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Home Explore Prayers


Published by Vivian T., 2021-09-01 12:53:31

Description: Prayers by Ramon S. Esguerra


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A Monday Prayer September 7, 2020 My Lord and my God, I welcome a new week this day with a heart full of thanksgiving and praise for the gift of life. I am assured of being watched and guided by Your unending providence and enlightenment. By Your light shining all around, free this world and Your people from what corrupts and stains our soul and character. Work in each one of us then, to heal, transform and make us whole. May Your promise of everlasting life and Your ocean of mercy and grace, bring us truth, justice and peace so that Your vindication would be as bright as the noontime sun. We are certain of joy and contentment for You are our Lord and God, now and forever. Amen!

Reflection September 7, 2020 \"I ask you, is it lawful to do good on the Sabbath rather than to do evil, to save life rather than to destroy it?\" Looking around at them all, he then said to him, \"Stretch out your hand.\" He did so and his hand was restored. (Lk6:9-10) Reflection: Jesus cannot abide in hypocrisy. Most people despise hypocrisy when they see it in action. We need to live out the Gospel we proclaim, or else we might be accused of being hypocrites. The Gospel lifestyle, while difficult at times, is the only path to fulfillment and true happiness. We may find pleasure in the world and in sinful practices, but they are temporary. Goodness and holiness will stem from actions in accord with the teachings of God and His Church. Jesus tries to show the real value of the Sabbath. It is to relish, maintain and sustain the life God has given us. LORD JESUS, YOU ARE HOLY AND WITHOUT SIN. MAY I ALWAYS FOLLOW YOUR EXAMPLE AND LOVE THE SINNER BUT REJECT THE SIN. HELP ME TO GROW IN VIRTUE TODAY. HUMBLE ME AND TEACH ME TO LOVE LIKE YOU. AMEN.

A Prayer Wednesday September 9, 2020 Eternal Father, my Lord and ever Living God, I sense You in me at this early hour of the day as I opened my eyes feeling the freshness that Your majesty brings. I feel that beauty remains in all of Your creation despite everything that ails this world and Your people. I see the hope You bring in those trees hosting the nests of the chirping birds, the flowers, and the butterflies in the garden. I also hope to enjoy the walk on the grass with the morning dew. I see Your beauty in my family and my friends knowing that we care for one another, and even those that are strangers to us. I can imagine the pastors of Your Church on their knees in adoration and worship, yet pleading You to end the plague, praying for our healing and salvation, and the healing and salvation of our nation. May I join them in their divine intentions and may You empower me every minute and hour of the day to lift up to Your loving embrace and care, everyone I will meet and get in touch with today. My prayer, remember, Lord, may only be a thought crossing my mind, a beat of my heart, or a whisper in my lips. I bless and glorify You in the name of Jesus, in union with the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen!

Reflection September 9, 2020 (Lk6:27-38) \"To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you, pray for those who mistreat you. To the person who strikes you on one cheek, offer the other one as well, and from the person who takes your cloak, do not withhold even your tunic.\" (Lk6:27-29) Reflection: The Gospel's call to love our neighbor extends even to our enemies. We must respect a person's innate human dignity no matter how bad he is. It is impossible for him to negate this. People have come close to genocide and other horrible acts, but there is the possibility of repentance even then. Jesus challenges us to fill ourselves with love to embrace anything we hate, including people who threaten to diminish us. Hatred cannot penetrate when love abounds in us. LORD, WITHOUT YOUR GRACE, I WOULD BE UNREMORSEFULLY BAD. ENABLE ME TO TURN TO YOU DURING DIFFICULT TIMES AND RESPOND WITH KINDNESS AND MERCY. HELP ME TO REMOVE ANY PRIDE, ARROGANCE, SENSE OF ENTITLEMENT, OR SUPERIORITY THAT I MAY HAVE IN MY LIFE. AMEN.

A Prayer September 10, 2020 Heavenly Father, God of eternity, I look up to You again in this hour of prayer, expectant of a day full of Your peace and joy. Let my soul dance to the tune of the music that Your Spirit plays as I offer a song of praise and thanks, in all humility, from my heart. Let me not be weighed down of the burdens of the day but instead be encouraged by how light Your burdens are. Pour upon me the spirit of confidence knowing how well You have prepared me for the twists and turns of my pilgrimage. Grant me the strength when I weaken and let me hear Your gentle voice in every moment of this day that You have so blessed. Hold my hand as I walk with and follow you, no matter if it is difficult. Your grace is sufficient and enough to sustain me throughout the day. You are my impenetrable fortress, no harm can come my way, and to those I care and prayer for. In Jesus, I claim. Amen!

A Prayer September 11, 2020 My Lord, ever Living God, may I commend to Your caring hand and loving heart, in unity with the Sacred Heart of Jesus, this day that You have graciously gifted me with. With this, Your gifts of faith, family and friends, more than make up for the feeling of insecurity brought about by the difficulty and uncertainty of the present situation that we, Your people, find ourselves in. Embolden us to go past the amalgam of worries and anxieties that is building up from day to day. Rather than sulk and grumble, bring us an outlook and prophecy that better things are soon to come. Against the canvass painted in black by the purveyors of doom, enable us all to trust You more than ever, and to see the green and bright scenery of a better tomorrow in Your landscape of a renewed world. Praise be unto You, in Jesus and in fellowship with Your Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen!

Reflection September 11, 2020 (Lk6:39-42) \"How can you say to your brother, 'Brother, let me remove that splinter in your eye,' when you do not even notice the wooden beam in your eye? You hypocrite! Remove the wooden beam from your eye first; then you will see clearly to remove the splinter in your brother's eye.\" (Lk6:42) Reflection: Today's Gospel reminds us to be a good example to others. We cannot guide others well if we are blinded by our sins. We need to do the best we can to remove the blindness caused by our sins before we lead others in the ways of the Gospel. Not everything that we do will help us gain salvation, but we need to have at least a minimum focus on it as it determines whether or not we live forever with God in heaven, or we are deprived of it. Eternal life with God is a gift, but we need to accept that gift, which has a price attached to it: discipleship. LORD JESUS, HELP ME TO BE CONVINCED THAT WHATEVER THE PRICE I MAY HAVE TO PAY FOR A LIFE OF DISCIPLESHIP IS SO WORTH IT, AS NOTHING COMPARES WITH THE GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE WITH YOU. AMEN.

Morning Prayers

Morning Prayer July 18, 2019 My Lord and my God, thank You for this new day. Thank you for my life. Glory to You, Jesus, my Saviour, with the Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul. In Your wealth of grace and mercy, be upon me and grant me again the strength of body, mind, heart and soul. Cover me from the attacks of Your enemies and the intrusions of the evil one even to my thoughts. May what I do and say today please you and glorify Your Name. Through the wings of Your hosts of angels, protect me and those whom I care and pray for, in Jesus' Name. Amen. Morning Prayer July 19, 2019 I give you thanks my Lord, my God, for a new day that You have made. Renewing the faith I profess in You, in Jesus, and in the Holy Spirit, let me live this blessed day always mindful of what I have learned from Your Word. Enable me to remember the example of Jesus, and His passion, death and resurrection as I partake of Your plan of salvation. May Your Holy Spirit overcome my doubts and fill my unbelief. Prod me to live this little faith I have that I may pray incessantly and praise You forever. In Jesus! Amen.

Morning Prayer July 20, 2019 My Lord and my God, I wake up to another day and can only whisper \"Thank You\". I confess that without You I am nothing; without You I cannot do anything. Indeed, You are my all and everything, and all things are possible with You, the God of the impossible. You remain merciful to a sinful man like me who keeps struggling in his faith. I ask that You forgive me and enable me to draw strength from you for my weaknesses that cannot be hidden from You. Search my heart for any insincerity that You may cleanse and purify it as I walk my talk in serving You and my fellowmen. In Jesus, Amen! Morning Prayer July 21, 2019 I glorify Your Name, my Lord, my God, certain as I am in faith that You today is a blessed day as the rest of the days of this new week in our pilgrimage. May You inspire me still as well as those I care for and those I pray for, to whisper a word of praise and thanks to You. Keep us all in the palm of Your hands and direct our thoughts to what is uplifting and pure. And if we fall, do not forget to remind us that we ought to get up and go and carry on to proclaim the Gospel and use words when necessary. May You be praised forever and ever, in Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer July 22, 2019 Praise You my Lord, my God, as the dawn signals a new day of life with you. Praise be to Jesus, my Saviour and Lord. Praise be to the Holy Spirit, beloved of my soul. As I renew my faith in you, I embrace once more your Lordship. You are my every step, my every heartbeat, my every breath. You are life, my stronghold, my fortress. Let me draw strength and healing from You in body, mind, heart and soul. Enable me to love you more and to love my neighbors as You have loved me. Restore me to the abundance of Your grace by forgiving me my failures and shortcomings as Your mercy is infinite. By Your leading, make this day a day of prayer but more in what I say and do for the sake of those around me and for Your greater glory, in Jesus. Amen. Morning Prayer July 23, 2019 Oh Lord, my God, in Jesus, You are the truth, the life and the way. Without us knowing, we partake of Your sense of right through the Holy Spirit. Indeed a God of love and compassion, for in need You provide, in danger You secure us, in illness You heal us, in our woundedness You comfort us. You are the first and the last, the beginning and the end, here, there and everywhere. This new day, bring me once more unto good and finish the

good that you have started in me. May I praise you now and forever, in Jesus. Amen. Morning Prayer July 24, 2019 Glory to You, Almighty Father, my Lord and my God, as the light of a new day comes near to once again unravel the majesty of Your creation. You have generously made me a part of this work of Your hands and eventually made me Your child in Jesus, my rock, with my body as temple of the Holy Spirit, my advocate. This made me a rightful heir to Your kingdom and Your plan of eternal life with the passion, death and resurrection of Christ Jesus. You keep pulling me up when I fall as You honor my little faith sinful as I am in Your eyes of mercy, even hidden and protected in the most Sacred Heart of Jesus. Though my repentant soul errs thus offending You, may Your love overcome my unfaithfulness to bring me once more to Your forgiveness and everlasting grace towards the path and a life of righteousness. In Jesus. Amen. PRAYER OF BAR CANDIDATES, 2019 BAR EXAMINATIONS We praise You God Almighty for the gifts of life, faith and family. We thank You for Your gifts of knowledge, education and experience. We have reached this far by Your guidance and providence. As You define the purpose of life, ensure that our destiny will be in accord with Your perfect will- that we all become full

pledged lawyers. As the greater challenge of hurdling the Bar Examinations face us, enable, Lord God, all of us to prepare well so that we pass the examinations, hopefully, with some in the Top Ten. By Your Holy Spirit and amazing grace, empower us to overcome fear, anxiety, insecurity and desperation. We need Your Spirit to overcome all distractions, obstacles, even oppression of body mind and soul. We need that spirit of confidence that can only come from You and no other, to have the understanding, memory and articulation of all laws, rules, doctrines and jurisprudence to answer all questions asked of us. We claim our success even now, in Jesus' name. All for Your greater glory. Amen. Morning Prayer July 25, 2019 By Your grace, oh Lord, my God, a day added to my life is in the offing. A day that You alone can make to allow me to live through. Accept my humble thanks. Believing and claiming that good things are in store for me and those I pray for, let me not be anxious of the concerns of the world, neither be unduly attracted by what it offers. As always, by Your divine and providential leading, let me overcome the tests and resist the temptations of the day. Cover me with the blood of Jesus that I may ward away the intrusions of the evil one and his minions. I welcome, too, Your breath and touch of healing so that I can go on glorifying You every moment, in Jesus, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Morning Prayer July 27, 2019 My Lord and my God, may the sun shine upon my face to let it radiate in the whole of me. You are the way and indeed give the life in me, warming my heart, cleansing my soul. You take notice of my folly but still rescue me from the quicksand of sin. You are the truth that I cannot deny the justness of Your love as a father. You are everything and my all, my very life, that I am because You are. You are my shield from the fiery darts of the enemy. You have not taken away Your Spirit to strengthen me within. By Your unquestionable goodness and wisdom, You set captives like me free, that I feel how You care to make me white as snow. Let me whisk away the thought of a miracle and simply believe that You always lead me and direct my every step towards a life giving repentance, in Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer July 28, 2019 Father Almighty, my Lord, my God, You made this day of rest a holy one, obliged as we are to worship You in spirit in and in truth, and in the eternity of Your Word and the sanctity of the sacrifice of Your body and blood. I struggle still to follow You and follow through how You want me to live my errant faith. I know what is difficult is not impossible and believe that nothing is impossible with You. You tell me to carry my cross which pales in comparison to the cross of the the Crucified Jesus. Yet, it is that Cross that makes my daily burdens light. Even as I offer the other side of my cheek to my enemies, You teach me that I must return the favor of their throwing stones at me by hurling bread at them, and with gentleness and true compassion. This is hard but let me stand for You as tests and trials come my way knowing in my heart that You will never forsake me, nay abandon me. In Jesus. Amen. Morning Prayer July 29, 2019 Dear Lord, my God, a week passed and today ushers in a fresh one. The newness of today portrays the horizon of hope, the beauty that all of your creation brings, a troubled and divided world besides. Through the groanings of Your Holy Spirit, with the intercession of Jesus in perpetuity, endow me with an abiding faith

that will make me a fool for Christ to live the Gospel more and further in what I do. That is grace that can only come from You, in Jesus. Amen! Morning Prayer July 30, 2019 Ever loving Father, my Lord and my God, this day begins with my mind full already of anxieties of living. I know that this is not the sense of one living in faith. Enable me today to focus then of the trees that sway with the breeze of cold wind, those birds that enjoy the freedom to chirp and fly, and the morning dew on the grass that brings freshness and healing. As the world magnifies its problems, take me out of its morass. Lead me to kneel more and live this life from You full of confidence that You will bring to completion the good You have started and work everything around me and in me, unto good. For Your greater glory, in Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer July 31, 2019 Blessed are You in the firmament of heaven, my Lord and my God. Let all Your creation shout and give You glory as You bring forth another day of joy and toil. The tiredness of yesterday You took away by the rest and comfort You have unfailingly given us. As the day breaks, engulf us by Your Spirit of hope and healing that we may once more receive from You strength of body, mind, heart and soul. Enable us by our abiding faith to live Jesus Christ throughout the day and let us love those around us as You love them. Let me partake of the goodness of Your nature that I may glorify You through and true in my thoughts, words and deeds, in Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 1, 2019 My all and everything, my Lord and my God, the first day of a new month, offers me this morning Your empowering Spirit. This enables me to hope that as a pilgrim, despite the chatter and clutter around, I have Jesus, my Rock, to travel the path of righteousness as He has shown by His humility, obedience and faithfulness towards His passion, death and resurrection. I surely realize that weak and sinful as I am, I cannot thread that path without Him through Your leading. The humps and bumps ahead should all the more prompt me to cling to You in reckless abandon like gold being tested and refined in fire. You are my God and no other. Let me go and serve the cause of the Cross of Christ. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 2, 2019 My Lord, my God, Father Almighty, I wake up today looking forward to a weekend of rest and good time with my family. There is joy in this coming from You believing that my humble devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus assures me of not only protection and blessings upon blessings. It magnifies my every hope to be compassionate as You are a Father full of compassion. Fortify my ambivalent faith in Your Spirit who dwells in me as I hold on to what You said that I was created in Your image and likeness. Though I cannot reach Your holiness and perfection, let me hope to be holy and be perfect as a child of Yours should. In Jesus. Amen! Morning Prayer August 3, 2019 Merciful and loving Father, my Lord and my God, from where I lie, I see Your light in the horizon despite the rain. The day unfolds under Your providence even if it baffles me no end as I see the world in turmoil, at times in chaos. Your thoughts are not my thoughts, far away in fact. It is only in You, with You and through You, that I can overcome the mess of the confusion and division around me. Help me then by Your Spirit to the mission and divine plan of PEACE that I realize should indeed start with me, to Your greater glory now and forever more. In Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 4, 2019 Father and God of all, dear Lord, You set this day for rest and worship. We receive Your perpetual nourishment of soul in the body and blood of my Saviour and Master Christ Jesus. It gives me joy that my life is enhanced and made meaningful with Your Word You ungrudgingly gifted us with. The Gospel is repeated over and over, the same verses, the same teachings. But let me not grumble because of sermons long and lacking in substance. Rather let me look deeper in the endless persistence of the Gospel itself as it is what gives the patience I need to listen and be able to continue and accomplish my own mission to live it. In Jesus. Amen. Morning Prayer August 5, 2019 You are the first and the last, my Lord, my God. Today begins a new week hopefully always with You reigning first and foremost in my heart, mind and soul. Renewing my trust in You, in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit, I am pleading for Your enlightenment and guidance again as burdens unravel amid the uncertainties of this borrowed life. As You are life itself, push me gently to pray incessantly both for those I love and care for, and for those who do not love and care for me. Without seeking recognition, may those around me see Christ in me. Let me start this day then in His perfect humility. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 6, 2019 May today be a day of Your grace in abundance, dear Lord, my living God. I offer it to You in thanksgiving as You exhorted me to give thanks and praise You in any and all circumstances. Indeed, I have a lot to thank You for beside my faith, my family and my future that is only known to You. My worst ingratitude to Your goodness is when I displease You with what I do and what I fail to do. My every sin that cannot be hidden from You is another nail piercing the hands of Christ Jesus, another lance thrust into His side. It is hence my best manifestation of gratitude if I shy away from my sinful nature by overcoming my weaknesses and carry the cross of my own. Let me be victorious then- to be not afraid to do Your will in all obedience and faithfulness today and forevermore. In Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 7, 2019 From end to end of this world, let all the faithful shout for joy at the newness of this day. May we praise the Lord of Lords and the King of Kings. My Lord and my God, make me worthy to be Your child and Your servant. Let me not be enslaved by the cares of the world. May Your Divine Providence outshine the opportunism that abounds and the gold that glitters. Empower me by Your Spirit, the strength of soul, to lift up my arms exalting Your Holy Name. No suffering can separate me from You as whatever the pain, it is made bearable by Your mercy and grace. Even as I see that the rain pours upon all, the bad and the good alike, You are still a just judge, dear Lord. Let my mustard seed- sized faith move the hills and mountains of my discouragement and hopelessness as I seek You, from glory to glory, in Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 8, 2019 By Your indwelling Spirit moving my soul, dear Lord, my God, let me be fired up this early, and to find You everywhere all the time today and worship You in spirit and in truth in the quiet of my heart. This day puts to rest the troubles of yesterday that as I knelt and pleaded, You listened and heard me ahead of any word I uttered in supplication. I have seen the door that You opened before I can knock and guided me to mere seeking You in the seeming endless battles of forgiving, trust, and faith. Enabled by even a mere ounce of determination to follow Your holy footsteps, may I triumph over my wandering and distracted soul, with my sight fixed on You, my God, and on no other. In Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 9, 2019 My Lord, my God, Holy Immortal God, I lift up to You this fresh day You have added unto me, ever thankful of the gift and beauty of life. By Your Spirit, may You increase in me, and humbled by my mortality, let me decrease. I am gifted, more than blessed, in being Your creation with the salvation that You infinitely offer. Let me again set aside my pride that makes me depart from Your enduring mercy and loving presence. Restore and make me whole by the stripes of Jesus, in body, heart, mind and soul. Today, it is the simplicity of a prayer that I wish my heart can say for those I care for confident that You have already granted blessings upon blessings to all, in Jesus. Amen! Morning Prayer August 10, 2019 My dear Lord, my dear God, I welcome and thank you for a glorious day. In my littleness before Your bigness as my God and only God, may my heart's desires be pure and simple, free from any tinge of vanity and selfishness. Let me receive Your daily anointing to profess my faith in what I do today. May I confess by mouth the Lordship of Christ Jesus, with any selfish and impure thought vanished by the power of Your Spirit. As I succeed in doing the good that I must, may it be solely for Your glory, and not for any other, not even mine. In Jesus. Amen!

Morning Prayer August 11, 2019 Blessed be Your Name, my Lord, my Rock, my God. I praise You, glorify You, with Jesus, my Teacher, my Master, and the Holy Spirit, my Advocate, the Paraclete. Without You, I am nothing, I cannot do anything as You are my every breath, my every heartbeat, my every step. Today is holy so enable me to push back my mundane concerns and conquer them by the integrity of my faith in You and live it in full without doubt. Let me to be more and more obsessed in aligning my will to Yours, truly hopeful Your plans for me are far better than my own. I bow in all humility as You cut the roots of my self-will to be as selfless as I can be, for Your greater glory, in Jesus. Amen! Morning Prayer August 12, 2019 A new day, a new week, that I thank you for, my Lord, my God. Remembering the unbelief of the apostle Thomas in the resurrection of Christ Jesus, aid me through Your Spirit to avoid compartmentalizing the little faith I have. Assist me in my lowliness to make that faith whole and enduring that I may live it true and through. My wholeness is naked, never hidden from Your all seeing-eye that penetrates my heart, mind and soul. I want to be a just man though I fall from time to time and fall short of Your glory. Take not Your Spirit from me then, Lord, as my struggling faith and my life with You are anchored alone in no less than You. In Jesus, Amen.

Morning Prayer August 13, 2019 You are the light and the hope of all, my Lord, my God. As Your sun rises and peeps through the skies, may all creation sing ALLELUIA as the majesty of Your unending light brings meaning to this day. The loudness and clarity of the forgiveness Jesus said on the cross cannot be denied as this was meant for all, including the denial thrice no less by the Apostle Peter. As I walk my faith today, block, dear Lord, my tendency, albeit, folly, to deny You even in my thoughts. By Your Spirit, subdue my passions, even any whim or caprice of my unsteady heart. In Jesus. Amen. Morning Prayer August 14, 2019 Grant, my Lord and my God, that by Your grace, I may be able to thwart the temptations of today. As Jesus is the living bread, let me welcome this day with the confidence of a child on his father. Assured that You will not forsake me, propel me again to love without expecting to be loved. Your will is for me to give without measure as Your generosity is immeasurable. Let me give then without counting the cost as Christ did, and stand for Him with the righteousness greater and surpassing that of the Scribes and Pharisees. In Jesus' Name, Amen.

Morning Prayer August 15, 2019 God of all creation, Father of all nations, direct our restless souls today to the path of total surrender to Your saving power and grace. Unworthy as we all are, be mindful of the purpose why You gifted us with a life, hopefully destined for Your kingdom. That is a life full of meaning and true significance since You want us all to be holy, perfect and compassionate. You moreover guarantee that wondrous life if we strive hard to follow Christ Jesus in His virtues of obedience, humility and faithfulness. This is the blueprint of our purposeful life to follow His footprints, His oneness with You every step of the way from Gethsemane to Calvary. Truly, we do not need any other god, any other Lord, but You. In Jesus, we pray. Amen. Morning Prayer August 16, 2019 I am Yours and Yours alone, dear Lord, my God. Everyday of Your Divine Providence is hope itself, an evidence of Your goodness. To look forward is to invite fear, worry, yes, even the anxiety of death. But like Job, there is no way out of this morass except to trust You. May I be inspired always to hold on, even hold Your nailed feet, Your nailed hands. May You constantly bless and keep me in Your most Sacred Heart. I will then be free and soar like an eagle, in Jesus. Amen!

Morning Prayer August 17, 2019 Let me start this day You have added unto me, my Lord, my God, in prayer and thanksgiving, assured of enlightening moments by Your guiding light. That Your Spirit made my body His temple is the indubitable evidence of that empowerment. And it is in accepting my weakness that I am made dependent on You for strength. Truly, You are my fortress and stronghold, and no one, not even the principalities and powers, can separate me from Your love, with Your grace, more than sufficient for any pain and suffering that may come my way. I lift Your name then in the high heavens, thanking You, in Jesus for a glorious day. Amen. Morning Prayer August 18, 2019 I do not need to see the sunrise to thank You, my Lord, dear God, for this day of worship. As I anticipate hearing Your Word and being united with Jesus through His body and blood, draw my heart and soul, the entirety of my being, to trust You, and entrust to Your care the rest of my day, with my family and friends as well. May we all be blessed under the caring watch of Your hosts of angels. May the tasks of today, a day of rest, be simple and easy, not tortious. Truly, Your burden is light as I cast my own to You, in Jesus, Amen!

Morning Prayer August 19, 2019 You are my God, my Lord, my King. You are my every step, my every heartbeat, my every breath. You are my life and my all. As I begin today, a new week starts, too, and in You, it is a week full of hope, the doubts and uncertainties besides. Let me see Jesus still as the Way, the Truth and the Life, as He was the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. If You allow for me tests and tribulations, oppression and persecution, grant me as well that courage and accepting Spirit You gave St. Stephen and a trickle of blood from the wounds of Jesus would defend me. I will be grateful, as You allow my foolish heart to be still, a home of eternal calm, gratitude and praise. I worship You, in Jesus. Amen! Morning Prayer August 20, 2019 Let my soul welcome this day of blessings, acknowledging Your lordship, dear God, and my Lord forever. May You rid my heart of desires for the wealth of this world that tempts. Let me rather see and embrace Your richness of goodness, holiness and forgiveness. Even as I struggle hard in living my faith, let me not be lured by power, prestige and privilege, not even the accolade and applause of men. Remind me always that these are all temporal, albeit vanity. I am passing through a world of faithlessness, hoping to reach the finish line with a medal I can offer You. May I glorify You forever. In Jesus, Amen.

Morning Prayer August 21, 2019 You are awesome, my Lord and my God. You have blessed me with fresh day anew after allowing me to take the rest I needed. As You renewed my strength in body, mind, heart and soul, bringing me the total healing I need, You more than deserve praise and thanks. Indeed, with bent knees, bowing my head and with outstretched hands, may I worship You in Spirit and in truth. May I be able to magnify Your name for all to see and revere. In the same vein, remind me to realize that my best is not the best before Your altar of scrutiny, and You and only You, can fill that shortcoming. In praise of Jesus. Amen. Morning Prayer August 22, 2019 My Lord and my God, I am unknowing of what You have in store for me today though I am certain of Your constant and total protection not only for me but for those I pray and care for. As I question myself if my faith abides from moment to moment, You remain faithful to Your everlasting covenant of keeping us safe and saved. May You set me free from the curse of disobedience in that garden and reign in my heart and soul, the salvation anchored on the passion in that other garden where Jesus sweat blood. The crown of thorns came later but that assured one and all of the ransom paid for our freedom from sin and the salvation to come. You really love me more than I know. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 23, 2019 My Lord, my God, in Jesus, You leave me peace, You give me peace. And I can only thank You for this. Let me hug that peace that surpasses all understanding, and enable me to live it, and share it with others as well. As I am led to self- examination and to self- awareness, lead me more in turn to Christ-awareness. It is oneness with You in Him that I seek. Divide the needs I have for my body from the needs of my soul as I live not by bread alone but by every word that proceeds out of Your mouth. May I always realize my lack of You that You may always fill me up. Thank You for my total healing, in Jesus! Amen. Morning Prayer August 24, 2019 As today brings to an end a blessed week, dear Lord God, may I be prompted by Your Holy Spirit to look inwards. I feel the need for introspection to measure how I have been able, surely and only by Your grace, to practice and deepen my faith. As I yearn for Your continuous revelation day by day, set me on fire, ablaze, to proclaim the Gospel in no other way, not my way, but as my Saviour and Teacher did. Here I am; send me. In Jesus, Amen.

Morning Prayer August 25, 2019 You are the embodiment of my faith, my Lord and my God, as You are everything to me. I bless Your Name again, lifting my hands in praise of You. Make me always realize that in the square of that faith I profess, it cannot be a foot in and a foot out. I must not be tentative then in believing that You are my last and ultimate, my very end. Let me begin nonetheless with that small step I need to take and be patient until the eternity of Your kingdom. And make me part of it, in Jesus. Amen. Morning Prayer August 26, 2019 My Lord, my God, every day that You make for me is a miracle, the very source of the beauty around me. I join the hosts of angels, the communion of saints, and the mountains and the valleys, the rivers and the seas, the heavens and the skies, Your entire creation in praising You. We cannot do more, as even my sacrifices will not suffice to thank You, my loving, ever living God. As the clouds give way to Your clear blue skies, may I participate and share in the abundance of Your blessings and by Your mercy that endures beyond time, restore me to Your everlasting grace. Thanks be to You, Jesus, the rock of my salvation. Amen.

Morning Prayer August 27, 2019 Father of all nations and God of all creation, You bring me joy and hope as You begin the day. Renewing my trust in You, in Jesus and in the Holy Spirit, keep me still amid the roaring waters of life. Let me have the calmness of Jesus in my heart, body, mind and soul as I strive more and more to walk through Your path of righteousness. Put my self-belief, my very pride, aside that I may rely on and walk with You alone. Your whispers of wisdom to me through Your Spirit are more than enough not to let me slacken in the works of Your kingdom. Lead me always to love You by the same love You ask me for those around me. May I worship You forever, in Jesus. Amen! Morning Prayer August 28, 2019 I thirst and hunger for You, my dear Lord and good God. You are the comfort I need to quell my uneasiness, worries and anxieties. Overcome my fear over the ironies and contradictions of life - happiness and sadness, togetherness and separation, wellness and illness, hope and desperation, understanding and confusion, wisdom and ignorance, yes, even holiness and sinfulness. By Your providence that I implore now, be always the bridge of all these, that despite the uncertainties of what lies ahead today, I am assured of Your loving presence. You are a merciful God who will never abandon me. I praise You, in Jesus. Amen!

Morning Prayer August 29, 2019 With outstretched hands in the quiet of the morning, let me welcome You again in my life. My heart rejoices and my soul proclaims Your indescribable majesty. Bless and keep me and bless and keep all those I pray for, family and friends alike. May every moment of this blessed day be a movement of Your Spirit in me so that I can whisper a word or two of praise for You. Thank You Christ Jesus for by Your obedience, I have been assured to participate in the plan of salvation. Let me persevere in prayer and be patient as I await You coming in the air. In Your mighty name, dear Christ Jesus. Amen! My Prayer August 30, 2019 May the sun shine today and its rays and its light bring me the restoration that my heart, mind, body and soul need, dear Lord and God, Holy and Almighty. In praise and thanksgiving, I worship You as the true and only God. Teach me to avoid doing so by mere lip service and with empty words. In those times that I feel my inadequacy, let me, by Your powerful Spirit, marvel at the victory and glory to come of the Blessed Hope. Let me walk my talk about Your Gospel, in Jesus. Amen!

My Prayer August 31, 2019 Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise the Lord God, my soul. Let me realize dear God, that Your divine plan is not a plan based on trial and error. I rely on You presuming, though gratuitously, that You will be ever forgiving. I fall, You lift me up, telling me to get up and go. But as the lesson of the footprints on the sand suggests, You have carried me through and all along, all the time. Just the same, be merciful to me. May I admit failing to listen to You and see You all in all every minute of the day. Douse a pail of water on me that I may finally wake up from my daily slumber to follow You. I ask this humbly in Jesus' Name! Amen. My Prayer September 1, 2019 In worship of You, Jesus and Holy Spirit, I am in bended knees again as I declare my heart free from the bondage of this world as You hopefully free me from my sins. Let me see Your beauty in the horizon, my impaired vision besides, and listen to Your life-giving verses, despite my poor hearing. You are life so much so that I am truly assured of Your ever healing touch to fully restore me as I cast upon the Cross of Christ, all my health issues. Keep we warm in the palm of Your hands and deliver me from evil, in Jesus. Amen!

My Prayer September 2, 2019 May I lift Your name above the earth and in the high heavens, my Lord and my God. Thank You for blessing me with faith and the gift of prayer. Your eyes as You look through the whole of me is \"unjudging\" yet You are to all a just judge, an ever caring Father. Let not the world and its cares win over me today. Rather even as I melt before Your altar of truth as You are truth, deliver me today and always from selfishness and unrighteousness. May Your image and likeness in me mirror the little goodness I have by Your grace for my neighbor, but more for Your glory, now and forever. In Jesus. Amen. My Prayer September 3, 2019 You are the Light of the World, in Jesus, my dear God. May that light shine upon me today so that I may receive the guidance and direction from You. I do not wish to get lost and be busy with things, events and people as they distract me beyond question from the illumined road You have shown to me. Believing that You are holding me, let me cling to the cloak of Christ Jesus that I may get energized in Spirit. May I live through focused on Your Lordship and Kingship. May Your will be done, in Jesus. Amen.

My Prayer September 4, 2019 There is no better way to welcome this day than to put up my arms in prayer, in thanksgiving and praise of You, Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Predispose my heart, mind and soul to be in that state throughout the day. Kneeling is not even needed but a moment of quiet consciousness of Your loving and holy presence suffices. With this, I will see You in my neighbor, those I love and those I don't, as I unite their good with mine, in true yearning and supplication. You are a generous God and You know my intentions ahead of anything I ask. Truly, You are Lord who knows what my heart desires. I thank You for answering in Your perfect time all that I pray for, in Jesus. Amen. My Prayer September 5, 2019 To bring the practice of my miniscule faith to the next level today, dear Lord God, is a wish that I hope will come true. If I will be weighed down by my mundane concerns, You already equipped me with the power of prayer to win over them. May You increase more and more in my faith walk then, and may I decrease even before my own eyes. If I have to earn respect, let me do so by matching my words with my actions. That alone can give justice to the faith You generously gifted me with. Walk with me and be extolled forever, in Jesus. Amen.

My Prayer September 6, 2019 My Lord, ever Living God, it is not the martyrdom of Christ Jesus but His unquestionable obedience to You that I must see and follow today and in the days to come. You gave Solomon all the wisdom he asked for and made David a man after Your own heart, but You gave me Your only Son, whose passion, death and resurrection, assured me and the rest of humanity, our salvation. By the faithfulness He embraced for You, the curse of the fall in Eden has been crushed. May the evil flee from me, my friends and family at the mere mention of the Name above every other name, Jesus, Jesus, Jesus! Lead us not into temptation, Amen. My Prayer September 7, 2019 Be exalted my Lord, my God, and may Your name be magnified to all of Your people and the rest of creation. I need an eye of faith that I may see You in what may come my way today that seem insignificant. I have to see with that eye Your miracles that I frequently ignore because of my shortsightedness, if not blindness. Grant me that faith then that like a candle light will overpower the darkness around me. Let that be the lamp for my feet to walk on, hopefully not to lose sight of the path and direction You have shown, in Jesus. Amen!

My Prayer September 8, 2019 Through Christ Jesus, in Him, with Him, and in unity with the Holy Spirit, empower me once more today, a holy day, to worship You, my Father, God Almighty. My unworthiness besides, bring my heart and soul to the purification I ardently seek that all my desires would please You and make You smile. Bring me to utmost contrition that the repentance I offer be life- giving, always directing every step I take to righteous living. By Your grace and mercy, make me whole- hearted to seek all honor and glory for You above all, even above my very self. Let my actions today and always, speak, not my lips, and without a word uttered. My Lord and my God, make me Your servant. In Jesus, Amen! My Prayer September 9, 2019 You are beautiful dear Lord, my God. May You usher in a week of joy and peace as we labor and toil. In the way You will inspire and show, let me respond as You would, to the cry of my neighbor even in the middle of the night asking for something to eat. Let me see You in others my Lord that I may be able to treat them as Jesus would, feeding one and all by the bread and fish You have multiplied with a simple prayer. In so giving, it is You doing so, and I am merely Your vessel. This is the joy of service and joy of sharing, not counting the costs even if it hurts. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

My Prayer September 10, 2019 My soul seeks You and yearns for You, my Lord and my God. Believing that my body is the temple of Your Holy Spirit, I am assured by Your Divine Inspiration to devote time in praise of You, and with it, comes my endless thanks. Even as they say that time flies and that life is short, I hear the call to adore You, ask forgiveness from You, thank You and plead in supplication for everything that I need to lift up to You. I am even guaranteed that anything I pray and ask for in the name of Jesus, You will grant. Bring me then to my knees for 5, 10, or 30 minutes of the 24 hours of everyday You bless me with in order to answer Your call to prayer. Let me do this for Your glory now and forever. In Jesus, Amen. My Prayer September 11, 2019 Hail to You, my Lord, my King, and my God. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory, Hossana in the highest. Not to seek honor today, dear Lord, but I want to be relevant today in the work of salvation. Not to gain prestige and recognition but to be made part of the league in the service of my fellowmen. Not to achieve sainthood but simply to carry my own cross for the cause of the Crucified Christ. For all these, let me bear the burden simply by Your grace trusting You all the days of my life. Let me shout in joy as I enter Your fold and forbid my getting lost again. In Jesus, Amen!

My Prayer September 12, 2019 You always remind me in more ways than one to count my blessings, my Lord and my God. Today is a gift from the abundance of those blessings. I find it fitting to bless You and Your Holy Name even You always deserve to be honored and praised. Set me free from the bondage of doublespeak and patronage that I am guided by Your wisdom, truth and forthrightness. Remove from me the treachery of memory that I do not falter anytime this day in my commitments to You and in what I profess to do for the good of those around me. As You lead, let me lean on You, dear Lord. In Jesus. My Prayer September 13, 2019 Dear Lord, my God, my All, I need to look into the correctness of the service I do in proclaiming the Gospel to those around me and the rest of the world. There is something imperfect, something amiss, I sense in the manner I do it. There seems to be no passion, nay compassion, in how I carry out my mission. Bereft of the innate character of a shepherd and a pastor, I hope to simply say YES and AMEN, and You will lead and direct me from there. Be patient with me, my Lord. In Jesus, Amen.

My Prayer September 14, 2019 My dear Lord, my everlasting God, a weekend's rest is at hand as I look forward to bond more with my loved ones. The gift of family is more precious than gold, and I am grateful that I have a loving one. I likewise treasure the gift of friendship as You allowed a host of friends to come my way. My family and friends are a bounty from Your wealth of love for me. Let me love and serve them then as I should. Doing so is a testimony of Your very gift of love in Christ. It is beyond doubt a welcome sacrifice because it is for Your honor and glory. Be pleased with it, in Jesus. Amen! My Prayer September 15, 2019 O Lord and my God, this day of worship, enable me and those I pray for, to be part of the assembly of Your faithful in the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Most of all, let me receive in joy and gladness Your message in the Gospel, expectant of the quiet of the here and now of partaking of the consecrated bread and wine. May my heart speak of Your goodness and peace so that the peace You give would overshadow what this world tempts me to do and not to do for my neighbor. Let me battle and win over the influence of sin and pray in all humility the Miserere and the Canticle of Mary. By Your Holy Spirit, encourage me today and always to knock, seek and ask. Make a child of me in my faith walk. In Jesus, Amen.

My Prayer September 16, 2019 My Lord, my God, I need You to remain in me and be the lamp to my feet this new week. By Your guiding light, may the darkness around me in this pilgrimage, be cleared even of the gloom brought by the clouds. May I rely on Your sun, moon and stars to lighten my path and even lighten up the load in my heart. Be the stronghold and fortress, my very arsenal of courage, to defend me and those I pray for, against the fiery darts of the enemy. In Jesus, Amen. My Prayer September 17, 2019 This day that You have added to me is a testament of Your boundless love for me. Let me do justice then to this gift wrapped in Your adorable mercy and providence. I need Your presence every moment, as living Christ is to live that very life You breathed into me. With You, l can live a life full of meaning. Be my reason for being, dear God. In Jesus, Amen!

My Prayer September 18, 2019 O Lord, my God, as I get to starting this day with my busy schedule, I need the strength in body, mind, heart and soul that can only come from You. Let me draw this from You as I need You to grant me Your wisdom because I know I cannot rely on my own knowledge and intelligence. Whatever decision I have to make today, let it be reached after full discernment. Let me very prudent then not to follow my self-will. May Your perfect will be done in me, with me and through me. In Jesus, Amen. My Prayer September 19, 2019 I feel so blessed my Lord and my God. I see in the horizon more and more opportunities that You have allowed to come. As I need to discern well, let greed depart from me and any envy on those in the apex of success flee from my heart and soul. Let me be content as I already share from your abundance. Enable me to give and share what You have blessed me with. These are all Yours after all and they are meant for others as well. Make me a vessel of Your generosity, in Jesus. Amen!

My Prayer September 20, 2019 Dearest Lord, my only God, I welcome this day with gratitude in my heart. I ask You in the name of Christ Jesus to grant from His generous and Sacred Heart, the prayers of those I am sharing this simple word of praise and adoration. While I cannot bear on my own the pain of those suffering, make me a beacon of encouragement to help them in their feeling of hopelessness. Do the battles for them as You alone can give the victory over their oppression. Free me as well from my immersion in this world of uncertainties, even from the anxieties of all tomorrows. In Jesus, Amen. My Prayer September 21, 2019 My Lord, my God and Everything, may I ask that today, I will be enabled by Your Holy Spirit to look at my eyes in the mirror. I feel that there are splinters in them that I have totally ignored and have forgotten to remove. Humbled by my hypocrisy in judging others, let me clear every dirt in my vision rather than the dirt in the eyes of my neighbor. You are a just judge and I am not. I fall on this unrighteousness. Pull me up and may I see You crystal clear under the bright noontime sun. In Jesus, Amen.

My Prayer September 23, 2019 May You fill this week with Your blessings upon blessings in abundance beyond measure, my Lord and my God. Knowing that I cannot and can never outdo You in Your generosity, let me simply remember the widow in the temple who gave a coin from her want. Enable me then to open my hands and even drain my pockets not to give out of my excess, nor to merely alms-give. I welcome the outpouring of Your grace to have the integrity to do what I say now and always. In Jesus. Amen! My Prayer September 24, 2019 My Lord and my God, spare me from the enslaving ignorance of faith today and forever. Help me with my unbelief simply because I have not seen You with my very own eyes. Let me still count on that seed of little faith that it may grow and blossom into a blooming tree full of flowers. As You allow this despite my unworthiness, reward me that the tree may bear fruit till the end of time for Your glory now and forever. In Jesus, Amen.

My Prayer September 25, 2019 My Lord, dear God, console me in my remembering my late father, mother, brother, relatives and friends. The truth is real that they are there with You in their rightful place in heaven, in the rooms You prepared for them. You have remained good steadily even after the life here in Your created world. As You are life and everything and all to us, enable us to care for the living as much as You do, while we give honor to those loved ones with our very life. Fulfill this and let this come to pass. You are God of the living. In Jesus. Amen. My Prayer September 26, 2019 My Lord and my God, Your heaven awaits all of Your believers. Yet, we remain as sinful in thought, word and deed. We of course know that You never take pleasure in this shortcoming of ours. But as You are our Eternal God, indeed our only God, we continue to implore Your enduring mercy, and that as You restore us to grace with Your forgiveness, enable us all to forgive those who have hurt and offended us, that we may follow and imitate You in all that You are. Let me walk with our detractors another mile as we pray for them, in Jesus. Amen!

My Prayer September 27, 2019 My Lord, my God, I must believe now and in the days to come that You keep all of us in the palm of Your hand. In truth, we must all realize how You take good care of us and our loved ones. You send to all Your hosts of angels to keep us under their wings. The blood of Jesus that we need to remember to implore to cover us, do protect us from all harm, disease and illness. This holy armour of protection comes even with Your healing us all of what ails and oppresses us. I believe You Jesus, heal me by your stripes and wounds. Amen. My Prayer September 28, 2019 My Lord, my God, today, another day to give you praise and worship Your Name, gather all Your faithful in communion with one and all, united in Jesus and ablaze for Him. May we hear and listen to the uplifting gospel on why we are not to worry on what to eat or what to wear. According to St. Matthew, we only have to seek Your kingdom, and everything will be given to us, in fact, more besides. Truly, we do not live by bread alone but from every word coming from Your mouth. Give us the grace then to listen, and live in confidence in the fulfillment of Your promises. In Jesus, Amen.

My Prayer September 29, 2019 Thank You, O Lord, dear God, for the rest that my body really needed. Thank You as well for this Sunday that I intend to spend with loved ones. While a little work lies ahead, let it be dedicated for Your honor and glory. Enable me to stay healthy in body, mind, heart and soul and allow me to draw strength from You. Knowing and well assured that You will bless this day with the abundance of food and time to recreate, I pray for those who do not have any and those who have much but hesitant to share that we may all share. There are those who we forgot to pray for, and those who do not have anyone to pray for them - the very poor, the very sick, and those behind bars. Inspire me to pray for them, likewise. May this day be a day of intercession for all that we would be able to lift up to Your unending care this nation and our people You have blessed us with. We are knocking at Your door, we are asking in Jesus. Amen!

My Prayer September 30, 2019 My Lord and my God, today starts a new week as the month ends under Your providence. May I again entrust to Your fold all whom I care for and pray for. Give us the renewal of body, mind, heart and soul so that we may all be energized, even healed by Your loving grace. Apart from You we cannot do anything; there is nothing we can do without You. Believing that You are the God of the impossible, convert our unbelief into one of faith to bring the transformation of our very lives to the goodness of Your Lordship. My Jesus, my redemption and rock of my salvation, take my hand in this pilgrimage along the path of righteousness. Be glorified. Amen. My Prayer October 1, 2019 O Lord, my God, direct my heart today to the purity of my thoughts. By Your Spirit, deliver me from the temptation of judging others. May I overcome the temporalities of this world. May I triumph over my very own self-righteousness. May I hurdle the humps and bumps of the day without complaining. May I approximate Your mercy to forgive those that I believe undeserving. May You overrule the weaknesses and excesses of my character. You are my Shepherd, Lord Jesus, my victory. Amen!

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