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gutarati to english

Published by Dhaval Kataria, 2022-05-25 15:41:55

Description: gutarati to english


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Œ¥tf Œ{™ fhðwk Œ¥tf - Adopted; adoptee ŒV‚hËk„ún - Archives Œ¥tf ¾‚ - Adoption deed ŒV‚hË„k nú yrÄfthe - Archivist; Record Officer Œ¥tf„]n - Adoption home ŒV‚hËk„ún y™u Ëk„únt÷Þ - Archives and Œ¥tf„úný/yk„efth - Adoption Museums Œ¥tf r…‚t - Adoptive father Œ¥tf {t‚t - Adoptive mother ŒV‚he - Ministerial; secretarial Œ¥tf ÷u™th - Adopter ŒV‚he f{[o theð„o - Ministerial staff; secretarial Œ¥tf ÷uðtÞtuøÞ - Adoptable Œ¥tf ÷uðwk - Adopt staff Œ¥tfrðÄt™/rðrÄ - Adoption; adoption ŒV‚he ËntÞ - Secretarial assistance ceremony ŒV‚he Ëuðt - Ministerial service ŒV‚hu fhðwk - File ŒV‚h - Record (2)Portfolio (3)Office ŒV‚hu ™rn ÷uðt™e yrðrÄËh ðt‚[e‚ - Off the (4)School bag record talk ŒV‚h f[uhe - Record Office ŒV™ - Burial; sepulchre ŒV‚h ft…÷e - Record slip ŒV™r¢Þt - Inhumation; sepulture ŒV‚h fthfw™ - Record Clerk ŒV™MÚtt™ - Sepulchre ŒV‚h ¾kz - Record room ŒV™tððwk - Bury; sepulture ŒV‚h ¾kz f[uhe - Record Room Office Œƒtý - Pressure; duress (2)Encroachment ŒV‚h ¾t‚wk - Record Department (3)Stress Œƒtý ™¤ - Pressure pipe Œƒtý {Útt¤wk - Pressure head ŒV‚h¾t™wk - Archives; Record Office ŒƒtýÚte Út‚e Ÿ[tE - Pressure head ŒV‚h ™f÷ - Office-copy Œƒtý…qðof - Under duress ŒV‚h r™ð]Â¥t ftÞo¢{ - Record retirement Œƒtý{t…f - Pressure gauge Œƒtý{t…f ËtÄ™ - Manometer programme ŒƒtýhtuÄf ¾r™s - Antistress mineral ŒƒtýðÄof …k… - Booster pump ŒV‚h …ºtf - Record sheet ŒƒtýËq[f ™¤ - Pressure pipe ŒV‚h ¼kzth - Archives; record office Œƒtððwk/Œƒtðe Œuðwk - Suppress; repress; oppress ŒV‚h {tusýe Ër{r‚ - Record Survey Œƒtðe ŒeÄu÷tu Vw„tðtu - Suppressed inflation Œ{ ð„h™wk/rð™t™wk - Good for nothing; insipid Committee Œ{™ - Oppression; repression; persecution; ŒV‚h hûtý - Salvaging of records tyranny; supression ŒV‚h ðneðx - Record administration ŒV‚h rð™t™t {kºte - Minister without portfolio Œ{™ fhðwk - Repress; oppress; suppress; ŒV‚h-Ëkhûtý - Conservation of records ŒV‚hŒth/…t÷ - Archivist; keeper of archives; persecute; tyrannize keeper of records; record keeper 192

Œ{™fthe ŒrhÞtE Rs™uhe Œ{™fthe - Oppressive; suppressive; Œhßò™e Ë{t™‚t - Equality of status tyrannical; repressive Œhßò{tk y™w„t{e VuhVth - Subsequent Œ{™fthe yËh - Strangle-hold change of status Œ{™fthe fh - Repressive tax Œhßòu - Position; status; grade; rank Œ{™fthe þÂõ‚ - Tyrannical power Œhßòu y™u M‚h - Status and standard Œ{™fthe nu‚w - Repressive motive; suppressive Œh™wk yufefhý - Unification of rates purpose Œh™tu ftuXtu - Table of rates Œhr{Þt™ - During; meantime; meanwhile ŒÞt - Pity; mercy Œhr{Þt™„ehe - Intervention; mediation; ŒÞt™e yhs/yhS - Petition for mercy; mercy intercession petition Œhr{Þt™„ehe fh™th - Mediator; intervener ŒÞt¤w ð‚o™/ÔÞðnth - Human treatment Œhr{Þt™„ehe fhðe - Intervene; intercede; Œh - Hole; burrow (2)Price; rate Œh y™wËqr[ - Schedule of rate mediate Œh fkxÙtõx - Rate contract Œhr{Þt™„eheÚte r™htfhý - Solution by Œh ºtý {rn™u - Quarterly mediation Œh r™Ätohý - Rating Œh …kŒh rŒðËu/…¾ðtrzÞu - Fortnightly Œhhtus - Daily; every day Œh {rn™u - Per mensem; per month; every Œhhtus™e/htusuhtus™e {trn‚e - Daily data Œhðtò™tu hM‚tu - Doorway month Œhðtòu - Door; gate Œh-{t¤¾wk - Rate structure Œhðt™ - Gate-keeper; gateman; door-keeper Œh ð»tuo - Per annum; every year Œrhÿ - Penniless; poor; poverty-stricken Œh-Ëqr[ - Rate list Œrhÿ‚t - Poverty Œh¾tM‚ - Proposal (2)Motion ŒrhÞt ftkXt™wk htßÞ - Coastal State Œh¾tM‚ fhðe - Propose; offer ŒrhÞt ‚hVe - Seaward; towards sea Œh¾tM‚ {qfðe - Move ŒrhÞt-Ätuðtý rðhtuÄe ft{tu - Anti-sea erosion Œh¾tM‚™e ‚the¾ - Date of proposal works Œh¾tM‚™wk ytir[íÞ - Justification for the ŒrhÞt-¼tzwk - Sea freight proposal ŒrhÞtE - Marine; naval; nautical Œh¾tM‚™wk rð¼ts™ - Division of motion ŒrhÞtE yr‚¢{ý - Marine transgression Œh„wsh fhðwk - Forgive (2)Condone; excuse ŒrhÞtE yŒt÷‚ - Marine court Œhßò Äúwðefhý - Status polarization ŒrhÞtE ytƒtunðt - Marine climate Œhßò Ë{MÞt - Status problem ŒrhÞtE Rs™uh - Marine Engineer Œhßò™e áÂüyu ‚tƒt™wk - Subordinate in rank ŒrhÞtE Rs™uhe - Marine engineering 193

ŒrhÞtE òu¾{ ŒrhÞt…th ðu…th Þtus™t ŒrhÞtE òu¾{ - Marine risk; sea risk ŒrhÞtE Ë¥tt - Sea power ŒrhÞtE x™ - Nautical tonne ŒrhÞtE ËVh - Voyage; sea faring ŒrhÞtE x…t÷ - Sea mail ŒrhÞtE Ëuðt - Sea service ŒrhÞtE xt…w - Sea island ŒrhÞtE nw{÷tu - Sea attack ŒrhÞtE ‚¤ÿÔÞ - Marine deposit ŒrhÞtftkXt ™Sf™wk - In shore ŒrhÞtE ‚th - Cable; cablegram ŒrhÞtftkXt …h™tk „t{tu - Marine villages ŒrhÞtE Œ¤ - Marine corps ŒrhÞtftkXt …h™wk - Onshore; coastal ŒrhÞtE Œeðt÷ - Sea wall ŒrhÞtftkXt-hûtf - Coast guard ŒrhÞtE ™fþtu - Marine map ŒrhÞtftkXt™e/rf™tht™e ytƒtunðt - Coastal ŒrhÞtE ™tftƒkÄe - Naval blockade climate ŒrhÞtE r™heûtý yrÄfthe - Marine Inspection ŒrhÞtftkXt™e {åAe{the - In shore fishing Officer ŒrhÞtftkXt™wk - Maritime; coastal ŒrhÞtE …rhðn™ - Sea transport ŒrhÞtftkXt™wk Ätuðtý - Coastal erosion ŒrhÞtE …týe™e ¾thtþ - Sea water salinity ŒrhÞtftkXt™wk Ëkhûtý - Coastal defence ŒrhÞtE …týe™e ½™‚t - Sea water density ŒrhÞtftkXt™tu {íMÞ-Wãtu„/{íMÞ-ûtuºt - Coastal ŒrhÞtE …týe™e h[™t - Sea water composition fishery ŒrhÞtE …týe™wk W»ý‚t{t™ - Sea water ŒrhÞtftkXt™tu/Ë{wÿ‚x™tu rðM‚th - Coastal area temperature ŒrhÞtftkXt™tu ðu…th - Coastal trade ŒrhÞtE …uŒtþ - Marine products ŒrhÞtftkXu …fzu÷e {tA÷eytu - Marine fish-catch ŒrhÞtE ƒkŒh - Sea port ŒrhÞtftkXtu/Ët„h‚x/Ë{wÿrf™thtu - Coast ŒrhÞtE {íMÞ-Wãtu„ - Marine fisheries ŒrhÞtftkXtu Ähtð‚wk htßÞ - Maritime State ŒrhÞtE {íMÞ-ËkðÄo™/WAuh - Marine fish culture ŒrhÞt¾uzw - Seafarer ŒrhÞtE {íMÞûtuºt - Sea fisheries ŒrhÞtrŒ÷e - Large heartedness ŒrhÞtR {tR÷ - Nautical mile ŒrhÞt™wk …týe - Brine water; sea water ŒrhÞtE {tusýe - Marine survey ŒrhÞt…th - Overseas ŒrhÞtE {tusýeŒth - Marine Surveyor; ŒrhÞt…th ytÞt‚ - Overseas import Nautical Surveyor ŒrhÞt…th r™ftË - Overseas export ŒrhÞt…th …„th - Overseas pay ŒrhÞtE ÞwØ - Sea warfare ŒrhÞt…th ¼ÚÚtwk - Overseas allowance ŒrhÞtE rð{t™½h - Marine airport ŒrhÞt…th hò - Overseas leave ŒrhÞtE ðe{t …tìr÷Ëe - Marine Insurance ŒrhÞt…th hðt™„e - Overseas despatch ŒrhÞt…th ðu…th Þtus™t - Overseas trading policy 194 scheme ŒrhÞtE ðe{tu - Marine insurance ŒrhÞtE ðu…th - Sea borne trade

ŒrhÞt…th Ëk[th Ëuðt ŒM‚tðus «{trý‚ fh™th ŒrhÞt…th Ëk[th Ëuðt - Overseas Œðt-r[êe - Prescription communication service Œðt ‚hefu ÷uðt™wk yVeý - Medicinal opium Œðt ‚iÞth fhðe ‚u - Compounding ŒrhÞt…th™t Œuþtu - Overseas countries Œðt ÷¾e yt…ðe - Prescribe ŒrhÞt…th™t «ðtËe - Overseas tourist Œðt rð¢u‚t - Druggist; chemist ŒrhÞt{tk ftkXtÚte Úttuzu Œqh - Offshore Œðt/yti»tÄ ËkƒkÄe - Medical; medicinal ŒrhÞtu - Sea; ocean Œðt¾t™t™tu ™tufh - Dispensary servant Œhtuztu - Raid Œðt¾t™wk - Dispensary ŒŒo - Pain; misery; ache Œþftu - Decade; decennium ŒŒoþt{f - Palliative; pain killer; anodyne Œþ{tu ¼t„ - Tithe; one to tenth ŒŒeo - Patient Œþð»teoÞ/ŒþðtŠ»tf - Decennial ŒŒeoðtrn™e - Ambulance Œþð»teoÞ Þtus™t - Ten year plan Œ¼ohtu…ý - Turf planting Œþt - Situation; position; condition Œþof - Audience; spectator; viewer ŒþtçŒe - Decennium Œþof ¾kz - Auditorium; gallery ŒþtçŒeÞ - Decadal Œþof Œe½to - Visitor’s gallery Œþtkþ fh - Tithe Œþo™tÚteo - Devotee (2)Visitor Œþtkþ fh ™t¾ðtu ‚u - Tithing Œþo™e zÙt^x - Sight draft Œþtkþ fh™e [wfðýe - Tithing Œþo™e nqkze - Demand draft Œþtkþ fh…tºt - Tithable Œþtoðu÷ - Shown; mentioned; stated; cited Œþtkþ fh…tºt s{e™ - Tithe land Œ÷t÷/ytzr‚Þtu - Broker; commission agent Œþtkþ r[ö - Decimal point Œ÷t÷e - Brokerage; commission Œþtkþ …Ør‚ - Metric system; decimal system Œr÷‚ - Depressed; oppressed; suppressed Œþtkþ rˬt …Ør‚ - Decimal coinage Œr÷‚ ð„o - Depressed class ŒË ÷t¾ - Million Œr÷‚ Ëk½ - Depressed classes league ŒË ÷t¾ ½™Vqx - Million cubic feet Œ÷e÷ - Plea; argument ŒM‚tðus - Document; instrument; deed Œ÷e÷ fhðe - Plead; argue ŒM‚tðus W…òðe ftZðt ‚u - Fabrication of Œ÷e÷ hsq fhðe - Raise a plea Œ÷e÷™wk Ët{ÚÞo - Strength of argument documents Œð - Forest fire; wild fire ŒM‚tðus só fhðtu - Impound a document Œðt - Drug; medicine ŒM‚tðus …h rˬtu {thðtu - Stamping of Œðt y™u yti»tÄtu - Drugs and pharmaceuticals document Œðt yt…™th - Dispenser ŒM‚tðus «{trý‚ fh™th - Notary Public 195

ŒM‚tðus ƒtÌt þçŒtu Œt¾÷ Út™th ŒM‚tðus ƒtÌt þçŒtu - Extrinsic words Œ¤ý-Þkºt - Crusher; grinder ŒM‚tðus ÷¾™th/½z™th - Scrivener; Œ¤Œth - Voluminous conveyancer Œ¤ðwk - Grind Œk„tu - Disturbance; riot ŒM‚tðus™wk {t™fefhý - Standardization of Œkz - Penalty; fine Œkz fhðtu ‚u - Imposition of penalty document Œkzrð»tÞf nfq{‚ - Pecuniary jurisdiction Œkz Ëkrn‚t - Penal code ŒM‚tðus™tu ft„¤ - Stamp paper Œkzf - Whip ŒM‚tðuS - Documentary Œkz™e rþûtt fhðe - Sentence to fine ŒM‚tðuS ytkx - Paper credit Œkztu - Club; baton ŒM‚tðuS r[ºt - Documentary film Œk‚ þ†r[rfíËf - Dental surgeon ŒM‚tðuS r[ºt-Y…f - Documentary feature film Œk‚ þ†r[rfíËt - Dental surgery ŒM‚tðuS …whtðtu - Documentary evidence Œk‚fÚtt - Legend ŒM‚tðuS ÞtŒe - List of documents Œk‚[¢ - Bevel gear; pinion ŒM‚tðuS Ëtrƒ‚e/«{tý - Documentary proof ŒM‚tðuSfhý - Documentation ŒM‚tðuòu ftÞŒuËh ƒ™tððt/Xhtððt - Legalization of documents ŒM‚tðuòu hsq fhðt ‚u - Production of Œk‚r[rfíËf - Dentist documents Œk‚r[rfíËt - Dentistry Œk‚r[rfíËt÷Þ - Dental clinic ŒM‚tðuòu™e þtuÄ - Discovery of documents Œk‚htu„þt†/Œk‚rð¿tt™/Œk‚rðãt - Dentistry ŒM‚tðuòu™e ËwÄthýt - Rectification of Œk…‚e - Husband and wife; couple Œk¼ - Hypocrisy documents Œk¼e - Hypocrite ŒM‚tðuòu™wk ft™q™efhý - Legalization of documents ŒM‚tðuòu™u „wó ™ „ýðt/„wó ð„o{tkÚte hŒ fhðt - Declassification of documents Œtõ‚h - Doctor; medical practitioner ŒM‚qh - Convention; custom Œtõ‚he - Medical practice Œn™ - Burning; combustion Œtõ‚he ‚…tË - Medical check-up; medical ŒntrzÞtu - Daily wager; daily wage worker examination Œntze - Day wage Œtõ‚he ÔÞðËtÞ - Medical profession Œnus - Dowry Œtõ‚htu™wk ƒtuzo - Medical Board Œnus {]íÞw - Dowry death Œt¾÷ fhðwk - Introduce; incorporate; admit ŒnusƒkÄe/«r‚ƒkÄ - Dowry prohibition Œt¾÷ rxfex - Admission ticket Œnuþ‚ - Apprehension; fright; fear Œt¾÷t ‚hefu - For instance; for example Œ¤ - Corps; force Œt¾÷ Út™th - Entrant 196

Œt¾÷ Útðt™e {™tE Œtð{tk/ntuz{tk {qfu÷e hf{ ht¾™th ÔÞÂõ‚ Œt¾÷ Útðt™e {™tE - No admission Œt™ - Donation; benefaction; charity Œt¾÷ Útðwk - Enter Œt™ yt…™th - Donor Œt¾÷ Útðwk ‚u - Entry Œt™ ÷u™th - Donee Œt¾÷ Ve - Admission fee Œt™÷u¾ - Donative inscription Œt¾÷ hrsMxh - Admission register Œt™uïhe - Donor; philanthropist Œt¾÷t/ÄztY… Ëò - Exemplary punishment Œtƒ - Restraint; control (2)Pressure Œt¾÷tu - Example; instance; illustration Œtƒ «ðý‚t - Pressure gradient (2)Certificate Œtƒf÷{ (ð™) - Layer Œtƒ{t…f - Pressure gauge Œt¾÷tu/áütk‚/WŒtnhý yt…ðwk - Exemplify; Œtƒðwk - Press Œtƒþe»to - Pressure head illustrate Œt¾÷tu/Äztu ƒuËtzu yuðe ™wfËt™e - Exemplary damages ŒtÍðwk - Burn Œt{ y™u Œkz™e ™er‚ - Carrot and stick policy Œtxtu - Plug; cork ŒtÞftu - Decade; decennium Œtý[tuh - Smuggler ŒtÞòu - Dowry Œtý[tuhe - Smuggling ŒtÞý - Midwife Œtý[tuhe fhe™u ÷E sðwk/÷tððwk - Smuggle ŒtÞýft{ - Midwifery Œtý[tuhe r™ðthý - Prevention of smuggling Œth - Solvent Œtý[tuhe™tu {t÷ - Smuggled goods Œth…ýt™tu Œt¾÷tu - Solvency certificate Œtýt ðuhe™u ðtðýe (ðuhýe) - Broadcast sowing Œtrhÿ - Poverty ŒtýtŒth - Granular ŒtY - Liquor; wine (2)Gun powder ŒtýtŒth ft„¤ - Grained paper ŒtY „t¤ðt™e ¼êe - Distillery ŒtýtŒth…ýwk - Granularity ŒtY Atuze Œuðtu - Abstain from drink Œtýtƒòh/…eX - Grain market ŒtY ƒ™tððt™wk fth¾t™wk - Brewery; distillery Œtýtu - Grain (2)Granule ŒtY„tu¤tu - Ammunition Œt‚t - Donor ŒtYrzÞtu - Drunkard ŒtŒyhS - Petition ŒtY™wk …eXwk - Public house (2)Wine bar ŒtŒ {t„ðe - Complain; make petition ŒtY™wk ÔÞË™ - Alcoholism ŒtŒ {tk„™th - Petitioner Œtþor™f - Philosopher ŒtŒ Ër{r‚ - Committee on petitions Œtð - Turn; rotation (2)Opportunity ŒtŒh - Flight of stairs; ladder; stair; stair Œtð…u[ - Tactics; manoeuvre; strategy case; stair way (2)Ringworm Œtð{tk/ntuz{tk {qfu÷e hf{ ht¾™th ÔÞÂõ‚ - Stake ŒtŒhƒthe - Staircase; stair way holder 197

Œtðt yrÄfth Œtk‚t¤wk …izwk Œtðt yrÄfth - Right to sue; right of suit Œtðt™wk r™ðuŒ™ - Statement of claim Œtðt yhS - Plaint Œtðt™wk Ë{tÄt™ - Settlement of claim Œtðt fthfw™ - Suit Clerk Œtðt™tu ytÄth - Ground of claim Œtðt Œhr{Þt™ - In litem; during suit Œtðt™tu r™ft÷/VUË÷tu - Determination of suit Œtðt Œhr{Þt™ fhtÞu÷wk - Interlocutory Œtðt™tu …ûtfth - Party to a suit Œtðt Œhr{Þt™ fhtÞu÷tu {™tR nwf{ - Œtðt™tu rð»tÞ - Subject matter of a suit; Interlocutory injunction matter in suit Œtðt Œhr{Þt™ fhtÞu÷tu nwf{ - Interlocutory Œtðt…tºt - Claimable; justiciable Œtðt…tºt y…f]íÞ - Actionable wrong order Œtðt…tºt ƒuŒhfthe - Actionable negligence Œtðt…tºt {t„ýe - Actionable claim Œtðt Œhr{Þt™ fhu÷e yhS - Interlocutory Œtðt…tºt nf - Actionable claim Œtðt{tk òuztý - Joinder in action application Œtðtu - Suit; law suit; claim; litigation Œtðtu yxftðe Œuðtu - Nonsuit Œtðt …qh‚t/Œtðt ËkƒkÄe ðt÷e - Guardian ad Œtðtu fh™th - Plaintiff; claimant; plainant Œtðtu ftZe ™t¾ðtu ‚u - Dismissal of a suit litem Œtðtu [÷tððtu - Try a suit Œtðtu s‚tu fhðtu - Disclaim Œtðt …qh‚wk/ËkƒkÄe - Ad litem Œtðtu {tkz™th …ûtfth - Party prosecuting suit Œtðt ƒkÄ …zðt - Abatement of suits Œtðtu {tkzðt¤ fhðtu - Write off claim Œtðt {ŒŒ™eþ - Suit Assistant Œtðtu {tkzðtu - Sue Œtðt r{÷f‚ - Property in suit Œtn - Inflammation; combustion (2)Burning Œtðt rþhM‚uŒth - Suit Shirastedar Œtðt/nfŒtðt yrÄfthe - Claims Officer sensation Œtðt/nfŒtðt™e {wŒ‚ …qhe Útðe - Maturity of Œt¤ - Split pulse claim Œtk‚ - Tooth Œtk‚™t Œtõ‚h - Dentist Œtðt¾[o - Law expenses; law charges Œtk‚™t Ëso™ - Surgery in Dentistry ŒtðtÚte {t„e þftÞ yuðwk - Claimable Œtk‚™wk [tufXwk - Denture ŒtðtŒth - Claimant; suitor Œtk‚™wk Œðt¾t™wk - Dental clinic Œtðt™¤/ŒtðtÂø™ - Forest fire; wild fire Œtk‚t[¢ - Gear Œtðt™e yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne/Ëw™tðýe fhðe - Try a Œtk‚t¤wk …izwk - Toothed wheel suit Œtðt™e …‚tðx - Settlement of claim Œtðt™e {tufqVe - Stay of suit Œtðt™e Ëå[tE - Veracity of a claim Œtðt™e Ë{tÂó - Abatement of suit Œtðt™e Ëw™tðýe - Hearing of suit Œtðt™wk fthý - Cause of action 198

Œtk‚tu Œwft™/Mxtp÷ ™t¾ðt™wk ¼tzwk Œtk‚tu - Cog; tooth Œe½oft÷e™ yÇÞtË - Long term study Œtk…íÞ sðtƒŒthe - Marital obligation Œe½oft÷e™ ytÞtus™ - Long term planning Œtk…íÞ Sð™ - Married life Œe½oft÷e™ ƒuhtus„the - Chronic unemployment Œtk…íÞ ËkƒkÄ - Conjugal relation Œe½oft÷e™/½h fhe „Þu÷tu htu„ - Chronic disease Œtk…íÞ nf/yrÄfth - Conjugal rights Œe½o‚k‚w f…tË - Long staple cotton rŒ¬‚ - Difficulty; hardship; trouble Œe½oŒŠþ‚t - Farsightedness rŒøŒþof - Director Œe½oŒþeo - Farsighted rŒø{qZ - Stunned; stupified Œe½oËqºt‚t/Ëqºte…ýwk - Procrastination; rŒ{t„ - Brain (2)Intelligence rŒ÷„eh - Regretful; sorrowful; sad dilatoriness rŒ÷„ehe-…ºt - Letter of regret rŒ÷tËtu - Consolation; condolence Œe½oËqºte - Laggard; dilatory rŒðË …t¤e - Day-shift Œe½oËuðt ƒtu™Ë - Long service bonus rŒðË™e þt¤t - Day school Œe½to - Gallery rŒðk„‚ - Deceased Œe½toÞw/Œe½toÞw»Þ - Longevity; long life; longeval rŒðux - Wick Œe½toÞw™e þõÞ‚t - Prospects of longevity rŒðu÷ - Castor oil ŒeðtŒtkze - Lighthouse; beacon rŒðu÷e - Castor seed Œeðt™¾t™wk - Drawing room rŒðu÷e™tu ¾tu¤ - Castor cake Œeðt™e - Civil rŒðu÷tu - Castor oil plant Œeðt™e yŒt÷‚ - Civil Court rŒþt - Direction Œeðt™e y…f]íÞ - Civil wrong (2)Tort rŒþtr™Þkºtf - Rudder Œeðt™e ftÞŒtu - Civil law rŒþtÂMÚtr‚ - Bearing Œeðt™e ftÞoher‚ Ëkrn‚t - Code of Civil rŒþtËqÍ/ƒtuÄ - Sense of direction rŒþtËq[™ fhðwk/{t„oŒþo™ yt…ðwk - Channelise/ Procedure Channelize Œeðt™e ftÞoðtne - Civil proceedings Œeðt™e ûtuºttrÄfth/yrÄfthûtuºt/nfq{‚ - Civil ŒeûttL‚ «ð[™ - Convocation address/speech ŒeûttL‚ Ë{thk¼ - Convocation jurisdiction ŒeX - Per Œe™ne™ - Indigent; impecunious Œeðt™e Œtðtu/{wfÆ{tu - Civil suit; civil case Œe…M‚k¼ - Candelabrum Œeðt™e LÞtÞtÄeþ - Civil Judge Œe½oftr÷f - Long term (2)Chronic Œeðt™e htnu - By civil process Œeðt÷ - Wall Œwft™ y™u ËkMÚtt r™heûtf - Inspector of Shops and Establishment Œwft™ r™heûtf - Shops Inspector Œwft™/Mxtp÷ ™t¾ðt™wk ¼tzwk - Stallage 199

Œwft™Œth Œwhw…Þtu„ Œwft™Œth - Shopkeeper Œw„o{ MÚt¤ - Inaccessible place Œwft™tu y™u ðu…the ËkMÚttytu/…uZeytu - Shops and Œw„woý - Vice; bad quality Establishments Œw½ox™t - Accident; unfortunate occurrence ŒwsoÞ - Unconquarable; formidable Œwft¤ - Famine; scarcity; drought ŒwŒoBÞ - Indomitable; invincible Œw¾‚e ytk¾ - Sore eye ŒwŒoþt - Miserable condition Œw¾ðwk - Pain; ache ŒwŒioð - Misfortune; ill-luck ŒwøÄt÷Þ - Milkshop Œwƒo¤ - Infirm; weak; feeble ŒwÄt¤tk/ŒqÍýtk Ztuh - Milch cattle Œwƒo¤‚t - Infirmity; weakness; disablement ŒwLÞðe - Temporal; earthly; worldly ŒwƒtuoÄ - Obscure; unintelligible; abstruse; ŒwLÞðe f÷t - Temporal art ŒwLÞðe ƒtƒ‚tu - Worldly affairs incomprehensible Œw¼tÞu÷ - Aggrieved ŒwƒtuoÄ ÷¾tý - Obscure writing Œw¼tr»tÞtft{ - Interpretation Œw¼to„e - Ill-fated; unfortunate; unlucky Œw¼tr»tÞtft{ fhðwk - Interpret Œw¼toøÞ - Misfortune Œw¼tr»tÞtu - Interpreter Œw¼toð™t - Ill-will Œw{t÷t „t{tu - Alienated villages Œw÷oût - Inattention; carelessness; negligence Œw{t÷t s{e™ - Alienated land Œw÷o¼ - Scarce; rare (2)Hard ŒwhM‚ fhðwk - Repair; mend Œw÷o¼ ¾r™s - Rare minerals ŒwhM‚e - Repairing; repair Œw÷o¼ [÷ý - Hard currency Œwht„ún - Obstinacy; pertinacity Œw÷o¼ ™týwk - Hard money; hard-currency; tight Œwht„úne - Importunate; pertinacious; money obstinate; obdurate Œw÷o¼ …wM‚f - Rare book Œwht[hý/Œwht[th - Misdemeanour; Œw÷o¼ {txe - Rare earth misconduct; misbehaviour Œw÷o¼ {t÷ - Scarce goods Œwhw…Þtu„ - Abuse; misuse Œw÷o¼ ðM‚w - Scarce commodity Œw„o - Fort; castle (2)Stronghold Œw÷o¼ nM‚«‚ - Rare manuscript Œw„o-ËiLÞ - Garrison ŒwŠðr™Þtu„ - Misappropriation; embezzlement Œ„w ÄO - Offensive smell; foul smell; rancid; stink ŒwŠðr™Þtu„ fhðtu - Misappropriate; embezzle Œw„OÄ {th‚wk - Offensive; putrid ŒwÔÞoÞ - Wastage; waste; wasteful expenditure Œw„o{ - Inaccessible; abstruse; ŒwÔÞoðnth/„uhð‚toð - Maltreatment; illtreatment unapproachable; impassable ŒwÔÞoðnth fhðtu - Maltreat; illtreat Œwhw…Þtu„ - Misuse; abuse Œw„o{ ð™ - Inaccessible forest Œw„o{ rðM‚thtu - Inaccessible areas 200

Œwhw…Þtu„ fh™th Œqh¼t»t{t…f Œwhw…Þtu„ fh™th - Misuser; abuser ŒqÄ «t yrÄfthe - Milk Procurement ŒwrðÄt - Dilemma; indecision Officer Œw~{™ - Enemy; foe Œw~{™™wk …„÷wk/f]íÞ - Enemy action ŒqÄ «t rðM‚thtu - Milk-shed areas Œ~w {™tðx - Animosity; enmity; hostility ŒÄq rð‚hý/ðn[U ýe - Milk distribution Œw~{™tðx¼ÞwO - Hostile; inimical ŒqĽh - Milk bar Œw»fh - Arduous; difficult; tough; hard ŒqÄ{t…f - Lactometer Œw»ft¤ - Famine ŒqrÄÞt Œtk‚ - Deciduous teeth Œw»ft¤ …erz‚ - Famine stricken Œqh fhðwk - Remove; dismiss; cancel; eliminate Œw»ft¤ htn‚ - Famine relief Œqh fhðwk ‚u - Removal; elimination; dismissal; Œw»ft¤ htn‚ yrÄfthe - Famine Relief Officer Œw»ft¤ htn‚ ft{ - Famine relief work cancellation Œw»ft¤ htn‚ r™rÄ - Famine relief fund Œw»ft¤„úM‚ - Famine affected Œqh„t{e yËh - Far reaching effect Œw»f]íÞ - Malfeasance; misdeed Œqhr[ºt - Telephoto Œw»f]íÞ fh™th - Malfeasant ŒqhŒþo™ ftÞo¢{ òu™th - Televiewer Œw»[¢ - Vicious circle ŒqhŒþo™ ftÞo¢{ òuðtu - Teleview Œwü - Wicked; evil ŒqhŒþo™ fuLÿ - Television station Œwü «ð]Â¥t - Nefarious activity ŒqhŒþo™ ™txf - Teleplay Œwü‚t - Wickedness ŒqhŒþo™ «Ëthý - Telecast ŒwM‚h - Insurmountable; impassable ŒqhŒþo™ rVÕ{ - Telefilm Œw:¾ - Agony; pain ŒqhŒþo™ Ëux - Television set ŒqhŒŠþ‚t - Vision; foresightedness ŒqháÂü - Foresight Œqh™tk/Œqhð‚eo „t{tu - Remote villages; distant villages Œw:¾ŒtÞf/Œw:¾Œ - Painful; deplorable; Œqh™wk - Remote; distant Œqhƒe™ - Telescope infelicific; sad Œqh¼t»t - Telephone Œqh¼t»t fuLÿ - Telephone exchange Œw:¾e - Afflicted; unhappy Œqh¼t»t „útnf - Telephone subscriber Œw:Ën - Intolerable Œqh¼t»t r™Œuorþft - Telephone directory Œq‚ - Emissary; envoy Œqh¼t»t …Ør‚ - Telephone system Œq‚tðtË/Œq‚{kz¤ - Legation Œqh¼t»t …qA…hA - Telephone enquiry ŒqÄ yt…ðt™e ût{‚t - Milking capacity Œqh¼t»t «[t÷f - Telephone operator ŒqÄ Wãtu„ - Dairy farming ŒqÄ …whðXt Þtus™t - Milk Supply Scheme ŒqÄ «r¢Þt fuLÿ - Milk processing centre 201

Œqh¼t»t Þkºt áÂü„tu[h‚t Œqh¼t»t{t…f - Telephonometer áZt„ún - Firmness Œqh¼t»t Þkºt - Telephone instrument áZt„úne - Firm Œqh¼t»trðãt - Telephony áZefhý - Consolidation Œqh¼t»t ÔÞðnth - Telephone traffic áZe¼q‚ - Consolidated Œqh¼t»t Ëuðt - Telephone service á~Þ - Phenomenal; sight; phenomenon; view; Œqhð‚eo - Remote Œqhð‚eo fthý - Remote cause vista; scene (2)Visible Œqhð‚eo r™Þkºtý - Remote control Œqhð‚eo rþûtý/yæÞÞ™ - Distance education/ á~Þ «[th - Visual publicity á~ÞV÷f - Panorama learning á~Þ{t™ - Visible á~Þh[™t - Float Œqhð‚eo ËkðuŒ™ - Remote sensing á~Þ hsqyt‚/r™Y…ý - Visible representation ŒqhðuÄeþt† - Ballistics á~Þ ÷u¾ - Scenario ŒqhËk[th - Telecommunication á~Þ÷u¾f - Scenarist ŒqhËk[th ËkŒuþ - Telecommunication message á~Þ rþûtý - Visual education ŒqhËk[th Ëuðt - Telecommunication service á~Þ rþûtý r™heûtf - Inspector of Visual ŒqhkŒuþe…ýwk - Farsightedness Œq»tý - Vice Education Œqr»t‚ - Contaminated; polluted Œqr»t‚ fhðwk - Pollute; contaminate; vitiate á~Þ-©tÔÞ rþûtý - Audio-visual education Œqr»t‚ fhðwk ‚u - Contamination; pollution; á~Þ-©tÔÞ ËtÄ™ - Audio-visual aid á~Þ‚t - Visibility vitiation áütk‚ - Example; illustration; instance áütk‚-Ët{„úe - Illustrative material Œqr»t‚ «ðtne - Effluent áütk‚Y… - Exemplary; illustrative Œqr»t‚ {t÷ - Tainted goods; contaminated áütk‚Y… ÞtŒe - Illustrative list; examplary list áütk‚Y… rþûtt/Ëò - Exemplary punishment goods áÂü - Vision; sight áÂü fËtuxe - Visual test á„ft[ - Close-up lens áÂü ‚eûý‚t - Visual acuity áZ - Firm; determined áÂü r™heûtý - Visual inspection áZ fze - Strong link áÂü «{tý - Visual standard áZ fhðwk - Strengthen; tighten áÂüftuý/áÂü®ƒŒw - Viewpoint; point of view; áZ «‚er‚ - Absolute conviction; abiding standpoint conviction áÂü„tu[h - Perceptible; visible áZ Ë{Útof - Staunch supporter 202 áZ‚t - Firmness; steadiness áZ‚t…qðof - Firmly

áÂü™e ¾t{e Œuðt¤wk ftZðwk áÂü„t[u h‚t - Visibility; perceptibility ŒuýŒth™e ¾t‚tðne - Debtor’s ledger áÂü™e ¾t{e - Visual disability ŒuŒeÃÞ{t™ - Effulgent áÂü¼{ú - Optical illusion ŒuðŒth/ŒuðŒthw - Cedar; deal wood áÂürð¿tt™ - Optics Œuð™t„he{tk y™w÷u¾™ - Transcription into áÂürð¿tt™e - Opticist áÂüËkƒkÄe - Optical Devnagari Œu¾¼t¤ - Care Œu¾hu¾ - Supervision; direction; Œuðt ¾[o - Debt charges Œuðt …‚tðx ƒtìzo/{kz¤ - Debt Settlement Board superintendence Œuðt-Vuzýe yk„u ¾[o - Servicing of debts Œuðt ¼h…tE - Serving of debt; redemption of Œu¾hu¾ ¾[o - Supervision charges Œu¾hu¾ ht¾ðe - Supervise debt Œu¾hu¾-r™Þkºtý - Monitoring Œu¾hu¾-r™Þkºtý y™u {qÕÞtkf™ yuf{ - Œuðt-{ÞtoŒt - Debt limit Œuðt-{wÂõ‚ - Acquittance (2)Amortization Monitoring and Evaluation Cell Œuðt-{tufqVe/Œuðt {tufqVe™e {wŒ‚ - Moratorium Œuðt-Ëuðt - Debt service Œu¾hu¾-r™Þkºtý yuf{ - Monitoring cell ŒuðtŒth - Debtor; indebted Œu¾hu¾-r™Þkºtý ht¾™th - Monitor ŒuðtŒth ntuðwk - Owe Œu¾tz zÙt^x/nqkze - Demand draft ŒuðtŒthe - Indebtedness Œu¾tð - View; scene (2)Appearance; Œuðt™e [wfðýe - Liquidation; liquidation of semblance (3)Elevation (4)Pomp debts Œu¾tð …qh‚tu W{uŒðth - Dummy candidate Œuðt™e …‚tðx - Settlement of debt Œu¾tðzwk - Fair; handsome; beautiful Œuðt™e Vuzýe - Redemption of debt Œu¾tðwk - Appear; seem Œuðt™wk Y…tk‚h - Conversion of debt Œu¾e‚e ¼q÷ - Obvious error Œuðt™tu ƒtuòu - Indebtedness Œu¾e‚e he‚u Ët[wk - Seemingly correct Œuðt{wõ‚ ™rn ÚtÞu÷ ™tŒth - Undischarged Œu¾e‚wk - Obvious; ostensible; apparent; evident Œu¾e‚tu yÚto - Obvious meaning insolvent Œu¾e‚tu ¼t„eŒth - Ostensible partner Œu¾e‚tu {tr÷f - Ostensible owner Œuðt{qze - Debt capital Œu¾tu íÞtkÚte Xth fhtu - Shoot at sight Œuðt¤t…rhÂMÚtr‚ …ºtf - Statement of affairs in Œu„ztu - Cauldron Œuý„e - Endowment bankruptcy ŒuýŒth - Debtor Œuðt¤t-÷t¼tkþ …ºtf - Statement of dividend in bankruptcy Œuðtr¤Þt…ýwk - Insolvency Œuðtr¤Þtu - Insolvent; bankrupt; debtor Œuðt¤wk - Bankruptcy; insolvency 203

Œuðt ËŒh ŒuþeÞfhý Œuðt¤wk ftZðwk - Become bankrupt Œuþ™tu ðu…th - Home trade; domestic trade Œuðt ËŒh - Debt head Œuþ¼Âõ‚ - Patriotism Œuðt rnËtƒ - Debt account Œuþðxtu yt…ðtu ‚u - Deportation Œuðtk ‚Útt sðtƒŒtheytu - Debts and liabilities ŒuþÔÞt…e - Pandemic; nationwide Œuðwk - Liability; obligation; debt Œuþt„‚ ðM‚e - Immigrant population Œuðwk fhðwk/Útðwk - Run into debt Œuþt„{™ - Immigration Œuðwk [qf‚u fhðwk - Acquit Œuþt„{™ yrÄfthe - Immigration Officer Œuðwk [qfððt™e ût{‚t Ähtð‚wk - Solvent Œuþt„{™ ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Œuðwk [qfðe þftÞ ‚uðe ÂMÚtr‚ - Solvency Œuþ-«ðuþ …hðt™„e - Visa Immigration Œuþ-¼t»tt - Native language Œuþ/MðŒuþ™u ÷„‚wk - Domestic Œuþt„{™ ftÞŒtu - Immigration law Œuþs «ò - Natural-born subjects Œuþt„{™ rðr™Þ{tu - Immigration regulations ŒuþíÞt„ - Expatriation; deportation Œuþt„{™ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Immigration Authority ŒuþíÞt„ fh™th ÔÞÂõ‚ - Expatriate Œuþtr¼{t™ - Patriotism Œuþÿtun - Treason Œuþtðh - Abroad; foreign country Œuþÿtune - Traitor; fifth columnist Œuþtk‚h/r™„o{™ - Emigration Œuþÿtune þçŒtu - Treasonable words Œuþtk‚h yrÄfthe - Emigration Officer Œuþr™ft÷/Œuþðxtu - Exile; banishment; Œuþtk‚h fh™th ðM‚e - Emigrant population Œuþtk‚h fh™th/Œuþt„‚ - Emigrant ostracism; transportation; deportation Œuþe - Indigenous; native; domestic Œuþe Wí…tŒ™ - Domestic production Œuþr™ft÷ fhðwk - Banish; deport; relegate Œuþe Wãtu„ - Indigenous industry Œuþr™ft÷/Œuþ…th fhðwk ‚u - Deportation; Œuþe ytuòh/ËtÄ™ - Country implement Œuþe r[rfíËt …Ør‚ - Indigenous System of banishment Medicine (I.S.M.) Œþu r™ft÷ fhtÞ÷u ÔÞÂõ‚ - Expatriate (2)Deportee Œuþr™ft÷™e Ëò - Sentence of transportation Œuþe ò‚ - Indigenous species Œuþr™ft÷™e Ëò ÚtÞu÷ „w™u„th - Transportee Œuþe ŒtY - Country liquor Œuþr™ft÷™e Ëò…tºt - Transportable Œuþe™t{wk - Single account Œuþr™ft÷™e Ëò…tºt‚t - Transportability Œuþe «tiãtur„fe - Indigenous technology Œuþ™wk - Domestic Œuþe ƒkŒh - Domestic port Œuþ™wk ƒòh - Home market; domestic market Œuþe htßÞ/hsðtzwk - Native State; Princely State Œuþ™tu ftÞŒtu - Common law; law of the land Œuþe ðntý/ntuze - Country craft Œuþ™tu «ðtËe - Home tourist Œuþe rðþu»t òýfthe - Indigenous know-how 204

ŒuþeÞf]‚ ™t„rhf ÿð-Es™uhe ŒuþeÞfhý - Naturalization Œtuhðýe - Direction; guidance ŒuþeÞf]‚ ™t„rhf - Naturalized citizen Œtuhðýe yt…ðe - Guide; direct ŒuþeÞf]‚ ™t„rhf‚t - Naturalized citizenship Œtuhðwk - Lead; direct (2)Draw Œun - Body Œtuhe - String Œuntðþu»t - Relics of human body; corporal Œtu»t - Guilt; fault; drawback; mistake relics Œtu»t r™Þkºtý - Fault control Œtu»t r™heûtý - Fault inspection Œuntk‚ Œkz/{tu‚™e Ëò - Sentence of death; Œtu»t…tºt - Culpable Œtu»t{wõ‚ - Acquitted; liberated capital punishment Œtu»t{wõ‚ fhðwk - Absolve; set free; exonerate; Œuntk‚Œkz™e rþûtt…tºt „w™tu - Capital offence acquit Œir™f - Daily Œir™f ynuðt÷ - Daily report Œtu»t{wÂõ‚ - Absolution; exoneration; acquittal Œir™f ytðht-™tUÄ - Journal entry Œtu»tÞwõ‚ - Faulty; defective Œir™f ytðht…tuÚte - Journal book Œtu»thrn‚ - Faultless; impeccable; flawless Œir™f ft{™t f÷tf - Daily working hours Œtu»tthtu…ý - Charge; blame; imputation; Œir™f ftÞo¢{ - Daily programme Œir™f ™tUÄ - Daily note accusation; incrimination Œir™f …ºtf - Daily sheet; daily register Œtu»tthtu…ý fh‚wk - Incriminatory Œir™f ¼ÚÚtwk - Daily allowance Œtu»tthtu…ý fh™th - Incriminator Œir™f ð‚o{t™…ºt/At…wk - Daily newspaper Œtu»tthtu…ý fhðwk - Arraign; accuse; incriminate; Œir™f ðu‚™ - Daily wages impute; denounce; charge; blame Œir™f Ëqr[ - Daily scroll Œir™f ntshe - Daily attendance Œtu»tthtu…ý/„w™thtu…ý «fth™wk - Incriminatory Œið - Destiny; fate Œiðe/fwŒh‚e yt…Â¥t/ytV‚ - Force majeure; vis nature major; natural catastrophe; natural calamity Œtur»t‚ - Guilty; culpable (2)Criminal Œtur»t‚ Xhtððwk - Condemn Œiðe ½x™t - Casus fortuitous Œtur»t‚ Xhtððwk ‚u - Conviction Œtuz - Race Œtur»t‚ Xhu÷ „w™u„th - Condemned/convicted ŒtuzÄt{ðt¤wk - Hectic Œtuz-{t„o - Runway criminal ŒtuztŒtuz - Stampede Œtuhztk ƒ™tððtk - Rope making Œtur»t‚ ™rn Xhu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Non-convicted person Œtuhze - Cord; rope Œtur»t‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Guilty person; person at fault Œtun™ - Digest; abstract (2)Milking Œtun™-Þkºt - Milking machine Œtunhtu - Couplet ãq‚ - Gambling; gaming 205

ÿð[tr÷‚ rºtßÞt îu»t…qýo f]íÞ ÿð-Es™uhe - Hydraulics Âî„]ne rðÄt™{kz¤ - Bicameral legislature ÿð[tr÷‚ rºtßÞt - Hydraulic radius Âî‚eÞ ð„o {ìrsMxÙux - Second Class Magistrate ÿðýût{‚t - Solubility Âî‚eÞ Ëuõxh - Secondary sector ÿðýþe÷/ÿðýût{ - Soluble Â y™ts - Pulse ÿð«urh‚ ½»toý - Hydraulic friction ÂîŒuþeÞ ðu…th - Bilateral trade ÿÔÞ - Material; finance ÂîÄt - Indecision; perplexity; dilemma ÿtût - Grape Âî™tUÄ - Double entry ÿtût™e ¾u‚e - Viticulture; grape growing Âî™tUÄe …Ør‚ - Double entry system ÿtût™wk ðtðu‚h - Viticulture Âî…ûte - Bipartite ÿtðf - Solvent Âî…ûte ËkrÄ - Bilateral treaty ÿtðý - Solution Âî…ûte/W¼Þ…ûte fhth/Ë{sq‚e - Bilateral ÿtÔÞ - Soluble ÿturýft s÷{t„o - Siphon water way agreement ÿtun - Betrayal; treachery; perfidy; fraud ÿtune - Black leg; scab; perfidious; traitor; Âî…ûteÞ - Bilateral Âî…r‚íð/…í™eíð - Bigamy betrayer; treacherous Âî¼t„efhý - Bifurcation Âî¼t»te - Bilingual îkîÞwØ - Duel Âî¼t»te rþ÷t÷u¾ - Bilingual inscription îth - Gate; door Âî{trËf - Bimonthly îth…t÷/îthhûtf - Gate-keeper; door-keeper Âî{w¾e htßÞ…Ør‚ - Diarchy îth-«[t÷f - Gate operator Âîht»xÙ òuztý/ËkrÄ - Dual alliance îth{kz… - Portico ÂîðtŠ»tf - Bi-annual îth{t„o - Doorway ÂîrðÄ - Bilateral îth-hrsMxh - Gate register Âîrððtn ËkƒkÄe - Bigamous îtht - Per; via; by; through ÂîËtótrnf - Biweekly Âî-™t{t …Ør‚ - Double account system îe… - Island Âî-ËÇÞ {‚Œth {kz¤ - Two member îe…fÕ… - Peninsula îe…ðtËe - Islander constituency îe…Ë{qn - Archipelago; group of islands îu»t - Malice; malignity; hate ÂîyÚteo - Having two meanings; ambiguous îu»t…qýo - Malicious ÂîfuLÿf - Bifocal îu»t…qýo y…f]íÞ - Malicious wrong Âîftuý {ýft - Bicone beads îu»t…qýo RhtŒtu/ytþÞ - Malicious intention Âî„wrý‚ - Duplex 206 Âî„]ne - Bicameral

îu»t…qýo Äh…fz Äh‚efk… rð¿tt™e îu»t…qýo f]íÞ - Malicious act and poor îu»t…qýo Äh…fz - Malicious arrest îu»t…qýo ð‚oýqf - Malicious conduct Är™fþtne - Plutocracy; timocracy î»u t…ðq fo /î»u t¼tðÚte - Maliciously Ä™wh - Tetanus îu»tƒwÂØ/îu»t¼tð - Malice; antipathy; Ä™wÄtohe …tÞŒ¤ - Foot archer Ä…tððwk - Step up; progress malevolence ăf‚wk - Pulsating; throbbing ăfðwk - Pulsate; throb îu»tƒwÂØÚte fhu÷e Rò - Malicious injury ăftht - Pulse; throb; beat; pulsation; îu»tÞwõ‚/îu»te÷wk - Malicious; inimical palpitation Ä Äƒftht-Œh - Pulse rate ăzftu - Fiasco Ĭtu - Jerk; jolt (2)Quay; wharf; jetty; Ä{ftððwk - Admonish; threaten; scold Ä{fe - Intimidation; threat mooring Ä{fe yt…ðe - Threaten; intimidate Ä{fe¼he ònuht‚ - Threatening announcement Ĭtu ¾tðtu - Make fruitless effort Ä{feðt¤e ¼t»tt - Threatening language Ä„þ - Zeal; enthusiasm Ä{ý - Blower; bellows Äztftu - Explosion; blast; burst; detonation Ä{ý-¼êe - Blast furnace Äzt™wk ðs™ - Counterweight Ä{Ätufth - In full swing ÄztY… - Exemplary; illustrative Ä{Ätufth [t÷‚e …uZe - Busy concern Äztu - Counter balance; counter weight; tare (2)Moral lesson Äý - Herd of cattle Ä{™e - Duct Äý¾qkx - Stud-bull; breeding bull; pedigree bull Ä{t[fze - Racket; uproar; din Äý[tuh - Cattle thief; abactor Ä{t÷ - Ado; bustle; hubbub; tumult Äý[tuhe - Abaction Äh¾{ «„r‚ - Tremendous progress Ä™ - Positive (2)Money; wealth Äh¾{ VuhVth - Shake up Ä™-¼q¾ - Greediness Äh‚e - Earth Ä™÷t÷ËtÚte «uhtðwk ‚u - Mercenary motive Äh‚efk…/¼qfk… - Earthquake Ä™÷tu÷w… - Mercenary Äh‚efk… …Ae™t ytk[ft - After shocks Ä™ ËkÏÞt - Positive number Äh‚efk… «r‚fthf - Earthquake resistant Ä™tZâ - Affluent; wealthy; rich Äh‚efk… {t…f - Seismograph/seismometer Ä™tí{f - Positive Äh‚efk… htuÄf - Earthquake proof Är™f y™u r™Äo™ - Haves and have nots; rich Äh‚efk… rð¿tt™ - Seismology 207

Äh‚efk… rðM‚th Ät‚w Äh‚efk… rð¿tt™e - Seismologist Ä{o-ËkMfth™t nu‚wytu - Sacramental purposes Äh‚efk… rðM‚th - Seismic zone Ä{o-Mðt‚kºÞ - Freedom of religion Äh‚efk… ðe{tu - Earthquake insurance Ä{toŒt - Charitable Äh‚efk…„úM‚ rðM‚thtu - Earthquake affected Ä{toŒt/Œt™-…uxe - Charity box areas Ä{toŒt/˾tð‚e þt¤t - Charity school Ä{toŒt ËkMÚtt - Charitable institution Äh‚e™u ™wfËt™ …ntU[tz™th …tf - Soil depleting Ä{tO‚h fhu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Proselyte; convert Ä{tO‚h «ð]Â¥t - Proselytizing activities crop Ä{tO‚h/Ä{o…rhð‚o™ fhðwk - Convert Ä{tO‚h/Ä{o…rhð‚o™ fhtððwk - Proselytize Äh…fz/r„h^‚the - Arrest; apprehension; book Ä{tO‚hý - Proselytization; conversion Äh…fz fhðe - Apprehend; arrest; capture Ä{tOÄ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Fanatic; zealot Äh…fz™wk ðtphkx - Warrant of arrest Ä{tOÄ‚t - Fanaticism Äh{q¤Úte - From the very beginning Ä{tuoíËtn - Religious zeal Ähth R™fth - Total rejection ÄËthtu - Rush Ähtð™th/Äthýf‚to - Holder ÄkÄtŒthe - Professional; occupational ÄhtþtÞe - Collapsed ÄkÄtŒthe „w™u„th - Professional criminal Ähe - Axis; axle (2)Pivot; spindle ÄkÄtŒthe „uhð‚toð - Professional misconduct Ähe ht»xÙtu/htßÞtu - Axis powers ÄkÄtŒthe ÷tÞft‚ - Trade competence/ Ähe ht»xÙtu™wk òuztý/Ähe òuztý - Axis alliance Ähe™wk ðs™ - Axle weight qualification ÄhwÚte fhu÷tu …tf - Transplanted crop Ä{or™h…uût - Secular ÄkÄt™e «r‚ct™u fthýu ™Vtu - Goodwill profit Ä{or™h…uût hts™er‚ - Secular politics ÄkÄt™wk MÚt¤ - Place of business/occupation Ä{or™h…uût htßÞ - Secular State ÄkÄt™tu W¥thtrÄfth - Succession to business Ä{or™h…uût‚t - Secularism ÄkÄt {txu™tu {t÷ - Merchandise goods Ä{o…rhð‚o™ fhðwk - Convert ÄkÄt ðuhtu - Occupation tax Ä{o«[th ftÞo - Mission ÄÄk t-u htsu „th - Occupation; business; profession Ä{o«[thf - Missionary Ätf - Fright; terror Ä{o«[thf {kz¤/ËkMÚtt - Mission ÄtfÄ{fe - Intimidation; threat Ä{o«[thf {kz¤™u ÷„‚wk - Missionary ÄtfÄ{feÚte Œƒtððwk - Overawe Ä{o¼ehw - Scrupulous; God fearing Ätz - Robbery; dacoity Ä{oþt¤t - Inn Ätz…tzw - Dacoit; gangster Ä{oþt¤t ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Innkeeper Ätzwk - Rabble; mob; crowd Ä{oËkfx - Dilemma 208

Ät‚wWãtu„ ÄtkÄr÷Þwk ð‚o™ Ät‚w - Metal anticipation; supposition; presumption Ät‚wWãtu„ - Metallurgical industry Äthýt‚e‚ - Inconceivable Ät‚wft{ - Metal work ÄthýtrÄfth - Lien Ät‚w ft…ðt™e fhð‚e - Hacksaw ÄthýtrÄfth Vhe [t÷w fhðtu - Revival of lien Ät‚w-¾r™s - Metalic mineral ÄthýtrÄfth™e {tufqVe - Suspension of lien Ät‚w Zt¤ý - Metal casting ÄthýtrÄfth™e Ë{tÂó - Termination of lien Ät‚w™tk …‚htk - Metal sheet ÄthŒth/yýeðt¤wk - Sharp; pointed Ät‚w™e Ëeze - Metal-stair ÄthŒth þMºttu - Sharp edged weapons Ät‚w™wk ™týwk/rˬt - Metallic money Äthðwk - Suppose; presume Ät‚w™tu ¼k„th - Scrap metal ÄthtÄtuhý - Rules and regulations Ät‚w-…heûtý - Metallurgical test Ätht…tuÚte - Statute book Ät‚w-{wÿf - Metal printer Äthtðtne - Serial Ät‚wrð¿tt™ - Metallurgy Äthtðtne f]r‚ yrÄfth/nf - Serial rights Ät‚wrð¿tt™ «Þtu„þt¤t - Metallurgical ÄthtþtMºte - Counsel; advocate; pleader; laboratory lawyer Ät‚w rð¿tt™rð»tÞf - Metallurgical Ätht˼t - Legislative Assembly Ät‚wrð¿tt™e - Metallurgist ÄthtËÇÞ - Member of Legislative Assembly Ät‚wþtuÄ™ (hËt.) - Beneficiation Äthtu - Legislation; statute; law (2)Custom; Ät‚wþtuÄ™ Ã÷tLx (hËt.) - Benificiation plant tradition Ät‚wËkÄtý - Welding ÄtLÞ - Corn; grain; cereal ÄtŠ{f - Sacred; religious ÄtLÞ-¼kzth - Granary; graingola ÄtŠ{f ytMÚtt/{‚ - Religious faith ÄtLÞrðŒT - Cerealist ÄtŠ{f «Útt - Religious usage/tradition Äth - Edge (2)Ridger (3)Keel ÄtŠ{f ¼tð™t - Religious susceptibity Äth …h™t …ÚÚth - Kerb ÄtŠ{f {‚ - Religious tenet Äthf ¾‚ - Bearer bond ÄtŠ{f {tLÞ‚t - Religious belief Äthf [uf - Bearer cheque ÄtŠ{f ÷t„ýe - Religious feeling Äthf/Äthý fh™th - Bearer; holder; possessor ÄtŠ{f rðrÄ…qðof - Sacramental Äthf™u [qfððt…tºt - Payable to bearer ÄtŠ{f rðrÄ…qðof™wk ÷ø™ - Sacramental marriage Äthý fhðwk - Assume; hold; bear; possess ÄtŠ{f Ëk«ŒtÞ/…kÚt - Religious sect Äthýût{‚t/ÄthýþÂõ‚ - Carrying capacity ÄtkÄ÷ - Commotion; hubbub; uproar; turmoil Äthýt - Concept; conception; conjecture; ÄtkÄ÷Ä{t÷ - Racket; pandemonium; perturbance; uproar; disturbance 209

rĬth Ätuhý r™Ätohý™tu «ÞtË ÄtkÄr÷Þwk ð‚o™ - Disorderly conduct ÄwB{Ë - Fog; mist rĬth - Abhorrence; hatred; antipathy ÄwB{Ë rðhtuÄe - Anti-fog rĬthðtÞtuøÞ - Detestable; contemptible ÄwB{Ëðt¤wk/ÄwB{rËÞwk - Foggy rÄhtý - Credit ÄwB{Ëðt¤wk/ÄwB{rËÞwk nðt{t™ - Foggy weather rÄhtý ftzo™e Ëð÷‚ - Credit card facility ÄwhkÄh - Eminent; great; expert (2)Leader rÄhtý r™Þkºtý - Credit control Äqýe ytðhý/hûtý - Fumigation cover rÄhtý {kz¤e - Credit society Äqýe yt…ðt™e ft{„ehe - Fumigation work rÄhtý Ëð÷‚ - Credit facility Äqýe yt…e™u þwØ/sk‚whrn‚ fhðwk - Fumigate rÄhtý Ënfthe {kz¤e - Credit Co-operative Äq‚ðwk - Defraud; cheat; deceive Äq™ - Whim; fancy; fad Society Äq™e - Whimsical; quixotic Äq…Œt™ - Incense burner; censer rÄhtý-Ën-¾heŒ-ðu[tý Ëuðt - Credit-cum- Äq{fu‚w - Comet Äq{ú…t™ r™»tuÄ - Smoking prohibited marketing service Äq‚o - Knave; imposter; rogue; crafty Äq‚o‚t - Craftiness; roguery; knavery; ®Ä„týwk - Fighting Äef‚e Äht™e ™er‚ - Scorched earth policy impostive; shrewdness Äef‚e …uZe - Flourishing concern Äef‚tu ÔÞðËtÞ - Sound practice Äq¤[wM‚/Äq¤htuÄf - Dust-proof Äe{e „r‚ - Slow speed Äq¤™e ytkÄe - Dust storm Äe{wk …tzðwk - Slow down Äqkyt…qkðt - Excited; furious Äe{u ft{ nz‚t÷ - Go-slow strike ÄqkĤwk - Hazy; foggy; opaque; misty Äehs - Patience; equanimity Ä]ü - Impudent; impertinent; presumptuous Äehsðt¤wk - Patient Ä]ü‚t - Impertinence; impertinency; ÄehÄth - Money-lending; financing ÄehÄth fh™th - Money-lender; lender; impudence; rudeness financer ÄiÞo - Patience; endurance ÄiÞoðt™ - Patient ÄehÄth™tu Œh - Lending rate ÄtuÄ - Fall; cataract; waterfall Äeh™th - Creditor ÄtuÄ r™Þkºtf - Fall regulator Äehu Äehu - Gradually; slowly ÄtuÄ{th ðhËtŒ - Downpour; torrential rain Äw‚thtu - Impostor; knave (2)Fraud; cheat Ätuƒe - Washerman Äw{trzÞwk - Chimney (2)Smoky Ätuhý - Standard; norm; criterion (2)Scale Äw{tze½h - Fumigation chamber Ätuhý r™Ätohý™tu «ÞtË - Bench marking Äw{tztu/Äqýe - Fume; smoke Äw{tztu ™ef¤ðtu - Emission of smoke 210

Ätuhý MÚttr…‚ fhðwk æðkË exercise Äúwðf - Polarizer Äðwú efhý/Äðwú e¼ð™ - Polarization Ätuhý MÚttr…‚ fhðwk - Standardize ÄúwðeÞ‚t - Polarity Ätuhý÷ûte - Norm-oriented æðs - Flag; banner ÄtuhýËh fhðwk - Decasualization; normalize æðs yzÄe ftXeyu - Flag at half mast ÄtuhýËh™wk - Standard æðs Œkz/æðs™e ftXe - Flag staff ÄturhÞtu - Field channel; water course; field æðsrŒ™ - Flag day æðs Vhftððtu ‚u/æðòhtuný - Hoisting of flag drain æðsðtnf - Flag bearer æðr™ - Tone; sound; voice Ätuhe {t„o - Trunk road; high way æðr™ yËh/«¼tð - Sound effect Ätu÷tE - Washing charges (2)Severe beating æðr™ yt¼tË - Sound effect Ätu÷tE½h - Laundry æðr™ Qòo - Sonic energy; sound energy Ätu÷tE «rþûtf - Laundry Instructor æðr™r[ºt - Sound picture Ätu÷tE ¼ÚÚtwk - Washing allowance æðr™…Út - Sound track Ätuðtý - Erosion; wash out æðr™ «ftþ ftÞo¢{ - Sound and light Ätuðtý yðþu»t - Erosion survival Ätuðtý fhðwk - Erode programme; son-et-lumiere ÄtuðtýÚte ÚtÞu÷wk {uŒt™ - Pene plain æÞt™ - Attention; notice; advertence æðr™{t…f - Acoustimeter æðr™{wÿý - Transcription; studio recording; (2)Meditation; concentration recording æÞt™ yt…ðwk - Attend; concentrate; focus æÞt™ ¾U[‚e ™turxË - Calling attention notice æðr™{wÿý fhðwk - Record æÞt™[qf - Inadvertence; inattention; oversight; æðr™{wÿý îtht «Ëthý - Broadcast by heedlessness transcription æÞt™ ƒnth™wk - Inadvertent æðr™ Þkºt - Recording machine æÞt™{tk ÷uðwk - Consider; entertain; envisage; æðr™htuÄf/æðr™htuÄe - Sound proof æðr™ðÄof - Loud-speaker; megaphone; cognisance amplifier æÞt™{wÿt/æÞt™tË™ - Gesture of meditation; æðr™ðÄof Þkºt - Sound amplifier meditative pose æðr™ Ëkfu‚ - Sound signal æðkË - Destruction; ruin; devastation; æÞuÞ - Objective; aim; purpose; goal æÞuÞne™ - Aimless; purposeless annihilation Äúwòhe - Tremor (2)Trembling; shivering Äúwð - Pole (2)Steady 211

™ fhðt™u fthýu ™¬h nfef‚ ™ ™fþe - Engraving ™fþeft{ - Engraving; carving ™ fhðt™u fthýu - Failing which ™fþefth - Designer ™ …‚u ‚uðwk ÷uýwk - Bad debt ™fþe„h - Engraver ™ ðnU[e þftÞ ‚uðe ðM‚w - Undeliverable article ™fþeŒth {wÿt - Die-struck coin; carved coin ™ ËwÄhu ‚uðwk - Incorrigible ™fþtu - Map (2)Plan ™ Mðefthðwk - Reject ™fþtu ‚iÞth fhðtu ‚u - Mapping ™f÷ - Copy; script (2)Imitation (3)Mimicry ™ft{t Atuz™tþf Œðt - Weedicide ™f÷ fhðe - Copy ™ft{wk - Useless; worthless; fruitless ™f÷ ft„¤ - Copying paper ™ft{wk/ÔÞÚto ¾[o - Infructuous expenditure; negatory expenditure ™f÷ fthfw™/™f÷™ðeË - Copy writer; copyist ™ft{tu ft„¤ - Waste paper ™f÷ ¾[o - Copying charges ™ft{tu …ze hnu÷tu sÚÚttu - Inactive stock ™f÷ Ve - Copying fee ™ft{tu/hÆe {t÷ y™u ¼k„th - Scrap ™f÷ Þkºt - Duplicating machine; duplicator; ™fth - Noes; negation; refusal copier ™fthðwk - Refuse; deny; reject; negate ™fthtí{f - Negatory; negative ™f÷-þtne - Copying ink ™fthtí{f fhth - Negative agreement ™f÷e/ƒ™tðxe - Artificial; fake; imitative ™fthtí{f …ztuþnf - Negative easement ™f÷e [nuhtu - Mask ™fthtí{f …whtðtu - Negative evidence ™f÷e/ƒ™tðxe-rˬtu - Counterfeit coin ™fthtí{f «tuíËtn™ - Negative incentive ™fþt y™u ykŒts - Plans and estimates ™fthtí{f {‚ - Negative vote ™fþt ft„¤ - Geography paper ™fthtí{f rË÷f - Negative balance ™fþt ¾kz - Map room ™fthtÞu÷ [uf - Dishonoured cheque ™fþt Œtuhðt™e f¤t - Cartography ™fthe ftZðwk - Negate; refuse ™fþt ðt[™ - Map reading ™fthu÷e hò - Refused leave ™fþt Ëkf÷™ - Map compilation ™fq[tu - Hook; latch ™fþtfth - Mapper; cartographer ™¬h - Solid; sound; concrete; tangible; ™fþt„h - Draftsman/Draughtsman ™fþt„he - Draftsmanship/Draughtsmanship substantial (2)Material; physical ™fþt™ðeË - Mapper; cartographer ™¬h ò{e™„ehe - Tangible security ™fþt™ðeËe - Cartography ™¬h ðtM‚rðõ‚t - Ground realities ™fþt™wk {t…/{t…Ätuhý - Scale of map ™¬h nfef‚ - Material facts; physical facts 212

™¬h/{n¥ð™tu …whtðtu ™x/ƒòrýÞt™t ¾u÷ ™¬h/{n¥ð™tu …whtðtu - Material evidence ™„h ËÇÞ‚t/ËkMf]r‚ - Urban civilization; urban ™¬h/{q‚o …rhýt{ - Tangible result culture ™¬h/Ëk„e™ Œ÷e÷ - Substantial argument ™¬e - Certain; exact; definite; sure ™„h-ËwÄthýt LÞtË - Town Improvement ™¬e fhðwk - Decide; determine; appoint; fix ™¬e fhu÷e ytuAt{tk ytuAe ®f{‚ - Upset price; Trust bottom price ™„h/™t„rhf/{÷w fe ðneðx - Civil administration ™„htuãt™ - Park ™ûtºt„]n - Planetarium ™„wýtu - Ungrateful ™¾þe¾ - Completely; top to toe ™ø™ ËíÞ - Naked truth ™„ÛÞ - Trifle; negligible; of no account ™ø™ nfef‚ - Naked fact ™„Œ [wfðýe - Cash payment ™shfuŒ - Internment; surveillance ™„Œ ™týwk - Hard cash ™shfuŒ fhðwk - Intern ™„h ytÞtusf - Town Planner ™shfuŒe - Internee ™„h ytÞtus™ Þtus™t - Town Planning Scheme ™sh ht¾ðe - Keep watch; watch; observe ™„h„]n - Town Hall ™shtu™sh òu™th - Eye-witness ™„h…r‚ - Mayor ™Sf™wk - Immediate; adjoining; adjacent; near ™„h…rh»tŒ - City Council ™„h…tr÷ft - Municipality (2)Proximate ™„h…tr÷ft yrÄr™Þ{ - Municipal Act ™„h…tr÷ft ytÞwõ‚ - Municipal Commissioner ™Sf™wk fthý - Proximate cause ™„h…tr÷ft fh/ðuhtu - Municipal tax ™Sf™wk Ë„wk - Near relative; near akin ™„h…tr÷ft ‚kºt - Municipal Authority ™Sf™tu ËkƒkÄe - Kinsman ™Sf…ýwk - Proximity (2)Nearness ™Sf{tk - Near; at hand ™Sf{tk ™Sf™wk Ë„wk/ËkƒkÄe - Next of kin; nearest of kin; nearest of kindred ™„h…tr÷ft r™Þt{f - Director of Municipalities ™Sðe ƒnw{‚e - Narrow majority; thin majority ™„h…tr÷ft þt¤t {kz¤ - Municipal School ™Sðwk - Nominal; negligible; trifle; Board immaterial; insignificant; inconsiderable; ™„h…tr÷ft ËkMÚtt - Municipal body trivial ™„h…tr÷ft Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Municipal Authority ™Sðtu/{t{q÷e „w™tu - Trivial offence ™„h…tr÷ft ËÇÞ - Councillor ™Sðtu ‚Vtð‚ - Marginal difference ™„h…tr÷ft Ër{r‚ - Municipal Committee ™Sðtu VuhVth - Marginal variation ™„h…tr÷ft/þnuh ËwÄhtE - City municipality ™x - Acrobat (2)Actor (3)Rope dancer ™„h ðËtn‚ - Township ™x-sqÚt - Troupe ™„h rðM‚th - Town area ™x/ƒòrýÞt™t ¾u÷ - Acrobatics 213

™xrðãt ™^Vx ™xrðãt - Acrobatics ™ÄrýÞt‚e s{e™ - No man’s land; derilict ™z‚h - Obstacle; hindrance; obstruction; bar land ™Œeytu™tu «ðtn ðt¤ðtu - Training of rivers ™ŒeftkXt™wk - Riparian; riverain; riverine ™ÄrýÞt‚e r{÷f‚ - Unclaimed property; ™ŒeftkXt™tu {tr÷f - Riparian owner ™Œerf™tht™t nf - Riparian rights bonum vacans; bona vacantia ™ÄrýÞt‚tu {t÷ - Waif; unclaimed consignment ™ÄrýÞt‚tu Ët{t™ - Unclaimed baggage; ™Œeûtuºt - Basin; river-basin unclaimed article ™Œe-¾eý …rhÞtus™t - River valley project ™™t{e - Bier ™Œe-¾eý «Œuþ - River valley ™™t{wk - Anonymous; nameless ™Œes¤rðM‚th - River stretch ™…trýÞwk - Waterless; dry (2)Cowardly; ™Œe‚xðtËe - Riverain ™Œe-‚x ËkMf]r‚ - Riverian civilization impotent ™Œe‚xeÞ/™ŒeÞ ð™ - Riverian forest ™Œe‚¤ - River bed ™…wkËf - Neuter gender (2)Impotent (3)Eunuch ™Vh‚ - Repulsion; abhorrence; disdain; disgust ™Œe‚kºt - River system ™Vtfthf - Profitable; advantageous; gainful ™Œer™ûtu…/Úth - Fluviatile deposit ™Vtfthf yMfÞt{‚ (yÚto.) - Performing asset ™Œe™wk ytðht-ûtuºt - River catchment ™Vtfthf ÔÞðËtÞ - Gainful occupation ™Œe™wk ‚r¤Þwk - River bed ™Vt¾tuh - Profiteer ™Œe™wk Ätuðtý - River erosion ™Vt¾tuhe - Profiteering ™Œe™wk {q¤/WŒT„{/Q„{ MÚtt™ - Source of river ™Vt-™wfËt™ rðr™Þtu„ rnËtƒ - Profit and loss ™Œe™wk ðnuý ðt¤ðwk ‚u - River training appropriation account ™Œe™tu …x - Stretch of a river; river bed ™Œe™tu {w¾rºtftuý - Delta ™Vt-™wfËt™ rnËtƒ - Profit and loss account ™Œe™tift - River craft ™Vt-¼tzwk - Profit rent ™Œe«Œuþ - River-basin ™Vt-rnMËuŒthe - Profit-sharing ™Œe-{íMÞûtuºt/{íMÞtuãtu„ - River fisheries ™Vt-rnMËuŒthe „wýtu¥th - Profit-sharing ratio ™Œe {t„o - Course of river; river course; river ™Vt-rnMËuŒthe ƒtu™Ë - Profit-sharing bonus ™Vt™wk «{tý - Profit margin; margin of profit way ™Vt™wk «tÂóMÚtt™/{q¤ - Source of profit ™Œe{w¾ - Estuary ™Vt™tu V„w tðtu - Profit inflation; inflation of profit ™Œerð¿tt™ - Potamology ™Vt™tu nu‚w - Profit motive ™Œe ËkƒkÄe - Riverain ™Vtu - Profit; margin; advantage; gain ™ÄrýÞt‚tk Zthu t™u kw ð[u tý - Sale of unclaimed cattle ™^Vx - Shameless; impudent; immodest 214

™ƒ¤tE ™ðefhý ™ƒ¤tE - Infirmity; debility; weakness; lack ™Þt[th - Protocol of strength; helplessness; inability ™hŒ{ sqX - Naked lie; blatant lie ™h{ - Soft and smooth; tender; gentle; ™ƒ¤wk - Weak; feeble; inferior; infirm ™ƒ¤wk ð»to - Lean year (2)Pliable ™ƒ¤wk/r™ƒo¤ ƒ™tðe Œuðwk - Weaken ™h{ …tzðwk - Pacify; moderate (2)Impoverish; emaciate ™h{ {txe - Mellow-soil ™ƒ¤tu ð„o/rð¼t„ - Weaker section ™he ytk¾ - Unaided eye ™¼tW…ýwk - Viability ™ðò‚ - Newborn; nascent ™{Mfth - Bowing; salutation ™ðò‚ Wãtu„ - Nascent industry ™{q™t y™wËth ðu[tý - Sale by sample ™ðSð™ y…oðwk - Revivify; revive; reanimate ™{q™t ÷uðt™e ft{„ehe - Sampling ™ðSð™ ƒûtðwk/™ðr™{toý fhðwk - Regenerate; ™{q™t Ëk„útnf - Sample Collector revive; revivify ™{q™tE yt÷u¾™ - Type design ™{q™tE ‚…tË/[ftËýe - Sample check ™ðSð™/™ðr™{toý - Regeneration; revival ™{q™tE {tusýe - Sample survey ™ð…rhð‚o™ ÷tð™th/™ð«ð‚of - Innovator ™{q™t™e Ëne - Specimen signature ™ð…rhð‚o™ ÷tððwk - Innovate ™{q™t™wk …]Út¬hý - Analysis of sample ™ð«tó fhðwk - Reclaim ™{q™t™wk ð]ût - Sample tree ™ð«tÂó - Reclamation ™{q™tY…/ytŒþo - Ideal; typical; model ™ð«tÂóÞtuøÞ - Reclaimable ™{q™tY… ykŒts - Type estimate ™ð«tÂÂÞtuøÞ s{e™ - Reclaimable land ™{q™tY… ftÞŒtu - Model legislation ™ðÞwðf/Þwð‚e - Adolescent ™{q™tY… ¾u‚e - Model farming ™ðhtþ - Spare time; leisure ™{q™tY… …rhÞtus™t - Model project ™ð÷fÚtt - Novel ™{q™tY… Þtus™t - Model scheme ™ðrþÂût‚ - Neo-literate ™{q™tY… ðM‚w - Pattern; model ™ðþufwk - Lukewarm ™{q™uŒth - Ideal ™ðËkMfhý - Reorientation ™{q™tu - Model; type; sample; form; specimen ™ðMÚtt…™ - Novation ™{q™tu ÷u™th - Sampler ™ðt ƒtiØÄ{eo - Navbuddha ™{q™tu ÷uðtu/yt…ðtu - Sample ™ðt þuhtu™wk ƒòh - New issue market ™{q™tu/«r‚f]r‚ ‚iÞth fh™th - Modeller ™ðe ™er‚ - New policy (2)New deal ™{q™tu/«r‚f]r‚ ‚iÞth fhðe ‚u - Modelling ™ðe …ntU[ - Fresh receipt ™{ú‚t - Modesty ™ðe Ëuðt - New service ™ðefhý - Renewal; rejuvenation; novation; refurbishment; renovation 215

™ðefhý y™t{‚ r™rÄ ™nuh r™„o{îth ™ðefhý y™t{‚ r™rÄ - Renewal Reserve Fund ™þtƒkÄe y™u ytƒfthe r™Þt{f - Director of ™ðefhý y™u VuhƒŒ÷e - Renewal and Prohibition and Excise replacement ™þtƒkÄe «[th yrÄfthe - Prohibition ™ðefhý y™u {ht{‚ - Renewals and repairs Propaganda Officer ™ðefhý fhðwk - Renew; rejuvenate ™ðefhý fhtÞu÷ - Renewed ™þtƒkÄe «ð‚of - Prohibitionist ™ðefhý fhth - Renewal agreement ™þtƒkÄe «ð‚o™ðtŒ - Prohibitionism ™ðefhý «{tý…ºt - Renewal certificate ™þtƒkÄe ƒtuzo/{kz¤ - Prohibition Board ™ðefhý «er{Þ{ - Renewal premium ™þtƒts/™þt¾tuh - Addict ™ðefhý…tºt Qòo-ËtÄ™tu/Ëútu‚ - Renewable ™þtƒtS - Inebriety; insobriety; intemperance ™þe÷wk - Intoxicant sources of energy ™þtu - Intoxication; inebriety ™ü - Ruined (2)Extinct ™ðe™‚t - Innovation (2)Novelty ™ü Útðwk/fhðwk - Demolish; destroy; ruin ™ðe™‚t ÷tððe - Innovate ™Ë - Vein; duct ™ðe™‚t/™tðeLÞ Œt¾÷ fh™th - Innovator ™ËƒkÄe - Vasectomy ™ðe™efhý - Renovation ™Ë{tk RLsuõþ™ - Intravenous injection ™ðwk - New; fresh; first-hand; novel ™ntðt™tu Ëtƒw - Toilet soap ™ðwk Œt¾÷ ÚtÞu÷wk - New entrant; novice ™rn [Zu÷e hò - Leave not earned ™ðwk ™¬tuh - Brand new ™rn [qfðu÷wk ¾[o - Unpaid expenses; ™ðwk ËtnË fh™th - Entrepreneur ™ðuËh ‚iÞth fhðwk - Re-form outstanding expenses ™ðuËhÚte - De novo ™rn ™Vt-™rn ™wfËt™™wk Ätuhý - No-profit no- ™ðuËhÚte yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne - Trial de novo loss basis ™ðuËhÚte {qÕÞtkf™ fhðwk - Transvalue ™ðtu ft{Œth - Threshold worker; newly ™rn …fztÞ÷u tu y…htÄe - Unapprehended criminal ™rn …‚u÷tu rnËtƒ - Unsettled account recruited worker ™rnð‚T - Negligible; trifle ™ðtu ÔÞðËtÞ rð¼t„ - New Business Department ™nuh - Canal; channel ™ðturŒ‚ Wãtu„ - Nascent industry ™nuh yr‚ðtne r™„o{™ - Canal escape ™þt¾tuhe - Inebriety; insobriety; ™nuh yðhtuÄ - Channel detention; channel intemperance; intoxication impediment ™þt™e ÂMÚtr‚{tk - In a state of intoxication ™nuh ftkXu ðtðu‚h - Canal bank plantation ™þtƒkÄe - Prohibition ™nuh s¤Ëk„ún - Channel storage ™þtƒkÄe yrÄfthe - Prohibition Officer ™nuh ‚iÞth fhðe - Canalisation/Canalization ™þtƒkÄe y™u ytƒfthe - Prohibition and excise ™nuh r™„o{îth - Canal outlet 216

™nuh …Ør‚ ™tftƒkÄe ™nuh …Ør‚ - Canal system -™t ytÄthu - On the basis of ™nuh …Ør‚™wk ytÄwr™fefhý - Modernization of -™t RhtŒtÚte/ytþÞÚte - With the intention of canal system -™t W…¢{u/yt©Þu - Under auspices of; ™nuh «…t‚ - Canal fall sponsored by ™nuh {t„or™Ätohý - Canal/Channel routing -™t W…h ÷¾u÷wk/½qkxu÷wk ÷¾tý - Overwriting ™nuh {t¤¾wk - Canal network -™t fthýu - By virtue of; because of; due to ™nuh ®Ë[tE - Canal irrigation -™t fuË{tk - In the case of ™nuh™t …týe™e ½x - Canal losses -™t sux÷wk - To the tune of ™nuh™e Ëkh[™t - Canal structure -™t ‚hV Wr[‚ æÞt™ yt…e™u - With due regard to ™nuh™wk …tfwk yM‚h - Canal lining -™t ‚hV™wk ð÷ý ht¾ðwk - Tend to ™nuh™tu Ztu¤tð - Slope of channel/canal -™t …h yrÄfth rËØ fhðtu - Establish claim to ™nuh™tu þYyt‚™tu ¼t„ - Upper reach of canal -™t …h ™sh ht¾ðe - Keep watch on ™nuh™tu MÚttÞe ¼t„ - Stable reach of canal -™t …h «ftþ …tzðtu - Throw light on; highlight ™nuh{tk ðt¤ðwk - Channelise/Channelize -™t …nu÷tk {]íÞw …t{ðwk - Predecease ™¤ - Tap; cock; pipe -™t …tzðe - Deny; refuse ™¤ft{ - Plumbing; plumber’s work -™t «‚ef Y…u - In token of ™¤ft{ fh™th - Plumber -™t «íÞu ytŒh™e ÷t„ýeÚte - In deference to ™¤ îtht …týe …whðXtu - Tapped water supply; -™t Vuh fhth - Standstill agreement piped supply of water -™t {kºte - Minister in charge of ™¤ŒwhM‚e - Plumbery -™t {thV‚ - Via; through ™¤™e [f÷e - Stop cock -™t Y…{tk - In terms of ™¤-{t„o - Pipe-line -™t ð‚e - On behalf of; for ™¤tfth - Cylinder (2)Cylindrical -™t ðtkÄt «{tý…ºt - No objection certificate ™r¤Þtk ƒ™tð™thtu - Tiler -™t Ë{Úto™{tk - In support of ™r¤Þwk - Tile -™t ËkŒ¼o{tk - With reference to ™¤e - Duct; tube; tap; cock; pipe -™t ËkƒkÄ{tk/yk„u - With regard to ™¤e/ðtnf ™¤e - Conduit; conduit pipe -™t rËðtÞ - Save except ™k„ - Article; thing (2)Piece (3)Number -™t nM‚f {qfðwk - Place at the disposal of ™kƒhe {t÷ - Quality goods/product ™tRxÙtus™Þwõ‚ ¾t‚h - Nitrogenous manure -™t y™w…t÷™ Y…u - In compliance with ™tft-fthfw™ - Octroi Clerk; Toll Clerk -™t yÚto™e {ÞtoŒt{tk hne™u - Within the meaning ™tft [turfÞt‚ - Naka guard of ™tftƒkÄe - Blockade; blocking; embargo -™t ytÄth Y…u - In support of 217

™tft ðuhtu ™týt {kz¤e ™tft ðuhtu - Terminal tax; octroi; octroi duty ™tswf ft¤ - Critical period ™tfwk - Barrier; arifice; check post; toll ™tswf …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Critical situation ™t¾wþ - Displeased ™tswf …tf - Sensitive crop ™t¾wþe - Displeasure ™txf - Play; drama ™t„hðu÷™wk …t™ - Betel leaf ™txf ËkƒkÄe - Theatrical ™t„rhf - Civilian; citizen ™txffth - Dramatist ™t„rhf yrÄfth - Civic right ™trxft - Short play ™t„rhf yrÄfth-…ºt - Citizen charter ™txâf¤t - Stage craft; dramatics ™t„rhf …whðXt r™Þt{f - Director of Civil ™txâ f÷tfth - Drama artist; stage player ™txâ„]n - Theatre; amphitheatre Supplies ™txâ {ntuíËð - Drama festival ™txâ{k[ - Theatre; stage ™t„rhf …whðXtu - Civil supplies ™txâ hsqyt‚ - Theatrical performance; ™t„rhf «þtË™ - Civic administration ™t„rhf ƒUf - People’s bank; Nagarik bank dramatical performance ™t„rhf ¼tð™t - Civic sense; civism ™t„rhf ðM‚e - Civilian population ™txâ Y…tk‚h - Dramatization ™t„rhf Ënfthe {kz¤e - Nagarik Co-operative ™txâþt† - Dramatics ™tze‚kºt - Nervous system Society ™tze Œh - Pulse rate ™tze ăftht-{t…f - Pulsimeter ™t„rhf Ënfthe ƒUf - Nagarik Co-operative ™tze™tu ăfthtu - Pulse beat ™týt yrÄfthe - Finance Officer Bank ™týt ytÞtu„ - Finance Commission ™týt W…tz - Withdrawal of money ™t„rhf Ëkhûtý - Civil defence ™týt xkft{ý - Brassage ™t„rhf Mðt‚kºÞ - Civil liberty ™t„rhf nf/yrÄfth - Civic right; civil right ™t„rhf nf yt…ðtu - Nationalize; naturalize ™t„rhf nf ÷E ÷uðtu - Denationalize; denaturalize ™t„rhf‚t - Citizenship ™týt rxrfx - Fiscal stamp ™t„rhf‚t rð™t™e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Stateless individual/ ™týt Œh - Money rate person ™týt r™„{ - Finance Corporation ™týt «tÂó™tk ËtÄ™tu - Financial resources; ™t„rhf™e WŒtËe™‚t/ƒu…hðtE - Civil apathy ™t„rhfefhý - Naturalization; nationalization pecuniary resources ™t[es - Insignificant; trifling; useless ™týt ƒòh - Finance market; money market ™tAqxfu - Helplessly; perforce (2)Unwillingly ™týt ¼kztu¤ - Fund; corpus of fund ™tswf - Delicate; gentle; tender; sensitive ™týt {kz¤e - Finance society (2)Critical 218

™týt {kºtt÷Þ ™týtfeÞ ÔÞðMÚtt ™týt {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Finance ™týtfeÞ „tuxt¤tu/½t÷{u÷ - Defalcation; ™týt {kºte - Minister of Finance embezzlement ™týt {qze - Money capital ™týt ðneðx - Finance administration ™týtfeÞ „tuxt¤tu fhðtu/ ½t÷{u÷ fhðe - ™týt rðÄuÞf - Finance Bill ™týt rð¼t„ - Finance Department Defalcate; embezzle ™týtfeÞ sðtƒŒthe - Financial liability; financial obligation; pecuniary obligation; pecuniary liability ™týt ÔÞðMÚtt fh™th - Financer ™týtfeÞ òu¾{ - Financial risk ™týt ÔÞðMÚtt fhðe - Finance ™týtfeÞ ‚kºt/…Ør‚ - Financial system ™týt ÔÞðnth - Pecuniary transaction; ™týtfeÞ r™Þkºtý/ykfwþ - Financial control financial transaction ™týtfeÞ ™er‚ - Monetary policy ™týtfeÞ ™wfËt™-¼h…tE - Reimbursement of ™týt ËŒh - Fund head ™týt Ëkfx - Financial crisis pecuniary damage ™týt Ër{r‚ - Finance Committee ™týtfeÞ …ºtf - Financial statement ™týt ËtÄ™tu - Resources ™týtfeÞ …Ør‚ - Monetary system ™týt rnËtƒ - Finance accounts ™týtfeÞ …nu÷ - Financial initiative ™týtfeÞ yr™Þr{‚‚t - Financial irregularity ™týtfeÞ «{tý…ºt - Financial certificate ™týtfeÞ y™wŒt™ - Monetary grant ™týtfeÞ «t{trýf‚t - Financial integrity ™týtfeÞ ykŒts…ºt - Financial budget ™týtfeÞ «tuíËtn™ - Financial incentive ™týtfeÞ ytÞtus™ - Financial planning ™týtfeÞ ƒtƒ‚tu - Financial affairs ™týtfeÞ ytkxe½qkxe/„qk[ - Financial complication ™týtfeÞ ƒtkÞÄhe/ð[™ƒØ‚t - Financial ™týtfeÞ W¥thŒtrÞíð - Financial responsibility commitment ™týtfeÞ Q…s/…uŒtþ - Financial yield ™týtfeÞ {sƒqhe - Financial inability ™týtfeÞ ytir[íÞ - Financial propriety ™týtfeÞ {ÞtoŒt - Monetary limit ™týtfeÞ ytir[íÞ Ätuhý - Standards of ™týtfeÞ {ksqhe - Financial sanction financial propriety ™týtfeÞ htn‚ - Financial relief ™týtfeÞ ÷ûÞtkf - Financial target ™týtfeÞ ytir[íÞ™t r™Þ{tu - Canons of ™týtfeÞ ÷t¼ - Pecuniary benefit ™týtfeÞ ÷uðzŒuðz/ÔÞðnth - Pecuniary/ financial propriety monetary/financial transaction ™týtfeÞ fxtufxe - Resources crunch ™týtfeÞ ftÞo…Ør‚ - Financial procedure ™týtfeÞ ð»to - Financial year ™týtfeÞ ftÞoðtne - Financial proceedings ™týtfeÞ rðÄt™ - Financial legislation ™týtfeÞ ût{‚t - Financial capacity ™týtfeÞ ÔÞðMÚtt - Financial management; ™týtfeÞ ¾tux/™wfËt™ - Financial loss; financial arrangement pecuniary loss/damage 219

™týtfeÞ ÔÞðMÚtt y™u r™Þkºtý ™t™t fw{¤t Atuz ™týtfeÞ ÔÞðMÚtt y™u r™Þkºtý - Financial ™týtk ¼u„tk/Q¼tk fhðtk - Raise money management and control ™týtk {txu rð™kr‚ - Solicitation for money ™týtk {u¤ð™th - Remittee; payee ™týtfeÞ ÔÞðnth - Financial transaction; ™týtk {tuf÷™th - Remitter ™týtk ÷u™th™wk ¾t‚wk - Account payee pecuniary transaction ™týtk™t Y…{tk ð¤‚h - Pecuniary ™týtfeÞ Ë¥tt - Financial power compensation ™týtfeÞ Ër{r‚ - Financial Committee ™týtfeÞ Ë{eûtt - Financial review ™týtk™e òu„ðtE fhðe - Finance ™týtfeÞ Ë÷tn - Financial advice ™týtk™e ‚k„e - Stringency of funds; paucity of ™týtfeÞ Ë÷tnfth - Financial advisor/adviser ™týtfeÞ Ën{‚e - Financial concurrence funds; money crisis ™týtfeÞ ËntÞ - Financial aid; financial ™týtk™e Ë‚‚ Ëw÷¼‚t - Steady flow of finance assistance; pecuniary assistance ™týtk™u ÷„‚wk/™týtfeÞ - Financial; pecuniary; ™týtfeÞ ËtÄ™tu - Financial resources monetary ™týtfeÞ Ërq [‚tÚt/o Vr÷‚tÚto - Financial implication ™týtk™tu y™wr[‚ W…Þtu„ - Misapplication of ™týtfeÞ ÂMÚth‚t - Financial stability; funds; misuse of funds monetary stability ™týwk - Money ™týtfeÞ nfq{‚ - Pecuniary jurisdiction ™tŒt™ - Childish; senseless ™týtfeÞ nM‚ûtu…/Œ¾÷ - Financial intervention ™tŒth - Insolvent; bankrupt ™týtfeÞ rn‚ - Financial interest; pecuniary ™tŒth ŒuðtŒth - Insolvent debtor interest ™tŒth ¼t„eŒthe - Insolvent partnership ™týtfeÞ rnËtƒ ‚…tËýe - Financial audit ™tŒth ðu…the - Insolvent trader ™týt™e Ëe{tk‚ W…Þtur„‚t - Marginal utility of ™tŒthe - Insolvency; bankruptcy money ™tŒthe f]íÞ - Act of insolvency ™tŒthe-÷t¼tkþ …ºtf - Statement of dividend in ™týt™wk {qÕÞ - Value of money ™týt¼ez - Financial stringency; financial bankruptcy crunch; financial crisis ™tŒthe™tu ftÞŒtu - Law of insolvency ™t™fztu xt…w - Islet ™týt¼ezðt¤wk - Stringent ™t™t y™u Ëe{tk‚ ¾uzq‚tu - Small and marginal ™týtrð»tÞf/™týtËkƒkÄe - Financial ™týtk - Finance; money farmers ™týtk yt…ðtk - Defray; pay; finance ™t™t Wãtu„tu™wk ûtuºt - Small scale industry sector ™týtk W[t…‚ - Misappropriation of money; ™t™t yuf{tu - Small scale units embezzlement; defalcation ™t™t yuf{tu™e „ý‚he-Ën-™{q™tE {tusýe - ™týtk [qfð™th - Payer Census-cum-sample survey of small units ™týtk …uxe - Cash box 220 ™t™t fw{¤t Atuz - Seedlings

™t™t õÞtht™e ðtðýe ™t{òu„ r™{ýqf ™t™t õÞtht™e ðtðýe - Spot sowing ™t™tu Ÿxztu - Jack ™t™t ¾uzq‚™t …rhðthtu - Small peasant ™t™tu ytiãtur„f yuf{ - Tiny industrial unit; households small industrial unit ™t™t ¾uzq‚tu™e rðftË ËkMÚtt - Small Farmers’ ™t™tu ¾t‚uŒth - Inferior holder; small holder Development Agency ™t™tu „w™tu - Petty offence ™t™tu [f{f …ÚÚth - Pigmy flint ™t™t „tu¤tfth …ÚÚth - Pebbles ™t™tu xt…w - Isle ™t™t Atuzðt - Saplings ™t™tu Œhðtòu - Wicket ™t™t Œtðt™e yŒt÷‚ - Small Cause Court ™t…ËkŒ„e - Disapprobation; disapproval; ™t™t Œtðt™e yŒt÷‚™t LÞtÞtÄeþ - Small dislike Cause Court Judge ™t…ËkŒ„e Œþtoððe - Disapprove ™t™t …tÞt …h™e ¾u‚e - Small scale farming ™t…tf - Unholy; impure; filthy ™t™t …tÞt™t Wãtu„tu - Small scale industries ™t…tË Útðwk ‚u - Failure ™t™t …tÞt™t fwrxh y™u „út{ Wãtu„tu - Small ™tVh{t™e - Insubordination ™tƒqŒ fhðwk - Efface; abolish; cancel; eradicate scale cottage and village industries ™tƒqŒe - Abolition; abrogation; cancellation; ™t™t …tÞt™wk - Small scale removal; eradication ™t™t …tÞu Wí…tŒ™ - Small scale production ™t™t ðntý™tu ftV÷tu - Flotilla ™tƒqŒe yrÄfthe - Abolition Officer ™t™t rˬt - Subsidiary coins ™tr¼ - Nucleus ™t™tk s{e™ ¾t‚tk - Small agriculture holdings ™t{ - Name ™t™e „÷e - By-lane ™t{ ‚f‚e - Name-plate ™t™e xufhe - Hillock; hummock ™t{ Œt¾÷ fhðwk/™tUÄðwk - Enrol ™t™e ƒ[‚ Þtus™t - Small Savings Scheme ™t{ ™tUÄýe - Enrolment ™t™e ¼h‚e - Neap tide ™t{ ÞtŒe - Nominal roll; scroll ™t™e hu÷ðu ÷tE™ - Narrow gauge railway line ™t{/{tUƒŒ÷t hrsMxh - Mutation register ™t™e/„tiý rþûtt - Minor punishment ™t{ ÷¾tððwk/÷¾ðwk - Enlist ™t™e ®Ë[tE - Minor irrigation ™t{ rð™t™wk - Nameless; anonymous ™t™e ®Ë[tE™tk ft{ - Minor irrigation works ™t{ Ëh™t{t…ºt - Letter-head ™t™e ntuze - Canoe; dinghi ™t{ Ëqr[ - Name-index ™t™wk - Minor; small (2)Younger ™t{fhý - Denomination; nomenclature; ™t™wk fth¾t™wk - Small factory ™t™wk „t{zwk - Hamlet; small village naming ™t™wk ÷k„h/÷tuÚtth - Kedge anchor; killick ™t{[e™ - Notorious ™t™tu yrÄfthe - Petty Officer ™t{òu„ r™{ýqf - Appointment by name 221

™t{Xt{ ™thts/Œw¼tÞu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ ™t{Xt{ - Name and address ™t{tkrf‚ - Famous; reputed; distinguished ™t{Œth - Honourable ™t{tk‚hý - Assignment; legal transference ™t{™t - Reputation; repute; fame ™t{tk‚hý ¾‚ - Assignment deed; deed of ™t{r™Þwõ‚/™t{r™ŠŒü - Nominee ™t{r™Þwõ‚/™t{r™ŠŒü fhðwk - Nominate assignment ™t{r™Þwõ‚/™t{r™ŠŒü ËÇÞ - Nominated ™t{wk - Book-keeping; accountancy member ™t{wk ÷¾™th - Book-keeper ™t{u fhðwk - Assign ™t{r™ÞwÂõ‚/™t{r™Œuoþ™ - Nomination ™t{u fhðwk ‚u - Assignment ™t{r™ÞwÂõ‚/™t{r™Œuoþ™ …ºt - Nomination ™t{u fhe yt…™th - Assignor ™t{u fhe yt…ðt™wk ¾‚ - Assignment deed; deed paper of assignment ™t{r™ŠŒü ðthË/W¥thtrÄfthe - Heir designate ™t{™e/™Sðe ®f{‚ - Nominal price ™t{u fhe ÷u™th - Assignee ™t{™e/™Sðe ™wfËt™e - Nominal damages ™t{tuÂÆü ÔÞÂõ‚ - Persona designata; ™t{™e/™Sðe Ëò - Nominal sentence ™t{™wk - Nominal designated person ™t{™wk/™Sðwk ¾[o - Nominal expenditure ™t{™wk/™Sðwk ¼tzwk - Nominal rent ™t{tuÂÆü/…Œ™tr{‚ yŒt÷‚ - Designated court ™t{™wk ðu‚™ - Nominal wages ™t{tÂu Æü/…Œ™tr{‚ LÞtÞtÄeþ - Designated judge ™t{™tu/™Sðtu Œkz - Nominal penalty ™t{tuÕ÷u¾ - Naming ™t{Vuh ¾‚ - Deed of transfer ™t{tuþe - Ignominy; discredit; disgrace ™t{™tu ¼t„eŒth - Nominal partner ™t{tuþe ¼hu÷wk - Ignomious; abusive; ™t{™tu ËÇÞ - Nominal member ™t{hS - Reluctance disgraceful ™t{htrþ/™t{uhe - Namesake ™t{þt¾ - Goodwill ™tÞf - Captain; headman (2)Hero ™t{þt¾ ™Vtu - Goodwill profit ™tÞƒ - Deputy ™t{ksqh fhðwk - Reject; refuse; disapprove; ™tÞƒ yÄeûtf - Deputy Superintendent ™tÞƒ yæÞût - Deputy Speaker (2)Vice disallow; overrule chairman ™t{ksqhe - Disapproval; disallowance; ™tÞƒ f÷uõxh - Deputy Collector rejection; refusal ™tÞƒ r™Þt{f - Deputy Director ™tÞƒ {kºte - Deputy Minister ™t{t …Ør‚ - Book-keeping ™tÞƒ Ër[ð - Deputy Secretary ™t{tr¼Ät™ - Nomenclature ™thts - Aggrieved; dissatisfied; displeased ™t{tðr÷ - Name list ™thts fhðwk/Útðwk - Displease; offend ™thts ÚtÞu÷ …ûtfth - Aggrieved party ™thts/Œw¼tÞu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Person aggrieved 222

™thtS r™ft÷ {txu …ËkŒ fhu÷t ™thtS - Displeasure ™tÂM‚f - Atheist; atheistic ™trhÞu¤ - Coconut ™tM‚tu - Refreshment; breakfast; snacks ™theðtŒ - Faminism ™t®n{‚ fhðwk - Discourage ™theðtŒe - Faminist ™t¤tk AtkŒðtk ‚u - Gully plugging; nala plugging ™t÷uþe - Slander; defamation ™t¤tk Ätuðtý - Gully erosion ™t÷uþes™f - Slanderous; defamatory ™t¤tk …h™tk [ý‚hft{ - Cross-drainage works ™tðze - Canoe; dinghi ™t¤wk - Culvert ™tðze ¼tzwk - Oarage r™fx - Nearly; nearby ™tðthË/÷tðtrhË - Heirless r™fx‚{ ÷tune™wk Ë„wk - Nearest in blood ™trðf - Seaman; ferryman; mariner; r™fx‚{ ðthËŒth - Nearest heir; next heir r™fx‚{ Ë„wk/ËkƒkÄe - Nearest of kindred; navigator nearest of kin ™trðf fÕÞtý - Seamen’s welfare ™trðf htus„th f[uhe - Seamen Employment r™fx‚t/r™fx…ýwk - Nearness; propinquity; Office proximity ™tðeLÞ - Innovation; novelty r™fx™wk Ë„wk - Near kin; near relative ™tðeLÞ ÷tððwk - Innovate r™fx™tu ËkƒkÄ/…rh[Þ - Intimacy ™tÔÞ - Navigable r™fx™tu Ën-rnMËuŒth - Near co-sharer ™tÔÞ s¤{t„o - Navigable waterway r™fxð‚eo - Adjacent; adjoining; proximal; ™tÔÞ ™Œe - Navigable river ™tþ - Destruction; ruin; annihilation proximate (2)Immediate ™tþ fhðtu - Destroy; destruct; ruin; r™f»tof - Dredger exterminate; annihilate r™f»toý - Dredging r™f»t - Touch stone ™tþ ™ …t{u yuðwk - Imperishable; eternal; r™fkŒ™ - Destruction; annihilation r™fkŒ™ ftZ™th - Destructor; destroyer immortal r™ft÷ - Disposal r™ft÷ fhðtu - Dispose ™tþðk‚ - Perishable; mortal r™ft÷ ™rn fhu÷ - Undisposed ™tË‚tu Vh‚tu - Absconding; fugitive r™ft÷ …ºtf - Disposal register ™tË‚tu Vh‚tu „w™u„th - Absconding offender r™ft÷-ƒtfe ft{ - Backlog of work; pending ™tË‚tu Vh‚tu ŒuýŒth - Absconding debtor ™t˼t„ - Stampede work ™tËe s™th - Fugitive; absconder ™tËe sðwk - Flee; run away; escape; abscond r™ft÷-ƒtfe sÚÚttu - Backlog; arrears of stock ™tËe…tË - Disappointed; despondent; r™ft÷-ƒtfe ht¾ðwk - Keep pending r™ft÷ {txu …ËkŒ fhu÷t - Selected for disposal frustrated 223

r™ft÷ nuX¤™t ft„¤ r™S Ëk…Â¥t r™ft÷ nuX¤™t ft„¤ - Papers under disposal r™ftË ðu…the - Export merchant; exporter r™ftË - Export r™ftË þwÕf - Export duty r™ftË y„ú‚t - Export priority r™ftË Ë‚{e - Export bill of lading r™ftË yhS - Export application r™ftË ËntÞfe - Export subsidy r™ftË ytðf - Export earnings r™ftË ËkðÄo™ …rh»tŒ - Export Promotion r™ftË ytkfzt - Export statistics Council r™ftË yusLx - Exporting Agent r™ftË nwf{ - Export order r™ftË fh/ðuhtu - Export tax r™ftËfth - Exporter r™ftË fh™th - Exporter r™ftËût{ ðM‚wytu - Exportables r™ftË fhu÷tu {t÷ - Exported goods r™ftË„]n - Export house r™ftË õðtìxt …hr{x - Export quota permit r™ftË÷ûte - Export-oriented r™ftË „wýð¥tt r™Þkºtý - Export quality control r™ftË÷ûte Wãtu„ - Export-oriented industry r™ftË òu¾{ ðe{tu - Export risks insurance r™ftËð]ÂØ - Export promotion r™ftË xÙtrVf - Export traffic r™ûtu… - Deposit r™ftË Œh - Export rate r™ûtu…f - Depositor r™ftË rÄhtý - Export credit r™¾ðo - Ten thousand crores r™ftË r™Þkºtý - Export control r™¾t÷Ë - Frank; straightforward; candid; r™ftË ™er‚ - Export policy ingenuous r™ftË …hðt™t Ve - Export licence fee r™ftË …hðt™t …hr{x - Export licence permit r™¾t÷Ë‚t - Frankness r™ftË …hðt™tu - Export licence r™r¾÷ - All; whole r™ftË «{tý…ºt - Export certificate r™„{ - Corporation r™ftË «tuíËtn™ Þtus™t - Export incentive r™„{ fh - Corporate tax r™„{ ûtuºt - Corporate sector scheme r™„{™ - Incorporation r™ftË ƒòh - Export market r™„{™tí{f …Ør‚ - Deductive method r™ftË ƒthwk - Export outlet r™„{™e þuh {qze - Share capital of corporation r™ftË rƒ÷ - Export bill r™„r{‚ {kz¤ - Body corporate; corporate r™ftË ¼hr‚Þwk - Export invoice body r™ftË {t÷ - Export cargo/goods r™ftË ð]ÂØ Þtus™t - Export promotion scheme r™„ún - Inhibition; abstinence; astinency r™[tuz - Essence; extract (2)Sum and substance; gist r™ftË ðu…th - Export trade r™S - Private; personal r™ftË ðu…th r™Þkºtý - Export trade control r™S Ëk…Â¥t - Peculium 224

r™íÞ r™Þ‚ WœÞ™ r™íÞ - Daily (2)Eternal; everlasting r™{fn÷t÷e - Loyalty; faithfulness r™íÞ/ftÞ{ ƒuŒhfth - Habitually negligent r™{ßs™ - Submersion; submergence r™íÞ¢{ - Routine r™{Âßs‚ ytzƒkÄ - Drowned weir r™Œþof - Demonstrator r™{ýqf - Appointment r™Œþo™ - Demonstration r™{ýqf fhðe - Appoint r™Œþo™ fuLÿ - Demonstration centre r™{ýqf …ºt - Letter of appointment r™Œt™ - Diagnosis (2)At least r™{ýqf™e {wŒ‚ - Tenure of appointment r™Œt™ fhðwk - Diagnose r™{kºtf - Convener r™Œt™ rð¿tt™ - Aetiology; diagnostics r™{kºtý/yt{kºtý - Invitation r™Œt™ þtMºte - Diagnostician r™{kºtý/yt{kºtý …rºtft - Invitation card r™Œuþ - Directive; direction r™{krºt‚ ÔÞtÏÞt‚t - Guest lecturer r™Œuþf - Director r™{tÞu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Appointee r™Œuþtí{f - Directive r™r{¥t - Cause r™Œuþtí{f rËØtk‚tu - Directive principles r™B™ fûtt™wk òu¾{ - Sub-standard risk r™ÿt r[rfíËt - Narco-therapy r™B™ Ätuhý f{o[the - Sub-standard employee r™ÿthtu„ - Narcolepsy r™B™ Ätuhý ft{„ehe - Sub-standard r™ÿtrð¿tt™ - Hypnology performance r™rÄ - Fund r™B™ Ätuhý Œðt - Sub-standard drug r™rÄf Œuðwk - Funded debt r™B™ Ätuhý rVÕ{ - Sub-standard film r™rÄ{tkÚte ™týtk W…tzðtk - Withdrawal from r™B™ ©uýe fthfw™ - Lower Division Clerk fund r™B™ Ëuðt - Inferior service r™B™‚{ - Undermost; minimum r™…wý - Expert; adept; deft; proficient; master r™B™‚÷ Ë…txe - Base level; ground level r™…wý‚t - Proficiency; expertise; mastery r™Þ‚ - Prescribed; stipulated (2)Due; fixed r™¼tztu/r™{tztu - Potter’s kiln r™Þ‚ ytfÂM{f y™wŒt™ - Contract grant r™¼tð - Maintenance; upkeep r™Þ‚ ytfÂM{f ¼ÚÚtwk - Fixed contingent r™¼tð y™wŒt™ - Maintenance grant r™¼tð ¾[o - Cost of maintenance allowance r™¼tð ¼ÚÚtwk - Maintenance/upkeep allowance r™¼tððwk - Maintain; upkeep r™Þ‚ ytfÂM{f/«tËkr„f ¾[o - Contract r™{fnht{ - Disloyal; unfaithful r™{fnht{e - Disloyalty; unfaithfulness contingencies r™Þ‚/ƒtkÄe ytðf - Fixed income r™Þ‚ ytð‚of ¾[o - Fixed recurring charges r™{fn÷t÷ - Loyal; faithful r™Þ‚ WœÞ™ - Scheduled flight 225

r™Þ‚ fhðwk r™Þ{…t÷™ r™Þ‚ fhðwk - Prescribe; stipulate; fix; appoint; r™Þ‚ {qze - Fixed capital lay down r™Þ‚ hf{ - Stipulated sum; stipulated amount r™Þ‚ hòytu - Prescribed holidays r™Þ‚ fhu÷e ftÞo…Ør‚ - Laid down/prescribed/ r™Þ‚ ÷t¼tkþ - Stipulated dividend r™Þ‚ ðÞÚte {tuxwk - Overaged stipulated procedure r™Þ‚ rðr™{Þ Œh - Fixed exchange rate r™Þ‚ þh‚ - Stipulation r™Þ‚ ftÞo - Stipulated task r™Þ‚ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Prescribed Authority r™Þ‚ ftÞo…Ør‚ - Set procedure; prescribed r™Þ‚ Ë{Þ - Stipulated time; fixed time r™Þ‚ Ë{Þ …Ae™e Vhs/ft{„ehe - Late duty procedure; laid down procedure r™Þ‚ Ë{Þ …Ae™wk - Late r™Þ‚ rËØtk‚tu - Set principles r™Þ‚ ftÞo¼ÚÚtwk - Task work allowance r™Þ‚ Ëuðt/™tufhe - Stipulated service r™Þ‚ ftÞoðu‚™ - Task wage r™Þ‚ ËtU…ýe - Stipulated surrender r™Þ‚ ¾[o - Fixed charges; fixed cost r™Þ‚ sðtƒŒthe - Fixed liability r™Þ‚ s¤Ë…txe - Steady water level r™Þ‚ ‚kºt - Prescribed authority r™Þ‚ ‚the¾ - Prescribed date; stipulated date; fixed date; appointed date; due date r™Þ‚ Œh - Fixed rate; stipulated rate; r™Þ‚ n…‚t …Ør‚ - Fixed instalment system prescribed rate r™Þ‚ rnMËtu - Quota r™Þ‚ftr÷f - Periodic; periodical r™Þ‚ rŒðËu - At fixed date; on appointed day r™Þ‚ ™{q™tu/Vtu{o - Prescribed form r™Þ‚ftr÷f/{wŒ‚ƒØ ftÞo¢{ - Time-bound r™Þ‚ ™wfËt™e - Stipulated damages programme r™Þ‚ …„th - Fixed pay r™Þ‚ …„thÄtuhý - Prescribed scale of pay r™Þr‚ - Fate; destiny r™Þ‚ …ºtf - Return r™Þ{ - Rule r™Þ‚ …Œft¤ - Stint r™Þ{ ËwÄthýt Ër{r‚ - Rules Revision r™Þ‚ …t¤e - Fixed shift r™Þ‚ …uþ„e - Fixed imprest Committee r™Þ‚ «ðtË ¼ÚÚtwk - Fixed travelling allowance r™Þ‚ ¼tð/®f{‚ - Fixed price r™Þ{™ - Control; regulation r™Þ‚ ¼trð ‚the¾ - Stipulated future date r™Þ{™ fhðwk - Regulate; control r™Þ‚ {trËf ¼ÚÚtwk - Fixed monthly allowance r™Þ{™fthe - Regulatory r™Þ‚ {wŒ‚ - Stipulated period r™Þ{™fthe fh - Regulatory taxation r™Þ{™fthe …„÷tk - Regulatory measures r™Þ{r™c - Law abiding; law observing r™Þ{™e ¼tð™t y™u ¼t»tt - Spirit and letter of rule r™Þ‚ {wŒ‚ …nu÷tk™wk - Premature r™Þ{™wk y…t÷™ - Non-observance of rule r™Þ‚ {wŒ‚™e …tìr÷Ëe - Fixed term policy r™Þ{…t÷™ - Observance of rule 226

r™Þ{¼k„ r™Þkºtýtu Œqh fhðtk r™Þ{¼k„ - Breach of rules; violation of r™Þkºtf - Controller; comptroller (2)Regulator rules; transgression of rules (3) Restrictive; regulatory r™Þ{¼k„ fh™th - Transgressor r™Þkºtf yrÄfthe/Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Controlling r™Þ{rðhwØ/yr™Þr{‚ W…tz - Irregular drawal r™Þ{rðhwØ/yr™Þr{‚ ftÞoðtne - Irregular Officer; Controlling Authority (2)Regulatory Authority proceedings r™Þkºtf y™u {nt÷u¾t …heûtf - Comptroller and r™Þ{Ëh - Regular; according to rules r™Þ{Ëh ŒM‚tðus - Formal document Auditor General r™Þ{Ëh ƒ™tððwk - Regularize r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Mannual; code r™Þkºtf ¾kz - Restrictive clause r™Þ{t™wËth - Regular; as per rule; according r™Þkºtf òu„ðtE - Restrictive provision r™Þkºtf Œhðtòu - Control gate to rule r™Þkºtf …„÷tk - Regulatory measures r™Þkºtf þh‚tu - Restrictive conditions r™Þ{t™wËth ft{ - Work to rule r™Þkºtf/ËqºtÄth fk…™e - Holding Company r™Þ{tðr÷ - Set of rules r™Þkºtý - Control; restraint; check; restriction r™Þr{‚ - Punctual; regular r™Þkºtý yrÄfthe - Controlling Officer r™Þr{‚ fhðwk - Regularize r™Þkºtý yrÄfthe/Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Controlling r™Þr{‚ fhðwk ‚u/r™Þ{Ëh ƒ™tððwk ‚u - Authority Regularization r™Þkºtý y™u {t„oŒþo™ - Control and guidance r™Þr{‚ ¢{ - Routine r™Þkºtý f[uhe - Control Office r™Þr{‚ „t¤tyu/Ë{Þtk‚hu - At regular intervals r™Þkºtý/r™Þ{™ fhðwk - Control; govern; regulate r™Þr{‚‚t - Regularity; punctuality r™Þkºtý fuLÿ/{Útf - Control station r™Þ{tu yk„u™e Ër{r‚ - Committee on Rules r™Þkºtý ûtuºt - Control area r™Þ{tu y™u rðr™Þ{tu/ÄthtÄtuhýtu - Rules and r™Þkºtý ¾kz - Control room r™Þkºtý «ýt÷e - Channel of control regulations r™Þkºtý ®ƒŒw - Control point r™Þkºtý {qfðwk - Control; check; constrain r™Þ{tu WŒth ƒ™tððt ‚u - Liberalization of rules r™Þkºtý Ëkh[™t - Control structure r™Þ{tu™e {tufqVe - Suspension of rules; r™Þkºtý MÚt¤ - Control point r™Þkºtý nuX¤™e ðM‚w - Controlled article adjournment of rules; postponement of r™Þkºtý{tk ht¾ðwk - Control; restrain; check rules r™Þkºtý{tk ht¾e þftÞ yuðwk - Controllable; r™Þ{tu™wk WÕ÷k½™ - Violation of rules manageable r™Þ{tu™wk …t÷™ fhðwk - Abide by rules; observe r™Þkºtýtu Œqh fhðtk - Remove restrictions rules r™Þ{tu™tu Œwhw…Þtu„ - Abuse of rules; misuse of rules r™Þ{tu{tk AqxAtx - Relaxation of rules 227

r™Þkrºt‚ r™hk‚h rþûtý r™Þkrºt‚ - Controlled; restricted; limited r™h…htÄe - Innocent; inculpable; guiltless r™Þkrºt‚ yÚto‚kºt - Controlled economy; open r™h…htÄe…ýwk - Innocence r™h…ðtŒY…u - Invariably economy; governed/restricted economy r™h…uût íÞt„ - Absolute relinquishment r™hr¼{t™e - Unassuming (2)Humble r™Þkrºt‚ fhðwk - Control; restrict; regulate r™hÚtof - Futile; useless; meaningless; in vain; r™Þkrºt‚ fk…™e - Subsidiary company r™Þkrºt‚ ¾[o - Controlled expenditure frivolous r™Þkrºt‚ [htý - Controlled grazing r™Þkrºt‚ [÷ý - Managed currency r™hÚtof Œ÷e÷ - Frivolous argument r™Þkrºt‚ Œh/¼tð - Controlled rate r™hÚtof‚t - Futility; meaninglessness r™Þkrºt‚ rÄhtý - Controlled credit r™hðrÄ - Ad infinitum; limitless; boundless; r™Þkrºt‚ ™týwk - Managed money infinite r™Þkrºt‚ «Œq»tý «{tý…ºt - Pollution under r™hðrÄ MÚtr„‚ - Adjourned sine die control certificate r™hË™ - Rescind; rescission; repeal; r™Þkrºt‚ ƒrnîtoh - Controlled outlet; controlled abrogation exit r™hË™ y™u y…ðtŒ - Repeals and savings r™Þkrºt‚ ¼tð/®f{‚ - Controlled price r™hkfwþ - Uncontrolled; unruly; unrestricted r™Þkrºt‚ ÷tufþtne - Controlled democracy r™hkfwþ „r‚ - unrestricted speed r™Þkrºt‚ ðnU[ýe/rð‚hý - Controlled r™hkfwþ xtu¤wk - Unruly mob; uncontrolled mob distribution r™hkfwþ Vw„tðtu - Runaway inflation; r™Þkrºt‚ ðu…th - Restricted trade uncontrolled inflation r™Þt{f - Director r™hfwkþ/yt…¾wŒ/yufnÚÚtw þtËf - Autocrat; r™Þt{f™e f[uhe - Directorate dictator; autarch r™Þwõ‚ fhðwk - Appoint; place; post r™ÞwÂõ‚ - Appointment; placement; posting r™hkfwþ þtË™ - Absolute rule; despotic rule; r™ÞwÂõ‚ yrÄ…ºt - Warrant of Appointment r™ÞwÂõ‚-{Útf/MÚt¤ - Station of posting autarchy r™ÞwÂõ‚™tu nwf{ - Appointment order; posting r™hkfwþ Ë¥tt - Absolute power; unfettered power r™hkfwþ Ë¥ttrÄfth - Unfettered authority; unrestrained authority order r™hk‚h - Persistent; continuous; constant; r™Þtuõ‚t - Employer uninterrupted; incessant; sustained r™Þtuõ‚t {kz¤ - Employers’ Association r™hk‚h Wí…tŒ™ - Sustained production r™Þtuõ‚t™tu Vt¤tu - Employer’s contribution r™hk‚h Q…s - Sustained yield r™hûth - Illiterate; uneducated r™hk‚h ¾u‚e - Sustainable agriculture r™hûth‚t - Illiteracy r™hk‚h rþûtý - Continuous education 228

r™htfhý r™ýtoÞf fËtuxe r™htfhý - Solution; resolution; settlement r™heûtý ¾[o - Inspection charges r™htfhý fhðwk - Solve; resolve; settle r™heûtý [tufe - Observation post r™htfhýût{ - Solvable; resolvable r™heûtý ™tUÄðne - Visit book r™htÄth - Destitute; orphan r™heûtý «{tý…ºt - Inspection certificate r™htÄth y™wŒt™ - Destitute grant r™heûtý r{þ™ - Visiting mission r™htÄth ÷tuftu - Destitute persons r™heûtýðne - Inspection book r™htÄth…ýwk - Destitution r™heûtý nuX¤ - Under observation r™htr{»ttnthe - Vegetarian r™hw…Þtu„e - Useless r™htþ - Disappointed; disconsolate r™hw…Þtu„e Ët{t™ - Useless articles r™htþt - Disappointment; frustration r™Y…ý - Presentation r™htþtðtŒ - Pessimism r™htuÄ - Obstruction; hindrance r™htþtðtŒe - Pessimist; pessimistic r™„o{ ûtuºt - Outlet area r™htr©‚ - Refugee r™„o{ îth - Exhaust valve r™ht¤wk - Distinct; typical (2)Different r™„o{ ™¤e/…tE… - Exhaust pipe; outlet pipe r™htk‚ - Leisure; peace (2)Repose r™„o{ …k¾tu - Exhaust fan r™heûtf - Inspector; invigilator; observer r™„o{ ƒtu„Œwk - Outlet tunnel r™heûtf yrÄfthe - Inspecting Officer r™„o{ ðtÕð - Exit valve; exhaust valve r™heûtf Rs™uh - Inspecting Engineer r™„o{™ yrÄfthe - Emigration Officer r™heûtf r‚òuhe yrÄfthe - Inspecting Treasury r™so™ - Desolate; deserted Officer r™so™ „t{ - Uninhabited village; deserted r™heûtf, ™þtƒkÄe y™u ytƒfthe - Inspector, village Prohibition and Excise r™so÷ - Anhydrous; dry r™so÷™/r™so÷efhý - Dehydration r™heûtf «r‚r™rÄ - Observer delegate r™Soð - Inanimate; lifeless; dead r™heûtf, ðht¤ ƒtRu ÷h y™u Äýq e W…ÿð - Inspector r™ýoÞ - Decision; award r™ýoÞ-[qf - Error of judgement of Steam Boilers and Smoke Nuisances r™ýoÞtí{f - Conclusive; decisive r™ýoÞtr©‚ ftÞŒtu - Judicial law; decisive law r™heûtf™e f[uhe - Inspectorate r™ýoÞtr©‚ ÄthýtrÄfth - Judgement lien r™heûtý - Inspection; observation; visitation r™ýtoÞf - Judge (2)Crucial; decisive; r™heûtý y™u rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Inspection and conclusive (3)Referee audit r™ýtoÞf fËtuxe - Crucial test r™heûtý y™u Íz‚e - Visitation and search r™heûtý yuf{ - Inspection unit r™heûtý fhðwk - Inspect; invigilate; observe; oversee 229

r™ýtoÞf ft¤/Ë{Þ r™Äqo{ [q÷t r™ýtoÞf ft¤/Ë{Þ - Crucial period r™ŠŒü rðM‚th - Notified area; specified area r™ýtoÞf [wftŒtu - Definitive judgement r™ŠŒü rðM‚th Ër{r‚ - Notified Area r™ýtoÞf …„÷wk - Decisive step Committee r™ýtoÞf …whtðtu - Conclusive evidence/proof r™ýtoÞf «{tý - Decisive proof r™ŠŒü ÔÞÂõ‚ {txu™tu ftì÷ - Particular person r™ýtoÞf «Þtu„ - Crucial experiment r™ýtoÞf ƒuXf - Crucial meeting call r™ýtoÞf ¼t„/¼qr{ft - Decisive role; crucial r™ŠŒü Ë{Þ - Specific time role r™ŠŒü nŒ/Ëe{t - Dead line r™Œuoþ - Indication; mention; feeler r™ýtoÞf {‚ - Casting vote; deciding vote r™Œuoþ fhtÞu÷ - Specified; indicated; mentioned r™ýtoÞf {n¥ð - Pivotal importance r™Œuoþf - Pointer; pin-pointer; indicative r™ýtoÞf {kz¤ - Board of referees r™Œuoþf Þtus™t - Indicative plan; specified plan r™ýtoÞf htßÞ - Pivotal State r™Œuoþtí{f - Indicative r™ýtoÞf Ëtrƒ‚e - Conclusive proof; decisive r™Œuorþft - Directory r™Œuorþ‚ yÇÞtË - Guided study proof r™Œuorþ‚ «ðtË - Guided tour r™ýeo‚ ŒuðtŒth/fhsŒth/ŒuýŒth - Judgement r™Œtuo»t - Innocent; guiltless debtor r™Œtuo»t Awxfthtu - Acquittal r™Œtuo»t Xhtððwk/ònuh fhðwk - Exonerate; acquit; r™ýeo‚ Œuðwk - Judgement debt r™ýeo‚ ÷uýŒth - Judgement creditor absolve; exculpate r™ŒoÞ - Cruel; pitiless; merciless; ruthless r™Œtuo»t…ýwk - Innocence r™ŒoÞ he‚u fhu÷wk ¾q™ - Cold-blooded murder r™Äo™ - Poor; penniless; pauper; indigent r™ŒoÞ‚t - Cruelty; brutality; ruthlessness; r™Äo™‚t - Poverty; indigence; penury; pitilessness; mercilessness pauperism r™ŠŒü - Specific; specified; notified r™Ätoh - Decision; determination r™ŠŒü Wí…tŒ™ rðM‚th - Specified product area r™Ätorh‚ WœÞ™ - Scheduled flight r™ŠŒü fhðwk - Notify; specify r™Ätorh‚ fhðwk - Determine; settle; schedule r™ŠŒü/WÕ÷u¾u÷ ‚the¾ - Specified date r™Ätorh‚ ût{‚t - Rated capacity r™ŠŒü …t÷™ - Specific performance r™Ätorh‚ ™wfËt™-¼h…tE - Liquidated damages r™ŠŒü {t„o - Notified route r™Ätorh‚ ƒuXf - Scheduled meeting r™ŠŒü {t÷ - Specific goods r™Ätorh‚ hf{ - Earmarked amount; marked r™ŠŒü he‚u - Specifically amount r™ŠŒü he‚u nwf{™t{wk y…tÞu÷ - Specifically r™Ätorh‚ Ë{Þ - Scheduled time decreed r™Äqo{ [q÷t - Smokeless chullah 230

r™ƒo¤ r™ðthf yti»tÄ r™ƒo¤ - Invalid; weak; infirm; unable; feeble r™ðtorË‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Displaced person; evacuee r™ƒo¤ fhðwk - Weaken; enervate r™ðton - Maintenance; subsistence; livelihood r™ƒo¤‚t - Weakness; infirmity; invalidity; r™ðton-y™wŒt™ - Subsistence grant imbecility r™ðton-yÚto‚kºt - Subsistence economy r™ðton-ytnth - Subsistence diet r™ƒtoÄ «ðuþ - Free access r™ðton-¾[o - Cost of living (2)Alimony r™¼oÞ Œeðtu - Safety lamp r™ðton-¾[o™tu ytkf - Cost of living index r™¼oh - Dependant; reliant r™ðton-¾u‚e - Subsistence farming r™¼uo¤ ËíÞ - Naked truth r™ðton-s{e™ - Subsistence land r™¼uo¤ nfef‚ - Naked fact r™ðton-Ä™ - Subsistence money r™{toý - Production; fabrication; generation; r™ðton-¼ÚÚtwk - Subsistence allowance; manufacture; construction; constitution; formation; preparation; creation r™{toý yrÄfthe - Production Officer maintenance allowance r™{toý fhðwk - Produce; manufacture; fabricate; r™ðton-ðu‚™ - Subsistence wages; living wages generate; erect; constitute; create r™ðton-ËtÄ™ - Means of subsistence; means r™{toý nuX¤™wk - Under construction; under of livelihood production r™ðton™tk Œu¾e‚tk ËtÄ™ - Ostensible means of r™{toý/Wí…tŒ™ Wãtu„ - Manufacturing industry subsistence r™{toý/Wí…tŒ™ ûtuºt - Manufacturing sector r™{toý/Wí…tŒ™ «r¢Þt - Manufacturing r™ŠððtŒ - Incontrovertible; indisputable; process irrefutable; unquestionable; undisputed r™{toý/Wí…tŒ™ ËkÞkºt - Manufacturing plant r™ŠððtŒ Œtðt - Undisputed claims r™{toý/Wí…tŒ™ MÚt¤ - Manufacturing place r™ŠððtŒ…ýu - Decidedly r™{toýût{‚t - Production capacity; generating r™nuo‚wf - Aimless; purposeless r™hw¥th hnu÷ «&™ - Unanswered question capacity; manufacturing capacity r™hwíËtnf - Disincentive r™{to‚t - Manufacturer; producer; maker r™hwã{ - Inactivity; inertia r™{qo¤ - Extirpated; uprooted r™hw…ÿðe - Harmless; innocuous r™{qo¤ fhðwk - Exterminate; extirpate; uproot; r™hw…Þtu„e - Useless eradicate r™ðt…tksr÷ - Homage; tribute (2)Obituary r™÷oßs - Shameless r™ðthf - Preventive; repellent; deterrent r™ðto[™ yrÄfthe - Returning Officer r™ðthf yxftÞ‚ - Preventive detention r™ðtorË‚/rnsh‚e r{÷f‚ - Evacuee property r™ðthf W…[th - Preventive treatment r™ðtorË‚ r{÷f‚™t fƒsuŒth/yr¼hûtf - r™ðthf W…tÞ - Preventive remedy Custodian of evacuee property r™ðthf yti»tÄ - Preventive medicine 231

r™ðthf ftÞoðtne r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™ r™rÄ r™ðthf ftÞoðtne - Preventive action r™ðtËe Þwr™ðŠËxe - Residential University r™ðthf LÞtÞ - Preventive justice r™ðtËe þt¤t - Residential school r™ðthf …„÷tk - Preventive measures r™rðŒt - Tender r™ðthf htn‚ - Preventive relief r™rðŒt fthfw™ - Tender Clerk r™ðthf Ëò - Deterrent punishment r™rðŒt Œh - Tender rate r™ðthf Ëuðt - Preventive service r™rðŒt ™turxË - Tender notice r™ðthý - Prevention; eradication; alleviation; r™rðŒt …ºt - Tender form removal; redressal; avoidance r™rðŒt …Ør‚ - Tender system r™rðŒt …uxe - Tender box r™ðthðwk - Obviate; avoid; remove; prevent r™rðŒt þwÕf - Tender fee r™ðthe/xt¤e þftÞ ‚uðwk/r™ðtÞo - Avoidable; r™rðŒt ËtÚtu™e y™wËqr[ - Schedule to tender r™rðŒtytu hsq fhðe ‚u - Submission of tenders preventable; preventible r™ðtÞo ¾[o - Avoidable expenditure; escapable expenditure r™ðtË - Habitation; residence; dwelling r™rðŒtfth - Tenderer r™ðtË yuf{ - Residential unit; dwelling unit r™rðŒt™e hf{ - Tender money r™ðtË-ûtuºt - Residential area r™rðŒt™tu ™{q™tu - Tender sample r™ðtË„]n - Dwelling house; lodging house r™rðŒtÞtuøÞ - Tenderable r™ðtË-¼ÚÚtwk - Lodging allowance r™ð]¥t - Retired r™ðtË-ÔÞðMÚtt fhðe - Accommodate; provide r™ð]¥t Út‚t/rðŒtÞ ÷u‚t ËÇÞ - Retiring member lodging (2)Outgoing member r™ðtË/hnuýtf …hðt™„e - Residential permit r™ð]¥t Út‚wk - Retiring (2)Outgoing r™ðtË/hnuýtf™tk {ft™ - Residential quarters r™ð]¥t Útðwk - Retire r™ðtË/hnuýtf™e søÞt - Residential premises r™ð]¥t ¼t„eŒth - Retired partner r™ðtË™ r™Þkºtf - Controller of r™ð]Â¥t - Retirement Accommodation r™ð]Â¥t „úußÞwRxe - Retirement gratuity r™ðtËÞtuøÞ - Inhabitable; residential r™ð]Â¥t …nu÷tk™wk/…qðo - Preparatory to retirement r™ðtËMÚtt™ - Dwelling place; homestead; r™ð]Â¥t …qðo™e hò - Leave preparatory to place of abode; habitat; habitation; retirement residential place; residence r™ð]Â¥t …uLþ™ - Retirement pension r™ð]Â¥t ÷t¼ - Retirement benefit r™ðtËe - Resident (2)Inhabitant; residential r™ð]Â¥t ðÞ - Age of superannuation r™ðtËe ftu÷us - Residential college r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™ - Pension r™ðtËe ‚t÷e{ - Captive training r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™ r™rÄ - Pension fund r™ðtËe ™tÞƒ f÷uõxh - Resident Deputy Collector 232

r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™ {u¤ð™th r™»tuÄtrÄfth r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™ {u¤ð™th - Pensioner r™Âù‚ yÚto½x™ - Strict interpretation r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™ Ë{fthe r™rÄ - Pension r™Âù‚ sðtƒŒthe - Fixed liability Equalization Fund r™Âù‚ r™ðtËMÚtt™ - Settled place of abode r™Âù‚…ýu - Invariably; positively; definitely r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™ ËkƒkÄe Vt¤tu - Pension contribution r™Âù‚ ¼qr{ft {txu ytŒþo - Role model r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™…tºt - Pensionable r™Âù‚ {t„uo {tuf÷ðwk - Route; send by fixed r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™…tºt søÞt - Pensionable post r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™…tºt ™tufhe - Pensionable service route r™ð]Â¥t ðu‚™…tºt …„th - Pensionable pay r™ð]Â¥tðu‚™™wk Y…tk‚h - Commutation of pension r™Âù‚ he‚u - Specifically; definitely r™ðuztu ÷tððtu - Adjudicate; settle; decide; solve r™Âù‚ he‚u {tLÞ h¾tÞu÷ - Specifically r™ðuztu/VUË÷tu/[wftŒtu - Settlement; disposal; approved decision (2)Adjudication; verdict r™Âù‚ Y… yt…ðwk - Formulate; give definite r™ðuŒ™ - Memorandum; submission; statement r™ðuŒ™ fhðwk - State; submit form/shape r™ðuŒ™…ºt/yufhth™t{wk - Declaration form r™Âù‚/M…ü Y…u - Decidedly; clearly; categorically r™Âù‚ Ë{Þ{ÞtoŒt - Dead line; stipulated time limit; specific time limit r™þt[h «týe - Noctural animal r™Âù‚ Ë{Þu Vqx™thtu ƒtuBƒ - Time bomb r™þt™ - Print; imprint; mark; sign; impression; r™ùu‚™t - Anaesthesia; unconsciousness r™©t - Auspices symbol; trace; track (2)Aim; target r™r»tØ/«r‚ƒkrÄ‚ - Prohibited (2)Contraband r™r»tØ ŒtY„tu¤tu - Prohibited ammunition r™þt™ƒtS - Marksmanship; shooting r™r»tØ …wM‚f - Prohibited book r™þt™e - Mark; impression; imprint r™þt™e fhðt™e he‚ - Marking system r™þt™e fhðe - Mark; sign; impress; imprint r™r»tØ {t÷ - Prohibited goods r™ùÞ - Determination; decision r™r»tØ ðM‚w - Prohibited article r™ùÞ fhðtu - Resolve; determine; decide r™r»tØ rðM‚th/ûtuºt - Prohibited area r™ùÞ…qðof fhu÷wk rðÄt™ - Affirmation; assertion r™r»tØ þMºttu - Prohibited arms r™r»tØ MÚt¤ - Prohibited place (2)Averment r™»tuÄ - Prohibition; ban r™»tuÄ fhðtu - Prohibit; ban r™ùÞ…qðof fnuðwk - Affirm; aver; assert r™»tuÄtí{f - Prohibitive; prohibitory r™»tuÄtí{f ytŒuþ/nwf{ - Prohibitory order strongly; state as a fact r™»tuÄtí{f {ksqhe - Prohibitive sanction r™»tuÄtrÄfth - Veto; veto power r™ùÞtí{f - Positive; affirmative; definite r™ù÷ - Invariable; unalterable; unchangeable; firm r™Âù‚ - Certain; positive; fixed; unfailing; specific; definite; determined 233

r™»f…x r™rn‚ nwf{ r™»f…x - Plain; frank r™»ýt‚ òýfthe - Expertise r™»f»to - Finding; gist; extract (2)Conclusion; r™»ýt‚ ÔÞtðËtrÞf yusLËe - Expert decision professional agency r™»f÷kf - Spotless; immaculate; unblemish; r™»ýt‚ Ër{r‚ - Expert Committee blameless r™»…ût - Impartial; objective; neutral; fair r™»…ût yrÄfthe - Fair minded Officer r™»ft¤S - Inadvertence; negligence; r™»…ût ykŒts - Unbiased estimate r™»…ût [qkxýe - Fair election carelessness; laches r™»…ût ‚…tË - Impartial inquiry r™»…ût ÔÞðnth - Fair play; fair dealing r™r»¢Þ - Inactive; defunct; inoperative; inert; r™»…ût nheVtE/M…Äto - Fair competition dormant; sluggish r™r»¢Þ f¤ - Dead key r™r»¢Þ ¾t‚wk - Silent account; inoperative account r™r»¢Þ sÚÚttu - Inactive stock r™»…ût‚t - Impartiality; neutrality r™r»¢Þ Útt…ý/y™t{‚ - Idle deposit r™»«Þtus™ - Purposelessness r™r»¢Þ ™týwk - Idle money; inactive money r™»«tý - Lifeless; dead r™r»¢Þ ¼t„eŒth - Sleeping partner; inactive r™»V¤ - Fruitless; abortive; unsuccessful partner; dormant partner r™»V¤ ftì÷ - Ineffective call r™r»¢Þ {qze - Dormant capital r™»V¤ «Þí™/«ÞtË - Abortive attempt; r™r»¢Þ þÂõ‚/ût{‚t - Idle capacity unsuccessful effort r™r»¢Þ Ënt™w¼qr‚ - Passive sympathy r™»V¤ ƒ™tððwk - Foil; defeat; fail r™r»¢Þ ËtÄ™tu - Idle resources r™»V¤‚t - Defeat; failure r™r»¢Þ‚t - Inactivity; inaction; dormancy; r™Ëhýe - Ladder; stair r™Ë„o - Nature inertia r™ct - Fidelity; sincerity; allegiance; faith; r™Ë„tuo…[th …Ør‚ - Naturopathy devotion; loyalty; faithfulness r™Ë„tuo…[th/r™Ë„o r[rfíËt - Nature cure r™M‚us - Pale; lacklustre; lusterless (2)Dim; r™ct ð„h™wk - Insincere; unfaithful; disloyal r™ct™tu y¼tð/r™ctne™‚t - Insincerity; faint disloyalty r™Mƒ‚ - Concern; relation r™Mƒ‚ Ähtð‚wk - Concerned; related r™ctðt™ - Faithful; sincere; loyal r™MÞkŒ™ ûtuºt - Filtering basin r™cwh - Heartless; harsh; pitiless; ruthless; r™MÞkrŒ‚ fhðwk - Filter r™MËhý ¾qkxe - Discharge peg cruel; merciless r™MËhý ™¤ - Discharge pipe r™rn‚ nwf{ - Vesting order r™cwh‚t - Ruthlessness; pitilessness; 234 mercilessness; cruelty; harshness r™»ýt‚ - Expert; master; specialist r™»ýt‚ yr¼«tÞ - Expert opinion

®™Œf/®™Œt¾tuh ™e[÷tu Ëkð„o ®™Œf/®™Œt¾tuh - Slanderer; reviler; abuser; -™e þh‚tu™u yÄe™ - Subject to the terms and back biter conditions of ®™Œt - Slander; backbiting -™e Ëh¾t{ýe{tk - In comparision with; ®™Œt fhðe - Slander; disparage; backbite; compared to; vis-a-vis decry -™e ËneÚte - Under the signature of ®™Œt ¼t»tý - Tirade -™e Ëk{r‚ {¤u yu þh‚u - Subject to the ®™Œtð[™ - Obloquy concurrance of ®™ã - Scandalous; ignominious; censurable -™e ËtÚttuËtÚt - Pari passu; together with; inter r™:þ† - Unarmed alia r™:þ† …tu÷eË - Unarmed police r™:þMºtefhý - Disarmament -™e Ët{u - Vis-a-vis; against r™:þkf - Beyond doubt; doubtless; undoubted -™e Ëuðtytu yt…ðe - Spare the services of r™:þwÕf Ëuðt - Free service -™e Ëuðt{tk - At the services; at one’s disposal r™:þu»t - Entire; complete; exhaustive r™:Ë¥ð/r™:Ëth - Insipid (2)Spiritless of ™ef - Drain; gully; dike; channel; water course ™ef Ätuðtý - Gully erosion r™:ËkŒun - Decidedly; certainly; undoubtedly ™ef¤e …zðwk - Set out; set forth r™:Ëe{ - Limitless; boundless ™e[ - Low; mean; wicked; base -™e yztuyz/÷„tu÷„ - Adjoining; abutting ™e[‚t - Meanness (2)Wickedness -™e yð¿tt fhe™u - In defiance of ™e[÷t ð„o™t ÷tuftu - Rabble -™e W…h ¼th Œuðtu - Emphasize; stress ™e[÷t/Q‚h‚t Œhßò™wk - Inferior; lower -™e W…hðx Útðwk - Override; prevail over ™e[÷e/‚tƒt™e yŒt÷‚ - Lower Court; inferior -™e [tu¬Ë søÞt þtuÄe ftZðe/™¬e fhðe - Locate court; subordinate court -™e òu„ðtE™u yÄe™ - Subject to the provisions ™e[÷e/Q‚h‚e fûtt™wk - Inferior; lower of ™e[÷e søÞt …h …tAt {tuf÷ðwk - Revert ™e[÷e søÞt …h …tAt {tuf÷ðwk ‚u - Reversion -™e ‚h‚ …nu÷tk™wk - Immediately preceding ™e[÷e ðÞ-{ÞtoŒt - Lower age-limit -™e ‚w÷™t{tk - In comparision with; as ™e[÷e ðÞ-{ÞtoŒt{tk Aqx - Waiving of lower compare to; vis-a-vis age-limit -™e áÂüyu - In view of ™e[÷wk - Lower -™e îtht/{thV‚ - Through the ..... ™e[÷wk „]n - Lower House -™e …h «ftþ …tzðtu - Shed light on; highlight ™e[÷tu ¼t„ - Base; bottom; basement -™e ƒtƒ‚{tk - In the case of; with respect to ™e[÷tu Ëkð„o (ƒZ‚e™t ËkŒ¼o{tk) - Feeder Cadre -™e Yyu - By virtue of; in excercise of -™e ðå[u Œt¾÷ fhðwk - Insert 235

™e[t ¼tðu ™q‚™ ™e[t ¼tðu - At low rate; at low price; below ™ehtu„e - Healthy par ™ehtu„e…ýwk - Sound health; healthiness ™e÷{ - Sapphire; beryl ™e[tý{tk ytðu÷e ¼usðt¤e s{e™ - Marsh land ™e÷{rý - Sapphire ™e[u sýtðu÷e nfef‚tu - Following facts ™ªŒý™tþf Œðt - Weedicide ™e[u Œþtoðu÷ - Under mentioned; below ™ªŒt{ý - Weeding ™wfËt™ - Loss; damage; harm mentioned ™wfËt™ ™ fhu yuðwk - Harmless ™wfËt™ ¼h…tE fh™th - Indemnitor ™e[u ÷exe Œtuhu÷ - Underlined ™wfËt™ ¼h…tE fhðwk/¼he yt…ðwk - Indemnify; ™e[u Ëne fh™th - Undersigned ™e[u™e s{e™ - Sub-soil redress ™e[u™wk {t¤¾wk - Sub-structure ™e[u™tu xuftu - Subjacent support ™wfËt™ ¼h…tE-¾‚ - Indemnity bond ™er‚ - Policy (2)Morality; ethics ™wfËt™ ¼h…tE™tu rËØtk‚ - Principle of ™er‚ y™u Þtus™tytu - Policy and plans ™er‚r™ýtoÞf - Policy-maker indemnity ™er‚…htÞý‚t - Righteousness ™wfËt™ ¼tu„ððwk - Suffer loss ™er‚¼úü/[rhºt¼úü fhðwk - Demoralize ™wfËt™ Ët{u Ë÷t{‚e - Indemnity; ™er‚¼úü‚t - Depravity of character indemnification ™er‚{¥tt - Morality; honesty ™er‚rð»tÞf r™ýoÞ - Policy decision ™wfËt™-¼h…tE - Indemnity; indemnification; ™er‚rð»tÞf r™ðuŒ™ - Policy statement ™er‚rð»tÞf «&™ - Policy question redressal ™er‚rð»tÞf ƒtƒ‚ - Policy matter ™wfËt™fthf - Harmful; detrimental; injurious ™wfËt™™e …‚ðýe - Liquidation of damages ™wfËt™™wk ð¤‚h/™wfËt™e - Compensation; compensation for damages ™er‚rð»tÞf {t„Œo þfo Ë[q ™tytu - Policy guidelines ™wfËt™e - Damages; indemnity; ™er‚þt† - Ethics indemnification; redress ™er‚þt†™u ÷„‚wk/™er‚ËkƒkÄe - Ethical; moral ™wfËt™e Œtðtu - Damage claim ™er‚ Ëkn‚ - Package of policies ™wfËt™e ¼h…tE fhðe/ðt¤e yt…ðe - ™e{-Ëhfthe …ºt - Demi-official letter Compensate ™e{-Ëhfthe M{]r‚…ºt - Demi-official reminder ™e{ðwk - Appoint; employ ™wfËt™e {u¤ð™th - Indemnitee ™ehý - Cattle fodder; forage ™wfËt™e/ð¤‚h …uxu yt…u÷ ðM‚w - Solatium; ™ehý™tu …tf - Fodder crop ™ehË - Insipid; dull compensation ™wfËt™e™tu Œtðtu fhðtu - Sue for damage ™wõËt™e™tu ½xtztu - Abridgement of damages ™q‚™ - Modern; new; novel; innovative 236

™q‚™ …„÷wk -™tu ÞtuøÞ ytŒh fh‚tk ™q‚™ …„÷wk - Innovative measure -™u MÚtt™u - In substitution for; in substitution of ™qh - Freight -™u nM‚f - At one’s disposal ™qh [qõ‚u - Freight paid ™ufe - Righteousness; integrity ™qh ƒtfe - Freight to pay ™u‚h - Cane ™qh-{tVeðt¤wk snts - Ship with free board ™u‚t - Leader ™qh/¼tzt-Œh - Freight rate ™u‚t„ehe/™u‚]íð - Leadership ™]íÞ - Dance ™uºt¾e÷ r™Þkºtý ftÞo¢{ - Trachoma Control ™]íÞ ËkÞtus™ f÷t - Choreography Programme ™]ðkþrð¿tt™ - Anthropology ™]ðkþrð¿tt™e - Anthropologist ™uºtŒþof - Ophthalmoscope ™]ðkþrðãt - Ethnology ™uºtÞ¿t - Eye camp -™u yÄe™ - Subject to ™uºthtu„ r[rfíËf - Ophthalmologist -™u y™wY… - In tune with; in consonance with; ™uºthtu„ r[rfíËt - Ophthalmology ™uºthtu„ Ëso™ - Ophthalmic surgeon corresponding to ™uºtþ†r¢Þt - Ophthalmotomy ™u…ÚÞ - Green room (2)Curtain -™u y™w÷ûte™u - In view of; with reference to ™uð (Rs.) - Eaves -™u y™wËhe™u - In pursuance of ™uð …trxÞwk - Eaves board -™u y¼tðu - In absence of; for want of ™iÉoíÞ {tuË{e ðhËtŒ - South-west monsoon -™u y{÷{tk {qfðwk - Enforce; implement ™ir‚f - Moral; ethical -™u ytÄthu - In virtue of; by virtue of ™ir‚f yÄ:…‚™/™er‚¼úü‚t - Moral turpitude -™u ™t{u s{t - Standing to the credit of ™ir‚f sðtƒŒthe - Moral obligation; moral -™u ƒŒ÷e™u - In substitution of; by replacing -™u ƒŒ÷u - In lieu of; vice; instead of responsibility -™u ƒŒ÷u y™u ‚u{™t ð‚e - For and on behalf of -™u ƒtÄf - Prejudice of; prejudicial to ™ir‚f …whtðtu - Moral evidence -™u {txu ytð~Þf ntuðwk - Incumbent upon ™ir‚f {qÕÞ - Moral value -™u {wftƒ÷u - Vis-a-vis ™ir‚f ®n{‚/ƒ¤ - Moral courage -™u ÞtuøÞ he‚u ÷ût{tk ÷E™u - With due regard to ™ir‚f‚t - Morality -™u hŒ fhe™u - In supersession of ™iŒtr™f {™turð¿tt™ - Clinical psychology -™u ÷ût{tk ÷eÄt rð™t - Irrespective of ™iËŠ„f - Natural; inherent; innate -™u ÷ût{tk ÷u‚tk - In view of; considering which ™iËŠ„f yrÄfth - Natural right -™tu y{÷ fhðtu - Implement; enforce; execute; give effect to -™u ÷„‚wk - Related to; pertaining to; concerning -™tu ytþhtu ÷uðtu - Resort; recourse -™u ðt[t yt…ðe - Give voice to -™tu ÞtuøÞ ytŒh fh‚tk - With due respect to 237

™tufh ™tUÄýe «{tý…ºt ™tufh - Servant ™tufhe{tkÚte Aqxwk fhðwk - Relieve from service; ™tufh[tfh ð„o - Menials; menial staff discharge from service ™tufhze - House maid; maid servant ™tufhþtne - Bureaucracy ™tufhe{tkÚte Œqh fhðwk - Remove from service ™tufhþtnefhý - Bureaucratisation/ ™tufhe{tkÚte Vhs-{tufqV fhu÷ - Suspended from Bureaucratization service ™tufhe - Service; job ™tufhe{tkÚte Vhs-{tufqVe - Suspension from ™tufhe y…tððe - Placement ™tufhe fhðe - Serve service ™tufhe Œhr{Þt™ ‚t÷e{ - In-service training ™tufhe Œhr{Þt™ {]íÞw - Death in service ™tufhe{tkÚte ƒh‚hV fhðwk - Dismiss from service ™tufhe ËkƒkÄe ¾htE - Verification of service ™tufhe{tkÚte Y¾ËŒ - Sack from service ™tufhe rËðtÞ™wk …uLþ™ - Non-service pension ™tu¾wk - Separate; different; distinct ™tfu he/Ëðu t™e {Œw ‚ ÷ƒk tððe - Extension of service ™tux-¾htE - Note verification ™tufhe/Ëuðt{tk™e ‚qx™e {tVe - Condonation of ™turxË fthfw™ - Notice Clerk ™turxË …„th - Notice pay break in service ™turxË ƒsðýeŒth - Notice server ™turxË ƒòððe - Serve a notice ™tu‚hðwk - Invite ™tufheyu ht¾™th/r™Þtuõ‚t - Employer ™tur¤Þtu - Mongoose ™tufhe™e …qðonfef‚ - History of service ™tUÄ - Note; noting; record; entry ™tufhe™e {wŒ‚ - Tenure of service ™tUÄ y™u {wËÆt ÷u¾f - Noter and drafter ™tufhe™e þh‚ - Condition of service ™tUÄ y™u {wËÆt ÷u¾™ - Noting and drafting ™tufhe™e/Ëuðt™e rð„‚tu - Record of service ™tUÄ fhðe - Note; mark ™tufhe™wk ythûtý - Job reservation ™tUÄ-ft…÷e - Slip ™tufhe™wk Ätuhý - Standard of service ™tUÄ {ŒŒ™eþ - Noting Assistant ™tufhe™tu yk‚ - Termination of service ™tUÄ ÷eÄe/™tUæÞwk - Noted ™tufhe™tu „t¤tu - Spell of service; length of ™tUÄýe - Registry; registration ™tUÄýe yrÄfthe - Registrar service; tenure of service ™tUÄýe f[uhe - Registration Office ™tUÄýe fhðe - Register ™tufhe™tu …qðoð]¥ttk‚ - Record of service ™tUÄýe ftzo - Registration card ™tufhe™tu «{tý¼q‚ Ë{Þ„t¤tu - Standard ™tUÄýe ™kƒh - Registration number ™tUÄýe r™heûtf - Inspector of Registration service period ™tufhe™tu rð„‚…ºt - Service sheet ™tufhe{tk ‚qx - Break in service; physical break in service ™tufhe{tk ht¾ðwk - Employ ™tUÄýe «{tý…ºt - Certificate of registration 238

™tUÄýe Ve LÞtÞ‚kºt ™tUÄýe Ve - Registration fee ™ti[t÷™ - Navigation ™tUÄýe {ntr™heûtf - Inspector General of ™tiAtºt - Naval Cadet Registration ™ti‚÷ - Keel ™ti…rhðn™ - Navigation; shipping ™tUÄýe {trn‚e - Registration data ™ti…rhðn™ yk„u ËntÞfe - Shipping subsidy ™tUÄýe Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Registration Authority ™ti…rhðn™ Ë¥tt‚kºt - Shipping Authority ™tUÄ™th - Noter; scorer ™ti…rhðn™ Ë{Þ…ºtf - Shipping schedule ™tUÄ…tºt - Remarkable; noteworthy; ™ti…rhðn™ nwf{ - Shipping order ™tirð¿tt™ - Navigation considerable; notable ™tiËu™t yrÄfthe - Naval Officer ™tiËu™t/™tiftŒ¤ - Navy ™tUÄ÷u¾™ - Noting ™tiËu™t/™tiftŒ¤ yŒt÷‚ - Naval Court ™tUÄðwk/Œt¾÷ fhðwk - Register; enter; record; ™tiËu™t/™tiftŒ¤-rð{t™ - Naval aircraft note ™tUÄtÞu÷ {qze - Subscribed capital ™tUÄtÞu÷ ðfe÷ - Advocate on record; registered advocate ™tUÄtÞu÷ ðu…the - Registered dealer ™tiËu™t/™tiftŒ¤ Ëuðt - Navy service ™tUÄtÞu÷wk ¼hýwk - Subscribed remittance ™tiËu™t/™tiftŒ¤™u ÷„‚wk - Naval ™tUÄu÷ {t÷/sÚÚttu - Inscribed-stock ™tiËu™tæÞût/™tiftŒ¤™t ðzt - Chief of Naval Staff ™tift rðnth - Boating ™tiËu™t…r‚ - Admiral ™tift-Rs™uhe - Naval engineering LÞtÞ - Justice ™tift-ftV÷t yðuûtf - Flotilla Supervisor LÞtÞ yrÄfthe - Judicial Officer ™tift-ftV÷tu - Flotilla; fleet of ships LÞtÞ ytÞwõ‚ - Judicial Commissioner ™tift-ftiþÕÞ - Seamanship LÞtÞ fhðtu/yt…ðtu - Administer justice; ™tift/snts …h - On board ship administration of justice ™tift½h - Boat house LÞtÞ ¾t‚wk - Judicial Department ™tiftŒ¤ - Naval forces LÞtÞ {ŒŒ™eþ - Judicial Assistant ™tiftŒ¤ Ëuðt - Naval service LÞtÞ Ër{r‚ - Judicial Committee ™tift™tþf - Torpedo LÞtÞ Ëuðt - Judicial service ™tift-…w÷ - Pontoon bridge LÞtÞ/r™ýoÞ yt…™th yrÄfthe - Adjudicating ™tifthtuný - Embarkation Authority ™tifthtuný «{tý…ºt - Embarkation certificate ™tift-Ëuðt - Ferry service LÞtÞf‚to - Adjudicator; judge (2)Referee ™tift-ËiLÞ - Marine corps (3)Umpire LÞtÞ„]n - Court ™ti[t÷f - Navigator LÞtÞ‚kºt - Judiciary; judicature; judicial 239 machinery

LÞtÞ‚kºt îtht Ë{Úto™ LÞtÞe ð‚toð LÞtÞ‚kºt îtht Ë{Úto™ - Judicial assertion LÞtÞrð»tÞf - Judicial; juridical; adjudicative LÞtÞ‚kºt {thV‚ VrhÞtŒ r™ðthý - Judicial LÞtÞþt¾t - Judicial branch redressal LÞtÞþt† - Jurisprudence LÞtÞËntÞf yti»tÄrð¿tt™ - Forensic medicine LÞtÞ‚kºt™e Ër¢Þ‚t - Judicial activism LÞtÞËntÞf rð¿tt™ - Forensic science LÞtÞ‚kºt™e Mð‚kºt‚t - Independence of LÞtÞËntÞf rð¿tt™ «Þtu„þt¤t - Forensic judiciary Science Laboratory LÞtÞÚte ðkr[‚ fhðwk ‚u - Denial of justice LÞtÞËk„‚ - Justifiable; equitable LÞtÞ™t WÆuþtu - Ends of justice; objectives of LÞtÞËk„‚ y™u ‚foËk„‚ - Just and reasonable LÞtÞËk„‚‚t - Equity; justifiability justice LÞtÞtÄeþ - Judge LÞtÞtÄeþ …Œ - Judgeship LÞtÞr™ýoÞ - Adjudication; adjudgement LÞtÞr™ýoÞ fhðtu - Adjudge LÞtÞr™ýoÞ Ët{rÞf/ft™q™e ynuðt÷ - Law Report LÞtÞr™ýtoÞf - Adjudicator; judge (2)Referee LÞtÞt÷Þ - Court; Court of Law (3)Umpire LÞtÞt÷Þ ytŒuþ - Judicial order LÞtÞt÷Þ/LÞtÞ r{ºt - Amicus curiae; friend of LÞtÞr™ýeo‚ - Adjudged LÞtÞ™e áÂüyu - In fairness court LÞtÞ™e htnu Xhtððwk - Adjudicate LÞtÞtË™ - Bench; Judge’s seat; office of LÞtÞ™e rðV¤‚t - Failure of justice judge LÞtÞ™wk rn‚ - Interest of justice LÞtÞ™tu R™fth - Negation of justice LÞtrÞf yr¼«tÞ/{‚ - Judicial opinion LÞtrÞf ftÞoðtne {txu {tuf÷ðwk - Commit for trial LÞtÞ™tu nu‚w - Ends of justice; purposes of LÞtrÞf ftÞoðtne {txu™tu ‚ƒ¬tu - Stage of trial justice LÞtrÞf ‚…tË™u …tºt - Justiciable LÞtrÞf áÂüyu ÷ût{tk ÷uðwk - Take judicial notice LÞtÞ™tu nu‚w …th …tzðtu - Meet the ends of justice LÞtrÞf áÂüftuý - Judicial outlook LÞtÞ™tu nu‚w {tÞtuo sðtu - Defeat the ends of LÞtrÞf …qðor™ýoÞ - Judicial precedent LÞtrÞf Ëtu„kŒ - Judicial oath justice LÞtÞe - Just; equitable LÞtÞe y™u Ë{LÞtÞe - Just and equitable LÞtÞ…k[ - Tribunal LÞtÞe [wftŒtu/VUË÷tu - Verdict; judgement LÞtÞ…tºt - Justiciable LÞtÞ…qýo - Rightful (2)Decision LÞtÞ«Œt™ - Administration of justice LÞtÞ{qŠ‚ - Justice LÞtÞe Xuhðe ™ þftÞ ‚uðwk - Nonjustifiable; LÞtÞ{qŠ‚ …Œ - Justiceship LÞtÞÞtuøÞ - Judicable unjustifiable LÞtÞrðhwØ - Inequitable; iniquitous LÞtÞe ð‚toð - Fair treatment; just treatment 240

LÞtÞe ð¤‚h/ƒŒ÷tu …¾ðtrzf LÞtÞe ð¤‚h/ƒŒ÷tu - Just compensation …õð - Mature (2)Ripe LÞtÞe/LÞtÞtur[‚ rð‚hý - Equitable distribution …ût òuztý - Alignment LÞtÞe…ýwk - Equity …ût …Ør‚ - Party system LÞtÞu‚h - Extra judicial …ût ¼tð™t - Party spirit LÞtÞtur[‚ - Equitable; justifiable …ût ÷uðtu - Take side (2)Favour LÞtGÞ - Justifiable; judicious; fair; legitimate …ût rð…ût - Pros and cons; in favour and against LÞtGÞ ÔÞðnth - Fair play …ût rð¼ts™ - Split in the party LÞtGÞ/LÞtÞËk„‚/LÞtÞtur[‚ fthý - Justifiable …ût/Œ¤/…ûtfth - Party reason; justa causa …ût™wk {w¾…ºt - Party organ …ût/xwfze™wk ËkÏÞtƒ¤ - Strength of party LÞtGÞ/þwØ ÔÞðnth - Fair deal/dealing …ût…÷xt rðhtuÄe ftÞŒtu - Anti-defection law LÞthwk - Unique; unequalled; unparalleled …ût…÷xw/…ût ƒŒ÷tu fh™th - Turncoat; defector LÞtË - Trust …ût…÷xtu/…ûtƒŒ÷tu/…ûttk‚h - Defection; floor LÞq™ - Deficient LÞq™ Zt¤ - Flat grade crossing LÞq™‚{ - Minimum; lowest …ût…t‚ - Partiality; favour; discrimination LÞq™‚{ ®f{‚ - Lowest price …ût…t‚hrn‚ - Impartial LÞq™‚{ sYrhÞt‚ ftÞo¢{ - Minimum Needs …ût…t‚e - Partial Programme …ût{tk Vtx …zðe - Split in the party …ûtðtŒ - Partyism LÞq™‚{ Œh - Minimum rate …ûtðtŒe - Partisan LÞq™‚{ htus„th - Minimum employment …ûtt½t‚ - Paralysis LÞq™‚{/÷½w‚{ fhðwk - Minimize …ûtt½t‚„úM‚ - Paralytic LÞq™‚{/÷½w‚{ r™ðton-hf{ - Minimum of …ûte-WAuh - Aviculture …ûte„]n - Aviary subsistance LÞq™‚t - Lacuna; deficiency; lack … …ûtes„‚ - Avifauna …ûteÞ sqÚtƒkÄe - Party groupism …ûteÞ htsfthý - Party politics …fzðwk - Catch; capture (2)Apprehend; arrest …ûteÞ Ëhfth - Party government …fzu÷wk …þw - Captured animal …ûterðŒT - Ornithologist …fððt™e «r¢Þt - Seasoning …ûterðãt - Ornithology …fðu÷e {txe - Terracotta …¾ðtrzf - Biweekly; half monthly …fðu÷wk R{th‚e ÷tfzwk - Seasoned timber …¾ðtrzÞt{tk yuf ðth - Fortnightly 241

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