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RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Published by Deadl0ck, 2023-04-01 08:34:27

Description: RGDS - James Bond - License To Game

Keywords: Retro Gaming,James Bond,Retro,Gaming


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James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 201

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 202

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Games Master - Issue 3 - Mar 1993 Game Fan - Issue 1 - Apr 1993 < The Mega Drive Box Art For Japan Is so cool. 203

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Bad Influence - Issue 1 - Dec 1992 > 204

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 205

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 206

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 207

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Mega - Issue 3 - Dec 1992 > 208

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 209

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) MegaTech - Issue 12 - Dec 1992 > 210

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 211

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 212

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Sega Force - Issue 13 - May 1993 > 213

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Sega Force - Issue 13 - Jan 1993 214

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 215

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Sega Pro - Issue 15 - Dec 1992 216

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 217

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Sega Mega Drive Advanced Gaming - Issue 5 - Jan 1993 218

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 219

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 220

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) 221

James bond 007 : The Duel (16 bit version) Sega Pro - Issue 46 - May 1993 222

Play 007 Goldeneye (LCD Game) Online 1995 | Tiger electronics Game Manual In 1995 there was a new James Bond with the brilliant Pierce Brosnan and there was a new (Grip Variant) resurgence for Bond on the back of the fantas�c film Goldeneye. Sadly, for gamers who wanted to play their favourite Spy hero, the only Goldeneye fix you could get at the �me, was the 007 Goldeneye LCD handheld by Tiger Electronics. Cheap and cheerful, dedicated handhelds with LCD displays were all the rage in the 90’s and many of the films of the day got turned into an LCD game. These are highly sought a�er by collectors, as although not the greatest games out there, it has an undeniable charm to them. Via MAME you can play it with or without the artwork and really see the detail of the LCD sprites. 224 You Tuber Gonaone, shows video of the original hardware. I have included his full You Tube vid in the link top le�.

007 Goldeneye (LCD Game) Thankfully these days you can play the games online or via an emulator in MAME, so you can first-hand experience, what us poor 80’s and 90’s kids had to put up with, back in the day. The game manual has five missions and are all pre�y much the same style of gameplay modes, with some parts turning to a tank level. In addi�on to the handheld mode Tiger Electronics did release a grip variant that Was shaped like a gun, it Looked cool, but was tougher to control. Via MAME you can play it with or without the artwork Overall an interes�ng this lets you real see the detail of the LCD sprites. memorabilia oddity, that Is a nice addi�on to any James Bond video game collec�on. Bond can kick, punch and shoot his way through waves of henchmen. It is surprisingly fun, despite the simplis�c gameplay. 225

Goldeneye 007 1997 | Nintendo / rare TGiven you are reading a book about James Bond video games, chances are that you have played the N64 version of Goldeneye, released in 1997. I remember the first �me I saw this game; I couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Sure in 1997 I was already an avid first-person shooter (FPS) lover on the PC, with Id so�ware and 3D Realm games leading the way. Sure, games on my consoles have �tles like Exhumed/Powerslave and ports of PC games, that showed the genre could work, but they were for the most part not offering anything new. Emulated When Goldeneye came along, it was quite a N64 playing revela�on. With so many cool touches, like At 4K 60fps sniper rifles, zooming in to take out the enemies. The mul�ple injury and death anima�ons, Manual depending on where you had shot the enemy. Great varied missions. Not just ge�ng keys, but Strategy blowing up chemical storage units, placing covert guide modems, shoo�ng out cameras, and of course protec�ng blimmin’ Natalia, who seemed to have a death wish. The game had the perfect design, with three (well technically four) difficul�es, with Agent, Secret Agent and 00 Agent. Then if you completed all the levels and two bonus levels you would see a 007 difficulty, that allowed you to tweak every aspect of the game, such as how many hits, speed and observeability of the enemies. GoldenEra Documentary (Trailer) 226 A�er playing the remasters or via emula�on, The Facility level is my favourite level in the game, playing the game on real hardware is a considering the limita�on of the N64, its truly real shock. S�ll plays well though. astounding what the team managed to achieve.

Goldeneye 007 The snow and the blur, actually adds to the It’s this which I adore about this game, not only does it Atmosphere in the game. have some of the best single player levels ever conceived in the genre, but it encourages and welcomes On real hardware, the N64 sure does look blurry. But replayability. It does this by offering more mission it was very impressive for the �me. objec�ves, depending on the difficulty, so it makes you want to beat each level. Then it also gives you cheats (separate to the main game) as rewards for speed running a level within a set �me. Accessing the cheats via the cheat menu, is so much fun. With da� ones like DK Mode (Donkey Kong) that makes the enemy heads bigger. Or Tiny Bond, or Paintball (giving a bright paint splodge and colour to all your shots). To more tradi�onal cheats, like invincibility, extra speed and few extra guns, such as the Golden Gun or the Moonraker Laser. Then you had up to 4 screen mul�player. Sure, you could feel the N64 struggling, but being able to play up to 4 player deathmatches, by using the N64 four ports and a single TV was a revela�on, and for many gamers, their first experience of playing Deathmatch games against other friends. Just as long as no one played Oddjob, as his smaller size, gives him an unfair advantage. Oh, let’s not forget the music, the catchy play on the Bond theme, perfectly accompanies the onscreen ac�on and draws you in to the atmosphere of the game right away. Plus, the pause music, I can listen to that for hours (and have done so, on more than one occasion). Playing the game today, and especially on modern hardware, and you will be surprised how well this game holds up, with the varied levels and missions, keeping you addicted to the end. Just avoid playing it on the Nintendo Switch as they really messed up the recent port sadly. Overall, it’s a gem of a game. Although many who are used to more modern FPS games may struggle here, with the older game mechanics. There is so much to enjoy here, and I urge you all to play this today. The game has brilliant level design, with so much 227 variety to the levels..

goldeneye 007 The Rare offices, sit in a quaint and quiet Making Of goldeneye 007 li�le English village in Twycross Leicestershire. Made by Rare, a company in Twycross, Leicestershire in the UK. Rare, owned by brothers Chris and Tim Stamper, were already considered one of the best developers in existence. With a long history of making games on the humble Spectrum as “Ul�mate Play The Game”, through to working with Nintendo and crea�ng some of their most beloved games like Donkey Kong Country, Banjo Kazooie and Conker’s Bad Fur Day to name but a few. The former farm, is a beau�ful cluster of So, it raised alarm bells, to those in the know, Buildings to work in, to create such that the game would appear a full two years amazing games. a�er the film had come out, missing even it even being released on VHS. Those industry insiders would have been even more aggrieved to find that Goldeneye was made en�rely by an inexperienced Rare team, who apart from their project lead Mar�n Hollis, had never made a game, and he had only ported Rare’s beat ‘em up Killier Ins�nct. So, in 1994 when Nintendo got the licence for James Bonds film Goldeneye for an incredibly cheap price, they naturally offered it to their second party favourite company Rare, whom in the eyes of Nintendo and the world, could do no wrong. But when offered, for many working at Rare a�aching themselves to a film licence, where there was a pre�y poor back catalogue of James Bond games, proving how difficult it would be to capture the magic of the Bond films. The Stamper Brothers, have been so important So many of the most experienced members to the gaming world, from their early days as turned it down flat, keener to work on their Ul�mate Play the Game and of course Rare. original games. But before passing up on the �tle, The Stamper Brothers (owners of Rare) reached out to everyone at the company to see 228

Goldeneye 007 Mar�n Hollis (circa ‘97), despite hardly any video Step forward Mar�n Hollis, a technical game development experience and not long at programmer, ambi�ous, young and keen. Whom the company. He managed to become project lead. had only helped work on their Killer Ins�nct game, a figh�ng game. But he had been a mega Mar�n Hollis had always been a huge Bond fan, fan of James Bond since he was a kid, and so was here is a screenshot of him pretending to be desperate to be given the opportunity to make Bond as a kid. the ul�mate Bond game. Mar�n Hollis, became project lead on GoldenEye. Once given the green light, Mar�n hired a team Despite having only ever ported Killer Ins�nct. of inexperienced, but immensely talented and On to the Gameboy, SNES before. passionate individuals to work on the game with him. The game had started life as a Virtua Cop style, 3D on rails shooter. But in their ini�al trials, it just wasn’t fun to play. But they realised, with the fantas�c game engine built by Mark Edmonds, and the powerful hardware, it meant they could actually do a free roaming 3D environment. So armed with the newly designed for 3D, N64 controller. They could finally allow console owners for the first �me, to experience the FPS genre properly on a console. Working for Rare and via Nintendo, was a fantas�c environment to make the game as good as it could be. Nintendo have always had the philosophy, it’s be�er to never release a game than put out a bad game and lose your reputa�on. The Stamper brothers were the same, so they gave this team the �me to learn and grow the game. To make it the best it can be. Adding in explosion effects, mul�ple enemy idle anima�ons and death anima�ons. (You haven’t lived, un�l you have shot a hat off an enemy, or watch him clench his ass, when you shoot him, where the sun doesn’t shine). But they also came up with so many cool game design ideas, using silencer guns to not alert other enemies. Taking out the cameras or alarms, to limit them no�cing where you are. 229

goldeneye 007 The small Goldeneye development team Adding stealth elements, not realised in FPS style proudly show off one of their many awards. games such as this. The team was young, single and dedicated, pu�ng an average of a hundred It is amazing that the mul� player component hours a week. But such was their scope and of GoldenEye was started only months before expansive vision, that they were taking years it eventually shipped. longer than expected, and s�ll no end in sight. The stand at E3, where the public first But almost three years of development, even the got to enjoy the game GoldenEye. ever-pa�ent Stamper Brothers had to bring the team together, and remind them, this wasn’t a university project, but a commercial endeavour, that needed to deliver something. So, you can imagine in April and May 1997, a mere few months away for when they planned to release. When the team saw other N64 games released do split screens (such as Mario Kart 64), u�lising the four player ports, they knew they had to implement this feature. But with already such huge delays, and the Stamper Brothers and Nintendo, understandably losing their pa�ence. How could they suggest adding such a integral and complex addi�on to the game so late in the day? The answer was taking a leaf out of James Bond with subterfuge. That’s right, Mar�n Hollis and the team, simply decided not to tell anyone and develop it anyway. Only showing when the head of Nintendo of America came to check up on them, showing it fully working on a N64 with four plugged in controllers. It would be this mul�player element (that nearly never was), that would turn out to be the secret sauce of the �tle with gamers. It is an interes�ng “What If?” the mul�-player was never released? Would the game be the same cultural phenomenon, it came to be? 230

goldeneye 007 E3 in 1997, showcased GoldenEye first to the In mid-June 1997, the game was done and had world. It was met to a hugely posi�ve been tes�ng incredibly well at Nintendo, and the reac�on by most people. team was excited but �red. A representa�on of what the other three Only one part of the game had to be pulled. Bond characters would have looked like on Originally you see, they had included the four The N64. main Bond in the game (Sean Connery, Roger Moore, Timothy Dalton and Pierce Brosnan), but We will never know, who was the best Bond, Sean Connery, s�ll bi�er with all things Bond, who played that night? Who do you think refused to allow his likeness in the game, so this would have won? had to be dropped. The Rare team did one last final mul�- play gaming session between the four Bonds, before they removed this awesome feature forever. So who won? We shall never know. But we do know, that somewhere out there is s�ll a cartridge out there with the four Bonds on there. Now it’s the 19th June 1997 and it is E3 in Atlanta, where the world first got to see Goldeneye. It looked great and the small stand was packed solid the en�re �me, with people playing the game. The team began to see, they had something special. The game finally shipped on the 25th August 1997 to rave reviews. Sales though started modest (not surprising for a game based on a two-year-old film). But through word of mouth, as more got to experience the game sales would grow, eventually reaching over 8 million sales. A phenomenal achievement, especially on a single console. It was the game of envy for PlaySta�on owners everywhere (a nice feeling as I had an N64 and Saturn, and my flat mate owned the PS1.). Naturally with people recognising how truly ground-breaking this game was, the �tle deservedly won every award going. 231

goldeneye 007 Buy So, a�er Goldeneye had released, where would the team go next? Goldenera Well on the success of Goldeneye, suddenly a James Bond game documentary license was worth a lot more money. So James Bond for video games went across to Electronic Arts, so another James Bond (The best doc on game by the Rare team would be out of the ques�on. GoldenEye) oral history Instead, the team decided to do a futuris�c spy game, free from of goldenEye the shackles of the James Bond license they could let their minds run wild. The game they eventually released on the 22nd March Perfect Dark was the 2000, was Perfect Dark. Featuring Joanna Dark, a futuris�c spy, set true sequel to GoldenEye, to stop an extra-terrestrial conspiracy by rival corpora�on even without the licence. DataDyne. This game was amazing, and in many ways superior to Set in the future, this GoldenEye in countless ways. But by 2000 and needing the game is amazing & needs expansion pack hardware add on, it meant that it just didn’t hit to be played by more. the same zeitgeist as Goldeneye, with gamers star�ng look to the next genera�on of consoles. But I urge you, if you have not played this game, pick up the Rare Replay collec�on (on Xbox One, X/S and play the Perfect Dark remaster, you will love it. Much of the GoldenEye team, including David Doak, Steve Ellis, Karl Hilton and Graeme Norgate, would set up a new development house called Free Radical Design in Stoke-on-Trent in April 1999. They would go on to develop the massively popular TimeSpli�ers games, building on the Goldeneye idea, with fun, mayhem and madness. The first game in the series was mul�-player focused, but the sequels also got to add in single player levels. They would con�nue with the divisive Haze game on PS3 and then a�er massively expanding to work on Star Wars: Ba�lefront 3 and 4, the rela�onship with EA broke down and they sadly went bankcrupt. The Timespli�ers trilogy games are Now we come to 2002, and the deal Rare had with Nintendo to great fun (especially 2 and 3). You can exclusively produce �tles for them, had reached its end. Everyone buy these digitally on modern consoles including the Stamper Brothers, wanted a new deal with to play. Nintendo, but Nintendo offered such a low figure, they just couldn’t go for it. Especially when Ac�vision were offering such a Rare Replay is the best large amount. For reasons unknown, the Ac�vision deal fell compila�on ever. Even through and so Microso� stepped in and bought Rare for $375 be�er now that the million on the 24th September 2002. digital bought version allows you to own the The company under Microso� was never the same, with the GoldenEye remaster. Stamper Brothers eventually leaving in 2007 and Microso� squandering the once great Rare, to rubbish Kinect �tles. S�ll now 232 with fantas�c Rare Replay and the con�nued popularity of Sea of Thieves, maybe there is hope for the company Rare once more. .

Goldeneye 007 Mainly Made by Mar�n Hollis Project Lead. It was his ini�al vision and building the perfect team, that saw GoldenEye be the stunning game it is today. He would go on to work on the game Perfect Dark and some puzzle games Zendoku (DS) and Go! Puzzle (PSP). Mark Edmonds Game Engine Builder. Built in the AI and ensured the game was op�mised. He would go on to work on Jet Force Gemini (N64), Perfect Dark (N64), Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (360) and Fusion: Genesis (360). David Doak Designer of the story, levels and mission objec�ves. Went on to co-found Free Radical Design and designed the games Perfect Dark , TimeSpli�ers, TimeSpli�ers 2, TimeSpli�ers: Future Perfect , Second Sight and Haze. Karl Hilton 3D Environment design, 3D models and textures. Went on to co-found Free Radical Design and design the games Perfect Dark , TimeSpli�ers, TimeSpli�ers 2, TimeSpli�ers: Future Perfect , Second Sight, Haze. Then did Crysis 2, 3 and Ryse: Son of Rome. Duncan Botwood Game designer, level design, and mo�on capture. Went on to do Perfect Dark, Jetpac Refuelled, Opera�on Flashpoint: Red River, Splinter Cell: Blacklist, Assassin's Creed: Unit, Far Cry: Primal, Starlink, Watch Dogs: Legion and Far Cry 6. Bre� Jones Worked on the character designs. Bre� also worked on the game Perfect Dark. Playlist Steve Ellis Of the Addi�onal Programmer. golenEye Went on to do Perfect Dark , TimeSpli�ers, TimeSpli�ers 2, Music TimeSpli�ers: Future Perfect , Second Sight,aHnadzeH.aze. Graeme Norgate 233 Music and Sound. Co-created the fantas�c music in GoldenEye, and all the fab shoo�ng and explosion effects. Went on to work on Blast Corps, Diddy Kong Racing, Jet Force Gemini, Perfect Dark, TimeSpli�er 1-3, Second Sight, Crysis 1-3 & Ryse: Son of Rome. Grant Kirkhope Music. Co-created the fantas�c music in GoldenEye, also worked on Killer Ins�nct 2. Banjo-Kazooie, erfect Dark, Grabbed by the Ghoulies, Conker: Live & Reloaded, Viva Piñata, Banjo-Kazooie 1-2 & Mario + Rabbids: Kingdom Ba�le.

Goldeneye 007 Cancelled Game Did you know that Nintendo had planned to release another GoldenEye game for the ill- fated Virtua Boy? Only a single reference shows about it in a sales brochure which listed upcoming games. Of course, due to the Virtua Boy being a disaster, lots of �tles were scrapped including this. By the a�ached blurb and screenshot, this game looked to be a racing shooter in the vein of games like Road Blasters. The only reference for the game can be found in a Virtua Boy brochure (NES M128) in the US. 234

Goldeneye 007 One In Every Port How to play The never released 2008 GoldenEye remaster on the Xbox 360, XBLA (digital store) is Goldeneye awesome. A�er Xbox had bought Rare, they naturally turned to remastering their 360 Xbla on back catalogue. Whose efforts can s�ll be played on the fantas�c Rare Replay a PC guide compila�on (which every game lover, with an Xbox One or X/S, should consider owning.) The remaster of Goldeneye is a gorgeous update, with more detailed textures and vastly improved speed. Sadly, though the Nintendo legal team shut the remake down and it was cancelled, essen�ally complete. Thankfully this version did leak out on the internet in 2021, and now the world can finally play it (well those with a fast gaming PC that can run the 360 emulator Xenia, or having a chipped Xbox 360). The Forpigeantineglelevevel ils, wonitehothf emgyofragveoouursitiecylevels, This soldier is having a real bad day. wteixtthurite’s a�ngdhbt accokrgrridoournsd. mItoulonotkasinb-srcilalipaen,t in stheowresmthaestleorveedtvaekresnioinn.this remaster. TFhoer lForoigkaotuetlegiusaorndes,othf emyyafraevporuer�itey ulesveelelss,s, The sense of depth in the tunnels, make the wwiitthhity’osu�gahbtlecotroridsnoersa.kItulpoookns tbhreilmlia,nwt inth shoot outs so much fun. trheelar�evmeaesatesere. d version. The snow levels in the game look gorgeous, Ha! not feeling so invincible now, with you able to see far further. are you, Boris? Now show me to the big computer thingy. 235

Goldeneye 007 James is dropping in to his Russian friends for You’re scared Natalya? I am on my second Tanks-Giving Day. Hope he brought turkey? pair of trousers! The Frigate level is one of my favourite levels, Say hello, to my li�le friends. I love how Bond with it’s �ght corridors. It looks brilliant in Can duel wield weapons for extra firepower the remastered version. in the game. TShtePFertiegrastbeulregvins oanteanokf,mitys sfa�vlloaurhioterrliedvleelvs,el, The Jungle is so much pre�er on the Wwiitthhiitt’sbe�ignhgtaconrigrihdtomrsa.reIttolocooknstbrorill,lisa�nltl iitns updated version. Sthheowresmoaffstehreedsmvoerkseioenff.ects really well. The MFrigssaitoenleCvoinstornoel roofommy, wfahveorueriytoeulehvaevlse, The Egypt level looks fantas�c as well. As twoitphroitt’esc�t gNhattcaolirar,idaos rssh.eIsttlooposksGoblrdilelinaenyt einis with the two bonus levels there are many tAhteoruegmhapsatretreodf tvheersgiaomn.e. famous nods to the other films. 236

goldeneye 007 Ready to Go One In Every Port (con�nued) 1964 Emulator The officially released ones… On PC Just add The original. So special, so ahead of the curve back in 1997. But The game in truth, tough to go back to now. With its blurry N64 visuals Roms. and only having a single analogue thumb s�ck to control with (although you could hook up two controllers to use, but Setting up I never could master that set up personally.) 1964 Emulator On PC To play The Xbox One and X/S version is the best version officially with Mouse released to play (the 360 XBLA is the best version). S�ll, this does and upscaled a good job, upda�ng the controls for modern controllers, making the game widescreen and up-scaling everything. Sadly, there is no online mul�player. But it’s cool that its included free to own with a digital copy of Rare Replay, or via a Game Pass subscrip�on. Dear oh dear, the Nintendo Switch version, really mucked up. Sure it up-scales nicely like the Xbox new release, and also gives widescreen and online mul�player. But the controls haven’t been updated! So, it’s an unplayable mess on modern controllers. I have seen how through lots of changes you can get it kind of working, but I tried it, and whilst be�er, it s�ll was s�ll really bad to play. A great way to play GoldenEye today is via emula�on. These talented modders, have managed to do amazing emula�on, that gives you wide screen, upscale to any resolu�on, and put all the bells and whistles on it to make the game look really pre�y and runs super smoothly. Even be�er, the emulators do now handle mouse and keyboard support, so you can play it that way should you wish. It does make the game easier, but my word it’s pure gaming heaven. Project 64 is the best overall emulator, but for me the 1964 is best for emula�ng these specific games such as Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and any mods of these games that are out there. So, if you have a powerful enough PC, then it’s worth taking a look and see these games again, as you thought you remembered them, as opposed to how they really were back in 1997. 237

Goldeneye 007 Licence to cheat Invincibility cheat One of the cool thing with GoldenEye, is At the cheat menu, press R + Le�, L + that the game will give you the cheats for Invincibility Down, Le�, Up, Down, R + C-Le�, L + C- speed running a level. This really ups the While playing the game, press L + Down, Le�, L + R + Le�, L + R + Right, L + C-Le�. challenge and re-playability as you try to R + C-Right, R + C-Up, L + Right, L + C- If you entered the code correctly, you will win the �mes. Below is a list of all of Down, R + C-Up, L + Right, R + Down, L + hear a sound. Exit, then return to the these cheats, and what �mes you need to Le�, L + R + C-Right. cheat menu to access the unlocked complete the level in to win the cheat. op�on. All guns While playing the game, press L + R + DK Mode cheat Down, L + C-Le�, L + C-Right, L + R + C- At the cheat menu, press L + R + Up, C- Le�, L + Down, L + C-Down, R + C-Le�, L + Right, R + Le�, R + Up, Up, R + Right, Up, L R + C-Right, R + Up, L + C-Le�. + R + C-Down, L + R + Down, L + R + C- Maximum ammuni�on Le�. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Exit, then return to While playing the game, press L + R + C- the cheat menu to access the unlocked Right, R + Up, R + Down, R + Down, L + R op�on. + C-Right, L + R + Le�, R + Down, R + Up, L + R + C-Right, R + Le�. Turbo Mode cheat Line mode At the cheat menu, press L + Down, L + C- While playing the game, press R + C- Down, L + R + Up, R + C-Down, Le�, R + Down, L + R + Down, L + Right, R + C-Up, L + R + C-Right, R + Up, L + Down, L + Right, Down, L + C-Down, Up, R + Down, L + Bonus Egyp�an level R + C-Le�, R + C-Up. Right. If you entered the code correctly, Beat the game on the \"00 Agent\" you will hear a sound. Exit, then return to difficulty level. the cheat menu to access the unlocked Invisibility op�on. Bonus Aztec level While playing the game, press R + C-Le�, Tiny Bond cheat Beat the Antenna Cradle level on the \"00 L + R + C-Up, L + R + Le�, L + R + Up, R + At the cheat menu, press L + R + Down, R Agent\" difficulty se�ng. Up, L + C-Le�, R + C-Up, L + C-Down, L + R + Down, L + C-Down, Le�, R + C-Le�, L + R 007 mode + Le�, R + Right. + C-Down, Right, Down, R + C-Down, R + Beat every level, including the Egyp�an Right. If you entered the code correctly, and Aztec, on the \"00 Agent\" difficulty Invisibility in mul�-player mode you will hear a sound. Exit, then return to se�ng. Then, the 007 bonus game se�ng While playing the game, press L + C-Up, L the cheat menu to access the unlocked will become available. Op�ons such as + R + C-Le�, R + Up, L + C-Right, R + C- op�on. enemy health, enemy damage, enemy Le�, L + Right, L + R + C-Le�, L + C-Right, L accuracy, and enemy intelligence will be + Up, L + R + C-Down. Fast Anima�on cheat adjustable in this game se�ng. Paintball cheat At the cheat menu, press L + C-Down, L + C-Le�, C-Down, C-Right, C-Le�, L + R + At the cheat menu, press L + Up, C-Up, R Right, C-Right, L + R + Up, R + C-Le�, L + + Right, L + R + C-Le�, L + Up, R + C-Down, Le�. If you entered the code correctly, L + C-Down, L + R + C-Down, L + R + Up, L you will hear a sound. Exit, then return to + C-Down. If you entered the code the cheat menu to access the unlocked correctly, you will hear a sound. Exit, then op�on. return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked op�on. Bond Invisible cheat At the cheat menu, press L + R + C-Le�, L + R + C-Down, L + C-Le�, R + C-Le�, R + Right, L + R + Le�, L + Right, Le�, L + R + C-Le�, L + Down. If you entered the code correctly, you will hear a sound. Exit, then return to the cheat menu to access the unlocked op�on. 238

Goldeneye Strategy Guides GoldenEye 007 - Official Nintendo Player’s Guide The Official and the best strategy guide on GoldenEye. Colourful and clear, this makes it easy to see where you need to go and what you need to do. Prima Golden Eye 007. For a Prima guide I was disappointed in this. Its mostly black and white pages, with minimal screen shots. This is probably the worst guide of the bunch. Brady Games: GoldenEye 007 Totally Unauthorized Strategy Guide Very detailed strategy guide. Shows a map of each sec�on, then a step by step guide for the level with colour screenshots. Definitely a worthy alterna�ve to the Official Guide. Confiden�al Informa�on Goldeneye 007 (1997) More an advert booklet, with some �ps and hints for the early levels of the game. This was a booklet given free at the �me of release. 239

goldeneye 007 What’s cooler than GoldenEye? How about one, where you are Mario with a gun and GoldenEye Fan Versions… the enemies are all cute Koopas. The whole of GoldenEye has been done , but Mario GoldenEye also custom levels from Mario 64, like Peaches castle. Far Cry 5 GoldenEye This is an awesome recrea�on of the GoldenEye Source GoldenEye game, running in a modern first-person shooter. This took three years Agent 64: Spies Never Die for someone to make, and you will adore the love and care he made with this game. This is an mul�player only version of GoldenEye, using the Half Life source engine. Click the link below, to download and try. h�ps:// Star�ng out as a GoldenEye fan remake, it has now morphed into a full-on love le�er to the game, as its own product. Currently not released but Steam does have a free demo to give it a go as we wait. 240

goldeneye 007 WOT THEY SAID… 64 Extreme - Issue 8 - Dec/Jan 1998 242

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goldeneye 007 C&VG - Issue 192 - Nov 1997 244

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goldeneye 007 N64 - Issue 9 - Dec 1997 248

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