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Home Explore RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Published by Deadl0ck, 2023-04-01 08:34:27

Description: RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Keywords: Retro Gaming,James Bond,Retro,Gaming


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007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair 151

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair < The One - Issue 24 - Sept 1990 Protec�on Chart for game 152

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair Zero - Issue 11 - Sept 1990 153

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair 154

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair 155

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair Zzap! 64 - Issue 66 - Oct 1990 156

007: James Bond : The Stealth Affair 157

The James Bond Collection 1991 | domark In 1991 Domark decided to use their Licence to Print Money, by releasing a “James Bond Collec�on” compila�on. This was a whopping £24.99 on the 16-Bit machines and for the 8-Bit machines it was £12.99 on the Spectrum and £14.99 on the C64. Asking full price for three games, that were three years old at this point, and bizarrely on the 8-Bit missing out on the two earlier James Bond �tles released by Domark games, being “A View To A Kill” and “Living Daylights”. It all felt minimal effort by Domark, but I am sure was under many a Christmas Tree in 1991, under the licence associa�on alone. 158

The James bond collection WOT THEY SAID… “All in all, nothing exci�ng, but decent agent fare. - 3/5 - Joker Magazine (German) - Dec 1991” Amiga Format - Issue 28 > - Nov 1991 < Your Sinclair - Issue 72 - Dec 1991 159

The James bond collection Sinclair User - Issue 118 - Dec 1991 160

The James bond collection Amiga Power - Issue 8 - Dec 1991 ST Format - Issue 29 - Dec 1991 161

The James bond collection The Spectrum Tapes for The James Bond Collec�on by Domark > Zzap! 64 - Issue 77 - Sept 1991 162

James Bond Octopussy 1992 | Ultrasoft Never let it be said, that in Retro RGDS Towers we don’t give you the obscure and finest scoops and poops… Yes, as one James Bond video game that never gets men�oned, is a 1992 Slovakian game on the Spectrum, based on the film Octopussy. Play Online According to a preview in August 1992 of the game, Octopussy in a Slovakian magazine called Bit, its original scope Game (2008 edition) was planned to be much bigger, covering different sec�ons of the movie in separate tape loads. But considering the game was being developed in late 1992, whiich was at the tail end of Spectrum so�ware, Ultraso� just released the game in Slovakia as it was. This is a real shame, as the rest of the World got to miss out on one of the best (pre–GoldenEye James Bond games). Thankfully though in 2018, fans got together and translated the game and re-released the �tle for the Spectrum 128K, for us all to enjoy. It even includes specially wri�en 128K AY chip music. But what about the game? Well, its a flick screen graphical adventure a bit like games like Dizzy, Hostage or Short Circuit. It has you play Bond wandering around India to search for Octopussy and the villains who had your fellow agent murdered. 164 The game’s artwork is stunning, some of the best I In game, is bright and detailed. Making great use of the have ever seen on the Spectrum. The intro really sets Spectrum colour pale�e. Also he actually looks like the scene to the game. Roger Moore with the anima�on and depic�ons of him.

James bond Octopussy The game is short and ends abruptly (not surprising given that technically it was only one part of mul�-load game, that was ini�ally envisaged.) But even then, it s�ll is probably the best James Bond game released, up to GoldenEye on the N64. There are people you will meet along the way These two talented Slovakian developers, Milan which you can interact with. Using the pick up, Blazicek on programming and the insanely good drop, and use item icons along the bo�om. graphic ar�st Marek Forray, have created a Bond more fi�ng and capturing its essence than anything Domark had done previously. It is sad that both these individuals seemed to leave game development for good a�er this. Instead focusing on real jobs in IT and Graphic Design. So I urge you, try this li�le hidden gem today, and dream what these guys could have achieved if they had started a few years earlier in the Spectrum's heyday and had �me to do all sec�ons in their original scope. Give the item to people, such as the undercover snake charmer in the game. It’s a very intui�ve control mechanism. The game makes great use of shadows and other The game ends very abruptly, only taking you characters to give the feeling of a bustling Indian up to the Indian Bajaj taxi race. I would have city to explore. loved to see those other proposed sec�ons. 165

James bond Octopussy WOT Full Slovakian preview of the game, translated by Google and a THEY mad Brit called Drisky (that’s me) who’s clearly got too much �me SAID… on his hands :-) Bit (Slovakian Magazine The Octopussy game was based on the film of the same name, the - Issue 11 - Aug 1992 main The Octopussy game was based on the film of the same name, Review Google the main character of which is none other than that. like the famous Agent 007 called James Bond. Translated by me to the right. > When Ian Fleming invented this story in the 1950s, he certainly had no idea that 40 years later Octopussy would be the subject of a computer game. The author of the machine code is Milan Blazicek and the author of the graphics is the talented Marek Forray. They both come from Bras�slava. Octopussy Milan Blazick's second ZX Spectrum game is in the works. Like the first game called Notorik, Octopussy SY was bought by ULTRASOFT, which has the exclusive right to distribute it. Several computer games were created based on the themes of books and movies about James Bond. They were mostly English products, I think it all started in 1985, when the DOMARK company released a series of AGENT 007 games called A VIEW TO A KILL. Unfortunately, despite the excellent plot, they were complete failures, and this series was ranked among the worst games of all �me. The DOMARK company did not give up the idea of producing games with agent 007 and in 1989 released the game LICENCE TO KILL, which was, of course, many �mes be�er than its predecessor A VIEW TO A KILL, but it was s�ll very far from a good computer game. All these games were handled as events and maybe that's the real reason their failure. Milan and Marek thought differently than the programmers from DOMARK. they decided to make a James Bond movie as an adventure, which was definitely a very good thing. Adventurous games are the type of games where it is easier to inject an adventurous element from a movie, or book. It's simply an ac�on game, everything depends on the graphics and gameplay. The graphics are limited, with the capabili�es of the computer and the player can imagine a be�er environment than what is actually drawn on the screen. ..[Review Transla�on con�nues next page]… 166

James bond Octopussy In adventure games, everything is based mainly on thinking and using pre-measures. And James Bond has always been known for the fact that he was able to significantly excel his opponents for his goals. The game OCTOPUSSY in its current form does not occupy the en�re film, but only its first third. With them simply unable to store more. However, Milan's Marekom plans to produce other parts, which should be handled as separate programs. We will soon be doing an interview with Milian Blazick, which will most likely be published in the next issue. There we will learn more about his immediate plans. Thanks to Marek's graphics, OCTOPUSSY was very successful. Those interested in this game can already try cut scene, which will introduce them directly into the ac�on. The goal of the game is to get a golden egg of immense value. OCTOPUSSY doesn't have a lot of room, and it's not even a large game. It is not necessary to solve a lot of tasks, but on the other hand, it is extremely difficult to focus on what needs to be done and how to win the game. Personally, however, I think that we will have a lot of experienced adventurers who won’t be able to win this game because of the extreme difficulty, I have no doubts. The authors wanted to make a game with excellent graphics and perfect anima�on of the main character. From what I've seen, I think it's the most successful conversion of James Bond on the ZX Spectrum at �me of wri�ng. Octopussy is a unique opportunity for you to experience an interes�ng adventure. 167

Watch all James Bond Jr (NES Version) The cartoon Episodes here 1992 | THQ / Eurocom Based on the incredibly cheesy short-lived cartoon Game of the early 90’s (from September 1991 - March Manual 1992 to be precise), but s�ll during that run there were 65 episodes released, including cameos of Play many of the Bond villains and henchman, such as Online Jaws. In the cartoon the hero is James Bond Jr who is the nephew of James Bond. Now pu�ng aside, the whole weirdness of a sibling of Bond naming their kid a�er their brother (my money is Bond shacked up with his sister-in-law and got her up the duffer). It was typical forge�able cartoon cheese, which is today best watched with a hangover via the link on the le�, if you are glu�on for punishment or connoisseur of cartoon fromage like I am. In the accompanying podcast to this book, we rightly made the decision not to include the James Bond Jr games. Partly because he isn’t actually James Bond, but mostly the games were pre�y rubbish and worth leaving on the cu�ng room floor. But for the book I felt, given that you can skip the pages, then for comple�on I would include the games for the NES and SNES consoles that James Bond Jr was released on. Licence to cheat Some of the enemy designs look great, although its almost like the had been li�ed from other games, and ——————————— Password ——————————— Slo�ed in. (Looks like Two Crude Dudes -Ed) 181287 - Grenades, unlimited �me and ammo, and 99 lives. 170167 - Grenades, Glow, unlimited �me and ammo. 200888 - Grenades, unlimited �me and ammo. 012345 - For a Sound Test, complete with visualiser. 168

James bond Jr (NES Version) But first on to the 8-Bit NES version of the game itself. Well, it’s a pre�y mundane cookie cut pla�ormer, that you would have probably got when dear ole Aunty Flo had bought you, who had asked the nice young man at the game shop what you would like for Christmas. Made by C64 Gremlin veteran Chris Shrigley (Bounder, Gauntlet II, Skate Crazy & Ac�on Fighter to name but a few). It plays be�er than the totally different SNES big brother version, with at least half decent controls, but its biggest The game has you find computers which you then issue is the underpowered weaponry. I am not enter a slide puzzle mini game, to hack the sure if James Bond Jr only has a spud gun? All I computer. About as fun as it sounds. know is that even the most basic henchman needs several shots to kill, and given you only have 99 bullets, with it slowly recharging to 20, means you are in for a frustra�ng �me. There is nice detail to the backgrounds, but the The main purpose of the game is to reach the enemies are generic. They also take far too computer terminals and push up to select a many hits to destroy. defuse mini game. A sliding puzzle game (ugh I hate those - Ed) without even an interes�ng picture to follow. This is the worst bit of the game and is unfortunately integral to progressing through the levels. It also has a safe cracking mini game, where you must line up the numbers of the four dials to stop it flashing. Overall, graphically, the game is pre�y nice, and the music is awesome. But the under-powered weaponry and frustra�ng uninspired game play, will have you reaching for one of the many be�er pla�orming examples on the NES. The game also relies on underwater sec�ons, 169 where all of the creatures seem out to get you. The over land sec�ons look really nice here, and > I wish it had more above ground parts to the game.

Watch all James Bond Jr (SNES Version) The cartoon Episodes here 1992 | THQ / GraY MATTER INC Game Double 0 dear. Whilst the NES version was not Manual without its charms, this SNES game is terrible, with floaty controls and almost a bingo checklist Play for bad pla�orm gaming tropes. Online Made by Developers Gray Ma�er and the people who brought you such stains on the gaming world as Crash Test Dummies, Wayne’s World and Ren & S�mpy Show: Veediots!, should already be ringing alarm bells to how bad this game will be. Terrible graphics, awful anima�ons, slap-dash uninspired level design, boring and weird enemies, oh and the music sounds like a mosquito far�ng contest. This has it all, in not what to do with designing a pla�orm games. You just will not believe how janky and horrible the anima�ons and controls are, how the developers thought it was suitable to release, and where were the Nintendo Seal of Quality in all this? (Assume they were taking the approval money down the pub, to wash out the memories of this God-awful game.) (So not a fan? - Ed) 170

James bond JR (SNES Version) You s�ll here? The main weapon is throwing grenades, this means its unnecessarily difficult lining up your shots. You can select other weapons like the pistol, but you want to hold on to the ammo of those. Your main weapon is a grenade, which makes it OK, what else can I say erm, well it does mix in difficult to target enemies. some nicer vehicle sec�ons, having you fly a helicopter and plane in a horizontal shooter, or in a speed boat. These aren’t special but are a hell of a lot be�er than the pla�orming sec�ons and so make a welcome break to the ac�on. All in all, as you can probably tell, I am personally not a fan of this game, and its one to avoid. The speedboat sec�on, is one of the be�er moments in the game, with jumps and shoo�ng the other boats. A selec�on of levels of the game to the final boss. The plane shoo�ng level is probably my favourite part of the game. 171

James bond Jr (SNES Version) WOT THEY SAID… N-Force - Issue 8 - Feb 1993 172

Master James Bond 007 : The Duel (8 Bit Version) System Game 1993 | Domark / the kremlin Manual Domark would throw its hat into the ring with one Play last James Bond game called James Bond 007 The Online Duel released in 1993 by development house the Kremlin and Domark veterans, including Paul Margrave who had worked the previous James Bond games and Jolyon Myers (who has gone on to be a designer on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare). Their idea, with no new James Bond film out, they thought they would do a pla�orm game set in the James Bond Universe (and the last �me ou�ng technically Timothy Dalton was Bond). And he gets to meet his greatest adversaries and memorable locales. On paper it sounds great, and a plethora of spy games pla�ormers (Sly Spy, Secret Agent, Rolling Thunder to name but a few) has proven the validity of the concept. So, to do a real licence for James Bond, covering his illustrious long history sounds tantalising to say the least. Sadly what we have here though is a competent, but uninspired pla�ormer, that whilst enjoyable enough in short bursts, lacks the variety to make it memorable. 174 The game starts off on a boat, with Bond dressed in a tuxedo. The graphics is bright and well done on the Master System and Game Gear.

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) The 8-Bit version is more impressive than the Mega Drive version in my opinion, and whilst the Game Gear struggles with the speed, against its larger brother the Master System, it s�ll an enjoyable if average pla�ormer. I just wish they had put a bit more effort in the level design and more variety to the level. It’s such a shame as the core mechanics of Bond here, and the graphics are gorgeous for the Master System, so with just a bit more effort by Domark it could have turned this into something great. S�ll despite all that, this was probably Domark’s best Bond game they released. The game has a whole villain gallery of recognisable Bond henchman to beat as end of level bosses. All are well done and easily recognisable. Baron Samedi from the Live and Let Die films, is par�cularly well done, and its highlights like this that makes the game worth a play. The lava pit base, has a really nice lava effect. In the game, Bond must collect up briefcases and rescue the Bond babes who seem very grateful to be rescued. 175

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) WOT THEY SAID… Sega Pro - Issue 26 - Dec 1993 > Sega Visions - Issue 26 - Jan 1994 > Games Master - Issue 5 - May 93 \\/ 176

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) Sega Power - Issue 49 - Dec 1993 > 177

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) Game Pro - Issue 18 - April 1993 > 178

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) 179

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) Sega Force - Issue 17 - May 1993 > 180

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) 181

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) Sega Power - Issue 42 - May 1993 > 182

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) 183

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) Sega Zone - Issue 6 - April 1993 > 184

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) 185

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) Game Pro - Oct 1993 > 186

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) Videogames Shopper Sega Master Force - Issue 1 - Issue 2 - Jan 1994 \\/ - Sept 1993 > 187

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) Sega Master Force - Issue 5 - Nov 1993 > 188

James bond 007 : The Duel (8 bit version) 189

Mega Drive James Bond 007 : The Duel (16 Bit Version) Game 1993 | Domark / the kremlin Manual The Mega Drive or Genesis version, is an ok Play pla�ormer with a lot of good points, marred by it Online running too quickly, making it o�en with unfair deaths due to suddenly appearing enemies and The some boring and unnecessarily large levels to fantastic ba�le through, across the four missions. Matt furniss Soundtrack It’s a shame as there is so much, they got right to the game here. The graphics is small but detailed, Bond looks great and can do a mul�tude of moves, including ducking into the background in certain places, with the Bond pose, before ducking out and shoo�ng the enemies. It’s also so colourful, looking great, with the game popping off the screen as you play. The music by Ma� Furniss, is back again and doesn’t disappoint, the music rendi�ons of various Bond tunes are funked up and sound awesome, perfectly accompanying as you play through the levels. Again, you also get to meet a number of the favourite Bond villains, who all make an appearance here as you progress through. Like the 8-Bit variant, this lacks the variety of levels, which each sec�on being far too large, making it o�en a chore to play through. Especially as its quite s�ngy with the lives and con�nues in the game. The levels, look great being so colourful and bright, really popping out of the TV. 190

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Also, some added variety beyond simply rescuing the same woman sprite again and again, or defusing a bomb, would have been nice. Overall, it is a missed opportunity, with the frustra�ng elements men�oned, turning people away from what with some be�er level designs and more variety, could have been a classic. Bond, goes all Connery with a jet pack escape to That is why I am so unfairly down on this game, the Bond the next level. It’s a great nod to From Russia Universe has so much poten�al, and it has the core of With Love and I love it. greatness. S�ll, when I stopped lamen�ng what could have been, I actually had some fun here especially when whacking some cheats on, via a Game Genie. Many of the mechanical contrap�ons and bosses are large, but involve li�le beyond standing in one place and hurling grenades. Bond can expertly ride the mono-rail track across the lava pit. Bond is up against the meanest and baddest henchman including Jaws, May Day and Odd Job (boo! where’s Nick Nack - Ed). 191

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) These are from the Spriters-Resource web site, with 8bePan and Dark Wolf kindly ripping the sprites in the game. This is wonderful to see the detailed artwork of Saurav Sarkar, Jolyon Myers, Mike Adams and Alan Tomkins. 192

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 193

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Licence To Cheat Game Genie codes for the US Genesis Rom. AECA-AAGC Start At Mission 2 AJCA-AAGC Start At Mission 3 ANCA-AAGC Start At Mission 4 ATCA-AAGC Start At Mission 5 AYCA-AAGL 5 Con�nues ATGA-AA56 Unlimited Lives ATGA-AA70 Unlimited Con�nues BF6A-AAFR Start With 10 Lives BF6A-AAF2 Start With 9 Extra Clips K76A-AAGC Each Clip Holds 80 Rounds (1 of 2) K8NT-AAAT Each Clip Holds 80 Rounds (2 of 2) BF6A-AAGN Start With 9 Grenades AMKA-AA9W Infinite Energy (1 of 6) ALTA-AA30 Infinite Energy (2 of 6) ALBT-AA20 Infinite Energy (3 of 6) AB7A-AA78 Infinite Energy (4 of 6) ALMA-AA5A Infinite Energy (5 of 6) ALDA-AA8G Infinite Energy (6 of 6) R1KA-A61R Invincibility (1 of 5) RZ7A-A6Z4 Invincibility (2 of 5) R0AT-A6VT Invincibility (3 of 5) R0MA-A6V8 Invincibility (4 of 5) R0DA-A6YY Invincibility (5 of 5) AWNT-AA6N Infinite Clips AW8T-AA5C Infinite Ammo AV8T-AA82 Infinite Grenades AK5T-AA5G Freeze Time Find Bomb Exit ACST-AC92 Moon Jump (1 of 3) BCST-BZ94 Moon Jump (2 of 3) ACTA-AA2E Moon Jump (3 of 3) ACTA-AA2E No Damage From Falling Very High 194

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Mean Machines - Issue 2 - Nov 1992 > 195

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 196

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 197

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Sega Power - Issue 37 - Dec 1992 > 198

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 199

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Sega Zone - Issue 2 - Dec 1992 > 200

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