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Home Explore Prayers


Published by Vivian T., 2021-09-01 12:53:31

Description: Prayers by Ramon S. Esguerra


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February 6, 2021 Saturday I wish you a restful, relaxing and recreating weekend. My brief sharing today follows. \" But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God; I trust in God's unfailing love forever and ever.\" [Psalm 52:8] My Lord and my God, may this day of rest You give me be again a time to recall the events of the just concluded week in terms of finding out and realizing whether I observed Your Holy commandments and inspirations. I hope that the acts of charity I humbly did never offended anyone nor hurt the feelings of someone. Measured against Your goodness and justice, I also hope that I did what was right, good and just in Your sight. May I go deep though into my memory through Your Spirit, and remember in truth my failures, and, yes, even my excesses. By the reflection I go through in silence and sincerity, enable this, Your servant, to gather myself again with a renewed confidence that I can get up from where I fell, and move forward still in the days to come, to capture in my continuing journey the faith that I want to grow and increase. Your grace is what I need to always abide in You, expectant of, and ever dependent upon, Your counsel and guidance. Thank You for all these, and I give You the honor and glory, now and forever. In Jesus, Amen.

February 7, 2021 Sunday May you have peace of mind and heart this day of rest and worship. May I share what follows: \"One night in a vision the Lord said to Paul, 'Do not be afraid. Go on speaking, and do not be silent, for I am with you.' \" [Acts 18:9] In praise of You and for Your honor and glory, may I bow before You in Your altar, and with outstretched hands, worship You in spirit and in truth. My sacrifice is simply a contrite heart and a soul humbled, both purged by Your fatherly discipline. Grant that I may dwell on Your Word, so eternal and life giving, and in my own small way, speak of the Gospel in response to Your call. Yes, let me not fear, Lord, as through Your Spirit, I know I will be given the facility of speech and language to proclaim Your glory shown in the way I live and worship You. Empower me to pray for all, family, friends, colleagues and brethren, and join them in their supplications. I believe You are a God who listens and answers prayers. See how we are gathered for Your glory, and do purify every desire of our hearts. Be exalted, Lord Almighty, now and forever, in Jesus, Amen.

February 8, 2021, Monday May our burdens of this week be made light in prayer and joy. Please allow me to share what follows: \"When you fast, do not look somber as the hypocrites do, for they disfigure their faces to show men they are fasting. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full.\" [Matthew 6:16] Eternal, Almighty God, Father and Lord of all, may I spend this week looking inward to examine myself in light of Your commandments, teachings, and the Gospel. The so-called season of Lent is coming soon, and the call to the sacrament of reconciliation is an indispensable part of it. Help me to prepare and be ready to commemorate the passion and death of Your Son Jesus Christ, and lead me to the understanding of His consummate obedience to Your will and Your plan of salvation for me and Your people. Let me not lean on my own understanding but entirely rest in Your grace and wisdom. Grant that as I renew my faith, may it be a renewal not only from season to season, but from moment to moment of everyday of my life. As in praying, let me enter and close my room that no man can see me but You. In whatever acts of mercy and sacrifice You will lead me to do, may I do it in secrecy free from the distractions and prying eyes of others. May my offerings of self-denial simply be between You and me, with the

mediation of Christ Jesus, and in fellowship with Your Holy Spirit. Amen. February 9, 2021 Tuesday I join you in thanking the good Lord for the gift of a new day. May I share with you what follows. \" But as for me, I lost my balance; my feet all but slipped, because I was envious of the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked.\" [Psalm 73: 2-3] O Almighty and Eternal God, Lord of Heaven and Earth, I offer You my joys and sufferings of this day, with all the favor that I will receive from You, and the burdens that may come my way. I am assured that through it all, You are with me providing for my every need, including food for my soul. In my weakness when I become vulnerable to the world and its riches, let my soul and spirit stay focused on what You offer instead as eternal and assure me of Your salvation and the richness of Your grace and glory, though these are unseen. Let me not covet the power, position or wealth and privileges of the few as I overcome, or at least, regulate my greed and vanish any stain of envy. Make me remember that in this journey, traps are set by the enemy in gold and whatever it is that glitters, fame and recognition included. Make me rather stick to the Bread of Life that will satisfy my longing and hunger for Jesus in the entirety of my being, mind, body,

heart and soul. You are my All in all, and just be so, O God, today and forevermore. I pray all these in the name of Jesus, my Saviour and Lord. Amen.

February 10, 2021 Wednesday May we receive the grace and gift of joy today, our sorrow besides. May I kindly share this: \" There is an appointed time for everything ... A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance.\" [Ecclesiastes 3:1,4] My Eternal Living God, heaven and earth are full of Your glory, Hosanna in the highest. Lord, lead us today to ponder on the shortness of life. You alone know how limited our sojourn here on earth is. Guide us so as we do not waste our time then as time is gold. For Your sake may we value this gift of time and enable us to spend every minute of it in love of our family, friends and fellowmen. Instill in us the hope that if we will be parted, our reunion with You, with all the angels and saints, awaits us for a life of gladness in eternity . Strengthen our hope and faith that in Your loving presence, sickness and death, pain and suffering, despair and hopelessness, will all be gone. Joy and gladness then will be in our hearts after grief, after every storm, after every loss of someone we hold dear. And as we honor our dead, enable us to care for the living. These, we ask, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

February 11, 2021 Thursday May we smile through the labors of the day. Here is my sharing today. \"May your hand be ready to help me, for I have chosen your precepts.\" [Psalm 119:173] My God, Lord Almighty, and Eternal Father, I begin this new day with You. I desire the day to be right in all respects for me and those I care for, and those I pray for. Most importantly, may the day be right before Your very sight. Secure our persons, home and workplace as we entrust ourselves to Your total care and loving hands. By Your leading us, may we not stumble and fall. But if we do, pull us up in Your mercy that we implore even now. In Your great kindness, Lord God, preserve us this day without sin and deliver us from every evil. Give us the light to see Your will, the grace to love it, and the courage and strength to it. May we go on with our journey, and live with You, in You and for You. All these for Your glory, in Jesus's Name. Amen!

February 12, 2021 Friday May we all experience healing today, in Jesus I pray. I wish to share with you what follows. \"Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life? Since you cannot do this very little thing, why do you worry about the rest?\" [Luke 12: 25-26] My Lord, God Almighty, may this be a day of offering before Your altar and the Cross of Jesus, of our unbelief, our doubts, worries and anxieties. Our impatience builds these all up. You seem unresponding, not listening to our pleas and our prayers. We fear most of the time of what may possibly happen to us and our loved ones. We are beset with worries, ever anxious of whether You will provide for our needs, and heal us of our maladies, afflictions and weaknesses. We are truly men and women of little faith. We even put to naught our prayers to You by our inability to fully trust You. Lord, help us contain this enemy within us that poisons our faith. May we receive from You the spirit of mercy, grace and faith, and enable us to keep on praying, waiting, and persevering. Make us patient to wait in wisdom for Your providing and healing hand and touch. Give us that child-like faith of allowing You, our Father, the perfect time for Your answers, granting us better things than what we even asked for. Father, You know the best for each one of us, do it as You will. We surrender. In Jesus, Amen.

February 13, 2021 Saturday May your weekend be relaxing, pleasant and enjoyable. May I share a little. \"For I am the Lord, your God, who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, Do not fear; I will help you.\" [Isaiah 41:13] Eternal and Merciful Lord, God of all, I welcome this new day in praise of You with a grateful heart. I am again full of hope that today will be a better day than yesterday. I commend to Your loving care those dear to me, those I pray for, and those I care for. May I find every moment of this day connected to You. May Your Spirit lead me to Your heart, as I bow my head in bended knees before Your Majesty. Let not my unworthiness hinder my sincerity to receive You every minute and hour of everyday. I am nothing without You, Lord. Let me do my chores always mindful that every ounce of my strength is drawn from You. In Your protective love, may I be secure, together with those I pray for, in the palm of Your hand. May the wings of Your hosts of angels cover us all from the arrows of the enemy. Thank You for all these in the name of Jesus. Amen.

February 14, 2021 Sunday May you feel the love that springs from the Sacred Heart of Jesus in this day of hearts. \"And the apostles said to the Lord, 'Increase our faith'.\" [Luke 17:5] My Lord, God Almighty, as we glorify You today in Your holiness and perfection, we turn ourselves to You, poor sinners that we are, knowing that we have offended You who deserves all our love and praise. Recognizing how we fail You with our disobedient ways and self-will, look at the emptiness of our souls despite the faith we profess to have in You. We fall by our sin and rise only because of Your grace. Fill us up then with that same overflowing and inexhaustible grace so that our faith may be complete. May we first be humbled to set us free from our captivity to our sinful and worldly nature and turn us as genuine witnesses to the faith. Truly, it is in faith that we see, and not by our eyes. Grant us all the faith that extends beyond the sphere of reason. Lord, may You let us all grow and mature in faith. For Your greater honor and glory, in Jesus. Amen.

February 15, 2021 Monday \"I am not ashamed of the Gospel . . . For in it is revealed the righteousness of God from faith to faith; as it is written, 'The one who is righteous by faith will live.' \" [ Romans 1:16a-17] My Lord and my God, a new day is here as the week begins. May it be a blessed one, and the week filled with Your abundance. May we be brought to the renewal of our faith the whole week through. By Your loving inspiration, prod our heart and spirit to seek You still, guided and enlightened by the Gospel of Jesus, and the lives and martyrdom of Your saints. Lead us to dwell on Your Word, and may every scripture we read be transformed into a source of grace. A verse today, and one everyday of the week, will surely make us know You more and be drawn to You closer. As we grow in all hope, with our little faith, make of each one of us, a faithful and steadfast witness of Your truth and providence. May we bring this week, a soul to the Lordship of Jesus Christ, and more souls in the weeks to come. May we therefore testify that You are a God so good, and a God who is good all the time. Praise You, dear God. In Jesus, Amen. Alleluia, Alleluia.

February 16, 2021 Tuesday May the miracles of God be at your doorsteps today as He reveals His favors for you and your loved ones. \" The victory that conquers the world is our faith.\" [1 John 5:4] My Lord and my God, I seek the radiance of Your heart to touch my life today. As a new day begins, may I see You as my beginning, my first, and my all above everything else. Help me put order in my life and bless my pursuits. Make my plans in full accord with Your will, and they can only be right with You leading me. Without You and Your grace, I cannot do anything, and I am nothing without You. Truly, Your presence is what makes me full of life and enthusiasm to persevere, the troubles around me besides. Tighten Your grip as You hold me dearly to reach what may seem to be impossible, yet surely possible with You. I have faith, I believe. Your love brings miracles, and innumerable ones. Let me keep still. I praise You. Yes, Lord, I believe. In Jesus, Amen.

February 17, 2021 Wednesday May we begin the season of lent with a repentant heart and contrite spirit, in all grace and truth. \"Against you alone have I sinned, I have done such evil in your sight; that you are just in your sentence, blameless when you condemn.\" [Psalm 51:6] My dear Lord, God Almighty, grant me a day and a season of introspection, cognizant of Your enduring mercy and the shortness of my earthly life. I came from You, I will end with You. I am most grateful for Your allowing me to see the joy behind the trials and tests, the pain and sufferings of this, my borrowed life. Thank you, too, that I can still see the beauty of life, the turbulent and troubled times, besides. It is Your grace and mercy that have been enabling me to abide by You despite my sins and brokenness. As I never tire of seeking You, to know You more, and be encouraged to follow You in Your Son, Jesus, may You grant that I may move a step or two further in my faith this Holy Season. Instill in my heart, soul and spirit, the meaning of Christ's passion and crucifixion. There are crosses ahead meant for me but I will never be afraid trusting that I will carry them all with You. In commemorating Lent, create a heart in me so soft to forgive as You have forgiven me my errors and sins. I praise and thank You, in Jesus. Amen!

February 18, 2021 Thursday May we find strength and wisdom in God's precepts to withstand the assaults of the enemy. \"O Lord, you have searched me and you know me. You know when I sit and when I rise; you perceive my thoughts from afar.\" [Psalm 139: 1-2] My Lord Almighty, Eternal Living God, lead me again on this new day in the path of truth, peace, justice and righteousness. May this Season be one of true repentance and reconciliation, of prayer and holiness. Immersed as I may possibly be with concerns secular and mundane, guide me by Your Spirit to know Your will and do it in all my tasks, great or small. Provide me with the gift of discernment in all decisions and choices that I have to make today. I submit my thoughts, plans, and desires to Your enlightenment and fulfillment. I trust in You and believe that You always have in Your heart my good and the good of those I pray for. May we be consoled as we walk on through the path to Calvary, uniting our every pain and suffering with those of Christ. Give me the grace and fortitude to wear the crown of thorns on my head; it is surely glorious. Glory and honor be to You, in Jesus, Amen.

February 19, 2021 Friday May you and your loved ones be kept and blessed by the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am sharing with you the following. \"Sing praise to the Lord, you faithful, give thanks to God's holy name. For divine anger lasts buy a moment, divine favor lasts a lifetime.\" [Psalm 30:5-6] My loving and caring Father, Lord God Almighty, let me receive today Your divine inspirations so that everything that goes out of me be good and beautiful. May the love of You that I always profess transcends beyond self and family, and may it reach out to community and country, especially to those living in abject poverty. In giving, Lord, as You prompt me, grant that it may be pure and not drawn to praise from others. May my giving then be Your own generosity, overlooking the pain of ingratitude of some. Let me not even expect a word of thanks; rather, I must give You thanks that I am able to share, all that I can, wherever, whenever and to whomsoever. May I accept and pray for the people You have allowed to come my way in this journey as You have favored me with a bit of Your justice in enabling me to do what is right and just. Strengthen me then with steadfast heart that can love even those who are difficult to love. Look not into my weak self and increase Your favors to me, but for Your sake, more than mine. Praise You! In Jesus, Amen.

February 20, 2021 Saturday May we conclude this week in renewal and recreation. Let me share what follows. \"Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God, my savior. For I wait all the long day, because of your goodness, Lord.\" [Psalm 25:5] My Lord and my God, Father Almighty, as I look forward to a restful weekend, may I be mindful still to connect and commune with You in prayer. I offer to You a grateful heart for You have been simply merciful to forgive my sins that offended You and Your boundless goodness. Let me wait for the answers to my supplications, with an undaunted spirit of patience, fully trusting that in Your perfect time, Your answers will come, and hopefully, much better than what I prayed for. Even as You remain unseen, I believe You as Your mysteries have been revealed and manifested in my life that besides its ups and downs, is lived to the full with Your blessings and tender mercies. May Your Spirit encourage me more and more to stay the course of the paths You have shown, most especially the path of salvation. If I undergo agony, let me trust that it is Your will, and it will be done. Your grace more than suffices for what I may go through. In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

February 21, 2021 Sunday May we find that life is still beautiful with the beauty of God. May I please share. \" With length of days I will satisfy them and show them my saving power.\" [Psalm 91:16] You deserve all my praise and thanks, O Lord, my God. Life is Your precious gift to me, a favor truly divine that I cannot repay. But Lord, I find You, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, more precious than all the wealth I can think of that the world offers. You have set me free from what my eyes can see in the here and now. By Your well of grace, You have made my heart, soul and spirit yearn and see what is beyond and eternal. You enable me with faith to see You in the horizon of my life even as I trek its rugged terrain of the mountains, hills and valleys. May You as my All in all, continue to increase in me that I may mature more in faith and prayer, and do the deeds of a humbled heart to respond to the needs of those around me. Let me float and enjoy the ocean of abundance that You have made available ever since. Let me celebrate life assured and content with Your love and mercy for me and those dear to me. I praise and thank You, Lord, now and forever. In Jesus, Amen.

February 22, 2021 Monday May we have the eye of mercy in our hearts. Let me share. \"If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.\" [1 John 1:9] My Lord and my God, I enter a new week in my Lenten journey looking to You for inspiration for acts of mercy. As I recite the prayer that Jesus taught, I am led to ponder the difficulty of being able to forgive those who have sinned against me. But again, Your grace tells me to forgive others of their faults as You Yourself forgive our sins. It is in this light that I ask You to guide my heart and soul to examine myself of its resentments. Empty my being, mind, heart and soul of unforgiveness by enabling me to be with mercy. Truly, Your call to repentance I must heed, and yield unreservedly to the yearnings of the Holy Spirit. I sense that before You I remain in sin and have not brought into open my forgotten, even unconfessed sins. Bring all these to my awareness so that conviction can follow, and from conviction, a life giving repentance in Your divine mercy. Then, in my melted heart and contrite spirit, I will be merciful to pardon others as You have pardoned me of my sins. You are a God of mercy, a mercy that endures forever. Jesus, King of Mercy, I trust in You. Amen.

February 23, 2021 Tuesday May we not lose steam in treading our Lenten journey. I am sharing this. \"Be still and know that I am God . . .\" [Psalm 46:10] My dear Lord, my God and Father, may I strive with Your grace to do my best and utmost for Your glory and honor in my works and duties of the day. May I be led by Your Spirit to put into action the message of the Gospel, and thus, walk my talk. I draw wisdom and strength from You which no one else can provide to enable me to proclaim You to others in the way of how I live You and Your teachings. I cannot do anything without Your grace. And with that strength of spirit, bring me to an untiring and relentless pursuit of a life rich in faith, prayer and repentance. Grant to me then, dear Lord, a heart, soul and spirit that waits and perseveres to the end and all eternity. Praise You, Jesus. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

February 24, 2021 Wednesday May we entrust this day to the love and care of our good Lord. May I share the following. \"Why do you call Me 'Lord, Lord,' and not do the things which I say?\" [Luke 6:46] I fall before Your cross, my Lord and my God, once more stained and unworthy of Your glory. May You purge me of the hardness of my heart, purify it with Your blood so noble, pure and precious. Let me truly hear and heed Your call to repentance with all my heart, soul and spirit. Chastise me with the rebuke of a loving and caring Father who with open arms, accepts a returning prodigal son. Be merciful still. Out of Your fountain of endless mercy, may I bathe in the blood and water gushing forth from Your Heart, and that by Your wounds, heal me. Revive my broken spirit. Make me whole that I may stand again, and go, to walk Your path once more. You will not spurn a contrite spirit, Merciful Father. In Jesus I pray, Amen.

February 25, 2021 Thursday May our hearts be gladdened by the joy that this day of the Lord brings. I am inspired to share what follows. \"Those who wait on the Lord . . . shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.\" [Isaiah 40:31] To Your honor and glory, I dedicate this day that You blessed me with, dear Lord, Father Almighty and God of all. Waking up to the radiance of Your Heart, let Your light be the lamp unto my feet for each step I take this new day, with the rest of Your flock. You are the Good Shepherd that will not and never lead me astray. My hope shines that if I lose my way to Your path, You will look for me and lead me back to Your fold. Grant me all the joy and gladness in returning to Your embrace, ever warm, always with love that abounds and inexhaustible. You are my Saviour, dear Jesus, the Messiah, Your Holy Name saves truly, and as I cling to Your Cross, Your crown of glory, let my heart only desire and my choice be that what good things this day await me, may they all lead to the Father and the deepening of my life in Him. I praise You, Lord, giver of life. Amen.

February 26, 2021 Friday I wish your happiness today, a day of the Sacred Heart. Let me share, too, what follows. \"Therefore as you received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in him, rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, abounding in thanksgiving.\" [Colossians 2:6-7] O God, Father Almighty, I see and feel You as a new day unfolds in Your majestic glory. By the Sacred Heart of Jesus that I worship and adore, bring to fulfillment the desires of my heart as well as what my family and friends aspire for. Bring us closer to Your heart and keep our own hearts burning for the divine purpose You have, in Your utter grace, planned for all of us and the rest of Your people. Yes, my dear Lord, I claim more and more that the good work You started in us all, You will bring to completion. And in choices and decisions that we make without Your guidance and counsel, we trust that You will work everything unto good in the name, and until the day of glory of Christ Jesus. May we all be aware of Your presence every moment of this day. In knowing Your will, let us all abide by it no matter how little our faith is in You. May we be able to hear Your gentle voice in the Scripture we hope to encounter today. In Your kindness, may we contribute in our modest way to let

Your Kingdom come and triumph in all the world. These, we plead, in the name of Jesus. Amen.

February 27, 2021 Saturday May we find rest in our good Lord as we rest from our labors. You may want to read through my sharing today. \"But above all, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life.\" [Proverbs 4:23] My dear Lord, Father in Heaven, my God Almighty, as the week comes to a conclusion, may I examine my heart, mind and soul to find any stain and dirt that offended You. You are deserving of my love but my heart turns out not fully devoted to Your Lordship, and at times, ignores even Your love and mercy. Yet, in Your kindness and tenderness, You still save and keep me. Lord, rid my heart of its frailties and my soul of ingratitude. Give me a heart where I sit You in its throne of desires, all holy, pure and noble. Even as I recreate and rest, may You enable me through Your Spirit to work in mind, heart, soul and spirit to be single- minded, single-hearted to You. Relying on Your grace, this seeming difficult stride is already overcome by Your victory in my life as I choose to surrender my whole being to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your beloved Son. I now close my eyes to only see You with my humbled heart, and rejoice in Your glorious gifts of life, repentance and grace. Be exalted, my Lord and my God. Amen.

February 28, 2021, Sunday May our faith be nourished in this day of worship. May I share what follows. I hope it helps. \"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God not a result of works, so that no one may boast.\" [Ephesians 2:8-9] Eternal God, Almighty and Immortal, Lord most Holy, may Your Name be praised and adored by Your people this very day You made to be holy. Reconcile us to You by Your grace that can only come through faith. The faith we profess is not that huge in Your sight but You have always exhorted us to have that faith as small as a mustard seed, and that can move mountains. We need to intently listen to Your word today, and may it pierce our hearts to bring us to the wonder of truth and life. Grant that we may live the Gospel in love of You and in love of our neighbors. Grant, too, that with our little faith, You may nourish our personal relationship with Your Son, our Saviour. May we all savor the taste of His coming glory even as we remain with our journey here on earth. Lord, while we are in the world awaiting Your Heavenly Kingdom, may we not be of it and swallowed by it. Rather, let Your Spirit make us see the wisdom of pursuing a life that will last through all the times, through Your eternity. Be glorified and make us all humble before You. Amen.

March 1, 2021 Monday May you enjoy a week full of the goodness and grace of the Lord. I am inspired to share this with you. \"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.\" [1 Peter 5:7] My Lord, my Life and Strength, God who was, who is and who will ever be, let this week begin with You and end with You, the Alpha and the Omega. I rely on You for all that is good for me, those dear to me, and others whom I always pray for, friends, associates and colleagues. May You again lead me to the works of Your Kingdom here in this world, broken as it is. I trust that You will show me the way to goodness, kindness and forgiveness. I believe that Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life, and He truly welcomes my casting upon Him of everything that wears me down, burdens, fears and worries, included. Even what ails me He heals by His Holy Wounds, and blots out all my sins, confessed and unconfessed. Lord, O God, I trust You and can only trust You from day to day as I am in complete dependence on Your love, mercy and grace. In every moment of this week, make me feel Your liberating touch, so gentle, that it assures me that I am kept in Your heart. I hope indeed that I can be like David, a man after Your own heart. In Jesus, Amen!

March 2, 2021 Tuesday May your heart beat with joy in this day the Lord has made. You may want to read my bit of sharing today. \"I have told you this so that my joy might be in you and your joy might be complete.\" [John 15:11] My dear Lord, God, my Father, Holy and Almighty, fulfill in me in this new day what Your Spirit prods me to carry out to advance the cause of Your Kingdom here on earth as Your is done in heaven. Even as I struggle to know Your will, and struggle more to do it, I still desire to see it with the eyes of my heart. But rather than fear Your will and my mission to accomplish it, I ask that I open to You in abject surrender, my spirit and soul, to abide by it. Truly, with You, there is nothing that I cannot do. May my wants and desires today be good, pure, and hopefully, holy, a perfect offering to bring joy to Your heart and my heart, and to those who are around me and pray for. Bring a smile to my face that will exude Your joy so inexpressible and precious. Start, Lord, with Your grace bestowed upon me, as whatever pain comes would me met and overcome by the sufficiency of Your amazing grace. You are an awesome and amazing God, You are my portion forever. Glory and praise to You, my Sweet Jesus. Amen.

March 3, 2021 Wednesday May you receive the outpouring of God's grace today. I will share a bit. \"What good is it my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him?\" [James:2:14] My dear Lord and Eternal God, Merciful Father, may my thoughts, words and actions of this, Your new day, be guided by the light of Your presence through Your Holy Spirit. Grant that by His fire ignites from moment to moment, my heart and soul, that it fuels the loyalty I profess to have in Your Kingship. Guided and relying on the Kingdom principles and Gospel virtues that You have revealed, may I grow the seed of faith planted in me, nourished by works inspired by You for the good of all those I pray for and care for. For the love of You and for Your sake, nudge me to serve them without expecting anything in return. Let me be selfless then in all the good works I do, works beyond self and vainglory. Still, let me know more of Your love which is without end, truly limitless and abounding. Be praised forever, my Lord and my God. In Jesus, Amen.

March 4, 2021, Thursday May you and your family be blessed today and always. May I humbly share what follows. \"Rejoice in hope, endure in affliction, persevere in prayer.\" [Romans 12:12] My dear Lord, God and Father of all, Beloved and Strength of my soul, You are the giver of life and the perfecter of my faith. I admit that You know me better than I do. I am content in knowing this as being drawn to self is simply in my nature but will not do me well. My faith, deficient as it is, needs Your Holy Spirit to make me know You more deeply and understand the ups and downs of my journey. I falter from day to day and fall short of Your glory, yet I feel Your presence and I am urged to constantly hope and seek Your grace. Verily, the curves and bends of my pilgrimage I must accept and endure no matter the pain, no matter the suffering. I remain thankful, trusting You. Grant me to use my mustard seed sized faith to pray without ceasing, prompting me in every turn and moment of the day to persevere, and remain patient to the very end. Rather than look on the reward of what awaits me, make me faithful and steadfast to You, in all the love and devotion my humbled heart, soul and spirit can offer. May You then increase in me and see You in my neighbor, family and friends alike. In Jesus, Amen.

March 5, 202 Friday May your day blossom into a myriad of joy and grace. The following is my humble sharing today. \"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.\" [Galatians 6:2] My Lord and my God, Most Holy Father, ever loving and caring, I consecrate my body, heart, soul and spirit to the Sacred Heart of Your Son, Jesus, my personal Saviour and Lord, but Lord of all, and Lord of lords. May Your Spirit teach me of Your law of love, that if I still fail to grasp it in my heart, I may be gifted the freedom to accept it and live by it. Truly, love is a big word coming from my God who commands me to love Him with all of my heart and strength, of my very life. You added that I must love my neighbor as myself. Even if there is a shroud of mystery in this immutable law of Christ, I pray, and pray more and more, for the grace not to refuse Your Holy commandments. Lord, as I ask for courage to carry my own crosses, grant me that same courage to bear the crosses of others in the way You taught me in Jesus through Symon of Cyrene. In mass, I ask brothers and sisters to pray for me, and no doubt that I must, for the love of You, pray for them, too. Bring me in union with them to carry the load of life as we follow the footsteps of Jesus to Calvary this holy season of Lent. In Christ, Amen.

March 6, 2021 Saturday May the burdens we carry in our hearts be lightened up today by the grace of God. May I share with you a prayer I shared more than one year ago. \" Heal me , O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me and I shall be saved: for You are my praise.\" [Jeremiah 17:14] Clear the darkness around, my Lord and my God. Bring forth the healing rays of Your morning sun. Restore me fully to health as well as those I care for and those I pray for. I commend them all to Your merciful healing touch. There is no greater healing than that which comes from You, with You forgiving us our transgressions out of Your enduring mercy. Remind us always that the wages of sin is death. We cling to Your love, mercy and grace, that all of us, oppressed one way or the other, may be healed in body, mind, heart and soul. Let me kneel in supplication in asking Jesus for this. Lord, have mercy; Jesus, save me. Nothing is impossible with You. Amen!

March 7, 2021, Sunday May your day be filled with hope for every blessing from heaven and here on earth. It gives me joy to share what follows. \"Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have; God is pleased with sacrifices of that kind.\" [Hebrews 13:16] Eternal Father, my Lord and my God, may I find the day truly holy in my worship of You, both in mass and in prayer. May I consecrate to Your loving care my family, community and country, and if I may, the whole wide world. Bring me to ponder with them how to obey You by the very virtue of obedience of Your dearly beloved Son, Jesus. Firm up in me every desire to learn how to know Your will and do it. Grant that I may take a step or two farther in my faith to know You more so that I will know myself some more. In the process, let me realize the defects and whatever is deficient in my faith that I always believe I have. Empty my heart and my soul of all error and sin, and even of wanting the good only for my own. May I reflect on how good You are to me, and with Your giving me my Lord Jesus. May I pursue a life of service, sacrifice and selflessness, all for Your honor and glory. I ask for Your grace to stand up against pursuits that chase the wind, and capture in this journey all that matters for my salvation towards heaven and to all eternity. May I fix my eyes on the ball, let me give my best shot, my Lord.

Help me. I pray these in the name of Jesus. Amen. March 8, 2021 Monday May this new week bring you to a renewal of faith in Jesus who saved us on the cross. A bit of sharing follows and I hope you would not mind. \"And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.\" [Philippians 4:19] Ever Living God, my Loving Father, Lord forever, bring me a renewing of my faith in these very uncertain times. Let me hold on to my belief that You are a God who keeps His promises and will surely fulfill Your purposes for me in my continuing journey. Search me, and if I lack the faith in Your providence to provide and supply what I need, prove me wrong and convict me. Your rebuke will surely fill up with grace my emptiness and inadequacy. Believing that You live in me through Your Holy Spirit, the infinite source of what is good, may I then be enabled and encouraged to ask in order to receive; that I may seek You first above all, so that everything I ask will be given to me, and more besides. Grant that I may see the certainty of Your bountiful provision in Your unquestionable goodness. Lord, help my unbelief. In Jesus, Amen.

March 9, 2021 Tuesday May you have encounters today with the good Lord, no matter how brief, and feel His glory. My sharing today follows. \"We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express.\" [Romans 8:26] My Lord and my God, ever Loving Father, may this new day refresh my soul and revive in me a true state of communion with You, my busyness with mundane tasks, besides. From Your well of grace, may Your Spirit water every bit of dryness in my heart, soul and spirit. I am anchored in You, and Your holy presence in me made possible by the Advocate, the Paraclete. May Your Spirit speak for me the words of praise and thanks to you and make known to You my every good desire to please You. May I be led by His divine inspiration to work for and look after the needs of my neighbors, and the least I can do is intercede for them in my daily prayers. May the Spirit make me a faithful follower of Jesus, an obedient follower of the Church and a constant help to others, family, friends and colleagues. Come, Lord Holy Spirit, and enkindle in me the fire of Your love. Amen.

March 10, 2021 Wednesday May our hearts be filled with grace and gladness today. My brief sharing follows. \"Immediately the boy's father exclaimed, 'I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief'.\" [Mark 9: 24] My Lord, and my God, let me not grow weary of asking, seeking and knocking. Relying on Your persistent call for me to persevere, assist me every moment of everyday to keep my faith and nourish it with Your Word. Better still, lead me to always live my faith in my thoughts, words and deeds. Bring me to my knees when doubts linger and shatter my little faith. Knowing that no wealth on earth can lure me away from Your love and set me apart from You, cast in stone and weave into the cloak of Jesus my desire to gain every merit I could earn in living a life pleasing and acceptable to You. If I stumble again, pull me up in Your gentleness and whisper to me in Your sweet voice, \"I am here, do not fear.\" Thank you, O Father, ever present and loving God. Praise You. Amen.

March 11, 2011 Thursday May we receive in our hearts today the radiance of the light and love of God. I have a brief sharing. \"Reckless words pierce like a sword, but the tongue of the wise bring healing. [Proverbs 12:18] My loving and ever Living God, Lord Almighty, may the newness of another day in my earthly pilgrimage grant me the wisdom and counsel of Your Holy Spirit. As Your light radiates and shines into my heart and soul, let my wandering thoughts be subdued, and overcome thoughts idle and impure. May You overwhelm my heart with Your charity and purity so that I would not be impelled to engage in the judgment of my neighbor, futile arguments and idle talk and jokes that do not uplift or edify. May I be led instead to witness for You in my thought, word and deed, that is, all that is good and gracious, and all that builds and strengthens character. Enable me today to appreciate words and acts of kindness and compassion from my family, my friends and my neighbors. Again, my dear Lord, may You tame my heart, and guard my lips. In Jesus, I pray. Amen!

March 12, 2021, Friday Let us entrust today to the Sacred Heart of Jesus our individual and collective intentions. A brief sharing follows. \"Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.\" [Psalm 139:23-24] My Lord, and my God, my journey this Lent brings to me the image of Your Son, Jesus, nailed on the cross. His passion and death remain central in this season, but the victory and His glory when He rose from the dead serve as the anchor of my faith. What can be more glorious than life after death, and it is surely a life to all eternity. Lord, I see You still in pain and in suffering. No amount of kneeling and praying can help You in that helpless state. Let me realize that it is my sin and the stain it causes to my soul, that I must offer to You, as You are still bleeding and crucified. And the price You have paid to redeem me and all Your people, must be worth Your ultimate sacrifice. My dear Jesus, may Your Spirit go deep down into my heart and soul, purge them of any pretense, conceit, resentment and unforgiveness. Let me celebrate Your passion without being seen, and may I do it beyond lip service. In all grace, pierce my being of Your arrow of mercy to make me humble. Take away my right to myself, to be selfish and self- sufficient. In You, O merciful Jesus, I rest. Amen.

March 13, 2021 Saturday May we be enabled this weekend to rest, recreate and renew in body, mind, heart and soul. May I share a bit. \"For they are life to those who find them, to man's whole being they are health.\" [Proverbs 4:22] O Lord God, Almighty Father, recognizing that You are my life and my strength, may my every heart beat and breath today refresh and restore my whole being. Let me gather under Your care assured that Your touch would heal. Unseen that You are, I sense and feel You in things small or great in every moment and turn of my life. I thank You for Your presence and hope in Your consolation when in affliction, I look for Your mercy and seek the Adorable Face of Christ Jesus. May the healing I ask be granted to the people dear to me and to all those I pray for. In You alone is our full rest and restoration. Be praised, my Father. You are my all in All, ever merciful. In Jesus, Amen.

March 14, 2021, Sunday May we have a restful Sunday in worship and in all calm and quiet, and our souls fed. My sharing today: \" 'For My thoughts are not your thoughts. Nor your ways My ways', says the Lord. 'For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.' [Isaiah 55:8-9] My Lord, God the Father, ever Holy and Mighty, in the seeming difficulty of a life of total surrender and absolute obedience to You, we have no doubt that You want us to seek and discover Your will for our individual and collective lives, this being true for our nation and all Your peoples. Hoping to approximate Your holiness as You called us all to be holy, our sense of unworthiness hinders our vision to know Your every thought and plan for each of us. In Your promise of provision and protection we all rely on, and we hope that in Your presence in all of us, Your thoughts become discernible and we would all hear Your voice to lead us to Your ways. May we magnify by Your grace our faith that needs growth, nourishment and nurturing in the Scriptures, the sacraments, and sacrifice in loving our neighbor. If at all possible, Father, give us the mind of Christ, His heart as well, so that any step forward we take to reach You, will bring certainty to our aspiration to share with You, and with one and another, Your glory and in all eternity. O Jesus, I put my trust in You. Amen.

March 15, 2021 Monday Let us welcome a new week in all freedom under our Sovereign Lord. \"For you make me jubilant, Lord, by your deeds; at the works of your hands I shout for joy.\" [Psalm 92: 5] May I offer my sharing today. O God, Father of Heaven and Earth, my Lord forever, thank You for giving us a new week, a new day, from Your grace, goodness and providence. May our paths be cleared of all harm and evil. We claim Your strength from any twist or turn of life, relying on Your Word which is lamp unto our feet. Keep watch over us through Your hosts of angels, with the most precious blood of Jesus as our perfect shield and cover. If we experience situations that are beyond us, prompt us to call on You to save us, our ever present help. May we never let go of Your hand which though unseen holds ours every minute of the day. May the demands of work and other commitments not prevent us to be in a constant state of prayer. Please look into our hearts if we are unable to open our lips to praise and thank You. Create for us, O Lord, a heart that is wholehearted to You. We ask this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

April 1, 2021 Holy Thursday May we find meaning in the Holy Eucharist and accord the reverence It deserves from us who believe. A brief reflection follows. \"While they were eating, he took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and gave it to them, and said, 'Take it; this is my body.' \" [Mark 14:22] My agonizing Jesus, my Lord, I cannot imagine how You greatly suffered in praying in the Garden to the Father, already seeing the indignities You would undergo with Your persecutors and torturers. There was also more than pain in the betrayal of one of Your trusted, and this was coupled by the others who were unable to stay awake and watch for You. How weak they were, and how weak I am. Let me confront myself in earnest and in all sincerity to see if Judas, Peter and Thomas, had swayed my soul and spirit to aggravate Your passion. It is likely so in one way or another, so Lord, grant me my own cross to die to myself, and in Your mercy, may I be lifted up, too, in shame but all the more hopeful to share in the glory of Your crucifixion. You alone, dear Jesus, can make this possible. I am sick and need You as my doctor in this life. Rescue me, restore me, have pity on me. Praise You, King of Mercy. In Your Cross is my salvation. Amen.

April 2, 2021 Good Friday May we be given the grace to walk on our knees to the altar of His cross. My reflection follows. \"Then Pilate took Jesus and had him flogged. The soldiers twisted together a crown of thorns and put it on his head. They clothed him in purple robe and went up to him again and again, saying, 'Hail, King of the Jews!' And they struck him in the face.\" [John 19:1-3] My Jesus, let me sense the suffering You endured, having been persecuted, mocked, despised, shamed and tortured. How could I bear those in following You to Calvary? You alone could withstand those indignities by the most wicked of men. Perhaps, in my pilgrimage in this confused and divided world, I have a share of those torments in the nightmare of my own trials and tribulations. But again, it is with You, and by Your mercy and grace, that I pass through and overcome the seeming insurmountable hardships. Help me, Lord Jesus, in my faith walk to to fill up the deficiencies in my soul and character. Deflate the ego that poisons my sight on things eternal, and put aside the non-essential. Let me flog myself that my own blood may wash away to the drain my self- will, self-love and vain glory.

May all honor and glory be Yours, in praise of the Father, and in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. May I own Your incredible suffering, my dear Jesus. I need You now more than ever. Amen.

April 3, 2021 Black Saturday Remembering His rising that we await, let us be pure in body, mind, heart and soul asking God to blot out the stain of sin and guilt. My reflection follows. \"When the centurion who stood facing him saw how he breathed his last he said, 'Truly this man was the Son of God.' \" [Mark 15:39] My Crucified Jesus, You are the Son of Man, the Son of God, the Son of the Father. May Your Spirit lead me to kneel before Your Cross in utmost reverence. May I do so unseen by anyone but You, hoping that my heart is emptied of unforgiveness, pride, discontent, impatience and unbelief. With Your last breath on that Cross, make me whole, and heal my innermost of woundedness, wrongness and sickness. May I receive a drop of Your precious blood that suffices to show Your mercy, restoring me to Your grace. May I see Your empty tomb that I may be emptied of my sinful nature. In Your crucifixion is our redemption. In Your rising is our eternal life. In Your Powerful Name, Amen.

April 4, 2021 Easter Sunday Let our hearts be glad in believing without seeing. God be praised for the glorious resurrection of Christ Jesus. My Easter reflection follows. \"Then they went out and fled from the tomb, seized with trembling and bewilderment. They said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid.\" [Mark 16:8] My Risen Jesus, may my faith be increased and nourished in the remembering of Your resurrection. Let the faith I boast to have be rooted in Your rising from the dead, all to the glory of the Father. You predicted this happening but we have not listened. In seeing an empty tomb with the divine message of the Angel, we manifest still our unbelief and overwhelmed by fear. This, a lack or deficiency in our faith, betrays You once more. Let the ghosts of our sins, our burial linens of sin, unforgiveness and resentments, be etched in the tomb of oblivion. Lord, in Your passion, and now, in Your rising, You have more than forgiven us. May the remnants of doubt be whisked away from our questioning mind. May we rather see You alive and present in our hearts, and in our lives. Praise You forever and ever, my dear Jesus. I rarely say this, but I love You, my Lord. Alleluia! Amen. Receive Christ and His Easter blessings.

April 5, 2021 Easter Monday May our remembering of the rising of Jesus linger in our hearts this week and beyond. May I share. \"When they heard that he was alive and had been seen by her, they did not believe.\" [Mark 16:11] My Risen Jesus, let me live every moment of the rest of my life content and assured of a new life You have given me by Your resurrection. I am most grateful to the Father in allowing You to finish Your earthly mission for Your heavenly and eternal glory. Suffering as the world is at the moment, there is bright hope that beckons for me and Your pilgrim Church that is now beset by fear. Your freedom from that tomb and death itself frees me and this world from our unworthiness that has often been marred by the material world with all its attendant sinful trappings and allurements. Lord, help me in solidifying my errant faith to hold on to seeing You even as You remain unseen. As I often say, I see You in the goodness of those around me and I can hear Your gentle voice in the Scriptures You always lay before me. In the so- called lows of my life, its twists and turns, let me have a vision of You in Your glorified body that I may not waver in this, my faith, that I have in You, and of You, in all eternity. For Your eternal praise and glory, Jesus, Amen.

April 6, 2021 Easter Tuesday May we embrace the hope that His resurrection brings. Here is my sharing today. \"After this he appeared in another form to two of them walking along on their way to the country. They returned and told the others; but they did not believe them either.\" [Mark 16:12,13] Dear Risen Jesus, let me hold on to my faith on the basis that You are back to life to bring the truth of Your reign as King. May I fortify by Your grace my faith that You are my Saviour, my Redeemer, and my Lord, my Lord God forever. Grant me a strong and steadfast heart, soul and spirit to serve the cause of Your undiminished love for me, my family and friends. I rely on Your promises that in the most perfect time, they would all come to pass. Help me to know that it is Your hand holding mine every moment of my life as I walk the path You have cleared for all of us. Your footsteps are there, I would not get lost. May I be as faithful to You as I can be, humbled, renewed and recreated by Your gift of a new life and fresh faith. May I not lose sight of Your glorious resurrection from here on. And You are truly risen, to the glory and honor of the Father Almighty. I praise and thank You for all these, Amen.

April 7, 2021 Wednesday Easter May we be enlightened in our faith of the reason for the rising of Jesus from the dead. I am sharing this. \"The soldiers took the money and did as they were instructed.\" [Matthew 28:15] Christ Jesus, my Risen Lord, You are the Way, the Truth and the Life. May I not be influenced by the fakery and falsities of a world full of things, even persons, that deceive and mislead. May I rely more and more on the truth of Your Gospel and Scriptures, and the teachings of Your Church. May I not be corrupted by wealth, power and privilege that abound around. Let me be content in the simplicity of living in You, with You and through You. Deliver me from what glares and glitters, and instead set my eyes in the beauty of Your rainbow of hope, providence and eternal joy and peace. May how I live with those You have blessed me, be a sincere testimony of the truth of a new life brought about by Your redemptive resurrection. Let me receive and accept You, Risen Lord, without reserve. Praise and glory to You. Amen.

April 8, 2021 Thursday Easter May we have an accepting spirit that Christ is truly risen assuring us of a new life. May I share this. \"The eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountains to which Jesus had ordered them. When they saw him, they worshipped, but they doubted.\" [Matthew 20: 16,17] Christ Jesus, my Risen Lord, my Redeemer and Saviour, I continue my praise and thanks to You well within my memory of Your rising. As I give glory to the Father for this unparalled miracle, let me go deep within me to see, if like the disciples, there is an iota of doubt hidden behind the faith I believe I have. I pray, dear Lord, for an accepting spirit that believes what is not seen, and not seek the compelling evidence of Your rising. Pardon and help my unbelief. Through Your Holy Spirit, lead me to see, that my eyes may truly see what I have never seen. This is proof enough for me of things I hope for. Your eternity is unseen but I can sense it, hence, I perceive it. Let me then love You eternally. My faith walk is made mostly significant in my believing in You, no more, no less. Thank You, my Lord and my God. Amen.

April 9, 2021 Friday Easter May we not stop praying for one another and for the end of the pandemic. May I share this. \"While they were still speaking about this, he stood in their midst and said to them, 'Peace be with you.' \" [Luke 24:36] Christ Jesus, Risen Lord and Prince of Peace, come to our hearts and calm us amid the trouble we see around us and the rest of the world. We seek refuge in Your glorified body to stop the unseen enemy, a virulent virus, from afflicting us and our loved ones. We are scattered, fearful of what may come to us as we see the incoherence in our efforts to fight and prevent the spread of the virus. Gather us and hide us under the wings of Your hosts of angels. Let our faith be stronger than ever, and believe that You will not, and never, allow us to succumb to this work of the evil. We put hope in You seeing the light of Your resurrection. We claim the mantle of Your protection in Your precious blood. Heal those infected, Lord Jesus. Bless and have mercy on the souls of those who died. We draw courage from You to triumph over our fears and worries. Yes, Jesus, grant us Your peace that surpasses all human understanding. And we believe! Be praised and exalted forever. Amen.

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