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Home Explore Prayers


Published by Vivian T., 2021-09-01 12:53:31

Description: Prayers by Ramon S. Esguerra


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Morning Prayer January 31, 2020 He said, “‘. . . [of] its own accord the land yields fruit, first the blade, then the ear, then the full grain in the ear. And when the grain is ripe, he wields the sickle at once, for the harvest has come.’ He said, ‘To what shall we compare the kingdom of God . . . It is like a mustard seed that, when it is sown in the ground, is the smallest of all the seeds on the earth. ]But once it is sown, it springs up and becomes the largest of plants and puts forth large branches, so that the birds of the sky can dwell in its shade.’” Every morning I rise to your miracles, dear Lord, the miracle of life, the miracle of opportunities and the miracle of your loving providence. Today is a new day for me to love and to serve you and others. These are the seeds you plant in me each day. Give me the faith to believe that what I say “yes” to and what you begun in me you will bring to completion. Teach me to see and to go with the rhythm of your Spirit and loving providence. Allow me to experience every little word I say and every small deed I do in kindness and love as part of bringing your Kingdom into our world and into the lives of all I will meet and work with and for today. Amen.

Morning Prayer February 19, 2020 Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent, and humbly accept the Word planted in you, which can save you.- James 1:21. Let us pray. O Lord, our God, someone tells us that 'In order to be prepared to hope in what does not deceive, we must first lose hope in everything that does deceive.' Many of our hopes need to be converted and transformed, for what we hope for is not central to the Biblical vision of a life of faith. The center of hope in Scripture is You, in Your love, grace and generosity. So we pray that You lead in emptying ourselves of all moral filth and the evil in us to conversion and transformation that we may come to the full knowledge of ourselves and of You, our God. Praise be unto You, dear God! Amen!

Morning Prayer April 10, 2020 Jesus, forgive me for my sins for which you offered yourself on the Cross. Make me realize the many sacrifices that you and the people who loved me made for me, that I may have a good life. Forgive me for not noticing these sacrifices made out of love for me. Forgive me for not valuing your perfect sacrifice, your perfect love for me. Today may I again remember how much you truly love me and may this transform me to love you in return. Please shower all of us now with these graces that we may heal. Amen.

Morning Prayer April 24, 2020 Lord of all Creation, may I draw inspiration this day from the mission you entrusted to us through your apostles. May I renew my sense of mission as a member of the church and as your follower. May I this day reflect on how I am to live out my mission in the midst of this worldwide crisis and pandemic. I pray that you send us your Spirit to renew our world and our own spirit that we may be channels of your presence, Risen Lord, and bring your hope and joy to others. Amen. St. Mark, Pray for us. Morning Prayer April 26, 2020 Accompany me, Risen Lord, through this day and the coming week in the same way you accompanied your two disciples on the Road to Emmaus, that in the midst of this crisis this I may feel my heart burning within me again to bring hope to others. May I recognize you in the Eucharist, in my prayer and in the ordinary moments of this day and the days ahead. May this assure me that you are my companion through this experience, always lovingly, providentially present. Amen.

Morning Prayer April 27, 2020 John 6: 22-29; The beginning of the Discourse on the Bread of Life – “Do not work for food that perishes but for the food that endures for eternal life which the Son of Man will give you.” Father as we begin the 7th week of our lockdown, I pray that in the coming days and weeks I may deepen my spiritual journey through prayer and reflection, especially using the Holy Bible, and through a deeper love for and participation in the Mass. May I spend the coming days overcoming my anxieties and fears with a discerning heart and mind, inspired by the hope your Resurrection brings. May this lead me to doing my share in spreading kindness and good. Prepare me, Risen Lord, to help in building a new and better world when we begin to come out of this lockdown. May I help address this crisis with a new synthesis that is more just and equitable, more compassionate and loving. Amen.

Morning Prayer June 11, 2020 Lord, in the quiet of the morning as I spend this moment of solitude with you. May I always begin my day with you to see you more clearly now and throughout the day. May I love you more in all the people that I will encounter and in all the situations I will be a part of today. Bless me with your grace to follow you more nearly in all things and in every moment of this day. Amen. Morning Prayer June 12, 2020 I rise up this morning and I seek your presence. Be with me and guide me this day. Lead me to offer to you and for others all my prayers, feelings, thoughts, words and actions for the good of all and for you greater glory. Give me the inspiration to do this and may this give me too the strength to overcome all temptations that lead me away from following you this day. I offer this prayer for our country as we celebrate our Independence Day. God of Freedom and Justice, I thank you for the moments in the history of my country that inspired my countrymen and women to dedicate their lives, even to the point of risking it, for the cause of freedom and democracy for our people and country. I know much more has to be done. Help me to do my share in winning greater and deeper freedom for my country: freedom from hunger, freedom from lack of proper healthcare and the poor quality of

education, freedom from manipulation and the lack of a voice in our society, freedom from the injustice of poverty and inequality. Amen. Morning Prayer June 14, 2020 Lord, you asked us to remember how much you loved us when you gave your body to be crucified and shed your blood for the forgiveness of our sins. Make this day for me a special day of remembering. May I remember all the moments when I deeply felt your presence guiding and loving me in and through all my significant experiences, the ups and downs of my life. May I remember all the people who have loved me with a love so patient, forgiving and life-giving, people who loved me into excellence, people who gave me the opportunities to become the best person I can be, most especially in times when fell short and failed. I thank your for loving me and giving yourself up for me. May today be a day of remembering this love. Amen.

Morning Prayer June 16, 2020 Each morning I rise you give me new life and new hope. With the help of your grace I pray I spend this new day thanking you in all that I will do and say. May my words and works, all too that I think, feel and pray, be inspired by the hope that the victory of your Cross and Resurrection won over sin and evil. Give me the courage to take a stand and undertake action against the sin and evil that goes on in our society now; the constancy to sustain this action each day; and a discerning mind, heart and soul to allow your victory to bring this action to completion. Amen. Morning Prayer June 17, 2020 Father, each day your work of creation continues with the rising of the sun, and reminds me of the beauty and good you continue to create for us. Please grant me the grace to be your co-creator this day with hope and joy. With these graces, inspire me to render loving service to all I will meet and in all I will do. May this day grant me the grace to overcome the evil around us with good. Amen.

Morning Prayer June 18, 2020 I praise you this morning, God the Father, for your love and grace continue to sustain us. Each day and every moment, you gift me with life. You grant me too the grace to love and to serve you and others. May I be generous in using your grace this day and may all that come from me be a source of good and kindness to overcome the evil in our world today. Amen.

Morning Prayer June 19, 2020 O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of (mention your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in My name, He will give it to you.” Behold, in Your name, I ask the Father for the grace of (mention your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. O my Jesus, You have said: “Truly I say to you, heaven and earth will pass away but My words will not pass away.” Encouraged by Your infallible words I now ask for the grace of (mention your request). Our Father … Hail Mary … Glory Be … Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have

pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of You, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your tender Mother and ours. Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: “St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us.” Morning Prayer June 23, 2020 I give you thanks and praise, Lord, for the gift of a new day to love and to serve you and others. May my grateful heart offer to you all the things I do and say today that others may see and experience your goodness, your love and your grace. May we be one in giving you glory this day. Amen.

Morning Prayer June 24, 2020 Father, I give you thanks for you constantly call us back to fidelity to our relationship with you. In ancient times you sent us your prophets as our moral and spiritual compass, to prepare us for the coming of your Son. Do now, Father, I pray, send us your Spirit to inspire the prophetic voices in your church. Grant me too a share in this gift and the courage to be a voice to lead others to your Son and to greater fidelity to our relationship with you. May our church be a source of guidance and hope in this time of crisis and despair, and lead us to be your co- creators in transforming our “new normal” into your new creation. Amen. Morning Prayer June 26, 2020 Father, giver of all good things, each time I rise, you bless me with an awareness of life in a new day. As I greet each day with gratitude, may my heart offer thanks and the desire to love you in return by loving all that you give me – life, the new day, the people I will encounter, everything around me that sustains and inspires me and, in a special, may this desire to love you and all you give me grow into a love for the poor and suffering; a love that renews in me my sense of stewardship and to act to heal and care for what I can and see it as your invitation to stewardship, what you want me to do. We ask for the

grace to be ONE IN PRAYER, ONE IN ACTION, ONE IN MISSION to build the new creation in our world. Amen. Morning Prayer July 9, 2020 Lord, may this new day bring renewed hope to us your people and our land. Be our light once more as we remember, “The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned. You have enlarged the nation and increased their joy.” (Isaiah 9: 2-3) Lord, we place all our hope in you. Amen.

Morning Prayer July 11, 2020 I ask you, Lord, to send us this day your protection. Through the intercession of St. Benedict deliver us from all the evils that oppress us, especially the powerless and the weak. Allow the good that comes from you to fill my life and our world that we may overcome the evils around us. With Mary, Our Blessed Mother, we pray “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant. . . . His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. He has performed mighty deeds with his arm; he has scattered those who are proud in their inmost thoughts. He has brought down rulers from their thrones but has lifted up the humble.” (Luke 1: 46-53) Amen. Morning Prayer July 14, 2020 Lord, I begin this day with renewed faith and hope in you, my God, for you know my hopes and fears, my joys and pains. This gives me courage to commit myself to you to be an instrument in your hands so that what I do and say today may edify others and strengthen their faith and hope in you. Together may we all overcome evil with kindness and good. Amen.

Morning Prayer July 21, 2020 With the rising of the sun to you, Father, I raise my praise and thanks. I praise you for each day you create me and fill me with your blessings. May I bless you this day in all I will pray – for the coming of your Kingdom; in all that I will feel – compassion for all who suffer and are broken by man’s cruelty; in all that I will think – wishing all conversion and peace; in all that I will say – comforting others with words of consolation; in all that I will do – acts of kindness and good works that all may give you glory. May this day be filled with your many miracles. Amen. Morning Prayer July 31, 2020 Lord, as I begin this day, I pray: Dearest Lord, teach me to be generous Teach me to serve You as I should To give and not to count the cost To fight and not to heed the wounds To toil and not to seek for rest To labor and ask not for reward Save that of knowing that I do Your most holy will. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 4, 2020 I offer you my gratitude and joy for each day you truly make all things new. You give me new life and a new day to make our world kinder and more caring for someone, for others; a new beginning and new opportunities to do good and right as an instrument in your hands. May this day and all I will say and do, think and feel, pray and hope for begin in you, Lord, sustained through this day with your grace and by your love be happily completed. I continue to pray for our healthcare workers this day and raise them up to you, Lord Jesus, you who are the wounded healer, protect them and guide them. Let them be channels of your healing grace, your instruments in your hand to bring your compassion and care for all the sick, most especially those afflicted with the virus. Amen. Morning Prayer August 22, 2020 Each Sunday is for me, Father, a special time to remember the rising of your Son. May this day be a special moment for me to renew the inspiration of the central mystery of my faith, that you “loved me, gave [yourself] up for me.” I pray that I may relish this gift of yours and bear witness to your love to others and lead them to your love for them. Make this day a grace-filled day. Amen.

Morning Prayer September 5, 2020 FIRST SATURDAY OF SEPTEMBER PRAYER TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY Immaculate Heart of Mary, full of love for God and mankind, and of compassion for sinners, I consecrate myself entirely to you. I entrust to you the salvation of my soul. May my heart be ever united with yours, so that I may hate sin, love God, and my neighbor, and reach eternal life together with those whom I love. Mediatrix of All Graces and Mother of Mercy, remember the infinite treasure which your Divine Son has merited by His sufferings and which He has confided to you for us, your children. Filled with confidence in your motherly Heart, which I venerate and love, I come to you with my pressing needs. Through the merits of your loving Heart, and for the sake of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, obtain for me the favor I ask: (Mention your request.) Dearest Mother, if what I ask for should not be according to God's Will, pray that I may receive that which will be of greater benefit to my soul. May I experience the kindness of your motherly Heart and the power of your intercession with Jesus during life and at the hour of my death. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA.

Evening Prayers Thursday Evening Prayer January 23, 2020 As today’s light fades and darkness falls upon us, let the light of your love continue to shine on me, Lord. I pray that I continue to see you working in and through me this night as I rest and recall the past day. I asked you this morning to use me as an instrument to bring you into

the life and situation of those who need you most. Thank you for hearing my prayer and granting such moments this day. Where I could have done better, help me do better tomorrow. May each day bring me closer to you and make me be the best person I can be. Bless me and my loved ones with a world at peace and embraced by your love. Amen. Saturday Evening Prayer January 25, 2020 I end this day thanking you, dear Lord, for the blessings you showered upon me. I pray, through the intercession of St. Paul, for the gift of continuing conversion. May I be more aware of your constant presence and be more discerning of your movements of grace in my daily life. May my every “yes” to you turn me closer and closer to you and make you more and more the center of my life. Grant me and my loved ones a peaceful evening and restful sleep. Amen. PRAYER FOR THE PEOPLE AND THE AREAS AFFECTED BY THE IMMINENT ERUPTION OF TAAL VOLCANO: Give your protection to all who are in the danger zone, God our Father, the evacuees and those who are with them to support and assist them. Give hope in the midst of this crisis. May we build a network of compassion to show your love and mercy for them and for us all. Protect us from the eruption and we ask you to mitigate its power and its effects.

Amen. Friday Evening Prayer January 31, 2020 I thank you, Lord, for this day and the past week. It has been a day, a week of many blessings, as well as of many challenges. In and through all these, I can only thank you for your presence was constant and faithful; you providence always loving and empowering. This is what mattered most and what gave me the courage and the light to make the most of your blessings this past week, and see me through difficult and challenging moments. I can only pray thank you and continue to be with me. Be with me and my loved ones this evening and in the coming weekend. Bless our world with your peace and protection. Amen.

Evening Prayer February 15, 2020 Dear Lord, the rays of Your rising sun provide the inspiration I need to purge my heart and soul of all impurities. Thoughts that cross my mind, even desires that are unhealthy to a life in Your Spirit, must be dwarfed by true repentance. I have chosen the path to You and Your salvation. Enable me then to thread it encouraged fully by the purest and noblest heart of Jesus. Let me not lower my guard empowered by faith and prayer so that my thoughts and desires be as white as the ripples of the sea, never ever offending You. Amen! Thursday Evening Prayer February 20, 2020 As I end this day, I thank you for the moments I encountered you, Lord, the moments when I experienced you as my God, my companion, my friend and my savior. When I encounter you, Lord, you loving presence is the only thing that matters because it gives me hope and sends me into the world to do good, to be kind and to spread your love. There were moments when I struggled and encountered challenges, but even then you gave me strength to overcome. Thank you for your presence and loving providence. Renew me this evening and bless me with a restful night. Bless to my loved ones and our world. Amen.

Evening Prayer March 18, 2020 My dear Father, God Almighty, if You are with us, how can this deadly virus kill us? An ounce of Your might is enough to put an end, and permanently, to it, and its virulence. I am sorry to have doubted You and for being impatient. I overlooked that in Your endless victories over the evil one and his ways, You were never late and Your triumphs came in Your perfect time. Let me keep kneeling with arms outstretched pleading for Your endless and enduring mercy to save us all from this devious assault of an invisible enemy. Deal with him and his agents and totally annihilate them from this world of Your creation. Remain with us as our fortress and stronghold. Defend us all with the blood of Jesus and under cover of the impenetrable wings of Your hosts of angels. Grant Your mantle of protection to the doctors, nurses, health workers and all those in the frontline of this battle against the virus. Provide the equipment and resources they need and do provide for them and their families. Heal those afflicted as quickly as possible and bless the souls of those who passed. You are our all and everything, and with You, and in Your palm, we are safest and most secure. These, we ask, with the intercession of the Blessed Mother and all the saints and angels, IN JESUS' NAME. Amen. We believe!

Evening Prayer March 26, 2020 Our God, Father Almighty, we renew at this moment our faith in You, little as it may be. May Your Spirit convict us of our sins, bring us to true repentance and by Your endless mercy forgive us for all our trespasses. Imploring Your grace, we now kneel with outstretched hands, in ardent prayer and supplication for the healing of our world, our nation, our families, yes, our very selves, that we may totally entrust to you as our only God, all your people. You are a God of good- do good to us as You have done before. By Your power, overcome and render inutile the deadly CoVd 19. We invoke your promises of Psalm 91. Cover all of us with the blood of Jesus, our perfect shield of protection. Restore us all as one in Your providence and live all the treasures of the Gospel. We claim Your victory and the victory of Your people, in Jesus' Name! Monday Evening Prayer 15 June 2020 Lord Jesus, as darkness descends upon us this day, let the light of our faith in you always burn brightly in our heart and soul. May your light give us the guidance and courage to discern how we are to overcome that darkness that evil acts bring. Give us the strength to overcome evil with good deeds. Give us the confidence that we shall overcome this crisis and all evil in our midst for you are, and always will be, with us. Amen.

Evening Prayer 10 July 2020 Disturb Us, O Lord (attributed to Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu adapted from an original prayer by Sir Francis Drake) Disturb us, O Lord, when we are too well- pleased with ourselves when our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little, because we sailed too close to the shore. Disturb us, O Lord, when with the abundance of things we possess, we have lost our thirst for the water of life when, having fallen in love with time, we have ceased to dream of eternity and in our efforts to build a new earth, we have allowed our vision of Heaven to grow dim. Stir us, O Lord, to dare more boldly, to venture into wider seas where storms show Thy mastery, where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars. In the name of Him who pushed back the horizons of our hopes and invited the brave to follow. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA.

A Prayer of Choice My Ever Living God, Father Almighty: With the twists and turns of life, let me choose the Way; With the riches the world offers, I choose the only One Master; With short cuts and easier ways to fame, let me choose to remain a Servant; With the extravagance and luxury I can enjoy, let me be poorer and choose charity; With Machiavelian roads to greatness, let me choose to be drowned in humility; With a life that seems forever ruled by vanity, I choose to feed the hungry; With darkness all over, I choose to keep the faith and wait for the Light! Amen! Wednesday Evening Prayer 22 July 2020 As I as end this day at mid-week, to you I offer all my work that I tried, Lord, to make a channel of your grace. The grace to let people feel that they are not alone in whatever challenges and trials they are going through. The grace to let people renew their faith and hope in you that they may be empowered to overcome their fears and not give in to oppression and despair. Use me, Lord, as an instrument in your hands. May the rest and silence of this evening renew me for tomorrow. Amen.

Saturday Evening Prayer 25 July 2020 Come into my heart and my home tonight, dear Lord. Give me and my loved ones your peace in the midst of all that the world is going through; the fears and anxieties, the sufferings of so many. May your peace give me equanimity to discern what you want me to do and how you want me to be an instrument in your hands. May I rest, recreate, reflect and be renewed. Blessed Mother, watch over us and place your mantle of protection over us. Place me with your Son. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA. Sunday Evening Prayer 26 July 2020 Lord, bless me with a peaceful night and a restful sleep. As I end this day of rest and recreation, prayer and reflection, I thank you for this time to renew my body and my spirit, my relationships with family, friends and you; preparing me for the week ahead. I ask that you continue to use me as your instrument to bring your love and grace to others and to a world in crisis. Blessed Mother, watch over us always with your maternal care and protection. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA.

Tuesday Evening Prayer July 28, 2020 Lord, at day’s end I turn to you to give thanks and to continue to ask for your grace to strengthen my faith and hope in you in the midst of so much fear and anxiety, suffering and near despair. I continue to ask too for the grace of renewal – in the peace and silence of the night – that I may offer myself once more to you to be an instrument in your hands when I rise tomorrow and with the coming of a new day. Amen. Evening Prayer July 29, 2020 God, Our Father, I come to you this evening thanking you as I end this mid-week day. I thank you for sustaining me through all the challenges I encountered, and for strengthening my faith and renewing my hope in the face of so much uncertainty. Bless me, my loved ones and our world with a peaceful night and a restful sleep. May tomorrow bring us a deeper faith and greater hope in your loving providence for with this we will surely overcome. Amen.

Evening Prayer August 1, 2020 Lord, as we continue to face more challenges in this time of pandemic, I pray more fervently that in this time of renewed anxiety and fear strengthen our faith; in this time of continuing suffering and desolation boost our hope; in this time of growing hunger and want among many of our brothers and sisters inspire in our hearts generosity. I pray more fervently: \"Lord, teach me to be generous. Teach me to serve you as you deserve; to give and not count the cost; to fight and not heed the wounds; to toil and not seek for rest; to labor and not ask for reward, except to know that I am doing your will.\" Amen. Evening Prayer August 2, 2020 As the sun sets, Father, let my prayer rise up to you. I thank you for this day, a time to remember how you are ever so present in the many miracles you bless me with each day. May I always remember this in the days ahead in the week to come. May this remembering make me spend this week thanking and giving you praise, Lord, in all that I do and say. Bless this evening with continued peace and joy, and the night with a restful sleep. Amen.

Evening Prayer August 3, 2020 Lord, tonight I offer my prayer for all our healthcare workers, most especially those who work in areas with high incidence of COVID-19 infections. May they be protected as they continue to serve the sick and our people. May our people unite in supporting them and through peaceful means hold accountable those in public office who are tasked to lead us through this pandemic. I pray especially for those who are suffering more as some areas in our country experience stricter quarantine protocols anew. I ask for the grace of discernment for all of us. As we face more challenges, I ask for your guidance that we may act together to overcome our divisions and the evils this pandemic brings. Amen. Evening Prayer August 4, 2020 I end this day as I started it, with gratitude and joy. Thank you for the fruitful and productive moments I had. Thank you for giving me the opportunities to do good and to be kind. Thank you for strengthening my faith and hope today, experiencing your loving providential presence. I offer all these back to you with great joy. Thank you for your patience and forgiveness for my shortcomings and failings this day. I am humbly grateful; a humility that leads to a deeper joy for your mercy is the source of my deeper faith and hope. Grant

me, my loved ones and our world tonight your peace, Lord, and a restful sleep. Amen. Evening Prayer August 5, 2020 Lord Jesus, as I complete this mid-week day and anticipate the feast of your Transfiguration tomorrow, grant me the grace to spend some moments of prayer this evening to prepare me to see you more clearly as the Father’s beloved Son. May this deepen my love for you and may this love inspire me to follow you more nearly in my day to day life. Protect me, my loved ones and our world this night and grant us a restful sleep. Amen.

Evening Prayer August 6, 2020 I give you thanks and praise, Lord Jesus, for you have shown me your glory as the beloved Son in the many moments this day when I experienced your loving providential presence in the many little miracles that showed me your graciousness; the miracles of the little things done with great love and concern. May I be your instrument to others that they may experience you loving providential presence in their day to day life and so give you thanks and praise. Bless us this evening and always. Amen. Evening Prayer August 7, 2020 At week’s end, I give thanks for your faithful and constant love and providence, Lord. As I prayed to and honored your most Sacred Heart in a special way today, I ask for the grace to be a worthy channel of the love and mercy of your most Sacred Heart; graces we need most in this time of suffering and evil that divide us. I pray that this weekend I may spend in prayer and reflection that I may more fervently work to clear all obstacles to grace in my life to be a better instrument in your hands. Bless our world, my loved one and me with a restful night and time to bond, recreate and renew this weekend. Amen.

Evening Prayer August 9, 2020 “Stay with us, for it is nearly evening; the day is almost over.” (Luke 24: 29) Thank you, Lord, for your special companionship this day as I remembered with family and friends, as a community of your church, your continued presence of grace as we gathered around the altar of offering, worship and thanksgiving; as I spent quiet time to pray and to reflect, and quality time with family and friends. Thank you for making “[my heart] burning within [me]” once more with the flame of your love. May this grace be with me in the coming week that I, in all things, may love and serve you and others. Bless us with your protection and peace this night and a restful sleep. Amen.

Evening Prayer August 10, 2020 Lord, I give thanks for the blessings of this day. As I offer all these to you, I ask for the graces of your mercy and forgiveness for my shortcomings this day, and of a joyful generosity in all that trials and challenges that I and many others are going through in this time of pandemic. In the spirit of St. Lawrence and of the words of St. Paul, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9: 7) Teach us, Lord, to be generous and cheerful givers of all that we have and are. Amen. Evening Prayer August 11, 2020 Thank you, Lord, for this day. I pray I have served you well in my work, in my dealings with others and in my every prayer. May what I did this day help make our world a little better. As evening comes, I offer this prayer for me and my loved ones: “Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. His Love to guard me through the night. And wake me in the morning's light.” (attributed to Henry Johnstone based on an 18th Century Prayer)

Evening Prayer August 12, 2020 Loving and providential God, you accompanied me throughout the day, guiding me in all that I did. As evening descends upon us, I thank you for the day past and ask that you grant me rest and recreation in the company of my loved ones. Send your Holy Angels to watch over us this whole night through. Bless us with a peaceful sleep that we may awake to another day for us to love and serve you and others. Amen. Evening Prayer August 16, 2020 As this day of prayer and rest ends, I thank you, Lord, for the time to reflect on my journey of faith and to understand more deeply the grace of perseverance; how you have sustained me through challenges and trials in the day to day. Grant me too the grace of a resilient faith, when with humility I accept the limitations, trials, challenges, setbacks and failings in my life, and turn to you knowing that in you alone, Lord Jesus, is my hope, and through you alone will I heal and be whole. Bless me with this faith, persevering and resilient, that in my devoting my life to you, all that I am and have, you will make me an instrument in your hands to be a channel of your love and grace to all I will meet and all that I will do in the week ahead. “Stay with us, Lord, the day is almost over,” grant us your protection and a restful sleep. Amen.

Evening Prayer August 17, 2020 Receive, O Lord, my evening prayer of thanks and praise for your many blessings and faithful accompaniment throughout the day . You gave me light and strength to guide me in all that you wanted me to do, to do good and to be kind. May I be aware too of where I could have done better and grant me the grace to do so. Bless this night with your protection and peace for our world, my loved ones and me, and a restful sleep for all. Amen. Evening Prayer August 19, 2020 At mid-week’s end, I turn to you, Lord, to thank you and to ask that this evening you give me rest. In quiet time may I bring to you all my experiences and encounters the past half week – with gratitude for all the blessings and graces received and channeled to others; with apologies where I could have done better and a prayer to do so in future similar situations. In all this, may I see your loving providence, ever present, and may I stand before you in all humility and with deep gratitude – saying “yes” to what you want me to do to make my corner of your creation better. Bless me, my loved ones, our world with your peace and protection this night. Amen.

Evening Prayer August 20, 2020 Father, as the darkness of the night brings this day to an end, let your love and grace continue to be my light that I may feel your presence in all that I encountered and experience today. I thank you most especially for these (recall the significant moment(s) this day that made you experience the love and grace of God). Thank you too for your patience and understanding, and I am most sorry for these shortcomings (recall the moment(s) when you felt you fell short). Accept this day as my offering to you, dear Lord, and keep me, my loved ones and our under your care and protection. Amen.

Evening Prayer August 21, 2020 I offer this prayer at the end of this day, Lord, for my country and our people. Grant us, Father, leaders who will be shepherds after your own heart and spirit who will be true servant-leaders. In the midst of our many challenges and disappointments, I trust in this your promise. Those who put their hope in you never hope in vain. Do give me, Lord, the grace to discern and to make choices that will lead to action to help build a better world in our country within my sphere of influence and, if it is your will, beyond and for a greater number. Bless us with freedom and the courage to work for it for the greater majority and for your greater glory. Amen. Evening Prayer August 22, 2020 Today, on a feast day of our Blessed Mother, the image of Our Lady of Lourdes in the National Shrine in Quezon City was canonically crowned. Let us offer special prayers to Our Lady of Lourdes for a cure, and a safe and effective vaccine for COVID-19; and for all the sick who have asked for our prayers.

Evening Prayer August 23, 2020 At day’s end, I look to the week ahead. Grant me these hours of recreation, quiet, reflection and prayer to prepare me for the work you want me to do in the days ahead; the good you want me to do, the kindness you want me to share. May I offer the final moments, before I rest and sleep, in silence and stillness to know you are God; my God, loving me with a providential love, always present in all moments of my life. Amen. Evening Prayer August 24, 2020 Lord, I offer this day to you and I thank you for the grace of experiencing that in all things, big and small, I can serve and love you. May I learn more and more that it is not in the greatness of the things I do, but in the greatness of the love and the desire to serve with which I do all things in the day to day that will make me a channel of your love to others. Bless me and my loved ones, our world with your peace and protection this evening. Amen.

Evening Prayer August, 25 2020 May the evening bring me peace as I end my day, Lord, and in silence may I relish your presence in these moments of grace (recall moments the past day when you felt God’s presence). Thank you for your fidelity and the constancy of your guidance. I ask for your grace to help me overcome challenges and shortcomings (recall these moments when you experienced challenges and setbacks, moments when you felt you fell short). Keep our world, my loved ones and me under you protection and care this night. Grant us a restful sleep. Amen. Evening Prayer August 30, 2020 O Lord my God, Grant me a quiet night's sleep beneath Thy tender care, and defend me from all the temptations of darkness. Into Thy hands I commend my loved ones and all who dwell in this house: I commend my body and soul : O God, Thy holy name be praised. Amen. (Dietrich Bonhoeffer)

Evening Prayer 2 September 2020 Lord, as I end this day I thank you for your loving providence that brought me to another mid-week. So much to be thankful for, Lord, and also so much to pray for and so much to build now and for the future. Grant me the graces to be more prayerful and discerning, to do good and spread kindness, and to renew my sense of mission. Bless me, my loved ones and our world with you peace and protection. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA. Evening Prayer 3 September 2020 Lord, receive my prayers this evening: my prayer of thanks for this day’s blessings (pause, remember and relish these moments); my prayer of offering of the fruits of my works (pause, remember and relish these moments); my prayer of supplication for your mercy and forgiveness for my shortcomings and transgressions (pause, remember and relish these moments). Bless us, Lord, our world, my loved ones and me with you peace and protection this night, and a restful sleep. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA.

Evening Prayer 4 September 2020 FIRST FRIDAY OF SEPTEMBER At week’s end, I offer this prayer: You who are over us, You who are one of us, You who are also within us, May all see you-in me also. May I prepare the way for you, May I thank you for all that shall fall to my lot, May I also not forget the needs of others. Give me a pure heart-that I may see you. A humble heart-that I may hear you, A heart of love-that I may serve you, A heart of faith-that I may abide in you. Amen. -DAG HAMMARSKJOLD Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, have mercy on us. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA.

Evening Prayer September 5, 2020 Lord, as you often sought solitude to pray and to commune with your Father, bless me this evening with the grace of solitude and prayer. Grant me the grace to be at peace and to have a listening heart. In the midst of so much fear and anxiety, I come in faith. “It is good to wait in silence for the Lord to save.” (Lamentations 3: 26) Be with us – our world, my loved ones and me – this night. Give us rest and your protection and peace. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA. Evening Prayer September 6, 2020 As the sun sets, I raise up to you the prayer of my heart. Father, thanking you for the gifts of rest and recreation, prayer and silence, and the renewal of the grace of your Son’s Resurrection. In the midst of the many challenges and concerns that beset us, these give me hope and the confidence that as in the mystery of your Son, our Lord Jesus’ Cross and Resurrection you, for and with us, have overcome the evil of this world. Grant us a peaceful night and a restful sleep. May tomorrow and the week ahead be filled with renewed hope and may I, and all I will work with, be your instruments in your hands to bring you mercy and kindness to all we will encounter, and overcome evil with good and your love and grace. Amen.

Evening Prayer September 7, 2020 EVE OF THE NATIVITY OF THE BLESSED MOTHER Lord Jesus, I come to you on the eve of the Feast of your Blessed Mother’s Nativity. As I often pray to her to place me with you, her Son, I now ask you, as my brother and companion on mission, to place me under the mantle of her love in the same way that she loved you with her fidelity to her mission to be your mother. Grant me too the blessing to be included in her prayers in the same way that she constantly kept all things in her heart in all that happened to you here on earth. Amen. PLEASE PRAY THE ORATIO IMPERATA. Tuesday Evening Prayer September 8, 2020 Loving Mother of the Redeemer Gate of heaven, star of the sea Assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator Yet remained a virgin after as before You who received Gabriel's joyful greeting Have pity on us poor sinners. Amen.

Evening Prayer September 9, 2020 Today's Vespers Lord, watch over us by day and by night. In the midst of life’s countless changes strengthen us with your unchanging love. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen. Evening Prayer September 10, 2020 As darkness envelopes our world, Lord, let the light of your love shine on us. May we this night bring us rest and time to look back at the past day. May we relish with gratitude your loving providential presence during these moments (pause to recall these moments during this past day). To you I bring these moments when I could have done better (pause to recall these moments during this past day). Grant me the grace to do better each day. May our night be peaceful and our sleep restful. Amen.

My Prayer

My Prayer October 1, 2020, Thursday My Lord and my God, Father Almighty, let me embrace this day with a grateful heart. Be merciful and grant me true repentance and contrition. Restore to me Your grace as I ask that You pardon our nation and our people that have immensely grieved You by their stubbornness and disobedience. Again, in Your love and mercy for us without measure, penetrate, transform and captivate our hearts and souls. May You accept us despite our faults and failures, and implore Your healing of our land, and those in need of it, including the ones reading in their hearts, this humble prayer. We claim that You will not deny us the good of Your blessings and forgiveness, and finish the work You have started in us, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.

My Prayer October 2, 2020, Friday Blessed are You God of Eternity, God of all creation and Father of all nations. May this day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus bring us to adore, worship and glorify Him in our prayers and devotion, and in our words and actions. Grant that our petitions may all be heard and come to pass according to Your perfect will. Rescue us from our feeling of despair as we seek Your healing touch upon those who ail among us. You deserve, O, Lord, our utmost in the service of the cause of our redemption on the Cross. May we see Your Holy Face in those who You will allow us to meet today to bring peace and a grin or smile on their face. Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus. Amen. My Prayer October 3, 2020, Saturday My Lord, my God, my Father, I receive wholeheartedly this new day. Let me spend it well in all wisdom so that I may discern Your will and gladly do it. With all my intentions of the day, grant that they may be joined in unity with the intentions of family, relatives and friends as we lift them all up to You. Enable us to be truly loving and caring with one another, to walk an extra mile and extend a helping hand to all of those around us. If it is only praying for them the least that I can do, ensure that my heart goes out for them beyond lip-service and in all sincerity. I ask all these in Jesus' Name, for Your glory forever and ever. Amen.

My Prayer October 4, 2020, Sunday My Lord, ever Living God, Almighty Father, this is a glorious day, dedicated in praise and worship of You, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. May we who profess our faith in the Holy Trinity receive and welcome Your divine inspiration to respond to Your call for holiness, compassion and perfection. We want to dream and ask big of this portion but You humble us all to be modest and simply plead for what we deserve. If You permit for our cup to overflow, may we remain ever mindful to share of what we receive from Your generous hands. Keep us still unyielding to the luring world and by Your grace simply fix our sight on what is good, gracious and eternal. Thank You, Jesus. Praise You, Jesus! Amen.

My Prayer October 5, 2020, Monday My Lord, ever Living God, Father Almighty, in my struggling faith, bring hope that it may increase and strengthen my hope to walk with You this week and this new day. Help my inadequacy to remain grateful to You for the gift of life and the gifts of faith and prayer. As I tread the long and winding road, grant me the patience to persevere to the end as life is short, as they say. Breathe into my soul Your peace and also into the souls of those I care and pray for. As I ask for Your blessings, bless them, too, and respond to their pleas with the good that You want them to have and enjoy. Make me an instrument of Your charity that I may have Your grace and mercy to be gracious and merciful to all those around me. By Your inspiration, prod me to pray more for better days to come as I storm with my prayers Your throne, for the salvation of the world and Your people. In Jesus, Amen!

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