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Home Explore Prayers


Published by Vivian T., 2021-09-01 12:53:31

Description: Prayers by Ramon S. Esguerra


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May 16, 2021 Sunday (Seventh Week of Easter) Sing ALLELUIA to the Lord! Sing ALLELUIA to the Lord! Sing ALLELUIA to the Lord! Let me share. \"Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord, and not for men.\" [Colossians 3:23] Lord of the Sabbath, the God of all generations, and Father of the nations, we kneel and bow before You this day of worship. May You accept our offering of a contrite and humbled heart. We adore You, we praise You, we worship You, we exalt and glorify You. We bless Your Holy Name, lift it above the earth to the high heavens. Be praised forever. In Your glorious majesty as our King, may You continue to reveal to us the significance of the Ascension of Your Beloved Son, Christ Jesus, into heaven, to be seated by Your right hand. Make us worthy to enjoy Your company at the time of His glory. As we desire to be on level ground, make us confident that in Jesus, with Him and through Him, we will climb

and cross the mountains of our life to complete our journey. You are our Rock and You give us our strength. Lord, purify the desires of our hearts to be faithful and serve only One Master, not two, not mammon. Grant us the right to worthily ascend to heaven in Your perfect time. As a people acknowledging Your reign and dominion, gift us with service for the greater good of all, putting ourselves aside. May we triumph over self in loving obedience to You. You are our God, our only God, now and forever. Alleluia! Amen!

May 17, 2021 Monday (Seventh Week of Easter) May we receive the gift of a new week assured that we have the lamp of God to light our path. Let me share. \"A lamp from the Lord is the breath of man; it searches through his inmost being.\" [Proverbs 20:27] \"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light for my path.\" [Psalm 119:105] My dear Lord, Almighty God, Merciful and Gracious Father, our hearts sing with joy in thanking You for the gift of a new day, and blessing us with another week. You are a true God, our God, who blesses. May we offer our entire being to Your care and control that in all, and in everything, our thoughts, words and deeds, everyday of this week would glorify You. May we be privileged to praise the Most Adorable Face of Jesus. Bring to our awareness all You want us to pray for, especially those who are sick and who asked for our prayers. May they all receive Your healing, provision and mercy.

We humbly implore You, my Lord, to enable us to rise from our mistakes, to learn from our errors, and repent for our sins. You do not spurn a contrite heart. May we be mindful of Your presence in our daily life, conscious of Your guidance, and enlightened by Your wisdom. We find and draw strength from You alone. In every moment of the day, may we thank You, praise You, and love You. May Your love shine in our face with peace and joy. Grant us the grace to a life with You, in goodness and kindness. In Jesus, we pray, Amen!

May 18, 2021 Tuesday (Seventh Week of Easter) May the rays of the sun send us the radiance of the saving and protecting light of the Lord. Let me share. \"Do you still not see understand? Are your hearts hardened? Do you have eyes but fail to see, and ears but fail to hear?\" [Mark 8:18] Everlasting Father, our Lord most Holy, our God Almighty, with a renewed faith, may we bow again to You as our Lord and King. Let us benefit from Your kingship and providence. Unsure of where we are headed, enable us to move forward to the right path confident that our every step, heartbeat and breath, have their provenance from You. You are our life, and our strength. Make us thankful for Your loving mercy as we accept Your correction of our weakness and transgressions. In falling into error, protect us from further mistakes, as well as from the quicksand of sin. We believe that, in Jesus, You have conquered the evil one and the world, and yes, even death.

Recognizing Your love, may we be cared for by those dear to us, with all hope that You are healing, and have healed, our illnesses and afflictions. By the stripes of Jesus, we claim we are healed. Lord, we rely on Your promises in Psalm 91, confident that we are covered by the priceless blood of Jesus. We claim in His Name that no virus, CoVid or otherwise, can touch nor afflict us. We entrust ourselves, our families, our friends, and our country to You. In You, we put hope. May we see; may we hear. In Jesus, we pray. Amen.

May 19, 2021 Wednesday (Seventh Week of Easter) May we draw strength from the good Lord and not fear; He is courage. Let me share. \"For the eyes of the Lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their prayers.\" [1 Peter 3:12] \"O Lord, our Lord, how awesome is Your name through all the earth! You have set your majesty above the heavens!\" [Psalm 8:1] Eternal God, my Almighty Father, Lord of lords, King of all kings, this new day is full of Your glory as we step in faith to marvel at Your divine majesty. May our heart, mind and soul go out in praise of You. We ask that in Your abundant mercy, our guilt may be wiped out and our sins, both collective and individual, be blotted out as well. Restore us to Your grace. Lord, we may have ignored Your blessings, big and small, that we have not thanked You for them, or not have been grateful enough in receiving them. Empower us to be in a state of thankfulness for Your provision and in answering our supplications.

We plead for the poor, the vulnerable, and the underprivileged that You may pour out Your generous blessings upon them. Fill them up with food for their body and soul. May You increase in us the urgency to serve our community and country from the resources You gifted us with. Grant that we may share not the spare, not the crumbs, but all that we have and we could. May You bring true peace to our nation, and reconciliation among our people, under the Lordship of Your Son, Christ Jesus. Thank You for all these in His Mighty Name. Amen.

May 20, 2021 Thursday (Seventh Week of Easter) May we be inspired to pray today for a friend we have not been in touch with for quite some time; we ask healing, provision and protection. Let me share. \"There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment, and whoever fears has not been perfected in love.\" [1 John 4:18] My Lord and my God, my Life and Every Breath, as the day begins with the rising sun, may we exalt You and glorify Your Holy Name. Prompt us to worship You in Spirit and in Truth. May our humility be a virtue following that of our Saviour Jesus Christ. May we kneel before Your adorable face, O Jesus, that our sinful pride may banish from our heart and soul. We thank You for the gift of knowledge that inspires us to know You more. In our reverential fear of You, may Your wisdom that enlightens and counsels, come upon us.

By Your Spirit, give us the fortitude and joy to welcome but rise above the humps and bumps of life. May our faith conquer the tiniest of fears that consume our peace. You are the only and true God whose reign is from age to age, to last forever. We lift up to You the revival of our land, renewal of our faith as a nation, and the resurrection of our sense of country and community. As always, dear Father, look after our families and those we pray for, friends, colleagues and relatives. Keep us all in Your loving hands. We pray all these, in Jesus. Amen!

May 21, 2021 Friday (Seventh Week of Easter) May we remain confident today in God's eternal loving care through the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for all of us and our loved ones. Let me share. \"God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in spirit and in truth.\" [John 4:24] \"Such prayer is right, and approved by God, our Saviour, whose will it is that all men should find salvation and come to know the truth.\" [1 Timothy 2:3,4] Lord Almighty, Holy Immortal God, Eternal Father, we consecrate this day of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to You as an offering, with all Its merits and intentions of the faithful. May we join the prayers of the Holy Father for all the people and the world in these disturbing times. May we worship You without ceasing, in truth and in spirit, as one body. We beg Your pardon for having offended You with our misdeeds, our cussing and cursing, included. Liberate our hearts of resentments, and purify our minds from ill thoughts of our neighbors.

May You accept in gladness our humble thanksgiving for Your blessings that are countless and innumerable. This new day is one, and we know that Your joy is disguised in adversities that come our way. May we be guided by the Spirit, with all His holy gifts, to learn and understand of who we are and what tasks You have set for us. Grant that we come to a perfect knowledge of Your truth, and the truth of the Holy Trinity. Again, dear Father, may we embrace Your goodness and the graces and blessings it brings. May we endure up to the end and be victorious in all battles of life. Be praised, in Jesus, now and forever. Amen.

May 22, 2021 Saturday (Seventh Week of Easter) May we always recognize the presence of God in us through the Holy Spirit who dwells in our bodies as His temple. Let me share. \"The Advocate, the Holy Spirit that the Father will send in my name - he will teach you everything and remind you of all that I told you.\" [John 14:26] Lord Almighty, God of all, God of heaven and all creation, may our praise and thanksgiving be forever Yours in sending to us the Holy Spirit with all His gifts. He is the Spirit of every thing that is good; may He enable us to be good and stay good. Through the Holy Spirit, illumine for us our sinfulness and weaknesses, our failures and shortcomings. May He yearn and groan to You on our behalf for pardon and strength. Thank You, dear Jesus, for fulfilling Your promise to send us the Helper. In Him, we have every hope to perfect our ambivalent faith and our individual prayer life. In Your faithfulness, take not Your Spirit from us, nor deprive us of His holy gifts. May be led to our own

faithfulness to the Threeness of Your identity in the Holy Trinity. We bless the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We pray that we all be empowered to live more and more in the realm of Your Spirit, and the oneness of Your kingdom on earth and in heaven. Alleluia! Amen.

May 23, 2021 Sunday (Pentecost) May we live life with the incessant promptings of the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who assures us of a life of significance, a life of abiding faith. Let me share. \"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, throughout Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.\" [Acts 1:8] Father, You are most holy, the God of all, the One from glory to glory. We are grateful to You as the Holy Spirit proceeds from You and Your beloved Son, Jesus. Blessed be Your Trinity. Our Helper, our Advocate, remove our unworthiness as we adore You and worship You in our heart and soul. Grant us the holy fear of the Father so that we will not fall into sin. My most divine Inspiration, beloved of my soul and spirit, may I grow in the virtues of prudence, temperance, fortitude and justice. May I receive Your gifts of wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety and fear of the Lord.

In Your abounding charity, may we all bear Your fruits of joy, peace, charity, generosity, gentleness, faithfulness, patience, modesty, kindness, self- control, goodness and chastity. Father, through Your Paraclete, help us all to be holy, to be holy as we should in our state of life. May we never be separated from You by this world and its trappings and allurements. Let Your Spirit set us free from sin, doubt and error. Make me a servant of the Gospel. In Jesus, we pray, Amen.

May 24, 2021 Monday May we use each day of this blessed week, every moment of it, to build a stronger and more fruitful intimacy with our good Lord. Let me share. \"With God are wisdom and might; he has counsel and understanding.\" [Job 12:13] \"Happy are your men! Happy are your servants, who continually stand before you and hear your wisdom.\" [1 Kings 10:8] O my Lord, my God and All, gifted with a new week and this fresh day, we praise and thank You again for Your infinite love and goodness for us, Your people. May we continue to look beyond the blessings, and in awe, marvel at You, the source of all we have in this life. Through Your Spirit of wisdom, may be led to know and accept the truth about ourselves, with all our imperfections masked in pretensions, still hidden, and unrepented for. May that same Spirit convict us in heart, in conscience, and in truth, and bring us to contrition and daily renewal. We implore Your mercy, O Lord. May Your presence in us and through us, with that same Spirit, inspire us without fail to write gratitude in our hearts and souls. We need everything You provide for

from Your storehouse. We accept that You do without needing anything from us except our abiding faith and loving obedience. May we be not driven to ingratitude by sin. Lord, in our busyness in work and mundane tasks, enable us to find time with You. Your Word is a ready solace and Your presence certain. Let us listen to You this, quicken to Your wisdom and counsel, and be good as we should. You remain our teacher, our master, our fortress and light. Be praised! Thank You, Father, in Jesus, we pray. Amen.

May 25, 2021 Tuesday May we increase our faith in the One God that we know as the source and giver of life, and upon whom we should be confidently and totally dependent. Let me share. \"Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.\" [2 Corinthians 3:4,5] Father, our Sovereign and Almighty God, You are our Lord and giver of life. From You comes our every breath, You are our every strength in weakness, and our ounce of courage in fear. Without You, we are nothing. In those times we have ignored how indispensable You are to us, those times we forgot that You are All in all, and those times we relied on our self - sufficiency, forgive us. Make us ever mindful that without You, we cannot do anything. We are humbled, O Lord, in not putting You in every action, decision or circumstance of our lives. May we be in praise of You always, realizing that You have never forsaken nor abandoned us. You are truly a just and good God who always seeks our well - being. You heal us and deliver us from harm and afflictions.

Father, as You care for us day in and day out, and in every moment of our lives, keep us constantly aware of the needs of others, and provide them with more than what You have blessed us in terms of time, talent and treasure. May we see the Adorable Face of Jesus in them. Grant that our charity measures up to Your divine expectation. Soften our hearts for the poor, the vulnerable, and the oppressed. Again, make us Your willing servants, our Lord and God. In praise of Christ Jesus. Amen.

May 26, 2021 Wednesday May we all be ready and in a state of preparation as we persevere and await the coming glory of the Lord as no one knows the day and the hour. Let me share! \"Grant what is in your heart, fulfill your every plan. May we shout for joy in your victory, raise the banners in the name of our God. The Lord grant your every prayer!\" [Psalm 20: 5,6] Lord God, Father Almighty, thank You for calling us by name and Your salvific promise that our names are in the Book of Life. May we all be worthy to be with Jesus as we continue our earthly labors by the practice of His virtues, and journey with Him here on earth. You call us to holiness and perfection even if we grapple with our own imperfections. May we do justice to this humbling yet divine calling. May we learn from You even with faith that often slackens and hope to fully grasp the need to be reconciled with You. Lead us to a sincere examination of self, heart and conscience to purge us from sin, error and indiscretion.

In our lack and poverty, may Your Spirit fill us up. In our inadequacy and insufficiency, satisfy our yearnings. You are a God who is more than enough for us. May You grant our needed dose of humility so that our pride and ego may be put behind us and the spirit of selflessness defeat our self- importance. May we know Your will and be inspired to serve instead for Your glory, not mine, never mine. Father, the desires of our hearts need to be purified even as we ask them from You. We knock at the door of Your loving heart. Grant what is best for me and all those we pray for and care for. May we find in Your merciful grace the sufficiency that we need now and always. In Jesus, we pray. Amen.

May 27, 2021 Thursday May we begin and end this new day hopeful of the blessings of the good Lord, yes, even those disguised in tests and trials that may come our way. Let me share. \"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me.\" [2 Corinthians12:9] Be exalted my Lord, and my God. We praise You, and adore You. We bless Your Holy Name. Father, in the abundance of Your grace, be merciful to us and all Your people. Soften our hardened hearts and cleanse them of sin and all its vestiges. Make us truly humble, contrite and repentant. May we be mindful that if we sin in one commandment, we sin in all. You assure us that nothing is impossible with You, that You are able to pardon our unsteady and lukewarm hearts. Liberate us from our pride and self-will, O merciful God. May we not justify our errors and abuse Your compassion. Even if Your Word says that a just man falls seven times a day, Your call to perfection and holiness remains. May we be wise to know and do Your will.

We thank You for the gift of Jesus, our redeemer, and redeemer of the world. In Him lies our strength to overcome our frail and weak human nature. Show us His Adorable Face, and by virtue of His Name, save us from the wicked one. May the cries of our hearts be not for the aches and pains of age, but for the greater needs of others. We confess once more that by the Cross and Resurrection of Your Son, and the unceasing empowerment of Your Spirit, we shall prevail and earn the trophy of eternity in Your appointed time. May You keep us all secure in the palm of Your hand. Thank You, my Lord, and my God. Truly, Your grace is more than sufficient for our pain. In praise of Jesus, Amen.

May 28, 2021 Friday May we be inspired by the Sacred Heart of Jesus to give up and offer to the Lord in all gladness a hurt, a pain or a tribulation that hinders us from trusting Him completely in all abandon. Let me share. \"Jesus looked at them and said, 'For human beings it is impossible, but not for God. All things are possible for God.' \" [Mark 10:27] Lord, my God, the light of a new day tells us to rise and shine. May You allow the dawn, the rising sun, the blue skies, to lift our spirits. The radiance of Your light more than warms our hearts from the challenges of life in a troubled world. Your light is the light of our life. Help us purge ourselves of any iniquity, wrongdoing or neglect. With Your justice, rebuild and strengthen our spirits to be filled with charity and generosity that can only flow from Your grace. Accept our offering of a grateful heart. May we give thanks to Your inexhaustible goodness, undying kindness and infinite wisdom. You remain patient and faithful to us and Your people. Endow us with faithfulness that approximates the faithfulness of Jesus. May we remain loyal to You.

May we unite our prayers and intentions with those of the Church, in all the Holy Sacrifice of the mass throughout thw world, as we entrust all those who are dear to us, family, friends and colleagues included, to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Have pity on us, and find merit in our petitions. You are a listening God. In Your loving care and protection, we commend the rest of this day. In Jesus, Amen.

May 29, 2021 Saturday \"God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can and wisdom to know the difference.\" (Reinhold Niebuhr) Let me share. \"Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief.' \" [Mark 9:24] Lord and God of life, our loving divine Father, our weekly labors are done but let not the fatigue and stress of work drive us away from praising and thanking You. May You allow us as we rest to carry Your yoke that is easy, and Your burden that is light. Pray as we must - tirelessly, repeatedly, and ceaselessly. We ought to strengthen our resolve to believe You not only in moments of our need, but every moment of our life. We believe that You are God, our Father Almighty. In those moments of doubt in Your goodness and majestic glory, gift us and fill us with the faith that can move mountains. We claim for our sake and for Your glory that You are truly here, there and everywhere, all the time, anytime and every time. Your presence remains amid our uncertain, questioning moments of dwindling faith. Forgive us.

In the sincerity of our hearts, our double- mindedness besides, accept our confession of eternal gratitude to Your everlasting reign as our King, the One who rules for all generations. You are the God who was, who is and the God who will ever be. May You not be weary if we continue our supplications, repeated from prayer to prayer, our imploring Your mercy and grace, and asking for healing, and blessings, material, spiritual, or otherwise. Truly, You are a God of plenty and generosity now and for all eternity. We beseech You dear Father, preserve, protect and provide for us, Your children who depend only upon You. You are a God who is good all the time. We thank You, in Jesus. Amen.

May 30, 2021 Sunday \"Lord, make me an instrument of your peace. Where there is hatred, let me bring love.\" (St. Francis of Assisi) Let me share. All praise and honor be with You, Almighty Father. You are the Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, the Alpha and Omega. In this day with its newness, may we worship and adore You again, in Spirit and in Truth. By Your Divine Inspiration, make us worthy to be in communion with You through the Body and Blood of Your Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We bend our knees and bow our heads cognizant of our sinfulness and offenses. Pardon our inability to recognize Your presence in us; O Immanuel. We implore the mercy of Your forgiving heart. Make us right and just in Your love. May Your Spirit penetrate our hearts and souls with His Holy gifts. May we find in Him the joy and hope amid our pain. Let Him console the sick and the afflicted. Desirous to be in a constant state of prayer, make us conscious of the need of others, and conscientious to fulfill the duties of our state. Increase our faith from the vineyard of hope and Your well of charity.

Lord, make us bear fruit. Your goodness knows no season. May we remain good now and always. You are a God of glory today and for all eternity. Amen.

May 31, 2021 Monday \"Bring me the sacrifice of your precious time. This creates space around you - space permeated with My Presence and my Peace.\" (Jesus Calling by Sarah Young) Let me share. \"Nor do people light a lamp and put it under the basket, but on a stand, and it gives light to all in the house.\" [Matthew 5:15] God, Almigthy Father, we praise and thank You for a fresh new day, a month's end ushering in a new month for us and Your people in our journey here on earth. Assured of Your everlasting love, endless mercy, and blessings in abundance, we have the confidence that Christ Jesus will be with us every step of the way to counsel, inspire and lead us. Keep us in the palm of Your hand. May Your Spirit guide and enlighten us not to ignore or take for granted the truth that You are life to all of us. Predispose us to be single-minded and singlehearted for You as we walk the path of faith. Enable us to rise from our mistakes, impulsiveness and indiscretions. As You calmed the turbulent sea, enable us to detach from the folly of ambivalence and worldliness.

Remind us for our own sake to surrender our unforgiving spirit, and release from the pit of our souls, even residues of deep-seated resentments. Sanctify our entire being to freedom from the undefined hurts of the past. Let us forgive as You forgive us. Lord, to Your listening and caring heart, we commend those in need or in lack, the ailing or the afflicted, and those in despair and those in sorrow. In Your light, we join them in their hearts' desires for provision, healing, and consolation, and for them to pass the hour of pain and trial. You have opened the door and heard our knocks. May we sup with You. Be praised and blessed forever, my Lord and my God. Amen!

June 1, 2021 Tuesday \"Come to the Garden, the soul's sweet bouquet. The flowers of tomorrow are in the seeds of today.\" (Joana O'Keefe) Let me share. \"Our soul waits for the Lord, who is our help and shield. For in God our hearts rejoice, in your holy name we trust. May your kindness, Lord, be upon us; we have put our hope in you.\" [Psalm 33:20-22] My Lord, God Almighty, a new month is here by Your providence. We continue living our lives assured that we have You now until the end of time. May we bask in the splendor of Your reign and majestic glory. You are our life, our every breath. We want to be worthy of Your promises and Your divine company until we complete our pilgrimage. Be merciful and wash away our sin and guilt. We plead and beg for Your pardon and strength. Knowing that there is a heaven and paradise that await us all to live in Your eternal presence, make us mindful of the lessons in the garden of Eden that we may always choose the path of obedience and enjoy its blessings. May we learn from the weaknesses shown by the apostles in

Gethsemane that we may stay awake and wait for Christ Jesus until He comes in His glory. May we persevere with the spirit of patience to reap the reward of salvation. Father, may we be steadfast in pleasing You by not ignoring or refusing to follow Your precepts. Allow us to hold on to You and rely not on our knowledge and human understanding. May we all meet You in Your Garden of joy and tranquility. Grant us Your peace, O Lord of hope. In Jesus, we pray. Amen.

June 2, 2021 Wednesday \"You see, in the final analysis, it is between you and God; it was never between you and them anyway.\" (St.Teresa of Kolkata) Let me share. \"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.\" [2 Corinthians10:5] Dear Father in heaven, my God Almighty, holy is Your Name. May all Your creation give You praise and may we, the faithful, sing hymns of thanks to Your glorious reign here on earth. May we not be led astray and step out of the bounds of the right path to Your Kingdom. May we learn, and live more and more, Your teachings and principles. We submit to You the entirety of our being. Our sinful nature and worldly cares besides, You remain patient and full of compassion to us. May Your mercy permeate our hearts and souls to set them aright, worthy of Your forgiveness. Strengthen us and deliver us from sin and the near occasion of sin. Do not let us succumb to the evil one and his deception. As You have asked us to be faithful and obedient, may Your Spirit, the Helper, and our Light of Life conquer our minds that our every thought does not offend You and

Your grace. May You always cleanse the filth of our heart's desires and sanctify them to the simplicity and purity of Your goodness. May we stay good as You are good. Yours is the victory in our lives, and hopefully, a victory for a life of eternity. Be praised, my Lord and my God, in Jesus. Amen.

June 3, 2021 Thursday \"Be not wise in your own eyes, fear the Lord and turn away from evil; This will mean health for your flesh and vigor for your bones.\" (Proverbs 3: 7,8) Let me share. \"So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen. For what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.\" [2 Corinthians 4:18] God Almighty, Lord of lords, Eternal Father, we fear You in awe and in all reverence, not frightened, not afraid. For You are life to us, unseen but ever present in each one. It is certainly our guilt that drives us away from You as we violate Your Holy Presence in us with our disobedience. May we in constancy be sorry for our sin and in offending You and Your goodness and grace. We give praise to You for Your pardon and strength when we fall, in restoring us without fail to Your fold. We see You in Your enabling peace, the peace that can only come from You that we do not even understand. We feel it, we have it and savor it in our hearts. Lord, my God, in Your divine and sinless character, free us from idle thoughts and all forms of trivialities. In every moment of this new day, let us fix our thoughts on You,

on Christ Jesus, and in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. May our faith be perfected, our hope made full, in Your seeing us through, the very troubled world and our affliction, notwithstanding. Let our joy be complete in You. May we have courage to push the world back as You shield us from evil and harm. All these we ask of You, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

June 4, 2021 Friday \"Though I am always in haste, I am never in a hurry. (John Wesley) Let me share. \"Jesus said to the young man, 'If you want to be perfect, go sell what you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come, follow me.' When the young man heard this statement, he went away sad, for he had many possessions.\" [Matthew 19: 21,22] My Lord God, Father in heaven, may we all be right in Your sight, cleansed of spots of infidelity and stains of ambivalence as we offer ourselves, our entire being, today to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Accept this our humble consecration dedicating ourselves, our families and our country to You. By the inspiration we draw from Your Spirit, may we renew our pledge of love and loyalty to You beyond lip service, and in all sincerity. Help us to make this our hearts' desire. Guided by Your commandment to love others as we love ourselves, may we see with clarity the need of those whom You sent our way. As what we have are truly Yours, prompt us to share with them what You have provided us even to the point that it causes pain. Grant

that we open wide our hands to those who are unknown to us as there is no merit in loving merely those who love us. Lord, look at the Heart of Jesus, and we beseech You to unite with It the intentions we ask of You today. We knock at the door of Your everlasting grace for the very poor, the very sick, the dying and the hopeless. Listen to the silence of their prayers as we lift them all to You. Help us to help them in love of You. We ask these in the mighty Name of Jesus. Amen.

June 5, 2021 Saturday \"Nothing is accidental with God. Nor is it his practice to instrumentalize those whom he invites to serve.\" (Regis Martin) Let me share. \"As for the seed that fell on the rich soil, it symbolizes the ones who, when they have heard the word, embrace it with a generous and good heart, and bear fruit through perseverance.\" [Luke 8:15] Lord Almighty, Father of all, the meek, the poor and the humble, You bring a day to gather us in Your Name. May You give us rest as we stay and walk on the road of hope. May we not stray from the right path and drink from Your well of peace. We may have been scorched by our inability to hear Your voice and our failure to see You through the week that passed. Rid us of pride, arrogance and unrighteousness. Be merciful; heal us. Grant that we would be gifted and enabled with the spirit of thankfulness. Thank You for preserving and protecting us, and providing for our needs. May we give thanks to You every moment of today. As a deer sip from the spring, may You quench our thirst for You and Your grace from Your living waters. Nourish

us to be renewed in our faith, and transformed by Your eternal Word through Your beloved Son. Lord, as we end the week, we ask of You to continue to work in us, to increase our faith and strengthen our hope. Let us abide in You and tighten our grip on the cloak of Jesus, our Saviour. Jesus, save us! Amen.

June 6, 2021 Sunday \"One may say therefore, that faith is a source of light to the mind, a source of strength and comfort to the will, a source of merit to the entire soul.\" (Father Adolphe Tanquerey, S.S.) Let me share. \"Surely God is my salvation, I will trust and not be afraid. The Lord, the Lord, is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation.\" [ Isaiah 12:2 ] Our Father in Heaven, we praise Your Holy Name in this day of worship. May Your Spirit predispose us to adore You, worship You, and love You with all that we have, with all our heart, mind, strength and soul. May You inflame that love so that we may love those around us, including the ones who hurt us, and the ones we hurt ourselves. Be exulted and glorified. Knowing that we have fallen into sin and yielded to the deception of the tempter, we seek Your mercy and strength, pardon and grace, our unworthiness besides. You remain a loving and forgiving Father. We still struggle with a troubled world, disturbed with the destroying virus, and anxious of an uncertain future. We thank You that amid all these, You have in Your constancy protected us and our loved ones from any

affliction. We find joy in this gratitude as You have not abandoned us. And we believe You never will. We implore Your abounding mercy to end the suffering of Your people and restore us to a reign of peace, yes, Lord, a life of peace under Your eternal dominion. Keep us under Your wings; may we fly and soar like eagles. Let us ascend the ladder of Your promised salvation. In praise of You, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

June 7, 2021 Monday \"[The] love of money is never satisfied. That is why once it worms its way into the heart it is forever pierced with dissatisfaction and cannot find rest and contentment.\" (Father John Dominic Corbett, O.P) Let me share. \"The love of money is the root of all evil, and some people in their desire for it have strayed from the faith and have pierced themselves with many pains.\" [1 Timothy 6:10] Ever Living God, Almighty Father, please empower us to excel and be productive this week. We welcome the new day and may it bring freshness to our body and soul. Grant us the enthusiasm and energy to perform our duties with the talents You gifted us with. May we work not only for money. Inspire us to bring out the best in what we do, and work as well with compassion and dedication for the good of those around us. Make us labor in Your vineyard; Your eternal reward is reason enough to our working and living in Your kingdom. Through Your Spirit, help us resist the temptations of the world with all its materialism, remembering that not all that glitters is gold. May we not lose sight of the plan of salvation and the vision of eternity. Make us yield to Your Holiness.

We still plead for Your touch that heals, Your Word that gives life, and Your Spirit that strengthen our hope. Forgive us our trespasses, even our attraction to wealth, modernity and fashion. If at anytime, we fall into the trap of our weak human nature, bestow upon us Your enduring mercy. Make us triumph over our fallen nature. Lord, protect us from the influence of a corrupted world. In You alone is our victory. Praise You, my dear Jesus, praise You. Amen.

June 8, 2021 Tuesday \"Faith in Christ is not alive unless it is expressed through deeds of practical caring service.\" (Father Michael L. Gaudoin - Parker) Let me share. \"I have competed well; I have finished the race; I have kept the faith.\" [2 Timothy 4:7] O Lord, our God, our Refuge forever, we praise You. Our Father may Your Name be glorified in heaven above and among us, Your people, here on earth. In not putting You first, and above all things, be merciful to us. In ignoring the plight and needs of the poor, forgive our indifference. We give You thanks for the gift of faith, the gift of prayer, and the gift of the Holy Church. Thank You for Jesus by whose passion and cross, we are enabled to be part of Your plan of salvation. Thank You for the Holy Spirit, as by His gifts, we are always assured of Your presence, goodness and grace. May our faith be nourished by Your Word, enriched by Your pilgrim Church and increased by virtues and deeds.

May we serve You more, and to the utmost, by making our commitment true and real to help our neighbor, not only today or tomorrow, but forevermore. To You, our God, be all the glory. Amen.

June 9, 2021 Wednesday \"Even in the worst times, He will bring something good out of it all... experienced with deep and quiet joy. Not raucous or artificial hilarity, it may even be accompanied with copious tears and mourning. But deep down is the knowledge of God's love and presence, for He is the Weaver of the rug.\" (Father Jacob Restrick, O.P.) Let me share. \"Consider it all joy, my brothers, when you encounter various trials, for you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.\" [James 1:2,3] My ever Living God, Holy and Almighty, we lift up to You this new day, hoping it would be full of moments of joy with countless blessings, our trials besides. We look heavenward and lift our arms again praising You. You are full of glory. For the idle thoughts that we allowed our minds to be consumed of, for the ungodly desires of our hearts, and for the misdeeds we caused to others, we ask You to forgive us. May we be given Your divine mercy, the mercy that endures forever. In following Your commands, abiding in Your teachings, and living the Gospels, may we have a brighter light of faith to believe that, despite our own crosses, all things

are possible with You. Knowing Your will, and doing it, is the perfection of our faith. May we be reminded of Your presence in us, yielding to the leading of Your Spirit our every thought, word and deed. May all we want today be good - good for Your sake, for our family, friends and fellowmen. May our word be our bond to You and our neighbor. For Your glory and honor, may we mean what we say, and say what we mean. Grant us the faithfulness of heart, soul and spirit. We adore You, O Lord; may we glorify You, and do so, hopefully, by our lives. In Jesus, we pray, Amen.

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