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RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Published by Deadl0ck, 2023-04-01 08:34:27

Description: RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Keywords: Retro Gaming,James Bond,Retro,Gaming


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007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 301

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 302

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 303

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 304

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 305 *Reason for missing page was because it was advert.

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 306

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 307

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) Edge - Issue 92 - Xmas 2000 308

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 309

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 64 Magazine - Issue 100 - Dec 2000 310

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 311

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 312

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 313

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 314

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 315

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 316

007: The World Is Not Enough (N64) 317

Strategy 007: The World Is Not Enough (PS1) Guide 2000 | Electronic Arts / Black Ops Entertainment UK TV Ad The PlaySta�on version is a completely different Walkthrough game to the N64 version, made by another developer. Created by Black Ops Entertainment (yes, the same people who had done the Tomorrow Never Dies, PS1 game.), this follows the movie a lot more closely and uses the CD format to show nice clips of the movie to set the scene. It is also fully voiced and has great CD music, which is nice. So right off the bat, this is an OK game but vastly inferior to the N64 version. It looks nice and for gamers more used to more modern controls, I think they will find it easier. The biggest issue for me, is that the levels and missions are linear, so it’s just less interes�ng to play than the N64 version. It’s not a bad game, but it’s missing quite a few levels to the other version, and cri�cally no mul�- player at all. S�ll, it has some nice ideas, I par�cularly liked the casino level, which even has you play Black Jack and win enough money in one sec�on. Later levels do improve, opening things from the linearity of the earlier areas. It’s a shame, as some of these missions really show improvements that could have been made. Emulated Gameplay upscaled to 4K 318 Any game where you can taser someone on the ass Graphics on the PS1 game is quite nice, and controls can’t be too bad? will be easier for those who like modern FPS.

007: The World Is Not Enough (PS1) Overall, this is not a bad game. It has a lot of good points, such as it follows the scenes in the movie a lot closer, and nice shoo�ng controls, that you will have some fun with. It also looks great upscaled via an emulator, showing off the snazzy graphics to full effect. It’s just, against the amazing N64 version this game is naturally a disappointment, with comparisons understandably being drawn between the two games. S�ll the fact you can pick this game up for cheap as chips these days, it’s a worthy inclusion to the collec�on and won’t outstay its welcome for a quick blast through. The game follows the movie a lot more closely than the N64 game. But the levels are more linear. One unique level to the PS1 is the casino level. This looks nice and even has you have to win at Blackjack like in the movie. The snow sec�on is on foot, but s�ll quite a bit of fun. The para-gliders are a nice inclusion. Taking out the snipers on a mission, never gets Later levels open up and become more interes�ng. It is a pity it just takes old. It’s a pity the levels are so linear. so long to do that. 319

007: The World Is Not Enough (PS1) WOT THEY SAID… Official US PlaySta�on Magazine - Issue 40 - Jan 2001 320

007: The World Is Not Enough (PS1) NextGen Electronic - Issue 73 Gaming Monthly - Jan 2001 - Issue 138 - Jan 2001 321

007: The World Is Not Enough (PS1) GamePro - Issue 147 - Dec 2000 322

007: The World Is Not Enough (PS1) C&VG - Issue 229 - Jan 2001 323

007: The World Is Not Enough (PS1) 324

007: The World Is Not Enough (PS1) “TWINE falls short of its N64 counterpart, as well “Whichever way you look at TWINE, the game does deliver a as the Medal of Honor series on PS-X. If you hadn’t cachet of bright spots, makes use of some inven�ve guessed yet, I can’t recommend this as more than gadgetry, and grows more complex and entertaining in each a quick rental.” and every level. Let's be clear, TWINE doesn't come close to Goldeneye, and it's en�rely different than the superior - 7 out of 10 - Game Informer Nintendo 64 version, but it's be�er than Tomorrow Never Magazine (Dec 2000) Dies. Where does that leave us? TWINE is a solid ac�on game with hints of goodness here and yonder, and it's “Any newbie to stealth shooters will get a lot out worthy of any spy-lover's �me.” of The World Is Not Enough, but vets of the sneak- - 6.9 out of 10 - IGN (Nov 2000) and-kill scenario will find it drab and lacking innova�on. The small details that Rare included in GoldenEye that gave it such a believable feel are “A�er much hype surrounding The World is Not Enough, we absent here, and small nuances like enemies are once again disappointed that this game isn't as good as EA claimed it to be, from the weak and repe��ve visuals, to respawning out of thin air further detract from the the somewhat enjoyable gameplay and the incredibly short game's realism. If you're looking for a good replay value, TWINE is an average game hampered by weekend rental, The World Is Not Enough provides average aspects, that if had more a�en�on paid to them, just enough gameplay to keep you busy un�l Sunday. TWINE is not GoldenEye for the could have been above average, around the status of \"good\", but instead EA and Black Ops rushed the game, PlaySta�on, but if you're �red of playing through pulling out every fundamental aspect out of the game and Medal of Honor or Metal Gear Solid, it provides making it into one game that is barely worth a rental.” temporary relief for your stealth shoo�ng addic�on.” - 6.7 out of 10 - GameSpot (Nov 2000) - 6.5 out of 10 - PSX Extreme (Nov 2000) “Bond fans who enjoyed Tomorrow Never Dies are “Although the game did have some redeeming quali�es, definitely going to get a kick out of this game. It's there were not enough of them to make me want to an improvement in virtually every department, and con�nue playing. There was never a ques�on of what you should take most of you a bit longer to complete. had to do or what your mission was. While I am pre�y sure S�ll, I just wish that there was more to it. As is, that ge�ng Pierce Brosnan for the voiceover was not really your adventures as a secret agent s�ll end up way an op�on, at least they could have found someone with an too short and a bit too shallow. Bond was meant actual English accent. 007: The World Is Not Enough just for grander things. Maybe the PlaySta�on 2 does not live up to the hopes that I had going into it. The version of TWINE will show us world is not enough? Well, neither is this game.” what 007 is truly capable of.” - 55 out of 100 - Gamezilla (Mar 2001) - 6 out of 10 - PSM (Dec 2000) Licence To Cheat Power Guns 30073D3C 0001 Power Goons 30073D3B 0001 Game Shark Cheats Stealthy Bond 30073D39 0001 Invincible 80073A04 0001 | 30073D3A 0001 Unlock All Cheats 8001F16A FFFF All Weapons 30073D38 0001 Infinite Ammo30073D3D 0001 325

Manual 007 Racing Walkthrough 2000 | Electronic Arts / Eutechnyx Limited guide One of the best bits of James Bond films, is the UK TV Ad cool cars and mul�tude of gadget laden vehicles our hero gets to drive and pilot. So, when this was first announced, I was dead excited for it. Sure, there had been early a�empts at giving the Bond vehicular experience, but to see it done with the new power of the PlaySta�on was going to be epic. This was another I rented and played on my flat mate’s machine, and whilst it was a bit of short- lived fun, it was another Sony machine disappointment unfortunately. It starts so well, with a great intro montage of all the best Bond racing bits from the films, set to a rather funky techno rendi�on of the Bond theme. Then the game starts and has the usual high produc�on values, being fully voiced and with the new Q (does that mean R? - Ed) of John Cleese, giving his usual wi�y, sardonic and snide remarks in the game. In the first mission, you must race into a castle building and kill the enemy, and then blow up a helicopter. Controls are a bit clunky, and the graphics were very ugly this late in the PS1 lifecycle, but going back to it I did have fun. Emulated And upScaled From the beginning in your trusty Aston Mar�n DB5 Mission One also sees you take down a helicopter there are loads of explosions. with a s�nger missile. 326

007 Racing The game (even by the year released) was considered ugly. With contemporary games like Driver 2, offering the gamer so much more content and fun. The other issue is that the controls aren’t great, with o�en unnecessarily failing the mission, due to the car not being responsive enough (especially with a snide John Cleese, ra�ling off in your ear.) Mission 2, see’s you drive around an rather empty New York. Taking out the car carrying truck, with your wheel Another city racing level, this is one of the more fun levels. Lasers. At least there are a few cars on the road. Racing against the enemy car, if only the same effort was put to the roads as that sunset. Racing on one of the dirt tracks, this is the period with the yucky BMW cars as product placement in the films isn’t it. 327

007 Racing S�ll buying it today for a couple of quid, it’s a bit of fun. Its short, so doesn’t outstay its welcome. The missions try to be varied, with you racing in a surprisingly empty New York city, lasering �res of a truck or driving the Lotus on land. It’s just all a missed opportunity, especially with games released since (both for James Bond games and spy themed games) have shown how it should have been done. The amphibious Lotus car, is completely wasted here Overall, a fun, short distrac�on, that is worth a short play with it just being another on land racing sec�on. through, especially via an emulator that at least improves the graphics a bit. However, now-a-days I would play the vehicle car levels on some of the later James Bond games coming up in this book. Or even play the excellent three Spy Hunter games on the GameCube, Xbox and PS2 era. All of these do a fine job of ge�ng you in a spy racing mood. The final mission has you take the jumbo jet with These days, I would instead look to the fabulous Spy Hunter your car. You do this by bashing into the engines. trilogy of games on the Game Cube, PS2 & Xbox. As expected in the game Bond gets the girl and drives off into the sunset, whilst giving her a good snog. (Ah, the roman�c -Ed) 328

007 Racing Licence To Cheat In Game Cheats Game Shark Cheats Cheat Mode Enter MMMQRRQ in as a name in the mission mode. Infinite Health 8005DF0A 0000 Infinite Ammo on Pick-Up D00C1C7A ACC2 Unlock All Levels 800C1C7A 2400 Hold L1 at the main menu and press X, Circle, X and Infinite Shields on Pick-Up D00C1C12 AC82 Circle. 800C1C12 2400 Quick Max Score D005E240 0000 Tall Pedestrians 8005E240 FFFF Enter LEMKE in as a name in the mission mode. Unlock All Missions 8003DA7E 0101 8003DA80 0101 Play As A Forkli� [Secret Vehicle] 8003DA82 0101 Enter Name DFRKLFT At The Name Input Screen. Now 8003DA84 0101 You Can Play As A Forkli�! (You won’t be able to shoot 8003DA86 0101 missiles though, only use your gun.) 329

007 Racing WOT THEY SAID… < C&VG Electronic - Issue 231 Gaming - Feb 2001 Monthly > - Issue 131 - Feb 2001 330

007 Racing NextGen - Issue 76 - Apr 2001 “007 Racing is a program that features Bond-style missions simplified and spliced in with solid racing ac�on. It is very much an arcade game, but is quite enjoyable nonetheless.” - 8 out of 10 - GameZone (Jan 2001) “To be honest, although I knew this game was high profile, I had doubts as to whether or not I would really enjoy it. But, I was very surprised to find that I loved every minute of 007 Racing. I loved the way the cars handled, especially when it came to bends and corners, (I actually spent half an hour just racing back and forth making skid marks and pulling handbrake turns).” - 8 out of 10 - Absolute PlaySta�on (2000) “At the end of the experience that is 007 Racing, you'll probably have mixed feelings. If you're a big car-combat fan, I'd probably recommend something else over Bond, like Demoli�on Derby Raw or Star Wars Demoli�on. But, if you're somewhere between a mission-based ac�on game fan and a casual driving or car combat person, 007 Racing might be just what you're looking for. For me, only some crea�ve gameplay and level design saved this one from lower-than-average ranking. If you can look beyond the flaws, 007 Racing has enough going for it to jus�fy a rental, if only to hear that Bond music and watch the cool opening sequence.” - 79% - PlaySta�on Illustrated (2000) 331

007 Racing Mul�player In the game is Edge A short lived - Issue 93 diversion. - Jan 2001 PSM- Issue 41 - Jan 2001 Preview for Never Released : 007 Racing on PS2 332

007 Racing GamePro - Issue 148 - Dec 2000 < Comple�onist’s amongst you will want to get the collectors edi�on with 007 Racing, 007 Tomorrow Never Dies & Medal Of Honor 333

007 Racing “The play-control does have its moments and “Here’s a quick rundown of 007 racing: It’s fun, it sucks, it’s certain missions are rela�vely fun. Addi�onally, fun, it sucks, it’s fun, it sucks, and so on un�l the end of the 007 Racing is filled with plenty of Bond talk and game. Basically, this means 007 is trying to be good all the jargon. However, the graphics are pre�y ugly, �me, but really only succeeds half of the �me. To borrow a even downright nasty at �mes. I did enjoy a few of line from the greatest movie of all �me: \"Control, control, the missions, but overall this game is more Lazenby you must learn control!\" You can forget about realis�c than Connery..” physics in terms of steering, braking, and just about any other situa�on you can think of involving laws of nature. - 7 out of 10 - Game Informer Basically the game banks on John Cleese (who is hilarious) Magazine (Jan 2001) and down-home, old-school racing. The levels that try to do more are the ones that cause my screen to pick up an “EA's 007 Racing is a decent li�le game, as long as inordinate amount of controller plas�c. Please don’t buy this you don't expect too much from it. As you might game if you’re planning on ge�ng a PS2 in the next eight months. The graphics are so horrible, it just have suspected, 007 Racing ain't the Sean Connery wouldn’t be worth the �me and effort.” of Bond games, it's the Timothy Dalton version. It's not original, nor is it good looking. It's filled - 6.75 out of 10 - Game Informer Magazine (Jan 2001) with awkward spots and ques�onable areas (like when I reached the broken bridge in Escape and “Overall, 007 Racing isn't polished enough to fill the needs the vocals chimed in a�er it was too late to launch of objec�ve-based driving game fans.” my parachute), and it becomes a chore rather than fun.” - 5.3 out of 10 - GameSpot - 5 out of 10 - IGN (Nov 2000) (Nov 2000) “Sadly what was once a very promising game, turned out to be a miserable failure, 007 could have been a good game if its visuals were worked on more, because I know that “In theory, 007 Racing seeks to deliver a high PSOne can do so much be�er than this, the gameplay needs performance of ac�on and entertainment, but to adjus�ng and the controls should have been �ghtened up for be�er gameplay. With horrible graphics, comes up short in comple�ng its objec�ve. With the added mutli-player aspect to fall back on, unsa�sfactory and tedious gameplay, and loose controls perhaps this feature alone may ins�ll greater 007 Racing is barely worth a purchase, let alone a rental, enjoyment and added replay value to those who just stay away from this game if you know what's good for you and the Playsta�on.” take interest. Though in retrospect, due to an overall degree of poor gameplay elements, - 5.2 out of 10 - PSX Xtreme (Dec 2000) superspy wannabes and ac�on moguls alike should look elsewhere for a license to thrill.” - The Next Level (US) “007 Racing has the makings of a good game, but fails in its delivery. Some gamers can look past gri�y textures and C- (C minus) s�ckmen for the decent gameplay and variety, but the poor - (Dec 2000) control that plagues 007 Racing is hard to resolve. True Bond fans will enjoy si�ng at the wheel of Q-lab's crea�ons, but the staying power of 007 Racing is short, and the novelty ends there. Rent this game before commi�ng your hard-earned cash.” 334 - C-(C minus) - Game Revolu�on (Nov 2000)

007 Racing In the 60’s if you wanted to recreate James Bond chases, then you would have to buy something like this. Actually I think I would prefer this :-) It looks really cool. 335

Manual 007 The World Is Not Enough (GBC) 2000 | Electronic Arts / 2n Productions Cor, another TWINE game to play through, this �me on the Gameboy Color (It’s a good job the PS2 and PC versions got canned in the end -Ed). This one is a slanted viewpoint (kind of isometric, but Kingy always tells me not to call this viewpoint that). So, what we have here, is a simplis�c Bond game in the style of those early 2D Metal Gear Solid games. Unfortunately, the developers here, have failed to truly understand what made those games great, and so this instead, becomes a rather thankless task of walking about and occasionally bopping someone in the nose. It’s a shame as well, as with more stealth and variety in missions and things to do (i.e., like MGS did so well), this could have been quite good. Music is awful here, being just a series of bland beeps. Say something nice, erm… The graphics are clear, if a li�le dull, it also follows the events of the movie pre�y closely, so that’s nice. Overall, this is a pre�y forge�able game if truth be told. I would personally play Metal Gear Solid on the Gameboy Color instead; slapping on some Bond music and pretend you are the super spy himself. 336 Bond gets his gun out for the soldier, he The game clearly depicts things, but the doesn’t seem that impressed. colour pale�e makes it all seem so bland.

007 The World Is Not Enough (GBC) Bond gets ready to shoot the soldier, who helpfully is just standing s�ll. Bond does a deal to get the briefcase with the cash. The graphics are perfectly fine and func�onal. Just not much to get excited about. Much like the gameplay really. Bond finds he can’t navigate a barrel. I guess they didn’t teach that in spy school. Bond goes up against a helicopter. (I think I played this level on Chuckie Egg? - Ed) 337 Bond is on the chase, as Christmas Jones is failing to catch up.

007 The World Is Not Enough (GBC) WOT THEY SAID… GBX - Issue 6 - Dec 2001 338

007 The World Is Not Enough (GBC) Nintendo Power - Issue 150 - Nov 2001 “However, it is exci�ng to play secret agent for a while, and if you like the James Bond concept, this might be worth trying.” - 6 out of 10 - Super Play (Sweden) (Aug 2001) “The World is Not Enough is an entertaining game in its own right, and anyone who enjoys this type of top-down perspec�ve ac�on gameplay will likely get a kick out of it. It's a difficult game and will require a goodly amount of skill on the player's part to complete. The World Is Not Enough is certainly a �tle for players who like their gameplay shaken. . .not s�rred.” - 3.5 out of 5 - All Game Guide (2001) “Graphically, the game is rather stripped down. 339 Even though the GBC's capabili�es aren't huge, a few more visual details would have been nice. In short, the world is not enough is not in my opinion the best game of its kind on this machine.” - 78% - Console + (FR) (Sep 2001)

007 Agent Under Fire 2001 ,(PS2) 2002 (GC,Xbox) | Electronic Arts / In House A�er a few 007 missteps, Electronic Arts decided to bring the next game in-house for its next James Bond game. The results were extremely posi�ve, with Agent Under Fire, being one of the be�er Bond games released. Sensibly deciding to go back to a first person shooter, with a couple of third person vehicle sec�ons to break up the ac�on. For this game, Electronic Arts decided to not �e the licence to a specific James Bond film, to remove the headache of rushing a game out to coincide with a new movie. This was a masterstroke, as this gave the �me for addi�onal polish and be�er loca�ons to go through. Manual Prima’s The opening level has you rescue a girl, �ed atop a strategy submarine with a laser slowly moving towards her. guide TV Ad (UK) Emulated 4K The on-rail shooter sec�ons through Hong Kong, is a lot UpScaled of fun. With many explosions and rollercoaster ac�on. 340

007 Agent Under Fire One thing that is a shame here, is that they didn’t get the likeness of Pierce Brosnan here, instead op�ng for a unique Bond. This is a shame as in the cut scenes 007 just looks weird and jarring. with the voice ac�ng and his look feeling off. If you play through and win awards, you can unlock S�ll, it’s the gameplay where it ma�ers and here for the most weapons such as the cool Golden Gun. part this is a great game. It starts in a building complex, a bio- dome reminiscent of from the film “Tomorrow Never Dies”, with lots of plants growing everywhere, all culmina�ng in you rescuing a woman �ed on top of a submarine, with a laser slowly moving towards her. This level is a great fun introduc�on, but does far too much hand holding though, poin�ng out what you can explode, where body armour is, and basically what to do at every turn. Bond is supposed to be an autonomous super opera�ve. So being told what to do, at every turn, takes you out of the ac�on a li�le. The Driving sec�ons in the game is a ton of fun. It’s One new addi�on to the game is what it calls “Bond Moments”. great as well that the Aston Mar�n DB5 is in it. This is when you do something scripted that is cool. Such as grapple hooking up a building, exploding some gas canisters to take out a group of enemies. This is a nice idea, although it would be nice if you were also rewarded more for non-scripted cool things, you do as well. Especially as the end of level grading, insists on these “Bond Moments” being done, to get the higher grading. Talking of grappling hooks, the phone gadget can do lots here, from lasering locks, Batmaning up to higher ledges, or decryp�ng keypads and downloading PC material. It’s a nice inclusion, to give you that 007 feel. The mobile phone is built with lots of gadgets such as lasers, decoders and grapple hooks. There is some quite cool epic loca�ons in the game. The game looks great, as it starts throwing lots of enemies at you. The weapons whilst not licensed are well done. 341

007 Agent Under Fire The upscaled imagery playing an emulator shown Level two, in true Bond fashion has you in a BMW car, escaping here is gorgeous, really making the game shine. with the opera�ve you had just saved, with her driving across Hong Kong and you shoo�ng, taking out the helicopters and enemy cars in pursuit. This on-rails shooter is a real adrenaline fuelled blast, as you go roller-coas�ng through explosions, automa�cally turning this way and that. This con�nues with you driving yourself through the city of Hong Kong, chasing down an escaping van with informa�on and using your EMP gadget to immobilise the van. The van itself must not be blown up, but the rest of the cars in pursuit are fair game, so expect lots of sa�sfying explosions. You can tell here that many of the Need for Speed crew worked on these sec�ons, with the levels being responsive, massively fun and a great inclusion to the game. Thankfully you also get to later drive the classic Aston Mar�n DB5 and not just the BMW. As a huge arcade racer fan, these are some of my favourite sec�ons, and it really highlights what a shame, we didn’t get a sequel to “007: Racing” on this genera�on, to give a full Bond driving and pilo�ng experience. Bond tries to shoot out the guards, defending the Each of the 12 levels are really well designed, with each being Harrier jet. interes�ng and fun to play through. It perhaps lacks some variety, with it turning away from more stealth elements, but for the few hours you spend with this game you will have a rip- roaring adventure to experience. Up against a helicopter is a cool end of level boss. Using your phones gadget to decode and download Playing “007: Agent Under Fire” using an emulator such as Dolphin, allows informa�on is a nice inclusion. you to upscale the ac�on and see all the gorgeous detail to the levels. 342

007 Agent Under Fire There is a mul�player part to the game as well, which includes bots, for those unable to drum up friends to play with. This has all the usual modes you expect and is perfectly serviceable addi�on to the game. Overall, this is a fun game, it doesn’t outstay its welcome and will The game makes good use of the ver�cal space keep you entertained throughout. It’s a shame it doesn’t have Of the levels. Pierce Brosnan’s likeness or any of the voices, and it’s all a bit too hand holding. S�ll, this is a really good James Bond experience, that you can pick up for pennies today, so definitely a worthy game to add to your collec�on and play. Did You Know? … In PlaySta�on World magazine (August 2001) there was a video It’s nice that sniping makes a welcome return here included on their cover disk, with an advert trailer for the game. again. Just as sa�sfying as always. This pre-release footage shows quite a few changes to the game we eventually got to see. Such as John Cleese being in it (he had to be removed due to Eon not being happy), you also had a wristwatch for your gadgets, instead of a phone. One of the nice inclusions was Bond in a tuxedo, and the GoldenEye style health bars. Either way it’s fascina�ng to see a glimpse of how the game evolved. Promotional video Included on the PlayStation World Magazine cover disk The Hong Kong driving level is so much fun. I wish they did more cool levels like this. This level is one of my favourites. The layout is reminiscent of the film On Her Majesty's Secret Service. 343 Bond in a cut scene, tries and fails to explain, why he has broken in to this womans bedroom and been happily perving watching her shower.

007 Agent Under Fire WOT THEY SAID… Electronic Electronic Games Games Monthly Monthly - Issue 150 - Issue 154 - Jan 2002 - May 2002 (PS2 Review) (XBox Review) 344

007 Agent Under Fire PSM - Issue 54 - Jan 2002 (PS2 Review) GamePro - Issue 165 - Jun 2002 (Xbox Review) “EA has done a great job capturing Bond’s essence. Maybe I’m in a good mood because of Easter (that’s rare of me) but I found this game to be really fun! Mind you, I’m reviewing this as a rental though. I picked Under Fire at the local Blockbuster. Would I be disappointed if I bought his game? Probably not. It was great fun. The prudent thing to do here is to rent this game first. You may want to do more in terms of replay than just chase down records. In the end, this game is nothing like Goldeneye. That’s a good thing in my opinion. Good work capturing Bond, EA! Check it out!” - 8.1 out of 10 - Nintendojo (2002) 345

007 Agent Under Fire Nintendo Official Magazine - Issue 118 - Jul 2002 (PS2 Review) 346

007 Agent Under Fire 347

007 Agent Under Fire 348

007 Agent Under Fire G-Force - Issue 3 - Jul 2002 (GC Review) 349

007 Agent Under Fire 350

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