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Home Explore gutarati to english

gutarati to english

Published by Dhaval Kataria, 2022-05-25 15:41:55

Description: gutarati to english


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Ëtu„kŒ …h ¾tuxe swƒt™e Ëtih rŒðË Ëtu„kŒ - Oath Ëtu¤ - Bruise; contusion (2)Sixteen Ëtu„kŒ …h yt…u÷e swƒt™e - Deposition ËtU½wk - Inexpensive; cheap Ëtu„kŒ …h ¾tuxe swƒt™e - Perjury ËtU…ýe - Assignment; delivery; surrender Ëtu„kŒ …h swƒt™e yt…™th/Ëtu„kŒ™t{wk fh™th (2)Commitment; commital ÔÞÂõ‚ - Deponent Ëtu„kŒ/þ…Út ÷uðztððt - Administer oath ËtU…ýe fh™th - Surrenderer; assignor Ëtu„kŒ ÷uðztððt ‚u - Adjuretion ËtU…ýe ¾‚ - Surrender deed Ëtu„kŒ ÷uðt - Take oath; swear ËtU…ýe ¾[o - Surrender charge Ëtu„kŒ/þ…Út rðrÄ - Swearing-in-ceremony ËtU…ýe …ntU[/hËeŒ - Delivery receipt Ëtu„kŒ™t{wk - Affidavit ËtU…ýe nwf{/ytŒuþ - Delivery order Ëtu„kŒ…qðof - On oath; upon oath ËtU…ýe-{qÕÞ - Surrender value Ëtu„kŒ…qðof ònuh fhðwk - Declare on oath ËtU…ýe-hf{ - Surrender amount Ëtu„kŒ…qðof íÞt„ fhðtu - Renounce on oath ËtU…ðwk - Commit; assign; entrust; deliver Ëtuòu - Swelling; inflammation; oedema ËtU…u÷wk ftÞo - Assignment ËtuŒt„ehe yuftrÄfth - Sole bargaining ËtisLÞ - Comity; courtesy ËtuŒtu - Bargain; contract; agreement; ËtisLÞ …tË - Courtesy pass ËtiÚte yt„¤™wk - Foremost transaction ËtiÚte yt„¤™tu ¼t„ - Forefront ËtiÚte W…h™tu ¼t„ - Top ËtuŒtu fh™th - Bargainer ËtiÚte Ÿ[e ƒtu÷e - Highest bid ËtuŒtu fhe™u ¾heŒ™th - Bargainee ËtiÚte ytuAe ®f{‚ - Lowest price Ëtu™t[tkŒe - Bullion ËtiÚte xqkftu {t„o/hM‚tu - Shortest route Ëtu™t[tkŒe Ätuhý - Bullion standard ËtiÚte …tA÷wk - Hindmost Ëtu™t[tkŒe ƒòh - Bullion market ËtiÚte «ðh - Seniormost Ëtu™t™e y™t{‚ - Gold reserve ËtiÚte {n¥ð™tu {wÆtu - Crux; crucial point Ëtu™t™e þwØ‚t™tu ytkf - Carat ËtiÚte ðÄw ft{™tu Ë{Þ - Peak hours Ëtu™t™tu Ztu¤ [ztððtu - Gild ËtiÚte ËM‚tu Œh/¼tð - Cheapest rate Ëtu™t™tu ðh¾ - Gold-foil; gold leaf ËtiBÞ - Placable; sober; mild Ëtu…t™ - Step; ladder Ëtih - Solar Ëtu…t™ …Ør‚ - Ladder system Ëtih Qòo - Solar energy Ëtu…the - Betel nut; areca nut Ëtih yuf{ Ã÷tLx - Solar cell plant Ëtu…the™wk Ítz - Betel nut palm; areca nut tree Ëtih f÷tf - Solar hour ËtuÞ-fhr{Þtk - Pin-worm Ëtih r[rfíËt÷Þ - Solarium ËtuÞtu - Packing-needle 492

Ëtih ¼h‚e M‚h ¾ðtE sðtk ‚u Ëtih ‚¤tð - Solar pond Mxe{h-¼tzwk - Steamer fare Ëtih rŒðË - Solar day Mxe{h-{t„o - Steamer route Ëtih ¼h‚e - Solar tide Mxe{h-Ëuðt - Steamer service Ëtih {kz¤ - Solar system MxwrzÞtu …rh[h - Studio Attendant Ëtih ÷ðý/{eXwk - Solar salt MxuÂLË÷ ft„¤ - Stencil paper Ëtih ðtÞw{kz¤ - Solar atmosphere MxuÂLË÷ ft…™th - Stenciller Ëtih Ë{Þ - Solar time MxuÂLË÷ …u™ - Stylographic pen Ëtih ËkþtuÄ™ …rhÞtus™t - Solar Research MxuÂLË÷ {wÿý - Stencil printing MxuB… y™u x…t÷ ¾[o-…ºtf - Stamp and postage Project register Ëtih-…t»ttý ËkMf]r‚ - Heliolithic culture ËtIŒÞo«ËtÄ™ - Cosmetics MxuB… r™Þ{tu - Stamp rules ËtIŒÞo«u{e - Aesthete MxuB… r™heûtf - Inspector of Stamps ËtIŒÞo{e{tkËt - Aesthetics MxuB… hrsMxh/…ºtf - Stamp register ËtIŒÞo÷ûte áÂü - Aesthetic sense MxuB… ÷„tðu÷tu ŒM‚tðus - Stamped document ËtIŒÞo÷ûte ð™ð]ÂØ - Aesthetic forestry MxuB… ðu[™th - Stamp vendor ËtIŒÞoþt† - Aesthetics MxuB… rnËtƒ - Stamp account ËtIŒÞtuo…tËf - Aesthete MxuB…/rˬt-Þkºt - Stamper; stamping machine Mfqxh …uþ„e - Scooter advance MxuB…-ðuht W½ht‚Œth - Stamp duty collector rM¢… ÷t¼tkþ - Scrip dividend MxuB…-þwÕf - Stamp duties M¾÷™ - Lapse; deviation; error; mistake MxuB…™e W[t…‚/½t÷{u÷ - Stamp defalcation Mx‹÷„ ¾t‚wk - Sterling account MxuB…ðt¤e hËeŒ - Stamped receipt Mxtpf «{tý…ºt - Stock certificate MxuB…ðt¤tu ft„¤ - Stamped paper Mxtpf ƒòh - Stock market Mxuþ™ yrÄfthe - Station Officer Mxtpf {qze - Stock capital Mxuþ™-fth¾t™wk - Station workshop Mxtpf ÞtŒe - Stock list Mxuþ™Úte Mxuþ™ ËwÄe™tu Œh - Station to station Mxtpf ÷t¼tkþ - Stock dividend Mxtpf ËntÞf - Stock Assistant rate Mxtpf-Œh - Stock rate Mxtpf-{qÕÞ - Stock price Mxuþ™ðth - Stationwise Mxtpf-{u¤ðýe ftzo - Stock tally card Mxtuh ¾htE ÔÞðMÚtt-‚kºt - Stores Verification Mxtpf-rnËtƒ - Stock account MxtpfÄthf - Stock holder Organizaion Mxtuh r™Þkºtf - Controller of Stores Mxtuh™tu rnËtƒ - Store account M‚™…t™ fhtð‚e {t‚t - Nursing mother M‚h - Level (2)Layer (3) Tier; strata; 493

M‚h ƒkÄtðt ‚u MÚtr„‚‚t substratum; stratum; ply; lamina Mºte-{‚trÄfth - Female suffrage; woman- M‚h ¾ðtE sðtk ‚u - Exfoliation suffrage M‚h ƒkÄtðt ‚u - Foliation Mºte-{‚trÄfth ytkŒtu÷™ - Suffragettism M‚h¢{ rð¿tt™/rðãt - Stratigraphy Mºte-{‚trÄfth ytkŒtu÷™fºteo - Suffragette M‚h™t ð¤tkf™e Ähe - Axis of fold Mºte-{‚trÄfthðtŒ - Suffragism M‚h™wk ™{™/Ítuf - Flexure Mºte-{‚trÄfthðtŒe - Suffragist M‚h™tu Q‚h‚tu Ztu¤tð - Dip Mºte-ÔÞðMÚttf‚to - Stewardess M‚hƒØ/M‚hÞwõ‚ - Stratified Mºteytu y™u Atufheytu™tu ðu…th/÷tune™tu ðu…th - M‚hƒØ ¾zf - Laminated rock Immoral traffic in women and girls M‚hƒØ Ë{ts - Stratified society M‚h¼k„ {txe - Gouge MºteÄ™ - Jointure M‚h¼k„™tu Qæðoftuý - Hade of fault Mºtehtu„rð¿tt™/r[rfíËt - Gynaecology M‚hrðf]r‚Úte Út‚tu ¼qfk… - Tectonic earthquake Mºtehtu„rð¿tt™e/r[rfÂíËf - Gynaecologist M‚hrð¿tt™ - Stratigraphy MÚtr„‚ - Stagnant (2)Abeyant; in abeyance M‚hefhý/M‚he¼ð™ - Stratification M‚hef]‚ - Stratified (3)Frozen M‚heÞ «ðtn - Laminar flow M‚k¼ - Pillar; pole; pier MÚtr„‚ yMõÞt{‚ - Frozen assets MÚtr„‚ fhðt{tk ytðu÷e rðÄt™Ë¼t - Assembly under suspended animation MÚtr„‚ fhðwk - Hold in abeyance; stagnate; freeze; suspend; bring to standstill; defer M‚k¼÷u¾ - Pillar edict MÚtr„‚ fhðwk ‚u - Deferment; abeyance; M‚k¼tfth ËtkÄtu - Columnar joint suspension M‚wr‚ - Panegyric (2)Praise M‚wíÞ - Appreciable; laudable; commendable; MÚtr„‚ ¾t‚wk - Blocked account MÚtr„‚ [÷ý - Blocked currency praise worthy MÚtr„‚ [wfðýe - Deferred payment Mºte ythtuøÞ-‚…tË™eË - Lady Health Visitor MÚtr„‚ sÚÚttu - Deferred stock Mºte «íÞu …qðo„ún - Gender bias MÚtr„‚ s¤ - Stagnant water Mºte-yÄeûtf - Lady Superintendent MÚtr„‚ ÄthýtrÄfth - Suspended lien Mºte-yt[tÞo - Lady Principal MÚtr„‚ …„th - Deferred pay Mºte-yu÷[e - Ambassadress MÚtr„‚ ƒtu™Ë - Deferred bonus Mºte-ftÞofh - Lady Worker MÚtr„‚ {qze - Blocked capital Mºte-Œtõ‚h - Lady Doctor MÚtr„‚ h¾tÞu÷wk/{tufqV h¾tÞu÷ - Held in Mºte-r™heûtf - Lady Inspector abeyance Mºte-…whw»t Ë{t™‚t - Gender equality; gender MÚtr„‚ ht¾ðwk - Keep in abeyance; hold in parity abeyance 494

MÚt…r‚ MÚttr™f Ë¥ttrÄfthe/Ë¥tt‚kºt MÚtr„‚‚t - Abeyance (2)Stagnancy MÚt¤tk‚he ft{Œth - Mobile worker (3)Stalemate MÚtt™ - Place; location; spot; site MÚtt™ r™Ätorh‚ fhðwk - Locate MÚt…r‚ - Architect MÚtt™ {qÕÞ - Site value MÚt¤ - Place; site; location; venue MÚtt™ Ëer{‚ Wãtu„tu - Localized industries MÚt¤ y™u Ëuðt Þtus™t - Site and service MÚtt™-Vuh - Transposition MÚtt™/ÂMÚtr‚ ËkƒkÄe ËwrðÄtytu - Locational scheme facilities MÚt¤ yðuûtf - Site Supervisor MÚt¤ Rs™uh - Ground Engineer MÚtt™ð‚eo - Endemic (2)Local MÚt¤ …h ‚…tËýe/r™heûtý - Inspection at site MÚtt™ð‚eo htu„ - Endemic disease MÚt¤ {t„o - Overland route MÚtt™rð¿tt™ - Topology MÚt¤-á~Þ - Landscape MÚtt™trÄfth - Locus standi MÚt¤-r™{ýqf - Posting MÚtt™tk‚h - Transfer; migration; translocation MÚt¤-«‚ - Office copy MÚtt™tk‚h …„th - Transit pay MÚt¤-Ëu™tæÞût/¼qr{ Œ¤™t ðzt/¼qr{-Ëu™tæÞût - MÚtt™tk‚he f]r»t - Jhuming cultivation MÚtt™tk‚heÞ ‚hk„ - Translatory wave Chief of Army Staff; General MÚttr™f - Local; endemic; resident MÚttr™f ytÞtus™ - Local planning MÚt¤[h «týe - Terrestrial animal MÚttr™f ¾heŒe - Local purchase MÚt¤™fþtu - Site plan MÚttr™f ¾[o - Local expenditure MÚt¤™t{ - Place-name MÚttr™f „w™t/„w™tþtuÄf y™u ƒt‚{e þt¾t - Local MÚt¤÷ûte/rð»tÞf - Spatial MÚt¤÷ûte ytÞtus™ - Spatial planning Crime and Intelligence Branch MÚt¤rðþu»t ytÞtus™ - Location-specific MÚttr™f òýfthe - Indigenous know-how planning MÚt¤rðþu»t ¾tã …tf - Location specific food crop MÚt¤t÷u¾™-yÇÞtË - Topographical study MÚttr™f Ítuf Ähtð‚e ‚t÷e{ - Local biased MÚt¤t÷u¾™-{tusýe - Topographical survey training MÚt¤t÷u¾™-rð¿tt™ - Topography MÚt¤t÷u¾™fth - Topographer MÚttr™f r™rÄ rnËtƒ - Local Fund Account MÚt¤tk‚h - Shifting (2)Migration MÚttr™f «íÞt½t‚ - Topical reaction MÚt¤tk‚h fh™th - Migrant MÚttr™f ƒ™tððwk - Localize MÚt¤tk‚h fhðwk - Migrate MÚttr™f hk„/ðt‚tðhý - Local colour MÚt¤tk‚h ¾[o - Shifting charges MÚttr™f ð¤‚h ¼ÚÚtwk - Compensatory local MÚt¤tk‚h «{tý…ºt - Migration certificate allowance MÚttr™f ðneðx/ðneðxe‚kºt - Local administration 495

MÚttr™f Ë{Þ MÚttðh Ëk…Œt MÚttr™f Ë¥tt-{t¤¾wk - Local power structure MÚttr…‚ þÂõ‚/ût{‚t - Installed capacity MÚttr™f Ë¥ttrÄfthe/Ë¥tt‚kºt - Local Authority MÚttr…‚ rn‚ - Vested interest MÚttr™f Ë{Þ - Local time MÚttÞe - Immovable; fixed; invariable; MÚttr™f ËkMÚtt/{kz¤ - Local body permanent; static; stable (2)Standing MÚttr™f ËtÄ™/ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t - Local resources MÚttr™f MðhtßÞ - Local Self-Government MÚttÞe yþõ‚‚t - Permanent disability/ (L.S.G.) disablement MÚttr™f MðhtßÞ™e ËkMÚttytu - Local Self- MÚttÞe yMõÞt{‚ - Fixed assets MÚttÞe ftÞo…Ør‚ - Standing procedure Government Bodies MÚttÞe ftÞtoŒuþ - Standing work-order MÚttÞe s¤ M‚h - Standing water level MÚttr™f rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Local audit; resident MÚttÞe ™nuh - Stable channel audit MÚtt…f - Founder MÚttÞe r™rÄ - Foundation MÚtt…f ËÇÞ - Founder member MÚttÞe r™Þkºtý - Permanent control MÚtt…íÞ - Architecture MÚttÞe/ftÞ{e Vhs - Standing duty MÚtt…íÞ ™fþt„h - Architectural draftsman/ MÚttÞe {qze - Fixed capital draughtsman MÚttÞe ÞtŒe - Standing list MÚttÞe/ftÞ{e hnuXtý - Permanent residence MÚtt…íÞ ËntÞf‚t - Architectural MÚttÞe htu™-xwfze - Standing patrol MÚttÞe þt¾ - Standing credit assistanceship MÚttÞe ËÇÞ - Standing member MÚttÞe Ër{r‚ - Standing Committee MÚtt…íÞrð»tÞf - Architectural MÚttÞe Ëhfth - Stable Government MÚtt…íÞrð»tÞf rþÕ…f÷t - Architectural MÚttÞe Ëq[™t - Standing instruction MÚttÞe M{thf - Lasting monument sculpture MÚttÞe rnËtƒ - Stable account MÚttÞe nwf{tu - Standing orders MÚtt…™ - Installation; establishment MÚttÞefhý - Decasualization; stabilization MÚtt…™ Rs™uh - Installation Engineer MÚttÞe…ýwk - Immobility; immovability; MÚtt…™ fhðwk - Install; establish MÚtt…™ r™heûtf - Installation Inspector permanence; permanency MÚtt…™t - Establishment MÚtt…™t y™wŒt™ - Establishment grant MÚtt…ðwk/MÚtt…™tfhðe - Establish MÚttr…‚ - Installed; established MÚttr…‚ fhðwk - Install; establish MÚttðh - Immovable; fixed MÚttr…‚ ftÞoher‚/ftÞo…Ør‚ - Established MÚttðh r{÷f‚ - Immovable property procedure (2)Landed property MÚttr…‚ {t™f - Established standard MÚttðh r{÷f‚ fh/ðuhtu - Immovable property tax 496

ÂMÚtr‚ M…ü «{tý/[tuϾe Ëtrƒ‚e MÚttðh ðM‚wytu - Things real immovability MÚttðh Ëk…Œt - Landed estate ÂMÚtr‚ - State; condition; position; situation ÂMÚth‚t …heûtf - Steadiness Tester ÂMÚtr‚ {qÕÞ - Situation value ÂMÚthefhý - Stabilization ÂMÚtr‚÷ûte rð&÷u»tý - Situational analysis ÂMÚthefhý r™rÄ - Stabilization fund ÂMÚtr‚rð¿tt™ - Statics M™t‚f - Graduate ÂMÚtr‚MÚtt…f - Elastic M™t‚f …heûtt - Degree examination ÂMÚtr‚MÚtt…f {t„ - Elastic demand M™t‚f ƒwr™ÞtŒe ‚t÷e{ fuLÿ - Graduate Basic ÂMÚtr‚MÚtt…f‚t - Elasticity ÂMÚth - Steady; constant; immobile; fixed; still; Training Centre standing; static; statical; stationary; stable M™t‚f-…Œðe - Bachelor degree M™t‚ftu¥th - Post-graduate ÂMÚth fh™th - Stabilizer M™t‚ftu¥th yÇÞtË¢{ - Post-graduate course ÂMÚth fhðwk - Stabilize M™t‚ftu¥th ‚t÷e{ - Post-graduate training ÂMÚth ftkxtu/ºttsðwk - Stable balance ÂM™øÄ «ðtn - Viscous flow ÂMÚth [tufe - Static post ÂM™øÄ‚t™tu yðhtuÄ - Viscous resistance ÂMÚth æÞt™ - Sustained attention M™unes™tu - Kith and kin ÂMÚth ™týt {qÕÞ - Constant Money Value M…Äof - Competitor; contestant ÂMÚth ™týwk/[÷ý - Stable money M…Äto - Competition; contest (2)Race; emulation ÂMÚth «ðtn - Steady flow M…Ätoí{f - Competitive ÂMÚth ƒòh - Steady market M…Ätoí{f ®f{‚/¼tð - Competitive price ÂMÚth ¼tð/®f{‚ - Stable price M…Ätoí{f Œh - Competitive rate ÂMÚth ¼tðu - At constant prices; at stable prices M…Ätoí{f …heûtt - Competitive examination ÂMÚth {Útt¤wk - Static head M…Ätoí{f ƒòh - Competitive market ÂMÚth {qze - Fixed capital M…Ätoí{f ð]ÂØ rËØtk‚ - Competitive growth ÂMÚth ðËr‚ - Stationary population ÂMÚth ðM‚w-r[ºt - Still life theory ÂMÚth rð»tÞ Aƒef÷t - Still photography ÂMÚth Ë¥tt-Ëk‚w÷™/Ë{‚w÷t - Stable balance of M…Äto™e ¼tð™t - Competitive spirit M…Ätohrn‚ ûtuºt - Non-competitive field power M…þo - Touch M…ü - Clear; unambiguous; explicit; ÂMÚth Ë{ts - Static society ÂMÚth Ëk‚w÷™ - Stable equilibrium categorical; obvious; express ÂMÚth‚t - Steadiness; stability; immobility; M…ü fhðwk - Clarify (2)Explain M…ü òu„ðtE - Express provision M…ü ‚Vtð‚ - Marked difference 497

M…ü ¼k„ Mð‚kºt M…ü r™Œuoþ™ - Pin-pointing M{þt™ - Crematorium; cremation ground M…ü «{tý/[tuϾe Ëtrƒ‚e - Clear proof M{þt™Þtºtt - Funeral procession M…ü ¼k„ - Flagrant violation M{thf - Monument; memorial M…ü {ksqhe - Express sanction M…ü he‚u - Clearly; obviously; expressly (2)Commemorative M…ü ðõ‚t - Out-spoken M…ü þh‚ - Express condition M{thf [kÿf - Commemorative medal M…ü Ëk{r‚ - Express consent M{thf rxrfx - Commemorative stamp M…ü Mðef]r‚/Mðefth - Express acceptance M{thf rðsÞ …È - Memorial trophy M…ü nwf{/ytŒuþ - Clear order M{thf-Ë{trÄ - Cenotaph M…ü‚t - Clarification; explanation M{thf Ë{thk¼ - Commemoration M…ü‚t…ðq fo /M…ü…ýu - Expressly; clearly M{thf rˬtu - Commemorative coin M…ü…ýu òu„ðtE fhu÷wk - Expressly provided M{]r‚ - Memory M…üefhý/¾÷w tËt/u [t¾u ðx - Clarification; M{]r‚r[nT™ - Keepsake (2)Memento M{]r‚…ºt - Reminder explanation ²ttð - flow M÷uƒ ™t¤wk - Slab culvert M…üefhý fhðwk - Clarify; explain M÷uƒ …w÷ - Slab bridge M…üefhý-™tUÄ - Explanatory note M÷uƒ …w~‚uŒth ƒkÄ - Slab buttress dam M…üefhýtí{f r™ðuŒ™ - Explanatory statement Mð-r™¼oh - Self-supporting; self-reliant; self- M…üefhýtí{f ÞtŒe - Explanatory memorandum MVrxf - Crystal financing; self-sufficing; self-sustaining MVrxf ¾zf/rþ÷t - Crystalline rock Mð-r™¼oh ftu÷us - Self-financing college Mð-{qÕÞtkf™ - Self-appraisal MVqŠ‚ - Agility Mð[tr÷‚ - Automatic; self-propelled MVtuxf - Explosive MðåA - Clean; neat (2)Fair MVtuxf/rðMVtuxf …ŒtÚto - Explosive substance MðåA ™f÷/«‚ - Fair copy MVtxu f …ŒtÚtt™ou t r™heûtf - Inspector of Explosives MðåA nðt{t™ - Fair weather MVtux™/rðMVtux™/Ëwhk„ Vtuzðe ‚u - Blasting MðåA‚t - Cleanliness (2)Sanitation M{hýr[nT™ - Memento (2)Memorial MðåA‚t yk„u™t r™Þ{tu - Sanitary Rules M{hý÷u¾ - Epitaph MðåA‚t r™heûtf - Sanitary Inspector M{hýþÂõ‚ - Memory MðåA‚t™u ÷„‚tu Ët{t™ - Sanitary ware M{hýt‚e‚ ft¤ - Time immemorial MðåA‚trð»tÞf - Sanitary M{hrýft - Souvenir MðåA‚trð»tÞf ƒtkÄft{ - Sanitary works M{hýeÞ - Memorable MðåAkŒe - Licentious; capricious 498

Mð‚kºt fhðwk MðÞkËk[tr÷‚ ð»tto{t…f Mðs™ - Kinsfolk; relative MðŒuþe - Indigenous Mð‚kºt - Independent; free MðŒuþe Wí…tŒ™ - Indigenous production Mð‚kºt fhðwk - Free; release from servitude or MðŒuþe Ítuf Ähtð‚t Wãtu„tu - Home biased obligation industries Mð‚kºt Œh¾tM‚/«M‚tð - Independent motion MðŒuþe {t÷/ðM‚wytu - Home goods; indigenous Mð‚kºt ™t„rhf - Free citizen goods Mð‚kºt‚t/Mðt‚kºÞ - Freedom; liberty; MðŒtu»tthtu…ý - Self-accusation independence Mðr™¼oh - Self-supporting ; self-financing Mð‚: - Automatic; per se Mðr™¼oh ftu÷us - Self-financing college Mð‚: W…ÿð/ºttË - Nuisance at law Mðr™¼oh rðftË/ð]ÂØ - Self-sustaining growth Mð‚: …w™ðeo{tu - Automatic re-insurance MðÙáüt - Dreamer; visionary Mð‚: rƒ™sóe - Automatic non-forfeiture Mðƒ[tð - Self-defence Mð‚:rËØ - Axiomatic; self-proved; self- Mð¼tð - Nature evident Mð¼tð„‚ rð÷ûtý‚t/ðir[ºÞ - Idiosyncrasy Mð‚:rËØ Œh¾tM‚ - Self-evident proposal Mð{t™ - Self-respect; self-esteem Mð‚:rËØ ËíÞ - Axiom; self-evident truth; MðÞk - In person; personally MðÞk W…ÂMÚtr‚ - Personal appearance self-proved truth MðÞk fh-ytfthýe - Self-assessment MðÞk …ûtfth - Party in person Mðíðt…oý - Alienation MðÞk {tr÷f - Principal in person Mðíðt…oý f[uhe - Alienation Office MðÞk Ëuðt - Self-service Mðíðt…oý fh™th - Alienator MðÞk-Ëqr[ …Ør‚ - Self-indexing system Mðíðt…oý fhðwk - Alienate Mðíðt…oý ‚…tË yrÄfthe - Alienation Enquiry Officer Mðíðt…oýÚte ÷u™th/Mðíðt…oý„útne - Alienee MðÞk[tr÷‚ - Automatic; self-propelled; self- Mðíðt…oý™e s{e™ - Alienated land acting MðŒuþ - Home country; home land; native MðÞk…Þtoó - Self-contained country MðÞk…Þtoó Ëth - Self-contained summary MðŒþu …tAkw Vhðkw ‚/u MðŒþu «íÞtð‚™o - Repatriation MðÞk«{trý‚ rËØtk‚ - Axiom; aphorism MðŒuþ …tAwk {tuf÷ðwk - Repatriate MðÞk¼q - Self-existent MðŒuþ «ðtË™ - Home tourism MðÞkþtrË‚ - Autonomous; self-governing MðŒuþ Ëkhûtý - Home defence MðÞkþtrË‚ ËkMÚttytu - Self-governing bodies MðŒuþtr¼{t™ - Patriotism MðÞkrþM‚ - Self-discipline MðŒuþtr¼{t™e - Patriotic; patriot MðÞkËk[tr÷‚ Œhðtòu - Automatic gate; mechanical gate 499

MðÞkËk…qýo ™tUÄ Mðt©Þ MðÞkËk[tr÷‚ ð»tto{t…f - Automatic rain gauge; Mðrn‚ƒtÄf r™ðuŒ™ (ft.) - Self-disservicing mechanical rain gauge statement MðÞkËk…qýo ™tUÄ - Self-contained note Mðt„‚ - Welcome; reception MðÞkËuðf - Volunteer Mðt„‚ yrÄfthe - Reception Officer MðÞkËuðe ‚kºt - Voluntary organization Mðt„‚ fuLÿ - Reception centre MðÞkM…ü - Self-explanatory; self-evident Mðt„‚ ¾kz - Reception room Mðh - Vowel (2)Tone (3)Voice Mðt„‚ «ð[™ - Welcome address Mðh …heûtt - Voice test; audition test Mðt„‚ Ë{thk¼ - Reception ceremony Mðhr™Þkºtý - Voice control Mðt„‚ Ër{r‚ - Reception Committee Mðh…x - Key-board Mðt„‚ Ëuðt - Reception service Mðhþi÷e - Intonation Mðt„‚f‚to/Mðt„‚e - Receptionist Mðhtkf™ - Notation Mðt„ún - Self-assertion Mðhts - Home rule; self-government Mðt„úne - Self-assertive MðY… - Form; shape; nature Mðt‚kºÞ - Independence; freedom; liberty MðY… y™u ÷ûtý - Nature and character Mðt‚kºÞ Ëu™t™e - Freedom fighter MðY… y™u ÔÞt… - Nature and extent MðtrŒü - Tasty; delicious MðY…÷ûte ƒtƒ‚tu - Modality MðtÄe™ - Independent Mðhtus„th - Self-employment MðtÄe™‚t - Independence Mðhtsu „th Ähtð‚e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Self-employed person MðtæÞtÞ - Exercise Mðhtus„th {txu ƒesY… ™týtk Þtus™t - Seed Mðt™w¼ð - Personal experience money scheme for self-employment Mðt¼trðf - Natural; innate; instinctive; inherent Mð„oMÚt/Mð„oðtËe - Late; deceased Mðt¼trðf …rhýt{ - Natural consequence Mð„eoÞ - Heavenly; divine Mðt¼trðf/Ëns ÷ûtý - Inherent characteristic Mðr÷r¾‚ ŒM‚tðus - Holographed document MðtÞ¥t - Autonomous Mðr÷r¾‚ ðrËÞ‚™t{wk - Holographic will MðtÞ¥t {kz¤/ËkMÚtt - Autonomous body; self- Mð÷u¾ - Holograph governing board Mðrððuf™tu Œwhw…Þtu„ - Abuse of discretion MðþtË™ - Self-government MðtÞ¥t þtË™ - Autonomy; self-governance MðÂM‚f - Fylfot; swastika MðtÞ¥t‚t - Autonomy MðMÚt - Healthy; sound; steady MðtÚteo - Selfish; self-seeker MðMÚt Atuz - Healthy plant Mðtð÷kƒ™ - Self-sufficiency; self-reliance; MðMÚt {t™Ë - Sound mind MðMÚt M{]r‚ - Sound memory self-help Mðtð÷kƒe - Self-sufficient; self-reliant Mðtð÷kƒe Wãtu„ - Viable industry 500

Mðt©Þe nf-…qðtorÄfthe Mðtð÷kƒe yuf{ - Viable unit Mðef]r‚ sýtððe - Acknowledge receipt of Mðt©Þ - Self-reliance Mðef]r‚-…ºt - Letter of acceptance Mðt©Þe - Self-reliant Mðef]r‚ hrsMxh - Acceptance register MðtMÚÞ - Health; fitness Mðef]r‚ þt¾ - Acceptance credit MðtMÚÞ „]n - Convalescent home Mðef]r‚™e òý - Intimation of acceptance MðtMÚÞ «{tý…ºt - Fitness certificate Mðe[ ƒtuzo …rh[h - Switch board attendant MðtMÚÞ «tó fh™th ÔÞÂõ‚ - Convalescent Mðåu Atyu - Willingly; voluntarily; ex proprio MðtMÚÞ™wk ‚ƒeƒe «{tý…ºt - Medical certificate motu of fitness MðuåAtyu ÷eÄu÷tu r™ýoÞ - Volition MðtMÚÞ«Œ - Healthy; hygienic MðiÂåAf - Voluntary; gratis MðtMÚÞ«tÂó - Convalescence MðiÂåAf fÚt™/r™ðuŒ™ - Voluntary statement; Mðtk„ - Disguise gratis dictum Mðefth - Acceptance (2)Confession MðÂi åAf fÕÞtý ËMk Útt - Voluntary welfare agency (3)Acknowledgement MðiÂåAf ftÞofh - Volunteer; yeoman Mðefth y™u yMðefth (ft.) - Approbation and MðiÂåAf r™ð]Â¥t - Voluntary retirement reprobation MðiÂåAf {kz¤ - Voluntary association MðiÂåAf hõ‚Œt™ - Voluntary blood donation Mðefth fhðtu - Accept (2)Confess MðiÂåAf þhýt„r‚ - Voluntary surrender MðiÂåAf Ëk„X™ - Voluntary organization (3)Acknowledge MðiÂåAf ËkMÚtt - Voluntary agency/body/ Mðefth-…ºt - Letter of acceptance institution/organization Mðefth …tuÚte - Acceptance book Mðefth™th - Accepter/Acceptor MðiÂåAf Ëtn[Þo - Voluntary association Mðefthðwk - Accept (2)Acknowledge (3)Confess Mðtu…tŠs‚ - Self-acquired; self-earned Mðefthu÷e sðtƒŒthe - Accepted responsibility MðeftÞo - Acceptable; admissible n MðeftÞo Œh/¼tð - Acceptable rate MðeftÞo …whtðtu - Admissible evidence MðeftÞo ÔÞÂõ‚ - Persona grata nf - Right (2)Title Mðef‚] - Accepted; admitted; approved; received nf y™u R÷t¾tu - Right and title Mðef]‚ ò{e™ - Approved surety nf y™u Vhs - Rights and obligations Mðef]‚ rnËtƒ - Accounts stated; accounts nf Q¼tu fhðtu - Setting up a title accepted Mðef]r‚ - Acceptance; acknowledgement; nf s‚tu fhðtu - Give up right; disclaim; waive admission nf hò - Earned leave 501

nf-MÚtt…™ Œtðtu nXe÷tu „w™u„th nf-W¥thtrÄfthe - Successor in title nfef‚ rð»tu ¾tuxtu ÏÞt÷ - Misconception of fact nf-…qðtorÄfthe - Predecessor in title nfef‚ þtuÄ/‚…tË yÇÞtË - Fact finding study nf-MÚtt…™ Œtðtu - Declaratory suit nfef‚-þtuÄ/‚…tË Ër{r‚ - Fact Finding nf/yrÄfth yt…ðtu - Entitle nf/yrÄfth™tu R™fth - Denial of rights Committee nfŒth - Entitled; rightful nfŒthe - Entitlement nfef‚Œþeo r™ðuŒ™ - Statement of fact nfŒtðt™e {tkzðt¤ - Write off claim nfef‚™wk ‚tÂ¥ðf «r‚…tŒ™ - Material nfŒtðt™e {tufqVe - Suspension of claim nfŒtðt™e hsqyt‚ - Submission of claim proposition of fact nfŒtðt™e Ëå[tE - Veracity of claim nfŒtðt™tu ‚tÂ¥ðf ytÄth - Substantial ground nfef‚™wk ÞÚtuåA yÚto½x™ - Wishful thinking of of claim facts nfŒtðtu ™rn fhtÞu÷ - Unclaimed nfef‚™tu {wÆtu - Point of fact; issue of fact nf™t y¼tðu - Want of title nfef‚÷ûte - Factual nf…ºtf - Record of rights nfef‚÷ûte ynuðt÷ - Factual report nf…ºtf Þtus™t - Record of Rights Scheme nfef‚÷ûte sYrhÞt‚ - Factual requirement nfðkr[‚ y™u ÷t¼ðkr[‚ ÷tuftu - Disadvantaged nfef‚÷ûte ¿tt™/òýfthe - Factual knowledge nfef‚÷ûte/‚ÚÞrð»tÞf «&™ - Question of fact and deprived people nfef‚÷ûte/nfef‚…qýo ytÄthËt{„úe - Factual nfðkr[‚ fhðwk - Disentitle; divest; deprive data nfðkr[‚ fhðwk ‚u - Divestiture nfËtE - Royalty nfef‚ËqÍ - Sense of fact nfthtí{f - Positive; affirmative nfef‚u - De facto; in facto; in fact nft÷…èe fhðe - Expel nfef‚tu™e ¾tuxe hsqyt‚ - Misrepresentation of nfef‚ - Fact nfef‚ y™u ytkfzt - Facts and figures fact nfef‚ yk„u „uhË{s - Misconception of fact nfef‚ ftzo - History card nfef‚tu™e ‚thes - Summary of facts nfef‚ Œtu»t - Mistake of fact; factual error nfef‚tu™e rðf]‚ hsqyt‚ - Distortion of facts nfef‚-…ºt - History sheet nfq{‚ - Jurisdiction; regime (2)Rule; nfef‚ …h ytÄtrh‚ - Based on facts; founded government on facts nfq{‚™tu ƒtÄ - Bar of jurisdiction nsqrhÞtu - Orderly nX - Obstinacy; pertinacity; recalcitrance; stubbornness nX fhðe - Persist nXt„ún - Obstinacy nXt„úne - Obstinate; persistent nXe÷wk - Recalcitrant; stubborn; intractable; obstinate; pertinacious; obdurate 502

nzfðt-r™htuÄf hËe n…‚tu nXe÷wk ð÷ý - Stiff/stubborn approach níÞt ÞtŒe - Hit list nXe÷tu „w™u„th - Persistent offender níÞtftkz - Carnage; massacre; mass murder nzfðt - Rabies; hydrophobia níÞthtu - Assassin; murderer; killer nzfðt-r™htuÄf hËe - Anti-rabies vaccine nrÚtÞth - Weapon; arm (2)Instrument nzftÞwk - Rabid nrÚtÞthÄthe - Armed nz‚t÷ - Strike nrÚtÞthƒkÄe - Prohibition to keep arms nz‚t÷ yrÄfth - Right to strike nÚttuxe - Knack; dexterity nz‚t÷ ‚tuz™th - Strike breaker nÚttuztðt¤tu - Hammerman nz‚t÷ ‚tuzðe - Strike breaking nÚttuze - Hand hammer nz‚t÷-ÿtune - Black leg nÚttuztu - Hammer; sledge (-hammer) nz‚t÷ rðhtuÄe - Scab nŒ - Border; limit; boundary nz‚t÷-ðe{tu - Strike insurance nŒ ytu¤k„ðe - Transgress limit nz‚t÷„úM‚ - Strike bound nŒ-™fþtu - Boundary map; border map nz‚t÷™e ™turxË - Strike notice nŒr™þt™ - Boundary mark; border mark nz‚t÷™tu …„th - Strike pay nŒ ƒnth ðÄe „Þu÷wk þnuh - Outgrown city nz‚t÷™tu Ë{Þ„t¤tu - Strike period nŒ/Ëe{t {wfhh fhðe - Demarcate nz‚tr÷Þt f{o[the - Striking employees nŒ…th fhðwk - Relegate; extern (2)Deport nz‚tr÷Þtu - Striker nŒ…th fhðwk ‚u - Externment (2)Deportation nzÄq‚ fhðwk - Condemn; hate; abhor; humiliate nŒ…th fhtÞu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Externee (2)Deportee nz… fhðwk - Usurp; grab nŒ…the - Relegation; deportation nznz‚wk sqXtýwk - Naked lie; stark and stiff lie (2)Externment n‚«¼ - Disappointed; frustrated; depressed n‚¼t„e - unfortunate; ill-fated nŒhu¾t/Ëe{thu¾t - Border line; boundary line; n‚tþ - Disappointed; dejected; frustrated n‚tþt - Frustration; disappointment; line of demarcation depression n…‚t-¾heŒe - Hire purchase n…‚t-¾heŒe fhth - Hire purchase agreement n‚tn‚/{tÞto „Þu÷t y™u ½ðtÞu÷t - Killed and n…‚t-¾heŒe [wfðýe - Hire purchase payment n…‚t-¾heŒe Ätuhý - Hire-purchase basis wounded n…‚t-[wfðýe - Instalment payment n‚tn‚™e ËkÏÞt - Casualty; casualties n…‚t-…Ør‚ - Instalment system n‚tuíËtn - Discouraged n…‚t-ƒkÄýe-¾‚ - Instalment bond n‚tíu Ëtn fhðkw - Disspirit; discourage; dishearten n…‚tytu{tk [wfðýe - Payment by instalments níÞt - Assassination; murder; killing; slaughter n…‚t™wk nwf{™t{wk - Instalment decree 503

n{ýtk n{ýtk nðtE Akxftð n…‚uÚte ðu[tý - Instalment sale nheV W{uŒðth - Contesting candidate n…‚tu - Instalment nheV …ût - Rival side/party n{ýtk n{ýtk - Lately; recently nheVtE - Competition; contest; rivalry n{ŒŒo - Sympathizer nheVtE/M…Äto fh™th - Competitor; rival; n{ŒŒeo - Sympathy n{ËVh - Companion (2)Co-goer contestant n{t÷ - Porter; coolie n{t÷™e {sqhe - Porterage nheVtE/M…Äto fhðe - Compete; contest nÞŒ¤ - Cavalry nhtu¤ - Line; rank nÞt‚ - Extant; existing (2)Surviving n»to™tŒ - Acclamation nÞt‚ …ûtfth - Surviving party n÷fx - Abject; low; mean; wicked nÞt‚ ƒt¤ftu/Ëk‚t™ - Surviving children n÷fthtu - Messanger; Dak Runner nÞt‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Survivor n÷fe Ät‚w - Base metal nÞt‚e - Existence (2)Survival n÷fe {txe - Light soil nhf‚ - Objection (2)Hindrance; hitch n÷fwk - Mean; inferior (2)Light nhtS - Auction n÷fwk …tzðwk - Degrade; derogate; disparage nhtS fh™th - Auctioneer n÷fwk …tzðwk ‚u - Derogation; disparagement nhtS ®f{‚ - Knock down price n÷fwk …tzu ‚uðwk - Derogatory; disparaging nhtSÚte ðu[tý - Auction sale n÷fwk …týe - Soft water nhtS™e Œ÷t÷e - Lot money n÷ftu rˬtu - Base coin nhtS{tk ƒtu÷™th - Bidder n÷[÷ - Movement; activity nhtS{tk ƒtu÷e …qhe ÚtÞt™tu Ëkfu‚ fhðtu - Knock n÷™[÷™™e ¾tuz - Locomotor handicap n÷uËwk - Oar down nð™fwkz - Altar nðt ƒthe - Ventilator nhtÞtk/h¾z‚tk Ztuh - Stray cattle nðt-[wM‚ - Air-proof; air tight nhtÞwk/h¾z‚wk «týe - Waif nðt-…k… - Air-pump nhtððwk - Defeat nðt-«Œq»tý {tusýe - Air pollution survey nrh‚ÿÔÞ - Chlorophyll nðtE - Aerial nrh‚{rý - Beryl nðtE fk…™e - Air lines nrhÞt¤t rðM‚th - Green cover; green area nðtE ûtuºt - Air field nrhÞt¤e - Greenary nðtE „‚to/nðt™t ytuAt Œƒtýðt¤e s„t - Air nrhÞt¤e ¢tkr‚ - Green revolution nheV - Competitor; contestant; rival pockets nðtE-Aºt/hûtý - Air cover 504

nðtE snts nM‚ûtu…/Œ¾÷„ehe fh™th nðtE Aºte - Parachute nðt÷t-ðne - Charge book nðtE Akxftð - Aerial spraying nðt÷t-ËtU…ýe - Handing over charge nðtE snts - Air craft; aeroplane; airship nðt÷t-ËtU…ýe «{tý…ºt - Handing over nðtE sntòu™tu WœÞ™-«thk¼ - Take off air crafts certificate nðtE x…t÷ - Air-mail nðtE x…t÷ rxrfx - Air mail-stamp nðt÷t‚ - Custody nðtE x…t÷ îtht - By air mail; par avion nðt÷u fhðwk - Entrust (2)Commit (3)Deliver nðtE Œ¤ - Air force nðt÷tu - Charge (2)Custody (3)Cross entry nðtE á~Þ - Aerial view nðtE r™heûtý - Aerial observation (4)Reference nðtE …èe - Air strip nðtE …rhðn™ - Air transport nðt÷tu Atuzðtu ‚u - Relinquishment of charge nðtE {Útf - Airport; aerodrome; air base nðt÷tu xtkfðtu - Quote reference nðtE {t„o - Airways nðt÷tu Ähtð™th/«¼the - In charge nðtE {t„uo ðu…th - Air-borne trade nðt÷tu Ähtððtu - Hold charge nðtE {tusýe/Ëðuoûtý - Aerial survey nðt÷tu Ëk¼t¤‚t yrÄfthe - Relieving Officer nðtE ËVh - Flight nðt÷tu Ëk¼t¤ðtu/÷uðtu - Assumption of charge; nðtE Ëkhûtý - Air defence nðtE nw{÷t …Ae™wk - Post air-raid take charge nðtE nw{÷tu - Air-attack; air-raid nðt÷tu ËtU…™th yrÄfthe - Relieved Officer nðtrð»tÞf - Aerial; atmospheric nðu …Ae - Hereafter nðu …Ae™tu …ºtÔÞðnth - Further correspondence nËe{òf - Persiflage; banter nðtztu - Trough nM‚f÷t - Handicraft; craft nðt™e yðh sðh - Air circulation; ventilation nM‚f÷t Wãtu„ - Handicraft industry nðt{t™ - Weather nM‚f÷t ‚t÷e{ Þtus™t - Craft training scheme nðt{t™ f[uhe - Meteorological Office nM‚f÷t «rþûtf - Craft Instructor nðt{t™™tu ðh‚thtu - Weather forecast nM‚f÷t «rþûtý - Craft instruction nðt{t™þt† - Meteorology nM‚f÷t þt¤t - Craft school nðt{t™þtMºte - Meteorologist nM‚f÷t rþûtf - Craft teacher nðt÷t-ynuðt÷ - Charge report nM‚f÷t Ëk„Xf - Craft Organizer nðt÷t-™tUÄ - Transfer entry nM‚f÷t™e ‚t÷e{ - Craft training nðt÷t ™tUÄðne - Transfer entry book nM‚ûtu… - Intervention; interference; meddling nðt÷t-«{tý…ºt - Charge certificate nM‚ûtu… fhðtu - Intervene; interfere; meddle; nðt÷t-¼ÚÚtwk - Charge allowance intermeddle; interlope; intrude 505

nM‚«‚ „úkÚtt÷Þ ntshe-ò{e™ nM‚ûtu…/Œ¾÷„ehe fh™th - Interloper; nk„t{e - Temporary meddler; interferer; intruder nk„t{e f{o[theð„o - Temporary staff nk„t{e ¾t÷e søÞt - Temporary vacancy nM‚«‚ „úkÚtt÷Þ - Manuscript library nk„t{e søÞt - Temporary post nM‚r÷r¾‚ „úkÚttu™e þtuÄ - Search of nk„t{e r™{ýqf - Temporary appointment nk„t{e ™tufhe - Temporary service manuscripts nk„t{e ™tUÄýe - Temporary registration nk„t{e ÔÞðMÚtt - Stop-gap arrangement nM‚r÷r¾‚/nM‚tûth{tk [wftŒtu - Long hand judgement nM‚r÷r¾‚ ŒM‚tðus - Hand written document; manuscript document nM‚r÷r¾‚ …ºt - Handwritten letter; letter in nk„t{tu - Turbulence; affray manuscript nk{uþ/nk{uþt - Always; every day nk{uþ {txu - In perpetuity; always nM‚r÷r¾‚ Ët{„úe - Manuscript matter nt yÚtðt ™t fnu™thtytu - Ayes and Noes nM‚r÷r… xtE… - Script type ntEzÙtusr™‚ ‚u÷ - Hydrogenated oil nM‚tûth - Autograph; signature (2)Handwriting ntf÷ - Clarion call nM‚tûth y™u Vtuxtu ftÞto÷Þ - Handwriting and ntsh - Present ntsh ®f{‚ - Spot price Photographic Bureau ntsh sðtƒe - Quick-witted; ready-witted ntsh Útðt™e ‚the¾ - Joining date nM‚tûth fhðt - Sign; set one’s hand ntsh Útðt™e {wŒ‚ - Joining period nM‚tûth r™»ýt‚ - Handwriting Expert ntsh Útðt™e {wŒ‚™tu …„th - Joining time pay nM‚tk‚hý - Transfer; assignment; conveyance ntsh Útðt™tu Ë{Þ - Joining time nM‚tk‚hý ¾‚ - Deed of transfer; deed of ntsh Útðwk - Present (2)Report; join (3)Appear ntsh Œh - Call rate assignment; conveyance deed ntsh ™týwk - Ready money ntsh ƒòh - Cash market n¤ - Plough ntsh {t÷ - Store-in-hand; spot goods n¤¾uz/n¤¾u‚e - Plough agriculture n¤¾uzw - Ploughman n¤Œh - Turmeric n¤ðe rþûtt - Minor punishment n¤ðwk fh‚t/ƒ™tð‚t Ëkòu„tu - Mitigating circumstances; extenuating circumstances n¤ðwk fhðwk - Mitigate; commute; relax; ntsh rh…tuxo - Joining report alleviate ntsh ÷tu™ - Loan at call n¤ðwk fhe þftÞ ‚uðwk - Relaxable ntsh rðr™{Þ Œh - Spot exchange rate n¤ðwk ƒ™tððwk ‚u - Relaxation ntsh ÔÞÂõ‚ - Person in attendance n¤ðwk {tuxh ðtn™ - Light motor vehicle ntsh Ëtûte - Witness in attendance nkfthðwk - Drive; sail ntshe - Attendance; presence; appearance 506

ntshe …ºtf ntr™fthf yti»tÄ ntshe fthfw™ - Muster Clerk ntÚt„tzwk - Handcart ntshe-ò{e™(ft.) - Surety for appearance ntÚtAz™t [tu¾t - Hand pounded rice ntshe …ºtf - Roll-call; muster roll ntÚt™t yk„qXt …tËu™e ytk„¤e/‚so™e - Index; ntshe {txu™e ò{e™„ehe - Security for index finger appearance ntÚt™wk ÷¾tý - Handwriting; manuscript ntshe hðt™„e - Spot delivery ntÚt…k… - Hand pump ntshe-ðu‚™ - Call pay ntÚt…tð‚e/hËeŒ - Hand receipt ntzfwk - Bone ntÚt«uË/ntÚt-{wÿýÞkºt - Hand press ntzfwk ¼tk„e sðwk - Fracture ntÚtƒŒ÷tu fhðtu - Pass over ntz®…sh - Skeleton ntÚtƒúuf - Hand brake ntz{the - Hardship ntÚtð„wk - At hand; handy ntzðiŒ - Bone-setter ntÚtðýtx™wk ft…z - Handwoven cloth ntÚt Wãtu„ - Handicraft industry ntÚtðeý™t ˪„Œtýt - Hand-picked groundnut ntÚt ™e[u™tu fthe„h - Underhand seeds ntÚt …h™e rË÷f/htufz - Balance in hand; cash ntÚtËt¤ - Handloom in hand ntÚtËt¤ y™u ntÚtWãtu„ - Handloom and ntÚt ƒ™tðx - Handmade handicrafts ntÚt-ytuòh - Hand tool ntÚtËt¤ Wí…tŒ™ - Handloom products ntÚt-fhð‚ - Handsaw ntÚtËt¤ Wãtu„ - Handloom Industry ntÚt-¾uztý - Hand tillage ntÚtËt¤ fthe„h - Handloom worker ntÚt-Ä{ý - Hand bellows ntÚtËt¤ r™heûtf - Handloom Inspector ntÚt-Vqkfýe - Hand blowpipe ntÚtËt¤ rðftË ftÞo¢{ - Handloom ntÚt-htufz - Cash in hand Development Programme ntÚt-Ët{t™ - Hand baggage ntÚtfze - Handcuffs ntÚtËt¤™wk ft…z - Handloom cloth ntÚtfthe„he - Handicraft; manual art; craft; ntÚtËt¤™tu {t÷ - Handloom products ntÚtrË÷tE - Hand sewing craftsmanship ntÚte…„wk - Filaria ntÚtfthe„he Wãtu„ - Handicraft industry ntÚttu - Handle (2)Hand ntÚtfthe„he rþûtf - Craft teacher ntÚttuntÚt - Per bearer; personally; hand to hand ntÚtftk‚ý - Hand spinning ntÚttuntÚt ËtU…ýe - Hand delivery ntÚt¾h[e - Pocket-money ntr™ - Harm; damage; loss (2)Injury ntÚt„tze - Wheel barrow; hand-barrow ntr™ …ntU[tzðe - Harm; damage (2)Injure ntÚt„tze ¾U[™th - Handcart puller ntr™fthf - Harmful; detrimental (2)Injurious 507

ntr™hûtt rnËtƒ y™u r‚òuhe r™Þt{f (3)Noxious rn‚fthe r™rÄ/¼kztu¤ - Benevolent fund ntr™fthf yti»tÄ - Noxious drug rn‚ ‚ƒŒe÷ fhðwk - Pass interest ntr™hûtt - Indemnity; indemnification rn‚ Ähtð‚e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Interested person nt{ - Courage; daring rn‚ Ähtð‚tu …ûtfth - Interested party nt{eŒth - Underwriter rn‚ Ähtð‚tu Ëtûte - Interested witness nt{eŒthe - Underwriting rn‚-W¥thtrÄfthe - Successor in interest nth - Defeat (2)Line; queue (3)Rank rn‚ ®[‚f - Well-wisher (4)Garland (5) Necklace rn‚-ûtuºt - Sphere of interest rn‚-…qðtorÄfthe - Predecessor-in-interest nthƒkÄ ðtðýe - Sowing in rows rn‚-«r‚r™rÄ - Representative in interest ntŒo - Core; essence (2)Heart (3)Significance rn‚™u ƒtÄf - Prejudicial to interest ntŒoY… ftÞo¢{ - Core programme rn‚þºtw - Hostile ntŒoY… „heƒ sqÚt - Core poverty group rn‚ËkƒkÄ - Interest; beneficial interest ntŒoY… xwfze - Core team rn‚trÄfthe - Beneficiary ntŒoY… …rhÞtus™t - Core project rn‚trÄfthe÷ûte ftÞo¢{ - Beneficiary-oriented ntŒoY… Þtus™t - Core scheme ntŒoY… Ëuõxh - Core sector Programme nt÷‚ - Condition; position; situation rn‚tðn - Beneficial; advantageous nt÷™wk - Present; existing rn‚uåAw - Well-wisher nt÷tfe - Hardship; privation; difficulty rnVts‚ - Care; preservation ntð¼tð - Gesture; gesticulation rn{-ÍkÍtðt‚ - Snow storm ntMÞs™f - Farcical rn{™Œe/rn{«ðtn - Glacier ntMÞtM…Œ - Ridiculous; ludicrous; funny rn{…t‚/rn{«…t‚ - Ice fall; snow fall; avalanche ntMÞtM…Œ ¼q÷ - Howler rn{Þw„ - Ice age; glacial period/age ntkfe ftZðwk - Oust; expel; drive out rn{ð»tto - Snow fall ntkrËÞt-™tUÄ - Marginal note rn{tåAtrŒ‚ - Snow clad ntkrËÞtu - Margin rn{tÞ‚ - Advocacy rn[fthwk - Bestial rn{tÞ‚e - Patron; advocate; supporter; sponsor rnsh‚ - Exodus rn{tðhý - Ice sheet; snow cover rnsh‚ fhðe - Evacuate rn÷[t÷ - Movement (2)Activity rnsh‚e - Evacuee rnËtƒ - Account rn‚ - Interest (2)Benefit rnËtƒ yrÄfthe - Accounts Officer rn‚fthe - Beneficial; profitable rnËtƒ yÄeûtf - Superintendent of Accounts 508

rnËtƒ yuf{ ®n{‚ðt™ rnËtƒ y™u r‚òuhe r™Þt{f - Director of rnËtƒ™wk {wÏÞ ËŒh - Major head of accounts Accounts and Treasuries rnËtƒ™wk ËŒh - Head of account rnËtƒ™tu [tu…ztu/rnËtƒðne - Account book rnËtƒ yuf{ - Accounting unit rnËtƒ™tu Œtðtu - Suit for account rnËtƒ fthfw™ - Accounts Clerk rnËtƒ™tu Ëth/‚thes - Abstract of account; rnËtƒ ftÞo…Ør‚ - Accounting procedure rnËtƒ ‚…tËýe - Audit brief statement of account rnËtƒ r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Account code rnËtƒ{tk ytuAe ®f{‚ Œþtoððe - Write-down rnËtƒ r™Þkºtf - Controller of Accounts rnËtƒ{tk ½t÷{u÷/„tu÷{t÷ fhðe ‚u - rnËtƒ r™heûtf - Inspector of Accounts Manipulation of accounts rnËtƒ …‚tððtu - Settle account rnËtƒ …Ør‚ - Accounting; accountancy rnËtƒ{u¤ - Reconciliation of accounts rnËtƒ{u¤ …ºtf - Reconciliation statement (2)Book keeping rnËtƒe [tu…zt™e fËtuxe/[ftËýe - Test/ rnËtƒ …Ør‚™t rËØtk‚ - Accounting principles checking of account books rnËtƒ «{trý‚ fhðt - Vouching of accounts rnËtƒ ƒkÄ fhðtu ‚u - Closing of accounts rnËtƒe [tu…ztu - Book of accounts rnËtƒ hsq fhðt - Render accounts rnËtƒe ŒV‚h - Accounting record rnËtƒ ht¾ðtu - Maintain account rnËtƒe ð»to - Accounting year rnËtƒe þt¾t - Accounts branch rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe y™u rnËtƒ yrÄfthe - Audit rnMËt-„ýtu‚/ËtkÚt - Share rent and Accounts Officer rnMËt «{týu ðnU[ýe - Apportionment rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe ynuðt÷ - Audit report rnMËt-¼tzwk - Share rent rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe ™tUÄ - Audit note rnMËt™t Ätuhýu ¾u‚e - Share cultivation rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe ð‚wo¤ - Audit Circle rnMËt{tk {¤u÷tu …tf - Share crop rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe™t ðtkÄt - Audit objections rnMËu …z‚wk ðnU[ðwk - Apportion rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe™e …Ør‚ - Mode of audit rnMËuŒth - Sharer; portioner rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe™wk ftÞoûtuºt - Scope of audit rnMËuŒth „ýtur‚Þtu - Share tenant rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe™u yÄe™ - Subject to audit rnMËtu - Portion; part; share rnËtƒ-‚…tËýeÞtuøÞ - Auditable rnMËtu/¼t„ swŒtu …tzðtu - Separation of share rnËtƒ-‚…tË™eË - Auditor ®nŒe «rþûtf - Hindi Instructor rnËtƒ-…ºtf - Statement of accounts ®nŒe¼t»te - Hindi-speaking rnËtƒ-{u¤ fhðtu - Reconcile accounts ®nŒw yrð¼õ‚ fwxwkƒ - Hindu undivided family rnËtƒ-Ë{tÞtus™ - Book adjustment ®nŒw ftÞŒtu - Hindu law rnËtƒ-Ëkf÷™ - Compilation of accounts ®nŒw Ë{ts - Hindu Society rnËtƒ™eþ - Accountant ®n{‚ - Courage; boldness; bravery; valour 509 ®n{‚ nthðe - Falter; lose courage

®nËf nuXðtË ðnuý ®n{‚ðt™ - Courageous; valorous; valiant nwÒth - Art; craft; skill ®nËf - Violent nwÒthf¤t - Arts and crafts ®nËf xtu¤wk - Violent mob nw{÷t¾tuh - Invader; incursionist; attacker ®nËf {™tuð]Â¥t - Violent tendency nw{÷tu - Attack; assault; invasion; incursion; ®nËf/½t‚f nw{÷tu - Violent attack inroad (2)Onslaught nw{÷tu y™u «nth - Assault and battery ®nËt - Violence nw{÷tu fh™th - Assailant; assaulter; attacker ®nËtí{f - Violent nwÕ÷z - Riot; tumult ®nËtí{f ÄtkÄ÷ - Rampage nwÕ÷z Œƒtðe Œuðwk - Suppress a riot neý…‚ - Disparagement; derogation; discredit nwÕ÷z¾tuh - Riotous neý…‚ ÷„tz™thwk - Derogatory; disparaging nwÕ÷z¾tuh ð‚o™ - Rowdy behaviour; tumult ne™ - Abject; nefarious; wretched; mean nwk…Œ - Egoism ne™ f]íÞtu - Nefarious activities nqkrzÞt{ý™tu Œh - Exchange rate ne™‚t - Meanness nqkze - Bill of exchange (2)Draft nehf sÞk‚e - Diamond jubilee nqkze Œh - Bill rate neht½Ëw - Lapidary nqkze …tõÞt ‚the¾ - Maturity of bill nehtu - Diamond nqkze hsq fhðe - Presentation of bill nwf{ - Order; direction; fiat nqkze ðxtððe - Negotiate bill nwf{ hŒ fhðtu - Vacate order nqkze-Œ÷t÷ - Bill broker nwf{-yÄe™‚t - Submission to order nqkze™e …qðo-[wfðýe - Retirement of bill nwf{Úte/ytŒuþÚte/yt¿ttÚte - By order nqkze™e {wŒ‚ - Tenor of a bill; term of a bill nwf{™t{e ŒuðtŒth/fhsŒth/ŒuýŒth - Judgement ÓŒÞ - Cardia; heart ÓŒÞ «íÞthtu…ý - Heart transplantation debtor ÓŒÞ-r[rfíËf - Cardiologist ÓŒÞ-r[rfíËtrð¿tt™ - Cardiology nwf{™t{e Œuðwk - Judgement debt ÓŒÞr¢Þt÷u¾ - Cardiogram nwf{™t{e ÷uýŒth - Judgement creditor ӌޙu ÷„‚wk - Cardiac nwf{™t{wk - Decree nwf{™t{wk Ähtð™th/nwf{™t{t Äthf - Decree holder nwf{™e/yt¿tt™e yð¿tt/y™tŒh - Disobedience ӌޙtu ăfthtu - Heart beat of order ÓŒÞhtu„ - Heart disease nwf{™wk …t÷™ fhðwk - Follow order Óü…wü - Strong; hefty; sturdy nwf{™tu Ëth - Substance of order nwf{e ™týwk - Fiat money nuXðtË - Downstream nuXðtË Zt¤ - Downstream slope 510

nuXðtË™tk ft{tu nÙtË nuXðtË ðnuý - Tail water ntuzðuhtu - Betting tax nuXðtË™tk ft{tu - Downstream works ntuze - Boat; craft nuzfe - Hiccough ntuze-¾U[ - Towage nu‚w - Purpose; end; aim; objective; intent; ntuze-…w÷ - Pontoon-bridge ntuze-ðuht W½ht‚Œth - Ferry toll Collector intention ntuze-ðuhtu - Ferry toll ntuzeðt¤tu - Ferryman; boatman nu‚w y™u WÆuþ - Aims and objects ntuÆt …hÚte hw¾ËŒ - Removal from office nu‚w…qýo - Purposeful ntuÆt-¾[o ¼ÚÚtwk - Sumptuary allowance nu‚w…qðof/nu‚wËh - Purposely; intentionally ntuÆt™t ytuXt nuX¤ - Under colour of office nuƒ‚tE „Þu÷wk - Panicky; frightened ntuÆt™t Ëtu„kŒ/þ…Út - Oath of office nuhVuh - Movement; transport; transit ntuÆt™t{ y…tÞu÷ - Designated nuhVuh x…t÷ f[uhe - Transit mail office ntuÆt™t{ yt…ðwk - Designate nuhVuh Œhr{Þt™ - In transit ntuÆt™e {ntuh - Seal of office nuhVuh Œhr{Þt™ ÚtÞu÷ ™wfËt™ - Loss in transit ntuÆt™e {wŒ‚ - Tenure of office; term of office nuhVuh {t÷ - Goods in transit; transit goods ntuÆt™e Yyu - Ex-officio; by virtue of post nuhVuh {t÷™wk ðe{t¾‚ - Transit policy ntuÆt™e Yyu r™{ýqf - Appointment by virtue of nuhVuh Þt‚tÞt‚ - Transit traffic nuhVuh ÷t„‚ - Transit charge post nuhVuh nuX¤™tu {t÷ - Goods in transit nuhVuh-½x - Loss in transit ntuÆt™u yýAts‚wk - Unbecoming one’s position nuhVuh-ðe{tu - Transit insurance ntuÆt™tu Œwhw…Þtu„ - Abuse of office nuhVuh-þwÕf - Transit duty ntuÆt™tu rˬtu - Seal of office nuhVuh{tk „q{ ÚtÞu÷ - Lost in transit ntuÆt™tu Mðefth - Acceptance of office nuht™-…huþt™ fhðwk - Harass; trouble; tease ntuÆuŒth - Office-bearer nuht™„r‚ - Harassment ntuÆtu - Designation (2)Rank nuðtr™Þ‚ - Brutality ntuÆtu Atuzðtu - Relinquish office nurËÞ‚ - Capacity ntuÆtu Äthý fhðtu ‚u - Assumption of office niÞtWf÷‚ - Resourcefulness; ingenuity; ntu™nth - Promising ntu™th‚ - Calamity competence ntuÞ ‚tu …ý/‚u{ A‚tk/ntuðtk A‚tk …ý - ntuftÞkºt - Mariner’s compass Notwithstanding ntuz - Stake; wager ntuzfwk - Canoe; dugout ntunt - Outcry ntuz{tk {qfu÷e ðM‚w - Bet; stake ntUrþÞth - Clever; intelligent 511 nÙtË - Decay; rotting

«ftþ™tu 1. rºt¼t»te ðneðxe þçŒftuþ (yk„úuS-„wsht‚e-rnLŒe) 12. «þtËr™f …trh¼tr»tf þçŒtð÷e (yk„úuS-rnLŒe) 2. „wsht‚e-yk„úuS rzõþ™he ({nu‚t-{nu‚t) 13. ðneðxe ft™q™e þçŒtð÷e (yk„úuS-„wsht‚e) 14. þçŒftuþ rð¿tt™ ¼t„ 1-2 (…w™{woÿý) 15. ðneðxe þ猫Þtu„tu y™u ðtõÞtkþtu („wsht‚e-yk„úuS) 3. ƒ]nŒT ðneðxe þçŒftuþ (yk„úuS-„wsht‚e) 16. ðneðxe ÷u¾™ …rh…txe 4. „wsht‚e ¼t»tt …rh[Þ (yk„úuS îtht) 17. Ëhfthe ÷u¾™-ÔÞðnth{tk „wsht‚e {t„oŒŠþft 5. „wsht‚e ¼t»tt™e òuzýe : r™Þ{tu y™u þçŒtð÷e 6. YrZ«Þtu„ y™u fnuð‚ Ëk„ún (ËkðŠÄ‚ ytð]Â¥t) 7. ¼t»ttrððuf 18. y™wðtŒ {t„oŒŠþft 8. ÔÞðnthtu…Þtu„e „wsht‚e-„wsht‚e þçŒftuþ 19. „wsht‚e ¼t»ttËtIŒÞo 9. Ëhfthe ÷u¾™ …Ør‚ (ËwÞturs‚ ytð]Â¥t) 20. Ëhfthe ÷u¾™ …Ør‚ (rnLŒe ËkMfhý) 10. „wsht‚e ¼t»tt …rh[Þ (rnLŒe îtht) 21. „wsht‚e yk„úuS ðneðxe þçŒftuþ 11. ðneðxe …rh¼t»tt ftuþ (yk„úuS-„wsht‚e) ™tÄU :yt… yt ƒÄtk s «ftþ™tu Ëhfthe …Mw ‚f¼zk th, ¼ÿ, ÷t÷ Œhðtò, y{ŒtðtŒ - 1 ‚u{s Ëhfthe …wM‚f ¼kzth, ðztuŒht, htsftux y™u ¼tð™„h ¾t‚uÚte ¾heŒe þfþtu. ðuƒËtRx : R{uR÷ : dir-languages @ ðneðxe ¾t‚tfeÞ ÷½wftuþtu 1. „]n rð¼t„ 18. Ëk„únt÷Þ r™Þt{f™e f[uhe 2. ©{ y™u Ë{tsfÕÞtý rð¼t„ 19. Ënfthe {kz¤eytu™t hrsMxÙth™e f[uhe 3. ytÞtus™ «¼t„, Ët{tLÞ ðneðx rð¼t„ 20. yÚtþo t† y™u ytfk zt r™Þt{f™e f[hu e 4. Wãtu„ y™u ¾tý rð¼t„ 21. „út{rðftË ytÞwõ‚™e f[uhe 5. ðiÄtr™f y™u ËkËŒeÞ ƒtƒ‚tu™tu rð¼t„ 22. htus„th y™u ‚t÷e{ r™Þt{f™e f[uhe 6. ™{oŒt, s¤Ëk…Â¥t y™u …týe …whðXt rð¼t„ 23. ðtn™ÔÞðnth r™Þt{f™e f[uhe 7. …k[tÞ‚, „út{ „]nr™{toý y™u „út{rðftË rð¼t„ 24. {íMÞtuãtu„ fr{þ™h™e f[uhe 8. f]r»t y™u Ënfth rð¼t„ 25. ‚ƒeƒe Ëðu tytu y™u ‚ƒeƒe rþûtý™t ytÞõw ‚™e f[hu e 9. {nuËq÷ rð¼t„ 26. …tu÷eË {ntr™Œuþf y™u {wÏÞ …tu÷eË yrÄfthe™e f[uhe 10. «ðtË™ rð¼t„ 27. …wht‚¥ð ¾t‚wk 11. ƒŒk h y™u {íMÞtãu t„u rð¼t„ 28. ytãi tru „f yŒt÷‚ 12. yÒt y™u ™t„rhf …whðXt rð¼t„ 29. fr{þ™h, ¾tuhtf y™u yti»tÄ r™Þ{™ ‚kºt 13. {trn‚e r™Þt{f™e f[uhe 30. LÞtÞ‚ºk t (yŒt÷‚tu {tx)u 14. s{tƒÄk e y™u s{e™ ŒV‚h ytÞõw ‚™e f[hu e 31. ™t„rhf Ëkhûtý 15. rnËtƒ y™u r‚òuhe r™Þt{f™e f[uhe 32. yt…Â¥t ÔÞðMÚtt…™ yuf{ 16. ŒV‚h ¼kzth r™Þt{f™e f[uhe 33. rþûtý rð¼t„ 17. ¼qM‚h rð¿tt™ y™u ¾r™s r™Þt{f™e f[uhe 34. h{‚ „{‚, Þwðt y™u ËtkMf]r‚f «ð]Â¥tytu™tu rð¼t„ «ð]Â¥tytu 1. yt f[uhe{tk rƒ™ðiãtr™f «fth™t ËtrníÞ™wk ¼t»ttk‚h fhðt{tk ytðu Au. 2. yt f[uhe™e {wÏÞ ft{„ehe ¼t»ttk‚h, ËkþtuÄ™, ‚t÷e{ y™u Ëhfthe f{o[theytu™e ¼t»ttrð»tÞf …heûtt ÷uðt yk„u™e Au. 3. yt f[uhe{tk ™t{. htßÞ…t÷©e, {t™. {wÏÞ{kºte©e, {t™. {kºte©eytu™tk «ð[™tu, ðtŠ»tf y™u …k[ð»teoÞ Þtus™tytu, ykŒts…ºt «ftþ™tu, r™Þ{Ëk„úntu, …rh…ºt Ëk„úntu, ynuðt÷tu, …wM‚f-…wÂM‚ftytu ð„uhu™wk ¼t»ttk‚h fhðt{tk ytðu Au. 4. yíÞth ËwÄe ŒË …k[ð»teoÞ Þtus™tytu™wk, 90 r™Þ{Ëk„úntu suðt fu (1) ƒtuBƒu fÂLxLsLx yufM…uÂLz[h YÕË, 1959 (2) ƒtuBƒu Ëðuo yuLz Ëux÷{uLx {uLÞwy÷ ðtì. 1, 2 (3) {uLÞwy÷ ytìV R÷uõþ™ ÷tu, ð„uhu™wk ¼t»ttk‚h fhðt{tk ytÔÞwk Au. 5. ËkþtuÄ™ ft{„ehe : ðneðx{tk W…Þtu„e ÚttÞ ‚uðt þçŒftuþtu, ÷½wftuþtu, þçŒËk[Þtu, ‚t÷e{ËkŒ¼o ËtrníÞ, ð„uhu ‚iÞth fhðt{tk ytðu A.u 6. yíÞth ËwÄe rºt¼t»te ðneðxe þçŒftuþ, „wsht‚e - „wsht‚e þçŒftuþ, ðneðxe …rh¼t»ttftuþ, ðneðxe ÷u¾™ …Ør‚, ð„uhu suðtk …wM‚ftu ‚iÞth fhðt{tk ytÔÞtk Au. 7. [tuºteË ÷½wftuþtu y™u Ë¥th þçŒ Ëk[Þtu ‚iÞth fhðt{tk ytÔÞt Au. Ëk…fo - ¼t»tt r™Þt{f™e f[uhe, ç÷tuf ™k. 6, 1÷tu {t¤, ztp. Sðhts {nu‚t ¼ð™, „tkÄe™„h. Vtu™ : 23253662, 23253663 512

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