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Home Explore Prayers


Published by Vivian T., 2021-09-01 12:53:31

Description: Prayers by Ramon S. Esguerra


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You are the main star, and I belong to nothingness without You and Your grace. Lord God, if I must boast, grant that I do in my faith and worship of You, of Jesus and of the Holy Spirit. My battle and struggle to be as righteous is meant to be seen by You, and never to earn the respect of my fellowmen. I, therefore, take pride in having You as my God, my one and only. Alleluia! Praise You, Jesus. Amen. My Prayer December 12, 2020, Saturday \"Be still before the Lord, all mankind, because he has roused himself from his holy dwelling.\" [Zechariah 2:13] Father in Heaven and Merciful God, grateful we all are for the week that passed that You have immensely blessed. May this new day bring to us the burning desire to please You in all that we think, say and do. Enable us all to embrace Your charity to help those in need, the less fortunate and the underprivileged. May Your kindness of heart soften our uncaring heart to look at and treat with pity those who are in our service both at home and in the office. Instill in us Your compassion that we may offer to You and for Your greater glory, a kind word, a gentle touch and a helping hand to those You call our neighbor. As we struggle to win souls for Your kingdom, let the spirit of Your love prompt us to be living witnesses to Your unfailing love and enduring mercy. Send us to serve the cause of the Cross of Christ. In You, O Lord, I trust. Praise You, dear Jesus. Amen!

My Prayer December 13, 2020, Sunday \"Pray continually.\" [1 Thessalonians 5:17] Praise be to You, O God Almighty, and to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. May this day of rest and worship find meaning in my isolation in all calm and quiet. By the promptings of the Holy Spirit, let me be reminded that I am enjoying this day of my life as You gave me life. You always enable me to go through it from every ounce of strength You allow me draw from You. I am awed in joy knowing and assured that whatever ails my body, has already been fixed by the faith I have in the Holy Name of Jesus. Yes, my Lord, You are an amazing God, a loving and caring Father ever watchful of my good and well- being. Lead me then every moment of this day to whisper from my heart \"THANK YOU, MY LORD AND MY GOD.\" May I pray, pray and pray to seek You, Your holiness and providence. Make me a heart ever thankful and contrite. Let me be merciful as You are merciful. In Jesus's name. Amen.

ALLELUIA! December 14, 2020, Monday My Prayer \"He who believes in Me . . . out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.\" [John 7:38] God of all creation, Father of all nations, my Lord and my God, by my humble sense of Your divinity, may I begin this day, this week, with You, and may I end them with You as well. Grant that I may be always in a state of prayer conscientiously praising and thanking You, imploring Your pardon and grace, and interceding for others, family, friends, and colleagues alike, for every good thing, including their healing. The repetitive nature of my worship of You aside, be patient and listen to my pleas. In pleading for Your goodness for all, I trust Your heart's compassion. May You put us engulfed in the warmth of Your arms as our only shield from the snares of the evil and his minions. With Your Holy Spirit in us, lead us not into temptations. Grant all these, in Jesus. Amen.

December 15, 2020, Tuesday My Prayer \"In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight.\" [Proverbs 3:6] In worshipping You this new day my Lord and my God, I bless Your Holy Name and continue to acknowledge that You are life and the source of my strength. Prepare me to go throughout all the hours of the day to again walk the path of righteous living, with Your Hand holding mine every step of the way. May this day be bright for all, engulfed no less than by Your light and hope that You instill in our hearts. Grant that even with our struggling faith, we may shine in reflecting Your goodness that we ought to share to those in need. Our own goodness is not sufficient but Yours is the best and it is everlasting. I give praise and honor to You now and forever. In Jesus, Amen!

December 16, 2020, Wednesday My Prayer \"I can do everything through him who gives me strength.\" [Philippians 4:13] Today, Father Almighty, Ever Living God, let me again step and walk in faith. I find comfort in You and my fear of the unknown is overcome by the assurance that You have not forsaken me, and in true faith, will not forsake me. You make certain that my sinfulness and unrighteousness are not reasons to prevent me from being a recipient of Your love, mercy and grace. Grant that Your Holy Spirit works to give me glimpses of the loving and adorable face of Jesus, my Saviour and Lord. Throughout this day, grant the strength I need in body, mind, heart and soul. Glory and praise be unto You, my Lord and my God. In Jesus, Amen.

December 17, 2020, Thursday My Prayer \"Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.\" [1Peter 5:7] My Lord, Father Almighty, holy is Your name and You are worthy of praise, honor and glory. Relieve me of any anxiety on what this day brings and to simply trust You with all my cares and burdens. Give me a heart of gladness to find and feast on joy amid a very troubled and divided world. Let me be confident of Your abundance of love, undisturbed by the uncertainties of life. Make my dependence on You whole and total, unyielding to the temptation of relying on myself and the fleeting flattery of those around me. Enable me always to be discerning, sincere and trustworthy that I may use all of my time, talent and treasure in witnessing for Your Gospel, more in what I do than what I say. My fear of You, O Lord, is the beginning of wisdom that can only come from You. May I praise You now and forever. In Jesus, I pray. Amen.

December 18, 2020, Friday My Prayer \"Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds.\" [James 1:2] My dear Lord, ever Living God, as the day begins, remove any stain and mark of unbelief in my heart, mind and soul. Grant that I may see and feel Your unseen hand every moment. But whatever comes as You allow, may I have the firm and unshaken faith that You will remain faithful to Your promises. Whatever may come my way, trials and tests, even afflictions, let me have the will and fortitude to see and accept them in joy. I have great confidence that I will be able to bear them as You pour out on me the strength and mercy that I need to do so. I trust that Your unending grace is more than sufficient for the pain I suffer. In You lies my strength. I praise You for this in the name of Jesus. Amen.

December 19, 2020, Saturday My Prayer \"I will pray to the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever.\" [John 14:16] My dear Lord and Holy God, Your gift of a new day brings the call to renewing my faith, albeit, struggling, in You with Christ Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Put into my heart a deep sense of the presence of Your Spirit. I confess He is an ever present help in times of doubt, worry and anxiety. Truly, through Him, I find strength and consolation. May I remain conscious that I have Him as my good, truth and wisdom. May every moment of my life and my journey be guided with His enlightenment. I believe that as He abides in me, I will overcome the trials and temptations that come my way. May I then walk through this valley empowered by You in the Holy Spirit. I claim Your victory in my life, in Jesus. Amen.

December 20, 2020, Sunday My Prayer \" . . . it is written, 'Be holy, for I am holy'.\" [ 1 Peter 1:16] May I worship You in spirit and in truth today, O Lord, my God. Send me and those in the sphere of my day to day intercession, the radiance of Your divine love. May we all rest in Your enlightened guidance how best we can pray, whether brief or long, for as long we please You and make You smile at us. As You give us a new day to enjoy, may we be freed from the traps of evil and sin. Through Your Spirit in all of us, may we be enabled to be single- hearted for You and in our common desire to extend Your care and goodness to our neighbors. May we listen well to the Gospel of today, with an abiding faith to live it to the full in Your grace. May we proclaim it in our deeds. Praise You, Jesus! Thank You, Jesus! Amen.

December 21, 2020, Monday My Prayer \"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.\" [Hebrews 13:8] Holy Immortal God, my ever loving and caring Father, hoping that my heart stays steadfast, may this week in this fresh day, create in me the burning desire to receive Jesus in the Holy Eucharist. Grant that Your empowering Spirit in me bring a constant praise of Your might and wondrous deeds. Indeed, You are the Alpha and the Omega, the God of history and all eternity, my God who was, who is and who will ever be. In Your presence, let me keep in absolute reverence Your majesty as a Living God, an Eternal King. Let Your Spirit enable me from moment to moment to keep You in my consciousness that I may be able to follow Your commandments and yield to Your inspirations. Your divine tender voice every minute and hour of today and the rest of the week will keep my feet moving towards Your fold. You will be my God now and forever. Praise You, Jesus! Amen.

December 22, 2020, Tuesday My Prayer \"You shall not fear the terror of the night nor the arrows that flies by day, nor the pestilence that roams in darkness, nor the plague that ravages at noon.\" [Psalm 91:5-6] Almighty Father, my ever Living God, both heaven and earth are full of your glory, Hosanna in the Highest! Let me begin this day mindful that You are the Giver of Life, and I express how grateful I am to receive this precious gift of life no less than from You, the God of all creation. As Your people approach the celebration of the birth of Your beloved Son, the Messiah, our Saviour and Lord, may You grant our hearts' desires for an end to our suffering because of the lethal virus. Continue to pour out upon us the precious blood of Christ Jesus so that all of us, with those dear to us, and the others we care for, would all be perfectly shielded from the assault of the unseen enemy. We trust and hope in faith that the gift of Jesus and the salvation that is sure to come, be our rod and staff to celebrate in joy His Holy Birth, the trying times besides. May You keep us all in the palms of Your protecting hands. We have reason to celebrate as You are a listening God who keeps His promises. Grant all these in the name of Jesus. Amen.

December 23, 2020, Wednesday My Prayer \"My soul proclaims the greatness of the Lord. My spirit rejoices in God my Saviour.\" [Luke 1:46,47] Blessed be are You, O Lord of heaven and earth. You are most holy and full of glory. You never miss blessing me and my dear family from day to day. You do the same to our friends and relatives. Grant that we may all be grateful for Your constant blessings. We thank You, too, for Your wonderful gift of healing that we always ask of You for us and those dear to us and whom we persistently pray for. We await the day of Your only beloved Son's birth with gladness. May You give Your blessed ones the wisdom to put significance to this Holy Birth. May it be clear to one and all, that He came to save us all from sins and sinfulness and defeat sin, the evil one, and even death. May we all then adore Him , worship Him and praise and thank Him, in a manner worthy and befitting a King. O Jesus, You are the Messiah, our Saviour and Lord. Alleluia!

December 24, 2020, Thursday My Prayer \" 'Behold, the virgin shall be with child and bear a son, and they shall name him Emmanuel,' which means 'God is with us.' \" [Matthew 1:23] Father Almighty, God of all, King of nations, the prophesy is fulfilled by Your divine plan of sending to the world our Saviour, the Word who became flesh, in Jesus. Praise be to You, the Messiah, the Rock of our salvation. Blessed be the holy womb of Your ever blessed Mother. Her obedience to the Father, eventually Your own obedience, in willingly going through Your passion and death, sealed our destiny and all of the people of God, to a life of eternity, our redemption and salvation made possible because of Your crucifixion. As we live this season of celebrating Your birth, O Lord Jesus, our best gift to You is a cleansed and sin-free heart and soul, and this is possible because of Your mercy and grace. May we always live in what Your Holy Spirit teaches and leads us to do. We worship, adore, praise and thank You for Your everlasting glory. Be exalted, O God, our God forever. Amen. December 25, 2020, Friday A Prayer This Christmas \"She will bear a son and to name him Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins.\" [Matthew 1:21]

My Lord, Holy and Almighty, ever Living God, we come to You this day of the celebration of the birth of Your dearly beloved Son. We praise and thank You for Jesus, a fitting manifestation of Your love for us and Your people. We remember His birth in all humility in that manger. May we all embrace that holy virtue in our continuing faith walk as pilgrims on earth. May we see an enlightened Christian life in the service of Your purpose for mankind. As we commemorate the Holy Birth of Jesus, our Saviour, our reflection this Christmas should lead us to accepting the significance of calvary, Jesus crucified, the great price of our redemption. Enable us all, O Lord, in the simplest of ways, to celebrate with our families and loved ones, in joy, prayer and peace. Praise You Jesus! Hail, Jesus, the new born King, King of the universe, the King of Kings. Amen! Merry JESUSMAS to you and yours.

December 26, 2020, Saturday A Prayer \"And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgive you.\" [Ephesians 4:32] My Lord, my God, we thank You still and we will be grateful forever for the gift of Jesus. May You make us worthy of bearing and proclaiming His name, JESUS, the name above every other name. Grant that we may all be empowered by His Holy Name to live in this very troubled world. Truly the name is power in itself and it can save. Jesus, our Saviour, keep us, Your people in Your most Sacred Heart. May our hearts see the charity of Your forgiving Sacred Heart. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Lord as You are merciful, let us be merciful like You. Thank You, dear Lord, for this season of forgiveness. Glory to You in Jesus, now and forever. Amen.

December 27, 2020, Sunday My Prayer \"For I desire mercy and not sacrifice, and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.\" [Hosea 6:6] Father of Jesus, Father of us all and Father of all nations, our Almighty God, a new day of worship dawns and thank You for this gift. Christmas is not over, will never be over for the coming of Jesus to save us is just the beginning of an end, the much awaited coming of the Saviour in His glory. By Your Spirit, lead us to continue praying as we ought to pray incessantly. Nourish then our hearts and souls to persevere with all patience to adore You equipped by the seed of faith You have planted in each one of us. May we cooperate in the workings of the Holy Spirit in growing our faith. May You increase ever in us and inspire us to see in Your light that Christmas is everyday. Grant that we may love You with all our strength, heart, mind and soul, and love our neighbors as ourselves. Praise be to You, O Lord, my God. Amen.

December 28, 2020, Monday My Prayer \"Test all things; hold fast what is good. Abstain from every form of evil.\" [1 Thessalonians 5:21-22] Merciful Father, ever Living God, this week ushers in a new year. Through Your Spirit who dwells in each one of us, may You lead us to hope and hope we must, for a better year, a virus- free world, in 2021. This year that is about to end brought to us and the rest of this world, pain, sorrow, anguish and fear. We thank You that most of us have been spared from the deadly affliction. By Your mercy and grace, we have been brought to our knees and implore Your protection through the blood of Jesus. You have renewed in us the state of prayer to ask, to knock and to seek, our Saviour Jesus in our lives. May we remain faithful as You always are to Your promise of healing this broken world and lifting up those who were brought down by the lurking yet unseen enemy. May we see in Your eternal light the coming of better days in peace and prosperity. Prompt us to lend a hand to those in dire need of Your goodness, that You may allow it to flow through us in love of You and our neighbors. Praise You, in Jesus. Amen.

December 29, 2020, Tuesday My Prayer \"For who has despised the day of small things?\" [Zechariah 4:10] I lift Your Holy Name up, my Lord and my God, above the earth, and to the high heavens. You are our God deserving of all honor and praise. Be exalted and may all creation bless Your Holy Name. May we dedicate this day to the service of our less fortunate brothers and sisters. Nothing grand but a modest help we may able to give, and not meant to gain the respect and recognition of others. Bless that the small we give and share is big and great to Your sight. May we learn the wisdom in the practice of generosity from the widow who gave to the temple out of her lack. May we always be led to live a life with a generous heart patterned after, and following Yours. May we always magnify Your Name in our hearts and in our lives. Thank You, in Jesus! Amen.

December 30, 2020, Wednesday My Prayer \"Let this mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus.\" [Philippians 2:5] My dear Lord, Father Almighty, Holy Immortal God, we beseech You for a renewal of our faith in You, in Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Enable us all to partake of Your divinity so that a renewal of our heart and mind may follow. May the renewing of our mind come with Your peace that transcends all human understanding. May this peace we desire empower us more to stand up for You. May we all be encouraged to give testimony of Your greatness, goodness and graciousness, as well as Your abounding love and enduring mercy. Grant us the joy and fortitude of sharing the Gospel with others in our own modest and simple way, but more by deed than word. May we always abide in You to give You all the honor and glory in our works of mercy, charity and generosity. May Your Holy Name be exalted now and forever. In Jesus, Amen! Alleluia!

December 31, 2020, Thursday My Prayer \"For God loved the world so much that he gave his only Son, so that everyone who believes in him may not die but have eternal life.\" [John 3:16] My Lord, my God, my Life and my Strength, even as the year draws to a close, the faith I profess for You and Jesus, in unity with the Holy Spirit, does not end, and will never end. This year, Your world suffered in darkness with the scourge of the plague that is still raging. Grant that we may all be able to recover and put this year behind us. May You bless us with a new year brightened with Your light, full of hope for a better world, a better tomorrow, a year of peace and joy, a full year of favor from You. Lord, let me love You all the more, and love my neighbor in deed than in word. Give me a heart that listens, a soul that yields, a mind fully renewed and a body restored in whole, with my eyes always and ever focused on Your goodness, holiness and glory. Let my life in the coming year be pleasing and acceptable to You. Allow me, my family and my friends, to consecrate ourselves, all that we are, all that we have and all that we love, for Your honor and glory, yes, only for You, with Christ Jesus in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen! ALLELUIA!

January 8, 2021 Friday Wishing you a day of blessings! If I may share the following with you today: \"The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.\" [James 5:16] Be exalted this day that You have made, dear Lord and Almighty God, our Father. I welcome the break of day in worship and adoration of Your Lordship and Kingship. You are the beginning and the end as You are indeed the God of all creation. You are the Father of all the peoples of this world. With outstretched arms or clasped hands, we kneel before Your altar of love in the Cross of Jesus. Predispose and lead us to worship You in earnest and sincerely, yes, to worship You in spirit and in truth. Grant that when we bow before You enlivened by Your presence, may our glorifying You be done with what we do today and not by the words our lips babble. May I be empowered to sit in Your calm and wait in peace for Your command. May we hear you and listen to you, and encouraged by Your gentle voice, may our faith be steadfast and lasting, ever with untainted fervor. We plead the Sacred Heart of Jesus, for all these. Amen.

January 9, 2021 Saturday A blessed weekend to you. Let me share this: \"If anyone says 'I love God', but hates his brother, he is a liar; for whoever does not love a brother whom he has seen cannot love God whom he has not seen.\" [1 John 4:20] My unseen God, maker of heaven and earth, my Lord and Father, thank You for giving us the time to rest. Grant that in our quiet moments, we will all be enabled to be in communion with You by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. If You asked us to love You and our neighbors, it is common sensical that we ought to love our brothers, and sisters, as well. In teaching us to forgive, You have likewise taught us not to judge. Indeed, You remind us to leave first any offering to You before Your altar, and be first reconciled with a brother that I may have wronged or who may have wronged me. We beseech You to renew in us a forgiving heart and spirit so that we can forgive an erring brother seventy times seven times. As You have forgiven us our sins, may we all be empowered to pardon each other's faults. We believe and claim that in that way, we can say that we truly love You and by Your grace, we can love our brother right or wrong. Grant us that grace today and forever more. In Jesus, we pray, Amen.

January 10, 2021 Sunday Greetings of peace on this day of worship as I share : \"I will extol you my God and King, I will bless your name forever and ever.\" [Psalm 145:1] You are most worthy of praise, our dear Lord, God Almighty. We will sing in joy and gladness all the praise and honor to You for being our great God, Holy and Immortal. Grant that we, Your people, may in all constancy of our faith, put You first above all, not only today but all the time, anytime, every time. May Your Spirit enable one and all to lift our arms to acknowledge Your Lordship and eternal reign. You are our life, our strength, and without You, we are nothing, we cannot do anything. May we direct our thoughts, dedicate our words and devote our deeds of the day in pursuing Your Holiness as we believe and affirm that we have to be holy as we should. May You allow us to take a dip in Your ocean of divinity and for all eternity so that we can all share in Your heavenly inheritance for us as Your Kingdom come. Let us enjoy Your presence in all quiet as the day unfolds in Your mighty and loving hands. Praise You, Jesus. Amen.

January 11, 2021 Monday I wish you a week of blessings, and share this: \"Freely you have received, freely give.\" [Matthew 10:8b] My Lord, Giver of Life, my God who provides, may this new day, this new week of this new year, bring upon us, Your people, a time to share to others, even in our lack. Enable us to value the gift of giving beyond a facade of being generous. Instill in us that we can serve others even in poverty, and in giving out of a true generous heart, we ought not to count the costs, nor feel the hurt that it may bring to ourselves. Deliver us from any attachment to the wealth of this world; rather bring to our heart and spirit Your very own goodness and compassion to those we see around us who have less in life and are really in need. You have blessed many of us in more ways than one, in fact, abundantly. As we count our blessings that are innumerable, kindle in us Your own generous nature, that when we give no one knows that we are giving, no one is watching but You, all for Your honor and glory. Inspire us to do all these in the name of Jesus. Amen.

January 12, 2021, Tuesday Sharing with you in this new day the following: \"Be not quick in your spirit to become angry, for anger lodges in the bosom of fools.\" [Ecclesiastes 7:9] My Lord, ever Living God, Loving and Merciful Father, may this new day bring to my consciousness, and my heart and soul, the burning desire to forgive those who hurt me and that I may be also forgiven in hurting others. May I partake from Your Spirit the calmness and peace of Jesus. Grant that my spirit yield to the yearnings of gentleness and kindness of Your Spirit so that no word that hurts and destroys gets out of my sinful lips. Allow me to surrender to You whatever desire to vindicate and justify myself that resides in my heart. Remove from my being the temper that at times I cannot control and unleash it even with small stuff. Let me be mindful that others have Your image and likeness, too, and that I am a brother to them. Your command is to love even my enemies. Difficult as this may be, there is nothing impossible to You to change for Your sake, my errant moods and imposing attitudes. By Your mercy, let me be merciful, and if anything comes that is scornful, let my anger be just as Yours, all in the spirit of loving correction. May I magnify Your mercy today and forever, for the honor and glory of Your name, in Jesus. Amen.

January 13, 2021 Wednesday May you receive the light of day to stay well, as I share this: \"Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of holiness.\" [ Psalm 29:2] We give You praise our Lord, our God, for this day that You have made. We bless and glorify Your Name, the most holy name on earth as is in heaven. May we, Your people, be led every minute, every hour, every moment of this beautiful day to reach out and be touched by Your holiness. Grant that from Your heart of mercy and in Your total divinity, Your tenderness lands in our souls, and Your goodness reigns in our lives. May You enable us all the time to share You and everything flowing from You with our fellowmen, travelers all, in this broken world. By Your grace and only by Your grace, may we have the courage to overcome and triumph over error and sin. We live to seek Your holiness. May we succeed in the hope of being holy as well as we all should. I glorify Your Name through all eternity and from glory to glory. Thank you for creating us in Your image and likeness. Praise You, Jesus. Amen.

January 14, 2021 Thursday Greetings of Peace! May I share this: \"Be watchful, stand firm in your faith, be courageous, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.\" [1Corinthians 16:13-14] My Lord, my God, let me receive this gift of a new day in gladness and peace. May I again experience You today both in prayer and in life in this world. Help me to be on guard against the world, the flesh and the devil. The strength I need can only be drawn from You, my fortress and stronghold. I want to keep faith, and You alone with the help of Your Spirit, will enable me to do so. Amid the despair and disorder that this trying time brings, my courage to stand firm for You is You yourself as You are a lamp unto my feet. Bring me and Your people to the horizon of Your providence to live through You, with You, of You and for You. Train our sight to the heavenly direction that we can overcome the fashion of materialism that engulfs the world. Do not allow us at any time to be of this world but rather to be of You and You alone. Jesus save me. Jesus save Your people. Amen! January 15, 2021, Thursday May the bright new day bring joy to your heart. By the Spirit, let me share this:

\"Do you think that I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division.\" [Luke 12:51] All Powerful and Living God, my Lord, Holy and Almighty, as I begin another day in Your care, grant, I beseech You, that my heart, mind and soul, see the light of Your truth. Desiring not to stumble, or get lost, or fall into sin, guide my every step to follow Yours, and let my ears be open to the tender voice of Your counsel. May my prayers, offerings and wants of today, be of divine significance, routine and ordinary as they may be. Look at, and bless with Your grace, my spirit that is striving to persevere to bring faith, hope and unity to others in this divided world. Make me an instrument and witness for Your Gospel in every way I live as I continue in this journey. Bring me to my knees to intercede for the good of the world and Your people. Help me to help put to naught the spirit of division that destroys our country, our community and our family. Give us the oneness of mind and heart as Your chosen people, in Christ Jesus. Amen!

January 16, 2021 Saturday Wishing you a restful weekend, as I share: \"A clean heart create for me, God; renew in me a steadfast spirit.\" [Psalm 51:12] Eternal Father, Almighty God, my Lord forever, You are a God of love, peace and joy, and You are full of mercy, a mercy that endures for all eternity. May You restore me, those dear to me, and yes, the entire world, to a life of grace and faith. Look not on our sins and errors of the week, nor in our ignoring Your presence in us. Take not Your Holy Spirit from us as our ever perpetual advocate and source of light and wisdom. Be patient with our weakness to succumb to temptations finding ground in our hearts and lips. In moments then of weakness, lead me and all those I pray and care for to draw strength from You. Rescue us from the snares of the evil one. Cover all of us with the precious blood of Jesus as our perfect shield from the deadly virus. Make us all rest and gathered in confidence in Your Sacred Heart, now and always. Thank You, Jesus. Amen!

January 17, 2021, Sunday May you enjoy a blessed Sunday. Allow me to share a bit of inspiration. \"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do no know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. [Romans 8:26] My Lord and my God, Father Almighty, in this day of worship and rest, calm our hearts and souls. Free our minds of the burdens, needs and concerns of the week that passed. May Your Spirit help us to look first on the bright side and beauty of today. Remove from us the anxiety of tomorrow and the coming week, surrendering to Your care all that lies ahead. What plans we may have are best lifted to You through the counsel of Your Spirit who is the wisdom in us. May He bring us the peace, good and truth we yearn for in our life in this world. May we be open to His teachings on matters that we should avoid and those we ought to do to please You with those around us, family, friends and colleagues alike. Grant us the courage, joy and fortitude to stay firm in our decision to follow Jesus, the Way, the Truth and the Life. Holy Spirit of God, spark our faith, hope and love into new action for Your glory, today and in the days to come. In Jesus, we pray, Amen.

January 18, 2021 Monday I wish you a week full of joy. Let me share. \" The Lord will fulfill His purpose for me; your steadfast love, O Lord, endures forever.\" [Psalm 138:8] My Lord, ever Living God, Father Almighty, we are on our knees again to ask, seek and knock. Truly, Your love for us is steadfast. Grant that our heart, mind and spirit be rooted in that love. Grant, too, that we will be enabled to love You and our neighbors as You commanded. Your love is crystal clear in sending us Jesus to be one with us, and who eventually died on the cross for our salvation. May we all receive that ultimate priceless gift. And as we wiggle out from being ensnared by our sins and in the brokeness of the world, may our sight be trained on that divine purpose of getting into Heaven. In continuing our journey in this afflicted world, may we find joy in our trials, suffering and poverty. Our hope in You stays believing that You will never forsake us as Your love is unfailing and ever steadfast. We glorify You and bless Your Name, in Jesus. Amen.

January 19, 2021, Tuesday Hoping all is well with you today. Sharing with you the following: \"For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all.\" [2 Corinthians 4:17] My Lord, ever Living and Eternal God, grant that in this gift of a new day, we, Your people, may go through it full of hope that You will hold and keep us in the palm of Your loving hand. Free us from the anxiety and fear of what is in store for us as we strive, and hopefully succeed to keep our faith, struggling as this may be. Enable us to see that in the storms we walked through that brought us this far in our pilgrimage in the world, it has been You who empowered and emboldened us to overcome the twists and turns of our journey. Where is it that You enjoined that in fire, gold is tested, even in the crucible of utter humiliation. May we remember that You fought those battles for us, and the victory achieved by the experience is truly Yours. Make us remember, too, that life's battles are best fought with You, through You and in You, for You remain always a loving and caring Father to us. We claim we will win over pain and suffering that are powerless against the might of Your love, mercy and grace. With You, we are assured of the glory days that are soon to come. Glory, praise and honor be Yours, now and forever. In Jesus, Amen!

January 20, 2021 Wednesday May you have a grace-filled, productive day. If I may share this: \"And they said to one another, 'Did not our heart burn within us while He talked with us on the road, and while He opened the Scriptures to us?' \" [Luke 24:32] God, Almighty Father, my Lord, we thank You for another day, welcoming it in joy and peace. Grant us the power and strength to keep and live our faith in reckless abandon to You and Your providence. May Your every Word guide us in every aspect and facet of our life today, in total dependence on You and Your Spirit. Forgive us for not knowing, seeing and feeling You in Your Son Jesus, as we let ourselves be eaten up by earthly works and concerns, as well as the distractions of comfort, convenience and luxury that the world offers. By not listening to what Scriptures say, we fall, and always fall. Grant that in Your enduring mercy, we may get up with Your indispensable help, and not remain fallen in the darkness of sinful and unrighteous living. Embolden us to live in Christ, of Him, and with Him, by living and leading a life of His virtues of obedience, faithfulness and humility. We invoke Your Spirit in us to live that victorious and meaningful life. All these we ask in Jesus, for Your honor and glory. Amen.

January 21, 2021 Thursday I wish you all the best today can bring. May I please share this with you. \"You still the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, the tumult of the peoples.\" [Psalm 65:8] Eternal Father, God Almighty, my Lord and All, I proclaim the majesty of Your Lordship, with songs and shouts of joy and praise. Renewing my trust in You, in Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I bless Your Name and lift It above the earth to the high heavens. Be exalted! Amidst wordily cares and daily chores, grant me the time I need in my busyness to do my duties of the day, to be in solitude and silence with You. The noise around that I hear day in, and day out, is not only deafening but makes my senses dull, rendering me insensitive at times to Your promptings and calls. Pardon me in those times that I neglect the good that I could have done for Your sake. Convict me with those times that I have been unable to find time for You in solitude and silence, in all quiet, peace and calm. I trust that You will empower me once more to examine my conscience and look into the depths of my soul and spirit. Free me, dear Lord, from my own self, and my spirit, from the stains of pride and selfishness. Gather and collect me today in Your presence. Grant me Your peace that transcends all human understanding. In Jesus, Amen.

January 22, 2021 Friday A weekend is in the offing. May You rest, relax and enjoy. I hope you would not mind my sharing this: \"Turn away Your face from my sins, blot out all my guilt.\" [Psalm 51:11] Father Almighty, ever Merciful and Forgiving God, may I offer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus my joys and sufferings of this day. By Your grace, encourage me to look at how good and just I have been, if at all, this week. In all likelihood, I failed You. Enable me now to respond to Your call for Your people to repent of our sins, both of my own, and our nation. Your kingdom, O Lord, is at hand. Dispel our want to always change but only to backslide. Propel us rather to the renewal of our faith, recapturing in our lives, the virtues of the Gospel. May You grant pardon then to our collective and individual guilt for having displeased and offended You. We fear Your just punishment as we have done wrong in our disregard of Your love, kindness and goodness. Cleanse us all of our unrighteous ways that our hearts and souls may find hope in the Cross of Christ. Truly, Lord God, our hope is in the virtue of Your Holy Name and ocean of mercy. Grant us all a genuine and life-giving repentance. Dear Jesus, save us! Amen.

January 23, 2021 Saturday I wish you joy and peace this blessed weekend. May I add and share this: \"Do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.\" [Luke 10:20] My Lord and my God, Father Almighty, may we ponder in time of rest Your call for us to be holy as You, our Father, are holy. May we comprehend and accept that the stain of error and sin, our attachment even to things of the world and material possessions, do not prevent us from seeking the holiness we can attain in this journey. Make us ever cognizant of the need to live our faith with humbled heart and cleansed soul and spirit. May we receive sanctification to live in Your everlasting grace, that while we truly live in this world, we ought not to live of it. Free us from the bondage of sin and worldliness as we desire to partake of Your divine plan of salvation. May we, with our loved ones, merit the glorious honor of stepping into the gates of heaven. Give us a persevering spirit to finish the race and be assured of the fulfillment of Your purpose in us. By Your holy will, may all of us find our names in Your book of life. We shall rejoice with You forever. In praise of You, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

January 24, 2021 Sunday I still wish you a day full of joy and gladness. Allow me to share without meaning to bother, the following: \"The greatest among you must be your servant.\" [Matthew 23:11] My Lord and my God, Father Almighty, through the Crucified Christ Jesus, may we, who believe in the cause of His passion, death and resurrection, be always inspired and prompted by this most divine and ultimate sacrifice for our redemption, deliverance and salvation. Most, if not all of us, are unsure of being able to carry our own cross in this earthly pilgrimage, even as we hope to do so with the help of our brethren, as what Simon of Cyrene did. Lord, You call us to be of service to help proclaim Your Kingdom here on earth, and we desire to carry this out, not with our lips, but with our deeds in all humility and simplicity. Free us all from being motivated by human respect and recognition. Enable us to serve You in our neighbors, the poor, the sick, the imprisoned, and all the suffering due to this trying time, without much fanfare, and inviting attention. May we then serve our fellowmen in all selfless- ness and sincerity. May we serve others for Your further honor and glory, not ours, nor anyone else's. May we all do the utmost for Your highest. We ask these in Jesus, Amen.

January 25, 2021 Monday Sharing this: \" I will protect him because he knows my name.\" [Psalm 91:14b] Father, God Almighty, allow us to walk on level ground this week, free from harm and the snares of the evil. May Your angels guide and guard us in our ways, and lift us up so our feet will not hit a stone as we walk through life, still abiding by, and pursuing Your divinity and holiness. We again implore Your healing power and mercy, that those dear to us and others we pray for, may be restored and made whole in body, mind, heart and soul. May You look upon those in grief and suffering, and lift the spirit of the despondent and the desperate. Lord, protect, preserve and provide for everyone. May we seek first Your Kingdom, and we know that You will grant all we ask, and more besides. We thank You for You, and for everything, in Jesus' Name. Amen.

January 26, 2021 Tuesday Peace be with you! I hope you won't mind this sharing. \"For He Himself is our peace, who has made both one, and has broken down the middle wall of separation.\" [Ephesians 2:14] My Lord, ever Merciful and Almighty God, may today be an offering of my heart, truly humbled, and ever grateful. How can I not praise You for Your grace and goodness when You always pull me to Your fold and care with Your unfailing and inexhaustible compassion, my sins and sinfulness besides. You have remained steadfast in removing the barrier that my unrighteous life brings even if I feel undeserving of the merit of Your divine mercy. Your Word tells that a just man falls seven times a day. \"Just\" as I want myself to be before Your eyes, free me from the frailties of my heart, mind soul and spirit, in yielding to worldly attractions and possessions. Grant rather my Lord, my God, that Your Spirit of truth and wisdom, lead me to simply please You in my every thought, word and action. Let me honor You in the way I live, both in faith and prayer, and in loving those around me, those dear to me, and everyone that I pray for daily. May today be lived in the supernatural, with the peace of Christ. I claim that nothing can separate me from His love, and the good work You've started in me, You will complete. Praise You, and thank You, Jesus. Amen.

January 27, 2021 Wednesday May you enjoy the newness of this blessed day. If I may please share: \"No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.\" [1 John 4: 12] My Lord, ever Living God, Almighty Father, may I not tire of giving You praise and thanks everyday of my borrowed time here on earth. By Your Spirit, let me continually persevere in increasing my faith in prayer. You have images made by men, and of Jesus, too. Yet, You remain unseen but calling me to a constant union with You. May I be always aware of You dwelling in me by the urgings of Your Spirit. By this, I can feel You as I am prompted, in my humble way, to express my love for You. By that same love, grant and empower me to love others for Your sake, listening, helping them, interceding for them at every opportunity. May I be equipped with a forgiving heart like Yours that I may forgive those who have done wrong and hurt me. I can see You in Your healing of my every pain and suffering as I am led by them to seek You more, know You more, and embrace You more. May I see You in the faces of those whom I will meet today, remembering that You have created us all in Your image and likeness, and have breathed life unto all of us. You are truly my life and strength, my Lord and my God, in Jesus, Amen.

January 28, 2021 Thursday I wish you all the best today and in the days ahead. My modest sharing follows. \"Though He was a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which He suffered. And having been perfected, He became the author of eternal salvation to all who obey Him.\" [Hebrews 6:8-9] My Lord and my God, Father Almighty, in the life-giving faith You have blessed me with, make me ever conscious that You are with me every moment of this day. You are there when I rise from sleep, when I eat, when I work, when I retire from the daily tasks of living, and most especially, when I pray. You have been reminding me to surrender the entirety of my being, all that I am, all that I have and all that I love, to You. Give me the courage to follow You and Your precepts in the Scriptures, in complete obedience. Deliver me from the anxiety of fear of not pleasing You by instilling in my heart and soul the rewards of obeying You in reckless abandon. May I have always the Spirit of Your truth to trust You. By Your divine inspiration, may my mustard-size faith bring forth in my life the fruits of the Holy Spirit with a humbled heart and quieted soul. Allow me to go forth into the ripening fields of Your grace, goodness and compassion. Let me learn obedience even if it hurts. I praise You now, and forever, in Jesus. Amen.

January 29, 2021 Friday Greetings in the name of the Lord, our God. Here is my humble sharing for today. \"Keep your lives from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said 'Never will I leave you, never will I forsake you.' \" [Hebrews 13:5] My Lord, ever Living God, Holy and Almighty, I begin a fresh day in You, through You and with You. In renewing my faith and trust in Your power and glory as my All in all, grant the gift of contentment to me, a servant humbled by Your purity, to seek the treasures that will ensure my entering the gates of heaven to be with You in all eternity. Rescue from the quicksand of indecision between what glitters in this world and the immeasurable wealth of Your kingdom, between momentary pleasures of the body and the quiet and calm of the soul, and between what is seen and unseen. Give me the fortitude to choose You even if it means tribulation and trials, with the suffering they bring. I am more than certain there is joy and blessing that go with them according to Your promise and Your perfect will for me. May Your Spirit lead me to Your heart which is my only abode and sanctuary for my confused and lost soul. O Jesus, let me hear You knocking at my door to welcome You to sup with me and those dear to me. Knowing that I do not leave by bread alone, let me await Your manna to fill all what is deficient in my body and soul. Feed me, dear Lord, as You are God who is

more than enough with Your abounding riches. Thank You, Jesus. Amen.

January 30, 2021 Saturday Hoping that you have a relaxing and recreating weekend. May I please share this: \"For that very reason, make every effort to add to your faith, goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; and to knowledge, self-control; and to self- control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness.\" [2 Peter 1:5-6] My Lord and my God, Father Almighty, thank You for this day of rest. Grant that after a week of labors and distractions in my earthly life, I may re-focus more on You, and call to mind things that I have done or have failed to do that did not at all please You. Make me remember that You are all-knowing and nothing can be hidden from You. Indeed, my dear Lord, what I have done right in my own eyes may not at all be righteous in Your sight. Let me see how blinded, and shortsighted I am in judging the merits of my own works; only You, not even others, are the just, perfect judge of my life and how I live. Let me pursue You then for the purest of reasons, putting what I believe is good and right aside, and be enlightened and guided alone by Your Spirit who knows the enemy, my self-will included, and be enabled therefor simply by Your very goodness and providence. Yes, Lord, free me from the captivity of my biases, my self- righteousness, from the trap of self-belief. May I know You more, my Lord and my God. Deliver me from myself. In Jesus, Amen!

January 31, 2021 Sunday May I unite your prayer intentions today with mine in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. May I share for this day, the following: \"When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I put childish ways behind me.\" [1 Corinthians 13:11] My Lord and my God, ever Loving Father, may I worship You in Spirit and in Truth in this holy day. May Your most holy, most sacred, most adorable, most ineffable and incomprehensible Name, be blessed, praised, loved and glorified forever. May Your Spirit yearn on my behalf in my desire to be one with Your saints and host of angels in singing hymns and songs of praise to the One Immortal, Merciful and Gracious God, we adore. I profess still my complete trust and faith in You, not losing hope that You will reconcile me to Yourself by Your pardon and forgiveness. Pour out upon me, my loved ones, my friends, my colleagues and brethren, Your bounty of blessings and the healing, we always plead for one and all, in body, mind, heart and soul. May I praise You and thank You with all the faithful for restoring us and lighting our paths to salvation. May I reach the spiritual maturity in my life's journey, always intent to become Your child with child-like faith in His Father. May we keep and nourish our faith as we await

the coming glory of Your reign through all eternity. In Jesus, I humbly pray. Amen. February 1, 2021 Monday Let us welcome a new day, a new week, and a new month with a thankful heart. May I share this: \"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.\" [1 Cor. 10:31] My Lord, my God, Almighty Father, I thank You for the gift of time, the gift of life, and the gift of faith. You are simply so loving and caring of me, my wretched self besides. Give me the constancy of spirit to be mindful of the price Your Son Jesus, my Lord, has dearly paid to redeem me and Your people. Let me recognize that His gift of redemption more than guarantees me of the path towards a life of light from darkness. Enable me to walk knowing that it is Your hand holding mine every moment of my life, when I awake and sleep, when I sit and stand, even in every circumstance of the daily grind of life. In seeking to be saved, being saved, and hopefully, saved to the very end, the holiness my heart, soul and spirit seek, is for Your glory, and never meant to court the applause of others. It is for that reason that my humble acts of charity are kept from the prying eyes of men, with my left hand not knowing what my right hand is doing. May I therefore glorify You in the life I live with that precious gift focused on my Redeemer, my Saviour Jesus Christ.

My hope is in the virtue of Your eternal glory. Be praised forever. Amen! February 2, 2021 Tuesday Wishing you blessings upon blessings today. Here is my sharing: \"You, Lord, are near to all who call upon You, to all who call upon You in truth.\" [Psalm 145:18] I extol You, my Lord, my God, Father Almighty. I am thankful for the gift of a new day. Help me to use it for Your honor and glory. May Your Holy Spirit enkindle in me the fire of Your love. May my thoughts, words, and actions, please You today. Lead me to know Your will that in joy and grace, I may gladly do it. Preserve me this day without sin. Protect me, my dear family, friends, colleagues and brethren, from every harm and evil. Heal in full those afflicted among us. Preserve me, too, from false pride and selfish works and help us to live in peace with one another. Prompt us always to praise Your Holy Name and call on You every moment of this, Your blessed day. I ask all these through Your Son Jesus Christ, my Saviour and Messiah. Amen.

February 3, 2021 Wednesday May your heart be filled with gladness today. Allow me to share this: \"Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; may Your good spirit lead me on level ground.\" [ Psalm 143:10 ] Lord God, most holy, ever loving Father, thank You for this day that You have made and added to my precious life. I entrust to Your care every moment of it. Inspire me to stay the course of my life in Your Kingdom, free from the corruption and confusion around me, as well as the contagion I face in this very difficult time. Grant, O Lord, that I may experience Your presence with everyone, and in everything as the day unfolds. Because You are my very life and my strength is drawn from You alone, may I take my steps forward ever conscious that I am kept in the warmth of Your heart and loving hand. May You continue to nourish my soul and spirit with a persevering faith, with hope everlasting. May the love I profess for You be realized in my life, with all the kindness and help I can give to those in need. I now kneel before the Cross of Christ firm in my belief that You have looked into and granted all my heart's desires. In Jesus, Amen.

February 4, 2021 Thursday May this new day bring peace to your heart that transcends human understanding! My sharing today follows. \"So in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ.\" [Galatians 3:26-27] Father in heaven, dear Lord and God, may I offer You today a cleansed and humbled heart and soul. I am at times a prodigal son, other times like Peter. I do not want to stray from You again or deny Jesus in my life. I need a steadfast heart, mind and heart, with You, Jesus and the Spirit, at the core. If I get lost again, let me find my way back to You. If I fall, let me not remain fallen but rise, stand and go forth. Help me remember the truth and justness of my baptismal vows, the Prayer Jesus taught us, and the Creed that we recite often in our daily faith walk. Lord, I have been through a lot in this journey, and without fear and doubt, You have always carried me through the ripples, waves and tempests of my pilgrimage here on earth. I have received Your rebuke, rebuff and discipline, and am grateful for Your salvific correction that I know has always been meant for my good, to live a life united with Christ, in Him and through Him. Let me not be parted from Him again, my Lord and my God. May I kiss His feet nailed to the Divine Cross of salvation. Amen.

February 5, 2021, Friday Greetings in the Name of our good Lord. Be blessed today. May I share what follows. \"The eyes of all look hopefully to you. . .You, Lord, are just in all your ways, faithful in all your works.\" [Psalm 145 : 15, 17] O God Almighty, God of all creation and Father of all nations, praiseworthy are You for Your reign as King of all kings, and Your dominion and great deeds would last forever. With the rest of Your faithful, an end to the pandemic with all the trouble and sufferings it brings, is a constant prayer of all. Grant that we may not waver in our faith in You, and lose hope that these trying times would end sooner than later. We ask You to keep Your eternal promise to save the world and Your people. We further claim that the good work You have started for all, and in all of us, You will bring to completion. Move us all to help in earnest to stop the spread of the deadly virus. Minister to those afflicted and restore them to health soon. Protect, preserve, and provide for all medical and health professionals and workers, and their families. We submit to Your will, clinging to our firm belief that You are working everything unto good for us, the good of all that You have promised. Rather than fear, Lord, grant us the courage to overcome it, and trust You with Your unending love and mercy for us and all Your people. Lead us to a life of obedience amid the turmoil and affliction. Hear us, dear Lord, hear us. In Jesus, Amen.

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