your ear. Emulated 4K A Bond game, without Bond in it. What could possibly UpScaled go wrong? Never mind, let’s just slap the name GoldenEye!, That won’t make people who buy the game, feel cheated at all! 410

GoldenEye Rogue Agent So, you end up working for the real Auric Goldfinger himself, and hired to fight the rival villainous fac�on of Dr No. Also aiding you is the villain from, the film “The Man With The Golden Gun”, yes Francisco Scaramanga (actually voiced here in game by Christopher Lee), who seems to be now the villains’ equivalent to Q. This is probably the best part of this game, with a criminally underused Oddjob, Pussy Galore, Onatopp and even a short appearance of Blofeld showing up in the game as well. Lending a li�le to the fact it’s actually a Bond game. This is the only scene at the beginning of the en�re game OK, that’s the plot, but what about the gameplay? Well, this is you get to see James Bond, before he dies (well virtually). a pre�y standard first-person shooter (FPS). You can do some things, such as grab an enemy and use them as a temporary human shield. You can duel wield your weaponry and your upgraded “Golden Eye” lets you do a few things, like see behind objects and what not. But beyond that, this game is doing nothing new. Mechanically the game is pre�y sound, it’s just saddled The worst thing here is the poor level designs. Sure, some with overly long and dull levels with no real variety. sec�ons look really nice, but for the most part you will be wandering around maze like dull corridors, with no variety to the mission objec�ves or how you approach the game. Many of the levels also outstay their welcome, being far too long, and becoming a painful chore, instead of fun. You certainly do feel this game was rushed out in �me for Christmas. S�ll, there is a nice few nods at the end of the game to James Bond film loca�ons, and helping take over the villainous empire. It just would have been more fun to do it all as Bond. Only this game, could make going on skyscraper roofs in Hong Kong and somehow make it dull to play. Some sec�ons of the game do look epic, with some great 411 visual designs. Then it will give you an hour more of dull As you are an an�-hero, you can grab enemy grey corridor shoo�ng, to ensure you aren't enjoying yourself. henchman and use them temporarily as a human shield.

GoldenEye Rogue Agent Some of the maps in mul�player is fun, par�cularly the Golden Gate Bridge, to give you that “A View To A Kill” vibe, which is a nice touch. But beyond that, the actual players and different mul�player modes available, is quite limited. The game constantly throws helicopters and vehicles In summary, this is one �tle best to forget really and whilst it’s at you, to the point it all becomes a bit dull. not horrendous, its average-ness, combined with the gall to name your game a�er such a beloved game and film, that it has nothing to do with. Is just such a shameful, cynical cash grab. A decision, I bet you, which was made by the money suits at EA and not the developers themselves. Dual wielding weapons is always nice to have in feeling a bad ass. Actually, the mul�player maps here are quite a bit of fun. If only the single player had this kind of variety in it. Ooh, Shiny bu�on... Must press, shiny bu�on. 412 S�ll, having the Golden Gate bridge as a mul�-map loca�on, is almost worth loading up this game alone. General Onotopp makes an appearance.

GoldenEye Rogue Agent Licence To Cheat Xbox Cheats Cheat Restore Health And Armour GameCube Cheats While playing pause and input Cheat Restore Health And Armour R, R, BLACK, WHITE, BLACK, R, L, BLACK While playing pause and input R, R, R, L, R, R, L, R. Cheat Unlock All GoldenEye Powers Cheat Unlock All GoldenEye Powers While playing pause and input While playing pause and input L, L, R, R, R, R, L, L. L, L, BLACK, BLACK, R, BLACK, L, WHITE Full Eye Power Full Eye Power While playing pause and input While playing pause and input L, R, L, L, L, R, R, L. L, R, L, WHITE, WHITE, BLACK, R, WHITE All Systems PS2 Cheats All Levels Cheat Restore Health And Armour To unlock all single player and mul�-player While playing pause and input levels in GoldenEye: Rogue Agent enter R1, R1, R2, L2, R2, R1, L1, R2 DOWN, RIGHT, DOWN, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, UP, LEFT at the extras menu. Cheat Unlock All GoldenEye Powers While playing pause and input Unlock All Skins In MP Mode L1, L1, R2, R2, R1, R2, L1, L2 At the extras menu, enter DOWN, LEFT, UP, LEFT, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT, Full Eye Power UP. While playing pause and input L1, R1, L1, L2, L2, R2, R1, L2 Unlock Paintball Mode On the extras menu, enter RIGHT, LEFT, RIGHT, LEFT, DOWN, DOWN, UP, UP. GameCube Cheats Get the Golden Gun in Hong Kong First get to the silver case, open it, then kill everyone, but don't go in the hole go back where the case was and turn right and crouch. Somewhere there is a grey thing next to some fire -- go through it and keep crouching go through the wall, and you should see an enemy's legs. You won’t be able to kill him, so keep going un�l you see a boat with a cow. The golden gun is behind the cow. You can shoot the cow and it will make noises, but there are no more Easter eggs on this level. - Source IGN 413

GoldenEye Rogue Agent WOT THEY SAID… Official Xbox Magazine (UK) - Issue 37 - Xmas 2004 414

GoldenEye Rogue Agent GamePro - Issue 197 - Feb 2005 415

GoldenEye Rogue Agent Nintendo Power - Issue 186 - Dec 2004 [Interview] 416

GoldenEye Rogue Agent 417

GoldenEye Rogue Agent Electronic Gaming Monthly - Issue 187 - Jan 2005 418

GoldenEye Rogue Agent Edge - Issue 144 - Xmas 2004 419

GoldenEye Rogue Agent “The mul�player maps, weapon selec�on (some “In a fall season slammed with AAA first-person shooters, exclusive to mul�player!) and character selec�on Electronic Arts' move to release GoldenEye: Rogue Agent are excellent. I know it's easy to simply say that only two weeks a�er Halo 2 and one week a�er Half-Life 2 the gameplay experience is a next-gen version of can be seen as either gutsy or stupid -- either that or just the Nintendo 64 classic, but it's true. There is no plain bad luck. One really must wonder. However you dice it, more appropriate console for this game than EA took a chance with the Bond license, giving gamers the GameCube. I almost wish it was a GameCube opportunity to play as an evil agent, an an�-Bond character exclusive – then the graphics would have been with all the skills and smarts as the world's most famous tweaked to match the console's true power. As it is Bri�sh spy, but with none of the rules, restric�ons or ethics.” this is an a�rac�ve game, though I'm sure that - 6.5 out of 10 - IGN (Nov 2004) won't be a selling point for any of its buyers. The [ Xbox Review] GoldenEye name and the trust that EA has gained with gamers will be the reasons why millions of “Don't be fooled: This isn't the GoldenEye you remember you will be adding this game to your playing on the Nintendo 64. Rogue Agent is competent at Christmas list.” best, but mostly it's a subpar first-person shooter that fails - 8 out of 10 - GameZone (Dec 2004) to stand out in any way.” [Game Cube Review] - 6.3 out of 10 - GameSpot (Nov 2004) [GameCube Review] “In the end, GoldenEye is more of a “When I first heard of another GoldenEye game, nostalgic disappointment, than it is a bad game. It's flashes came into my head of the disfigured N64 controller, entertaining, but there was so much to work with Big Head cheats, and…oh yeah…one of the greatest here that the end result is unfulfilling. This is one of videogames ever developed!!! But here I am, holding a copy the cases where a developer like Rare or Bungie of GoldenEye: Rogue Agent and I don’t want to con�nue would have delayed the game for a year or two, playing it. To be honest, EA Games messed up on what Rare just so they could make the game that the fans perfected and everything from storyline expect. Unfortunately, EA tends to rush products to gameplay reeks of mediocrity.” out the door for the holiday season, o�en - 6 out of 10 - GameZone (Dec 2004) sacrificing quality along the way, and [ Game Cube Review] Rogue Agent is the latest vic�m.” - 7.5 out of 10 - PSX Extreme “In short, we're cataclysmically disappointed that Rogue (Jan 2005) Agent even exists. Just when it seemed like EA had pulled its [PS2 Review] socks up and become a real unstoppable force with games to match its resources we get this - perhaps the most cynical “I like EA’s approach of pu�ng players into the and cobbled-together excuse for a key release we've ever shoes of a loose cannon, but the game just lacks seen. This isn't just a waste of a licence but an insult to that Bond chemistry that we’ve come to expect. anyone who wished for a true sequel to GoldenEye. We'd Much like Timothy Dalton as James Bond, Rogue have great trouble recommending this to anyone with even Agent doesn’t fit well into this half a brain. Even if the other half was gold.” secret agent’s universe.” - 3 out of 10 - Game™ - 6.75 out of 10 - Game Informer (Dec 2004) (Jan 2005) [Xbox Review] [All Systems Review] 420

GoldenEye Rogue Agent Nintendo Power - Issue 186 - Dec 2004 [Interview] 421

GoldenEye Rogue Agent 422

In the mid 60’s the Goldfinger Aston Mar�n DB5 was the best way, to recreate those Bond adventures. Note the call retractable rear shield and ability to protrude the machine guns and ramming gadgets. Not to men�on the cool ejector seat. 423

Manual GoldenEye Rogue Agent (DS) 2004 | Electronic Arts / nspace, EA Tiburon Having the honour of being the first FPS on the DS. I guess from a technical standpoint its quite impressive. Unfortunately, this is a pale imita�on of what was already a bad game. Somehow sucking all the joy from the few bits that made the bigger console release a li�le fun. Armed with a dull, repe��ve music (no James Bond themes here of course), terrible sound effects, bad AI and abysmal level design. This was a chore beginning to end to play through if I am honest. Like its big brother version on the consoles, this all just feels as cynical cash-in, rushed hatchet job that deserves to be forgo�en today. It is frustra�ng as well, because mechanically the core engine is pre�y good, and so with a bit more �me, care and love, this could have easily been a much more impressive game. Say something nice… erm, well the DS being what it is, means death matches are a lot more accessible to do, so you might have a li�le fun there. The second screen shows icons and hacking sec�ons of the game. 424 The enemies helpfully just stand there, wai�ng for you to ba�le the controls to take them out.

GoldenEye Rogue Agent (DS) Overall, this is a bit of a dire game. What makes it worse, is that EA had the gall to throw in the name “GoldenEye”, just to boost sales and essen�ally trick people to buy on the nostalgic name recogni�on. Thinking they were going to get the game of their fond childhood memories. That alone would be unforgivable, but then, for EA to release a game that isn’t very good is even worse. In summary, unless you are a James Bond comple��onist, keep away from this game The snow levels look quick nice, and gives fond memories of GoldenEye surface levels on the N64. When it offers more than brown or grey corridors, the game is a bit more engaging. Targe�ng is tough in the game. But exploding canisters is always fun. The second screen shows a nice overhead map, and details 425 of what you are holding currently and ammo le�.

GoldenEye Rogue Agent Licence To Cheat Start with Golden Gun Infinite Grenades 620c2b54 00000000 620c2b54 00000000 Ac�on Replay b20c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 1000015c 00000002 100001c8 000003e7 Infinite Health 10000160 000003e7 d2000000 00000000 620c2b54 00000000 d2000000 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 Infinite Golden Gun 10000128 00001388 Infinite Machine Gun 620c2b54 00000000 d2000000 00000000 620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000198 000003e7 Infinite Armor 100001ac 000003e7 d2000000 00000000 620c2b54 00000000 d2000000 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 Extra Ammo (All Weapons) 1000012c 00000200 Infinite Sniper Ammo 620c2b54 00000000 d2000000 00000000 620c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 10000160 000003e7 Infinite RMI Vision 100001a0 000003e7 10000188 000003e7 620c2b54 00000000 d2000000 00000000 d2000000 00000000 b20c2b54 00000000 100001de 000002ae d2000000 00000000 WOT THEY SAID… “GoldenEye: Rogue Agent has the luxury of being “GoldenEye: Rogue Agent may be the debut first-person the first FPS �tle on the Nintendo DS, but it's clear shooter for the Nintendo DS, but its generally uninspired that sacrifices to the game's produc�on were made levels and weak control make it tough to recommend to shooter fans. If you're absolutely dying to play a shooter on to get it there. On the surface it's a good, fun, the DS, and Metroid isn't coming out fast enough to sa�ate ac�on shooter, but the game lacks an extra layer you, you might want to pick this up. But for the most part, or two of polish to �ghten up the produc�on. It's you're be�er off wai�ng for something else to come along.” be�er than most, if not all of the first-person shooters on the Game Boy Advance due to the - 6.3 out of 10 - GameSpot (June 2005) be�er technology and touch-screen control, but with the added capabili�es comes higher “Looking at only the numbers, GoldenEye: Rogue Agent for standards. And it's pre�y clear that, as fun as the the DS is not much be�er than last year's unimpressive game is, Rogue Agent needed a bit more �me in console games. However, the smooth control, portability, development to really shine on the Nintendo DS.” and uniqueness of the experience -- this is the only FPS for the DS at the moment -- help differen�ate it enough that - 6.5 out of 10 - IGN (June 2005) some folks might enjoy it. Consider it the FPS equivalent of Sega's obnoxious launch �tle, Feel the Magic: It's a passable novelty for the moment, but later and greater FPS games will undoubtedly force Rogue Agent into the bargain bins.” 426 - 3 out of 5 - GameSpy (June 2005)

GoldenEye Rogue Agent “In short, Goldeneye demonstrates that FPS games can be done on the DS, but the real ques�on is if they should.” - 6.75 out of 10 - Game Nintendo Informer Magazine Power (Aug 2005) - Issue 195 - Sept 2005 “GoldenEye for DS is nothing like the early N64 game. The enemies don’t possess adap�ve AI, there are no useful gadgets to �nker with, and the interac�ve aspects, such as the character’s enhanced eye, traps, and mission objec�ves, seem thrown together instead of being carefully integrated into the game. Strip away these elements and you have a basic first-person shooter that doesn’t do anything noteworthy. That may not be a bad thing if you have a shoot first, think later mentality, but it’s disappoin�ng that to get the most enjoyment out of Rogue Agent, you have to “bond” with others.” - 3 out of 5 - G4 TV: X-Play (Mar 2006) “Even with all the control scheme op�ons and weapons, EA has published an incompetent shooter that borrows heavily from the home console versions, while elimina�ng anything that made that version fun (and that version wasn't very fun). It's ugly, it sounds bad, and it offers nothing worth no�ng as far as gameplay is concerned. It's fine for a few laughs between friends as an overnight rental, but certainly not worth purchasing.” - 3 out of 10 427 - (Sept 2005) “In conclusion, a decent mul�player mode doesn't save a broken game. Goldeneye: Rogue Agent on the Nintendo DS is the first shooter on the console, and if they're all going to feel and play like this, I'd like it to be the last. Unless you're a real sucker (like some sort of Ultra Dum-Dum sucker) for wireless mul�player shoo�ng, you're not missing anything in this game.” - 4.7 out of 10 - Game Freaks 365 (2005)

GoldenEye Rogue Agent Nintendo Official Magazine (UK) - Issue 56 - Aug 2005 428

GoldenEye Rogue Agent 429

007 From Russia With Love 2005 | Electronic Arts / In house Picture the scene, you are deep in development of a game code-named Phoenix Rising, a follow on to “Nigh�ire”, in the third person viewpoint of “Everything Or Nothing”. Pierce Brosnan is going to be your Bond; all is good in the world. Then kaboom, Pierce Brosnan is stepping down from his role. There is no replacement 007 and no film, and EA s�ll needs the game in �me for Christmas. Manual The game levels are detailed and beau�ful to look at throughout. Walk through Star�ng with terrorists abseiling down Big Ben is a fantas�c opening, unique to the game. guide The Aston Mar�n DB5 driving sec�ons are welcome and Making Of look stunning, but car controls aren’t great. The Game Video 430

007 From Russia With Love This was the dilemma the EA developers were facing in 2004 when it was suddenly announced by Eon films, that they were going in a new direc�on, and would have no Bond, for the foreseeable future. Bond gets to use his jet pack in this game and it’s It was a tumultuous �me for the Bond license, and EA handled so much fun with these sec�ons. the situa�on in two very different ways, with the games in development of the �me. We saw in the last couple of reviews how the spin off villain Bond idea went in “GoldenEye: Rogue Agent”, and here, more successfully they decided to go right the way back to Bonds second film ou�ng, with a young Sean Connery bond, actually voiced by an admi�edly much older Sean Connery the actor, with new dialogue. How they managed to get him to reprise his role (given how bi�er he was about Eon Films) I will never know, but I am glad the managed it somehow. There are so many epic and memorable moments The game is clearly using the Everything or Nothing game in the game. engine here (no bad thing) but having Sean Connery and being set in the 60’s makes this a blast. I do find it very strange of all the Sean Connery Bond films to choose, they went for this less ac�on-centric film. S�ll, it deviates enough from the script to keep things explosive and engaging. Shoot out in the Houses of Parliament to rescue the Prime Minister’s daughter is a blast. The Driving sec�ons are the weakest element of the game, but s�ll fun.. Sean Connery Guns blazing and rescuing the Prime Ministers daughter 431 Is captured with a jet pack, is one of the many popcorn munching Really well highlights in the game. In the game.

007 From Russia With Love The game starts in London and the Houses of Parliament, with people abseiling down Big Ben, to capture the Prime Ministers daughter. It’s a fantas�c opening level, and immediately shows they are not afraid to deviate from the original script. Being able to wander around the MI6 offices, seeing Subsequent levels, take you in the iconic Aston Mar�n DB5, Q branch, M and Miss Moneypenny is a Bonds shoo�ng sec�ons using a jet pack and on rails boat shoo�ng fan dream. sec�ons, alongside the on foot third person sec�ons. Real care here has been made on the art design, ensuring it always feels authen�c to the 60’s era on which its set. It’s a pure pleasure seeing old computer tech and the 60’s decor in the lavish places you visit. The Jet Pack sec�ons in the game are loads of fun, Also of note is the character model of young Sean Connery. He the recrea�on of the device is great as well. is brilliantly captured, from every smirk or look here, making you feel like you are playing Sean Connery Bond perfectly. It is also amazing that it’s voiced by the man himself. This however does feel a li�le jarring unfortunately, with Sean Connery of course being older and not giving his all on his line delivery. S�ll considering the alterna�ves of a sound-a-like or re-purposing old audio clips, this is by far the best op�on. Talking of sound, the music here is really well done, with great rendi�ons of all the tunes and perfectly capturing the vibe, se�ng and mood of the game. Even though I prefer first person, the third person The game does feel rushed in places, with the car sec�ons, lets you see far more Bond and his mannerisms. whilst looking beau�ful, don’t control that well, and are clearly missing the extra �me spent on other Bond games, such as “Everything or Nothing”. S�ll, they look gorgeous, with exquisite designs, that o�en you want to stop the ac�on, just to admire the beau�ful eye candy. The gypsy level has you sniping the enemy as you protect them. It’s a very sa�sfying level. 432 Bond also gets to go by boat, for more shooty, shooty! Ac�on. Like with “Everything or Nothing” I like the variety this gives to the game.

007 From Russia With Love There is so much Bond fan, love and care here. Being able to wander around the 60’s MI6 headquarters, and flirt with Moneypenny, briefed by M and exploring his office, Or even go to Q branch and chat to Q and wander around the lab, is a Bond fans dream. Also nice are the li�le touches, such as collec�ng different Bond ou�its and choosing them to change your ou�it as you see fit. Sure, there is a few other missed opportuni�es, such as not being able to fight the assassin on the train, passively having to watch the fight. Xbox is again the best You really feel the impact of the shots, with the fantas�c death anima�ons of the enemy. version, with GameCube a close second. But given the accessibility of the Wii console and the robustness of the Dolphin emulator, I would again suggest the GameCube version today, if you don’t have an Xbox. Overall, if you didn’t like the “Everything or Nothing” game, then this won’t convert you, being the weaker �tle. But if you loved that and are looking for more, then this delivers. It’s fun, it’s cool, it’s the Six�es baby! Part of me wishes this game was more of a financial success for EA, as I would have loved to have seen this care and thought put in to doing other Bond films, but I love the careful and accurate recrea�ons of the levels from the film. It’s a real love le�er to it. sadly it was never to be. In summary, this is a popcorn munching blast, fun but flawed, yet definitely worth your �me. Slightly da�, is the remote control helicopter you can pilot, to scout ahead and open doors. I love how the designers has perfectly captured the look of the six�es and its computer tech. The intricate details to each level is a labour of love, just look at this train level. 433 There is a nice variety of loca�ons and things to see in the game.

007 From Russia With Love WOT THEY SAID… GamePro - Issue 208 - Jan 2006 434

007 From Russia With Love Nintendo Official Magazine (UK) - Issue 160 - Dec 2005 [GameCube] 435

007 From Russia With Love Official Xbox Magazine (UK) - Issue 49 - Dec 2005 [Xbox Review] 436

007 From Russia With Love Official US PlaySta�on Magazine - Issue 100 - Jan 2006 [PS2 Review] 437

007 From Russia With Love NGC (UK) - Issue 114 - Xmas 2005 [GameCube Review] 438

007 From Russia With Love 439

007 From Russia With Love PSM - Issue 105 - Xmas 2005 [PS2 Review] “The end result is a game that tries too “Looking into the goldmine of the Bond legacy, Electronic hard to stay out of your way. Everything Arts successfully convinced its licensors that bringing Sean or Nothing was a game that didn't try to Connery into the fold and re-envisioning an older movie trip you up too much, mostly for the license was a good thing. Agreed. The second Bond movie sake of keeping its exci�ng ride moving fits the Bri�sh spy film formula to a tee, with its recipe of shoo�ng ac�on, car chases, and high-tech gadgetry. It's a at a brisk and enjoyable pace. From license that Rare was able to flesh out well with GoldeEye Russia With Love lacks much of that excitement, thus making its simplicity 007, but one that EA has had some difficulty s�ck out like a sore thumb. It certainly with over the years.” has its periodic thrills, but they're - 7.9 out of 10 - IGN (Oct 2005) interspersed over a lot of shoo�ng- gallery-like combat that doesn't require “Even with the man who created the 007 persona back in the starring role, this sequel just can't measure up to the an ounce of skill on your behalf. Bond standards of excellence set by the Bond films fans should find a pre�y solid rental in or by the ac�on game genre in general.” From Russia With Love--provided they're 440 not too sensi�ve to the rewrites EA - 7.5 out of 10 - Game Informer (Dec 2005) made to the storyline--but it's probably “EA knows what it's doing, it knows the demographic it caters not worth taking the plunge as a for, and undoubtedly the game will sell by the truckload. It's purchase.” harmless mass-market entertainment; the kind that any - 7 out of 10 - GameSpot discerning gamer should already know to leave well alone..” - 4 out of 10 - Game™ (Dec 2005)

007 From Russia With Love Official US “Younger gamers might think that the king of espionage is PlaySta�on Splinter Cell's Sam Fisher. Sure, he has the cool moves and Magazine the funky gadgets, but followers of the interna�onal intrigue - Issue 105 - June 2006 scene know that James Bond was doing the whole super [PSP Review] agent thing while Fisher was theore�cally s�ll in diapers and a �ny pair of night-vision goggles. And the true fans know who the real James Bond is. Nope, it's not Pierce Brosnan or the old and bloated Roger Moore. Sean Connery is James Bond. Electronic Arts throws gamers back in �me to let them play as Connery's Bond in a highly stylized ac�on romp that's a worthy follow-up to last year's Everything or Nothing.” - 3.5 out of 5 - GameSpy (Nov 2005) “While there's something to be said for carrying James Bond's latest video game adventure in the palm of your hand, From Russia With Love on the PSP suffers from too many drawbacks to make it worth your while. The breezy gameplay is only made more challenging by technical gaffes and frustra�ng issues, and the mul�player component is the opposite of a good �me. There are definitely sa�sfying moments to be had in From Russia With Love, but those moments are much more sa�sfying when played on any of the other versions that are available.” - 6.3 out of 10 - GameSpot (April 2006) [PSP Review] “Bits of it are fun. It's well put together. Structurally, there isn't a lot wrong with it, and the things that are wrong with it technically - silly things like brightness controls you can only get to by qui�ng the current game en�rely, and balancing issues to do with ammo loadouts during tougher ba�les - are forgivable. Go ahead and buy it if you want. You'll probably have fun. But this wasn't a labour of love, and hasn't inspired much in me.” - 6 out of 10 - EuroGamer.Net (Nov 2005) “Problems persist. The driving sec�ons are boring, melee combat clumsy, missions repe��ve. Worst thing is the game's too short. Overall, it's an experience built around a licence, and not a licence built around a game.” - 6 out of 10 - NGC (Dec 2005) [GameCube Review] 441

007 From Russia With Love Licence To Cheat Where to find all the Bond ou�its. Ac�on Replay Ac�on Replay (PS2) (GameCube) Black Tux. Master Code In the Gypsy camp upstairs in the Master Code (must be on) house where tear gas in on the (must be on) Q990-EM21-26VW8 lower level. M505-8Y7V-0YNZM KA8A-GNGU-8MDCH MH14-F7EB-2TWY6 Bond's Dinner Jacket 1HMF-8HPB-X3ZKV Infinite Health Obtain it from Q's Head Quarters 6TW8-FA0H-NQ48C at the second part of the Infinite Health 3N4A-PHBH-UZ4XN Hedgemaze mission. 4HVR-NJKA-U944V 2TPC-Y5YY-VEHYQ Infinite Armour Bond's Snow Suit KD0G-02KC-9GR3F GXQJ-XUHP-EA07Z Obtain it in the Factory mission. YFY0-XM1C-TQ1JK 3CY7-EEUD-6GB4M Convert Uniform (Stealth Suit) Infinite Car Health Infinite Ammo Where last bomb is in Sta�on T. N4YN-BRDR-RE7Q4 K3DX-PKNR-T3G9U RU2X-EXHQ-CFZUZ UG2T-A92G-5FJUT Russian Uniform 8W5J-1XPA-9BY4X Istanbul pt. 2 in safe house where Max Stealth the guy tells you where it is in a Infinite Ammo 78ZE-QU2Q-A2DHQ chest. JFYR-NN9J-R90NW HTMX-4VUJ-E5BMW Y9QF-VNVX-FKRAA Tailored Suit (Grey Suit) AF31-KB6G-553HA All Upgrades Start with it in MI6 in Hedge-maze UEPP-XANT-A5DN6 ENQM-UPTX-WDE2T level. UHKW-TYTP-54Z9Q BNQD-3R8K-Y23FA PQ2A-DZN0-UXAM5 Timer Frozen J0X7-ACDC-7KMHC All Awards M7RR-8D3G-QAB02 Y2AC-TQ0G-ZY0E8 3EKM-V4R9-7VCAA All Levels Unlocked K3E9-EBMW-PW631 BH4X-A3WN-0JGZ6 XB9K-0UHZ-THMBH EYUA-QPEU-E4RGA All Awards ZV40-6H1C-TCEEA MVY9-V6F7-1PUCJ EEHU-ZZ1F-7650E 442

007 From Russia With Love I love the 60’s se�ng of this Bond game, loads have been made in the levels décor. Just look at the detail of this office as an example. The train sta�on level is beau�fully designed, with it genuinely a joy to look around and enjoy the sites. 443

Manual 007 Quantum of Solace Walk 2008 | Activision / Treyarch through A�er lacklustre sales and a new direc�on for guide James Bond films, with Daniel Craig. Electronic Arts, decided to pass up con�nuing the Bond licence and it passed across to Ac�vision. Then for Bond video game fans, there was an agonising three year wait for a game as the first Daniel Craig 007 film ou�ng “Casino Royale” and new direc�on was met with much fanfare and a huge resurgence in Bond’s popularity. So, by 2008 and the then soon to be released second Daniel Craig ou�ng, the announcement of the �e in video game, made by developer Treyarch (the people who did the Call of Duty games) had many gamers out there no doubt saliva�ng. Now I want to say right off the bat, I am not a fan of either Daniel Craig as an actor or this gri�er, more realis�c, new direc�on of Bond. I find him wooden, and annoying and these films a poor knock-off of the “Bourne Iden�ty” movies. I appreciate I am in the minority here, and men�on, only to be upfront, as it may colour my opinions of the Bond video games of this era. OK, for the game itself. You can tell right away that it was made by the Call of Duty team of developers, with the gun-play mechanics and design choices, at �me feeling like that game, just with an admi�edly well-designed Daniel Craig, character model. It also means you will find here, amazing explosions and fran�c shooty ac�on to enjoy. 444 In cover when shoo�ng, it shows the ac�on The game even today looks absolutely gorgeous, so over the shoulder, pu�ng you in the ac�on. much texture and ligh�ng detail on everything.

007 Quantum of Solace Mechanically, the game ac�on is well shown here, seamlessly switching from first person view to third person as you take cover, and then over the shoulder, when you come out to shoot. It also has nice takedown moves, with a great feeling of wincing force as you take out the bad guys hand to hand. It is extremely polished and looks fantas�c, and fans of games like Call of Duty will find a lot to love here. The town levels look stunning, making you just Addi�onally it has quite a line up of stars, reprising their roles, want to go and explore. and adding their voice to the game. Including Daniel Craig as Bond, Judi Dench, Eva Green, Mads Mikkelsen, Olga Kurylenko and Mathieu Amalric. So it feels authen�c in that regard, with high produc�on values. Explosions and fire is realis�cally handled in the The game starts, where Casino Royale le� off, with you shoo�ng game, being one of the games highlights. that guy (Mr White - Ed), and then instead of driving off like the film, you end up in a big old shoot out in his mansion. Then it keeps showing you exci�ng driving cut scenes, that you can’t play and gorgeous locales like Venice, with all these tantalising boats, which you can only use as a bridge and not ride. A�er so many previous Bond games, that mixes in fun racing sec�ons, this absence here is even more jarring. Even worse, some of the exci�ng ac�on is only told to you via voice and looking at a map, including exci�ng chases, that again you aren’t partaking in. I love this flashback on a beach level. The game’s S�ll what it does here, i.e. a first person “Call of Duty” clone, graphics and ligh�ng is so realis�c. with good cover mechanics, it does really well, its just for me personally I am not a fan of that game series, and apart from seeing Daniel Craig’s scowling mug, I o�en forget I am playing a Bond game, and not one of the many cookie cut, modern shooters out there. The street levels are the best part though of this game, with cover being used really well. So much of the story Venice is my favourite level. There is so much wonderful 445 is told on a computer, detail it’s like going there on holiday, without the smell. hearing exci�ng stuff happening but not able to see or play in the game is just lazy and cruel.

007 Quantum of Solace To be fair, this is as much to do with new film direc�on than the game developers. It’s just a Bond game without vehicles, exci�ng gadgets or light-hearted fun, makes the game less a popcorn guzzling extravaganza and more a crying yourself in the shower kind of game. Watch exci�ng chase sequences in a cut scene, That’s the fundamental problem here. Bond is boring, or at but not being able to play it! What were the devs least, a run of the mill, Bourne wannabe, with nothing to and Ac�vision thinking? differen�ate himself from countless other all modern post 2000, ac�on heroes (i.e., not the fun ones of the 80’s). I mean you are saving the Bolivian water supply, where are the laser sharks and end of the world stakes. The game also has terrible Quick-Time events. They But back to game, it has annoying real-world things, like only have never been fun and glad they aren’t done much today. carrying two guns at a �me, or going all grey and blurry when you are about to die, making it tougher to survive at that point. Or the weird sniper-ing now, that just makes it probably realis�c, but a painful chore now, being far too complex. It seems strange, that the game designers went all annoyingly realis�c on those choices, to the determent of the gameplay and fun. But let you replenish your health automa�cally by hiding for a bit. Explosions here are really epic, with you feeling the blast, and rumble of your game controller. It really immerses you into the games ac�on, giving you a more tac�le, living and breathing it experience, compared to the other games. More explosions and burning stuff. Just look at But that’s it, there is no varia�on to the game. Just cover shoot, that smoke, phoar! I need a sit down. run and repeat to admi�edly very beau�ful backdrops. There is no point on stealth as the alarm will get triggered, so just keep blas�ng away. The game has mobile phones le� do�ed around, for This level is fantas�c, making full use of all the cool fire and ligh�ng Bond to read and get more info on the story. As I effects in the game. Some�mes you just want to watch the world burn! found the story dull as dishwater, I mostly ignored reading them. 446

007 Quantum of Solace It also has a weird ass drugged sequence from Casino Royale, where you must wander and stumble to your car, whilst the world around you spins. Don’t do drugs kids!! Talking of Casino Royale, this film is also included here, with The game has messed up sniper rifle shoo�ng in this many levels from that film. This is cheesily done as a big flash game, making it realis�c and so really tough to do. back sequence, when the Bond Girl with you happens to men�on about losing people, they loved… Next thing you know, Bond goes reminiscing back to “Casino Royale” and the story line there. I mean, I get the real reason, was this was the “Casino Royale” game they were working on, before it got cancelled (as too long a�er that movie), but to introduce these levels in such a weird way is simply bizarre. What else, erm mul�player used to be good, but no one plays them and there are no bots. But you can wander around a recreated GoldenEye N64 facility level, which is cool. Look, in summary, this is a perfectly competent, well-made The train level is another cool area, bringing back game. It’s just not very Bond like and much like this era of lots of memories of the N64 GoldenEye train level. films, all a bit soulless. But for fans of the Daniel Craig and this era, then this game is not going to upset ya. It does try to do stealth elements. But its o�en easier to go all guns blazing. In a weird sequence, Bond is poisoned and so has to get to his car. So the devs ignored, the cool car chases, wont let you take a boat in Venice. But do a whole sec�on on a tripping out Bond, drunk sim. 447S�ll its certainly different. Don’t do drugs kids. Bond looks rather dapper in his shades around the hotel. Its almost makes Daniel Craig look cool (stop that - Ed).

007 Quantum of Solace WOT THEY SAID… PlaySta�on Official Magazine (UK) - Issue 26 - Xmas 2008 [PS3 Review] 448

007 Quantum of Solace Nintendo Power > - Issue 237 - Jan 2009 [Wii Review] 449

007 Quantum of Solace Electronic Gaming Monthly - Issue 236 - Jan 2009 [Xbox 360 Review] 450

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