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Academic Guidebook FTUI (2020-2021 edition)

Published by mandik.ftui, 2021-12-27 03:51:49

Description: Academic Guidebook FTUI (2020-2021 edition)


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(capstone design) in the Computer Engineering Undergraduate Undergraduate Program Study Program, where students will work in a team to create system designs that can solve complex engineering problems Learning Objectives:  and must integrate the knowledge and skills that have been IIn this course, students will learn basic machine learning obtained in previous lectures. The design that is made also techniques, such as regression, clustering and classification. needs to take into account the impact on the environment, At the end of this course, students are expected to be able legal, social and economic community. In this Computer Engi- to design solutions to data processing problems using a neering Project Design 1 course, we will discuss managerial machine learning approach (C4) and be able to work together principles in IT projects and how to make a design proposal for in teams to complete machine learning (A3) projects. an engineering project. After attending this course, students are expected to be able to design a computer engineering Topics:  project that is supported by theory and knowledge in the field Pattern Recognition and Artifical Neural Networks Introduc- of computer networks, software and hardware with social, tion, Back-propagation Algorithm, Unsupervised Learning, economic and cost constraints, which are managed according Principal Component Analysis.  to the correct managerial stages and processes (C6), able to demonstrate positive attitude critical, creative, and innovative Prerequisites: Linier Algebra, Advanced Programming and and respects others in the Computer Engineering Design Proj- Laboratory. ect 1 (C3, A3) group and is able to provide alternative problem solving to various problems that arise in the community, nation, Textbooks:  and state in the Computer Engineering Design Project 1 (C3) 1. Christopher M. Bishop, Pattern Recogni- group , A2) tion and Machine Learning, Springer, 2011. Topics:  2. John D. Kelleher, Brian Mac Namee, and Aoife D’Arcy, Project management principles; Risk, dependabil- Fundamentals of Machine Learning for Predictive Data ity, safety and fault tolerance; IT Project Collaboration strate- gies; Relevant tools, standards and/or engineering constraints.  ENTREPRENEURSHIP IN INFORMATION TECH- NOLOGY  Prerequisites:  Cyber-Physical System and Laboratory, ENCE606029 Computer Network and Laboratory, Advanced Programming 2 CREDITS  and Laboratory. Learning Outcomes:  In this course students learn the basic concepts of project Textbooks:  management and marketing that are specialized in the 1. K. Schwalbe, “Information Technology Project Manage- field of Information Technology. After completing this course, students are able to implement entrepreneur- ment”, 7th Edition, Course Technology, 2013.  ial skills and  concepts in information technology innovation 2. W.S. Humphrey, “Introduction to the Team Software in the form of business plans in the form of product innovation and expertise in accordance with the development of informa- Process”, Addison Wesley 2000.  tion technology.  3. Modul Desain Proyek Teknik Komputer  Topics:  Charging for Expertise, Think, Plan, Act Like Entrepre- MULTIMEDIA SIGNAL PROCESSING neur, Making a Successful Business, Taking the Initiative, ENCE606026 Enabling an E-Business, Providing Outsourced Services & 3 CREDITS Building a Contracting Business, guest lecture  Learning Outcomes:  Prerequisite: none  Textbooks:  In this course students will learn multimedia signal processing 1. Bill Aulet, Disciplined Entrepreneurship: 24 Steps to a technology to support the delivery of multimedia information through the Internet. At the end of this course, the student will Successful Startup, Wiley, 2013 be able to perform analysis of multimedia signals in the network using appropriate techniques. Students will be able to describe PROFESSIONALISM AND ETHICS IN INFORMA- components in multimedia files, multimedia compression TION TECHNOLOGY techniques, are able to perform analysis and processing of ENCE606030 multimedia data such as image, sound and video. Students will 2 CREDITS also be able to apply a digital image processing algorithm to Learning Outcomes: analyze the information in it.   In this course, students will learn knowledge about profession- Topics: alism and ethics in the field of information technology. After attending this course, students are able to analyze professional Introduction to Multimedia network, Coding and compression and ethical attitudes in accordance with the rules and laws in of Multimedia Signals (im-ages, sounds, video), improvement Information Technology (C3, A3) and are able to show a critical, the quality of an image, image processing, image Segmen- creative, and respectful attitude towards others in the group to ta-tion, representation and description, object recognition.  solve common problems in the task of Ethics Professionalism in Technology ( C3, A3). Students will be able to analyze profes- Prerequisites:  Advanced Programming, Signal Theory and sional codes of ethics from several influential IT professional System Analysis  organizations in the world, able to elaborate on the relationship between professional ethics and applicable law, able to elaborate Textbooks:  on the role and benefits of professional organizations for their 1. J.N. Hwang, “Multimedia Networking: From Theory to members and the wider community; able to explain the current IT job classification, able to elaborate on the importance of Practice,” Cambridge University Press, 2009.  professional certification in the IT field; able to identify and 2. R.C. Gonzalez and R.E. Woods, Digital Image Processing, formulate solutions to problems related to professionalism and ethics within the scope of work in the IT field. 3rd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2007.  Topic: ‘ ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ENCE606027 Ethics; Job,Professional and Professional; Profession in infor- 3 CREDITS 251

Undergraduate Program Topic: mation technology; IT expert organization and code of conduct; In accordance with the topics agreed by the internship company, cyber ethics; intellectual property rights; Internet crime adjusted to the field of knowledge of Computer Engineering. Prerequisite: - Prerequisite: Passed 85 credits. 1. ACM Code of Ethics and Porfessional Conduct, https:// Textbook: None. fessional-conduct; SEMINAR 2. IEEE Code of Ethics, ENCE607032 rate/governance/p7-8.html 2 CREDITS 3. British Computer Society Code of Conduct, https://www. Learning Outcomes: 4. George W. Reynolds, “Ethics in Information Technology” Students are able to make system design proposals, compo- 5th Edition, Cengage Learning, 2015. nents, and processes related to Computer Engineering; and 5. Frank Bott, “Professional Issues in Information Technol- able to write a research proposal; and able to present research ogy”, British Computer Society, 2005. proposals. 6. Undang Undang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik (UU ITE) – diunduh di EMAS UI Topics: COMPUTER ENGINEERING PROJECT DESIGN 2 Introduction, Background, Objectives, Research Limits, Liter- ENCE607031 ature Study, Design. 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes:  Prerequisite: Passed 114 credits. Computer Engineering Project Design Courses 1 and Computer Textbooks: Engineering Project Design 2 are the main design courses 1. Rector Decree (Keputusan Rektor Universitas Indone- (capstone design) in the Computer Engineering Undergraduate Study Program, where students will work in a team to create sia) No. 2143/SK/R/UI/2017 about Technical Guidelines system designs that can solve complex engineering problems for Writing the Final Project of University of Indonesia and must integrate knowledge and skills acquired in previous Students (Pedoman Teknis Penulisan Tugas Akhir Maha- lectures. The design that is made also needs to take into account siswa Universitas Indonesia) the impact on the environment, legal, social and economic 2. IEEE Citation Reference. community. In this Computer Engineering Project Design 2 3. Ivan Stojmenovic, “How To Write Research Articles in course, students will work in teams to realize design propos- Computing and Engineering Disciplines,” IEEE Transac- als into practical applications into a product/system. After tions on Parallel And Distributed Systems, Vol. 21, No. 2, taking this course, students are expected to be able to design a February 2010. computer engineering project that is supported by theory and knowledge in the field of computer networks, software and BACHELOR THESIS  hardware with social, economic and cost constraints, which ENCE608033 is managed based on the project stages that have been made 4 CREDITS  and based on ethics (C6) able to demonstrate a critical, creative, Learning Outcomes:  innovative attitude and respect for others in the group in the Computer Engineering Design Project 2 (C3, A3) and able to After going through this course, students are expected to provide alternative problem solving to various problems that be able to create and present system designs, components, arise in the community, nation, and state in the design project and processes in the field of embedded systems or computer group (C3, A2). networks within a research framework, implement them in the form of hardware and/or software and test and evaluate the Topics:  results. Students are also expected to be able to use spoken and written language well in communicating and in thesis books, Design revision, design execution, evaluation  as well as being able to provide alternative solutions to various Prerequisites: Computer Engineering Project Design 1   problems that arise in the community, nation, and state in the Textbooks: - implementation of research designs Special Subjects Topics: INTERNSHIP Design Evaluation, Design Implementation, Analysis, Conclu- ENCE606028 sions, Abstract  2 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Prerequisite: Seminar  In this course students undertake work internships in industries Textbooks:  or labs related to computer engineering. Students are expected 1. Rector Decree (Keputusan Rektor Universitas Indone- to be able to apply the technical knowledge they have gained from previous lectures and the new material of knowledge sia) No. 2143/SK/R/UI/2017 about Technical Guidelines provided by their supervisor. Students are also expected to be for Writing the Final Project of University of Indonesia able to demonstrate working professionalism, which includes Students (Pedoman Teknis Penulisan Tugas Akhir Maha- the ability to work together in teams, disciplined behavior, siswa Universitas Indonesia)  responsibilities, initiatives & interests, leadership, commend- 2. IEEE Citation Reference.  able attitude / behavior, and the potential to develop. Able to 3. Ivan Stojmenovic, “How To Write Research Articles in participate in teams to complete the work. Students are expected Computing and Engineering Disciplines,” IEEE Transac- to convey the internship results and present it in front of the tions on Parallel And Distributed Systems, Vol. 21, No. 2, examiner panels. February 2010.  252

Computer Engineering Electives Undergraduate Program Subjects DevOps practice, continuous integration and deployment as BIG DATA TECHNOLOGY well as its automation. Trends in cloud computing such as: Edge ENCE605034 Computing. FOG Computing and microservices. 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Prerequisite: Database System and Laboratory This course will discuss the technology used to solve the Big Textbooks: Data problems in various field (e.g. Internet, Telecommuni- 1. Cloud Computing Design Patterns, Thomas Erl, Robert cation, Retail). Students will be able to manage (collection, preparation, processing, validation, interpretation) and analyze Cope, Amin Naserpour, Prentice Hall, 2015, ISBN:978-0- the data with amount size and has a random structure.  13-385856-3 Topics:  References: 1. Cloud service documentation from AWS, Google, Micro- Into to Data Engineering, Hadoop Architecture, The Hadoop Distributed Filesystem, Setting Up Hadoop Cluster, Admin- soft Azure istering Hadoop, MapReduce Framework, Developing a 2., MapReduce Application, Hive Database, Spark Processing, Big Data Analytic Project  HUMAN COMPUTER INTERACTION ENCE606036 Prerequisites: Database System and Laboratory, Object 2 CREDITS Oriented Programming and Laboratory Learning Outcomes:  Textbooks:  In this course, students learn and apply HCI theory and 1. Jure Leskovec, Anand Rajaraman, Jeff Ullman, Mining of analytical approach in producing a prototype of human and computer interaction that is high quality, effective, and efficient. Massive Datasets, Cambridge University Press, 2014  After following this course, the student will be able to design 2. Tom  White,”Hadoop: The Definition Guide”, Third and analyse an interface of computer-based systems.  Edition, O’Relly, 2012  Topics:  3. Benjamin Bengfort, Jenny Kim, Data Analytics with Factors in HCI; input and output devices; interaction; interaction Hadoop: An Introduction for Data Scientists, O’Reilly design; HCI in software process; design rules; implementation Media, 2016  support; evaluation techniques; universal design  CLOUD COMPUTING Prerequisite: Software Engineering  ENCE606035 2 CREDITS Textbooks:  Learning Objectives: 1. A.J. Dix, J.E. Finlay, G.D. Abowd and R. Beale, At the end of the course, students will be able to explain “Human-Computer Interaction”, Third Edition, Prentice models of cloud services and delivery (IaaS, PaaS, and SaaS), Hall, USA, 2003.  virtualization technology influence to cloud development, 2. B. Shneiderman and C. Plaisant, “Designing The User and related terminologies. Students also able to deploy cloud Interface: Strategies for Effective Human Interaction”, services model using public cloud providers such as AWS, Fifth Edition, Pearson-Addison Weasley, 2010.  Google Compute and Microsoft Azure. WIRELESS TECHNOLOGY Students will be able to design and deploy a typical data center ENCE606037 by implementing cloud infrastructure components such as 2 CREDITS  compute, storage, network, load balancer and DNS. Student Learning Outcomes: will be able to deploy and manage software applications such as Java and Python as a platform, and able to deploy necessary In this course, students learn the basics of wireless technology security measures to the cloud system. including how it works, the techniques, and the standard- ization on wireless and mobile networks. After attending Topics: this course, students are able to explain the basics of wireless technology, techniques on wireless networks, IEEE 802.11, Basics of cloud computing architecture, and its economic 802.15 technology standards and able to analyze the projections foundation including SLA, pricing scheme and mitigating of future wireless technology.  single-point-of-failures. Basic concepts of the technology includes software defined architecture, virtualization and Topics: cloud service. Infrastructure as a Service (Iaas) as the lowest level infrastructure of cloud computing. Containers, Virtual 802.11 Technology (Wireless LAN); 802.15 Technology (Blue- Machine, JVM, Docker, Kubernetes. Public cloud infrastruc- tooth, Zigbee, WPAN)  tures such as AWS, Google Computer, Microsoft Azure, etc. Service Models: Metal as a Service (MaaS), Platform as a Service Prerequisites: Telecommunication Networks and Laboratory   (PaaS) and Web Service(Middleware) technology in cloud computing. Distributed storage such as Ceph, SWIFT, HDFS, Textbooks:  NAS, SAN, Zookeeper.Also object-storage technology such as 1. Eldad Perahia, “Next Generation Wireless LANs: 802.11n Amazon S3, virtualisasi block-storage and cloud API storage model, as well as integrating the cloud storage services into and 802.11ac,”  2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press; an application. The concept of security in cloud computing, 2 edition, June 24, 2013  including high availability, load balancing, data security, and 2. Al Petrick, “IEEE 802.11 Handbook: A Designer’s network security. The concepts of cloud automation such as Companion,” 2nd Edition, IEEE Standards Information Network, 2005  GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY ENCE607038 2 CREDITS Learning Objectives: 253

Undergraduate Program a. The weekly comprehensive log of activities signed by the industry Supervisor/team leader (LOG-book format as per Through this lecture students can explain and analyze infor- the department specified). This Log should be reported mation on the surface of the Earth from the image of geospatial per week to the lecturer as part of the monitoring process. satellites that utilize electromagnetic wave radiation either transmitted or reflected by its surface. b. Final report on results of activities and other achievements (certification/draft patent/design document/engineering) Topics: c. Self-evaluation and evaluation of the supervisor/team History & Scope of Geospatial Technology, Source of Geospatial leader in the industry (defined department) at the end of Data, Electromagnetic Radiation, Mapping Cameras, Digital the activity. Imagery, Image Interpretation, Geographic Information System (GIS), Geospatial Earth Observation Satellites, Active 5. The portfolio at point 3 above is used in the assessment Microwave, Lidar, Thermal Imagery, Image Resolution, Hyper- section of the achievement of this special course. spectral data, Apps. in Geospatial Tech.: Change Detection, Plant Sciences, Land Use and Land Cover, City Planning, Prerequisite: already pass 85 credits Disaster Assessment. REGULATION & PUBLIC POLICY ON ICT SECTOR Prerequisite: Basic Programming and Laboratory ENCE607041 3 CREDITS Textbooks:  Learning Objectives: 1. J.D. Bossler, J.R. Jensen, R.B. McMaster, C. Rizos,”Manual In this course, will be discussed on the fundamentals of drafting of Geospatial Science and Technology,” CRC Press, 2001. and developing public policy and regulation, especially in the 2. J.B. Campbell and R.H. Wynne, “Introduction to Remote era of rapid information technology and communication (ICT) development. After attending this lecture, students will be able Sensing”, 5th Edition, The Guildford Press, NY, 2011. to explain the fundamentals of public policy, telecommunica- 3. Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing, “Fundamental of tions laws and regulations, and the governance of the Internet. In this lecture will also be discussed examples of applicative Remote Sensing” regulations and policies in the field of telecommunications and the Internet, while anticipating the speed of change and CAPITA SELECTA IN COMPUTER ENGINEERING the dynamics that occur in the community as an implication ENCE607039 of ICT development. 2 CREDITS  Learning Objectives:  Topics: In this lecture, students will learn the latest topics in the Public administration, significance of public policy, research industry in computer engineering. After attending this lecture, and method of research policy, comparative study policy, students are able to analyze industry developments in the field introduction to telecommunications laws and regulations, of computer engineering and problems faced in general. economic Review of telecommunication regulations, key issues of telecommunication regulation, understanding Inter- Topics: net governance, stakeholders Internet governance, Internet governance process. Latest computer technology concepts; Latest computer tech- nology applications; Tradeoff on new technology in computer Prerequisites: - engineering; Recent problems in Computer Engineering Prerequisites: none Textbooks:  1. Ian Walden,“Telecommunications Law and Regulation”, Textbooks: none (to be given later) Oxford University Press, 2012 PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DEVELOPMENT 1 2. Jovan Kurbalija, “Tentang Tata Kelola Internet: Sebuah ENCE6007049 2 CREDITS Pengantar”, APJII, 2011 Learning Objectives: 3. Riant Nugroho, “Public Policy: Dinamika Kebijakan, Students can demonstrate the internalization of teamwork, Analisis Kebijakan, Manajemen Kebijakan”, Elex Media project management, and ability to demonstrate technical skills. Komputindo, 2012 Topics: BLOCKCHAIN TECHNOLOGY ENCE608042 1. Integrated professional activities are carried out inde- 3 CREDITS pendently in an organization/industry oriented to Learning Objectives: engineering projects that apply accumulated skills during the learning process in the course. Able to implement a business process using blockchain tech- nology. Able to evaluate various consensus algorithms. Able to 2. This activity is a continuation of the work of practice and implement smart contracts into the blockchain. is carried out in part time between 10 -16 hours per week with long activities between 10-14 weeks (1 semester of Topics: lectures). Due to the nature of the part-time activities, students can manage their schedules flexibly along with History of Blockchain, Trust models, Cryptography and Hash their coursework activities. functions, consensus mechanisms, Smart contracts, assets, blockchain regulation. 3. Prior to doing an internship, students must make a Letter of Agreement between the three parties (organization/ Prerequisite: Database System and Laboratory industry, university and student) which contains a work plan as well as the rights and obligations of students during Textbooks:  the internship in the organization/industry. 1. “Architecture for Blockchain Applications”, Ingo Weber, 4. Students must submit a portfolio of integrated Professional Mark Staples, and Xiwei Xu, Springer, 2019 development activities in the form of: 2. “Programming Bitcoin: Learn How to Program Bitcoin 254

from Scratch”, Jimmy Song, Oreilly, 2019 Undergraduate Program 3. “Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy”, 1st Edition, 6. Stinson, Douglas R. Cryptography: theory and practice. Melanie Swan, Oreilly, 2015 CRC press, 2005. PROFESSIONAL ENGINEER DEVELOPMENT 2 VLSI DESIGN ENCE608043 ENCE608045 2 CREDITS 2 CREDITS Learning Objectives: Learning Objectives: Students are able to explain the process stages in CMOS design, Students can demonstrate their ability to professional certifi- implement Scale of Lambda design, evaluate the characteristics cation related to computer engineering. and performance of power transistor circuits and digital CMOS, and explain high-level design optimization techniques Certification Acknowledgment Topics: Mixed-signal circuits; Design parameters issues; Circuit 1. The certifications that are recognized: modelling & Simulation methods Prerequisite: Fundamental of Digital System and Laboratory a. Standard Competency of Indonesian National Work Textbooks:  (Standard Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, SKKNI) with 1. N.E. Weste and K. Eslughian, “Principle of CMOS VLSI KKNI level 6 for related field Prodi. Design”, Addison-Wesley, 1985. b. Special certification from international industry 2. F.M. Berti, “Analog Design For CMOS VLSI System”, certification body with Associate level for related field. Kluwer Academic Publisher, 2006. 3. The certification in question has a standardized reference document evaluated. 255 4. Students submit proof of certification following supporting documents (standard competency reference) to be evalu- ated by the assessment committee. Competition Acknowledgment 1. Students submit proof of participation in the competi- tion in the form of a certificate or statement from the organizer 2. Students show evidence that competition achieve- ments are obtained during her/his academic status as a student. 3. Assessment is carried out based on a rubric that is adjusted to the type of competition being entered CRYPTOGRAPHY ENCE608044 2 CREDITS Learning Objectives: Students are able to import the concepts of classical cryp- tography, the basics of cryptanalysis, modern cryptography symmetric and asymmetric key, as well as its implementation for information system security. Topics: Fundamentals of Cryptographic mathematics, classical cryptographic algorithms, advanced classical cryptographic algorithms, Cryptoanalysis basics, mathematical cryptography structure algebra, Modern Block Chiper: Advanced Encryption Standard (AES), Symmetric cryptography application, modern RSA key asymmetric algorithm, asymmetric cryptographic application, Certificate Authority/Public Key Infrastructure Prerequisite: Basic Programming and Laboratory Textbooks:  1. Forouzan, Behrouz A., and Debdeep Mukhopadhyay. Cryptography and Network Security (Sie). McGraw-Hill Education, 2011. 2. Stallings, William. “Cryptography and Network Security. 2005.” ISBN: 0-13-187316-4. 3. Attaway, Stormy. Matlab: a practical introduction to programming and problem solving. Butterworth-Heine- mann, 2013. 4. Hoffstein, Jeffrey, et al. An introduction to mathematical cryptography. Vol. 1. New York: springer, 2008. 5. Menezes, Alfred J., Paul C. Van Oorschot, and Scott A. Vanstone. Handbook of applied cryptography. CRC press, 1996.

Undergraduate Program Undergraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering Program Specification 1. Awarding Institution Universitas Indonesia 2. Teaching Institution Universitas Indonesia 3. Programme Tittle Undergraduate Program in Biomedical Engineering 4. Class Regular 5. Final Award Sarjana Teknik (S.T) 6 . Accreditation / Recognition Good accreditation by BAN PT 7. Language(s) of Instruction Bahasa Indonesia 8. Study Scheme (Full Time / Part Time) Full Time 9. Entry High school / equivalent, AND pass the entrance exam. Requirements 10. Study Duration Designed for 4 years Type of Semester Number of Number of weeks / semester Semester Regular 8 16 Short (optional) 38 11. Graduate Profiles: Biomedical Engineering Graduates that are capable of design devices and technology in biomedical field which support the industry and health services. 12. Expected Learning Outcomes: Biomedical Engineering Graduates are expected to have the following competence: 1. Able to design hardware and software which is required in biomedical engineer field. 2. Able to overcome general and specific problem in biomedical engineering field. 3. Able to design technology based on medical data related to human physiology. 4. Able to design biomedical engineering principles. 5. Able to apply mathematics, science, engineering and OHS principles to solve biomedical engineering problem. 6. Able to think critically, creatively, and innovatively and have an intellectual curiosity to solve problems in the individual and group level. 7. Possess entrepreneur spirit characterized in innovation and independence based on ethics. 8. Able to use spoken and written Bahasa Indonesia and English well for academic and non-academic activities. 9. Able to give alternative solution for the problem occurring in environment, society, and nation. 10. Able to operate and use the information communication technology (ICT). 13. Classification of Subjects Credit Hours (SKS) Percentage No. Classification 9 6.25% i University General Subjects ii Faculty Subjects 18 12.5% iii Expertise Subjects 84 58,3% iv Elective Subjects 25 17,36% v Special Subjects (KP, Seminar, and Undergraduate Thesis) 8 5.56% Total 144 100 % Total Credit Hours to Graduate 144 SKS Career Prospects Graduates from Biomedical Engineering Study Program can work in various types of companies and health industries, information technology, education, government or regulator, and other industries related to health facilities, such as hospitals and health clinics. 256

Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes 257

Undergraduate Program Learning Outcomes No KKNI Level 6 General Competency Output 1 Able to apply their expertise Able to design system, component, • Undergraduate Thesis and use science, technology, and/ or process n biomedical engineering • Paper or art in their respective fields field • Publication, including a sum- in solving problems and able to mary article of undergraduate adapt to any situation faced Able to apply tecnique, skill and mod- thesis with journal format on ern assist tools such as hardware and UI repository. software required in biomedical engi- • Internship training report neering Able to design imaging technique for biomedical engineering 2 Able to master theoretical con- Able to design biomedical engineering • Undergraduate Thesis cept in certain knowledge of a principles • Paper field in general and deep spe- • Publication, including a sum- cialized theoretical concept in in Able to apply basic mathematics, mary article of undergraduate said field and able to formulate chemistry, and physics to solve bio- thesis with journal format on problem-solving procedures medical engineering problem UI repository. • Internship training report. 3 Able to make the correct deci- Able to think critically, creatively, and • Undergraduate Thesis sion based on information and innovatively and have an intellectual • Paper data, and able to give instruc- curiosity to solve problems in the in- • Publication, including a sum- tion in choosing from a variety of dividual and group level mary article of undergraduate solution alternatives both inde- thesis with journal format on pendently and in group. Able to give alternative solution for UI repository. the problem occuring in environment, • Internship training report society, and nation 4 Be responsible for their own work Able to give alternative solution for • Undergraduate Thesis and can be given responsibility in the problem occuring in environment, • Paper achieving organization’s output society, and nation • Publication, including a sum- mary article of undergraduate Possess entrepreneur spirit character- thesis with journal format on ized in innovation and independence UI repository. based on ethics • Internship training report. 258

Undergraduate Program Flow Diagram of Subjects 259

Undergraduate Program ENBE604017 Modeling of Medical System 3 ENEE604017 Signals and Systems 3 Course Structure Undergraduate ENEE603014 Basic Computer and Labora- 3 Program in Biomedical Engineering tory ENBE605018 20 Code Subject SKS ENBE605019 Sub Total ENBE605020 5th Semester 3 UIGE600003 1st Semester ENBE605021 Medical Imaging Technology 3 UIGE600010-15 ENEE604020 Biomechanics 3 ENGE600003 English 2 Biomaterial 3 ENGE600003 ENBE606022 Basic to Biomedical Automa- ENGE600007 Religion 2 ENBE606023 tion System 2 ENGE600008 ENBE606024 Numerical Computation 5 Calculus 4 ENBE606025 Elective Course 19 ENBE601001 ENBE606026 ENEE602005 Basic Chemistry 2 Sub Total 3 ENBE607027 6th Semester 3 UIGE600001 Physics of Electricity, Magne- 3 ENBE607028 Medical Signal Processing 3 ENGE600005 tism, Optics, and Waves ENBE607029 Biomedical Sensor Design ENGE600006 RF Medical Devices and 2 ENGE600004 Physics of Electricity, Magne- 1 ENBE608030 Microwave Systems ENBE602002 tism, Optics, and Waves Biomedical Engineering 2 ENBE602003 Laboratory Project Design 1 ENBE602004 Standard and Regulations of 8 Engineering Biology and 3 Biomedical Engineering 21 Laboratory Elective Course 3 Digital System and Labora- 3 Sub Total tory 2 7th Semester 2 Sub Total 20 Biomedical Engineering 6 Project Design 2 13 2nd Semester Seminar Internship 4 Integrated Characteristic 5 Elective Course 6 Building Subject 10 Sub Total 144 Physics of Mechanics and 3 Heats th Semester Bachelor Thesis Physics of Mechanics and 1 Elective Course Heats Laboratory Sub Total Linear Algebra 4 Total Basic Chemistry Laboratory 1 Engineering Drawing 3 Introduction to Medical 3 Informatics Sub Total 20 ENBE603005 3rd Semester 3 Electives Subjects for Biomedical Study ENBE603006 3 Program Engineering Mathematics 1 ENBE603007 3 Code Subject SKS ENBE603008 Statistics and Probablity of 3 ENBE605031 Medical Communication System 3 Biomedical Engineering ENBE605032 Health, Safety & Environment for 2 ENBE603009 3 Hospital Analog Electronics ENBE607033 Biomedical Special Topic 1 3 ENBE603010 3 ENBE607034 Immune Engineering 3 ENBE603011 Basic of Anatomy and 1 ENBE607035 Basic Thermodynamics 3 Physiology ENBE607036 Artificial Intelligent 3 ENBE603012 2 ENBE606037 Biomedical Embedded System 4 Introduction to Biomedical ENBE606038 Biomedical Embedded System 1 Engineering 21 Laboratory ENBE608039 Biomedical Special Topic 2 3 Electric Circuit Analog Electronics Labora- tory Biomedical Engineering Ethics Sub Total 4th Semester ENBE604013 Engineering Mathematics 2 4 ENBE604014 3 ENBE604015 Electromagnetics 1 ENBE604016 Introduction to Biomedical 3 Engineering Laboratory Introduction to Biomedical Instrumentation 260

ENBE608040 Bioinformatics and Genomics 3 Undergraduate Program ENBE608041 Medical Therapy Technology 3 Course Learning Outcomes : Elective subjects can also be taken across study programs, departments, and faculties. For students to take subjects • CPMK 1: After completing this course, students are from other faculty, they must follow Universitas Indonesia able to apply self-regulated learning characteristically regulation and procedure. in studying critically, logically, creatively, innovatively through analysis of societal problems, nation, state, Course Sylabus of University Subjects and Pancasila ideology based on self-understanding as individuals and members. the community by using good INTEGRATED CHARACTER BUILDING and correct Indonesian and the latest information and UIGE6000061/UIGE6100061 communication technology (C4, A4) 5 credits • CPMK 2: Able to identify various entrepreneurial efforts Syllabus : characterized by innovation and independence based on ethics (C2, A5) The Integrated Character Building is part of the Higher Education Personality Development Lecture which is held • CPMK 3: After completing this course, students are for students which contains elements of the internalization able to apply self-regulated learning characteristically of basic life values, interaction/relationship skills, nationality in pursuing integrated and comprehensive knowledge and academic skills as the basis for student personality to through analysis of science problems, technology based carry out learning according to scientific disciplines. on the role of nature manager by using good and correct Indonesian and information technology and current MPKT is carried out in the form of a series of learning communications. (C4, A4) activities outside the formal class. activities carried out include participation in lectures/seminars, internships, field • CPMK 4: After completing this course, students are able work practices, social work, sports and/or arts activities and to plan creative activities to solve problems in society other forms of activities that have the main goal of equipping and the world of work/industry by showing creativity, students with soft skills and proven by portfolio documents. critical thinking, collaborative self-discipline using good The form of this learning activity is different from the MPKT and correct Indonesian as well as the latest information courses that have been carried out at the previous UI. and communication technology (C5, A5) The material provided at MPKT aims to form a human thinking Prerequisite : - pattern with values ​a​ nd morals to create a human personality by having critical, logical, creative, innovative thinking, and ACADEMIC WRITING having intellectual curiosity and an entrepreneurial spirit. UIGE610002 The material provided includes 9 UI values, national, state and 2 credits citizen values b​ ased on Pancasila. Solving problems in science, The Objectives : technology, health, and humans as natural managers by using reasoning and utilizing Information and Communication To activate students, English so that they will be able to Technology (ICT) to achieve the final objectives of this module. communicate effectively in English; Lecture activities are carried out using an online student- To enable students to develop the learning strategies and centered learning (SCL) approach which can use the study skills needed to finish their study successfully and o following methods: experiential learning (EL), collaborative continue learning on their own after taking the MPK program learning (CL), problem-based learning (PBL), question-based (to develop independent learners) learning, and project based learning. The use of these various methods is carried out through group discussion activities, Main Competencies : independent assignment exercises, presentations, writing papers in Indonesian and interactive discussions in online • Listen to, understand and take notes of key information discussion forums. The language of instruction in this lecture in academic lectures of between 5-10 minutes length; is Indonesian. • Improve their listening skills through various listening Graduate Learning Outcomes : materials and procedures; • CPL 1: Able to use spoken and written language • Speak confidently, ask questions in and contribute to in Indonesian and English both for academic and small group discussions; non-academic activities (C3, A5) • Use different reading strategies needed to the effective • CPL 2: Have integrity and are able to think critically, readers; creatively, and innovatively and have intellectual curiosity to solve problems at the individual and group • Improve their reading skills through extensive reading level (C4, A3) material; • CPL 3: Able to provide alternative solutions to various • Develop skills in connecting ideas using appropriate problems that arise in the community, nation, and transitions and conjunctions; country (C4, A2) • Work as part of a group to prepare and deliver a 25-minute • CPL 4: Able to take advantage of information presentation on an academic topic using appropriate communication technology (C3) organization, language and visual aids; • CPL 5: Able to identify various entrepreneurial efforts • Write a summary of a short academic article; characterized by innovation and independence based on ethics (C2, A5) • Write an expository paragraph; • Write a short essay. Learning Method : Active learning, Contextual language learning, small group discussion. 261

Undergraduate Program 2 credits General Instructional Objectives : Prerequisite : To help deliver students as intellectual capital in implementing 1. Students Learning Orientation/Orientasi Belajar lifelong learning process to become scientists with mature Mahasiswa (OBM) personality who uphold humanity and life. ENGLISH Be scholars who believe in God according to the teachings of UIGE600003 Jesus Christ by continuing to be responsible of his faith in life 2 credits in church and society. Learning Objectives : Syllabus : After attending this subject, students are expected to capable of use English to support the study in university and improve Almighty God and the God teachings; Man, Morals, science language learning independently. technology and art; harmony between religions; Society, Culture, Politics, Law: the substance of theses studies will be Syllabus : addressed by integrating the four dimensions of the teachings of the Catholic faith: the personal dimension, the dimension Study Skills : (Becoming an active learner, Vocabulary of Jesus Christ, the dimension of the Church, and Community Building: word formation and using the dictionary Listening dimension. Dimensions are implemented in the following strategies Extensive reading) Grammar: (Revision of Basic themes: People, Religion, Jesus Christ, the Church, and Faith grammar Types of sentences Adjective clauses, Adverb in the society. clauses Noun clauses, Reduced clauses) Reading: (Reading skills: skimming, scanning, main idea, supporting ideas, CHRISTIAN STUDIES Note-taking Reading popular science arti-cle, Reading an UIGE6000012/UIGE610007 academic text) Listening: (Listening to short conversations, 2 credits Listening to a lecture and notetaking, Listening to a news General Instructional Objectives : broadcast, Listening to a short story) Speaking: (Participating in discussions and meetings, Giving a presentation) Writing: Cultivating students with comprehensive Christian (Writing a summary of a short article Describing graphs knowledge and teaching in the midst of the struggle and and tables, Writing an academic paragraph, Writing a basic the fight of the nation while also discussing the student’s academic essay (5 paragraphs). participation in line with the study to help improve and build our country. ISLAMIC STUDIES UIGE6000010/UIGE610005 Learning Objectives : 2 credits General Instructional Objectives : Course participants are expected to do the following when faced with a problem or issue which they must solve: The cultivation of students who have concern for social, na-tional and countrys issues based on Islamic values which 1. Analyze the problem based on the Christian values is applied in the development of science through intellectual skills. 2. Analyze the problem by implementing active learning stages Learning Objectives : 3. Discuss the problem by using proper and correct Course participants are expected to do the following when Indonesian language faced with a problem or issue which they must solve : Syllabus : 1. Analyze the problem based on the Islamic values they adopted; History (Historical terms): Status of the Bible, the existence of God and Morality, Christ the Savior, the Holy Spirit as 2. Analyze the problem by implementing active learning existence reformer and outlook on the world: Faith and stages; Knowledge of Science, Church and service, Ecclesiology, Spiritual and enforcement of Christian Human Rights and 3. Discuss and express their thoughts and ideas by using the world of ethics: Christian Ethics, Christian and worship, proper and correct Indonesian language in discussion Christianity and politics, Christian love and social reality: and academic writing. Christian Organizations, Students and Service, Christian and expectations. Syllabus : HINDU STUDIES Islam history: the meaning of Islam, the characteristic of UIGE6000013/UIGE610008 Islam, the sources of Islamic teachings, Muhammad SAW 2 credits as prophet and history figure, introduction of Islam in Indonesia, the teaching essence of Islam: the basic principle Syllabus : of Islam teachings, the unity of Allah, worship prac-tice in live, eschatology and work ethics, human’s basic rights and Hindu religion, Hindu history), Source and scope of Hinduism obligation, social structure in Islam: sakinah mawaddah and (the Veda as the source of Hindu religion teachings, the scope ramhah family, the social implication of family life, Mosque of the teachings in Hindu religion), The concept of the God and the development of Islam, zakat and the economic (Brahman) according to the Veda, the Path to Brahman (Catur empowerment of the people, Islam society, Science: reason Marga Yoga, Mantra and Japa), Human Nature (The purpose of and revelation in Islam, Islam’s motivation in development of human life, Human’s duties, obligations, and responsibilities science, science characteristics, source of knowledge, IDI (each both individually or collectively), Ethics and morality Faculty and Department/Study Program). (Principles teaching, self-control), in-depth understanding of the scripture (deep understanding of the Bhagawadgita, deep CATHOLIC STUDIES understanding of the Sarasamuschaya), The Role of Hinduism 262 UIGE6000011/UIGE610006 in science, technology, and art (Hinduism benefits in science

Undergraduate Program and technology in accordance with each department, benefit CALCULUS 2 / the role of Hinduism in the arts), Cohesion and community’s ENGE600002/ENGE610002 prosperity /independence (Benefits of unity in the religious 3 SKS plurality, independent community (kerthajagathita) as a Course Learning Outcomes: common goal, Tri Pitakarana), Culture as an expression of Hindu religious practice, Contribution to the Hindu religion Students are able to use the concepts of sequences, series, conic teachings in the political life of nation and country, laws and sections, and the basic concepts of calculus which involve the the enforcement of justice, Awareness of and obeying the Rita function of two or three variables to solve their applied prob- / Dharma. lems. BUDDHIST STUDIES Graduates Learning Outcomes: UIGE6000014/UIGE610009 2 credits Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex Syllabus : engineering problems. Almighty God and the God Study (Faith and piety, Divine Syllabus: : Philosophy/Theology), Human (Human Nature, Human Dignity, Human Responsibility), Moral (Implementation of Infinite sequences and infinite series, Test for convergence Faith and Piety in everyday life), Science, Technology and Art (Faith, Science and Charity as a unity, the Obligation to study of positive series and alternating series, Power series and and practice what you are taught, Responsibility for nature and environment), harmony between religion (religion is a operation on operations, Taylor and MacLaurin series, Conic blessing for all mankind, the essence of the religious plurality and togetherness), community (the role of religious society in sections , Calculus in polar coordinates, Derivatives, limits, creating a prosperous independent society, the responsibility of religious society in the realization of human rights and and continuity of multi-variables functions, Directional democracy), Culture (the responsibility of religious society in the realization of critical thinking (academic), work hard and derivatives and gradients, Chain Rule, Tangent planes and fair), Politics (Religion contribution in the political life of nation and country), Law (Raise awareness to obey and follow God’s Approximations, Lagrange multipliers. Double integrals in law, the role of religion in the formulation and enforcement of law, the function of religion in the legal profession). Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates, triple integrals KONG HU CU STUDY in Cartesian coordinates, cylindrical coordinates and spheri- UIGE6000015/UIGE610010 2 credits cal coordinates, Applications of double and triple Integral. Syllabus of Faculty Subjects Prerequisite: Calculus 1 CALCULUS 1 Textbooks: ENGE600001/ENGE610001 1. D. Varberg, E. J. Purcell, S.E. Rigdon, Calculus, 9th ed., 3 credits Course Learning Outcomes: PEARSON, Prentice Hall, 2007. 2. Thomas, Calculus Thirteenth Edition Volume 2, Able to use the basic concepts of calculus related to -a function of one variable, the derivative and integration of the function Erlangga, 2019. of one variable in order to solve its applied problems. CALCULUS Graduates Learning Outcomes: ENGE600003/ENGE610003 4 SKS Able to apply mathematics, science, basic engineering, and Course Learning Outcomes: engineering specialization to be used in solving complex engineering problems. Students are able to use the basic concepts of calculus involv- ing functions of one to three variables to solve their applied Syllabus : problems. Introduction, Functions and Limits, The Derivative, Applica- tions of the Derivative, The Definite Integral, Applications of Graduates Learning Outcomes: The Definte Integral, Transcendental Functions, Techniques of Integration, Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integrals. Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex Prerequisite: None engineering problems. Textbooks: Syllabus : Main reference: Introduction, Functions and Limits, Derivatives, Derived D. Varberg, E. J. Purcell, S.E. Rigdon, Calculus, 9th ed., Applications, Indeterminate Integral, Integral Applications, Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2007. Infinite Row, and Series. Derivatives with many variables, Duplicate Integral (2 and 3), Duplicate Integral Application. Additional eferences: 1. George B. Thomas Jr., Thomas’ Calculus Early Transcen- Prerequisite: None dental, 12th ed., Addison–Wesley Pearson, 2009. Textbooks: 2. Howard Anton, Calculus, 10th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Main : 2012. D. Varberg, E. J. Purcell, S.E. Rigdon, Calculus, 9th ed., Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2007. George B. Thomas Jr., Thomas’ Calculus Early Transcenden- tal, 12th ed., Addison – Wesley Pearson, 2009. LINEAR ALGEBRA ENGE600004/ENGE610004 4 SKS Course Learning Outcomes: Students are able to calculate linear system problems to solve engineering problems. Graduates Learning Outcomes: 263

Undergraduate Program Law, Electric Potential, Capacitance, Electric Current, Resis- tance, Direct Current, Magnetic Field Due to Electric Current, Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and Magnetic Field Source, Induced GGL, Inductance, Alternating an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Light Properties and Propa- engineering problems. gation, Optical Geometry. Syllabus : Prerequisite: none Linear Systems and matrix equations, Determinants, Euclid Textbooks : vector spaces, Common vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigen- 1. Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Principles of Physics 9th vectors, inner product spaces, Diagonalization and General Linear Transformation. Edition, Wiley, 2011. 2. Serway Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 9th Prerequisite: None Edition, Thomson Brooks / Cole, 2013. Textbooks: 3. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4th 1. Elementary Linear Algebra, Howard Anton & Chris Edition, Pearson, 2008. Rorres, 11th edition, 2014 2. Gilbert Strang, Introduction to linear algebra 3rd edition BASIC CHEMISTRY ENGE600009 / ENGE610009 Wellesley Cambridge Press, 2003 2 credits Course Learning Outcomes: MECHANICAL AND HEAT PHYSICS Students are able to analyze the principe of basic chemistry ENGE600005 / ENGE610005 for application in engineering. 3 credits Course Learning Outcomes: Graduates’ Learning Outcomes: Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering to Able to explain the basic concepts of mechanics and thermo- be used in solving complex engineering problems. dynamics, and be able to apply them to understand natural phenomena and human engineering, including their applica- Syllabus: tions. Material and measurements, atoms, molecules and ions, Graduate Learning Outcomes: stochiometry, water phase reactions and solution stochiom- etry, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, acid and base Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and equilibrium, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and chem- an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex ical applications. engineering problems. Prerequisite: none Syllabus: Textbooks : Units, Magnitudes and Vectors, Motion Along Straight Lines, 1. Ralph H. Petrucci, General Chemistry: Principles and Motion in Two and Three Dimensions, Newton’s Laws of Motion, Applications of Newton’s Laws, Kinetic Energy, and Modern Applications, 8th Ed. Prentice Hall Inc., New Work, Potential Energy and Energy Conservation, Center of York, 2001. Mass, Linear Momentum, Rotation, Rolling Motion, Torque, 2. John McMurry, Robert C. Fay, Chemistry (3rd ed.), Angular Momentum, Oscillation, Mechanical and Sound Prentice Hall, 2001. Waves, Gravity, Statics and Elasticity, Fluid Mechanics, 3. Raymond Chang, Williams College, Chemistry (7th ed.), Temperature, Heat, Law I Thermodynamics, Ideal Gas and McGraw-Hill, 2003. Kinetic Theory of Gas, Heat Engine, Entropy, and Law II Ther- modynamics. ENGINEERING ECONOMY ENGE600011 / ENGE610011 Prerequisite: none 3 credits Course Learning Outcomes: Textbooks: 1. Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Principles of Physics 10th Students are able to analyze the economic and financial feasi- bility of making economic practice decisions. Edition, Wiley, 2014. 2. Serway Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 9th Graduate Learning Outcomes: Edition, Thomson Brooks / Cole, 2013. Able to apply the principles of technical management and 3. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4th decision making based on economic considerations, in indi- vidual and group, as well as in project management. Edition, Pearson, 2008 Syllabus: ELECTRICAL MAGNETIC, OPTICAL AND WAVE PHYSICS Introduction to Engineering Economics, Time Value of Money, ENGE600007 / ENGE610007 Combining Factors, Interest Rates, Money Worth Analysis, 3 credits Rate of Return Analysis, Effects of Inflation, Benefit Cost & Course Learning Outcomes: Break-Even Point Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Depreci- ation, Tax Analysis, Cost Estimation & Allocation, Capital Students are able to apply the basic concepts of electrical Budgeting & Replacement Analysis. physics, magnetism, waves, and optics to solve problems in the engineering field. Prerequisite: 1. Civil Engineering : - Graduate Learning Outcomes: 2. Environmental Engineering : - 3. Naval Engineering : - Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and 4. Industrial Engineering : must pass the introductory an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex engineering problems. Economic course and have completed 38 credits Syllabus: 264 Unit, Magnitude, Vector, Electric Charge, Electric Field, Gauss

5. Chemical Engineering : - Undergraduate Program 6. Bioprocess Engineering : - 5. Students are able to identify the knowledge required Textbooks: to perform risk assesment, investigation and design 1. Blank, Leland and Tarquin, Anthony. 2018. Engineering improvement through a multidisiplinary case of incident and accident. Economy 8th Ed. McGraw Hill. 2. Park, Chan S. 2016. Contemporary Engineering Econom- Syllabus: ics 6th Ed. Pearson. Upper Saddle River. Introduction to SHE Regulation and Standards, SHE Percep- 3. White, Case and Pratt. 2012. Principles of Engineering tion (Risk and Environment), Identification, Assessment and Management, Construction, machinery and Noise hazards, Economic Analysis 6th ed. John Wiley and Sons. Process safety hazard and analysis technique, Fire and explo- sion hazard, Electrical hazard, Toxicology in the Workplace, STATISTICS AND PROBABILISTICS Ergonomy Aspect, Hazard communication to employees, ENGE600010 / ENGE610010 Environmental Protection, Case studies, Safety Health and 2 credits Environment audits. Course Learning Outcomes: Prerequisite: none Students are able to handle quantitative data/information starting from the descriptive stage (collection, organization, Textbooks : and presentation) to the inductive stage, which includes fore- 1. Charles A. Wentz, Safety, Health and Environmental casting and drawing conclusions based on the relationship between variables for decision making. Protection, McGraw Hill, 1998. 2. Asfahl, C.R., Rieske, D. W., Sixth Edition Industrial Safety Graduate Learning Outcomes: 1. Apply descriptive statistics and probability theory to data and Health Management, Pearson Education, Inc., 2010. 3. United Kingdom - Health and Safety Executive, http:// processing and serving 2. Apply probability distribution to data processing and 4. National laws and regulations related to the K3 Manage- serving 3. Apply the principles of sampling and estimation for deci- ment System and the Environment. 5. Related Journal ( sion making 4. Apply hypothesis test samples for decision making ty-science/) etc, related standards and publications. Syllabus: Course Syllabus of Biomedical Engineering Introduction to Statistics for Engineering Studies, Probabil- ity Theory, Dasar Basic concepts and definitions, Distribu- ENGINEERING BIOLOGY AND LABORATORY tion Probability, Sampling, Estimation, Hypothesis testing, ENBE601001 Hypothesis test 1 sample at an average value, Regression 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Prerequisite: none After completing this course, students will be able to analyze Textbooks : comprehensive knowledge from engineering biology to 1. Harinaldi, Basic Principles of Statistical Engineering and biomedical engineering and health sciences (C4). Science, Erlangga, 2004 Topics: 2. Montgomery, DC., And Runger, GC., Applied Statistics Molecules of cell, structure and function of protein, metabo- and Probability for Engineers, John Wiley Sons, 2002 lism in cell, changes in cell: constituent of life molecule design, biochemistry and genetic revolution, DNA, biochemistry HSE PROTECTION linkages with biodiversity, protein synthesis from nucleate ENGE600012 / ENGE610012 acid to amino acid sequence, RNA polymerase to ribosome 2 credits for protein synthesis, the difference between prokaryotic Course Learning Outcomes: and eukaryotic; catalyst reaction to cell: protease, nucleoside monophosphate kinases; mechanical chemistry on cell: how Upon completion of this subject students are expected to be protein motors convert chemical energy into mechanical able to carried out hazard identification, and characterization, work. to propose appropriate methods for risk reduction and miti- gation, and to design safety management system. The student Prerequisites: None is also expected to improve their awareness on industrial safety and health, and understanding on safety regulation Textbook: framework and standards as well as environmental program. 1. Alberts, 2003, Molecular Biology of the cell. 2. Lodish, 2004, Molecular cell biology. Graduate Learning Outcomes: 1. Students are expected to understand safety, health and BASIC DIGITAL SYSTEM AND LABORATORY ENEE602005 environmental aspect as an integral part of fundamental 3 CREDITS principal in engineering code of ethics. Learning Outcomes: 2. Students are expected to be able to carry out process of risk assessments by considering risk factors in the impact This lecture aims to enable students to apply various levels of hazards on people, facilities, and the surrounding of design and implementation of digital systems using simple community and environemt. logic gates, logic function components, to simple memory 3. Students are expected to understand the regulatory units. This lecture covers several practicums in the design, framework and standard related to the stages of life cycle implementation, and verification of digital logic series. of machine, building structure, construction, and process. 4. Students are able to design and propose an effective Topics: hazard communication, management and engineering control, and risk mitigation through an engineering 265 assignment project.

Undergraduate Program 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Introduction to logic gates AND, OR and NOT; Combina- tional, Multiplexer and Decoder logic circuit: Full Adder, After this course, students are expected to: binary memory unit: SR latch, D and JK flip-flops, sequential 1. Able to understand the basic concept of information tech- circuit: Ripple Counter, Register and Counter: Universal Shift register, Ring counter and BCD counter, design and simula- nology for application in the medical field. tion. 2. Able to implement information basic method by combin- Prerequisites: None ing basic knowledge of programming to acquire, orga- nize, combine, and analyze health data sources. Textbook: 1. M. Morris Mano, “Digital Design,” 4th Edition (Interna- Topics: tional Edition), Prentice-Hall, 2007. Introduction to Medical Informatics, Controlled Medical 2. Robert Dueck, ”Digital Design with CPLD Applications Terminology, The Electronic Health Record (EHR), Health Information Systems in Clinical Settings, Health Informa- and VHDL,” Delmar Cengage Learning; Second Edition, tion Systems in Public Health, Informatics Issues in Virtual 2004, ISBN-10: 1401840302, ISBN-13: 978-1401840303. Healthcare, Telemedicine, and Expert Systems, Medical Infor- 3. M.M. Mano andC.R. Kime,” Logic and Computer Design matics and Clinical Decision Making, Future Technologies, Fundamentals,” Third Edition (International Edition), Fundamental Algorithms & Methods of Medical Informatics, Prentice-Hall, 2004. Medical Data Resources: Acquisition, Processing, and Classi- fication. BASIC CHEMISTRY LABORATORY ENBE602002 Prerequisites: None 1 CREDIT Topics: Textbook: 1. Biomedical Informatics: Computer Applications in Health Physical and chemical properties; Separation and purification of the substance; Identification of alkali metal ions, alkaline Care and Biomedicine (Health Informatics) 4th ed. 2014 earth, ammonium, sulfate, iodid, bromide and nitrate; acid- Edition. base titration; metal and acid reaction; Water crystals 2. Method in Medical Informatics: Fundamentals of Health- care Programming in Perl, Python, and Ruby, Jules ENGINEERING DRAWING Berman, CRC Press 2010. ENBE602003 3 CREDITS ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 1 Learning Outcomes: ENEE603005 Students are able to change geometry component by drawing 3 CREDITS according to the drawing standard of International Standard Learning Outcomes: Organization (ISO). Students understand the drawi­ng theory and procedures based on ISO standard. Students have After completing this course, students are expected to have the ability to read, interpret and moving 2D/3D geometry the ability to use matrix, Singular Value Decomposition images from components or construction. Students are (SVD), complex function on electric circuit, implement Cauchy able to draw orthogonal projection based on ISO standard. Riemann method on Laplace and Poiss­on equation, use Students are able to draw orthogonal projection based on ISO Cauchy integral method on Cartesius coordinate and polar. standard and bale to model the drawing using mathematical calculation. Topics: Topics: Number and complex function, polar form, De Moivre theory, dot multiplication and cross limit complex function, derivative, Function and benefit of engineering drawing; SAP; measure- del, gradient, divergence, curl in complex function, analytical ment and evaluation; Intro­duction to drawing tools; under- and harmonic function, Cauchy-Riemann equation, Laplace standing basic geometry, paper format, drawing rules, line, and Poisson, complex integ­ ral, Cauchy integral and residue plane, line configuration, basic shape geometry; geometric integration, real integrals using complex function, vector on visualization, isometric and unsymmetrical projection, func- two dimension and three dimension space, vector operation, tion and type of lines, geometric configuration shape, orthog- dot and cross product, matrix operation, Eigen value problem, onal projection, proj­ection standard, viewing concept, width canonical reduction, SVD. of view principle, advance orthogonal projection, the concept of circumpolar regions, the concept of special areas, cutting Prerequisites: Calculus. concept, wide display and refraction. Textbook: Prerequisites: None 1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, Textbook: 9th Edition, Wiley Publisher 2006 1. ISO 1101, Technical Drawings, International Organization 2. Glyn James, “Advanced Modern Engineering Mathemat- for Standardization. ics”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall Publisher 1999 2. A.W. Boundy, Engineering Drawing, McGraw-Hill Book BIOMEDICAL STATISTIC AND PROBABILITY Company. ENBE603006 3. Colin Simmons & Dennis Maguire, Manual of Engineer- 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: ing Drawing, Edward Arnold. 4. Warren J. Luzadder, Fundamentals of Engineering Draw- Students have ability to analyze probability and stochastic concept; to use probability and stochastic concept to solve ing, Prentice- Hall, Inc. engineering problem in general and biomedical engineering 5. Giesecke-Mithcell-Spencer-Hill-Dygdon-Novak, Techni- problem specifically. cal Drawing, Prentice Hall Inc. Topics: INTRODUCTION TO MEDICAL INFORMATICS 266 ENBE602004

Probability concept, random variables and probability distri- Undergraduate Program bution, mathematic expec­tancy, probability distribution func- tion, probability transformation, stochastic process, random OGY walk, spectrum, mean square estimation, entropy, Markov ENBE603009 process, central limit theorem. 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Prerequisites: None After finishing this course, students are expected to have the Textbook: following abilities: 1. Guojun Lu, “Communication and Computing for Distrib- 1. explain the concept of engineering system application to uted Multimedia Systems”, John Wiley and Sons solve human biology problems (C2). 2. Luis Correia, “Mobile Broadband Multimedia Networks’, 2. explain the concept of devices for monitoring human Elsevier, UK, 2006 physiology signals (C2). ELECTRONIC ANALOG 3. apply the basic principles of engineering to the biomed- ENBE603007 ical field (C3). 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Topics: After finishing this course, students are expected to: Basics of biomedical engineering, biomaterials, biomechanics, Medical Instrumentation, Imaging, Biosensors, Bioinformat- 1. be able to explain, characterize diode, FET, JFET, MOSFET, ics, Bioelectric Phenomena. VMOS, CMOS, and MESFET; Prerequisites: None 2. able to analyze BJT application sequence: small-signal model and large-signal for electronic circuit and able to Textbook: analyze FET application circuit. 1. The Biomedical Engineering Handbook, J.D. Bronzino & 3. Able to design analog electronics networks. D.R. Peterson, 4th Ed., CRC Press, 2015. 2. Standard Handbook of Biomedical Engineering and Topics: Design, M. Kutz, McGraw-Hill, 2003. Diode basic principles, transistor circuit, FET, JFET, MOSFET, 3. The biomedical Engineering Handbook, Biomedical VMOS, CMOS, MESFET, BJT common source circuit, common base, common emitter, and common collector, BJT applica- Signals, Imaging and Informatics. J.D. Bronzino & D.R. tions, small signal and large signal BJT model; current and Peterson,CRC Press, 2014 voltage amplifier; MOSFET depletion and enh­ ancement type, 4. Wang, Biomedical Sensors and Measurements, 2011 FET application. 5. Ibrahim, K. S., G. Gurusubramanian, Zothansanga, R. P. Yadav, N. S. Kumar, S. K. Pandian, P. Borah, S. Mohan, Prerequisites: - Bioinformatics – A Student’s Companion, Springer 2017 Text Books ELECTRICAL CIRCUIT ENBE603010 Boylestad R, Nashhelsky L, “Electronic Devices and Circuit 3 CREDITS Theory” 9th Edition Prentice Hall, New Jersey, USA, 2006 Learning Outcomes: BASIC ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY After finishing this course, students are expected to be able to ENBE603008 use star and delta circuit, calculate current phase, conductor, 3 CREDITS three-phase electric power system, electric circuit complex Learning Outcomes: frequency, and use Laplace and Fourier transformation and its invers on electric circuit. After finishing this course, students are expected to have the ability to anal­yze the human body structure and the physio- Topics: logical function of the human body. Balanced three-phase sequence, complex frequency, magnetic Topics: clutched circuit; Laplace transformation, Laplace transforma- tion circuit, frequency selection, active filter sequence, two The understanding of the human anatomy, Cytology and polar sequence, Fourier series review, circuit with Fourier Histology, Osteology, Arthrology, Myology, Digestive System, transformation, resistive circuit, dependent sources and Respiratory System, Blood Circulatory System, Muscle opamp, analysis method, energy saving element, order 1 System, Bone System, Hormone System, Urine System, Nerve circuit, order 2 circuit, sources and fasor sinusoidal, analysis System, Reproduction System, Body Immunity Syst­em, Skin the AC steady-state, AC steady-state power condition. System. Prerequisites: None Prerequisites: None Textbook: Textbook: 1. James W. Nilsson, Susan A. Riedel, “Electric Circuits”, 6th 1. Marieb EN and Hoen K. Human. Anatomy & Physiology. Edition, Prentice Hall International, Inc., 2000 (Chapter 10th ed.Elsevier Inc. 2015 11-18) 2. Tortora GJ et al. Principles of Anatomy & Physiology : 1st 2. David E. Johnson, Johnny R. Johnson, JohnL. Hilburry, Peter D. Scott, “Electric Circuit Analysis”, 3rd Edition, Asia-Pacific Ed. John Wiley & Sons Australia Ltd.2015 Prentice Hall International, Inc., 1997 (Chapter 10-17) 3. Martini FH, Nath JL, Bartholomew E. Fundamentals of ELECTRONIC ANALOG LABORATORY Anatomy & Physiology, 10th Edition. 2015 ENBE603011-MB 4. Sherwood L. Human Physiology, From Cells to System. 7th 1 CREDIT Learning Outcomes: ed. Brook/Cole. 2016 After finishing this course, students are expected to able to 267 INTRODUCTION TO BIOMEDICAL TECHNOL-

Undergraduate Program apply the Max­well Law 1, 2, 3, and 4. Students can interpret physical concept in biomedical engineering field. design one stage, two stages, and multi stages of amplifier sequence and multi vibrator, oscillator, and op amp circuit. Topics: Topics: Static Electricity, Magnetic Field, Maxwell Equation, Electro- magnetic Wave, Wave Propag­ ation, Wave Characteristic on The defining experiment of device characteristic, diode Different medium, Wave Transmission, Matching Impedance, circuit, amplifier one stage, compound transistor stages, multi Radia­tion. vibrator circuit, oscillator circuit, op amp circuit. Prerequisites: Calculus, Engineering Mathematics Prerequisites: Electrical Circuit Textbook: Textbook: 1. Stuart M. Wentworth, “Fundamentals of Electromagnet- Electrical Circuit Laboratory Module ics with Engineering Applications,”John Wiley, 2005. 2. William H. Hayt and John A. Buck, “Engineering Electro- ETHICS OF BIOMEDICAL TECHNOLOGY ENBE603012 magnetics,” McGraw-Hill Companies: 6th Ed. 2001.. 2 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: INTRODUCTION TO BIOMEDICAL TECHNOL- 1. Able to explain the ethic and ethical code in medical field OGY LABORATORY ENBE604015 both in the international level and in Indonesia. 1 CREDIT 2. Able to explore the ethics problem in medical field. Learning Outcomes: Topics: After completing this course, students are able to: The procedures and ethics that must be followed while plan- 1. Conducting experiments on instrumentation related to ning to conduct experiment on subject of animal and human; biomedical engineering (C3) the ethical dilemma in biomedical engineering research and the importance of considering all sides of the problems; the 2. Conducting experiments on software related to biomedi- health technology impact for the society; several equality cal engineering (C3) concept for gender, culture, and ethic. 3. Conducting experiments related to biosensor (C3). Prerequisites: None Topics: Textbook: 1. Ethics, Research Methods and Standards in Biomedical Tensimeter untuk tekanan darah, EKG, USG, Ventilator, Karakterisasi Material, Database bioinformatika, immunologi Engineering, Monique Frize, Publisher: Morgan & Clay- virtual lab, dan Biosensor. pool, 2011. 2. Ethics and Community in the Health Care Professions, Prerequisites: Introduction to Biomedical Technology Michael Parker, Publisher: Routledge, 1999. Textbook: ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS 2 ENBE604013 Biomedical Engineering Laboratory Module 4 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: INTRODUCTION TO BIOMEDICAL INSTRUMEN- TATION After finishing this course, students are expected to imple- ENBE604016 ment the Green theory, Gauss and Stoke divergence for 3 CREDITS line and surface integral to determine series convergence Learning Outcomes: to convert function towards Taylor series, MacLaurin and Fourier, and use function linearization, use Laplace, Fourier, After finishing this course, students are expected to have the and Z transformation. following abili­ties: 1. Menganalisis sistem pengukuran biomedis Topics: 2. Menganalisis beragam jenis pengukuran sistem kardio- The use and operation of vector, Derivative, del, gradient, vaskular, sistem respirasi, dan sistem saraf. divergence and curl from vec­tor, line, surface integral, Gauss 3. Menganalisis faktor-faktor keselamatan pasien yang divergence, Stoke and Green theory, the use in electromag- netic field, definition of order, series, type of series, series test, harus diperhatikan dalam pengukuran ratio test, integral test, comparison test, root test, Raabe test, Gauss test, Taylor and MacLaurin series, Fourier series in Topics: complex form, Laplace, Fourier, and Z transformation. Introduction to biomedical instrumentation; basic trans- Prerequisites: Calculus ducer principle (active and pass­ ive transducer, transducer for biomedical application; source of bioelectric potentials; elec­ Textbook: trodes; the cardiovascular system; cardiovascular measure- 1. Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”9th ment; measurement in respir­atory system; noninvasive diagnostic instrumentation; measurement in nervous system; Edition, Wiley Publisher 2006 sensory and behavioral measurements; electrical safety of 2. Glyn James, “Advanced Modern Engineering Mathemat- medical equipment; role of laser in healthcare. ics”, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall Publisher 1999 Prerequisites: None ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELD THEORY Textbook: ENBE604014 1. Andrew G. Webb - Principles of Biomedical Instrumenta- 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: tion-Cambridge University Press (2018) 2. Biomedical Instrumentation and Measurement, Leslie 268 After finishing this course, students are expected to able to Cromwell, Fred J. Weibel and Erich A. Pleiffer, Prentice

Undergraduate Program Hall, New Jersey. pseudo code, Introduction to programming language C, 3. Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation, RS Khanpur, programm­ ing process on programming language C, struc- tured program for programming language C. Tata McGraw-Hill Education, 2003. Prerequisites: None MODELING OF MEDICAL SYSTEM ENBE604017 Textbook: 3 CREDITS 1. A. Evans, K. Martin, and M. A. Poatsy, “Technology in Learning Outcomes: Action (TiA),” 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall, 2006. After completing this course, students are able to analyze a 2. G. B. Shelly and M. E. Vermaat, “Discovering Comput- system model for certain physiological cases (C4). ers 2011: Living in a Digital World,” Course Technology, Topics: Cengage Learning, 2011. 3. Deitel & Deitel, “C How to Program,” 5th Edition, Pearson Physiological complexity, physiological process modeling, Education, 2007. systems modeling, data modeling, parametric modeling, parametric model estimation, bioelectric phenomena, intro- MEDICAL IMAGING TECHNOLOGY duction to MATLAB Simulink and SymBiology, and simula- ENBE605018 tion case studies. 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Prerequisites: Basic Anatomy and Physiology After this course, students are expected to: Textbook: 1. Able to design medical imaging techniques for applica- 1. Cobelli C and Carson ER, Introduction to Modeling in tions in the health sector (C6) Physiology and Medicine. 1st ed. A volume in Biomedical 2. Able to recommend medical image processing techniques Engineering. 2008 2. Enderle, J. D., Bioelectric Phenomena, Elsevier 2012 for applications in the health sector (C5) 3. lab-tutorials.html Topics: SIGNAL AND SYSTEM Introduction to Medical Imaging Technologies (X-Ray and ENEE604017 CT, MRI, Ultrasound, PET and SPECT, Electrical Impedance 3 CREDITS Tomography), Image formation and Reconstruction (Acqui- Learning Outcomes: sition, Digitization, Image Reconstruction Methods), Image Enhancement (Fundamentals of enhancement techniques, After completing the lecture, students are expected to be able Image enhancement with linear, nonlinear, fixed, adaptive, to analyze the results of the process and signal transformation and pixel-based methods), Image Segmentation and Anal- into Fourier, Laplace and Hilbert functions, be able to design ysis (Fundamentals of Medical Image Segmentation, Image simple filters, sample signals into discrete (Z transform), be preprocessing and acquisition artifacts, Thresholding, Edge- able to design IRR and FIR filters on continuous systems. based techniques, Region-based segmentation, Classification, Morphological Methods for Biomedical Image Analysis), Topics: Image Visualization (2-dimensional visualization, 3-dimen- sional visualization methods: surface rendering, volume Fourier transformation and its characteristics, Discrete Time rendering, Algorithm for 3-D visualization), Image Manage- Fourier Transformations and its characteristics, continuous ment (Fundamentals of Standards Compression Storage and time system, Laplace transformation and its characteristics. Communication, Image archive and retrieval, three-dimen- System function, windows, filter design. Hilbert transforma- sional compression). tion. Discreet time signals, sampling, reconstruction theory, Z-transformation and its characteristics. System function, Prerequisites: None discreet simulat­ion of continuous system, windows, IIR and FIR filter design. Textbook: 1. Joseph D. Bronzino, The Biomedical Engineering Hand- Prerequisites: None book, Third Edition, “Medical Devices and Systems,” Textbook: CRC Press: 2006, Section II. 1. Simon Haykin and Barry Van Veen, “Signals and System”, 2. Avinash C. Kak and M. Slaney, “Principle of Computer- ized Tomographic Imaging,” IEEE Press: 1999. 2nd Edition John Wiley & Sons Publisher, 2003 3. Isaac Bankman, “Handbook of Medical Imaging: 2. Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, and John R. Processing and Analysis Management,” Academic Press: 2000, CA, USA. Buck, “Discrete-Time Signal Processing”, Prentice Hall; 4. E. S. Gopi, “Digital Signal Processing for Medical Imaging 2nd Edition, 1998 Using Matlab,” Springer:2013, New York. 5. Medical Image Processing, Reconstruction and Resto- BASIC COMPUTER AND LABORATORY ration: Concepts and Methods, Jirí Jan, CRC Press: Taylor ENEE603014 & Francis Group 2006, Boca Raton, FL, USA. 3 CREDITS Tambahan: Learning Outcomes: 6. Handbook of Medical Imaging, Vol. 2: Medical Image Processing and Analysis, M. Sonka & J.M. Fitzpatrick, After completing this course, students are expected to: SPIE Press, 2009, Washington, USA 7. Biomedical Image Processing, Thomas M. Deserno, 1. Explain the hardware and software of a computer system. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011 8. Biomedical Signal and Image Processing, Kayvan Najar- 2. Design a simple algorithm in the form of pseudocode and ian and Robert Splinter, CRC Press: Taylor & Francis implement the algorithm into a programming language. Group 2012, Boca Raton, FL, USA. Topics: BIOMECHANICS 269 Introduction to computer system, Introduction to computer hardware, Introduction to computer software, algorithm,

Undergraduate Program 3. designing a controller on an example of a biomedical system (C6) ENBE605019 3 CREDITS Topics: Learning Outcomes: Basic concept of biomedical system system-model-simula- After completing this course, students are able to design tion, biomedical system state space equations and transfer applied biomechanics, as well as biomechanics applications functions, model analysis via simulation, identification of in various biomedical and clinical problems (C6) biomedical system model parameters, parameter estimation methods, biomedical system model simulation, biomedical Topics: system optimization models, PID control and optimal design, biomedical automation system design, biomedical automation Newton Law, Fluid Mechanics, Bernoulli, Drag Forces, Reyn- system simulation and analysis. old Number, Static System Mechanic and Moving System, the Body’s Kinetic and Force and the influence on Movement Prerequisites: None and Stability, Basic Mathematics on Movement, Analysis and Instrumentation on body motion, the Basic concept of the Textbook: human body bone and muscle mechanics, ergometry, the 1. Automatic Control Systems in Biomedical Engineering, Basic concept of energy. Springer Verlag, 2018 Prerequisites: None 2. Control Systems Engineering 6th ed, John Wiley & Sons, Textbook: 2011 1. N. Ozkaya, and M. Nordin, “Fundamental of Biome- 3. Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems 7th, Pearson, 2015 4. Control Engineering: MATLAB Exercises, Springer chanics: Equilibrium, Motion and Deformation”, 2nd Ed., Springer, 1998. Verlag, 2019 2. E. Okuno, and L. Fratin, “Biomechanics of the Human 5. Control Theory in Biomedical Engineering: Applications Body”, Springer, 2013. in Physiology and Medical Robotics, Academic Pres, 2020. BIOMATERIALS ENBE605020 NUMERICAL COMPUTATION 3 CREDITS ENEE604020 Learning Outcomes: 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: At the end of the course, students are expected to be able to: Able to design algorithms with computational methods. 1. Explain the basic concept of biomaterial and its charac- teristics. Topics: 2. Use modern analysis technique for biomaterial character- Biner Computing System, computer memory, algorithm and ization. system efficiency, the dy­namics and Monte Carlo, Stochastic and random, error and error reduction. 3. Analyze the issue in surface area and toxicity. Prerequisites: Engineering Mathematics 4. Recommend suitable biomaterials for applications in biomedical engineering. Textbook: 1. Wen Shen, “An Introduction to Numerical Computation,” 5. Design the material process and cost analysis. World Scientific Publishing, 2016. Topics: 2. T.A. Driscoll and R.J. Braun, “Fundamental of Numerical Introduction and Overview/Importance of biomaterials, Computation,” SIAM, 2018. Classes of Materials Used in Medicine, Metalic Biomaterials, Polymeric Materials and composite, Ceramic biomaterials, MEDICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Biodegradable materials, Soft and Hard tissue replacement, ENBE606022 Tissue Engineering, Surface Properties and characteriza- 3 CREDITS tion of Biomaterials, Surface & Protein Interactions, Dental Learning Outcomes: Implants, Biosensors, Biodevices, Targeted drug delivery, Biomaterials corrosion and degradation. After completing this course, students are expected to: Prerequisites: None 1. Able to analyze medical signal processing methods Textbook: 2. Able to analyze medical image processing methods 1. J.Y. Wong and J.D. Bronzino, “Biomaterials”, CRC Press, 3. Able to apply medical signal and image processing methods 2007. using MATLAB software 2. D. Sihm, “Introduction to Biomaterials”, World Scientific, 4. Able to use correct Indonesian language in presenting 2006. ideas/opinions. BASIC BIOMEDICAL AUTOMATION SYSTEM Topics: ENBE605021 3 CREDITS Introduction to medical image and signal processing, Fourier Learning outcomes: transform application, Image Filtering, Enhancement, and Restoration, edge detection and image segmentation, Wavelet After finishing this course, students are able to: transform, artificial neural network recognition, deep learn- ing recognition, basic signal processing EEG, ECG, PET, CT, X 1. analyze stability, transient response, and steady-state error -Ray, MRI, Ultrasound and SEM. in a control system (C4) Prerequisites: Signal and System 2. choose a control system design method according to the 270 control problem (C5) Textbook: 1. Kayvan Najarian and Robert Splinter, “Biomedical Signal

and Image Processing, 2nd Ed”, Taylor & Francis, 2012 Undergraduate Program 2. E. S. Gopi “Digital Signal Processing for Medical Imaging sis for new project proposals, Introduction to the concept of Using Matlab”, Springer, 2013 entrepreneurship, Marketing risk analysis. Understanding of project and project management, organizational structure, DESIGN OF BIOMEDICAL SENSORS function management, leadership in the project environment, ENBE606023 conflict management, investment analysis, control analysis 3 CREDITS for infrastructure development, cost and wealth allocation, Learning Outcomes: risk management and quality management, work break- down structure, scheduling, resource budgeting, controlling After completing this course, students will be able to design (S-curve), Engineering Economics (NPV, IRR, BEP), TOR of biosensors for medical applications (C6) technical proposals. Topics: Prerequisites: None The basis of the sensor which includes sensor characteristics, Textbook: sensor calculation technology, and biocompatibility of the sensor, Physical sensor which includes resistance sensor, 1. H. Kerzner, “Project Management: A System Approach inductive sensor, capacitive sensor, piezoelectric sensor, to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling’, John Willey & magnetoelectric sensor, photoelectric, and thermoelectric Sons, 2009. sensor, optical sensor, Chemical sensor includes ion sensor , gas sensors, humidity sensors, sensor arrays, and sensor 2. J.R. Meredith, S.J. Mantel, Jr. “Project Mangement: A networks, and biosensors including catalytic biosensors, Managerial Approach’, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, affinity biosensors, cell and tissue biosensors, biochips, and 2006. nano-biosensors. 3. G. Pahl and W.Beitz, Engineering Design: A Systematic Prerequisites: None Approach, 3rd ed. Springer, 2007. Textbook: 4. Leland Blank, Anthony Tarquin - Engineering Econo- 1. Enderle J., Bronzino J. - Introduction to biomedical engi- my-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2011) neering-AP (2011). BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING STANDARD AND 2. Wang, P. Q. Liu. Biomedical Sensor and Measurement. REGULATION ENBE606026 Springer (2011). 2 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: RF MEDICAL SYSTEM DEVICE AND MICRO- WAVE After completing this course, students are expected to: ENBE606024 3 CREDITS 1. Able to recommend biomedical engineering standards Learning Outcomes: and regulations After completing this course, students are expected to: 1. Able to design RF and microwave devices and circuits 2. Able to recommend patient safety and security stan- 2. Able to develop microwave technology in the future in dards. Indonesia Topics: Topics: Medical devices design and manufacturing control, ISO 13485, How to Manufacture Good Health Device (CPAKB) di Introduction to microwave engineering, Transmission line Indonesia, International Standard for Medical Devices: IEC theory, Transmission Line and Waveguide, Network analysis, 60601; EC Medical device directed (MDD), Medical devices Impedance matching and tuning, Microwave Resonators, design and control in the hospital. Mic­rowave power dividers and couplers, Microwave Filters, Noise in Microwave Circuits & Active RF Components, Patient safety and the biomedical engineer, Risk management, Microwave Amplifier, Microwave Oscillators and Mixers. Patient safety best practices model, Hospital safety program, System approach to medical device safety, Electromagnetic Prerequisites: Electromagnetic Field Theory interference in the hospital; Electrical safety in the hospital; Accident investigation, Medical devices Failure modes, acci- Textbook: dents and liability. 1. Microwave Engineering, David M. Pozar, Publisher: John Prerequisites: None Wiley & Sons, 4th Ed. 2012. 2. RF & Microwave Design Essentials, Matthew M. Textbook: 1. National Institutes of Health (NIH), Ethical Guidelines & Radmanesh, Publisher: AuthorHouse, 2007. Regulations. BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING PROJECT DESIGN 1 2. 2. International Organization for Standardization (ISO). ENBE606025 2 CREDITS IEC 60601 Series. Learning outomes: 3. 3. Ethics, Research Methods and Standards in Biomedical After completing this course, students are expected to be able Engineering, Monique Frize, Publisher: Morgan & Clay- to handle general and specific problems in the field of biomed- pool, 2011. ical engineering (C6). BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING PROJECT DESIGN 2 Topics: ENBE607027 3 CREDITS Engineering design concepts, engineering design process, Learning outcomes: selection of objects/tools needed, selection and decision making, Introduction to marketing, Business organization, Students have capability to design the development concept in accounting management, Business Finance, Business Analy- biomedical project and its implementation. 271

Undergraduate Program 4 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Topics: After completing the study, students are expected to be able Biomedical engineering project design to design and plan a guided research and be able to write the results of their research in a scientific paper in the form of a Prerequisite: Biomedical Engineering Project Design 1 thesis book. Students are expected to be able to think critically, creatively, and innovatively and have intellectual curiosity Textbook: to provide alternative solutions to existing problems. Under 1. H. Kerzner, “Project Management: A System Approach the guidance of a lecturer, students are expected to integrate and implement their concept and write their research results to Planning, Scheduling and Controlling’, John Willey & into scientific writing in the form of undergraduate thesis Sons, 2009. book. Students are also expected to present and defend their 2. J.R. Meredith, S.J. Mantel, Jr. “Project Mangement: A concept and findings in front of a panel of examiners on thesis Managerial Approach’, 6th Edition, John Wiley & Sons, examination day. 2006. 3. G. Pahl and W.Beitz, Engineering Design: A Systematic Syllabus: Not Available Approach, 3rd ed. Springer, 2007. 4. Leland Blank, Anthony Tarquin - Engineering Econo- Prerequisites: Earns more than 120 credits my-McGraw-Hill Science_Engineering_Math (2011). Textbook: Special Subjects 1. Technical Guidance for Universitas Indonesia Students’ SEMINAR Final Project ENBE607028 2. IEEE Citation Reference 2 CREDITS 3. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Learning Outcomes: Vol. 21, No. 2, Feb. 2010, “How To Write Research Articles After finishing this course, students are expected to be able to in Computing and Engineering Disciplines” design and analyze a guided research, and able to write the findings of said research into a scientific writing in the form Elective Courses for Biomedical of seminar book. Students are expected to think critically, Engineering creatively, and innovatively and have intellectual curiosity to provide alternative solutions to existing problems. Students MEDICAL COMMUNICATION SYSTEM are also expected to show their research in front of lecturers. ENBE605031 3 CREDITS Topics: Not Available Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, students are expected to be Prerequisites: Earns more than 114 credits. able to recommend wired/wireless medical communication systems Textbook: 1. Technical Guidance for Universitas Indonesia Students’ Topics: Final Project Introduction to medical communication system, e-healthcare 2. IEEE Citation Reference and telemedicine. Several special topics will be delivered 3. IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, include body-centric wireless communications, electromag- netic properties and modeling of the human body, portable Vol. 21, No. 2, February 2010, “How To Write Research wearable devices, medical implant communication systems, Articles in Computing and Engineering Disciplines” e-healthcare infrastructure, wireless body area network, mobile-based telemedicine system, and wireless power tech- INTERNSHIP nology in medical devices. ENBE607029 2 CREDITS Prerequisites: None Learning Outcomes: Textbook: In this course, students are be expected to participate in an 1. E-Healthcare Systems and Wireless Communications: internship in industries, institutions, or laboratories related to biomedical engineering. Upon completion of this course, Current and Future Challenges, Mohamed K. Watfa, students are expected to be able to combine and implement Publisher: IGI Global, 2012. engineering knowledge that they have learnt before with 2. Antennas and Propagation for Body Centric Wireless new knowledge given by their supervisors. Students are also Communications, P.S. Hall, Publisher: Artech House, expected to be able to show professional conduct such as 2006. teamwork, discipline, responsibility, initiative, and interest, leadership, and improvement prospect. HEALTH, SAFETY & ENVIRONMENT (HSE) FOR HOSPITAL Topics: Not Available ENBE605032 2 CREDITS Prerequisites: Learning Outcomes: After completing this course, students are expected to: Earn 90 credits. Internship locations are industries, institu- 1. 1. apply the principles of occupational safety and health in tions, and laboratories connected to biomedical engineering with appointed supervisors and person in charge that can the hospital environment (C3) guide the students daily. The choice of companies or laborato- 2. 2. express the concept of the application of policies related ries will start with an administrative process in the Biomedi- cal Engineering Study Program. to occupational safety and health in the health care facil- ity environment (C3). Textbook: Not Available Syllabus: UNDERGRADUATE THESIS ENBE608030 272

Patient safety and the biomedical engineer; Risk management; Undergraduate Program Patient safety best practices model; Hospital safety program; System approach to medical device safety; Electromagnetic 1. apply the laws and basic concepts of thermodynamics, interference in the hospital; Electrical safety in the hospital; thermodynamic processes, and equations of state (C3). Accident investigation; Medical devices Failure modes, acci- dents and liability 2. design thermodynamic systems and information tech- nology needed to achieve competence in the discipline of Prerequisites: None Biomedical Engineering (C6). Textbook: Topics: 1. Kemenkes RI, Pedoman manajemen Risiko di Fasilitas Scope and basic understanding of thermodynamics system, Pelayanan Kesehatan, 2013. temperature concept, pressure, thermodynamics equilibrium, 2. Joseph Dyro (ed.), Clinical Engineering Handbook, Else- reversible/irreversible process, zero law of thermodynamics and absolute temperature, first law of thermodynamics, vier Academic Press, 2004. second law of thermodynamics, thermodynamics equation, 3. Keputusan Menteri Kesehatan Republik Indonesia gas power cycle, gas compressor, combustion engine cycle, internal combustion engine, simple gas turbine cycle, bray- Nomor: 1087/Menkes/Sk/Viii/2010 Tentang Standar ton’s cycle, stirling’s cycle, steam power cycle, refrigeration, Kesehatan Dan Keselamatan Kerja Di Rumah Sakit carnot’s cycle, simple rankine’s cycle, rankine’s cycle with 4. Myer Kutz, Biomedical Engineering and Design Hand- modification, biner cycle, phsycometrich chart, cooling tower, book (Volume 2: Applications), McGraw Hill, New York, real gas, real gas equation, enthalpy and entrophy. 2nd edition, 2009. 5. Improving Patient safety: Insights from American, Prerequisite: Basic Chemistry Australian and British Healthcare, ECRI Europe, 2012. 6. Elizabeth Mattox, Medical Devices and Patient Safety, Textbook: AACN Journals Vol. 32, No.4 Agust 2014. 1. Moran, Michael J. and Shapiro, Howard N. Fundamentals BIOMEDICAL SPECIAL TOPIC 1 of Engineering Thermodynamics 5th edition. Danvers: ENBE607033 John Wiley & Sons, 2006. 3 CREDITS 2. Cengel, Yunus A. and Boles, Michael A. Thermodynamic: Learning Outcomes: an Engineering Approach 5th edition. Boston: McGraw- Hill, 2006. After completion this course, students are expected to be able to review the latest developments in biomedical engineering ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE covering aspects of technology, business and regulation. ENBE607036 3 CREDITS Topics: Learning outcomes: At the end of the course, students are expected to: The latest issues on technology, application, business, and 1. analyze mathematical model and statistics in basic intro- regulation aspects in the health field. duction Prerequisites: None 2. use good learning method either supervised or unsuper- Textbook: None vised algorithm in pattern recognition, classification and clustering IMMUNE ENGINEERING ENBE607034 Topics: 3 CREDITS Learning outcomes: Basic pattern recognition, artificial neural networks (ANN), supervised learning (generative/discriminative learning, After completing this course, students are able to make basic parametric/non-parametric learning, neural networks, application concepts in the field of biomedical technology support vector machines); unsupervised learning (clustering, using the principles of immunology (C4). dimensionality reduction, kernel methods), learning theory (bias/variance tradeoffs; VC theory; large margins), Principal Topics: Component Analysis, current application in machine learn- ing. The principles in immunity, includes innate and adaptive immunity; antibody and antigen interaction; hipersensitivity; Prerequisite: autoimmune and host defense; vaccine; immune regulation; immune response against microbiological infection; diag- Engineering Mathematics 2, Biomedical Statistics and Proba- nostic methods of infection; synthetic biology; biomimetic; bililty, Numeric Computation, Basic Computer and Program- personalized medicine; in vitro diagnostic. ming Prerequisite: Engineering Biology and Laboratory Textbook: 1. Christopher Bishop, “Pattern Recognition and Machine Textbook: 1. Delves PJ, et al, 2017, Roitt’s Essential Immunology, Wiley Learning,” Springer, 2006. 2. Richard Duda, Peter Hart and David Stork, “Pattern Clas- Blackwell. 2. Silvestre R and Torrado e, 2018, Metabolic Interaction in sification,” 2nd ed. John Wiley &Sons, 2001. 3. Tom Mitchell, “Machine Learning,” McGraw-Hill, 1997. Infection, Springer. BIOMEDICAL EMBEDDED SYSTEM BASIC THERMODYNAMICS ENBE606037 ENBE607035 4 CREDITS 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Learning outcomes: This course teaches students to design medical application After completing this course, students are expected to: from embedded system. By the end of the course, students should be able to design the concept of developing embedded 273

Undergraduate Program bioinformatics approach (C4). system and plan the implementation by using programming Topics: Fundamental information of genome along with its language such as Assembly Language, C Programming database and software; sequencing technology; nucleotide Language and other Programming Language. analysis; DNA marker analysis; RNA analysis; wet lab appli- cation related to bioinformatics; pathway and GO annotation Topics: Specification and Model for Embedded System, system; molecular analysis of protein; biological system. Sensor and Actuator, Programming Language for Embedded System, Operation System for Embedded System, Evaluation Prerequisite: Engineering Biology and Laboratory. and Validation for Embedded System. Textbook: Prerequisites: None 1. Ibrahim KS, et al, 2017, Bioinformatics-A Student’s Textbook: Companion. Springer. Singapore. 2. Keith JM. 2017. Bioinformatics Volume II: Structure, Func- 1. J. Liu, “Real-Time Systems”, Prentice Hall, 2000. tion, and Application. Humana Press. New York. 2. P. A. Laplante, “Real-Time Systems Design and Analysis - 3. Li X, et al. 2018. Non-Coding RNAs in complex diseases. An Engineer’s Handbook”, 2nd Edition, IEEE Press, 1997. Springer. Singapore. BIOMEDICAL EMBEDDED SYSTEM LABORA- TORY MEDICAL THERAPY TECHNOLOGY ENBE606038 ENBE600040 1 CREDITS 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Learning Outcomes: Students have capability to create 16 bits and 32bits Intel Able to analyze cancer and tumor issues and their treatment Microprocessor program and 8051 Microcontroller (8 bits) solution with radiotherapy and thermal therapy methods. using low level language and design microcontroller 8051- based embedded system. Topics: Topics: Assembly programming for 8086/8088 Intel Micropro- Radiotherapy: Radioisotope physics principle, several cancer cessor; Assembly and interface programming microcontroller and tumor, radiotherapy method for benign and malig- in LED, Switch, LCD, Keypad; Stepper Motor Assembly and nant cancer. Thermal Therapy: RF Ablation and Microwave interface programming. Mid test project: Assembly program Coagulat­ion, Hyperthermia Method, Ultrasound Thermal development for Microprocessors 8086/8088. Final test proj- Therapy. ect: Embedded systems development for Microcontroller 8051. Prerequisites: None Prerequisites: Digital Circuit and Laboratory, Basic Computer and Programming Textbook: 1. Peter Hoskin, “Radiotherapy in Practice - Radioisotope Textbook: Therapy,” Oxford University Press, 2007. 1. Digital Laboratory, “Microprocessor and Microcontroller 2. E.G. Moros, Physics of Thermal Therapy - Fundamentals Laboratory Modules” and Clinical Applications, CRC Press, 2012. 2. The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186/80188, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, Pentium Pro Processor, Pentium II, Pentium III, Pentium IV Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing, 7th Edition, Brey, Barry, B., PHI Inc, USA, 2006 3. The 8051 Microcontroller and Embedded Systems, 2nd Edition, Muhammad Ali Mazidi, Prentice Hall, 2006 BIOMEDICAL SPECIAL TOPIC 2 ENBE600039 3 CREDITS Learning Outcomes: Able to figure out the latest development of biomedical engi- neering including the technology, business, and regulation aspects. Syllabus: The latest issues on technology, application, business, and regulation aspects in the health field. Prerequisites: None Textbook: None BIOINFORMATICS AND GENOMICS ENBE600041 3 CREDITS Learning outcomes: After completing this course, students are expected to be able to conclude the results of genomic data analysis through the 274

Undergraduate Program Undergraduate Program in Metallurgical & Materials Engineering Program Specification 1. Awarding Institution Universitas Indonesia Double Degree: Universitas Indonesia & Partner Universities 2. Teaching Institution Universitas Indonesia 3. Faculty Double Degree: Universitas Indonesia & Partner Universities 4. Name of Study Program 5. Vission and Mission Engineering Undergraduate Program in Metallurgy and Materials Engineering Vision: To be a research-based center of excellence, as well as referral center and solution provider for problems in the field of metallurgical and materials engineering in national and global levels Mission: • To provide broad access to education and research for the public and industry • To produce high quality graduates with strong academic back- ground and comprehensive skills in process technology, material engineering and design, who are capable of undertaking active and dynamic role in national, regional and international arenas • To perform quality Tridharma (three duties) relevant to the national and global challanges. • To create conducive academic environment to support the vision of the Department of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering 6. Type of Class Reguler, Paralel, International 7. Awarding Degree Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) Double Degree: Sarjana Teknik (S.T.) and Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) 9. Accreditation / Recognition BAN-PT: Excellent AUN-QA: Accredited IABEE: Accredited 10. Language Course Bahasa (Indonesia) and English 11. Learning Scheme (Full Time / Part Time) Full Time 12. Entry High school graduate/equivalent, or Vocational/Polytechnique/ Requirements Community College 11. Term of Study Programmed for 4 years Type of Semester Number of Number of weeks / semester Semester Regular 8 16 Short (optional) 38 13. Aims of the programme 1. To produce high quality graduates with a strong academic foundation 2. To produce graduates who are comprehensively capable in process technology and material engineering 3. To produce graduates who are able to contribute an active and dynamic role in the national, regional and interna- tional community. 14. Profile of Graduates Bachelor of Engineering who is able to engineer materials that are environmentally friendly to improve the performance of manufactured products, material protection and development of advanced materials based on the utilization of material resources optimization; has strong adaptability, character and integrity; and able to contribute an active, dynamic and ethical role at the national and international level 275

Undergraduate Program 15. Expected Learning Outcomes: The graduates of Metallurgical and Materials Engineering will have the following outcomes: 1. Able to implement the knowledge of mathematic and science in problems of metallurgy and materials technology process 2. Able to design and characterize the materials, manage and evaluate the engineering process according to the appropriate application and standard 3. Able to design an experiment and analyze the data 4. Able to implement the principle of processing and refining on primary and secondary material resources, and environmentally friendly manufacturing technology 5. Able to implement the principle of advance materials development based on local natural resources 6. Able to implement the principle of material degradation prevention and failure analysis of materials 7. Able to utilize modern engineering devices 8. Able to communicate effectively in writing and oral, in individual activity or in the multicultural and multidisci- plinary teams 9. Able to identify, analyze, and solve engineering problem responsibly in the society in accordance with existing limits 10. Able to learn independently and sustainably (long-life learning), adapt and innovate in dynamic work environ- ment 16. Course Composition No. Type of Courses Credits Percentage i Basic University Courses 9 6,25 % ii Basic Engineering Courses 22 15,28 % iii Metallurgical and Materials Engineering Courses 77 53,47% iv Elective Courses 28 19,44% v Internship, Seminar, Final Year Projects 8 5,56 % Total 144 100 % Total Credit Hours to Graduate 144 credits Job Prospects Graduates of this study program can work in various sectors both private, state-owned and government such as in the auto- motive industry, manufacturing, heavy equipment, mining, oil and gas, research and development fields such as Pertamina, LIPI, BATAN, BPPT, LAPAN, Ministry of Industry, and Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. 276

Expected Learning Outcomes Matrix Undergraduate Program 277

Undergraduate Program 278 Course Flowchart for Learning Outcome Achievement Bachelor Program Metallurgical & Materials Engineering

Undergraduate Program 279

Undergraduate Program 280

Undergraduate Program 281

Undergraduate Program Course Type Distribution in Curriculum 2020 282

Undergraduate Program Course Correlation in Curriculum 2020 283

Undergraduate Program ENMT604019 Materials Characterization 1 Laboratory Course Structure for Undergraduate ENMT605020 18 Metallurgical & Materials Engineering ENMT605021 Sub Total Program (Regular & Parallel Class) ENMT605022 5th Semester 3 ENMT605023 Extractive Metallurgy 2 Code Subject SKS ENMT605024 Iron & Steel Making 2 ENMT605025 Materials Selection 3 UIGE600004 1st Semester ENMT606026 Materials Joining 4 UIGE600003 ENMT607937- Metal Manufacturing Process 3 ENGE600001 Religious Studies 2 Polymer Manufacturing Process 1 ENGE600005 51 Corrosion Laboratory 3 ENGE600006 English for Academic Writing 2 Elective ENMT606027 20 ENGE600009 Calculus 1 3 ENMT606028 Sub Total ENMT601001 6th Semester 3 ENMT601002 Physics - Mechanics and Heat 3 ENMT606029 Failure Analysis 3 ENMT606030 Engineering Design of Products ENMT601003 Physics - Mechanics and Heat 1 ENMT606031 and Process 3 Laboratory ENMT606032 Ceramics Technology 3 UIGE600006 ENMT608952- Composite Technology 1 Basic Chemistry 2 Metal Manufacturing Laboratory 1 ENGE600002 60 Extractive Metallurgy Laboratory 5 ENGE600007 Engineering Drawing 2 Elective ENGE600008 ENMT607033 19 Introduction to Engineering 2 ENMT607034 Sub Total ENMT602004 Materials ENMT607035 7th Semester 2 ENMT602005 ENMT607939- Technopreneurship 2 ENMT602006 Basic Chemistry Laboratory 1 Internship 2 49 Seminar 14 ENGE600004 Sub Total 18 Elective ENMT603007 ENMT600038 20 ENMT603008 2nd Semester ENMT608950- Sub Total ENMT603009 8th Semester 4 ENMT603010 Integrated Character Building 5 60 Final Project 7 Subject Elective ENMT603011 11 ENMT603012 Calculus 2 3 Sub Total 144 Total ENGE600012 Physics - Electricity, MWO 3 ENMT604013 Physics - Electricity, MWO 1 ENMT604014 Laboratory ENMT604015 ENMT604016 Materials Physic 1 2 ENMT604017 ENMT604018 Static & Mechanic of Materials 3 Thermodynamics of Materials 3 Sub Total 20 3rd Semester 4 Resume Linear Algebra 3 Electrochemistry 3 Semester Course Prerequisite Materials Physic 2 3 4 HSE Protection Characterization of Materials 2 4 Minimum 50 Chemical Characterization of Materials Physic 3 credits Materials 2 4 Numerical Computation 2 4 Capita Selecta, Technol- Termodynamics Introduction to Fluids Mechanics 4 ogy, and Society of Materials, and Heat Transfer 19 Corrosion & Protection Introduction to of Metals Fluid Mechanics Sub Total Polymer Materials 4th Semester Minimum 50 credits HSE Protection 2 Data Analysis and Scientific 3 Electrochemistry Writing Materials Physics 3 2 Corrosion & Protection of Metals 3 Polymer Materials 3 Mineral Processing 3 Heat Treatment and Surface 1 Engineering 284

Undergraduate Program 4 Mineral Processing Materials Physics Prerequisite List For Curriculum 2020 Courses 1 Code Subject SKS 4 Materials Characteriza- Characterization tion Laboratory of Materials 1st Semester 4 Chemical Character- Materials ENMT607939 Special Alloyed Steels 2 ENMT607940 Biomaterial 2 ization of Materials Characterization ENMT607941 Engineering Ethics 2 ENMT607942 Computational Materials 2 Laboratory Laboratory ENMT607943 High Temperature Corrosion 2 ENMT607944 Electron Microscopy 2 5 Extractive Metallurgy Mineral Process- ing 5 Iron & Steel Making Mineral Process- ing 5 Heat Treatment and Materials Physic 3 ENMT607945 Polymer Compounding 2 Surface Engineering ENMT607946 Quality Management Systems 2 5 Metal Manufacturing Materials Physic 3 ENMT607947 Advanced Solidification 2 Process ENMT607948 Special Processing and Assembly 2 5 Polymer Manufacturing Polymer Materials Technologies Process ENMT607949 1st Term Advanced Internship 3 5 Corrosion Laboratory Corrosion & ENMT803918 Risk Based-Inspection and 3 Protection of Integrity Metals 6 Data Analysis and Minimum 90 ENMT803919 Advanced Polymer Manufactur- 3 ing Scientific Writing credits 6 Materials Selection Characterization ENMT803920 Electronic Materials 3 of Materials, ENMT803921 Nanotechnology 3 Materials Physics 2nd Semester 2 2, Materials ENMT608950 Industrial Ecology Physics 3 6 Materials Joining Characterization ENMT608951 Concrete Corrosion 2 of Materials, ENMT608952 Energy Materials 2 Materials Physics ENMT608953 Refractory Materials 2 3 ENMT608954 Mechanics of Material Forming 2 6 Ceramics Technology Materials Physics ENMT608955 Industrial Mechanic Equipment 2 3 6 Composite Technology Polymer Materials ENMT608956 Material Standardization 2 6 Metals Manufacturing Metal Manufac- ENMT608957 Polymer Recycling Technology 2 Laboratory turing Process ENMT608958 Rubber Technology 2 6 Extractive Metallurgy Extractive ENMT608959 Quenching Technology 2 Laboratory Metallurgy ENMT608960 2nd Term Adv. Internship 3 7 Failure Analysis Materials ENMT804922 Advanced Manufacture 3 Selection ENMT804923 Smart Materials 3 ENMT804924 Advanced Extractive Metallurgy 3 7 Engineering Design of Metal Manu- Products facturing Process, Polymer ENMT804925 Advanced Surface Engineering 3 Manufacturing Process, Ceramics Technology, Composite Tech- nology, Materials Selection 7 Technopreneurship Minimum 100 credits 7 Internship Minimum 100 credits 7 Seminar Minimum 105 credits 8 Final Project Minimum 125 credits 285

Undergraduate Program Prerequisite for Elective Courses 1st Term Nanotechnol- Metal (for fast- ogy Manufactur- track / by Semes- Course Recom- 2nd Term ing Process, department ter Prerequisite mended 2nd Term Industrial Polymer approval) Special Alloyed 2nd Term Ecology Manufactur- 1st Term Steels Semester 2nd Term Concrete ing Process, 6 or 8 1st Term Biomaterial 2nd Term Corrosion Ceramics 8 1st Term Iron & Steel 7 2nd Term Technology, 1st Term Engineering Making 2nd Term Energy Mate- Composite 6 or 8 1st Term Ethics 2nd Term rials Technology 8 1st Term Computational Corrosion & 5 or 7 2nd Term Refractory 6 or 8 1st Term Materials Protection of 2nd Term Materials Mineral 1st Term High Tempera- Metals 2nd Term Mechanics Processing 6 or 8 1st Term ture Corrosion 2nd Term of Material 1st Term 5 or 7 Forming Corrosion & 6 or 8 Electron 2nd Term Industrial Protection of 1st Term Microscopy Numerical 5 or 7 Mechanic Metals 8 1st Term Computation 5 or 7 Equipment Polymer Material Stan- Ceramics 8 1st Term Compounding Corrosion & 5 or 7 dardization Technology Quality Protection of 6 or 8 1st Term Management Metals 5 or 7 Polymer Metal Manu- Systems 7 Recycling facturing (for fast- Advanced Character- Technology Process track / by Solidification ization of 5 or 7 Rubber Tech- department Special Materials 7 nology Metal Manu- approval) Processing facturing and Assembly Polymer Quenching Process (for fast- Technologies Materials Technology track / by 1st Term Character- department Advanced Data Analysis 2nd Term ization of approval) Internship and Scientific Advanced Materials Risk Based-In- Writing Internship spection and Advanced Polymer Integrity Materials Manufacture Manufactur- Physic 3 ing Process Advanced Smart Materials Polymer Manu- Materials Polymer facturing Selection Manufactur- ing Process Electronic Minimum 125 Materials credits Heat Treat- ment and Characteriza- (for fast- Surface tion of Materi- track / by Engineering als, Corrosion department & Protection approval) Minimum 125 of Metals credits Polymer (for fast- Metal Manufactur- track / by Manufactur- ing Process department ing Process, approval) Polymer Manufactur- Metal (for fast- ing Process, Manufactur- track / by Ceramics ing Process, department Technology, Polymer approval) Composite Manufactur- Technology ing Process, Ceramics Metal Technology, Manufactur- Composite ing Process, Technology Polymer Manufactur- ing Process, Ceramics Technology, Composite Technology 286

Undergraduate Program 2nd Term Advanced Extractive (for fast- Extractive Metallurgy track / by Metallurgy department Heat Treat- approval) 2nd Term Advanced ment and Surface Engi- Surface (for fast- neering Engineering track / by department approval) Transition Policy from Curriculum 2016 to Curriculum 2020 1. The Curriculum 2020 takes effect from the Second Term 2020/2021. After this curriculum is implemented, only the subjects in the Curriculum 2020 will be counted for the graduation: any subject in the Curriculum 2016 follows the transition rules. 2. Transition rules will be valid for 1 (one) year, starting from the Second Term of 2020/2021 until the First Term 2021/2022 for any subject changing in its place (from the first term to second term or vice versa). If it is necessary, the subject will be opened in both semesters. 3. Students who have not passed the compulsory subjects in the Curriculum 2016 are required to take the same or equivalent subjects in the Curriculum 2020. 4. If there is a change in the credit hours, the credits at the first time the subject taken will be considerred. The same or equivalent subjects with different credit hours, if repeated or newly taken, will be counted with the new name and credit hours. 5. The equivalence subjects for Curriculum 2016 and Curriculum 2020 can be seen in the Equivalency Table. Any unlisted subject in the Curriculum 2016 has been removed and is no longer offered. 6. If the compulsory subjects in the Curriculum 2016 are removed and there are no equivalencies in the Curriculum 2020: a. For students who have passed the subjects, the subjects will be counted as compulsory credits with the same name and credit hours. b. For students who have not passed the subjects, students can take new compulsory subjects or elective subjects with the new name and credit hours. 7. If a subject has a reduction in the credit hours while the student has already taken the subject required for the graduation, then the student is still allowed to graduate even though the total number of credits is less than the required one. Equivalency of Curriculum 2016 and 2020 No Course Name in Curriculum 2016 Credits Course Name in Curriculum 2020 Credits 1 Academic Writing 3 Academic Writing 2 2 Integrated Character Building A 6 Integrated Character Building 5 3 Integrated Character Building B 6 4 Statistics & Probability 2 Data Analysis and Scientific Writing 2 5 Physical Metallurgy 1 4 Materials Physics 1 2 6 Materials Physics 2 3 7 Testing of Materials 2 Characterization of Materials 3 8 Tech. of Microstructural Analysis 2 9 Chemical Characterization 2 Characterization of Materials 2 10 Polymer Chemistry 4 Polymer Materials 3 11 Physical Metallurgy 2 3 Materials Physics 3 3 12 Mineral Processing 4 Mineral Processing 3 13 Transport Phenomenon 3 Introduction to Fluids Mechanics and Heat 2 Transfer 14 Industrial Management 2 Technopreneurship 2 15 Polymer Technology 3 Polymer Manufacturing Process 3 16 Tech. of Microstructural Analysis Laboratory 1 Materials Characterization Laboratory 1 17 Testing of Materials Laboratory 1 18 Chemical Characterization Laboratory 1 Metals Manufacturing Laboratory 1 19 Metal Manufacturing Process Laboratory 2 Engineering Design of Products and Process 3 20 Engineering Design of Products 3 Technopreneurship 2 21 Capita Selecta 2 Failure Analysis 3 22 Fracture Mechanics & Failure Analysis 4 Other subjects that are not listed in this table do not change except for the subject code and 287 curriculum code (full list is given in the SIAK-NG website)

Undergraduate Program Course Syllabus of University Subjects Course Learning Outcomes: • CPMK 1: After completing this course, students are INTEGRATED CHARACTER BUILDING UIGE600001/UIGE610001 able to apply self-regulated learning characteristically 5 credits in studying critically, logically, creatively, innovatively through analysis of societal problems, nation, state, Syllabus : and Pancasila ideology based on self-understanding as individuals and members. the community by using good The Integrated Character Building is part of the Higher and correct Indonesian and the latest information and communication technology (C4, A4) Education Personality Development Lecture which is held • CPMK 2: Able to identify various entrepreneurial efforts characterized by innovation and independence based on for students which contains elements of the internalization ethics (C2, A5) • CPMK 3: After completing this course, students are of basic life values, interaction/relationship skills, nationality able to apply self-regulated learning characteristically in pursuing integrated and comprehensive knowledge and academic skills as the basis for student personality to through analysis of science problems, technology based on the role of nature manager by using good and correct carry out learning according to scientific disciplines. Indonesian and information technology and current communications. (C4, A4) MPKT is carried out in the form of a series of learning activities • CPMK 4: After completing this course, students are able outside the formal class. activities carried out include partici- to plan creative activities to solve problems in society pation in lectures/seminars, internships, field work practices, and the world of work/industry by showing creativity, social work, sports and/or arts activities and other forms of critical thinking, collaborative self-discipline using activities that have the main goal of equipping students with good and correct Indonesian as well as the latest infor- soft skills and proven by portfolio documents. The form of mation and communication technology (C5, A5) this learning activity is different from the MPKT courses that have been carried out at the previous UI. Prerequisite: None The material provided at MPKT aims to form a human think- CALCULUS 2 ing pattern with values ​a​ nd morals to create a human person- ENGE600002/ENGE610002 ality by having critical, logical, creative, innovative thinking, 3 SKS and having intellectual curiosity and an entrepreneurial Course Learning Outcomes: spirit. The material provided includes 9 UI values, national, state and citizen values b​​ased on Pancasila. Solving prob- Students are able to use the concepts of sequences, series, conic lems in science, technology, health, and humans as natural sections, and the basic concepts of calculus which involve the managers by using reasoning and utilizing Information and function of two or three variables to solve their applied prob- Communication Technology (ICT) to achieve the final objec- lems. tives of this module. Graduates Learning Outcomes: Lecture activities are carried out using an online student-cen- tered learning (SCL) approach which can use the following Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and methods: experiential learning (EL), collaborative learning an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex (CL), problem-based learning (PBL), question-based learning, engineering problems. and project based learning. The use of these various methods is carried out through group discussion activities, indepen- Syllabus : dent assignment exercises, presentations, writing papers in Indonesian and interactive discussions in online discussion Infinite sequences and infinite series, Test for convergence forums. The language of instruction in this lecture is Indo- of positive series and alternating series, Power series and nesian. operation on operations, Taylor and MacLaurin series, Conic sections , Calculus in polar coordinates, Derivatives, limits, Graduates Learning Outcomes: and continuity of multi-variables functions, Directional • CPL 1: Able to use spoken and written language in Indo- derivatives and gradients, Chain Rule, Tangent planes and Approximations, Lagrange multipliers. Double integrals in nesian and English both for academic and non-academic Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates, triple integrals activities (C3, A5) in Cartesian coordinates, cylindrical coordinates and spheri- • CPL 2: Have integrity and are able to think critically, cal coordinates, Applications of double and triple Integral. creatively, and innovatively and have intellectual curios- ity to solve problems at the individual and group level Prerequisite: Calculus 1 (C4, A3) • CPL 3: Able to provide alternative solutions to various Academic Writing problems that arise in the community, nation, and coun- UIGE610002 try (C4, A2) 3 SKS • CPL 4: Able to take advantage of information communi- The objectives of the English component of the MPK cation technology (C3) program are : • CPL 5: Able to identify various entrepreneurial efforts 1. To activate students, English so that they will be able to characterized by innovation and independence based on ethics (C2, A5) communicate effectively in English; 2. To enable students to develop the learning strategies and study skills needed to finish their study successfully and o continue learning on their own after taking the MPK program (to develop independent learners) 288

Undergraduate Program Main Competencies : stages; 3. Discuss and express their thoughts and ideas by using By the end of the course, students should be able to: • listen to, understand and take notes of key information in proper and correct Indonesian language in discussion and academic writing. academic lectures of between 5-10 minutes length; • improve their listening skills through various listening Syllabus : materials and procedures; Islam history: the meaning of Islam, the characteristic of • speak confidently, ask questions in and contribute to small Islam, the sources of Islamic teachings, Muhammad SAW as prophet and history figure, introduction of Islam in Indone- group discussions; sia, the teaching essence of Islam: the basic principle of Islam • use different reading strategies needed to the effective teachings, the unity of Allah, worship prac-tice in live, escha- tology and work ethics, human’s basic rights and obligation, readers; social structure in Islam: sakinah mawaddah and ramhah • improve their reading skills through extensive reading family, the social implication of family life, Mosque and the development of Islam, zakat and the economic empowerment material; of the people, Islam society, Science: reason and revelation in • develop skills in connecting ideas using appropriate transi- Islam, Islam’s motivation in development of science, science characteristics, source of knowledge, IDI (each Faculty and tions and conjunctions; Department/Study Program). • work as part of a group to prepare and deliver a 25-minute CATHOLIC STUDIES presentation on an academic topic using appropriate orga- UIGE600011/UIGE610006 nization, language and visual aids; 2 SKS • write a summary of a short academic article; • write an expository paragraph; General instructional objectives : • write a short essay. 1. To help deliver students as intellectual capital in imple- Learning Method : menting a lifelong learning process to become scientists with mature personalities who uphold humanity and life. Active learning, Contextual language learning, small group 2. Be scholars who believe in God according to the teachings discussion. of Jesus Christ by continuing to be responsible for his faith in life in church and society. Prerequisite : • Students Learning Orientation/Orientasi Belajar Maha- Syllabus : siswa (OBM) Almighty God and the God teachings; Man, Morals, science • UI English Proficiency Test technology and art; harmony between religions; Society, Culture, Politics, Law: the substance of theses studies will be English addressed by integrating the four dimensions of the teachings UIGE600003 of the Catholic faith: the personal dimension, the dimension 3 SKS of Jesus Christ, the dimension of the Church, and Community Learning Objectives : dimension. Dimensions are implemented in the following themes: People, Religion, Jesus Christ, the Church, and Faith After attending this subject, students are expected to capable in the society. of use English to support the study in university and improve language learning independently. CHRISTIAN STUDIES UIGE600012/UIGE610007 Syllabus : Study Skills : (Becoming an active learner, Vocab- 2 SKS ulary Building: word formation and using the dictionary Listening strategies Extensive reading) Grammar: (Revision General instructional objectives : of Basic grammar Types of sentences Adjective clauses, Adverb clauses Noun clauses, Reduced clauses) Reading: Cultivating students with comprehensive Christian knowl- (Reading skills: skimming, scanning, main idea, supporting edge and teaching in the midst of the struggle and the fight ideas, Note-taking Reading popular science article, Reading of the nation while also discussing the student’s participation an academic text) Listening: (Listening to short conversations, in line with the study to help improve and build our country. Listening to a lecture and notetaking, Listening to a news broadcast, Listening to a short story) Speaking: (Participating Learning Objectives: in discussions and meetings, Giving a presentation) Writing: (Writing a summary of a short article Describing graphs Course participants are expected to do the following when and tables, Writing an academic paragraph, Writing a basic faced with a problem or issue which they must solve: academic essay (5 paragraphs). 1. Analyze the problem based on the Christian values 2. Analyze the problem by implementing active learning ISLAMIC STUDIES UIGE600010/UIGE610005 stages 2 SKS 3. Discuss the problem by using proper and correct Indone- General instructional objectives : The cultivation of sian language students who have concern for social, na-tional and coun- trys issues based on Islamic values which is applied in Syllabus : the development of science through intellectual skills. Learning Objectives : Course participants are expected to do History (Historical terms): Status of the Bible, the existence of the following when faced with a problem or issue which they God and Morality, Christ the Savior, the Holy Spirit as exis- must solve : tence reformer and outlook on the world: Faith and Knowl- 1. Analyze the problem based on the Islamic values they edge of Science, Church and service, Ecclesiology, Spiritual adopted; 2. Analyze the problem by implementing active learning 289

Undergraduate Program Course Syllabus of Faculty Subjects and enforcement of Christian Human Rights and the world of CALCULUS 1 ethics: Christian Ethics, Christian and worship, Christianity ENGE600001/ENGE610001 and politics, Christian love and social reality: Christian Orga- 3 credits nizations, Students and Service, Christian and expectations. Course Learning Outcomes: HINDU STUDIES Able to use the basic concepts of calculus related to -a function UIGE600013/UIGE610008 of one variable, the derivative and integration of the function 2 SKS of one variable in order to solve its applied problems. Syllabus : Graduates Learning Outcomes: Hindu religion, Hindu history), Source and scope of Hinduism Introduction, Functions and Limits, The Derivative, Applica- (the Veda as the source of Hindu religion teachings, the scope tions of the Derivative, The Definite Integral, Applications of of the teachings in Hindu religion), The concept of the God The Definte Integral, Transcendental Functions, Techniques (Brahman) according to the Veda, the Path to Brahman (Catur of Integration, Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integrals. Marga Yoga, Mantra and Japa), Human Nature (The purpose of human life, Human’s duties, obligations, and responsibil- Syllabus : ities both individually or collectively), Ethics and morality (Principles teaching, self-control), in-depth understanding of Introduction, Functions and Limits, The Derivative, Applica- the scripture (deep understanding of the Bhagawadgita, deep tions of the Derivative, The Definite Integral, Applications of understanding of the Sarasamuschaya), The Role of Hinduism The Definte Integral, Transcendental Functions, Techniques in science, technology, and art (Hinduism benefits in science of Integration, Indeterminate Forms and Improper Integrals. and technology in accordance with each department, benefit / the role of Hinduism in the arts), Cohesion and communi- Prerequisite: None ty’s prosperity /independence (Benefits of unity in the reli- gious plurality, independent community (kerthajagathita) as Textbooks: a common goal, Tri Pitakarana), Culture as an expression of Hindu religious practice, Contribution to the Hindu religion Main reference: teachings in the political life of nation and country, laws and D. Varberg, E. J. Purcell, S.E. Rigdon, Calculus, 9th ed., the enforcement of justice, Awareness of and obeying the Rita Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2007. / Dharma. Additional eferences: BUDDHIST STUDIES 1. G eorge B. Thomas Jr., Thomas’ Calculus Early Transcen- UIGE600014/UIGE610009 2 SKS dental, 12th ed., Addison–Wesley Pearson, 2009. 2. H oward Anton, Calculus, 10th ed., John Wiley and Sons, Syllabus : 2012. Almighty God and the God Study (Faith and piety, Divine Philosophy/Theology), Human (Human Nature, Human CALCULUS 2 Dignity, Human Responsibility), Moral (Implementation of ENGE600002/ENGE610002 Faith and Piety in everyday life), Science, Technology and Art 3 SKS (Faith, Science and Charity as a unity, the Obligation to study Course Learning Outcomes: and practice what you are taught, Responsibility for nature and environment), harmony between religion (religion is a Students are able to use the concepts of sequences, series, conic blessing for all mankind, the essence of the religious plurality sections, and the basic concepts of calculus which involve the and togetherness), community (the role of religious society in function of two or three variables to solve their applied prob- creating a prosperous independent society, the responsibility lems. of religious society in the realization of human rights and democracy), Culture (the responsibility of religious society Graduates Learning Outcomes: in the realization of critical thinking (academic), work hard and fair), Politics (Religion contribution in the political life of Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and nation and country), Law (Raise awareness to obey and follow an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex God’s law, the role of religion in the formulation and enforce- engineering problems. ment of law, the function of religion in the legal profession). Syllabus : KONG HU CU STUDIES UIGE600015/UIGE610010 Infinite sequences and infinite series, Test for convergence 2 SKS of positive series and alternating series, Power series and Syllabus : operation on operations, Taylor and MacLaurin series, Conic sections , Calculus in polar coordinates, Derivatives, limits, and continuity of multi-variables functions, Directional derivatives and gradients, Chain Rule, Tangent planes and Approximations, Lagrange multipliers. Double integrals in Cartesian coordinates and polar coordinates, triple integrals in Cartesian coordinates, cylindrical coordinates and spheri- cal coordinates, Applications of double and triple Integral. Prerequisite: Calculus 1 290

Textbooks: Undergraduate Program 1. D. Varberg, E. J. Purcell, S.E. Rigdon, Calculus, 9th ed., tions. PEARSON, Prentice Hall, 2007. 2. T homas, Calculus Thirteenth Edition Volume 2, Erlangga, Graduate Learning Outcomes: 2019. Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex CALCULUS engineering problems. ENGE600003/ENGE610003 4 SKS Syllabus: Course Learning Outcomes: Units, Magnitudes and Vectors, Motion Along Straight Lines, Students are able to use the basic concepts of calculus involv- Motion in Two and Three Dimensions, Newton’s Laws of ing functions of one to three variables to solve their applied Motion, Applications of Newton’s Laws, Kinetic Energy, and problems. Work, Potential Energy and Energy Conservation, Center of Mass, Linear Momentum, Rotation, Rolling Motion, Torque, Graduates Learning Outcomes: Angular Momentum, Oscillation, Mechanical and Sound Waves, Gravity, Statics and Elasticity, Fluid Mechanics, Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and Temperature, Heat, Law I Thermodynamics, Ideal Gas and an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex Kinetic Theory of Gas, Heat Engine, Entropy, and Law II Ther- engineering problems. modynamics. Syllabus : Prerequisite: none Introduction, Functions and Limits, Derivatives, Derived Textbooks: Applications, Indeterminate Integral, Integral Applications, 1. Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Principles of Physics 10th Infinite Row, and Series. Derivatives with many variables, Duplicate Integral (2 and 3), Duplicate Integral Application. Edition, Wiley, 2014. 2. Serway Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 9th Prerequisite: None Edition, Thomson Brooks / Cole, 2013. Textbooks: 3. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4th Edition, Main reference: Pearson, 2008 D. Varberg, E. J. Purcell, S.E. Rigdon, Calculus, 9th ed., Pearson, Prentice Hall, 2007. ELECTRICAL MAGNETIC, OPTICAL AND WAVE PHYSICS Additional: ENGE600007 / ENGE610007 3 credits George B. Thomas Jr., Thomas’ Calculus Early Transcenden- Course Learning Outcomes: tal, 12th ed., Addison – Wesley Pearson, 2009. Students are able to apply the basic concepts of electrical LINEAR ALGEBRA physics, magnetism, waves, and optics to solve problems in ENGE600004/ENGE610004 the engineering field. 4 SKS Course Learning Outcomes: Graduate Learning Outcomes: Students are able to calculate linear system problems to solve Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and engineering problems. an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex engineering problems. Graduates Learning Outcomes: Syllabus: Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering and an engineering specialization to be used in solving complex Unit, Magnitude, Vector, Electric Charge, Electric Field, Gauss engineering problems. Law, Electric Potential, Capacitance, Electric Current, Resis- tance, Direct Current, Magnetic Field Due to Electric Current, Syllabus : Magnetic Field Source, Induced GGL, Inductance, Alternating Current, Electromagnetic Waves, Light Properties and Propa- Linear Systems and matrix equations, Determinants, Euclid gation, Optical Geometry. vector spaces, Common vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigen- vectors, inner product spaces, Diagonalization and General Prerequisite: none Linear Transformation. Textbooks : Prerequisite: None 1. Halliday, Resnick, and Walker, Principles of Physics 9th Textbooks: Edition, Wiley, 2011. 1. Elementary Linear Algebra, Howard Anton & Chris 2. Serway Jewett, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 9th Rorres, 11th edition, 2014 Edition, Thomson Brooks / Cole, 2013. 2. Gilbert Strang, Introduction to linear algebra 3rd edition 3. Giancoli, Physics for Scientists and Engineers 4th Edition, Wellesley Cambridge Press, 2003 Pearson, 2008. MECHANICAL AND HEAT PHYSICS BASIC CHEMISTRY ENGE600005 / ENGE610005 ENGE600009 / ENGE610009 3 credits 2 credits Course Learning Outcomes: Course Learning Outcomes: Able to explain the basic concepts of mechanics and thermo- Students are able to analyze the principe of basic chemistry dynamics, and be able to apply them to understand natural for application in engineering. phenomena and human engineering, including their applica- Graduates’ Learning Outcomes: Able to apply mathematics, science, and basic engineering to 291

Undergraduate Program 2. Apply probability distribution to data processing and serving be used in solving complex engineering problems. 3. Apply the principles of sampling and estimation for deci- Syllabus: sion making Material and measurements, atoms, molecules and ions, 4. Apply hypothesis test samples for decision making stochiometry, water phase reactions and solution stochiom- etry, thermochemistry, chemical equilibrium, acid and base Syllabus: equilibrium, electrochemistry, chemical kinetics, and chem- ical applications. Introduction to Statistics for Engineering Studies, Probabil- ity Theory, Dasar Basic concepts and definitions, Distribu- Prerequisite: none tion Probability, Sampling, Estimation, Hypothesis testing, Hypothesis test 1 sample at an average value, Regression Textbooks : 1. Ralph H. Petrucci, General Chemistry: Principles and Prerequisite: none Modern Applications, 8th Ed. Prentice Hall Inc., New Textbooks : York, 2001. 1. Harinaldi, Basic Principles of Statistical Engineering and 2. John McMurry, Robert C. Fay, Chemistry (3rd ed.), Pren- tice Hall, 2001. Science, Erlangga, 2004 3. Raymond Chang, Williams College, Chemistry (7th ed.), 2. Montgomery, DC., And Runger, GC., Applied Statistics McGraw-Hill, 2003. and Probability for Engineers, John Wiley Sons, 2002 ENGINEERING ECONOMY ENGE600011 / ENGE610011 HSE PROTECTION 3 credits ENGE600012 / ENGE610012 Course Learning Outcomes: 2 credits Course Learning Outcomes: Students are able to analyze the economic and financial feasi- bility of making economic practice decisions. Upon completion of this subject students are expected to be able to carried out hazard identification, and characterization, Graduate Learning Outcomes: to propose appropriate methods for risk reduction and miti- gation, and to design safety management system. The student Able to apply the principles of technical management and is also expected to improve their awareness on industrial decision making based on economic considerations, in indi- safety and health, and understanding on safety regulation vidual and group, as well as in project management. framework and standards as well as environmental program. Syllabus: Graduate Learning Outcomes: 1. Students are expected to understand safety, health and Introduction to Engineering Economics, Time Value of Money, Combining Factors, Interest Rates, Money Worth Analysis, environmental aspect as an integral part of fundamental Rate of Return Analysis, Effects of Inflation, Benefit Cost & principal in engineering code of ethics. Break-Even Point Analysis, Sensitivity Analysis, Depreci- 2. Students are expected to be able to carry out process of ation, Tax Analysis, Cost Estimation & Allocation, Capital risk assessments by considering risk factors in the impact Budgeting & Replacement Analysis. of hazards on people, facilities, and the surrounding community and environemt. Prerequisite: 3. Students are expected to understand the regulatory 1. Civil Engineering : - framework and standard related to the stages of life cycle 2. Environmental Engineering : - of machine, building structure, construction, and process. 3. Naval Engineering : - 4. Students are able to design and propose an effective 4. Industrial Engineering : must pass the introductory hazard communication, management and engineering control, and risk mitigation through an engineering Economic course and have completed 38 credits assignment project. 5. Chemical Engineering : - 5. Students are able to identify the knowledge required 6. Bioprocess Engineering : - to perform risk assesment, investigation and design improvement through a multidisiplinary case of incident Textbooks: and accident. 1. Blank, Leland and Tarquin, Anthony. 2018. Engineering Syllabus: Economy 8th Ed. McGraw Hill. 2. Park, Chan S. 2016. Contemporary Engineering Econom- Introduction to SHE Regulation and Standards, SHE Percep- tion (Risk and Environment), Identification, Assessment and ics 6th Ed. Pearson. Upper Saddle River. Management, Construction, machinery and Noise hazards, 3. White, Case and Pratt. 2012. Principles of Engineering Process safety hazard and analysis technique, Fire and explo- sion hazard, Electrical hazard, Toxicology in the Workplace, Economic Analysis 6th ed. John Wiley and Sons. Ergonomy Aspect, Hazard communication to employees, Environmental Protection, Case studies, Safety Health and STATISTICS AND PROBABILISTICS Environment audits. ENGE600010 / ENGE610010 2 credits Prerequisite: none Course Learning Outcomes: Students are able to handle quantitative data/information starting from the descriptive stage (collection, organization, and presentation) to the inductive stage, which includes fore- casting and drawing conclusions based on the relationship between variables for decision making. Graduate Learning Outcomes: 1. Apply descriptive statistics and probability theory to data processing and serving 292

Undergraduate Program Textbooks : Syllabus: 1. Charles A. Wentz, Safety, Health and Environmental Physical and chemical properties; Separation and purification of Protection, McGraw Hill, 1998. substances; Identification of alkaline metal ions, alkaline earth, 2. Asfahl, C.R., Rieske, D. W., Sixth Edition Industrial Safety ammonium, sulfate, iodide, bromide and nitrate; Acid-base titration; Metal and acid reactions; Crystal water. and Health Management, Pearson Education, Inc., 2010. 3. United Kingdom - Health and Safety Executive, http:// Prerequisite: Basic Chemistry References: 4. National laws and regulations related to the K3 Manage- Basic Chemistry Laboratory Module ment System and the Environment. Materials Physics 5. Related Journal ( ENMT602004 1 2 credits ty-science/) etc, related standards and publications Syllabus: Course Syllabus of Metallurgical and Introduction to crystal, crystal lattice, Bravais lattice, Miller Material Engineering Subjects index, crystal projections / stereography, Wulff Net, crystal symmetry, crystal defects Engineering Drawing ENMT601001 Prerequisite: - 2 credits Syllabus: References: 1. Borchardt-Ott, W.; Crystallography; Springer; 1995 Illustration: Function and beneft of Engineering Drawing; 2. McKie, D. and McKie, C.; Essential of Crystallography; Measurement and Evaluation; Introduction to drawing equipment; Basic definition of geometric, paper format, draw Blackwek Scientific; 1986 regulation, line, feld, line confguration, basic geometric form; 3. William D Callister; Materials Science and Engineering, Visualization geometric: Skew projection and isometric, func- tion and line types, confguration geometric form; Orthogonal an Introduction; john Wiley and Sons; 2004 Projection: Projection standard, viewing concept, width display 4. Robert W Cahn and Peter Haasen; Physical Metallurgy; principle; Advanced orthogonal projection: Circle region concept, special region concecpt, trimming concept, display 1996 width, refraction Statics and Mechanics of Materials Prerequisite: - ENMT602005 3 credits References: Syllabus: 1. ISO 1101, Technical Drawings, International Organization Basic principle in statics and mechanis of materials, basic for Standardization. procedures, scalar and vectors, addition and operations, vector 2. A.W. Boundy, Engineering Drawing , McGrawHill Book products, force vector, moment, cross product. Equivalent system, moment couple. Equilibrium mechanics, equilibrium Company conditions, free-body diagram. Simple trusses, joint method, 3. Colin Simmons & Dennis Maguire, Manual of Engineer- zero-force member, section methods, frame and machine. Center of mass and gravitations, inertia moment, Parallel axis ing Drawing, Edward Arnold theorem, Center of mass and inertia moment of composite. 4. Warren J. Luzadder, Fundamentals of Engineering Draw- Internal loading of a structure member, moment and shear diagram, relation of distributed loading, shear and moment. ing, Prentice-Hall, Inc. Stress concept, Normal stress, allowes stress, simple connection, 5. Giesecke-Mitchell-Spencer-Hill-Dygdon-Novak, Techni- deformation and strain. Stress and strain diagram, stress strain behvavior in ductile and brittle materials. Hooke law, cal Drawing, Prentice Hall Inc. strain energi and Poisson ratio. Saint Vernon principle, elastic deformation. Superposition principe. Thermal stress, crcluar Introduction to Engineering Materials shaft torsion deformation. Power transmission. Twist angle. ENMT601002 Bending deformation in straight member, flexure formula, 2 credits assymetrical bending, shear formula, stress shear for column, Syllabus: pressure in thin walled vessel. Stress plane transformation, Mohr cycle. Column and Buckling design. Critical loading. (1) Types of engineering materials and their applications; (2) Inelastic Buckling. Structures of engineering materials; (3) Properties of material; (4) Manufacturing and Processing of Metallic Materials; (5) Steel Prerequisite: - and iron: production and properties; (6) Aluminium: produc- tion and properties;(7) Other non-ferrous alloys: production References: and properties; (8) Polymer: processing and properties; (9) 1. Hibbeler, Russel C., Engineering mechanics,statics, 8th Ceramic: processing and properties; (10) Composite: processing and properties Ed., Macmillan Publishing Company,Inc. 2. Hibbeler, Russel C., Mechanical of Materials,Prentice Hall Prerequisite: - International Inc., 1997 References: 3. Ferdinant L. Singer, Ilmu Kekuatan Bahan, Penerbit 1. Bondan T. Sofyan, Pengantar Material Teknik, Penerbit Erlangga, 1981 Salemba Teknika, 2010 4. Beer, F.P. and Johston, E.R., Mechanics of Materials, 2. W.D. Callister, Materials Science and Engineering: An McGraw-Hill, 1983 Introduction, 6th ed., John Wiley & Sons, 2003 3. William F. Smith, Introduction to Materials Science and Thermodynamics of Materials 293 ENMT602006 Engineering 3 credits Basic Chemistry Laboratory ENMT601003 1 credits

Undergraduate Program Introduction to material testing, Review of mechanical behavior of materials, Data analysis and presentation of test results, Syllabus: Testing procedures, Testing machine and instruments, Stand- ardization of materials testing, Destructive testing (tensile, Equilibrium of reaction in component systems .Basic principle in compression, shear, fatigue, stress relaxation, and wear), thermodynamics of materials, zeroth law of thermodynamics, Non-destructive (visual, penetrant, ultrasonic, radiography, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics eddy current and magnetic particle). Techniques of micro- and third law of thermodynamics. Enthalpy, entropy and free structure analysis, Phase formation and general characteristic energy concepts. Thermodynamics balance and materials of material structures, Microstructure of steel; stable and balance. Heat balance. Thermodynamics phase equilibrium, metastable phases and the formation and mechanism, Micro- phase equilibrium in one component system. Free energy as structure of non-ferrous alloys; aluminum, copper, titanium, a function of temperature and pressure. Equilibrium of vapor Macrostructure, Sampling techniques, Samples preparation, phase and condensation phase. Gas behavior and gases reac- Observation techniques with optical and electron microscopes, tions. Solvent phenomena, Raoul’t law, Henry law, Gibb-Duhem Special measurements; micro-hardness, coating thickness, equation, solvent free energy, regular solvent. Equilibrium of roughness, Quantitative metallography; grain size, volume reaction in component systems, condensated solvent, equilib- fraction of phases and precipitates, electron interaction with rium reaction in component system with condensated solvent. samples, advanced microstructural analysis: SEM, TEM, FIB, Phase diagrams. EBSD, XRD, XRF, OES. Prerequisite: - Prerequisite: - References: References: 1. David . R. Gaskell, Introduction to Metallurgcal Thermo- 1. Davis H.E., G.E. Troxell, G.F.W. Hauck; The Testing of dynamics, 4td. ed., CRC. Taylor and Francis Groups , 2008. Engineering Materials; Mc Graw-Hill; 1982 2. D, V. Ragone , “Thermodynamics of Materials “ Vol 1 2. ASM; Mechanical Testing of Metal; 1983 3. Lous Cartz, Non Destructive Testing; ASM International; and 2 , John Wiley &Sons New York, 1995. 1995 Electro-Chemistry 4. Vernon john; Testing of Materials; 1992 ENMT603007 5. Andreas Ohsner and Holm Altenbach; Properties and 3 credits Syllabus: Characterization of Modern Materials; 2017 6. Callister, William D. 2007. Materials Science and Engi- Basic concepts and applications of electrochemistry, and conductivity solution, Faraday’s law, and their application. neering, John Wiley & Sons. Elektrode electrochemical cell (definition, potential, equation 7. Der Voort, Van. 1984. Metallography Principles and Prac- Nerst, electrical double layer, the polarization, the measurement of potential, free energy and electrode potential, equilibrium tice, McGraw-Hill Book Company. potential), the reference electrode,Construction Pourbaix 8. Goodnew, Peter J; Humphrey, John. 2000. Electron Micros- diagram and its application. Electrochemical kinetics, electrode reaction speed, mixed potential theory, Evans-diagram, the copy and Analysis, CRC Press mixed-potential diagram 9. Petzow, Gunter. 1991. Metallographic Etching, University Prerequisite: - Microfilms. 10. ASM Handbook Vol 9 – Metallography and Microstruc- References: 1. J.O.M. Bockris and A.K.N. Reddy; Modern Electrochemis- tures, ASM International 11. Zhang, Sam; Li, Lin; Kumar, Ashok. 2008. Materials Char- try vol 1 & 2; Penum Rosetta Edition; 1997 2. Bard Faulkner and Larry R; Electrochemical Methods acterization Techniques, CRC Press. 12. Schwartz, A.J.; Kumar, M.; Adams, B.L.; Field, D.P. 2009. Fundamental and Application; Willey; 1980 3. Piron; The Electrochemistry of Corrosion; NACE; 1991 Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science, Springer US Materials Physics 2 ENMT603008 Chemistry Materials 3 credits ENMT603010 Syllabus: 2 credits Syllabus: Dislocation theory: screw and edge, solid solution: substitution and interstition (impurities and alloys), plastic and elastic Basic principles of atomic and molecular bonding, material clas- deformation theories, mechanical and physical properties of sification, solid structure: crystalline, amorphous. Introduction metals: strength, hardness, toughness, wear , fatigue, creep, to the chemistry of metals, polymers, ceramics, composites, basic of fracture mechanics. Case study. semiconductors and advanced materials. Classification and nomenclature of organic compounds; type of organic reaction; Prerequisite: - polymer structure, polymerization, and molecular weight; polymer type. Overview of the structure and physiochemical References: properties of materials, concept of material analysis (qualita- 1. Robert W Cahn and Peter Haasen; Physical Metallurgy; tive and qualitative), principles of instrumentation analysis (theory, principles of tools and work, interpretation of outputs 1996 and their use); methods of separation using chromatography; 2. D. Hull and D.J. Bacon; Introduction to Disclocation 4th spectroscopy (mass, UV / VIS, infrared-FTIR, emissions, XRF and spark emission, and some other sophisticated equipments; Ed.; Butterworth-Heinman; 2001 thermal (TGA, DTA / DSC, MFI and Vicat), and strategy in 3. Smallman R.E. and Bishop R.J.; Metal and Materials; characterizing materials. Butterworth-Heinmann; 1995 Prerequisite: - Characterization of Materials References: ENMT603009 1. Ralph J. Fessenden and Joan S. Fessenden. Organic Chem- 3 credits 294 Syllabus:

Undergraduate Program istry, 5th edition, 1994, Brooks Cole: Pacific Grove. CA 3. Donald H.S, Statistics, A First Course (6thEd), McGraw- 2. G. Challa, Polymer Chemistry – An Introduction, 1993, Hill, 2001 Ellis Horwood Limited series in Polymer Science, UK 4. Walpole, Ronald E, Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientist, 8th Ed, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2007. Numerical Computation ENMT603011 5. Kothari, C.R., Research Methodology, Methods and Tech- 3 credits niques, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, New Syllabus: Delhi, 2004 Introduction to numerical methods, type of number, type of 6. Cargill, M. and O’Connor, P., Writing Scientific Research data, basic principles of computing, mathematical models. Type Articles, Strategy and Steps, Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, of errors, accuracy, propagation of errors, precision. Non linear 2009 equation problems, Bisection method, Regula-False method, Newton Raphson method and Secant method. Linear equation Materials Physics 3 systems, Gauss method, Gauss-Jordan method and Gauss Seidel ENMT604013 method. Ordinary differential equations, Euler Methods, Eigen 3 credits systems, Runge Kutta method. Numerical integration methods, Syllabus: Trapezoid methods, Simpson 1/3, Simpson 3/8. Advanced computational methods, Stochastic methods, Dynamic Particle Phase rules, binary phase diagram, free energy diagram, Methods. Nano Scale Computations. Application of numerical introduction to ternary phase diagram, introduction to phase methods in metallurgical and materials engineering problems: transformation and interface, solidification process, homogen Fluid motions, Heat Transfers, Grain Boundaries, Solidification, and heterogen nucleation, nucleation rate, alloy solidification Band Gap Calculation, Strenght of materials, Partcile Dynamics. process, diffusional transformation, age hardening, eutectic transformation, non-diffusional transformation, martensitic Prerequisite: - transformation. References: Prerequisite: Termodynamics of Materials, Introduction to 1. Applied Numerical Methods with Matlab for Engineers Fluid Mechanics and Scientists, Steven C. Chapra, Third Edition, McGraw- References: Hill, 2012. 1. Porter, D. A and Easterling, K.E, Phase Transformation in 2. Numerical and Analytical Methods with MATLAB® for Engineers and Scientists, William Bober, CRC Press, 2014. Metals and Alloys, 3rd. ed., CRC Press, 2009. 3. Numerical Methods in Engineering with MATLAB, Jaan 2. ASM, ASM Handbook Vol. 3, Alloy Phase Diagram, Ohio, Kiusalaas, Cambrideg University Press, 2005. 2010 Introduction to Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer 3. R.W. Cahn and P. Haasen (eds), Physical Metallurgy, ENMT603012 2 credits North-Holland, 1996 Syllabus: 4. M. Flemings, Solidification Processing, McGraw Hill, Fluid flow concept, laminar flow, momentum conservation, New York, 1974 turbulent flow, energy balance, fluid flow application, transient heat flow & heat transfer: conduction, convection, and radiation Corrosion & Protection of Metals heat transfer. ENMT604015 3 credits Prerequisite: - Syllabus: Principles of corrosion, kinetics of corrosion, polarization, References: passivation, measurement of corrosion rate, metallurgical 1. Porer D.R. and Geiger G.H.; Transport Phenomena in aspects, corrosion tests, forms of corrosion, high temperature corrosion, cathodic protection, anodic protection, coating, Material Processing; Addison Wesley; 1998 inhibition, materials selection and design, monitoring and 2. Sindo Kou; transport Phenomena and Material Process- inspection, analysis of corrosion driven-damage, standards related to corrosion ing; John Wiley; 1996 Prerequisite: Electrochemistry Data Analysis and Scientific Writing ENMT604013 /ENMT614013 References: 2 credits 1. Jones DA; Principles & Prevention of Corrosion; Mc Milan Syllabus: Pubs; 1992 Scientific understanding, research methodology, problem 2. Fontana; Corrosion Engineerng 3rd Ed; 1992 formulation, hypothesis, literature review, data collection and 3. Roberge Pierre R; Handbook of Corrosion Engineerin; Mc processing, preparation of research proposals and presenta- tion of scientific papers. Descriptive statistics, probability, Graw-Hill; 1999 probability distribution, random variable, descrete probability distribution, continuous probability distribution, sampling Polymer Materials distribution, estimation, one and two sample test of hypothesis, ENMT604016 simple linear regression, applied statistics in engineering. 3 credits Syllabus: Prerequisite: - Chemical bonding, reactive species in organic chemistry. References: 1. Devore, J.L., Probability and Statistics for Engineering The classification of organic compounds. Organic compunds and The Sciences (5th Ed.), Duxbury, 2000 nomeclature. Isomer and assymmetric configuration in organic 2. Barnes J.W, Statistical Analysis for Engineers and Scien- chemistry, conjugation in organic chemistry. Nucleophilic SN1 tists, a Computer- Based Approach, McGraw-Hill, 1994 and SN2 substitution reaction. Electropile and Nucleophile addition reaction. Other reactions in organic chemistry. Intro- ductory of polymer materials. Polymer chain configuration and type of polymers. Relation between polymer chain structure and its properties. Reactivity of polymer chains. Polymerization reaction of substitution and condensation. 295

Undergraduate Program particles), metallographic sample preparation (cutting, sanding, polishing and etching techniques), microstructure analysis Prerequisite: - of metal structures (ferrous and non-ferrous) with optical microscope References: 1. G. Challa, Polymer Chemistry – An Introduction, 1993, Prerequisite: Characterization of Materials Ellis Horwood Limited series in Polymer Science, UK References: 2. Young R.J. and Lovell P.A., Introduction to Polymers, 2nd Materials Characterization Laboratory Module edition, 1997, Chapman & Hall, Cambridge, UK Extractive Metallurgy 3. Cheremisinoff N.P., Polymer Characterization – Labora- ENMT605020 4 credits tory Techniques and Analysis, 1996, Noyes Publication, Syllabus: New Jersey, USA 4. Morton-Jones D.H., Polymer Processing, 1994, Chapman Basic principles of extractive metallurgy (pyrometallurgy, & Hall, UK hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy). Process/treatment process of ore to be extracted. Leaching method of oxide and Mineral Processing sulfide ores, Bayer process, Al, Au leaching by cyanidation ENMT604017 (Leaching; precipitation techniques; ion exchange; solvent 3 credits extraction; reverse osmosis). Electrometallurgy (Electro Syllabus: winning and electro refining). Molten salt electro winning. Hall process. Electro winning of Mg, Ti. Secondary metals. Understanding mineralogy, classifcation of minerals, mineral Obtaining metals from scrap and secondary sources by using properties, mineral that has economic value. Terminology and pyro-, hydro-, and electrometallurgy. Pyrometallurgy, mineral basic concepts of processing mineral / ore, potential sources separation, slag, blast furnace, raw materials, reactions, material of mineral / ore that can be processed in a technically and balance, iron ore, roasting, smelting, refining of Sn, Ni, Cu, economically, the processes of size reduction (comminution): Zn, Pb. The process of crushing, screening, grinding, the classifca- tion process, process of separation / concentration: Gravity Prerequisite: Mineral Processing concentration: Concentration Heavy Jigging Flowing Film, Media Separation, Flotation process, Magnetic Separation, References: High Tension Separation, Dewatering and Thickening process 1. Pehlke, Robert D., Unit Processes in Extractive Metallurgy, Prerequisite: Materials Physics 1 Elsevier Pub., New York, 1973 2. J. J. Moore., Chemical Metallurgy, Butterworth- Heine- References: 1. Sorell. The Rocks and Minerals of the World, Collins, 1982 mann, London, 1981 2. Hulburt, Jr. Manual of Mineralogy, John Willey and Sons, 3. J. D. Gilchrist., Extractive Metallurgy, Pergamon., 2nd ed., 1979 Oxford, Pergamon Press, 1980 3. B.A. Wills, Mineral Processing Technology, 4th ed., Perga- Iron & Steel Making mon Press, 1988 ENMT605021 4. Gilchrist J.D., Extraction Metallurgy, Pergamon Press, 2 credits Syllabus: London, 1980 5. Gill C.B., Non Ferrous Extractive Metallurgy, John Wiley Kinetics and thermodynamics, blast furnace, direct reduction, desulphurization and dephosporization process, deoxidation, and Sons Inc., 1980 degassig, BOF steel making, EAF steel making, secondary metallurgy, continuous casting Heat Treatment & Surface Engineering Prerequisite: Mineral Processing ENMT605022 3 credits References: Syllabus: 1. John Peacey and Bill Davenport, The Iron Blast Furnace, Definition of heat treatment, phase transformation and micro- Pergamon, 1979 structure, TTT and CCT diagram, the influence of heating and 2. Geerdes et al, Modern Blast furnace Ironmaking, an cooling rate, stable and metastable microstructure, hardena- bility, the influence of alloying element, hardening, softening, Introduction, 2009 temper brittleness, distortion and its prevention, carburiza- 3. A.Biswas, Principles of Blast Furnace Ironmaking, Theory tion, nitro-carburizing, nitriding, boronizing, non-ferrous heat treatment, surface hardening, surface deposition, various and Practice, 1981 heat-treating furnace and its atmosphere, deviation in heat 4. Babich et al, iron Making, RWTH Aachen, 2008 treatment process, special heat treatment, case study of heat 5. W.R. Irving: Continous Casting of Steels, Institute of treatment and surface engineering Metals, 1993 Prerequisite: Materials Physic 3 Materials Selection References: ENMT605022/ENMT605122 1. Bill Bryson; Heat Treatment Selection and Application of 2 credits Syllabus: Tool Steel; Hanser Gardner Publication; 1997 2. ASM Practical Heat treatting; ASM International; 2006 Classification of technical materials, factors and systematics 3. ASM Handbook Vol. 4; ASM International; 1991 of design and material selection, material selection criteria, material property chart and performance index, design for Materials Characterization Laboratory corrosion resistance, design for the use of high temperature ENMT604018 materials and design for wear and fatigue resistant materials, 1 credits design for plastics and composites as well as the selection of Syllabus: various types of carbon steel, cast iron and alloy steels (tool Tensile, hardness, wear and impact testing for some technical 296 materials, non-destructive testing (penetrant and magnetic

steels, stainless steels, heat resistant steels, wear-resistant Undergraduate Program steels, selection of super alloys (super alloys), and case studies on material selection. the mould, melting and pouring of molten metal to the mould, analysis of casting defect, analysis of casting product related Prerequisite: Materials Characterization, Materials Physic to the alloying element and casting process. 2, Materials Physic 3 Prerequisite: Materials Physic 3 References: 1. Ashby, M. F, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, References: 1. Heine, R. W., Principles of Metal Casting, McGraw- 2nd ed., Cambridge Uni. Press., Oxford, 1999 Hill Pub., New Delhi, 1986 Materials Joining 2. Surdia, T. Teknologi Pengecoran Logam, P. Paramita, 1985 ENMT606028 3. John Campbell, Castings, Second Edition, Elsevier Butter- 3 credits Syllabus: worth-Heinemann, 2004 Arc welding methods: SMAW, FCAW, SAW, ESW, GMAW, Polymer Manufacturing Process PAW. Electric resistance methods: spot welding, Seam welding, ENMT605024 Projection welding, Flash welding. Pressure welding methods: 3 credits Cold butt welding, Explosive welding, Diffusion welding, Forge Syllabus: welding, Ultrasonic welding, Friction welding. Other welding methods: Oxy-Acetylene welding, Thermite welding, Electron Basic principle and characteristics of polymer materials, as Beam welding, Laser Beam welding, Underwater welding, well as the fabrication methods of polymer raw materials into Soldering, Brazing. Welding design, standard and calculation ready-to-use products, relationship between structure and (WPS) AWS, ASME, EN. Welding metallurgy for carbon steel, behavior of polymer molecules; thermal, chemical, optical, and alloy steel, cast iron, non ferrous materials. Welding defects. electrical properties of polymer materials; polymer rheology; Polymer joining: thermal bonding, cementing, adhesive fabrication process (formulation, continuous and discontinuous bonding and mechanical fastening. formation, and product finalization) of thermoplastic, thermo- set, and rubber; and study case of polymer product technology Prerequisite: Characterization of Materials, Materials on packaging (rigid and flexible), automotive, electronics, and Physics 3 construction applications. References: Prerequisite: Polymer Materials 1. Larry F. Jeffus; Welding Principles and Applications 2. Kou; Welding Metallurgy 2nd Edition; John Wiley and References: 1. G. Challa, Polymer Chemistry – An Introduction, 1993, Sons; 2005 3. Easterling; Introduction to Physical Metallurgy of Weld- Ellis Horwood Limited series in Polymer Science, UK 2. Young R.J. and Lovell P.A., Introduction to Polymers, 2nd ing; Butterworth and Co; 1992 4. David A. Grewell; Plastics and Composites Welding edition, 1997, Chapman & Hall, Cambridge, UK 3. Cheremisinoff N.P., Polymer Characterization – Labora- Handbook 5. Alphonsus V.V. pocius; Adhesion and Adhesive Technol- tory Techniques and Analysis, 1996, Noyes Publication, New Jersey, USA ogy 4. Morton-Jones D.H., Polymer Processing, 1994, Chapman 6. Winarto & Anis; Lecture notes; 2007 & Hall, UK Metal Manufacturing Process Corrosion Laboratory ENMT605023 ENMT605025 4 credits 1 credits Syllabus: Syllabus: The forming of metals as a part of design process and Corrosion cells, Measurement of the Corrosion Potential of manufacture; fundamentals of metal casting (mould, molten Several Metals, Stainless steel Polarization, Cathodic Protection, metal, solidification), mould (sand, ceramic, metal), pouring Surface Engineering. system (pattern, riser, pressure and unpressure, chill) and its simulation, solidification of cast iron and aluminum, liquid Prerequisite: Corrosion & Protection of Metals treatment for ferrous metals (inoculation, Mg treatment) and nonferrous (modifier, grain refiner), various methods of casting, References: casting defect; common principle of solid forming of a metal, techniques of metal forming through: pressing, forging, rolling, Corrosion Laboratory Module extrusion, wire drawing, sheet metal forming; thermo-mechan- ical processing (TMP). General principle of powder metallurgy, Failure Analysis powder fabrication and mechanism of powder forming, powder ENMT606027 /ENMT616027 characteristics and characterization, mechanical alloying, 1 credits pre-compaction process, compaction, precursor characteristic, Syllabus: sintering and powder consolidation, full density processing, sintering equipment and related aspects, application of Aspects of failure engineering and its analysis, sources/factors powder metallurgy products. Laboratory: (1) Sand particle contributing the material’s failure, explanation of failure factors, size distribution, water content calculation, additive substance types of fractures, stress system and residual stress, theories (bentonite) content in mould, sand flowablity, relation of water of fracture mechanics and introduction to the risk-based and additive content in sand with permeability, shear and inspection, failure due to: fatigue, creep, wear, brittleness, compressive strength of sand, (2) utilization of simulation heat treatment, residual stress, corrosion and environment, software in calculation and design of casting, (3) Design of inlet case study. and riser, mould making from patterns, making of the core of Prerequisite: Materials Selection References: 1. Wulpi, D. J., Understanding How Components Fail, ASM, 1998 297

Undergraduate Program composite, polymer matrix composite, ceramic matrix compos- ite, fiber composite nature. Reinforced fibers and Whiskers, the 2. Charlie, R. B and Ashok, C., Metallurgical Failure Analy- rule of mixtures, the interface in composite materials, interfacial sis, McGraw-Hill Inc., 1993 area, interfacial wettability, interfacial bonding. 3. French, D. N., Metallurgical Failure in Fossil Fired Boilers, Prerequisite: Polymer Materials John Wiley & Sons, 1983 References: Engineering Design of Products 1. Hull, D., An Introdution to composite Materials, ENMT607034 4 credits Cambridge Uni. Press, 1981 Syllabus: 2. Mattew, F.L. and R.D. Rawlings, Composite Materials: Introduction to Engineering Design, total design activity, group Engineering and Science, Chapman Hall, 1993 dynamics and design management, problem identifcation and 3. Bryan Harris, Engineering Composites Materials, 2nd design specifcation, creativity and the conception of design, modeling, optimallisation, materials and process selection, Eddtion, Institute of Materials Communication Ltd, 1999 design communication and presentation. Metals Manufacturing Laboratory Prerequisite: ENMT606031 1 credits Metal Manufacturing Process, Polymer Manufacturing Process, Syllabus: Ceramics Technology, Composite Technology, Materials Selection Sand size distribution, calculation of water content, content of additives (bentonite) in molds, sand flowability, relationship References: between water content and additives in sand with permaebility, 1. Saptono, Rahmat. First Lecture on Engineering Design. shear strength and strength of sand pressure, use of simulation software for calculation and casting design, design making inlet Universitas Indonesia, 2006 systems and enhancers, making sand molds from patterns, 2. Hurst, Kenneth S., Engineering Design Principles, 1st Ed., making core molds, the process of melting and pouring molten metal into molds, analysis of casting defects, analysis of casting Arnold, New York, 1999 products related to alloying elements and casting processes. 3. Pugh, Stuart, Total Design, Integrated Methods for Metal Transformation Module: Solid cylindrical metal stressing, Sheet metal rolling, Sheet metal formation includes non-simu- Successful Product Engineering., Addison-Wesley lative sheet testing (tensile testing for n and r values) and sheet Publisher Ltd., Edinburgh 1991 simulative testing (sheet stretching and pulling, dome height 4. Dym, Clive L and Patrick Little, Engineering Design, limit (LDH) and ratio limits withdrawal (LDR). A-Project-Based Introduction, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2000 Prerequisite: Metal Manufacturing Process 5. Dieter, G. E., Engineering Design, A Material and Process- ing Approach, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill., 1991 References: 6. Ashby, M. F, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Metals Manufacturing Laboratory Module 2nd ed., Cambridge Uni. Press., Oxford, 1999 Extractive Metallurgy Laboratory Ceramics Technology ENMT606032 ENMT606029 1 credits 3 credits Syllabus: Syllabus: Metal extraction testing and electrometallurgical (e.g. Electro- Introduction to ceramics (general), crystal structure, glass plating, froth flotation) structure, phase diagrams, phase transformations. Properties of ceramics: thermal, optical, mechanical, electrical and Prerequisite: Extractive Metallurgy magnetic fields, as well as the dielectric nature. Manufacture of ceramic technology and applications: conventional ceramic References: (aluminum-silicate; clay, glaze); cement and concrete; glass Extractive Metallurgy Laboratory Module and advanced ceramics (advanced ceramics). The processes for modern ceramics, ceramic thin film, ceramic for field appli- Technopreneurship cation of mechanical, electronic, optical and magnetic. -Based ENMT607035 ceramic matrix composites. Refractory ceramics. Refractory raw 2 credits materials, types of refractories: refractory system Alumininum Syllabus: - silica, silica refractories, refractory magnesite, chromite refrac- tories, refractory carbon, special refractories. Manufacture of Introduction to technopreneurship and business, business refractories, the use of refractory metals in the industry and idea and opportunity identification, business idea feasibility, others, as well as the failure mechanism of refractory. development of effective business model, writing of business plan, management of marketing, operational, human resources Prerequisite: Materials Physics 3 and finance. References: Prerequisite: Minimum of 100 credits obtained 1. Kingery et al, Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd ed., John References: Wiley & Sons., 1976 1. Simmons, J. & Spinelli, S. (2012). “New Venture Creation: 2. Hummel AF, Phase Equilibria in Ceramic Systems, Marcel Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century”, (9th ed.). New Dekker Inc, 1984 York: McGraw-Hill Irwin 2. Barringer, B. R., & Ireland, R. D. (2010). Entrepreneurship: Composite Technology Successfully launching new ventures. Upper Saddle ENMT606030 River, N.J: Prentice Hall. 3 credits 3. Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., & Clark, T. (2010). Business Syllabus: model generation: A handbook for visionaries, game The concept, definition and clarification of the composite, 298 matrix and reinforcement type for composites, metal matrix

Undergraduate Program changers, and challengers. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. Syllabus: 4. William, B. K., Sawyer, S. C., Berston, S., (2013). Business: A Overview of Biomaterials and Their Use in Medical Devices, Practical Introduction. Upper Saddle River, N.J: Prentice Physical and Mechanical Requirements for Medical Device Hall Materials, Metallic Materials, Corrosion of Metallic Implants and Prosthetic Devices, Failure Analysis of Metallic Orthopedic Internship Implants, Ceramic Materials, Polymeric Materials, Adhesives, ENMT607036 Coatings, Biomaterials for Dental Applications, Tarnish and 2 credits Corrosion of Dental Alloys, Friction and Wear of Dental Syllabus: Materials A minimum of one month of in the job training. The result of Prerequisite: Corrosion & Protection of Metals internship is submitted as written report and presented before the job training assembly References: 1. J. Park R.S. Lakes, Biomaterials: An Introduction 3rd Prerequisite: Minimum of 100 credits obtained Edition, Springer, NY, 2007 References: 2. J.R. Davis, Handbook of Materials for Medical Devices, Seminar ASM International , Metal Park OH, 2003 ENMT607037 3. S. Shang, L. Woo, Selecting Materials for Medical Product 1 credits Syllabus: in Handbook of Materials Selection Edited by Myer Kutz, John Wiley and Sons, NY, 2002. Final assignment writing guide including initial research, abstract writing guide, research methodology, type of refer- Engineering Ethics ences, discussion, also conclusion. To make scientifc paper ENMT607941 from existing fnal report which then be presented according to 2 credits certain journal term or final assignment proposal presentation. Syllabus: Prerequisite: Minimum of 105 credits obtained Ethical theories and tools: basic ethical theories such as consequentialism, deontology, and virtue ethics, but also more References: - modern theories such as discourse ethics, feminist ethics as well as theories about justice and equal opportunities. Final Project Decision-making models and frameworks within engineering ENMT607038 ethics. 4 credits Syllabus: Case Study: Analysis of examples of situations which engineers may encounter in their professional life with the help of the Implementation/application of various lectures taken by studied ethical theory. Interview with professionally active students on integration in a research to solve a problem in engineers on ethical issues they have encountered during metallurgy and material engineering feld. The research result their career is presented in a form of scientifc report and presented in front of the judging lecturers. Prerequisite: - Prerequisite: Minimum of 125 credits obtained References: 1. Seebauer, E.G. and Barry, R.L. Fundamental of Ethics for References: - Scientists and Engineers (New York: Oxford University Elective Courses Press, 2001). 2. Martin, M.W. and R. Schinzinger. Ethics in Engineering. 4 Special Alloyed Steels th Edition. (McGrawHill, Inc., 2005). ENMT607939 3. Harris Jr., C.E., Pritchard, M.S., Rabins, M.J., Engineer- 2 credits ing Ethics, Concepts, and Cases: 4th edition (California: Syllabus: Wadsworth Learning, 2009). 4. Whitbeck, Caroline. Ethics in Engineering – Practice and Classifcation and utilisation of special steels and super alloys, Research: 2nd edition (Cambridge: Cambridge University alloying element and microstructure of alloy steels and super Press, 2011). alloys, stainless steels (ferritic, austenitic, duplex, martensitic, precipitation-hardening stainelss steels), heat resistant steels, High Temperature Corrosion wear resistant steels, tool steels, other alloy steels, super alloys ENMT607943 (Co- and Ni- based alloys) 2 credits Syllabus: Prerequisite: Iron & Steel Making Thermodynamics of metal oxidation reactions, Ellingham References: Diagram, Structure oxide (corrosion products) and non-stoichi- 1. J.R. Davis, Stainless Steel, ASM Specialty Hand Book, 1994 ometri stoichiometri, oxide-type and n-type p, PillingBedworth 2. J.R. Davis, Heat Resistant Materials, ASM Specialty Hand- ratio, oxide growth mechanisms: diffusion and migration, the kinetics of oxide growth rate: Wagner-parabolic, logarithmic, Book, 1997 linear, aspects of the morphology of the oxide layer (corrosion 3. Tool Steel Handbook, Fifth Edition, Geoge Roberts, ASM, products), high temperature corrosion in specifc environments: salt melt (hot corrosion), boiler, carburizing / metal dusting, 1998 sulfdisasi and thermal cycling, high temperature corrosion 4. E.F. Bradley, Super Alloy A Technical Guide, ASM Inter- protection method: material selection, high temperature resistant alloys, coating / surface treatment national, 1998 Prerequisite: Corrosion & Protection of Metals Biomaterial ENMT607940 299 2 credits

Undergraduate Program flexible automatic assembly. Dissassembly.Prerequisite: References: References: 1. N. Birks and G.H. Meier, “Introduction to High Tempera- Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing: Materials, Processes, ture Oxidation of Metals”, Cambridge University Press, and Systems By Mikell P. Groove 2006 2. D.John Young, “High Temperature Oxidation and Corro- General Apprenticeship sion of Metals”, Publisher: Elsevier Science, 2008. ENMT607949 3. Per Kofstad, “High Temperature Corrosion”, Elsevier 2 credits Applied Science, 1988 Syllabus: Polimer Compounding Apprenticeship at an institution for at least 3 months. The ENMT607945 results of the internship are presented in the form of a report 2 credits and presented before the internship examination Syllabus: Prerequisite: Minimum of 110 credits hours during the Introduction to polymers and their products. Processing-related break polymer properties. Polymer rheological theory. Stages and types of machine processes of polymer products. Injection References: - molding. Extrusion (blown film, callendering, blow molding and thermoforming). Composite (Reinforcing process. Lami- Risk Based-Inspection and Integritiy nating process) ENMT807946/ENMT817946 3 credits Prerequisite: Polymer Materials Syllabus: References: Definition & Definition: Asset Integrity & Risk Based Inspec- 1. Edward.A.Muccio, Plastic Processing Technology, ASM tion. Policy: Production Level Policy and Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Considerations. Strategy / Prioritization: International, ISBN:9780871704948 Based on Priority Scale. Program Planning: Program Planning. Hazard / Threat Identification: Identification of Potential Quality Management System Threats. Damage Mechanism: Damage Mechanism. Probabil- ENMT607946 ity of Failure: Failure Opportunity. Consequence of Failure: 2 credits Consequences of Failure. Asset Register: Naming Facilities Syllabus: / Equipment. Risk Assessment: Risk Assessment. Program Implementation: Program Implementation. Data Compila- General, process approach, relation to ISO 9004, adaptation with tion-Evaluation-Interpretation: Compilation, Evaluation & other system such health safety and environment management. Interpretation of Data. Corrective Actions & Recommendations: The terms on quality management system are including; scope Corrective actions & Recommendations. Inspection Interval: of implementation, regulating model, term and defnition, Inspection time period. Inspection Methods: Inspection terms of documentation, management responsibility, resources Methods. Inspection Scope: Inspection Scope. Inspection Work management, product realization, performance measurement, package: Inspection Work Details. analysis and monitoring and also enhancement of sustainable system including internal audit, prevention and correction Prerequisite: - action. References: Prerequisite: Data Analysis and Scientific Writing 1. Chapter 008, Risk-Based Inspection Technique by References: Mohamed El-Reedy (Author) Publisher: Gulf Professional 1. ISO Standard 9000:2000 series including ISO 9000, 9001 Publishing (17 July 2012) ASIN: B00DGSWO4S and ISO 9004, ISO 19011 Computational Materials ENMT607942 Rubber Technology 2 credits ENMT608958 Syllabus: 2 credits Syllabus: Basic computational techniques: methods of solving linear equations, methods of solving differential equations and other Introduction to rubber, type and characteristics on raw materi- methods, Other advanced computational methods: Monte als and rubber prodcut, additives in rubber product, equipment carlo method, stochastic, metropolis. Computational domains and manufacturing process for rubber product, testing method in material engineering: the macro domain (FEM), the meso for raw materials and rubber product, application and devel- domain (coarse graining), molecular dynamics, the nanoscale opment of rubber product domain (quantum mechanics approximation), the macro domain, finite element computing (FEM). Weak formulation: Prerequisite: Polymer Manufacturing Process finite element node, mesh element, procedure. Linear interpo- lation function: parameter function and interpolation function. References: One-dimensional analysis. FEM continued. Two-dimensional M.Morton, Rubber Technology, Springer, 1999 analysis Three-dimensional problem Isoparametric element Solution and finite element equation, Galerkin Method. FEM Special Processing and Assembly Technologies examples on ABAQUS. Meso computation (phase field method). ENMT607948 Phase field method, spinodal decomposition using the Cahn 2 credits Hillard method. Thermodynamics and Thermodynamics Syllabus: Materials Selection are irreversible processes. Meso computation uses molecular dynamics. Nano Computing (Density Functional Theory) I & II The importance of economy and technology in assembly manu- facturing. Production technology and economic prerequisites for automatic as wellas manualassembly. Design technical issues related to assembly. Equipment and techniques used for different part operations in assembly. Production philosophy 300 and assembly systems. Industrial robot technology related to

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