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Published by maqsood5, 2016-07-21 11:11:46

Description: One thirteen the great
complied by
maqsood hasni
abuzar barqi kutab'khana


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1ONE THIRTEEN THE GREAT Complied byMaqsood Hasni

2No doubt,Allah is the greatest.He blessed man wealth of knowledge and regarded him as the best creature ofthe universe. So much so that he has been crowned as superior to angles also. Hehas been blessed as the “Khalipha” on earth. No whoever uses this title. One whouses the blessing of knowledge in the best way becomes honored and respectedamong human beings. However, it has been evident that man can not spend lifewithout other human beings and he works wonders with their help. In this way,he also cherishes the desire of being praised.These 56 people of my collection are unique in various fields and occupy a highknowledge status. So far as the doors of research are open, the position of theirwork can not be ignored and the possibility of their utility will exist. All of themare worthy of respect. We can earn benefit their work in one way or the other.The possibilities of direct cooperation with them will remain coming forth. Andin this way the paths of easiness and battement can open in this regard.It is no more difficulty but pain taking job to get data on any topic or about anysubject from inter-net. I have got the biographical data about “Hungred TheGreat” from inter-net and have arranged it in an easy order.It is hoped that this work of mine will be welcomed.Maqsood Hasni

3From: Ahmad Ali Khan [email protected]: [email protected]: *RE: THE FIFTIESDate: Thu 12/04/08 11:17 PMDear Mr. Maqsood Hasni,Thank you very much for this.This is a great work and I appreciate your efforts in collecting this data.RegardsProf. Ahmad A. KhanProject DirectorNational Law UniversityHigher Education Commission# 6, Mauve Area, G8/4IslamabadPh: +92-51-9262366Fax: +92-51-9262388*Now One Ten the Great

4CONTENTS Abdullah, Mohammad, Qazi Abdul Lateef H. Haidar Al Hakimi Abe Abrahami Abbas, Kanwar, Syed Abbas M. Milan Ali Gamal Eddin Ezzat Osman Ahmed Ali, Syed Adams B. Bodomo Ather Hussain, Syed Amanda Anastasi Anis Ahmad Aneel Salman Annabel Droussiotis Adam, Najma Alam M. Payind Asim Ijaz Khwaja Bhaskar Roy Barman Bassam A. Jubran B K Passi Bindi Mehta

5Bill EydlerDivid B LingiahDaud RasyidDana BarryDaniel VerkerkeDavid CrowtherDavid WortleyEdward KamensFarhat HaqDr. GuhaGhulam Kabir BegGeorge Pak-HengHelga LeitnerHerbert Lincoln WhitterHassan GhasemzadehIrene M K OvenstoneJohn KerseyJerry L. HuxellJore AlbertoJ. BihariJames TörökKriengsak Chareonwongsak

6Kala SaravanamuthuKhaliq Dad MalikKiyement Tinca CaliyurtKivin HobsonKhalida I NoorKensei SugayamaKoki ShimojiLawrence J. LauLuildo Marcos de NoronhaLeo RebelloMohammad Nur-ul-IslamMohammad AslamMominMette MorsingMuhammad ShanazarMabrouk MansouriMd. Hakikur RehmanMd. A. M. M. Taufiqul AnwarMd. Mafizur RahmanMd. Fazlul Karim PatwarayMohammad Umar MemonMohammad Nejatullah Siddiqi

7Mehmet Ali UlubasogluMarco ChianiM.N.S. SwamyM. Fahim KhanMark EspositoMahmoud HesaarakiMinhaj ul Hassan, SyedNur IslamNatto MasanoriNurly GofarOsama JannadiPatrick DurantouPeter B. ClarkeRaj Wali Shah KhattakRamli MohammadRowena SuryobrotoRolando A. DanaoRiger HawRyszard TadeusiewiczSultan Muhammad RazzakSong Swee heeStphen Gill

8Senani DeepikaSalma ShaheenSheila Murray BethelSHAHIDA PERVEEN AHMEDSurbhi SharmaSarfraz LloydSamir Abdel Hamid I. NouhSaeed-ul-HassanSilillaen, ParulianShaherMomaniStåle Angen RyeS. M. Rezaul KarimSatish RastogiShawkat M. ToorawarTin LattTimi EcimovicTheresita AtienzaUlisses RolimValko LiubenovVarant Zareh SeropianValko Lyubenov

9Wilson OggWilliam T. FryerWu, Chen FongZitko, Howard JohnZakir HossainZafrul Quadir SiddiqueAbdullah, Mohammad, Qazi

10Education:MA Arabic Karachi University, KarachiMA Islamic Study Islamia University BahawalpuPhD Islamic Study Punjab University, LahorePhD Arabic Linguistics Ansted University, UKTeaching Experience: 22+ YearsLanguagesNative Punjabi2nd native UrduArabic Very GoodEnglish FairEmployment; Principal, Govt. College Bahawalnagar Present Associate Professor Govt. Isl. College, Kasur PastInterest Research, Reading, TeachingPublications:1-Ensani Haqooq aur talemaat-e-Nabvi, Oriental Magazine, Islamabad 1442Hijra2-Saza-e-Habas Sahmahi Minhaaj, Lahore Jan. 19933-Qanoon-e-Khodawandi main sood ki aqobaat Mahnama Aaghi, Karachi Jan.19934-Sood, Islam aur degar mazahib ki nazar main Sahmahi Minhaaj, Lahore 19945-Islam ka nazam-e-Adal Haft Roza Aletsam, Lahore6-Dua aur os kay muzmiraat Mahnama Afqar-e-Moallam, Lahore7-Iqbal aur Quran Qafla Adab-e-IslamiThree papers are published in Arabic

11BookBadar Se Tabook Tak Publisher Maktaba Qudsea, LahoreResearch Project: The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) in the light of modern researchEdited from inter-net forums The Impacts of Arabic on the Pakistani LanguagesSole Author Prof. Drs Dr.Urdu Maqsood HasniAbdullateef H. Haidar Al Hakimi

12Dean, College of Education,United Arab Emirates UniversityAl-Ain P.O. Box 17551,United Arab EmiratesTel: +971-3-7677270+971-50-4488931E-mail: [email protected] :Prof. Abdullateef H. Haidar Al Hakimi is the Dean of the College ofEducation at United Arab Emirates University. As part of this job, he overseesthe international recognition efforts at the College of Education. He is a wellknown educator in the Arab Gulf region and the Middle East in accreditationstandards and program redesign. He provides assistance to Colleges ofEducation that are interested in developing quality teacher education programsthat meet NCATE standards. He provided such assistance to the colleges ofeducation at the University of Qatar and the University of Bahrain. Heparticipates in peer review teams of International Recognition in TeacherEducation. He has participated also in reforming teaching and learning at theUnited Arab Emirates University and the Ministry of Education in the UAE. Heassisted MOE efforts in developing curriculum frameworks and schooltextbooks. Prof. Al Hakimi maintains good international contacts with manyinternational organizations such as, NARST, NCATE, AACTE, CQAIE, and theNew England Association for Schools and Colleges. His educational philosophyis based on the conception that we can make a better and peaceful world byoffering quality education.NATIONALITY:Yemen.QUALIFICATIONS:B.S. in education (Chemistry and Physics), May 1981, Sana'a University, Sana'a,Yemen.M. Sc. (Physical Chemistry), May 1987, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK,USA.Ph. D. (Chemical Education), Dec. 1988, University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK,USA.

13Dissertation Title: \"A Comparison of Applied and Theoretical knowledge ofConcepts Based on the Particular Nature of Matter.\"RESEARCH INTERST:Students' reasoning abilities and their relation to learning of science.In-service teacher training.Learning outcomes.Influence of culture on science learning.Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.EXPERIENCE:Dean, College of Education, United Arab Emirates University, Sept. 2001-now.Vice Chancellor Advisor for Academic Affairs, United Arab EmiratesUniversity, Feb., 1997-2002.Accreditation Coordinator, College of Education, United Arab EmiratesUniversity, Sept. 2000-2001.Head, Curricula and Instruction Department, College of Education, UnitedArab Emirates University, Sept. 1999-2000.Associate Professor, science education, College of Education, United ArabEmirates University, Sept. 1995.Professor, science education, College of Education, United Arab EmiratesUniversity, Oct., 2000.Professor, science education, Faculty of Education, University of Taiz, May1998.Head, curricula and instruction department, Faculty of Education-Taiz, Oct.1993-Aug.1995.Associate Professor, science education, Mar. 13, 1993-1998.Dean, Faculty of Science -Taiz, Dec. 1990-Oct. 19993.Vice Dean, Faculty of Education-Taiz, Dec. 1989 -Dec. 1990.

14Lecturer Assistant, Faculty of Education-Sana’a, Jun. 1987 - Jan. 1989.Graduate Assistant, Faculty of Education-Sana’a. May. 1982 - Jul. 1987.PUBLICATIONS:Khalil, O. A.; and Haidar, A. H. (1989). Tahleel manahej al-ulum fe al-marhalahaleidahdiah fe al-yaman: dirrassah tahleeliah (An evaluation of the preparatoryschool science curriculum in Yemen Arab Republic: Analysis Study). Paperpresented at The Development of Curriculum Materials' Conference. Sana'aUniversity, Sana'a, Dec. 4-8-1989. (In Arabic)Mutahar, M. ; Al-Sufi, M. ; and Haidar, A. (1990). An investigation of thepossibility of science and arts colleges graduates at Sana'a University becomingpostprimary level teachers in the Republic of Yemen. Papered presented to theWorld Bank, Jul. 1990.Haidar, A. H. (1990). Estikhdam al-khamputer fe ta'aleem al-khimya'a (UsingComputer in Teaching Chemistry). Paper presented to the 3-rd Arab Seminarof Computer and Teaching, Tripoli 14- 16 Jul. 1990. (In Arabic)Haidar, A. H. (1990). Assbab azuf al-tullab al-mutakademin lilderassah be-kulliatattarbiah be-taez a'an al-iltihak be-khism al-fizia (Obstacles that preventfreshmen from enrolling in physics major in the Faculty of Education-Taiz).Paper presented at the 3-rd conference of the Egyptian Council forCurriculum and Instruction. Alexandria, 4-8 Aug. 1991. (In Arabic)Haidar, A. H. (1991). Al-urrud al-ammaliah wa tadrris al-ulum fe al-yaman:mua'auekhatuha wa etijahat al-mualimeen nahwaha (Demonstrations in theYemeni Schools. Their obstacles, and teachers' and students' attitudes towardsthem). Dirassat Tarbawia 37, 271-316, Egypt. (In Arabic)Haidar, A. H., Abraham, M. R. (1991). A comparison of applied and theoreticalknowledge of concepts based on the particulate nature of matter. Journal ofResearch in Science Teaching, 28(10), 919-939.Haidar, A. H. (1992). Takweem barnamej Al-tarrbiah al-ammaliah be-khuliatattarbiah be-taez (An evaluation of teaching practicum in the Faculty ofEducation-Taiz). Paper presented at Student Teaching in the TeacherPreparation Institutes in Yemen Seminar. Aden University, Aden 5-7 Jan.1992. (In Arabic)

15Haidar, A. H. (1992). Tattweer numudag le-ettehad karrar be-sha'an al-khubul fekhullia'at attarbiah wa tadhbekuh ala'a kulliat attarbiah be-taez (Developmentof admission decision making model and its applications to the Faculty ofEducation in Taiz. Paper presented at the admission policies in teacherpreparation institutes seminar, Sana'a May 19-21, 1992. (In Arabic)Haidar, A. H. (1992). Tasneef al-asselah al-shafawiah wa dawruh fe tadris al-ulum (The effect of using oral questions classification in science teaching. Paperpresented at the academic achievement seminar sponsored by YemeniEducational Researchers Association, Sana'a, Aug. 1-4, 1992. (In Arabic)Haidar, A. H. (1993). Aldemukhrattiah wa al-manhaj al-madrrasy (Democracyand School Curriculum). Alrabetah al- Thakafia Publications, Sana'a , Yemen.(InArabic).Haidar, A. H. (1993). Mafaheem mualemy al-marhalah al-thanawiah le-ta'aleemalulum fe al-yaman (High school science teachers' conceptions of scienceteaching in Yemen). Paper presented at the First Scientific Conference aboutThe Future of Science and Mathematics and Arab society Needs. Beirut, Oct.27-30, 1993. (In Arabic).Abu Zaid, M.; and Haidar, A. H. (1994). Nammat sulttat al-mualem fe al-yaman(Teachers' authority modes in Yemen). Al-Tarabia Al-Moaserah (31), 107-128. . (In Arabic).Haidar, A. H. (1994). Al-elakhat al-batrekiah wa tatheeraha a’ala al-ittijahat al-ilmiah laddae tullab al-marhalah al-thanawiah fe al-yaman (Effect of patriarchyon Yemeni high school students' scientific attitudes. Paper presented at the 7-thconference of the Egyptian Council for Curriculum and Instruction. Ale-Esmaelia, Aug. 1995. (In Arabic)Haidar, A. H.(1995) A Non-western culture and a western science educationwave.Paper presented at Tomorrow's Education conference. Al-Ain, Dec. 1995.Haidar, A. H. (1996). Western Science and Technology and the Needs of the ArabWorld. Joint Symposium: Traditional Culture , Science & Technology, andDevelopment. Mito, Sep. 22-29 1996. Japan.Haidar, A. H. (1996). Mafaheem Al-talabah al-yamanneen hawl bhad al-mafaheem albiologiah wa ta'atheer al-ussrah a'alayha (Yemeni students'conceptions about some biological concepts and family influence). Paperpresented at the Second Scientific Conference about The Future of Science andMathematics and Arab society Needs. Tunisia, Dec. 19-22, 1996. (In Arabic).

16Al-Suwaidi, K., & Haidar, A. (1997).Assaleeb Rafa’a Kafa’at Al Ada’a Ladda’aA’adha’a Hayatt Att-tadris fi Khuliatt Attarbiah (Increasing Competencyperformance of Colleges of Education faculty members). Paper presented atthe third Dean of Faculties of Education in the Gulf States. Sultan QabousUniversity. Sultanate of Oman: Masqat 21-22 Dec. 1997.Haidar, A. H. (1997). Pre-service chemistry teachers' conceptions of theconservation of matter and related concepts. Journal of Research in ScienceTeaching, 34(2), 181-197.Haidar, A. H. (1997). Rua'a al-alam al-muta'alekah be al-sababiah lada'a al-talabah alemarateen wa al-yamaneen (Emirates and Yemenis Universitystudents' World views related to causality). Journal of the Educational ReseachCenter-University of Qatar, 12, Jun. 1997, 149-170. (In Arabic)Haidar, A. H. (1997). Arab prospective science teachers' world viewpresuppositions towards nature. International Journal of Science Education, 19(9),1093-1109.Haidar, A. H. (1998). University professors' views about the influence of ArabSociety science and technology. Paper presented at Higher Education in theArab World in Light of Century Changes. United Arab Emirates University,Dec. 13-15, Al-Ain, UAE.Haidar, A. H., and Sultan, A. (1998). Numoothag Tatweer Mawad tadreebiahlemuallemy al-ulum (Developing Science Teachers’ Training Programs Model).Second Conference on Science Teacher Preparation for the 21st Century. The EgyptianSociety for Science Education (ESSE). Abu Sultan, Aug. 2-5.Haidar, A. H. (1998). Arab perspective of the application of informationtechnology in science education. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 7(4),337-Haidar, A. H. (1999). Arab pre-service and in-service teachers' views about thenature of science. International journal of science Education 21(8), 807-822Haidar, A. H. & Bal-Fakeeh, N. M. (1999). Emirates high school students'views about the epistemology of science. Paper presented at NARST1999. Boston, Massachusetts, Mar. 1999.Haidar, A. H. (2002). Emirates secondary school teachers’ perspectives on thenexus between modern science and Arab culture. International Journal

17of Science Education, 24(6), 611-626.Haidar, A. H. and Steve Lilly. The Use of Accreditation Standards in Collegeof Education Program Redesign at the United Arab EmiratesUniversity. Accepted to be presented at Redesigning TeacherEducation for the Third Millennium Conference. United Arab EmiratesUniversity, 9-11 March 2003.Haidar, A. H. (2004). Al Adwar Al jadeedah lel muassassat ata'aleemiah fealwatan alarabi fe del mujtama'a al ma'arefah (The New Roles ofEducational Institutions in Knowledge Society). Journal of the Collegeof Education, United Arab Emirates University.Haidar, A. H. & Mohammed, M. (in review). Dawr al maddrassah fe benaathakkaffat attaalum and tanmiateha (School role in building anddeveloping learning communities). Journal of the College ofEducation, United Arab Emirates University.Haidar, A. H. (2006). Al tajarob al alalamia fe majal aedad al mualem andawjoh al istefadate menha (Learning form distinguished internationalexperiences in teacher education.) King Mohammed bin Saud university, KSA.BOOKS:Haidar, A. H. (1993). Ta'aleem al-ulum fe dhaw al-itijahat al-muasserah(Teaching Science in Light of Contemporary Educational Trends). Dar Al-HadyPublishing, Taiz, Yemen. (in Arabic)Al-Kalili, K., Haidar, A., & Younis, G. (1996). Ta'aleem al-ulum fe marahelalta'aleem al-aam (Teaching Science in Pre-College). Dar Al-Khlam: Duabi.(in Arabic)Haidar, A. & Awadh, A. (1996). Tatahwur wa tanmiat al-mafaheem al-ilmiah waalrhiadiah ladah al-attfal (Development of Science and Math Concepts inChildhood). Dar Al-Khlam: Duabi (in Arabic).Haidar, A. (2004). Al Bahth Al Egrae (Action Research). Dar Al-Khlam: Duabi.(in Arabic)Haidar, A. (2005). Al Sair ala al Haffa (Walking on the Edge: DiscoveringContemporary Leadership Skills). Dar Al-Khlam: Duabi. (in Arabic)Haidar, A. Tatweer Kuliatt at tarbiah fe daw Maaeer Al aetemad Al Academy (A.College of Education Reform in light of Accreditation Standards.

18(in progress). (in Arabic)MAJOR PARTICIPATIONS IN SEMIARS AND CONFERNCES:The 10-th international conference for chemical education, Ontario, Canada,Aug, 1989.The development of educational materials seminar, Sana’a, Dec. 1989.The 63-rd Conference of the National Association of Research in ScienceTeaching, Atlanta, G, USA. 1990.The 3-rd annual conference for the Egyptian Council for Curriculum andInstructions, Alexandria, Aug, 1991.The 1-st Academic Conference about the Future of Science and Mathematicsand the Arab Society Needs, Beirut, Oct. 27-30, 1993.Two months academic tour to seven universities in Beirut, and the USAincluded: Washington, Maryland, Florida, Georgia, South Dakota, andMassachusetts.The 6-th annual conference for the Egyptian Council for Curriculum andInstruction, Ale-Esmaelia, Aug, 1994.Tomorrow's Education conference. United Arab Emirates University. Al-Ain,Dec. 1995.Traditional Culture , Science & Technology, and Development Symposium.Mito, Sep. 22-29 1996. Japan.The Second Scientific Conference about The Future of Science andMathematics and Arab society Needs. Tunisia, Dec. 19-22, 1996.(InArabic).NARST 1999, Boston, MA, Mar. 1999.AACTE Annual Conference, Boston, MA, 2000.AAHE, Annual Conference, Denver, CO, 2001.AACTE Annual Conference, Dallas, TX, 2001.AACTE Annual Conference, New York, NY, 2002.ICET Annual Conference, Frankfurt, 2002.NAYCE Annual Conference, New York, NY, 2003.AACTE Annual Conference, Washington, DC, 2005.

19MEMBERSHIPS:Member of the preparation committee of the Yemeni Educational Society.since 1989.Member of the Egyptian Council for Curriculum and Instruction, Egypt. Since1991.Member of National Association of Research in Science Teaching (NARST),USA since 1986.Founder member of The Arab Society for Science and Mathematics Teaching.Since 1993-.Member, World Council of Curriculum and Instruction. Since, 1999-.TEACHING:Taught the following courses:Science teaching methods (Elementary, middle and high schools).Development of Science and Math ConceptsTeaching practicumMeasurement and evaluationResearch methodsGeneral science for teachersScience and math teaching methods.Classroom Interaction.Course development:Lead development of all new programs at the College of Education based onNCATE 2000 standards and performance-based education.Member of developing science teaching methods courses.Member of developing development of Science and Math ConceptsDeveloping teaching methods:Using smart classroomsUsing multimediaUsing InternetAdopting a clear philosophy of teaching in higher educationDeveloping multimedia for classes.

20Student advising:Advising \"general science students\", 37 students, in 1996/95Advising \"general science students\", 115 students, in 1997/96Advising \"general science students\", 165 students, in 1997/98.UNIVERSITY AND COMMUNITY SERVICEHave participated in many committees at the University and Ministry ofEducation as well as Ministry of Higher education and Scientific Research.At the University level:- Coordinator of Strategic Plan Committee (1998-2007, UAEU),since 1997- now.- Teaching practice committee, UAEU1, 1995/96.- Administrative Committee, Tomorrow’s Education Conference,UAEU, 1995L96.- Computer Service Committee, UAEU, 1996/97.- Outstanding Students Committee, UAEU, 1996/97.- Coordination Committee, Ministry of Education and UAEU,1996/97.- Half time job, Vice Chancellor’s Office, UAEU, Feb. 1997-.- Head, Instruction Committee, Curriculum and InstructionDepartment, UAEU, 1997/98.- Scientific Research Committee, College of Education, 1997/98-1998/99.- Head, Scientific Research Committee, Curriculum andInstruction Department, UAEU, 1998/99.- Central Supervisory Committee for scientific Research, UAEU,1998/99.- Central Financial Committee for Creative Teaching, UAEU,1998/99.- Central Teaching Methods Development Committee, UAEU,1998/99.Also participated in many lectures and workshops for faculty, staff andstudents in: using technology, teaching and learning, educational standards,accreditation efforts, learning objectives, developing general educationprograms, and training and evaluation.At the Society Level:- Exam Development Committee, Ministry of Education, 1995/96.- Equivalency Committee, Ministry of Higher Education andScientific Research, 1997/98-1998/99.

21- Kindergarten Curriculum Frameworks Committee, MOE,1997/98.- Accreditation Committee for Private Schools in Dubai.- Development and Modification Committee for 11-th gradeChemistry Textbook, MOE, 1997l98.- Counsel for Hamdan Bin Rashid Al Maktoum Award for TheDistinguished Academic Performance, 1998- now.1United Arab Emirates University.- Assisted the colleges of Education in both University of Qatarand University of Bahrain to reform their teacher educationprograms.- Participated in a pre-visit, College of Education, KuwaitUniversity, 2005.Also participated in many lectures, workshops for in-service teachers in:teaching methods, curriculum analysis, training, education awards, andevaluation.Invited Lectures:College of Education, University of Manitoba, Japan, 1997.College of Education, University of Qatar, 2002, 2003.College of Education, University of Bahrain, 2003.College of Education, Sultan Qaboos University, 200College of Education, University of Sana'a, 2003.College of Science, University of Taiz, 2003.Ministry of Higher Education, Sultanate of Oman, 2003.College of Education, University of Taiz, 2004.College of Education, University of Taiz, 2005.College of Education, Kuwait University, 2005.College of Education, King Mohammed Bin Saud university, KSA, 2006.AWARDS:Conico Company award – Chemistry Department, University of Oklahoma,1987.The Best Ph.D. competition award in humanities and social sciences,University of Oklahoma, 1988.Best performance award in teaching, Faculty of Education, United ArabEmirates, 1998.

22CONSTRUCTIONAL WORKS:Participated in the establishment of the computer unit in Sana’a University.Supervised extensions to the Faculty of Education-Taiz.Established the Faculty of Science-Taiz.Headed committees to develop new teacher education programs, UAEU.Lead accreditation efforts at the College of Education, United Arab EmiratesUniversity that were concluded with gaining International Recognitionin Teacher Education by CQAEI in cooperation with NCATE.Applied Education Award in the Middle East, Hamdan Bin Rashid AlMaktoum Award.Headed committees to develop Master Degree Programs in education based onspecialized professional organizations standards, UAEU.

23Abe AbrahamiAn international author,Public speaker,Media personality,An award-winner and a prolific author of 3 booksMore than 50 papers.His amazing presentations (samples below) draw fromEngineeringComputer science,Psychology,Meditation,Alternative medicine,Judaism,Mysticism and meta-physics.Dr. Abrahami speaks in English and Hebrew on cruise ships, in holiday resorts,private gatherings, parties, corporate venues, community centres, colleges etc.Dr Abrahami has spoken in about 40 destinations around the world, includingIsrael National Radio and World Brotherhood Union, from which he won anaward:• Alternative Medicine• Cognitive Psychology• Meditation and Self-Improvement• Personal Development• Authentic Kabala• Codes of the Universe• Global Consciousness• Secrets of the Zodiac• Why did you come to this world?• Stress management• Change management• Risk management• Project managemenAbe Abrahami is a highly qualified, practical and hands-on analyst, projectmanager, and training professional, who has practiced engineering technology,business re-engineering, change, compliance & risk management, and more...His highly successful work methods and practicial cost-effective solutions andtraining are his hallmark of excellence and results-oriented best practice thathave inspired so many people who have worked with him over the years.

24Abbas, Kanwar, SyedEconomistFinance division,Govt of Pakistan, IslamabadEmail: [email protected]: +92-5368232RESEARCH THESISEfficiency Wage Hypothesis “The Case of Pakistan”PublicationJournal Articles1.“Wage Differential in an Islamic Framework”, (2006), Thoughts on Economics, the Quarterly Journal of Islamic Economics Research Bureau, 16 (1), PP. 47-53. “Wage Differentials in an Islamic Framework”, (2005), International Research Association, Harvard Square Cambridge, Massachusetts. “Efficiency Wage Hypothesis---The Case of Pakistan” (2005), The Pakistan Development Review, 44(4), Part II. PP. 1051–1066. (With Asad Zaman) “The Use of Maths in Statistical Terms”, (1997), Aldab Golden Jubliee Number,Govt Islamia College, Kasur. Pakistan.5. “Global Food Crisis & Higher Inflationary Pressures: Shot and Medium toLong Term Policy Options”, (2008) MPRA Paper 9981, University Library ofMunich, Germany. “Possibilities of Wheat Crisis in Asia: Pakistan’s Wheat Outlook vis-à-vis theWorld Position in 2009”, Submitted to Journal of Strategic Studies, Pakistan.The News, Karachi (Magazine Articles)

25 1. “Global Recessionary Shocks”, (8th December, 2008), Business and Finance Review, The News International. PP.9. 2008/p9.htm 2. “The Inflationary Traps and Dilemma of Monetary Policy Operations”, (7th July, 2008), Business and Finance Review, The News International. PP.7. “Pakistan’s Trade Deficit”, (March 2008), Weekly Cutting Edge, Issue # 3, Vol.31. PP. 7 “SBP’s Cautious Approach towards Managing the Economy”, (24th March,2008), Business and Finance Review, The News International. PP.5. “Higher Inflationary Pressures & Rising Fiscal Deficit”, (Feb 2008), Pakistan &Gulf Economist, Vol. XXVII, NO. 7. PP. 7-8.6. “Inflation-Oriented Monetary Policy and Helplessness on Rising FiscalDeficit”, (18th Feb, 2008), Business and Finance Review, The News International.PP.1. “Macroeconomic Challenges and Policy Options”, (13th August, 2007),Business and Finance Review, The News International. PP.8. “Inflationary Responses to Productivity Shocks”, (11th June, 2007), Businessand Finance Review, the News International. PP.6. “Pakistan’s Federal Tax System Review and Recommendations for Budget-byWB”, (23rdApril 2007), Business and Finance Review, The News International.PP.3 and Research Working PapersThe following Working Papers have been authored for Ministry of Finance,Government of Pakistan.

261. “Economic Context” See, Budget Strategy Paper 2008-09, (April 2008), Ministryof Finance, Islamabad, Pakistan.2. “Increase in Government Borrowings from State Bank of Pakistan”, (Dec,2007), Ministry of Finance, Islamabad, Pakistan.3. “Global Food Crisis & Prospects of Wheat Outlook in 2008/09”, (April 2008),Ministry of Finance, Islamabad, Pakistan.4. “Need for Economic Reforms & Private Sector Development Strategy”,(June2008), Ministry of Finance, Islamabad, Pakistan5. “Inflationary Pressures: Short and Medium to Long Term Policy Options”,(July 2008), Ministry of Finance, Islamabad, Pakistan.

27Abbas M. MilaniThe Hamid and Christina Moghadam Director of Iranian Studies,Stanford UniversityCo-Director, Iran Democracy Project, Hoover Institution309 Encina Hall WestStanford UniversityStanford, CA 94305650-725-0330 (phone) or650-721-4052 (phone)650-725-8278 (fax)Professional Experience2005-present Director, Iranian Studies, Stanford University2003-present Co-Director, Iran Democracy Project, Hoover InstitutionResearch Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University2003-present Visiting Professor of Political Science, Stanford University1993-2003 Professor of History and Political ScienceNotre Dame de Namur University, Belmont, California1987-2003 Chair, Department of History and Political ScienceNotre Dame de Namur University, Belmont, California1988-2003 Research Fellow, Institute of International StudiesCenter of Middle Eastern StudiesUniversity of California, Berkeley1979-1987 Member, Board of Directors, Center for International StudiesTehran University1977-1987 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Law and Political Science, TehranUniversity1977-1978 Research Fellow, Iranian Center for Social Research, Tehran1975-1977 Research Fellow, Iranian Center for Social Research, Tehran

28Publications (selected)Books (Original Works)Eminent Persians: Men and Women Who Made Modern Iran, 1941-1979,Syracuse University Press, Syracuse, NY, 2 volumes, November, 2008.The Road to Democracy in Iran, authored by Akbar Ganji, translated by AbbasMilani, forward by Abbas Milani and Joshua Cohen, MIT University Press, April2008.King of Shadows: Essays on Iran’s Encounter with Modernity, Ketab Corp., LosAngeles, CA., May 2005. Persian text published in the U.S.; second print 2006.Lost Wisdom: Rethinking Persian Modernity, Mage Publishers, Washington,D.C. 2004; second print, 2005.The Persian Sphinx: Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the IranianRevolution, Mage Publishers, 2000, 2002; in Britain, IB Tauris, 2000. Translated bythe author into Persian as Moamay-e Hoveyda, published in Iran, Atiy-e Press,and in Washington, D.C. by Mage Publishers; (also translated by HoushangMahdavi, Abolhol-e Irani, Tehran, 2001;) author's translation: Book of the Year,2002, Deutsch Radio; now in eighteenth printing in Tehran, third in Washington;English paperback, Mage Publishers, 2004.Modernity and its Foes in Iran, Gardoon Press, Germany, 1998; Atiyeh Press,Tehran, 1999, 2001, 2002, 2004, 2004, 2005, 2007, Eighth printing 2008.Tales of Two Cities: A Persian Memori, Mage Publishers, 1996. Paperback,Kodansha, Jan. 1997 (best-seller, San Francisco Chronicle list).On Democracy and Socialism. (A collection of articles, written with FaramarzTabrizi), Berkeley, CA: Pars Press, 1987.Malraux and the Tragic Vision, Tehran: Agah Press, 1982.Books (Translations-into Persian unless otherwise specified)Kolakowski, L., Main Currents of Marxism, 3 volumes, Agah Publishers, vol. 1 and2, (2006); 2nd & 3rd editions (2007); vol. 3, Akhtaran (2008).Bulgakov, Mikail, Master and Margarita, Tehran: Nashre-no, 1983, 1990, 1994,2000, 2002, 2004, 2005, 2006

29On Totalitarianism, (an edited, translated and annotated selection composed ofNechaev's Catechism of a Revolutionary, Dostoyevsky's Grand Inquisitor,selections from Miloz's Captive Mind, Kolakowsky's Totalitarianism and the Lie,Kundera's Future of the Novel, Nisbet's 1984 Revisited),Tehran, 1999, 2002, 2003,2004, 2005Gramsci, Antonio, State and Civil Society, Tehran: Sahar, 1980. Reprinted:Stockholm: Ketab Pishro, 1986; third print: Koln, Germany, 1998; fifth print,Tehran, 1998; sixth print 2004, 2005Golshiri, H., King of the Benighted (into English). Washington, D.C.: MagePublishing, January, 1990; paperback edition, 1995; German translation, SurkampVerlag, 1998Mao-tse dung, Critique of the Soviet Economy, Tehran: Pejvak, 1986Marx, Karl, Critique of the Gotha Program, Tehran: Pejvak, 1979. Reprinted 1980,1982Bettelheim, Charles, China Since MaD, Tehran: Ruzbehan Publisher, 1979.Reprinted Paris, 1980Kautsky, Charles, Foundations of Christianity, Tehran: Arnir Kabir, 1978.Reprinted in 1980Benjamin, Walter, Understanding Brecht, Tehran: Roudaki Publishers, 1979Robison, Joan, Economic Management in China, Tehran: Javidan, 1977MonographsBeyond Incrementalism: A New Strategy for Dealing with Iran, coauthored withLarry Diamond, Mike McFaul, Hoover Institution, May 2005A catalogue for Creating an Islamic Republic: Iranian Collections from the HooverInstitution Library and Archives, with Cissy Hill, Hoover Institution, May 2004Reagan and the Social Bases of His Power, Tehran: Katibeh Publishers, 1982When Revisionists Write History, (an extended critique of Soviet historiography onthe history and politics of modern Iran), Tehran: Roozbehan Press, 1979

30Articles“Parliamentary Elections and the Future of Democracy in Iran”, Brown Journal ofInternational Relations, forthcoming“Iran: Don’t Let Up”, coauthored with Mike McFaul, Hoover Digest, 2008, No.2“Pious Populist”, Boston Review, November/December 2007“Russia and Iran: Authoritarians Unite!”, Current History, October 2007\"El-milagro del nuevo Milenio\", Vanguardia, July-September 2007“The Wrong Lessons”, coauthored with Michael McFaul, Hoover Digest, 2007,No. 3“How to Turn Iran Upside Down”, coauthored with Larry Diamond and MichaelMcFaul, Hoover Digest, 2007, No. 2“What Ahmadinejad Thinks He's Doing”, Hoover Digest, 2006, No. 4“How Iran Can Yet Be Tamed”, coauthored with Michael McFaul, Hoover Digest,2006, No. 2\"A Win-Win U.S. Strategy for Dealing with Iran\", coauthored with MichaelMcFaul and Larry Diamond, The Washington Quarterly, Winter 2006\"Playing for the Long Haul in Iran: A Dual-Track Strategy for Arms Control andDemocratization\", Brown Journal of World Affairs, Winter/Spring 2006\"Iran's Peculiar Election: A Historical Perspective\", Journal of Democracy, October2005“Iran’s New President,” Hoover Digest, 2005, No. 4“The Passive Revolution,” coauthored with Jared Cohen, Hoover Digest, 2005,No. 3“King of the Shadows: Golestan and the Question of Modernity,” Sharg, (Tehran)

31“Character as Destiny,” paper presented at Oxford University conference titled,“Public Spaces, Private Lives.” Persian version, Sharg, October 2005, special issueon modernity and the state in Iran.“U.S. Foreign Policy and the Future of Democracy in Iran”, The WashingtonQuarterly, Summer 2005“Daneshkadeh and the question of Modernity in Iran,” Iranshenasi, Summer 2005“Give Diplomacy a Chance,” coauthored with Michael McFaul, Hoover Digest,2005, No.1“Bahar and the Question of Modernity,” Montreal Lectures on Iranian Literatureand Culture (Montreal 2005) pages 244-263“Solidarity with Iran,” coauthored with Michael McFaul, Hoover Digest, 2004,No. 2\"Hoveyda, Amir Abbas,\" Encyclopaedia Iranica, Vol. XII, Fascicle 5\"Hekmat, Sardar Fakher,\" Encyclopedia Iranica, Vol, XII, Faschile 2, 150-152\"Hekmat, Ali Asghar,\" Encyclopedia Iranica, (with editors of EIR), Vol. XII, Fascicle2, 145-150\"Alam and the Origins of the Revolution in Iran,\" Iranshenasi, Spring, 2004“U.S. Elections: A Survey,” Sharg, November 3, 2004Review of a new novel by Z. Hashemi, Keyhan (London), April 2004“Iran: A Revolution Betrayed\", Hoover Digest, 2003, No. 4\"History and Culture: Hurley's Dream, How FDR almost brought democracy toIran,\" Hoover Digest, 2003, No. 3\"Can Iran Become a Democracy,\" Hoover Digest, 2003, No. 2\"Shadman and the Question of Modernity.\" Introduction to the new edition ofTaskhir Tamadane Gharb, Tehran, Gameno, 2003, 1-26“Hakimi, Ebrahim,” Encyclopedia Iranica.

32\"Golestan and the Question of Modernity,\" Iranshenasi, Fall 2002; republished inIran in Mardomsalar, 2003\"Modernity and the Postmodern in Iran,\" Mardomsalar, 13 Ordibehesht 1381republished in Keyhan of London, 2003\"Qasem Qani,\" Encyclopedia Iranica, Vol. X, Fascicle 3“The Grey of History: Answer to Critics,” Iraneemrooz (Internet magazine), Nov.2002\"Abbas-Goli Golshaiyan,\" Encyclopedia Iranica, Vol. X“Letter to a Friend,” Jahane Ketab, March 2002; reprinted, Mehregan, Fall 2002\"On Houshang Golshiri,\" Iranshenasi, Summer 2000\"Remembering Goishiri,\" Azadi, Summer 2000\"Iranian Studies,\" Times Literary Supplement, Nov. 14, 1997\"Modernity and Political Thought in Nezami's Chahar Magalef (The FourDiscourses),\" Iranshenasi, Fall 1998\"Rereading Sadigi's Introduction to Aristotle's Politics,” Irannameh, Fall 1998\"Rostam ol Tavarikh and the Question of Modernity,\" Iranshenasi, Fall, 1996\"Narratives of Modernity: Perspectives of an Oriental Despot,\" in MovingBoundaries, Ed. Michael Shapiro. University of Minnesota Press, 1995\"Shadman and the Question of Modernity,\" Iranshenasi, Spring 1995\"Political Ideas and Theories in the Writings of Sa'di-Sirjani,\" Iranshenasi, Winter,1995. Reprinted in an anthology of essays on Sa'di-Sirjani, Washington, D.C. 1996\"History in Tarikh-e Beyhagi,\" Iranshenasi, Spring 1994\"The Politics of Islamic Fundamentalism,\" San Francisco Review of Books, April1994>\"Nasir AI-Din Shah in Europe,\" Iranshenasi. Summer 1993\"Tazkeratol Oliya and Modernity,\" Iranshenasi, Spring 1992

33\"Art as Redemption: Mohasses and the Closed Circuit of History,\" Iranshenasi,Winter 1992\"Hedayat and the Tragic Vision,\" Iranshenasi, Fall 1992\"Tehran and Modernity,\" Irannameh, Summer 1991. Reprinted in Katabe, Tehran,ed. Sima Kuban, Tehran, 1992\"Kundera and Modernity,\" Kelk, July 1991\"The Wasteland: Millenarian Thought in Contemporary Iranian Novels,\"Irannameh, Fall 1989. Reprinted in Selections on Iranian Studies, Ed. ChangisPahlavan, Tehran, 1992\"Kaveh and Modernity,\" Iranshenasi, Spring 1990\"On the Islamic Revolution: An Exchange with Bernard Lewis,\" New York Reviewof Books, April 1988\"Chamedan: Tale of Estrangement,\" Ketabe Djomeha, January 1988\"Truth, Totalitarianism and the Novel: Kundera's Perspective,\" Ketabe Djomeha,August, 1988\"Two Perspectives: Further Discussions on Koestler,\" Naghde Aghah, Fall 1985\"Koestler Revisited,\" Naghdeh Aghah, Spring 1985\"Sylone: Return to Fontamara,\" Cheraq, Summer 1983\"Historical Notes on Malraux's 'La Condition Humaine,'\" Naghdeh Agha, Fall,1983\"Psychoanalysis and History,\" Neguine, March 1980\"Iran: Developments during the Last Fifty Years in Iran: Past, Present andFuture,”Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies, 1975Editorials, Newspaper Articles and Op-ed Pieces\"Persian Politicking\", Democracy: A Journal of Ideas, Issue #10, Fall 2008

34“The Right Way to Engage Iran”, coauthored with Michael McFaul, WashingtonPost, December 29, 2007“What Scare's the Mullahs\", New York Times, February 23, 2007\"Iran's Weakened Hard-Liners Crave a U.S. Attack\", coauthored with LarryDiamond and Michael McFaul, Christian Science Monitor, February 6, 2007\"How Experts View A Strike Against Iran\", San Francisco Chronicle, October 1,2006\"Iran President Missing Badly. Ahmadinejad's crisis deepens as he endangers thepetro-loot\", San Francisco Chronicle, July 30, 2006\"Inside Iran's Fractured Regime\", coauthored with Michael McFaul, WashingtonPost, June 25, 2006“A Checking Account for Democracy”, coauthored with Michael McFaul, WallStreet Journal, March 6, 2006“Revealing Errors: Iran, Jews and the Holocaust: An answer to Mr. Black”,, February 23, 2006“Iran, Jews and the Holocaust: The beneficent legacy of Persia remembered, SanFrancisco Chronicle, February 19, 2006“To Tame Tehran”, coauthored with Michael McFaul, The Washington Post,January 28, 2006“For Jews, there have always been two Irans”, International Herald Tribune,November 10, 2005“Regime Change”, The Wall Street Journal, October 31, 2005. An Italian translationpublished in Corriere della Ser“Silver Lining,” New York Times, June 30, 2005; reprinted in International HeraldTribune, Friday July 2005“Cracks in the Land of the Ayatollahs”, coauthored with Michael McFaul,International Herald Tribune, June 17, 2005“Iranshenasi”, Encyclopedia Iranica, Spring 2005, (article on the history of theIranshenasi journal)

35“Irannameh”, Encyclopedia Iranica, Spring 2005, (article on the history of theIrannameh journal)“How the U.S. should take on Iran”, San Jose Mercury News, November 28, 2004\"Solidarity with Iran,\" with Mike McFaul, Wall Street Journal, Monday, Feb. 23,2004\"US-Iranian Relations at a Crossroad,\" San Francisco Chronicle, Tuesday, Jan. 27,2004\"A Revolution Betrayed,\" San Jose Mercury, August 3, 2003\"Blurred Vision,\" coauthored with Larry Diamond and Mike McFaul, LA Times,July 20, 2003Articles and Short-stories (Translations from Persian into English)\"The Executions,\" (a selection from Shahrnoush Parsipur's A Prison Memoir, inThe Prison where I Live: The Pen Anthology of Imprisoned Writers, Ed. SiobahnDowd, New York, Cassell, 1996, pp. 138-142. The article has since been reprintedin several other anthologies)\"Sketching,\" a short story by Houshang Golshiri, Literary Review, Vol. 40, No.1,Fall 1996Short Pieces (For Broadcast on BBC Persian Program, 1995-2004)\"Brief History of the Iranian Revolution\"\"Iranian Artists and the Revolution\"\"Khatami and his Place in History\"\"On the Perils of Biography: A Discussion of The Persian Sphinx”\"Golshiri, An Appraisal\"\"US-Iranian Relations: Some Historical Remarks.\"\"Karl Popper: a Eulogy\"\"Saidi-Sirjani: a Profile\"

36Introductory Prefaces\"Introduction” to Shahrnoush Parsipur's Blue Logos. San Jose, 1994Book ReviewsBBC Persian Program(1995-2000)Ohram Pamuk, The Black Book (1995)Reza Daneshvar, Khosro Khouban (1995)Dr. Li Zhisui, The Private Life of Chairman Mao (1996)Isaiah Berlin, The Magus of the North (1996)San Francisco ChronicleThe following are a selection from approximately 150 book reviews published inthe San Francisco Chronicle from 1991 to the 1998:Huntington, Samuel, Clash of CivilizationsLewis, Bernar, Islam and the WestLewis, Bernard, The History of the Middle EastFukuyama, F., The End of History and the Last ManSaid, Edward, Culture and ImperialismSaid, Edward, Peace and Its DiscontentsEco, Umberto, MisreadingsEco, Umberto, Six Walks in the Fictional WoodEco, Umberto, How to Travel with SalmomPerez, Shimon, The Future of the Middle EastGlenny, Misha, The Fall of YugoslaviaMernissi, Fatima, The Veil and the Male EliteZonis, Marvin, Majestic FailureArmstrong, Karen, A History of GodMahfouz, Naguib, Arabian Nights and DaysMahfouz, Naguib. Children of the AlleyPamuk, Ohran, The Black BookAkbar, Allah O, A Journey through Militant IslamViorst, Milton, The Arabs in Search of the Modern WorldAlam, Asadollah, The Shah and IAhmed, Leila, Women and Gender in IslamMakiya, Kanan, Cruelty and Silence

37Kadare, Ismail, The PyramidKadare, Ismail, The Three-arched BridgeBloom, Harold, Omens of MilleniumNetanyahu, Benjamin, A Place among the NationsBreytenbach, Breyten, The Memory of Birds in Times of RevolutionMiller, Judith, God Has Ninety-Nine NamesJournals\"An Islamic Utopian: Ali Shariati, A Political Biography,\" Ali Rahnema,lranshenasi, Autumn, 2000\"Iranian Intellectuals and the West,\" Boroujerd, The Journal of the Middle East,Spring 1998\"Pivot of the Universe,\" Abbas Amanat, Iranshenasi, Summer 1997\"The Safavid Roundtable,\" (A discussion of aspects of the Safavid era in light ofCalmar's Etudes Safavides and Melville's Safavid Persia), Iranshenasi, Summer 1997“Omens of Millenium”, Harold Bloom, Iranshenasi, Autumn, 1996\"Under the Cloak of Hypocrisy,\" by Sa'di-Sirjani, Middle East Journal, Winter 1996\"Amin Malout's Samarkand,\" Irannameh, Fall, 1996\"Edward Said and the Peace Process,\" Mehregan, Fall 1996\"On Encyclopedia Iranica,\" Keyvan, Thurs. Feb. 15, 1996\"A Critique of Modernity,\" Babak Ahmadi, Iranshenasi, Fall 1994. Reprinted inKelk, Tehran, Spring 1996“Fragile Resistance,\" John Foran, Iranshenasi, Summer 1995\"Hedayat's Blind Owl as a Western Novel,\" Michael Beard, Iran Narneh, Summer1992\"Iranian Culture: A Persianist View,\" Michael Hillman, lranshenasi, Summer 1992\"Revising Revisionism,\" Anvar Khamenei, Neguine, 1979\"History and Science,\" Journal of the Iranian Association of Librarians, Summer 1978

38Invited LecturesAug 2008 Nuke, Kooks and Democracy in Iran, Authors@Google talk, Goggle, Inc.,Mt. View, CAJune 2008 Failed Transitions from Monarchy in the Middle East, Monarchies inTransition Conference, Center on Democracy Development and the Rule of Law,Stanford University, Stanford, CaliforniaApr 2008 Red Sea Cruise Lecturer, Stanford Travel Study Program, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CaliforniaMar 2008 Leading Matters, Stanford University Alumni Association,La Jolla, CaliforniaFeb 2008 Inside Iran: Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies, Commonwealth Club, SanFrancisco, CaliforniaFeb 2008 Intellectuals & the Issue of Modernity: Several Narratives, SUGIA (StudyGroup for Iranian Affairs) Conference, University of Southern California, LosAngeles, CAAug 2007 Stanford Executive Program, Graduate School of Business, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CaliforniaMay 2007 Confronting The Iranian Threat: The Way Forward, The Foundation forDefense of Democracies Workshop, Freeport, BahamasMay 2007 Islam and Science, Muslim Scholar and Entrepreneur Awards, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, CaliforniaMay 2007 Center for the Study of Democracy, School of Social SciencesDialogue on Democracy & Islam Lecture Series, University of California Irvine,Irvine, CaliforniaMay 2007 Pacific Union Club, San Francisco, CaliforniaMay 2007 Bohemian Club Special Programs Committee Conference, HooverInstitution, Stanford, CaliforniaApr 2007 China Influence on Iran’s Foreign and Domestic Policies, On CommonGround, Forum for American/Chinese Exchange at Stanford, StanfordUniversity, Stanford, California

39Apr 2007 Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies Advisory Boardmeeting, Stanford University, Stanford, CaliforniaApr 2007 Iran and the Rise of Radical Islam, Stanford Alumni Association,Los Angeles, CaliforniaMar 2007 Iran - The Emerging Challenge in Mulitple Perspectives,Tel Aviv University, Los Angeles, CaliforniaMar 2007 Civil Resistance and Power Politics, University of Oxford, EnglandMar 2007 Nuclear Weapons in A New Century: Facing the Emerging Challenges,Ronald W. Burkle Center for International Relations, UCLA, Los Angeles,CaliforniaFeb 2007 Iran’s Foreign and Security Policies, Global Research, University of Rome,Centre for Iranian Studies, University of Durham, Rome, ItalyFeb 2007 The Rise of Political Islam: A Historical Perspective, World Affairs Councilof Northern California, San Francisco, CaliforniaSept 2006 Prospects for Democracy in Iran and the Role of the U.S, University ofVirginia, Charlottesville, VirginiaSept 2006 Iran’s Constitutional Revolution: A One Hundred Year RetrospectiveConference, University of MarylandJuly 2006 Crises and Change in the Middle East, Brandeis University, Waltham,MassachusettsJune 2006 Intercultural Exchange and Global Cooperation 9th Cultural Conference,Anaheim, CaliforniaApril 200623rd International Workshop on Global Security, Center for StrategicDecision Research, Berlin, GermanyMarch 2006 Stabilizing Iraq: Regional Perspectives, Center on Democracy,Development, and the Rule of Law, Stanford University, Stanford, CaliforniaMarch 2006 Prospects for Democracy in Iran, Shiraz University School of MedicalSciences, Mahwah, New JerseyMarch 2006 Iran and Modernity, Commonwealth Club, San Francisco, California

40Feb 2006 The U.S. and Iran, World Affairs Council, San Francisco, CaliforniaNov 2005 Iran & the Engima of Modernity, Canadian Iranian Foundation,Vancouver, BC, CanadaNov 2005 Lost Wisdom, Persian Poetry & Literature Club, Calgary, CanadaOct 2005 Iran’s Presidential Election: Implications for Reform and InternationalSecurity, International Security Forum, Stanford University, Stanford, CAOct 2005 U.S. Foreign Policy and It’s Choices in Iran, World Trade Club, SanFrancisco, CAOct 2005Iran’s Nuclear Program: Past and Present, Hoover Institution Retreat,Stanford, CSept 2005 Iran Democracy: Problems & Prospects, Hoover Institution BreakfastBriefing, Los Angeles, CASept 2005 Iranian Identity, Mehregan Foundation, San Diego, CAJuly 2005 Tradition and Modernity in Iran: A Historical Perspective, The Society ofIranian Professionals, Sunnyvale, CAJuly 2005 St. Antony’s College, Oxford University, Private Lives and Public Spacesin Modern Iran, Oxford, EnglandMarch 2005 Iran’s Future Path, The Ditchley Foundation, Oxfordshire, EnglandApril 2004 The History of the Iranian Revolution, Pluralism Fund, Palo AltoApril 2004 Democracy in Middle East, Woodrow Wilson/Hoover conference,Hoover Institution, Stanford, CAMarch 2004 Future of Democracy in Iran, World Affairs Council, Peninsula chapterJuly 2003 Iran and the Crisis in Central Asia, World Affairs Council workshop,Stanford University, Stanford, CAJuly 2003 Prospects for Democracy in Iran, CISAC, Stanford University, Stanford,CAJuly 2003 Democracy and Rule of Law in Iran, Center for Democracy and the Rule ofLaw, Stanford University

41June2003 Rethinking Persian Modernity, in panel discussion on \"Unraveling Iran,\"Stanford UniversityJune 2003 The Current Situation in Iran, Hoover Institution, Stanford UniversityNov 2002 Rethinking Persian Modernity, Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNov 2002 Hoveyda and the Question of Modernity, Massachusetts Institute ofTechnologyApril 2002 Democracy in Iran and the Role of U.S. Foreign Policy in its Evolution,World Affairs Council, Marin County ChapterFeb 2002 Hoveyda and the Question of Modernity in Iran, Yale UniversityJune 2001 The King of the Benighted, and the Poetics of Persian Culture, PrincetonUniversityMay 2001 The Genesis of The King of the Benighted, School of Asian and OrientalStudies, University of LondonMarch 2001 Taming the Shrew, Unveiling the Prince: Women in Golshiri’s PrinceEhtejab, Conference on Iranian Women in Cinema, University of VirginiaOct 27, 2000 Hoveyda and Modern Iranian Politics, School of Oriental and AfricanStudies, University of LondonNov 3, 2000 Rethinking Iranian Modernity, Stockholm International Center forCultural ExchangeJun 15, Purgatory of Exile: Persian Writers in America, Meinz International2000 Conference on the Experience of Exile, GermanyMay 25, Tehran and Modernity: Shahri's Personal Journey, Conference of Iranian2000 Studies Association, Washington, D.C.April 27, US-Iranian Relations and the Question of Democracy, University of Southern2000 FloridaApril 22, Perils of Persian Biography, Center for South East Asia Studies, University of1999 Virginia, CharlottesvilleMay 28, Bahar and the Question of Modernity, Iranian Cultural Center, McGill1999 University, Montreal, CanadaNov 18, Iran and the Prospects of Democracy, World Affairs Council of San Francisco1999Nov. 24, Iran and the Question of Modernity: New Perspectives, Department of Asian

421999 and African Affairs, University of Uppsala, SwedenJune 2, New Historicism and the Persian Context, Dehkhoda Foundation, Berlin,1998 GermanyApril 2, Iran and the West, Symposium on Iran, World Affairs Council of Orange1998 CountyMar 28, Khatami and the Future of Iran-American Relations, World Affairs Council of1998 Northern CaliforniaJun 21, Sarkuhi, A symposium, with Robert Hass et al in support of Sarkulli,1997 University of California, BerkeleyApr 14, Tales of Two Cities: a Persian Memoir, Center for Middle Eastern Studies,1996 University of VirginiaMay 11, Jafar Shahri and the Question of Modernity, Iranian Professional Society of1996 Portland, OregonJuly 10, Tehran and Modernity, Washington University, St. Louis, Missouri1996Mar 18, Rustamol- Tavarikh and the Question of Modernity, University of California,1996 DavisOct 14, Islam: A Historical Perspective, World Affairs Council of San Francisco, CA1994Nov Modernity and the Politics of Identity, MESA Convention, Phoenix, AZ1994Mar 23, Narratives of Modernity: Perspectives of an Oriental Despot, International1993 Studies Association Conference, Acapulco, MexicoOct 2, Borders within Borders, World Affairs Council, San Francisco, CA1992Jan 21, Sufism: A Textual Genealogy, Society of Iranian Professionals, Berkeley, CA1992Jan 17, Hedayat and the Problem of Modernity, Conference on Hedayat, University of1991 Texas, AustinAug 30, Shii Fundamentalism: A Historical Perspective, Society of Iranian1989 Professionals, Berkeley, CAAug 15, Iranian Intellectuals, UCLA Conference on Iranian Intellectuals: 1910-19251988Jun 3, Hedayat: A Post-Modernist?, Berkeley Society for Iranian Art and Culture1988Mar 1988 Shii Fundamentalism: A Textual Genealogy, Society for Iranian Cultural Studies, Washington D.C.Nov A Portrait of Contemporary Iranian Intellectuals, Center for Middle East1987 Studies, University of California, BerkeleyConferences Organized:

43Nov 2007 Hoover Institution one-day conference at Stanford University, Prospects for Democracy in Iran: Assessing the Regime and the OppositionJan 2007 Rumi one-day Conference: An 800th Birthday Celebration with Robert Bly, Stanford Continuing Studies, Stanford University, Stanford, California2006 Organized 15-20 lectures at Stanford University2004, Young Iranian Scholars Conference organized with MIT, Stanford University,2005, 2006 Stanford, CaliforniaMar 2005 Hoover Institution one-day conference in Washington D.C. with Larry Diamond and Mike McFaul, Will Iran Be the Next Iraq?Nov 2004 Hoover Institution one-day conference in Washington D.C. with Larry Diamond, Mike McFaul and Woodrow Wilson Center, Workshop on Iran’s Nuclear ProgramNov 2004 Hoover Institution one-day conference at Stanford University with Larry Diamond, and Mike McFaul, Workshop on Iran’s Nuclear ProgramMay 2004 Hoover/Stanford University; two day conference on Iran with Larry Diamond; papers will be published in books in English and Persian, edited by Larry Diamond and Abbas MilaniMay 2004 Moderator and organizer, with PSA and Stanford's Speaker's Bureau land lIS, Shirin Ebadi's talk at Stanford University's Memorial AuditoriumMay 2004 Hoover/Woodrow Wilson conference in Washington, with Haleh Esfandiari, director of Middle East Section, Woodrow WilsonFeb 2004 Woodrow Wilson/Hoover conference at Stanford, with Haleh EsfandiyariOct 2003 Hoover Institution conference with Larry Diamond on IranAwards, Honors and Scholarships2005 BBC profile on life of Abbas Milani as one of Iran’s leading culture makers2002 Tuin-Winmat Research Travel Fellowship. FDR Library2002 Eisenhower Library Research Grant2001 John Kennedy Library Research Grant2000 Catherine Julie Cunningham Teaching Project Award, Notre Dame deNamur University1998 George Keller Teaching Excellence Award (first recipient), NDNU1988 Numerous Faculty Development Research Grants, NDNUInterviews – Radio and Television

44Numerous interviews on BBC, CNN, The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,Associated Press, Fox News: The John Gibson Show, Voice of America, RadioFrance, Radio Free Europe, KGO, KBOO, KCSM, KUPS, KURV, Radio andTelevision of Iran (International Cable), Radio Farda, KQED, KCBS Channel 5,and the Stanford radio station.Magazines and PapersPakistan, Polish, German, Brazilian; French magazines and papers: amongstthem, Foreign Policy, [Polish], UrduWork in ProgressPeacock Prince. A political biography of Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Shah of Iran.Articles on Hossein Ala', General Pakravan and Shapour Bakhtiar, forEncyclopedia Iranica.Professional SocietiesAmerican Association of Political ScienceAmerican Academy of Political and Social ScienceAssociation of Iranian StudiesEditorial Advisory Board Memberships2008-09 Knight Fellowship Selection Committee, Stanford University2008-09 Crown Papers, Crown Center for Middle East Studies, BrandeisUniversity2004-08 Mehregan Foundation2003-09 Iranian Scholarship FoundationEducational BackgroundPh.D., Political Science (1974), University of HawaiiDissertation title: Ideology and the Iranian Constitutional RevolutionB.A., Political Science and Economics (1970) University of California, Berkeley

45Ali Gamal Eddin Ezzat OsmanDate of Birth : 18 th June, 1928.Place of Birth : Cairo, Egypt.Present Occupation : Professor Emeritus of Linguistics. English Department, Faculty of Education, Ain Shams University 1954.Qualifications : B.A Department of English, Cairo University, 1954. Ph.D (Linguistics), Leeds University, 1968 . Positions Held: Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Ain

46 shams University. 1968- 1973 Assistant Professor of Linguistics, 1973 – 1978. Professor of Linguistics, 1978 – 1983 . Chairman of Dept. of Foreign Languages form 1983 till 1987.Publications • Essays on Language and Literature, Beirut - Arab University, Beirut 1972. • Aspects of Language Study, Beirut Arab - University publications, 1973. • Intelligibility Among Arabic Dialects, Beirut - Arab University, Beirut 1972. • Aspects of Language Study, Beirut Arab University publications, 1973 . • Intelligibility Among Arabic Dialects, Beirut Arab University publications, 1973. • Studies in Linguistics, Beirut Arab University, Beirut 1975. • Some phonological problems Involved in Teaching English to speakers o f Egyptian Arabic (Cairene Dialect) in Work Language, University of California, Los Angeles, Vol . XI, june 1977, pp. 103 – 111. • Language and psychology, implications for Teaching, in Journal of the faculty of Education Ain shams University, Vol. I, September 1978, pp. 85- 97. • What teachers Do we Need? In proceedings of the third National symposium on English in Egypt, Centre for Developing Engilsh language teaching, CDELT, Ain shams University, 1983. • University English for Non – Specialists, Books 1&2 , Sphinx series, Cairo 1984. • Language and Culture in translation CDELT Seminar papers, 1992. Academic Activities • participating in a number of conferences and symposia on linguistics and teaching English as a second / foreign language held in Beirut, Cairo, Los Angeles , Miami (florida). • A member of the steering Committee of Curricula development project, sponsored by the supreme Council of Universities in Egypt. • A member of the permanent Committee for the Development of curricula of English in General Education in Egypt, sponsored by the Ministry of Education.

47 • A member of the committee of the Development of curricula of English in technical Education in Egypt. • A member of the Board of Centre for Developing English Language Teaching, Ain shams University. • Head of the Department of Living Languages, Centre of public service, Ain shams University. • A cting Head of the Department of English, faculty of Education, Zagazig University. • Member of the promotion of professors and Assistant professors of English supreme Council of Universities. • Member of the permanent Academic committee for the promotion of professors and Assistant professors of English, Al – Azhar. University. • Member of the Editorial and Executive Boards of Teaching English in Egypt, Centre for Developing English Language Teaching. • Member of the Editorial Board of Occasional papers, published by CDELT, Ain shams University. • Member of the organizing committee for Annual Symposium of English Language Teaching in Egypt, CDELT. • Supervising a number of M.A. and Ph. D. theses on linguistics.Academic visits and Missions • Lecturer in linguistics, faculty of Arts, Beirut Arab University, 1971- 1975 . • AID Scholar at UCLA, USA, January 1976 – June 1977. • Professor of Linguistics, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, King Abdul – Aziz University , Jeddah , Saudi Arabi, 1979 – 1983 . • Visiting professor, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Arab Emirates, March – April, 1984. • British Council visitor for the Development and organization of courses for pre- service Teacher Education , January 1986 . • Visiting professor of linguistics, Institute, of Linguistics, Aarhus University, Denmark , April 1986. • Counselor of English, Girls, colleges, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 1987- 1991

48Ahmed Ali, SyedEducational Qualifications • Ph.D. (Chemical Engineering) — Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan, 1997 Dissertion Title: Thermodynamics and Reaction Kinetics of Hydrogenation of Petroleum Fractions • M.S. (Chemical Engineering) — King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Saudi Arabia, 1984 • B.Tech. (Chemical Engineering) — Osmania University, Hyderabad, India, 1981 Passed in First Division and Distinction.Professional Experience

49ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR — The Research Institute, King Fahd University ofPetroleum & Minerals (KFUPM), Dhahran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.ENGINEER I / LECTURER — The Research Institute, KFUPM (1990-1996)ENGINEER II — The Research Institute, KFUPM (1984-90)RESEARCH ASSISTANT — Chemical Engineering Department (1981-1984)Job Experience • To initiate and manage applied research projects in the area of petroleum refining and catalytic processes. • To develop new or improved research concepts and techniques. • To develop and execute plans for specialized technical facilities, procedures, equipment acquisition, and maintenance. • To lead a team of qualified engineers and technicians in conducting research projects. • To teach undergraduate courses at the Chemical Engineering DepartmentHonorary Member of the Ansted University Advisory Councilfrom November 2000Listed in Marquis Who’s Who in World and in Outstanding People of 20thCentury as recognition of the outstanding achievements.Actively participated in organizing the annual International Symposium onCatalysis in Petroleum Refining at KFUPM-RI since last eight yearsDeveloped Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium and Gas/Oil Separator SimulationSoftwareDesigned and constructed a high-pressure bench-scale reactor systems, catalystreduction/presulfiding unit, and attrition loss measuring unit (as per ASTMspecifications)Participated in teaching the following courses in Chemical EngineeringDepartment of KFUPM: Introduction to Chemical Engineering, Fluid Mechanics,Heat Transfer, Mass Transfer I, Kinetics and Reactor Design, Chemical ProcessIndustries.TRAINING OBTAINED

50Invited as a Visiting Researcher by Japan Petroleum Institute, Tokyo, Japan, 1996,2002.Participated in an intensive course on Applied Hydrogenation TechnologyOrganized by The Center for Professional Development, Amsterdam, TheNetherlands,1992.Completed an intensive training program on Physical Analysis and PerformanceTesting of Hydrotreating and FCC Catalysts at Akzo Nobel R&D Center,Amsterdam, 1989.Obtained comprehensive training from Xytel Corporation, USA on Installation,Operation Calibration and Routine Maintenance of Pilot Plants and variety ofinstruments for measuring process variables, 1988TRAINING IMPARTEDImparted training to several engineers and technicians (junior employees) on theprinciples, design, start-up, operation, maintenance, trouble shooting, andcomputer control of pilot plants.Operation of equipment for physical characterization of catalystsSupervised the Co-op training and Summer training sessions of severalundergraduate students from Chemical Engineering Department since 1993.

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