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Home Explore Prayers


Published by Vivian T., 2021-09-01 12:53:31

Description: Prayers by Ramon S. Esguerra


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June 10, 2021 Thursday \"[T]he need for love or the need for personal fulfillment or the need for companionship is, without equal, something greater and deeper to hear and heed with seriousness.\" (Father Julian Carron) Let me share. \"No one has seen God. Yet, if we love one another, God remains in us, and his love is brought to perfection in us.\" [1 John 4:12] Almighty God, Heavenly Father, Your love for us, Your people, is the purest of all. It is out of this love that is beyond measure that You sent Your only begotten Son, to be our Saviour, and redeemed us, poor and miserable sinners, by His passion and Cross. True to Your loving and forgiving nature, You have never forsaken us, and even give us strength to fight and resist the world and the tempting circumstances around us. You have purposed us to see Your goodness, greatness and glory above and beyond our mundane desires for wealth, power and human recognition. Forgive us in our weakness. Renew our minds and redirect our thoughts to what is eternal and salvific. Re-shape our hearts' desires and re- design them to only please You. May our actions be a reflection of Your love for us and our neighbors.

To live for You is indeed hard, seemingly, not doable. But Your grace so abundant is there for our taking. May our soul and spirit be steadfast, eager with love for values and virtues that approximates Jesus Christ's. Lord, today, make every moment a moment of experiencing Your love and compassion. You are love Yourself. In praise of Jesus, and in His mighty Name, we pray. Amen.

June 11, 2021 Friday \"Without realizing it, we can call faith that assent we give in our own manageable ideas of God. True faith takes us into the unknown. It calls for blind trust; it calls for profound humility and surrender.\" (Sister Ruth Burrows, O.C.D) Let me share. \"Jesus said to his disciples, 'You will be hated by all because of my name, but not a hair on your head will be destroyed. By your perseverance you will secure your lives.' \" [Luke 21: 17,19] O Lord, our God, we offer our hearts today to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We consecrate ourselves to It with our joys, works and pain. We surrender our every thought, word and deed to the Purest and Noblest of Hearts, that of Jesus. May we not be despised due to our failures and excesses. We nonetheless accept Your correction and seek Your mercy for our sins. Lead us all to abide by You and obey Your commandments. May we learn from the obedience, faithfulness and humility of Christ Jesus. May we glorify Him because of His passion, death and resurrection. He is the Way, the only way to our promised salvation.

We surrender to You today our earthly desires and passions. May we find the strength and courage we need from Your Spirit. Through the Sacred of Jesus, we claim healing in body, mind, heart and soul. May He not depart from us and be generous with His Holy Gifts. May He make us patient and persevere to the end. To Your Sacred Heart, dear Jesus, we entrust ourselves, our families and our country. Be praised and glorified, Father. We adore You. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

June 12, 2021 Saturday \"No comparison is possible between the Soul of Jesus and any other soul for It is infinitely greater than the depths of ocean and the immensity of space.\" ( p.41, Flashes of Thoughts) Let me share. \"Faith of itself, if it does not have works, is dead.\" [James 2:17] O Lord, my God, we rest on You today thankful for Your protection, healing and provision in the week that passed. Your gentle and caring touch permeates our soul and spirit by the very Heart and Soul of Your Son, Jesus. May we live our faith. It is in the Divine Mercy that we rely on for every thought, word and deed of ours that offended Your goodness and grace. We are truly sorry for having offended You. You truly deserve our loving obedience. We thank You for seeing us through the rough times, enabling us to fully trust You, our moments of doubt and weakness notwithstanding. It was the strength and fortitude that You unselfishly gave that let us through those moments of confusion. You are steadfast in Your faithfulness; we are grateful.

Today, dear Father, deliver us from the harm of our faithlessness. Bring us to the closeness and intimacy with Jesus as we believe in the power of His name and His inexhaustible mercy. May Your Spirit prompt us to repent, renew and recollect this weekend, offering to You our every joy and pain. Hear us, O Lord, in our prayers amid all our circumstances in an afflicted world. You are our God, our only God. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

June 13, 2021 Sunday \"In the last resort, the criteria of this form of faith are: that is possible which can be achieved by love; that is true which is believable on the part of love; that is good which enables love to exist and grow.\" (Monsignor Romano Guardini) Let me share. \"Remember your leaders who spoke the word of God to you . . . and imitate their faith.\" [Hebrew 13:7] Lord Almighty, Eternal God and Father, we profess once more our faith in You in this day so Holy by Your amazing grace. If You find our faith inadequate because of lethargy, idleness and ignorance, fill us all up with Your Spirit to empower us to nourish and grow our faith. With humility, we bow to the yearnings of our souls through the Helper, Your Spirit, that our mustard seed - sized faith may be lived in full, more in our deeds, than mere words. May that faith increase beyond our kneeling, our praying and praising. Increase in us, dear Lord. Grant us a spirit of decision to make our choices in how we live and love. May those choices be always right and just before Your very eyes. May our hearts see with wisdom the good we ought to do not only to those of our own but more to others. Make us effective witnesses of Your Gospel in action.

As we find ourselves in the midst of extraordinary situation, difficult and disturbing, quiet our anxieties, remove our worries, and enlighten our doubts, with courage and strength of our little faith that can move mountains. We pray all these for Your greater glory, in the name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

June 14, 2021 Monday \"You have no money? You have no gift to give? You have nothing at all? Are you forgetting that you have the gift of happiness to present to others, the gift of peace which the world cannot give, a treasure of joy which knows no bounds.\" (Road of Hope, p.126, Francis Xavier Nguyen Van Thuan) Let me share. \"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.' \" [Hebrews 13:5] God, Almighty Father, our Lord, our Life, we offer You the gratitude of our hearts this week, this new day, with hope that we would be able to glorify and honor You in our lives. There is truly no greater offering acceptable to You than the practice of our faith in the virtues of Christ Jesus. Keep us in love of You by obeying the precepts and principles of Your Kingdom and abiding by Your commandments. If we let our imperfection and weakness have their way in us and in the way we live, we knock at the door of Your heart of compassion for mercy. May we repent in truth for our transgressions.

We rejoice, and thank You for the simple joys of life, in the simple dose of good we do, and the simple gift of time You enable us to share with our neighbor. Make our resolve to be happy in greeting and smiling at every soul we meet today. In all, grant that we magnify You all the time, Your majesty shining on our face and in our eyes. May we listen intently to Your Spirit, wholeheartedly feel Your presence, and consistently heed Your counsel. Indeed, if You are with us, no one can go against us. We praise You for keeping us secure and well in the palm of Your loving hand. We thank You for all You have blessed us that money cannot buy. With You around us and in us, we will be always content and happy. In the Name of Jesus, Amen.

June 15, 2021 Tuesday \"Love cannot remain by itself- it has no meaning. Love has to be put into action and that action is service. (Mother Theresa) Let me share. \"The Lord appeared to us in the past, saying: 'I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving- kindness.' \" [Jeremiah 31:3] Almighty and Eternal God, our Father, every new day You give us assures us of Your presence and provision. The hope we always put in You becomes brighter than the noontime sun. May we put our trust in You more and more. In taking You for granted and merely relying on our self-will, forgetting we should seek Your will, forgive us. May the mercy we implore from You free us today from error and sin. Deliver us from the material desires of our hearts. May we always see in You our purpose to remain in Your kingdom, and find meaning in the correction of our ungodly ways, thoughts, words and deeds. Thank You for Your forgiving love.

Beyond confessing by mouth, and in our prayers, our love for You, help us to match our words with deeds in the service of others - the exploited, the underprivileged, and the vulnerable. Grant us a burning desire to give life and meaning to our faith by being a true help to our neighbor. Enable us all with our dear, to draw strength from the precious blood of Jesus, that all may be healed in body, mind, heart and soul, to the glory of Your Name. We thank You in the name of Jesus. Amen.

June 16, 2021 Wednesday \"Our only desire and our one choice should be that: I want and I choose what better leads to God's deepening his life in me.\" (St. Ignatius of Loyola) Let me share. \"Peter said to [Jesus] in reply, 'Though all may have their faith in you shaken, mine will never be.' \" [Matthew 26:33] Our Lord, our God, we renew our faith and trust in You in the silence of our hearts. May Your abiding presence lead us to simply praise You in our deeds. With our hearts troubled by sin, may we plead for Your healing mercy. Restore us. Help us, O Lord, to live and further work with the faith You have gifted us with. May we do it without wavering, with our spirit filled to the brim by Yours. By Your grace, enable us to keep our promises to You just like Jesus did. We desire to be faithful to You with the constancy of Your faithfulness to Your people. Never allow us to betray You as we go on with our journey. As Your children, let us hold Your hand tightly as a child does. Transform us.

In praise of You, in Jesus' Name. Amen!

June 17, 2021 Thursday \"A wise man is one who move forward by stepping backwards, and yet still reaches his goal in the end.\" (p.65, Connections, Father Tristan Jasper D. Laforteza) Let me share. \"Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, so that he may exult you in due time.\" [1 Peter 5:6] Our Lord, our God, may the new day reveal more of You in us, with all hope that we can learn more of Your wisdom. Grant us a mature mind, a thankful heart and a willing spirit to seek You deeper in every step of our faith. May we see that we cannot rely on our intelligence and ignore that it is in our fear of You with all reverence that wisdom in its true sense, begins in us. It is the false and fragile belief in ourselves that spells doom for our sense of humility. Forgive us for being fools. Lord, in Your charity, may You bring all of us to a life- giving repentance for false pride, merely wanting respect from others, rather than pleasing You with virtues and values in the character of the humanity and divinity of Christ Jesus. Renew for Your pleasure our priorities.

May we not grow weary and discouraged in following Jesus, our Teacher and Master. Make us realize that what is difficult is not impossible. In You, all things are possible. May we live simple lives, content with what we have, and blessed in knowing and doing Your will that perfects our faith. Never permit us to be wise in our own eyes again. Your wisdom is truly our liberty. We ask You these in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Amen!

June 18, 2021 Friday \"God leads. through good and evil. Suffering has at least as great tasks as joy, therefore the most important is that in good and evil equally we should see the divine will of the assertion of the soul.\" (p.89, Flashes of Thoughts) Let me share. \"... And kneeling down he prayed, saying, 'Father, if you will, remove this chalice from me; but yet, not my will, but yours be done.' \" [Luke 22:41,42] Eternal God, Almighty Lord, it is a day of devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. May we live this day in our life's journey by offering all our intentions to It, our hearts freed of bitterness and selfishness. Renew in our soul and spirit Your call to holiness by following Jesus. May His passion and pain, His rising from the dead, and ascending to You to be seated by Your right hand in heaven, inspire us to hold on and await His coming glory. Grant us all the gift of patience as we thank You for the gifts of family, friends, and our very faith. Empower us to serve You in others, even to pray for the good of those who are against us. Let us have the freedom to smile at, and give peace to them. May we do these in all sincerity.

While there is time, though it is running fast, bring reconciliation in our homes, workplace, community and country. May the stressful times make us as one in mind, heart and spirit. In our discord, division and divergence, grant us unity in Jesus, and this, for Your greater honor and glory. Amen!

June 19, 2021 Saturday \" . . . There can be no greater citizen than one who is, as St. Thomas More put it, 'the king's good servant, and God's first.' \" (Stephen P. White) Let me share. \"Faith is the revelation of what is hoped for and evidence of things not seen.\"[Hebrew 11:1] O Eternal and Almighty God, we see Your glory in this fresh morning and beautiful day. As we thank You for the gift of another day, grant us the rest, renewal and recreation we hope for. Through them, may our hearts be filled with appreciation for You and the gift of life. The times call us to recollect and reflect on Your purposes for us to be servants of the Gospel in the service of others and the Church. You know our needs even before we bend our knees and pray, and we are thankful. May You lead us all, O Lord, to a life driven by Your divine purpose. Make us all worthy to be called Your children and to be true followers of Christ. Assist us to overpower our desire for wealth, fame, power and privilege. May we prefer and choose what is everlasting, the path of Your eternity which our eyes cannot see. May our soul and spirit see You and Your divinity. May we continue to serve the cause of the Cross.

Father, we believe in the certainty of Your provision and providence when we dare say the prayer that Jesus taught us. May the bread we choose be the Bread of Life, and believe that everything else that is good for our body, mind, heart and soul follows. You even assure us of healing by the wounds and stripes of Jesus. Again, we thank You. We give you glory, O Father, ad perpetuam. Amen!

June 20, 2021 Sunday \"Faith is a foretaste of the knowledge that will make us blessed in the life to come.\"(St. Thomas Aquinas) Let me share. \"Examine yourselves to see whether you are living in faith. Test yourselves.\" [2 Corinthians13:5] O Lord and dear God, may we begin this holy day of worship with thanksgiving. May we all find time for You in the Holy Eucharist and dwell on Your Word. May we see Your beauty in the Gospel, even in the Psalms and Proverbs. Enable us Father to give You all that we are, all that we have, and all that we love. For our being half-hearted, be merciful and forgiving. Grant, O Lord, that we live and fulfill our commitments we often pray for as our offering. Above all, may the love we confess for You be etched in our humbled heart and contrite spirit. Bring us closer to You through all the Sacraments, including the holy sacrifice of the Mass and holy Communion. In Jesus, may our resolve to please You never wane nor waver. For Your glory, O God, now and for all eternity. Amen.

June 21, 2021 Monday \"What faith basically means is just that this shortfall that we all have in our love is made up by the surplus of Jesus Christ's love, acting on our behalf.\" (Pope Benedict XVI) Let me share. \"Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven.' \" [Matthew 7:21] Lord, Most High, our God Almighty, in Your loving providence, we begin another work week, hopeful of Your care and provision. As we carry on with our duties to earn a living, may we never forget that You gave us the Bread of Life in Jesus. As we earn to live, may we live more by His Word. Lord, grant that we train our hearts to seek more of a life in the spirit over a life solely with mundane concerns and interests. Increase the level of our faith to truly live a Christian life with the practice of Christian virtues. We should not be afraid because from You flows immense grace for us to hurdle even the impossible. Even amid our troubled and confused circumstances, we know that You will see us through, whole and unscathed. You have never forsaken Your people.

We plead that You increase in us. We entrust to You ourselves and our loved ones. May we all be benefited by the little faith we profess. In the name of Jesus, we pray. Amen.

June 22, 2021 Tuesday \"When all is said and done - there must at least some tiny flicker of faith to warrant a prayer. You cannot do the one without the other. Prayer sits in tandem with faith. One does not ring a doorbell unless he believes there is someone inside who will answer.\" (Monsignor James Turro) Let me share. \"Faith comes from what is heard, and what is heard comes through the word of Christ.\" [Romans 10:17] O Lord, Father Almighty, this new day is in Your hands again as we receive it as a blessing. May we in return make an offering of thanks and praise, with sincere hearts. Even as we know You know how the day will evolve and what is in store for us, may You honor and answer our prayers for the provisions we need, the full healing most of us await, the total protection from harm, including from the virus, and the deliverance from both temptation and sin. As we ask, seek and knock, we plead Your favor in the name of Jesus. Father, we beseech You today to cure our blindness caused by self-belief, self-will, and self-suffiency. Take us away from ourselves - our ego, pride and self-recognition. Truly, love of self at the expense of others, and ignoring

Christian virtues, are the height of vanity. Lord, help us simplify our lives. Check and control our wants and desires. We profess that to live is to live in Christ. Amen.

June 23, 2021 Wednesday \"Grant that I may through justice be subject to you, through prudence avoid the beguilements of the devil, through temperance exercise restraint, and through fortitude endure adversity with patience.\" (Saint Thomas Aquinas) Let me share. \"The victory that conquers the world is our faith.\" [1 John 5:4] Lord, our God, Almighty Father, may this new day be a day spent by us to what pleases You and glorifies Your Name. May our body, mind, heart and soul cherish Your presence and enable us to bear the fruits of Your Spirit. Guided by Your divine teachings and inspirations, grant that we put into action and unselfish service the love we say we always have for You. Instead of being worried and drawn to our own needs, may we reach out to those we see and open our hands to help the thirsty and weary of souls. Give us the grace to let others feel You in our actions, in every little deed of goodness, modest and humble. Grant that at the day's end, we lay content that we sought Your will, and gave it our all to do it. May You hear our prayers for those who asked us to pray for them, and for those who do not have anyone to pray for them.

Be exalted, O Lord, our God, in Jesus. Amen!

June 24, 2021 Thursday \"These sealed sunflowers stand to the sermon of the sun, attentive they lean, silent as seed. How blessed are the poor, the meek, the pure. This earth will be theirs; their eyes will see. How blessed and tall, their heads still green. They wait for the sun on faces unseen.\" (Beatitudes to the Sunflower, Rita A. Simmonds) Let me share. \"I give praise to you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.\" [Matthew 11:25] Eternal God, Lord Almigthy, unto us You made a new day, breathing life and bringing hope. May we offer back to You this very precious gift of life from Your unending love. Grant that we begin the day conscious that our work and tasks should not keep us from being tuned in to Your voice. Grant that our hearts may listen to Your tender voice of inspiration. We can truly rely on Your counsel and rest assured of Your consolation in our affliction. Instill in us constantly a state of thankfulness. May we not grow weary of giving You glory and praise. We trust, O Lord, that You will not take our persistence as impatience. We are heeding Your call for us to pray,

pray, pray; and pray incessantly. Keep us then likewise in a state of prayer every moment of the day. Father, in Your great and inexhaustible mercy, we beg You to put an end to the deadly virus, and end as well our suffering. May our faith that often wavers, at times ambivalent, take courage from the hope You bestow, and the promises You have ungrudgingly given us; we know that You will fulfill them. We entrust to You the rest of the day, firm in our belief in what You convey to us in Psalms 23 and 91. May You prosper Your people. In Jesus, we pray, Amen.

June 25, 2021 Friday \"Every little gesture can be an act of love when done for the Lord. And charity begins at home.\" (Father Jacob Restrick, O.P.) Let me share. \"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?\" [James 2:14] O Lord, Father Almighty, God who was, who is and will ever be, we thank You that our redemption has been sealed by the death of Christ Jesus on the cross. His rising brought us the certainty of eternal life. That He will come again is cast in stone; that is His glorious return, our Blessed Hope. We renew our devotion to His Sacred Heart as we consecrate ourselves and all that we are to His Divine Mercy. Grant that through Him we may worthily be restored to Your mercy and grace as He perpetually intercedes for us to be free and delivered from sin. May we in all faith and full trust, receive as our perfect shield, His most precious blood, and may this complete the healing of the maladies of our body, mind, heart and soul. May the blood and water gushing forth from His heart, make us more knowing of His sonship and kingship. Father, in Him, through him and with Him, we

ask for Your light in our world ruled by darkness. Spare us from confusion, conflict and chaos. Grant, O God, that as we live in this world, we may practice our faith by our deeds. Lord Jesus, You are truly the King of Mercy. May we keep You enthroned in our hearts, now and forever. Amen!

June 26, 2021 Saturday \"We are not among those who sorrow without hope.\" (Father Adolphe Tanquerey, S.S.) Let me share. \"See how a person is justified by works and not by faith alone.\" [James 2:24] Our Lord and dear God, we see another day sourced only from Your love for us, certain, unchanging and everlasting. In thanksgiving, we offer our hearts and souls that though sullied, are worthy of Your mercy and grace. Refresh us, renew us and restore us, with our entire being, heart and soul, in a state of true repentance. Lord, in Your goodness do not take Your Spirit from us as Your presence in us is in Him. We draw the truth, wisdom and our goodness from Him. May we not be separated from Him, our pride and sinfulness besides. Grant that we use this day of rest to recollect and examine our every thought, word and action in the past week. We know that we have at times failed You. May You fill us up again with godly, holy and divine thoughts and desires. By this, we are empowered, and overcome our mistakes, impurities and imperfections. In our weakness, we need Your strength, O Lord.

As always, gather us all today and those dear to us under Your care, hopefully, freed from sin, and delivered from harm, sickness and the evil one. We ask all these in the name of Jesus, our Saviour. Amen.

June 27, 2021 Sunday \"To be made for the truth is to be made for the constancy that only faith can give.\" (Douglas Bushman) Let me share. \"And the apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith.' \" [Luke 17:5] Almighty and ever Living God, we adore You and give You glory in this day of worship. May we all be filled by Your presence, and worship You in spirit and in truth. May You blot out the guilt in us, remove the stain of sin and make us truly repentant. Do pardon our lack of faith at times and our failure to love You in others. Forgive us when we fall short of Your glory. You alone can judge us in the truth of the faith we profess. May our dwindling faith not lead us away farther from You. Be it the very reason for us to cling to You. Lord, we can ask no less than Your apostles. Strengthen our faith in all urgency and constancy. We must live and enable us to live with an ever increasing faith beyond what our eyes can see or our ears can here. From Your well of grace, may You nourish the growth of Your truth seeded in our hearts, souls and spirit. May we

be ever steadfast in pursuing You, to know, but more to believe. Grant, O Lord, that we enjoy this holy day free from error, sin and all evil. Heal us! We lift these all to You, in Jesus. Amen.

June 28, 2021 Monday \"For faith means choosing to stand with the Lord so as to live with him. God proves his love for us by dying for us sinners. We place all our faith in that love. We believe, hoping against hope.\" (Father Peter John Cameron, O.P.) Let me share. \"Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.\" [James 1:2,3] God, Almighty Father, we entrust to You this fresh week, hoping not to step out of the path You have shown to us. Grant that we may not grow weary of our mundane and routine tasks; You have always given us Your grace. Grant, too, that if we become half-hearted in our journey of faith, Your Spirit will prompt us to be wholehearted to love, and live with that love for You, with all heart, mind, strength and soul. Again, enable us to draw from the abundance of Your grace. Help us, O Lord, to keep our promises to You, promises that we frequently resolve to fulfill like a litany. You know our hearts, and You alone can prompt us to keep

our word to You in renewing and reforming our errant selves. Forget not, Father, to pour out Your healing grace to us who ask constantly to be made whole in body, mind, heart and soul. We trust You and we know that You will keep us and those dear to us safe from harm and the intrusions of the evil one. Keep us free from sin. We pray all these, in the name of Jesus. Amen!

June 29, 2021 Tuesday \"Faith gives us certainty about the things that matter most, a certainty that no earthly power can shake.\" (James Monti) Let me share. \"Jesus said to them, 'I am the bread of life, whoever comes to me will never hunger, and whoever believes in me will never thirst.' \" [John 6:35] O God, Father Almighty, as we wake up to another day that You have made, grant that we can thank You every moment of today. Living another day is a gift that we hold dear in Your love for us. We give You glory and praise. We are nothing without You and apart from You we cannot do anything. Grant, dear Lord, to all of us, the Bread of Life that will nourish our spiritual life, and the bread we need to sustain us. Bring us to Your green pastures and still waters. May we not lose our enthusiasm to know and understand Your will. Instill in us an accepting spirit and heart to simply believe and trust in You. If our fragile minds bring doubts, may this frailty be overcome by the faith that we claim can move mountains.

Father, may Your Spirit renew in us today our commitment to pray for others, the sick, the needy, the persecuted, the hopeless and desperate. May we be of help to them, no matter how small, but good and noble, coming from the heart. We thank You for all these, Lord God, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

June 30, 2021 Wednesday \"[Lord], grant that I may never crave to do things impulsively, nor disdain to do what is burdensome, lest I begin things before I should or abandon them before finishing.\" (Saint Thomas Aquinas) Let me share. \"We are not among those who draw back and perish, but among those who have faith and will possess life.\" [Hebrews 10:39] O God, Father Almighty, this day is blessed as it brings a month's end. May we see it as a beginning, a further step taken, but our eyes still fixed on Your holiness, divinity and mercy. We struggle in our faith from time to time, yet You have gifted us the freedom to choose You above anyone and anything. Enable us, dear Lord, to enjoy the liberty of our hearts and souls, with our liberation from sin by the Cross of Christ. May we not fall into the pit of ignorance, faithlesness and arrogance as we, rich or poor, powerful or enslaved, learned or dumb, need the imperative to live through and finish the journey in Your joy and peace. Grant us then, Father, that faith making You, in Jesus, our everything and our All in all. You are our very life.

By Your Spirit, may we, with our loved ones, persevere to the end, never give up, and hold on to our faith. We yield to You in total surrender, in reckless abandon. May we glorify You in our lives. In Jesus, Amen.

July 1, 2021 Wednesday \"[Lord], I seek not to understand in order that I may believe;, rather, I believe in order that I may understand.\" (St. Anselm of Canterbury) Let me share. \"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not from you; it is the gift of God.\" [Ephesians 2:8] O God, Father Almighty, we welcome a new day in a new month ever hopeful of better times in a chaotic world, ever assured of Your providence and presence, and the certainty of Your provision and protection. We renew our faith and trust in You as we draw from Your wealth of grace the courage to walk what remains of our journey. By Your divine inspiration, may we, beyond our supplications, do what is right and just, in the bright light You have shown. May we love as we should, our troubles besides. Lord, in Your unquestionable goodness, may our hearts seek not only our own good and those dear to us, but the good of the so many around us. May we see the face of Jesus in those we meet outside our homes. Lord, through Your Spirit, help us control our whims, wants and worldly ways. May we all be enabled to live

true Christian values as servants of the virtues of our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

July 2, 2021 Friday \"To hear the Lord's immutable voice speaking in the Word made flesh is eternal life. Such faith lifts our minds to abide in that place where God's Truth radiates in unchanging splendor.\" (Father J. Anthony Giambrone, O.P.) Let me share. \"I am not ashamed of the gospel ... For in it is revealed the righteousness of God from faith to faith; as it is written, 'The one who is righteous by faith will live. ' \" [Romans 1: 16a, 17] O God, Lord and Almighty Father, thank You for Your dearly beloved Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. You sent Him to this world as the Word made flesh. Praise be to Him for His obedience to You and Your will. His passion and cross assured us of our salvation. Grant, dear Father, that in this day of devotion to His Sacred Heart, may we all live by His Gospel. We receive Him as Your most precious gift, the Way, the Truth and the Life. In Him alone lies our faith and our hope of a life with You in all eternity. We enthrone Him in our hearts that our desires while pilgrims in this world be the desires of His Sacred Heart. We embrace Him as Your Spirit resides in us that we may not be swayed by our pride, conceit and self- belief.

By His body and blood, His soul and divinity, make our hearts pure, our spirit steadfast. Amen!

July 3, 2021 Saturday \"[Lord,] I am nothing, but you are all. I have nothing, but you can possess all. I can do nothing, but you can do all things.\" (Little Sister Magdalene of Jesus) Let me share. \"The victory that conquers the world is our faith.\" [1 John 5:4] O Lord, our God, Father Almighty, bring us to a day of introspection as the week ends. We thank You for the week that passed, with all its pain and gain. We rejoice in You. We want to abide in You even as we rest from our labors. May You direct our thoughts to Yours and enjoy the splendor of Your love, care and protection. You are a God so true and real. Teach us to love You more; may we do it in loving others for Your sake. Unworthy as we feel we are to approach You, may we not be afraid and not be discouraged. Your beloved Son came to save sinners, not the righteous. You are a God of mercy, a mercy that endures forever. Enable us to recreate, renew, even restore, our full trust in You. We claim and believe that You always keep us and our loved ones in the palms of Your loving hands. May our hearts go out to You, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

July 4, 2021 Sunday \"My child, peace is not the absence of conflict and sufferings, but rather is the ability to deal with those things. . . You may enjoy my creation and the gifts I give you, but beware lest you substitute them for me.\" (The Imitation of Christ, William A. Meninger, OCSO) Let me share. \"Jesus said to his disciples, 'And you, who do say that I am?' Peter said in reply, 'The Messiah of God.' \" [Luke 9:20] O God, Lord and Almighty Father, in this day of worship, draw us closer to Your holiness, perfection and compassion. Since we are created in Your image and likeness, the seeming impossibility is more unreal and we believe that You can transform and sanctify us and our families. In Jesus, we are certain to have peace in ourselves and with one another. He is the Prince of Peace. In His rising, He gifted and left us with His peace, the peace that is beyond our understanding. Lord God, we cannot count Your blessings, Your gifts both material and spiritual. As we enjoy all these, and are indeed thankful for them, grant that we may not simply focus on the gifts but on You, the giver, our provider.

May You increase in us not only today but for the rest of our lives, and may we live in goodness and grace, all for Your honor and glory. Alleluia! Amen.

July 5, 2021 Monday \"But if you love the world it will surely engulf you, for it always devour its lovers, never sustains them.\" (Saint Augustine) Let me share. \"I know what it is to be in want and what it is to be in plenty. I am trained for both: to be hungry or satisfied, to have much or little. I can do all things in him who strengthens me.\" [Philippians 4:12,13] O God, Father and Almighty Lord, as You grant us a new week in this earthly sojourn, we solely rely on Your strength and grace to carry us through. We depend on You as we take the little steps of faith, without losing our sight on the eternal goal. We praise You for Your presence in our borrowed lives. You are our Rock, and our feet grounded on solid ground. Let it not be that we will lose grip of Your hands that guide us and sustain us. We do not want to be set apart from You, our best choice in an ever anxious and faithless world. You drown our fears with courage and fortitude. In the twists and turns of life, our faith will save us from the thorns of doubts and uncertainties, even rescue us from our poverty and every malady.

Lord God, may our hearts be filled with joy, our souls nourished, and our spirits lifted to songs and hymns of thanksgiving, assured of Your coming victory and glory. You remain our potter and we are confident in the completion and perfection of Your purpose in our creation. We adore You, in Jesus. Amen!

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