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Home Explore gutarati to english

gutarati to english

Published by Dhaval Kataria, 2022-05-25 15:41:55

Description: gutarati to english


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yt„¤tu ytSð™ ðe{t…tur÷Ëe yt„¤tu - Latch; cross-bar; wooden bar or yt[tÞto - Lady Principal ytåAtŒ™ - Cover; covering; envelopment; bolt for fastening the door wrapping yt„k‚wf - Unexpected visitor yt„k‚wf/R‚h ò‚ - Exotic variety ytåAtrŒ‚ fhðwk - Envelop; cover; wrap yt„t{e - Ensuing; subsequent; next; ytAf÷wk - Shallow minded ytAwk - Slight forthcoming ytAtu ÏÞt÷ - Inkling; hint; slight knowledge ytAtu hk„ - Tint yt„t{e {rn™tu/{tË - Proximo; next month ytAtu ÷e÷tu hk„ - Olive green; light green yt„t{e ð»to - Succeeding year; ensuing year; ytAtu/{kŒ «ftþ - Subdued light; dim light yts - Today next year yts ËwÄe - Hitherto; up to this time; uptill now ytsft÷ - Now a days yt„t{e/ytð‚tu ¼t„eŒth - Incoming partner ytsrŒ™ ËÄw e - Heretofore; uptill now; till today yt„tne - Forecast; prediction yts™t Ë{t[th - Press to-day yt„tneÚte ¼rð»Þ ¼t¾ðwk - Prophesy; foretell; yts™wk - Present; of today ytòh - Sickness; illness forecast ytSS - Entreaty; urge; supplication; yt„uðt™ - Leader; leading person request; solicitation yt„tu‚ht ò{e™ - Anticipatory bail yt„tu‚htk …„÷tk - Advance action ytSS fhðe - Solicit; supplicate; urge; yt„tu‚he ¾u‚e/¾uz - Early cultivation yt„tu‚he rxrfx - Advance ticket request yt„tu‚he ™tUÄ - Advance note yt„tu‚he hf{ - Advance; advance money ytSð™ - Lifelong; life time yt„tu‚hwk - Anticipatory; advance ytSð™ fuŒ - Imprisonment for life; life yt„tu‚htu …tf - Previous crop ytø™uÞ ¾r™s - Pyrogenic mineral imprisonment/sentence yt„ún - Insistence yt„ún ht¾ðtu - Insist ytSð™ fuŒe - Life prisoner; life termer yt„ún¼he rð™k‚e - Earnest request ytSð™ „ýtur‚Þtu - Tenant for life yt„úne - Insistent ytSð™ s{e™ ¼tu„ðxtnf - Life tenure yt½t‚ - Shock; stroke; blow ytSð™ Œuþr™ft÷ - Transportation for life yt[hý - Conduct; practice; behaviour ytSð™ r™{ýqf - Life time appointment yt[th - Behaviour; conduct; manner ytSð™ …xtu - Lease for life yt[thr™Þ{tðr÷/Ëkrn‚t - Code of conduct ytSð™ ðtŠ»tfe - Life annuity yt[thþt† - Ethics ytSð™ ðe{t…tur÷Ëe - Whole life insurance yt[tÞo - Principal policy; life time insurance policy 42

ytSð™ ˾‚ fuŒ yt‚kf ytSð™ ˾‚ fuŒ - Rigorous life ytzf‚hwk ¾[o - Indirect charges ytzf‚hwk …rhýt{ - Indirect result imprisonment ytz¾e÷e - Obstacle; hindrance; obstruction ytzAuŒ - Cross-section ytSð™ ËÇÞ - Life time member ytz‚ - Agency; brokerage; commission ytSð™ Ëk…Œt - Life estate ytz‚¾[o - Agency charges; commission ytSð™ rn‚ - Life time interest ytSrðft - Livelihood charges ytSrðft«ð]Â¥t fh - Calling tax ytSrðftËtÄ™ - Means of living ytz‚ Ve - Agency fee; brokerage fee ytSrðftËtÄ™ fËtuxe - Means test ytz‚ ƒòh - Indirect marketing; jobbing ytsu s hðt™t fhðwk - Out-to-day yt¿tt - Order; direction; command market yt¿tt yt…ðe - Order; direct; command yt¿tt™e yð¿tt/y™tŒh - Disobedience of order ytzr‚Þtu - Broker; agent; commission agent yt¿tt™e Ähth yð¿tt - Gross insubordination ytzŒth - Pledgee; pawnee yt¿tt™e Ähth yð¿tt fh™th - Grossly ytz…uŒtþ - By-product ytzƒkÄ - Check dam; weir insubordinate ytzƒkÄ r™Þkrºt‚ ™nuh - Weir controlled canal ytz¼ª‚ - Partition; partition wall yt¿tt™wk WÕ÷k½™ - Defiance of order; ytz{t„o - Diversion; diversion road ytz{tk {qf™th - Pawner; pledger disobedience ytz{tk {qfðwk - Impledge; impawn ytzþ - Barricade; partition yt¿tt™wk WÕ÷k½™ fhðwk - Defy; disobey order ytzþ™tk ft{ - Bar works yt¿tt…t÷™ - Obedience ytzkƒh - Pomp; show; ostentation; splurge yt¿tt¼k„ - Disobedience; insubordination ytzt Vkxtðwk - Divert; deviate; deflect yt¿ttkrf‚/yt¿ttÄe™ - Obedient ytze hu¾t - Transverse line yt¿ttkrf‚‚t - Obedience ytzwk - Transverse; horizontal ytÍtŒ - Independent; free ytzuÄz - Haphazard; without any restraint; ytÍtŒe - Freedom; independence ytX…uS - Octavo indiscriminate ytz - Bar; obstacle; obstruction; blockage ytz …h ÄehÄth fh™th - Pawn broker ytzuÄz ytÞtus™ - Indiscriminate planning ytz ÷u™th - Pawnee; pledgee ytztu «ûtu… - Horizontal projection ytzf‚htu fh - Indirect tax ytztu ÔÞðnth - Illicit relation ytzf‚htu ðu…th - Indirect trade yt‚þƒtS - Fire-works; pyrotechnics ytzf‚hwk - Indirect yt‚kf - Terror 43

yt‚kf ÞwØ ytrŒòr‚ Ë{ts yt‚kf ÞwØ - War of nerves ytíÞkr‚f - Extreme; excessive yt‚kfðtŒ «r‚fthf ft{„ehe - Anti-terrorist ytÚtðu÷tu - Fermented ytÚte - Hereby; hence operation ytÚttu - Fermentation ytŒ‚ - Habit; practice yt‚kfðtŒ rðhtuÄe Œ¤ - Anti-terrorist squad ytŒ{-fŒ - Life-size yt‚kfðtŒe - Terrorist ytŒh - Respect; honour; regard yt‚kfðtŒe «ð]Â¥t - Terrorist activity ytŒh¼tð - Sentiment of respect; sense of yt‚krf‚ - Struck with terror ytr‚ÚÞ - Hospitality; entertainment honour/respect ytr‚ÚÞ y™wŒt™ - Hospitality grant ytí{½t‚e - Suicidal; felodesy ytŒhËífth - Entertainment; warm welcome; ytí{½t‚e {t™ðƒtUƒ - Suicidal human bomb ytí{r™heûtý - Introspection hospitality ytí{r™¼oh - Self-sufficient; self-reliant ytí{r™¼oh rðftË/ð]ÂØ - Self-sustaining ytŒhËífth fhðtu - Entertain; welcome; show growth hospitality ytí{r™¼oh Ë{qn - Self-sufficing community ytŒþo - Ideal; model ytí{r™¼oh‚t - Self-reliance; self-sufficiency ytŒþo yt[thËkrn‚t - Model code of conduct ytí{ƒr÷Œt™ - Self-sacrifice ytŒþo Wí…tŒ™ - Ideal output ytí{hûtý yrÄfth - Right of self-defence ytŒþo/™{q™tY… - Model; ideal ytí{hûtt/Mðhûtt - Self-defence ytŒþo÷ûte rð¿tt™ - Normative science ytí{÷ûte yr¼„{ - Subjective approach ytŒþoðtŒ - Idealism ytí{ðtŒe - Subjectivist ytŒþoðtŒe - Idealist ytí{rðïtË - Self-confidence ytŒþoðtŒe ytÞtus™ - Normative Planning ytí{ËL{t™ - Self-esteem ytŒt™«Œt™ - Exchange; give and take; ytí{Ë{…oý - Self-surrender ytí{Ëk‚tu»t - Complacence; complacency; self interchange satisfaction ytŒt™«Œt™ fhðtÞtuøÞ - Interchangeable; ytí{Ëk‚tu»te - Complacent exchangeable ytí{Ët‚T fhðwk - Assimilate; imbibe ytí{níÞt/yt…½t‚ - Suicide (2)Self-immolation ytrŒ - Ancient; primitive ytí{eÞ - Intimate; close ytrŒ/{q¤ËkMÚtt - Pioneering institute ytí{eÞ‚t - Intimacy; closeness ytrŒòr‚ - Tribe ytrŒòr‚ fÕÞtý - Tribal welfare ytrŒòr‚ rðM‚th - Tribal area ytrŒòr‚ rðM‚th …uxt-Þtus™t - Tribal Area Sub-Plan ytrŒòr‚ Ë{ts - Tribal community 44

ytrŒòr‚™t ÷tuftu ytÄthÞtus™t ytrŒòr‚™t ÷tuftu - Tribal people ytŒurþft Ve - Process fee ytrŒòr‚™e yrÄf ðËr‚ Ähtð‚tu rðM‚th - Area ytŒurþft ƒsðýeŒth - Process Server of tribal concentration ytŒurþft™e ƒsðýe - Service of process ytrŒòr‚™tu ftÞŒtu - Tribal law ytã - Primitive; primeval ytrŒ…t»ttýÞw„ - Archaeolithic period ytãyir‚ntrËf …wht‚¥ð - Proto historic ytrŒ{ - Primitive; primary; primeval archaeology ytrŒ{òr‚ytu - Primitive tribes; aboriginal ytã…t»ttýÞw„™wk - Proto lithic tribes ytã¼t»tt - Proto-language ytrŒ{sqÚt - Primitive group ytãY… - Archetype; prototype ytrŒ{‚t - Aboriginality; primitiveness ytãËkMÚtt - Pioneering institute ytrŒY… - Prototype ytÄth - Base; support; basis; datum ytrŒðtËe - Aboriginal; native; tribal ytÄth rð™t™wk - Baseless; groundless ytrŒðtËe òr‚ytu - Aborigines ytÄth®f{‚ - Base price ytrŒðtËe ÷tuftu - Aborigines; tribals ytÄthûtuºtV¤ - Basal area; basic area ytrŒðtËe MðtÞ¥t‚t - Tribal autonomy ytÄth¾zf - Bed-rock ytŒwk - Ginger ytÄth„úkÚt - Source-book; book of reference ytŒuþ yt…ðtu - Order; direct; command; ytÄthr[n™T - Bench mark ordain ytÄth‚÷/‚¤ - Base level; datum level; ytŒuþ {txu hsq - Submitted for order foundation level ytŒuþ…ºt - Order-sheet; precept; peremptory ytÄthŒeðt÷ - Breast wall writ ytÄthÄhe - Axis of reference ytÄth…„rÚtÞwk - Stepping stone ytŒuþ{q÷f - Mandatory ytÄth…tºt ËtÄ™ - Reliable source ytŒuþ{q÷f òu„ðtE - Mandatory provision ytÄth…tºt/rðïtË…tºt …whtðtu - Reliable ytŒuþ{q÷f Ätuhý/{t™f - Mandatory standard ytŒuþ{q÷f …„thÄtuhý - Mandatory scale of evidence pay ytÄthÃ÷ux - Basal plate ytÄth®ƒŒw - Peg point ytŒuþ{q÷f þtË™…Ør‚ - Mandatory System of ytÄth¼ª‚ - Buttress Government ytŒuþtí{f - Imperative; prescriptive ytÄth¼q‚ - Authentic; authoritative ytŒuþtí{f rðÄt™/ft™q™ - Imperative statute ytÄth¼q‚ ËtÄ™/Ëútu‚ - Reliable source; ytŒuþtÄe™ - Subject to command authentic source ytŒurþft - Process ytÄth{t¤¾wk - Infrastructure ytŒurþft fthfw™ - Process Clerk ytÄthÞtus™t - Key plan 45

ytÄthY… Wãtu„tu yt™w»tkr„f …„÷tk ytÄthY… Wãtu„tu - Key industries yt™t …Ae - Hereafter ytÄthY… ft„¤tu - Underlying papers yt™tft™e - Hesitation; reluctance ytÄthY… ÔÞðMÚtt - Infrastructure yt™tft™e fhðe - Hesitate; be reluctant ytÄthhu¾t - Base line; supporting line; datum yt™tðthe - Classification value line yt™e ykŒh - Herein yt™e ™e[u - Hereunder ytÄthð»to - Base year ytÄthð»to¼tð - Base year prices yt™w¢r{f - Consecutive; successive ytÄthrþ÷t - Foundation stone; base stone yt™w…qðeo - Chronology ytÄthËkh[™t/ytÄth {t¤¾wk - Supporting yt™w¼rðf …]Út¬hý - Empirical analysis structure yt™w{tr™f - Hypothetical; presumptive; ytÄthËt{„úe - Data/source material conjectural; apriori ytÄthËt{„úe Ëkf÷™ - Data collection yt™w{tr™f ykŒts - Conjectural estimate ytÄthËt{„úe Ëkf÷™ yk„u «r¢Þt fhðe ‚u - Data yt™w{tr™f …whtðtu - Presumptive evidence processing yt™wðkrþf - Hereditary yt™wðkrþf Y… - Genotype ytÄthËt{„úe™wk «tÂÂËtÄ™ - Source of data yt™wðkrþf ÷ûtý - Hereditary trait ytÄthËtu…t™ - Stepping stone yt™wðkrþf/s™e™rð¿tt™ - Genetics ytÄtrh‚ - Dependent; depending upon yt™wðkrþf/…i‚]f hõ‚ËkƒkÄ - Lineal ytÄtþeþe - Migraine ytrÄ…íÞ - Dominion; domination; consanguinity supremacy; sovereignty yt™wðkrþf‚t - Heredity ytÄwr™f - Modern; recent; latest yt™w»tkr„f - Ancillary; appurtenant; ytÄwr™f r[ºtft{ - Modern painting concomitant (2)Subsidiary ytÄwr™f‚t - Modernity ytÄwr™f‚tðtŒ - Modernism yt™w»tkr„f yð÷tuf™ - Side observation ytÄwr™f‚tðtŒe - Modernist yt™w»tkr„f yËh/…rhýt{ - Spin-off ytÄwr™fefhý - Modernisation/Modernization yt™w»tkr„f ytðf - Subsidiary income ytÄuz - Middle aged; elderly yt™w»tkr„f Wãtu„ - Subsidiary industry; ytæÞtÂí{f - Spiritual ytæÞtÂí{f fÕÞtý - Spiritual welfare ancillary industry yt™w»tkr„f fk…™e - Subsidiary company yt™w»tkr„f ft{ - Ancillary work; appurtenant work ytæÞtÂí{f {qÕÞtu - Spiritual values yt™w»tkr„f ftÞŒtu - Adjective law ytæÞtÂí{f rþûtý - Spiritual learning yt™w»tkr„f sqÚt - Subsidiary group yt™kŒ«{tuŒ - Pastime; recreation; yt™w»tkr„f r™Þ{tu - Subsidiary rules entertainment yt™w»tkr„f …„÷tk - Concomitant steps 46

yt™w»tkr„f ƒtƒ‚tu yt{‚u{ yt™w»tkr„f ƒtƒ‚tu - Ancillary matters yt…t‚ft÷ - Emergency yt™w»tkr„f ¼t„ - Ancillary component yt…tr‚f A÷‚e - Emergency spillway yt™w»tkr„f htus„th - Subsidiary employment yt…tr‚f ÂMÚtr‚ - State of emergency yt™w»tkr„f ÷t¼ - Subsidiary benefit yt…u÷t {‚ - Votes polled yt™w»tkr„f ËkMÚtt - Subsidiary body yt…tuyt… - Automatically; by itself; naturally yt™w»tkr„f Ëuðt - Ancillary service ytV‚ - Catastrophe; calamity; disaster yt™w»tkr„f nwf{ - Consequential order ytƒfthe - Excise yt™w»tkr„f/„tiý yuf{ - Ancillary unit; ytƒfthe ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Excise ytƒfthe r™heûtf - Inspector of Excise downstream unit ytƒfthe rð¼t„ - Excise Department ytƒfthe þwÕf - Excise duty yt™u …rhýt{u - Consequently; as a result ytƒfthe MxuB… - Excise stamp yt…¾wŒ þtË™ðtŒ - Absolutism ytƒY - Prestige; reputation; credit yt…¾wŒ Ë¥tt‚kºt/þtË™ - Autocracy; ytƒYŒth - Respectable; honourable; dictatorship reputed; prestigious yt…¾wŒ/yufnÚÚtw þtËf - Autocrat; despot; ytƒtŒ - Prosperous; affluent ytƒtŒe - Prosperity; affluence (2)Population dictator ytƒunqƒ - Exact; identical ytƒtunðt - Climate yt…¾wŒþtne - Despotism ytƒtnu ðtrð¿tt™ - Climatology yt…¾wŒe - Autocracy; arbitrariness ytƒtunðtrð¿tt™e - Climatologist yt…½t‚ r™ðthý fuLÿ - Suicide averting centre ytƒtunðtrð»tÞf - Climatic yt…Â¥t - Calamity; catastrophe; disaster yt¼th - Thanks; gratitude yt…Â¥t ÔÞðMÚtt…™ ‚kºt - Disaster Management yt¼th«M‚tð/Œh¾tM‚ - Vote of thanks yt¼thðþ‚t - Indebtedness; gratefulness Authority yt¼the - Obliged; grateful; thankful yt¼tË - Illusion; semblance; vision; yt…Â¥tft¤ ðu[tý - Distress sale yt…Â¥t{tk ËntÞ - Yeoman service resemblance yt…Œft¤{tk W…Þtu„e - Stand-by yt…ŒÔÞðMÚtt - Stand-by arrangement yt¼tËe - Apparent; seeming; illusive; illusory yt…{u¤u - Automatic; suo motu yt¼tËe Œeðt÷ - Ghost wall; illusive wall yt…{u¤u rnËtƒ{u¤™wk ¾t‚wk - Self-balancing yt{s™‚t - Public; people yt{‚u{ - To and fro; here and there ledger 47 yt… ÷u - Give and take; exchange yt…ðztE - Self-conceit; self-boasting yt…ðt…tºt - Due yt…ðwk - Issue; give; impart; confer; bestow; accord; handover

yt{¤ðwk ythûtý yt{¤ðwk - Entwist; twist ytÞt{ - Dimension; space; extent yt{¤tu - Torsion ytÞw Ëk¼tð™t - Life expectancy yt{tk - Herein; wherein ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner yt{tk™wk ftkE …ý rðhtuÄe ntuÞ ‚tu …ý - ytÞwõ‚ yrÄfthe - Commissioned Officer ytÞw{ÞtoŒt/ytÞw»Þ - Life span Notwithstanding anything to the contrary ytÞwðuoŒ r™Þt{f - Director of Ayurved ytÞtu„ - Commission yt{w¾ - Introduction ytÞtusf - Organizer; planner yt{q÷ - Radical (2)Entire; complete ytÞtus™ - Planning; plan yt{q÷ ¢tkr‚ - Total revolution ytÞtus™ yrÄfthe - Planning Officer yt{q÷ …rhð‚o™ - Radical change; grass root ytÞtus™ y™u {qÕÞtkf™ yuf{ - Planning and change; sweeping change Evaluation Cell yt{us fhðwk - Insert; include ytÞtus™ ytÞtu„ - Planning Commission ytÞÔÞÞ - Income and expenditure ytÞtus™ Wvuþ - Planning objective ytÞt‚ - Import ytÞtus™ ft{„ehe - Plan performance ytÞt‚ yð÷krƒ‚ Wãtu„tu - Import-based ytÞtus™ ‚kºt - Planning machinery ytÞtus™ ™{q™tu - Planning model industries ytÞtus™ …rhÞtus™t - Plan project ytÞtus™ ƒnth - Non-plan ytÞt‚ fh™th/ytÞt‚fth - Importer ytÞtus™ ƒnth™wk ¾[o - Non-plan expenditure ytÞt‚ fhðwk - Import ytÞtus™ ƒtuzo - Planning Board ytÞt‚ fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Importable ytÞtus™ Þtus™t - Plan scheme ytÞt‚ fhu÷tu {t÷ - Imported goods ytÞtus™ ÷ûÞtkf - Planning target ytÞt‚-r™ftË ™er‚ - Exim policy ytÞtus™ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Planning Authority ytÞt‚fh - Import tax ytÞtus™/ytÞtus™rð»tÞf …Ør‚rð¿tt™ - ytÞt‚…hðt™tu - Import licence ytÞt‚ÞtuøÞ - Importable Planning methodology ytÞt‚rð»tÞf yðhtuÄtu - Import barriers ytÞt‚ðu…th - Import trade ytÞturs‚ - Planned; organized ytÞt‚ðu…th r™Þkºtf - Import Trade Controller ytÞturs‚ yÚto‚kºt - Planned economy ytÞt‚ðu…th r™Þkºtý - Import trade control ytÞturs‚ {tusýe - Planned survey ytÞt‚þwÕf - Import duty ytÞturs‚ rðftË - Planned development ytÞt‚tÄe™ Wãtu„tu - Import-based industries ytÞturz™Þwõ‚ {eXwk - Iodised salt ytÞt‚e «tiãtur„fe - Imported technology ythûtý - Reservation ytÞt‚e {t÷ - Imported goods ytÞt‚e ðtn™ - Imported vehicle 48

ythÂût‚ ythtur…‚ ¾[o ythÂût‚ - Reserved ythtuøÞ ËÂtn - Health week ythË/ythË…ntý - Marble ythtuøÞ Ëk¼t¤ - Health care ythk¼ - Beginning; commencement ythtuøÞ Ëk¼t¤ «ƒkÄf - Health care provider ythk¼ fhðtu - Begin; start; launch; commence ythtuøÞ ËkMÚtt - Health institution ythk¼f - Beginner; pioneer ythtuøÞ Ëuðt - Health service ythk¼MÚtt™ - Starting point ythtuøÞfthf - Hygienic ytht{ - Rest ythtuøÞÄt{ - Health resort ytht{fût - Retiring room ythtuøÞ™u ntr™fthf - Injurious to health; ythtuøÞ - Health unhygienic; insanitary ythtuøÞ yrÄfthe - Health Officer ythtuøÞ y™u Ëw¾tfthe - Health and well-being ythtuøÞ«Œ - Hygienic ythtuøÞ ynuðt÷ - Health report ythtuøÞ«Œ ytnth - Hygienic food; wholesome ythtuøÞ yuf{ - Health unit ythtuøÞ fuLÿ - Health centre food ythtuøÞ sYrhÞt‚tu - Needs for health ythtuøÞ ‚…tË Íwkƒuþ - Health check-up ythtuøÞðÄof - Health boosting ythtuøÞrð¿tt™ - Hygiene campaign ythtuøÞrð»tÞf - Hygienic; pertaining to health ythtuøÞðe{tu - Health insurance ythtuøÞ Œu¾hu¾ - Health supervision ythtu… - Charge; accusation; arraignment ythtuøÞ r™heûtf - Health Inspector ythtu… {qfðtu - Charge; arraign; accuse; indict ythtuøÞ «{tý…ºt - Health certificate ythtu…/‚ntu{‚ {qf™th - Accuser ythtuøÞ ¼ð™ - Sanatorium; sanitarium ythtu…ý - Imputation; accusation ythtuøÞ {ŒŒ™eþ - Health Assistant ythtu…™t{wk - Charge-sheet ythtuøÞ {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Health ythtu……tºt/ythtu…ÞtuøÞ/‚ntu{‚…tºt/ythtu…/ ythtuøÞ {kºte - Minister of Health ythtuøÞ {t„oŒþo™ - Health guidance ‚ntu{‚ {qfe þftÞ yuðwk - Chargeable; indictable; accusable ythtu……qýo/ythtu…tí{f ¼t»tt - Accusatory language ythtuøÞ rðr™Þ{™ - Health regulation ythtu…{tkÚte {wõ‚ fhðwk - Exculpate; absolve ythtuøÞ rð¼t„/¾t‚wk - Health Department ythtu…{wõ‚ - Acquitted; absolved ythtuøÞ rðþu»t¿t - Health Specialist ythtu…{wõ‚ fhðwk - Acquit; discharge; free; ythtuøÞ þt¤t - Health school absolve; set free ythtuøÞ rþûtý - Health education ythtuøÞ rþrƒh - Health camp ythtu…{wÂõ‚ /r™Œtuo»t Awxfthtu - Acquittal ythtuøÞ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Health Authority ythtur…‚ ytðf - Imputed income ythtur…‚ ¾[o - Imputed cost 49

ythtu…e/‚ntu{‚Œth ytŠÚtf ðt‚tðhý ythtu…e/‚ntu{‚Œth - Accused; indictee ytŠÚtf …Ør‚ - Economic system ythtu…e™wk …tkshwk - Accused box ytŠÚtf …rh…fð‚t - Economic maturity ythtun - Rising gradient; ascent; rise ytŠÚtf …rhƒ¤tu - Economic forces ytxeorÍÞ™ fqðtu - Artesian well ytŠÚtf …rhð‚o™ - Economic change ytŠÚtf - Economical; economic ytŠÚtf …rh»tŒ - Economic Council ytŠÚtf y™wfq÷™ - Economic adjustment ytŠÚtf …w™ho[™t - Economic reconstruction ytŠÚtf y™u ytkfzt Ë÷tnfth - Economic and ytŠÚtf «„r‚ - Economic progress ytŠÚtf «Þí™ - Economic effort Statistical Adviser ytŠÚtf «Þtus™ - Economic motive ytŠÚtf «ð]Â¥t - Economic activity ytŠÚtf y™u ™týtfeÞ Ër{r‚ - Economic and ytŠÚtf «tuíËtn™ - Economic incentive ytŠÚtf ƒ„tz/ÔÞÞ - Economic waste Financial Committee ytŠÚtf ƒrn»fth - Economic boycott ytŠÚtf ƒtƒ‚tu - Economic affairs ytŠÚtf yË÷t{‚e - Economic insecurity ytŠÚtf ¼k„tý - Economic break-down ytŠÚtf ytÄthËt{„úe - Economic data ytŠÚtf ¼tzwk - Economic rent ytŠÚtf ytÄthrËØtk‚ - Economic base theory ytŠÚtf {t¤¾wk/Ztk[tu - Economic structure ytŠÚtf ytÞtus™ - Economic planning ytŠÚtf {qÕÞ - Economic value ytŠÚtf ytð~Þõ‚tÚte rððþ - Forced by ytŠÚtf {tusýe - Economic survey ytŠÚtf ÞwØ - Economic warfare economic necessity ytŠÚtf Þtus™t - Economic plan ytŠÚtf ht»xÙðtŒ - Economic nationalism ytŠÚtf ytkŒtu÷™ - Economic movement ytŠÚtf he‚u ™ƒ¤t ð„tuo - Economically weaker ytŠÚtf WÆuþ - Economic objective ytŠÚtf yufefhý - Economic integration sections ytŠÚtf fÕÞtý - Economic welfare ytŠÚtf ftÞŒt - Economic laws ytŠÚtf he‚u …At‚ð„tuo - Economically ytŠÚtf „wýtu¥th - Economic ratio ytŠÚtf ½»toý - Economic friction Backward Classes ytŠÚtf sðtƒŒthe/swB{uŒthe - Economic liability ytŠÚtf sqÚt - Economic group ytŠÚtf ÷t¼ - Economic advantage ytŠÚtf Œƒtý - Economic pressure ytŠÚtf ÷uðzŒuðz/ËtuŒtu - Ecomonic deal; ytŠÚtf Œh - Economic rate ytŠÚtf Ätuhý - Economic norm economic transaction ytŠÚtf ™tftƒkÄe - Economic blockade ytŠÚtf r™Þr‚ðtŒ - Economic fatalism ytŠÚtf ð„eofhý - Economic classification ytŠÚtf r™Œuoþf - Economic indicator ytŠÚtf ð÷ý - Economic trend ytŠÚtf ™er‚ - Economic policy ytŠÚtf ðt‚tðhý - Economic environment 50

ytŠÚtf rðftË ytðfsqÚt ytŠÚtf rðftË - Economic development ytÿeofhý - Humidification ytŠÚtf rðftË™t ‚ƒ¬t - Stages of economic ytÞoÞw„ - Aryan era development yt÷eþt™ - Magnificent; grand yt÷u¾ - Graph; plot; drawing ytŠÚtf rððtŒ - Economic dispute yt÷u¾ ft„¤ - Graph paper ytŠÚtf ð]ÂØ - Economic growth yt÷u¾™ - Design ytŠÚtf ÔÞðnth - Economic dealings yt÷u¾™fth - Designer ytŠÚtf þtu»tý - Economic exploitation yt÷u¾™þt¾t - Design section/ branch ytŠÚtf Ë{t™‚t - Economic equality yt÷u¾…Ør‚ - Graphical method ytŠÚtf Ë{tÞtus™ - Economic adjustment yt÷tu[™t - Review; criticism ytŠÚtf Ë{]ÂØ - Economic prosperity ytðf - Income; proceeds; revenue; receipt ytŠÚtf Ë÷t{‚e - Economic security ytŠÚtf Ë÷tnfth - Economic Adviser; (2)Inward Financial Adviser ytðf y™u ¾[o - Receipts and expenditure ytðf y™u [wfðýe - Receipts and ytŠÚtf ËnÞtu„ - Economic collaboration ytŠÚtf ËntÞ - Financial assistance disbursement (2)Subsidy; subvention ytðf y™u [wfðýe rnËtƒ - Receipts and ytŠÚtf Ëkfx - Economic crisis; financial crisis disbursement account ytŠÚtf ËkMÚtt - Economic institution ytðf y™u òðf rnËtƒ - Inward and outward ytŠÚtf rËØtk‚ - Economic principle account ytŠÚtf Ëw¾tfthe - Economic welfare; ytðf Q¼e fh‚e yMõÞt{‚ - Income economic well-being generating assets ytŠÚtf ËwÄtht - Economic reforms ytŠÚtf Ëw{u¤ - Economic harmony ytðf Q¼e fhðe ‚u - Income generation ytŠÚtf Ëuðtytu - Economic services ytðf fthfw™ - Receipt Clerk; Inward Clerk ytŠÚtf ÂMÚtr‚ - Economic condition; financial ytðf Aw…tððe - Concealment of income ytðf ƒkÄýe¾‚ - Income bond position ytðf ƒtsw - Receipt side ytŠÚtf Mð‚kºt‚t - Economic independence ytðf hrsMxh - Inward register ytŠÚtf Mðtð÷kƒ™ - Economic self-reliance ytðf ¢{tkf - Inward number ytŠÚtf rn‚ - Economic interest ytðfût{ fwþ¤‚t - Marketable skills ytŠÚtf/yÚtorð»tÞf ytkfzt - Economic statistics ytðf¾[o rnËtƒ - Income and expenditure ytÿo - Moist; damp; wet; humid account ytÿo‚t - Moisture; humidity ytŠÿ‚ ûtuºt - Humid area ytðfòðf - Inward outward ytðfsqÚt - Income group 51

ytðfx…t÷ ytðuŒ™…ºt ytðfx…t÷ - Inward mail ytð~Þf [esðM‚w yrÄr™Þ{ - Essential ytðfr™Ätohý - Income determination ytðfr™{toý - Income generation/creation Commodities Act ytðf™e ÂMÚtr‚MÚtt…õ‚t - Income elasticity ytðf™e yË{t™‚t - Inequality of income ytð~Þf [esðM‚wytu - Essential commodities/ ytðf™e ðnU[ýe - Income distribution ytðf™er‚ - Income policy article ytðf™wk ËtÄ™ - Source of income; means of ytð~Þf …tºt‚t/ÞtuøÞ‚t - Essential income qualification ytðf™tUÄ - Inward entry ytðf{tk ½xtztu - Decline in income ytð~Þf ƒtƒ‚tu - Requisites ytðfð„o - Income bracket ytð~Þf Ëuðt - Essential service ytðfrð‚hý - Income distribution ytð~Þf/sYhe ftÞoðtne - Necessary action ytðfðuht yrÄfthe - Income Tax Officer ytð~Þf/sYhe …„÷tk - Necessary steps ytðfðuht ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Income ytð~Þf‚t - Essentiality; requirement Tax (2)Demand; want ytðfðuht [qf‚u «{tý…ºt - Income tax ytðt„{™ ÔÞðMÚtt - In and out system; entry clearance certificate and exit system ytðfðuht ðfe÷ - Income tax practitioner ytðtË - House; accommodation ytðfðuhtu - Income tax ytðtË™ - Housing ytðfM‚h - Income slab; income level ytðtË™ yuf{tu - Housing units ytðò - Movement ytðtË™ ƒtuzo - Housing Board ytðhý - Cover ytðtË™ {kz¤e - Housing society ytðhý…]c - Coverpage ytðtË™ ÷tu™ - Housing loan ytðht ûtuºt - Catchment area ytðtË™ ËntÞfe - Housing subsidy ytðhe ÷eÄu÷ ûtuºt/rðM‚th - Coverage ytðtË™ Ëuðt - Housing services ytð‚of - Recurrent; recurring ytðtnf - Convener ytð‚of y™wŒt™ - Recurring grant ytðtrnft - Land channel ytð‚of ¾[o - Recurring expenditure ytrð¼toð - Manifestation; emergence ytð‚o™ - Recurrence ytð]Â¥t - Edition ytð‚o™þe÷ - Recurrent ytðu„ - Impulse; passion ytð~Þf - Essential; necessary ytðu„sLÞ - Impulsive; passionate ytðu„sLÞ ftÞo/…„÷wk - Impulsive acion ytðu„sLÞ „w™tu - Crime of passion ytðu„sLÞ ƒ¤ - Impulsive force ytðuŒ™…ºt - Memorandum (2)Charter of demand 52

ytðuŒ™{tk Ëne fh™th ytkfzt…Ør‚ ytðuŒ™{tk Ëne fh™th - Subscribers of the ytË{t™u [Z‚tu ¼tð - Sky-rocketing price; memorandum sky-rising price ytðuþ - Excitement; impulse; indignation ytËðýe - Distillery ytðuþsLÞ „w™tu - Crime of passion ytÂM‚f - Theist ytðuþ…qýo - Impulsive; excited ytÂM‚fðtŒ - Theism ytðuþðt¤wk - Frantic ytMÚtt - Faith; trust ytþÞ - Intention; motive; purport ytMVtÕx - Asphalt; coaltar ytþÞ y™u «Þtus™ - Intent and purpose ytnth - Food; diet ytþhu - Approximately; round about; roughly ytnth ò¤ðýe/…rhhûtý - Preservation of food ytþhu „ý‚he - Approximation; estimation ytnth/¼tus™ ¼ÚÚtwk - Diet allowance ytþhtu - Shelter ytnth„]n - Canteen; restaurant ytþtðtŒ - Optimism ytnth{qÕÞ - Food value ytþtðtŒe - Optimist; optimistic; sanguine ytnthrð¿tt™ - Dietetics ytþtM…Œ - Promising ytnthrð¿tt™e - Dietician ytrþü ¼t»tt - Slang ytnth-ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Caterer ytùÞofthf - Surprising; amazing; ytbt™ - Invocation; challenge ytbt™ fhðwk - Invoke; challenge astonishing; wondrous yt¤ - Imputation; aspersion; accusation; ytùÞofthf ƒ™tð - Surprising event; striking allegation event yt¤ [ztððwk - Impute; accuse yt¤Ë - Idleness; laziness; indolence yt©Þ - Shelter; asylum (2)Patronage yt¤Ëw - Indolent; idle; lazy; slacker; yt©Þ yt…ðtu - Shelter (2)Patronize yt©Þfwxe - Shelter hut sluggard; sluggish yt©Þ„]n - Shelter home yt©ÞŒt‚t - Patron; patronizer yt¤wk - Sore yt©Þ…èeytu - Shelter belts ytkf - Point; number (2)Score; exhibit yt©ÞrðM‚th - Shelter belt ytkfzt - Figures; data; statistics yt©ÞMÚtt™ - Asylum; shelter; haven ytkfzt yrÄfthe - Statistical Officer yt©Þtí{f ð]Â¥t/ð÷ý - Patronising attitude ytkfzt yt÷u¾ - Statistical chart ytr©‚ - Dependent ytkfzt ftÞto÷Þ - Bureau of statistics ytïtËf R™t{ - Consolation prize ytkfzt f]r{ - Hook worm ytïtË™ - Consolation; solace ytkfzt-…rºtft/Ë{t[th - Statistical bulletin ytË{t™e - Sapphire; sky-coloured ytkfzt…Ør‚ - Statistical method 53

ytkfzt-«¼t„ ytk‚h¾t‚tfeÞ fhth ytfk zt-«¼t„ - Statistical division ytkfze - Hook ytkfzt-{ŒŒ™eþ - Statistical Assistant ytkfztu - Figure (2) hook ytkfzt-þt¾t - Statistical branch ytkfðwk - Evaluate; estimate ytkfzt-ËkMÚtt - Statistical institute ytkftu - Score; mark; scratch; cut ytkfztfeÞ ™fþtu - Statistical map ytk¾ ytzt ft™ fhðt ‚u - Ignore; pay no ytkfztfeÞ …ºtf - Statictical proforma; attention to; connive statistical statement ytk¾™t Ëso™ - Ophthalmic Surgeon ytkfztfeÞ …]Út¬hý - Statistical analysis ytk¾™wk ytì…huþ™ - Ophthalmotomy ytkfztfeÞ {trn‚e - Statistical data ytk¾™u ÷„‚wk - Optical ytkfztfeÞ {tusýe yrÄfthe - Statistical Survey ytk¾{ª[t{ýtk fhðtk - Connive at; overlook Officer ytk¾uŒuÏÞtu ynuðt÷ - Eye-witness account ytk„ý-þtfðtze - Kitchen garden ytkfztfeÞ ð„eofhý - Statistical classification ytkfztfeÞ ðtŠ»tf ynuðt÷ - Statistical annual yt„k ý-þtfðtze Þtsu ™t - Kitchen garden scheme ytk„ýwk - Compound; courtyard report ytk„¤tk-At… ftÞto÷Þ - Finger-print Bureau ytk„¤tk-At… r™»ýt‚ - Expert of Finger-print ytkfztfeÞ Ëhuhtþ - Statistical average ytk„¤tk-At… …heûtt - Finger-print examination ytkfztrð»tÞf - Statistical ytk„¤tk™e At… - Finger print ytkfztrð»tÞf ftuXtu - Statistical table ytk[ft«r‚htuÄf - Shake proof; shock proof ytkfztrð»tÞf r[ºt - Statistical picture ytk[fe ÷uðwk - Snatch; usurp ytkfztrð»tÞf òýfthe - Statistical information ytk[fe/‚tý - Convulsion ytkfztrð»tÞf ‚fr™f - Statistical technique ytk[ftu - Shock; tremor ytkfztrð»tÞf ™fþtu - Statistical map ytkS ™t¾u yuðtu «ftþ - Glare; dazzling light ytkfztrð»tÞf r™Þ{ - Statistical law ytkx - Credit; reputation ytkfztrð»tÞf …ºtf - Statistical statement ytkxe½qkxe - Complexity; entanglement ytkfztrð»tÞf {trn‚e - Statistical information ytkxtu - Round ytkfztrð»tÞf ËkþtuÄ™ - Statistical research ytk‚hftì÷us - Intercollegiate ytkfztrð»tÞf Ëthtkþ - Statistical summary ytk‚hftì÷us h{‚„{‚ - Intercollegiate sports ytkfztrð»tÞf rËØtk‚ - Statistical theory ytk‚hûtuºteÞ Ë{‚w÷t - Inter-sectoral balance ytkfztþt† - Statistics ytkfztþt† y™u ®f{‚-r™Ätohý - Statistics and pricing ytkfztþtMºte - Statistician ytk‚h¾t‚tfeÞ - Inter-departmental ytkfztþtMºteÞ yr¼„{ - Statistical approach ytk‚h¾t‚tfeÞ fhth - Inter-departmental ytkfztþtMºteÞ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Statistics Authority agreement 54

ytk‚h¾t‚tfeÞ ƒŒ÷e ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ ËnÞtu„ ytk‚h¾t‚tfeÞ ƒŒ÷e - Inter-departmental ytk‚hht»xÙðtŒe - Internationalist ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ - International transfer ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ yŒt÷‚ - International Court ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ yÚto‚kºt - International economy ytk‚h¾t‚tfeÞ ÷uðzŒuðz - Inter-departmental ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ fk…™e - International company; transaction Transnational company ytk‚h¾u‚e - Interculture ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ ftÞŒt™u yÄe™ - Subject to ytk‚h½xf - Inter-block ytk‚hSðhË - Endoplasm international law ytk‚h¿tt‚eÞ ÷ø™ - Intercaste marriage ytk‚hztk - Entrails ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ ftÞŒtu - International law ytk‚hzwk - Intestine ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ „heƒe hu¾t - International ytk‚hr™„{eÞ - Inter corporate ytk‚hr™„r{‚ Útt…ýtu - Inter-corporate poverty line deposits ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ [÷ý - International currency ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ s¤ûtuºt - International waters ytk‚h…ûteÞ - Inter parties ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ s¤{t„o - International waterway ytk‚h…tf - Intercrop ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ òuztý - International affiliation ytk‚h«s™™ - Inter-breeding yt‚k hht»xeÙ Þ rŒ™t‚k h h¾u t - International date line ytk‚h«tŒurþf ðu…th - Inter-regional trade ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ ™tiftftV÷tu - International fleet ytk‚hhtßÞ - Inter-state ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ …tu÷eË - International police ytk‚hhtßÞ W…÷f rnËtƒ - Inter-state ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ «ðtË™ - International tourism ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ ƒkŒh - International port suspense account ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ ƒtƒ‚tu - International affairs; ytk‚hhtßÞ fhðuht - Inter-state taxation external affairs ytk‚hhtßÞ Œuðtk-…‚tðx - Inter-state debt ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ h{‚tuíËð - International sports settlement festival ytk‚hhtßÞ ™t„rhf‚t - Inter-state citizenship ytk‚hhtßÞ ™er‚ - Inter-state policy ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ htn‚ftÞo¢{ - International relief ytk‚hhtßÞ …‚tðx - Inter-state settlement ytk‚hhtßÞ «r‚ƒkÄ - Inter-state ban programme ytk‚hhtßÞ ƒŒ÷e - Inter-state transfer ytk‚hhtßÞ {t„o - Inter-state route ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ rðftËËkMÚtt - Agency for ytk‚hhtßÞ ðu…th - Inter-state trade ytk‚hhtßÞ Ëk[th - Inter-state communication International Development ytk‚hhtßÞ ËkƒkÄ - Inter-state relation ytk‚hhtßÞ nuhVuh - Inter-state movement ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ ðu…th - International trade ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ Ë{sq‚e - International convention ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ Ë{t[thËuðt - International news service ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ ËnÞtu„ - International collaboration 55

ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ Ëe{t ytkºtßðh ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ Ëe{t - International boundary ytk‚rhf „wýtkf™ - Internal marking ytk‚hht»xÙeÞ nðtR{Útf - International airport ytk‚rhf [u‚ðýe - Internal warning yt‚k hht»xeÙ Þfhý - Internationalization ytk‚rhf xur÷Vtu™ ÔÞðMÚtt - Intercom ytk‚hrð„ún - Civil war ytk‚rhf ‚…tË/[ftËýe - Internal check ytk‚hrðãtþt¾tfeÞ yr¼„{ - Inter- ytk‚rhf Œuðwk - Internal debt disciplinary approach ytk‚rhf ™týtÔÞðMÚtt - Internal financing ytk‚rhf r™Þkºtý - Internal control ytk‚hrð¼t„eÞ - Inter-departmental ytk‚rhf ™er‚ - Internal policy ytk‚hrð¼t„eÞ fhth - Inter-departmental ytk‚rhf …heûtt - Internal examination ytk‚rhf …w™Š™{toý - Internal reconstruction agreement ytk‚rhf «Œuþ - Inland ytk‚rhf VuhVth - Internal changes ytk‚hrð¼t„eÞ ƒŒ÷e - Inter-divisional ytk‚rhf ¼t»tt - Internal language ytk‚rhf {qzeh[™t - Domestic capital transfer; inter-departmental transfer formation ytk‚hrð¼t„eÞ ÷uðzŒuðz - Inter-departmental ytk‚rhf rðËk„r‚ - Internal inconsistency; transaction internal discrepancy ytk‚hðwk - Intercept ytk‚hþt¾tfeÞ ÷uðzŒuðz - Inter-branch ytk‚rhf rðM‚th/ûtuºt - Core area; inner area ytk‚rhf þÂõ‚ - Potentiality; inner power transaction ytk‚rhf Ë{LðÞ - Internal co-ordination ytk‚rhf Ë÷t{‚e - Internal security; internal ytk‚hþt¤t M…Äto - Inter-schools competition ytk‚hËhfthe fhth - Inter-government safety agreement ytk‚rhf Ë÷t{‚e «ƒkÄ yrÄr™Þ{ - ytk‚hËhfthe Œuðwk - Inter-government debt ytk‚hËhfthe ™týtk-htuftý - Inter-government investment yt‚k hËhfthe ˃k Äk tu - Inter-government relations ytk‚hËkfhý - Inter-breeding ytk‚hËk[th - Inter-communication Maintenance of Internal Security Act ytk‚hËtkMf]r‚f - Inter-cultural ytk‚hËqÍ - Insight yt‚k rhf rnËtƒ‚…tËýe yfu { - Internal audit cell ytk‚hM‚heÞ - Interbeded yt‚k rhf rnËtƒ‚…tËýe f[hu e - Home audit office ytk‚rhf - Internal (2)Domestic ytk‚rhf/yk‚„o‚ …whtðtu - Internal evidence ytk‚rhf yÚto‚kºt - Internal economy ytk‚rhf/yk‚ŒuoþeÞ s¤{t„o - Internal waterway ytk‚rhf yðhsðh - Internal traffic ytk‚rhf/yk‚ŒuoþeÞ ðu…th - Internal trade ytk‚rhf yM‚h - Internal lining ytk‚rhÞtu ‚tð - Intermittent fever ytk‚rhf fhfËh - Internal economy ytk‚hu ytk‚hu Út‚wk - Intermittent ytk‚rhf „xhÔÞðMÚtt - Internal drainage ytk‚htu - Discrimination ytkºtßðh - Enteric fever; typhoid 56

ytkŒtu÷™ RLfth ytkŒtu÷™ - Agitation; movement RåAt…ðq fo - Willingly; deliberately; (2)Oscillation; stir intentionally ytkŒtu÷™fth - Agitator; activist RåAtþÂõ‚ - Willpower ytkÄr¤Þwk - Reckless; rash Rs™uh - Engineer ytkÄe - Whirl wind gale; cyclone Rs™uhe - Engineering ytkrþf - Part; partial Rs™uhe Wãtu„ - Engineering industry ytkrþf ytÞtus™ - Partial planning RòVt Œh - Incremental rate ytkrþf [wfðýe - Partial payment; part payment RòVt «{tý…ºt - Increment certificate ytkrþf [wftŒtu - Partial verdict RòVt hwftðx/RòVtu yxftððtu ‚u - Withholding ytkrþf ™wfËt™ - Partial loss ytkrþf …t÷™ - Part performance of increment ytkrþf ¼tu„ðxtu - Part enjoyment ytkrþf {tr÷f - Part-owner RòVt™u fthýu ‚Vtð‚™e hf{ - Incremental ytkrþf {tr÷fe - Part-ownership ytkrþf Þtus™tytu - Partial plans difference ytkrþf ÷ø™rðåAuŒ - Judicial separation ytkrþf ðtðýe - Partial sowing RòVtu - Increment ytkrþf rð‚hý - Part delivery RòVtu ƒkÄ fhðtu ‚u - Stoppage of increment RòhŒth - Monopolist Ròht Q…s - Monopoly revenue Ròht ®f{‚ - Monopoly price Ròht…Ør‚ - Monopoly system Ròhtu - Monopoly ytkrþf Mðef]r‚ - Partial acceptance Ròhtu ht¾ðtu - Monopolize ytkrþf nz‚t÷ - Partial strike Rßs‚ - Reputation; prestige R R‚h - Extra; other R‚hò‚ - Exotic variety Rr‚ð]¥t - Annals RåA™eÞ/RåAðtòu„ - Desirable Rr‚ntË - History (2)Past RåAt - Desire; wish; will; longing Rr‚ntËfth - Historian RåAtŒþof - Precatory; expressing entreaty RíÞtrŒ - Etcetera (etc.) RåAtŒþof xÙMx - Precatory trust R™t{ - Prize RåAtÄe™ - Subject to desire; ad arbitrium R™t{e s{e™ - Alienated land RåAtÄe™ „ýtur‚Þtu/¼tzq‚ - Tenant at will R™t{e ƒtuLz - Prize bond RåAtÄe™/{hrsÞt‚ ¼t„eŒthe - Partnership at will R™t{e Þtus™t - Prize scheme RåAt™wËth - At will; ad libitum RLfth - Abnegation; denial; refusal; rejection; disclaimer 57

RLfth fh™th Wfu÷ÞtuøÞ RLfth fh™th - Abnegator EòÚte {]íÞw …t{ðwk - Succumb to injuries RLfth fhðtu - Abnegate; deny; refuse; disclaim Eò™wk r™þt™ - Mark of injury RrLÿÞ„tu[h - Perceptible; perceivable E{t™Œth - Honest RrLÿÞ„útÌt - Phenomenal; perceptible E{t™Œthe - Honesty R{th‚ - Building EÞ¤ - Caterpillar R{th‚e ÷tfzt™t …heûtf - Timber Examiner E»tto - Jealousy; envy R{th‚e ÷tfzwk - Timber EËðe Ë™ - Anno Domini (A.D.) RÞ¥tt/xtu[ - Ceiling Ekx - Brick RhtŒt…ºt - Letter of intent Ekx ƒ™tððt™e {txe - Fire clay RhtŒt…ðq fo - Deliberately; intentionally; Ekxft{ - Brick-work Ekx™e Vh˃kÄe - Brick-paving purposely Ekx™wk yM‚h - Brick-lining Ekx™wk [ý‚h - Brick masonry; brick-laying; RhtŒt…qðof y™u òýe òuR™u/òýeƒqS™u - brick-work Intentionally and knowingly Ekx¼êtu - Brick-kiln R÷ftƒ - Title; appellation Ekxðtztu - Brick-field; brick-yard R÷tftu - Province; region (2)Jurisdiction Ekxt¤tu - Brick-bat R÷ts - Remedy Ekzt ytfth™wk - Oval Rþthtu - Sign; inkling EkztËuð™ - Incubation; hatch Rþthtu fhðtu - Sign; beckon EkztËuð™ Þkºt - Incubator Rü - Desired; desirable EkztËuð™ „]n - Hatchery Rü‚{ - Optimum; optimal EkÄý - Fuel; fire wood Rü‚{ W…Þtu„ - Optimum utilization Rü‚{ ¼us{tºtt - Optimum moisture content Rü‚{ {t™f/Ätuhý - Optimum standard Rü‚{ ðM‚e - Optimum population W Rü‚{ ÂMÚtr‚ - Optimum position RÂM…‚t÷ - Hospital Wfhztu - Dung heap/hill E Wfu÷ - Solution; key; way out Wfu÷ ÷tððtu - Solve; resolve Eò - Hurt; harm; injury Wfu÷ ÷tðe þftÞ ‚uðe ÂMÚtr‚ - Solubility; solvability Eò ynuðt÷ - Injury report Wfu÷ rðfx Ë{MÞt - Hard-core problem Eò …ntU[tzðe - Injure; harm; hurt Wfu÷ÞtuøÞ - Soluble; resolvable; solvable 58

Wõ‚ Wå[‚h {tæÞr{f rþûtý ƒtuzo Wõ‚ - Said Wå[ yÇÞtË¢{ - Advanced course WÂõ‚ - Maxim; saying Wå[ ytðfsqÚt - High income group W¾tzðwk - Detach; uproot Wå[ fûtt - High standard W¾u¤ðwk - Reopen Wå[ fûtt Ër{r‚ - High Level Committee W„th - Saving Wå[ fturx™wk {wÿý - Quality printing W„ú - Angry; harsh; hot-tempered; turbulent; Wå[ fturx™tu {t÷ - Quality goods; quality radical product W„ú ytkŒtu÷™ - Turbulent agitation Wå[ ‚tƒt™e Ëuðt - Upper subordinate service W„ú [[to - Hot discussion Wå[ ‚t÷e{ - Advanced training W„ú rðhtuÄ - Strict opposition Wå[ Œƒtý - High pressure W„ú ËwÄthtðtŒe - Radical reformist Wå[ Œhßò™t yrÄfthe - Top ranking officer W„ú‚t - Aggravation; severity; aggressiveness Wå[ LÞtÞt÷Þ - High Court W„ú…kÚte - Aggressor; extremist Wå[ …qhr™MËhý - High flood discharge; high W„úðtŒe - Militant flood emission W½htýwk - Collection W½tzwk fhðwk - Expose Wå[ …qhË…txe - High flood level W[tx - Anxiety; worry Wå[ «Œuþ/¼qr{ - Upland; high land W[t…‚ - Embezzlement; misappropriation; Wå[ ð™ - High forest Wå[/rþü ð„o - Elite class; civilized class defalcation; peculation Wå[ ÔÞtðËtrÞf ‚t÷e{…Ør‚ - Advanced W[t…‚ fh™th - Embezzler; peculator vocational training system W[t…‚ ðe{t …tpr÷Ëe - Embezzlement Wå[ rþûtý - Higher education insurance policy Wå[ ©uýe fthfw™ - Upper Division Clerk Wr[‚ - Appropriate; proper; just; expedient; Wå[ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Higher Authority; person in suitable high authority Wr[‚ y™u ‚foËk„‚ - Fair and reasonable Wå[ Ë…tx/Ë{‚÷ «Œuþ - Plateau; table land Wr[‚ y™u LÞtÞËk„‚ - Fair and just Wå[ Ëuðt - Superior service Wr[‚ ð¤‚h - Just compensation Wå[ ntuÆtu Ähtð‚e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Dignitary Wr[‚/ÞtuøÞ ð‚toð - Fair treatment Wå[‚{ fûtt - Peak level; highest level Wå[ - Superior; upper Wå[‚{ LÞtÞt÷Þ - Supreme Court; Apex Wå[ y„ú‚t - High priority; top priority Court Wå[ yrÄfthe - High Official; Superior Wå[‚h {tæÞr{f þt¤t - Higher Secondary Authority; Higher Authority School Wå[ yÇÞtË - Advanced study; higher Wå[‚h {tæÞr{f rþûtý ƒtuzo - Board of Higher education Secondary Education 59

Wå[‚h ÷tÞft‚ W‚thðwk Wå[‚h ÷tÞft‚ - Superior qualification WxtkrxÞwk - Whooping cough; pertussis Wå[‚h ©uýe …heûtt - Higher level examination WXtW„eh - Pilferer Wå[‚t{t…f - Altimeter WXtð - Elevation; get-up; appearance Wå[MÚt yð™tr÷ft - Elevated flume WXtðe s™th - Kidnapper; abductor Wå[trÄfth Ër{r‚ - High Power Committee WXtðe sðwk - Kidnap; abduct Wå[th - Pronunciation WXtk‚he - Pilferage Wå[thý‚t÷e{ - Speech training WXtk‚he fhðe - Pilfer WåA]k¾÷ - Rude; rampant; unrestrained; WztW - Prodigal; lavish; extravagant WztW ¾[o - Extravagant expenditure unbridled WztW sðtƒ/„Õ÷tk‚Õ÷tk - Evasive reply; quibble WztW„ehe - Prodigality; extravagance WåAuŒ - Uproot; extirpation Wztý {t„o - Runway WåATðtË - Expiration; breathing out WœÞ™ - Flight; flying WAt¤tu - Jump; leap; hike (2)Rise in price WœÞ™ Rs™uh - Flight Engineer WœÞ™ ‚t÷e{ rþûtf - Flight Instructor (3)Boom in the market W‚htE - Wharfage; landing charge; WAtkA¤wk - Impudent; unrestrained; rampant unloading charge WAe™tk/fhsu ÷eÄu÷tk ™týtk - Borrowings; W‚htý ®f{‚ - Landing cost borrowed money W‚htý xqkftððt {txu™wk «{tý…ºt - Short landing WAe™e ŒE/÷E þftÞ yuðe [esðM‚wytu - Loan certificate commodities W‚htý ‚the¾ - Landing date W‚htý …èe - Landing strip WAe™e Ëuðt - Loan service W‚htý {Útf - Landing station WAe™wk - On loan; borrowed W‚htý Ëð÷‚tu - Landing facilities WAuh - Breeding; rearing; bringing up; W‚htý MÚt¤ - Landing ground W‚ht{ý - Landing; wharfage; unloading nurture W‚ht{ý ¾[o - Landing charge; unloading WAuh Ëk¼t¤ - Foster care charge; wharfage WAuh™th - Breeder WAuhðwk - Foster; rear; bring up W‚ht{ý «{tý…ºt - Landing certificate Wsðýe - Celebration; feast; observance W‚th - Down gradient; falling gradient Wòýe MÚt¤tu - Picnic spots Wßsz - Arid; barren; bare; desolate; waste (2)Yield Wßsz s{e™ - Barren land; unfertile land; W‚thðwk - Unload waste land Wßsð¤ - Bright WÍhztðt¤wk - Sore; scratchy WÍhztu - Bruise; abrasion; scratch 60

W‚the ™t¾ðwk ‚u W¥thtu¥th ðÄ‚tu fh W‚the ™t¾ðwk ‚u - Dislocation; disjointing; W¥th yt…ðt…tºt ™turxË - Returnable notice W¥thyturzx - Post-audit displacement W¥thft÷e™ - Ensuing; following; subsequent W¥thr¢Þt - Obsequies; funeral rites W‚thtu - Extract; citation; transcription; W¥thSrð‚t - Survival; survivorship W¥thSðe - Surviving; survivor quotation (2)Halt W¥thSðe ðtŠ»tfe - Survivorship annuity W¥thŒtrÞíð - Accountability; responsibility W‚thtu fhðtu - Copy; transcribe W¥thŒtÞe - Accountable; responsible; W‚thw - Passenger W‚thwytu™e yðhsðh - Passenger traffic answerable; liable W‚thw„tze - Passenger train W‚thwzçƒtu - Carriage; passenger coach W¥thÄúwð - North pole W‚thwðntý/rð{t™ - Liner W¥thtrÄfth - Inheritance; succession; right to W‚thwËt{t™ - Passenger luggage W‚tð¤ fhðe - Expedite; hurry; hasten inherit W‚tðr¤Þwk - Hasty W‚tð¤u - Hurriedly; speedily; quickly; hastily W¥thtrÄfth fh - Succession tax Wífx - Intense; passionate; extreme W¥thtrÄfth ftÞŒtu - Law of succession Wífx‚t - Intensity; extremity W¥thtrÄfth þwÕf - Succession duty Wíf»to - Uplift; amelioration W¥thtrÄfth/ðthËtnf™tu r™Þ{ - Rule of Wífeýo ÷u¾ - Epigraph; inscription Wíf]ü - Excellent; superior; eminent; prime; succession admirable W¥thtrÄfthíð - Heirdom; heirship W¥thtrÄfthíð «{tý…ºt - Heirship certificate; Wíf]ü‚t - Excellence; eminence; superiority Wíf]ü‚t fuLÿ - Centre of excellence succession certificate Wí¢tL‚ Útðwk - Evolve Wí¢tÂL‚ - Evolution W¥thtrÄfthe - Reversioner; inheritor; Wí¾™™ - Excavation; digging Wí¾™™ {ŒŒ™eþ - Excavation Assistant successor; heir Wí¾r™‚ Ët{„úe - Excavated material W¥t{ - Excellent; superior; best; prime; eminent W¥thtrÄfthe fh - Inheritance tax W¥t{ ytu÷tŒ - Best breed; best progeny W¥thtrÄfthe Útðwk - Inherit; succeed; accede W¥t{ ò{e™„ehe - Gilt edged security W¥thtÄo - Latter half W¥t{ h[™t/f÷tf]r‚ - Masterpiece W¥thtu¥th - Gradually; progressively W¥th - Reply; answer (2)North W¥thtu¥th ½x‚tu fh - Regressive tax W¥thtu¥th ½xtztu - Progressive reduction W¥thtu¥th ðÄ‚e ðM‚e - Progressive population W¥thtu¥th ðÄ‚wk s‚wk - Cumulative; increasing; accumulative; progressive W¥thtu¥th ðÄ‚tu fh - Progressive tax 61

W¥tusf Wí…trŒ‚ {t÷ W¥tsu f - Stimulant; stimulating; exciting Wí…tŒ™/r™{toý ËkÞkºt - Manufacturing plant W¥tusf ðM‚w - Stimulus Wí…tŒ™/r™{toý MÚt¤ - Manufacturing site W¥tusf Ë{t[th - Hot news; exciting news; Wí…tŒ™ yrÄfthe - Production Officer Wí…tŒ™ ykŒts…ºt - Production budget sensational news Wí…tŒ™ ytkf - Production index Wí…tŒ™ ®f{‚ - Production cost W¥tus™ - Encouragement Wí…tŒ™ fuLÿ - Production centre W¥tus™t - Excitement; sensation; impulse Wí…tŒ™ût{‚t - Productive capacity; W¥tus™t…qýo - Impulsive; exciting W¥turs‚ - Excited generating capacity W¥turs‚ fhðwk - Stimulate; encourage; excite; Wí…tŒ™¾[o - Manufacture cost; production incite cost/charges Wí…Â¥t - Origin Wí…Òt fhðwk - Produce; generate; evoke; breed; Wí…tŒ™„]n - Production house Wí…tŒ™ ‚fr™f - Production technique create; engender Wí…tŒ™ r™Þkºtý - Production control Wí…tŒ™ …Ør‚ - Mode of production Wí…Òt Útðwk - Emanate; emerge; originate; arise Wí…tŒ™ ƒtu™Ë - Production bonus; output Wí…t‚ - Catastrophe; adversity; calamity; bonus disaster; misfortune Wí…tŒ™ ÷ûÞtkf - Target of production Wí…tŒf - Manufacturer; producer (2)Productive Wí…tŒ™ ð]ÂØ - Production growth Wí…tŒf yMfÞt{‚tu - Productive assets Wí…tŒ™ ðu„ - Tempo of production Wí…tŒf ¾[o - Productive expenditure Wí…tŒ™ Ër{r‚ - Production committee Wí…tŒf {t÷ - Productive goods Wí…tŒ™ rnËtƒ - Production account Wí…tŒf {qze - Productive capital Wí…tŒ™™t ytkfzt - Statistics of production; Wí…tŒf {qÕÞ - Productive value Wí…tŒf rðM‚th - Productive area data of production Wí…tŒf Ët{„úe - Input Wí…tŒf‚t - Productivity Wí…tŒ™™tk ÔÞqntí{f ËtÄ™tu - Strategic means of Wí…tŒf‚t …rh»tŒ - Productivity Council Wí…tŒftu™e Ënfthe {kz¤e - Producers’ co- production operative society Wí…tŒ™™e he‚ - Mode of production Wí…tŒ™™wk ™wfËt™ - Production loss Wí…tŒ™ - Production; product; manufacture Wí…tŒ™™wk ð÷ý - Trend of production Wí…tŒ™/r™{toý Wãtu„ - Manufacturing Wí…tŒ™™kw ËÞw tsu ™ - Rationalisation of production Wí…tŒ™÷ûte «ð]Â¥t - Productive activity industry Wí…trŒ‚ {t÷ - Manufactured goods; Wí…tŒ™/r™{toý ûtuºt - Manufacturing sector produced goods Wí…tŒ™/r™{toý «r¢Þt - Manufacturing process 62

Wí«uhf Wãt™™„h Wí«uhf - Catalyst; catalyser; catalytic WŒT½tx™ fhðwk - Inaugurate Wí«uhf ¼qr{ft/ft{„ehe - Catalytic role WŒT½tx™ «ð[™ - Inaugural speech; inaugural Wí«uhý - Catalysis address Wí«u»tý ytŒuþ - Writ of certiorari WíÃ÷tð ytzƒkÄ - Waste weir WŒT½tx™ Ë{thk¼ - Opening ceremony WíÃ÷tð ™nuh - Spillway channel WŒT½tx™ËkƒkÄe - Inaugural WíÃ÷tð/A÷ft‚tu ytzƒkÄ - Overflow weir WŒT½tu»t - Catch-word; password; shibboleth WíÃ÷tðe ƒkÄ/ƒkÄtht - Overflow dam WŒT½tu»tf - Announcer WíËð - Festival; function; ceremony WŒT½tu»týt - Announcement; proclamation; WíËtn - Enthusiasm; zeal WíËtn y™u òu{ - Zeal and energy declaration WŒT½tur»t‚/ònuh fhu÷tu „w™u„th - Proclaimed offender WÆkz - Impertinent; impudent; rude WíËtne - Enthusiastic; zealous WÆt{/snt÷ sqÚt - Ginger group WíËwf - Eager WÆe…f - Catalytic agent; catalyser/catalytic; WÚt÷tðe Œuðwk - Topple stimulant; stimulus WŒh - Abdomen; stomach; belly WÆe…™ - Stimulation; stimulus; catalysis WŒth - Liberal; generous; large-hearted WÆe fhðwk - Stimulate; inflame WŒth ð÷ý - Liberal attitude; generous attitude WÆuþ - Motive; aim; objective WŒth ðu…th - Trade on liberal terms WÆuþ…ºt - Memorandum; memo WŒth‚t - Generosity; large-heartedness WÆuþ÷ûte ftÞo¢{ - Target-oriented programme WŒth{‚ðtŒ - Liberalism WØ‚ - Insolent; impudent WŒth{‚ðtŒe - Liberal WØ‚ ð‚™o - Disorderly conduct; rude behaviour WŒthefhý - Liberalisation/Liberalization WØ‚tE - Insolence; rudeness WŒtËe™ - Indifferent; apathetic WØth - Salvation WŒtËe™‚t - Indifference; dejection WØ]‚ fhðwk - Quote; extract; cite WŒtnhý - Example; instance; illustration WŒTƒtuÄ™ - Address WŒtnhýY…u - For instance; for example WŒT¼ð - Origination; origin WŒtnhýËt{„úe - Illustrative material WŒT¼ð Útðtu - Originate; emanate; derive WŒT„{ - Emanation; origin; origination; WŒT¼ðMÚtt™ - Place of origin; point of origin evolution Wã{ - Effort (2) Industry; occupation WŒT„{ f[uhe - Office of origin Wã{e - Industrious; diligent WŒT„{MÚtt™ - Source; origin Wãt™ - Garden WŒT½tx™ - Opening; inauguration Wãt™™„h - Garden city 63

Wãt™…Út WÄth yt…ðt…tºt Wãt™…Út - Parkway Wãtu„ðtŒ - Industrialism Wãt™{t„o - Alley Wãtu„ÔÞt…e nz‚t÷ - Industrywide strike; Wãt™rð¿tt™ - Horticulture general industry-strike Wãtu„ - Industry Wãtu„ yk‚„o‚ ‚t÷e{ - Training within industry Wãtu„þt¤t - Industrial school Wãtu„ y™u ÔÞt…th „]ntu - Industrial and Wãtu„Ëkfx - Industrial crisis Wãtu„Ëk„Xf - Industry organizer business houses Wãtu„ËkƒkÄe ytkfzt - Industrial statistics Wãtu„ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Industries Wãtu„ËtnË - Industrial enterprise; enterprise Wãtu„fthe„h - Industrial artisan Wãtu„ËtnrËf - Entrepreneur; industrial Wãtu„fuLÿ - Industrial pocket/centre entrepreneur Wãtu„¾t‚wk/rð¼t„ - Industries Department Wãtu„sLÞ htu„ - Industrial disease Wãtu„ËtnrËf‚t - Entrepreneurship Wãtu„sqÚt - Industry group Wãtu„ËtnrËf‚t rðftË ftÞo¢{ - Wãt„u ‚t÷e{ ËMk Útt - Industrial Training Institute Entrepreneurship Development Programme Wãtu„ËtnrËf‚t rðftË fuLÿ - Centre for Entrepreneurship Development (CED) Wãtu„ ‚t¤tƒkÄe - Industrial lock-out Wãtu„ËtnrËf‚t rðftË ËkMÚtt - Wãtu„™„h - Industrial town Entrepreneurship Development Institute Wãtu„r™Þt{f - Director of Industries Wãtu„™er‚ - Industrial policy Wãtu„ËtnrËf‚t™u «tuíËtn™/W¥tus™ - Promotion Wãtu„™wk …w™Soð™ - Resuscitation of industry Wãtu„™wk MÚt¤tk‚h - Shifting of industries to entrepreneurship Wãtu„…r‚ - Industrialist Wãtu„…rh»tŒ - Industrial Council Wãtu„MÚt¤ - Industrial site Wãtu„…k[ - Industrial Tribunal Wãtu„ rnËtƒ-‚…tË™eË - Industrial Auditor Wãtu„«r¢Þt (yÚto.) - Mechanics of industry Wãtu„efhý - Industrialization Wãtu„«Ëthý - Dispersal of industries Wãtu„tu™e {tkŒ„e - Industrial sickness Wãtu„tu™wk rðfuLÿefhý - Decentralisation of industries Wãtu„tu™wk Ët{tSfhý - Socialization of industries Wãtu„ «Ëth ™er‚ - Industry dispersal policy Wîn™ r™heûtf - Lifting Inspector Wãtu„«uhf - Industrial catalyst Wîn™ ®Ë[tE - Lift irrigation Wãtu„ {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Industry Wîu„ - Agony; sorrow Wãtu„ {kºte - Minister of Industry WrÆü/yr¼«u‚ yÚto - Intended meaning Wãtu„{kŒe - Industrial recession WÄth - Debit; on credit Wãtu„{tk ™ðtu «týËk[th - Resuscitation of WÄth y™wËqr[ - Debit schedule industry WÄth yt…ðt…tºt - Accreditee 64

WÄth yt…ðwk W…ÿðe Sðt‚ WÄth yt…ðwk - Lend; give on credit; loan W…„]n - Outhouse WÄth yt…u÷wk - Supplied on credit; lended; W…„ún - Satellite W…„ún …Ør‚ - Satellite system loaned W…„úkrÚt - Accessory gland W…[th - Treatment; remedy WÄth¾ƒh/Ëq[™t - Debit advice W…[th fhðtu - Treat; attend; serve WÄth¾heŒe - Credit purchase W…[th/R÷ts ËkƒkÄe - Remedial WÄth¾t‚wk - Debit account W…[th…Ør‚ - Therapy WÄth™tUÄ - Debit; debit entry W…[th{qÕÞ - Therapeutic value WÄth…ºt - Debit note W…[thrð¿tt™/þt† - Therapeutics WÄth…tËwk/ƒtsw - Debit side W…[thrð¿tt™e - Therapeutist; therapist WÄthƒtfe - Debit balance W…[thtí{f - Remedial; therapeutic WÄthðt…tºt/òu„ - Debitable W…[thtí{f Ëthðth - Therapeutic treatment WÄthðu[tý/þt¾ …h ðu[tý - Sale on credit W…òðe ftZðwk - Fabricate; forge; concoct WÄthÔÞðnth - Credit transaction W…òðe ftZu÷t Ë{t[th - Fake news; fictitious WÄthnðt÷tu - Contra debit W™t¤tu - Summer news WÒt‚ - High WÒtr‚ - Upliftment; progress; development W…òðe ftZu÷e ðt‚ - Figment; fiction; WL{tŒ - Mania WL{q÷™ - Uprooting; eradication fabrication; fable W… - Deputy; vice W…fh - Cess W…òðe ftZu÷wk - Fictitious W…fhý - Apparatus; appliance; instrument W…òðe ftZu÷wk Ëh™t{wk - Fictitious address; fake W…fth - Obligation; favour W…fth fhðtu - Oblige; favour address W…fthf - Conducive; obliging W…fthðþ ntuðwk - Owe W…‚kºte - Sub-editor W…fw÷…r‚ - Pro-Vice Chancellor W…Œt™ - Gratuity W…f]‚ - Obliged; grateful W…Œuþ - Exhortation; sermon; moral precept; W…f]‚ fhðwk - Oblige; favour W…¢{ - Undertaking (2)Auspices preaching W…¢tkr‚f «ðtn - Sub-critical flow W…¾kz - Subcontinent W…Œuþf - Pulpiteer; preceptor; adviser; preacher W…ÿð - Harassment; molestation; trouble; epidemic; distress; unrest; nuisance W…ÿð fh - Nuisance tax W…ÿðfthf ÄkÄtu - Offensive calling; offensive occupation W…ÿðe - Troublesome; trouble-maker 65 W…ÿðe Sðt‚ - Pest

W…ÿðe Sðt‚r™Þkºtý W…htk‚ W…ÿðe Sðt‚r™Þkºtý - Pest control W…Þtu„ - Utilization; exercise; use W…ÿðe Sðt‚™tþf - Pesticide W…Þtu„ y™u Rs™uhe ð‚wo¤ - Utilization and W…îth - Wicket; small door/gate Engineering Circle W…îe… - Isle W…Þtu„ «{tý…ºt - Utilization certificate W…Ät‚w - Metalloid W…Þtu„{tk ÷E þftÞ ‚uðe Ët{„úe - Serviceable W…™„h - Suburb; satellite town material W…™Œe - Tributary; estuary W…™Œe s¤ûtuºt - Tributary basin W…Þtu„{tk ÷uðwk - Employ; use; exercise W…™nuh - Tributary W…Þtu„{qÕÞ - Utility value; value-in-use W…™t{ - Pseudonym; by-name; pen-name; W…Þtur„‚t - Utility; usefulness W…Þtur„‚tðtŒ - Utilitarianism cognomen; alias; surname; nickname W…Þtur„‚tðtŒe - Utilitarian W…r™heûtf - Sub-Inspector W…Þtu„e ytÄthËt{„úe - Useful data W…™tiËu™t…r‚ - Vice-Admiral W…Þtu„e {trn‚e - Useful information W……r‚ - Paramour W…h xtkfu÷ - Above quoted; above mentioned; W……í™e - Concubine aforesaid; above cited W…«{w¾ - Vice-President W…«{uÞ - Corollary; rider W…h Äfu÷ðwk ‚u - Upward thrust W…«tk„ý - Sub-yard W…h «{týu - Ditto; aforesaid; above mentioned W…¼ð™ - Outbuilding; annexe; W…h VUftðwk - Upthrow W…h ÷¾tý - Superscription supplementary building W…h[turxÞwk/W…hAÕ÷wk - Perfunctory; W…¼tuõ‚tðtŒ - Consumerism superfluous; shallow; superficial; cursory W…¼tuõ‚tðtŒe ËkMf]r‚ - Consumerist culture W…¼t„u - Consumption; enjoyment; experience W…hAÕ÷wk ¿tt™ - Superficial knowledge W…¼tu„ fhðtu - Consume; enjoy; experience W…hAÕ÷wk r™heûtý - Perfunctory inspection W…¼tu„nf - Usufruct W…h™e Œeðt÷ - Head-wall; upper wall W…¼tu„nf „ehtu - Usufructuary mortgage W…hr÷r¾‚ - Superscribed W…¼tu„nf „ehtuŒth - Usufructuary mortgagee W…hðx r™ýoÞ - Over-riding decision W…¼tu„nf «Œt™ - Usufructuary grant W…hðx nwf{ - Superseding order W…{t„o - Approach road; alley; foot path; by- W…hðtË - Up-stream; high range area W…hðtË ƒtkÄft{ - Head works pass W…hðtË™tk „t{tu - Upstream villages W…Þwõ‚ {t™ðwk/„ýðwk - Think fit W…ht»xÙ…r‚ - Vice-President W…Þwõ‚‚t - Pertinence; applicability; W…htk‚ - In addition to; over and above; relevance besides; moreover 66

W…he W…tso™ W…he - Master; boss; superior; chief W…Ënk th/Ë{t…™ - Conclusion; summing-up W…Þwoõ‚ - Above mentioned; above quoted; W…Ënk thtí{f/Ë{t…™ ™tÄU - Concluding remarks W…Ët„h - Bay; gulf; cove; bight above said; aforesaid; above stated W…ËtÄ™tu - Accessories W…Ëtðu÷tu ftuxo Ve MxuB… - Impressed court fee- W…÷f ¾t‚wk - Suspense account W…÷f r™heûtý - Surface inspection stamp W…÷f ËŒh - Suspense head W…÷rfÞwk - Shallow; ostensible; superficial W…rËØtk‚ - Corollary W…÷çÄ - Obtained; acquired; make available W…ÂMÚt‚ - Present W…÷ÂçÄ - Procuration; procurement; W…ÂMÚt‚ Útðwk - Appear; present W…ÂMÚtr‚ - Appearance; presence; attendance achievement; acquisition; gain W…nth - Present; reward; gift W…ntË - Mockery; jest; ridicule W…÷ÇÞ - Procurable; available; obtainable; W…ntËr[ºt/ÔÞk„r[ºt - Cartoon; caricature W…t[tÞo - Vice-Principal attainable W…tz - Withdrawal; drawal W…tz y™u [wfðýe yrÄfthe - Drawing and W…÷ÇÞ‚t/«tÃÞ‚t - Availability W…÷e yŒt÷‚ - Superior Court; Upper Court Disbursing Officer W…÷e fûtt™wk - Superior; higher W…÷e fûtt™wk {nuf{ - Superior establishment W…tzyrÄfthe - Drawing Officer W…÷e {ÞtoŒt - Upward limit; upper limit W…tz Ve - Withdrawal fee W…÷e ðÞ{ÞtoŒt - Upper age limit W…tzðwk - Lift; raise; undertake (2)Root out; W…÷e Ëuðt - Upper service W…ð™ - Park (3)Withdraw W…ð™ y™u ƒ„e[t - Parks and gardens W…ð™¼qr{ - Park-land W…tzðwk ‚u - Lifting (2)Withdrawal W…ð™{t„o - Parkway W…trÄ - Trouble; problem; difficulty W…ðrËÞ‚ - Codicil W…ðtË ytkŒtu÷™ - Fast agitation (2)Degree; title W…þt{f - Tranquilizer W…rþûtf - Tutor; instructor W…tæÞût - Vice-Chairman; (2) Deputy Speaker W…rþûtý - Tuition; tutorial W…tÞ - Remedy W…rþûtý f{o[theð„o - Tutorial staff W…tÞrðntuýwk - Irremediable W…rþûtý ð„o - Tuition class; tutorial class W…tÞtí{f - Remedial W…Ër[ð - Under Secretary W…tÞtí{f …„÷tk - Remedial measures W…Ëk…tŒf - Sub-editor W…tÞtí{f …„÷wk - Remedial action W…Ëk…tŒ™ - Sub-editing W…tsof - Earner; producer; lucrative W…tsof ytr©‚ - Earning dependent W…tso™ - Accrual; earning; yield 67

W…tso™ fh™th W~fuhýe fhðe W…tso™ fh™th - Earner; producer W{uŒðth - Candidate; apprentice W…tso™ût{‚t - Earning capacity W{uŒðth ‚t÷e{ Þtus™t - Apprentice Training W…tso™Œh - Earning rate Scheme W…tŠs‚ - Accrued; earned; gained; inherited W{uŒðthe - Apprenticeship; candidature; W…tŠs‚ ytðf - Earned income candidacy W…tŠs‚ Útðwk - Accrue; earn W{uŒðthe ‚t÷e{ - Apprenticeship training W…tŠs‚ r{÷f‚ - Acquest; earned/gained W{uhðwk - Add; insert property W{uhðwk ‚u - Addition; augmentation; insertion W{uhu÷wk ÷¾tý - Addition; added writing; rider W…tŠs‚/«t fhu÷ htuS/ðu‚™ - Earned wage W{uhtu - Addendum; addition; augmentation W…t÷k¼ - Rebuke; taunt; admonition; blame; WVuo - Alias; pseudonym W÷xtððwk - Reverse; overturn; upset; invert censure W…tË™tMÚtt™ - Worship place W…tMÞ {qŠ‚ - Devotional image; divine image W…tnth - Light refreshment W÷xtðe þftÞ ‚uðwk - Reversible W…tnth„]n - Refreshment room; cafeteria; W÷t¤tu - Latch; cross-bar; bolt canteen; hotel WÕft/¾h‚tu ‚thtu - Aerolite; aerolith; shooting W…tk„ - Appurtenance; accessory; appendage; star; meteor; falling star accompaniment; minor limb/part; WÕ÷k½™ - Violation; breach; contravention; supplement infringement; infraction; transgression; W…tkíÞ - Panultimate; last but one disobedience W…uûtt - Laches; disregard; inattention; WÕ÷k½™ fhðwk - Violate; deviate; contravene; neglect; contempt; rejection; carelessness; indifference disobey; transgress; infringe W…uûtt fhðe - Ignore; reject WÕ÷k½™fthf/WÕ÷k½™fthe/r™Þ{¼k„ fh‚wk - W…tuíËúw‚ fqðtu - Sub-artesian well W…tuŒT½t‚ - Preface; prelude; introduction; Transgressive; violative foreword; preamble WÕ÷u¾ - Mention; reference WÕ÷u¾ fhðtu - Refer; describe; mention W¼Þ[h - Amphibious; living both on land WÕ÷u¾ fhu÷/WÕ÷ur¾‚ - Mentioned; referred; and in water specified; cited W¼Þ…ûte/Âî…ûte - Bilateral; between two WÕ÷¾u ™eÞ - Noticeable; remarkable; noteworthy W~fuhýe - Excitement; provocation; parties; bipartite incitement; instigation; fomentation W{¤ftu - Sentiment; ardour; emotion; effusion W{k„ - Enthusiasm; ardour; earnestness; zeal; W~fuhýe fh™th - Instigator W~fuhýe fhðe - Incite; foment; provoke; joy; delight; pleasure excite; instigate; rouse W{k„e - Enthusiastic; ardent; earnest; fervent; delightful; zealous 68

W~fuhýes™f Qý… W~fuhýes™f - Provocative; inciting; W»{eÞ ðes¤e{Útf - Thermal power station ôŒh™tþf Œðt - Rodenticide inflammatory ôŒhr™Þkºtý …„÷tk - Rodent control measures ô{h™e ¾htE - Verification of age W~fuhýes™f fÚt™ - Provocative statement ô{h÷tÞf - Mature; adult W~fuhýes™f ¼t»tý - Inflammatory speech W~fuh™th - Instigator; provoker Q W~fuhðwk - Instigate; provoke; incite; excite; Q¾h - Barren rouse; inflame; foment Q„‚tu Wãtu„ - Nascent industry Q„{ - Point of origin W~fuhtx - Agitation; uneasiness; restlessness; Q„{MÚtt™ - Source; fountainhead Q½z‚e rË÷f - Opening balance unrest; inflammation; provocation; Q½z‚wk - Opening excitement Q½z‚tu sÚÚttu - Opening stock Q[f - Abstract; suspense; block; lump sum W~fuhtx Vu÷tð™th - Instigator; agitator Q[f y™wŒt™ - Block grant W~fuhtx¼he [[to - Stormy debate; hot Q[f ft{ - Task work Q[f òu„ðtE - Lump provision discussion Q[f Œh - Flat rate; lump sum rate; piece W~fuhtÞu÷wk xtu¤wk - Disorderly crowd/mob; irate work rate mob Q[f …„th - Lump sum pay/salary Q[f rƒ÷ - Abstract bill W»ýfrxƒkÄ - Torrid zone Q[f hf{ - Lump sum amount W»ýfrxƒkÄ™u ÷„‚wk - Tropical Q[f rðr™Þtu„ - Lump sum appropriation W»ý¾r™sËútu‚ - Thermo-mineral spring Q[f/Ëkn‚ ËtuŒtu - Package deal W»ý‚t/W»{t/„h{e - Heat; warmth Qsððwk - Celebrate W»ý‚t{t™ - Temperature Qz‚e {w÷tft‚ - Flying visit W»ý‚t{t…f - Thermometer Qz‚e ðt‚ - Hearsay; rumour W»ý«Œuþe htu„ - Tropical disease Qze òÞ yuðe þtne - Fugitive ink W»{tyuf{ - Thermal unit Qý… - Deficiency; defect; insufficiency; W»{tr™Þkºtf - Incubator 69 imperfection; shortcoming W»{t«r¢Þt - Heat treatment W»{tÞ™ - Incubation W»{t÷u¾™ - Thermography W»{tþtu»tf - Heat absorber W»{tkf - Calorie; calory W»{tkf{t…f - Calorimeter W»{eÞ Qòo - Thermal energy W»{eÞ s÷«ðtn - Thermal spring W»{eÞ {qÕÞ - Calorific value

Qý…ðt¤wk Q÷xwk Qý…ðt¤wk - Deficient; imperfect; defective Q¼wk fhðwk - Erect; promote (2) Build; Qý…tu y™u yðhtuÄtu - Lags and bottlenecks Q‚h‚t /™e[÷t Œhßò™e Ëuðt - Inferior construct; form (3) Establish; institute service; lower cadre service Q¼tu ¾zf - Cliff crag; precipice Q¼tu …tf - Standing crop Q‚h‚t…ýwk - Inferiority; sub-standard Q¼tu «ûtu… - Velocity projection Q‚h‚e fûtt™wk òu¾{ - Sub-standard risk Q¼tu ËtkÄtu - Columnar joint Q‚h‚e fturx™wk - Mean; second rate; inferior; Q{htu - Threshold Qòo - Energy (2) Vigour sub-standard Qòo ƒ[tð‚kw ËtÄ™ - Energy efficient instrument QòoËkfx/‚k„e - Energy crunch Q‚h‚wk /™e[÷wk …„thÄtuhý - Inferior scale; QòoWí…tŒf Ët{„úe - Energy inputs Qòo™tk rƒ™…hk…ht„‚ ËtÄ™tu - Non- lower grade conventional sources of energy Q‚h‚tu Zt¤ - Falling gradient QÚt÷…tÚt÷ - Upheaval Qòo™wk «tÂÂMÚtt™ - Source of energy QÚt÷e sðwk - Capsize; overturn; upset QòorðfÕ…tu - Energy options; energy QÚt÷tu - Relapse QÚt÷tu ¾t‚tu ‚tð - Relapsing fever alternatives QÄz Œh - Piece rate QÄz {sqh - Pieceworker Qòorð¿tt™ - Energetics QÄzwk ft{ - Piecework QòoËútu‚ - Source of energy Q™ W‚thðwk - Shearing QæðoŒƒtý - Upthrust Q…s - Yield; turn-out; harvest; outturn; Qæðo…t‚ - Upthrow Q÷x[ftËýe - Cross-checking; counter-check proceeds; produce Q÷x‚…tË - Cross examination Q÷xŒtðtu - Cross-claim; counter claim Q…sftuXtu - Yield table Q÷xËkŒ¼o - Cross reference Q…sût{‚t - Yielding ability; yielding Q÷xËq÷x - Topsyturvy; upside down; capacity upturned Q…s™t ytkfzt - Yield statistics Q÷xt ¢{{tk - Vice versa Q…ýeÞkºt - Winnowing machine Q÷xtËq÷xe - Reshuffling; topsyturvy; upside Q¼ýeûtuºtV¤ - Plinth area Q¼ýeË…txe - Plinth level down Q¼t Ztu¤tððt¤e s{e™ - Steep land Q¼t Ztu¤tððt¤e xufhe - Steep hillside Q÷xe ™tUÄ - Cross entry Q¼t ð]ût™wk ÷tfzwk - Standing timber Q÷xe he‚u - Vice versa Q¼wk - Perpendicular; at right angle; very Q÷xwk - Adverse; contrary; opposite; cross; steep; erect; upright; plumb; vertical reverse; vice-versa; contradictory; inverse 70

Q»th/Q¾h Éý{wÂõ‚ Q»th/Q¾h - Sterile; bare; barren; desert; ŸztE{t…f/{t…™th - Sounder infertile; unfruitful; unproductive ŸztE{t…™ r¢Þt - Sounding ŸztE{t…™ {tusýe (…týe ËkƒkÄ{tk) - Sounding Ÿ[t ¼tðu - Value above par; at a premium; at survey high rate Ÿztý{tk ytðu÷t rþ÷tM‚h - Batholith Ÿ[tE - Altitude; height; elevation; stature Ÿze ¾tE/Vtx/ƒ¾tu÷ - Chasm; aperture; cavity Ÿ[tE{t…f - Altimeter Ÿze ¾eý - Abyss; deep valley Ÿ[tEËq[f - Height marker Ÿze ‚…tË - Screening; probe; investigation; Ÿ[tý - Height; altitude Ÿ[týðt¤tu «Œuþ - Upland scrutiny Ÿ[e ytu÷tŒ™wk - Thoroughbred; pedigree Ÿzwk - Deep; unfathomable; intimate; profound Ÿ[e ytu÷tŒ™tu ½tuztu - Stud; stud-horse Ÿzwk ¿tt™ - Intimate knowledge; intrinsic Ÿ[e fûtt™t …tf - Superior crops knowledge; profound knowledge Ÿ[e fûtt™wk - Tip top; superior; of higher rank ŸÄwk ð¤ðwk/ðt¤ðwk - Capsize; upset or position ŸÄwk[¥twk - Topsyturvy; upside-down; upturned Ÿ[e ®f{‚u - At premium; at high price ŸƒtrzÞwk - Fire brand; burning piece of wood Ÿ[e õÞthe - Ridge É Ÿ[e xftðthe - High percentage Ÿ[e™e[e s{e™ - Broken ground; uneven land Ÿ[wk™e[wk - Unequal; undulating; uneven Ésw - Delicate; tender; kind; soft Ÿ[u WXtððwk - Lift; elevate; exalt; raise; Éý - Debt; indebtedness; due; liability; encourage; boost obligation Ÿ[u WXtððwk ‚u - Lift; exaltation ÉýytŒuþ - Garnishee order Ÿ[tu sL{Œh - High birth rate Éý¾‚ - Sinking bond Ÿ[tu {]íÞwŒh - High mortality Éý…ºt - Debenture; security; securities Ÿsý‚u÷ - Lubricating oil; grease Éý…ºt {t„ðne - Debenture call book Ÿxztu - Crane Éý…ºt hrsMxh - Securities register ŸxðiŒ - Quack Éý…ºtÄthf - Debenture holder ŸxðiŒwk - Quackery Éý…ºt™wk ykrf‚ {qÕÞ - Denomination of Ÿzt ŒrhÞt{tk™t Úth - Deep sea deposits ŸztE/Ÿztý - Sounding; depth debenture ŸztE ûtuºtV¤ yðrÄ ð¢ - Depth area duration ÉýVuzýe - Settlement; redemption curves Éý¼kztu¤ - Sinking fund Éý{wÂõ‚ - Amortization; debt redemption ŸztE™wk {t… - Sounding 71

Éý{wÂõ‚ y™u …rhnth r™rÄ yufºt Útðwk Éý{wÂõ‚ y™u …rhnth r™rÄ - Debt redemption yuf XuftýuÚte ƒesu Xuftýu ÷E sðwk - Carry; and avoidance fund transport Éý{wÂõ‚ r™rÄ/¼kztu¤ - Amortization fund yuf …Ae yuf ytð‚wk - Consecutive; continuous; Éý{wÂõ‚ Þtus™t - Debt redemption scheme Éýhtn‚ - Debt relief successive Éýt™wƒkÄ - Garnishee Éýt™wƒkÄ nwf{ - Garnishee order yuf ®ƒŒwÚte ð¤‚wk {turZÞwk - Convergent Éýe ntuðwk - Owe; be obliged; be indebted É‚ - Truth mouthpiece É‚w - Season É‚wûtuºt - Seasonal zone yuf nth{tk …ÚthtÞu÷wk - Uniserial É‚w„‚ VuhVth - Seasonal variation; seasonal yufy™wËqr[ «þwÕf - Single schedule tariff yufytuhzt™e þt¤t - One room school changes yuf®f{‚ ™er‚ - Single price policy yuf„]ne rðÄt™{kz¤ - Unicameral legislature É‚wð™ - Seasonal forest yuf[‚wÚttOþ - Quarter; one fourth É‚wði»tBÞ - Inclemency yuf[t… ƒkÄ - Single arch dam yufsÚtt rðM‚th - Compact block yu yufsÚtu ytðu÷wk - Compact yufò‚™e ft[e {txe - Raw sienna yu fthýu - In as much as; due to; because of yufXwk fhðwk - Accumulate; amass; collect; yu s - Ibid yu s ®f{‚u - At par; at same price gather yu {‚÷ƒ™wk - To that effect yu þh‚u fu - Provided that yufXwk/¼u„wk fhðwk ‚u - Collection; gathering; yuf AuztÚte ƒeò Auzt ËwÄe - Endways; end to accumulation end yuf‚hV™wk ¼tzwk - Single fare yuf s …ÚÚth™t feŠ‚M‚k¼ - Monolith yuf‚hV™tu «ðtË - Single journey yuf s …tf™e ¾u‚e {txu ðtðu‚h - Mono-culture yuf‚hVe - One-sided; ex parte; unilateral yuf‚hVe rxrfx - Single ticket plantation yuf‚hVe …tË - Single pass yuf‚kºttí{f þtË™…Ør‚ - Unitary System of yuf s ÷uðzŒuðz - Single transaction yuf s rþûtfðt¤e þt¤t - Single teacher school Government yuf s Ë{Þu - Simultaneous; coincident; yuf‚kºte htßÞ - Unitary state concomitant; concurrent; yuf‚t - Solidarity; unity contemporaneous; synchronous yuf‚trŒðË - Solidarity day yufºt fhðwk - Assemble; collect; accumulate; gather yufºt fhe ft{u ÷„tzðwk - Mobilise/Mobilize 72 yufºt Útðwk - Muster; assemble; gather

yufrºt‚ yuf{tºt nu‚w yufrºt‚ - Consolidated; cumulative yuf…ûte/yuf‚hVe/yuf…ûteÞ - Ex-parte; one- yufrºt‚ yËh - Cumulative effect sided; unilateral yufrºt‚ fhðwk - Consolidate; collect; gather yufrºt‚ ftÞoðtne - Concerted action yuf…ûteÞ ‚kºt - Totalitarianism yufrºt‚ ‚thes - Consolidated abstract yuf…r‚íð/yuf…í™eíð - Monogamy yufrºt‚ Œh - Consolidated rate yuf…tf …Ør‚ - One crop system yufrºt‚ Œuðwk - Consolidated debt yuf…tf ðtðu‚h - Mono-culture plantation yufrºt‚ r™rÄ - Consolidated fund yuf…tºte Y…f - Monologue yufrºt‚ r™Þ‚-…ºtftu - Consolidated returns yuf…t¤e …Ør‚ - Single shift system yufrºt‚ …„th - Consolidated pay yufVË÷e ðtðu‚h - Mono-culture plantation yufrºt‚ …ºtf - Consolidated statement yufƒthe …Ør‚ - Single window system yufrºt‚ …whtðtu - Cumulative evidence yufƒeò …h Út‚e r¢Þt/yËh - Interaction yfu rºt‚ rƒ÷ - Consolidated bill yuf{ - Unit; cell yufrºt‚ ðtŠ»tf rnËtƒ - Consolidated annual yuf{¾[o - Unit cost yuf{¾[o ™¬e fhðwk - Single costing accounts yuf{‚ ÚtE™u - Unanimously yufºtefhý - Assemblage; unification; yuf{‚e - Unanimity consolidation yuf{™u ÷„‚wk - Unitary yuf{tºt/y™LÞ - Exclusive; sole yufŒ{ - At once; immediately yuf{tºt W¥thSrð‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Sole survivor yufÄhe ¾r™s - Uniaxial mineral yuf{tºt W¥thtrÄfth - Sole succession yufÄthe «„r‚ - Steady progress; constant yuf{tºt yusLx/ytzr‚Þtu - Sole agent yuf{tºt fuË - Solitary case progress yuf{tºt „ýtur‚Þtu - Sole tenant yuf{tºt r™ýtoÞf - Sole judge yufÄthe he‚u - Invariably; constantly; steadily yuf{tºt r™rðŒt - Single tender yufÄthtu …whðXtu - Steady supply yuf{tºt ¼tzwyt‚ - Sole tenant yufÄthtu «ðtn - Uniform flow; constant flow yufÄthwk - Consistent; constant; continuous; uniform yuf™e s {tr÷fe™e …uZe/ËkMÚtt - Sole proprietary concern yuf{tºt {t…Œkz - Sole criterion yuf™tUÄe ™t{wk - Single account yuf{tºt {tr÷f - Sole owner yuf…ûte ytfthýe - Ex-parte assessment; one- yuf{tºt rð¢u‚t - Exclusive dealer sided assessment yuf{tºt ðu…the - Sole trader yuf…ûte Œtðtu - Unilateral claim; one-sided yuf{tºt Ëtrƒ‚e - Exclusive proof claim yuf{tºt nu‚w - Sole purpose 73 yuf…ûte {™tE nwf{ - Ex-parte injunction

yuf{t„eo ðtn™ÔÞðnth yufMÚtt™eÞ Þwr™ðŠËxe yuf{t„eo ðtn™ÔÞðnth - One-way traffic yufrðÄ ¾[ornËtƒ - Single cost accounts yuf{w¾e fh - Single tax; single point tax yfu rðÄ‚t - Monotony; uniformity yuf{w¾e fh…Ør‚ - Unitary tax system; single yufÔÞÂõ‚ ytÞtu„ - One Man Commission yufÔÞÂõ‚ fk…™e - One Man Company tax system yufÔÞÂõ‚ f]r‚«Œþo™ - One man art exhibition yufrþ÷t - Monolith; single block of stone yufh rðM‚th - Acreage yufË{t™ «ðtn - Uniform flow yufht„ - Harmony; concord; unanimity yufËh¾e he‚u - Equally; pari passu yufhth - Confession; declaration; affidavit yufËh¾wk - Identical; equal yufhth fhðtu - Declare; confess yufËh¾wk/Ë{t™ Ätuhý - Identical scale; equal yufhth…ºt - Declaration form yufY… - Homogeneous; uniform scale yufY… ftÞo…Ør‚ - Uniform procedure yufY… Ztk[tu - Uniform pattern yufËh¾wk/Ë{t™ …„thÄtuhý - Identical scale of yufY… Œh - Uniform rate yufY…‚t - Uniformity; homogeneity pay; identical pay-scale yufY…‚t y™u Ë{Y…‚t - Uniformity and yufËh¾wk/Ë{t™ Ë{ÞÄtuhý - Identical time- homogeneity scale; equivalent time-scale yufhu¾eÞ - Unilinear yufhu¾eÞ Ë¥tt‚kºt - Single line authority yufËh¾wk/Ë{t™rn‚ - Identical interest; same yuf÷W¥thtrÄfth - Singular succession yuf÷r™„{ - Sole corporation interest yuf÷…tf - Single crop yuf÷ðtŒ™ /„tÞ™ /Ëk„e‚ - Solo yufËh¾tu Œh - Flat rate; uniform rate yuf÷t yÚtðt ËkÞwõ‚ he‚u - Solely or jointly yufËh¾tu …tf - Uniform crop yuf÷t s sðtƒŒth - Solely responsible yufËtÚtu - all together; pari passu; en bloc; yuf÷t…ýwk - Loneliness yuf÷wk - Unaccompanied; alone; lonely; simultaneous isolated; solitary yufËtÚtu y{÷ - Simultaneous execution; yuf÷tu yðus - Single consideration simultaneous implementation yuf÷tu Äthf - Single holder yufðze ™tUÄ - Single entry yufËtÚtu Útðwk/ƒ™ðwk - Concur; coincide; yufð»teoÞ - Yearly yufrðÄ - Monotonous synchronize yufËtÚtu Útðwk/ƒ™ðwk ‚u - Concurrence; coincidence; synchronization yufËtÚtu r™{ýqf - Simultaneous appointment yufËtÚtu «Ëthý - Simultaneous broadcasting yufËtÚtu ƒu ðtn™ sE þfu ‚uðtu hM‚tu - Two-lane traffic road yufËe{ - Conterminous yufM‚heÞ fh - Single point tax yufMÚtt™eÞ Þwr™ðŠËxe - Unitary university 74

yufnÚÚtw fhðwk yuftrÄfth«t ÔÞÂõ‚ yufnÚÚtw fhðwk - Monopolize yufkŒh {t„ - Aggregate demand yufnÚÚtw Ë¥tt‚kºt/þtË™ - Autocracy; absolute yufkŒh {qze - Gross capital; aggregate capital yufkŒh {qze htuftý - Gross investments government yufkŒh {qÕÞ - Gross value; aggregate value yufkŒh hf{ - Aggregate sum; aggregate yufnÚÚtw Ë¥ttðt¤wk - Totalitarian yufkŒh - Aggregate; altogether; overall; gross amount yufkŒh yrÄþu»t - Overall surplus yufkŒh yËh - Cumulative effect yufkŒh ht»xÙeÞ Wí…tŒ™ - Gross national yufkŒh yMõÞt{‚ - Gross assets yufkŒh ytk‚rhf Wí…tŒ™ - Gross domestic product; aggregate national product product yufkŒh ðs™ - Gross weight; aggregate weight yufkŒh rðftË - Overall development yufkŒh ytk‚rhf ƒ[‚ - Gross domestic saving yufkŒh ðu[tý - Gross sales; aggregate sales yufkŒh ytðf - Gross income; total income; yufkŒh ÔÞts - Gross interest yufkŒh Ëhðt¤tu - Gross total; aggregate total aggregate income yufkŒh ®Ë[tE…tºt rðM‚th - Gross irrigable area yufkŒh ®Ër[‚ rðM‚th - Gross commanded yufkŒh W‚th/Q…s - Gross yield; gross area; gross irrigated area; aggregate proceeds commanded area yufkŒh Wí…tŒ™ - Gross output; gross product yuftyuf - Suddenly; at once yufkŒh f{týe - Gross earning yuftyuf ykÄth…x - Crash blackout yufkŒh ¾[o - Aggregate expenditure; overall yuftyuf ƒtu÷tðu÷e y¾ƒthe …rh»tŒ - Impromptu expenditure; gross expenditure Press Conference yufkŒh ¾tux - Gross loss; total loss; aggregate yuftfe - Solo; lonely yuftfe fƒòðt¤wk - Singularly occupied loss yuftfe…ýwk - Loneliness yuftûteÞ ¾r™s - Uniaxial mineral yufkŒh sÚÚttu - Aggregate quantity; total yuft„ú - Engrossed yuft„ú‚t - Concentration; engrossment quantity yuftrÄf fhðuht - Plural taxation yuftrÄf {‚Œt™ - Plural voting yufkŒh ™Vtu/÷t¼ - Gross profit; aggregate yuftrÄfth - Patent; patent-right; copy right yuftrÄfth …ºt - Letters patent profit yuftrÄfth«t - Patented yuftrÄfth«t ÔÞÂõ‚ - Patentee yufkŒh ™tufhe - Aggregate service 75 yufkŒh …uŒtþ - Gross production; aggregate production yufkŒh «tŒurþf Wí…tŒ™ - Gross regional product yufkŒh «t - Gross receipts yufkŒh «t fh - Gross receipts tax yufkŒh ¼tzwk - Gross rent yufkŒh {nuËq÷ - Gross revenue; aggregate revenue

yuftk„e áÂü®ƒŒw yirnf f÷t yuftk„e áÂü®ƒŒw - Tunnel vision yu™tÞ‚ fhðwk ‚u - Conferment yuftk„e rðftË - Lop-sided development yu™e Ëk…qýo òý y™wËth - To the best of his yfu t‚k - Seclusion; solitude; isolation; knowledge loneliness yu™e Ëk…qýo {tLÞ‚t {wsƒ - To the best of his yuftk‚ fthtðtË hrsMxh - Solitary confinement belief register yu™e Ëðtuo¥t{ r™ýoÞþÂõ‚ y™wËth - To the best yuftk‚ fuŒ - Solitary confinement yuftk‚ fuŒ™e Ëò - Sentence of solitary of his judgement confinement yu{ - In that way yu{ A‚tk - However yuftk‚ ftuxze - Solitary cell yu{ ntuðtÚte - In as much as yuftk‚ søÞt - Lonely place; private place yuhkrzÞwk - Castor oil yuftk‚fuŒe - Incommunicado yuhkze/yuhkztu - Castor oil plant yuftk‚r«Þ‚t - Seclusiveness yu÷[e - Ambassador; consul (2)Cardamom yuftk‚h - Alternate yu÷[ef[uhe - Embassy yuftk‚ðtË - Seclusion yurËz{t…f - Acidimeter yuftkþ - Unit yuMxux yrÄfthe - Estate Officer yuftkþ¾[o - Unit cost yufefhý - Amalgamation; unification; yi consolidation yiõÞ - Integration; unity; solidarity yiõârŒ™ - Solidarity day yufefhý™e Þtus™t - Scheme of amalgamation; yiÂåAf - Optional; voluntary; faculative yiÂåAf …w™ðeo{tu - Facultative reinsurance scheme of unification yiÂåAf rð»tÞ - Optional subject yiÂåAf þuhtu - Facultative endorsement yufef]‚ - Unified; united; integrated yir‚ntrËf - Historical yufef]‚ fhðwk - Unify; integrate yir‚ntrËf ½x™t - Landmark; historical event yufef]‚ …„thÄtuhý - Amalgamated scale; yir‚ntrËf‚t - Historicity yirnf - Temporal; worldly; of this world; unified scale of pay mundane yufef]‚ {t÷Mxtpf - Unified-stock yuõË hu Þkºt - X-ray apparatus/machine yirnf f÷t - Temporal art yus™ - As above yusLËe ¾[o - Agency charges yux÷u fu - Namely; that is yuÚte - Because of; therefore yu™tÞ‚ fhðwk - Confer; bestow; bestowal 76

ytu½tu ytuAtu {t÷ ¼hðtu yku ytuAe ®f{‚ ÷uðe - Undercharge ytuAe ®f{‚™tu ðe{tu - Under-insurance ytuAe ®f{‚u - At discount; at low rate; at low ytu½tu - Hay stack (2)Big dinner party price; below par ytu®[‚e ‚…tË - Surprise check ytu®[‚e {w÷tft‚ - Surprise visit ytuAe ®f{‚u ðu[tý - Undersell ytu®[‚e nz‚t÷ - Snap strike; lightning strike; ytuAe s{t/WÄth - Less credit/debit ytuAe s{e™ Ähtð™th - Inferior holder quick strike ytuAe rxrfxðt¤wk - Understamped ytu®[‚wk yt¢{ý - Surprise attack; sudden attack ytuAe …uŒtþe ò‚ - Low yielding variety ytu®[‚wk …rhð‚o™ - Sudden change ytuAe ÷t„‚ - Undercharge ytu®[‚wk {]íÞw - Sudden/unnatural death ytuAe ÷tÞft‚ Ähtð™th - Less qualified ytu®[‚tu At…tu - Surprise raid ytuAe ð…htþ - Under-consumption; less ytu®[‚tu nw{÷tu - Sudden attack; surprise attack consumption ytuA… - Paucity; shortage ytuAt fhðuht ™t¾ðt ‚u - Under-taxation ytuAe ðM‚e - Under-population; less ytuAt ¾[o™e «tiãtur„fe - Low-cost technology population ytuAwk - Less; insufficient; low (2)Inferior; deficient; sparing ytuAt ¼tðu - At discount; at low rate; at low ytuAwk Wí…tŒ™ - Under-production price; below par ytuAwk fhðwk - Alleviate; reduce; abridge; ytuAt {t÷™e hðt™„e - Short delivery mitigate; curtail; lessen ytuAt ðu‚™ðt¤wk ft{ - Low paid work ytuAwk ÚtÞu÷wk - Depleted ytuAt ÔÞts™tk ™týtk - Cheap money ytuAwk Útðwk - Abate; diminish; become less; ytuAt MxuB… ÷„tzu÷ ŒM‚tðus - Understamped decrease document ytuAwk ™tUÄtÞu÷wk ¼hýwk - Under-subscribed ytuAt MxuB… ÷„tðu÷ - Understamped ytuAwk {n¥ð ytkfðwk - Underrate; underevaluate; ytuAt/yÕ… yûth¿tt™ðt¤t rðM‚thtu - Low under-estimate literacy pockets ytuAwk {qÕÞtkf™ - Under-valuation ytuAtƒtu÷wk - Reserved; taciturn; reticent ytuAwk ðs™ - Under-weight ytuAt{tk ytuAe ®f{‚ - Minimum price; lowest ytuAwk ðu‚™ {u¤ð‚tu ft{Œth - Underpaid worker; price; minimum rate ill-paid worker ytuAt{tk ytuAwk - Minimum; lowest; least ytuAwk ðu‚™ {u¤ð™th - Ill-paid; underpaid ytuAe ytðfðt¤t sqÚt {txu ytðtË™ Þtus™t - ytuAwk Ëtk¼¤‚e ÔÞÂõ‚ytu - Hard of hearing Low Income Group Housing Scheme ytuAtu W„ú ƒ™tðu÷tu «M‚tð - Toned-down motion ytuAtu {t÷ ¼hðtu - Understocking ytuAe ®f{‚ ytkfðe - Underrate; underestimate 77

ytuAtu/ytAtu‚htu …tf ytu¤¾tÞu÷wk ytuAtu/ytAtu‚htu …tf - Lean crop ytuh{t™ r…‚t - Step father ytuòh - Instrument; implement; tool; means ytuh{t™ …wºte - Step daughter ytuòh y™u Þkºt - Tools and machines ytuh{t™ ƒnu™ - Step sister; half sister ytuòh y™u ËkÞkºt - Tools and plants ytuh{t™ ƒt¤f - Step child ytuòh ƒ™tð™th - Tool maker ytuh{t™ ¼tE - Step brother; half brother ytuòh rðftË r™Þt{f™e f[uhe - Directorate of ytuh{t™ {t - Step mother Tools Development ytuh{tÞwk ð÷ý - Step motherly attitude ytuh{tÞwk Ë„wk - Step relative ytuòh/ËtÄ™ ¾kz - Instrument room; tools room ytuh{tÞtu ËkƒkÄ - Step relation ytuòh…uxe - Tool box; kit box ytuzoh «{týu ƒ™tðu÷ - Made as per order; ytuòhƒkÄe nz‚t÷ - Tools down strike ytuòh¼kzthe - Tool keeper prepared as per order; made to order ytux - Slack water; ebb; reflux ytuzoh÷e ¾kz - Orderly room ytuXwk - Cover; shade; shadow ytu÷ððwk/ntu÷ððwk - Extinguish; put out yturzx y™u rnËtƒ yrÄfthe - Audit and ytu÷tŒ - Breed; pedigree; progeny; lineage Accounts Officer ytuðhnuz xtkfe - Overhead tank ytuðthtu - Ferry yturzx r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Audit code ytu¤ ðtðýe - Sowing in rows yturzx™t ðtkÄt - Audit objections ytu¤¾ - Identification; identity yturzx…tºt - Auditable ytu¤¾fËtuxe - Identification test ytu‚hk„ - Lintel; upper part of a door frame ytu¤¾r[êe - Identity slip ytu… - Glaze; burnishing; brightness; polish; ytu¤¾r[n™T - Distinguishing mark; gilding; plating; finishing; touch identification mark ytu…yÇÞtË¢{ - Refresher course ytu¤¾…ºt/…rh[Þ…ºt - Identification card; ytu…‚t÷e{ - Refresher training ytu…Œth - Glazed; polished; gilded; plated identity card; letter of introduction; ytuVËux {wÿf - Offset printer credentials ytuVËux {wÿý - Offset printing ytuh - Afterbirth; placenta ytu¤¾«{tý…ºt - Identity certificate ytuhze - Small room ytu¤¾rðrÄ/…huz - Indentification parade ytuhztu - Room; apartment ytu¤¾ðwk - Identify ytuhýe - Drill; sowing drill machine; sowing ytu¤¾Ëtûte - Identifying witness ytu¤¾tý - Acquaintance; recognition; of seed introduction; familiarity ytuhýeÚte ðtððwk - Drilling ytuh{t™ - Step; half-blood ytu¤¾tý fhtððe - Introduce ytu¤¾tÞu÷wk - Recognized; identified 78

ytu¤¾e ftZðwk/ƒ‚tððwk ytiãtur„f …w™Š™{toý/™ðh[™t ytu¤¾e ftZðwk/ƒ‚tððwk - Recognize; identify ytiãtur„f ft{Œth - Industrial worker ytu¤¾e/ytu¤¾tðe þftÞ yuðe r{÷f‚ - ytiãtur„f ftÞŒtu - Industrial law ytiãtur„f fthe„h - Industrial artisan Identifiable property ytiãtur„f ftÞoût{‚t - Industrial efficiency ytiãtur„f fuLÿ - Industrial centre ytu¤kƒtu - Plumb; plummet; plumb line ytiãtur„f fuLÿefhý - Industrial concentration ytiãtur„f ¢tkr‚ - Industrial revolution yki ytiãtur„f ¾r™s - Industrial mineral ytiãtur„f „r‚þe÷‚t - Industrial mobility ytir[íÞ - Pertinence; relevance; suitability; ytiãtur„f [wftŒtu/VUË÷tu - Industrial adjudication ytiãtur„f ò{e™„ehe - Industrial securities expediency; equity; propriety; legitimacy; ytiãtur„f ‚t÷e{ fuLÿ - Industrial Training decorum Centre ytir[íÞ rnËtƒ‚…tËýe - Propriety audit ytir[íÞ™tu {wÆtu - Point of propriety ytiãtur„f ‚t÷e{ËkMÚtt - Industrial Training ytiŒtÞo - Generosity; liberality ytiãtur„f - Industrial Institute ytiãtur„f yŒt÷‚ - Industrial Court ytiãtur„f y™u ¾heŒ-ðu[tý ËkþtuÄ™ - Industrial ytiãtur„f ‚t¤tƒkÄe - Industrial lockout ytiãtur„f rÄhtý - Industrial credit and marketing research ytiãtur„f ÄtuhýMÚtt…™ - Industrial ytiãtur„f yÚto‚kºt - Industrial economy standardization ytiãtur„f yþtkr‚ - Industrial unrest ytiãtur„f ytÄth - Industrial base ytiãtur„f ™fþtu - Industrial map ytiãtur„f ythtuøÞrð¿tt™ - Industrial hygiene ytiãtur„f ™„hðËtn‚ - Industrial township ytiãtur„f ytðtË™Þtus™t - Industrial Housing ytiãtur„f ™týtËkMÚtt - Industrial Financial Scheme Institution ytiãtur„f Rs™uhe - Industrial engineering ytiãtur„f ™er‚ - Industrial policy ytiãtur„f Ròhtu - Industrial monopoly ytiãtur„f LÞtÞþt† - Industrial jurisprudence ytiãtur„f Wí…tŒf‚t - Industrial productivity ytiãtur„f …ºtfthíð - Industrial journalism ytiãtur„f Wí…tŒ™ - Industrial production ytiãtur„f …rh»tŒ - Industrial Council ytiãtur„f W…¢{ - Industrial undertaking ytiãtur„f …heûtý - Industrial test ytiãtur„f W…Þtu„ - Industrial use ytiãtur„f …týe…whðXtu - Industrial water supply ytiãtur„f yuf{ - Industrial unit ytiãtur„f …tfo - Industrial park ytiãtur„f fxtufxe - Industrial crisis ytiãtur„f …w™Š™{toý/™ðh[™t - Industrial ytiãtur„f f÷t - Industrial art ytiãtur„f fÕÞtý/Ëw¾tfthe - Industrial welfare reconstruction ytiãtur„f …uZe/ËkMÚtt - Industrial concern 79

ytiãtur„f …uZe/ËkMÚtt ytiãtur„f Ëk½»to ytiãtur„f «r¢Þt - Industrial process ytiãtur„f rð¿tt…™/ònuh¾ƒh - Industrial ytiãtur„f «Œþo™ - Industrial exhibition ytiãtur„f Ã÷tLx - Industrial plant advertising/advertisement ytiãtur„f ƒ„tz - Industrial waste; industrial ytiãtur„f rððtŒ - Industrial dispute effluent ytiãtur„f rðM‚hý - Industrial expansion ytiãtur„f rðM‚hýçÞqhtu - Bureau of Industrial ytiãtur„f ƒòh - Industrial market ytiãtur„f ƒe{the - Industrial sickness Extension ytiãtur„f ƒuhtus„the/ƒufthe - Industrial ytiãtur„f rðM‚hýËuðt - Industrial Extension unemployment Service ytiãtur„f ƒUf - Industrial bank ytiãtur„f ƒU®f„ - Industrial banking ytiãtur„f rðM‚th - Industrial area ytiãtur„f ¼h‚e{u¤tu - Industrial recruitment ytiãtur„f ð]ÂØfuLÿ - Industrial Growth Centre ytiãtur„f ð]ÂØŒh - Industrial growth rate rally ytiãtur„f ðu‚™/{sqhe - Industrial wages ytiãtur„f ÔÞðËtÞ/ÄkÄtu - Industrial pursuit ytiãtur„f {nuf{ - Industrial establishment ytiãtur„f þnuh - Industrial city ytiãtur„f {kz¤ - Industrial Board ytiãtur„f þtkr‚ - Industrial peace ytiãtur„f {t™fefhý - Industrial ytiãtur„f rþûtý - Industrial education ytiãtur„f rþM‚ - Industrial discipline standardization ytiãtur„f þuz - Industrial shed ytãi tru „f Ë{s‚q e/Ë{tÄt™ - Industrial settlement ytiãtur„f {t™Ëþt† - Industrial psychology ytiãtur„f Ër{r‚ - Industrial Committee ytiãtur„f {t¤¾wk - Industrial set-up ytiãtur„f Ë{wå[Þ - Industrial conglomeration ytiãtur„f {trn‚efuLÿ - Industrial Information ytiãtur„f Ë{]ÂØ - Industrial prosperity ytiãtur„f Ë÷t{‚e - Industrial safety Centre ytiãtur„f Ë÷tn/…ht{þo - Industrial ytiãtur„f {qzeðtŒ - Industrial capitalism counselling ytiãtur„f ÞkºtËt{„úe - Industrial machinery ytiãtur„f ht»xÙ - Industrial Nation ytiãtur„f Ënfthe {kz¤e - Industrial co- ytiãtur„f he‚u …At‚ rðM‚th - Industrially operative society backward area ytiãtur„f ËnSð™ - Industrial symbiosis ytiãtur„f htus„th - Industrial employment ytiãtur„f Ëkfw÷ - Industrial complex ytiãtur„f ÷ðtŒe - Industrial arbitration ytiãtur„f Ëk„X™ - Industrial organization ytiãtur„f ÷tufþtne - Industrial democracy ytiãtur„f Ëk½»to - Industrial conflict ytiãtur„f ð„eofhý - Industrial classification ytiãtur„f Ëk½ðtŒ - Industrial unionism ytiãtur„f ðËtn‚tu - Industrial estates ytiãtur„f ðM‚e - Industrial population 80 ytiãtur„f rðftË - Industrial development; industrial growth

ytiãtur„f Ëk½ðtŒ f[uhe ™tUÄ ytiãtur„f ËkƒkÄ - Industrial relations yti»trÄ„wýftuþ - Materia Medica ytiãtur„f Ëk{u÷™/yrÄðuþ™/…rh»tŒ - Industrial yti»trÄËk„únt÷Þ - Herbarium conference yti»tÄeÞ yVeý - Medicinal opium yti»tÄeÞ „tkòu - Medicinal hemp ytiãtur„f ËkMÚtt - Industrial establishment; yti»tÄeÞ …tf - Medicinal crops yti»tÄeÞ ƒ™tðxtu - Pharmaceuticals industrial institute ytiãtur„f ËtnË - Industrial enterprise ytiãtur„f MÚt¤tk‚h - Industrial migration ytiãtur„f Mðhtus„th - Industrial self- f employment yti…[trhf - Formal yti…[trhf‚t - Formality f¬tðthe - Alphabetic order ytihË - Legitimate fûtt - Category; level ytihË ƒt¤f/Ëk‚t™ - Legitimate child fûttfhý - Categorisation/Categorization ytihË‚t - Legitimacy f[zðwk - Trample (2)Oppress yti»tÄ - Medicine; drug f[htr™ft÷ - Refuse disposal; garbage disposal yti»tÄfth/ yti»tÄrð¢u‚t - Pharmacist f[ht…uxe - Dustbin yti»tÄftuþ/yti»tÄËk„ún - Pharmacopoeia f[ht¼êe - Incinerator yti»tÄr™Þ{™‚kºt - Drugs Control f[htu - Leavings; rubbish; garbage; filth; Administration waste material; scum yti»tÄr™{toý rð¿tt™ - Pharmacy; f[tþ - Drawback f[uhe - Office; bureau pharmaceutics; pharmacology f[uhe yÄeûtf - Office Superintendent f[uhe yðuûtf - Office Supervisor yti»tÄr™{toýftuþ - Pharmacopoeia f[uhe f{o[theð„o - Office staff yti»tÄr™{toýþt¤t - Pharmacy f[uhe fthfw™ - Office Clerk yti»tÄr™{to‚t - Pharmacist f[uhe ftÞo…Ør‚ - Office procedure yti»tÄÞwõ‚ fhðwk - Medicate f[uhe ¾[o - Office expenses/expenditure yti»tÄÞwõ‚ s¤/ŒtY - Medicated water/wine f[uhe ¾[o rnËtƒ - Office expenses account yti»tÄÞwõ‚ ÂM…rhx - Medicated spirit f[uhe ™f÷ - Office copy yti»tÄhËtÞýrð¿tt™e - Pharmaceutical Chemist f[uhe r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Office manual yti»tÄrð¿tt™/yti»tÄ„wýrð¿tt™ - Pharmacology f[uhe ™tUÄ - Office note yt»i tÄrð¿tt™e/yt»i tÄ„ýw rð¿tt™e - Pharmacologist yti»tÄþt¤t - Pharmacy yti»tÄt÷Þ - Dispensary yti»trÄ - Herb; drug 81

f[uhe {ft™ fze f[uhe {ft™ - Administrative building; office fèh rðhtuÄ - Staunch opposition fèh‚tðtŒ - Fanaticism building fèh…kÚte - Fanatic fXý - Arduous; solid; hard f[uhe {nuf{ - Office establishment fX…q‚¤e™tu ¾u÷ - Puppet show f[uhe ÞtŒe - Office memorandum frX™ Ë{MÞt - Enigma; knotty problem f[uhe ðneðx - Office administration frXÞthtu - Woodcutter f[uhe ÔÞðMÚtt - Office management fXuztu/fXuhtu - Balustrade; railing f[uhe nwf{ - Office order fXtuh - Harsh f[uhe™t ðzt - Head of office; official chief fXtuh «fth™wk - Rigorous f[uhe™e „tze - Staff car fXtuh ð÷ý - Callous attitude f[uhe™wk ËkÏÞtƒ¤ - Strength of office; staff fXtuh/˾‚ rþûtt - Rigorous punishment f[uhe™tu rˬtu - Seal of office fXtu¤ - Pulse fxtût - Sarcasm; satire fzf - Rigid; drastic; strict fxtûtr[ºt - Cartoon fzf/[wM‚ y™w…t÷™ - Strict compliance fxtûtr[ºtfth - Cartoonist fzf ftÞoðtne - Strict/stern/severe action fxth - Column (2)Dagger fzf òótu - Strict surveillance; strict vigil fxth÷u¾f - Columnist fzf xeft - Severe criticism; stricture frxƒkÄ - Zone (2)Waist band; girdle fzf Œu¾hu¾ - Close supervision; strict watch frxƒkÄ h[™t - Zoning fzf r™Þ{tu - Hard and fast rules; strict rules frxƒkÄ Ë{Þ - Time zone fzf ™tUÄ - Strict note fxw/fzðe yt÷tu[™t - Bitter criticism; severe fzf …„÷tk - Strong measures; strict action; criticism; severe remarks stringent measures; drastic measures/action fxw ð[™ - Acrimonious language fzf {t™f/Ätuhý - Strict standard fxw‚t - Acrimony; bitterness fzf/[wM‚ ð÷ý - Rigid/stiff attitude fxtufxe - Emergency (2)Exigency fzf rþM‚ - Strict discipline fxtufxe ykŒts…ºt - Emergency budget fzf Ëhw ûtt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Heavy security arrangement fxtufxeft÷e™ - Emergent fzðtþ - Bitterness fxtufxe Ë¥tt - Emergency powers fzðwk - Bitter fxtufxe™e ½tu»týt - Proclamation of emergency frzÞtft{ - Masonry work fxtufxe™e þõÞ‚tðt¤wk - Crisis prone frzÞtu - Mason; bricklayer fxtufxe™e ÂMÚtr‚ - State of emergency fze - Link fèh - Staunch; fanatic 82 fèh Œw~{™ - Sworn enemy; staunch enemy

fze-{t„o fƒò/¼tu„ðxt-hrn‚ ¼tzq‚/„ýtur‚Þtu fze-{t„o - Link road fLÞtfu¤ðýe - Female education fze-¼t»tt - Link language fLÞtAtºtt÷Þ - Girls’ hostel fzeY… ™nuh - Link canal fLÞtþt¤t/rðãt÷Þ - Girls’ school fzeY… …rhÞtus™t - Linkage project f…[e - Metal; grit fZk„t…ýwk - Absurdity; oddity; awkwardness f…x - Deceit; fraud fZk„wk - Absurd; awkward; odd f…x™er‚ - Fraudulent policy; deceptive policy fZtE - Cauldron; boiling vessel f…xe ‚ƒŒe÷e - Fraudulent transfer fý - Grain; particle; atom f…xe ÔÞðnth - Underhand dealing fýfe - Broken rice f…xe Ët{u÷„ehe - Collusion fýË÷tk{tkÚte Œtýt ftZðt™wk Þkºt - Thresher f…xe/f…xÞwõ‚ - Fraudulent fýË÷wk - Ear of corn f…t‚ - Deduction; discount fýeŒth - Granular f…t‚™tUÄ - Deduct entry f‚hý - Scrap f…t‚…ºtf - Deduction register f‚÷ - Slaughter f…tË - Cotton f‚÷ fh™th - Slaughterer f…tË ‚sT¿t - Cotton specialist f‚÷¾t™wk - Abattoir; slaughter house; butchery f…tË ÷tuZðt™wk Þkºt - Ginning machine f‚th - Queue f…tË ð™M…r‚rð¿tt™e - Cotton botanist fí÷uyt{ - Massacre f…tË ËkðÄof - Cotton breeder fÚt™ - Statement; version; proposition f…tË™e ft¤e s{e™ - Black cotton soil fÚt™tí{f - Narrative f…tË™e ò‚ - Strain of cotton fÚttr[ºt - Feature film f…trËÞt - Cotton seeds fÚtt™f/fÚttðM‚w - Plot f…trËÞt™wk ‚u÷ - Cotton seeds oil fÚttËth - Synopsis f…trËÞt™tu ¾tu¤ - Cotton cake fŒ - Size; stature f…qh - Camphor fŒ{ - Step; foot; pace f…tu÷fÂÕ…‚ ðt‚ - Figment; fiction; legend fŒh - Appreciation fVtuze ÂMÚtr‚ - Sorry plight; awkward condition fŒY…t…ýwk - Ugliness; deformity fƒò „ehtu - Mortgage in possession fŒY…wk - Ugly; deformed fƒò …xtu - Occupation lease fŒt[ - Perhaps fƒò ¼tzq‚ - Occupancy tenant fŒtðh - Hefty; stout (2)Huge; gigantic fƒò ¼tu„ðxtu - Tenancy f™z„‚ - Harassment; annoyance fƒò/¼tu„ðxt-hrn‚ ¼tzq‚/„ýtur‚Þtu - Non- fr™c - Youngest; smallest; lowest (2)Worst occupancy tenant 83

fƒò {tr÷fe™e s{e™ fh xt¤ðtu fƒò {tr÷fe™e s{e™ - Demesne land f{¤tu - Jaundice fƒò {wŒ‚ - Occupancy tenure f{tW ytr©‚ - Earning dependent fƒò nf - Occupancy right f{tW ðM‚e - Active population fƒò{tk ht¾ðwk - Retain possession f{týe - Income; earning fƒòrð»tÞf W…tÞ - Possessory remedy f{týe Œh - Earning rate fƒrsÞt‚ - Constipation f{týe™e ût{‚t - Earning power; earning fƒsu fhe ÷uðwk - Seize capacity fƒsu ÷uðwk - Impound fƒsuŒth - Possessor; occupant f{t™ - Arch; bow (2)Spring fƒsuŒth …ûtfth - Party in possession f{t™-ftkxtu - Spring balance fƒòu - Possession; occupancy; custody f{t™-…w÷ - Arch bridge fƒòu„ehtuŒth - Mortgagee in possession f{t™-{t„o/hM‚tu - Arcade fƒòu Atuzðtu ‚u - Relinquishment of possession f{t™/{nuhtƒ™tu …ÚÚth - Key-stone fƒòu Atuztððtu - Dispossess; eject; evict f{tÞu÷ - Earned fƒòu Ähtð™th ÔÞÂõ‚ - Person in possession; f{tÞu÷e ytðf - Earned income fr{þ™-¾[o - Commission charge possessor; occupant f{e - Shortage, dearth; lack fƒòu Ähtððtu - Occupy; possess f{e fhðwk - Expunge; eliminate fƒòu/¼tu„ðxtu Ähtð™th - Occupant; possessor f{tu‚ - Unnatural death fƒòu ÷uðt {txu™tu Œtðtu - Claim possession f{tuË{e ðhËtŒ - Untimely rain fƒtx - Closet; cupboard fÞthe ®Ë[tE - Bed irrigation fƒt÷tu/ðtÞŒt ¾heŒe - Forward buying fh - Tax; levy fƒq÷ fhðwk - Confess; agree; admit fh yrÄfthûtuºt - Tax jurisdiction fƒq÷t‚ - Confession, admission fh ytfthýe - Tax assessment; assessment of fƒq÷t‚ fhðe - Own up; confess tax fƒq÷t‚ …hÚte [wftŒtu - Judgement by confession fh ytfthýeŒth - Tax Assessor fƒq÷t‚™t{wk - Deed of agreement fh ytfthðtu - Assess fƒúM‚t™ - Graveyard; cemetery fh ytÄth - Tax base f{òuh - Weak; feeble fh W…h Œkz - Penalty on tax f{òuhe - Debility; weakness fh [qf‚u «{tý…ºt - Tax clearance certificate f{™Ëeƒ - Unlucky; unfortunate; ill-fated fh [wfðýe{tk rðht{ - Tax break f{h‚tuz - Back breaking fh s{t «{tý…ºt - Tax credit certificate f{htu - Apartment; room fh xt¤ðtu - Tax avoidance; tax evasion 84

fh ™t¾ðtÞtuøÞ fh{tVe/{wÂõ‚ fh ™t¾ðtÞtuøÞ - Leviable; taxable fh[htuÄf - Splinter proof fh ™t¾ðtu - Levy tax; impose tax fh[÷tu - Cancer; crab fh ™t¾ðtu/÷tŒðtu ‚u - Tax imposition fh[tuh - Tax evader; tax dodger fh …Ør‚ - Tax system fh[tuhe - Tax evasion fh «t - Tax receipt fhs - Debt; liability fh ƒ[‚ût{ Þtus™t - Tax-efficient scheme fhs [qf‚u fhðwk ‚u - Pay off; settlement of debt fh ƒtus - Tax burden fhs Vuzðt™e þÂõ‚ - Capacity to repay debt fh ¼hðt™e ò„Yf‚t - Tax consciousness fhs-¾[o - Debt charges fh ¼hðt™e þÂõ‚ - Tax paying capacity fhs-[wfðýe ÔÞðMÚtt - Servicing of debts fh ¼hðt{tk [qf - Tax delinquency fhs-{ÞtoŒt - Debt limit fh ¼hðt{tk [qf fh™th - Tax delinquent fhsŒth - Debtor fh {shu {¤ðtu - Tax offset fhs{wÂõ‚ - Acquittance from debt fh htn‚ - Tax relief fhsu ÷eÄu÷e hf{ - Borrowings; debt fh ðËq÷t‚ - Tax collection fhŒt‚t - Assessee; tax payer; tributary fh ðËq÷t‚Œth - Tax collector fh™e ytŠÚtf swB{uŒthe - Tax liability fh ðneðxe ‚kºt - Tax administration fh™e hf{ - Amount of tax fh rËðtÞ™tk ËtÄ™tu - Non-tax sources fh™wk Œƒtý - Impact of tax; incidence of tax fh rËðtÞ™e ytðf - Non-tax revenue fh™wk {qzefhý - Tax capitalization fh rËðtÞ™e [wfðýe - Non-tax payment fh™tu Œh - Tax rate fh Ëqºt - Tax formula fh…tºt - Taxable fhfËh - Thrift; economy; frugality fh…tºt ytðf - Taxable income fhfËh fhðe - Economize fh…tºt ™Vtu - Taxable profit fhfËh Ër{r‚ - Economy Committee fh…tºt «Œuþ - Taxable territory fhfËh-ft…÷e - Economy slip fh…tºt ðM‚w - Taxable commodity fhfËh™tk …„÷tk - Economic measures; fh^Þw ™t¾ðtu ‚u - Imposition of curfew fhƒtus - Impact of tax austerity measures fh¼th/¼thý - Burden of taxation; incidence fhfËh¼ÞwO/fhfËhðt¤wk - Economical; frugal; of tax thrifty fh{ÞtoŒt - Tax limit fh{nuËq÷ - Tax revenue fhfËh¼Þtuo ðneðx/ÔÞðMÚtt‚kºt - Economic fh{tVe/{wÂõ‚ - Remission of tax; tax administration/management exemption fhfËh÷ûte ft… - Economy cut 85 fh[ - Splinter

fh{tðwk ‚u f‚oÔÞ…htÞý‚t fh{tðwk ‚u - Wilting; withering fhth¾‚ - Deed of contract; agreement deed fh{t¤¾wk - Tax-net; tax structure fhth¾[o - Contract cost fh{wõ‚ - Tax-free fhth„‚ sðtƒŒthe - Contractual obligation fh{wõ‚ {t÷ - Tax-free goods fhth÷ø™ - Contract marriage fh{wõ‚ ðM‚wytu - Tax-free articles fhth™t{wk - Agreement; contract fh{wÂõ‚ - Tax exemption fhth™e þh‚ - Terms of contract; terms of fhð‚…èe - Bandsaw agreement fhðËq÷t‚ - Tax recovery fhth™e Ë{tÂó - Termination of agreement/ fhðËq÷t‚™tu Eòhtu/Xuftu - Contract for tax contract recovery fhth™wk yÂM‚íð - Subsistence of contract fhrðht{ - Tax holiday fhth™wk rð»tÞðM‚w - Subject-matter of contract/ fhðuht yrÄfthe - Taxation Officer agreement fhðuht ftÞŒt - Taxation laws fhðuht ‚…tË ytÞtu„ - Taxation Enquiry fhth™u yÄe™ - Subject to agreement fhthƒØ W{uŒðth - Indentured apprentice Commission fhthƒØ W{uŒðthe - Indentured apprenticeship fhðuht ™t¾ðt - Impose tax; tax; levy tax fhthƒØ f{o[the - Indentured servant fhðuht r™heûtf - Taxation Inspector fhthƒØ {sqh - Indentured labour fhðuht ™er‚ - Taxation policy fhthƒØ ðtn™ - Contract carriage/vehicle fhðuht «…t‚ - Cascading taxation fhth¼k„ - Breach of contract fhðuht {t¤¾wk - Tax structure; tax-net fhe þftÞ ‚uðe rþûtt - Imposable penalty/ fhðuht Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Taxation Authority punishment fhðuht Ëqºt - Tax formula fhðuht™t …qhf Œh - Supplementary tax rates fhtuzhßsw - Backbone; spine fhðuht™t rËØtk‚tu - Canons /rules/fundamentals fhtuzðt¤wk «týe - Vertebrate ffoþ - Harsh of taxation fýorð¿tt™ - Otology fhðuht™e ¢{…Ør‚ - Step system of taxation fýto‚e‚ - Ultrasonic; supersonic fhËkƒkÄe {tVe - Tax amnesty; tax holiday fýtuo…fýo …whtðtu - Hearsay evidence fht - Hail f‚oÔÞåÞwr‚ - Dereliction of duty fhtz/¼u¾z - Cliff; ridge; precipice f‚oÔÞr™c - Dutiful; conscientious; fht{‚ - Contrivance; trick; device scrupulous; sincere fhth - Contract; convention; understanding; f‚oÔÞr™ct - Devotion to duty; scrupulosity; sincerity pact; agreement; covenant f‚oÔÞ…htÞý‚t - Devotion to duty; fidelity fhth fhðtu - Enter into an agreement 86

f‚oÔÞ…t÷™ f÷uõxh f[uhe f‚oÔÞ…t÷™ - Performance of duties; execution fÞto™wk yr¼«u‚ ntuðwk ‚u - Purporting to be done of duty f÷{ - Article; section (2)Pen (3)Graft; cutting f÷{ ƒkÄ nz‚t÷ - Pen down strike f‚oÔÞ¼tð™t - Sense of duty f÷{ ƒtkÄðe/fhðe - Grafting f‚oÔÞrð{w¾‚t - Dereliction of duty f÷{ðth ðtk[™ - Clause by clause reading f‚oÔÞËqr[ - Duty list f÷{e Atuz - Grafted plant f‚to yÚtðt „w™t-ËntÞf - Principal or abettor f÷n - Discord; quarrel f{o[the - Employee; functionary f÷kf - Stigma; blemish f{o[the Œ¤ - Work force f÷kf/÷tkA™ ÷„tððwk - Blame; tarnish f{o[the rÄhtý {kz¤e - Employees’ Credit f÷krf‚ - Infamous; tarnished; disgraced f÷krf‚ «r‚ct - Tarnished reputation Society f÷t - Art; craft f÷tE„h - Tinsmith f{o[the r™ÞwÂõ‚ …Ør‚ - Staffing pattern f÷tE™tk ðtËý - Tinware f{o[the r™ðtË - Staff accommodation f÷tE™tu Ztu¤ - Tin-plating f{o[the …rh[thf/…rh[trhft - Staff nurse f÷tEðt¤wk - Tinned f{o[the …rh»tŒ - Staff Council f÷tfŒeX/f÷tfðth - Hourly f{o[the …ËkŒ„e Ër{r‚ - Staff Selection f÷tfŒeX ytðf - Hourly income f÷tfðth «Ëthý - Hourly broadcast Committee f÷tfth - Artist f÷tf]r‚ - Work of art; piece of art f{o[the ƒ[‚ Þtus™t - Employees’ Thrift f÷t…th¾w - Connoisseur of art f÷t…qýo ðM‚wytu - Artistic articles Scheme f÷t¼kzth - Art treasure f÷t{u¤tu - Art fair f{o[the ¼rð»Þr™rÄ Þtus™t - Employees’ f÷tðerÚt/Œe½to - Art gallery f÷tþt¤t - School of art Provident Fund Scheme f÷t þi÷eytu - Schools of art f{o[the {kz¤ - Staff Association f{o[the {qÕÞtkf™ - Evaluation of employee f{o[the ÷t¼tÚto r™rÄ - Staff benefit fund f{o[the Ëwhûtt - Employee’s security f{o[theytu™e ¾U[ - Shortage of staff f{o[theytu™wk ËkÏÞtƒ¤ ½xtzðwk - Downsizing of employees f{o[the¾kz - Staff room f{o[theð„o - Staff; employees; establishment; personnel f{o[theð„o yrÄfthe - Personnel Officer f÷trþûtf - Art master; art teacher f{o[theð„o™e r™{ýqf - Appointment of staff f÷tËso™-¾kz - Art studio f{o[theð„o™e Vhs - Duty of staff f÷t Ëk„únt÷Þ - Art museum f{o[theð„o™tu ËÇÞ - Staff member f÷uõxh f[uhe - Collectorate; office of collector 87

fÕ…™t fk„t¤ fÕ…™t - Concept; imagination fËqhŒth …ûtfth - Party in fault fÕ…™tí{f - Imaginative; dreamy fËtusý - Sweepings fÕ…™tí{f ytÞtus™ - Imaginative planning fËtuxe - Test; examination fÕ…™tþe÷ - Imaginative fËtuxe fhu÷wk - Tested; tried fÂÕ…‚ - Imaginary; fictitious (2)Notional fËtuxe f{o[the - Test hand; apprentice fÂÕ…‚ …„th - Notional pay fËtuxe [ftËýe - Test check fÕÞtý - Welfare; well being fËtuxe r™heûtý - Test inspection fÕÞtý yrÄfthe - Welfare Officer fËtuxe …heûtý - Test examination fÕÞtý r™rÄ - Welfare fund fËtuxe …wÂM‚ft - Test booklet fÕÞtý htßÞ - Welfare State fËtuxe «{tý…ºt - Test certificate fÕÞtý Ë÷tnfth - Welfare Adviser fËtuxe…ÚÚth - Touch stone fÕ÷e - Fold fMxze{tk {]íÞw - Custodial death fð[ - Armour; shield; protection fMxze{tk ht¾ðt …tAwk {tuf÷ðwk - Remand to fð[ûtuºt - Shield area; protected area fðtÞ‚ - Parade; drill (2)Exercise custody fðu¤t™wk - Untimely fþe ‚iÞthe rð™t - Impromptu; extempore; fnuð‚ - Adage; traditional maxim; proverb fnuðt‚wk - Alleged; so called unrehearsed fnuðt‚tu „w™tu - Alleged offence; so called fü - Pain; suffering; hardship offence füŒtÞf/füŒtÞe - Painful; vexatious f˃ - Workmanship; art; craft; skill fnuðwk - State; tell; say f˃e - Artisan; craftsman; skilled fÌtt„htu {‚Œth - Manageable voter fËh - Concession f¤ - Key; device; switch fËh‚ - Exercise f¤ý - Marsh; marsh land; swamp fËh‚ƒts - Athlete; gymnast f¤…x - Key-board fËtE - Butcher; slaughterer f¤t Ë{wå[Þ - Art pool fËtE™wk ft{ - Butchery f¤tf˃/f¤tfthe„he - Arts and crafts fËtEðtztu - Butchery; slaughter house f¤e - Bud; germ; sprout fËtÞu÷wk - Seasoned; rigorous; practised f¤e[q™tu - Quick lime fËwðtðz - Miscarriage; abortion fkE ™rn - Nil fËqh - Default; defect; lack fkfh - Gravel fËqhŒth - Defaulter fk„t÷ …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Necessitous circumstances fk„tr÷Þ‚ - Destitution; poverty fk„t¤ - Destitute; poor 88

fk„t¤ ƒ™tððwk ft[e Ät‚w fk„t¤ ƒ™tððwk - Impoverish fk…™e™e {tr÷fe - Corporate ownership fksqË - Greedy; penurious; sordid fk…™e™tu Œhßòu - Status of company fksqËtE - Parsimony; greed fk…tuMx - Organic fertilizer fkxf ð™ - Thorn forest fk…tuMx rðftË yrÄfthe - Compost fkxt¤ts™f - Irksome; tiresome fkxt¤tu - Boredom Development Officer fkxÙtõx ŒM‚tðus - Contractual document fkxÙtõx …Ør‚ - Contract system ft¾-½tuze - Crutch fkxÙtõx ¼tzwk - Contract rent ft„¤ Wãtu„ - Paper industry fkxÙtõx {sqh/{sqhe - Contract labour ft„¤ …h™e rË÷f - Balance on paper fkxÙtõx ðu‚™ - Contract wage ft„¤ r{÷ - Paper mill fkxÙtõx™e {wŒ‚ - Contract period ft„¤ft{ «rþûtf - Paper work Instructor fkxÙtõx™e {wŒ‚…qðo Ë{tÂó - Premature ft„¤™wk [÷ý - Paper currency ft„¤™wk ™týwk - Soft money; paper money termination of the contract ft„¤™tu {tðtu - Papier mache; paper pulp ft„¤™tu ðªxtu - Paper roll fkxÙtõx™wk ft{ - Contract work ft„¤tu ËtÚtu hsq - Submitted with papers fkXâ Ëk„e‚ - Vocal music ft[ «tiãtur„fe - Glass technology fk‚t™ - Jute cloth; hessian ft[ «tiãtur„ferðŒT - Glass technologist fkŒ - Bulb; tuber ft[ft„¤ - Sand-paper fkŒ{q¤ - Roots and bulbs ft[hu‚e - Silica sand fkŒtuE - Confectioner ft[½h{tk W„tzu÷t Atuz - Glass culture; glass fkŒtuhtu - Coping(Eng.) (2)Waist band fk…™ - Tremor; trembling plantation fk…™e fh - Corporate tax fk…™e ftÞŒtu - Comapany law ft[™e ‚f‚e - Pane f…k ™e Vz[t{tk sðe ‚u - Liquidation of a company ft[™wk ytðhý - Lens hood fk…™e rnËtƒ - Company account ft[™wk ½h - Glass house fk…™eytu™wk yufefhý/òuztý - Amalgamation of ft[™tu ‚Ï‚tu - Glass plate ft[™tu Ët{t™ - Glassware companies; merger of companies ft[{rý - Quartz ft[t ft™™tu - Gullible fk…™e™t ÄthtÄtuhýtu - Articles of association ft[t ft{™tu fuŒe - Under-trial prisoner fk…™e™e r™Þ{tðr÷/r™Þ{tu - Rules of ft[e Ekx - Adobe; mud brick; unburnt brick ft[e su÷ - Lock-up association ft[e Ät‚w - Ore fk…™e™e ƒ[‚ - Corporate savings 89

ft[e Ät‚w™t Úth ft™q™e y™w{t™ ft[e Ät‚w™t Úth - Ore deposits ftx÷wk - Weight ft[e ™nuh - Unlined canal ftZe yt…ðwk - Issue ft[e …ntU[ - Provisional receipt ftZe ™t¾ðwk - Delete; eliminate; strike off; ft[e …uŒtþ - Raw produce ft[e {txe - Unbaked clay strike out; expunge; cancel; exclude ft[e Ët{„úe - Raw material ft[wk - Rough; raw (2)Unripe (3)Uncooked ftZe ™t¾ðwk ‚u - Exclusion; expunction; ft[wk/yþturÄ‚ ‚u÷ - Crude oil ft[wk ft{ - Rough work cancellation; deletion; elimination ft[wk …týe - Raw water ft[wk «qV - Foul proof ftZe {qfðwk - Expel (2)Rusticate (3)Dismiss ft[wk ¼hr‚Þwk - Proforma invoice ftýwk - Hole ft[wk {U„u™eÍ - Manganese ore ftr‚÷ - Deadly; fatal ft[wk huþ{ - Raw silk ftÚte - Coir ft[wk ÷tEËLË - Learner’s licence; learning ftÚte Wãtu„ - Coir industry ftŒð - Sludge; mud licence ftŒð WAt¤ðtu ‚u - Mud slinging ftŒð ßðt¤t{w¾e - Mud volcano ft[wk(Zt¤ðt {txu™wk) ÷tuZwk - Pig iron; product of ftŒðfe[z - Quagmire ftŒð™tu …ÚÚth - Mud stone iron ore ftŒðÞwõ‚ - Muddy ft™™tu …zŒtu - Eardrum ft[wk ËhðiÞwk - Trial balance ft™Ë - File ft[tu ykŒts - Rough estimate ft™q™ - Statute; law; legislation ft[tu fqðtu - Unlined well ft™q™ îtht MÚt…tÞu÷e Þwr™ðŠËxe - Statutory ft[tu {t÷ - Raw material ft[tu {wËÆtu - Rough draft University ft[tu hM‚tu - Earth road; unmetalled road ft[tu rnËtƒ - Proforma account ft™q™…tuÚte - Statute book ftx - Rust ft™q™ƒtrÄ‚ - Statute barred ftx ÷t„ðtu ‚u - Corrosion ft™q™ƒtrÄ‚ Œuðwk - Statute barred debts ftx ÷t„u yuðwk - Corrosive ft™q™¼k„ - Breach of law ftx¾qrýÞwk - Setsquare ft™q™{tLÞ - Statutorily recognized ftxAtkx - Pruning; trimming ft™q™ {wsƒ Xhtðu÷ ¼tð - Statutory price ftx{t¤ - Debris ft™q™Ëqr[ - Statute roll ftxhtuÄf - Rustproof; rust resistant ft™q™e - Statutory; legal ft™q™e yrÄfthðkr[‚‚t/yË{Úto‚t - Legal disability ft™q™e y™w{t™ - Legal presumption 90

ft™q™e y™u yŒt÷‚e «fth ft… {qfðtu ft™q™e y™u yŒt÷‚e «fth - Legal and judicial ft™q™e …whtðtu - Legal evidence character ft™q™e VuhVth - Statutory modification ft™q™e ƒ¤ - Legal force ft™q™e yr¼«tÞ - Legal opinion ft™q™e ƒtƒ‚tu - Legal affairs ft™q™e yÂM‚íð - Legal entity ft™q™e ƒuXf - Statutory meeting ft™q™e ynuðt÷ - Law report ft™q™e ¼tu„ðxt-nf - Statutory occupancy rights ft™q™e ytŒurþft - Legal process ft™q™e {kz¤ - Statutory body ft™q™e W…tÞ - Legal remedy ft™q™e {t™f - Legal standard ft™q™e yti…[trhf‚tytu - Legal formalities ft™q™e {tLÞ‚t - Legal recognition ft™q™e yti»tÄrð¿tt™ - Forensic medicine ft™q™e {wÆtu - Point of law; legal point ft™q™e/ftÞŒtfeÞ ƒtƒ‚ - Matter of law ft™q™e hûtý - Legal protection ft™q™e ftÞŒtu - Statute law ft™q™e rððtn - Civil marriage ft™q™e fthý - Legal ground ft™q™e ÔÞðËtÞ - Practice of law; legal ft™q™e ftÞo…Ør‚ - Legal procedure ft™q™e ftÞoðtne - Act of law; legal proceeding; profession/practice legal action ft™q™e rþhM‚tu - Legal tradition ft™q™e Ë¥tt/Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Statutory Authority ft™q™e ftÞoðtne{tkÚte {wÂõ‚ - Exemption from ft™q™e Ë÷tn - Legal advice ft™q™e Ë÷tnfth - Legal Advisor legal process ft™q™e ËntÞ - Legal aid ft™q™e Ët‚íÞ - Legal continuity ft™q™e ¾[o - Legal expenses ft™q™e Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Legal sovereignty ft™q™e s™{‚ - Statutory referendum ft™q™e sYrhÞt‚ - Legal necessity; statutory obligation ft™q™e suðwk - Quasi-legal ft™q™e òu„ðtE - Legal provision ft™q™e ËwÄthtu - Statutory modification ft™q™e xftðthe - Statutory percentage ft™q™e Ëqºt - Maxim in law ft™q™e ‚…tË - Legal inquiry ft™q™e MðY… - Legal nature; legal character ft™q™e ‚kºt - Statutory authority ft™q™e nwf{ - Statutory order ft™q™e ŒM‚tðus - Statutory instrument; legal ft™q™e nurËÞ‚ - Legal status document; statutory document ft™q™efhý - Legalization ft™q™e Œtðtu - Legal claim ft™q™eY… yt…ðwk - Legalize ft™q™e r™Þ{ - Legal rule ft™q™u‚h - Extra legal ft™q™e r™ýoÞ - Legal decision ft… - Curtailment; cut ft™q™e ™turxË - Legal notice ft… Œh¾tM‚ - Cut motion ft™q™e …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Legal position ft… {qfðtu - Curtail 91

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