[[to ytxtu…e ÷uðe ‚u [t‚wÞo [[to ytxtu…e ÷uðe ‚u - Winding up the debate [÷ý…uxe - Currency chest [[to fhðt rð™k‚e fhðe/fheyu - Please speak [÷ý{qÕÞ ½xtztu - Devaluation of currency [[toÄe™ - Under discussion [÷ý™wk yð{qÕÞ™ - Devaluation of currency [[toÄe™ rð»tÞ - Subject under discussion [÷ý™tu Vw„tðtu - Inflation of currency [[to™wk ûtuºt/rð»tÞûtuºt - Scope of discussion/ [÷ý{tkÚte hŒ - Demonetize debate [÷ý{tkÚte hŒ fhðwk ‚u - Demonetization [÷ýe ™týtk™e yA‚ - Currency drain [[to…ºt - Readers views [÷ýe ™tux - Currency note; paper currency [[toƒkÄe - Guillotine [÷ýe rˬtu - Coin [[toƒkÄe™e Œh¾tM‚ - Closure motion [÷tðe ÷uðtÞ yuðwk - Permissible; allowable; [[torð[thýt - Discussion; debate [[to˺t - Seminar tolerable [[to-Ë{t ytŒuþ - Guillotine [r÷‚/rð[r÷‚ Útðwk - Deviate [[toM…Œ - Controversial; debatable [~{…tuþe - Connivance [[toM…Œ ƒtƒ‚ - Controversial matter; [~{…tuþe fhðe - Connive at debatable matter [~{tk rð¢u‚t - Optician [¤ftx - Glaze; lustre; glitter [{o-W‚hz fuLÿ - Flaying centre [¤ftx/ytu… yt…ðtu - Gild; glaze [{o-Wãtu„ - Leather industry [¤ð¤ - Agitation; movement [{o-ft…z - Leather cloth [¤ð¤f‚to/[¤ðr¤Þwk - Agitator [{o-«tiãtur„fe - Leather technology [k[¤ - Unsteady (2)Active (3)Impatient [{oft{ - Leather work [k[¤‚t - Inconstancy (2)Activeness [{oft{ yðuûtf - Leather Supervisor [{oft{ «rþûtf - Leather Instructor (3)Impatience [÷r[ºt - Motion picture; movie [kÿf - Medal [÷r[ºtfth - Cinematographer [kÿfrðsu‚t - Medallist [÷r[ºt-ytu…huxh - Cinema Operator [kÿ„úný - Lunar eclipse [÷r[ºt-fì{uht{ì™ - Movie cameraman [kƒw - Dipper; beaker flask [÷r[ºt-fì{uhtu - Movie camera; cinematograph [tfe - Nut [÷r[ºt-rðãt - Cinematography [tXwk - Stigma; scar [÷r[ºt™e Í÷f - Trailer [tze[w„÷e - Tale bearing; slander; backbiting [÷ý/[÷™ - Currency; chalan; coinage [tze[w„÷e fh™th - Tale-bearer; tale-teller; [÷ý yrÄfthe - Currency Officer slanderer; backbiter [÷ý½Ëthtu - Depreciation of currency [t‚wÞo - Ingenuity; smartness; sharpness; cleverness 142
[tŒh [t÷w hrsMxh/…ºtf [tŒh - Bed sheet [t÷f - Driver; steersman [t… - Arc; bow [t÷f f{o[theð„o - Operating staff [t…Œe… - Arc lamp [t÷f þÂõ‚/ƒ¤ - Motive power; driving force [t…÷qËe - Adulation; flattery [t÷[÷„‚ - Behaviour; conduct [tƒwf/ftuhzt-{th - Whipping; lashing [t÷ý„tze - Child’s go-cart [tƒwf/[tƒ¾tu - Whip [t÷ƒtS - Tactics [t{zt-f{tðýe - Tannage; tanning [t÷ðwk/[÷tððwk - Move; operate; run (2)Walk [t{zt-f{tðýe ft{Œth - Tanner [t÷tf - Smart; sharp; clever [t{zt-f{tðýe fuLÿ - Tannery [t÷tfe - Manipulative skills; manoeuvre [t{zt™e ƒkÄtE - Leather binding [t÷tfe fhðe - Manipulate; manoeurve [t{zt™wk ft{ - Leather work [t÷tfe¼he ËtuŒtƒtS - Horse trading; shrewd [t{ze™t y™u „wó htu„tu - Skin and venereal bargaining diseases [tr÷‚/Ëk[tr÷‚ - Propelled; operated; driven [t{ze™t Œtõ‚h - Dermatologist [t÷w - Prevalent; continued; in operation; in [t{zwk - Leather; hide [t{zwk f{tððt™tu ÔÞðËtÞ - Tanning business progress; in force; existing; current; on [t{zwk f{tððwk - Tan going (2)Running [t{zwk f{tððwk/…ftððwk ‚u - Leather tanning [th ™f÷ - Quadruplicate; four copies [t÷w yuf{ - Running unit [th …iztkðt¤wk ðtn™ - Four wheeler [t÷w fhth - Running contract [thhM‚t - Cross roads [t÷w ft{ - Work in progress [th¾qrýÞwk - Four cornered [t÷w ®f{‚ - Current price; prevailing price [th„ýwk - Quadruple; four times [t÷w ¾[o - Running charges; working [th…uS - Quarto; folio [trhºÞ - Conduct; character expenses [trhºÞ¾kz™ - Character assassination [trhºÞr™{toý - Character building [t÷w ¾t‚wk - Running account; current account [trhºÞ «{tý…ºt/[t÷[÷„‚™tu Œt¾÷tu - [t÷w Œh/¼tð - Existing rate; prevailing rate; Character certificate; conduct certificate current rate [trhºÞ¼úü fhðwk - Demoralize [t÷w …uZe - Going concern [trhºÞne™‚t - Turpitude [t÷w ƒòh-¼tð - Prevalent market rate [thtu - Fodder [t÷w ƒ™tðtu - Current affairs [t÷w ƒtkÄft{ - Under construction [t÷w {rn™t™wk - Instant [t÷w Þkºtu - Stop press [t÷w Þtus™t - On-going scheme [t÷w hrsMxh/…ºtf - Live register 143
[t÷w hnu‚tu ðxtð r[™„the [t÷w hnu‚tu ðxtð - Unexpired discount r[rfíËf htu„rð¿tt™e - Clinical Pathologist [t÷w ht¾ðwk - Continue; maintain r[rfíËt - Treatment [t÷w hufzo - Running records; existing records; r[rfíËt…Ør‚ - Therapy; mode of treatment current records r[rfíËt÷Þ - Clinic r[¬th - Packed (2)House full [t÷w ÂMÚtr‚{tk - In working order r[[tuztu/ftu÷wk - Cane crusher [t÷w rnËtƒ/¾t‚wk - Current account r[êe - Slip; chit; note [tðze/[tuhtu/…k[tÞ‚½h - Chavdi; village office r[‚t - Funeral pyre/pile [tðe - Key (2)Clue r[‚th - Perspective; description [tðeY… WÆuþ - Key objective r[‚thtu - Painter [tðeY… Wãtu„ - Key industry r[¥t¼ú{ - Dementia; delirium [tðeY… f{o[the„ý - Key personnel r[ºt - Painting; picture; drawing [tðeY… ûtuºt - Key sector r[ºt W‚th™th sqÚt - Shooting unit [tðeY… „t{ - Key village r[ºt W‚thðwk ‚u - Shooting; picturizing [tðeY… ™fþtu - Key map r[ºt {txu ƒuËðwk/Q¼t hnuðwk - Pose [tðeY… …rhÞtus™t - Key project r[ºtft{ - Painting; drawing [tðeY… Þtus™t - Key scheme r[ºtft{ y™u nM‚f÷t - Drawing and craft [tðeY… rðM‚th/ûtuºt - Key area [tðeðt¤tu - Key man work [tË - Furrow r[ºt/r[ºtft{ rþûtf - Drawing teacher [tË …Ør‚ - Furrow method r[ºtfth - Painter [tË ®Ë[tE - Furrow irrigation; groove r[ºt™tu AtÞtðt¤tu ¼t„ - Shade irrigation r[ºt…x - Film; movie r[ºt¼ð™ - Picture gallery [tËrxÞtu - Sorghum r[ºt{ksq»tt/Ëk„ún…tuÚte - Picture album [tË{tk ðtðýe - Sowing in furrows r[ºt{t÷t/r[ºttð÷e - Panorama [t¤ýe - Screen; sieve r[ºtÞtuøÞ - Photogenic [t¤t - Gesture r[ºtr÷r… - Hieroglyphics; pictographic script [tkr[Þt„ehe - Piracy; sea robbery r[ºt÷u¾ - Pictograph [tkr[Þtu - Pirate; sea-robber r[ºtðerÚt/Œe½to - Picture gallery [tkŒ - Badge; medal (2) The Moon r[ºttÄth/r[ºt {qfðt {txu™e ½tuze - Easel [tk…‚e ™sh - Strict vigilance; sharp lookout r[ºttkf™ - Drawing [tk…‚tu ƒkŒtuƒM‚ - Strict bandobast r[™„the - Spark r[rfíËf - Physician; practising doctor 144
r[™tE {txe [wftŒt{tk VuhVth fhðtu r[™tE {txe - China clay; porcelain; kaoline [e÷t[t÷w Œ÷e÷ - Stock argument r[™tE {txe f÷tfth - Ceramist [e÷t[t÷w ™ ntuÞ ‚uðwk - Off the track; r[™tE {txeft{ - Ceramics uncommon r[™tE {txeft{ Wãtu„ - Ceramic industry r[™tE {txeft{ r™»ýt‚ - Ceramic Expert [e÷tu - Track (2)Rut (3)Tradition r[™tE {txe™tk ðtËý - China ware [e÷tu …tzðtu - Set tradition r[…ftW ftuxo-Ve MxuB… - Adhesive court fee- [ªÄðwk - Point out; direct (2)Show [wfðýe - Payment; disbursement stamp [wfðýe yxftððe - Stop payment r[hM{hýeÞ - Memorable [wfðýe yrÄfthe - Disbursing Officer r[htz - Aperture; crack; slit [wfðýe f[uhe - Disbursing Office r[htÞu÷ ½t - Incised wound; lacerated wound [wfðýe fhðe - Pay; disburse r[htuze - Gypsum [wfðýe ftWLxh - Paying counter r[ö - Sign; mark (2)Symptom (3)Symbol [wfðýe fthfw™ - Payment Clerk ®[‚™ - Thinking; contemplation; meditation [wfðýe furþÞh - Paying Cashier ®[‚™{ø™ {wÿt - Contemplative pose [wfðýe ût{‚t - Paying capacity ®[‚t - Bother; worry; anxiety (2)Concern; [wfðýe ÚtÞu - On payment care [wfðýe …ºtf/ÞtŒe - Schedule of payments [wfðýe…tºt - Payable ®[‚ts™f …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Precarious position [wfðýe …tËwk - Payment side [efýtE - Viscosity; stickiness [wfðýe rƒ÷ - Bill of payment [efýe s{e™ - Skidding ground; slippery [wfðýe {txu {ksqh - Passed for payment [wfðýe {txu hsq fhu÷ - Presented for payment ground [wfðýe ðtW[h - Payment voucher [wfðýe Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Disbursing Authority [efýe {txe - Clay soil [wfðýe MÚt¤u f…t‚ - Deduction at source [efýwk - Viscous; sticky (2)Oily; greasy [wfðýe nwf{ - Payment order; pay order [wfðýe™wk ‚thý - Balance of payments; (3)Miserly summary of payments [es - Article; thing; item; commodity [ez - Resentment; utter dislike [wftŒt-Ë{LË - Judgement summons [er…Þt suðe ™¤e - Forked pipe [wftŒt™tu y{÷e ¼t„ - Operative part of [er…Þtu - Forceps; tongs; pincers [ehtu - Interstice; slit; fissure; crack; split; judgement cleavage [wftŒt{tk VuhVth fhðtu - Alter judgement [e÷Íz… - Snatching [e÷t[t÷w - Stereotyped; routine [e÷t[t÷w sðtƒ - Stereotyped/routine reply 145
[wftŒtu [qkxýe Œu¾hu¾ [wftŒtu - Ruling; judgement; award; [q… - Quiet; silent adjudication; verdict; pronouncement [qýo fhðwk - Pulverize; levigate [qýo-«r¢Þt - Levigation; pulverization [wftŒtu yt…™th yrÄfthe - Adjudicating [qðwk/„¤ðwk/x…fðwk - Leak [qðu ™rn ‚uðwk - Leak-proof Authority [qðtu - Leakage [qËý fqðtu - Suction well [wftŒtu Ëk¼¤tððtu - Pronounce judgement [qËý …k… - Suction pump [w„÷e - Slander; back-biting [w„÷e¾tuh - Slanderer; back-biter [wM‚ - Rigid; staunch (2)Tight; hard and fast; strict [wM‚ y™wÞtÞe - Staunch disciple [qËe ÷uðwk - Absorb; suck [wM‚ xufuŒth - Staunch supporter [qkf - Nail; peg (2)Gripping pain in stomach [wM‚ r™Þ{tu - Hard and fast rules [qkxýe - Election [wM‚ …t÷™ - Strict adherence; strict [qkxýe yk„u™t „w™t - Electoral offences compliance; strict observance [qkxýe yrÄfth - Electoral right [qkxýe/r™ðto[™ yrÄfthe - Election Officer; [wkƒf - Magnet [wkƒfíð - Magnatization Electoral Officer; Returning Officer [wkƒfíð{t…f - Magnetometer [qkxýe yhS - Election petition [wkƒfeÞ - Magnatism [qkxýe yðuûtf - Election Supervisor [qf - Omission; fault; default; slip; lapse; [qkxýe ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Election failure; error; error of commission [qkxýe ytÞtu„ - Election Commission [qkxýe ytkfztþt† - Psephology [qf fhðe - Err [qkxýe ytkfztþtMºte - Psephologist [qf‚u fhðwk - Pay off; defray [qkxýe W{uŒðth™e fwrxh - Candidate’s election [qf‚u ÷uýtk™tu Œt¾÷tu - No Demand Certificate [qfððt™e Út‚e/[qfððt…tºt hf{ - Dues; amount booth payable; amount due [qkxýe yuf{ - Electoral unit [qkxýe yusLx - Election agent [qfððt…tºt ÔÞts - Interest payable [qkxýe ftÞŒtu - Election law [qfððt…tºt rnËtƒ - Accounts payable [qkxýe ftÞo…Ør‚/ftÞoðtne - Election procedure [qfððwk - Defray; pay [qkxýe ¾[o - Election expenses [qfðe ŒeÄu÷wk rƒ÷ - Discharged bill; paid bill [qkxýe „uhher‚ - Election malpractice [qfðu÷ [uf - Paid cheque [qkxýe ‚zòuz/Ë{tÞtus™ - Electoral adjustment ‘[qfðtu’™tu rˬtu - ‘Pay’ stamp [qkxýe ‚kºt - Electoral machinery [q™t„åAe™tk r™þt™ - Built-up marks [qkxýe Œu¾hu¾ - Electoral supervision [q™t™tu …ÚÚth - Limestone [q™tðt¤e {txe - Calcareous land/soil 146
[qkxýe r™heûtf [tufËtE fËtuxe [qkxýe r™heûtf - Election Inspector [qkxtÞu÷t/[qkxe fZtÞu÷t «r‚r™rÄ - Elected [qkxýe …Ør‚ - Electoral system representative [qkxýe …rhýt{ - Election result [qkxýe …k[ - Election Tribunal [qkxtÞu÷t/[qkxe fZtÞu÷t ËÇÞ - Elected member [qkxe ftZðwk - Elect [qkxýe …qðuo™wk - Pre-election [uf yxftððtu - Stop payment of cheque [qkxýe «[th - Election propaganda; election [uf „uhðÕ÷u sðtu - Miscarriage of cheque publicity; canvassing [uf ðxtððtu - Encash cheque [uf-…Ør‚ - Cheque system [qkxýe Vhs - Electoral duty; election duty [uf/nqkze ÷¾™th - Drawer [qkxýe Vhs «{tý…ºt - Election duty Certificate [uftu {thðtu - Cross out [qkxýe {‚trÄfth - Elective franchise [uztk fhðtk - Tamper with [qkxýe÷ûte «t{trýf‚t/Ëå[tE - Electoral [u‚™ - Animate; living; lively rectitude (2)Consciousness; vitality; life [qkxýe ÷z‚t W{uŒðth - Contesting candidate; [u‚ðýe - Warning; caution; admonition; contestant [qkxýe ÷zðe - Contest [qkxýe ðtkÄtyhS - Election petition alarm [qkxýe ˼t - Election meeting [qkxýe Ë{sq‚e - Electoral truce/understanding [u‚ðýe¢{/‚ƒ¬tu - Warning stage [qkxýe Ë{Þ…ºtf - Poll schedule [u‚ðýe½kxze - Warning bell; alarm bell [qkxýe Ët{„úe - Election material [u‚ðýeËq[f æðr™Þkºt - Syren [qkxýe Ëw÷un - Electoral truce [u‚t‚kºt - Nervous system [u™ - Comfort [qkxýe™t Œtð…u[/ÞwÂõ‚«ÞwÂõ‚ - Election tactics [u™[t¤t - Gestures [qkxýe™e ŒtuzÄt{/„h{e - Election fever [u… - Contagion; infection [qkxýe™u ÷„‚wk - Electoral […u e ht„u - Infectious disease; contagious disease [qkxýe™tu ͽztu/ƒ¾uztu - Election fray [tuf - Chalk (2)Open space [qkxýe{tk „tu÷{t÷ - Manipulation in election [tufXwk - Framework; door-case (2)Denture [qkxýe{tk {‚Œt™ ™rn ÚtÞu÷ {‚ËkÏÞt - Unpolled [tufze - Borrow pit (2)Sign of multiplication vote (3)Group of four [qkxýe{tk ËtiÚte ðÄw {‚ {u¤ððt - Sweep the poll [tufË rŒþt{tk ðt¤ðwk ‚u - Chanalisation/ [qkxðwk - Elect; select (2)Pluck; glean Chanalization [qkxtE ytððt™e þõÞ‚t/Ëk¼tð™t - Election [tufË {t„o Œþtoððtu - Route prospects [tufËtE - Accuracy; exactness; precision [tufËtE fËtuxe - Accuracy test [qkxtÞu÷ W{uŒðth - Returned candidate; elected candidate 147
[tufËtEðt¤wk [tu{w¾e At…hwk [tufËtEðt¤wk - Particular; exact; precise [tuϾwk ðs™ - Net weight [turfÞt‚ - Watchman; guard [tuϾtu yðus - Net consideration [turfÞt‚ rð™t™wk - Unguarded [tuϾtu ™Vtu - Net profit [tufe - Post; outpost [tuϾtu …„th - Take home salary [tufe fhðe - Keep watch (2)Watch; guard [tuϾtu …ztuþnf - Apparent easement [tufeŒth - Sentry; watchman; guard [tuϾtu ÷t¼ - Net advantage [tufe…nuht™e Vhs - Watch and ward duties [tuϾtu Ëhðt¤tu - Net total [tufe…nuhtu - Petrolling [tu„ýwk - Quadruple [tu¬Ë - Accurate; precise; exact; definite; [tu„t™ - Ground; compound; open space; certain (2)Surely; certainly; definitely yard [tu¬Ë yÚto - Precise meaning; exact meaning [tux - Wound; trauma; injury [tu¬Ë…ýu yMðef]‚ - Specifically denied [tuzðt™tu MxuB… - Adhesive stamp [tu¬Ë MÚt¤/{tuË{{tk Út‚tu htu„ - Endemic [tuzðwk - Affix; stick [tu‚hV™e ðtz/Œeðt÷ - Enclosure; compound disease [tu¾t-AztE - Rice milling wall; fence [tu¾t™e ntÚtAztE - Hand-milling/hand- [tu‚hVe Ëwhûtt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Security ring pounding of rice [tuÚttu/…t ¼t„ - Quarter [tu¾t™tu rðM‚th - Rice zone [tu…„wk - Quadruped [tuϾe yMõÞt{‚ - Net assets [tu…ze ƒtkÄ™th - Binder [tuϾe ytðf - Net income [tu…zu/¾t‚u WÄth - Book credit [tuϾe Q…s - Net proceeds; net yield [tu…zu ®f{‚ - Book value [tuϾe ®f{‚ - Net price [tu…zu/¾t‚u s{t - Book deposit [tuϾe ¾t÷e søÞt - Clear vacancy [tu…zu/¾t‚u ‚ƒŒe÷e - Book transfer [tuϾe ¾tux - Net loss [tu…zu/¾t‚u ÷uýwk - Book-debt [tuϾe hf{ - Net amount [tu…zu rË÷f - Book balance [tuϾe/M…ü ƒnw{‚e - Clear majority [tu…zu nðt÷tu - Book adjustment; adjusting [tuϾwk - Evident; obvious; clear; pure; clean entry (2)Net [tu…tr™Þwk - Pamphlet; brochure; handbill [tuϾwk ytk‚rhf Wí…tŒ™ - Net domestic product [tuVt¤/…Auze - Cloth sheet [tuϾwk Wí…tŒ™ - Net production [tu{tËw …tf - Kharif crop; monsoon crop [tuϾwk «tŒurþf Wí…tŒ™ - Net regional product [tu{tËw ˺t - Monsoon session [tuϾwk {qze-r™{toý - Net capital formation [tu{tËwk - Monsoon; rainy season [tuϾwk {qze-htuftý - Net investment [tu{w¾e At…hwk - Helm roof 148
[tuh A{trËf ÷ðts{ [tuh - Thief; larcener AxtŒth - Eloquent; fluent; stylish [tuhŒhðtòu - Trap door Azðwk - Thresh [tuhË - Square; quadrangular; square figure Azu[tuf - Overtly; openly; publicly [tuhË x…t÷ …uxe - Square letter box Azu[tuf Œwhw…Þtu„ fhu÷wk - Flagrantly abused [tuhË Vqx - Square foot Azât rð™t™t [tu¾t - Unpounded rice [tuhtW {t÷ - Stolen goods Aýtðx fhðe - Thrash out; discuss and [tuhtÞu÷e r{÷f‚ - Stolen property [tuhe - Theft; stealing; larceny; pilferage deliberate [tuheAq…eÚte Vtu™ ð„uhu Ëtk¼¤ðt™t fuË - Wire- A‚ - Ceiling; terrace (2)Availability tapping case A‚ft{ - Roofing A‚…k¾tu - Ceiling fan [tuheAq…eÚte ŒtY ÷tð™th - Bootlegger A‚tk - However; inspite of [tuheAq…eÚte Ëk„rX‚ - Clandestinely organized Aºt - Canopy; dome [tuhe™tu ytþÞ/RhtŒtu - Larcenous intent AºtAtÞt - Aegis; protection; patronage [tuhehÂût‚ Ztkfý - Pilfer-proof cap Aºt…t»ttý - Umbrella stone [tuðeËu f÷tf - Round the clock AºteŒ¤ - Paratroops [tur¤Þwk - Gravel AºteËir™f - Parachutist; paratrooper [tUxtzðwk - Paste; stick; affix AÈ™t{ Äthý fhðwk - Impersonate [tUxe hnuðwk ‚u - Adherence; stickiness AÈ™t{/AÈðuþÄthý - Impersonation [tUxu ™rn ‚uðwk - Non-sticky AÈ™t{Äthe - Impersonator; personator AÈ™t{e - Pseudonymous A AÈ™t{e f]r‚ - Pseudonymous work AÈ/f]‚f™t{e …ºt - Pseudonymous letter Aswk - Balcony; gallery A…tR - Printing; impression; print (2)Printing Axfƒthe - Loophole Axfe sðwk - Escape charges Axfwk - Trap; bait AxfturýÞwk - Hexagonal A…tE nwf{ - Print order Axýe - Retrenchment (2)Sorting Aƒhztu - Disorder; bungling Axýe yrÄfthe - Retrenchment Officer Aƒe - Photograph; picture Axýe fhðe - Retrench Aƒef÷t - Photography Axýe/Aqxt fhtÞu÷t f{o[theytu - Retrenched Aƒe-f÷tfth/Aƒefth - Photographer A{trËf - Bi-annual; six-monthly; half-yearly staff A{trËf …heûtt - Half-yearly examination A{trËf ÷ðts{ - Half-yearly subscription 149
AhtƒtS Atðhðwk AhtƒtS - Stabbing At… {thu÷tu ftuxo Ve MxuB… - Impressed court fee Ahtu - Dagger; knife (2)Pellet (3)Bullet stamp A÷ftðwk - Spill; overflow A÷‚e - Spillway At… {thu÷tu MxuB… ft„¤ - Impressed stamp A÷™t - Deceit A÷tðhý - Camouflage paper A¤ - Deceit; deception A¤ fhðwk - Defraud; deceive At… ÷„tððe/{thðe - Impress A¤f…x - Fraud; deceit At…/ðu…thr[ö/{thftu - Brand Akxftð - Sprinkling; spray At…¾t™wk - Press Akxftð ®Ë[tE - Sprinkle irrigation At…‚tk At…‚tk - Stop-press Atfxt…ýwk - Drunkenness; insobriety At…¼q÷ - Printing mistake Atfxtu - Drunk; drunkard At…he - Shed Atý - Dung At…ðt™wk ƒeƒwk - Type AtrýÞwk ¾t‚h - Dung manure At…ðwk - Print Atºt - Student (2)Hosteller At…tft…÷e - Press cutting; press clipping Atºt„]n - Boarding house; hostel At…t{th - Guerilla Atºt…Þox™ - Student tour At…t{th xwfze - Ambush party Atºtð]Â¥t/rþ»Þð]Â¥t - Studentship; scholarship At…tk ðu[™th - Newspaper vender AtºtËir™f - Cadet At…tk™tu yusLx - Newspaper Agent AtºtËir™f Œ¤/AtºtËu™t - Cadet Corps At…wk - Newspaper Atºtt÷Þ - Hostel At…u÷e «‚/™f÷ - Printed copy Atºtt÷Þ yÄeûtf - Hostel Superintendent At…u÷wk ÷¾tý/{wrÿ‚ Ët{„úe - Printed matter Atºtt÷Þ huõxh - Hostel Rector At…u÷tu Vtuxtu - Photo print Atºtt÷Þ™e Ë„ðz - Hostel facilities At…tu - Raid Atºtt÷ÞðtËe - Hosteller; inmate of hostel AtÞt - Shade At™wk/„wó ht¾ðwk - Conceal; keep secret/ AtÞtûtuºt - Shadow zone AtÞtr[ºt - Shadowgraph confidential AtÞt™txf - Shadow play AtÞtkf™ - Adumbration At… - Print; mark; imprint; impression; stamp At÷ - Bark; rind; peel At… …tzðe - Impress Atðýe - Camp; encampment; cantonment At… …tzu yuðwk - Impressive Atðýe yrÄr™Þ{ - Cantonment Act At… {thðe - Mark Atðýe rðM‚th - Cantonment area Atðhðwk - Shield (2)Cover 150
Atkzu÷wk AqxwkAðtÞwk Atkzu÷wk - Leavings; left over Aqxf {sqhtu™e ÄtuhýËh r™{ýqf - rAÿ - Hole rAÿ/ftýwk …tzðwk - Drill (2)Punch; puncture Decasualization of labour rAÿfÞkºt/rAÿýÞkºt - Perforating machine; Aqxf ðfhtu - Retail turnover perforator; punching machine Aqxf ðu[tý - Retail sale Aqxf ðu‚™ W…h™t {sqh - Casual wage labour; rAÿðt¤wk/rArÿ‚ - Perforated rAÿt¤w …ÚÚth - Pumice; porous stone work charged labour rArÿ‚ ftzo - Punched card rArÿ‚ hu¾t - Perforated line Aqxf ðu…th - Retail trade; retailing rAÒtr¼Òt fhðwk - Upset Aqxf ðu…the/rð¢u‚t - Retailer AeAhtu fqðtu - Shallow well Aqxf/…h[qhý ft{ - Job AeAhwk - Shallow AqxAtx - Relaxation; concession; latitude AeAhwk …týe - Shallow water AqxAtx {qfðt/yt…ðtÞtuøÞ - Relaxable Aeýe - Chisel AqxAtx {qfðe/yt…ðe - Relax Ae™ðe ÷uðwk - Snatch; usurp; dispossess Aqx™t rŒðËtu - Days of grace Ae… - Oyster; shell Aqx™e {wŒ‚ - Lay time Ae… {íMÞ-Wãtu„ - Oyster-fishery Aqx™tu „t¤tu - Grace period Ae…™wk ft{ - Shell-work Aqx™tu Ë{Þ - Lay time Aªzwk - Loophole Aqxt fhðwk - Relieve (2)Discharge Awxfthtu - Release Aqxt fÞto™wk «{tý…ºt - Discharge certificate Aw…tððwk - Hide; conceal; suppress (2)Evade Aqxt …zðwk - Part; be separated Aw…tðt™e søÞt - Hide out Aqxt ¼t„ - Spares; spare parts Aqx - Discount; allowance (2)Permission; AqxtAðtÞt Wãtu„tu - Scattered industries; exemption dispersed industries Aqx/hò yt…e þftÞ yuðwk - Permissible AqxtAðtÞt «ÞtË - Sporadic attempt Aqxf - Retail; casual AqxtAðtÞt ƒ™tðtu - Stray incidents Aqxf ft{ - Piece work; job work AqxtAuzt - Divorce Aqxf ft{™tu Œh - Piecework rate AqxtAuzt y…tÞt ntuÞ yu ÔÞÂõ‚ - Divorcee Aqxf ft{…Ør‚ - Task work system AqxtkAðtÞtk ytrŒòr‚ ûtuºt - Tribal pockets Aqxf ft{¼ÚÚtwk - Task work allowance AqxeAðtÞe ðËtn‚ - Scattered settlement Aqxf ®f{‚ - Retail price Aqxwk fhðwk - Relieve; release Aqxf {sqh - Piece worker; casual labourer Aqxwk …tzðwk - Part; dismantle; separate Aqxwk …tze þftÞ yuðwk - Separable; divisible AqxwkAðtÞwk - Scattered 151
AqxwkAðtÞwk/ðuhrð¾uh fhðwk Atuztððwk AqxwkAðtÞwk/ðuhrð¾uh fhðwk - Scatter Auztu - End; edge AqxtuAðtÞtu ðhËtŒ - Scattered rain Au‚h®…ze - Cheating; deception AqxtuAðtÞtu rðM‚th - Scattered area Au‚hðwk/Au‚h®…ze fhðe - Hoodwink; deceive; Aqxtu Út‚tu ¼t„eŒth - Outgoing partner cheat Aq…e …tu÷eË - Secret police; detective police Aq…e …tu÷eË ftÞto÷Þ - Intelligence Bureau Au‚ht{ýwk - Deceptive Aq…e …tu÷eË rð¼t„ - Criminal Investigation AuŒ - Incision AuŒtÞu÷tu ½t - Incised wound Department (CID) AuÕ÷t …„th™tu Œt¾÷tu - Last pay certificate Aq…e «ð]Â¥t - Clandestine activity AuÕ÷t {¤u÷t Ë{t[th - Late news; latest news Aq…e ƒt‚{e - Straight tip AuÕ÷tk ƒu™e …nu÷tk™wk ð»to - Antepenultimate year Aq…e Ëk‚÷Ë - Collusion AuÕ÷t™e yt„¤™wk - Penultimate Aq…wk - Underhand; covert; hidden; secret AuÕ÷e ¾heŒ-®f{‚ - Last purchase price Aq…wk ytkŒtu÷™ - Underground movement AuÕ÷e/yt¾he [tuϾe ‚f - Last clear chance Aq…wk ftð‚hwk - Underground conspiracy AuÕ÷e/yt¾he ‚the¾ - Closing date; last date Aq…wk „wó[h ‚kºt - Sub-rosa spy organization AuÕ÷e nfŒth ÔÞÂõ‚ - Person last entitled Aq…wk Ä™ - Underground wealth AuÕ÷wk r™ðtËMÚtt™ - Last residence Aq…wk r™heûtý - Surreptitious inspection AuÕ÷u òý{tk ntuÞ ‚u r™ðtËMÚtt™ - Last known Aq…wk/„wó/At™wk/[tuhe Aq…eÚte fhu÷wk - Clandestine place of abode Aq…tu ytþÞ - Ulterior motive Aq…tu „w™trn‚/„uhftÞŒu „]n«ðuþ - Lurking house AuÕ÷u Œþtoðu÷ - Last named Auðx™e Ë¥tt - Ultimate authority; supreme trespass power/authority Aq…tu ¼Þ - Lurking danger Au ‚u{ ht¾tu - Stet; keep as it is Auðx™wk - Ultimate; final Auf ykŒh™wk - Innermost Aun - Betrayal; breach of trust Auf …tA¤™wk - Rearmost Atuz - Plant AufAtf/AuftAufe - Erasure Atuz½h - Plant-house Aufe ftZðwk - Strike off; strike out Atuzðýe ®f{‚ - Redemption price Aufe ™t¾ðwk - Efface; expunge; strike off; strike Atuzðýe {qÕÞ - Redemption value AtuzðýeÞtuøÞ ƒtuLz - Redeemable bond out Atuzðýe nf - Right of redemption Aufe/¼qËe ™t¾ðwk ‚u - Eraze; cancel; efface; Atuzðwk - Release; relinquish; abdicate; leave; expunge give up; part with Auz‚e - Molestation Atuztððwk - Relieve; redeem 152
Atuztðe ™ þftÞ ‚uðtu þuh s™Ët{tLÞ Atuztðe ™ þftÞ ‚uðtu þuh - Irredeemable share sztW ytf]r‚ - Applique figure Atuztðe ™ þftÞ ‚uðwk - Unredeemable; srz‚ ðM‚w - Fixture; inlaid irredeemable szeƒwèe - Herb; medicinal plant sýtððwk - Inform; convey; state; impart Atuztk/Atu‚htk - Hull; husk sýtðwk - Appear; seem Atuze sðwk - Quit; leave s sýtðu÷ ¼tð - Quotation sýtðu÷ {qÕÞ - Value declared s‚™ - Upkeep; nurture sE þftÞ ‚uðwk - Approachable; accessible s‚e 𾂙e {wËtVhe - Outward journey sft‚/™tftðuhtu - Octroi; octroi duty s‚wk fhðwk - Forego; condone s¬e - Obstinate; stubborn sÚÚttƒkÄ ¼tð - Wholesale price s¾{ - Wound; hurt sÚÚttƒkÄ ðu…th - Wholesale trade s„tzðwk - Wake up; evoke; rouse sÚÚttƒkÄ ðu…the - Wholesale dealer; søÞt - Location; site (2)Post søÞt Q¼e fhðe - Create post wholesaler; stockist; wholesale trader søÞt Atuzðe - Spacing (2)Leave charge sÚÚttrð»tÞf - Quantitative sÚÚttu - Quantity; quantum; stock; volume; mass søÞt Œþtoððe - Locate; spot s™f - Originator søÞt Ëk¼t¤ðe - Assume office; take charge s™‚t - Public; people; mass; subjects søÞt™e fûtt Ÿ[e ÷tððe ‚u - Upgrading of post s™™„úkrÚt - Gonad søÞt™e ™tƒqŒe - Abolition of post s™™rðãt - Genetics s½LÞ y…htÄ - Heinous crime/offence s™{‚ - Referendum; public opinion srx÷ - Intricate; knotty; complex; s™{‚{tusýe - Opinion poll complicated s™{‚Ëk„ún - Referendum s™ËkÏÞt - Population srx÷ …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Knotty situation s™ËkÏÞt {tusýe - Demographic survey srx÷ Ë{MÞt - Complex problem s™ËkÏÞt™t ytkfzt - Demographic data srx÷‚t - Intricacy; complexity s™ËkÏÞtËkƒkÄe yÇÞtË - Demographic study sz - Inanimate (2)Rigid; inert s™Ëk…fo - Public relation sz‚t - Inertia; rigidity s™Ëk…fo yrÄfthe - Public Relation Officer szƒt‚tuz - Forceful; vigorous s™Ët{tLÞ - Public; laymen; people in szƒuË÷tf - Tight; fool proof szƒuË÷tf Ë÷t{‚e - Tight security; tightened general; common people security 153
s™rn‚ s{t-nðt÷tu s™rn‚ - Welfare of people sL{rËØ nf/yrÄfth - Birth right; inherent s™rn‚tÚto {t÷ - Merit goods s™tòu - Cist; coffin; bier right sr™ºt - Generator sL{fwkz¤e - Horoscope sL{MÚt¤ - Place of birth sL{r[ö/÷t¾wk - Birth mark só fhðt…tºt - Forfeitable sL{ò‚ ût{‚t - Inherent ability só fhðwk - Seize (2)Forfeit; confiscate sL{ò‚ ¾t{e/Œtu»t - Congenital defect sL{ò‚ ¾tuz/rðf]r‚ - Congenital deformity (3)Attach; impound (4)Resume sL{ò‚ ƒnuhtþ/ƒnuht…ýwk - Congenital só fhu÷ {t÷r{÷f‚™wk ðu[tý - Distress sale deafness só Útðwk/fhðwk ‚u - Forfeiture sóe - Seizure (2)Forfeiture; confiscation sL{ò‚ ÷ûtý - Congenital characteristics sL{ò‚ nf - Inherent right; birth right (3)Attachment sL{ò‚/sL{rËØ - Inherent; innate; inborn; sóeŒth - Distrainor congenital sóeÞtŒe - Seizure memo sƒhŒM‚/sƒh - Strong; powerful; sL{xe…/ytSð™ fuŒ - Life imprisonment; life overwhelming (2)Huge sentence; imprisonment for life sƒhŒM‚ …whtðtu - Overwhelming/strong sL{xe…™tu fuŒe - Life convict; life termer sL{‚the¾ - Birth date evidence sL{Œh - Birth rate sL{Œh {t™fefhý - Standardization of birth sƒhŒM‚e - Duress; compulsion; coercion; rate oppression; excess sL{ rŒðË/ð»to„tkX - Birth day sƒhŒM‚e fhðe - Compel; oppress sL{ …Ae™wk - Post-natal sƒhŒM‚eÚte - Perforce; forcibly sL{-«{tý…ºt - Birth certificate sƒhŒM‚e™tk …„÷tk - Coercive measures sL{¼qr{ - Motherland; mother country; s{ýuhe - Rightist s{t - Credit; accrual; accrued (2)Deposit native place; native land s{t fthfw™ - Deposit Clerk s{t ¾t‚tðne - Credit ledger sL{-{hý™t ytkfzt - Vital statistics; statistics s{t …tËwk - Credit side s{t {¤ðwk - Accrue; collect of births and deaths s{t hf{ - Balance at the credit s{t hò - Leave due sL{þ‚tçŒe - Birth centenary s{t-ft…÷e - Credit slip; pay-in-slip sL{ËkƒkÄe - Natal s{t-™tUÄ - Credit entry sL{rËØ ™t„rhf - Natural citizen s{t-Ëq[™t/¾ƒh - Credit advice s{t-nðt÷tu - Contra-credit 154
s{t™tsq™tu W…Þtu„ s{e™ {nuËq÷ Ëkrn‚t/ftÞŒtu s{t™tsq™tu W…Þtu„ - Immemorial use s{e™ Zt¤ - Land slope s{t™tsq™tu fƒòu - Immemorial possession s{e™ ŒV‚h - Land record s{t™tsq™tu nf/yrÄfth - Immemorial right s{e™ ŒV‚h yrÄfthe - Land Records Officer s{t™tu - Era s{e™ ŒV‚h f[uhe - Land Records Office s{t…ºt - Credit note s{e™ ŒV‚h ¾t‚wk - Land Records Department s{tƒkŒe - Revenue settlement; land revenue s{e™ Œtƒ - Earth pressure s{e™ Ätuðtý - Soil erosion settlement; land settlement s{e™ ™fþtu - Land plan s{e™ ™ð«tÂó yrÄfthe - Land Reclamation s{tƒkŒe™tu fuË - Settlement case s{tƒkÄe ™fþtu - Cadastrol map Officer s{tƒkÄe …ºtf - Cadastre s{tƒkÄe {tusýe - Cadastrol survey s{e™ r™Þkºtý {kz¤e - Land Control Society s{tƒkÄe {tusýeŒth - Cadastrol Surveyor s{e™ ™e[e Q‚hðe ‚u - Subsidence of land s{tð - Conglomeration; conglomerate; s{e™ ™e[u™wk - Underground (2)Sub-soil; assemblage; assembly subterranean s{tðu÷wk ‚u÷ - Hydrogenated oil s{e™ ™e[u™wk …týe - Sub-soil water s{e™ - Earth; land; ground s{e™ ™er‚ - Land policy s{e™ W…fh - Land cess s{e™ ™tUÄýe Ve - Land registration fee s{e™ W…Þtu„ - Land utilization; land use s{e™ …rhðn™ - Land transport s{e™ W…Þtu„ {tusýe - Land utilization survey s{e™ «‚ƒkÄe/«‚ðthe - Land classification s{e™ W…Þtu„ {tusýe yrÄfthe - Land s{e™ ¼tzwk - Land rent s{e™ ¼tu„ðxt-nf - Tenure Utilization Survey Officer s{e™ {nuËq÷/rð½tuxe - Land revenue s{e™ {nuËq÷ yrÄr™Þ{ - Land Revenue Code s{e™ W…Þtu„™t ytkfzt - Land utilization s{e™ {nuËq÷ ytfthýe - Land revenue statistics assessment; land revenue settlement s{e™ W…h™wk s¤tþÞ - Above ground s{e™ {nuËq÷ r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Land Revenue reservoir Manual s{e™ W…h™tu «ðtn - Overland flow s{e™ {nuËq÷ r™Þ{tu - Land Revenue Rules s{e™ fƒsuŒth - Tenure holder s{e™ {nuËq÷ …Ør‚ - Land revenue system s{e™ ftÞŒt - Land laws s{e™ {nuËq÷ …k[ - Land Revenue Tribunal s{e™ ®f{‚ - Land value s{e™ {nuËq÷ Ëkrn‚t/ftÞŒtu - Land Revenue s{e™ ¾t‚wk - Holding s{e™ xtu[{ÞtoŒt - Land ceiling Code s{e™ xtu[{ÞtoŒt yrÄr™Þ{ - Land Ceiling Act 155
s{e™ {nuËq÷™e ƒtfe s{e™/¼qr{ Mðíðt…oý s{e™ {nuËq÷™e ƒtfe - Arrears of land s{e™ ËwÄthýt ‚…tË™eË - Land Improvement revenue Investigator s{e™ {t…ðt™e Ëtkf¤ - Gunter’s chain s{e™ ËwÄthýt™tk ft{ - Land improvement s{e™ {tr÷fe Vuh - Land alienation works s{e™ r{÷f‚ - Landed property s{e™ {tusýe - Land survey s{e™ ËwÄtht - Land reforms s{e™ {tusýe …Ør‚ - Land survey system s{e™ ËwÄtht ytÞwf‚ - Land Reforms s{e™ {tusýeŒth - Land Surveyor s{e™ hufzo yã‚™ ƒ™tððt ‚u - Updating of Commissioner land records s{e™ ËwÄtht ftÞŒt - Land reform laws s{e™ nf - Tenure of land s{e™ hufzo ‚iÞth fhðtk - Preparation of land s{e™ nf/¼tu„ðxt nf - Land tenure s{e™ nf/Ë¥tt«fth ™tƒqŒe - Land tenure records abolition s{e™ ð¤‚h yrÄfthe - Land Compensation s{e™ nf/Ë¥tt«fth …Ør‚ - Land tenure Officer system s{e™ rðftË ƒuLf - Land Development Bank s{e™ ðuht …Ør‚ - Land taxation system s{e™-W…Þtu„ ËkƒkÄe ytÞtus™ - Land use s{e™ ËxturzÞtu - Land jobber s{e™ Ë¥tt«fth - Land tenure planning s{e™ Ë…txe - Land surface s{e™ Ë{‚¤/Ë{Út¤ ƒ™tððe ‚u - Land s{e™-W…Þtu„ ËkƒkÄe Ztk[tu - Land use pattern s{e™-ûtth yÇÞtË - Salinity studies of soils levelling s{e™-¾t‚t™t xwfzt …zðt ‚u - Fragmentation of s{e™ Ëk…tŒ™ - Land acquisition holdings s{e™ Ëk…tŒ™ yrÄfthe - Land Acquisition s{e™-¾t‚t™wk …uxt-rð¼ts™ - Sub-division of Officer holdings s{e™ Ëk…tŒ™ yrÄr™Þ{ - Land Acquisition s{e™-¾t‚wk - Land holding; holding Act s{e™-¾t‚uŒth - Land holder; tenure holder s{e™-„ehtu - Land mortgage s{e™-„ehtu ƒUf - Land Mortgage Bank s{e™ Ëk…tŒ™ ft{„ehe - Land acquisition s{e™-„ehtu ƒUf yrÄr™Þ{ - Land Mortgage work Bank Act s{e™ Ëk…tŒ™/Ëk«tÂó - Acquisition of land s{e™-ò„eh - Landed estate s{e™ ËkƒkÄe rn‚ - Landed interest s{e™/¼qr{ Ätuðtý - Land erosion s{e™ ËtkÚtu/…èu yt…ðe - Let out land s{e™/¼qr{ {qÕÞtkf™ - Land valuation s{e™ ËwÄthýt - Land improvement s{e™/¼qr{ {qÕÞtkf™ yrÄfthe - Land Valuation s{e™ ËwÄthýt yrÄr™Þ{ - Land Improvement Officer Act s{e™/¼qr{ Mðíðt…oý - Land alienation 156
s{e™¾t‚t™wk yufºtefhý s÷Œ s{e™¾t‚t™wk yufºtefhý - Consolidation of s{e™{t„o - Land route holdings s{e™{tr÷f - Landlord; land owner s{e™{tr÷fe - Land ownership s{e™‚¤™wk ¼tzwk - Surface rent s{e™{tk ¾tztu - Pit soil s{e™Úte yæÄh nðt{tk yÚtzt{ý - Mid-air s{e™{tk™t ¼kzth - Terrestrial deposits s{e™{tk™e Ëk[thr¢Þt - Diastrophism collision s{e™{tk™wk …týe - Ground water s{e™r{÷f‚ - Landed property; property in s{e™Œth - Landlord s{e™Œthe - Landlordism land s{e™ŒtuM‚ fhðwk - Demolish; raze s{e™Äýe/¾uzq‚ - Land owning farmer s{e™™t AqxtAðtÞt xwfzt - Isolated patches of s{e™{qÕÞ - Land value land; scattered patches of land s{e™rðntuýtu {sqh/©r{f - Landless labourer sÞ½tu»t - Acclamation of victory s{e™™t xwfzt …h ðtðýe - Patch-sowing sÞk‚e - Jubilee; anniversary s{e™™t xwfzt …tzðt - Plotting sÞuctrÄfth - Primogeniture s{e™™t …èt{tk ðtðýe - Strip-sowing sYh‚{kŒ - Needy s{e™™t Y…{tk ò{e™ - Landed security sYrhÞt‚ - Requirement; necessity; need s{e™™e ™ð«tÂó - Reclamation of land sYrhÞt‚ y™wËth htuS/ðu‚™ - Need based wage s{e™™e V¤ÿw…‚t - Soil fertility sYrhÞt‚tu™e ÂMÚth‚t - Stability of wants s{e™™e {tr÷fe - Land ownership; ownership sYhe - Needful; requisite; necessary; of land essential (2)Inevitable s{e™™e {tðs‚ - Soil culture sYhe ftÞoðtne - Necessary action s{e™™wk Œƒtý - Land encroachment sYhe …„÷tk - Necessary steps s{e™™wk …w™ðo„eofhý - Reclassificaiton of lands sYhe/ytð~Þf ƒ™tððwk - Necessitate s{e™™wk ƒuËý/s{e™ ƒuËe sðe ‚u - Subsidence sYhe/ytð~Þf ðM‚wytu - Necessaries; of land necessities (2)Essential commodities; essential articles s{e™™wk ¼tzwk - Ground rent s{e™™wk rð¼ts™ - Severance of land s{e™™wk MÚttÞefhý/áZefhý - Soil stabilization ssorh‚/she…whtýwk - Time-worn; worn; tattered s{e™™wk Mðíðt…oý - Alienation of land s÷ Wîtn - Hydraulic lift s{e™™u ½tx yt…ðtu - Land shaping s÷ r™„o{ - Sluice s{e™™tu ™fþtu - Ground plan s÷f]‚ - Aqueous s{e™™tu {tr÷fe nf - Title to land s÷„úný ytzƒkÄ - Pick-up weir s{e™…ètu - Land lease s÷r[rfíËt - Hydrotherapy s{e™ƒØ rðM‚th - Land-locked area s÷Œ - Pungent; stringent; strong 157
s÷ŒtÞe M‚h snts{tk {t÷ [Ztð™th s÷ŒtÞe M‚h - Water bearing strata sðtƒŒthe WXtððe - Undertake; shoulder s÷Œe - Readily; quickly; promptly responsibility s÷Œe Qze òÞ ‚uðwk ‚u÷ - Highly volatile oil sðtƒŒthe-¾‚ - Obligation instrument s÷Œe ˤ„e QXu ‚uðwk - Highly inflammable sðtƒŒthe ½xtzðe - Diminish liability s÷«nth/«½t‚ - Water cannon sðtƒŒthe r™¼tððe - Perform the obligations s÷{Þ - Aqueous; watery sðtƒŒthe Ëer{‚ fhðe - Limit liability s÷hrn‚ - Anhydrous sðtƒŒthe™e Vt¤ðýe - Division of s÷ðtne M‚h - Water bearing strata; aquifer responsibility s÷M‚k¼ - Column of water; pillar of water s÷Ëútð AuŒeÞ rðM‚th - Discharge section area sðtƒŒthe{tkÚte {wõ‚ fhðwk - Discharge from s÷kŒh/s÷tuŒh - Dropsy; hydropsy s÷t„th - Reservoir obligation s÷t¼uã - Watertight s÷tðhý - Hydrosphere sðtƒ™tu {wËÆtu - Draft reply s÷eÞ [¢ - Hydrologic cycle sðtƒe - Reply s÷eÞ Sð - ð™M…r‚ ËkðÄo™ - Aqua culture sðtƒe fw…™ - Reply coupon s÷eÞ ðtnf‚t - Hydraulic conductivity sðtƒe ‚th - Reply paid telegram s÷tu…[th - Hydrotherapy; water treatment sðtƒe …tuMxftzo - Reply postcard sÕ÷tŒ - Executioner; hangman sðtƒe ðtW[h - Reply paid voucher sð - Barley sðtƒe Ëtu„kŒ™t{wk - Affidavit in reply sð™tu ŒtY - Malt liquor sË‚ ðzu Ztu¤ðwk - Galvanize sðÕ÷u - Seldom; rarely; hardly sË‚™tu Ztu¤ [Ztððtu - Galvanize sðÕ÷u Út™thwk/ƒ™™thwk - Infrequent; happening sË‚e ‚th - Galvanized wire sË‚e Œtuhzwk - Galvanized rope rarely sË‚e …‚hwk - Galvanized sheet sË‚e ÷tu¾kz - Galvanized iron sðt-ytððt™e {wËtVhe - To and fro journey snts - Vessel; ship snts r™{toý - Ship building sðtƒ - Reply; answer (2)Rejoinder snts r™{toý Wãtu„ - Ship-building industry sðtƒŒth - Answerable; responsible; liable; snts ƒtkÄ™th - Ship builder accountable snts ƒtkÄðwk ‚u - Ship building sðtƒŒth ÔÞÂõ‚ - Person accountable snts ¼tk„ðt™tu ðtztu - Ship breaking yard sðtƒŒthe - Accountability; responsibility; snts™e {t÷-¼htE - Stowage snts™tu ¼k„th - Shipwreck liability (2)Obligation snts{tk {t÷ [Ztð™th - Shipper 158 sðtƒŒthe yŒt fhðe ‚u - Fulfilment of obligation
snts{tk {t÷ [Ztððtu s¤rð‚hý ™¤e snts{tk {t÷ [Ztððtu - Shipment s¤ sYrhÞt‚ - Water requirement snts{tk {t÷ ¼hðtu - Stow s¤îth - Penstock; sluice sntsðtztu - Shipyard s¤r™ftË ûtuºt - Drainage basin sntS - Marine; nautical; naval s¤r™ftË ½™íð - Drainage density sntS ftV÷tu - Floating craft s¤r™{ø™ ytzƒkÄ - Submerged weir sntS ™qh - Shipping freight s¤™er‚ - Water policy sntS {t÷ - Cargo s¤…rhðn™ - Water transport sntS {t÷ yrÄfthe - Super cargo s¤«Œq»tý - Water pollution sntS {t÷ …ºtf - Shipment Register s¤«Ät™ Wãtu„tu - Water intensive industries sntS {t÷™wk ¼hr‚Þwk - Shipping bill s¤«…t‚ - Waterfall; cataract sntS ðu…the - Shipper s¤«÷Þ - Deluge; inundation snt÷ - Radical; extremist s¤«÷Þ …qðuo - Antediluvian snu{‚ WXtððe - Strive; take pains s¤«tÂóMÚtt™ - Sources of water s¤Ëkhûtý - Water conservation s¤«urh‚ r¢Þt - Hydraulic action s¤-yrÄfth - Water right s¤ƒkƒtu¤/ƒkƒtfth - Inundated s¤ yrÄþu»t - Water surplus s¤ ¼qM‚h rð¿tt™ - Hydrogeology s¤-yt÷u¾ - Hydrograph s¤¼qM‚h rð¿tt™e - Hydrogeologist s¤-rðM‚th - Tract of water s¤{t„o - Water course; waterways s¤-ÔÞðMÚtt - Water management; hydraulic s¤{tusýe - Hydrographic survey s¤-ÔÞðMÚtt Rs™uh - Hydraulic Engineer s¤{tuË{ rð¿tt™e - Hydrometeorologist s¤-ÔÞðMÚtt Rs™uhe - Hydraulic engineering s¤htuf ¾tE - Intercepting ditch s¤-Ëe{t - Boundary waters s¤htuÄf - Waterproof s¤f]‚ ¾zf - Sedimentary rock s¤htuÄf Œeðt÷ - Breakwater s¤f]r»t - Water culture s¤ð»to - Water year s¤ûtuºt - Basin s¤ðn™ût{‚t - Water carrying capacity s¤„wýð¥tt - Water quality s¤ðtrn™e - Conduit pipe s¤[h - Aquatic animal s¤rð¿tt™ - Hydrology s¤[h„]n - Aquarium s¤rð¿tt™e - Hydrologist s¤[h…t÷™ - Aquiculture s¤rð‚hý yt÷u¾ - Water distribution graph s¤ r[rfíËf - Hydropathist s¤rð‚hý ft{ - Water distribution works s¤ r[rfíËt - Hydropathy s¤rð‚hý ™¤e - Water distribution pipe 159
s¤rð‚hý {t¤¾wk òztu/ft[tu ykŒts s¤rð‚hý {t¤¾wk - Water distribution network sk„÷ ËVtR ft{„ehe - Jungle clearing s¤rð‚hý ÔÞðMÚtt - Water distribution operation system; water management sk„÷™wk ÷tfzwk - Jungle wood; forest wood s¤rðãw‚ - Hydroelectricity sk„÷e ËkMf]r‚ - Barbarian culture; barbaric s¤rððtŒ - Water dispute culture s¤þÂõ‚ - Hydro-power; water-power s¤þwØefhý - Water purification (2)Water sk„e ƒnw{‚e - Thumping majority sk‚w - Germ; insect treatment sk‚w„]n/½h - Insectarium s¤Ë…txe/s¤M‚h - Water level sk‚w™tþf - Insecticide s¤Ëk„ún - Water harvesting; water storage sk‚wr™Þkºtý - Insect control s¤Ëk„ún ûtuºt …w™:«¼hý - Basin recharge sk‚w…uxe - Insect box s¤Ëk„ún Ëkh[™t - Water harvesting structure; sk‚w¼ûte - Insectivorous sk‚whtuÄf - Insect proof water storage structure s¤Ëk„ún™tk ft{tu - Water storage works sk‚w™t W…ÿðÚte {wÂõ‚ - Disinfestation s¤Ëk‚w÷™ - Water balance skºte - Calculator; ready reckoner s¤Ëk…Â¥t/ËkËtÄ™ - Water resources ò„Yf‚t - Awarness s¤Ëk…Â¥t ytfthýe - Water resources ò„Yf‚t r™{toý - Awareness building assessment ò„eh - Estate; property ò„ehŒth - Free-holder s¤Ëk…Â¥t ÔÞðMÚtt …Ør‚ - Water resources ò„eh Œu¾hu¾ - Estate supervision ò„eh ™tƒqŒe - Jagir abolition management system ò„eh ™tƒqŒe yrÄfthe - Jagir Abolition s¤Ëkhûtý - Water conservation Officer s¤MÚt¤rð¿tt™ - Amphibiology s¤tþÞ - Reservoir ò„ú‚ - Aware; vigilant; heedful; alert; sk„{ - Movable (2)Mobile sk„{ …w÷/Ëeze - Gangway watchful sk„{ {t÷{¥tt/ËhËt{t™ - Chattel ò„ú‚ fhðwk - Evoke; awaken sk„{ r{÷f‚/Ëk…Â¥t - Movables; movable òs{ - Carpet property òsh{t™ - Gorgeous; impressive sk„{ r{÷f‚™tu „ehtu - Chattel mortgage òsY - Latrine sk„{ ðM‚w - Movable article òsY fhðwk - Defecate; ease; excrete sk„{ Ëk…Œt - Movable estate òztu ft„¤ - Cardboard sk„÷ - Forest; jungle; backwoods òztu/ft[tu ykŒts - Approximation; guess estimate; rough estimate 160
òý ò{e™¾‚ …ºtf òý - Notice; information; intimation ò‚{trn‚e - Personal knowledge òý y™u {tLÞ‚t - Knowledge and belief ò‚{w[hftu - Personal recognition òý/{trn‚e yÚtuo - For information òr‚ - Community; caste (2)Genus; genera òý yÚtuo hsq - Submitted for information òý fh™th/¾ƒh yt…™th - Informant; (3)Gender (4)Breed; race informer òr‚ sqÚt - Ethnic group òr‚/«òr‚ rð¿tt™ - Raciology òý fh™th yrÄfthe - Reporting Officer òr‚¼uŒ - Racial discrimination òý fhðe - Apprise; inform; make aware of; òr‚ðtŒ - Racialism òr‚Ëknth/r™fkŒ™ - Genocide acquaint; intimate; report ò‚eÞ ‚k„rŒ÷e - Racial tension ò‚eÞ rþûtý - Sex education òýfth - Knowledgeable person; conversant ò‚eÞ ËkƒkÄ - Sexual relation òýfth ËtÄ™tu - Informed sources ò‚eÞ ®nËt - Racial violence òýfthe - Acquaintance; knowledge; ò‚u - In person; personally; self ò‚u fhu÷wk {‚Œt™ - Voting in person intimation ò‚u sðtƒŒth - Personally responsible ò‚u ntsh Útðwk ‚u - Personal appearance òýeòuR™u/òýeƒqS™u/RhtŒt…qðof - ò™{t÷ - Life and property; person and Intentionally; knowingly; purposely; property deliberately òót …ºtf - Surveillance register òýe‚wk - Noted; famous; popular; known òót nuX¤™e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Person under surveillance stýeƒqS™u y™u EhtŒt…qðof - Knowingly and òótu - Surveillance ò{e sðwk - Freeze wilfully ò{e™ - Bail; surety; security; bailsman ò{e™ yrÄfth - Right of surety òýeƒqS™u y™u „uhftÞŒuËh he‚u - Knowingly ò{e™ Útðwk - Vouchsafe; vouch; stand bail ò{e™ …h Atuzðwk ‚u - Release on bail and unlawfully ò{e™ {ksqh fhðt - Admit to bail ò{e™ ÷uðt - Hold to bail; admit to bail òýeƒqS™u W…uûtt/ƒuŒhfthe - Wilful negligence ò{e™¾‚ - Bond of surety; bail bond; òýeƒqS™u fhu÷wk ft{ - Wilful act òýeƒqS™u fhu÷tu r‚hMfth - Wilful contempt security bond; surety bond òýeƒqS™u Vhs …h „uhntshe - Wilful absence ò{e™¾‚ …ºtf - Security bond register from duty òýu÷e ¾t{eytu - Known defects ò‚ - Sort; variety; type; kind (2)Self; personal ò‚y™w¼ð - Personal experience; self- experience ò‚f{tE™e r{÷f‚ - Self-earned property ò‚¾htE - Personal verification ò‚¾u‚e - Self-cultivation 161
ò{e™„ehe ònuh ¼t»tý ò{e™„ehe - Surety; security; vouchment; ònuh y„íÞ™e ƒtƒ‚ - Matter of public bailment importance ò{e™„ehe y™t{‚ - Security deposit ònuh ythtuøÞ - Public health ò{e™„ehe y™t{‚ rnËtƒ - Security deposit ònuh ythtuøÞ ytkfzt - Public Health Statistics ònuh ythtuøÞ Rs™uh - Public Health Engineer account ònuh ythtuøÞ «Þtu„þt¤t - Public Health ò{e™„ehe …ºtf - Security bond register Laboratory ò{e™…tºt - Bailable; admitting of bail ò{e™…tºt/÷tÞf „w™tu - Bailable offence ònuh ythtuøÞ ƒtkÄft{ «¼t„ - Public Health ò{e™{wÂõ‚ - Discharge of surety ò{e™nqkze - Bill as security Works Division òÞV¤ - Nutmeg òh - Paramour (2)Juwar ònuh Wãtu„-ËtnË - Public enterprise òhf{o - Adultery; illicit intercourse; ònuh W…¢{ Ër{r‚ - Committee on Public fornication Undertakings òrhýe - Paramour; adulteress; unchaste ònuh fh™th - Announcer; declarant ònuh fhðwk - Declare; reveal; disclose woman ònuh fhu÷e {qze - Issued capital ònuh ûtuºt - Public sector òðf - Outward (2)Expenditure ònuh ûtuºt™tu W…¢{ - Public sector undertaking òðf fthfw™ - Outward Clerk ònuh [[toMÚtt™ - Public forum; open forum òðf ¢{tkf - Outward number ònuh ®[‚t - Public concern òðf x…t÷ - Outward mail ònuh s™‚t - Public òðf ™tUÄ - Outward entry ònuh s¤rð‚hý ÔÞðMÚtt - Public water òðf ¼hr‚Þwk - Outward invoice òðf hrsMxh - Outward register distribution system òðkºte - Mace òËqË - Scout; spy ònuh xÙMx - Public trust òËqËe - Espial; espionage ònuh ‚…tË - Public inquiry òËqËe ft{ - Spying ònuh ‚kºt - Public Authority òËqËe …qðo-‚…tË/…qðuoûtý (÷~fh) - ònuh Œhsòu - Public status ònuh ŒM‚tðus - Public document Reconnaissance ònuh ™rn fhu÷wk ÞwØ - Undeclared war; òËqËe …qðo-‚…tË {tusýe (÷~fh) - unproclaimed war Reconnaissance survey ònuh r™ðuŒ™ - Public statement ònuh ™er‚ - Public policy òËqËe …qðo-‚…tË fhðe (÷~fh) - Reconnoitre ònuh ™turxË - Public notice ònuh - Public; open ònuh ¼t»tý - Public address 162
ònuh r{÷f‚ ò¤ðýe Rs™uh ònuh r{÷f‚ - Public property ònuh rnËtƒ Ër{r‚ - Public Accounts ònuh r{÷f‚™e þtu¼t ƒ„tzðe - Defacement of Committee public property ònuh nu‚w - Public purpose ònuh hò - Public holiday ònuh nu‚w {txu ytð~Þf - Needed for public ònuh he‚u - Publicly; in open; openly purpose ònuh ðtn™ - Public conveyance; public ònuh¾ƒh - Advertisement carrier ònuh¾ƒh yt…™th - Advertiser ònuh rð‚hý ÔÞðMÚtt - Public Distribution ònuh¾ƒh yusLx - Advertisement Agent System ònuh¾ƒh ¾[o - Advertisement charges ònuh¾ƒh ðuht yrÄfthe - Advertisement Tax ònuh ðu[tý - Public sale ònuh þtkr‚ - Public peace Officer ònuh Ë„ðz/ËwrðÄt - Public convenience ònuh¾ƒh ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Advertisement ònuh Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Public Authority Manager ònuh ˼t - Public meeting ònuh Ë÷t{‚e - Public security; public safety ònuh¾ƒh þt¾t - Advertisement branch ònuh ËkMÚtt - Public body; public concern ònuh¾ƒh Ët{„úe - Advertising material ònuh Ëw¾Ë„ðz - Public amenity ònuh™t{wk - Notification ònuh Ëw÷un-þtkr‚ - Public tranquility ònuh{tk - Publicly; openly ònuh Ëw÷unþtkr‚™tu ¼k„ - Breach of public ònuh{tk Œtu»tthtu…ý fhðwk - Denounce in public ònuh{tk «[th - Outdoor publicity tranquility ònuht‚ - Publicity; announcement; ònuh Ëuðf - Public servant declaration ònuh Ëuðt - Public service ònuh Ëuðt ytÞtu„ - Public Service ònuht‚-…ºt - Poster ònuht‚-…trxÞwk - Hoarding; signboard Commission ò¤ - Net (2)Entanglement (3)Trap ònuh MÚt¤ - Public place; public premises ò¤„qkÚtýe - Network ònuh M™t™t„th - Public bath; public ò¤ðýe yrÄfthe - Maintenance Officer swimming pool ò¤ðýe yÄeûtf - Maintenance ònuh MðåA‚t - Public sanitation Superintendent ònuh nhtS/r÷÷t{ - Public auction ò¤ðýe y™t{‚ r™rÄ - Maintenance Reserve ònuh rn‚ - Public interest; general good Fund ònuh rn‚ {txu Œtðtu - Public interest litigation ònuh rn‚™e rðhwØ - Against public interest ò¤ðýe y™u {ht{‚ - Maintenance and ònuh rnËtƒ - Public account repairs ò¤ðýe yðuûtf - Maintenance Supervisor ò¤ðýe Rs™uh - Maintenance Engineer 163
ò¤ðýe f[uhe S™tu ò¤ðýe f[uhe - Maintenance Office rsÕ÷t fûtt - District level ò¤ðýe ¾[o - Maintenance charges; cost of rsÕ÷t ¾u÷fqŒ …rh»tŒ - District Sports Council maintenance rsÕ÷t „úkÚtt÷Þ/…wM‚ft÷Þ - District library rsÕ÷t „út{eý «tuíËtn™ r™rÄ - District Rural ò¤ðýe ‚ƒ¬tu - Maintenance phase ò¤ðýe …rhÞtus™t - Maintenance project Incentive Fund ò¤ðýe «¼t„ - Maintenance Division rsÕ÷t „út{eý rðftË ËkMÚtt - District Rural ò¤ðýe {txu™e/…rhhûtf Ët{„úe - Preservative Development Agency (DRDA) material rsÕ÷t r‚òuhe - District Treasury ò¤ðýe {tusýeŒth - Maintenance Surveyor rsÕ÷t LÞtÞtÄeþ - District Judge ò¤ðýe/…rhhûtý - Maintenance; preservation rsÕ÷t …rh»tŒ - District Council ò¤ðýe/…rhhûtý ËkÞkºt - Preservation plant rsÕ÷t …k[tÞ‚ - District Panchayat ò¤ðýeÞtuøÞ Œ^‚h - Preservable record rsÕ÷t …wÂM‚ft - District handbook ò¤ððwk - Preserve; maintain rsÕ÷t {kz¤ - Disctrict Board ò¤e - Grill; lattice; net rsÕ÷t {t„o - District road ò¤eft{ - Network rsÕ÷t {ursMxÙux - District Magistrate ò¤eŒth …tÞtu - Grillage foundation rsÕ÷t Þtus™tytu - District Plans ò¤eŒth …w÷ - Lattice bridge rsÕ÷t ÷tuf÷ ƒtuzo - District Local Board ò¤eðt¤tu …txtu - Gauze rsÕ÷t rðftË yrÄfthe - District Development òk„z ðu[tý - Sale on trial Officer rs¿ttËt - Inquisitiveness; curiosity rs¿ttËw - Inquisitive; curious rsÕ÷t rþûtý {kz¤ - District Board of rsÆe - Stubborn; obstinate; wayward rsÆe…ýwk - Stubbornness; waywardness; Education obstinacy rsÕ÷t Ëk„Xf - District Organizer rsÕ÷t MÚttr™f {kz¤ - District Local Board rshtÞ‚ f]r»t - Dry cultivation; dry farming rsÕ÷tu - District rshtÞ‚ f]r»t…Ør‚ytu - Dry farming practices rsðtE - Alimony (2)Fixed sum or land given rs÷uxe™ {wÿý - Gelatin printing rsÕ÷t yŒt÷‚ - District Court for maintenance rsÕ÷t ytkfzt yrÄfthe™e f[uhe - Office of the S„he ŒtuM‚ - Fast friend; bosom friend; close District Statistical Officer friend rsÕ÷t ytkfzt ftÞto÷Þ - Bureau of District S‚ - Conquest; victory; success Statistics SŒ - Pertinacity; obstinacy; stubbornness S™ - Saddle rsÕ÷t Wãtu„ fuLÿ - District Industries Centre S™„h/S™ËtS ¼ÚÚtwk - Saddlery allowance S™tu - Staircase 164
Sýoþeýo yðMÚtt Sðtýwrð¿tt™e Sýoþeýo yðMÚtt - Dilapidated condition Sð™þÂõ‚ - Vitality SýtuoØth - Restoration; rejuvenation; Sð™-þi÷e - Life style Sð™-Ëk½»to - Struggle for existence renovation Sð™ ËkƒkÄe/«tý{q÷f - Vital Sð™u‚h ðe{tu - Non-life insurance Sð-…ŒtÚtorð¿tt™/¼tir‚fþt† - Biophysics SðhË - Bioplasm Sð-hËtÞýþt† - Biochemistry Sð÷uý - Fatal; mortal; deadly Sð-hËtÞýþtMºte - Biochemist Sð÷uý yfM{t‚ - Fatal accident Sð-htËtÞrýf Rs™uhe - Bio-chemical Sð÷uý/«tý½t‚f ½t - Mortal wound SððtŒ - Vitalism engineering Sððt™tu yrÄfth - Right to live Sðrð¿tt™/rðãt - Biology SðÉ‚w rð¿tt™ - Phenology Sðrð¿tt™e/þtMºte - Biologist Sðs™™ - Biogenesis SðËxtuËx™wk - Life endangering Sðzwk - Insect; worm Sðk‚ fhðwk - Vitalize Sð‚t ntuðwk - Survive; be alive Sðk‚ «Ëthý - Live broadcast SðÿÔÞ - Bioplasm Sðk‚‚t - Liveliness Sð™/®sŒ„e - Life Sðtýw - Germ; bacteria Sð™ftÞo/æÞuÞ - Mission Sðtýw «Þtu„þt¤t - Bacteriological laboratory Sð™ft¤ - Life-span; life SðtýwsLÞ htu„ - Bacteriosis Sð™[¢ - Life cycle; zoetrope Sðtýw™tþ - Disinfection Sð™[rhºt/ð]¥ttk‚ - Biography Sðtýw™tþf - Disinfectant; bacteriocide; anti- Sð™sYhe ðM‚wytu - Necessaries of life Sð™-Ätuhý - Standard of living biotic; germicide Sð™-r™ðton - Subsistence Sð™-r™ðton M‚h - Subsistence level Sðtýw™tþf Þkºt - Sterilizer Sð™«ýt÷e - Mode of life; life style Sðtýw™tþ™ - Sterilization; pasteurization Sð™hûtt-™tift - Life boat Sðtýw™tþ™ ¾kz - Sterilization room Sð™hË - Plasm Sðtýw{wõ‚ - Sterile Sð™÷ûÞ - Mission Sðtýwhrn‚ fhu÷wk - Sterilized; pasteurized Sð™ ðe{t r™„{ - Life Insurance Sðtýwhrn‚ ŒqÄ - Pasteurized milk Sðtýwhrn‚‚t - Sterility Corporation Sðtýwrð¿tt™ - Bacteriology Sðtýwrð¿tt™e - Bacteriologist Sð™ ðe{t …tpr÷Ëe - Life insurance policy 165 Sð™ ðe{tu - Life insurance Sð™ð]¥t - Memoir Sð™ð]¥ttk‚ …ºtf - Bio-data form
Sðtí{t sqÚt «Þtu„ Sðtí{t - Spirit; soul swƒt™e yt…™th - Deponent Sðtðhý/SðË]Âü {kz¤ - Biosphere swƒt™e yt…ðe - Depose Sðtðþu»t/y~{e¼q‚ yðþu»t - Fossil swƒt™e ÷¾™th - Deposition writer Sðt~{ rð¿tt™/«t[e™ «týerðãt - sw{÷tu - Score swB{uŒth - Responsible; liable; underwriter Palaeontology swB{uŒthe - Underwriting swB{uŒthe fhth - Underwriting agreement Srð‚ sL{ - Live birth swB{uŒthe ÷uðe - Underwrite Srð‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Living person sw÷{ - Tyranny; suppression; atrocity; Srð‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ytu{tk - Inter vivos Srð‚þu»t-Œh - Survival rate persecution; oppression Srð‚t{qÕÞ - Survival value Skzðwk - Cotton pod sw÷{ „wòhðtu - Oppress; persecute swytu - Vide (2)See sw÷{„th - Oppressor; tyrant sw„th - Gamble; gambling; gaming sw÷{e - Oppressive; tyrannical; outrageous sw„th-Xuftu - Gambling contract sw÷{e f]íÞ - Outrageous act sw„th¾t™wk/½h - Gambling house swðth ËkðÄo™ {Útf - Jowar breeding station sw„th™tk ËtÄ™tu - Instruments of gaming swðt¤ - Tide (2)Upsurge; wave sw„th™tu yœtu - Gambling den swMËtŒth ¼t»tý - Spirited speech; powerful sw„the - Gambler; gamester swŒt swŒt Ë{Þu [tu{tËt™tu «thk¼ - Staggered speech setting of monsoon swMËtu - Morale swMËtu/WíËtn ‚tuzðtu - Demoralize swŒtE - Separation sq„xwk - Gamble; gambling; gaming swŒtE ¼ÚÚtwk - Separation allowance sqXt Ëtu„kŒ - Perjury swŒtE/Vth„‚e ¾‚ - Separation deed sqXwk - Untrue; wrong; false; lie swŒtE™tu nwf{ - Separation order sqXtu/¾tuxtu Ëtûte - Perjurer swŒe ÷t„‚ - Separate charge sqÚt - Group; faction swŒwk/Aqxwk …tzðwk - Detach; sort; separate sqÚt Rs™uh - Group Engineer swŒwk/Aqxwk/y÷„/yuf÷wk …tze Œuðwk - Isolate; sqÚt ftÞo - Group action; team work sqÚt [[to - Group discussion segregate sqÚt ™tÞf - Group leader sqÚt …rhÞtus™t - Group project swŒtu {‚ - Dissenting opinion sqÚt «Œþo™ - Group show sw™ðtýe - Orthodox; outmoded sqÚt «Þtu„ - Group experiment swr™Þh LÞtÞtÄeþ - Junior Judge swƒt™e - Deposition; testimony 166
sqÚt «ð]Â¥t òu¾{/¼Þ/Ëkfx{tk {qfðwk sqÚt «ð]Â¥t - Group activity su{™wk ‚u{ - Intact sqÚtƒkÄe/ðtŒ - Factionalism; groupism su÷ - Prison; jail sqÚt {t„oŒþo™ - Group guidance su÷ yÄeûtf - Jail Superintendent; sqÚt{tk hnu™thwk «týe - Gregarious animal sqÚt-rð¼ts™ - Grouping Superintendent of Jail sqÚtrðþu»t Þtus™t - Group specific plan sqÚt ðe{tu - Group insurance su÷ Wãtu„ - Jail industries sqÚt ðu‚™…Ør‚ - Group wage system su÷ f{o[theð„o - Jail staff sqÚtð]Â¥t - Gregarious instinct su÷ ¾t‚wk - Jail department sqÚt-Ëk½»to - Factional conflict su÷ [tuÂõÞt‚ - Jail guard sqÚtËk…fo - Group contact su÷ r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Jail Manual sqÚt rn‚ - Group interest su÷ {ntr™heûtf - Inspector General of Prisons sq™t™e søÞtyu ™ðt ft{Œthtu/{sqhtu™e ¼h‚e - su÷ htus„th - Jail employment su÷ Ëkºte - Jail Guard Labour replacement su÷ Ëuðt - Jail service su÷ËtU…ýe yrÄ…ºt - Commitment warrant sq™e Zƒ™wk - Outmoded; old fashioned su÷™e ƒ™tðxtu - Jail manufactures sq™e…whtýe ÞkºtËt{„úe - Obsolete machinery su÷{tk {tuf÷ðwk - Commit to jail sq™wk/…whtýwk - Outdated; obsolete su÷{tk ht¾ðt …tAwk {tuf÷ðwk - Remand to prison su ‚u Ë{Þu y{÷{tk - For the time being in su÷{tk/fuŒ¾t™t{tk …qhðwk - Imprison; incarcerate su÷ðtË - Incarceration force suðt fu - Such as; namely sirðf Wí…tŒ™ - Biological products su™t ™t{u [uf/nqkze ÷¾tÞu÷ ntuÞ yu ÔÞÂõ‚ - sirðf ¾t‚h - Bio fertilizer; bio manure sirðf hËtÞý Rs™uhe - Bio-chemical Drawee engineering su™t ðzu/su™tÚte - Per quod su™wk ¾kz™ ™ fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Irrefutable sirðf Ëk…Â¥t Ëqr[ - Biological resources su™u hŒ ™ fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Irrevocable su™u htus„the yt…ðe frX™ Au yuðtu rþÂût‚ inventory; biological resources list ƒufthtu™tu ð„o - Hard-core educated òuE sðwk - Peruse òu¾{ - Jeopardy; venture; menace; risk; unemployed danger; hazard su™u ÷eÄu ftÞoðtne rƒ™-yËhfthf ƒ™u ‚uðe yr™Þr{‚‚t - Irregularities which vitiate òu¾{ r™rÄ - Risk fund òu¾{ ®ƒŒw - Peril point proceedings òu¾{ hrn‚ {qze-htuftý - Non-risk investment òu¾{/¼Þ/Ëkfx{tk {qfðwk - Imperil; jeopardize su™u ð[™ y…tÞwk ntuÞ ‚u - Promisee 167 su{ fu - Such as; viz; namely su{ ‚u{ fhe ™t¾u÷wk - Perfunctory
òu¾{fthf ¿tt™‚kºt òu¾{fthf - Risky; perilous; dangerous; òuztý ût{‚t - Assembly capacity hazardous òuztý ¾kz - Accession clause òuztý ËkrÄ - Treaty of alliance òu¾{fthf ðu[tý - Risk sale òuztðt™e ‚the¾ - Joining date òu¾{fthf/òu¾{e yti»tÄ - Dangerous drug òuztðwk - Enlink; join; link òu¾{™e [tuϾe hf{ - Net amount at risk òuzeŒth - Mate òu¾{{tk ™t¾ðwk - Endanger òuzeY… Ähe - Twin axis òu¾{{wõ‚ {qze - Risk-free capital òuzeY… ƒ™ðwk - Twinning òu¾{tððwk - Imperil òuzeY… Ë{‚¤ - Twin plane òu¾{e/òu¾{ðt¤wk - Perilous; dangerous; risky; òuzu÷tk ðtn™tu - Articulated vehicle òzu ÷u e ðM‚w - Appendage; attachment; enclosure hazardous òu‚hðwk - Harness òu{/òuþ - Vigour; force; strength òu¾{e ¾heŒe - Risk purchase òuÞwk ™ òuÞwk fhðwk - Connive; overlook òu¾{e {qze-htuftý - Risk investment òuhsƒhŒM‚e™tu ftÞŒtu - Club law òu¾{e rðM‚th - Danger zone òu¾{e/òu¾{ðt¤tu/¾‚h™tf ÄkÄtu - Hazardous occupation òu¾ðwk - Weigh òu„ðtE - Provision òuhsw÷{ - Oppression; tyranny; force òu„ðtEytu™e rð¼tßÞ‚t - Separability of òuhsw÷{Úte - Forcibly provisions òuhŒth - Vehement; strong òu„ðtEytu™e ÔÞt…f‚t - Generality of òuhŒth …ð™ - Strong wind òuhŒth {tk„ - Strong demand provisions òuhŒth rðhtuÄ - Strong opposition òuðt÷tÞf MÚt¤tu - Worth seeing places òu„ðtEytu™u yÄe™ hne™u - Subject to the òuþe÷wk/WíËtn…qýo - Vigorous; enthusiastic òuþe÷tu …whw»ttÚto - Strenuous effort provisions òunwf{e - Autocracy; high-handedness ¿ttr‚ - Caste òuz-Ã÷ux/òuz…èe - Fish plate òuzft{ - Assemblage; joining; connecting òuzft{-fthe„h - Fitter òuzðwk - Attach; join; fasten; annex; append; assemble; enclose òuztý - Affiliation; amalgamation (2)Alliance ¿ttr‚«Útt/ðýoÔÞðMÚtt - Caste system (3)Annexure; nexus; link ¿ttr‚ ƒnth {wftÞu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Outcaste ¿ttr‚ðtŒ - Casteism òuztý yt…‚e Þwr™ðŠËxe - Affiliating ¿tt™ - Learning; knowledge ¿tt™ftuþ/rðïftuþ - Encyclopaedia university 168 ¿tt™‚kºt - Nervous system òuztý fhðwk - Assemble; associate; affiliate òuztý ftÞo - Assembly operation
¿tt™{e{tkËt Í{ðwk ¿tt™{e{tkËt - Theory of knowledge Íz‚e y™u sóe - Search and seizure ¿tt™e - Learned; knowledgeable Íz… - Speed (2)Swiftness ¿tt™urLÿÞ - Sense organ Íz…-fËtuxe - Speed test; speed trial ¿tt™urLÿÞ „wý - Sense quality Íz… ðÄthðe - Accelerate ¿tt™urLÿÞ ¼tð™t - Sense feeling Íz…Úte - Hurriedly; rapidly; speedily; quickly ¿tt™urLÿÞrð¿tt™ - Aesthesiology Íz…Úte ‚iÞth fhu÷t ykŒts - Quick estimate ßÞuc - Eldest; seniormost Íz…Úte ƒŒ÷t‚wk ƒòh - Sensitive market ßÞtur‚Äoh - Torch bearer Íz…e - Express; fast; speedy; accelerated ßÞtur‚»t - Astrology Íz…e ytk‚h-«ðtn - Prompt interflow ßÞtur‚»te - Astrologer Íz…e R÷ts - Speedy remedy; emergency ßðh - Fever; pyrexia ßð÷™þe÷ - Inflammable; combustible treatment ßð÷™þe÷ ƒtUƒ - Incendiary bomb ßðt¤t{w¾e - Volcano Íz…e „r‚ - Accelerated motion; swift ßðt¤t{w¾e rð¿tt™ - Volcanology movement Í Íz…e Ätuðtý - Accelerated erosion Í„Í„tx - Glare Íz…e r™ft÷ - Expeditious disposal Í„{„‚wk - Effulgent; glittering; luminous Íz…e …eAtu - Hot pursuit Í„{„tx - Effulgence Íz…e «íÞtð‚o™ «ðtn - Quick return flow ͽzðwk - Quarrel; fight Íz…e ¼tð½xtztu - Accelerated depreciation ͽzt¾tuh - Quarrelsome Íz…e {tusýe - Hurricane survey ͽzt¾tuh ÔÞÂõ‚ - Fire brand Íz…e ðÄthtu - Sharp rise; accelerating premium ͽztu - Quarrel Íz…e ð¤tkf - Sharp bend; sharp turn ͽztu ðntuhe ÷uðtu - Pick quarrel Íz…e ®Ë[tE - Rush system ÍÍq{e hnu÷wk - Impending; imminent Í™q™ - Fanaticism ÍÍq{e hnu÷tu ¼Þ - Imminent danger; Í™q™e - Fanatic Í™q™e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Zealot impending danger Í…tÍ…e - Skirmish; scuffle Í…txtƒkÄ ðÄ‚tu Vw„tðtu - Galloping inflation Íz‚e - Search Í{ý - Seepage; percolation Íz‚e yrÄ…ºt - Search warrant Í{ý-ÔÞÞ - Seepage loss Í{ýÚte Út‚tu ½xtztu - Percolation loss; seepage loss Í{ðwk - Percolate; leak 169
Í{u÷wk «ðtne Ítu¤e Í{u÷wk «ðtne - Seepage; ooze; percolated Ítk¾e - Inkling; glimpse; tableau Ítk¾wk - Hazy; foggy; opaque; pallid; faint liquid (2)Indistinct Íhý-fqðtu - Spring well Íhýt™wk …týe - Spring water Ítk…tu - Gate Íhýwk - Spring; stream ÍtkÞ - Tint Íh{h Íh{h ð»tto - Drizzle ÍeýðxÚte ‚…tË fhðe - Probe ÍY¾tu - Balcony; portico; gallery Íeýðx…qðof™e ‚…tË/Ëqû{ yð÷tuf™ - Scanning Í÷f - Glimpse Íeýðx¼he …qA…hA - Searching enquiry Íðuht‚ …uxe - Jewellery box Íeýwk - Thin; minute; small (2)Fine ͤn¤‚wk - Effulgent Íwkz - Herd; crowd; multitude (2)Cluster ͤn¤tx - Effulgence Íwkƒuþ - Drive; campaign ͤu¤tu - Blister Íwkƒuþ yrÄfthe - Campaign Officer ÍkÍtðt‚ - Hurricane; tempest; storm Íq{¾wk/Íwkz/„wåA/Ë{qn - Cluster ÍkÍtðt‚ rËø™÷ - Storm signal Íq÷‚tu …w÷ - Suspension bridge; swing bridge ÍkÍtðt‚htuÄf - Stormproof Íqkxðe ÷uðwk - Extort; snatch ÍkÍtðt‚™e [u‚ðýe - Storm warning Íqk…z…èe - Slum; blighted area ÍkÍtðt‚™tu {t„o - Storm track Íqk…zwk - Hut ÍkÍtðt‚™tu rðM‚th - Storm belt Íuh - Poison ÍkÍtðt‚e …ð™ - Storm wind Íuhe - Poisonous; toxic Íkze Mxuþ™ - Flag station Íuhe yti»tÄ - Poisonous drug Íkztu - Flag; ensign; standard Íuhe ¾tuhtf - Poisoned food Ítxfýe - Severe rebuke; rating Íuhe ƒ™ðwk/ƒ™tððwk ‚u - Poisoning ÍuhtuõË ™f÷ - Xerox copy (2)Winnowing Íuhtu„útVft{ - Xerography Ítuf - Thrust; leaning; inclination; trend; bias; Ítxftu - Stroke Ítz-…t™ - Vegetation bend; tendency Ítze - Thicket; bush; scrub Ítze ytðhý - Brush matting Ítufðt¤t rðM‚thtu - Thrust areas Ítze sk„÷/Ítk¾htk - Brush wood Ítu™ h[ðt - Zoning Ít…rxÞwk - Duster Ítu™÷ f[uhe - Zonal Office Ít{h - Glaucoma Ítu™÷ rðM‚th - Zonal area Íthýft{/Ät‚wËkÄtý - Welding Ítu¤e - Sling (2)Cradle (3)Bag Ítk¾htk - Undergrowth; thicket 170
xft x…t÷™tu Œt„e™tu x x…t÷ ¾[o - Postal charges; postage x…t÷ ¾[o [qfÔÞwk - Postage paid xft - Percent x…t÷ ¾[o rnËtƒ - Postage account xftW - Durable; lasting x…t÷ „tze - Postal van xftW {t÷/ðM‚w - Hard goods; durable goods x…t÷ Sð™ ðe{tu - Postal Life Insurance xftW…ýwk - Durability; viability x…t÷ rxrfx - Postage stamp xftððwk/xftðe ht¾ðwk - Maintain; retain x…t÷ rxrfx Ëk„ún - Philately xftðthe - Percentage x…t÷ rxrfx Ëk„ún fuLÿ - Philatelic centre xftðthe ¾[o - Percentage charges x…t÷ rxrfx Ëk„útnf - Philatelist xfe þfu ‚uðwk - Tenable (2)Durable x…t÷ ‚kºt - Postal Authority xftuh - Hint x…t÷ Útu÷tu - Post-bag; mail-bag x¬h - Collision x…t÷ îtht {‚ - Postal ballot x¬h/yÚtzt{ý ðe{tu - Collision insurance x…t÷ îtht {tuf÷e þftÞ ‚uðwk - Transmissible by x™-¾[o - Tonnage x™-¼th y™wËqr[ - Tonnage schedule post x™-¼th fh - Tonnage tax x™-¼th Œhr™Ätohý - Tonnage rating x…t÷ îtht ðu…th - Mail order business x™-¼th þÂõ‚ - Tonnage capacity x…t÷ ™tift - Packet-boat x™-þwÕf - Tonnage x…t÷ …tËo÷ - Postal parcel x™÷ r™{toý ft{„ehe - Tunnelling operation x…t÷ …uxe - Post box; letter box x…f ®Ë[tE - Drip irrigation x…t÷ «{trý‚ - Under Certificate of Posting x…fðwk - Leak; trickle; drip x…t÷ «{tý…ºt - Postal certificate x…ftððwk - Note; mark; jot; take down x…t÷ {‚…ºtÚte {‚Œt™ - Voting by postal ballot x…tx…e - Altercation; quarrel x…t÷ ÞtŒe - Mailing list x…t÷ - Post; mail x…t÷ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Postal Authority x…t÷ Ëuðt - Postal service x…t÷-f[uhe yÄeûtf - Superintendent of Post- Office x…t÷ y™u ‚th Ëuðt - Post and Telegraph Service x…t÷r[ö/x…t÷™tu rˬtu - Postmark x…t÷ f[uhe - Post Office x…t÷Úte ™týt-‚ƒŒe÷e - Mail transfer x…t÷ f[hu e ƒ[‚ ƒfU - Post Office Savings Bank x…t÷Úte ƒsðýe - Service by post x…t÷ f[uhe ðe{t r™rÄ - Post Office Insurance x…t÷™wk Ëh™t{wk - Postal address Fund x…t÷™tu zçƒtu - Mail van x…t÷ fÞto™t Œt¾÷t ËtÚtu - Under Certificate of x…t÷™tu Œt„e™tu - Postal article Posting 171
x…t÷{tk ™t¾ðwk ‚u xqkfe {wŒ‚™e ÷tu™ x…t÷{tk ™t¾ðwk ‚u - Posting rxrfx ƒthe - Ticket window x…t÷{tk hðt™t fhðwk - Post rxrfx ð„h™wk - Unstamped x…t÷e - Postman rxrfx Ëk„ún - Stamp collection x…t÷u‚h rxrfx - Non-postal stamp rxrfx Ëk„únf‚to - Stamp collector xÃ…t [tufeŒth - Beat guard rxrfx rnËtƒ - Stamp account xƒtoR™ «[t÷f - Turbine Operator rxrfx rnËtƒ …ºtf - Ticket account register xkfþt¤ - Mint rxrfx™e rË÷f - Stamp balance xkfþt¤™t ðzt - Mint Master rx™„h - Tinsmith xtE… y™w¼t„ - Typing section xefze - Tablet xtE… Þkºt - Typewriter xeft/xeft-rxÃ…ý - Comments; criticism; remarks xtE…-¼q÷ - Typographical error xeftfth - Commentator; critic xtx - Canvas xe¾¤ - Mockery xt…w - Island xªƒtu - Hillock xt…w …h hnu™th - Islander xwfzt{tk ðnU[tÞu÷ s{e™ ¾t‚tk - Fragmented xt¤ðwk - Eschew; avoid; avert xt¤e ™ þftÞ yuðwk - Unavoidable holdings xtkfe/ntus/fwkz - Cistern; tank xtkfe¼tzwk - Tankage xwfze - Corps; team; platoon; relay; batch; xtkfeðtn™ - Tanker xtkfe™e Ë{tË-þÂõ‚ - Tankage troop; group; party; squad xtk[ - Attachment; seizure; forfeiture xtk[ý - Jotting xwfze ™u‚t - Squadron leader xtk[ý ¼q÷ - Jotting error xwfzu xwfzu - Piecemeal xtk[ý…tuÚte - Jotting book xwfztu - Piece; fragment; fraction xtk[{tk ÷uðwk - Attach; forfeit xqkf{tk - In short; in a nut shell; in brief xtk[t ËtÄ™tu - Meagre resources; scarce xqkft yk‚h™e xÙu™ - Shuttle train xqkft W‚htý {txu™wk «{tý…ºt - Short landing resources certificate rxrfx fthfw™ - Booking Clerk rxrfx ½h - Booking Office xqkft „t¤t™e ÷tu™ - Short term loan rxrfx [tuzu÷wk …hƒerzÞwk - Stamped envelope xqkftý - Conciseness; brevity rxrfx [tuzu÷wk ðtW[h - Stamped voucher xqkft{tk xqkftu {t„o/hM‚tu - Shortest route rxrfx …ºtf - Stamp register xqkftððwk - Abridge; shorten; abbreviate xqkfe ™sh - Myopia; short sightedness xqkfe {wŒ‚™e ™týt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Short notice finance xqkfe {wŒ‚™e ™turxË - Short notice xqkfe {wŒ‚™e ÷tu™ - Short term loan 172
xqkfe {wŒ‚™e ËkËŒ xÙMx Ë{sq‚e xqkfe {wŒ‚™e ËkËŒ - Short duration parliament xuð …zðe/…tzðe - Habituate xqkfe {wŒ‚™wk rÄhtý - Short-term credit xuððþ „w™u„th - Recidivist; habitual offender xqkfe {wŒ‚™wk ™týwk - Short duration money xuðtÞu÷wk - Accustomed; habituated xqkfe {wŒ‚™wk ƒòh - Short period market xtu[ - Top; peak; pinnacle; ceiling; apex xqkfe {wŒ‚™tu «&™ - Short notice question xtu[-fûtt - Peak level xqkfe {wŒ‚™tu rðr™{Þ Œh - Short term exchange xtu[ ƒUf - Apex bank rate xtu[ ¼tð/®f{‚ - Ceiling price xtu[ {ÞtoŒt - Ceiling xqkfe {w÷tft‚ - Flying visit xtu[-{kz¤e - Apex society xqkfe Y…hu¾t - Blue print xtu[™e ‚t÷e{ ËkMÚtt - Apex Training Institute xqkfe Ëne - Initial xtu[™tu „t¤tu - Peak period xqkfe Ëne fhðe - Initial; set initial xtuxe - Cock; tap (2)Nipple xqkfe Ëne fhu÷wk - Initialled xtuýtu - Innuendo; taunt xqkfwk - Brief; concise; short xtu™-ŒqÄ - Toned milk xqkfwk þe»tof - Short title xtu¤fe™tu ËhŒth/yt„uðt™/™tÞf - Ring leader; xqkfwk Ëh™t{wk - Abbreviated address xqkftu Ë{Þ„t¤tu - Short duration gang-leader xufheytu™e nth{t¤t - Ridge xtu¤t™wk ‚tuVt™ - Mob-violence xufhtu/xufhe - Hillock xtu¤t™tu W~fuhtx - Mob fury xuft™t ¼tð - Support price xtu¤t{t™Ë - Mob psychology xuftY… Wãtu„tu - Supporting industries xtu¤tþtne - Mob-rule; mobocracy xuftY… ftÞo¢{ - Supporting programme xtu¤e - Faction; gang xuftY… Ëuðt - Supporting service xtu¤e/xwfze r™heûtf - Gang Inspector xuftu - Support (2)Prop xtu¤e/xwfze™tu {sqh - Gangman xuftu yt…™th/Ë{Útof - Supporter; seconder xtu¤wk - Crowd; mob xuLzh ¼h™th - Tenderer xÙMx fh™th/xÙMx f‚to - Author of the Trust xuƒ÷ Exk - Table moulded brick xÙMx ûtuºt - Trust territory xur÷r«Lx-ËkŒuþ - Teleprint message xÙMx ¾‚ - Trust deed xur÷Vtu™ ÔÞðnth - Telephone traffic xÙMx Útt…ý - Trust deposit xur÷Vtu™-ftÞto÷Þ - Telephone exchange xÙMx …ºt - Trust letter xur÷rðÍ™-«Ëthý fhðwk - Televise; telecast xÙMx …Ør‚ - Trusteeship system xu÷uõË Ëuðt - Telex service xÙMx hËeŒ - Trust receipt xuð - Habit xÙMx Ë{sq‚e - Trusteeship agreement 173
xÙMx rnËtƒ XtuX xÙMx rnËtƒ - Trust account Xhý xtkfe - Settling tank xÙMx™tk ™týtk - Trust money Xhðwk - Freeze xÙMxe ht»xÙ - Trustee powers Xhtð - Resolution xÙMxe…ýwk - Trusteeship Xhtð fhðtu - Resolve xÙkf xur÷Vtu™ …Ør‚ - Trunk telephone system Xhtð hsq fhðtu - Move a resolution xÙtrVf yÄeûtf - Traffic Superintendent Xhtððwk - Fix; lay down; decide; resolve xÙtrVf yðuûtf - Traffic Supervisor Xhtððwk ‚u/Xhtðýe - Fixation xÙtrVf {tusýe - Traffic survey XheXt{ Útðwk - Settle xÙtrVf™tu/yðhsðh™tu …w™:«thk¼ - Resumption Xhu÷ - Matured (2)Settled down Xkze™wk {tuswk - Cold wave of traffic Xkzwk …tzðwk - Pacify (2)Cool; chill Xkzwk ÞwØ - Cold war xÙu™{tk [Zðwk - Entrain Xkzu …uxu fhu÷wk ¾q™ - Cold-blooded murder xÙtu÷eðt¤tu - Trolley man XtX - Show XtXze - Cist; bier X XtX{tX/XMËtu - Pageantry; pomp Xth - Frost; dew X„/Äw‚thtu/Äq‚o - Impostor; rogue; cheat Xth {thðtu - Shoot dead X„ ðu…the - Racketeer Xthý Ã÷tLx - Chilling plant X„ðwk - Impose; hoodwink Xthu÷wk/rn{þe‚ ŒqÄ - Chilled milk X„tE/Au‚h®…ze - Deception; roguery; Xufze - Mockery; jest Xufztu - Jump; leap imposture; cheating Xuftýwk - Address; place; whereabouts XufuŒth - Contractor X„thwk - Illusive; illusory Xuftu - Contract X„thwk ð[™ - Illusory promise Xu÷t-„tze/Xu÷tu/Xu÷ý„tze - Trolley; barrow; Xêtr[ºt - Caricature; cartoon Xêtr[ºtfth/ÔÞk„r[ºt Œtuh™th - Caricaturist; wheelbarrow cartoonist XuË ðt„ðe - Stumble XtuX - Addle-brained; dullard; slow-witted; X…ft™e Œh¾tM‚ - Censure motion; vote of slow-learner censure 174 X…ft…tºt - Reprehensible; reproachful; rebukable X…ftu - Rebuke; admonition; reproof; reproach; censure X…ftu yt…ðtu - Admonish; scold; rebuke; reproach
z¬t ðuhtu/¼tzwk zw{f÷tË z zkVtË - Boasting ztfw - Dacoit z¬t ðuhtu/¼tzwk - Pierage; wharfage zt½ - Tarnish; stain; scar z¬tðt¤tu - Wharfinger zt{ - Stigma; scar z¬tu - Wharf; jetty zt{h - Asphalt; coaltar; tar; bitumen z„{„ðwk - Totter zt{h™wk yM‚h - Asphalt lining z„÷wk - Step zt{tztu¤ - Insecure; unstable z„w{„w - Hesitant; unstable zt{tztu¤ ÂMÚtr‚ - Insecurity; unstability zètu - Stopper ztÞhe fthfw™ - Diarist; Diary Clerk zƒh - Rubble ztÞ÷ ðt[™ - Dial reading zƒh™wk f÷e [ý‚h - Coursed rubble masonry ztÞ÷ Mðh - Dial tone zƒt{tk …qh™th - Impounder zt¤e Vqxðe ‚u - Branching zƒt{tk …qhðwk - Impound ztk„h - Paddy zçƒt-…ºtf - Pound register ztk„h™e fwþfe - Paddy husk zçƒt-Ve - Poundage fees rz„úeÄthf - Degree holder zçƒtƒkÄ - Tinned rzÍtE™fth - Designer zçƒtƒkÄ ¾tuhtf - Tinned food rzÃ÷tu{t …heûtt - Diploma examination zçƒtƒkÄe - Canning rzÃ÷tu{tÄthf - Diploma holder zçƒtƒkÄe Wãtu„ - Canning industry rzƒuL[h ¾‚…ºt - Debenture bond zçƒtu - Tin box; tin; metal container rzƒuL[h {tk„ðne - Debenture call book rzƒuL[h þuh …h yrÄ{qÕÞ - Premium on (2)Railway carriage; bogie (3)Cattle-pound debenture share zh - Fear (2)Horror zh yÚtðt ytþfk tÚte fþfkw fh‚tk y[ftðkw - Hold back rzƒuL[h/Éý…ºt ‚ƒŒe÷e hrsMxh - Debenture zh…tuf - Timid zht{ýe - Intimidation transfer register zht{ýwk - Terrible; horrible znt…ý - Wisdom; prudence rzƒuL[h/Éý…ºt Ähtð™th - Debenture holder znt…ý/þtý…ý rð™t™wk - Imprudent rzƒuL[h/Éý…ºt ÔÞtsðne - Debenture interest znt…ý/þtý…ý™tu y¼tð - Imprudence zkfe - Hand pump (2)Donkey pump book zkztu - Bludgeon rzƒuL[hÄthf - Debenture holder ze÷õË ytð]Â¥t - De-luxe edition zw¬hðtztu - Piggery zwƒtW …w÷ - Submersible bridge zw{f÷tË - Jack; crane 175
zwk„ht¤ Ze÷wk zwk„ht¤ - Hilly Z[w…[w ™er‚ - Vacillating policy zwk„he ÄtLÞ - Hill millet Z[w…[w ntuðwk - Hesitate zwk„¤e - Onion Zƒ - Style; mode zqƒ - Submersion Z¤‚wk/Z¤u÷wk - Inclined zqƒfe - Plunge; dive Z¤‚wk {us - Desk zqƒfe{th - Diver Z¤tE/Zt¤ðwk ‚u - Moulding; casting zqƒ„‚/zqƒ{tk s‚tu rðM‚th - Submerged area Z¤tEfth - Caster; moulder zqƒ‚ r™rÄ - Sinking fund ZkZuhtu - Proclamation; manifesto zqƒ‚ r™rÄ ƒkÄýe¾‚ - Sinking bond ZkZuhtu …exðtu - Proclaim zqƒ{tk sðwk - Submerge Zt¤/Ztu¤tð - Slope; gradient (2)Inclination zqƒu÷e ò{e™„ehe - Bad security Zt¤ft{ - Moulding zqƒu÷e hf{/÷uýwk - Bad debt Zt¤„h - Moulder zqƒu÷tu ytzƒkÄ - Submerged weir Zt¤ý r™»ýt‚ - Foundry expert zqkzwk - Ear of corn Zt¤ýft{ - Foundry work zuht - Tentage Zt¤ýe - Casting zuhe Wãtu„ - Dairying; dairy farming Zt¤{t…f - Slope guage zuhe ‚…tË™eË - Dairy Investigator Zt¤ðt¤wk At…hwk - Pitched roof zuhe rðftË - Dairy development Zt¤t™wk ÷tuZwk - Cast iron zuhe-ÔÞðËtÞ - Dairying Ztr¤Þtu - Water course; field channel ztpfux …Ør‚ - Docket system Zt¤u÷wk ftkfhux - Precast concrete ztpfux-…ºt - Docket sheet Zt¤tu - Mould zÙtEðh-Ën-…xtðt¤tu - Driver-cum-peon Ztkfý - Cover; lid; covering zÙtEðh-Ën-r{fur™f - Driver-cum-mechanic Ztkfýðt¤wk …tºt - Canopic jar; canopic vase rzÙ…/x…f ®Ë[tE - Drip irrigation Ztkfðwk - Envelop; cover zÙu®s„ yðuûtf - Dredging Supervisor Ztk[t ƒnth™e Þtus™t - Non-pattern scheme zÙu®s„ Rs™uh - Dredging Engineer Ztk[tu - Framework; pattern; structure; format Ze÷ - Delay (2)Deferment; procrastination Z Ze÷ fhðe - Delay (2)Defer; procrastinate Ze÷/rð÷kƒ fh™thwk - Procrastinatory Z„÷tu - Stacking; heap; pile Ze÷t…ýwk - Lassitude Z[w…[w - Hesitant; vacillating; undecided Ze÷e {txe - Loose soil; soft soil 176 Ze÷wk - Loose
Ze÷t …zðwk ‚fhth/ͽztu fh™th Ze÷t …zðwk - Slacken ‚fr™f‚kºt - Technocracy Zqðtu - Dune ‚fr™f{q÷f ƒuhtus„the - Technological Zuft-…w÷ - Hump-backed bridge unemployment Zu¾t¤tu/htuzwk - Brick bat Ztuh WAuh - Cattle breeding ‚fr™frðŒT - Technician Ztuh-At…he/þuz - Cattle shed ‚fr™fe - Technical Ztuh ™ehý fuLÿ - Cattle feeding centre ‚fr™fe yrÄfthe - Technical Officer Ztuh/…þw-„ý‚he - Cattle census ‚fr™fe ytkfzt - Technical data Ztuh/…þw[tuh - Cattle lifter; abactor ‚fr™fe f{o[theð„o - Technical staff Ztuh/…þw[tuhe - Cattle lifting; abaction ‚fr™fe ft{ - Technical work Ztuh™t zƒt™t h¾uðt¤ - Pound keeper ‚fr™fe ftiþ÷ - Technical skill Ztuh™e ftuZ - Cattle-shed (2)Cow-pen ‚fr™fe ¾t{e - Technical defect Ztuh™tu zçƒtu - Cattle pound ‚fr™fe òýfthe - Technical knowledge/know Ztuhƒòh - Cattle market Ztu¤tÞu÷wk - Spilt how Ztu¤tð - Slope; gradient; steep-slope; steep ‚fr™fe ‚t÷e{ - Technical training gradient ‚fr™fe …ht{þo - Technical consultancy ‚fr™fe {ksqhe - Technical sanction Ztu¤tð ¾u‚e - Terrace cultivation; terrace ‚fr™fe {tæÞr{f þt¤t - Technical Secondary farming School Ztu¤tððt¤wk ¾u‚h - Terrace farm ‚fr™fe {t™f - Technical standard Ztu¤tððt¤wk ¾u‚h ƒ™tððwk - Terracing ‚fr™fe ÷tûtrýf‚tytu - Technicalities ZtU„ - Hypocrisy; imposture; pretence ‚fr™fe ÷tÞft‚ - Technical qualifications ZtU„/ztu¤ fhðtu - Pretend ‚fr™fe þt¤t - Technical school ZtU„e - Impostor; hypocrite ‚fr™fe rþûtý - Technical education ‚fr™fe rþûtý r™heûtf - Inspector of Technical Education ík ‚fr™fe rþûtý r™Þt{f - Director of Technical Education ‚fr™fe Ë÷tn - Technical advice ‚f - Opportunity; chance ‚fr™fe Ë÷tnfth - Technical Adviser/Advisor ‚f‚e - Plate; panel; plaque; tablet ‚fhth - Dispute; quarrel ‚f‚eðt¤wk ƒthýwk - Panelled door ‚fhth WXtðe þftÞ yuðwk - Disputable ‚fr™f - Technique ‚fhth fhðe - Quarrel ‚fr™f r™»ýt‚ - Technocrat; technical expert ‚fhth/ͽztu fh™th - Quarrelsome 177
‚fhthe ‚íft÷ ¾t÷e fhtððwk ‚u ‚fhthe - Quarrelsome; disputable; disputed ‚x - Bank; coast; shore ‚x«Œuþ - Basin; river-bank (2)Questionable; questioned ‚xhûtf - Coastal guard ‚x-hu¾t - Coast line ‚fhthe ŒM‚tðuòu - Questioned documents ‚xð‚eo - Riparian; onshore ‚fhthe ŒM‚tðuòu™t …heûtf - Examiner of ‚xð‚eo htßÞ - Riparian state ‚x Ëk[Þ - Bank storage Questioned Documents ‚xMÚt - Neutral; impartial; disinterested ‚xMÚt htßÞ - Neutral state ‚fhthe ƒtƒ‚ - Matter in dispute; disputed ‚xMÚt rðM‚th/ûtuºt - Neutral area ‚xMÚt Ëtûte - Disinterested witness matter ‚xMÚt‚t - Neutrality; impartiality ‚xMÚt‚t ËkrÄ - Neutrality treaty ‚fhthe {‚ - Challenged vote ‚xMÚt‚t™t Ëtu„kŒ/þ…Út - Oath of neutrality ‚fhthe/rððtŒ„úM‚ s{e™ - Land in dispute ‚xMÚt‚tðtŒ - Neutralism ‚f÷tŒe - Tiny; tender; fragile ‚xMÚtefhý - Neutralisation/Neutralization ‚f÷eV - Trouble; discomfort (2)Hardship ‚xeÞ ð™ - Beach forest ‚fðtŒ - Opportunism ‚xtu…he «ðtn - Overbank flow ‚fðtŒe - Opportunist; time server ‚z - Fracture; crack ‚fËeh - Error (2)Fault; offence ‚zftu - Sunshine ‚fËehðth Xhðwk ‚u - Conviction ‚zòuz - Settlement; adjustment; compromise ‚ftŒtu/òu - Pressing demand (2)Urgency ‚zƒq[ - Watermelon ‚fuŒthe - Vigilance; strict watch ‚zt{th - With great haste (2)Non-stop (3)In ‚fuŒthe y™w¼t„ - Vigilance section ‚fuŒthe ytÞtu„ - Vigilance Commission full swing ‚fuŒthe ‚kºt/ÔÞðMÚtt - Vigilance machinery ‚fuŒthe «¼t„ - Vigilance division ‚ý¾tu - Spark ‚¾‚t-™txf - Stage play ‚ýtð þÂõ‚ - Tensile strength; elasticity ‚¾‚t÷tÞfe - Stageability ‚‚ztððwk - Rate; scold; rebuke ‚¾‚tu - Stage ‚íft÷ - Instantaneous; instant; prompt; ‚¾Õ÷wË - Pseudonym; nickname; penname; immediate; at once alias ‚íft÷ ytÞturs‚ y¾ƒthe …rh»tŒ - Impromptu ‚„tðe ÷tu™ - Taccavi/takavi loan ‚s - Cinnamon Press Conference ‚sT¿t - Expert; learned ‚sT¿t/rðþu»t¿t {kz¤ - Brains trust ‚íft÷ ¾t÷e fhtððwk ‚u - Immediate evacuation ‚s™th - Abandoner; abdicant ‚sðwk - Give up; leave; forsake; abandon; 178 desert; abdicate
‚íft÷„ýf ‚…tË Ër{r‚ ‚íft÷„ýf - Ready-reckoner ‚ŒÚto {tusýe - Ad hoc survey ‚íft÷ [qfððt…tºt - Immediate due ‚ŒÚto ÷tu™ - Ad hoc loan ‚íft÷ {]íÞw - Instantaneous/immediate death ‚ŒÚto Ër{r‚ - Ad hoc Committee ‚íft÷ hðt™„e - Immediate despatch ‚Æ™ yk‚ ¼t„ - Fagend ‚íft÷ htufz [wfðýe - Down payment ‚Æ™ ¾tuxwk - Grossly inacurate ‚íft÷ ÷t¼ - Immediate gain ‚Æ™ ™ðwk - Brand-new ‚íft÷ ðnU[ýe/rð‚hý - Immediate/instant ‚Æ™ nk„t{e - Purely temporary ‚ÂîŒ - Expert delivery ‚™‚tuz - Fatiguing; exertive ‚L{Þ‚t - Absorption; engrossment ‚íft÷ ðtŠ»tfe - Immediate annuity ‚…Ëe÷ - Details; particulars ‚íft¤ M…Äto - Spot competition ‚…tË - Enquiry; investigation; inquiry; ‚íûtý {]íÞw - Instantaneous death ‚¥ð - Ingredient; element; essence search; screening; checking ‚í…h - Eager; ready ‚í…h‚t - Eagerness; readiness ‚…tË yŒt÷‚ - Court of enquiry ‚í…qh‚t yæÞût - Pro-tem Speaker ‚…tË yrÄfthe - Checking Officer; ‚í…qh‚wk - Interim; time being ‚Útt - And Investigation Officer; Enquiry Officer ‚ÚttfrÚt‚ - So-called; alleged ‚ÚttfrÚt‚ r…‚t (ft.) - Reputed father ‚…tË y™u ËkþtuÄ™ - Investigation and research ‚ÚÞ - Fact; truth; reality ‚…tË ytÞtu„ - Inquiry Commission; ‚ÚÞ rð™t™tu ytûtu… - Immaterial allegation ‚ÚÞ/Ëth rð™t™wk - Immaterial Commission of Inquiry ‚ÚÞt‚ÚÞ - Fact and fiction ‚Œ™wY… - Corresponding ‚…tË fhðe - Investigate; enquire; inquire ‚Œ™wY… ËkƒkÄtu - Corresponding relationships; ‚…tË-ft…÷e - Check slip ‚…tË ftÞoðtne - Enquiry proceedings resembling relationships ‚…tË ¾tuŒft{ - Test digging ‚…tË xwfze - Search party/squad ‚Œ™wËth - Accordingly ‚…tË Œhr{Þt™ - In course of checking ‚ŒÚto - Ad hoc ‚…tË îtht r™htfhý - Solution by inquiry ‚ŒÚto y™wŒt™ - Ad hoc grant ‚…tË r™heûtf - Investigation Inspector ‚ŒÚto [wfðýe - Ad hoc payment ‚…tË …heûtt - Screening ‚ŒÚto Ätuhý - Ad hoc basis ‚…tË «r‚ƒkÄ - Scrutiny restrictions ‚ŒÚto Vt¤ðýe - Ad hoc allotment ‚…tË ÞtŒe - Check list ‚…tË-hrsMxh - Check register ‚…tË Ër{r‚ - Inquiry Committee 179
‚…tËýe yrÄfthe ‚ƒeƒe áÂüyu yÞtuøÞ ‚…tËýe yrÄfthe - Inspecting Officer ‚ƒŒe÷e [uf - Transfer cheque ‚…tËýe yuf{ - Inspection unit ‚ƒŒe÷e-[tu…ztu - Transfer book ‚…tËýe ¾[o - Inspection charges ‚ƒŒe÷e îtht Ë{tÞtus™ - Adjustment by ‚…tËýe [tu…ztu - Inspection book transfer ‚…tËýe «{tý…ºt - Inspection certificate ‚…tË™tfwk/[tufe - Check post ‚ƒŒe÷e Ve - Transfer fee ‚…tË™eË - Investigator; examiner ‚ƒŒe÷e ÞtŒe…ºt - Transfer memorandum ‚…tË™eË, MÚttr™f r™rÄ rnËtƒ - Examiner, ‚ƒŒe÷e htus{u¤ - Transfer journal ‚ƒŒe÷e-÷uðzŒuðz - Transfer transaction Local Fund Accounts ‚ƒŒe÷eðne - Transfer book ‚…tË™wk ûtuºt/ÔÞt… - Scope of enquiry ‚ƒŒe÷e Ë{tÞtus™ - Transfer adjustment ‚…tË™tu ‚ƒ¬tu - Stage of inquiry ‚ƒŒe÷eÚte ÷u™th - Transferee ‚…tË«&™ - Probe question ‚ƒŒe÷eÚte ÷u™th fk…™e - Transferee company ‚…tËðwk - Inspect; investigate; examine ‚ƒŒe÷e…tºt - Transferable ‚Vzk[e - Pilferage ‚ƒŒe÷e…tºt {‚ - Transferable vote ‚Vzk[e fhðe - Pilfer ‚ƒŒe÷e…tºt r{÷f‚ - Transferable property ‚Vtð‚ - Difference; margin ‚ƒŒe÷e…tºt rn‚/rn‚˃k Äk - Transferable interest ‚Vtð‚ ®f{‚ - Differential cost ‚ƒŒe÷e…tºt rnËtƒ - Transferable account ‚Vtð‚ Œh - Differential rate ‚ƒeƒ - Medical practitioner; doctor ‚ƒ¬t …tzðt ‚u - Phasing ‚ƒeƒ/r[rfíËf™wk «{tý…ºt - Certificate by ‚ƒ¬t ËkƒkÄe/rð»tÞf - Phasic medical practitioner ‚ƒ¬tðth ftÞo¢{ - Phased programme ‚ƒ¬tu - Phase; stage ‚ƒeƒe - Medical ‚ƒŒe÷ fh™th ¼t„eŒth - Transferring partner ‚ƒeƒe yrÄfthe - Medical Officer ‚ƒŒe÷ fhðwk - Transfer ‚ƒeƒe y™u yÄo-‚ƒeƒe yÇÞtË¢{tu - Medical ‚ƒŒe÷ fhu÷ yMõÞt{‚ - Transferred assets ‚ƒŒe÷ fhu÷ rð»tÞ - Transferred subject and para-medical courses ‚ƒŒe÷e/nM‚tk‚hý - Transfer ‚ƒŒe÷e yusLx - Transfer agent ‚ƒeƒe W…[th - Medical therapy; medical ‚ƒŒe÷e fh™th - Transferor ‚ƒŒe÷e ¾‚/ŒM‚tðus - Deed of transfer; treatment transfer deed; conveyance ‚ƒeƒe W…[thf - Medical attendant ‚ƒeƒe fthý - Medical grounds ‚ƒŒe÷e-[wfðýe - Transfer payment ‚ƒeƒe fthýËh hò - Leave on medical grounds ‚ƒeƒe fthýtuËh - On medical grounds ‚ƒeƒe ftu÷us - Medical College ‚ƒeƒe áÂüyu yÞtuøÞ - Medically unfit 180
‚ƒeƒe áÂüyu ÞtuøÞ ‚h‚ ‚ƒeƒe áÂüyu ÞtuøÞ - Medically fit ‚ƒeƒe/Œtõ‚he ynuðt÷ - Medical report ‚ƒeƒe r™heûtf - Medical Inspector ‚ƒu÷tu - Stable; stall ‚ƒeƒe ™tUÄýe yrÄr™Þ{ - Medical ‚{Òtt - Craving; yearning ‚{k[tu - Pistol Registration Act ‚{t - Care; regard; concern ‚{t[tu - Slap ‚ƒeƒe LÞtÞþt† - Medical jurisprudence ‚{t{ yt…Â¥t Ët{u ðe{tu - Insurance against ‚ƒeƒe …rh»tŒ - Medical Council ‚ƒeƒe …heûtt - Medical examination all disasters ‚ƒeƒe …whtðtu - Medical evidence ‚ƒeƒe «{tý…ºt™t ytÄthu hò - Leave on ‚{t{ òu¾{ Ët{u ðe{tu - Insurance against all medical certificate risks ‚ƒeƒe {kz¤ - Medical Board ‚{t{ LÞtÞËk„‚ y…ðtŒtu™u ƒtŒ fh‚tk - Saving ‚ƒeƒe htn‚ - Medical relief ‚ƒeƒe hufzo/rð„‚ ftzo - Medical record card all just exceptions ‚ƒeƒe ÷t¼ - Medical benefit ‚ƒeƒe ðtuzo - Medical ward ‚{t{ «Þí™tu - All out efforts ‚ƒeƒe ÔÞðËtÞ - Medical practice/profession ‚{t{ ƒtƒ‚tu{tk - In all respects ‚ƒeƒe ËntÞ - Medical aid ‚{t{ ðtsƒe þkftÚte …h - Beyond all ‚ƒeƒe Ëtûte - Medical witness ‚ƒeƒe-Ët{trsf ftÞfo h - Medico-Social Worker reasonable doubt ‚ƒeƒe-Ët{trsf ËntÞ-ËtÄ™tu - Medico-social ‚{tþtu - Farce; fiasco aids ‚B{h - Giddiness; dizziness ‚hfx - Conspiracy; plot ‚ƒeƒe Ët{t™™tu …uxt-rz…tu - Sub-depot medical ‚hfthe - Vegetables ‚hfeƒ - Device; contrivance; tactics stores ‚h¾tx - Horror; terror ‚hsw{tu - Translation; version ‚ƒeƒe Ëthðth - Medical treatment ‚hz - Slit; fracture; crack ‚ƒeƒe Ëthðth yk„u™wk rƒ÷ - Medical treatment ‚hý - Swimming ‚hý M…Äto - Swimming competition bill ‚hý ntus - Swimming pool ‚hýÞtuøÞ‚t - Sea worthiness ‚ƒeƒe Ëthðth r™Þ{tu - Medical Attendance ‚hýÞtuøÞ‚t «{tý…ºt - Sea worthiness Rules certificate ‚ƒeƒe Ëthðth™tu ÷t¼ - Medical benefit ‚h‚ - Promptly; immediately; instantly; at ‚ƒeƒe Ëuðt - Medical service ‚ƒeƒe Ëuðtytu y™u ònuh ythtuøÞ - Medical once; urgently Services and Public Health ‚ƒeƒe-ft™q™e …whtðtu - Medico-legal evidence 181
‚h‚ W…h™t/‚h‚™t W…he yrÄfthe ‚ðk„h ‚h‚ W…h™t/‚h‚™t W…he yrÄfthe - Immediate ‚hk„ - Fad; whim; caprice (2)Wave; ripple superior ‚hk„ r[n™T - Ripple mark ‚hk„ ÷kƒtE - Wave length ‚h‚ s - Forthwith; at once; immediately ‚hk„e - Capricious; whimsical ‚h‚ ™shu [zu yuðe ¼q÷ - Glaring mistake ‚htz - Interstice; slit; crack ‚h‚ ™shu [zu ‚uðe søÞt - Conspicuous place ‚ht…tu - Float; raft ‚h‚ ™shu ™ [zu yuðwk - Inconspicuous ‚hwý - Adolescent; youth ‚h‚ ™e[u™t f{o[the/yrÄfthe - Immediate ‚hwý ðÞ™wk - Adolescent; youthful ‚hwýðÞ/‚hwýtðMÚtt - Adolescence/ subordinate employee/officer Adolescency; young age; youth ‚h‚ …Ae™wk/…ùtŒTð‚eo - Next following; next ‚hwý ÔÞÂõ‚ - Young person succeeding ‚hwýe - Adolescent; young girl ‚fo - Logic; reasoning; inference ‚h‚ …nu÷t™wk/…qðoð‚eo - Next preceding ‚fo„BÞ - Logical; presumptive; a priori ‚h‚ ƒ™™thwk - Impending; imminent ‚foŒtu»t - Fallacy of reasoning ‚h‚ ËtU…ýe fhth - Ready delivery contract ‚forðhwØ/rðËk„‚ - Irrational; illogical ‚h‚™t ‚tƒt nuX¤™tu f{o[the - Immediate ‚foþwØ - Logical; logically sound ‚foþwØ Œ÷e÷ - Sound argument subordinate ‚foËk„‚ - Logical; rational ‚foËk„‚‚t - Rationality; rhyme or reason ‚h‚e yMõÞt{‚ - Floating assets ‚ftoÄth - Rationale ‚h‚e {qze - Floating capital ‚so™e - Forefinger; index finger ‚h‚e rn{rþ÷t/rn{r„rh/rn{¾kz - Ice-berg ‚so™e {wÿt - Index finger pose ‚h‚tu …w÷ - Floating bridge ‚hVŒthe - Favouritism; partiality ‚hVuý - Favour; partiality ‚hVuý{tk y™u rðhwØ{tk - For and against ‚hVuý{tk ‚u{s rðhwØ{tk {‚ yt…™tht - Ayes and Noes ‚hVuý{tk {‚ yt…™tht - Ayes ‚÷…t…z - Impatient; eager ‚hƒtu¤ fhðwk - Saturate; drench; soak ‚÷{t…f ËtÄ™ - Planimeter ‚h÷ - Fluid; liquid ‚÷ðth - Sword; claymore ‚h÷ Éý…ºt - Liquid debenture ‚÷ðth™e {qX - Chape; filt ‚h÷ ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t - Fluid resources ‚÷M…þeo - Deep; original ‚h÷‚t - Buoyancy; liquidity ‚÷tf - Divorce; dissalution of marriage ‚h÷‚t Ëkfx - Liquidity crunch ‚÷tðze - Pond; tank ‚hðiÞtu - Swimmer ‚Õ÷e™‚t - Absorption; engrossment ‚hMÞwk - Thirsty ‚ðk„h - Rich; wealthy 182
‚ðtE ‚tfeŒ ‚ðtE - Misfortune; calamity ‚¤tð - Tank; pond ‚ðthe¾ - History; annals ‚¤tð {íMÞtãu t„u - Tank fisheries; pond fisheries ‚Ëðeh - Photograph; picture; photo ‚r¤Þt-¼tð - Bottom price; lowest price; ‚Ëðehfth - Phototgrapher; Photo Artist ‚ËðehÞtuøÞ - Photogenic floor price ‚nu™t‚ - Attendance; service ‚nuðth - Festival ‚r¤Þt™tu Ë…tx rðM‚th - Basal plate ‚nuðth …uþ„e - Festival advance ‚r¤Þwk - Base; bottom ‚nuðth™e hò - Festival holiday ‚k„ - Tight; tense (2)Hard pressed ‚ntu{‚ - Allegation; accusation; charge; ‚k„ …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Tense situation ‚k„ Ëkòu„tu - Straitened circumstances; tensed indictment circumstances ‚ntu{‚ ½zðwk - Frame a charge ‚ntu{‚ {qf™th - Accuser ‚k„rŒ÷e - Tension ‚ntu{‚ {qfðwk - Charge; allege; accuse ‚k„e - Privation; scarcity (2)Deficiency; (2)Impeach shortage; paucity ‚ntu{‚ {qfe þftÞ yuðwk - Chargeable ‚k‚w - Fabric; fibre; staple ‚ntu{‚Œth - Accused; indictee ‚k‚w{q¤ - Fibrous root ‚ntu{‚™t{wk - Charge-sheet; indictment ‚kºt - System; administration; network; set- (2)Impeachment up; machinery; organization ‚ntu{‚…tºt - Accusable; indictable ‚kºt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Organization; network; set up; ‚ntu{‚¼ÞwO - Accusatory ‚ntu{‚tu™wk òuztý - Joinder of charges machinery ‚¤ fûtt - Flat level; floor level ‚¤-¾zf - Bed-rock; bottom-rock ‚kºt-ÔÞðMÚtt y™u ðneðx - Organization and ‚¤ r[n™T - Bench mark ‚¤ Zt¤ - Bed slope Management ‚¤…Œe/Œuþe ÷tuf f÷tytu - Indigenous folk arts ‚¤…Œwk - Indigenous ‚kºth[™t - Set-up; machinery; organization ‚¤¼th - Bed load ‚kºte - Editor ‚¤-{s÷tu - Ground storey; ground floor ‚kºte÷u¾ - Editorial (2)Leader ‚¤hu¾t - Base line; bottom line ‚kŒwhM‚ - Healthy ‚¤þtuÄ™ - Bottoming ‚kŒwhM‚e - Health ‚¤tE - Mattress ‚kƒw - Pavilion; tent; tentage ‚tft - Piece goods ‚tft‚ - Energy; strength; ability; capability ‚tft‚™e fËtuxe - Test of strength; trial of strength ‚tft‚™tu W…Þtu„/ƒ¤-«Þtu„ - Use of force ‚tfeŒ - Urgency (2)Warning 183
‚tfeŒ fhðe ‚tƒt™tu f{o[theð„o ‚tfeŒ fhðe - Expedite ‚tíftr÷f …t÷™/y™w…t÷™ - Immediate ‚tfeŒ ft…÷e - Urgent slip compliance ‚tfeŒ™e sYrhÞt‚ - Exigency; dire necessity ‚tfeŒ™e Ëthðth - Emergency treatment ‚tíftr÷f Ë{t[th - News flash ‚tfeŒ™wk - Urgent ‚tÂ¥ðf áÂüyu - Essentially; substantiatly; ‚tfeŒ™tu fuË - Urgent case ‚tfeŒ «{tý…ºt - Urgency certificate materialy ‚t„ - Depth; end (2)Estimate ‚ts„e - Freshness ‚tÂ¥ðf «&™ - Substantial question ‚ts™tu Ëtûte - Approver ‚tÂ¥ðf VuhVth - Material alteration ‚tò f÷{ - Post-script (P.S.) ‚tí…Þo - Significance; purport; meaning ‚tò Ë{t[th - Late news; hot news; news ‚táþ - Vivid ‚táþ r[ºt Œtuhðwk - Portray update ‚táþ ðýo™ - Vivid/graphic description ‚táþ nuðt÷ - Vivid/graphic account ‚tswk - Fresh (2)Latest ‚táþ‚t - Vividness ‚tsu‚h™wk - Recent; present ‚t™tþtne - Despotism; dictatorship; tyranny ‚tsu‚h{tk - Recently; at present ‚t… r™Þkºtf ËtÄ™ - Thermostat ‚tz„tu¤ - Palmgur ‚t…f/W»{f - Heater ‚tz„tu¤ Wãtu„ - Palmgur industry ‚t…Œþof Þkºt - Thermoscope ‚tz™e ƒ™tðxt™u tu Wãt„u - Palm products industry ‚t…{t™ yt÷u¾ - Temperature chart ‚tz™wk ð]ût - Palm ‚t…{t…f - Thermometer ‚tz…ºte - Tarpaulin ‚t…÷u¾™ - Thermography ‚tz…ºteÞ nM‚«‚ - Palm leaf manuscript ‚t…÷u¾™ Þkºt - Thermograph ‚tze - Toddy ‚tƒz‚tuƒ - Forthwith; immediately; instantaneously; quickly; swiftly; promptly; at once ‚tý - Strain; stress (2)Hysteria; convulsion ‚tƒt™t yrÄfthe - Subordinate Officer ‚tƒt™t LÞtÞtÄeþ - Subordinate Judge (3)Scarcity ‚tƒt™t VtusŒthe LÞtÞtÄeþ - Subordinate ‚týtu - Warp Magistrate ‚tíftr÷f - Immediately; instantaneously; ‚tƒt™e yŒt÷‚ - Subordinate Court instantly ‚tƒt™e f[uhe - Subordinate Office ‚tƒt™e Ëuðt - Subordinate service ‚tíftr÷f ytð~Þf‚t - Exigency; urgency ‚tƒt™wk - Subordinate; subservient ‚tíftr÷f ftÞoðtne/…„÷tk - Immediate actions/ ‚tƒt™tu f{o[theð„o - Subordinate staff 184 steps/measures ‚tíftr÷f ftì÷ - Immediate call ‚tíftr÷f ¾heŒe - Impulse purchase
‚tƒt™tu {w÷f ‚t÷e{ ËkMÚtt ‚tƒt™tu {w÷f - Dominion ‚thts - Ruined; destructed; collapsed ‚tƒuŒth - Obedient; subordinate; subservient ‚thtkrf‚ - Starred ‚tƒuŒthe - Submission; subjugation; ‚thtkrf‚ fhðwk - Star ‚thtkrf‚ «&™ - Starred question subjection; subordination ‚the¾-At…/{wÿt - Date stamp ‚the¾ ™¬e fhðe - Appointment of date ‚t{ú…ºt ÷u¾ - Copper plate inscription ‚the¾-{ntuh - Date seal ‚t{ú-…t»ttý Þw„ - Chalcolithic age ‚the¾ rð™t™wk - Undated ‚t{ú «M‚h Þw„ - Aeneolithic period/era ‚the¾ ËtÚtu™e Ëne - Dated signature ‚th - Telegram; telegraph (2)Fibre (3)Thread ‚the¾™t htus y™u ‚u ‚the¾Úte - On and from (4)Wire the date ‚th ytuòh - Wire tool ‚the¾™tu rˬtu - Date stamp ‚th ½h - Telegraph office ‚ther¾Þwk - Calendar ‚th-{™eytuzoh - Telegraphic money order ‚thes - Extract; abstract ‚th-hßsw/Œtuh - Cable ‚thwÛÞ - Adolescence; youth ‚th-rð÷kƒ ‚…tË (Ëk[th) - Tablet check ‚thtu - Star (2)Swimmer ‚th-ÔÞðnth - Telegraph traffic ‚tŠff …Ør‚ - Rational method; logical ‚th Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Telegraph Authority ‚th Ëh™t{wk - Telegraphic address method ‚th-Ëkfu‚f - Telegraphist ‚th ËkŒuþ - Telegraphic message ‚t÷tðu÷e - Eagerness; impatience ‚th Ëuðt - Telegraph service ‚t÷e{ - Training ‚thf - Star ‚t÷e{ yrÄfthe - Training Officer ‚thf-…„th (÷~f.) - Star pay ‚t÷e{ yÇÞtË¢{ - Training course ‚thý - Findings; summary (2)Security ‚t÷e{ ftÞo¢{ - Training programme ‚thýhrn‚ Éý…ºt - Naked debenture ‚t÷e{ xwfze - Training team ‚thýðt¤e ÷tu™ - Secured loan ‚t÷e{ …t{u÷ - Trained ‚thý rð™t™e ÷tu™ - Unsecured loan ‚t÷e{ {t¤¾wk/Ztk[tu - Training structure ‚thÚte ™týtk™e ‚ƒŒe÷e - Telegraphic transfer ‚t÷e{ ÷E hnu÷ - Undergoing training ‚th™¤e - Conduit ‚t÷e{ ð„o - Training class ‚th™wk „qk[¤wk - Coil ‚t÷e{ rþûtf - Instructor; trainer ‚th…ºt - Savingram ‚t÷e{ rþrƒh - Training camp ‚thÞkºt - Telegraph ‚t÷e{ ËntÞf-ËtÄ™ - Training aids ‚thrðãt - Telegraphy ‚t÷e{ ËkMÚtt - Training Institute 185
‚t÷e{ nuX¤™wk ‚eðú M…Äto/nheVtE ‚t÷e{ nuX¤™wk - Under training r‚òuhe Útt…ý hËeŒ - Treasury deposit receipt ‚t÷e{-Ën-Wí…tŒ™ fuLÿ - Training-cum- r‚òuhe rƒ÷ - Treasury bill production centre r‚òuhe {ntuh - Treasury seal r‚òuhe htufz - Till money ‚t÷e{-Ën-ƒtkÄft{ fuLÿ - Training-cum-work r‚òuhe rË÷f - Treasury balance r‚òuhe ËwrðÄt - Chest/Treasury facility centre r‚òuhe rnËtƒ - Treasury accounts r‚‚÷e ðtÕð - Butterfly valve ‚t÷e{™e {wŒ‚ - Training period r‚‚t÷e - Childlish ‚t÷e{tÚteo yrÄfthe - Officer under training r‚r‚ûtt - Endurance; tolerance ‚t÷e{e/‚t÷e{tÚteo - Apprentice; trainee r‚hMfth - Contempt; aversion; disgust; hatred ‚t÷e{tu¥th …heûtt - Post-training examination r‚hMfth fhðtu/r‚hMfthðwk - Contempt; hate; ‚tð - Pyrexia; fever (2)Sheet ‚tð r[rfíËt - Fever therapy abase ‚tð{t…f - Clinical thermometer ‚tðes - Talisman; amulet r‚hMfth…tºt - Abhorrent; contemptible; ‚tË - Period ‚tËeh - Quality (2)Characteristics; tendency disgusting; hateful ‚t¤tƒkÄe - Lock-out ‚eûý - Acute; sharp; pointed (2)Sharp witted ‚t¤tƒkÄe™u fthýu Q¼e Út‚e søÞtytu - Lockout ‚eûý Äthðt¤wk nrÚtÞth - Sharp edged weapon vacancies ‚eûý-rþ¾h ytzƒkÄ - Sharp-crested weir ‚eûý‚t - Sharpness ‚t¤wk - Padlock; lock ‚e¾wk - Pungent; acrid (2)Hot tempered ‚t¤tu {¤ðtu - Tally ‚e¾tu MðtŒ - Pungent taste ‚tk‚ýtu - Yarn; fibre; thread ‚ez - Locust ‚tkƒt™wk …‚hwk - Copper sheet ‚ehAwk - Oblique; slanting ‚tkƒt™tu ftx/{tuhÚtqÚtwk - Copper sulphate ‚eÚto/‚eÚtoMÚtt™ - Place of pilgrimage; pilgrim ‚tkƒwk - Copper r‚òuhe - Treasury; strong box (2)Chest; safe centre; holy place r‚òuhe yrÄfthe - Treasury Officer ‚eÚtoÞtºtt - Pilgrimage r‚òuhe ytðf - Treasury receipts ‚eðú - Intense; staunch; pungent; acute; severe r‚òuhe yusLËe - Treasury agency ‚eðú yA‚/fth{e ‚k„e - Acute shortage/ r‚òuhe ¾kz - Strong room scarcity r‚òuhe [÷ý - Treasury challan r‚òuhe ‚fuŒthe r™Þkºtý - Treasury vigilance ‚eðú fhðwk/Útðwk - Intensify ‚eðú ŒhŒ - Severe pain control ‚eðú ð¤tkf - Sharp bend; sharp turn r‚òuhe ‚…tË yuf{ - Treasury Inspection Unit 186 ‚eðú M…Äto/nheVtE - Keen competition
‚eðú/s÷Œ „kÄ ‚uS™e Y¾ ‚eðú/s÷Œ „kÄ - Pungent smell breakable item ‚eðú‚t - Intensity; acuteness ‚wåA - Worthless (2)Trifle; insignificant; slight ‚q‚f - Deck ‚wåA ƒtƒ‚ - Trifling matter; trifle ‚q‚f ¾÷tËe - Deck hand ‚wåA‚t - Worthlessness; insignificance ‚q‚f ¾÷tËe„ý/™trðf„ý - Deck crew ‚w{t¾e - Hot temper ‚q‚f-½h - Deck house ‚w{thþtne - Red tapism ‚q‚f …w÷ - Deck bridge ‚wh‚ - Immediately; at once ‚]ý - Grass ‚w÷™t - Comparison ‚]‚eÞ ûtuºt - Tertiary sector ‚w÷™tí{f - Comparative ‚]‚eÞ …ûtfth - Third party ‚w÷™tí{f ytkfzt - Comparative statistics/ ‚u s MÚt¤u - Ibid (Ibidem) ‚u îtht/‚uÚte - Thereby figures ‚u ƒtƒ‚{tk - In that behalf ‚u {txu - Therefore ‚w÷™tí{f ¾[o - Comparative cost ‚u {wsƒ - Accordingly ‚w÷™tí{f Œh y™wËqr[ - Comparative rate ‚u Ë{Þu y{÷{tk - Then in force ‚u Ë{Þu «ð‚o‚wk/{tusqŒ - Then existing schedule ‚u Ë{Þu «ð‚o{t™ ftÞŒtu - Law for the time ‚w÷™tí{f …z‚h ®f{‚ rð&÷u»tý - Comparative being in force Cost Analysis ‚u ËtÚtu - Therewith ‚u rËðtÞ/W…htk‚ - Save in so far as ‚w÷™tí{f …ºtf - Comparative statement ‚us - Sharp (2)Lustre (3)Fast ‚wÕÞ - Equal; similar; identical ‚us áÂü - Visual acuity ‚wðuh - Pigeon pea ‚us ƒòh - Strong market ‚wÂü„wý - Utility ‚usMðe - Bright; dignified; spirited ‚qx - Shortage (2)Break (3)Short-fall ‚uò™tu - Spices ‚qxf Wí…tŒ™ - Stop and go production ‚uòƒ - Acid ‚qxf ‚qxf - Intermittent ‚uòƒ fËtuxe - Acid test ‚qxf ‚qxf/ytk‚hu ytk‚hu …z‚tu ðhËtŒ - ‚uS - Boom; rise in prices ‚uS-{kŒe - Trade cycle; upward and Intermittent rain downward trend ‚qx™tu „t¤tu - Period of break ‚qx…qhf ™týt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Bridging finance ‚uS™e Y¾ - Upward trend of prices ‚qxVqx - Breakage; wear and tear ‚uS™wk ð÷ý - Bullish tendency ‚qxhrn‚ Ë{Þ„t¤tu - Unbroken period; continuous period ‚qxe „Þu÷ - Wrecked; broken; fractured ‚qxeVqxe òÞ yuðe ðM‚w - Damageable article; 187
‚uS™wk ð÷ý ‚tuhý ‚uSðt¤tu ðu…the - Bull ‚i÷e ‚tz - Oilpalm ‚òu ðu Ä - Humiliation ‚i÷e {÷{ - Greasy ointment ‚u™e ™e[u/‚u yLðÞu - There under ‚tuAztE - Insolence; impertinence; ‚u™wk/‚u™u ÷„‚wk - Thereof ‚u{ Út‚tk - Thereupon impudence ‚u{tk - Therein ‚u÷ - Oil ‚tuAzt…ýwk - Incivility; rudeness; discourtesy ‚u÷ y™u «tf]r‚f ðtÞw ytÞtu„ - Oil and Natural ‚tuAzwk - Impudent; impertinent; insolent ‚tuz - Compromise; settlement Gas Commission ‚tuzVtuz - Sabotage; wreckage ‚tuzðwk - Break ‚u÷-ûtuºt - Oil-field ‚tuze …tzðwk - Pull down; demolish ‚u÷-…èe - Oil-belt ‚tu‚ztðwk - Stammer ‚u÷ {¤e ytððwk - Strike oil ‚tu… - Gun; cannon ‚u÷-r{÷ - Oil mill ‚tu…¾t™wk - Artillery; battery; arsenal ‚u÷-{wÿý - Oleography ‚tu…[e - Gunner ‚u÷ þtuÄ - Oil exploration ‚tu…-Ät‚w - Gun metal ‚u÷-þtu»tf‚t - Oil absorption ‚tu…™tu „tu¤tu - Cannon ball ‚u÷™tu fqðtu - Oil well ‚tu…{thtu - Barrage; shower of cannon balls ‚u÷Þwõ‚ M‚h - Oil bearing stratum ‚tuVt™ - Hubbub (2)Tempest; storm ‚u÷ðtnf - Oil tanker ‚u÷erƒÞtk - Oilseeds (3)Mischief; disturbance; riot ‚iÞth - Ready-made (2)Ready (3)Prepared ‚iÞth f…ztk - Readymade garments ‚tuVt™„úM‚ - Disturbed; riot hit/affected ‚iÞth fhðwk - Prepare; equip; produce ‚tuVt™ {[tððwk ‚u - Rampage ‚iÞth Útðwk - Be ready ‚tuVt™-htuÄf - Stormproof ‚iÞth …tf - Matured crop ‚tuVt™ þtk‚ …tz™th - Trouble-shooter ‚iÞth/Wí…trŒ‚ {t÷ - Manufactured goods; ‚tuVt™-Ëkfu‚ - Storm signal ‚tuVt™™e [u‚ðýe - Storm warning finished goods ‚tuVt™e - Rowdy; mischievous ‚tuVt™e [[to - Stormy debate ‚iÞthe - Preparation; readiness ‚tuVt™e xtu¤wk - Violent mob ‚iÞthe™e hò (rþ.) - Preparation leave ‚tuVt™e …ð™ - Storm wind ‚iÞth {t÷™wk {qÕÞ - Value of finished goods ‚tuVt™e ðnuý - Turbulent flow ‚i÷ hk„ - Oil-colour; oil-paint ‚tuVt™e nðt{t™ - Stormy weather ‚÷i r[ºt - Oil-painting ‚tuhý - Festoon 188
‚tuhý{t¤t rºt¼t»te ‚tuhý{t¤t - Arcade ºttËŒtÞf y™u òu¾{e Wãtu„ - Obnoxious and ‚tuhe÷wk - Capricious ‚tu÷-¾[o - Weighment charge hazardous industries ‚tu÷ …Ør‚ - Weighment system ‚tu÷ {t… - Weights and measures ºttËŒtÞf Wãtu„ - Obnoxious industry ‚tu÷ Þkºt - Weighing machine ºttËŒtÞf/…sðýefthf ‚ntu{‚ - Vexatious ‚tu÷ðwk - Scale; weigh ‚tu÷tx - Weighman; weigher indictment ‚tu¤tE hnu÷wk - Impending; imminent ‚tu¤tE hnu÷tu ¼Þ - Imminent danger; ºttËY… ðM‚w/ÔÞÂõ‚ - Nuisance; trouble; bore ºttËðtŒe - Terrorist impending danger ºttrn‚ …ût™tu ðe{tu - Third party insurance ºttrn‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Stranger; third party íÞõ‚ ƒt¤f - Foundling; waif ºttkËt yûthtu - Italics íÞõ‚-rþþw„]n - Foundling home ºttkËt yûthtu{tk - In italics íÞtk ËwÄe - Till then ºttkËe ÷exeytu/hu¾tytu - Hatched lines íÞt„ - Abdication; renounce; abandonment; ºttkËwk - Oblique; transverse ºttkËtu …w÷ - Skew bridge desertion ºttkËtu ¼qM‚h¼k„ - Oblique fault rºtftuý¼qr{ - Delta íÞt„ fhðtu - Abdicate; renounce; give up; desert rºtftuýr{r‚ - Trigonometry íÞth …Ae - Subsequently; then; there after rºtftuýtfth ¾tk[tu - Triangular notch íÞthÚte - Since then rºtûtuºt - Trizonia íÞthu y{÷{tk ntuÞ ‚u - Then in force rºt¾kze - Trilobita ºtý „ýwk - Triple; thrice rºt„wýe hËe - Triple vaccine ºtý ™f÷ - Triplicate rºtßÞf ÔÞðMÚtt - Radial system ºtý ™f÷{tk - In triplicate rºtßÞt fqðtu - Radial well ºtý …zðt¤wk - Three fold rºt…ûte - Tripartite ºtý …iztk™wk ðtn™ - Three wheeler rºt…ûte fhth - Tripartite agreement ºtÞ - Trio rºt…ûte ðtxt½tx - Tripartite talks ºttsðwk - Weighing scale; balance; weghing rºt…ûte Ë{sq‚e - Tripartite pact rºt…ûte ËkrÄ - Tripartite treaty balance; scales; pair of scales rºt…rh{týe/ytÞt{e á~Þ - Three dimensional ºttË - Nuisance (2)Annoyance; harassment view ºttË yt…ðtu - Harass; annoy ºttËŒtÞf - Irksome; troublesome; vexatious; rºt…rh{týe rVÕ{ - Three dimensional film rºt…wxe - Trio obnoxious rºt¼t»te - Trilingual 189
rºt¼uxt-r™þt™ Út{o÷ Qòo rºt¼uxt-r™þt™ - Trijunction mark íðht{t…f - Accelerometer rºt¼xu tu - Trijunction point íðrh‚ - Accelerated; quick; prompt; speedy rºt{tË - Quarter; three months íðrh‚ ytŒuþ - Snap order rºthk„e At…ft{/{wÿý - Three colour printing; íðrh‚ W…tÞ - Speedy remedy íðrh‚/ËkÂût ftÞo…Ør‚ - Summary procedure tricolour printing íðrh‚ ftÞoðtne/…„÷tk - Immediate action; rºthk„e æðs - Tricoloured flag prompt action rºthk„tu rËø™÷ - Three aspect signal rºtð»to - Triennium íðrh‚ „út{eý …týe …whðXt ftÞo¢{ - Accelerated rºtrðÄ - Triple; triplicate rºtrðÄ ÷t¼ Þtus™t - Triple benefit scheme Rural Water Supply Programme rºtrðÄ ÷t¼ ðe{t …tur÷Ëe - Triple benefit íðrh‚ [wfðýe…tºt ðtŠ»tfe - Immediate annuity assurance policy due rºtþ‚tçŒe - Tercentenary; tricentenary rºtþkfw rðÄt™Ë¼t - Hung Assembly íðrh‚ xwfze - Flying squad rºtþkfw ËkËŒ - Hung Parliament íðrh‚ r™ft÷ - Summary disposal rºtËkfh - Trihybrid íðrh‚ …„÷tk ÷uðt/ftÞoðtne fhðt «uhðwk - rºtM‚heÞ …Ør‚ - Three tier system ºteswk ðt[™ - Third reading Galvanize into action ºtwrx - Drawback; lapse; lacuna; flaw; error ºtwrxhrn‚ - Flawless íðrh‚ …týe …whðXt Þtus™t - Accelerated Water ºtuðz - Economy; thrift ºtuðzðt¤wk - Economical; thrifty Supply Scheme ºtuðzwk - Triple; triplicate ºti{trËf/rºt{trËf - Quarterly íðrh‚ htßÞ …rhð‚o™ - Coup d’etat ºti{trËf/rºt{trËf ÷ðts{ - Quarterly íðrh‚ ÷~fhe yŒt÷‚ - Summary court martial subscription Úk ºti{trËf/rºt{trËf n…‚tu - Quarterly instalment ÚtE™u - Via ºtiðtŠ»tf ynuðt÷ - Triennial report Útz - Trunk of a tree ºtiðtŠ»tf ftÞo¢{ - Triennial programme Útz™wk ÷tfzwk - Stem wood íð[thtu„rð¿tt™ - Dermatology Útztu - Counter íð[thtu„rð¿tt™e - Dermatologist ÚtÃ…e - Stack (2)Pile íðht - Promptness; speed ÚtÞu÷wk {‚Œt™ - Votes cast Úth - Bed; layer; stratum ÚthÚthtx - Horror; terror ÚthÚthtðe ™t¾ðwk - Horrify; alarm; terrify Út{o÷ Qòo - Thermal energy 190
Út{o÷ ðes¤e {Útf ŒxtÞu÷wk Ä™ Út{o÷ ðes¤e {Útf - Thermal power station -Úte rðhwØ Xhtððwk - Over-rule Úttf - Fatigue; exhaustion; exertion Útesðwk - Freeze; chill Úttfu÷wk - Languid; tired; exhausted ÚtqkfŒt™e - Spitoon Úttýt-«¼the - Station-In-charge Útqkfðwk - Spit Úttýwk - Post; police outpost Útu÷tu - Bag; gunny ÚttýuŒth - Station Officer Úttuf - Quantity; mass Útt™/‚tftu - Piece goods Úttuf Wí…tŒ™ - Mass production Útt…ý - Deposit Úttufze - Pack; bundle Útt…ý ò{e™„ehe - Security deposit ÚttufƒkÄ ¾heŒe - Bulk purchase Útt…ý/y™t{‚ ¾t‚wk - Deposit account ÚttufƒkÄ ðu[tý - Bulk sale Útt…ý/y™t{‚ {qf™th - Depositor Úttuzt s Ë{Þ …nu÷tk™wk - Late; quite recent Útt…ý/y™t{‚ ht¾™th - Depositary Úttuzwkf - Slight; little; scanty Útt…ý/y™t{‚ rnËtƒ - Deposit account Úttu¼ Ëkfu‚ - Stop signal Útt…ýŒth - Depositor Úttuh/Útwðuh - Cactus Útt…ýÞwõ‚ ðe{tu - Deposit linked insurance Úttuh™e ðtz - Live hedge Útt…tu - Hip Ë Úttƒzðwk - Pat Útt¤u …tzðwk - Normalize (2)Settle; restore Úttk¼÷tÚte xuftu yt…ðtu - Pile Œût - Adept; clever; skilful; expert; adroit Úttk¼÷tŒth z¬tu/Ĭtu - Piled jetty Œût‚t - Prowess Úttk¼÷t™tu W…h™tu ¼t„ - Impost ŒÂûtý Äúwð - South pole Úttk¼÷e - Baluster; short pillar ŒÂûtýtr¼{w¾e - Dextral Úttk¼÷tu - Pillar; post; column Œ¾÷„ehe/Œ¾÷ - Interference; intervention rÚtÞtuztu÷tEx/rðftuý{t™ {tusýe - Theodolite Œ¾÷„ehe fhðe - Intervene; interfere; meddle; survey tamper with rÚtÞtuztu÷tEx/rðftuý{t™ {tusýeŒth - Theodolite Œ„t¾tuh ÔÞðnth - Traitorous practice Surveyor Œ„t¾tuheÞwõ‚ r÷÷t{ - Knockout auction -Úte y{÷{tk ytðu yu he‚u - With effect from Œ„tƒts/Œ„t¾tuh - Scab; betrayer; fraud; -Úte ™t™e ô{h™wk - Under age treacherous; perfidious; fraudulent; traitor -Úte ðÄw - In excess of Œ„tƒtS - Scabbing -Úte ðÄw {‚ {u¤ððt - Outvote Œ„tu - Perfidy; treachery; betrayal; guile -Úte ðÄw Ë{Þ ËwÄe Sððwk - Outlive ŒxtÞu÷wk Ä™ - Treasure trove 191
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