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Home Explore Prayers


Published by Vivian T., 2021-09-01 12:53:31

Description: Prayers by Ramon S. Esguerra


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April 10, 2021 Saturday Easter Let us redirect our fears of sickness and death to the Risen Christ and pin our hope in Him and His Light. I share this. \"Then Jesus approached and said to them, 'All power in heaven and on earth have been given to me.' \" [Matthew 28:18] My Jesus, Risen Christ and Saviour of the World, may You help us through Your Spirit of Truth and Peace to believe in Your power and authority over the evil one and his weapons of treachery and death. Enable us to give meaning to the Apostle's Creed when we recite and pray it when we say the Holy Rosary and when we say it, too, in the Holy Eucharist. Make us see the emptiness of our litany of prayers day in and day out, if we ourselves succumb to our human nature to fear as others do. Please understand this weakness of our nature and failing in our faith. Magnify in our hearts, in our innermost, that You are a great and awesome God, the one True God, much, much bigger than all the problems and viruses combined in this rotten world. Rather than fear, make us believe, and truly believe, that Christ Jesus, by His Cross and Resurrection, has conquered sin, death and the evil one. Verily, nothing can separate us from Your love through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Free all of us from ignorance, doubt and unbelief. You are our Life, and no other.

Praise You, Jesus! Amen.

April 11, 2021 Sunday Easter Octave (Divine Mercy) Christ Jesus, our Saviour and Lord, may we consecrate this day of Your mercy and worship for those afflicted and the souls of those who died from the contagion. May I share. \"Guide me in your truth and teach me, for you are God my savior. For you I wait all the long day, because of your goodness, Lord.\" [Psalm 25:5] Risen Lord, the Good Shepherd, our Messiah, King of Mercy, listen to Your people now scattered and cowering in fear in this truly difficult, uncertain and confounding time. We need Your empowerment since we are powerless against the invisible enemy. We need Your light in the darkness of our hopeless state. We long to hear Your gentle voice amid the grief of those in sorrow. We await Your tender touch to all the sick, who await the balm of Your consolation. As many are suffering and in need, open Your gracious and generous hands to feed them. Enable us, the fearful, to draw courage from You, relying on Your total protection. Lord, You are everything, our All in all, thus, we entrust our families, our community and country to You. You alone can save us and the world. We hope for the season of Your favor, all for the greater glory of the Father, now and forever. Amen.

April 12, 2021 Monday May we savor the freshness of a new week full of hope and stronger faith that with God, we will overcome. May I share. \"Your reign is a reign for all ages, your dominion for all generations.\" [Psalm 145:13] My Lord, dear God, Father Almighty, we eagerly await better days to come, always assured of Your promise of salvation. May You overlook the faithlessness of Your people and the doubts we have in Your power, sovereignty, and providence. Make us ever mindful of the Blessed Hope, of the glory that is to come in Jesus. Lord, this day is a gift of Your love, and we must not forget that we are Your beloved in Christ Jesus. Our destiny is in Your hands with a rainbow of joy in the horizon right before our eyes. We trust that You will drub the enemy, render it inutile completely. Yes, we trust You, loving and caring Father. You created us in Your love, You redeemed us in Jesus, and You let us be born again in Your Spirit. To You, we entrust our families, our country and the world. Be exalted, my Lord and my God. Amen.

April 13, 2021 Tuesday May we persevere in a life of faith and united in prayer with our fellowmen for the end of the contagion. May I share. \"Be sober and vigilant. Your opponent the devil is prowling around like a roaring lion looking for somebody to devour. Resist him, steadfast in faith knowing that your fellow believers throughout the world undergo the same suffering.\" [1 Peter 5:8,9] Father, God Almighty, Lord of Lords, we confess that You are our Holy Immortal God, the God who was, who is, and will ever be. Our destiny is in Your hands, and without You we are nothing, neither can we do anything. We praise You, we adore You, as we beg Your pardon for our having sinned against You who deserve our full love. Blot out our guilt in Your sight and restore us to Your grace. We trust that this scourge that kills and destroys is not a curse for our disobedience. May we, in faith, see the joy behind the pain, sorrow and suffering. We refuse and resist the devil, throw him to the abyss as he has no place in our hearts and souls. May we not be deceived and feel so helpless and hopeless. You will hear us as we unite in one voice to plead for Your mercy. We are Your people, Your children, waiting in all hope that we will be on Your shoulders, if not hidden in Your majestic heart. Gather us all under Your protective care. We thank You for this, in Jesus, Amen.

April 14, 2021 Wednesday (Second Week of Easter) Let us await the break of day, the sun and its light, the day will be bright. May I share. \"He replied, ' Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.' \" [Matthew 17:20] Father, God of Creation, Maker of Heaven and the Earth, the seas and all that is in them, may our hearts go out to the praise of Your name as a new day dawns. Bring the rays of hope to shine upon us and let Your light guide Your people and put darkness aside from the world. May we see You in the depths of our soul and spirit yearning for the warmth of Your love and consolation. May we have the quiet of Your company feeling Your embrace with the hymn of the wind and the trees that sway with it. May we look at the blue sky, and walk on the grass, to believe and keep the faith burning in us. In You we put hope for a brighter day, a day of victory of Your everlasting goodness and grace. Fill us all up with the gifts of Your Spirit. We praise You, we thank You. In Jesus, Amen.

April 15, 2021 Thursday (Second Week of Easter) May our skies be blue, clear of dark clouds as we thank God for a day full of His blessings. May I share. \"Teach me to do your will, for you are my God; may your good Spirit lead me on level ground.\" [Psalm 143:10] My dear and sweet Jesus, Son of the Father, my Lord and my God, enable us to adore You here on earth, lifting Your Precious Name to the heavens. Grant that we get through the chaos and confusion around due to the contagion. Let us hold fast to Your faithfulness as we trust You in Your Word that gives us a stronger faith and increased hope. You drove out demons, raised the dead to life, calmed the sea and gave sight to the blind. Let us close our eyes and feel Your presence deep within us that erase all our despair and fears. May You continue to transform us by the Passion and Cross of Christ. You are indeed our Lord, now and forever. Amen.

April 16, 2021 Friday (Second Week of Easter) May we not grow weary of the sufferings and struggles around us and in the world; the day of God's triumph is near. May I share. \"Am I a GOD at hand, declares the Lord, and not a GOD far away?\" [Jeremiah 23:23] Almighty God, Father of all nations, heaven and earth are full of Your glory. As we rise and shine, our life and strength are sourced from You, our every breath, our every heart beat, and our every step. Make us true and effective witnesses of Your grace, goodness and generosity, and prompt us to always defend our faith and Your Church. Bring us and the world to our knees, united in prayer in the name of Jesus, and one in mind and heart in interceding for one another. Grant us the spirit to persevere and believe that our collective intentions lifted up to You would be granted and come to pass in Your perfect time. Let us hold on to our faith now being tested in this time of trial as it is this faith, small as a mustard seed, that drives away our fears. May we then put our inflamed hope and renewed trust in You, and You alone, my Lord and my God. With You, we would have the courage to live in this world as we wait for Your coming glory. Be praised, in Jesus. Amen.

April 17, 2021 Saturday (Second Week of Easter) May we truly find rest this weekend, free from the worries and anxieties of these difficult times; in the Lord we find rest for our heart, mind and soul. May I share. \"For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.\" [Matthew 11:30] Merciful God, Holy, Mighty, Immortal Lord, we pause from the grind of our daily routine, eyeing rest for us and our families. But even as we do take off from work and usual pursuits, may we not forget to bend our knees to implore Your mercy and lower our guard against the treachery of the unseen enemy. May we have the peace of the Risen Christ, the peace that passes all human understanding and the fervor of hope that springs eternal. Let us find joy amid the afflictions we see around and humbly fix our gaze on the Adorable Face of Jesus, our Messiah. May we enter Your rest in Jesus, and not grumble, accept the burden we face in His Mighty Name. May Mary Immaculate and all the Saints intercede for us. We plead for healing, deliverance and freedom from error and sin. You are our True God worthy of our complete trust and highest praise. Listen to us, ever Living God, our loving and caring Father. Thank You, in Jesus, Amen.

April 18, 2021 Sunday May we worship the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, this day of obligation, in spirit and in truth; for us to receive the gifts of the Spirit. May I share. \"There remains, then, a Sabbath rest for the people of God; for anyone who enters God's rest also rests from their works, just as God did from his.\" [Hebrews 4:9,10] My Lord, my God, Father Almighty, in the Name Jesus, the Most Powerful of Names, we dedicate to You and present before Your altar, our joys and trials. May You allow us to approach Your altar with humbled and contrite hearts. Gloss over our unworthiness and see the sincerity of our hearts. May our souls and spirit unite in the yearnings of the Holy Spirit whom we ask to penetrate our innermost, deep within each of us. We confess that You are only hope in this world in turmoil, and grant that we may all receive Your rest, comfort and consolation amid the afflictions of many. Lead us to the lighted path of charity so that even in our lack and poverty, we would all be driven to share until it hurts. In Your graciousness, help us with all that we need, but let us feed not our mouths but the hungry who see You in us. In all humility, we surrender to Your care what remains of this day, Your blessed and Holy day. In Jesus, may You be glorified, now and forever. Amen.

April 19, 2021 Monday (Third Week of Easter) May we continue to put hope in the Lord, our God, and in His divine promise that better days are coming. May I share. \"So we do not lose our heart. Though our outer self is wasting away, our inner self is being renewed day by day.\" [2 Corinthians4:16] Almighty God, ever Loving and Caring Father, Lord and King, we praise and thank You for the gift of a new day, indeed, a fresh week. The comfort of daily routine and worldly pursuits may take us away from You and Your Divine inspirations. Let Your guiding light and loving hands enable us to re-focus our energy on spiritual endeavors, to hear Your tender voice giving counsel and imparting wisdom that would renew us in our daily lives. In whatever we do, wherever we are, keep in us the burning desire to please You with our thoughts, words and actions. Keep us free, most of all, from sin, harm and the evil one. May Your thoughts reach our minds, Your plans, our decisions, and Your charity, our passing generosity. Purify us all by Your completing in us the good You have began in our lives and the life of this ever changing, now dangerous, world. May You save us from the snares of position, power, and prestige. And as You see fit, my Lord, save us even from ourselves. May we

know Your will, and simply do it. We pray all these, in Jesus, Amen.

April 20, 2021 Tuesday (Third Week of Easter) May we be gifted with an undoubting heart that prays to God in utmost perseverance. May I share. \"And he said to them, 'Why are you troubled, and why doubts arise in your hearts?' \" [Luke 24:38] Ever Living God, our Creator, Father Almighty, we come seeking to be inspired to do what is right and just, and what is pleasing and acceptable to You. Remove our doubts, and may You convict us in failing to stand up for You when we fall. Let us not remain fallen as it destroys our hope for salvation. Knocking at the door of Your mercy, grant us all a humbled spirit and a life- giving repentance. You call us to obedience to the minutest letter of the law that we ought indeed to obey all laws, big or small. Lord, You know our desire to be just and righteous so help us with Your loving hands to stand up if we fall. You, and You alone, can take us out from, and win over, our weakness and fallen nature. Purify our thoughts, sanctify our hearts, cleanse our souls, and steady our spirits. Overwhelm us with Your eternal and holy gifts. May we trust in You without being beclouded by any stain of doubt. Be merciful to us, O Lord, our God. In Jesus, Amen.

April 21, 2021 Wednesday (Third Week of Easter) May we be ever grateful for life as we all remain precious in God's eyes that sees beauty in us and even in our troubled world. Let me share. \"In that day you will not ask nothing of me. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask of the Father in my name, he will give it to you.\" [John 16:23] God most Holy, Mighty and Immortal, Loving Father, we plead the righteousness of Christ Jesus as we kneel before Your throne, insistent to implore Your mercy. We repeat and repeat this plea in patient endurance. We are in the brink of the cliff of despair and many are in sorrow, suffering and solitude. Again, Lord, help us with our faith which is our only weapon against fear. It is only by Your grace, and the incessant intercession of Jesus, Your beloved Son and King of Mercy, that we are enabled to hold on to Your grip and endure to the last. Grant us and the world, the one prayer in our hearts, and that is for Your ending the contagion. Heal the afflicted, restore them to health, feed more and more the poor and the needy, protect and provide for all medical and health workers, grant mercy and eternal rest to those who passed, and grant true wisdom to our leaders that they

may serve the people, free from any agenda, selfish and otherwise; burden them with the good of our nation. Father, we again ask, knock, and seek. And we believe that Your answers are coming, sooner than later, answers even better than those we asked for. We give You the glory, in Jesus. Amen.

April 22, 2021 Thursday (Third Week of Easter) May we leave to our Almighty God our battle against an unseen, albeit, cowardly enemy, as we fight in the battlefield, confused and ill equipped; we need to trust the Lord some more. He is doing the battles for us. Let me share. \" Therefore, if you, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your sons, how much more will your Father, who is in heaven, give good things to those who ask him?\" [Matthew 7:11] We lift up our hands to You, our Lord and God, in praise and worship, and in total abandon to Your Lordship and Kingship. May You search our hearts through the Holy Spirit and cleanse it of the stain of unfaithfulness. Most, if not all of us, desire to be worthy in Your sight. We hope to remain wholehearted and singlehearted to our obedience to You. By the Cross and Resurrection of Christ Jesus, lead us to move and take bold steps of faith. You told us not to be afraid and so our fear disappears. May You not tell us that we are men and women of little faith; rather be just to honor our mustard seed-like faith. We ask still that You increase our faith, strengthen our hope and inflame our love. As we ask, You will give. You are truly more than enough so the battle is won and the victory is ours, for Your sake and glory. Amen.

April 23, 2021 Friday (Third Week of Easter) May we praise Jesus for His Sacred Heart and expect that our devotion to Him will bear fruit for our good and the good of others. Let me share. \"[A]nd he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and of his kingdom there will be no end.\" [Luke 1:33] O merciful and compassionate Father, my Lord and my God, let my praise of You start with an offering of myself, in union with the love and merits of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Grant that this may be worthy as an oblation before You made perfect by the Passion and Rising of Christ. You gave me Your Spirit to be my helper and to manifest Your presence in me every moment of the day. Lord, You know more than I do the good that I desire and that is to give You my utmost for my love for You and my fellowmen. If I fall short and deficient, provide the grace I need to make up for it in all humility. Rid my heart and soul of the sin of presuming that all is well in my state of comfort and convenience. May I be an instrument of Your light to serve with urgency those in misery, in pain, and in sorrow. In the best interests of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, make me Your servant without regard to human respect and recognition. Let me do Your will unnoticed by the shifty eyes of men, quietly, and all for Your honor

April 24, 2021 Saturday (Third Week of Easter) May we take time to enjoy the morning sun and the morning dew, our confused minds besides. Let me share. \"The LORD replied, 'My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.' \" [Exodus 33:14] My ever Living God, Almighty Father and Lord of my Life, thank You for the week that passed and the new week in the offing. May my thoughts in this day to recreate see the beauty around me, in those trees, flowers, blue sky, and the soft and cold wind. Grant that those I pray for and care for see the beauty of Your creation despite the strife we witness nowadays. May we all offer You a whisper of thanksgiving as we see Your very beauty in the rainbow, the yellow butterfly and the birds that tweet with their music. Thank You that as You breathed life today to each of us, our vision is clear, and we are awed as You still take care of the world. Keep us all in a state of prayer, hope and wonder, and not forget Your kindness, goodness and love to us and the world that You have fashioned for Your divine purpose. We offer our thanks to You, O God. Glory to You now and forever. Praise You, Jesus. Amen.

April 25, 2021 Sunday May we find meaning in every joyful greeting we give and every kind word we say to others. Let me share. \"[S]o that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith - -that you [be] rooted and grounded in love . . .\" [Ephesians 3:17] God Almighty, my dear Lord, and Father in Heaven, may this day of worship bring us to partake of the Body and Blood of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist in unity with Your Church here on earth. Lead us to pray without fail for the good of our family and country. May we intercede for Your much needed provision for those in need. May You console and comfort the sick and afflicted. May we be able to pray for the leaders of our nation that they be gifted with the wisdom of selfless and genuine service for the welfare of all. May we be enabled, too, to remember in our prayers those in prison that they may be reformed and transformed in the goodness of Jesus. May You lead us to value those who serve us as househelp and drivers with their loyalty and dedication. Grant, O Lord, that like that widow in the biblical story, we may be inspired to give from our lack than our surplus. Help us then to do good works out of the faith we constantly profess. Make me a servant, my

Lord and my God. Jesus, may You dwell in our hearts. Amen.

April 26, 2021 Monday May we all welcome a new week with expectant joy and fervent hope in the goodness of the Lord, our God. Let me share. \"Here is a call for the endurance of the saints, those who keep the commandments of God and their faith in Jesus.\" [Revelation 14:12] My Lord and my God, in the name of Jesus, Your beloved Son, Your Holy One, may You minister to us through Your Holy Spirit to enable us to reach a higher level of faith in this new week of our lives. We commend to You all of those we care for and pray for. Relying on Your goodness, we put faith that the good You have started in us You will complete, and that You will work everything unto our good, given the circumstances we find ourselves in. If You find us broken, mend us. If we are lost, show us the way. If we are in need, provide for us. In our affliction, console us. If we weaken, be our strength. In fear be our courage. If we sin, grant us mercy. In You we put our hope, in You we put our trust. May You be adored, and be glorified in our lives. Amen!

April 27, 2021 Tuesday (Fourth Week of Easter) May we receive today the enabling grace to learn and take a step forward to strengthen our faith. Let me share. \"Teaching from your lips is more precious to me than heaps of silver and gold.\" [Psalm 119:72] My Jesus, my Teacher and Master, Rabbouni, may every Word in the Gospel, by the grace of the Father, come clearly to my hearing that I may well learn and live them today and in the days to come. I depend solely on Your Divine Grace as without It I can do nothing. Verily, I am rendered powerless, bereft of the strength that You alone can give. I realize that my relying simply on myself and human wisdom for me to live a life of meaning in fulfilling the cause of Your Cross is utterly insufficient. Give me and those dear to me a vision of the glory days that lie ahead. As You are my All in all, my everything, I entrust to You all my cares for today and the good, even healing, of all whom I pray for. An ounce of Your infinite wisdom is all I ask. May I be an instrument of proclaiming the Gospel in how I live and in loving You and my neighbor. Grant these all for Your greater glory, the Father, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

April 28, 2021 Wednesday (Fourth Week of Easter) May we be a faithful follower of Jesus, an obedient child of the Church and a help to our neighbor and the needy. Let me share. \"Do you not know that your body is the sanctuary of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God? You are not your own.\" [1 Corinthians 6:19] Ever loving and caring Father, our God Almighty, we welcome a new day as pilgrims en route to a life of eternity and everlasting joy in Your company. Let us draw strength from You, in body, mind, heart and soul. We offer You once more a humbled, contrite heart and spirit. Take not Your presence in us through Your Holy Spirit. May we be made ever aware that Your Spirit chose our bodies as His temple. Grant that we may be worthy of His holy gifts as He remains the beloved of our souls, our very truth, good, wisdom, peace and joy. By His inspiration, lead us all to see You in all we meet today, and commit to our awareness the less fortunate, the poor, the sick and the ones who do not have anyone to pray for them. May You grant us a heart as caring as Yours. May we enter Your service with the Risen Christ to be a beacon of faith and hope to those in grief and sorrow. May what we do match our prayers for the least of our fellowmen. In Jesus, Amen.

April 29, 2021 Thursday (Fourth Week of Easter) May we be ever hopeful for our nation to come under the Lordship of Jesus Christ in the fullness of time. Let me share. \"And if my people upon whom my name has been pronounced, humble themselves and pray, and seek my presence and turn from their evil ways, I will heal them from heaven and pardon their sins and revive their land.\" [2 Chronicles 7:14] You, O God, are the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, God of all creation and Father of all nations. We thank You for our country, the Philippines, the country that You blessed us with. As we consecrate our families to You, we also entrust our country to You that You may bring unity to us as a people under Your sovereignty and Your reign for all generations. May we be of one mind and one heart to help in rebuilding our nation that has long been in a state of division and poverty. Deliver us from leaders who at times mock You, putting their lust for power and personal agenda ahead and at the expense of the welfare of our people. Grant us peace and order and a sound economy, freeing us from the tentacles of exploitation as well as the poison of greed and corruption. We believe that You will never forsake us and gather us as Your people worthy of Your benevolence, charity and renewal. Father, heal our land,

heal Your people, and heal our woundedness as a nation. We implore You in Your tender mercies to put an end to the pandemic, and end our suffering. Prosper our faith as one country, one nation, under You. Revive this land that is so precious in Your eyes. We pray all these in the name of Jesus. Amen.

April 30, 2021 Friday (Fourth Week of Easter) May the love that flows from the Sacred Heart of Jesus lead us all to a steadfast faith in His Cross and Resurrection. Let me share. \"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.\" [2 Corinthians 4:17] My Lord, God Everlasting, God ever Merciful, may we welcome a new day with gladness in our hearts, hoping that we'll go through it with vigor and vibrance from the gifts of the Holy Spirit. May what we planned for the day be blessed by Your hands and bring them to fruition according to Your will. In the disappointments, frustrations and failures we encounter in our daily endeavors, lift us up from the pit of helplessness and hopelessness. Rather than sigh and grumble, bring us to a state of communion with You in prayer, with Christ Jesus as our main intercessor. May He keep pleading for our good and deliverance from evil, the provisions we need today and everyday, and the healing and restoration that the sick among us have been imploring from Your grace and mercy. Let our eyes see the light beyond the darkness that surround us and draw courage and strength from You alone, our fortress and stronghold. Be

our shield, our refuge, until Your day of glory, and our day of salvation. Praise You, Father, in Jesus. Amen.

May 1, 2021 Saturday (Fourth Week of Easter) May the new month usher in a stronger and brighter hope of better days to come for all of us and for the rest of the world. Let me share. \"Let us then approach the throne of grace with confidence so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.\" [Hebrews 4:16] My Lord and my God, the First and the Last, Maker of the heavens and the earth, we rejoice in a weekend of joy and rest. Enable us to chill, lighten up, and smile, that with You, another week passed in our earthly walk in a despairing world. We thank You for the hope that Your Spirit brings to one and all, the meaning and significance that You unravel every moment in this, our borrowed time, that You have blessed us with. Cognizant of our failures and shortcomings, the glory and mystery of the passion, cross and the rising of the Christ, Your Son, Jesus, more than enlighten us and make us worthy of salvation, as we await the coming days of true peace, joy and exuberance, the cross and crosses of our own besides. Lord, Almighty Father, may we carry to the end the thankfulness of our hearts, our souls and spirit, constantly persevering to reach the finish line. There is truly gain that awaits us in our present pain. As we go through suffering, make us smile in having joy beyond.

You are a true God. Be praised and exulted forever. In Jesus, Amen.

May 2, 2021 Sunday May we spend this holy day of rest and worship in a state of prayer, joining our every intention, with the intentions in the Holy Sacrifice of the mass throughout the world. Let me share. \"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.\" [1 Peter 5:7] My Lord, Holy and Almighty God, Your goodness is beyond measure, Your mercy inexhaustible. May Your loving heart, Your forgiveness that is ever ready, make me worthy to kneel once again before Your altar. By Your inspiration, by Your perfect will, let me pray and pray and pray, for grace and mercy, yes, for mercy and grace. The desires of my heart and soul are a litany of sorts, repetitively begging for Your pardon that I may stand right before You. You urge me to ask, seek and knock, and so here I am, praying the same things over and over again. I truly trust that You know what is best for me to be saved. Let me not rely on my understanding of what is good for me and those dear to me. Let my dependence on You be absolute and unconditional. May my vision always see the Giver rather than the gifts. My I walk to the altar of Your grace on my knees, and with my eyes closed, simply trust You to the utmost. Make me worthy of Your eternal love and care. In Jesus I pray, Amen.

May 3, 2021 Monday May we entrust to our good Lord this new week, most assured of His faithfulness to keep His promises. Let me share. \"Fear of man will prove to become a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.\" [Proverbs 29:25] My Lord, God Almighty, You remain as You were yesterday. You are indeed the God who was, who is and who will ever me. You are worthy of our praise, O God, our God from eternity to eternity. Whether we will work in our offices, or just work from home, enable us to dedicate our labors of this week to You, imploring that we put devotion to our duties. We put hope in You for our freedom from all harm and every evil. As You are our life, our All in all, let us draw the strength from You alone, yes, Lord, strength in our body, heart, mind and soul. It is the strength we all need in our weakness, that which gives us courage in fear, and the fortitude to persevere, the challenges of the times notwithstanding. As we all walk through the shore, the rough seas and roaring waves, even the tempests and the storms, become nothing and inutile. We will not be afraid. You are carrying us all in Your ever caring hands. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

May 4, 2021 Tuesday (Fifth Week of Easter) May we endeavor to feel the real presence of God in us every moment of this day, a day of blessing and victory. Let me share. \"You have made known to me the paths of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence.\" [Acts 2:28] My dear Lord, my Almighty God, in the Sweet Name of Jesus, revive in us the wonder and beauty of what lies beyond a dying world. May we peer through the dirty glass window of our lives to see how resplendent the sun is shining, how fresh the morning dew is, and how majestic life is with Your presence. Give us the inexpressible joy of life in us with Your empowering Spirit. If we cry out of despair, enrich us with the gift of hope to rise above our circumstances, but, O yes, only because of You. Grant us a contended heart to see the gorgeous, sun- drenched garden. May everything good in us flow from Your goodness, the beauty of what remains in us go out with Your indescribable beauty. May Your radiant Face shine upon us that we may see the beauty of Your holiness beyond the window of the present situation, ever expectant of Your day of glory. Yes, Lord, let Your radiance shine upon and warm our hearts. You are God and King, now and forever. All praise and honor are Yours, in Jesus. Amen.

May 5, 2021 Wednesday (Fifth Week of Easter) May the Merciful Father grant us the strength of His empowering Spirit to overcome our frailties and shortcomings. Let me share. \"Turn away your face from my sins; blot out all my guilt. A clean heart create for me, God; renew in me a steadfast spirit.\" [Psalm 51:11,12] My dear Lord, my loving God, in Your righteousness and justice, in Your love and mercy, make us Your children, so precious to You, worthy of Your pardon and strength. We want to be right, just and sinless but it is only Your grace that can make us so. Our natural selves cannot be victors over our idleness, worldliness, and selfishness. As Jesus came for the unrighteous like us, we plead that He can come to sup with us and make us whole before You. The world, the evil, and the flesh, are all around us; may we all be shielded under Your wings from their fiery darts. Encourage us to move on to new heights of faith and reverence, to enable us to heed Your commands and inspirations. Yes, Father, grant us a true repentant and contrite heart and spirit. Do not take Your Holy Spirit from us at all. Let us return again on Your path. For these, we thank You, in Jesus. Amen.

May 6, 2021 Thursday (Fifth Week of Easter) May we truly value the time we spend with those dear to us given the uncertain time we find ourselves in, and may the good Lord keep us with our dear in the palm of His hand. Let me share. \"Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling, fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest whom we confess.\" [Hebrews 3:1] Almighty and Merciful God, we kneel this day in praise and worship, hoping that our hearts would go out to express our eternal gratitude to You. We are thankful that our families are intact and around to care and pray for one another. We treasure this gift as we implore You to nourish our family still, hoping that You prune us all and stay connected to the vine of Your love and providence. May we be enabled by Your spirit to take the hurts we cause to one another as we make the choice, the only choice, to forgive. And forgiving, empty our hearts of residual anger, resentments and bitterness. Thank You for this freedom, dear Lord, and brighten our faces wearing a smile as we see Jesus smiling at us. Praise You, my God, in His Name, Amen.

May 7, 2021 Friday (Fifth Week of Easter) May we all stay connected to the vine to receive the joy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let me share. \"Glory in his holy name; let the hearts of those who seek the Lord rejoice. Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always.\" [1 Chronicles 16:10,11] My Lord, my God of mercy that endures forever, Father Almighty, may we rejoice this day in praise and adoration of Your Divine Mercy, with full faith in the promises of the answering heart of Christ Jesus. Enable us to be holy as you are, compassionate as You are, and if You will, perfect as You are. May we accept this call so divine to heart. In the sphere of the unknown of where we exactly are, bless our eyes to see You, our ears to hear You, and our soul to embrace You. May You again quench our thirst for meaning and purpose, our hunger for wisdom and direction, and our longing for Your peace and comfort. Bring us to be again reunited with You by Your charity and pardon, that we, too, may be as generous to pardon sincerely those who have wronged us. May we be able to submit to You completely, with all our thoughts, words and actions of today. We welcome Your loving correction for any of our missteps and misdeeds, with no excuses offered. Lord, may we feel You every moment of

this day of rejoicing, in every ray of the sun, the soft whirl of the wind, and the gentle whisper of the Spirit. In Jesus, we pray, Amen.

May 8, 2021 Saturday (Fifth Week of Easter) Let us collect ourselves under the wings of the good Lord and enjoy another weekend of introspection. Let me share. \"You, Lord, are just in all your ways, faithful in all your works. You, Lord, are near to all who call upon you, to all who call upon you in truth.\" [Psalm 145: 17, 18] God Almighty, Lord of all, Father of all, may Your Spirit pour upon us the strength we constantly need in body, mind, heart and soul. May You pity us poor and miserable sinners, and grant us Your grace, mercy and healing. Enable us all despite our weak nature to rely on You more and more, You, who are our every step, heartbeat and breath. Do not mind our stubbornness, nor the hardness of our hearts. In our helplessness, it is Your goodness that we beseech of You, Abba, our Father. We are Your children, co-heirs to Your kingdom, and You remain as in the past, never changing, the loving and caring Shepherd who looks for the lost sheep. Help us not to wander, and may we never look to the unfaithful world, as You are the God who is more than enough we seek and truly need. Bring us again to Your fold, Your flock. Bring us to You, our Truth, our only truth. In Jesus' name, Amen.

May 9, 2021 Sunday May we all be in a constant state of obedience and do our duties to God and our neighbor this day of worship, and hopefully, beyond. Let me share. \"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.\" [2 Corinthians 10:5] My Lord and my God, may You accept our praise and thanks this holy day, as we adore, glorify and worship You. Help us through Your Spirit to examine our hearts that we may truly realize in what areas of our lives we have failed to measure up to Your goodness, righteousness and holiness. May we realize that our difficulty in giving our total obedience to You lies not in our imperfect and fallen nature but in not giving up our so- called right to ourselves. Lord, we are Yours, Your creation, our very life, our strength, and our All in all. May we enjoy communing with You today and rest completely in You, wrapped by Your loving arms, assured that we are gathered in Your Name and Your protective care. To You, dear God, our Father, we commend the rest of a glorious day. We pray these all, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

May 10, 2021 Monday (Sixth Week of Easter) May we walk on the right path this week with hope not to step out of it. Let me share. \"Let the Word of Christ dwell in you richly teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs with thankfulness in your hearts to God.\" [Colossians 3:16] Holy God, dear Lord, and loving Father, thank You for the gift of a new day and a new week. Thank You, too, for the week that passed, and the rest You allowed us to enjoy. Lord, let us commend to Your control and authority our endeavors this week, individual and collective. Bless the work of our hands. Again, lead us all to live through the disturbed and distressing times. May we put our hope and trust in You. Empower us to look after the welfare of those we pray for, those we work with, and those we work for. May we serve You in them with urgency and loyalty.

Grant us the strength in body, mind, heart and soul that we truly need in this journey of life. We cannot live in full without You and Your mercy and grace. Most of all, deliver us from sin and error. Free us from the snares of the world, the flesh and the evil one. May You continue to inspire us to be faithful to You in all loving obedience. We thank You for all these, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

May 11, 2011 Tuesday (Sixth Week of Easter) May our lack, the poverty of our spirit, be filled with the outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Let me share. \"See that no one repays anyone evil for evil, but always seek to do good to one another and to everyone.\" [1 Thessalonians 5:15] My Lord, ever Living God, my Almighty Father, let us give You praise for another day that You have made. May we give You glory in our every thought, word and deed. Knowing that You know what we need, enable us to see, sense and respond to the needs of others. Let us bring Your goodness to them with our so-called time, talent and treasure. We find it challenging to do good to those who wronged us but Your Gospel tells us in no uncertain terms to love our enemies. O, what an inclusive love that is. Alleluia! Lord, You alone are the just judge of all, and we ought not point to the speck in the eyes of others and ignore to see our own. Free us from being self- righteous and spare us to be judging of our fellowmen.

May we be mindful of Your boundless mercy in pardoning our sins so that we can in turn pardon those who offend us seventy times seven times. Our justness pales in comparison with Yours, and we simply need to strive hard to grow in goodness that is after Yours. Father, we need You to enable us pass through the narrow gate, like a camel entering the eye of a needle. Unleash Your grace that we may we be cleansed of hyssop to rid our hearts and souls of the garbages of a sinful and material life in this world. In You we trust, in You we put hope. In Jesus, we pray, Amen.

May 12, 2021 Wednesday (Sixth Week of Easter) May we rise above our circumstances of confusion, chaos, distress and depression, and be led by the light, strength, and truth of God Almighty. Let me share. \"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called and about which you made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses.\" [1 Timothy 6:12] Merciful God, my Lord, ever Powerful and Mighty, be praised and glorified this new day as we bless Your Holy Name, with the rest of Your creation. Grant that we see You, hear You and feel You every moment of the day that we may not be overwhelmed by the risks, dangers and threats posed by the circumstances we find ourselves in. In You, we take refuge. May we not forget to keep watch and lower our guard against the intrusions of the evil one. Do not let us fall into the quicksand of sin and false pride. Lord, my God, You have by Your grace armed us with the Holy Spirit who does not stop yearning and groaning to

empower us to fight to the end. In You is our victory, the battles won. You are our salvation, and there is no other. Father, we have already been redeemed by the blood of Your Beloved Son, Jesus Christ. May His torments and wounds heal in body, mind and heart the afflicted among us, Your people. Truly, by His stripes we are restored. For the kingdom, the power, and the glory are Yours, now and forever. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

May 13, 2021 Thursday (Sixth Week of Easter) May we see the light of this new day in the brightness of the sun so that our steps moving forward may not hit a stone. Let me share. \"But now that you have been set free from sin and have become slaves of God, the fruit you get leads to sanctification and its end, eternal life.\" [Romans 6:22] My Almighty God, my Lord and Eternal Father, thank You for creating us and showing us Your love. Indeed, it is this Divine Love that redeemed us in Jesus' Cross and Resurrection. Instill in us, in our hearts and souls, Your purpose in gifting us with life. May we not grumble but be thankful for our daily tests as they lead us, hopefully, to depend totally on You in those difficult times. But in times that are good and easy, let us savor the precious gift of life in endless thankfulness. Life is precious and Your time and presence in us are precious as well. By the total obedience we all aspire in our faith, may we live Your Word, consecrating our every thought, word,

and deed to Your will. May be know Your will and simply do it. Lord, if we will find ourselves in crossroads, and in times of decision, remind us through Your Spirit, to seek Your counsel. Your wisdom is the answer to our doubts and ambivalence. In every moment of today, Father, stay with us and grant that we may know it is Your loving hand holding ours through all hours of the day. When night falls, grant that we may know that we are gathered in You through the Sacred Heart of Jesus in grace to sleep with a smile in peace. Thank You, in Jesus, Amen.

May 14, 2021 Friday (Sixth Week of Easter) May we be enabled to praise the Good Lord for His grace for us to trust in the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Let me share. \"Humble yourselves, therefore, under God's mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.\" [1 Peter 5:6,7] Merciful Lord, God, the Father, You are Most Holy, and the King of Glory. Make us worthy to adore You more and more, putting You above anything, or above anyone else. Remind us, dear Lord, to first seek You, Your Kingdom and Your righteousness, and all the things we ask shall be granted us, and more besides. You provide for us immensely and immeasurably. By Your grace, only by Your grace, may we control our desires with a spirit of contentment. You answer and help us in all our needs, and that is more than enough. May Your Spirit of wisdom and justice deliver us from looking down on our fellowmen, and instead prompt us

to do good to them all the time. May we not count the cost of our charity. If we take a wrong step or missed one, remember that we are ever confident that You will not let go of our hand held by Yours every moment of the day. We trust You with our heart, body, mind and soul. Blot out any guilt in us, the stain of sin and false humility. We submit to You completely. You will work everything unto good. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

May 15, 2021 Saturday (Sixth Week of Easter) May we savor every moment of our respite from our toil in all quiet, free from the maddening noise of the world. Let me share. \"For six days work may be done, but the seventh day is the sabbath rest, a day for sacred assembly on which you shall do no work. The sabbath shall belong to the Lord wherever you dwell.\" [Leviticus 23:3] Holy, Mighty and Immortal God, Lord and King, we seek refuge in You as we refresh and recreate from a work week that passed. May we regain our vigor in body, mind and heart to walk ahead in the path of Your light. Inspire us to dwell on the Proverbs and the Psalms to enrich our spirit, and meditate on Your Word in the Gospel to gain wisdom even as we rest. We hope to rest fully with this Divine Inspiration. May we call to mind, and repent for, the occasions we caused You displeasure. We know that we stumbled and fell, but You picked us up in Your mercy. Deliver us from presuming that You would keep on forgiving, expectant of Your chastisement and correction. May we receive this pruning from You in all humility.

Lord, dear God, draw us to those dear to us as we unite in prayer as a household of faith. Listen to our hearts as You have always done. In You, we have joy and peace. Our praise and thanksgiving, in Jesus, Amen.

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