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Home Explore 2017 Manna

2017 Manna

Published by ejogheneta, 2017-01-20 09:31:21

Description: 2017 Manna


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Sunday 1st January, 2017 UNFOLDING HIS AGENDA FOR OUR LIVES“When he reached a certain place, he stopped for the nightbecause the sun had set, taking one of the stones there, he putit under his head and lay down to sleep” Gen. 28:11 For Reading And Meditation: Gen.28:10-15Happy New Year to you all in the peerless name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Today marks the beginning of a full year, to God be the glory for this wonderful privilege. On this note wewelcome you to another exciting year come what may. We confessthat this year promises glorious things for all who will earnestly andpassionately seek God on daily basis. We begin our meditation withthe theme called “God of Bethel”. One thing that must be noted atthis onset is that the God of Bethel can always reveal Himselfwhere we least expect.Jacob never knew that where he would have regarded as anordinary place was the very place where the God of Bethel dwells.While David was pursuing with a view to overtake and recover, itwas an abandoned slave that showed him the way (1 Sam. 30:11-14). As you embark on your journey this year, pay attention to somelittle things because miracle can spring out from there. Remember,”the stone the builders rejected has become the capstone”.The stone that Jacob put under his head depicts Jesus Christ whois the solid rock with whom if you have an encounter, there is boundto be a change. It was that same night that Jacob had a wonderfuldream where the God of Bethel unfolded His agenda for his life. Itis the beginning of another year; God will unfold His agenda for allwho dare trust Him. All who will turn to the rock of ages will havetheir own dream that will give them a guaranteed future. The Godof Bethel says; I know the plans I have for you ... of prosperity not toharm you, to give you hope and future (Jer. 29:11).PRAYER POINTWe thank you O Lord for this New Year may I not be in a hurry as tomiss my place in your divine agenda. It is my turn to have a dreamthat would turn to reality for a greater change in my life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 1

Monday 2nd January, 2017 AWESOME GOD“How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, this is the gate of heaven” Gen. 28:16. For Reading And Meditation: Gen. 28:10-15; Acts 10:10-19Before we begin to examine the divine agenda handed down to Jacob for his life and how it is applicable to us, it is important we take a look at Jacob's response to hisdream. Dreams are one of the channels through which ourGod speaks to His children. What is the state of your dreams?Do you dream while you sleep? We have encountered severalpeople who complained that they do not dream. Others wouldcomplain of horrible dreams they are suffering from. To someother people, their dreams are always the opposite.Our dreams are supposed to be positive and a medium throughwhich God speaks to His children. Anything short of this wouldrequire deliverance. It means the devil had already highjackedyour dream. It should be your desire to settle this problem withthe Lord at this early beginning, surely, you would experiencetotal freedom and your God-given destiny would be fulfilled.God never hides His purpose for our lives, hence He disclosedHis plan to Jacob. God is ready to unfold to you through yourdream what this year holds in stock for you so that you can live alife of purpose. Jacob declared, this place is awesome, thisyear can be awesome and a life changing arena that wouldopen the gate of a greater life to you. The God of Bethel isready to do it in spite of your shortcomings, only one encounterwould do it in your life. Therefore, I implore you to put yourselftogether for a divine encounter with the God of Bethel.PRAYER POINTJacob's dream unfolded the divine agenda for his life. Let uscall upon God to grant us this same privilege in this newbeginning so that we can have a direction and a focus in life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 2

Tuesday 3rd January, 2017 AWESOME GOD“And this stone that I have set up as a pillar will be God'shouse, and of all that you give me I will give you a tenth'” Gen.28:22 For Reading And Meditation: Genesis 28:16-19Jacob's response to his experience of the God of Bethel went beyond words into action. He raised an altar as evidence of a covenant relationship between the God of Bethel and himself.Whenever a man encounters God, the story must change. Suchan experience cannot be forgotten in hurry. Jacob's encountergave him an assurance that his journey will be successful and heknew that God would grant his heart desire hence he made apledge to the God of Bethel.Just as Bethel became a place never to be forgotten so will year2017 be remembered for good. God is prepared for the miraculousin our lives. No one who looks up to Him will be neglected in thisdivine arrangements. Jacob took a step of faith and he raised analtar that would continually speak for him while the journey lasted.Today is a day for you to raise an altar where the blood of Jesus willcontinually speak for you throughout the year. As you raise youraltar, place your prayer request alongside with it and you wouldexperience God as never before. Jacob raised a stone and set it upas a pillar. That stone is a rock and that rock is Jesus Christ, “foreveryone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved”. If Jacobwas saved in the Old Testament, then your salvation cannot becompromised. Arise, prepare your seed and your request and lay itat the altar by faith, you will have a testimony. For it is your turn todeclare His praises.PRAYER POINTMy Father My Father, by faith I lay my seed and prayer request atyour altar, answer me speedily O Lord. As Jacob made a promise ofgiving his one tenth, let me see your goodness that I may do morethan Jacob. For it is my turn to be a pillar to the Gospel.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 3

Wednesday 4th January, 2017 UNFOLDING HIS AGENDA: A RELATIONSHIP“... I am the Lord, the God of your grand father Abraham andthe God of your father, Isaac.” Gen. 28:13a For Reading And Meditation: Genesis 28:20-22.When the Almighty God encountered Jacob, it was not enough for him to continue under the grace of his grandfather or his immediate father. Certainly suchgrace would be exhausted. He needed to lay his own personalfoundation that would keep grace running in his life. God'scovenant promise to Abraham and Isaac was offered to Jacob aswell. But it was not enough to be Abraham's grandson; it was anecessity for Jacob to establish his own personal relationship withGod in order to keep the promise.God deals with individuals, He does not have grandchildren. It isnot enough to have Christian parents who may be standing thegap, better still a pastor or 'man of God' who is interceding for you.Your relationship with God is a necessity to keep these advantagesworking in your life. The Prodigal Son relied on the grace of hisfather, because he lacked a personal relationship, it got exhausted.Whenever the Almighty God, the God of Bethel locates a man, thisis usually where He starts frombecause He is not prepared to wasteHis grace on any man. Men may choose to waste the grace theyinherited but the God of Bethel will never increase it (Rom. 6:1).Your future and the future of all that God has bestowed on you canonly be safeguarded if only you will resolve this matter ofrelationship so that you will have a smooth sail in your life's journey.Jacob settled his own hence we are talking about him. You toomust settle it today - RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD through JesusChrist.PRAYER POINTA relationship with God through our Lord Jesus Christ is aredefinition, a new beginning that brings about a completeturnaround. Pray that it will be your personal experience.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 4

Thursday 5th January, 2017 HIS AGENDA: BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE“... The ground you are lying on belongs to you. I am giving it to you and your descendants…”.” Gen. 28:13b For Reading And Meditation: Exodus 3:5-10If you are fortunate to be counted worthy to be part of any divine project or agenda, make sure you do not alter what God may have put in place. Altering God's agenda because of personalambition or desire is a common sight in our generation. Leadersare faced with this hell-bound temptation. God has raised many tosome specific positions but because the powers that may be neverlike their faces denied these persons who have been raised byGod, thus altering God's agenda. This is one reason that will keepmany from heaven. Jacob by his disposition was leaving the land never to returnconsidering the generational enmity that has ensued between himand his brother Esau. His plan was that if the place he was going tobecame favourable as far as his wisdom could carry him, he wouldsettle down there to live his life. The few years he lived with Labansupports this view. But unknown to him, he was already planningagainst God's agenda which is tantamount to alteration. The Godof Bethel had to interrupt him and clearly declare to him that theland on which he was lying belongs to him. To go elsewhere is tobe in a wrong place and he would perpetually miss his miracles.This is the bane in the life of many Christians who are in the wrongplace, therefore far away from the dews of heaven and from theirallocation hence their story is pathetic and it is obvious that theirhead lacks oil of salvation, oil of gladness, oil of prosperity, etc.PRAYER POINTFather every of my divine allocation that I have wondered awayfrom, O Lord, restore me and let it manifest in my life this year inJesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 5

Friday 6th January, 2017 HIS AGENDA: BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE He was headed for the land of Canaan, but he stopped at Haran and settled there.” Gen. 11:31b For Reading And Meditation: Genesis 11: 27-32Our God remains a jealous God who will not tolerate your affection for anything else. For those who are obedient to Him, He would lavish His unfailing love on them. TheAlmighty God, the God of Bethel is ever faithful to His WORD evenwhen we are unfaithful. When He begins a project He neverabandons it. God will not give up on His counsel but He can give upon the man He plans to use if such a person disobeys.From our text we saw that it was Terah the father of Abraham thatstarted the journey to Canaan, but on getting to Haran, he stoppedand settled there. We may not be precise on the reason why healtered his plan but obviously, he settled out of his divinedestination. We are told that he lived and died there. What atragedy! To have ended his journey half way thereby dying in awrong place. It seems to be hereditary as we shall come to see.If we fail to be in the right place, we stand to lose our divineallocation. From the onset, God began to deal with this problem inthe life of Jacob so that His purpose will not be truncated.At the beginning of Chapter 12, we see an element of reluctanceon the part of Abraham. Thank God Abraham eventually left to theright place. His divine agenda requires that you and all thatconcern you should be in the right place.This is the stress many are going through without knowing. AsGod spoke to Jacob in a dream, so He is ready to speak to you nowin order to relocate you to your right place.PRAYER POINTLet us intercede on behalf of all who have settled and they areliving in the wrong place, that the mercy of God would bringrestoration. It is a declaration that I will not die in the wrong place,all that concern me will not be in the wrong place.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 6

Saturday 7th January, 2017 HIS AGENDA: BEING IN THE RIGHT PLACE “The Lord appeared to Isaac and said; Do not go down to Egypt, but do as I tell you.” Gen. 26:3 For Reading And Meditation: Genesis 26: 1-12We cannot deny the fact that there are forces that can push us from our right place but if God be for us, we are able to resist those forces. The Bible speaks of God ordering thefootsteps of a righteous man. In Psalm, 121, He says, He will notallow your foot to be moved… (v3). If we allow God to take fullcontrol of our lives, no power is capable of moving us from our rightplace.The forces of famine were set to move Isaac from the land of hisinheritance. He was almost going to succumb when the God ofBethel appeared to him and said do not go down to Egypt. It wasthe same thing his father suffered and that brought a further delay tofulfilling God's agenda in his life. Abraham went to Egypt as a resultof famine. It was there he lied followed by the adultery hecommitted. The consequence of this setback the world is sufferingtoday. It is imperative at this juncture to ask ourselves, what mayhave forced you out of your rightful place?God specifically told Isaac, “do as I tell you”, Isaac obeyed withoutargument and he remained there. Because of this singularobedience we are told that while famine was doing its havoc in thelives of people, God blessed Isaac. In that same year that heplanted his crops, he harvested a hundred times more than heplanted. Heavenly dews will not look for you but they will tall on theplace you ought to be. That was the story of Isaac. If you are outsidewhere you ought to be, let it be known to you that your heavenlydews are falling there. Go back there and enjoy what is yours.PRAYER POINTO Lord my God every satanic power, household enemy poised topush me out of my rightful place, let your thunder locate them inJesus name. My Father, my Father, in the midst of drought andharsh weather, your heavenly dews fell on Isaac and his work, life and work receive equal dew of yhour blessings!MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 7

Sunday 8th January, 2017 HIS AGENDA: BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY “Your descendants will be as numerous as the dust of the earth…” Gen. 28:14a For Reading And Meditation: Deut. 7:12-14God's agenda for our lives is in sequence graduating from one level to another. The God of Bethel does not break protocol in it and nobody is allowed to jump the guns, the process musttake its course. The first thing as we have mentioned is to establish arelationship. The God of Bethel is fully ready for all who seekrelationship with Him. The next is for you to be where He haspositioned you and the dews of heaven will fall on you so that youmay be able to fulfill the purpose for your life and destiny.Having secured the above, the first result is that you will experienceincrease in your life. The power of multiplication comes on you,hence you become fruitful and you multiply so that you can fill theearth and govern it (Gen. 1:28). God told Jacob, your descendantswill be numerous as the dust of the earth.God of Bethel is the God of abundance; He does big things andgreater things. If we are His children, we must be like Him in the waywe talk, in the way we act and do things. If your mindset struggles toachieve or accept big things, then you must settle it now.From the time Jacob encountered the God of Bethel, the agenda forhis life was set before him so as to guide him in everything Jacob did.This is what Jesus does to anyone who has a relationship with Him.Those who know the divine agenda for their lives would strive to fulfillthe purpose for their lives. While this hour of mercy lasts, beencouraged that increase is your portion. And that your life abhorsstagnancy and the likes.PRAYER POINTRaise a battle cry against the forces that are opposed to yourfruitfulness and multiplication. Let God arise and scatter them by fireand thunder. Every form of barrenness to be banished from our livesfor fruitfulness to manifest gloriously.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 8

Monday 9th January.2017 HIS AGENDA: EXPANSION UNLIMITED “…They will spread out in all directions to the West and the East, to the North and South.” Gen. 28:14b For Reading And Meditation: Isaiah 43:1-7If we carefully examine the call of God upon any man it is always a universal call. His purpose is that the call would affect everyonefor good. Anyone called of God must possess thisorientation in order to deliver on the mandate. Begin to see yourcall from the universal perspective, enlarge your vision while youenvision the global world. The call of God upon Abraham had auniversal implication. Permit me to leave the rest as I take youstraight to what our Lord said to the disciples and to us all. “Andyou will be my witnesses, telling people about meeverywhere- in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, Samaria, andto the ends of the earth.” (Acts 1:8b) The universal implicationis there for all to see.God spoke clearly to Jacob His agenda of expansion unlimited forhis life. Jacob and his descendants will spread in all directionsand God would plant them everywhere, from West to East andfrom North to South. It is the same agenda that God has for us all ifonly we can come out of our naïve way of doing things and beginto live by faith and that all these are possible if the God of Bethelbecomes our God in all we think, say or do.Today the descendants of Jacob dot everywhere whereverhuman beings are found. Hitler the strong man of Germany madeevery effort to destroy the Jews but the word of God stands. Israelsince 1947 has been waxing stronger on the land given to theirpatriarchs. We need this same favour in our lives this year.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father, thank you for the package of expansionunlimited. Holy Spirit, help me to grasp it in my spirit.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 9

Tuesday 10th January, 2017 HIS AGENDA: YOUR CHILDREN AGENT OF BLESSING …”And all the families of the earth will be blessed through you and your descendants.” Gen. 28:14c For Reading And Meditation: I Kings 10:1-13It is interesting to note that God was re-enacting the covenant relationship He had with Jacob's grand father, Abraham. As parents how we live our lives is of utmost importance; it willdetermine the speed of grace upon the lives of our children. If theyestablish a relationship with the God of Bethel, our children wouldever praise God for the quality of life that we lived and how wepointed them to God. As parents how are we living our lives?Remember it will surely affect your children.God's agenda for Jacob as it affects us is that the families of theearth would find their blessing in our descendants. Beloved, weneed to share this with our children in order to give them focus inlife. At one time or the other, Jacob must have shared this profoundstatement with his descendants. Without any fear of contradictionsuch a promise would inspire our children to be more diligent andcommitted to their endeavours. This is a great future that liesahead of our children, with our passionate prayers for them.How awesome is the God of Bethel whose agenda for our livesgoes beyond us to our children. The queen of Sheba came visitingSolomon because of what she heard about him. The onus lies on usto bring them up in the fear of the Lord in an adulterous generationof ours. Many of us seem to be careless about what our childrenare doing. If we understand the agenda before us, we will rise upand correct the trend.PRAYER POINTO God of Bethel, the awesome God, thank you for your love for ourchildren. May our children be a source of blessing to every familyon earth, let every spell on our children, bewitchment as to tamperwith their future, enchantment to exchange their destiny, may yourfire consume them.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 10

Wednesday 11th January, 2017 HIS AGENDA: PROMISE OF SECURITY“I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go…” Gen. 28:15a For Reading And Meditation: Psalm 121: 1-5Security had turned an essential commodity in the world today; Nigeria inclusive. One of the reasons that accounted for the fall of President Goodluck Jonathan administration issecurity. The threat of Boko Haram insurgency to the sovereignty ofNigeria is an issue that had gulped a lot of money that was sufficientenough to build our ailing infrastructures. Militancy in the Niger Deltais another threat to the unity of Nigeria, IPOB is not tired of agitation.Beside what is happening at the national level, is the security ofindividuals that is being threatened by the activities of robbers,kidnappers, herdsmen and other incessant attacks that we all areexposed to.The God of Bethel who knows the end from the beginning knowsthat man would eventually plunge himself to the various securitychallenges. All these are not peculiar into Nigeria. The activities ofterrorists groups with their various names pose a greater securityrisk in different parts of the world. In America, a young boy could walkinto a church where services was going on and decided to shootnine persons who were bubbling with life thus ending their livesabruptly.His divine agenda for our lives guarantees our security. No matterthe risk we may be exposed to, He says I will protect you whereveryou go. We have nothing else other than to pray that we may bebeneficiaries of His protection. Many are tempted to seek refugeelsewhere. Let it be known to you that God is our refuge andstrength, an ever present help in trouble. Therefore, we will not fear,though the earth gives way.PRAYER POINTO God of Bethel you promise to protect me wherever I go, I pleadwith you, may you order my steps so as to remain under yourprotection all through this year in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 11

Thursday 12th January, 2017 HIS AGENDA: RESTORATION…”And I will bring you back to this land…” Gen. 28:14c For Reading And Meditation: Joel 2:25-27Jacob was actually running for his dear life because his elder brother Esau was after him. Jacob may have decided not to return in the near future, that may be one of the reasons for theencounter with the God of Bethel. Circumstances surrounding somepeople have led them to running away from their heritage. Perhapscircumstance surrounding you at this moment is giving you someconcern and you are contemplating otherwise. In this newbeginning, care must be taken. I perceive the God of Bethel isspeaking to you as he spoke to Jacob. What is it that is about pushingyou here and there?The God of Bethel is the God of restoration. Even if you have been avictim, God is more than enough to bring back your glory. The God ofBethel assured Jacob of bring him back to the land of promise. Evenif enemies are pursuing him out, the promise is for him and nobodywill take away what the Lord has given to him. The same promise isbeing renewed in our lives. No matter where the enemies havepushed you, your family, your job or your business, especially in thisera of economic recession restoration is coming your way as youwillingly surrender to the God of Bethel who says to you, I will bringyou back.It does not matter the forces that may be at work. The Bible says;when the ways of a man are pleasing to God, his enemies would beat peace with him. At the time Jacob was being restored, his brotherEsau who was after his life was at peace with him. So shall the God ofBethel silence those who are after your life but make sure your way ispleasing to God.PRAYER POINTGood Lord too many people have been pushed from their God-givenposition in life, we cry for mercy and their restoration. Pray that theLord of the Church will restore the Church to the ancient path of truthand holiness.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 12

Friday 13th January, 2017 HIS AGENDA:FULFILLING HIS PROMISE“…I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you”…” Gen. 28:15c For Readings And Meditation: Habbakuk 2The God of Bethel is irrevocably committed to fulfilling His promise to all who have established a relationship with Him. We may wish to reflect over the divine agenda unfolded toJacob; the first thing you observe is that it is all embracing. The Godof Bethel always adopts a holistic approach towards His own.Because, He is perfect, He never forgets anything that concernsyou. Our Lord says; “And even the very hairs of your head are allnumbered” (Matt. 10:30). If there is any area of our lives that looksabandoned, it may be that we are yet to surrender.His divine agenda says, “I will not leave you.” This is one promisethat guarantees the security we need in a porous society of ours.The promise goes beyond security, it portrays the God of Bethel asthe helper you have been longing for. Therefore, do not despair butput your hope in God. The Psalmist says to his soul; “Why are youdowncast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put yourhope in God, for I will yet praise my saviour and my God.” (Ps.42:11). If it appears you are alone, be encouraged by His word.The God of Bethel says; “until I have done what I have promisedyou”. This is a statement of hope to all who put their trust in Him.“And we know that in all things God works for the good of thosewho love him, who have been called according to His purpose.”(Rom. 8:28). God never gave you time, you are the one who gaveGod time, if that time has failed, then start waiting for His timingbecause one thing is sure, “For the revelation (promises) alwaysawaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will notprove false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly comeand will not delay.” (Habb. 2:3).PRAYER POINTLet us pray for Christians who lack the Spirit of waiting upon theLord, who run from one prayer house to another, that the Lord willencounter them.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 13

Saturday 14th January, 2017 HIS PRESENCE WITH YOU “The Lord replied, my presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” Exodus 33:14. For Reading & Meditation: Genesis 29:1-14When Jacob awoke from his sleep, he realized that the place he slept was awesome and he concluded, “This is none other than the house of God, this is the gate ofheaven.” In his worship of God, he requested the Lord God ofBethel to lead him, avail him of His presence. Indeed after theencounter, he continued on his journey to the land of the easternpeoples.As we read the story of his arrival in the subsequent chapters, wesee the favour of the God of Bethel upon him - Shepherding him tothe right place and the right people. This is our desire for everyonein this New Year, the Lord will lead you to the right place and theright people. Whatever may be your feelings, the good news is thatwith the God of Bethel, we are over comers and more thanconquerors.When Jacob arrived, the first set of person that he met was of thefamily of Laban his uncle. God delivered him from bandits, 419,kidnappers and other agents of the devil. This New Year, the Godof Bethel will deliver his own from all evils that characterized theland. On our part we must cherish our relationship with our Godthrough our Lord Jesus Christ so that His divine agenda will remainour portion. When Laban saw Jacob, having embraced andkissed him, brought him to his home by offering him hospitality andcomfort, he declared to him, “You are my own flesh and blood.”I declare over your life, your helpers for this year will not be lackingand you will find rest as a result of His presence with you.PRAYER POINTSO God of Bethel, we pray thee to grant us your divine favour thattakes man to a higher dimension in life.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 14

Sunday 15th January, 2017 HIS PRESENCE WITH YOU“Laban said to him, just because you are a relative of mine, should you work for me for nothing?” Gen. 29:5 For Reading And Meditation: Gen. 29:15-20We ended yesterday with a declaration that your helpers for this season will not be lacking. May the God of Bethel cause them to locate you, work for your good, championyour course, put smile on your face, take you from joblessness tothe realm of employment, recommend you for promotion, takeyour welfare to heart and bless you beyond measure. May yourconcern be their concern and pursue your well-being vigorously -in Jesus name, Amen!Uncle Laban became a helper to Jacob an instrument to empowerhim as to realize his life objectives. Laban wished that Jacobshould be empowered in order that he may be independent and beable to help others. If only many of us will learn from Laban whodesire the prosperity of others. Laban realized that a workerdeserves his wages and that you do not muzzle an ox when it istreading the ground. Jacob is working; he needed to be paid sothat he could be blessed. What is your attitude towards thatperson working with you? What could be your reason why youmay have denied others their privileges partially or out rightly? Ifpeople work for you in obedience to God's word that we must workand you fail to pay their salaries and wages it is a grievous sinbefore God or you fail to pay them as at when due, the God ofBethel is a compassionate God, therefore be compassionate likeHim so as to further open the door of blessings to you in this year.Do not withhold what belongs to others so that your own can bereleased as at when due.PRAYER POINTLet us pray that God will come to the aid of our government andprivate sectors to pay salaries and wages as at when due in Jesusname.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 15

Monday 16th January, 2017 TIME TO RETURN “I am the God of Bethel where you anointed a pillar and where you made a vow to me. Now leave this land at once and go back to your native land.” Gen. 31:13 For Reading And Meditation: Gen. 31: 10-16The Scripture reported that the man Jacob “grew exceedingly prosperous and came to own large flocks, and maidservants and men servants, and camels and donkeys”(Gen. 30:43). This is what the God of Bethel is prepared to do in ourlives this year. Eventhough there is recession resulting to some lull inbusiness, some would keep smiling to the Bank. This is our prayer forall those who have made the God of Bethel their God.The wealth that Jacob had acquired became a reason for Laban to beenvious of him. The children were not left out of it. They claimed thatJacob had taken everything their father owned. These are the realitiesof our age. Laban and his children perhaps would have preferredseeing Jacob begging or looking up to them before he could achieveanything. They seem to forget that while Jacob had relationship withthe God of Bethel, they had a relationship with idols. Our prayer is thatat no time will our head lack oil. I declare over your life, may the oil ofprosperity, the oil of breakthrough, the oil that places you above yourcontemporaries (Ps. 45:7) continually flow over your life throughout theyear.The negative attitude of this people paved the way for Jacob to return towhere he rightfully belonged. Admittedly, some of the things you maybe experiencing now may be negative but like Jacob they may bereminder to you of what you needed to do. It was this point Godthrough an angel spoke to Jacob; I am the God of Bethel, do not forgetour covenant. I implore you to go unto prayers and the Lord wouldcertainly speak to you and give you the direction to go.PRAYER POINTIt is true that a good number of Christians have become enemiesbecause of the favour of God upon their lives, let us pray that the Lordwill fight for them. The Psalmist says; nations conspire, the people plotin vain against the anointed one. Pray that the one enthroned wouldarise and scatter their plans.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 16

Tuesday 17th January, 2017 DIVINE WARNING“Be careful not to say anything to Jacob, either good or bad” (Gen. 31:24b). For Reading And Meditation: Gen. 31:22-32In obedience to the Lord, Jacob with his family started their journey back to the land of promise. When Laban learnt that Jacob had left without telling him, he took his relations withhim and began to pursue Jacob. After seven days, he caughtup with him in the hill country of Gilead. While pursuing him,Laban nursed some evil plan against Jacob, but God fromwhom no secrets are hidden and all desires known had toconfront Laban in his dream and issued him a divine warning.God said to him, “be careful not to say anything to Jacobeither good or bad.” Making the God of Bethel your God isthe best thing that could happen in your life. He takes overyour battles and fights for you. Enemies are called to orderwhile your peace is kept intact. God cannot lie; His word mustcome to pass. He promised to be with Jacob and to bringJacob to the land He has given to his fathers. Perhapsenemies have been pursuing you and you believe they willovercome you. While we may not know why they are afteryour life, if you surrender to the God of Bethel through our LordJesus Christ, He will fight for you and take you to the pinnacleof success. By the time Laban saw Jacob, all his evilintensions, had been frustrated and he not execute them. Asmany that make the Lord their refuge would always find Him tobe a present help at all times.PRAYER POINTLord you who appeared to Laban and gave warnings againstsaying anything good or bad to Jacob, avail your childrensimilar grace.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 17

Wednesday 18th January, 2017 HIS PRESENCE WITH YOU“Your name will no longer be Jacob, but Israel, because you have struggled with God and men and have overcome.” (Gen. 32:28 For Reading And Meditation: Genesis 32:22-30The anxiety of how Jacob would meet with his brother Esau was already eating him up. In order to survive his perceived- attack by his brother, that night he had to send his familyahead of him and decided to be alone. This may not be unconnectedwith his experience at Bethel where God became real to him. ForJacob, it was an opportunity to meditate and it paid off. This is onegift that we can make use of and our story in this New Year willchange for better. Always create some quiet time for personalreflection.That same night Jacob wrestled with a man till day break. One majorreason for this encounter is the change that must take place in thelife of Jacob before stepping back to the land of promise Canaan.Jacob needed a change before he could fit in into God's agenda. Heleft as a supplanter, a cheat, a liar, quiet but dangerous. God had toencounter him again for a change.Beloved, God is preparing you through this meditations for the veryplace and position He has prepared for you this new year. Until youexperience the necessary change, you cannot operate on the samewave-length like the one who made you. This change brings a totaltransformation the renewal of your mind so that the heart of God canbe connected with your heart. What is your name? In other words,what is your identify? Because Jacob was ready that same nighteverything about him changed. We too can experience this changein this holy convocation.PRAYER POINTBegin to pray and bind every spirit responsible for fear and anxiety inyour life. The God of Bethel has not given us the spirit of timidity butof power and sound mind. Pray that you may be filled with thispower.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 18

Thursday 19th January, 2017 BE DETERMINED“…Because you have struggled with God and with men and have overcome.” Gen. 32:28b For Reading And Meditation: I Chronicle 4:9-10Determination brought about the change that the soul of Jacob had always yearned for Determination is very important in our daily walk with God in this new year. Ourdetermination should be rooted in faith-faith in the God of Bethelthat is able to do all things. For Jacob it was another divineencounter with God and his soul was thirsty for a change, thus thebible described the encounter as wrestling with God. He held on toGod for a change that leads to transformation and brings about atransition to a higher dimension in life. I perceive in my spirit that thisis what God is about to do in your life in this year of unusual miraclesand testimonies.Jacob fought with God and with men and he won. It means we toocan win if we are determined. What does it mean to fight with God? Itwas not a fight occasioned by quarrel or that God became anenemy. This fight with God simply means that God's will must bedone in my life, His purpose for my life must come to pass comewhat may. The life of many Christians today is characterized with what thedevil is doing with them. That night Jacob declared that, the devilswork must be terminated in his life so that the peace of God whichpasses all understanding could envelop his life. That same night,Jacob declared that man's activities arising from adamic nature inhim must come to an end. This is the struggle that we shouldengage ourselves so that we can truly be the overcomers and morethan conquerors of our generation. Certainly all these other thingsthat are for our good would follow us.PRAYER POINTPray for a change that puts you on the path of Spiritual progress,financial freedom, healthy living and victory on daily basis.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 19

Friday 20th January, 2017 El-BETHEL“Then God said to Jacob, go up to Bethel and settle there, and build an altar there to God…” Gen. 35:1 For Reading And Meditation: Genesis 35:1-14Christianity always have a beginning in a man's life. Thus every Christian must be able to give a vivid story of how it all began. This beginning was the encounter with the Lordwhereby the power of transformation became real in our lives. Ifthis issue is not clear yet, certainly Christianity is yet to take off.This beginning is always a place to fall back to in order to receivefresh anointing from the Holy Spirit. It was at this beginning that aclean break from sin takes place. Thus if the devil wants to lureyou back to sin, the events of the beginning reminds you of thefinished work at the Cross of Calvary. Today the twentieth day ofthis year, hope your encounter with the Lord is not in doubt.God said to Jacob, “Go up to Bethel where it all happened andsettle there, and there build (raise) an altar there to God”(emphasis mine). That was the meeting point where therelationship started. At Bethel will the purpose of your life befulfilled. At Bethel many more would join you to worship me, onlyat Bethel would your sacrifice be accepted. It is only at Bethelyou will worship me in truth and in Spirit. At Bethel you woulddiscover your God-given talent then you will be able to impact onyour generation.Bethel experience is a necessity for all those panting after Godand until you have it, it may be a waste of time. This whole effort isto help you to have your own personal experience, and your lifewill never remain the same. God is saying back to Bethel.PRAYER POINTBack to Bethel was a clarion call to Jacob, Father the same wayyou are calling, give us grace to heed your call in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 20

Saturday 21st January, 2017 GET RID OF THOSE GODS “Get rid of the foreign gods you have with you and purify yourselves and change your clothes…Let us go up to Bethel.” Gen. 35:2-3For Reading And Meditation: Hosea 4:12-19; I Corinth. 5:1-12The call to return to your Bethel would always spark the fire of revival in the heart. This is why Bethel experience cannot be waved aside. It is this experience that helps to sustain us inour daily walk with God. Bethel experience at anytime is anopportunity for more of it because it is the secret of personaldiscovery, it gives meaning to our faith and by it our faith is exposedto greater exploits.Jacob all along has been living with a household that was deepnecked in the worship of foreign gods. Before the call to return toBethel, he was very much comfortable with what his householdmembers were doing. This is the tragedy that has befallen a goodnumber of Christian families. In some cases the father of the homehas his own brand of foreign gods represented by the ungodly thingsthat the father cherishes and does. The same with the mother of thehome parading her foreign gods by the things she likes to do. Thechildren are not left out who are the photocopy of the ungodly societyin their various homes.When God called Jacob to go up to Bethel, it was only then that heremembered that the foreign gods cannot accompany them toBethel. Not only to get rid of the gods, it was also demanded of themto purify themselves and the clothes that were not fit for Bethel. God'scall on you today is to get rid of any foreign gods, ungodly behaviour,immorality and all kinds of evil that may abound in your homebecause the God of Bethel is willing to make you and your householdHis home in order to radiate His glory through your home.PRAYER POINTLet us pray for Christian homes that the fire of revival would sweepacross turning them to the homes of righteousness and holiness.Every idol or anything idolatry in your home, uproot and destroy it byfire in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 21

Sunday 22nd January, 2017 THE TERROR OF GOD “Then they set out, and the terror of God fell upon thetowns all around them so that no one pursued them.” Gen. 35:5 For Reading And Meditation: Romans 8:1-8When the household of Jacob heed the call to repentance and cleansed themselves of every pagan influences, this singular attitude paved the way for the God of Bethelto Tabernacle with them. All along Jacob and his household couldnot maximize the presence of God because of the foreign gods.The foreign gods became a great hindrance to the God of Bethel intheir lives.As we have stated earlier, too many Christians are parading thingsthat point clearly to be foreign gods. Hence their conversion is notthorough yet. No one who has experienced this God of Bethel stillfinds pleasure in these foreign gods. It is pertinent to examineyourself whether the things associated with these gods can befound in your life? It is a dangerous thing for any Christian to returnto his vomit no matter the coloration it may assume. He should beable to know in the power of the Holy Spirit that such things will notonly defile the body, but will actually kill the body, soul and spirit.This year our story should be that of enjoying His presence daily.Whenever we turn to the Lord, the Lord would also turn to us andwe begin to soar in His glory. Because Jacob and his householdturned whole-heartedly to the God of Bethel, we are told that theGod of Bethel kept them company. As a result the terror of Godspread over their enemies who would rise against them on theirway. The secret of enjoying the presence of God in our lives is toget rid of anything ungodly in our lives. It is only then His terror canfall on all those after our lives.PRAYER POINTHeavenly Father enemies abound everywhere fighting your elect,may your terror descend on them today in Jesus name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 22

Monday 23rd January, 2017 UNLIMITED FRUITFULNESS “And God said to him, I am God Almighty, be fruitful andincrease in number. A nation and a community of nations will come from you, and Kings will come from your body.” Gen. 35:11 For Reading And Meditation: Genesis 35:11-15God of Bethel is prepared to do all that is contained in the verse quoted above in the lives of those who are prepared to heed His call to return to Bethel this year. Many werecalled in the time past, but were never serious with the call. Thosewho took it seriously then, have testimonies to share. If you havebeen following the meditations, you too ought to have receivedyour own calling to your Bethel and your Bethel experience shouldbe fresh now.When Jacob answered the call to return to Bethel, it was anotheropportunity of renewal of covenant blessings upon his life. I perceiveGod of Bethel is waiting for you because it is your turn for fresh dewsof blessings from above dropping upon you. At Bethel, God re-statedHis earlier promise to him to cement His relationship with him. Godreiterated His plan of fruitfulness and increase upon Jacob's life.This same promise is there for you as you walk with God this year.The Almighty God shall cause you to be fruitful in every aspect ofyour life; this increase becomes your identity. Your increase will leadyou to becoming a nation. God did not stop there; he said acommunity of nations will come from you, leading to multiples ofkings emanating from your body. If we carefully look at Israel today,every of this promise had been fulfilled and the fulfillment is on-going.The scripture says, if we hear His voice, we should not disobey. ObeyHis voice today and it will be well with you.PRAYER POINTAlmighty God, you have promised us fruitfulness and increase in ourlives. Bestow this grace on your people in Jesus name. Thank youFather for the grace of growing into a nation, we plead that you havemercy upon Nigeria that we be properly governed.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 23

Tuesday 24th January, 2017 HAVE FAITH “According to your faith will it be done to you” Matthew 9:29 For Reading And Meditation: Matthew 9:29-34The God of Bethel in Christ Jesus is doing great things in our age; He desires all should experience His love towards mankind. Since the beginning of this year and this month, Ibelieve you have had a divine encounter leading to a testimony. Ifyour own is yet to manifest, rise up now and tell God that youcannot afford to start on a shaky ground and begin to plead for Hismercy.Like the two blind men who would not allow Jesus to rest with theirplea, “Have mercy on us, son of David!” We are told that whenhe had gone indoors, they were still after him because they knewthat the solution to their problems lies with him. It is the same faithsome of us would need to exercise so that it could be a fruitful yearfor us all.Jesus asked them, Do you believe that I am able to do this? Yesthey replied. Watch out when Jesus asks you the same questionbecause anyone who comes to him must believe that heexists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.(Hebrews 11:6). Jesus without hesitation said; “according toyour faith will it be done to you.” Immediately their sight wasrestored. He can heal you now and you can be delivered. It is yourseason to come out of every form of blindness that may have heldyou. Following that miracle was a demon-possessed man whocould not speak. When Jesus had spoken, the man was delivered.Tell your problem to God in faith and you will be one of thosethanking God all through the year.PRAYER POINTPray and call upon God for total freedom for all who are in satanicbondage in any area of their lives, pray for total cleansing.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 24

Wednesday 25th January, 2017 KEEP FAITH WITH HIM “And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?.” Luke 18:7 For Reading And Meditation: Luke 18:1-5Our text for this meditation is drawn from Luke 18:1-8, the story of the persistent widow the widow who refused to give up until the judge listened to her plea and gave herthe right judgment. Our Lord gave this parable to teach us thepatience and perseverance we need to exercise while we waitfor divine intervention. Our heavenly Father is not a man whois limited in any side. God is omnipotent, omnipresent andomni-science, He works at His own time and pace. Thus Heknows the right time for our long awaited miracle.My desire is to see God doing it for you now. We need not giveup but to submit to God and when He chooses to bless us. Aswe look up to God for a fruitful year, we must be watchful lestthe enemies rob us of our harvest that may be ripe already.Specifically, God has already programmed people for theirblessings on each day.The Widow never gave up; she believed that her heart desirewould be met. It is the same faith that the God of Bethel wantsyou to exercise. Indeed, the judge said to himself, 'eventhough I don't fear God or care about man, yet because thewidow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice.'Our Lord concluded by saying God will see that we too getjustice and quickly. That settles the matter.PRAYER POINTLet us pray God to quicken our helpers this season, to releaseour breakthrough without delay.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 25

Thursday 26th January, 2017 TIME TO GET UP “The Jesus said to him, Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” John 5:8 For Reading And Meditation: John 5:1-9By the pool of Bethesda were many disabled people; some were blind, lame, paralyzed and had other kinds of ailments. Among them was a man who had been invalidfor thirty-eight years. They were all waiting for a single chanceafter an angel would have come to stir the water. This man in thecourse of his life was attacked by the enemies and for thirty-eightyears, the enemy rendered him useless and held him captivewithout anybody to help him to avail himself of the opportunity ofentering the pool for his healing.The man had all his hope in the pool but the One who is greaterthan the pool spotted him for his story to change. Jesus askedthe man, do you want to get well? One of the reasons for thisquestion is to release his mind from a fixed position. By that wemean that we should look beyond whatever we think God willwork with and allow God to do it in His own way.God's healing power is not limited to any special thing. If yourmind has been fixed on a particular thing please free yourselfnow. Jesus' question is also directed at you so that you can freeyourself. As you do this, Jesus Christ is also saying to you “GetUp! Pick up your mat and walk.” The implication is that yourproblem is over, your story has changed for good, and you arefree from the jaws of your enemies. Just as the man got up and hewas cured, may you be cured of any problem that may have heldyou and be released for greater manifestation.PRAYER POINTLord Jesus Christ, by the power of the Holy Spirit help us to freeour minds from wherever they are fixed that our faith will be onyou.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 26

Friday 27th January, 2017 THE SNARE IS BROKEN “We have escaped like a bird…the snare has been broken…and we have escaped. v 7 For Reading And Meditation: Palm 124I declare over your life, the snare that would have held you this year is broken in Jesus name. Let the redeemed of the Lord proclaim it; “the snare is broken, therefore you haveescaped” to all those who are passionate about the God ofBethel. The Psalmist has come to you with a message of hopeand assurance that the snare is broken. It is the Lord'sdeclaration over your life and the situation you found yourselfbefore now. I can feel a positional shift and a change to a placeof your dream. If God said it, what is the doubt that I see in you?Your case is settled. It was the same Psalmist who said; “TheLord is upright, he is my Rock, and there is no wickednessin Him. (Psalm 92:15).The case of the Psalmist was worse than what you may havebeen passing through. Men attacked Him; their anger was adesign to swallow them. When temptation came; it was like aflood which attempted to engulf them with a furious torrentaimed at sweeping them away. The raging waters notwithstanding, the Lord was on their side and every effort of theenemies became futile. You may think the enemies havesucceeded, your God- the God of Bethel is here to re-assureyou that you are not consumed; rather the snare is broken andyou have escaped. Your testimony is ready because theycannot stop you. Your God, the God of Bethel has counted youamong the favoured ones. If God said it, I believe it and thatsettle the case.PRAYER POINTDeclare it that the snare is broken, therefore you and all yourMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 27

Saturday 28th January, 2017 RENEWAL OF STRENGTH But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. Isaiah 40:31 For Reading And Meditation: Isaiah 40:21-31At the beginning of a new year our expectations differ; resolutions and aspirations are not the same either. One thing is constant and that is the word of God which cannot bealtered. While some may desire to overcome the oppression ofenemies, others are for one particular miracle or breakthrough, forsome; they actually want to be refilled by His anointing. They wanttheir faith deepened. They believe God for a special ministerial giftthat would manifest in their lives. They are tired of being spectatorsand bench warmers in the congregation of the people of God. It maybe that your desire is to seek reconciliation with the Lord. You haveerred, you have abandoned your calling therefore, you went afterthe worldly things since then no health in you and all your desire isrestoration like the prodigal son so that it will be a wonderful year.It is a message of comfort to all who may belong to this category, theLord has promised to renew your strength. That renewal alsostands for restoration and empowerment. Begin to thank God forfulfilling His word in your life from now on, you will soar like theeagles, in other words, you have been prepared for manifestation.The Lord says, even if there is the need to run, you will not be wearyand while you walk you will not faint. Serving the Lord faithfullytakes more energy, the Lord is promising a supply of our needs.You need not look elsewhere, believe it and claim it, go on toexercise your faith and your testimony shall manifest to His gloryand the blessing of your generation.PRAYER POINTLord thank you for the strength that comes through the Holy Spirit.Breathe on me the breath of God for kingdom expansion and causeme to soar like eagles in every area of my life that those who lookdown on me will look up to me.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 28

Sunday 29th January, 2017 TIME OF COMPASSION AND FAVOUR “You will arise and have compassion on Zion, for it is time to show favour to her; the appointed time has come.” Psalm 102:13 For Reading And Meditation: Psalm 102: 1-13The Psalmist had engaged himself in some prevailing prayers characterized with crying beseeching the Lord to help overcome his distress. The prayers made him toforget his food. That is, he accompanied his prayer with fasting.The fasting reduced him to skin and bones, night becamedaylight for him. While undergoing this rigorous prayer, theenemies made him a laughing stock, and his name and casebecame a curse. Not only that he wore sackcloth and was inthe midst of ashes, he actually ate ashes. In all these his faithin God was unshakeable, hence he declared, “But you, OLord, sit enthroned forever; your crown endures throughall generations.”The Psalmist got to a point in his prayer and was convincedthat his little effort was enough for the Lord to arise andrespond speedily. This is the faith we all need to exercise now,because we are rest assured that not the labours of our handscan fulfill His law demands. We count on His mercy thatendures forever, we too can declare like the Psalmist that, thisis the time for the Lord to show us compassion, the time tofavour us. Our appointed time has come, this year shall befruitful, result oriented. He has done it, He will do it again andHe will continue to do it in our lives. I have no doubt in my mindthat it is your time to shine and give your testimony.PRAYER POINTMy Father, my Father, you have done it, you will do it again andyou will continue to do it in our lives.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 29

Monday 30th January, 2017 SERVE HIM WITHOUT FEAR “To rescue us from the hand of our enemies, and to enable us to served Him without fear.” Luke 1:74 For Reading And Meditation: Luke 1:67-80Beloved, begin to offer thanksgiving, praises, offerings and worship to God because it will be well with you. Thank God for your faith in the unchanging God and Hiseternal word that comes to us daily. He is a perfect God, believethat He has taking His time to prepare you for a fruitful year.As we go on in our journey for this New Year, you have grace forhigh performance with a view to breakthrough in all areas of life.Jettison every misconception about what you may be seeing orhearing. Act on God's word to you. This was the secret thatZechariah discovered hence he burst out with a new song. Hesaw the fulfillment of God's word in his life and ministry, thus hedeclared, “To rescue us from the hand of our enemies…”You have been rescued from the plans of your enemies thisyear, hence you will not die pre-maturely, your business will dowell, and your family will prosper.What will be the result of all these? They are to enable you toserve the Lord without fear. By this confession, let courage takethe place of fear in your life. Feeble hands have beenstrengthened, knees are steady now, fearful hearts be strong,your God has come with vengeance with divine retribution. Goin his power, assurance and hope, your case is settled.PRAYER POINTO Lord God as you come in your vengeance let the wickednessof the wicked back fire and affliction shall not arise again. Myhands have been strengthened, my knees are steady now,courage is in me now.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 30

Tuesday 31st January, 2017. GREAT TESTIMONY“….for I will pour out water to quench your thirst, and to irrigate your parched field”, V 3 For Reading & Meditation: Isaiah 44:1- 5The Lord says I will quench your thirst. Nothing can be more comforting than this. Alleluia!!! There is no room for discouragement; it is a year that holds a brighterfuture for those who believe the word of the Lord. In ourpassage, the Almighty says you are his chosen one. If Godhas chosen you, who dare rejects you? His promise to helpyou is reliable; therefore he says do not be afraid, there isthe promise to pour out water to quench your thirst. In thecourse of the year there would be places that will presentitself as a dry ground, thus God will water such places. Godwill not only water, but also irrigate your parched fields. Godshall make his abundant provisions available such thatevery faculty of yours will deliver good things.There is also the promise of pouring out his spirit on yourdescendants. In other words, they shall all be empoweredfor a wonderful performance all through the year. Yourchildren will be blessed. Take note of the testimony that willfollow: they will testify that, “I belong to the Lord”. This will beas a result of their experience of the favour received fromthe Lord. This will also be our testimony in the course of theyear as we faithfully obey the Lord. Where others failed,there you will succeedPRAYER POINT:Lord may your testimony never depart from our mouths. Webelieve it is well with us.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 31

Wednesday 1st February, 2017. CRAVING FOR IDEAS “'Therefore God your God, has set you above your companions''. V7 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 45:1-17We have decided to address some fundamental issues that are retarding the growth of Christians in different areas of their lives. Ignorance as a result of lack of information isone basic problem that is keeping many away from their God-Givendestiny. Many at times, ignorance is tied to lack of westerneducation or the wisdom that the Holy Spirit gives. Even if you areeducated it is not sufficient enough, you need the wisdom of theHoly Spirit that unfolds secret things. No doubt we all want to livethe kind of life that God has designed for us. It is a life of prosperity inall its ramifications. But for many, this is far from being realized;rather the unbelievers both in church and outside the church are theones that seem to be enjoying this privilege.Why is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Wisdom and Knowledge given toyou? We seem to have concluded that the Holy Spirit is only meantto help in worshipping God, enable us to speak in tongues; heal thesick, cast out demons etc. thus we have limited his work in our lives.The Holy Spirit gives wisdom and knowledge. The Holy Spirit ismeant to perfect every knowledge we have acquired thus webecome a blessing to your generation. He gives you the mysterythat is contained in your chosen career hence your performancewould differentiate you from others. Before long you become thepride of your generation. This will translate into money, wealth andfame. God does not give money (all the time) but He gives ideas thatbring a lot of money. This should be your prayer this month and thisyear so that you may be free from the yoke of poverty. God is willingto give you an idea that will change your world. Pray for it today.PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father, in the power of the Holy Spirit, give me a new ideathat will change my world today in Jesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 32

Thursday 2nd February, 2017. GET WISDOM ''Happy is the man who finds wisdom and who acquires understanding'' V13 For Reading & Meditation: Proverbs 3: 13-26Beloved, we have come to discover that one of the reasons why many are not making reasonable progress in life is the lack of wisdom. Can you say when last you made thesubject wisdom as your prayer topic? This is one issue we need totake seriously, it is one good example and legacy that Solomon theKing left behind for those who deserve to make the best out of life.Do you even know that our Father in heaven founded the earth bywisdom? ''The Lord founded the Earth by wisdom and establishedthe Heavens by understanding'' (V19). If the Almighty Godexercised wisdom and understanding in His work of creation, it isobvious that we also need these virtues. Many are pursuingwealth and some will possess it as it were for those who pursued itbefore us. Do you care to know about what happened to thewealth? It went down the drain. Our passage carefully tells us thatwisdom helps to sustain whatever we acquire in life. Wisdom ismore profitable than silver and her revenue is better than gold.Silver and gold will not give you wisdom but wisdom will not onlygive you silver and gold, it will teach you how to manage it.Wisdom is more precious than jewels, nothing you desirecompares with her. The longevity we desire is contained inwisdom. Do you know that the secret of how to break through inyour marriage, business is found in it? Apostle James says, ''Nowif any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives toall generously…'' Begin to ask now He will give you.PRAYER POINT:Almighty Father, it is obvious that we need wisdom. As we humblyask of you please grant to your people that we may live a victoriouslife in Jesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 33

Friday 3rd February, 2017. HONESTY IN ALL THINGS''And if you are not faithful with other people’s things, why should you be with things of your own'' V12 For Reading & Meditation: Luke 16:1-12Prosperity in life will remain a dream for some people because they lack the integrity to retain the prosperous life which they are hoping for. In every revivalprogramme, and in many of our prayer meetings includingworship, the issue of breakthrough in life is always on the frontburner. We yearn for it, we explore every available means tosecure it. Sometimes the breakthrough comes but is not alwaysa permanent one. But the word of God says, “The blessings ofthe Lord makes rich and adds no sorrow”. It means when Godblesses, it is expected to multiply in our lives but the reverse isthe case. It is obvious that for a long time to come many willcontinue to live from hand to mouth. This is contrary to God’splan for their lives.Our passage clearly reveals the reason why many would suffer.Look at what the manager was doing to another man's business.He did everything to run down the business in order to enrichhimself. The same ungodly attitude many Christians put upwhile handling other people's business. Our Lord then asked, “ifyou are not faithful with what belong to others, why should yoube trusted with things of your own?” Until many professingChristians understand this issue, the breakthrough they expectwill never come. Their unfaithfulness will continue to hunt them.If you are guilty of this, make every effort to confess and makerestitution so that this year will be rewarding for you.PRAYER POINT:Dear Holy Spirit, may you convince and convict your people ofthis fact and help them to repent of it.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 34

Saturday 4th February, 2017. ABIDING IN HIM ''He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty''. V1 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 91:1-16Our Lord desires that we should dwell in His secret place on daily basis and all through this year so that all the blessings derivable from dwelling in Himaccording to this Psalm will be our portion. As we study thePsalm, we notice that if we dwell in the secret place of theMost High, there are well over thirty (30) promises that will befulfilled in our lives. It is God's will that none of this blessingwill elude us this year; hence we are meditating on it. Make ityour prayer that the secret place of the Most High shall beyour abode every moment in this year.Beloved it is a privilege to be given such a wonderful status,therefore we must explore it to the fullest. Listen, it pays toserve Jesus, there are so many things that will challengeyour decision to dwell in the secret place of the Most High,but you must make a definite decision that you will remain inthe secret place of the Most High. If there is the secret placeof the Most High, then we can as well have the surface place.The surface place no doubt is the in-secured place where thedevil can manipulate, bring about limitation and all kinds ofoppression. Such place makes people to believe that theybelong, but they are outside. Where do you desire this year?PRAYER POINT:Almighty God, the Most High, Your wish is that we shoulddwell in your secret place. This is our desire on daily basis inJesus name. Amen.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 35

Sunday 5th February, 2017. NOT THE SURFACE PLACE''But everyone who hears these sayings of mine and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand'' V26 For Reading & Meditation: Matthew 7:26-29Before we explore what it means to dwell in the secret place of the Most High let us resolve the issue of those who dwell in the surface place. There are many who arein the church but they are not in Christ irrespective of the positionand influence. Such people have no clear testimony of thesalvation they claim to have in Christ. Some of them may not bedwelling in sin yet they lack the anointing of the Holy One. Suchpeople who dwell in the surface are those who constantly go tochurch service. At every service, they get there late they lack thepush that arouses reverent fear for God. Such people neverhave the privilege of tasting the Lord in full measure. Those whodwell in the surface are never found during the Sunday schooland weekly Bible study. They have no interest in the study of theword. Fasting is alien to them, they never take active part in anyprogramme that will enhance their Spiritual well-being. Some ofthem do not give offering as required of them.Many of those who dwell in the surface are always interested inthe revival programmes where they envisage prophecy, prayersthat will consume enemies. Such things they look forward to butwhen they are not there, you will not find them. These are someof the characteristics of some Christians. Those who dwell in thesurface promote mundane issues that are carnal which do notglorify God. Do you want to remain in the surface this year?PRAYER POINT:Heavenly Father, to remain in the surface is to be cut off fromyou. I refuse to be in the surface in Jesus Name.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 36

Monday 6th February, 2017. DWELLING IN THE SECRET PLACE''Blessed is the man whose strength is in you'' V5 For Reading & Meditation: Psalm 84:1-5The word translated secret was translated as shelter in some Versions of the Bible. It is God's will for us this New Year to dwell in this secret place all through the year.Dwelling in the secret place takes us far away from the assaultof the enemies. Those who may have suffered the assault ofthe enemies in recent past are hereby encouraged to seekearnestly the secret place of the Most High. The secret placeof the Most High is a place of refuge, sweet communion andintimate fellowship with the Almighty. It is a place of divinerevelation where you are obliged the future from thebeginning. Dwelling in the secret place of the Most High givesyou the mastery of the wilderness of life thereby your focusand direction is guaranteed.How do we have access to the secret place? We must chooseto live for God everyday of our lives. The day is incomplete ifwe fail to meet with God in His word and in prayers. This willinclude a functional and living altar in our homes and in ourhearts for our body is the temple of God. When the word ofGod becomes our rule and guide therein we find the mind ofGod concerning us and our generation. Living by the wordkeeps us in the shelter of the Most High. His word is what weneed to guide our footsteps all through the year. Let us desiremore of His word so that we may enjoy His Shelter all throughthe year.PRAYER POINT:O Lord Most High, thank you for the privilege of your secretMANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 37

Tuesday 7th February, 2017.DIVINE STRONGHOLDS''And David stayed in strongholds in the wilderness…Saulsought him everyday but God did not deliver him into his hand” V14 For Reading & Meditation: 1 Samuel 23:7-14Divine Strongholds are the place of safety for every child of God. In this end time we must seek to enjoy this divine privilege so that we can overcome the assault ofkidnappers, robbers, herdsmen, terrorists that are rampant in ourage. The assault of armed robbers is increasing by the day, whileassassins have not relented in their nefarious activities. Besidethis, the spiritual enemies are equally plotting their evil schemesagainst the anointed of God. The secret place of the Most High isan available divine stronghold for every child of God this year. Youmust avail yourself of it lest you suffer in the hands of the evil one.King Saul resolved to terminate the life of David, a man after God'sheart who was destined to take over from him and reign. He did allhe could but to no avail. On this occasion of pursuing David, Davidstayed in the strongholds. While there, it was reported that “Goddid not deliver him into his hand”. The stronghold was the secret ofthe Most High where David ran into and he enjoyed the protectionof the Almighty. As it were, so it is today, there are man-madestrongholds that men are seeking. Incidentally, all of them aretemporal; it is an era that will surely come to an end. Are youseeking the strongholds of man? They are not reliable, they areshifting shadows. Divine strongholds are the best for you this yearand the life to come.PRAYER POINT:Almighty Father, our generation is faced with security challenges,Lord in any way we have sought man-made stronghold, havemercy upon us. We desire your divine strongholds.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 38

Wednesday 8th February, 2017. PERFECT PROTECTION ''Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you'' V17 For Reading & Meditation: 1 Samuel 23:15-18Saul could not find David, but his son Jonathan was able to find David. I declare over your life this year that your enemies will never find you in the name of Jesus. Butyour helpers will find you, men of goodwill will locate you. Wisemen from around the world will find you and willingly surrendertheir treasure to you in the name of Jesus. Your previous yearsmay have been turbulent, characterized with one assault orthe other, but this year, the Lord will compensate you.Whatever the enemies have devoured the Most High shallsettle you in large measures in Jesus Name.Jonathan was a man of goodwill. Thus he was able to locateDavid in the secret place of the Most High. God used Jonathanto strengthen David's hand in God. When we find ourselves inthe secret of the Most High, help will always come from Him.The best choice for you this year is the secret of the Most High,your help is waiting for you there. Does it not surprise you thatSaul with his battalions could not find David, but Jonathanalone could locate David? Jonathan became an instrument ofstrength and a prophet to forth-tell the plans of God for David.''Do not fear, for the hand of Saul my father shall not find you.You shall be King over Israel…” This is the language of over-comers, those who are more than conquerors. Let this be yourdesire and your testimony shall be next.PRAYER POINT:My dear Father, as we desire and step into your secret place,let our hands be strengthened in you today.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 39

Thursday 9th February, 2017.BETRAYALS: GOD WILL SILENT THEM ''But now the men of Ziph went to Saul in Gibeah andbetray David to him, we know where David is hiding'' V19For Reading & Meditation: 1Samuel 23:19-24The secret place of the Most High is a place of safety. Divine protection is a blessed assurance. Children of God must make frantic effort to make it a place of theirdwelling. The life of the man after God's own heart was stillunder threat. The men of Ziph chose to be betrayers. They toldSaul that they knew the whereabouts of David and they wereready to tell Saul. They thought they can terminate the life ofDavid the potential King in whose hand lays the prosperity ofthe nation Israel. God will not allow that. Many are the troublesof a righteous man, but the Lord knows how to deliver him.Our world is infested with betrayers that are ready to abort thevision of the anointed because of the pecuniary motives orsome other carnal desires. Take note, if your vision is from theLord, no matter how much you have suffered in the hands ofbetrayers, God is about to use them to take you to the place ofyour dream. The likes of Saul in our generation may besponsoring them; God will silent all of them and all their effortswill become futile in the name of Jesus.Treacherous men like Judas would always regret their actionslatter, while their victims after the dark tunnel will always comeout triumphantly and in a glorious manner. This is your portionas the secret of the Most High becomes your dwelling.PRAYER POINT:My dear Redeemer, the betrayer, betrayed you but you cameout glorious. Help me to triumph over betrayals.MANNA FOR DAILY LIVING 2017 40

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