ft…fq… ft{„ehe ft…fq… - Pruning; curtailment; cut ft{ fhðt™tu nwf{ - Work order ft…fq… fhðe - Curtail; cut; prune; truncate ft{ Atuze™u ¼t„e sðwk - Desertion of duty ft…fq… fhu÷wk - Truncated ft{ …h ytð‚tk Ëne - Sign in ft…z - Cloth; textile ft{ …h ‚t÷e{ - On the job training ft…z y™u Ëk÷ø™ Wãtu„tu - Textile and allied ft{ …hÚte W‚the {qfðwk - Disemploy industries ft{ …hÚte s‚tk Ëne - Sign of ft{ …h ntuðwk ‚u - On duty ft…z Wãtu„ - Textile industry ft{ …h ™ ntuðwk ‚u - Off duty ft…zWãtu„ ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Textile ft{ …qh‚wk {nuf{ - Work-charged establishment ft…zWãtu„ W…¢{ - Textile undertaking ft{ …qhwk ÚtÞt™wk «{tý…ºt - Completion certificate ft…zWãtu„ ‚…tË Ër{r‚ - Textile Enquiry ft{ «{týu Œh - Piece rate ‘ft{ ƒŒ÷ y™ts’ ftÞo¢{ - ‘Food for work’ Committee programme ft…zWãtu„ r™Þkºtf - Controller of Textile ft…zWãtu„™tu yÇÞtË¢{ - Textile course ft{ {u¤ððt™tu yrÄfth - Right to work ft…z «tiãtur„fe - Textile technology ft{-¾Š[‚ f{o[theð„o - Work-charged staff ft…z r{÷ - Textile mill ft{/ft{„ehe/ftÞo™e rð„‚ - Job description ft…z Ëk„únt÷Þ - Textile museum ft{fts - Business ft…ýe - Harvest ft{fts [÷tððwk ‚u - Transaction of business ft…ýe fh™th - Harvester ft{fts Ë÷tnfth Ër{r‚ - Business Advisory ft…÷e - Slip ft…÷e-¾t‚tðne - Slip ledger Committee ft…÷e-…tuÚte - Slip book ft…tft…e - Slaughter; carnage; massacre ft{fts Ëk¼t¤‚t ËÇÞ - Member-in-charge ft…tu - Incision; cut ft{fts™t f÷tf - Working hours; hours of business ftV÷t™tu {tr÷f - Fleet owner ft{fts™t ™¬h rËØtk‚tu - Sound business ftV÷tu - Caravan; fleet principles ftƒq - Control; command ft{fts™t r™Þ{tu - Rules of business ftƒq ƒnth™wk - Beyond control ft{fts™e «Útt - Business practice ftƒ{q tk ÷E þftÞ yðu kw - Controllable; manageable ft{fts™e ÞtŒe - Agenda ftƒu÷ - Clever; proficient ft{fts™e ÞtŒe™tu {wËÆtu - Draft agenda ft{ - Work; function; job ft{fts™tu rŒðË - Working day ft{ yxftððwk - Stoppage of work ft{fts™tu Ë{Þ - Business hours; office ft{ fhðt yr™åAwf/ft{[tuh - Work-Shy; hours; working hours shirker; malingerer ft{„ehe - Duty; job; performance (2)Operation 92
ft{„ehe ynuðt÷ ft{Œth rŒ™ ft{„ehe ynuðt÷ - Performance report ft{[÷tW {t¤¾wk - Tentative frame work ft{„ehe ykŒts…ºt - Performance budget ft{[÷tW ÞtŒe - Provisional list ft{„ehe ytÞtus™ - Operational planning ft{[÷tW htn‚ - Stop-gap relief; temporary ft{„ehe fËtuxe/…heûtt - Performance test relief ft{„ehe-ftzo - Job card ft{„ehe/ftÞo ËkþtuÄ™ yÇÞtË - Operational ft{[÷tW he‚u - Temporarily; tentatively; Research Studies provisionally ft{„ehe/ftÞo ËkþtuÄ™ …rhÞtus™t - Operational ft{[÷tW ÔÞðMÚtt - Stop-gap arrangement ft{[÷tW Ëhfth - Caretaker Government Research Project ft{[÷tW nwf{ - Provisional order ft{„ehe [t÷w ntuðe - In the pipeline ft{Œth - Employee; worker; labourer; workman ft{„ehe [t÷w fhtÞu÷ yuf{ - Commissioned unit ft{Œth y„ú‚t - Labour priority ft{„ehe «tuíËtn™ - Performance incentive ft{Œth y…e÷ …k[ - Labour Appellate Tribunal ft{„ehe {qÕÞtkf™ - Performance evaluation ft{Œth yþtkr‚ - Labour unrest ft{„ehe ÷ûÞtkf - Operational target ft{Œth ytkŒtu÷™/[¤ð¤/«ð]Â¥t - Labour ft{„ehe ð„eofhý - Job classification movement ft{„ehe rð„‚ - Job specification ft{„ehe/Ëk[t÷™ þt¾t - Operation Branch ft{Œth ytkfzt - Labour statistics ft{„ehe rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Performance audit ft{Œth yuf‚t - Labour unity ft{„ehe™e {wŒ‚ - Tenure of duty ft{Œth fÕÞtý - Labour welfare ft{„ehe™tu rË÷rË÷tu - Series of operations ft{Œth fÕÞtý yrÄfthe - Labour Welfare ft{[÷tW - Temporary; tentative; provisional ft{[÷tW yæÞût - Pro-tem Speaker; acting Officer speaker; officiating speaker / chairperson ft{Œth fÕÞtý ft{„ehe - Labour welfare work ft{Œth fÕÞtý fuLÿ - Labour Welfare Centre ft{[÷tW ytfthýe - Provisional assessment ft{Œth fÕÞtý r™rÄ - Labour Welfare Fund ft{[÷tW [wfðýe - Provisional payment ft{Œth fÕÞtý …„÷tk - Labour welfare measures ft{[÷tW òu„ðtE - Tentative provision ft{Œth ftÞoût{‚t - Labour efficiency ft{[÷tW Äh…fz - Provisional arrest ft{Œth ftÞto÷Þ - Bureau of Labour ft{[÷tW r™Þ{ - Provisional rule ft{Œth „r‚þe÷‚t - Labour mobility ft{[÷tW …„th-ft…÷e - Provisional pay slip; ft{Œth ‚fhth - Labour dispute ft{Œth ‚…tË Ër{r‚ - Labour Inquiry temporary/tentative pay slip Committee ft{[÷tW …ntU[ - Provisional receipt ft{[÷tW «{tý…ºt - Provisional certificate ft{Œth ‚k„e/y¼tð/yA‚ - Labour shortage ft{[÷tW {ht{‚ - Patch-up ft{Œth ‚kºt - Labour machinery ft{Œth rŒ™ - Labour Day 93
ft{Œth r™rÄ ftÞŒt ftu÷us ft{Œth r™rÄ - Labour fund ft{Œth™e yrÄþu»t - Worker’s surplus ft{Œth r™Þ{tðr÷ - Labour Code ft{Œthð„o - Labour class; labour force; work ft{Œth r™heûtý - Labour inspection ft{Œth …„th-…ºtf - Labour pay sheet force ft{Œth …ºtf - Labour sheet ft{Œth …k[ - Labour Tribunal ft{Œthtu {txu ð¤‚hY… ðe{tu - Workmen’s ft{Œth {nt{kz¤ - Labour Federation ft{Œth {tr÷f - Working employer compensation insurance ft{Œth {trn‚e yrÄfthe - Labour Information ft{Œthtu™e Wí…tŒ™-þÂõ‚ - Labour productivity Officer ft{Œthtu™e „r‚þe÷‚t - Mobility of labour ft{Œthtu™wk ËkÏÞtƒ¤ - Labour force ft{Œth ÞtŒe - Labour roll ft{ÄkÄtu - Job; business; calling ft{Œth htßÞ ðe{t r™„{ - Employees’ State ft{™t f÷tftu - Working hours ft{™t „w{tðu÷t rŒðË - Man-days lost Insurance Corporation ft{™t r™Þ‚ f÷tftu - Duty hours ft{™e y„ú‚t - Work priorities ft{Œth htßÞ ðe{t Þtus™t - Employees’ State ft{™e hV‚th - Pace of work ft{™e hwftðx - Stoppage of work; work Insurance Scheme stoppage ft{Œth htus„th ftÞto÷Þ - Labour Employment ft{™e ËtU…ýe - Job assignment Exchange ft{™wk Œƒtý - Pressure of work; work load ft{™tu Œh - Rate of work ft{Œth ÷ðtŒe - Labour arbitration ft{ƒkÄe - Stoppage of work; cessation of ft{Œth ð„o - Work force; labour class ft{Œth ð¤‚h - Workmen compensation work ft{Œth ð¤‚h ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner for ft{ƒkÄe nz‚t÷ - No work strike Workmen’s Compensation ft{ðt¤e ƒtE - Maid servant ft{u ht¾ðwk/÷„tzðwk - Employ ft{Œth ðËtn‚ - Labour colony ft{u ÷„tzu÷e ®Ë[tE þÂõ‚ - Harnessed ft{Œth ÔÞðMÚtt‚kºt - Labour organization ft{Œth/©{ ƒòh ûtuºt - Labour market area irrigation potential ft{Œth Ë{qn - Labour pool ft{Œth Ë÷tnfth {kz¤ - Labour Advisory ftÞŒt yrÄfthe - Law Officer ftÞŒt yLðÞu y{tLÞ - Bad in law Board ftÞŒt yLðÞu ðtsƒe Xhu÷ - Justified by law ftÞŒt yLðÞu Ëk…qýo LÞtÞËk„‚ - Strictly ft{Œth ËnÞtu„ - Worker participation ft{Œth Ëk½ - Labour Union; Labour justifiable by law Federation ftÞŒt ytÞtu„ - Law Commission ftÞŒt ftu÷us - Law College ft{Œth Ëk[t÷™ - Labour management ft{Œth ËkƒkÄtu - Labour relations 94
ftÞŒt ‚kºt ftÞŒt{tLÞ „ehtu ftÞŒt ‚kºt - Legal machinery ftÞŒt™e ytð~Þõ‚t - Requirement of law ftÞŒt r™»ýt‚ - Legal expert ftÞŒt™e áÂüyu hŒ fhðtÞtuøÞ - Voidable in ftÞŒt …Ør‚ - System of law ftÞŒt «ýt÷e - Legal tradition point of law ftÞŒt «{týu ðthË/W¥thtrÄfthe - Heir-at-law ftÞŒt «ð‚of yŒt÷‚ - Law-administering ftÞŒt™e áÂüyu Ë{t™‚t - Legal equality ftÞŒt™e ¼t»tt - Legal parlance Court ftÞŒt™wk WÕ÷k½™/¼k„ - Breach of law; violation ftÞŒt {ŒŒ™eþ - Legal Assistant of law; contravention of law ftÞŒt {kºte - Minister of Law ftÞŒt {kºte™e f[uhe - Ministry of Legal affairs ftÞŒt™wk …t÷™ fh™th ™t„rhf - Law-abiding ftÞŒt rðãtþt¾t - Law Faculty ftÞŒt rð¼t„ - Legal Department citizen ftÞŒt rðhwØ - Illegal; unlawful ftÞŒt ÔÞðËtÞe - Legal practitioner ftÞŒt™wk ƒ¤ - Legal force ftÞŒt Ër[ð - Legal Secretary ftÞŒt™wk hûtý - Legal protection ftÞŒt Ër{r‚ - Law Committee; Legal ftÞŒt™wk þtË™ - Rule of law ftÞŒt™u y™wY… ƒ™tððwk - Legalise/Legalize Committee ftÞŒt™tu y{÷ - Law enforcement ftÞŒt™tu y{÷ fh‚e ËMk Útt - Law-executing body ftÞŒt Ë÷tnfth - Law adviser; counsel; legal ftÞŒt™tu y{÷ fhtð‚e yŒt÷‚ - Law- adviser; legal counsellor Administering Court ftÞŒt Ët{rÞf - Law journal ftÞŒt™tu ¼k„ fh™th - Law-breaker ftÞŒt Ëqr[ - Law list ftÞŒt™tu {wÆtu - Issue of law ftÞŒt nuX¤ - Under the law ftÞŒt™tu ÷t¼ŒtÞe nu‚w - Salutary purpose of law ftÞŒtfeÞ y™w{t™ - Legal presumption ftÞŒt™tu Ëútu‚ - Source of law ftÞŒtfeÞ/ft™q™e ¼tðtÚto/Ëqr[‚tÚto - Legal ftÞŒt…t÷™ - Obedience to law ftÞŒt{tLÞ - Lawful; legitimate connotation; legal implication ftÞŒt{tLÞ yÚto½x™ - Legal interpretation ftÞŒt{tLÞ yþõ‚‚t - Legal disability ftÞŒtfeÞ «&™ - Question of law ftÞŒt{tLÞ W…Þtu„ - Legitimate use ftÞŒtfeÞ {t™f - Legal standard ftÞŒt{tLÞ fƒòu/òótu - Lawful custody ftÞŒtÚte r™r»tØ/«r‚ƒkrÄ‚ - Prohibited by law; ftÞŒt{tLÞ fhðwk - Legalise/Legalize ftÞŒt{tLÞ ¾‚/¾‚…ºt/ŒM‚tðus - Lawful deed/ forbidden by law document ftÞŒtÚte ƒkÄtÞu÷ - Bound by law ftÞŒtÚte MÚttr…‚ - Established by law ftÞŒt{tLÞ „tkz…ý/…t„÷…ýwk - Legal insanity ftÞŒt™e y¿tt™‚t - Ignorance of law ftÞŒt{tLÞ r„hV‚the - Lawful arrest ftÞŒt™e y{÷-ƒsðýe - Law enforcement ftÞŒt{tLÞ „ehtu - Legal mortgage 95
ftÞŒt{tLÞ [÷ý ftÞŒuËh he‚ ftÞŒt{tLÞ [÷ý - Legal money; legal currency ftÞŒuËh ¾‚ - Lawful deed ftÞŒt{tLÞ Œtðtu/nfŒtðtu - Legitimate claim ftÞŒuËh [÷ý - Legal tender; legal currency ftÞŒt{tLÞ Œtu»tthtu…ý - Valid charge ftÞŒuËh [÷ýe rˬtu - Legal tender coin ftÞŒt{tLÞ Äh…fz - Lawful arrest ftÞŒuËh [wfðýe - Lawful payment ftÞŒt{tLÞ r™Þwõ‚ - Legal nominee ftÞŒuËh AqxtAuzt - Judicial divorce; legal ftÞŒt{tLÞ …rhíÞt„ - Valid cession divorce ftÞŒt{tLÞ …w™ðuo[tý ®f{‚ - Legalized resale ftÞŒuËh sYrhÞt‚ - Legal necessity price ftÞŒuËh sðtƒŒthe - Legal obligation ftÞŒt{tLÞ {‚ - Valid vote ftÞŒuËh Xhtððwk ‚u - Legitimation ftÞŒt{tLÞ ðÞ - Lawful age ftÞŒuËh Œtðtu/nfŒtðtu - Legitimate claim ftÞŒt{tLÞ ðthË - Legal heir; lawful heir ftÞŒuËh Äthý fh™th - Lawful holder ftÞŒt{tLÞ ðt÷e - Lawful guardian ftÞŒuËh ™týwk - Legal money ftÞŒt{tLÞ rððuftrÄfth-ðÞ - Years of ftÞŒuËh LÞtÞr™ýoÞ - Legal adjudication discretion; age of discretion ftÞŒuËh …„÷tk - Legal action ftÞŒuËh …wÏ‚ ðÞ - Legally major ftÞŒt{tLÞ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Legal person ftÞŒuËh «r‚r™rÄ - Legal representative ftÞŒt{tLÞ Ë¥tt - Legal powers ftÞŒuËh «ðuþ - Lawful entry; rightful entry ftÞŒt{tLÞ Ë¥ttrÄfth/Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Lawful ftÞŒuËh Vhs - Legal obligation ftÞŒuËh Ve - Legal fees Authority ftÞŒuËh VuhƒŒ÷e - Legal transference ftÞŒuËh ƒ[tð - Lawful defence ftÞŒt{tLÞ rnËtƒ-‚…tË™eË - Statutary Auditor ftÞŒuËh ƒ™tððwk - Validate; legalize ftÞŒt{tLÞ ntuðt™e ÂMÚtr‚ - Legitimacy ftÞŒuËh ƒnt™wk - Legal/lawful excuse ftÞŒtrð»tÞf ™er‚þt† - Jural ethics ftÞŒuËh {t„ýe - Legal demand ftÞŒtþt† - Jurisprudence ftÞŒuËh {t÷ - Lawful goods ftÞŒtþtMºte - Jurist ftÞŒuËh {tr÷f - Lawful owner; rightful owner ftÞŒuËh - Legitimate; lawful; valid; legal ftÞŒuËh {tr÷fenf - Lawful title; legal ftÞŒuËh yr¼hûtý - Lawful custody ftÞŒuËh yÂM‚íð - Legal entity ownership ftÞŒuËh yk‚htÞ - Legal impediment ftÞŒuËh R÷t¾tu - Lawful title ftÞŒuËh r{÷f‚ ËtU…ýe - Entrusting property ftÞŒuËh WÆuþ - Lawful object ftÞŒuËh W…tÞ - Legal remedy; legal means legally ftÞŒuËh fƒòu - Legal possession; lawful ftÞŒuËh h[tÞu÷wk - Lawfully constituted possession ftÞŒuËh he‚ - Lawful manner 96 ftÞŒuËh ftÞo/f]íÞ - Lawful act
ftÞŒuËh he‚u sðtƒŒth ftÞ{e nf ftÞŒuËh he‚u sðtƒŒth - Legally responsible ftÞŒtu y™u ÔÞðMÚtt™t hûtf - Custodian of law ftÞŒuËh he‚u VhrsÞt‚ - Legally obligatory ftÞŒuËh he‚u ƒkÄtÞu÷ - Legally bound and order ftÞŒËu h ÷ø™ - Lawful marriage; legal marriage ftÞŒuËh ÷uðztðu÷t Ëtu„kŒ - Lawfully ftÞŒtu y™u ÔÞðMÚtt™e ò¤ðýe - Maintenance of administered oath law and order ftÞŒuËh ð¤‚h - Legal compensation ftÞŒtu fhðtu/½zðtu - Enact; legislate ftÞŒuËh ðthË - Legal heir; lawful heir ftÞŒtu ½z™th ËkMÚtt - Law-making body; ftÞŒuËh ðt÷e - Lawful/legal guardian ftÞŒuËh ðu…th - Lawful trade legislature ftÞŒuËh ÔÞts - Lawful interest ftÞŒuËh rþûtt - Legal punishment ftÞŒtu ½zðt™e Ë¥tt - Legislative power ftÞŒuËh Ëò - Lawful sentence ftÞŒtu ½zðtu ‚u - Enactment ftÞŒuËh Ëtrƒ‚e - Legal proof ftÞ{ fhðwk - Confirm ftÞŒuËh Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Sovereignty de jure ftÞ{ fhðwk ‚u - Confirmation ftÞŒuËh ÂMÚtr‚ - Locus standi ftÞ{ ™ fhtÞu÷ - Unconfirmed; temporary ftÞŒuËh nf - Legal right; lawful right; ftÞ{ ƒuŒhfth - Habitually negligent ftÞ{e - Permanent (2)Perpetual; perennial legitimate right ftÞ{e yMõÞt{‚ - Permanent assets ftÞ{e f{o[theð„o - Permanent staff ftÞŒuËh nfŒtðtu - Legal claim; lawful claim ftÞ{e ¾t÷e søÞt - Permanent vacancy ftÞŒuËh nz‚t¤ - Legal strike; lawful strike ftÞ{e [tufe…nuhtu - Standing patrol ftÞŒuËh rn‚ - Lawful interest ftÞ{e søÞt - Permanent post ftÞŒuËh nwf{ - Lawful order ftÞ{e suðwk - Quasi-permanent ftÞŒuËh nu‚w - Lawful purpose ftÞ{e r™{ýqf - Permanent appointment ftÞŒuËh‚t - Legality; legitimacy ftÞ{e r™ðton-¾[o - Permanent alimony ftÞŒuËh‚t yt…ðe - Validate ftÞ{e r™ðtË/hnuXtý - Permanent residence ftÞŒuËh‚t™e ‚the¾ - Validity date ftÞ{e ™tufhe/Ëuðt - Permanent service ftÞŒuËh‚t™e {wŒ‚ - Validity period ftÞ{e …uþ„e - Permanent advance ftÞŒuËh…ýwk - Validity; legitimacy; lawfulness ftÞ{e «r‚r™rÄ - Permanent representative ftÞŒtu - Law; legislation ftÞ{e «ðtn - Perennial flow ftÞŒtu y™u YrZ - Law and custom; law and ftÞ{e Vhs - Permanent duty ftÞ{e {nuf{ - Permanent establishment tradition ftÞ{e þt¾ - Standing credit ftÞ{e Ëh™t{wk - Permanent address ftÞŒtu y™u ÔÞðMÚtt - Law and order ftÞ{e nf - Permanent right 97
ftÞ{e nðt÷tu ftÞofthe r™{ýqf ftÞ{e nðt÷tu - Permanent charge fthý rð™t - Without cause; without reason ftÞh - Coward; timid fthýŒþof ™turxË - Show cause notice ftÞtfÕ… - Rejuvenation fthý¼‚q -Conducive; contributed to; leading to ftÞtfÕ… fhðtu - Rejuvenate fth‚qË - Cartridge ftÞt…÷x - Transformation; metamorphosis fth{e ‚k„e - Acute shortage fthrfŒeo - Career fthtðtË™e Ëò - Sentence of imprisonment fthrfŒeo yr¼Þt™ - Career campaign; career fthe„h - Artisan; craftsman; workman fthe„h ‚t÷e{ - Craftsmen training drive fthe„he - Workmanship; art; craftsmanship fthtuƒthe - Executive fthrfŒeo yÇÞtË fuLÿ - Career Study Centre fthtuƒthe r™Þkºtý - Executive check fthrfŒeo ytÞtus™ - Career planning fthtuƒthe …rh»tŒ - Executive Council fthrfŒeorð»tÞf rð„‚ - Curriculum vitae fthtuƒthe {kz¤ - Executive body fthrfŒeorð»tÞf ËtrníÞ - Career literature fthtuƒthe ðzt - Executive head fthrfŒeo Ëk{u÷™ - Career conference fthtuƒtherð»tÞf ftÞtuo - Executive functions fthfw™ - Clerk fthtuƒthe Ë¥tt/yrÄfth - Executive power/ fthfw™e f{o[theð„o - Clerical staff fthfw™e ¼q÷/÷u¾™[qf - Clerical error authority fthfw™e Ëuðt - Clerical service fth¾t™t yrÄfthe - Factory Officer fthtuƒthe Ër{r‚ - Executive Committee fth¾t™t yrÄr™Þ{ - Factory Act fthtuƒthe nwf{ - Executive order fth¾t™t ft{Œth - Factory worker ftxqo™ …èe - Strip of cartoon fth¾t™t ¾t‚u ®f{‚ - Ex-factory price ftzo Ähtð™th/ftzoÄthe - Cardholder fth¾t™t ¾t‚u ˽™ ‚t÷e{ - Intensive in-plant ftzoËqr[ - Card index ftzoËqr[ …Ør‚ - Card Index System training ftƒo™Þwõ‚ - Carboniferous; containing carbon ftƒor™f - Organic fth¾t™t r™heûtf - Inspector of Factories; ftƒor™f hËtÞýþt† - Organic chemistry ftÞofh - Worker Factory Inspector ftÞofthe - Officiating; acting (2)Working ftÞofthe yæÞût - Acting Chairman fth¾t™t r™heûtý - Factory inspection ftÞofthe ¾[o - Working expenditure fth¾t™t{tk «íÞût y™w¼ð - Shop-floor ftÞofthe sqÚt - Working group ftÞofthe r™{ýqf - Ad hoc appointment experience 98 fth¾t™wk - Factory fthý - Cause; reason fthý fu - Because of fthý Œþtoððtk - Set forth the grounds; state reasons
ftÞofthe …„th ftÞo…t÷f ftÞofthe …„th - Officiating pay ftÞo¢{ rð»tÞðM‚w/rð„‚ - Programme content ftÞofthe …Œ - Officiating post ftÞo¢{ Ë÷tnfth Ër{r‚ - Programme ftÞofthe …ŒÄthe - Acting incumbent Advisory Committee ftÞofthe ƒZ‚e - Officiating promotion ftÞo¢{ Ëqr[ - Programme schedule ftÞofthe ƒnw{‚e - Working majority ftÞo¢{™tu «[th - Programme publicity ftÞofthe ¼ÚÚtwk - Officiating allowance ftÞo¢{rð»tÞf - Programmatic ftÞofthe ¼t„eŒth - Acting partner ftÞo¢{rð»tÞf ËkþtuÄ™ - Programmatic research ftÞofthe {qze - Working capital ftÞoût{ - Efficient; competent ftÞofthe Ëuðt - Officiating service ftÞoût{‚t - Efficiency; competence ftÞofwþ¤ - Efficient ftÞoût{‚t yk‚htÞ - Efficiency bar ftÞofwþ¤‚t - Efficiency ftÞoût{‚t {t…Œkz/Ätuhý - Efficiency criterion; ftÞo - Work; function; action competence criterion ftÞo y™wËqr[ - Schedule of work ftÞo …]Út¬hý - Job analysis ftÞoût{‚t™wk Ätuhý - Standard of efficiency ftÞo «rþûtý ‚t÷e{ - Job instruction training ftÞoûtuºt - Scope of work; purview; area of ftÞo ÷ûÞtkf - Operational target ftÞo rð¼ts™ - Job splitting; work distribution operation ftÞo rð&÷u»tf - Job Analyst ftÞo rð&÷u»tý - Job analysis ftÞ„o n] - Work house; workplace; place of work ftÞo ðu„ - Tempo of work ftÞoŒût - Efficient; competent ftÞo Ër{r‚ - Action Committee ftÞoŒût‚t - Efficiency; competence ftÞo Ëk[t÷™ - Conduct of business ftÞoŒq‚ - Charge d’affaires ftÞo Ëk‚tu»t - Job satisfaction ftÞo™tu ythk¼ ÚtE [qfðtu - In the pipeline ftÞo Ëqr[ - Agenda ftÞo™tUÄ - Minutes ftÞo ËtU…ýe - Job assignment ftÞo™tUÄðne - Minutes book ftÞo¢{ - Programme ftÞo…ºtf - Work sheet ftÞo¢{ yðuûtf - Programme Supervisor ftÞo…Ør‚ - Method; procedure; line of action ftÞo¢{ ykŒts…ºt - Programme budget ftÞo…Ør‚ r™Þ‚ fhðe - Lay down the procedure ftÞo¢{ ytÞtus™ - Programme planning ftÞo…Ør‚ {tusýe - Procedural survey ftÞo¢{ [ftËýe - Scrutiny of programme ftÞo…Ør‚ Ër{r‚ - Procedural Committee ftÞo¢{ r™{toý - Programming ftÞo…Ør‚™u y™wËhðwk - Follow the procedure ftÞo¢{ {qÕÞtkf™ - Programme evaluation ftÞo…Ør‚rð»tÞf yr™Þr{‚‚t - Procedural 99 irregularity ftÞo…Ør‚rð»tÞf r™Þ{tu - Rules of procedure ftÞo…rhýt{ - Result of work ftÞo…t÷f - Executive
ftÞo…t÷f yrÄfthe ftÞtoí{f ð„eofhý ftÞo…t÷f yrÄfthe - Executive Officer ftÞoðtne™t ytuXt nuX¤ - Under colour of ftÞo…t÷f Rs™uh - Executive Engineer process ftÞo…t÷f {ursMxÙux - Executive Magistrate ftÞo…t÷f ðzt - Executive Head ftÞoðtne™wk MðY… - Line of action ftÞo…t÷f Ër[ð - Executive Secretary ftÞoðtne™tu ynuðt÷ - Report of proceedings ftÞo…t÷™ - Execution ftÞoðtne™tu ¢{ - Sequence of actions ftÞo«r¢Þt - Process ftÞoðtnerð»tÞf - Procedural ftÞo«ýt÷e - Modus operandi ftÞorðþu»t - Task ftÞo¼th - Workload ftÞorðþu»t Œ¤ - Task force ftÞo¼th Ëk¼t¤ðtu - Resume duties ftÞorðþu»t-ftV÷tu - Task fleet ftÞo¼th{tk ƒnwrðÄ ðÄthtu - Multifarious ftÞorð»tÞf - Functional ftÞorð»tÞf ytŠÚtf ûtuºt - Functional Economic increase in workload Area ftÞo¼qr{ft - Role ftÞo {ŒŒ™eþ - Work Assistant ftÞoÔÞË™e - Workaholic ftÞo Þtus™t - Action plan ftÞoþÂõ‚ - Capacity ftÞoher‚ - Procedure ftÞoþt¤t - Workshop ftÞo htus™eþe - Log book ftÞoËkþtuÄ™ - Action research; research work ftÞo÷ûte yûth¿tt™ - Functional literacy ftÞoËkþtuÄ™ yÇÞtË - Operational research ftÞo÷ûte ytÞtus™ - Operational planning; study functional planning ftÞoËtÄf - Effective ftÞo÷ûte ftÞo¢{ - Action-oriented programme; ftÞoËtÄf „t¤tu - Effective span ftÞoËtÄf ËkÏÞt - Quorum work-oriented programme ftÞËo tÄf‚t - Expediency; effectiveness; efficacy ftÞo÷ûte …w™ho[™t - Functional restructuring ftÞoËqr[/ft{fts™e ÞtŒe - Agenda ftÞo÷ûte ðÞsqÚt - Functional age group ftÞoËqr[™tu {wËÆtu - Draft agenda ftÞo÷tu… - Omission ftÞoËqr[-Ër{r‚ - Agenda Committee ftÞoðtnf …rh»tŒ - Executive Council ftÞtoí{f - Functional; operative ftÞoðtne - Action; procedure; proceedings ftÞtoí{f yr¼„{ - Functional approach ftÞoðtne yxftð‚tu nwf{ - Stay order ftÞtoí{f yuf{ - Functional unit ftÞoðtne yrÄfth - Right of action ftÞtoí{f ûtuºt - Functional area; area of ftÞoðtne fhðe - Take steps; undertake operation proceeding ftÞtoí{f sqÚt - Functional group ftÞoðtne-…ºtf - Journal of proceedings; ftÞtoí{f {tk„ - Functional demand proceedings sheet ftÞtoí{f ð„eofhý - Functional classification 100
ftÞtoí{f rþûtý ftk‚ý ftÞtoí{f rþûtý - Functional education ft¤¢{t™wËth - Chronologically ftÞtoí{f Ë{LðÞ - Functional co-ordination ft¤„úM‚ - Outdated; obsolete ftÞtoí{f ËkƒkÄ - Functional relationship ft¤„úM‚ yuf{ - Obsolete unit ftÞto™wY… Aºt - Functional shed ft¤[¢ - Time cycle ftÞtoÇÞtË - Work study ft¤S - Concern; care ftÞto÷Þ - Bureau; office ft¤{t…f - Chronometer ftÞtoðuûtf - Supervisor ft¤ðt[f/ft¤Ëq[f - Temporal ftÞtuo¥th - Post facto ft¤t-ƒòrhÞtu - Black marketeer ftÞtuo¥th {ksqhe - Post facto sanction ftr¤Þth - Black buck; antelope ftÞtuo™tu ½x™t¢{ - Series/sequence of events ft¤e f…tË™e s{e™ - Black cotton soil ft÷¢{/ft÷t™w¢{ - Chronological order ft¤e {txe - Black soil ft÷¢{rð¿tt™ - Chronology ft¤e ÞtŒe - Black list ft÷ÔÞwí¢{ - Anachronism ft¤e þtne - Black ink ft÷t‚e‚ - Timeless ft¤wk …trxÞwk - Black board ft÷t™w¢r{f - Chronological ft¤wk ƒòh - Black market ft÷tðt÷t - Entreaty ftkfhe - Road metal; grit; gravel ftÕ…r™f - Imaginary ftkfhe ƒkÄ - Gravel fill dam ftÕ…r™f ™wfËt™ - Imaginary damages; ftkfheðt¤e s{e™ - Gravelly soil ficticious loss ftkfhux Úth - Concrete bed ftkfhux ƒkÄ - Concrete dam ftÕ…r™f ÔÞÂõ‚ - Imaginary person ftkfhux {t„o - Concrete road ftð‚ht¾tuh/ftð‚hwk fh™th - Plotter; conspirator ftkfhux r{©f - Concrete mixer ftð‚hwk - Conspiracy ftkS - Starch; porridge ftð‚hwk fhðwk - Conspire ftkS ft{Œth - Sizer ftðtŒtðt - Intrigues; machinations ftkS [ztððe - Size ftðtŒtðt fh™th - Machinator; intriguer ftðtŒtðt fhðt - Machinate; intrigue ftkS{Þ ytnth - Starchy food ftÔÞ…X™ - Recitation ftkxt™wk ð™ - Thorn forest ftcf÷tfth - Xylographer ftkxt¤e [t{zeðt¤wk - Echinoderm ftc™e ðtz - Palisade ftkxtu - Weighing scale; balance (2)Thorn ftc{t…f - Xylometer ftkXt W…h s‚tu «ðtn - Overbank flow ftcð™ - Woods; forest ftkXtu - Bank (2)Shore ft¤¢{ - Sequence of time; chronology ftk‚ý - Spinning 101
ftk‚ý r{÷ ®f{‚™e ytkfýe ftk‚ý r{÷ - Spinning mill rf‚tƒ½h - Book stall ftkr‚ - Lustre rf™¾tƒ rzÍtE™ - Brocade design ftk‚u÷wk huþ{ - Spun silk rf™the - Skirting; edge; border ftk‚u÷wk Ëq‚h - Spun yarn rf™the ƒtkÄðe - Edging; bordering ftk… yðhtuÄf - Silt excluder rf™thtu - Bank; coast; shore ftk… ò{ðtu - Silting rfÒtt¾tuhe - Victimization ftk… r™ft÷f - Silt ejector rfVtÞ‚e - Economical ftk… r™ûtu… - Alluvial deposits rfhý…wks - Beam; rays ftk… r™Þkºtf - Silt regulator rf÷tu-f÷tf - Kilo-hour ftk… r™Þkºtý ft{ - Silt control work rf÷tu{exh-yk‚h - Kilometerage ftk… r™ðthf s¤ûtuºt - Desilting basin rf÷tuðtìx-f÷tf - Kilowatt-hour ftk… r™»f»tof - Silt extractor rfÕ÷tu - Fort; castle ftk… V÷f - Silt area rfþtuh - Adolescent; juvenile ftk… r{r©‚ …týe - Silty water rfþtuh „w™u„th - Juvenile offender; juvenile ftk… Ëk[÷™ - Silt movement ftk…™t Úth - Sedimentary deposits delinquent; young offender ftk…r™ft÷ - Dredging ftk…r™ft÷ Rs™uh - Dredging Engineer rfþtuh „w™t¾tuhe - Juvenile delinquency ftk…™e/ftk…ðt¤e s{e™ - Alluvial land/soil rfþtuhðÞ/rfþtuhtðMÚtt - Adolescence/ ftk…™wk «{tý - Silt content ftk…Þkºt - Dredger Adolescency ftk…ðt¤e {txe - Alluvial soil ftk…ðt¤wk - Alluvial rfþtuhe - Adolescent ftk…ðt¤wk Íhýwk - Alluvial stream/spring rfËt™ - Farmer; peasant ftk…t¤ Úth - Sedimentary deposits ®ff‚oÔÞ{qZ - Perplexed; non-plussed ftkË - Feeder drain; channel ®ff‚oÔÞ{qZ‚t - Perplexity ftkËt™e {qŠ‚ - Bronze figure; bronze icon/ ®f{‚ - Cost; value; price ®f{‚ yt…e™u …tAwk {u¤ððwk - Redeem statue ®f{‚ ytkfðe - Apprize/Appraise; evaluate ®f{‚ ™e[e ÷tððe ‚u - Sagging ftkËt™tu zƒtu - Bronze box ®f{‚ «{týu - As per rate; ad valorem ftkËwk - Bell metal; bronze ®f{‚-ft…÷e - Price tag ftkMÞ …Œf - Bronze medal ®f{‚/Œh/¼tzwk ÷uðt…tºt - Chargeable ftkMÞ ËkMf]r‚ - Bronze culture ®f{‚ ytkfýe fh™th - Valuer ®f{‚™t Ätuhýu - As per rate; ad valorem ®f{‚™e ytkfýe - Valuation; assessment 102
®f{‚™e ÂMÚth‚t fwŒh‚e ðt÷e ®f{‚™e ÂMÚth‚t - Price-stability fwxwkƒ r™ð]Â¥tðu‚™/…uLþ™ - Family pension ®f{‚™wk {t¤¾wk - Price-structure fwxwkƒ r™ð]Â¥tðu‚™/…uLþ™ r™rÄ - Family pension ®f{‚{tk [zQ‚h - Price fluctuation; fund movement in prices fwxwkƒ™e ytðf - Family earnings; family income ®fðŒk‚e - Legend fwxwkƒ™e ðkþtðr÷ - Family pedigree; family fe[z - Sludge; mud fe[zðt¤e s{e™ - Marsh land; swampy soil ancestry; family lineage fex„]n - Insectarium fex™tþf - Pesticide; insecticide fwxwkƒ™e ÔÞÂõ‚/ËÇÞ - Family member fexr™Þkºtý - Pest control fwxwkƒ ¼ÚÚtwk - Family allowance fexrð¿tt™ - Entomology fwxwkƒ Ë÷tn-fuLÿ - Family counselling centre fexrð¿tt™e - Entomologist fwxwkƒ Ë÷tn-Ëuðt - Family counselling service fexrð»tÞf - Entomic fwxwkƒËuðt - Family service fe{‚e - Precious; costly; valuable fwxwkƒe/fwxwkƒes™ - Family member fe{‚e yðus - Valuable consideration fwxuð - Bad habit; vice fe{‚e [eòu - Valuables fw‚fo - Fallacy fe{‚e ™k„ - Precious stone fw‚qn÷ - Curiosity feŠ‚ - Reputation; repute; fame fwŒh‚ - Nature feŠ‚M‚k¼ - Memorial pillar fwŒh‚™tu ftÞŒtu/ft™q™ - Natural law; law of fe÷f - Pivot fe÷f …w÷ - Pivot bridge nature fwf{o - Perpetration; misdeed fwf{eo - Perpetrator fwŒh‚e - Natural fwÏÞt‚ - Notorious; ill-famed fwŒh‚e ytV‚ - Natural calamity; unforeseen fwrxh RÂM…‚t÷ - Cottage hospital fwrxh Wãtu„ - Cottage industry calamities; disaster; force majeure fwxwkƒ - Family fwxwkƒ ykŒts…ºt - Family budget fwŒh‚e f÷{ - Natural graft fwxwkƒfÕÞtý - Family welfare fwŒh‚e ft[tu {t÷ - Natural raw material fwxwkƒ r™Þtus™ - Family planning fwŒh‚e á~Þ - Land scape; scenery; natural view fwxwkƒ r™Þtus™ ftÞo¢{ - Family Planning fwŒh‚e LÞtÞ - Natural justice; poetic justice fwŒh‚e «ftþ - Natural light Programme fwŒh‚e {]íÞw - Natural death fwŒh‚e hnuXtý - Natural habitat fwŒh‚e huËt - Natural fibre fwŒh‚e ð™ - Natural forest fwŒh‚e ðtÞw - Natural gas fwŒh‚e ðthË/ðthËŒth - Natural heir fwŒh‚e ðt÷e - Natural guardian 103
fwŒh‚e ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t fqx¼t»tt fwŒh‚e ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t - Natural resources fw÷ Ëk¼tÔÞ {t„ - Aggregate potential demand fwŒh‚e Ëe{t - Natural boundary fw÷…r‚ - Vice-Chancellor fwŒh‚e nf - Natural right fw÷r…‚t - Patriarch fwŒh‚e/™iËŠ„f …ËkŒ„e - Natural selection fw÷Ër[ð - Registrar fw™er‚ - Evil policy; foul policy fw÷trÄ…r‚ - Chancellor fw™un - Tact; knack fw÷t™wþtËf - Proctor fw™un…qðof ft{ fhðwk - Tactful handling fw÷e™ - Noble fw{¤e ðÞ - Tender age fwrð‚hý - Maldistribution fw{trhft/fw{the - Maid; maiden fwþft - Hull; husk fw{u¤ - Discord; disharmony fwþfe - Bran; rice husk fw÷ - Gross; total; aggregate fwþ¤ - Skilled; clever; skilful fw÷ ytðf - Aggregate income; total income fwþ¤ ft{Œth - Skilled worker fw÷ Wí…tŒ™ - Total production fwþ¤ fthe„h - Skilled artisan; skilled workman fw÷ ¾heŒe - Total purchase fwþ¤ {sqh - Skilled labour fw÷ ¾[o - Aggregate expenditure; total fwþ¤‚tðt¤wk ft{ - Skilled work expenditure fwþt„ú‚t - Actuity; sharp intellect; sharpness; fw÷ sÚÚttu - Aggregate quantity; total quantity acuteness fw÷ ™wfËt™ - Total loss fwc htu„ - Leprosy fw÷ ™tufhe - Total service; aggregate service fw¤ - Ancestry; lineage; descent; parentage fw÷ {‚ - Aggregate votes; total votes fw¤…hk…ht - Lineage; ancestry; heredity fw÷ {‚-ËkÏÞt - Total number of votes; total fw¤ðuh - Blood feud voting strength fwkz - Basin fwkŒtu - Butt fw÷ {t„ - Aggregate demand; total demand fwk¼thft{ - Pottery fw÷ {qÕÞ - Aggregate value; total value fwk¼th™tu [tfztu - Potter’s wheel fw÷ hf{ - Aggregate amount; total amount; fwk¼the {txe - Pottery clay fwk¼e - Wooden pillar aggregate sum fq[ - March fqxîth - Trap door fw÷ ÷t¼ - Total benefit fqx«&™ - Riddle; puzzle fw÷ ðu[tý - Turnover; total sales fqx™er‚ - Machiavellian policy; evil policy fw÷ Ëò - Aggregate punishment fqx¼t»tt - Code language fw÷ Ë{tËþÂõ‚ - Total capacity 104 fw÷ Ëhðt¤tu - Grand total fw÷ ËkÏÞt - Total strength
fqxu÷e {txe™wk yM‚h f]r»t ™týt-…w™ŠÄhtý r™„{ fqxu÷e {txe™wk yM‚h - Compacted earth lining f]rºt{ ËVtEÿÔÞ - Synthetic detergent fqzf…x - Improbity; intrigue; deceit; treachery f]rºt{ Ëkfhý - Artificial hybridization fqŒftu - Plunge; jump; leap f]…ý - Parsimonious; miserly; stingy fqðt™e ût{‚t/Ë{tËþÂõ‚ - Capacity of well f]…ý‚t - Parsimony; miserliness fqðt®Ë[tE - Well irrigation f]…t - Favour; grace fqðtÚtk¼ - Mast f]…t„wý - Grace marks fqðtu - Well f]r{ - Worm (2)Helminth fqðtu „t¤ðtu - Sinking of well f]r{™tþf - Vermicide (2)Helminthicide fqk[e - Key (2)Clue f]r{rð¿tt™ - Helminthology fqkzt¤wk - Circle; round f]r{rð¿tt™e - Helminthologist fqkze - Sink; basin f]r»t - Cultivation; agriculture; farming f]‚f - Pseudo f]r»t yÚto‚kºt - Agricultural economy f]‚¿t‚t - Gratitude f]r»t yðuûtf - Agricultural Supervisor f]‚¿t‚t…qðof - Gratefully f]r»t ytÄtrh‚ - Agro-based f]‚時t - Ingratitude; disloyalty f]r»t ytÄtrh‚ Wãtu„ - Agro-based industry f]‚æ™e - Ungrateful; disloyal f]r»t ytƒtunðt ÂMÚtr‚ - Agroclimatic condition f]‚r™ùÞe - Resolute f]r»t Wí…Òt - Agricultural produce f]r‚ - Piece; composition f]r»t Wí…Òt ƒòh Ër{r‚ - Agricultural Produce f]r‚™wk y™w÷u¾™ - Transcription of work Marketing Committee f]r‚nf - Copyright f]íÞ - Act; deed f]r»t Wãtu„ r™„{ - Agro-Industries Corporation f]rºt{ - Unnatural; artificial; pseudo f]r»t Wãtu„tu - Agro industries f]rºt{ yk„ - Prosthesis; artificial limb f]r»t ftÞŒtu - Agrarian law; agricultural law f]rºt{ yk„ËtÄ™ - Prosthetic tool f]r»t ftu÷us - Agricultural college f]rºt{ „¼toÄt™ - Artificial insemination f]r»t ¢tkr‚ - Agrarian revolution; agricultural f]rºt{ [t{zwk - Artificial leather f]rºt{ Œtk‚ - Denture revolution f]rºt{ ™¼tu{kz¤ - Planetarium f]rºt{ …ht„™Þ™ - Artificial pollination f]r»t ŒrhÞtE Q…s/…uŒtþ - Agro-marine produce f]rºt{ …w™:«¼hý - Artificial recharge f]r»t Ä™ - Farming stock f]rºt{ {tu‚e - Cultured pearl f]r»t rÄhtý Ë÷tnfth - Agriculture Credit f]rºt{ huËt - Synthetic fibre; man-made fibre Advisor f]r»t ™týt r™„{ - Agricultural Finance Corporation f]r»t ™týt-…w™ŠÄhtý r™„{ - Agricultural Refinance Corporation 105
f]r»t r™Þt{f f]»ý{]„/f]»ýËth f]r»t r™Þt{f - Director of Agriculture f]r»t-Sðrð¿tt™ - Agrobiology f]r»t ™er‚ - Agrarian policy; agricultural f]r»t-rÄhtý/þt¾ - Agricultural credit policy f]r»t-™týt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Agricultural finance f]r»t-…Ør‚ - Agricultural practice; method of f]r»t ƒUf - Agricultural bank f]r»t ¼tðtkf - Agricultural price index agriculture f]r»t ¼qr{…k[ - Agricultural Land Tribunal f]r»t-{ŒŒ™eþ - Agricultural Assistant f]r»t {ntrðãt÷Þ - Agricultural college f]r»t-hËtÞýþt† - Agricultural chemistry f]r»t {kz¤e - Agriultural society f]r»t-hËtÞýþtMºte - Agricultural Chemist f]r»t Þkºtefhý - Agricultural mechanization f]r»t-rðftË - Agricultural development f]r»t Þwr™ðŠËxe - Agriculture University f]r»t-rðftË yrÄfthe - Agricultural f]r»t ð™r™{toý - Agro-forestry Development Officer f]r»t ð™rðãt - Farm forestry f]r»t ð™ð]ÂØ - Agri-silviculture f]r»t-þt¤t - Agricultural school f]r»t ð»to - Agricultural year f]r»t-Ë÷tnfth - Agricultural Advisor f]r»t rð¿tt™rð»tÞf …Ør‚ - Agronomic practice f]r»t-ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t - Agricultural resources f]r»t rðãtþtMºt - Agronomy f]r»t/¾u‚e ËwÄth{kz¤e - Better farming society f]r»t rð¼t„ - Agriculture Department f]r»tfth - Agriculturist; farmer f]r»t rðM‚hý Ëuðtytu - Agricultural extension f]r»t™tk ytuòh - Agricultural implements f]r»tVt{o - Agricultural farm services f]r»trð¿tt™ - Agronomy f]r»t ÔÞðËtÞ - Agricultural occupation f]r»trð¿tt™e - Agronomist fr] »t þt¾ Ë÷tnfth - Agriculture Credit Advisor f]r»trð»tÞf - Agricultural; agrarian f]r»t Ë{ts - Agrarian society f]r»trð»tÞf Wí…tŒfËt{„úe - Agricultural inputs f]r»t Ënfthe {kz¤e - Farm co-operatives; f]r»trð»tÞf ¾heŒ-ðu[tý/ƒòh ÔÞðMÚtt/ ðu[týÔÞðMÚtt - Agricultural marketing Agricultural co-operatives f]r»trð»tÞf [esðM‚wytu - Agricultural f]r»t ËwÄtht - Agrarian reforms; agricultural commodities reforms f]r»trðM‚hý - Agricultural extension f]r»t nuX¤™tu rðM‚th - Area under cultivation f]r»tË{ts - Agrarian society; agricultural f]r»t-yÚtoþt† - Agricultural economics; agro society economics fr] »t Ëþk tÄu ™ {Útf - Agricultural Research Station f]r»t-ytƒtunðtûtuºt/rðM‚th - Agroclimatic zone f]r»t ËkþtuÄ™ ËkMÚtt - Agricultural Research f]r»t-Rs™uhe - Agricultural engineering f]r»t-Wí…tŒ™ - Agricultural production Institute f]r»t-fexrð¿tt™e - Agricultural entomologist f]»ý{]„/f]»ýËth - Antelope; black buck 106
fìLðtË f…zwk fuV fìLðtË f…zwk - Canvas fuLÿeÞ ytÞtus™ - Central Planning fìLðtË™tu Útu÷tu - Canvas bag fuLÿeÞ ytkfzt ‚kºt - Central Statistical fux÷uf ykþu - Partly; to some extent Organization fuzr{Þ{Þwõ‚ ™thk„e - Cadmium orange fuzr{Þ{Þwõ‚ ÷ªƒw - Cadmium lemon fuLÿeÞ ûtuºt - Central area fuze - Path-way; track fuLÿeÞ ‚th f[uhe - Central Telegraph Office fŒu - Confinement; imprisonment; incarceration fuLÿeÞ ‚t÷e{ ËkMÚtt - Central Training Institute fuŒ ¼tu„ððe - Suffer imprisonment fuLÿeÞ r‚òuhe - Central treasury fuŒ fhðwk - Imprison; capture; incarcerate fuLÿeÞ ƒxtxt ËkþtuÄ™ fuLÿ - Central Potato fuŒ¾t™t/su÷{tk {tuf÷ðwk - Commit to prison; Research Institute imprison fuLÿeÞ ƒt‚{e çÞqhtu - Central Bureau of fuŒ¾t™wk - Prison; jail fuŒe - Prisoner Intelligence fuŒe™u yŒt÷‚ Ë{ût ntsh fhðt™tu ytŒuþ - Writ fuLÿeÞ {nuËq÷ - Central revenue of Habeas Corpus fuLÿeÞ ðneðx - Central administration fuLÿeÞ rðÄt™{kz¤ - Central legislature fuŒe™u yŒt÷‚ Ë{ût ntsh fhðtu ‚u - Habeas fuLÿeÞ rð»tÞ - Central subject fuLÿeÞ ðu[tý Ëk„X™/‚kºt - Central Sales Corpus Organization fuLÿ - Centre; station fuLÿ r™Þt{f - Station Director fuLÿeÞ rþûtý ƒtuzo/{kz¤ - Central Board of fuLÿ Ëhfth - Central Government fuLÿ-…whMf]‚ ftÞo¢{ - Centrally sponsored Education programme fuLÿeÞ Ër[ðt÷Þ - Central Secretariat fuLÿeÞ Ë{tÞtus™ rnËtƒ - Central adjusting fLu ÿ-…hw Mf‚] Þtsu ™t - Centrally sponsored scheme fuLÿ-«¼the - Station-In-charge account fuLÿf - Nucleus fuLÿð‚eo ËkMÚtt/yusLËe - Nodal agency fuLÿeÞ Ër{r‚ - Central Committee fuLÿeÞ Ë÷tnfth Ër{r‚ - Central Advisory Committee fuLÿeÞ ËntÞfe - Central subsidy fuLÿeÞ ËkþtuÄ™ ËkMÚtt - Central Research Institute fuLÿþtrË‚ «Œuþ - Union territory fuLÿeÞ ËkËŒeÞ ƒtuzo/{kz¤ - Central fuLÿefhý - Centralization Parliamentary Board fuLÿef]‚ ytÞtus™ - Centralized planning fuLÿeÞ Ëuðt - Central service fuLÿef]‚ ¼h‚e Þtus™t - Centralized recruitment fuLÿeÞ rnËtƒ - Central account scheme fuLÿeÞ rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Central audit fuLÿeÞ - Central fuLÿeÞ rnËtƒ f[uhe - Central Accounts Office fuLÿeÞ yrÄr™Þ{ - Central Act fuV - Intoxication; inebriation 107
furVÞ‚ ftuXtËqÍ furVÞ‚ - Plea; statement fuË …tAtu ¾U[ðtu - Withdrawal of case fuVe - Intoxicant; intoxicating fuË {tuf÷ðtu - Submit the case fuVe yti»tÄ - Narcotic drug; intoxicating drug fuË™t „wýŒtu»t - Merits of the case fVu e yt»i tÄ™tu „hu ftÞŒu ÄÄk tu fh™th - Drug trafficker fuË™e ËkÂûtó ™tUÄ - Brief of the case fuVe yti»tÄtu™tu „uhftÞŒu ÄkÄtu - Drug trafficking fuË™tu Ëkûtu… - Brief fuVe ÿÔÞ/…ŒtÚto - Intoxicant; narcotics fu¤ðýe - Education; training fuVe …eýwk - Intoxicating drink fu¤ððwk - Educate; train fuƒ÷ yðuûtf - Cable Supervisor fu¤ðu÷e ¾trËÞ‚ /Ëk«tó ÷ûtý - Acquired fuƒ÷ ‚th - Cablegram fuƒ÷ {t„o - Cable route characteristic fuƒ÷ Ë{t[th - Cable news furƒ™ux Œhßò™t {kºte - Cabinet Minister ftuE søÞtyu MÚttr…‚ fhðwk - Locate; establish; install ftuE …ý fthý ytÃÞt rð™t - Without assigning any reason fuB… hËt÷tu - Camp equipage ftuE …ý Ëkòu„tu{tk ™rn - In no case fhu - Atrocity; tyranny; persecution; oppression ftuE {t÷ yk„u «[th fhðtu - Canvassing of fu÷ - Mortar; limemortar goods; propagating of goods fu÷he{t…f - Calorimeter fu÷he{qÕÞ - Calorific value ftEu ™t nf™t y™„w t{e™e r™ÞÂw õ‚ fhðe - Subrogate fu÷uLzh {tË - Calendar month ftux - Castle; fort fu÷uLzh ð»to - Calendar year ftuxze - Cell (2)Prison cell fuðx - Oarsman; boatman ftuxt…Ør‚ - Quota system fuð¤ - Solely; merely; only ftuxt ÷tŒe - Kota stone fu𤠙t{ …qh‚tu ðztu - Figure-head ftuXt-Œh - Tabulator scale fuð¤ nk„t{e - Purely temporary ftuXt-…ºtf - Tabular-statement furðÞxf‚to - Caveator ftuXt-Þkºt - Tabulator ftuXt-Þkºt «[t÷f - Tabulator Operator fuþtf»toý - Capillarity; capillary attraction or ftuXt Y…u - Tabular form action ftuXt-ðne - Table-book ftuXtfhý - Tabulation furþf WíÚtt™ - Capillary rise ftuXtfhý Þkºt - Tabulating machine fuþeÞ [Ztý - Capillary rise ftuXtfth - Tabulator fuþeÞ/furþf s¤ - Capillary water ftuXth - Pantry; store house; granary; cornbin fuË ytðf hrsMxh - Case inward register ftuXtðth «er{Þ{/yrÄ{qÕÞ - Tabular premium fuË [÷tððtu - Hold a trial ftuXtËqÍ - Resourcefulness; common sense 108
ftuXtËqÍ Ähtð™th ftu÷Ët™e ¾týtu™tu rðM‚th/ftu÷Ët-ûtuºt ftuXtËqÍ Ähtð™th - Resourceful ftu{e Í™q™ - Communal frenzy ftuXtu - Tabular-statement; table ftu{e h{¾tý/nwÕ÷z - Communal riots; ftuXtu ‚iÞth fhðtu - Tabulate ftuXtu {u¤ððtu - Tally tabulation communal disturbance ftuZ - Leucoderma (2)Stall; cattle shed; cow- ftuÞztu - Quiz; puzzle; riddle pen ftuÞ÷t ¼êe - Charcoal kiln ftuÞ÷t„h - Charcoal burner ftuZ{tk ƒtkÄe™u WAuhu÷wk …þwÄ™ - Stall-fed cattle ftuÞ÷tu - Charcoal ftuý - Angle; corner (2)Who ftuh - Skirting; edge; border ftuý{t…f - Goniometer ftuhztu - Whip; lash; scourge ftuýeÞ - Angular ftuh{ Útðwk - Form a quorum ftuýeÞ …rh«uûÞ - Angular perspective ftuhe ‚ƒŒe÷e - Blank transfer ftu‚h - Ravine; gorge ftuhu {qfðwk - Set aside ftu‚h fqðtu - Cavity well ftuhtu ft„¤ - Blank paper ftu‚h s{e™ - Ravine land; kotar land ftuhtu [uf - Blank cheque ft‚u h s{e™™e ™ð«tÂó - Ravine land reclamation ftuhtu þuhtu - Blank endorsement ftu‚hft{ - Engraving; carving ftuxo yr¼hûtf - Keeper of the Court ftu‚hft{ fh™th/ftu‚h™th - Engraver ftuxo™t nwf{Úte …]ÚtfT r™ðtË - Judicial separation ftu‚hft{ Þkºt - Engraving machine ftuxo™wk nwf{™t{wk - Court decree ftu‚hýe - Engraving ftuxo{tk ntsh Útðt Vh{tððwk - Summon ftu‚hýe fhðe/ftu‚hðwk - Engrave ftuxo{tk ntsh Útðt™tu nf - Locus standi ftu‚hýef÷t - Xylography ftuhwk fzfz‚wk - Brand-new ftuÚt¤tu - Sack; bag ftìhìLxtR™ hò - Quarantine leave ftuŒt¤e - Hoe; spade ftìhìLxtE™ «r‚ƒkÄ - Quarantine restriction ftuLxqh …èe ¾u‚e Þtus™t - Contour strip ftìhìLxtE™ ƒkŒh - Quarantine port ftìhìLxtE™ rðr™Þ{tu - Quarantine regulations cropping scheme ftu÷ - Mortar; limemortar ftu÷Ët ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Coal ftLu xhq ƒÄk /…t¤tu - Contour bunding; contour dam ftu÷Ët …rhðn™ yrÄfthe - Coal Transport ftu{ - Community; caste ftu{¤ - Tender; delicate Officer ftu{ðtŒ - Communalism ftu{ðth «r‚r™rÄíð - Communal representation ftu÷Ët™t Úth - Layers of coals ftu{e - Communal ftu÷Ët™e ¾tý - Coal mine; colliery ftu{e ͽztu - Communal dispute ftu÷Ët™e ¾týtu™tu rðM‚th/ftu÷Ët-ûtuºt - Coal field 109
ftu÷Ëe ¢r{f fr{þ™ ftu÷Ëe - Burnt coal ash ftiþ÷r™{toý-Ën-Wãtu„ËtnrËf‚t rðftË - Skill ftu÷Ëtu/ftuÞ÷tu - Coal ftu÷tn÷ - Uproar; hue and cry formation-cum-entrepreneurship ftu÷wk - Crusher development ftuþ - Treasure (2)Dictionary; lexicon; ftiþ÷M…Äto - Skill competition glossary; vocabulary ftiþÕÞ - Skill õÞthe™e s{e™ - Rice land ftuþfth - Lexicographer õÞthuf - Occasionally; sometimes; rarely ftuþ{Þ Œeðt÷ - Honey-comb wall õÞthtu - Bed ftuþrð¿tt™(«týe) - Cytology õÞtË ftZðtu - Assess; evaluate; guess ftuþrð¿tt™e(«týe) - Cytologist ¢{ - Rank; sequence; order ftuþrðãt - Lexicography ¢{™kƒh yt…ðt - Number; numbering fturþþ - Endeavour; attempt; effort ¢{r™Ätohý - Gradation ftuþuxt-WAuh - Sericulture ¢{ƒnth ƒZ‚e - Accelerated promotion; out ftuþuxt-WAuh Wãtu„ - Sericulture industry ftu»t - Cell (2)Treasure of turn promotion ftu»tt„th - Treasure house ftu»ttæÞût - Treasurer ¢{ÞtŒe - Serial list; gradation list ftu»ttæÞût™tu htufz{u¤ - Treasurer’s cashbook ¢{ðÄeo fh - Graduated tax ftuüf - Table ¢{ðÄeo ðu‚™ - Graduated wage ftuüf-…tuÚte - Table-book ¢{ðth ÂMÚtr‚ - Serial position ftuüf-Þkºt y™w¼t„ - Mechanical Tabulation ¢{þ: ðÄ‚t «er{Þ{™e …tur÷Ëe - Ascending Section premium policy ftunðtE sðwk - Putrefy; rot; decay ¢{þ:/¢{ðth - Serially; successively ftunðtx - Putrefaction; rot; decay ¢{ËkÏÞt - Serial number ftixwkrƒf - Domestic; homely ¢{Ëq[f ËkÏÞt - Ordinal number fti¼tkz - Racket; scam; scandle ¢{Ëqr[ - Serial list; graded index fti¼tkzfth - Scamster ¢{MÚtt…™ - Grading; gradation fti{tÞo - Virginity ¢{ÂMÚtr‚ - Serial position ftiþ÷ - Skill; proficiency ¢{t™wËth - Serially; in order; gradual ftiþ÷fËtuxe - Skill test ¢{t™wËthe „ehtuŒth - Successive mortgagee ftiþ÷½z‚h/r™{toý - Skill-formation; skill ¢{tkf - No.; number ¢{tkf™ - Numbering generation ¢{tkrf‚ - Serially numbered ¢r{f fr{þ™ - Graded commission 110
¢r{f fh ût{t yt…ðe/fhðe ¢r{f fh - Graded tax ¢u™-¼tzwk - Cranage; rent of crane ¢r{f Zt¤ - Gradual slope ¢tuÄ - Anger; ire; wrath ¢r{f Œ¥tf„úný - Successive adoptions ¢tuÄe - Short-tempered; hot-tempered ¢r{f Œh - Tapering rate Âõ÷ü - Obscure; clumsy ¢r{f ™tUÄ - Serial entry Âõ÷ü yÚto - Strained interpretation ¢r{f ƒtuLz - Serial bond Âõ÷ü ¼t»tt{tk - Obscurely worded; in clumsy ¢r{f rðftË - Progressive development ¢r{f nfŒtðt - Successive claims language ¢tkr‚ - Revolution ¢tkr‚f y™wËúðý ðu„ - Critical velocity of õðr[‚T Út‚wk - Rare; uncommon; unusual fðtÞ‚ «rþûtf - Physical instructor; drill percolation; critical velocity of ooze instructor; drill master ¢tkr‚f «ðtn - Critical flow ¢tkr‚fth/¢tkr‚ðtŒe - Revolutionist ût-rfhý - X-ray ¢tkr‚fthe - Revolutionary ût-rfhý ‚…tË - Screening ¢tkr‚fthe {sqhËk½ðtŒ - Revolutionary ût-rfhý Þkºt - X-ray apparatus/machine ûtýSðe/¼k„wh - Momentary; transient; short syndicalism lived r¢Þt - Function; act r¢Þtí{f - Operative; practical ûtý¼k„wh ðM‚wytu - Transient goods r¢Þtí{f þçŒtu - Operative words ûtrýf - Momentary; ephemeral; transient r¢Þt…Œ™u ÷„‚wk - Verbal ûtrýf yËh - Transient effect r¢Þt{q÷f rþûtý - Practical learning ûtr‚ - Lacuna; defect r¢Þtþe÷ - Dynamic; active; working ûtr‚ytu y™u yk‚htÞtu - Lags and bottlenecks r¢Þtþe÷ ™u‚]íð - Dynamic leadership ûtr‚…qŠ‚ - Indemnity; indemnification r¢Þtþe÷ ƒ™tððwk - Actuate; activate ûtr‚…qŠ‚ fhðe - Indemnify r¢Þtþe÷ {qze - Active capital ûtr‚…qŠ‚-¾‚ - Indemnity bond r¢Þtu¥tusf - Activator; energizer ûtr‚…qŠ‚ …ºt - Letter of indemnity ¢eztk„ý - Stadium; playground ûtr‚…qŠ‚Äthf - Indemnity holder ¢qz ‚u÷ - Crude oil ûtr‚…qŠ‚™t r™Þ{ - Principles of indemnity ¢qh - Cruel; merciless ûtr‚hrn‚ - Faultless; flawless ¢qh‚t - Ruthlessness; cruelty ûtr‚ðt¤wk - Faulty; defective ¢qh‚tr™ðthý - Prevention of cruelty ût{‚t - Ability; capability; capacity; potency; ¢u™-¾[o - Crane charges potenciality ût{‚t fËtuxe - Ability test ût{t/{tVe - Forgiveness; pardon (2)Exemption ût{t yt…ðe/fhðe - Pardon; excuse; forgive 111
ût{t «tÚto™t/Þt[™t ûtuºt ®Ë[tE ftÞo¢{ ût{t «tÚto™t/Þt[™t - Apology ûtuºt - Territory; area; region; field (2)Scope ût{t-…h{trÄfth - Prerogative of mercy ûtuºt ynuðt÷ - Field report ût{t…tºt/ût{tÞtuøÞ/ûtBÞ - Pardonable; excusable ûtuºt y™u [ftËýe y™w¼t„ - Field and scrutiny ût{t {t„ðe - Apologize section ût{tþe÷ - Placable; forgiving ûtBÞ ¼q÷ - Permissible error; pardonable error ûtuºt yÇÞtË - Field study ûtBÞ ðu„ - Permissible velocity ûtuºt f[uhe - Field office ûtÞ - Decay; decline (2)Tuberculosis ûtuºt f{o[the - Field official ûtÞ r™Þkºtý - Tuberculosis control ûtuºt f{o[theð„o - Field staff; field personnel ûtÞr™ðthf hËe - B.C.G. Vaccination ûtuºt ft{„ehe/ftÞo - Field duty; field work ûtÞ htu„ - Tuberculosis ûtuºt ftÞofh - Field worker ûtÞhtu„ RÂM…‚t÷ - T.B.Hospital ûtuºt ‚t÷e{ - Field training ûtth - Alkali; salt ûtuºt r™Þkºtý - Field control ûtth‚¥ð - Salinity ûtuºt r™heûtf - Field Observer; Field Inspector ûtth‚¥ð «ðuþ - Salinity ingress ûtuºt r™heûtý - Field visit/inspection ûtth‚¥ð «ðuþ r™ðthý Þtus™t - Salinity ingress ûtuºt …Ør‚ - Field method ûtuºt …wht‚¥ð - Field archaeology prevention scheme ûtuºt…tuÚte - Field book ûtthr™ðthý - Desalination ûtuºt «Þtu„ - Field experiment ûtthr™ðthý Ã÷tLx - Desalination plant ûtuºtV¤ - Area ûtth¼qr{ ‚…tË™eË - Alkali Soil Investigator ûtuºtV¤ yuf{ - Area unit ûtth{t…f - Salinometer ûtuºt {ŒŒ™eþ - Field Assistant ûttheÞ s{e™ - Alkaline soil ûtuºt {ÞtoŒt - Ambit; bounds ûttheÞ/yB÷eÞ s{e™ - Alkaline/Saline soil ûtuºt h[™t - Zoning Âûtr‚s - Horizon ûtuºt ðneðx - Field administration Âûtr‚s-Ë{tk‚h - Horizontal ûtuºtðth Þtus™t - Sectoral plan ûteý - Adynamic; worn out; wasted; decayed ûtuºt rðM‚hý - Field extension ûteý‚t - Impairment ûtuºtrðM‚th - Domain ûtwÿ - Puerile; trivial, insignificant ûtuºt Ëk„X™ - Field organization ûtwÿ htsfthý - Peanut politics ûtuºt ËkþtuÄ™ - Field research ûtwçÄ - Perturbed; disturbed; upset ûtuºt ËkþtuÄ™ {Útf - Field Research Station ûtwÕ÷f - Petty; unimportant; insignificant ûtuºt ËtÄ™Ët{„úe - Field equipment ûtwÕ÷f/…sðýefthf VrhÞtŒ - Frivolous/ ûtuºt ®Ë[tE ftÞo¢{ - Area irrigation programme 112 Vexatious complaint
ûtuºt rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe xwfze ¾r™s {U„u™eÍ ûtuºt rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe xwfze - Field audit party ¾zft¤ - Rocky ûtuºttrÄfth - Jurisdiction ¾z„ - Sword; sabre ûtuºttrÄfth-{ÞtoŒt - Jurisdictional limit ¾z‚÷ …þw - Sturdy animal ûtuºttrÄfth™tu ƒtÄ - Bar of jurisdiction ¾ze - Chalk ûturºtf - Fieldman; agrarian ¾ý¾tuŒ - Fault finding ûtuºteÞ - Regional; field; areal ¾‚ - Bond; deed; instrument; indenture ûtuºteÞ ¼qM‚hþt† - Field geology ¾‚ fhðwk - Execute a deed ûtuºteÞ Þtus™t - Area plan ¾‚Äthe - Bond-holder ûtuºteÞ ËkMÚtt…™ Rs™uh - Area Installation ¾‚™tu yt{w¾ - Premises of a deed ¾‚…ºt - Bond; deed Engineer ¾‚{ fhðwk - Destroy (2)Finish (3)Kill ¾‚h™tf - Dangerous; hazardous ûtu…f - Interpolation ¾‚h™tf ÄkÄtu - Hazardous occupation ûttu¼ - Perturbance; hesitation ¾‚htu - Danger; risk ¾‚ðýe - Posting; entering in ledger ¾ ¾‚ðýe fhðe/¾‚ððwk - Post in ledger ¾r™s - Mineral ¾¾zðwk - Rattle ¾r™s ytÄtrh‚ Wãtu„tu - Mineral based ¾„tu¤rð¿tt™/þtMºt - Astronomy ¾„tu¤rð¿tt™e/þtMºte - Astronomer industries ¾„útË „úný - Total eclipse ¾[ftx - Hesitation ¾r™s Wãtu„ - Mineral industry ¾[ftðwk - Stumble; shrink back; hesitate ¾r™s/ft[wk ÷tu¾kz - Iron ore ¾ò™[e - Treasurer ¾r™s ftu÷Ëtu - Mineral coal ¾ò™tu - Treasure house; treasure ¾r™s sÚÚttu - Mineral deposit; mineral ¾xfðwk - Pinch ¾x…x - Intrigue quantity ¾x÷tu - Case; law suit ¾zf - Rock ¾r™s Íhýwk - Mineral spring ¾zf™e rAÿt¤w‚t - Porosity of rocks ¾r™s ‚u÷ - Mineral oil; petroleum ¾zf{tk™t …t‚¤t …èt - Thin bands in rocks ¾r™s Ät‚wþtuÄ™ - Mineral beneficiation ¾zf÷tu - Stack; pile; heap ¾r™s …]Út¬hý - Mineral analysis ¾zfrð¿tt™/rðãt - Petrology ¾r™s …uŒtþ - Mineral product ¾r™s «tiãtur„ferðŒT - Mineral Technologist ¾r™s {tºtt - Mineral content ¾r™s {U„u™eÍ - Manganese ore 113
¾r™s hËtÞýe ¾t‚h ¾heŒ-ðu[tý {kz¤e ¾r™s hËtÞýe ¾t‚h - Mineral fertilizer ¾htŒe - Latheman; turner ¾r™s rð¿tt™/rðãt/þt† - Minerology ¾htŒeft{ - Turnery ¾r™s rð¿tt™e - Mineralogist ¾htƒ - Evil; bad ¾r™s rþht - Mineral vein ¾htƒ ytƒtunðt ¼ÚÚtwk - Bad climate allowance ¾r™s-þtuÄ - Mineral exploration ¾htƒ ytþÞ - Evil intention; mala-fides ¾r™s-þtuÄ yusLËe - Prospecting agency ¾htƒ ft{ - Misdeed; evil deed ¾r™s-þtuÄ ft{„ehe - Prospecting operation ¾htƒ [t÷[÷„‚ - Misconduct; bad conduct ¾r™s-þtuÄ ÷tEËLË - Prospecting licence ¾htƒ ÚtE òÞ ‚uðtu {t÷ - Perishable goods ¾r™s™e [{f - Lustre of minerals ¾htƒ ÚtÞu÷e rxrfx - Spoiled stamp ¾r™sËk…Â¥t - Mineral resources ¾htƒ ™ ÚttÞ yuðwk - Imperishable ¾r™Sfhý - Mineralization ¾htƒ ™er‚ - Impolicy; bad policy ¾… - Use; need ¾htƒ ð‚o™ - Maltreatment; misbehaviour; ¾…òu„wk - Rough and ready ¾…‚ - Consumption; use (2)Demand misconduct ¾……qh‚e òýfthe - Working knowledge ¾V„e - Displeasure; anger ¾htƒ ÂMÚtr‚ - Malposition; bad position ¾Vt - Displeased; angry ¾htƒ nðt{t™ - Bad weather; foul weather; ¾ƒh - News; information ¾ƒh yt…™th - Informant; informer rough weather ¾ƒh yt…ðe - Apprise; inform; report ¾ƒh…ºte - Press reporter; news reporter; ¾htƒe - Badness; defectiveness ¾htƒtu - Waste land news paper correspondent ¾he ™f÷ - True copy ¾heŒ ®f{‚ - Purchase price ¾hsðwk - Eczema ¾heŒ-fuLÿ - Shopping centre ¾hztu - Draft; draft bill ¾heŒ-¾t‚wk - Purchase account ¾h‚tu ‚thtu - Shooting star; meteorite ¾heŒ-Œh - Purchase rate ¾hƒ[zwk - Rough; uneven ¾heŒ-r™Þkºtý - Purchase control ¾htE/¾ht…ýwk - Verification ¾heŒ-ðu[tý - Marketing ¾htE fh™th - Verifier ¾heŒ-ðu[tý yrÄfthe - Marketing Officer ¾htE fhðe - Verify ¾heŒ-ðu[tý yusLËe - Marketing agency ¾htE…ºt - Verification sheet ¾heŒ-ðu[tý ‚kºt - Marketing organization ¾htE…tºt - Verifiable ¾heŒ-ðu[tý r™Þkºtý - Marketing control ¾htW ð™/sk„÷ - Deciduous forest ¾heŒ-ðu[tý r™heûtf - Marketing Inspector ¾heŒ-ðu[tý ¼kzth - Marketing emporium ¾heŒ-ðu[tý {kz¤e - Marketing society 114
¾heŒ-ðu[tý {tuË{ ¾[o™wk Ätuhý ¾heŒ-ðu[tý {tuË{ - Marketing season ¾hu¾h ¾[o - Actual expenditure ¾heŒ-ðu[týrð»tÞf {t„oŒþo™ - Marketing ¾hu¾h ™wõËt™-¼h…tE - Payment/remittance guidance of actual damages ¾heŒ-ðu[tý ÔÞðMÚtt - Marketing system ¾hu¾h ™wõËt™e - Actual damages ¾heŒ-ðu[tý/ƒòh Ëð÷‚tu - Marketing ¾hu¾h ™qh - Actual freight ¾hu¾h ¼tzwk - Actual fare; actual rent facilities ¾hu¾h {qÕÞ - Actual value; real value; de ¾heŒ-ðu[tý Ënfthe {kz¤e - Marketing co- facto value operative ¾hu¾h ðfhtu - Actual turnover ¾hu¾h ðt÷e/…t÷f - De facto guardian ¾heŒ-ðu[tý ËntÞ - Marketing assistance ¾hu¾h rË÷f - Actual balance ¾heŒ-þÂõ‚ - Buying capacity; purchasing ¾htu ËtuŒtu - Square dealing; genuine dealing ¾htu/ðtM‚rðf {tr÷f - Bonafide owner; real power owner; true owner ¾heŒ-Ër{r‚ - Purchase Committee ¾heŒ™th - Buyer; purchaser; vendee ¾htu/ðtM‚rðf rn‚ËkƒkÄ - Bonafide/real/genuine ¾heŒðne - Purchase book ¾heŒðt÷tÞf - Purchasable interest ¾heŒðwk - Purchase; buy ¾heŒðuhtu - Purchase tax ¾[o - Expenditure; expenses; charges; cost ¾heŒe yusLx - Purchasing Agent ¾[o y™wËqr[ - Cost schedule ¾heŒe ¾t‚tðne - Purchase ledger ¾[o yt…ðwk - Defray; pay expenses ¾heŒe-«t nf - Title by purchase ¾[o W…htk‚ ™Vtu - Cost-plus ¾heŒe-ËtuŒtu - Purchase transaction ¾[o ytuAwk fhðwk/½xtzðwk - Economize ¾heŒe™tu y„únf - Pre-emption ¾[o fhðwk - Expend; spend ¾heŒe™tu y„únf Ähtð™th - Pre-emptor ¾[o r™Þkºtf ftÞŒtu - Sumptuary law ¾heV ™nuh - Kharif canal ¾[o r™Þkºtý - Expenditure control ¾heV …tf - Kharif crop; monsoon crop ¾[o …ºtf - Expenditure statement ¾hwk - True; right; real; correct ¾[o ÷t¼ - Cost-benefit ¾hwk/ðtM‚rðf rn‚ - Bonafide interest; real ¾[o ðuhtu - Expenditure tax ¾[o ËtÚtu [wftŒtu - Judgement with costs interest ¾[o rËðtÞ [wftŒtu - Judgement without costs ¾[o rnËtƒ - Expense/expenditure account ¾hu¾h - In effect; in fact; actual; real; de ¾[o™t «{tý{tk ð¤‚h - Cost-effectiveness ¾[o™e ™ðe ƒtƒ‚tu - New items of expenditure facto ¾[o™wk Ätuhý - Standard of cost 115 ¾hu¾h ytkfzt - Actuals; actual figures ¾hu¾h Wí…tŒ™ - Actual output/production ¾hu¾h ®f{‚ - Actual price
¾[o™tu ykŒts ¾txfe ¾[o™tu ykŒts - Expenditure estimate ¾kz ¼tu„ðxtu - Part enjoyment ¾[o{tk ft… - Cut in expenditure ¾kz-þe»tof - Section title ¾[o{tk ½x - Shortfall in expenditure ¾kz„útË „úný - Partial eclipse ¾[oðwk - Disburse; expend; spend ¾kzýe - Tribute ¾[to¤ - Costly; expensive ¾kzýe yt…™th htßÞ - Tributary State ¾ðo - Ten thousand million ¾kzýe-s{e™ - Tribute land ¾[o-òu„ðtE - Outlay ¾kz™ - Refutation; rebuttal; repudiation; ¾÷ - Mortar ¾÷™tÞf - Villain breaking ¾÷tË - Finished; exhausted; out of stock ¾÷tËe - Sailor; seaman; mariner; seafarer ¾kz™ fhðwk - Repudiate; rebut ¾÷u÷ - Interruption; disturbance; distraction ¾kz™ ™ fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Irrefutable ¾ðtE òÞ yuðwk - Corrosive ¾kz™ÞtuøÞ - Refutable ¾ðtý - Corrosion ¾kz™u yÄe™ - Subject to clause ¾Ëðwk - Move; slide; slip ¾kzðth ðt[™ - Clause by clause reading ¾Ëe - Castration ¾kzðth/¾kzþ: - Clause by clause ¾Ëe fhðe - Castrate ¾krz‚ - Broken; non-continuous ¾Ëefhý - Castration ¾krz‚ ™tufhe/Ëuðt - Broken service; non- ¾Ëe fhu÷ …þw - Steer ¾Ëuzðwk - Shift continuous service ¾Ëuzðwk ‚u - Shifting; moving ¾Ëuze ™ þftÞ yuðwk - Irremovable; immovable ¾krz‚ …ztuþnf - Non-continuous easement ¾Ëuze þftÞ yuðwk - Movable; removable ¾krz‚ ÔÞÂõ‚íð - Split personality ¾¤¼¤tx - Agitation; commotion; uproar ¾krzÞwk htßÞ - Tributary State ¾¤wk - Barn-yard; threshing floor; threshing ¾kzeÞ Ats÷e - Continental shelf ¾kzuh - Ruins; remains ground ¾k‚ - Perseverance ¾k‚e÷wk - Painstaking; industrious; persevering ¾ksh - Dagger ¾kÄtE - Knavery; craftiness; cunningness ¾kz - Continent (2)Compartment; room ¾kÄwk - Crafty; cunning; knavish ¾tE - Ditch; trench (3)Clause ¾tE …h™tu …w÷ - Viaduct ¾tEƒkÄe - Entrenchment ¾kz-f{t™ - Segmental arch ¾tWÄhwk - Gluttonous ¾kz-™fþtu - Section plan ¾t¾tðe¾e - Helter-skelter ¾kz …eX - Division bench ¾txfe - Butcher; slaughterer 116
¾txfe™tu ÄkÄtu ¾tã ‚u÷ ¾txfe™tu ÄkÄtu - Butchery ¾t‚h-r{©ý - Manurial mixture ¾txfeðtztu - Butchery; slaughter house ¾t‚h-{qÕÞ - Manurial value ¾tx÷tu - Cot ¾t‚he - Assurance (2)Guaranty ¾tzt¾t‚h - Compost ¾t‚he yt…ðe - Warrant; assure ¾tzt¾iÞtðt¤e s{e™ - Uneven land; rough ¾t‚he yt…u÷wk/¾t‚heƒkŒ - Guaranteed; assured land ¾t‚he fhðe - Ascertain; ensure ¾t‚he…qðof ƒtu÷ðwk/fnuðwk - Avouch; affirm; ¾tzt-òsY - Pit latrine; pit privy ¾tzt-xufhtðt¤wk - Uneven; rough assure ¾tzt-htu…ýe - Pit planting ¾t‚t {u¤ …ºtf - Ledger reconciliation sheet ¾tzt-ðtðu‚h - Pit sowing ¾t‚tfeÞ ‚…tË - Departmental inquiry/enquiry ¾tze - Creek; bay ¾t‚tfeÞ ðtrýÂßÞf W…¢{ - Departmental ¾tztu - Ditch; pit commercial undertaking ¾tý - Mine; quarry (2)Cattle-feed (3)Hidden ¾t‚tfeÞ ËtnË - Departmental enterprise treasure ¾t‚t™ðeË - Ledger keeper ¾tý Wãtu„/ft{ - Mining ¾t‚t™t ðzt - Head of department ¾tý ft{„ehe - Mining operation; mining ¾t‚tðne - Ledger ¾tý ft{Œth/¾trýÞtu - Miner ¾t‚tðne fthfw™ - Ledger Clerk ¾tý …xtu - Mining lease ¾t‚tðne ftzo - Ledger card ¾tý {sqh - Miner; quarryman ¾t‚tðne ™tUÄ - Ledger entry ¾tý r{©ý ËkÞkºt - Cattle feed mixing plant ¾t‚tðne-…]c - Ledger folio ¾tý ðËtn‚ - Mining settlement ¾t‚tðne rË÷f - Ledger balance ¾týft{ yrÄfthe - Mining Officer ¾t‚wk - Account; department ¾týft{ Rs™uh - Mining Engineer ¾t‚wk ¾tu÷ðwk - Open an account ¾týft{ …hðt™tu - Mining licence; quarry ¾t‚wk ƒkÄ fhðwk - Close an account licence ¾t‚u WÄthðt™e Ëq[™t - Debit advice ¾t‚u ð[„t¤t™e [wfðýe - On account payment ¾t‚{wnq‚o - Ceremony of laying foundation ¾t‚uŒth - Account holder ¾tŒe y™u „út{tuãtu„ {kz¤ - Khadi and Village stone Industries Board ¾t‚h - Manure ¾t‚h yrÄfthe - Manure Officer ¾tã - Edible; eatable ¾t‚h-¾tztu - Manure pit ¾tã y™u yti»tÄ r™Þkºtý ‚kºt - Food and Drugs ¾t‚h…tzw - Burglar; housebreaker ¾t‚h …tÚthðwk - Placement of manure; Control Administration manuring ¾tã ‚u÷ - Edible oil 117
¾tã …ŒtÚto/Ët{„úe ¾th s{e™ ™ð«t yrÄfthe ¾tã …ŒtÚto/Ët{„úe - Edible/eatable foodstuff ¾t™„e {tr÷fe - Private ownership ¾tã {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Food ¾t™„e {tr÷fe™e þt¤t - Proprietary school ¾tã {tA÷e - Table fish ¾t™„e {tr÷fe™wk „úkÚtt÷Þ - Proprietary library ¾tã/yÒt r™„{ - Food Corporation ¾t™„e {trn‚e - Confidential information ¾tã/yÒt r™Þkºtf - Food Controller; Controller ¾t™„e r{÷f‚ - Private property of Food ¾t™„e ÞtŒe…ºt - Confidential memorandum ¾t™„e hufzo/Œ^‚h - Confidential record ¾tã/yÒt {kºte - Minister of Food ¾tã/yÒt Ër{r‚ - Food Committee ¾t™„e ðt‚ ƒnth ytððe - Leakage of ¾tã/yÒt Ëkfx - Food crisis confidential matter ¾tã…tf - Food crop ¾t™„e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Private party ¾tãrð»tÞf ytkfzt - Food statistics ¾t™„e ÔÞðËtÞ - Private practice ¾tãu‚h …tf - Non-food crop ¾t™„e rþûtf - Private tutor ¾tÄ - Deficit; deficiency ¾t™„efhý - Privatisation/Privatization ¾tÄ ykŒts…ºt - Deficit budget ¾t™…t™ «ƒkÄ Ëuðt - Catering service ¾tÄ…qhf ™týt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Deficit financing ¾t™Ët{t - Butler ¾tÄðt¤wk yÚto‚kºt - Deficit economy ¾t™t …Ør‚ - Pigeon hole system ¾tÄt¾tuhtfe - Maintenance (2)Alimony ¾t™t¾htƒe - Ruin; destruction ¾t™„e - Confidential; private; in camera ¾t™tk …tzu÷tu ™fþtu - Squared map ¾t™„e ynuðt÷ - Confidential report ¾t™tkðt¤e ¾heŒðne - Tabular purchase book ¾t™„e Wãtu„-ËtnË - Private enterprise ¾t™tkðt¤e Ats÷e - Pigeon-hole shelf ¾t™„e fk…™e - Private company ¾t™tkðt¤e ðu[týðne - Tabular sales book ¾t™„e fthfw™ - Confidential Clerk ¾t™wk - Pigeon-hole; column (2)Drawer ¾t™„e ûtuºt - Private sector ¾tƒtur[Þwk - Puddle ¾t™„e xÙMx - Private trust ¾t{ýt{tk ðtðýe - Spot sowing ¾t™„e ŒM‚tðus - Private document; ¾t{e - Defect; fault; drawback; deficiency ¾t{e rð™t™wk - Flawless; impeccable; faultless confidential document ¾t{e¼ÞwO/ðt¤wk - Defective; faulty; deficient ¾t™„e …ºt - Confidential letter ¾t™„e «uÂõx˃kÄe ¼ÚÚtwk - Loss of private ¾tÞfe - Corruption; venality practice allowance ¾th - Alkali; salt (2)Animosity ¾t™„e VtE÷ - Confidential file ¾th s{e™ - Khar land; saline land; salt land ¾t™„e ƒuXf - Meeting in camera; sitting in ¾th s{e™ ™ð«t - Salt land reclamation camera ¾th s{e™ ™ð«t yrÄfthe - Salt Land ¾t™„e {t÷ðtnf/ðtn™ - Private carrier Reclamation Officer 118
¾th s{e™ rðftË {kz¤ ¾t¤fqkze ¾th s{e™ rðftË {kz¤ - Khar Land ¾tË yk„¼q‚ Þtus™t - Special Component Development Board Plan ¾th rðM‚th - Saline area ¾tË fhe™u - Particularly; in particular ¾th/¾thtu…tx - Salt land; khar land ¾tË ft{„ehe …h {tuf÷ðwk - Depute ¾thðtu - Seaman; sailor, oarsman; mariner ¾tË ftÞo¢{ ‚kºt - Special Programme ¾thtþ - Salinity ¾thtþðt¤wk …týe - Brackish water Organization ¾the {txe - Saline earth/soil ¾thwk …týe - Brine water; salty water ¾tË …„th - Special pay ¾thtu fqðtu - Brine well ¾tË …tu»tý ftÞo¢{ - Special Nutrition ¾t÷ - Hide; skin ¾t÷Ët fhðwk ‚u - Resumption Programme ¾t÷Ët s{e™ - Resumed land ¾t÷Ët/s fhðwk - Resume; annex; confiscate ¾tË «ðuþ yÇÞtË¢{ - Special Induction ¾t÷e - Vacant; empty ¾t÷e W¥thtrÄfth - Vacant succession Course ¾t÷e fƒòu - Vacant possession ¾t÷e fhðwk - Vacate; empty ¾tË «ðuþ …heûtt - Special entrance ¾t÷e fhtððwk - Evict; eject ¾t÷e fhtððwk ‚u - Eviction; ejection examination ¾t÷e fhe sðwk - Evacuate; vacate ¾t÷e søÞt - Vacancy; vacant post (2)Gap ¾tË «M‚tð - Substantive motion ¾t÷e søÞt hrsMxh - Live register ¾tË «tËkr„f/…h[qhý hò - Special casual ¾t÷e søÞtytu MÚtr„‚ ht¾ðe - Freezing of leave vacancies ¾tË «tuíËtn™ Ë{wå[Þ - Special incentives ¾t÷e søÞt™e ÞtŒe - Vacancy list ¾t÷e ‚tË - Free period package ¾t÷e ÚtÞu÷wk - Depleted; vacated; emptied ¾t÷e Œu¾tð/„ýðt …qh‚e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Dummy ¾tË Vhs - Special duty ¾tðt÷tÞf/¾tðt™e ðM‚w - Edibles; eatables ¾tË Vhs/ft{„ehe yrÄfthe - Officer on ¾tË - Particular; special; specific ¾tË y™wŒt™ - Special grant Special Duty ¾tË ¼h‚e ƒtuzo - Special Recruitment Board ¾tË {ŒŒ™eþ - Special Assistant ¾tË hò-r™Þ{tu - Special Leave Rules ¾tË htus„th ftÞo¢{ - Special Employment Programme ¾tË þtuÄ-‚…tË þt¾t - Special Investigation Branch ¾tË Ër[ð - Special Secretary ¾tË Ë¥tt y…tÞu÷ - Specially empowered ¾trËÞ‚ - Peculiarity; speciality ¾t¤ - Sink; drain ¾t¤/Œèýfqðtu - Cess pool ¾t¤fqkze - Cess pit 119
¾tk[Œth ytzƒkÄ/ƒkÄtht ¾wÕ÷tu {t÷ ¾tk[Œth ytzƒkÄ/ƒkÄtht - Notched weir ¾w÷tËtu - Explanation; clarification ¾tk[tðt¤tu xâqƒðu÷ - Slotted tube well ¾w÷tËtu fhðtu - Explain; clarify ¾tk[tu - Dent; indent; groove ¾w÷tËtu fhtÞt rð™t™tk ™týtk - Unexplained ¾tksý - Lagoon money ¾tkz r™Þkºtf - Controller of Sugar ¾tkzýe - Mortar ¾w÷tËtu {t„ðtu - Ask for explanation ¾tkÄ yt…™th zt½w - Pall bearer ¾wÕ÷t{tk ðu[ðwk ‚u - Opendoor vending ¾tk¼e - Memorial stone ¾wÕ÷e yŒt÷‚ - Open Court r¾‚tƒ - Title ¾wÕ÷e „wýð¥tt rþ»Þð]Â¥t - Open merit r¾L™ - Regretful; displeased r¾MËt ytð]Â¥t - Pocket edition scholarship r¾MËtft‚hw - Pick pocket; cut purse r¾MËtftuþ - Pocket-dictionary ¾wÕ÷e su÷ - Open prison/jail ¾wÕ÷e Äh…fz - Open arrest ¾wÕ÷e ƒtsw - Exposed face; exposed side ¾wÕ÷e he‚u - Avowedly; clearly; evidently; openly; apparently r¾MËt¾[o - Pocket-expenses; pocket money ¾wÕ÷e he‚u fƒq÷ fhðwk - Avow; confess r¾MËt…wM‚f - Pocket-book ¾wÕ÷e nheVtE - Open competition r¾MËwk - Pocket ¾wÕ÷e ®nËt - Open violence ¾e[tu¾e[/XËtuXË - Over-crowded; congested; ¾wÕ÷wk - Free; overt; opened jampacked ¾wÕ÷wk yrÄðuþ™ - Open session ¾wÕ÷wk ¾t‚wk - Open account ¾esð™thwk - Vexatious ¾eý - Valley ¾wÕ÷wk LÞtÞt÷Þ - Open Court ¾eý s¤Ëk[Þ/Ëk„ún - Valley storage ¾wÕ÷wk …tzðwk - Expose ¾eý«Œuþ - Basin; valley ¾wÕ÷wk ƒòh - Open market ¾e÷e/¾e÷tu - Nail; peg ¾wÕ÷wk ÞwØ - Open war ¾e÷tu/¾e÷e {thðe - Peg ¾wÕ÷wk hnMÞ - Open secret ¾eËt¾[o - Pocket-expenses; pocket money ¾wÕ÷wk Ët{tLÞ ÷tRËLË - Open general licence ¾eËwk - Pocket ¾wÕ÷tu y™tŒh fhðtu - Flout; defy ¾ªxe - Hanger; peg ¾wÕ÷tu fqðtu - Open well ¾wŒ - In person; personally; self (2) Proper ¾wÕ÷tu [wftŒtu - Open verdict ¾wŒ™u [qfððt…tºt - Payable to self ¾wÕ÷tu …ºt - Open letter ¾wŒ™u [qfðtu - Pay to self ¾wÕ÷tu «&™ - Open question ¾wL™Ë - Animosity ¾wÕ÷tu {t÷ - Loose consignment; loose goods; uncovered commodity 120
¾wÕ÷tu hk„{k[ ¾u‚-½h ¾wÕ÷tu hk„{k[ - Open air theatre ¾qkÄwk/¾qkÄ ™ef¤u÷wk - Hunch-backed ¾wðth - Ruined ¾uz - Cultivation ¾wðthe - Casulties ¾uz-ƒ¤Œ - Plough bullock ¾wþfe Œ¤ - Land forces ¾uzðtý s{e™ - Arable land; cultivable land ¾wþfe {t„o - Land route ¾uzðtý ®Ë[tEûtuºt - Culturable command area ¾wþfe Ëuðt - Land service ¾uzðtýÞtuøÞ WŒðT n™ rðM‚th/ûtuºt - Culturable/ ¾wþ™w{t - Pleasant; charming ¾wþt{‚ - Adulation; flattery; appeasement arable lift area ¾qx‚e s{t hf{ - Missing credit ¾qx‚e {t„ofze - Missing road link ¾uzðt™tk ytuòh/ËtÄ™ - Cultivation implements ¾qxe „Þu÷wk - Depleted; exhausted ¾uzðwk - Till; plough ¾qýtðt¤wk - Angular; sharp cornered ¾uztW - Ploughable; tillable ¾qrýÞwk - Bracket ¾uztW s{e™ - Arable land; cultivable land; ¾qrýÞtu/¾qýtu {t…ðt™wk ytuòh - Bevel ¾qýtu - Angle (2)Corner ploughable land ¾q™ - Murder; assassination ¾q™huS/¾q™t{hfe - Carnage ¾zu tW rðM‚th - Cultivable area; ploughable area ¾q™e - Murderer; assassin ¾uztW/¾uzðt÷tÞf …z‚h s{e™ - Cultivable ¾qƒ - Abundant; much; plenty; plentiful ¾qƒ ™e[t ¼tð - Lowest price waste land ¾qƒ …ftðu÷e Ekx - Clinker ¾qƒ {nu™‚w - Hard worker; industrious ¾uze ™ þftÞ yuðe s{e™ - Uncultivable land ¾qƒ {tuxwk - Huge ¾uzq‚ - Agriculturist; farmer; peasant; tiller ¾qƒËqh‚ - Beautiful; handsome; fair ¾uzq‚ ‚t÷e{ fuLÿ - Farmers’ Training Centre ¾qƒe - Speciality; peculiarity; wonder ¾uzq‚ ð„o/ðM‚e - Agricultural population ¾qk[ðe ÷uðwk - Snatch away ¾uzq‚ ð„o/Ë{ts - Peasantry; agricultural ¾qkx - Bull (2)Picket (3)Boundary stone ¾qkxt ¾tuzðt - Picket community ¾qkxt {thðt - Stake ¾qkxe - Peg ¾uzq‚ Ëuðt {kz¤e - Farmers’ Service Society ¾qkxeÚte szðwk - Peg ¾uzq‚-{tr÷fe - Peasant proprietorship ¾qkxtu - Picket; peg ¾uzq‚/rfËt™ {tuh[tu - Green front ¾uzq‚/¾u‚erð»tÞf yÚto‚kºt - Peasant economy ¾uzu ‚u™e s{e™ - Land to tiller ¾uzu÷e/¾uztÞu÷e s{e™ - Cultivated land; ploughed land ¾u‚-ytuòh - Farming tools/implements ¾u‚-ft{„ehe - Farm work ¾u‚-ft{„ehe™e {tuË{ - Field season ¾u‚-®f{‚ - Farm price ¾u‚-½h - Farm house 121
¾u‚-‚÷tðze ¾U[tW …w÷ ¾u‚-‚÷tðze - Farm pond ¾u‚e™e Q…s - Agricultural produce; farm ¾u‚-…Ør‚ - Agricultural practice; method of produce agriculture ¾u‚e™e {kŒ {tuË{ - Lean agricultural season ¾u‚-…uŒtþ - Agricultural product; farm output ¾u‚e«Ät™ - Agriculture-oriented ¾u‚-{sqh - Farm labour; agricultural labourer ¾u‚e÷tÞf - Ploughable; cultivable; arable ¾u‚-{sqh …rhðth - Agricultural/agrarian ¾u‚e÷tÞf s{e™ - Arable land; cultivable labour households land; ploughable land ¾u‚„w÷t{ - Serf; villein ¾u‚erð»tÞf ™er‚ - Agricultural policy ¾u‚„w÷t{e - Serfage ¾uŒ - Regret; remorse ¾u‚«ð]Â¥t™wk Ë{Þ…ºtf - Calendar of ¾uŒ ÔÞõ‚ fhðtu - Regret; remorse ¾uŒs™f - Regrettable; remorseful agricultural operation ¾uŒs™f ƒtƒ‚ - Matter of regret ¾uŒt™{uŒt™ - Total destruction; ruined ¾u‚h - Farm; field ¾u… - Errand; trip ¾u‚h-ytfthýe - Field assessment ¾ur…Þtu - Bearer; messenger; courier ¾u‚h …h™tk rðftË ft{ - On farm development ¾u÷ - Play; game; sport (2)Show ¾u÷fqŒ - Athletics; sports works ¾u÷fqŒ yrÄfthe - Sports Officer ¾u÷fqŒ y™u Þwðf Ëuðtytu - Sports and Youth ¾u‚h™t ÄturhÞt - Field channels ¾u‚e - Farming; tillage; cultivation; agriculture Services ¾u‚e-yÚtoÔÞðMÚtt - Agricultural economy ¾u‚e-ytðf - Farm income; agriculture income ¾u÷fqŒ yuðtuzo - Sports Award ¾u‚e ft{„ehe - Agricultural operation ¾u÷fqŒ …rh»tŒ - Sports Council ¾u‚e ™týt-rÄhtý - Agricultural finance ¾u÷fqŒ rþ»Þð]Â¥t - Sports scholarship ¾u‚e-r™heûtý - Farming inspection ¾u÷fqŒ Ëkfw÷ - Sports complex ¾u‚e ƒòh - Farmers’ market; agriclutural ¾u÷fqŒ M…Äto - Tournament ¾u÷fqŒ™tu Ët{t™ - Sports goods market ¾u÷rŒ÷e - Sportsmanship ¾u÷tze - Sportsman; player (2)Crafty ¾u‚e ÞkºtËt{„úe - Farm machinery ¾U[ - Shortage; dearth ¾u‚e ð»to - Agricultural year ¾U[ðwk - Haul; pull ¾u‚e ÔÞðËtÞ - Farming ¾U[ðwk ‚u - Traction; pulling ¾u‚e ËntÞfe - Farm subsidy ¾U[tW …w÷ - Draw bridge ¾u‚e ËkƒkÄe - Agrarian; agricultural ¾u‚e™tk ytuòh/ËtÄ™ - Agricultural implements; cultivation implements ¾u‚e™tk ËwÄthu÷tk ytuòh - Improved agricultural implements 122
¾U[tý-¼tzwk ¾tuV ¾U[tý-¼tzwk - Towage; haulage ¾tuxwk yÚto½x™ - Misinterpretation; ¾U[t{ý - Cartage ¾tu¾wk - Empty box; frame (2)Body misconstruction ¾tus - Quest; search ¾tux - Loss; deficit ¾tuxwk òuztý - Misjoinder ¾tux ¾{ðe - Suffer/sustain loss ¾tuxwk Xhtððwk - Disapprove ¾tux r™ðthý ût{‚t - Break-even capacity ¾tuxwk Ätuhý MÚtt…ðwk - False standardization ¾tuxftE „Þu÷wk ‚kºt - Gridlock in governance ¾tuxwk ™týwk - Bad money ¾tuxftE sðwk/¾tuxfe …zðwk - Break down; failure ¾tuxwk ™t{ - Misnomer ¾tux™t ¼tðu - Below par; at loss ¾tuxwk rƒ÷ ƒ™tððwk - False billing ¾tuxt ™t{u - Pseudonymous; incognito ¾tuxwk {t™fefhý/ÄtuhýMÚtt…™ - False ¾tuxt ™t{u ÷¾tÞu÷tu …ºt - Pseudonymous letter ¾tuxt {t„uo „Þu÷ ‚th - Misrouted telegram standardization ¾tuxt Ëh™t{u {tuf÷u÷e ðM‚w - Misdirected article ¾tuxt Ëtu„kŒ - Perjury ¾tuxwk {t„oŒþo™ yt…ðwk - Misguide; misdirect ¾tuxt Ëtu„kŒ ÷u™th - Perjurer; guilty of perjury ¾tuxwk ð„eofhý - Misclassification ¾tuxt Ëtu„kŒ ÷uðt - Perjure ¾tuxwk Ëq[™ - False suggestion; suggestio falsi ¾txu t rnËtƒ ‚Þi th fhðt - Falsification of account ¾tuxtu yÚto fhðtu - Misconstrue ¾tuxtk ðsr™Þtk - False weight ¾tuxtu ythtu…/¾tuxwk ‚ntu{‚ - False charge ¾tuxe yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne - Mistrial ¾tuxtu ŒM‚tðus - Forged document ¾tuxe ¾‚ðýe - Misposting; wrong posting ¾tuxtu …whtðtu - False evidence ¾tuxe swƒt™e - Forged testimony ¾tuxtu ƒt‚{eŒth - Misinformer ¾tuxe swƒt™e y…tððe - Suborn ¾tuxtu Ëhðt¤tu - Incorrect total ¾tuxe ‚the¾ - Misdate ¾tuxtu Ëtûte - Perjurer ¾tuxe Œt™‚ - Bad intention; malafide ¾tuxtu rˬtu - Bad coin; counterfeit coin; ¾tuxe ™tux - Forged note ¾tuxe hsqyt‚ - Misrepresentation debased coin ¾tuxe hðt™„e - Misdespatch ¾tuxe he‚u VËtðu÷wk - Falsely implicated ¾tuz - Defect; deformity ¾tuxe Ëne - Forged signature ¾tuz¾tk…ýðt¤wk - Handicapped ¾tuxwk - False; wrong; bogus ¾tu‚hðwk - Scrape; scratch ¾tuŒft{ - Excavation; digging ¾tuŒft{-Þkºt - Excavator ¾tuŒft{ rðM‚th - Excavation area ¾tuŒtýft{ - Earth work ¾tuŒe™u ƒnth ftZðwk - Unearth ¾tuŒu÷tu fqðtu - Dug well ¾tuV - Anger; tear 123
¾tuhðtE sðwk „ýðuþ ¾tuhðtE sðwk - Break down; paralyse „xh™wk „kŒwk …týe - Sewage ¾tuhðe ™t¾ðwk - Upset; overturn „XƒkÄ™ - Alliance; coalition (2)Nexus ¾tuhtf - Food; diet; eatables „rXÞt„ehe - Cheating ¾tuhtfe - Alimony; means of livelihood „rXÞtu - Scoundrel; cheat ¾tu÷e ™t¾ðwk - Dismantle; open „êtu - Ingot ¾tuðtÞu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Missing person „z{Út÷ - Confusion; exertion; mental struggle ¾tuðtÞu÷tu Ët{t™ - Lost property „ze - Fold ¾tu¤ - Case (2)Oil cake (3)Search „ze …tzðe - Enfold ¾tu¤ðwk - Search; find out „ze-Þkºt - Folding machine ¾tu¤u ÷uðwk - Adopt „ze-hu¾t - Fold line ÏÞt‚™t{ - Famous; reputed; well-known „ze™e Ähe - Axis of fold ÏÞt‚™t{ rðît™ - Scholar of repute „zeƒkÄ M‚hh[™t - Overfold ÏÞtr‚ - Glory; fame; reputation „zurhÞtu - Grazir; shepherd ÏÞt÷ - Concept; idea „Z - Fort; castle; fortress (2)Stronghold ÏÞt÷ ƒtkÄðtu - Conceptualise/Conceptualize „ýf - Calculator; teller; reckoner „ýfthðwk - Pay heed; take notice; consider „ „ý‚he - Enumeration; computation; „„™[wkƒe R{th‚ - Skyscraper; high rise calculation; count building „ý‚he fh™th/„ý‚hefth - Calculator; „„™hu¾t - Skyline enumerator „s - Yardstick (2)Elephant „sƒ - Tremendous; terrific „ý‚he fhðe - Enumerate; calculate; count „sƒ™tk …rhýt{ - Tremendous results „ý‚heÞkºt - Calculating machine; calculator; „sðwk - Pocket „swk - Capability; capacity counting machine „xh - Drain „xh-ft{ - Drainage works „ý‚he-Ën-™{q™tE {tusýe - Census-cum- „xh-«ðuþƒtfwk - Manhole „xh-Þtus™t/ÔÞðMÚtt - Sewerage; drainage sample survey „xh-ÔÞðMÚtt y™u MðåA‚t - Sewerage and „ý‚kºt - Republic sanitation; drainage and sanitation „ý‚kºt rŒ™ - Republic Day „ý™t - Consideration (2)Calculation; enumeration „ý™t…tºt - Considerable; of some account „ýðwk - Reckon; enumerate; compute; count; calculate „ýðuþ - Uniform 124
„ýðuþÄthe „h™t¤wk „ýðuþÄthe - Uniformed „r‚{t™ - In motion; moving „ýðuþ ¼ÚÚtwk - Uniform allowance „r‚{t…f - Speedometer „rý‚þt† - Mathematics „r‚htuÄ - Stalemate „ýe/{t™e ÷eÄu÷e yË÷ ®f{‚ - Deemed face „r‚htuÄf - Brake; bump; speed breaker „r‚ðÄof - Accelerant; accelerator value „r‚rð¿tt™ - Kinematics „r‚ð]ÂØ - Acceleration „ýe/{t™e ÷eÄu÷e ‚the¾ - Deemed date „r‚ð]ÂØ{t…f - Accelerometer „ýtu‚ - Rent of tenancy; land rent; tenancy „r‚þt† - Dynamics „ýtu‚ yrÄfthe - Tenancy Officer „r‚þe÷ - Dynamic; mobile; moving (2)Active „ýtu‚ yrÄr™Þ{/ftÞŒtu - Tenancy Act/Law „r‚þe÷ yÚtoþt† - Dynamic economics „ýtu‚ ytfthýe - Rental assessment „r‚þe÷ ƒ™tððwk - Mobilize; put into motion „ýtu‚/„ýtur‚Þt ¾uzq‚ - Tenant cultivator „r‚þe÷ ƒ™tððwk ‚u - Mobilization „ýtu‚ Œtðtu - Rent suit „r‚þe÷‚t - Mobility „ýtu‚ …ètu - Tenancy lease „r‚Ëq[f/r™Œuoþf - Speed indicator „ýtu‚ …Ør‚/«Útt - Tenancy system „r‚ne™ - Stagnant; immobile „ýtu‚ ËtkÚt/{qÕÞ - Rental value „r‚ne™ fhðwk - Immobilize „ýtu‚ Ëqr[ - Rent roll „r‚ne™‚t - Stagnation; immobility „ýtu‚ nf - Tenancy right; tenancy „r‚ne™‚t rËØtk‚ - Stagnation theory „ýtur‚Þt ð„o - Tenantry „…Ë… - Gossip „ýtur‚Þtu - Tenant „V÷‚/r™»ft¤S - Inadvertence; laches; „ÛÞwk„tkXâwk - very few „‚ - Ultimo (2)Past negligence; carelessness „‚ ð»to - Previous year; last year „r‚ - Movement; momentum; speed; motion; „¼htE „Þu÷wk - Frightened „¼htx - Fear; panic; restlessness pace; impetus „¼htx Vu÷tð™th - Panic monger „{tý - Cattle shed; manger; cow shed; stall „r‚fËtuxe - Speed test; speed trial „{th - Foolish; rustic; uncultured „r‚sLÞ Qòo - Kinetic energy „Þt {rn™t™wk/„Þtu {rn™tu - Ultimo „r‚r™Þkºtf - Speed regulator „hftð - Sinkage; submergence (2)Engrossed „r‚r™Þkºtý - Speed restriction; speed control „r‚r™Ätohf - Pace-maker; pace-setter in „r‚«uhf - Pace-maker; propeller „r‚ «uhðe - Actuate; set in motion „hs - Bad need; pressing need; self-interest „r‚{ÞtoŒt - Speed limit „h™t¤wk - Culvert 125
„hƒz „¤e „hƒz - Hubbub; disturbance; disorder „¼orð¿tt™ - Embryology „h{ ytƒtunðt - Hot climate „¼orð¿tt™e - Embryologist „h{ W…[th - Heat-treatment „¼toþÞ - Womb; uterus „h{ …týe™tu Íhtu - Geyser; hot spring „Š¼‚ - Implied; hidden; implicit; latent; tacit „h{t„h{ [[to - Hot discussion „Š¼‚ fhth - Implied agreement „h{t„h{ Ë{t[th - Hot news „Š¼‚ ¾‚ - Latent deed „h{e Qòo - Thermal energy „Š¼‚ Œh¾tM‚ - Implied proposal „h{e™wk {tuswk - Heat wave „Š¼‚ Ä{fe - Tacit intimidation „h{e™tu „t¤tu - Hot spell „Š¼‚ þõÞ‚t - Latent possibility „heƒ - Poor; pauper; poverty stricken „Š¼‚ þh‚ - Implied condition; implied term „heƒ y™u ºtM‚ - Poor and persecuted „Š¼‚ Ë{s - Tacit understanding „heƒ sqÚttu - Poverty groups „Š¼‚ ËkrŒøÄ‚t - Latent ambiguity „heƒ ƒ™tððwk - Impoverish „Š¼‚ Ëk{r‚ - Implied consent „heƒtE/„heƒe - Penury; poverty „Š¼‚ Mðef]r‚/Mðefth - Implied acceptance „heƒe r™ðthý - Poverty eradication; removal „Š¼‚tÚto - Implication; implied meaning; of poverty implicit meaning „heƒe r™ðthý ftÞo¢{ - Poverty eradication „Šðc - Arrogant; proud „÷„kz - Goitre programme „÷Œtn - Sore throat „÷e - Alley; lane „heƒe hu¾t - Poverty line „÷e[ ¼t»tt - Abusive language; foul „heƒe rðhtÄu e ftÞ¢o { - Anti-poverty Programme „¼o - Embryo language; obscene language „¼oft¤ - Period of pregnancy „¼o„]n - Inner part of the temple; innermost „Õ÷tk‚Õ÷tk - Quibble; boggle „Õ÷tu - Counter (2)Cash shrine; sacrarium; sanctum; sanctorum „ðiÞtu - Musician; songster „¼oÄthý/„¼toÄt™ - Conception; pregnancy; impregnation „¼o Äthý fhðtu - Conceive „n™ - Deep; profound; impenetrable; „¼or™htuÄf - Contraceptive recondite (2)Mysterious „¼or™htuÄf ytkfze - Intra Uterine „¤ðwk - Leak; melt (2) Swallow Contraceptive Device (I.U.C.D.) „¤tft… nheVtE/M…Äto - Cut-throat competition „¼o…t‚ - Abortion; miscarriage „¤txqk…tu - Strangle-hold; strangulation „¼o…t‚ Útðtu - Abort; miscarry „¤tzqƒ/„¤tƒqz - Over busy (2)Neck-deep (of „¼oð‚e Mºte - Expectant mother; pregnant water) woman „¤e - Indigo 126
„¤wk ytððwk ‚u „tZ Ëk…fo „¤wk ytððwk ‚u - Sore throat „k¼eh „w™tu - Grave offence; serious offence „¤wk xqk…ðwk - Strangulate; strangle „k¼eh „uhð‚oýqf/ð‚o™ - Gross misconduct; „ks - Stacking; stack; heap; pile major misdemeanour „kòðh - Enormous; huge „kS - Stacking; stack „k¼eh Œtu»t - Serious defect „k‚ÔÞ ƒkŒh - Port of destination „k¼eh …rhýt{ - Dire consequences „k‚ÔÞMÚtt™ - Destination „k¼eh «íÞt½t‚ - Serious repercussion „kŒfe - Dirt; filth „k¼eh ƒuŒhfthe - Gross negligence „kŒðtz - Filth; garbage „k¼eh ¼k„tý - Serious dislocation „kŒt …týe-r™ft÷ {txu™tu ð÷Þ fq… - Ring well; „k¼eh ¼q÷ - Gross error; grave mistake; effluent well blunder „kŒt …týehrn‚ - Effluent-free „k¼eh {tkŒ„e - Serious illness „kŒtk hnuXtý/rðM‚th ËwÄthýt - Slum Area „k¼eh htsÿtun - High treason „k¼eh he‚u Rò„úM‚ - Severely injured; Improvement seriously injured „kŒtk hnuXtý ™tƒqŒe ƒtuzo - Slum Clearance „k¼eh þtherhf Rò - Serious bodily injury; Board serious physical injury „kŒtk hnuXtý ™tƒqŒe Þtus™t - Slum Clearance „k¼eh nM‚ûtu… - Gross interference Scheme „k¼eh‚t…qðof - Solemnly; earnestly; seriously „kŒtk hnuXtý™e ™tƒqŒe - Slum clearance „k¼eh‚t…qðof yufhth - Solemn declaration „kŒt ðËðtx - Slum „k¼eh‚t…qðof «r‚¿tt - Solemn affirmation „Œk e/ƒ„z÷u e/zt½tz½q eðt¤e [÷ýe ™txu - Soiled note „tsh - Carrot „kŒwk - Filthy; dirty „tsh ytfth™e ™¤e - Tapering pipe „kŒwk …týe - Effluent; dirty water „tsðes - Thunder and lightning „kŒwk ðt‚tðhý - Squalid surrounding; dirty „tzt¼tzwk - Cartage atmosphere „tzt{t„o/hM‚tu - Cart track „tze - Car (2)Train „kÄ - Odour; smell „tzer™Þkºtf - Train Controller „kÄf - Sulphur; brimstone „tzeðt™ - Coachman „kÄ™tþf - Deodorant „tzwk - Cart; bullock cart „kÄtðwk - Emit foul smell „tZ - Intimate; close (2)Dense „k¼eh - Serious; grave (2)Gross „tZ sk„÷ - Dense forest „k¼eh yðnu÷™t/W…uûtt - Gross negligence „tZ Ëk…fo - Close connection; close contact; „k¼eh yÔÞðMÚtt/yþtkr‚ - Grave disorder „k¼eh W~fuhýe - Grave provocation close liaison 127
„tºt „ehtu Vuzýe/{wÂõ‚ „tºt - Limb (2)Part of a body „tkzt™e RÂM…‚t÷ - Mental hospital; lunatic „tÚtt - story; story written in verse asylum „tŒe - Pad; cushion (2)Rank or position „tVu÷ - Inadvertent; incautious „tkËze - Bale „tƒztk ð„uhu …qhðt™wk ft{ - Patch-work „tkËze ƒtkÄ™th - Baler „tƒzwk - Big hole (2)Big fall in price r„hŒe - crowd; crowding „t{Xtý - Village site r„hV‚th fhðwk - Arrest; round up „t{Xtý {tusýe - Village site survey r„hV‚the - Arrest „t{Xe/„t{zt™wk - Rural; rustic r„h{ex - Gimlet (2)Drill „t{‚¤tð - Village tank; village pond r„h{erxÞwk/Þtu - Indentured labour „t{™tu [tfhð„o - Village menials r„rhÄt{/{Útf - Hill resort; hill station „t{™tu ™fþtu - Village plan r„rhr™{toý ft¤ - Orogenic period „t{tu™e Vuh-{tusýe - Resurvey of villages r„rhr™{toý «r¢Þt - Orogenesis „t{tu™e ËwÄthýt-{tusýe - Revision survey of r„rhr™{toý rðãt - Orology „e[ - Dense (2) Congested villages „e[ ðM‚eðt¤tu rðM‚th - Densely populated area „tÞf - Singer; vocalist „e[ rðM‚th - Congested area „tÞfðtŒf {kz¤e - Band of musicians „e[‚t - Density (2)Congestion „tÞƒ - Vanished; disappeared „e‚ - Song „thtu - Mud; sludge „ehðe r{÷f‚ - Mortgaged property; pawned „tŠ™þe nwf{ - Garnishee order property „t÷e[t/þu‚hkS ðýtx fuLÿ - Carpet weaving „ehtu - Mortgage; vadium mortoum centre „ehtu fhsŒthe - Mortgage indebtedness „t÷e[tu - Carpet „ehtu¾‚ - Mortgage deed „t¤ðwk ‚u - Filter; strain „ehtu Atuzðýe/{wÂõ‚™tu Œtðtu - Suit for „tr¤Þtu - Sling; loop redemption „t¤tu - Gap; margin; duration; span „ehtu Atuztððt™tu nf - Equity of redemption „tk„z hu‚e - Gravel „ehtu rzƒU[h/Éý…ºt - Mortgage debenture „tkòu - Cannabis „ehtuŒth - Mortgagee; pledgee; pawnee „tkX - Knot; tie (2)Gland; tumour „ehtu-Œuðwk - Mortgage debt „tkXðt¤wk - Knotty „ehtu ™tƒqŒe/Atuztððt™tu nf ƒkÄ Útðtu ‚u - „tkXtŒth [q™t-…ÚÚth - Nodular lime stone Foreclosure „tkz…ý - Madness; lunacy; insanity; stupidity „ehtu ™tƒqŒe Œtðtu - Foreclosure suit 128 „ehtu Vuzýe/{wÂõ‚ - Redemption of mortgage
„ehtu ƒUf „wsht‚ rðÄt™Ë¼t r™Þ{tu „ehtu ƒUf - Mortgage bank „wsht‚ ‚ƒeƒe Ëuðtytu - Gujarat Medical „ehtu r{÷f‚ - Mortgaged property Services „ehtu {qf™th - Mortgager/Mortgagor; pledger „ehtu {qfðwk - Impawn; impledge; mortgage „wsht‚ ™týtfeÞ r™Þ{tu - Gujarat Financial „ehtu {qfu÷e sýË - Pledge; pawn „ehtu hf{ - Mortgage money Rules „ehtu ht¾™th - Mortgagee „wsht‚ «ðtË™ r™„{ - Gujarat Tourism Corporation „wsht‚ ƒtkÄft{ ð‚wo¤ - Gujarat Construction Circle „ehtu ËkƒkÄ{tk {wÂõ‚…ºt - Deed of release „wsht‚ {nuËq÷ …k[ - Gujarat Revenue „ehtu{wÂõ‚ ¾‚ - Reconveyance of mortgage Tribunal „ehtu{wÂõ‚ Ë{LÞtÞ - Equity of redemption „wåA - Cluster „wsht‚ {tæÞr{f rþûtý ƒtuzo - Gujarat „wsht‚ ytðtË™ ƒtuzo - Guajrat Housing Board „wsht‚ ytiãtur„f {qze-htuftý r™„{ - Gujarat Secondary Education Board Industrial Investment Corporation „wsht‚ htßÞ ytiãtur„f rðftË r™„{ - Gujarat „wsht‚ f]r»t Wãtu„ r™„{ - Gujarat Agro- State Industrial Development Corporation Industry Corporation „wsht‚ htßÞ ftÞŒt ytÞtu„ - Gujarat State „wsht‚ ¾r™s rðftË r™„{ - Gujarat Mineral Law Commission Development Corporation „wsht‚ htßÞ s{e™ rðftË r™„{ - Gujarat „wsht‚ ¾tŒe Wãtu„ ƒtuzo - Gujarat Khadi State Land Development Corporation Industry Board „wsht‚ htßÞ s¤-«Œq»tý r™Þkºtý ƒtuzo - Gujarat „wsht‚ „tiý Ëuðt …ËkŒ„e {kz¤ - Gujarat State Water Pollution Control Board Subordinate Service Selection Board „wsht‚ htßÞ ™þtƒkÄe ƒtuzo - Gujarat State „wsht‚ „út{eý ytðtË™ ƒtuzo - Gujarat Rural Prohibition Board Housing Board „wsht‚ htßÞ ™týt r™„{ - Gujarat State „wsht‚ „út{eý Wãtu„ ¾heŒ-ðu[tý r™„{ - Finance Corporation Guajrat Rural Industries Marketing „wsht‚ htßÞ ƒes rðftË r™„{ - Gujarat State Corporation Seed Development Corporation „wsht‚ s¤Ëk…Â¥t rðftË r™„{ - Gujarat Water „wsht‚ htßÞ {t„o …rhðn™ r™„{ - Gujarat Resources Development Corporation State Road Transport Corporation „wsht‚ ònuh Ëuðt ytÞtu„ - Gujarat Public „wsht‚ htßÞ Ëuðt r™Þ{tu - Gujarat Civil Service Commission Services Rules „wsht‚ zuhe rðftË r™„{ - Gujarat Dairy „wsht‚ ÷½w Wãtu„ r™„{ - Gujarat Small Development Corporation Industries Corporation „wsht‚ ‚fuŒthe ytÞtu„ - Gujarat Vigilance „wsht‚ rðÄt™Ë¼t - Gujarat Legislative Commission Assembly „wsht‚ rðÄt™Ë¼t r™Þ{tu - Gujarat Legislative Assembly Rules 129
„wsht‚ rðÄt™Ë¼t Ër[ðt÷Þ „w™t™tu ythtu… {qfðtu „wsht‚ rðÄt™Ë¼t Ër[ðt÷Þ - Gujarat „wýð¥tt ËwÄthýt - Quality improvement „wýð¥tt™tu {thftu {thðtu ‚u - Quality marking Legislative Assembly Secretariat „wýtfth - Multiplication „wýtí{f - Qualitative „wsht‚ Ënfthe …k[ - Gujarat Co-operative „wýtí{f yÇÞtË - Qualitative study „wýtí{f fËtuxe - Qualitative test Tribunal „wýtí{f …rhð‚o™/VuhVth - Qualitative change „wýtí{f …]Út¬hý - Qualitative analysis „wsht‚ Ënfthe Ëk½ - Guajrat Co-operative „wýtkf - Co-efficient „wýtkf™ - Merit rating Union „wýtkf™ …Ør‚ - Marking system „wýtu¥th - Ratio „wsht™/„wòhtu - Livelihood; subsistence; „w™t y™u ƒt‚{e þt¾t - Crime and Intelligence maintenance Branch „wsht™¾[o - Maintenance; livelihood „w™t r™ðthý - Prevention of crime „wshe sðwk - Expire; die „w™t ƒt‚{e ftÞto÷Þ - Criminal Intelligence „wxftu - Pocket-book „wrxft/„wxe - Pellet; tablet Bureau „wý - Mark (2)Quality „wýf - Multiplier „w™t-Ëtrƒ‚e - Conviction „wýftzo - Score card „w™t-Ëtrƒ‚e™t ytÄthu Ëò - Sentence on „wýfthf - Effective; efficacious „wýs - Multiple conviction „wýÄ{o/¾qƒe - Character; property; „w™t¾tuhe {txu y™wfq¤ søÞt - Hot bed of crime characteristics „w™t™e „k¼eh‚t - Gravity/seriousness of „wý…ºtf - Marks sheet; score sheet offence „wýð¥tt - Quality; merit „wýð¥tt ¢{ - Order of merit „w™t™e {tkzðt¤/…‚tðx - Compounding of „wýð¥tt At… - Hall mark „wýð¥tt™t Ätuhýu - On merits offence „wýð¥tt r™Þkºtý - Quality control „wýð¥tt r™Ätohý - Merit rating „w™t™wk «{tý/Œh - Crime rate „wýð¥tt {thftu - Qualitative mark „w™t™u n¤ðtu ƒ™tð‚t Ëkòu„tu - Extenuating „wýð¥tt {thftu ÷„tððt™e Þtus™t - Quality circumstances marking scheme „w™t™tu ythtu… {qf™th - Incriminator; „wýð¥tt {t÷ - Quality product; quality goods inculpator; accuser „wýð¥tt {wÿý - Quality printing „wýð¥tt ÞtŒe - Merit list „w™t™tu ythtu… {qfðt ËkƒkÄe - Incriminatory; „wýð¥tt rþ»Þ/Atºtð]Â¥t - Merit scholarship inculpatory „w™t™tu ythtu… {qfðtu - Inculpate; incriminate; accuse 130
„w™t™tu ythtu… {qfðtu ‚u „wó fhth „w™t™tu ythtu… {qfðtu ‚u - Incrimination; „w™trn‚ …qðoRr‚ntË - Criminal antecedents „w™trn‚ ƒuŒhfthe - Criminal negligence inculpation „w™trn‚ {™w»ÞðÄ - Culpable homicide „w™trn‚ {t™Ë - Guilty mind; mens rea „w™t«ð]Â¥tytu zt{ðe ‚u - Crime repression „w™trn‚ {t™rËf ÂMÚtr‚ - Culpable mental state „w™t{tk VËtð™thwk - Incriminating „w™trn‚ rðït˼k„/½t‚ - Criminal breach of „w™t{tk ËntÞf/{¤r‚Þtu - Party/privy to an trust offence; accomplice; abettor „w™trn‚ ËkƒkÄ - Criminal intimacy „w™t{tk Ëkztuððwk - Incriminate; inculpate „w™u„th - Criminal; offender; delinquent; „w™t{tk ËtÚteŒthe - Complicity „w™t{wÂõ‚ - Exculpation culprit; guilty „w™thtu…ý/„w™t{tk Ëkztuðýe fh‚tu ŒM‚tðus - „w™u„th Xhtððwk/Xhu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Convict Incriminating document „w™u„th ðËtn‚ - Penal settlement „w™u„th ðËtn‚ yrÄfthe - Penal Settlement „w™trð¿tt™ - Criminology „w™trð»tÞf ytkfzt - Statistics of crime Officer „w™tð]Â¥t - Delinquency; criminality „w™tð]Â¥tðt¤wk - Delinquent; criminal „w™u„th ËwÄthýt «ð]Â¥t - Criminal reformation „w™tþtuÄf - Detective „w™u„th™e yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne - Trial of an „w™tþtuÄf «Þtu„þt¤t - Crime detection offender laboratory „w™u„th™e …qðo-rð„‚ - Criminal history „w™tËntÞ - Abetment „w™u„th™u Ëk‚tzðtu/yt©Þ yt…ðtu - Harbour a „w™tËntÞf/ËtÚte - Accomplice; abettor „w™trn‚ - Criminal culprit; harbour a criminal „w™trn‚ y…«ðuþ - Criminal trespass „w™trn‚ ytrŒòr‚ - Criminal tribe „w™u„thtu™tu Vtuxtu-Ëk„ún - Rogues’ gallery „w™trn‚ RhtŒtu - Criminal intention; guilty „w™tu - Crime; offence „w™tu fƒq÷ fhðtu - Plead guilty intention „w™tu fh™th - Perpetrator; criminal; offender; „w™trn‚ ftð‚hwk - Criminal conspiracy guilty „w™trn‚ f]íÞ - Criminal act; actus reus „w™trn‚ „¼o…t‚ - Criminal abortion „w™tu fhðtu - Commit an offence; commission „w™trn‚ „]n«ðuþ - House trespass „w™trn‚ sðtƒŒthe - Criminal liability of offence „w™trn‚ ÄtfÄ{fe - Criminal intimidation „w™tu fhtððtu - Suborn „w™tu/y…htÄ fhðt™e xuð - Recidivism „w…[w… - Quietly; secretly „wó - Secret; underhand; covert; confidential „wó fhth - Secret agreement 131
„wó …ºt „]nftÞo „wó …ºt - Secret letter „whwíðeÞ s÷ - Gravity water „wó …hƒerzÞwk - Secret cover „whw - Jupiter (2)Elder (3)Teacher; master „wó ƒuXf - Secret sitting/meeting; clandestine (4)spiritual guide sitting/meeting; confidential sitting/ „whw[tðe - Master-key meeting; meeting in camera „w÷ƒtk„ - uproar; joking; gossip „w÷t{ - Slave; serf „wó ¼t„eŒth - Secret partner „w÷t{«Útt - Slavery; serfdom „wó {‚Œt™ - Secret vote; vote by ballot „w÷t{«ÚttðtŒe - Slavocrat „wó {‚Œt™…Ør‚ - Ballot system „wó he‚u - Secretly; sub-rosa „w÷t{‚kºt - Slavocracy „wó htu„ - Venereal disease „w÷t{e - Slavery; bondage; serfdom; servility „wó Ë{sq‚e - Secret agreement/understanding „w÷t{e™wk yÚto‚kºt - Slave economy „wó Ëhfthe Ëkfu‚/Ëk¿tt - Secret Official Code „wË…wË - Whisper „wó Ëkfu‚-ykf - Secret code number „wMËtðt¤wk - Quick-tempered; hot tempered „wó Ëq[™t - Tip; confidential instruction „wMËtu - Temper; anger „wó Ëuðt - Secret service „wÌt - Secret; mysterious „wó Ëuðt¾[o - Secret service charges/ „wkòþ - Scope (2)Capability (3)Capacity expenditure „wkzt„ehe - Hooliganism; goondaism „wkztu - Ruffian; miscreant; goonda; hooligan „wó[h - Spy; secret agent; detective „qk[/„qk[ðý - Tie; complication; entanglement; „wó[h-ftÞo - Spying „wó[h ftÞto÷Þ - Intelligence Bureau intricacy; perplexity; confusion „wó[Þto - Espionage; spying „qk[ðý¼he …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Imbroglio „wó‚t - Secrecy „qk[ðý¼ÞwO - Intricate; complex; complicated „wó‚t™t Ëtu„kŒ/þ…Út - Oath of secrecy „qk[ðtztu - Puzzle; confusion; complication „wó…ýu - Incognito; secretly „qk[ðtÞu÷wk - Confused; perplexed; complicated „wóhtu„rð¿tt™ - Venereology „qZ - Recondite; abstruse; mystic; profound „wóhtu„rð¿tt™e - Venereologist „qZ/Ëkfu‚r÷r… - Cipher code „wóðuþ - Disguise „qý/„qýe - Gunny bag; sack „wVt - Cave „qý…tx - Hessian; sack-cloth „wVt{t™ð - Cave-man „]n - House; home „Vw t rðãt - Speleology; scientific study of caves „]nWãtu„ - Home industry; cottage industry „w{tM‚tu - Shop assistant/servant (2)Clerk; „]nf÷t - Domestic art „]nftÞo - Home work (2)Household work; secretary; agent domestic work 132
„]n™er‚ „uhftÞŒu/ft™q™e ftÞoðtne/…„÷tk „]n™er‚ - Domestic policy „uhkxe yt…™th htßÞ - Guaranteeing State „]n{kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Home Affairs „uhkxe/¾t‚he yt…™th - Guarantor „]n{kºte - Minister of Home „uhkxe…ºt - Letter of guarantee; letter of „]n{t‚t - Hostel Lady Superintendent; House assurance Matron „uhft™q™e - Illegal „]n {w÷‚ðe hnuðwk ‚u - Adjournment of House „uhft™q™e ðËq÷t‚ - Exaction „]n…r‚ - Hostel superintendent (2)Warden „uhft™q™e ðu…the - Trafficker „]n«ƒLÄ - Floor management „uhft™q™e…ýwk - Illegality „]nhûtf - Home Guard „uhftÞŒu - Illegal; unlawful; illegitimate; illicit „]nhûtfŒ¤ - Home Guards „uhftÞŒu yxftÞ‚ - Wrongful confinement „]nrð¿tt™ - Home science; domestic science „uhftÞŒu yðus - Unlawful consideration „]nrð¼t„ - Home Department „uhftÞŒu ytËðýe - Illicit distillery „]nÔÞðMÚtt/Ëk[t÷™ - Home management „uhftÞŒu WÆuþ - Unlawful object „]nrþûtý - Domestic education „uhftÞŒu fƒòu - Illegal possession „]nËr[ð - Home Secretary „uhftÞŒu fuŒ - Wrongful confinement „]nËk[tr÷ft - Lady Housekeeper „uhftÞŒu fuVe yti»tÄtu ðu[™th - Drug pedlar „]nMÚtt…íÞ - Domestic architecture „uhftÞŒu „t¤u÷tu ŒtY - Hooch/Hootch „]n™t ™u‚t - Leader of the House „uhftÞŒu ‚t¤tƒkÄe - Illegal lockout „]n™e y™w{r‚ - Leave/permission of the „uhftÞŒu ŒtY™tu yœtu - Hooch den House „uhftÞŒu r™„o{™ - Illegal emigration „]n™e Œhr{Þt™„ehe - Intervention/interference „uhftÞŒu …whtðtu - Illegal evidence of the House „uhftÞŒu «ðuþ - Lurking trespass „uhftÞŒu {kz¤e - Unlawful assembly „]n™e nŒ{tk «ðuþ - Admission to precincts of „uhftÞŒu {t„ýe - Exaction; illegal demand „uhftÞŒu ÷t¼ - Wrongful gain the House „uhftÞŒu ð]ût …tzðtk ‚u/ð]ûtAuŒ™ - Illicit felling of „]n™tu r‚hMfth - Contempt of the House „]n{tkÚte ft{[÷tW Œqh fhtÞu÷ - Suspended from the House „]nMÚt - Householder trees „]rnýe - Housewife „]ne‚ - Accepted; taken for granted; „uhftÞŒu ÔÞðnth - Illegal practice „uhftÞŒu ËnðtË - Illicit cohabitation presumed; assumed „uhftÞŒu ËtÄ™tu - Illegal means „]ne‚ …whtðtu - Presumptive evidence „uhftÞŒu nz‚t÷ - Illegal strike; unlawful „]ne‚ hu¾t - Datum line strike „uhftÞŒu/ft™q™e ftÞoðtne/…„÷tk - Illegal actions 133
„uhftÞŒu…ýwk „tuŒe yrÄfthe „uhftÞŒu…ýwk - Illegality „uhrþM‚ - Indiscipline „uhftÞŒuËh yxftðu÷ - Wrongfully withheld „uhË{s - Misunderstanding „uhftÞŒuËh Xhtððwk - Proscribe; invalidate „uhntsh - Absent „uhftÞŒuËh‚t - Illegitimacy; invalidity „uhntsh hnu™th - Absentee „uhsðtƒŒth - Irresponsible; unaccountable „uhntsh hnuðt™e …hðt™„e - Permission to „uhznt…ý - Indiscretion remain absent „uhznt…ý¼ÞwO - Indiscreet „uhVtÞŒtu - Disadvantage „uhntshe - Absence; non-attendance; „uhƒkÄthýeÞ - Unconstitutional „uh{t„uo Œtuh‚e {trn‚e - Misleading absenteeism information „uhntshe …ºtf - Absentee statement „uhw - Ochre „uh{t„uo Œtuh™thwk - Misleading „u÷e {wÿf - Galley pressman „uh{t„uo Œtuhðwk - Mislead; lead astray „tuf¤„tÞ™e „r‚ - Snail’s pace „uhhsqyt‚ - Misrepresentation „tu¾ƒthe - Casement window „uhher‚ - Malpractice; corrupt practice „tu¾÷tu - Niche „uhher‚ fh™th - Malpractitioner „tu¾ðwk - Cram „uh÷t¼ - Disadvantage „tu[h - Gaucher; pasture; grazing ground „uh÷tÞf Xhu÷ - Disqualified „tu[h s{e™ - Grazing land „uh÷tÞft‚ - Disqualification „tu[h rðftË - Pasture development „uhð‚oýqf/ð‚toð - Misconduct; misbehaviour „tu[h ËwÄthýt - Improvement of pasture „uhðÕ÷u - Misplaced; missing „tuò‚eÞ …þw - Bovine animal „uhðneðx - Maladministration; „tuxt¤tu - Mess (2)Confusion (3)Defalcation; mismanagement misappropriation; embezzlement „uhðtsƒe - Unreasonable; unjust; inequitable; „tuXðý/„tuXðýe - Arrangement; management „tuXððwk - Arrange; manage; settle improper „tuºttk‚h ÷ø™ «Útt - Exogamy „uhðtsƒe Ze÷ - Unreasonable delay „tuŒt{ - Godown „uhðtsƒe he‚u - Unreasonably; improperly „tuŒt{ [tufeŒth - Godown Watchman „uhðtsƒe htus„th «Útt - Unfair employment „tuŒt{ ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Godown Manager practice „tuŒt{-½x - Godown losses „uhðtsƒe ÷t¼ - Unfair advantage „tuŒt{…t÷ - Godown Keeper „uhðtsƒe ðu‚™ - Unfair wage „tuŒe - Dock „uhðtsƒe nheVtE - Unfair competition „tuŒe yrÄfthe - Berthing Master „uhÔÞðnth - Malbehaviour (2)Unfair dealing 134
„tuŒe yrÄ…ºt „tih ðýo „tuŒe yrÄ…ºt - Dock warrant „tu¤tÄo - Hemisphere „tuŒe fót™ - Dock Master „tu¤e {thðe - Shoot; fire „tuŒe ft{Œth/©r{f - Dock labour; dock „tu¤eƒth - Shooting; fire; firing „tu¤eƒth fh™the xwfze - Shooting party worker; docker „tu¤eƒth fhðtu - Shoot; fire „tiý - Auxiliary; ancillary; secondary; „tuŒe r™heûtf - Dock Inspector „tuŒe ¼tzwk - Dockage subordinate; subsidiary; minor; accessory „tuŒe hËeŒ - Dock receipt „tuŒeðtztu - Dockyard „tiý yrÄfthûtuºt - Ancillary jurisdiction „tu…™eÞ - Secret; confidential „tiý WÆuþ - Secondary/auxiliary objective „tu…™eÞ‚t - Secrecy; confidentiality „tiý yuf{ - Ancillary unit; downstream unit „tu…™eÞ‚t™t þ…Út/Ëtu„kŒ - Oath of secrecy „tiý fhth - Subsidiary agreement „tu…þw - Bovine animal „tiý ftÞtuo - Ancillary works; minor works „tuƒh/Atý - Cow dung „tiý fuLÿ - Subsidiary centre „tuƒtu - Dent „tiý ¾r™s - Minor mineral „tu{uŒ - Agate „tiý sqÚt - Subsidiary group „tuhtzw s{e™/{txe - Loamy soil „tiý …ºtf - Subsidiary register „tuhwk - Fair „tiý …tf - Minor crops „tu÷kŒts - Gunner „tiý …whtðtu - Secondary evidence „tur÷ftMºt/‚tu…„tu¤tu - Ball ammunition „tiý ƒkŒh - Subsidiary port „tuðt¤ - Flockman; herdsman „tiý ƒtƒ‚tu - Ancillary/auxiliary matters „tuce{kz÷ - Forum „tiý {t„o - Subsidiary road „tu¤ ŒtŒh/Ëeze - Spiral stairs „tiý {tr÷f - Servient owner „tu¤ {t„o/hM‚tu - Circular route „tiý {trn‚e - Secondary data „tu¤/ð‚wo¤tfth - Round; circular „tiý ð™-…uŒtþ yrÄfthe - Minor Forest „tu¤„tu¤ sðtƒ - Non-committal/vague/ Produce Officer ambiguous/evasive reply „tiý rðÄt™ Ër{r‚ - Committee on „tu¤™e hËe - Molasses „tu¤{uS …rh»tŒ - Round Table Conference Subordinate Legislation „tu¤tfth - Round „tu¤tfth ™nuh - Circular/spherical/globular „tiý rð»tÞ - Subsidiary subject „tiý ÔÞðËtÞ - Subsidiary occupation channel „tiý ËŒh - Minor head „tiý ËkMÚtt - Subsidiary body „tu¤tfth «uûtf„]n - Amphitheatre „tiý nf - Accessory right „tu¤thtuÄf - Shell-proof „tih ðýo - Fair complexion 135
„tihð „út{eý …w™:MÚtt…™/…w™ðoËðtx „tihð - Glory; dignity „út{ ytðtË™ Þtus™t - Rural Housing Scheme „tihð ½xtzðwk - Degrade; devaluate; belittle „út{ Wãtu„-ËtnË - Village enterprise „tihð…qýo Ë{thk¼ - Solemn function „út{ fûtt™t Ëq[f - Village level indicators „ún - Planet „út{ ftÞofh/„út{r{ºt - Village worker „úný - Eclipse „út{ [{o-f{tðýe fuLÿ - Village tannery „úný fhðwk - Grasp; imbibe „út{ ‚¤tð - Village pond „únýût{‚t - Susceptibility „út{ rÄhtý rþrƒh - Village credit camp „únýþe÷ - Susceptible; receptive „út{ ™fþtu - Village map „únýþe÷‚t - Susceptibility; receptivity „út{ …rh»tŒ - Village Council „úkÚt - Book; volume „út{ {t„tuo - Rural roads „úkÚt…t÷ - Librarian „út{ hûtf Œ¤ - Village defence corps „úkÚt«tÂó-™tUÄ …ºtf - Accession register „út{ ð™ - Village forest „úkÚtƒkÄf - Binder „út{ rðM‚th™t Wãtu„-ËtnrËf - Rural „úkÚt¼kzth - Book depot entrepreneur „úkÚtrð¢u‚t - Book-seller „út{ rðM‚th™t ÷tuftu - Rural people „úkÚtrð¿tt™ - Bibliology „út{ ðes¤efhý - Rural electrification „úkÚtrð{tu[™ - Release of a book „út{ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Village Authority „úkÚtËqr[ - Bibliography „út{ Ë{wŒtÞ - Village community „úkÚtËqr[fth - Bibliographer „út{ Ëuðf ‚t÷e{ fuLÿ - Gram Sevak Training „úkÚtt÷Þ - Library Centre „úkÚtt÷Þ ytð]Â¥t - Library edition „úkÚtt÷Þ ÔÞðMÚtt yrÄfthe - Curator of Libraries „út{ rnËtƒ - Village account „úkÚtt÷Þ Ëqr[ - Library catalogue „út{eý - Rural „úkÚtt÷Þrð¿tt™ - Library science „út{eý ytÞtus™ - Rural planning „úkrÚt - Complex (2)Knot (3)Gland „út{eý ythtuøÞ Ëuðtytu - Rural Health Services „úkrÚt‚kºt - Endoctrine system „tú {eý ytðtË™ Þtsu ™t - Rural Housing Scheme „úkrÚtrð¿tt™ - Adenography „út{eý Qòo {tusýe - Rural energy survey „út{ yÚto‚kºt - Rural economy „út{eý Qòo-ËtÄ™tu - Rural energy resources „út{ y™u fwrxh Wãtu„ - Village and cottage „út{eý fÕÞtý - Rural welfare „út{eý „heƒe™wk «{tý - Incidence of rural poverty industries „út{eý ™tŒth - Rural insolvent „út{eý …w™:MÚtt…™/…w™ðoËðtx - Rural „út{ y™u ™t™t Wãtu„tu - Village and small rehabilitation; rural resettlement industries 136
„út{eý …w™Š™{tý/…w™ho[™t ½rzÞt¤™t ftkxu Út‚wk ft{ „út{eý …w™Š™{tý/…w™ho[™t - Rural „úe»{ É‚w - Summer „úe»{ rðnthÄt{ - Summer resorts reconstruction „úe»{ rþrƒh - Summer camp „út{eý «Ëthý/hurzÞtu ftÞo¢{ - Rural ½ broadcast/broadcasting ½Wk - Wheat ½x - Loss (2)Deficit; deficiency; shortfall „út{eý h{‚tuíËð - Rural sports ½xf - Block; component; ingredient; factor; „út{eý htus„th - Rural employment „út{eý ðËtn‚tu - Rural settlements constituent „út{eý rðftË - Rural development „út{eý rðftË yrÄfthe - Rural Development ½xf y™wŒt™ - Block grant ½xf-½xf ðå[u ™týtk™e ‚ƒŒe÷e - Inter-block Officer transfer of funds „út{eý rðM‚th™tu yk‚rhÞt¤ «Œuþ - Rural ½x™t - Event; occurrence; episode; incident; hinterland; rural fringe area fact; happening „út{eý rðM‚th{tk Wãtu„efhý - Rural ½x™t¢{ - Sequence of events industrialization ½x™t ft÷t™w¢{ - Chronology of events ½x™t[¢ - Cycle of events „út{eý Ë{ts - Rural community; rural ½x™tMÚt¤ - Place of incident ½x™t MÚt¤u ‚…tË - Spot inquiry society ½x™tytu™e nth{t¤t - Series of occurrences/ „út{eý Ënfthe {kz¤e - Rural Co-operative incidents Society ½xMVtux - Disclosure ½xtzðwk - Abate; reduce; mitigate; curtail „út{eý ËkMf]r‚ - Rural culture ½xtztu - Abatement; decrease; shortfall; „út{eý Ëuðtytu™tu rðM‚]‚ «Ëth - Diffused reduction dispersal of rural services ½xu÷wk òu¾{ - Impaired risk „út{tuØth/„út{tuÒtr‚ - Uplift of villages; rural ½è - Dense; compact ½zðwk - Constitute; formulate; form (2)Forge uplift ½ztE/½zt{ý - Wages for forging ½ztÞu÷wk - Seasoned „útnf - Subscriber; consumer; customer ½rzÞt¤™t ftkxu Út‚wk ft{ - Stop-watch work „útnf Útðwk - Subscribe „útnf ¼tðtkf - Consumers’ price index „útnf {t÷/[esðM‚wytu - Consumer goods „útnf Ënfthe {kz¤e - Consumers’ Co- operative Society „útnfðtŒ - Consumerism „útnftu™wk þtu»tý - Exploitation of consumers „útÌt - Permissible; admissible; acceptable „útÌt „ýðwk - Admit; accept „útÌt …whtðtu - Admissible evidence 137
½rzÞt¤™tu ftkxtu ½htf ½rzÞt¤™tu ftkxtu - Hand ½hytk„ýu þtf¼tS ðtððtk ‚u - Kitchen ½zeyu ½zeyu - Frequently; often ½ý - Hammer gardening ½ýðt¤tu - Hammerman ½ýe W‚tð¤Úte - With great haste ½hytk„ýu Ëuðt - Door-step service ½ýwk - Abundant; much; plentiful; numerous ½h/fwxwkƒ™u ÷„‚wk - Domestic ½ýwk fhe™u - Mostly ½h{u¤u Ë{tÄt™ - Amicable settlement ½ýwk fe{‚e - Invaluable; precious ½hð…htþ - Domestic use ½ýwk¾hwk - Almost ½h„ÚÚtw - Household; domestic ½ýwk Úttuzwk - Very little ½h„ÚÚtw Wãtu„ - Domestic industry ½ýwk {tuxwk - Enormous; huge ½h„ÚÚtw Ët{„úe - Household goods ½ýwk Ëthwk - Very good; quite good ½h„ÚÚtw/ytk‚rhf Wí…tŒ™ - Domestic product ½™ - Dense (2)Solid (3)Cube ½h„ÚÚtw/ytk‚rhf ð…htþ - Domestic ½™ …ŒtÚto - Solid substance ½™R[k - Cubic inch consumption ½™‚t - Solidity; density ½™Vqx - Cubic foot ½h½txe/™tufh - Domestic servant ½™{exh - Cubic metre ½hÚtt¤ - Home site ½™tfth - Solid ½hVtuz [tuhe - House-breaking ½r™c - Intensive (2)Intimate; close ½hVtuzw - House breaker; burglar ½hƒth - Homestead (3)Compact ½hƒth rð™t™wk - Homeless ½h¼tzt ¼ÚÚtwk - House rent allowance ½r™c òýfthe - Intensive knowledge ½h¼tzwk - House rent ½r™c rðM‚th - Compact block ½h{tr÷f - Land lord; householder ½r™c …rh[Þ - Intimacy ½h{tk h{e þftÞ yuðe/½hu÷w h{‚ - Indoor game ½r™c Ëk…fo - Intimate contact ½hr{÷f‚ - House property ½r™c ËkƒkÄ - Intimate relation; close relation ½hð¾he - Household goods; household effects ½™e¼ð™/½™efhý - Solidification ½hðx/½htuƒtu - Close relation ½{kz - Arrogance; insolence ½hð…htþ™e/½h„ÚÚtw ðM‚wytu - Household goods ½{kze - Arrogant; haughty; bumptious ½hðth {tusýe - House-to-house survey ½h - House; home ½hðuhtu(yÚto.) - House tax; homestead tax ½hytk„ýu {h½tk-WAuh Þtus™t - Backyard ½hËk¼t¤ - House-keeping ½hËt{t™ - Household effects; household poultry scheme goods ½htf - Customer; consumer 138
½hu …ntU[‚wk fhðwk ‚u ½q{x ½hu …ntU[‚wk fhðwk ‚u - Home delivery ½txðuht W½ht‚Œth - Ferry toll collector ½huz - Rut (2)Routine ½txðuhtu - Ferry toll ½huýu {qfðwk - Impawn ½tý - Batch; lot ½hu÷w - Homebred (2)Domestic ½týe Wãtu„ - Oil mill industry ½htuƒtu - Rapport ½týtu - Oil mill ½»tof - Abrasive ½t‚f - Deadly; lethal ½»toý - Conflict (2)Abrasion; clash ½t‚f/«tý½t‚f nrÚtÞth - Lethal weapon; ½Ëzðwk - Haul; drag ½Ëze sðwk - Sweep away; drag deadly weapon ½Ëðwk - Abrase; rub; scrap ½Ët‚e yMõÞt{‚ - Wasting assets ½t‚fe - Cruel; atrocious; brutal ½ËtÞu÷tu rˬtu - Defaced coin ½t‚fe…ýwk - Cruelty; brutality ½Ëtht y™t{‚ „wýtu¥th - Depreciation Reserve ½t‚tkf - Index ½t™e r™þt™e - Scar Ratio ½tÞ÷ fhðwk - Wound; injure ½thwk - Ulcer ½Ëtht y™t{‚ r™rÄ - Depreciation Reserve ½t÷¾tÄ - Bad debt ½t÷{u÷ fhðe/[uztk fhðtk - Tamper with Fund ½tË - Grass ½tË y™u ¼usðt¤e s{e™ - Moorland ½Ëtht ¾[o - Depreciation charges ½tË[tht Ëk„ún™e ÔÞðMÚtt - Fodder storage ½Ëtht r™rÄ - Depreciation Fund ½tË[tht™wk Wí…tŒ™ - Fodder production ½Ëtht …uxu Aqx - Depreciation allowance ½tË[tht™tu …tf - Fodder crop ½Ëtht ðe{tu - Depreciation insurance ½tË[thtu - Pasturage; fodder ½Ëtht rnËtƒ/¾t‚wk - Depreciation account ½tË™e „kS - Hay stack; manger ½Ëthtu - Depreciation (2)Wear and tear ½tËrð¿tt™ - Agrostology ½kxze - Call bell ½tËrð¿tt™e - Agrostologist ½kx{w¾e A÷‚e - Bell-mouthed spillway ½trËÞt s{e™ - Ley; grass land ½kxtfth {w¾hkÄú - Bell-mouthed orifice; bell ½trËÞt/„tu[h s{e™{tk f]r»t - Ley-farming ½tkxt½tkx - Shouting; uproar mouthed cavity ½e-ð„eofhý «Þtu„þt¤t - Ghee Grading ½t - Cut; hurt; wound (2)Stroke; blow Laboratory ½t fhðtu - Strike at; hit ½tx - Shape (2)Bank of river (3)Ferry ½w{tð - Tortuosity ½txXufuŒth - Ferry contractor ½q{x - Dome ½tx™tift - Ferry; ferry-boat ½tx…t÷ - Berthing Master 139
½q{he [ftËðwk ½q{he - Eddy; whirl pool ½turzÞt½h - Creche ½q{he«ðtn - eddy flow ½turzÞt÷ø™ - Infant marriage ½qËý¾tuh - Infiltrator; intruder ½turzÞwk - Cradle ½qËý¾tuhe - Intrusion; infiltration ½tuze - Mare (2)Crutch (3)Stand ½qËý¾tuhe fhðe - Intrude; infiltrate ½tuzuËðth - Horseman ½qËðwk/½wËtzðwk - Intrude; penetrate ½tuzuËðth …tu÷eË - Mounted police ½]ýt - Hatred; contempt; disgust; aversion; ½tuzuËðth hûtf - Horse guard ½tuzuËðthe - Horsemanship abhorance ½tuztu - Horse (2)Rack ½tuh - Heinous; odious; atrocious (2)Grave ½]ýt fhðe - Abhor; hate; averse; contempt ½tuh y¿tt™ - Utter ignorance ½]ýts™f/M…Œ - Odious; obnoxious; ½tuh y…htÄ - Felony; serious offence; abominable; loathsome heinous crime ½]ýts™f ðu…th - Obnoxious trade ½tuh y…htÄe - Felon ½]ýtM…Œ ÂMÚtr‚ - Loathsome state ½tuh yð¿tt fhðe - Flout; scorn ½uxtk y™u Q™ rðftË r™„{ - Sheep and Wool ½tu»týt - Announcement; proclamation; Development Corporation promulgation; pronouncement ½uxtk-…t÷™ - Sheep husbandry ½tu»týt fhðe - Proclaim; promulgate; announce ½uxtk-…t÷™ yrÄfthe - Sheep Husbandry ½tu»týt…ºt - Manifesto ½tU½tx - Hubbub; noise Officer [ ½uxtk™wk Q™ W‚thðwk ‚u - Shearing ½uxt™wk [t{zwk/¾t÷ - Lamb skin; sheep skin [f{f - Fire stone; flint ½uxtk™tu ðtztu - Sheep pen [ft{wk - Bruise; contusion ½uxe/{UZe - Ewe [ftËýe - Scrutiny; checking; testing ½u™ - Drowsiness [ftËýe yrÄfthe - Scrutiny Officer ½uhƒuXtk rð‚hý Ëuðt - Home delivery service [ftËýe Ëð÷‚tu - Testing facilities ½uhtðtu - Circumference; encirclement; [ftËýe-r™Þkºtý ËtÄ™rðr™Þtu„ - Test-control periphery; girth; cordon instrumentation ½uhe ÷uðwk - Besiege; cordon; lay siege [ftËýefth - Scrutinizer; scrutineer ½u÷At - Mania; madness; craze; fad [ftËðwk - Examine; scrutinize; check; test ½tuzŒtuz - Horse-race 140 ½tuzŒtuz™wk {uŒt™ - Hippodrome; race course ½tuzt WAuh fuLÿ - Stud farm ½tuzt™tk Œtýt…týe - Bait ½tuzth - Stud; stable
[¬h [[to [¬h - Giddiness [‚w»ftuý - Square [¢ - Wheel; circle; cycle [‚w»…tŒ - Quadruped [¢…èe - Caterpillar [‚w:Ëe{t - Boundaries [¢ðt‚ - Whirlwind; cyclone; tornado […ftW ÷u… - Tack coat [¢ðt‚e ‚tuVt™ - Cyclonic storm […xwk - Flat [¢ðt‚e ð»toý - Cyclonic precipitation; […htËe - Orderly; peon typhoon […¤ ™sh - Sharp sight [ƒhtf - Smart; sharp [¢ð]ÂØ ÔÞts - Compound interest [{f - Lustre; glaze; shine [z‚e - Advancement; rise; promotion; [{f‚wk - Effulgent; radiant; shining [{fŒth - Glamorous; glazed prosperity; enhancement [{fŒth ft„¤ - Glazed paper [z‚e…z‚e - Vicissitude; rise and fall; ups and downs [zËt[zËe - Rivalry [ztE/[ZtE - Attack; invasion; aggression [{ftððwk - Rub up; shine; brighten [ZQ‚h - Fluctuation [{ífth - Miracle [Z‚tu ¢{ - Ascending order [{hƒkÄe - All powerful; mighty [Ztð - Rising gradient; upward slope [Þt…[Þ - Metabolism [Ztððt-W‚thðt™wk ¾[o - Handling charges [h¾tu - Spinning wheel [rZÞt‚e þÂõ‚ - Superior force; superior [h{ Ëe{t - Peak; apex; climax (2)Extreme power limit [rZÞt‚wk - Superior [h{ M‚h - Peak level [Ze „Þu÷wk - Arrears; outstanding [hðiÞtu - Herdsman; grazier [Ze „Þu÷wk ft{ - Work in arrears [htE - Grazing [Ze „Þu÷tu …„th - Arrears of pay [htý/[htu - Pasture; pasture land [Zu÷e hò - Earned leave [htý ¼qr{/s{e™ - Grazing ground; grass [Zu÷wk ¼tzwk - Rent due [ý‚h - Masonry land [ý‚h-r™þt™ - Built-up marks [ý‚h-ƒkÄ - Masonry dam [htý nf/yrÄfth - Right of pasture [ýt - Gram [ht{ý/[ht{ýe - Grazing fee; wages for [‚whtE - Intelligence; cleverness [‚wÚttOþ fŒ - Quarter size grazing [‚wðtoŠ»tf - Quadrennial [rhºt - Biography (2)Character [rhºt÷u¾f - Biographer [[o/Œuð¤™wk fƒúM‚t™ - Church yard [[to - Debate; discussion 141
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