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RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Published by Deadl0ck, 2023-04-01 08:34:27

Description: RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Keywords: Retro Gaming,James Bond,Retro,Gaming


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007 Agent Under Fire 351

007 Agent Under Fire 352 Cube - Issue 7 - Jul 2002 (GC Review)

007 Agent Under Fire 353

007 Agent Under Fire Did You Know? …The Xbox version of 007: Agent Under Fire is also known, as the game that was first u�lised to hack the original Xbox. This was done by hacker Habibi-Xbox who on 31st March 2003, used a buffer overflow in the game to allow other things to be installed. This 354 was part of a comple�on by Lindows founder Michael Robertson, offering a $100,000 to the first person to successfully hack the Xbox.

007 Agent Under Fire 355

007 Agent Under Fire Edge - Issue 106 - Jan 2002 (PS2 Review) Licence To Cheat Unlock All Weapons Game Cube - Ac�on Replay MAX (EU Version) V5W9-09QP-NPRTE 5W2U-HXPW-70300 Master Code RUJ5-8QQJ-W5NFQ JFF2-7BQY-3FFV8 (Must be on) D86U-23UV-Y6K1E J06H-EDK6-8WHUR YHZW-8VNW-H3B4D 26EC-WGDJ-THGQP 83PV-CG1J-HE3JK Z8VU-ZZRM-P7GJ3 3T5F-QHZP-5E8QN G2K3-1RKY-EYBB5 N4GP-DHCR-C0FDJ CF1D-XWA2-NZNUJ QR39-VGZ1-3NCWP CQJC-TFQU-GQ3TC UUC5-0G93-J31H6 8KQB-HT1C-9JVT9 XJRB-Z7VJ-9ND73 QVQ-ZM6X-BJ4XU 2UBG-VTZ1-FUFCX YRCB-AAJF-3NGQU RCNH-7TBJ-XAW7J 7EQ1-YMWR-QXCNB 10NQ-Y5Y8-A99CE Infinite Ammo 4CB9-CXJE-UWV38 E9FZ-A3QA-YCERP DDW3-86Y6-1PPT6 XF54-K5AN-17B1D In Game Cheats - Golden gun: Complete the “Trouble In Paradise” level with a Unlock All Missions ZMYN-Q73F-TX75D \"Gold\" rank. To do this easily, get as much accuracy 25FH-N86F-5MVDA as you can, take as less hits as you can, and do all the Bond moves (shoo�ng barrels to explode, shoo�ng vital enemy characters and find secret areas). 356

Manual 007 Nightfire Prima’s 2002 | Electronic Arts / Eurocom and In House strategy Since the cri�cal success of the N64 version of guide “The World Is Not A Enough”, Electronic Arts sent Eurocom to work on a new James Bond game, to act a sequel to the developed in tandem game, “Agent Under Fire”. They also brought in the exper�se of EA Canada division, and their experience with the “Need For Speed” games, to handle the vehicle sec�ons. The end result, is almost a GoldenEye N64 beater, and certainly the second-best first-person James Bond game. Right from the off, you know you are on to a sure winner, with a full James Bond intro, with a dedicated, originally wri�en theme tune, sung by Esthero and their song called “Nearly Civilised”. This is a great tune and really makes you feel like you are involved in a new James Bond movie. As the game starts it’s pre�y epic as well, with it being New Years Eve in Paris and James Bond is in a helicopter looking to defend French Intelligence opera�ve Dominique Paradis, who is being chased by the bad guys, as she drives her snazzy sports car to escape. This immediately throws you in the ac�on, with some cool sniper ac�on, followed by rescuing the girl by helicopter winch. TV Ad (UK) Emulated 4K The opening level has you start in Paris, sniping enemy UpScaled Cars to help a French Opera�ve escape. 358

007 NightFire Winching her to safety, you then bring you both into your Aston Mar�n and con�nue the chase, with you now driving down Paris city back alleys and indoor shopping courts to EMP an escaping truck with cri�cal secret informa�on, that must be stopped. All this under the majes�c gaze of the Eiffel Tower and beau�ful Paris streets. Wow what an opening! Bond has the likeness of Pierce Brosnan this �me, Gone is the freaky looking Bond of “Agent Under Fire”, with but sadly not his voice ac�ng. them at least ge�ng the licence to use Pierce Brosnan’s likeness. Unfortunately, it isn’t his voice, and so again feels quite jarring. Likewise, none of the suppor�ng cast has the likeness or voice either. So, Q and co, are all unknowns, which pulls you out a li�le from the Bond Film vibe. But these are minor things, it’s the gameplay where it counts, and here “Nigh�ire”, is completely awesome, with consistently brilliant designed levels, great story and epic in scale in both story, ac�on and locales. Racing to take out an escaping truck under the The game is clever in its variety, not just in the obvious of Eiffel Tower, is an awesome opening to the game. mixing in vehicle sec�ons with first person. But also, in the variety of first-person missions. This is a game, where stealth is rewarded, although you can go in all guns blazing should you wish. The objec�ves are well thought out as well, with you tapping phones, photographing items, or disabling security systems. It is all is here. This, combined with a feeling of freedom on how to tackle each mission however you see fit, makes this a sure-fire classic. The castle level, is one of the best designed. There are so many ways to tackle the area. Bond goes tobogganing, this game really is a love le�er to the 007 films (par�cularly the Roger Moore ones). 359 The levels have nice variety, from crumbling castles walls, to luxurious wings of oppulence.

007 Nightfire It all hangs together so well, with every element being brilliantly integrated, with both the vehicle and first person shoo�ng sec�ons being equally strong. 007 goes racing through an arc�c village, the vehicle Also worthy of note is the great mul�player. Not only does it sec�ons are excellently done and huge fun. have all the expected modes and up to 4 players. But it has a great roster, of many James Bond characters and henchman, so you can finally go up against Oddjob, the voodoo guy from Live and Let Die or Jaws. Or even some of the many Bond women, it’s a fun inclusion. The mul�player does allow as well to just play on your tod, being up against the bots. Versions are pre�y iden�cal, with PS2 naturally just being a lower resolu�on. Of the ports, I found the GameCube the best version to play. Especially as its nice and cheap and of course most Wii consoles everyone has will also play GameCube games (just need a GameCube controller). The game looks par�cularly gorgeous on a Dolphin emulator of the GameCube, where you can up-scale everything up to 4K and 60hz. Another great level, with a Japanese mansion. This Overall, this is one of the best James Bond computer games has great samurai displays and tense ac�on. ever made, and whilst not a GoldenEye N64 beater (mostly due to nostalgia) it is very, very close. The level around the Japanese office is also high in adrenaline, with lots of rooms in gorgeous views. It might not be the iconic white Lotus, but Q has been busy providing you with another submarine car. This is another fantas�c inclusion to the game. 360

007 Nightfire This level has you finding and disarming the subs. It has a wonderful sense of scale in this sec�on. Racing on beach tracks, in paradise taking out the sentry guns is a short but welcome level. Mul�player is really good, with you able to play up to 4 player, but also against bots by yourself. The cast of Bond cameos is really great as well Bond even takes to the sky in this game, with you in a glider. This has some great visuals here. The game even takes you in to space, comple�ng the love le�er to the Roger Moore films and the more mad story lines. 361

007 Night Fire WOT THEY SAID… Electronic Gaming Monthly - Issue 162 - Jan 2003 (Xbox Review) 362

007 Night Fire GamePro - Issue 172 - Jan 2003 (GC Review) GamePro - Issue 172 - Jan 2003 (Xbox Review) 363

007 Night Fire Nintendo Official Magazine (UK) - Issue 124 - Jan 2003 (GC Review) 364

007 Night Fire 365

007 Night Fire 366

007 Night Fire 367

007 Night Fire 368

007 Night Fire “Sure, it makes a few mistakes along the way “A�er the rather inconsistent ‘Agent Under Fire’ I can't say and it's certainly not the greatest FPS game that ‘Nigh�ire’ was on my 'must have' list especially as FPS related games appear to be growing in number almost every around at the moment, but NightFire is easily week for the GameCube. The good news here though is that the best non-GoldenEye Bond ou�ng since industry veterans Eurocom have done an outstanding job TWINE on the N64. Well worth a look, even if and everything about the game feels solid and well you're not a huge Bond fan.” designed. This is undoubtedly the best ou�ng for Mr. Bond - 6 out of 10 - Games ™ and Co. to date and the fact that it's all based around an (Dec 2003) incredibly solid engine makes it essen�al for any GameCube [Xbox Review] owner.” “James Bond never ages. He might have - 9 out of 10 undergone a few faceli� procedures over the last - N-Europe (May 2004) few decades, but 007 is s�ll the man to call when [Game Cube Review] evil power-crazed dictators are afoot. EA's new Bond game -- NightFire -- isn't based on the new “While not the best first person shooter on the Xbox, hit movie flick -- Die Another Day -- but instead is Nigh�ire does an admirable job of capturing the essence of an all-new spy escapade cra�ed by UK developer Eurocom. Its got the babes, the toys and the suave a Bond film and should please the majority of 007 fans. I sophis�ca�on of any good Bond flick, but it falls know I'm stacking it in my \"keeper\" pile.” down a li�le on the overall length of the game -- - 8.5 out of 10 it's simply too short.” - Electric Playground (2002) - 76% - GameSpy (Dec 2000) [Xbox Review] [PS2 Review] “When all is said and done, Nigh�ire is just somewhat of a “It's pre�y amazing when you think about it. disappointment for those expec�ng something significantly Developer Rare's GoldenEye came out for Nintendo superior to last year's itera�on. But with that said, Nigh�ire can just as easily be an addic�ng single-player experience, 64 in 1997 and in the five years since, on more powerful next-genera�on consoles, compe�ng and the mul�player is incredibly fun, especially with the so�ware houses have s�ll been unable to make a Sen�nel and mini vehicles, to boot. It's certainly one of the significantly be�er Bond first-person shooter. Look at publisher Electronic Arts' track record, though, be�er first-person shooters for the system, but the series and you'll know that it's not for lack of trying. The s�ll has areas it can be improved upon.” company has released several 007 follow-ups, a few of them noteworthy, but none of them good - 8.7 out of 10 - PSX Xtreme (Dec 2002) [PS2 Review] enough to officially dethrone Nintendo's gargantuan success of old.” “Okay, I have to admit this right here and right now--it has always been a girlhood fantasy of mine to be a Bond Girl. - IGN - 8.5 out of 10 There is something about a suave, sophis�cated Bri�sh - (Nov 2000) secret agent--that likes his vodka mar�nis shaken and not [Game Cube Review] s�rred--that is so appealing to a girl that she wouldn’t mind helping him stop some mad mastermind bent on ruling the world. Of course it helps if you have a weird name like Honey Dew. Either way, it’s fun to see James Bond back in ac�on in 007: Nigh�ire.” - 8.3 out of 10 - GameZone (Dec 2001) [PS2 Review] 369

007 Night Fire Official UK Xbox Magazine - Issue 11 - Xmas 2002 (Xbox Review) 370

007 Night Fire 371

007 Night Fire 372

007 Night Fire GamePro - Issue 172 - Jan 2003 (PS2 Review) Licence To Cheat Ac�on Replay Codes - Game Cube All - Codes (Mater Code - Must be on) 0Z96-9F44-VM0V8 | J28B-DABN-6KDK2 At the Secret Unlocks menu enter: H4WX-CDFT-D52F6 | QK9M-FXUT-KVC0F 67EN-C9XG-T8KM8 | AKP9-53FW-FUEC2 Effect Code 4381-EURF-BNE7T | HJAP-8GGB-2RQ2G 6FQT-A7F4-YVK4P | F568-NGUR-AQ644 All Mul�player Characters PARTY CAXN-EACA-02ETT All Mul�player Scenarios GAMEROOM Unlock all missions PASSPORT All gadget upgrades Q LAB ( note space is in code) Invincibility: During a mission, pause the game. At Infinite Health the pause menu, type: 9Y8B-KY76-7R4YM | 73G9-6T7T-BK2EZ 769E-3V1T-AJTJN | 0G6Q-GYPZ-APXNF R, Le�, L, Right, Up , Select, Le� In Vehicle Sec�ons: THQ0-TVUY-BNMQE Quadruple armor - pause the game, hold L and Infinite Ammo press X, Y, B, X, X, X, X, release L. 1KX8-BJMB-5JMHU | 73G9-6T7T-BK2EZ Super bullets - pause the game, B897-3GZ8-8W25G | XDY1-XT32-WMQZ3 hold L and press X, X, X, X, release L. 8A4B-5D72-M4RDJ | 2G6P-19KP-BH117 373

Manual 007 Nightfire (PC/Mac Version) Walkthrough 2002 (PC) 2004 (Mac) | Electronic Arts / Gearbox Software Guide Using the Half Life engine, and made by Gearbox Game and the people involved in the official Half Life expansion “Opposing Force”. On paper this should have been great. As it stands, it’s a fun enough version, but spoiled by poor AI and missing lots of content of the console version. The main thing missing, is all the vehicle sec�ons of the console ports. But it doesn’t replace them, so you are le� with a very short single player experience of only 9 levels. Mul�player wise, it’s a lot be�er, having up to a maximum of up to 12 players, so this makes it extra fun, and this is why there is s�ll a vibrant community today for the game (see Game link), with the community crea�ng new maps and patches, to make it work on modern PC’s. As a single player game, it’s not a terrible experience here. It’s just on the PC there is so much compe��on in the first-person shoo�ng genre, that it’s tough to stand out and impress. Also, when Bond inspired games like “No One Lives Forever” was being released at the same �me, and offering much more content and variety. it’s difficult to not feel short-changed in this game. Especially when the console versions, give you far more bang for your buck. The opening level has you start in Paris, sniping enemy cars to help a French Opera�ve escape. 374

007 NightFire (PC/Mac Version) Overall, this a pre�y decent FPS, marred by some poor AI in single player. S�ll, it looks nice and controls well. It may not be the best out on the PC but given this can be picked up next to nothing, and well supported by the modding community, it makes this, for PC owners worth picking up. It’s par�cularly fun for mul�player and LAN par�es, with the nice roster of Bond Universe characters to choose from, making this a blast to play. The upscaled PC visuals, look really nice. So, give the game a go, just play the fuller more varied, console Just look at that gorgeous ligh�ng. version first. Bond thaaksetshheislik“eFnleexsisbloefFPriieerncde”Btroogsnaainnatchciess�smtoe, Tbhuet scaodmlypnuotetrh. is voice ac�ng. The Moonraker like level, has some stunning views in the game. Being able to play the game with a mouse and keyboard, is so much fun. The Jungle does look a li�le washed out though. The detail and opulence on display, in some of the levels are (Must be the rainy season? - Ed) simply astounding. 375

007 NightFire (PC/Mac Version) WOT THEY SAID… PC Zone - Issue 123 - Xmas 2002 (PC Review) 376

007 NightFire (PC/Mac Version) 377

007 NightFire (PC/Mac Version) 378

007 NightFire (PC/Mac Version) 379

007 NightFire (PC/Mac Version) Games ™ - Issue 1 - Dec 2002 (Xbox Review) 380

007 NightFire (PC/Mac Version) 381

007 Night Fire Edge - Issue 118 - Xmas 2002 (PC Review) “If all you want from your first-person shooter is “While NightFire is hurt by its rela�vely short length, the mindless blas�ng, then this might not be quite game's single-player mode is pre�y well constructed. your cup of tea, but if you want to immerse However, the mul�player component is more or less broken. yourself in a world of interna�onal espionage and The PC version of NightFire makes an excellent case for ba�le over the Net against (or even as) some of leaving James Bond on console systems, as it really doesn't your favourite Bond villains, then 007: Nigh�ire is compete with what the PC has to offer. Unreal Tournament definitely worth a look.” 2003 and No One Lives Forever 2 are infinitely be�er choices for mul�player and single-player shooters, respec�vely.” - 7.2 out of 10 - NowGamer - 6 out of 10 - GameSpot (June 2004) [Mac Review] (Dec 2002) [PC Review] “In the end, Bond leaves us with a bi�ersweet taste. It's enjoyable enough to easily become the best Bond �tle on our pla�orm (not a hard feat), “EA’s latest Bond romp is a ferocious misfire — aiming low but lacking enough in so many different ways, and tragically hi�ng its mark. It’s an irony that only a master criminal being devoured alive by his own bionic which happen to be the fundamentals that make up the shooter, that it can't hope to hold a seat in piranha could savor — that No One Lives Forever and its sequel, jaunty pokes-in-the-eye at the Bond movie the upper echelons of the genre.” - 7 out of 10 - IGN (Nov 2002) franchise, are far be�er games than one starring the [PC Review] venerable superspy himself.” - 57% - PC Gamer (Jan 2003) [PC Review] 382

007 NightFire (PC/Mac Version) “007: NightFire is frustra�ngly inconsistent. You get some of the atmosphere from the films, but mainly in the cutscenes. You get a mix of guns, gadgets, gorgeous women, and glamorous locales, just as you'd expect from anything with \"James Bond\" in the �tle. Those things alone can make the game enjoyable part of the �me. Despite its strengths, though, NightFire too o�en feels like a dated, generic shooter. Bond deserves be�er.” - 66% - GameSpy (Dec 2002) [PC Review] “From all the nega�ve points that I've made so far, it may sound as though I consider this a poor game. In fact, that's not the case; in reality I thoroughly enjoyed it. Although certain parts of it got a bit tediously repe��ve, on the whole I found it great fun.” - 6.25 out of 10 - Inside Mac Gaming (Aug 2004) Licence To Cheat Windows PC Cheats Wherever you installed Nigh�ire in Program Files directory (typically Program Files/EA GamesNigh�irebond and create a new config file called autoexec.cfg) in the directory. Then open it with Notepad and insert the following text into the file and save: sv_cheats 1 console 1 sv_iamdone 1 Now do a shortcut of the game file but add +console1 i.e., C:\\Program Files\\EA GamesNigh�ireBond.exe +console 1. Ensure you use the shortcut if you want to cheat. Now you can in game press the �lde key (~ above Return key) and in the console type the following: Single Player cheats: god - Access God Mode and being invincible. noclip - can walk through walls. Notarget - can’t be seen by the enemies. Mul� Player cheats: sv_gravity 100: gives the playing field low gravity 383 sv_fric�on 0: gives the playing field no fric�on give weapon_smokegrenade: gives you a smoke grenade give weapon_rocketlauncher: gives you a rocket launcher give weapon_up11: gives you a dart launcher impulse 101: All Weapons and Gadgets

Walkthrough 007 Nightfire (GBAVersion) Guide 2003 | Electronic Arts / JV Games That JV games, has managed to get a pre�y solid, fully func�onal, fully 3D FPS on a Gameboy Advance console (the first to do so), is a marvel from a technical standpoint. The bigger ques�on, though, is why try and do it in the first place? Considering the limited hardware, it’s a surprisingly faithful game, to the bigger brother versions. Like the PC version, it ditches the vehicle sec�ons, to only give the FPS elements. But has many of the levels in the bigger consoles and PC versions. Of course, it’s incredibly blocky and not fast, running single digit frames per second. But it’s s�ll at its fundamental core, a li�le bit of fun. It’s just such a shame that the enemies aren’t just that li�le bit easier to see and animated a bit more (not to men�on suspect hit detec�on), as it spoils all the impressive cool stuff in the game. But s�ll, no ma�er how you cut it, this is really impressive stuff and nice to see, in what could have been a lazy cash-in port. Having said that, I personally would have much preferred a different and unique 2D game, that played to the strengths of the Gameboy Advance handheld. Running a 3D FPS game on a GBA, is a technical It’s a pity more effort isn’t made on the enemies, marvel. It s�ll begs the ques�on why however. they are difficult to see and jerkily animated. 384

007 NightFire (GBA Version) Overall, the GBA version is not without its flaws. The enemies are not just bland, but really difficult to see un�l up close. They are also animated horribly. Having said that, this is a 3D FPS running on a Gameboy Advance handheld, which is technically impressive, to say the least. Can I recommend the GBA version of the game? No not really, unless you are curious to see, what they managed to achieve on a machine, that really shouldn’t been able to do this. The level backgrounds and textures are really quite detailed and impressive. The Japanese mansion is par�cularly well done, as is the weaponry detail of your guns. Bond in space is par�cularly well done, just look at that view.. Bond struggles to get a signal on his holiday in Skegness (stop that -Ed). Bond goes up against two henchmen, as he ba�les the hit box detec�on. Perhaps his poor aim is due one or two many vodka mar�nis earlier? 385 Some of the levels has a surprising amount of detail. How they got it working on the GBA is crazy.

007 NightFire (GBA Version) WOT THEY SAID… Nintendo Power - Issue 168 - May 2003 “NightFire isn't a bad shooter on the Game Boy “Flawed from the get go, this technically crippled Advance, because it's challenging and it features a game tries to incorporate many play styles and lot of great ideas in graphic engines and character succeeds at mastering none.” behavior on the handheld system. But a li�le more a�en�on in character movement and hit detec�on - 55% - Pocket Games (Summer 2003) would have made this Bond a much be�er product.” - 6.5 out of 10 - IGN “Nigh�ire has flaws aplenty but, regardless of the (Mar 2003) not-so-good graphics and poor controls, this is s�ll “Ul�mately, this game's Achilles heel is its unholy a good first-person shooter that GBA gamers union of awkward controls and oatmeal graphics. should definitely own. With interes�ng levels that S�ll, it's the best-looking and most in-depth FPS throw many bonuses into the mix and an for the GBA. The debonair Double-O agent will assortment of fun 007 gadgets to play with, the game is certainly true to the console game it was undoubtedly win a following with this �tle.” ported from.” - 3.5 out of 5 - GamePro (Mar 2003) - 7 out of 10 - GameZone (Apr 2003) 386

007 NightFire (GBA Version) Licence To Cheat Infinite Health At the pause screen, press R, LEFT, L, RIGHT, UP, SELECT, LEFT to have infinite health. More Ammo To have 500 bullets, pause the game and press R, LEFT, L, RIGHT, UP, SELECT, RIGHT. Level Select To enable level select, pause the game and press R, LEFT, L, RIGHT, UP, SELECT, R. 387

Walkthrough 007 Everything or Nothing(GBAVersion) Guide 2003 | Electronic Arts / Griptonite, Inc. Released months before its big brother versions, meaning the handheld would get its �me to shine and give gamers a taste of some of the story and levels you would encounter in the console versions. Sensibly switching things to an isometric viewpoint, to work to the Gameboy Advance’s strengths. This does a great job of giving you that Bond feeling, with a kick-ass soundtrack, and some pre�y good control mechanics, that let you go either gun-ho! crazy, or stealthily creep up on the enemies and take them out silently. This is a great li�le �tle, with oodles of missions (20 of them) and loads of variety and loca�ons. So once minute you are hurtling down a building, the next you are in a car, taking out the enemies. Regular save points, also stop the game being too frustra�ng and work well in the one quick go, that handheld gaming offers. Of course, it’s a pale shadow, compared to the big consoles all singing and dancing extravaganza, but this �tle holds its own li�le corner and deserves a play through, as it’s really good. So, if you like games such as Metal Gear Solid and games of that ilk, then this one is for you. Running down sky scraper buidings, taking out the As well as going in all guns blazing, you can also enemies, is a great start to the game. stealthily take out the guards silently. 388

007 Everything or Nothing (GBA Version) The isometric graphics are nice, with lots of detail given to the loca�ons you are in. It is so nice when the Grandparents give their approval of your ac�ons. Thanks Nan and Grandad xxx. Bond is also prepared to put on his figh�ng trousers and show the blaggards what for. The game includes some rather cool driving and shoo�ng sec�ons, these are great fun. You even meet Jaws in your adventure. He is going all Donkey Kong at you and hurling barrels. Egyp�an tombs, with futuris�c eye firing lasers. 389 Phew! Bond has to go through quite a bit in Ah! No James Bond Adventure would be complete saving the world malarkey. without the villain telling you their whole plan.

007 Everything or Nothing (GBA Version) WOT THEY SAID… GamePro - Issue 187 - April 2004 “Yet another pocket companion to a next-gen “In a not-so-ordinary turn of events, Electronic console game from EA. This �me around James Arts' next mul�-console (and quite big budget) Bond is the star of the cart and he is at it again James Bond videogame ends up first on the Game Boy Advance. While Electronic Arts polishes its with his super secret spy an�cs. Everything or big-budget console version of 007: Everything or Nothing takes or main character around the world Nothing, the company gives GBA owners a treat with the GBA edi�on independently developed by into a series of interes�ng situa�ons that require the same studio as the past two Lord of the Rings not only the use of a skilled trigger finger but the games on the handheld. Even with the shorter use of your brain power. I was very pleased with development cycle, the GBA game ends up a great the overall portable gaming experience offered by surprise of a Bond game, combining Metal Gear Solid stealth elements and balls-out ac�on in its this cart and I will point out the pros and cons.” extensive adventure.” - 87% - Next Level Gaming (Dec 2003) 390 - 8 out of 10 - IGN (Dec 2003)

007 Everything or Nothing (GBA Version) Licence To Cheat Infinite Oil d300ba9c Ac�on Replay (US) 992d8700 (Master Code, must be on) Infinite Time bfd60d6b 6ff6ff5f 5578977a bb2ddc26 4287ee1c 929a0103 1071d8b7 Infinite Health Infinite Health 4eb8a6f0 4eb8a6f0 3dfff5b7 3dfff5b7 Infinite Oil Max Style Points d300ba9c 5b5420e7 992d8700 dc5a4bd5 Infinite Time Inf Handgun Ammo 6ff6ff5f 567de5ef bb2ddc26 929a0103 391

Manual 007 Everything or Nothing Prima’s 2004 | Electronic Arts / In house strategy Simply wow! If you want to feel like you are in a guide Bond film, then this is about as close as you are going to get. Spor�ng a star studded line up, with voice and likenesses of Pierce Brosnan as Bond (His final performance as 007), Judi Dench as M, John Cleese as Q, William Dafoe (Green Goblin in Spiderman) as the Bond villain, Heidi Klum (Zoolander) as the Bond girl and Richard Kiel reprising his role as Jaws. Not to men�on a theme tune sung by Mýa, which is actually one of my favourite Bond theme songs. In summary when it comes to produc�on values, this game is second to none, being like a new Bond film, we never got to see. But how about the gameplay? Well here, they have decided to go for a third person viewpoint, with a nice cover mechanic and reasonable targe�ng, interspersed with a whole cornucopia of entertaining third person vehicle sec�ons, which has you driving a range of cars, tanks and helicopters, moving the ac�on forward. It’s just a shame the levels are so short in some of these sec�ons, with it over just as you are ge�ng in the swing of things. TV Ad (UK) Emulated 4K Any game that has you abseil down an exploding UpScaled skyscraper, whilst taking out the enemies has my vote. 392

007 Everything or Nothing And boy does the story throw everything and the kitchen sink at you as you make through the game, with you one minute abseiling down a burning building, taking out the enemies, whilst explosions are all around. The next you are pilo�ng a helicopter with crumbling Egyp�an obelisk monuments as you pursue the enemies. Of course, this is the Pierce Brosnan era of Bond, so expect, everything to be dialled up to 11 with over the top ac�on (s�ll has be�er CGI than in Die Another Day -Ed), as you go from one explosion fuelled moment to the next. There are a surprising number of vehicle sec�ons to The game has as many vehicle sec�ons as there are on foot, for the game and they are all brilliant explosive fun. me this is great, as they look amazing and with many of the “Need For Speed” crew working on this, the driving is accessible, arcadey and feels great. Is the game perfect though? Well, no, the on-foot sec�ons can be a li�le loose, and some of the levels are quite short. I also wish some of the on-foot loca�ons were of more interest, with factories and graveyards, not being my favourite. But for every one of those moments, there are popcorn guzzling heart- stopping full on ac�on sec�ons. Such as free falling off a mountain side, or rally racing through beau�ful locales. Or taking Jaws makes a welcome return, with them even out enemy cars in a tank. All this makes it the perfect popcorn bringing back Richard Kiel for the mo�on cap�on & voice. munching movie game. So that you won’t necessarily care too much on the story but will be excitedly wan�ng to see what the game is going to throw at you next. Of all the versions, the Xbox felt the best to me. Although given that Wii’s can play GameCube games and that the Dolphin emulator is so well supported, then the GameCube version is far more accessible to play today. The PS2 is really impressive considering the consoles age, handling the full game. You even get to pilot a helicopter, through collapsing Egyp�an monuments. So many epic moments. The on foot sec�ons can be a li�le clunky, but it Reminiscent of the GoldenEye film and game, you even get to 393 s�ll works reasonably well. go in a tank, to take out the enemies.

007 Everything or Nothing As you expect for a 007 adventure, there is a stack of gadgets. Most notable and silly is the drone spider, which lets you go through inaccessible small sec�ons, or check out what’s coming. Also, somehow the li�le robot spider, can pick up weapons and items, and send it instantly back to Bond. Falling with style. Bond goes free falling to catch Like the previous EA Bond games, scoring is all about doing and save the girl. Hope the whiplash wont hurt her? “Bond moments”, this is where you do something scripted that is cool. This is of course great for that feeling of awesome moments, although like the previous games, I do wish points were given for unscripted cool things you do as well. Especially as the score is so cri�cal to unlocking extra characters in mul�player. It also lets you do hand to hand combat, alongside the usual full-on blas�ng, so you can go a li�le bit stealthy at �mes. Mostly though, this is an all about, brains in a jar, shoot anything that moves ac�on. Tank Vs Helicopter. Bond looks to take out the One fantas�c inclusion in the game is the mul�player and enemy cra�, in a fun end of level boss. especially co-op play. To be able to play coopera�vely through the game is great fun and a worthy inclusion. This has a random assortment of other MI6 agents (I have even seen a tweaked copy (I think) with Jill Valen�ne of Resident Evil fame included). It’s nice to play a game like this coopera�vely as opposed to the usual player versus player and I wish more adopted things like this in their game. The driving sec�ons really looks gorgeous and just like Need for Speed, play really well. 394 Bond goes all hands on with his mission. The motorcycle level is insanely fast, and an adrenaline fuelled level. It’s It’s good to get to the bo�om of things. tough though, so expect lots of a�empts. But when it is this much fun (Stop that - Ed) who cares.

007 Everything or Nothing Overall, I loved my �me with this game, the inclusion of so many film stars and high produc�on values, really makes this feel a full on authen�c, Bond rip-roaring adventure. It is a shame, that some of the on-foot sec�ons, didn’t have a bit of extra variety and honing to it, but it won’t spoil you having a grand old �me, chewing your way through the explosive ac�ons. I admit, I was a li�le surprised that in the reviews back in the The night heat vision gadget makes you feel like day, many were so nega�ve. As for me this is a great film the Predator. “Get to the Chopper!”. license and huge amount of fun. As men�oned, for me the Xbox was the best version, with it looking and playing the nicest. However, given that the GameCube game can be played on a Wii console (if you have a GameCube controller) and that the Dolphin Emulator does such a good job up-scaling everything, this is probably the most accessible version to play today. The game has a good cover mechanic built in. This makes the firefigh�ng sec�ons great fun. William Dafoe stars as the Bond villain. An inspired choice as he deliciously chews up the scenery in every scene, to play the part. One level even has you race a Rally Car, and it does a be�er job than many full rally games. The on-foot sec�ons are best, when its brighter levels. Far more Nice to see the villains 395 interes�ng than the dull factory and graveyard areas. lair, in true tradi�on, has lots of screens and shiny bu�ons.

007 Everything or Nothing WOT THEY SAID… Nintendo Official Magazine (UK) - Issue 138 - April 2004 396

007 Everything or Nothing 397

007 Everything or Nothing 398

007 Everything or Nothing 399

007 Everything or Nothing Xbox Official Magazine (UK) - Issue 27 - March 2004 400

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