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Acac COLLECT ÍФÒà« §Õ≈‡≈§™

cia SupaSleek TION «ÕÂ «Ù»ÒÊÅÕ¡ ™—Ëπ Best of design and technology. Just got sleeker.

17 mm Best of Design and Technology. When it comes to the finer details, nothing comes close to the Acacia SupaSleek Collection. Every curve is thoughtfully crafted, every gear is meticulously assembled. The best has just elevated for the better. ∑’Ë ÿ¥¢Õßπ«—μ°√√¡·≈–¥’‰´πè ®“°∑ÿ°‡ å𠓬∑ÿ°Õߧèª√–°Õ∫ ¬“°∑’Ë ‘Ëß„¥®–‡∑’¬∫°—∫ Õ–§“‡´’¬ ´Ÿª“ ≈’° ∑ÿ° ã«π —¥∑ÿ°§«“¡‚§åß¡π∂Ÿ°∫√√®ß √å“ßÕ¬ã“ßμ—Èß„® ‡æ◊ËÕ°å“«¢÷Èπ‰ª ŸãÕ’°√–¥—∫¢Õߧ«“¡‡ªöπ∑’Ë ÿ¥ ∫“ß ‡©’¬∫∑ÿ°¡ÿ¡¡Õß 30 mm

Just Got Sleeker. Inspired by architectural slim, Acacia SupaSleek now boasts an ultra-sleek edge for that sleeker, modern style with zero compromises on comfort and technology. Look no further. Slim is the new now. ∫“ß ‡©’¬∫∑ÿ°¡ÿ¡¡Õß ¥å«¬·√ß∫—π¥“≈„®®“°§«“¡∫“ß·≈–§«“¡≈–‡Õ’¬¥ÕãÕπ∑“ß ∂“ªòμ¬°√√¡ Õ–§“‡´’¬ ´Ÿª“ ≈’° Õ«¥‚©¡„À¡ã¥å«¬§«“¡∫“ß·∫∫摇»…„À奟∑—π ¡—¬¢÷Èπ ‚¥¬‰¡ã∑‘È߇√◊ËÕߧ«“¡ –¥«° ∫“¬·≈–π«—μ°√√¡ ‡æ√“–§«“¡∫“߇©’¬∫§◊Õ𑬓¡¢Õ߬ÿ§„À¡ã 5 mm

Thinner Than Ever. Beneath these slim curves, they are packed with cutting-edge technologies. Touché. CrystaSleek Ultra-slim is not impossible. With much dedication and innovation, our CrystaSleek seat and cover made using a double injection molding process, enhances durability at the same time retaining a 30mm thin profile. Thinner Tank Lid We took it a step further and redesign a 17mm thin, sleek tank lid. All in the name of aesthetic. ∫“ß∑’Ë ÿ¥‡∑ã“∑’ˇ§¬¡’¡“ ∑ÿ°§«“¡∫“ß≈å«π –∑åÕπ∂÷ßπ«—μ°√√¡¢—Èπ Ÿß Ω“√Õßπ—Ëß §√‘ μ“ ≈’° Ω“√Õßπ—Ëß∑’Ë∫“߇©’¬∫‰¡ã„™ã‡√◊ËÕß∑’ˇªöπ‰ª‰¡ã‰¥åÕ’°μãÕ‰ª Ω“§√‘ μ“ ≈’°ºã“π°“√ÕÕ°·∫∫Õ¬ã“ßæ‘∂‘æ‘∂—π ·≈–„™å‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’°“√º≈‘μ„À¡ã Õ¬ã“ß°“√©’¥¢÷Èπ√Ÿª Õß™—Èπ double injection molding ‘Ëß∑’ˉ¥å ‰¡ã„™ã·§ã§«“¡∫“߇©’¬∫‡æ’¬ß 30 ¡¡. ·μ㬗߇æ‘Ë¡§«“¡∑π∑“π„π°“√„™åß“π Ω“∂—ßæ—°πÈ”‡æ√’¬«∫“ß °å“«‰ªÕ’°¢—Èπ°—∫Ω“∂—ßæ—°πÈ”∑’ËÕÕ°·∫∫¡“„Àå∫“ß‡æ’¬ß 17 ¡¡. ‡æ◊ËÕ ÿπ∑√’¬¿“æÕ¬ã“ß·∑å®√‘ß 4


ThinEdge Tech At 5mm thin, it almost like an artpiece to match any bathroom. Made possible only with ThinEdge ceramic technology, Acacia SupaSleek basins is a true lasting beauty. Ceramic Drainage Unlike conventional chrome wastes, our pillow-spherical ceramic drainage wastes blends in seamlessly with our basin for the luxurious look. ‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’ ∑‘π‡Õ® ThinEdge ¥å«¬‡∑§‚π‚≈¬’π’È Õã“ß≈å“ßÀπå“ Õ–§“‡´’¬ ´Ÿª“ ≈’°®÷ß¡“æ√åÕ¡°—∫¢Õ∫Õã“ß ∑’Ë∫“߇©’¬∫‡æ’¬ß 5 ¡¡. ¬°√–¥—∫§«“¡ß“¡ª√–Àπ÷Ëßß“π»‘≈ªä∑’ËÕ¬Ÿã§ŸãÀåÕßπÈ” –¥◊ÕÕã“߇´√“¡‘° À≈’°Àπ’ –¥◊ÕÕã“ß™ÿ∫‚§√‡¡’ˬ¡·∫∫‡¥‘¡ Ê –¥◊ÕÕã“߇´√“¡‘°∑√ß‚§åß¡π √å“ß √√§è®‘πμπ“°“√∑’ˉ√å√Õ¬μãÕ ¥Ÿ‡√’¬∫≈◊Ëπ‡ªöπ‡π◊ÈÕ‡¥’¬«°—π °—∫μ—«Õã“ß≈å“ßÀπå“ À√ŸÀ√“¥÷ߥŸ¥∑ÿ° “¬μ“ 6