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Home Explore gutarati to english

gutarati to english

Published by Dhaval Kataria, 2022-05-25 15:41:55

Description: gutarati to english


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{t™ð-f÷tf Œh {t™Ëq[f {t™ð-f÷tf Œh - Man-hour rate {t™ðþÂõ‚ ytÞtus™ y™u MÚtt™¼hýe yuf{ - {t™ð-f÷tf …Ør‚ - Man-hour method {t™ð fÕÞtý - Human welfare Manpower Planning and Placement Cell {t™ð-rŒðË - Man-day {t™ð …rhÂMÚtr‚rð¿tt™ - Human ecology {t™ðþÂõ‚ ft{u ÷„tzðe ‚u - Manpower {t™ð ð…htþ - Human consumption {t™ð ð…htþ {txu yÞtuøÞ - Unfit for human mobilization consumption {t™ðþÂõ‚ r™Þt{f™e f[uhe - Directorate of {t™ð ð…htþ {txu ÞtuøÞ - Fit for human Manpower consumption {t™ðþÂõ‚™u „r‚þe÷ fhðe ‚u - Mobilization of {t™ð ðËðtx {txu yÞtuøÞ - Unfit for human manpower habitation {t™ðËŠs‚ ft…z - Man-made fabric {t™ðËŠs‚ huËt - Man-made fibre {t™ð ðu…th - Traffic in human beings {t™ðt/Mðefthðt ‚iÞth - Open to conviction {t™ð Ëk…fo rþûtý - Human relations education {t™ðt[f - Honorific {t™ð MðY… - Anthropomorphous {t™ðeÞ ËkƒkÄ - Human relations {t™ð Mðt‚kºÞ - Human liberty {t™ðtur[‚ …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Human conditions {t™ðòr‚ - Homosapiens; human race {t™Ëþt†/{™turð¿tt™ - Psychology {t™ðòr‚rð¿tt™ - Ethnology {t™ËþtMºte/{™turð¿tt™e - Psychologist {t™ð‚t - Humanism {t™rËf yþtkr‚ - Turmoil; mental disturbance {t™ð‚tðtŒe - Humanist {t™rËf yt½t‚ - Trauma; mental shock {t™ð‚tðtŒe/{t™ðrn‚÷ûte yr¼„{ - {t™rËf yt½t‚sLÞ rƒ{the - Traumatic illness {t™rËf W¥tus™t - Nervous excitement Humanitarian approach {t™rËf ûttu¼ - Nervousness {t™rËf ¾t{eðt¤wk - Mentally deficient {t™ðrŒ™™e ¾tux - Man-day loss {t™rËf ‚tý - Mental tension {t™ð-hnuXtý - Human dwelling {t™rËf ºttË - Mental torture {t™ð-ð»to - Man-year {t™rËf …rh©{ - Mental fatigue {t™ð-Ë{qn - Human agglomeration {t™rËf …ezt - Mental agony {t™ð-Ëk„únt÷Þ - Musee del homme {t™rËf ¼th - Botheration; anxiety {t™ððtŒ - Humanity {t™rËf htu„™e ntuÂM…x÷ - Mental Hospital {t™ðrðãtytu - Humanities {t™rËf ðÞ - Mental age {t™ðþÂõ‚ - Manpower {t™rËf þÂõ‚ - Faculty; mental capacity {t™ðþÂõ‚ yrÄfthe - Manpower Officer {t™rËf ÂMÚtr‚ - State of mind {t™ðþÂõ‚ ykŒts…ºt - Manpower budget {t™rËf MðtMÚÞ - Mental hygiene {t™Ëq[f - Honorific 342

{t™ntr™ {thftu ÷„tzðt™e he‚ {t™ntr™ - Defamation; derogation {t… ÷uðwk - Measure; gauge {t™ntr™ fh™thwk - Derogatory; defamatory {t…-ËtÄ™ - Measure; scales {t™tÚto [wfðýe - Payment of honour; {t…f - Gauge; meter {t…r[n™T - Scale degree honorarium {t…Œþof - Gauge {t…Œkz/{t™Œkz - Yardstick; criterion; norm {t™tno/{t™Œ - Honorary {t…™ ft[ - Measure glass {t™tno/{t™Œ …Œðe - Title of honour {t…ƒkÄe - Rationing {t™tno/{t™Œ Ër[ð - Honorary Secretary {t…hu¾t - Scale line {t™tno/{t™Œ nurËÞ‚ - Honorary capacity {t…ðt[f - Gauge reader {t™tksr÷ - Homage; tribute {t…ðwk - Measure; gauge {t™e ÷eÄu÷ yrÄfth - Supposed right {t…tkf™ - Calibration; admeasurement {t™e ÷eÄu÷e ‚the¾ - Deemed date {tr…Þwk - Measure; measuring instrument {t™e ÷uðwk - Assume; presume; postulate {tV fhðwk - Condone; forgive; pardon; remit {t™e ÷uðwk ‚u - Presumption; assumption; {tVf - Suitable; convenient; moderate {tVf ytðu ‚uðwk - Suitable; agreeable; moderate postulation {tVfËh - Moderate {tVe - Pardon; amnesty; remission; {tLÞ - Accepted; recognized; approved {tLÞ fhðwk - Recognize; accept; approve forgiveness (2)Condonation; exemption {tLÞ fhu÷ ¼tzt …ºtf - Approved fare table (3)Freeship {tLÞ ftÞŒtu - Good law {tLÞ ht¾ðwk - Accede; agree; concede {tVe ¾t‚wk (f].) - Rent-free holding {tLÞ‚t - Approval; recognition (2)Belief {tVe/f…] t „ýw - Condonation marks; grace marks {tLÞ‚t/Mðef]r‚ …tAe ¾U[ðe - Withdrawal of {tVe {t„ðe - Apologize; excuse {tVe rðãtÚteo - Free student recognition {tVe…tºt - Excusable; forgivable {tƒt… - Parents {tLÞ‚t«tó - Recognized {t{÷tu - Situation; event {tLÞ‚t«tó þt¤t - Recognized school {t{q÷e - Trivial; immaterial; petty; trifle; {tLÞ‚t hŒ fhðe - Derecognize {t…/{t…ýe - Size; measure; gauge; scale insignificant (2)Admeasurement; measurement {t{q÷e „w™tu fh™th - Trivial offender {th - Beat; stroke (2)Beating; thrashing {t… ytkfýe - Calibration; measuring {thftu ÷„tzðt™e he‚ - Marking system {t…-yuf{ - Unit of measure {t…-…èe - Measuring tape (2) Rule 343 {t…-…heûtf - Check measurer {t…-…heûtý - Check measurement {t…-…tuÚte - Measurement book

{thftu ÷„tððtu {t„toL‚h ƒkÄ {thftu ÷„tððtu - Mark {t„oŒþof „tze - Pilot car {th…ex - Battery; beating; buffeting {t„oŒþof Úttk¼÷tu - Sign post {thV‚ - Through {t„oŒþof hzth - Pathfinder radar {thVr‚Þtu - Agent; broker; clearing agent {t„oŒþof Y…hu¾t/™fþtu - Key plan {tht{the - Fighting; scuffle {t„oŒþof rËØtk‚tu - Directive principles {t„o - Road; passage; path (2)Route {t„oŒþof Ëq[™t - Guideline {t„o fh - Road toll; toll tax; toll {t„oŒþo™ - Guidance; direction {t„o fh [tufe - Toll house {t„oŒþo™ yt…ðwk - Guide {t„o fh ™tfwk - Toll gate; toll booth {t„oŒþo™ ftÞo¢{ - Guidance programme {t„o fh ðËq÷t‚Œth - Toll Collector {t„oŒþo™ fuLÿ - Guidance centre {t„o [tufe-…nuht ÔÞðMÚtt - Road patrol system {t„oŒþo™ …rhÞtus™t - Guidance project {t„o ò¤ðýe - Road maintenance {t„oŒþo™ Ëuðt - Guidance service {t„o ™¬e fhðtu - Fix route {t„o™e ƒtswytu …h ð]ût-WAuh - Road side {t„o r™Þ{ - Rule of the road plantation {t„o r™heûtf - Road Inspector {t„o r™Œuorþft - Itinerary {t„o™tu ™fþtu - Road map {t„o r™þt™ - Road sign {t„o…Ør‚ - Road system {t„o …h yfM{t‚ - Road accident {t„o-Vtkxtu - Diversion road {t„o …rhðn™ - Road transport {t„o{tk - En route; in transit {t„o …rhðn™ ‚kºt - Road Transport Authority {t„o{tk htuftý - Stoppage in transit {t„o …rhðn™ r™„{ - Road Transport {t„ohûtý Vhs/ft{„ehe - Escort duty {t„oþtuÄf - Pathfinder Corporation {t„oËq[f M‚k¼ - Milestone {t„o …rhðn™ ðtn™ - Road transport vehicle {t„oMÚt ¼hýwk - Remittance in transit {t„o …rhðn™ Ëuðt - Road Transport Service {t„oMÚt {t÷ - Goods in transit {t„o ƒŒ÷ðtu - Divert {t„oMÚt rþrƒh - Transit camp {t„o hu÷ …w÷ - Road rail bridge {t„torÄfth/yðhsðh™tu nf - Right of way {t„o ÔÞðMÚtt - Road system {t„toL‚h/ytz-{t„o - Diversion {t„o rþüt[th - Road etiquette {t„toL‚h ytzƒkÄ - Diversion weir {t„o Ë÷t{‚e - Road safety {t„toL‚h ft{tu - Diversion works {t„oåÞw‚ - Off the track {t„toL‚h ftkË/™t¤wk - Diversion channel {t„oxt…w - Pedestrian island {t„toL‚h ™nuh - Diversion canal {t„oŒþof - Directive (2)Guide (3)Pathfinder {t„toL‚h ƒkÄ - Diversion dam 344

{tŠ{f {t÷™e nuhVuh {tŠ{f - Significant; sharp; meaningful {t÷ ht¾ðt™e {ÞtoŒt - Stock limit {t÷ - Goods; stock (2)Merchandise {t÷ ÷u™th - Consignee {t÷ yðuûtf - Goods Supervisor {t÷-ðne - Stock book {t÷ yt…ðt™e þh‚tu - Terms of delivery; {t÷-ðne Œh - Stock book rate {t÷ ðt{e Œuðtu (ðs™ ytuAwk fhðt ðntý{tkÚte conditions of delivery ŒrhÞt{tk) - Jettison {t÷-fh - Goods tax {t÷ ðtn™ - Goods carriage {t÷-fh™e ƒtfe - Arrears of goods tax {t÷-ðu„™ - Goods wagon {t÷ fthfw™ - Goods Clerk {t÷-Ëk„ún - Storage of goods {t÷-¾htE - Stock verification {t÷ ËhðiÞwk - Goods balance sheet {t÷ ¾heŒe …ºtf - Stock purchase register {t÷ ËtÚtu™wk ðs™ - Laden weight {t÷-„tuŒt{ - Goods shed; godown; {t÷ Ëqr[ - Stock list; stock inventory {t÷ rnËtƒ - Goods account warehouse {t÷ nuhVuh ðu…th - Transit trade {t÷-Ët{t™ W…tz™th - Carrier {t÷-[ftËýe - Stock checking {t÷-ËtU…ýe - Delivery of goods {t÷ [Ztððt-W‚thðt™e Ë„ðz - Cargo {t÷-Mxtpf™tu {qÕÞ ðÄthtu - Stock appreciation {t÷-Mxtpf™tu {qÕÞ ½xtztu - Stock depreciation handling facilities {t÷fe ŒM‚tðus - Document of title {t÷feVuh - Conveyance {t÷ [Ztððtu y™u W‚htððtu - Loading and {t÷feVuh fhe yt…ðtu - Convey {t÷feVuh ¾‚/ŒM‚tðus - Conveyance deed unloading of goods {t÷feVuh™tu ŒM‚tðus ‚iÞth fh™th - Conveyancer {t÷fenf ¾qk[ðe ÷uðtu - Expropriate {t÷ zçƒtu - Freight car {t÷„tze - Goods train {t÷-r™Þkºtý - Stock control {t÷-„tze™tu zçƒtu - Wagon {t÷-r™heûtý - Stock inspection {t÷Äthe - Stockman; stock farmer {t÷ …h™t þwÕf{tk ½xtztu - Abatement of duty {t÷™e ®f{‚-ytkfýe - Stock valuation {t÷™e ¾htE fh™th - Stock verifier on goods {t÷™e «tÂó - Stock receipts {t÷™e ÂMÚtr‚ - Stock situation; stock position {t÷ …qhtu …tz™th - Supplier {t÷™e nuhVuh - Goods traffic {t÷ ¼Þto rð™t™wk ðs™ - Unladen weight 345 {t÷-{u¤ðýe - Tallying of cargo {t÷ {tuf÷™th - Consigner/Consignor {t÷ {tuf÷ðtu - Consign {t÷ Þt‚tÞt‚ - Goods traffic {t÷ hðt™„e hrsMxh - Consignment register; dispatch register {t÷ hðt™„e™e þh‚tu - Terms of delivery; conditions of delivery {t÷ ht¾™th - Stockholder; stockist

{t÷™wk r™Þ‚…ºtf {trËf {tÚttŒeX ¾[o {t÷™wk r™Þ‚…ºtf - Stock return {tr÷f Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Owning Authority {t÷™wk «{tý…ºt - Stock certificate {tr÷frðntuýe Ëk…Â¥t - Vacantia bona; property {t÷™wk {qÕÞ - Stock price without ownership {t÷™wk {u¤ðýe ftzo - Stock tally card {t÷™tu y…Þtoó Ëk„ún - Understocking {tr÷fe - Ownership; proprietorship {t÷™tu ¼htðtu - Backlog; arrears of stock {tr÷fe ŒM‚tðus - Instrument of title {t÷™tu {tr÷fe nf - Title to the goods; {tr÷fe «Útt - System of ownership {tr÷fe Vuh - Transfer of title ownership rights of goods {tr÷fe ƒŒ÷tu - Transfer of ownership {t÷™tu rnËtƒ - Stock account {tr÷fe nf - Title; right of ownership; {t÷{‚t - Belongings; property; stock; effects proprietory right {t÷r{÷f‚ hûtf xwfze - Salvage party {tr÷fe nf ¾‚ - Title deed {t÷r{÷f‚™u îu»t¼tðÚte yt„ ÷„tzðt™wk ftÞo - {tr÷fe nf ¾qk[ðe ÷uðtu - Expropriate Incendiarism {tr÷fe nf ¾qk[ðe ÷uðtu ‚u - Expropriation {tr÷fe nf™e ‚thes/‚thý - Abstract of title {t÷ÞtŒe - Inventory {tr÷fe nf™e ƒŒ™ûte - Slander of title {t÷ðn™ût{‚t - Cargo carrying capacity {tr÷fe rn‚ - Proprietary interest {t÷ðtnf - Carrier {tr÷þ - Massage; kneading {t÷ðtnf snts - Cargo-boat; ship; freighter {tr÷þ fh™th - Massagist {t÷ðtnf ÷tìk[ - Carrier launch {t÷q{ - Known {t÷ðtnf rð{t™ - Freighter aircraft; cargo {tðs‚ - Treatment; care {tðs‚ fhðe - Treat; care aircraft {tðXwk - Untimely rain; unseasonal rain {tðtu - Pulp; kernel {t÷ðtnf ntuze/{t÷ntuze - Cargo boat {trËf - Per mensem; per month; monthly {t÷ðu[tý - Sale of goods {t÷Ët{t™ - Materials; goods {t÷Ët{t™ y™u ËtÄ™Ët{„úe - Materials and equipments {t÷Ët{t™ ¼k„th{tk ftZðtu - Scrapping of (2)Menstruation stores {trËf ynuðt÷ - Monthly report {t÷Ët{t™ {ŒŒ™eþ - Stock Assistant {trËf ytðf - Monthly income {t÷Ëqr[ - Inventory (2)Manifest {trËf rxrfx - Monthly ticket {t÷ntuze ¼tzwk - Lighterage {trËf r™Þ‚…ºtf - Monthly return {tr÷f - Owner; proprietor {trËf …xtu - Monthly lease {tr÷f ¾uzq‚ - Owner farmer; peasant {trËf {tÚttŒeX ¾[o - Monthly per capita {tr÷f rð™t™e ò„eh - Vacant estate expenditure 346

{trËf Þtus™t™e «„r‚™tu ynuðt÷ {tk„-Œh {trËf Þtus™t™e «„r‚™tu ynuðt÷ - Monthly {trn‚e {Útf - Information booth plan progress report {trn‚e {tæÞ{tu - Information media {trn‚e hðt™„e - Transmission of information {trËf ÷ðts{ - Monthly subscription {trn‚e Ëuðt - Information service {trËf n…‚tu - Monthly instalment {trn‚e™wk ytŒt™-«Œt™ - Exchange of {tËq{ - Innocent {trn‚„th - Familiar; conversant; aware information {trn‚„th ð‚wo¤tu - Informed sources; {trn‚e™wk «tÂóËtÄ™ - Source of information knowledgeable sources {trn‚e™tu Vu÷tðtu/{trn‚e™wk «Ëthý - {trn‚e - Information; knowledge Dissemination of information; diffusion of (2)Intelligence (3)Data information {trn‚e yrÄfthe - Information Officer {trn‚e™tu ¼kzth - Store-house of information {trn‚e y™u Œu¾hu¾-r™Þkºtý «¼t„ - {trn‚e«Œ rð¿tt…™/ònuh¾ƒh - Informative Information and Monitoring Division advertisement {trn‚e y™u «[th - Information and publicity {trn‚e«Œ/{trn‚e…qýo ÷u¾ - Informative article {trn‚e y™u «Ëthý - Information and {trn‚e÷ûte «tiãtur„fe - Infotech (Information broadcasting Technology) {trn‚e y™u ÔÞðËtÞ yuf{ - Information and {trn‚e˼h {™tuhks™ - Infotainment Business Cell {t¤ - Floor {t¤¾t„‚ ËwÄtht - Structural modification {trn‚e ynuðt÷ - Information report {t¤¾t™u ÷„‚wk - Structural {trn‚e/¾ƒh yt…ðe - Intimate; inform; {t¤¾tY… f{o[the„ý - Skeleton staff {t¤¾tY… {ft™ - Skeleton house apprise {trn‚e fr{þ™h - Commissioner of Information {trn‚e ftzo - Information card; intimation {t¤¾wk - Structure; pattern; network; card framework; skeleton {trn‚e fuLÿ - Information centre {t¤t-{ýft™wk ft{ - Bead work {trn‚eŒt‚t - Informer; informant {tr¤Þwk - Loft; attic; garret {trn‚e îtht Ë{ŠÚt‚ - Warranted by {t¤e - Gardener information {tk„ - Demand (2)Call {tk„-y™t{‚ - Demand deposit {trn‚e-…ºt - Prospectus; brochure; letter of {tk„-y™wËqr[ - Demand schedule {tk„-ft…÷e - Demand slip; requisition slip advice {tk„-®f{‚ - Demand price {tk„-Œh - Demand rate {trn‚e…ºtf - Data sheet {trn‚e …wM‚f - Guide; information booklet; directory {trn‚e …qhe …tzðe - Furnish information 347

{tk„-™turxË r{÷-ft{Œth/{sqh {tk„-™turxË - Call notice {tkŒt yuf{tu y…™tððt ‚u - Adoption of sick units {tk„-…ºt - Requisition note; demand note {tkŒt yuf{tu VheÚte [t÷w fhðt ‚u - Revival of {tk„-…ºtf - Requisition form {tk„-rƒ÷ - Demand bill sick units {tk„-ÞtŒe - Indent {tk„-ÞtŒe …ºtf - Indent register {tkŒt ytiãtur„f yuf{™wk …w™:MÚtt…™ - {tk„-ÞtŒe {qf™th - Indenter {tk„-ÞtŒe{tk™e ƒtƒ‚ - Indent item Rehabilitation of sick industrial unit {tk„-hf{ - Money at call {tk„ hu¾t - Demand curve {tkŒt ntuðt™tu ZtU„ fhðtu - Malinger; pretend to {tk„ Ëqr[ - Schedule of demand {tk„-nqkze - Demand bill be ill {tk„r÷f - Auspicious {tkz{tkz - With great difficulty; somehow {tkŒwk - Ill; sick {tkzr÷f htßÞ - Tributary State {tkŒtu yuf{ - Sick unit {tkzðt¤ - Compounding; writing off {tkË ðu[™th - Butcher {tkzðt¤ fhðe - Compound; write off {tkËtnth - Non-vegetarian diet {tkzðt¤…tºt „w™tu - Compoundable offence {tkËtnthe - Carnivorous; non-vegetarian {tkŒ„e - Illness; sickness {tkntu{tknu - Inter-se; mutual {tkŒ„e «{tý…ºt - Sickness certificate r{sƒt™e - Banquet; feast; party {tkŒ„e hò - Sick leave; medical leave r{ò„hwk - Hinge {tkŒ„e-ðe{tu - Sickness insurance; medical r{òs - Mood; temperament r{òS - Arrogant; short-tempered (2)Moody insurance r{‚¼t»te - Reticent; reserved r{‚tûthe - Concise; brief; compact {tkŒ„e™t fthýu {¤‚t ÷t¼ - Sickness benefits r{‚tnth - Abstinence; abstinency {tkŒ„e™wk ‚ƒeƒe «{tý…ºt - Medical certificate r{‚tnthe - Abstemious; abstinent; temperate of sickness in food {tkŒ„e™tu „t¤tu - Spell of sickness; period of r{r‚ - Date; calendar day (2)Measure r{ºt htßÞtu - Allied states illness r{ºt ht»xÙtu - Allies r{ºt‚t - Friendship; amity; friendly relation {tkŒ„e{tkÚte Ëtò Útðwk - Convalesce; recuperate; r{ºt‚t y™u þtkr‚ - Amity and peace r{ºt‚t ËkrÄ - Treaty of amity recover from sickness r{ºtŒuþ - Friendly country r{ÚÞt - Vain (2)Untrue; wrong {tkŒt yuf{™u …w™Sorð‚ fhðt™tu ftÞo¢{ - Sick r{ÚÞtr¼{t™ - Vanity; conceit r{÷ {tr÷f - Mill owner unit revival programme r{÷-ft{Œth/{sqh - Mill worker 348

r{÷f‚ {wfÆ{t™e Vhe Ëw™tðýe r{÷f‚ - Property; belongings; estate r{© …tf - Mixed crop r{÷f‚ ‚ƒŒe÷e - Transfer of property r{© ƒU®f„ …Ør‚ - Mixed banking system r{÷f‚ Ähtððt™tu nf - Right of property r{© ðnuý - Mixed flow r{÷f‚ …tAe yt…ðe ‚u - Restitution of r{© ðtrýÂßÞf f]r»t - Mixed commercial property farming r{÷f‚ ð]ÂØ - Accession of property r{© Ëhfth - Coalition Government r{÷f‚™e sóe - Attachment of property; r{©f - Stirrer r{©ý - Combination; mixture; admixture; confiscation of property mixing r{÷f‚™wk MÚtt™ - Site of property r{÷f‚™tu Œwhw…Þtu„ - Abuse of property; r{©tnthe - Omnivorous r{Mºte - Carpenter misuse of property {es - Kernel {ezwk - Dot (2)Zero; cipher r{÷f‚™tu ŒwŠðr™Þtu„ - Misappropriation of {exh …heûtý yÄeûtf - Meter Testing property Superintendent r{÷f‚™tu ¼tu„ðxt-nf - Tenure of property {exh-ðt[™ - Meter reading r{÷f‚™tu {tr÷fe nf - Title to property {eXt W…fh r™rÄ - Salt cess fund r{÷f‚{tk rnMËtu - Share in property {eXt …týe™e {tA÷e - Fresh water fish r{÷f‚ðuhtu/fh - Property tax {eXt …týe™e ð™M…r‚ - Fresh water vegetation r{÷™-®ƒŒw - Meeting point {eXtE - Confectionery r{÷™Ëth - Amiable; amicable; sociable; {eXtE™tu ÄkÄtu - Confectionery business {eXt™wk fth¾t™wk - Salt works affable {eXt™tu y„h - Salt pan {eXwk - Salt (2)Sweet r{÷tðx - Mixing; mixure (2)Adulteration {eXwk …týe - Fresh water; drinkable water; r{© - Composite; mixed r{© yÚto‚kºt - Mixed Economy palatable water r{© Wí…tŒ™ - Mixed product r{© ft[e Ät‚w - Mixed ore {eý - Wax r{© ftkËwk - Albronze {erýÞwk - Oil-cloth r{© f]r»t - Mixed farming {e™tfthe - Enamelling r{© f]r»t …Ør‚ yr¼„{ - Mixed farming {e™tftheðt¤wk …tºt - Enamelled ware; engraved approach ware r{© ¾r™s - Mixed ore {wfÆ{t™e Vhe Ëw™tðýe - Rehearing of case r{© ¾t‚h - Compost r{© òr‚ - Mixed race 349 r{© Ät‚w - Alloy

{wfÆ{t™tu rð»tÞ {w¾¼t„ {wfÆ{t™tu rð»tÞ - Subject of action; subject of {wõ‚ «ðtn - Free flow {wõ‚ «ðuþ - Free entry court case {wõ‚ ƒòh - Free market {wõ‚ ƒòh ™er‚ - Free market policy {wfÆ{tu - Case; law-suit {wõ‚ ƒòh rðM‚th - Free market area {wfÆ{tu [÷tððtu - Prosecute; try {wõ‚ ƒòh™e ¾tkz - Free sale sugar {wfhh fhðwk - Assign; prescribe; fix; specify; {wõ‚ ƒkŒh - Free port {wõ‚ rðr™{Þ Œh - Free exchange rate appoint; identify {wõ‚ ðu[tý - Free sale {wõ‚ ðu…th - Free trade {wfhh ¼tzwk - Fixed rent {wõ‚ ðu…th ûtuºt - Free trade zone {wfhh Ë¥tt - Appropriate authority; appointed {wõ‚ ËtnË - Free enterprise {wõ‚ M…Äto - Free competition authority {wõ‚ nuhVuh - Free movement {wÂõ‚ - Exemption; emancipation {wfhh Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Appropriate Authority {wÂõ‚/{tVe/Aqx y…tE ntuÞ yuðwk - Exempted {fw tŒ{ - Ganger; jobber; muccadam/mukadam {wÂõ‚/{tVe/Aqx yt…ðe - Exempt {wftƒ÷tu - Confrontation; encounter {Âw õ‚ …ºt („ehtu ð„hu ™u t ˃k Äk {t)k - Deed of release {wÂõ‚ «{tý…ºt - Exemption certificate (2)Comparison {wftƒ÷tu fhðtu - Encounter; confront; compare {wft{ - Encampment; goal; sojourn; camp on tour; camp; halt; stage of journey {wft{ Ët{„úe - Camp equipage; camp equipments {wft{e r[rfíËf - House physician; in house physician {wft{e þ†r[rfíËf - House Surgeon {wõ‚ - Immune; loose; free; exempt; exempted {wÂõ‚ Vtus/Ëu™t - Salvation army {wõ‚ y™wðtŒ - Free translation {wÂõ‚-hrn‚ {t÷ - Non-exempted goods {wõ‚ y™u LÞtÞe/r™»…ût [qkxýe - Free and fair {wÂõ‚Œt‚t - Emancipator election/poll {wÂõ‚…tºt - Exemptible {w¾ - Mouth (2)Opening (3)Vent {wõ‚ y™u MðiÂåAf Ëk{r‚ - Free and voluntary {w¾íÞth-ÔÞÂõ‚ - Authorized person; Attorney {w¾íÞth™t{wk - Power of attorney; consent authorization {wõ‚ yÚto‚kºt - Free economy; open economy {wõ‚ ytzƒkÄ - Free weir {w¾íÞth…ºt - Letter of Authority; {wõ‚ ytÞt‚ - Free imports {wõ‚/Aqxt fhðwk - Relieve; affranchise; release; authorization letter; power of attorney free (2)Discharge {w¾…ºt - Mouth piece; organ {w¾…]c - Front page; title page {wõ‚ ûtuºt/«Œuþ - Free zone; free territory {w¾¼t„ - Obverse; facade {wõ‚ ™er‚ - Laissez faire policy; liberal policy 350

{w¾{wÿt/{w¾tf]r‚ {wÏÞ {t÷{ {w¾{wÿt/{w¾tf]r‚ - Feature; face; countenance; {wÏÞ x…t÷ f[uhe - Head post office; general visage; physiognomy features; mien post office {w¾ð÷Þ - Orifice ring {wÏÞ x™oh - Head turner {w¾tkf™ - Enfacement {wÏÞ xwfze - Core team; main squad {w¾tkrf‚ fhðwk - Enface {wÏÞ Œkzf - Chief whip {w¾e - Village headman; leader {Ïw Þ Œhq ¼t»t «[t÷f - Head Telephone Operator {wÏÞ - Chief; main; head; principal; prime {wÏÞ ŒuðtŒth - Principal debtor (2)Leading (3)Major {wÏÞ îth - Portal; main gate {wÏÞ ÄthtþtMºte/ðfe÷ - Leading counsel; {wÏÞ yÒt/ytnth - Staple food {wÏÞ yÚto - Primary meaning leading lawyer {wÏÞ ytÄth/ytÄth-M‚k¼ - Backbone; main {wÏÞ ™fþt„h - Head Draftsman support; axis {wÏÞ ™nuh - Main canal {wÏÞ ™t¤wk - Main drain {wÏÞ ytÄth/xuftu - Mainstay {wÏÞ r™ftË - Major export {wÏÞ ytÞt‚ - Key imports {wÏÞ r™Þ{ - Principal rule {wÏÞ Rs™uh - Chief Engineer {wÏÞ r™Þkºtf - Chief Controller; head {wÏÞ WÆuþ - Main object; principal object {wÏÞ W…þt¾t - Distributary regulator {wÏÞ Q…s - Major yield {wÏÞ LÞtÞ{qŠ‚ - Chief Justice {wÏÞ f[uhe/ftÞto÷Þ - Head office; main office {wÏÞ LÞtÞtÄeþ - Chief Judge {wÏÞ f[uhe rnËtƒ - Head office account {wÏÞ …ût - Major party; main party {wÏÞ ft{tu - Major works {wÏÞ …tf - Major crops; staple crops {wÏÞ fthfw™ - Head Clerk {wÏÞ «ðtË™ fuLÿ - Key tourist centre; main {wÏÞ ftzo - Master card tourist centre {wÏÞ ftÞo÷ûte ËŒh - Major functional head {wÏÞ furþÞh - Head Cashier {wÏÞ «ðtn{tk ¼¤ðt {txu™wk ð÷ý - Main {wÏÞ ftìLMxuƒ÷ - Head Constable {wÏÞ ftuxo/yŒt÷‚ - Principal Court streamism {wÏÞ ¾r™s - Major mineral {wÏÞ ¾heŒ™th/„útnf - Key buyer; major {wÏÞ VtE÷ - Master file {wÏÞ ƒUf - Lead bank customer {wÏÞ ¼t„ - Main body; main part {wÏÞ {Útf - Head quarter {wÏÞ [qkxýe ytÞwõ‚ - Chief Election {wÏÞ {ŒŒ™eþ - Head Assistant {wÏÞ {kºte - Chief Minister Commissioner {wÏÞ {t„o - Main road; arterial road {wÏÞ rsÕ÷t {t„o - Major district road {wÏÞ {t÷{ - Mate 351

{wÏÞ {tr÷f {wŒ‚e/ËeÍ™ rxrfx {wÏÞ {tr÷f - Principal owner {wÏÞíðu - Mainly; mostly {wÏÞ hËtÞýþtMºte/hËtÞýrð¿tt™e - Chief {w„x - Corona; crown Chemist {w[hftu - Recognizance {wsƒ - According to; as per {wÏÞ hËtuEÞtu - Cook master; chef {wíËÆe - Diplomat; statesman; diplomatist {wÏÞ huý„h - Head Welder {wíËÆe„ehe - Diplomacy; statesmanship {wÏÞ ÷ûtýtu - Salient features {wŒ‚ - Tenure; term; duration; time limit; {wÏÞ ÷ûÞ/÷ûÞtkf - Main target {wÏÞ ð™ …uŒtþ - Major forest product period; spell {wÏÞ ð™Ëkhûtf - Chief Conservator of Forests {wŒ‚ …nu÷tk™e r™ð]Â¥t - Premature retirement {Ïw Þ ðneðxŒth/ðneðxf‚to - Chief Administrator {wŒ‚ ƒnth™e rxrfx - Time-barred ticket {wÏÞ ðneðxe yrÄfthe - Principal {wŒ‚ ƒnth™wk - Time-barred Administrative Officer; Chief Executive {wŒ‚ ƒnth™tu nfŒtðtu - Time-barred claim Officer {wŒ‚ ðe‚e sðe - Lapse of time {wŒ‚™t rŒðËu „uhntshe - Default in {wÏÞ ðtÞh÷uË ytu…huxh - Chief Wireless appearance Operator {wŒ‚…qðo RòVtu - Premature increment {wÏÞ rð[th/{wÆtu - Key note; salient point {wŒ‚…qðo [wfðýe - Premature payment {wÏÞ rð»tÞ - Main-subject; principal-subject {wŒ‚ƒtÄ - Bar of limitation {wÏÞ ðu…th - Staple trade {wŒ‚ƒtÄ™tu ftÞŒtu - Law of limitation {wÏÞ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Key person; leading person {wŒ‚{tk AqxAtx - Relaxation in time limit {wÏÞ þnuh - Main city {wŒ‚{tk VuhVth fhe þftÞ ‚uðe …tur÷Ëe - {wÏÞ rþûtf - Head master {wÏÞ rþÂûtft - Head mistress Convertible term policy {wÏÞ þe»tof - Head line; title {wÏÞ Ër[ð - Chief Secretary {wŒ‚ðe‚e ™turxË - Overdue notice {wÏÞ Ëò - Substantive sentence {wŒ‚ðe‚e nqkze - Overdue bill {wÏÞ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Chief Authority {wŒ‚ðeíÞwk - Overdue {wÏÞ ËŒh - Major Head {wŒ‚ðeíÞwk Œuðwk - Overdue debt {wÏÞ Ë{t[th - Head line {wŒ‚ðeíÞwk ÔÞts - Overdue interest {wÏÞ Ëk…Â¥t - Major asset {wŒ‚e - Periodic; time-bound {wÏÞ Ëk…tŒf - Chief Editor {wŒ‚e Éý…ºt - Terminable debenture {wÏÞ Ët{„úe - Key material; basic material {wŒ‚e fthfw™ - Seasonal clerk {wÏÞ MÚt…r‚ - Chief Architect {wŒ‚e søÞt - Tenure post {wÏÞ rnËtƒ™eË - Head Accountant {wŒ‚e/ËeÍ™ rxrfx - Season ticket 352

{wŒ‚e Útt…ý {w÷fe rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe/yturzx f[uhe {wŒ‚e Útt…ý - Fixed deposit; time deposit {wÿýŒtu»t - Press error; misprint {wŒ‚e Útt…ý rnËtƒ - Fixed deposit account {wÿýtrÄfth - Copyright {wŒ‚e Œuðwk - Floating debt {wÿýtrÄfth™e {wŒ‚ - Term of copyright {wŒ‚e ƒuhtus„the - Seasonal unemployment {wÿýt÷Þ/At…¾t™wk - Printing press; printery; {wŒ‚e {nuf{ - Seasonal establishment press {wŒ‚e ÷tu™ - Term loan {wŒ‚e ðu‚™ - Time wages {wÿt - Emblem (2)Pose (3)Coin (4)Imprint; {wŒ‚e nqkze - Time bill {wÆ÷ - Principal; capital impression; seal {wÆt™e ðt‚ - Gist; substance; essence; main {wÿt …heûtf - Coin examiner point {wÿt÷u¾ - Motto; legend {wÿtkf™ - Sealing; stamping {wÆt{ {týË ËtÚtu - Through proper person; {wÿtkf™ Ve - Stamping fee {wÿtkf™ þtne - Stamping ink per bearer {wÿtkf™ Þkºt r{fur™f - Stamping mechanic {wÆtðth - Itemwise; item by item; point to {wrÿ‚ - In print; printed point {wrÿ‚ fhðwk - Print {wÆtËh - To the point; ad rem {wrÿ‚ …qðo-«‚ - Pre-print {wÆtu - Item; issue; point {wrÿ‚ «‚/™f÷ - Printed copy {wÿf - Printer {wrÿ‚ Ët{„úe - Printed material {wÿf …kÂõ‚ - Press line {w™e{ - Accountant {wÿf r÷r… - Printing script {wVr÷Ë - Indigent; very poor (2)Wretched {wÿý - Printing {wƒthfƒtŒe - Congratulation {wÿý yrÄr™Þ{ - Press Act {whçƒtu - Jam; jelly {wÿý y™u ÷u¾™Ët{„úe - Printing and {wh{ {t„o - Moorum road stationery {whtŒ - Desire; wish; intention {w÷fe ykŒts…ºt - Civil budget {wÿý ytŒuþ - Print order {w÷fe ƒtkÄft{ - Civil works {wÿý f{o[the - Press man {w÷fe Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Civil Authority {wÿý-r[nT™ - Press mark {w÷fe Ëhfth - Civil Government {wÿý r™heûtf - Inspector of printing {w÷fe Ëuðt - Civil service {wÿý «r¢Þt - Printing process {w÷fe Ëuðt …k[ - Civil Service Tribunal {wÿý-«‚ - Press copy {w÷fe rnËtƒ - Civil account {wÿý «tiãtur„fe - Printing technology {w÷fe rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe/yturzx f[uhe - Civil {wÿý-Ët{„úe/At…ðt {txu™wk ÷¾tý - Press matter {wÿýf÷t - Typography Audit Office 353

{w÷fe/ytk‚rhf rð{t™™ {qze-Wí…tŒ™ «{tý {w÷fe/ytk‚rhf rð{t™™ - Civil aviation {wËeƒ‚ - Difficulty; hardship; trouble {w÷‚ðe ht¾ðwk - Adjourn; postpone; defer {qf - Dumb {w÷‚ðe ht¾ðwk ‚u - Deferment; adjournment {qf r[ºt - Silent film {w÷‚t™e {txe - Fuller’s earth {qf…ýu - Tacitly; silently {w÷ðýe - Appraisal; assessment; valuation; {qf «uûtf - By-stander {qf Ëk{r‚ - Acquiescence; silent consent; tacit evaluation consent {w÷ðýe fhðe - Evaluate {w÷ðýeŒth - Appraiser {qf Ëk{r‚Úte „ýtur‚Þtu - Tenant at sufferance {w÷tft‚ - Visit {qf Mðefth fhðtu - Acquiesce; accept silently {w÷tft‚-¾kz - Visitor’s room {qf Mðef]r‚ - Tacit acceptance {w÷tft‚-…ºt - Call letter {qA - Moustache {w÷tft‚-…tuÚte - Visit book {qX - Knob {w÷tft‚-Ë{Þ - Visiting hours {qXe - Fist {w÷tft‚e - Visitor {qXe¼h - Fistful; handful {w÷tft‚e-…ºt - Visiting card {qze - Capital {w÷tft‚e …wÂM‚ft - Visitor’s book {qze yrÄþu»t - Capital surplus {w÷tft‚e «tæÞt…f - Visiting professor {qze yMfÞt{‚ - Capital assets {w÷tft‚e r{þ™ - Visiting mission {qze ®f{‚ - Capital value; capitalized value {w÷tÞ{ - Soft; smooth; tender {qze ¾[o-òu„ðtE - Capital outlay {wþ¤Äth ðhËtŒ - Downpour; heavy rainfall; {qze Aqxe fhðe ‚u - Release of capital {qze s{tðx - Mobilization of capital torrential rain {qze r™{toý - Capital formation {qze …qhe …tz™th - Financer {w~fu÷ - Arduous; difficult {qze «tÂó - Capital receipts {wËÆt-÷u¾™ - Drafting {qze ƒòh - Capital market {wËÆtu - Draft {qze ¼t„ - Capital content {wËÆtu ½z™th/{wËÆtfth - Draftsman {qze htuftý™wk Ätuhý - Investment criteria; {wËÆtu {ksqhe yÚtuo - Draft for approval {wËtVh - Traveller; passenger; wayfarer investment norms {wËtVh¾t™wk - Caravanserai {wËtVhe - Passage; journey; travelling {qze ËŒh - Capital head {wËtVhe-¾[o - Expense of journey {qze ËntÞfe - Capital subsidy {wËtVhe/«ðtË ¼tzwk - Passage money; {qze rnËtƒ-¾t‚wk - Capital account passenger fare {qze-Wí…tŒ™ «{tý - Capital-output ratio 354

{qze-¾[o {qŠ‚r™{toý f¤t {qze-¾[o - Capital expenditure; capital {qzehtuftý ËntÞfe - Capital investment expenses subsidy {qze-½Ëthtu - Depreciation of capital {qzehtuftýfth - Investor {qze-«íÞtð‚o™ - Repatriation of capital {qzeðtŒ - Capitalism {qze-{t¤¾wk - Capital structure {qzeðtŒe - Capitalist {qze-h[™t - Capital formation {qzeðtŒe yÚto‚kºt - Capitalistic economy {qze-rnMËtu - Stock {qzeðtŒe Ë{ts - Capitalistic society {qzef]‚ ™Vtu - Capitalized profit {qZ - Stupid; foolish; imbecile; dull; dullard; {qze„‚/{qzeY… {t÷ - Capital goods dunce {qze„‚/{qzeY… ÷t¼ - Capital gains {qze„‚/{qzeY… ËtÄ™Ëhkò{ - Capital {qZ‚t - Imbecility; stupidity; dullness {qZ{th - Bruise; contusion equipment {qºt…tºt - Chamber-pot {qºt®…z - Kidney {qze„‚ ÷t¼ fh - Capital gains tax {qze™tk ËtÄ™tu - Capital resources {qºt®…z «íÞthtu…ý - Kidney transplantation {qze™e ytð~Þf‚t - Capital requirements {qºtrð¿tt™ - Urology {qze™e „r‚þe÷‚t - Mobility of capital {qºttþÞ - Urinary bladder {qze™wk y…Ëhý - Flight of capital {q¾o - Addle-brained; foolish; stupid {qze™wk MÚt¤tk‚h - Migration of capital {q¾o‚t - Stupidity; foolishness {qze™tu ¼htðtu - Glut of capital {qåAto - Faint; fainting {qze™tu ntÚtƒŒ÷tu - Turnover of capital {qåAtofthf …ŒtÚto - Stupefying substance {qze«Ät™ - Capital intensive {q‚o - Tangible; concrete; corporeal {qze«Ät™ Wãtu„ - Capital intensive industry {q‚o yMõÞt{‚ - Tangible assets {qze«Ät™ xufr™f - Capital intensive technique {q‚o Éý…ºt - Tangible debenture {qze«Ät™ …rhÞtus™t - Capital intensive project {q‚o sk„{ r{÷f‚ - Tangible movable property {qze{tk Vuhððwk - Capitalize {q‚o ò{e™„eheytu - Tangible securities {qze{tk Y…tL‚h/{qzefhý fhðwk - Capitalize {q‚o Útðwk - Materialize {qze{tk Y…tL‚h fhu÷e ®f{‚ - Capitalized value {q‚o MÚttðh r{÷f‚ - Tangible immovable {qzeY… ft{ - Capital works {qzehtuftý - Investment property {qzehtuftý fhðwk - Invest {qzehtuftý ¾[o - Investment expenditure {qŠ‚ - Image; statue; idol; icon {qzehtuftý r™Þkºtý - Investment control {qŠ‚f÷t - Statuary {qŠ‚fth - Sculptor {qŠ‚r™{toý f¤t - Sculptural art 355

{qŠ‚…qsf {q¤ ‚¥ð {qŠ‚…qsf - Idolater; idol-worshipper {qÕÞðt™ ËntÞ - Valuable assistance {qŠ‚…qò - Idolatry; iconolatry; idol-worship {qÕÞðt™ Ëuðtytu - Valuable services {qŠ‚¼ksf/{qŠ‚…qòrðhtuÄe - Iconoclast {qÕÞð]ÂØ - Appreciation; price rise {qŠ‚{k‚ - Embodiment materialization {qÕÞËt…uût - Elastic {qŠ‚{k‚ ytŒþo - Paragon {qÕÞËt…uût {t„ - Elastic demand {qŠ‚rð¿tt™/{qŠ‚þt†/{qŠ‚rðÄt™ - Iconography {qÕÞËt…uût‚t - Elasticity; elasticity of demand {qŠ‚rðãt - Statuary {qÕÞ-ÂMÚth‚t - Stability of value {qŠ‚rðÄt™f÷t - Iconoplastic art {qÕÞnÙtË - Value loss {qŠ‚rð»tÞf - Statuary {qÕÞt‚e‚ - Ultra valorem {qÄoLÞ - Eminent {qÕÞtkf™ - Appraisal; evaluation; valuation {q÷„‚ - Radical; fundamental {qÕÞtkf™ yrÄfthe - Valuation Officer {q÷„‚/ðtM‚rðf {qÕÞ - Intrinsic value {qÕÞtkf™ fhðwk - Appraise; assess; evaluate {q÷ððwk - Appraise; evaluate; estimate; assess {qÕÞtkf™ ‚kºt - Evaluation machinery {q÷tÄth - Substratum; base {qÕÞtkf™ ‚the¾ - Valuation date {q÷tuåAuŒ - Uprooting {qÕÞtkf™ Ätuhý - Evaluative criterion {qÕÞ - Value; cost; price {Õq Þtfk ™ Vt{u o - Appraisal form; assessment form {qÕÞ ytkfðwk - Appraise; evaluate; estimate; {qÕÞtkf™ Ër{r‚ - Evaluation Committee {q¤ - Original; origin; fundamental; appreciate; assess substantive; base; basic (2)Root {qÕÞ-ytkfýe - Assessment; valuation {qÕÞ-½xtztu - Devaluation {q¤ yŒt÷‚ - Original court {qÕÞ ŒuÞ x…t÷ Ëuðt - Value payable service {q¤ yÇÞtË¢{ - Core course {qÕÞ ŒuÞ …thË÷ - Value payable parcel {q¤ ftÞŒtu - Substantive law {qÕÞ ŒuÞ ðM‚w - Value payable article {q¤ ®f{‚ - Face value {qÕÞr™h…uût - Inelastic {q¤ fwxwkƒ ({t‚tr…‚t y™u ‚u{™tk Ëk‚t™tu) - {qÕÞ r™h…uût ytfthýe - Value free assessment Nuclear family {qÕÞr™h…uût …whðXtu - Inelastic supply {q¤-ûtuºt - Root zone {qÕÞr™h…uût {t„ - Inelastic demand {q¤ ¾heŒ™th - Original buyer {qÕÞr™h…uût‚t - Inelasticity {q¤ ¾t÷e søÞt - Substantive vacancy {qÕÞr™Ätohý «{tý…ºt - Valuation certificate {qÕÞðŠÄ‚ - Value added {q¤ søÞt - Substantive post {qÕÞðŠÄ‚ fh - Value added tax (Vat) {qÕÞðt™ - Valuable; costly; precious {q¤ òu„ðtE - Substantive provision {q¤ ‚¥ð - Element; basic element; essence; substance 356

{q¤ Œh {]‚ ËkMf]r‚ {q¤ Œh - Prime rate; basic rate; original rate {q¤ MÚtt™u ft…u÷tu fh - Tax deducted at source {q¤ ŒM‚tðus/¾‚ - Principal instrument {q¤ nf - Fundamental right; basic right {q¤ Œuþ - Parent country {q¤ nfq{‚/yrÄfthûtuºt - Original jurisdiction {q¤ Ät‚w - Basic metal; original metal {q¤/…tÞt™e ƒtƒ‚ - Key note {q¤ ™Vtu - Prime profit {q¤„‚ - Intrinsic; inherent {q¤ ™t{ - First name; forename {q¤Úte - Ab initio; from very beginning; {q¤ r™{ýqf - Substantive appointment {q¤ …„th - Basic pay; substantive pay already {q¤ …ntU[/…tð‚e - Primary receipt {q¤ …tX - Original text {q¤¼q‚ - Basal; fundamental; basic; radical {q¤ «‚ - Original copy {q¤¼q‚ r™Þ{ - Fundamental rule {q¤ «ðtn - Base flow {q¤¼q‚ LÞq™‚{ sYrhÞt‚ - Basic minimum {q¤ ƒtkÄft{ - Original works; basic need/requirement construction {q¤¼q‚ …rhƒ¤ - Basic factor; fundamental {q¤ rƒÞthý - Foundation seed {q¤ ƒes Þtus™t - Nucleus Seed Scheme factor {q¤ ¼t»tt - Root language {q¤ {qÕÞ/{q¤ …z‚h-®f{‚/¾[o - Basic costs {q¤¼q‚ «&™ - Basic question/problem {q¤ hnuðtËeytu - Indigenous inhabitants; {q¤¼q‚ Vhòu - Fundamental duties {q¤¼q‚ hËtÞý - Basic chemical aborigines {q¤¼q‚ he‚u - Essentially; basically {q¤¼q‚ rð¿tt™ - Basic science {q¤ Y… - Archetype; original model; {q¤¼q‚ rþûtý - Fundamental education {q¤¼q‚/ƒwr™ÞtŒe rËØtk‚ - Fundamental prototype principle; rudiments {q¤ ð‚™e - Native {q¤-ðt[f - Copy holder {q¤¼q‚ nf/yrÄfth - Fundamental right {q¤ rð¼t„/¾t‚wk - Parent department {qk„wk - Dumb {q¤-rð»tÞtí{f ftÞŒtu - Substantive law {Íkq ðý - Confusion; perplexity; embarrassment {q¤ ËÇÞ - Original member {qkÍð‚e …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Embarrassing situation {q¤ ËtÄ™ - Source {qkz™/{wkz™rðrÄ - Tonsure ceremony {q¤ Ët{„úe - Basic materials {qkzðwk - Tonsure {q¤ ËwÄe …ntU[ðwk - Trace back to roots {]„Þt - Sport; hunting {q¤ MÚt¤u f…t‚ - Deduction at source {]‚/{]‚f - Deceased; dead {q¤ MÚtt™ - Source; in situ {]‚ f¤ - Dead key {]‚ sðt¤t{w¾e - Extinct volcano {]‚ ËkMf]r‚ - Dead culture; extinct culture 357

{]‚ò‚ rþþw {u¤ðu÷e rË÷f {]‚ò‚ rþþw - Still born child {us ztÞhe/htus™eþe - Desk diary {]‚«tÞ - Almost dead; moribund {ursMxÙux™e yŒt÷‚ - Magisterial Court {]‚«tÞ ð]ût - Moribund tree {ursMxÙux™e Ë¥ttytu - Magisterial powers {]‚ ð]ût - Dead tree {ursMxÙux™wk …Œ/ntuÆtu - Magistracy {]íÞw - Death; demise; expiration {ursMxÙux™u ÷„‚wk - Magisterial {]íÞw-Œh/«{tý - Mortality rate; death rate {uxÙ™ - Matron; chief nurse {]íÞw-Œh™wk {t™fefhý - Standardization of {urxÙf …Ør‚ - Metric system {uÚte - Fanugreek death rate {uŒt™e h{‚ - Outdoor game {uÄtðe - Very intelligent; learned; scholar {]íÞw-Œh™tu ftuXtu - Table of mortality {u÷ - Filth; dirt {]íÞw-r™ð]Â¥t W…Œt™/„úuåÞwRxe - Death-cum- {u÷e rðãt - Witchcraft {u÷wk - Filthy; dirty (2)Night soil retirement gratuity {u¤ - Attachment; union; coherence; {]íÞw …t{ðwk - Pass away; die; expire conformity; correspondence; link; {]íÞw …t{u÷t™e ËkÏÞt - Death toll adjustment; agreement; alliance; concord {]íÞw …qðuo™wk - Ante-mortem {]íÞw …qðuo™wk r™ðuŒ™ - Ante-mortem statement {u¤-fthfw™ - Comparing Clerk; Tally Clerk {]íÞw ðu¤t™wk r™ðuŒ™ - Death-bed declaration; {u¤ ™ ¾tðtu ‚u - Disagreement {u¤-…ºt - Tally-sheet dying declaration {u¤-…ºtf - Tally roll {u¤ ƒuËtzðtu - Adjust {]íÞw-Ë{eûtf™tu ynuðt÷ - Coroner’s report {u¤ ð„h™wk - Incongruous; incompatible; {]íÞw-ËkÏÞt - Fatality {]íÞwŒkz - Death sentence; capital punishment disproportionate; inconsonant {]íÞwŒkz™u …tºt „w™tu - Capital offence {]íÞw™e Ëò - Death sentence {u¤-ðne - Tally book {]íÞw™wk «{tý…ºt - Death certificate {u¤-rnËtƒ - Adjusting account {]íÞw÷u¾ - Epitaph {u¤ðýe - Combination; mixing (2)Tallying {]íÞwrð»tÞf …tu÷eË ‚…tË-ynuðt÷ - Police {u¤ðýe ftzo - Tally card {u¤ðýe ‚th - Collated telegram inquest report {u¤ðýefth - Comparer; tallyman {u¤ð™th/«tóf‚to - Recipient; receiver {]íÞwþwÕf/ðuhtu - Death duty {u¤ððwk - Obtain; get; receive; secure; procure {]Œw/™h{ …tu÷tŒ - Mild steel {u¤ðu÷e rË÷f - Adjusted balance {u½-«MVtux - Cloud burst 358 {us - Table {us fu÷uLzh - Desk calendar {us ½rzÞt¤ - Time piece; table clock

{u¤tðztu {tuxt …tÞt™wk Wí…tŒ™ {u¤tðztu - Gathering {tusýe ft{ - Survey work {iºte - Amity; friendship; alliance {tusýe fthfw™ - Survey Clerk {iºte-fhth - Accord of alliance {tusýe ¢{tkf - Survey number {iºte…qýo Ënfth - Friendly co-operation {tusýe xuƒ÷ - Plane table {iºte¼ÞwO - Amicable; friendly; amiable {tusýe ‚t÷e{ ËkMÚtt - Survey Training Institute {tuf÷™th - Despatcher; sender {tusýe r™þt™ - Survey mark {tuf÷™th™wk Ë{Úto™ - Sender’s confirmation {tusýe {t{÷‚Œth - Survey Mamlatdar {tuf÷ðwk - Remit; send; forward; issue; {tusýe nŒr™þt™ - Survey boundary mark {tusýeŒth - Surveyor transmit (2)Commit {tusýe™e Y…hu¾t - Skeleton of survey; {tuf÷u÷tu/hðt™t fhu÷tu {t÷ - Consigned goods; framework of survey consignment {tusýe™e Ëtkf¤ - Gunter’s chain {tus{ò - Merriment {tuf¤tþ ð„h™wk - Incommodious {tusþtu¾™e [esðM‚wytu - Luxury products/ {tuf¤wk - Commodious; specious {tufqV ƒuXf - Adjourned meeting; postponed items; luxury goods meeting {tusþtu¾™e [eòu …h fh - Luxury tax {tusqŒ - Extant; existent; existing; present {tufqV ht¾ðwk - Postpone; adjourn; defer; keep {tuxh zÙtEðh/[t÷f - Motor driver; motorist {tuxh …rhðn™ - Motor transport in abeyance; suspend {tuxh …uþ„e - Motor car advance {tuxh ¼ÚÚtwk - Motor car allowance {tufqV/{w÷‚ðe ht¾u÷wk - Deferred; postponed; {tuxh ðtn™ - Motor vehicle {tuxh-ðtn™ r™heûtf - Motor Vehicle Inspector adjourned {tuxt y™u {æÞ{ Wãtu„tu - Large and medium {tufqV Ëò - Suspended sentence industries {tufqV Ëw™tðýe - Adjourned hearing {tufqVe - Postponement; adjournment; {tuxt …tÞt …h™e ft{„ehe - Large scale deferment; abeyance; suspension operation {tufqVe™e Œh¾tM‚ - Adjournment motion {tuxt …tÞt …h™e ft{„ehe ftÞo¢{ - Large scale {tuftu - Opportunity; chance {tu¾ht™wk - Foremost; leading operation programme {tu¾ht™tu ¼t„ - Forefront (2)Lead role {tu½{ - Indefinite; inexplicit; vague {tuxt …tÞt …h™wk - Large scale {tu[™-…ºt - Release deed {tuxt …tÞt™t Wí…tŒ™™wk Wãtu„-ËtnË - Large- {tusýe - Survey {tusýe y™u s{tƒkÄe - Survey and settlement scale manufacturing enterprise {tusýe ynuðt÷ - Survey report {tusýe fhtÞt ð„h™wk ™„h - Unsurveyed town {tuxt …tÞt™wk Wí…tŒ™ - Large scale production 359

{tuxt …tÞt™tu Wãtu„ {tuË{-Ë{t[th {tuxt …tÞt™tu Wãtu„ - Large scale industry {tuxtu swðt¤ - High tide {tuxt «{tý{tk - Massive; on large scale {tuz÷ ƒ™tð™th - Modeller {tuxt «{tý{tk «ðuþ - Influx {tuz÷ ÔÞðËtÞ - Modelling {tuxt ¼t„™wk ¾[o - Bulk of expenditure; major {tuz÷ft{ rþûtf - Modelling Teacher expenses {tuzt ytð™th - Late comer {tuzt ntsh Útðwk ‚u - Late attendance {tuxtk ƒtkÄft{ - Major works {tuze/rð÷krƒ‚ [wfðýe - Belated payment; {tuxe Rs™uhe y™u ðeòýw …rhÞtus™tytu - Large delayed payment; deferred payment; late Engineering and Electronics Projects payment (LEEP) {tuzwk - Late; belated; delayed {tuxe f]r»t ƒnw÷ûte {kz¤e - Large-sized {turZÞwk - Orifice; opening (2)Muzzle {tuZu [ztððwk - Pamper Agricultural Multi-Purpose Society {tu‚ - Demise; expiration; death (LAMPS) {tu‚™e Ëò - Sentence of death; capital {tuxe ¼h‚e - High tide; spring tide punishment {tuxe {ht{‚ - Major repairs {tuxe r{© …rhÞtus™t - Major composite {tu‚™e Ëò™u …tºt „w™tu - Capital offence {tur‚Þwk - Barge board project {tur‚Þtu - Cataract {tu‚e-{íMÞtuãtu„ - Pearl fishery {tuxe hf{ - Substantial amount {tu‚e™e Ae… - Pearl-oyster {tuxe hf{™e ò{e™„ehe - Substantial security {tu¼ - Beam; girder; joist; purlin {tuxe ÷tE™ - Broad gauge {tu¼tŒth ÔÞÂõ‚ - Dignitary {tuxe rþûtt - Major punishment {tuxe ®Ë[tE Þtus™t - Major Irrigation Scheme {tuxe ®Ë[tE™tk ft{ - Major irrigation works {tuxe ËtuÞ - Packing-needle {tuxwk fhðwk - Enlarge; expand; amplify; augment {tu¼tu - Dignity; position; status; prestige {tuxwk fhðwk ‚u - Enlargement; expansion; {tuh[tu - Front; position amplification; augmentation {tuhe - Drain; sewer; drainage; outlet; gutter {tuxwk ™wfËt™ - Substantial damage; huge loss {tuhe™tu Œètu/ztxtu - Drain plug {tuxwk …qh - High flood {tuhtu - Front elevation; elevation {tuxwk ƒkŒh - Major port {tuðze {kz¤ - High command {tuxwk rð{t™ - Air liner {tuË{ - Season {tuxtu Wãtu„ - Large-scale industry {tuË{ …qðto™w{t™/ðh‚thtu - Weather forecast {tuxtu ytuhztu - Hall; large room {tuË{ rËðtÞ™wk - Off-season {tuxtu ¾t‚uŒth - Major account holder {tuË{-Ë{t[th - Weather news 360

{tuË{™e «Út{ Q…s B÷t™ {tuË{™e «Út{ Q…s - Firstling {tir¾f fƒq÷t‚ (ft.) - Oral admission {tuË{e - Seasonal; non-perennial {tir¾f fhth - Oral agreement {tuË{e Wãtu„ - Seasonal industry {tir¾f fËtuxe - Oral test; viva voce {tuË{e „útnftu - Seasonal consumers {tuË{e ™nuh - Non-perennial canal examination {tuË{e r™{to‚t/Wí…tŒftu - Seasonal {tir¾f swƒt™e - Oral testimony manufacturers {tir¾f r™ðuŒ™ - Oral statement; verbal {tuË{e ƒuhtus„the - Seasonal unemployment statement {tuË{e {tk„ - Seasonal demand {tuË{e htu„[t¤tu - Seasonal epidemic {tir¾f …heûtt - Oral examination {tuË{e htus„th - Seasonal employment {tir¾f …whtðtu - Oral evidence {tuË{e ð™ - Seasonal forest {tir¾f ƒŒ™ûte - Slander {tuË{e rþrƒh - Seasonal camp {tir¾f ƒŒ™ûte fh™th - Slanderer {tuË{e ®Ë[tE ûtuºt/rðM‚th - Non-perennial {tir¾f {‚Œt™ - Acclamation vote by voice; command area voice vote {tuË{e MÚt¤tk‚h - Seasonal migration {tir¾f hsqyt‚ - Oral representation {tun - Fascination; affection {tir¾f he‚u - Orally {tunf - Glamourous; enchanting; fascinating {tir¾f Y…u fu ftÞo îtht - By word or action {tu¤wk - Insipid; tasteless (2)Stufflon; weak {tir¾f ð]¥ttk‚ - Oral account {tU ðtxu ÷uðt™e Œðt - Oral medicine {tir¾f ËkŒuþtu - Verbal message {tU ðtxu ÷uðt™wk - Oral {tir¾f Ëq[™t - Oral instruction {tU½ðthe ¼ÚÚtwk - Dearness allowance {tir¾f nwf{ - Verbal order; spoken order {tU½wk - Costly; expensive; dear {ti™ - Silence (2)Silent {tU½wk ƒòh - Tight market; expensive market {tir÷f - Original {tUƒŒ÷t/™t{ƒŒ÷t fthfw™ - Mutation clerk {tir÷f‚t - Originality {tUƒŒ÷t hrsMxh - Mutation register BÞt™ - Scabbard {tUƒŒ÷tu - Assurance; transfer of title; BÞwr™rË…÷ ‚kºt - Municipal authority; mutation municipality {tir¾f - Viva voce; oral BÞwr™rË…÷ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Municipal Authority {tir¾f W¥th - Oral reply BÞwr™rË…÷ ËÇÞ - Councillor; Corporator BÞwr™rË…÷ Mfq÷ ƒtuzo - Municipal School Board B÷t™ - Withered (2)Dejected; sad 361

Þs{t™ Þkºt[tr÷‚/Þtkrºtf ntuze Þ ÞáåA ðĽx - Random fluctuation Þþ - Glory; prestige; fame Þs{t™ - Host Þkºt - Machine Þ¿tfwkz/ðuŒe - Altar Þkºt yðuûtf - Machine Supervisor; Mechanical Supervisor Þ¿t M‚k¼ - Sacrificial post Þkºt Rs™uh - Mechanical Engineer Þ¿ttu…ðe‚/s™tuE - Sacred thread Þkºt ytuòh - Machine tools ÞÚtt‚Út ðýo™ - Faithful description; virtual Þkºt ytuðhrËÞh - Mechanical Overseer description Þkºt f÷tf - Machine-hour Þkºt fthe„h - Mechanical worker ÞÚtt…qðo - Status quo Þkºt ftÞtoŒuþf - Machine Foreman ÞÚtt…qðo ÂMÚtr‚ - Status quo ante Þkºt ftiþ÷ - Mechanical skill ÞÚtt…qðo ÂMÚtr‚ Ë{Útof ht»xÙ - Status quo nations Þkºt ¾kz - Machine room ÞÚtt«Ëk„ - As the case may be Þkºt ¾uz - Mechanical/mechanized ploughing ÞÚttƒwÂØ ytfthýe - Best judgement Þkºt [÷tððt™e r¢Þt - Operation of machine Þkºt [t÷f - Machine man assessment Þkºt òuzft{ fthe„h - Machine Fitter Þkºt îtht f]r»t/¾u‚e - Mechanized farming ÞÚtt{qÕÞ - Ad valorem Þkºt îtht ƒ™tðu÷wk - Machine-made ÞÚtt{qÕÞ fh - Ad valorem tax Þkºt r™{toý Wãtu„ - Machinery building ÞÚtt{qÕÞ/®f{‚™t Ätuhýu þwÕf - Ad valorem duty ÞÚttÚto - Real; genuine; virtual; exact industry ÞÚttÚto fÚt™ - Genuine statement ÞÚttÚto r[ºt/Œþo™ - Perspective; virtual image Þkºt r™»ýt‚ - Machinist; mechanic ÞÚttÚto {t…Œkz - Objective criteria Þkºt «rþûtf - Machine Instructor ÞÚttÚto nfef‚ - Actuality; exact version Þkºt «tiãtur„fe - Mechanical technology ÞÚttÚto‚t - Exactitude; reality Þkºt {ŒŒ™eþ - Mechanical Assistant ÞÚttð‚T - Intact; status quo Þkºt/{þe™ Œh …Ør‚ - Machine rate method ÞÚttË{Þu - In due course Þkºt r{Mºte - Machine mechanic ÞÚttÂMÚtr‚ fhth - Standstill agreement; status Þkºt Þw„ - Machine age Þkºt ËkƒkÄe - Mechanical quo agreemant Þkºt[tr÷‚ - Mechanically propelled Þkºt[tr÷‚/Þtkrºtf ðntý - Mechanized vessel ÞÚtuåA - Ad libitum Þkºt[tr÷‚/Þtkrºtf ntuze - Mechanized boat ÞáåA - Random; arbitrary ÞáåA ‚…tË - Random check 362 ÞáåA ™{q™t …Ør‚ - Random sampling method ÞáåA ™{q™t {tusýe - Random sample survey

Þkºtr™Š{‚ Þwø{ yût Þkºtr™Š{‚ - Machine-made Þtºte Ët{t™¾kz - Clock room Þkºt«[t÷f - Machine Operator ÞtŒ fhðwk - Recall; remember; recollect Þkºth[™t - Mechanism ÞtŒ fhtððwk - Remind Þkºtð‚T - Mechanical ÞtŒ„ehe - Remembrance; memory (2) Memento Þkºtrð¿tt™ - Mechanics ÞtŒþÂõ‚ - Memory Þkºtrð»tÞf ftiþ÷ - Mechanical skill ÞtŒe/ÞtŒe…ºt - List; memorandum; memo; ÞkºtËÂßs‚ xwfze/Œ¤ - Mechanized troop ÞkºtËkMf]r‚ - Machine civilization inventory ÞkºtËt{„úe - Machinery ÞkºtËt¤ - Powerloom ÞtŒe{tk Œt¾÷ fhðwk - Enlist ÞkºtËt¤ Wãtu„tu - Powerloom industries ÞtáÂåAf …ËkŒ„e - Random selection ÞkºtËt¤ fth¾t™wk - Powerloom factory ÞtÞtðh …ûte - Migratory bird ÞkºtËt¤ Ënfthe {kz¤eytu - Powerloom co- Þtzo ¼tzwk - Yardage Þt™o r™heûtf - Yarn Inspector operatives Þtkrºtf - Mechanical Þtkrºtf Rs™uhe - Mechanical engineering Þkºtefhý - Mechanization Þtkrºtf ytìxtu{tuƒtE÷ ðfoþtu… - Mechanical Þt[™t - Solicitation; urge; prayer Þt‚™t - Agony; pain; anguish; torment; Automobile Workshop torture Þtkrºtf f]r»t - Mechanical cultivation; Þt‚tÞt‚ - Traffic mechanical farming Þt‚tÞt‚ yfM{t‚ - Traffic accident Þt‚tÞt‚ ‚…tË - Traffic check Þtkrºtf ftuXtfhý y™w¼t„ - Mechanical Þt‚tÞt‚ r™Þkºtý - Traffic control Þt‚tÞt‚ r™heûtf - Traffic Inspector Tabulation Section Þt‚tÞt‚ {txu {t„o-r™Œuoþ™ - Routing of traffic Þt‚tÞt‚ ð‚wo¤ - Traffic circle; traffic island Þtkrºtf «¼t„ - Mechanical Division Þt‚tÞt‚ ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Traffic Manager Þtkrºtf {åAe{the - Mechanized fishing Þt‚tÞt‚ þt¾t - Traffic branch Þtkrºtf þÂõ‚ - Mechanical power Þt‚tÞt‚ Ëkfu‚ - Traffic signal Þtkrºtf ËtÄ™Ët{„úe - Mechanical equipment Þt‚tÞt‚ Ëk¿tt - Traffic signs; traffic board Þtkrºtf n¤¾uz - Mechanical ploughing Þtºtt - Pilgrimage; travel; tour Þwõ‚tnth - Balanced diet Þtºtt¤w - Pilgrim; traveller; tourist ÞwÂõ‚ - Device; plan; contrivance; tactics Þtºtt¤w ðuhtu - Pilgrim tax ÞwÂõ‚«ÞwÂõ‚ - Manoeuvre/Manoeuver Þw„ - Era; age; epoch Þw„[u‚™t - Spirit of age Þw„«ð‚of - Epoch-maker Þw„÷ „t™ - Duet Þwø{ yût - Twin axis 363

ÞwØ ÞtuøÞ ÞwØ - War; warfare ÞwØrð»tÞf Þtus™t - Tactical scheme ÞwØ y…htÄ - War crime ÞwØrð»tÞf rð[thýt - Tactical consideration ÞwØft÷e™ yÚto‚kºt - War economy ÞwØrð»tÞf ËqÍ - Tactical sense ÞwØ fuŒe - Prisoner of war ÞwØËk[t÷™rðãt - Strategy ÞwØftiþ÷ - Strategy of war ÞwØËt{„úe - Ammunition armament Þwؾtuh - Bellicose; war-monger; belligerent; ÞwØtu¥th …w™Š™{toýÞtus™t - Post-war militant reconstruction scheme ÞwØ snts - Warship; vessel of war; ship of ÞwØtu¥th rðftË - Post-war development war ÞwØtu¥th Ëuðtytu - Post-war services Þwr™x «{tý…ºt - Unit certificate ÞwØ {tuh[u Ëuðt - Service at warfront Þwr™ðŠËxe y™wŒt™ ytÞtu„ - University Grants ÞwØ Ëuðt - War service ÞwØ™t Ätuhýu - On war footing Commission ÞwØr™»ýt‚ - Tactical expert Þwr™ðŠËxe™t fw÷Ër[ð - Registrar of University ÞwØ™e áÂüyu {n¥ð - Strategic importance Þwr™ðŠËxe™e …Œðe - University degree ÞwØ™e áÂüyu {n¥ð™t rðM‚thtu - Strategically Þwr™ðŠËxe™tu ft™q™ - Statute of University important areas Þwðf - Youth; young man Þwðf fÕÞtý - Youth welfare ÞwØ™e áÂüyu {n¥ð™wk - Strategically important Þwðf fÕÞtý yrÄfthe - Youth Welfare Officer ÞwØ™e áÂüyu {n¥ð™wk MÚt¤ - Strategically Þwðf ftÞo¢{ - Youth programme Þwðf Atºtt÷Þ - Youth hostel important point/place Þwðf {ntuíËð - Youth festival Þwðf {kz¤ - Youth club ÞwØ™e ÂMÚtr‚ - State of war; strategic position Þwðf htus„th Ëuðt - Youth Employment ÞwØ™er‚ - Tactics; strategy ÞwØ™er‚¿t - Tactician; strategist Service ÞwØ/÷ztE™wk {uŒt™/ÞwØûtuºt - Battle-field; war Þwðt ™u‚t - Youth leader field; combat area; theatre of war Þwðt Ëuðt - Youth services ÞwðtðMÚtt - Youth; young age ÞwØ™u ÷„‚tu r™ýoÞ - Strategic decision Þtu„ - Conjuncture; co-incidence; juncture ÞwØ™tift - Cruiser; battleship; warship Þtu„t™wÞtu„u - Coincidentally; accidentally; by ÞwØ™tift™tu ftV÷tu - Fleet Þwؼqr{ - Battlefield chance ÞwØh‚/ÞwØtYZ - Belligerent ÞwØ÷ûte nðtEŒ¤ - Tactical air force ÞtuøÞ - Appropriate; suitable; proper; just; ÞwØð‚T ft{„ehe - Warlike operations ÞwØrðht{ - Cease fire; truce; armistice right; fit; due; worthy; befiting; deserving; ÞwØrðht{ hu¾t - Truce line eligible; expedient 364

ÞtuøÞ fthý/ytÄth hõ‚r…¥t ÞtuøÞ fthý/ytÄth - Proper ground Þtus™tfeÞ ykŒts…ºt - Schematic budget ÞtuøÞ ‚f - Proper opportunity Þtus™tfeÞ rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Schematic audit ÞtuøÞ Œir™f ft{ - Fair day’s work Þtus™t™t y„ú‚t¢{ - Plan priorities ÞtuøÞ Œir™f ðu‚™ - Fair day’s pay Þtus™t™e Y…hu¾t - Outline of plan ÞtuøÞ r™ýoÞ - Just decision; appropriate Þtus™t™e þõÞ‚t - Plan feasibility decision Þtus™t™wk fŒ - Size of plan Þtus™t™wk {t¤¾wk - Plan frame ÞtuøÞ ™turxË - Due notice Þtus™t™wk {qÕÞtkf™ - Appraisal of plan ÞtuøÞ …rh«uûÞ - Right perspective Þtus™t™wk MðY… y™u fŒ - Structure and size of ÞtuøÞ {t™ðwk/„ýðwk - Think fit; deem fit ÞtuøÞ htnu - Through proper channel scheme ÞtuøÞ ÷tÞft‚ Ähtð™th - Duly qualified Þtus™t™tu WÆuþ - Plan objective ÞtuøÞ Ë¥tt/Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Appropriate Authority; Þtus™t™tu ÔÞqn - Strategy of plan Proper Authority Þtus™t™tu nu‚w …th …tzðtu - Serve the cause/ ÞtuøÞ Ë{Þ - Opportune moment; right moment purpose of plan ÞtuøÞ Ëtrƒ‚e - Adequate proof Þtus™tƒØ - Planned ÞtuøÞ nheVtE/M…Äto - Fair competition Þtus™tðth - Schemewise; schematic; planwise ÞtuøÞ/ðtsƒe yðus - Good consideration Þtus™tðth ¾[o-òu„ðtE - Schematic outlay; ÞtuøÞ/ðtsƒe fthý - Good cause schemewise outlay ÞtuøÞ/ðtsƒe ð¤‚h - Just compensation ÞtuØtu/ÞwØ ÷z™th - Combatant; warrior ÞtuøÞ/rðrÄËh òý - Due notice h ÞtuøÞ‚{™e xfe hnuðt™e ÂMÚtr‚ - Survival of the fittest ÞtuøÞ‚t - Eligibility; worthiness; suitability; hf{ - Amount; sum hf{ ¼hðt™e ft…÷e - Pay-in-slip fitness; appropriateness hftƒe - Saucer; plate hõ‚fý - Red cell ÞtuøÞ‚t fËtuxe - Ability test hõ‚Œt‚t - Blood doner ÞtuøÞ‚t ™t{tðr÷ - Roll of merit; merit list ÞtuøÞ‚t «{tý…ºt - Fitness certificate; eligibility certificate ÞtuøÞ‚t¢{ - Order of merit hõ‚Œt™ - Blood donation Þtus™t - Plan; scheme hõ‚ÿð - Blood plasma Þtus™t ½z™th - Planner; schemer hõ‚ …heûtt/…heûtý - Blood test Þtus™t rðht{ - Plan holiday hõ‚…t‚ - Bloodshed; massacre Þtus™t þY fhðe - Launch a scheme hõ‚r…¥t - Leprosy 365

hõ‚r…¥t yt©{ h[™tí{f ftÞo hõ‚r…¥t yt©{ - Leper asylum; leprosy hûtýtí{f ËkrÄ - Defensive alliance; treaty of asylum protection hõ‚r…¥t RÂM…‚t÷ - Leprosy Hospital hûtýtí{f nðt÷t‚ - Protective custody hõ‚r…¥t™tu htu„e/hõ‚r…Â¥tÞtu - Leper; leprous hûtt/hûtý„]n - Protective home hõ‚ ƒUf - Blood bank hÂût‚ - Protected hõ‚{t… - Blood pressure hÂût‚ ft{Œth - Protected workman/worker hõ‚÷tun - Haematite hÂût‚ ftÞoþt¤t - Sheltered workshop hõ‚ ð„o/«fth - Blood group hÂût‚ ƒòh - Protected market hõ‚ðtrn™e - Blood vessel; artery hÂût‚ htßÞ - Protected state; protectorate hõ‚rð¿tt™ - Haematology hÂût‚ ÷uðzŒuðz - Protected transaction hõ‚Ëk¢t{ý - Blood transfusion hÂût‚ ð™ - Protected forest hõ‚Ëútð - Bleeding; haemorrhage/hemorrhage hÂût‚ rðM‚th - Protected area; protective belt/ hûtf - Warden; keeper; guard; protector hûtf …èe - Protective belt area hûtf …z - Protective layer hûtf …u[ - Keeper screw hÂût‚ M{thf - Protected monument hûtf ËiLÞ - Garrison h¾zw - Vagabond; vagrant; gypsy hûtý - Protection; guard; defence; h¾zw…ýwk - Vagrancy h¾t‚ - Concubine; mistress; kept h¾uðt¤ - Caretaker; guard; watchman; warden conservation h¾uðt¤ Ëhfth - Caretaker Government h„ztu - Viscous substance; dregs; sediment hûtý ftÞŒtu - Protection law h½ðtÞwk - Panicky; bewildered hûtý/hûtf Œeðt÷ - Fender wall; curtain wall; h[™t - Construction; fabrication; protection wall composition; structure; creation; hûtý …èe - Shelter belt; protection belt hûtý ËkrÄ - Treaty of protection; pact of formation; constitution protection h[™t fhðe - Fabricate; erect; constitute; hûtý nwf{ - Protection order compose; construct; form hûtýY… rðM‚th - Shield area; protective area h[™t ËkƒkÄe W{uhý - Structural addition hûtýtí{f - Protective; defensive; guarding h[™t ËkƒkÄe áÂü - Structural aspect; creative hûtýtí{f yrÄfthûtuºt/ûtuºttrÄfth - Protective vision jurisdiction h[™t ËkƒkÄe …]Út¬hý - Structural analysis hûtýtí{f W…tÞ - Protective measure hûtýtí{f «þwÕf - Protective tariff/duty h[™tí{f - Constructive; creative h[™tí{f ftÞo - Constructive work; creative work 366

h[™tí{f ftÞo¢{ hŒ fhðt…tºt þt¾ h[™tí{f ftÞo¢{ - Constructive programme hrsMxzo ÚtÞu÷wk - Registered h[rÞ‚t (ftÔÞ) - Composer hrsMxzo hËeŒe x…t÷ - Registered post h[ðwk - Constitute; compose acknowledgement due håÞwk-…åÞwk - Absorbed; engrossed hs‚ [kÿf - Silver medal hrsMxh{tk ™tUÄðwk - Register hsðtzwk - Princely State hsq fh™th - Presenter; mover hò - Leave; permission hsq fh™th™u [qfððt…tºt - Payable to bearer hò r™Þ{tu - Leave rules hsq fhðwk - Submit; produce; present; furnish; hò …„th - Leave salary; leave pay hò …„th ¾[o - Leave salary charges put up hò …„th Vt¤tu - Leave salary contribution hsq fhu÷ rnËtƒ - Rendered account hsq ÚtE „Þu÷ rnËtƒ - Account rendered hsq-ft…÷e - Put-up slip hsqyt‚ - Representation; submission; hò «ðtË htn‚ - Leave travel concession presentation hò ¼ÚÚtwk - Leave allowance hsqyt‚ yrÄfthe - Presenting Officer hò ¼tu„ððe - Enjoy leave hsqyt‚ fhðe - Represent hò {qõÞt rð™t „uhntshe - Absence without hzthtu¤ - Lamentation; mourning hýûtuºt - Battlefield; war place; theatre of war leave hò hŒ Útðe - Lapse of leave hý„tze - Tank hò ÷kƒtððe - Extension of leave hý{tk™t Úth - Desert deposit hò rþrƒh - Holiday camp hý{uŒt™ - Battle-field hò rnËtƒ - Leave account hýrðM‚th - Desert area hò nwf{ - Leave order hý rðM‚th rðftË ftÞo¢{ - Desert Area hò-y™t{‚ f{o[theð„o - Leave reserve staff Development Programme hò-y™t{‚ fthfw™ - Leave Reserve Clerk hòE - Quilt hý ð]ÂØ - Desertification hò™t fthýu ¾t÷e …zu÷e søÞt - Leave vacancy hý®þ„w - Bugle; trumpet hò™e yhS - Leave application h‚tkĤt…ýwk - Night blindness; nyctalopia hò™tu „t¤tu - Spell of leave; period of leave hí™ - Precious stone; gem; jewel hò™tu rŒðË - Holiday; non-working day; off h홿tt™/rðãt/þt† - Gemmology hŒ - Rejected; abrogated; annuled; cancelled; day revoked hò…„th «{tý…ºt - Leave salary certificate hrsMxzo x…t÷ - Registered post hŒ fhðt ÞtuøÞ/…tºt - Revocable; reversible; hrsMxzo x…t÷Úte - By registered post voidable hŒ fhðt™tu nwf{ - Superseding order hŒ fhðt…tºt þt¾ - Revocable credit 367

hŒ fhðwk hðt™„e þt¾t hŒ fhðwk - Revoke; repeal; rescind; cancel; hVw - Abscond; escape reject; annul; strike out; quash; expunge; hVq - Darning reverse; supersede hƒh - Eraser; rubber h{¾tý - Riot; disturbance; havoc hŒ fhðwk ‚u - Rejection; supersession; rescission; annulment; reversal; cancellation; revocation h{ýeÞ - Scenic; charming; beautiful h{ýeÞ/{™tunh á~Þ - Scenic view hŒ fhth - Void contract h{ýeÞ/{™tunh MÚt¤ - Scenic spot hŒ fhu÷ Ët{t™ - Rejected stores h{‚/h{‚„{‚ - Game; sports hŒ ÚtÞu÷ y™wŒt™ - Lapsed grant h{‚ rþûtf - Games master; coach hŒ ÚtÞu÷ …tA÷e ƒtfe - Lapsed arrears h{‚„{‚ yrÄfthe - Sports Officer hŒ ÚtÞu÷ {™eytuzoh - Void money order h{‚„{‚ Ëkfw÷ - Sports complex hŒ ÚtÞu÷e y™t{‚/Útt…ý - Lapsed deposit h{‚„{‚™tk ËtÄ™tu - Sports equipments hŒ ÚtÞu÷e ™tUÄýe - Lapsed registration h{‚™e M…Ätoytu™e swŒe swŒe h{‚tu - Sports events hŒ ÚtÞu÷e …tìr÷Ëe - Lapsed policy h{‚™wk {uŒt™ - Playground hŒ ™ fhe þftÞ yuðtu nf - Indefeasible right h{‚ðeh - Sportsman; sportsperson hŒ ™ fhe þftÞ ‚uðwk - Indefeasible; irrevocable; irreversible hŒ ™ ÚtE þfu yuðe …tpr÷Ëe - Non-cancellable h{‚ðeh …whMfth - Sports award policy h{‚tuíËð - Sports festival h{qS - Humorous; witty; funny hŒ ™rn ÚtÞu÷ - Unrepealed hðt™„e - Transmission; despatch; issue; hŒƒt‚÷ - Null and void hŒƒt‚÷ fhðwk/Útðwk ‚u - Nullification; rejection; forward abrogation; cancellation hðt™„e yrÄfthe (‚thx…t÷ ƒtƒ‚{tk) - hŒƒt‚÷ fhðt «ð]¥t - Tending to abrogate Transmission Officer hŒƒt‚÷ fhðkw - Abrogate; cancel; reject; nullify hŒƒt‚÷ {‚…ºt - Invalid ballot hðt™„e y™w¼t„ - Despatch section hrŒÞtu - Rebuttal; refutation; disclaimer hðt™„e fthfw™ - Issue Clerk; Despatch Clerk hrŒÞtu yt…ðtu - Confute; rebut; refute hðt™„e ®f{‚ - Issue price hÆe - Spoilage; scrap hðt™„e …Ør‚ - Mode of despatch hÆe ft„¤ - Waste paper hðt™„e {Útf - Transmitting station; hÆe [es - Rubbish hÆe {t÷ - Scrap transmission station hðt™„e hrsMxh - Despatch register; issue register hÆe Y/Ëq‚h - Cotton waste hðt™„e ðne - Despatch book; despatch register h™ fh™th (r¢fux{tk) - Scorer hðt™„e þt¾t - Issue branch 368

hðt™„e Ëðth hnuðtËe hðt™„e Ëðth - Despatch rider hËe xkftE «{tý…ºt - Inoculation certificate hðt™„e Ëq[™t ({tuf÷t‚t …ºttu ð„uhu …h) - hËe xtkf™th - Vaccinator Service instruction hËe xtkfðe - Vaccinate hËeŒ - Receipt; acknowledgement hðt™„efth/hðt™t fh™th - Despatcher hËeŒ/ytðf fthfw™ - Receipt Clerk hðt™„e…tºt‚t - Transmissibility hËtuEf¤t - Cookery hðt™t fhðwk - Issue; forward; transmit; despatch hËtuEþt† - Gastrology hðt™t fh÷u t {t÷ ¾t‚u - On consignment account hM‚t{tk - En route hðt™t Útðwk/Q…zðwk ‚u - Departure hM‚tu - Path; way; road; route; access; hðt™t ™tUÄ - Forwarding note hðt™t …ºt - Forwarding letter passage; pass hðe …tf - Rabi crop; winter crop hMËe ¾U[ - Tug of war hðuþ - Balcony; verandah; gallery hMËe {t„o - Ropeway hË™wk ûtuºt - Sphere of interest hnMÞ - Mystery; secret; significance hË«ð]Â¥t - Hobby; likings hnMÞ Ër[ð - Private Secretary hË«ð]Â¥t fuLÿ - Hobby centre hneþ - Inhabitant; resident; habitant hËtfËe - Tug of war; intense contest hnuXtý - Residence; dwelling place; habitat; hËtÞý - Chemical (2) Elixir habitation hËtÞý Rs™uh - Chemical Engineer hËtÞý Rs™uhe - Chemical engineering hnuXtý™e {tr÷fe - Ownership of dwellings; hËtÞý Wãtu„ - Chemical industry hËtÞý fûtt - Chemical grade ownership of residence hËtÞý r[rfíËt - Chemotherapy hËtÞý …heûtf - Chemical Examiner hnuýtf rðM‚th - Residential area hËtÞý/htËtÞrýf «Þtu„þt¤t - Chemical hnuýtf™wk {ft™ - Residential building hnuýtfÞtuøÞ - Residential; habitable laboratory hnuýefhýe - Style of life; mode of life; lifestyle hnu{htnu - Ex-gratia; on compassionate ground hËtÞýþt† /hËtÞýrð¿tt™ - Chemistry hnu{htnu [wfðýe - Ex-gratia payment hËtÞýþtMºte/hËtÞýrð¿tt™e - Chemist hnu{htnu r™{ýqf - Compassionate hËtÞýe ¾t‚h - Fertilizer hËt÷tu - Retinue; cavalry appointment hnur{Þ‚ W…Œt™/„úuåÞwRxe - Compassionate gratuity hnur{Þ‚ ¼ÚÚtwk - Compassionate allowance hËtuE-¼kzth/ËeÄtËt{t™™e ytuhze - Pantry hnur{Þ‚ ¼kztu¤/r™rÄ - Compassionate fund hËe - Vaccine hnuðt÷tÞf - Habitable; residential hËe xkftE - Vaccination; inoculation hnuðtËe - Habitant; inhabitant; resident 369

hnUx hts™er‚¿t™e nurËÞ‚ hnUx - Bucket wheel; persian wheel hts/htßÞ ftu»t - Exchequer; state treasury hr¤Þt{ýwk - Pleasant; charming; beautiful htsf/Œiðe yt…Â¥t - Force majeure hk„ - Colour htsfts - State affairs; political affairs hk„ft{ - Colouring; dyeing; painting htsfthý - Politics hk„ AkxtE - Spray painting htsfthý™wk y…htÄefhý/htsfthý{tk „w™t¾tuhe - hk„ÿÔÞ/Ët{„úe - Pigment; dyes; dyestuff hk„¼ð™/¼qr{/{k[ - Amphitheatre; theatre; Criminalization of politics arena; stage htsfeÞ/htsîthe - Political htsfeÞ fuŒe - Political prisoner hk„¼qr{™tu yr¼™u‚t - Stage artist htsfeÞ „w™tu - Political offence hk„¼qr{rð»tÞf - Theatrical htsfeÞ …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥tðu‚™ - Political pension hk„¼uŒ - Colour bar; apartheid htsfeÞ «&™ - Political issue hk„{k[ ™txf - Stage play htsfeÞ ƒtƒ‚t{u tk Ën™ fh™th - Political sufferer hk„{k[ …h ¼sðýe - Stage performance htsfeÞ Ë÷tnfth - Political Advisor hk„{k[ «Þtu„ [ftËýe ƒtuzo - Stage htsfuŒe - Prisoner of State htsŒq‚ - Legate; envoy; ambassador/ Performance Scrutiny Board embassador; consul hk„{k[ ËuLËh ÔÞðMÚtt - Stage censorship hk„{k[/™txTÞ Ë{eûtt - Stage review htsŒq‚¼ð™ - Embassy hk„{k[™tu …rhÄt™ fût - Green room htsÿtun - Insurgency; insurrection; treason; hk„hus/hk„™th/hk„txe - Dyer hk„txft{/hk„tE - Dyeing sedition hk„e™ ft[ - Stained glass hk„e™ [tf - Crayon; pastel htsÿtune - Traitor; insurgent; seditious hk„e™ {wÿý/A…tE - Colour printing htsÿtune ftÞo - Seditious work hks - Regret; sorrow htsÿtune ¼t»tý - Seditious speech hksf ÿÔÞ - Stain htsÿtune »tzâkºt/ftð‚hwk - Seditious conspiracy hkòzðwk - Harass htsîthe yrÄfthe - Diplomatic Officer htE - Mustard htsîthe rþüt[th - Protocol htEV÷Äthe - Rifleman htsîthe rþüt[th y™w¼t„ - Protocol section ht¾/¼M{ - Ash htsîthe ËkƒkÄtu ft…e ™t¾ðt - Severance of ht¾ðwk - Keep; retain; engage; hold ht¾turzÞwk - Grey diplomatic relations ht[h[e÷wk - Furniture; household articles htsÄt™e - Capital; metropolis hts™er‚ - Diplomacy hts™er‚¿t - Diplomat; statesman hts™er‚¿t‚t - Statesmanship; diplomacy hts™er‚¿t™e nurËÞ‚ - Diplomatic status 370

hts™er‚þt† htßÞ …ðo‚thtuný ËkMÚtt hts™er‚þt† - Political science htßÞ yðËh - State occasion hts™ir‚f Ëðk tŒŒt‚t - Diplomatic correspondent htßÞ ytÞtu„ - State Commission hts…ºt - Gazette htßÞ ytÞtus™ ™fþtu - State planning atlas hts…rºt‚ - Gazetted htßÞ ytÞtus™ ƒtuzo - State Planning Board hts…rºt‚ yrÄfthe - Gazetted Officer htßÞ ytÞtus™ Þtus™t - State plan scheme hts…rºt‚ søÞt - Gazetted post htßÞ Rs™uhe Ëuðt - State Engineering Service hts…rºt‚ hò - Gazetted holiday htßÞ Ròhtu - State monopoly hts…rºt‚ Ëuðt - Gazetted service htßÞ W¥thtrÄfth - State succession hts¼ð™ - Government house htßÞ fûtt™t {kºte/htßÞ{kºte - Minister of State hts¼ð™™t „]n-r™Þt{f - Comptroller of htßÞ fûtt™e Þtus™t - State level scheme htßÞ fhðwk - Govern; rule Household to Governor htßÞ ftht„]n - State prison htßÞ ûtuºt - State sector hts¼t»tt - State language; official language htßÞ ¾u÷fqŒ …rh»tŒ - State Sports Council hts{t„o - Main road htßÞ „út{eý rðftË r™„{ - State Rural htsðkþ - Dynasty htsrð¥teÞ - Fiscal Development Corporation htsrð¥teÞ ™er‚ - Fiscal policy htsrð¥teÞ ð»to - Fiscal year htßÞ „út{eý rðftË ËkMÚtt - State Institute of htsrð¥teÞ ðneðx - Fiscal administration htsrð¥teÞ rþM‚ - Fiscal discipline Rural Development htsð]ût - Royal tree htsMð/{nuËq÷ - Revenue htßÞ ònuh Ëuðt ytÞtu„ - State Public Service htòþtne - Monarchy htS¾wþeÚte - Willingly; gladly; readily; Commission voluntarily htßÞ ‚ƒeƒe Ëuðt - State Medical Service htßÞ ‚hVÚte ykíÞuÂü ËkMfth - State funeral htS™t{wk - Resignation htßÞ ŒV‚h ¼kzth - State archives htS™t{wk yt…ðwk - Resign htßÞ ŒM‚tðus …heûtf - State Examiner of htßÞ - State; kingdom; realm; regime htßÞ yr‚rÚt - State guest Documents htßÞ yrÄr™Þ{ - State Act htßÞ y™t{‚ ftuLMxuçÞw÷he sqÚt - State Reserve htßÞ Ätuhe{t„o - State highway htßÞ r™rÄ - State fund Constabulary Group htßÞ …rhðn™ Ëuðt - State transport service htßÞ …rh»tŒ - State Council htßÞ y™t{‚ …tu÷eË Œ¤ - State Reserve htßÞ …heûtt ƒtuzo - State Board of Police Force Examination htßÞ …ðo‚thtuný ËkMÚtt - State Institute of Mountaineering 371

htßÞ …tx™„h …rhÞtus™t htßÞ™e „wó/„tu…™eÞ ƒtƒ‚ htßÞ …tx™„h …rhÞtus™t - State Capital Project htßÞ rþûtý Ëuðt - State Education Service htßÞ …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥tðu‚™ - State pension htßÞ rþ»Þð]Â¥t/Atºtð]Â¥t - State scholarship htßÞ «Œuþ/ûtuºt - State territory htßÞ þtuf - State mourning htßÞ «tuíËtn™ Ë{wå[Þ - State incentive htßÞ Ë{fthe r™rÄ - State Equalization Fund package htßÞ Ë{tsðtŒ - State socialism htßÞ Ë{thk¼ - State function; state ceremony htßÞ ƒtkÄft{ - Public works htßÞ Ëhfth - State Government htßÞ ƒw÷urx™ - State bulletin htßÞ Ë÷tnfth ƒtuzo - State Advisory Board htßÞ ¼rð»Þ r™rÄ - State Provident Fund htßÞ ËntÞ - State aid htßÞ {nuËq÷/ytðf - State revenue htßÞ ËntÞfe - State subsidy htßÞ {t„o-…rhðn™ r™„{ - State Road htßÞ ËntrÞ‚ - State aided htßÞ ËwÄth„]n - State penitentiary; state Transport Corporation reformatory htßÞ {wÿt/«‚ef - State emblem; state crest; htßÞ Ëuðt - State service state seal htßÞ nM‚ûtu… - State interference htßÞ rn‚ - Raison d’etat htßÞ {w÷fe Ëuðt - State Civil Service htßÞ-Ëtûte - Approver htßÞ {w÷tft‚ - State visit htßÞ/{w÷fe Ëuðt r™Þ{tu - Civil Services Rules htßÞ ÞtŒe - State list htßÞfthtuƒth - State administration htßÞ htßÞ ðå[u™wk - Inter state htßÞft¤ - Regime htßÞ ÷tuxhe - State lottery htßÞûtuºt - Territory htßÞ ðfe÷ …rh»tŒ - State Bar Council htßÞûtuºt™wk - Territorial htßÞ ð™ - State forest htßÞûtuºtt‚e‚ - Ex-territorial; extra-territorial htßÞ ð™ Ëuðt - State Forest Service htßÞ‚kºt/ÔÞðMÚtt - Polity htßÞ ðtn™ - State carriage htßÞíð - Statehood htßÞ rðftË ™týt r™„{ - State Development Finance Corporation htßÞ rð¿tt™ y™u «tiãtur„fe …rh»tŒ - State Council of Science and Technology htßÞ rðÄt™{kz¤ - State Legislature htßÞ™t yrÄfthe - State official htßÞ rðÄt™Ë¼t - State Legislative Assembly htßÞ™t fhðuht - State taxation htßÞ rðÄt™Ë¼t™t yæÞût - Speaker of the htßÞ™t ftÞŒt - State laws State Legislative Assembly htßÞ™tk yk„ - Organs of State htßÞ ðe{t Þtus™t - State insurance scheme htßÞ™tk ftÞtuo - State affairs; affairs of state htßÞ ðu…th r™„{ - State Trading Corporation htßÞ™e ykŒh/htßÞtk‚„o‚ - Intra-state htßÞ rþûtý ¼ð™ - State Institute of Education htßÞ™e „wó/„tu…™eÞ ƒtƒ‚ - Secret of state 372

htßÞ™e ™er‚ ht»xÙ…r‚/«{w¾™e [qkxýe htßÞ™e ™er‚ - State policy htßÞtr¼»tuf/htßÞthtuný - Enthronement; htßÞ™e ƒtƒ‚tu/htßÞ™wk ft{fts - Affairs of coronation state; state affairs htßÞtu™e …w™ho[™t - Reorganization of States htßÞ™e ¼t„eŒthe - State partnership ht‚ [turfÞt‚/[tufeŒth - Night guard; night htßÞ™e {tr÷fe - State ownership watchman htßÞ™wk ytk‚rhf Wí…tŒ™ - State domestic ht‚…t¤e - Night duty; night shift production ht‚…t¤e ¼ÚÚtwk - Night duty allowance htßÞ™wk ŒV‚h - State archives ht‚ðtËtu - Overnight stay htßÞ™wk {nuËq÷ - State revenue ht‚e {txe - Red soil htßÞ™wk hnMÞ - Secret of State ht‚tuht‚ - Overnight htßÞ™wk Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Sovereignty of State htrºt„]n - Night house htßÞ™tu fuŒe - State prisoner htrºt{wft{ - Night halt htßÞ™tu …whtðtu - State’s evidence htrºtþt¤t - Night school htßÞ™tu ¼tu„ðxt-nf - State servitudes ht™e …þwðtztu - Menagerie htßÞ™tu ðu…th - State trading htVztu - Burrow htßÞ…t÷ - Governor htƒu‚t {wsƒ™tk …„÷tk - Usual actions; routine htßÞ…t÷ …rh»tŒ - Governor’s conference htßÞ…t÷™t …rhËntÞf yrÄfthe - Aide-de- actions camp to Governor (A.D.C.) htƒu‚t {wsƒ™e …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Normalcy htƒu‚t {wsƒ™wk - Routine; normal htßÞ…t÷™wk ËkƒtuÄ™/«ð[™- Governor’s htƒu‚t {wsƒ™tu ¢{ - Routine ht{ƒtý yti»tÄ - Panacea address; Governer’s speech htßÞƒkÄthý - Constitution htrþ[¢ - Zodiac htßÞ¼h{tk - Throughout State; in entire State ht»xÙ - Nation; state; country htßÞðtŒ - Statism ht»xÙ-r[nT™/{wÿt - National emblem htßÞðth - Statewise ht»xÙ-Ë{wŒtÞ - Society of nations htßÞðth rð¼ts™ - Statewise break-up ht»xÙ„e‚ - National anthem htßÞÔÞt…e - Statewide ht»xÙíð - Nationhood htßÞÔÞt…e Wsðýe - Statewide celebration ht»xÙæðs - National flag htßÞÔÞt…e r™Œþo™/Œu¾tð - Statewide ht»xÙ™wk Œuðwk - National debt demonstration ht»xÙ™tu ð‚™e - National ht»xÙ…r‚ ¼ð™ - Government house htßÞ˼t - Council of States ht»xÙ…r‚/«{w¾ - President htßÞËk½ - Confederation ht»xÙ…r‚/«{w¾™e [qkxýe - Presidential election htßÞtr¼»tuf fhðtu - Enthrone 373

ht»xÙ…r‚…Œ ht»xÙeÞ ƒ[‚ Þtus™t ht»xÙ…r‚…Œ - Presidentship ht»xÙeÞ AtºtËu™t - National Cadet Corps ht»xÙ…r‚…Œ™tu W{uŒðth - Presidential candidate ht»xÙeÞ s¤ûtuºt/rðM‚th - National waters ht»xÙ…r‚™tu ZkZuhtu - Presidential proclamation ht»xÙeÞ s¤{t„o - National waterway ht»xÙ…r‚ ¼ð™ - Government house ht»xÙeÞ ò„]r‚ - National awakening ht»xÙ…r‚þtË™ - Presidential rule ht»xÙeÞ zuhe rðftË ƒtuzo - National Dairy ht»xÙ¼t»tt - National language Development Board ht»xÙðtŒ - Nationalism ht»xÙðtŒe - Nationalist ht»xÙeÞ ŒV‚h¼kzth - National Archives ht»xÙrðhtuÄe - Anti-national; seditious; traitor ht»xÙeÞ Œhßòu - National status ht»xÙË{qn - Commonwealth of Nations ht»xÙeÞ rŒ™™e Wsðýe - Observance of ht»xÙËk½ - League of Nations ht»xÙrn‚ - National interest National Day ht»xÙeÞ Ätuhe{t„o - National highway ht»xÙeÞ ™{q™tE {tusýe - National Sample Survey ht»xÙeÞ - National ht»xÙeÞ ™týt ytÞtu„ - National Finance ht»xÙeÞ yftŒ{e - National academy Commission ht»xÙeÞ y¾kz‚t - National solidarity ht»xÙeÞ r™rÄ - National fund ht»xÙeÞ yÚto‚kºt - National economy ht»xÙeÞ ™er‚ - National policy ht»xÙeÞ ykŒts…ºt - National budget ht»xÙeÞ …hr{x - National permit ht»xÙeÞ ythtuøÞ Ëuðt - National Health Service ht»xÙeÞ …rh»tŒ - National Council ht»xÙeÞ ytðf - National income; national ht»xÙeÞ …k[ - National tribunal/commission revenue ht»xÙeÞ …k[tk„ - National calendar ht»xÙeÞ Wí…tŒf‚t …rh»tŒ - National ht»xÙeÞ «r‚r™rÄ - National representative Productivity Council ht»xÙeÞ «r‚¼t þtuÄ - National talent search ht»xÙeÞ «‚ef - National symbol ht»xÙeÞ Wí…tŒ™ - National product; national ht»xÙeÞ «Œuþ/ûtuºt - National territory ht»xÙeÞ «tiZ rþûtý ftÞo¢{ - National Adult output Education Programme ht»xÙeÞ W…ð™ - National park ht»xÙeÞ W{uŒðthe Þtus™t - National ht»xÙeÞ rV÷urhÞt r™Þkºtý yuf{ - National Apprenticeship Scheme Filaria Control Unit ht»xÙeÞ yuf‚t - National integration ht»xÙeÞ ƒ[‚ - National savings ht»xÙeÞ fhs/Œuðwk - National debt ht»xÙeÞ ƒ[‚ …ºt - National Savings ht»xÙeÞ ftÞŒtu - National law ht»xÙeÞ „út{eý htus„th ftÞo¢{ - National Rural Certificate Employment Programme ht»xÙeÞ ƒ[‚ Þtus™t - National Savings ht»xÙeÞ [trhºÞ - National character Scheme 374

ht»xÙeÞ ƒ[‚ Ëk„X™ htËtÞrýf …]Út¬hý ht»xÙeÞ ƒ[‚ Ëk„X™ - National Savings ht»xÙeÞ Ë÷t{‚e/Ëwhûtt yrÄr™Þ{ - National Organization Security Act ht»xÙeÞ ƒ[‚ MxuB… - National savings stamp ht»xÙeÞ Ëk…Â¥t - National wealth ht»xÙeÞ {÷urhÞt ™tƒqŒe ftÞo¢{ - National ht»xÙeÞ Ëkhûtý - National defence ht»xÙeÞ Ëkhûtý r™rÄ - National Defence Fund Malaria Eradication Programme ht»xÙeÞ Ëkhûtý ƒtuLz - National Defence Bond ht»xÙeÞ ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t - National resources ht»xÙeÞ {tk„ - National demand ht»xÙeÞ Ëuðt …k[ - National Services Tribunal ht»xÙeÞ hõ‚r…¥t-r™Þkºtý ftÞo¢{ - National ht»xÙeÞ Ëuðt Þtus™t - National Service Scheme ht»xÙeÞ Mðt‚kºÞ - National liberty Leprosy Control Programme ht»xÙeÞ nðtE/rð{t™ {t„o - National airways ht»xÙeÞfhý - Nationalization ht»xÙeÞ h{‚tuíËð - National sports festival ht»xÙeÞfhý fhðwk - Nationalize ht»xÙeÞ hu÷ðu Ë÷tnfth …rh»tŒ - National ht»xÙeÞf]‚ ƒUf - Nationalized bank ht»xÙeÞf]‚ ðe{tu - Nationalized Insurance Railway Consultative Council ht»xÙeÞ‚t - Nationality ht»xÙeÞ‚t yt…ðe - Nationalise/Nationalize ht»xÙeÞ htus„th ƒtkÞÄhe ftÞo¢{ - National ht»xÙeÞ‚t ftÞŒtu - Nationality law ht»xÙeÞ‚t Ae™ðe ÷uðe - Denationalize/ Employment Guaranty Programme Denationalise ht»xÙeÞ htus„th Ëuðt - National Employment ht»xÙeÞ‚t Ähtððt™tu yrÄfth - Right to Service nationality ht»xÙeÞ ÷½w Wãtu„ r™„{ - National Small ht»xÙeÞ‚t rð™t™e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Stateless individual Industries Corporation person ht»xÙeÞ ÷½w{‚e - National minority ht»xeÙ Þ ÷t™u -rþ»ÞðÂ] ¥t - National loan scholarship htËtÞrýf fûtt - Chemical grade ht»xÙeÞ ðntýðxwk - National shipping htËtÞrýf fËtuxe - Chemical test ht»xÙeÞ rðftË - National development htËtÞrýf r¢Þt - Chemical action ht»xeÙ Þ rðM‚hý Ëðu t - National extension service htËtÞrýf y…ûtÞ/¾ðtý - Chemical ht»xÙeÞ ðe{t yrÄr™Þ{ - National Insurance weathering Act htËtÞrýf ¾t‚h - Chemical fertilizer ht»xeÙ Þ ðe{t Þtsu ™t - National insurance scheme htËtÞrýf …heûtt/…heûtý - Chemical ht»xÙeÞ ðu‚™ - National wages ht»xÙeÞ rþûtý - National education examination ht»xÙeÞ rþ»Þð]Â¥t/Atºtð]Â¥t - National htËtÞrýf …]Út¬hý - Chemical analysis scholarship ht»xÙeÞ rþM‚ Þtus™t - National Discipline Scheme ht»xÙeÞ þe½ú x…t÷ Ëuðt - National Quick Mail Service ht»xÙeÞ ËhnŒ - National frontier/border ht»xÙeÞ Ë÷t{‚e - National security 375

htËtÞrýf …]Út¬th YZ htËtÞrýf …]Út¬th - Chemical analyser heZtu fËqhŒth - Habitual defaulter htËtÞrýf «r¢Þt - Chemical process heZtu „w™u„th - Habitual offender; habitual htËtÞrýf «Þtu„ - Chemical experiment criminal; confirmed criminal; hard-core htËtÞrýf «tiãtur„fe - Chemical technology criminal htËtÞrýf Ëk¿tt/™t{ - Chemical name htËtÞrýf Ëk¿tt…Ør‚ - Chemical nomenclature he‚ - Mode; method; style; manner; way htn‚ - Relief; concession he‚¼t‚ - Manners htn‚ ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Relief he‚rhðts - Usage; custom; tradition; practice htn‚ ft{tu - Relief works her‚ y™u …rh…txe - Form and practice htn‚ rxrfx - Concession ticket hwftðx/yz[ý - Detention; prohibition; htn‚ xwfze - Relief party obstruction; interruption; difficulty; bottle neck; bar; barrier; impediment hwftðx fhðe - Impede; interrupt; obstruct htn‚ Œh - Concessional rate hwût - Arid; dry; barren (2)Harsh; callous htn‚ «{tý…ºt - Concession certificate hwût ð÷ý - Callous attitude htn‚ «ð]Â¥tytu - Relief activities hw¾ËŒ - Removal; dismissal htn‚ Þtus™t - Relief scheme hw¾ËŒ y™u ƒh‚hVe - Removal and dismissal htn‚ htus„th - Relief employment hw¾ËŒ yt…ðe - Dismiss; remove htn‚ nwf{ - Concession order hwøýt÷Þ - Hospital htnŒthe xt…w - Pedestrian island hwr[ - Aptitude; taste; liking; penchant; htnŒthe …th…Út - Pedestrian crossing htnŒthe …w÷ - Foot bridge inclination; relish ht¤ - Resin ht¤™e ò‚™tu „wkŒh - Mastic hwr[fh - Tasty; relishing htkxw - Curved; twisted hwr[ fËtuxe - Aptitude test rhVkz nwf{ - Refund order hwþð‚ - Bribe; hush money; illegal rhVkz…tºt - Refundable rhƒt{ýe - Torture gratification; corruption; graft rh{tLz …h ÷uðwk - Remand rh÷u «Ëthý - Relay broadcast hwþð‚ - rðhtuÄe - Anti-corruption rhðts - Custom; usage; practice; tradition; hþw ð‚ - rðhtÄu e ftÞt÷o Þ - Anti-corruption Bureau hwþð‚¾tuh - Grafter; bribee (2)Venal; corrupt convention hwþð‚¾tuhe - Bribery (2)Venality; corruption Y - Cotton (2)Ginned cotton rhðts {wsƒ™wk ¼tzwk - Customary fare Y ƒòh - Cotton exchange heZwk - Incorrigible; habitual; hard-core Y ÷tuZðt™wk fth¾t™wk - Cotton ginnig factory Y¾ - Trend YZ - Stereotyped (2) Customary; conventional 376

YZ yt[th hurzÞtu/ðtÞw ËkŒuþ YZ yt[th - Standardized convention YƒY {w÷tft‚ - Interview YrZ - Convention; custom YkÄtÞu÷tu rðftË - Stunted growth/development YrZ y™u rhðts - Custom and usage hu¾t - Rule; line YrZ„‚ - Customary; conventional hu¾t r™Þkºtý r™Þ{tu - Ribbon Development YrZ„‚/…hk…ht„‚ …ztuþnf - Customary Rules easement hu¾tytu ykrf‚ fhðe - Stripe lining YrZ„‚/…hk…ht„‚ ÔÞðnth - Customary usage hu¾tf]r‚ - Diagram; map YrZ[wM‚ - Orthodox; conservative hu¾tr[ºt - Sketch; drawing YrZ«Þtu„ - Idiom; idiomatic usage hu¾tkrf‚ ft„¤ - Scale paper YrZ¼ksf - Iconoclast hu¾tkrf‚ ™fþtu - Sketch map YrZrðhwØ - Unconventional hu¾tkþ - Longitude Y™e „tkËze - Cotton bale hu¾tkþð]¥t - Longitudinal circle Y™e „tkËze ƒtkÄðt™wk fth¾t™wk - Cotton pressing hur¾‚ [uf - Crossed cheque hu¾eÞ/hir¾f - Linear; lineal factory hurzÞtu ftÞo¢{ - Radio programme hurzÞtu ònuh¾ƒh - Radio advertising Y™tu …tu÷/…ªsu÷wk Y - Cotton wool hurzÞtu ‚th - Radio telegram Y…f - Feature (2)Metaphor hurzÞtu ŒM‚tðuS Y…f/ð]¥t Y…f - Radio Y…f «[th - Feature publicity Y…hu¾t - Outline; synopsis (2)Sketch; blue documentary print (3)Skeleton hurzÞtu ™txf - Radio play hurzÞtu …ºtfthíð - Radio journalism Y…tk‚h - Alteration; commutation; hurzÞtu «r‚f]r‚ - Radio facsimile hurzÞtu «Ëthý - Radio broadcast transformation; conversion hurzÞtu Vtuxtu Ëuðt - Radio photo service (2)Metamorphosis hurzÞtu Y…tk‚h - Radio adaptation hurzÞtu ðt‚to÷t… - Radio talk Y…tk‚h fhðwk - Transform; convert; commute hurzÞtu ©tu‚tË{qn - Radio listening group hurzÞtu Ë{t[th - Radio news (2)Metamorphose hurzÞtu Ë{t[th Ëk…tŒ™ - Radio news editing hurzÞtu Ë{t[thŒþo™ - Radio news reel Y…tk‚h ftuXtu - Conversion table hurzÞtu Ëk[th - Radio communication Y…tk‚h r™Þ{ - Commutation rule Y…tk‚h «r¢Þt - Process of conversion Y…tk‚h rðfÕ… - Conversion option Y…tk‚hût{ - Convertible; commutable Y…tk‚rh‚ ®f{‚ - Commuted value Y…tk‚rh‚ r™ð]Â¥tðu‚™/…uLþ™ - Commuted pension Y…tk‚rh‚ hò - Commuted leave YƒY - Personally; in person hurzÞtu/ðtÞw ËkŒuþ - Radio message 377

hurzÞtu Ëk…tŒf hUx hurzÞtu Ëk…tŒf - Radio editor hu÷ðu ythûtý - Railway reservation hurzÞtu Mxuþ™ yrÄfthe - Radio Station Officer hu÷ðu W‚thw - Railway passenger hurZÞt¤ - Stray (2) Lethargic hu÷ðu x…t÷ - Railway mail huZwk - Stray; roaming hu÷ðu x…t÷ Ëuðt - Railway Mail Service hu‚-½rzÞt¤/½rxft Þkºt - Sand clock hu÷ðu ‚kºt - Railway administration; railway hu‚ŒþeoÞ/¾hƒ[zwk Ã÷tMxh - Sand faced plaster hu‚{th - Sand blasting system hu‚t¤ ftk… - Arenaceous sediments hu‚t¤ {txe - Sandy soil hu÷ðu ™qh - Railway freight hur‚Þtu ft„¤ - Glass paper hu÷ðu LÞtÞ…k[ - Railway Tribunal hur‚Þtu …ÚÚth - Sand stone hu÷ðu …rhðn™ - Rail transport hu‚e - Sand hu÷ðu Vtxf - Railway crossing; level crossing hu‚e™t Zwðt yt„¤ ðÄ‚t yxftððt ‚u - Sand hu÷ðu ¼tzwk - Railway fare hu÷ðu {t„o - Railway route dune stabilization hu÷ðu r{÷f‚ - Railway property hu÷ðu Þt‚tÞt‚ - Rail traffic; rail-borne traffic hu‚e™tu ®xƒtu - Sand hill hu÷ðu hËeŒ - Railway receipt hu‚e™tu Zqðtu - Sand dune hu÷ðu Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Railway Authority hu™ƒËuht - Night house hu÷ðu ËwÄthýt r™rÄ - Railway Betterment Fund hu÷ - Inundation; flood (2)Rail hu÷ðu Ëwhûtt - Railway safety; railway security hu÷-yuÂLs™ - Loco; locomotive hu÷ðu rnËtƒ yrÄfthe - Railway Accounts hu÷-yuÂLs™ ¾t‚wk - Locomotive Department Officer hu÷-yuÂLs™ r™heûtf - Loco Inspector hu÷„tze - Train huþ™ ¼ÚÚtwk - Ration allowance; ration money hu÷„tze …heûtf - Train Examiner huþ™{wõ‚ - Derationed hu÷„tze™wk Ë{Þ…ºtf - Schedule of trains huþ™™e [esðM‚wytu - Rationed articles hu÷s¤ ®Ë[tE - Flood irrigation; inundation huþ™™e Œwft™ - Ration shop huþ{ Wí…tŒ™ - Sericulture irrigation huþ{ Wí…tŒ™ r™heûtf - Sericulture Inspector hu÷-…txt - Track huþ{ rð¿tt™e - Sericulturist hu÷-…txt™wk ™ðefhý - Track renewal huËt Wãtu„ - Fibre industry hu÷{t„o - Railway track; rail road huËt ‚k‚w - Staple; fibre hu÷Þtºte - Railway passenger huËtŒth/huËtðt¤wk - Fibrous hu÷Ëkfx - Calamity of flood huËtŒth/huËtðt¤tu …tf - Fibre crop hu÷ðu ykŒts…ºt - Railway budget hUx - Persian wheel 378

hUrxÞtu htu„r™htuÄf hËe hUrxÞtu - Spinning wheel htufz ÔÞðnth/ËtuŒtu/÷uðzŒuðz - Cash transaction hiÞ‚ðthe …Ør‚ - Ryotwari/raiyatwari system htufz rË÷f - Cash in hand; cash balance; hard htuf-Œeðt÷ - Breast wall htufz - Cash; hard cash cash htufz yMõÞt{‚ - Liquid asset htufz ®f{‚ - Cash price; cash value htufz rnËtƒ - Cash account htufz fu ðM‚w™t Y…{tk - In cash or kind htufz rnËtƒðne - Cash account book htufz ¾heŒe - Cash purchase htufz™e ‚ƒŒe÷e - Transfer of cash htufz [wfðýe - Cash payment htufz…ýwk - Liquidity htufz s{t - Cash deposit htufz{tk - In specie; in cash htufz ò{e™„ehe - Cash security htufrzÞtu …tf - Cash crop htufz Útu÷e - Cash bag htufðwk - Stop; restrain; detain htufz ™týwk ÷uðwk/yt…ðwk ‚u - Encashment htuftE hnu÷e {qze - Blocked capital htufz …ntU[/…tð‚e - Cash receipt htuftý - Investment (2)Halt; stay htufz …whMfth - Cash award htuftý fhðwk - Invest htufz …uxe - Cash box htuftý-¼ÚÚtwk - Halting allowance htufz …uþ„e - Cash advance htuftýfth - Investor htufz «{tý…ºt - Cash certificate htuftÞu÷wk - Preoccupied; engaged; occupied htufz «ðtn - Cash flow htuftÞu÷tu …„th - Holdback pay htufz ƒòh - Cash market htufu÷e {qze (ÄkÄt{tk) - Capital invested htufz ƒtu™Ë - Cash bonus htu„ - Disease; ailment; malady htufz ¼ÚÚtwk - Cash allowance htu„-«r‚hûtý - Immunization htufz {u{tu - Cash memo htu„-«r‚hûtt - Immunity htufz {u¤ - Cash book htu„-«r‚hûtt W…[th - Immunotherapy htufz {u¤ rË÷f - Cash book balance htu„-«r‚hûttrð¿tt™ - Immunology htufz hrsMxh - Cash register htu„-«r‚hÂût‚ - Immune htufz ðxtð/fËh - Cash discount htu„-Ëk[thý - Transmission of disease htufz ðËq÷t‚ - Cash recovery htu„-Ëthðth - Treatment of disease htufzðne - Cash register htu„fthf/s™f - Pathogenic htufz ðtŠ»tfe - Cash annuity htu„„úM‚/htur„ü - Diseased htufz ðu[tý - Cash sale htu„[t¤t rð¿tt™ - Epidemiology htufz ðu‚™ (yÚto.) - Money wage htu„[t¤tu - Epidemic htu„r™htuÄf - Prophylactic htu„r™htuÄf hËe - Prophylactic vaccine 379

htu„™tu Vu÷tðtu htus„thðtkAw htu„™tu Vu÷tðtu - Prevalence of disease htus„th r™Þt{f - Director of Employment htu„÷ûtý - Symptom htus„th r™{toý - Employment generation htu„÷ûtýrð¿tt™ - Symptomatology htus„th …rh{tý - Volume of employment htu„rð¿tt™ - Pathology htus„th-«Ät™ Þtus™t - Employment Intensive htu„rð¿tt™ ËkƒkÄe - Pathological Scheme htu„rð¿tt™e - Pathologist htu„Ëk¢{ý - Infection htus„th …qðoÄthýt - Employment forecasting htu„Ëk¢{ý™wk {q¤ - Source of infection htus„th ƒòh {trn‚e Þtus™t - Employment htu„týw™tþ - Disinfection Market Information Scheme htus„th ƒtkÞÄhe Þtus™t - Employment Guarantee Scheme htu„týw™tþf - Disinfectant htus„th {txu yÞtuøÞ - Unemployable; unfit for htu„týw™tþ™ - Sterilization employment htu„týw™tþ™ ¾kz - Sterilization room htu„týwhrn‚ - Sterile htus„th {txu yÞtuøÞ‚t - Unemployability htu„týwhrn‚ fhðwk ‚u - Disinfection; sterilization htus„th ð„eofhý - Job classification htu„týwhrn‚ fhu÷wk - Sterilized; disinfected htus„th ð]ÂØ ftÞo¢{ - Employment Promotion htu„týwhrn‚‚t - Sterility Programme htus„th ð]ÂØût{‚t - Employment augmenting capacity htu„t™ - Lacquer htus„th þõÞ‚t - Employment prospects; job htur„c {™tuð]Â¥t - Morbidity prospects htu„e - Patient; diseased htu„e-…þwðtztu - Lazaretto for animals htus„th Ë{LðÞ f[uhe - Employment Co- htus„th - Employment; job ordination Office htus„th Ë÷tn fuLÿ - Employment Counselling Centre htus„th yrÄfth - Right to employment htus„th Ëwhûtt - Employment security htus„th yrÄfthe - Employment Officer htus„th Ëuðt - Employment service htus„th yt„tne - Employment forecasting htus„th ÂMÚthefhý - Employment htus„th f[uhe - Employment Exchange stabilization; stabilization of employment htus„th fh - Employment tax htus„th ftÞto÷Þ - Bureau of Employment htus„thût{ - Employable htus„th ‚f - Job opportunity htus„thût{‚t - Employability htus„th Œh - Employment rate htus„th™e …qhf ‚ftu - Supplementary htus„th Œhßòu - Employment status htus„th r™Þkºtý - Employment control employment opportunities htus„th÷ûte - Employment-oriented htsu „th÷ûte ™er‚ - Employment-oriented policy htus„thðtkAw - Job seeker 380

htus™t W…Þtu„™tu s÷Ëk„ún ÷„¼„ htus™t W…Þtu„™tu s÷Ëk„ún - Live storage water htuV - Awe htus™t{wk/{u¤ - Day-book (2)Journal htu{™ ykf - Roman figures htus™eþe - Diary; daily diary htuþ™e - Illumination htus™eþe fthfw™ - Diary Clerk htu»t - Wrath; anger; resentment; indignation htus™eþe ÷¾™th - Diarist htp™ ð™…t÷ - Round Forester htus™wk - Daily; per diem ÷ htusƒhtus™wk ft{/rŒ™[Þto - Daily routine htus{Œth - Daily wager htus{u¤ ™tUÄ - Journal entry ÷E sðwk - Carry; take away htu®sŒe ¾heŒe - Routine purchase ÷fðt„úM‚/÷fðt™tu ŒŒeo - Paralytic htu®sŒe ƒtƒ‚ - Routine matter ÷fðtu - Paralysis htu®sŒw - Daily; routine ÷fðtu Útðtu - Paralyse htu®sŒwk ft{ - Routine work ÷ût - Advertence; attention; heed htursŒwk ½h ft{fts - Chore ÷ûtý - Indicatoin; trait; sign; symptom; htuS - Wage; daily wages htuS ft{Œth - Daily wage worker feature; character htuztk - Brick-bat htuztk ftuL¢ex - Brick-bat concrete ÷ûÞ - Goal; end; aim; target htuÄf - Impediment; obstacle (2)Brake ÷ûÞðuÄe «ûtu…tMºttu - Guided missiles htu™ {thðe - Patrolling ÷ûÞtí{f - Goal-oriented htu™-xwfze - Patrol ÷ûÞtÚto - Connotation htur™Þtu-Þkºt - Roneo machine ÷ûÞtkf - Target htu…ýe - Planting ÷ûÞtkf y™u rËÂØ - Target and achievement htu…ýe ¾tztu - Planting pit ÷ûÞtkf sqÚt - Target group htu…ýe Þtus™t - Planting plan ÷ûÞtkrf‚ - Targetted htu…ýe/htu…t-WAuh õÞthe - Bed nursery ÷ûÞtkrf‚ rðM‚th - Target area htu…ðwk - Plant ÷¾tý - Writing; write up htu…t - Seedling; plant ÷¾tý{tk {qfðwk - Reduce to writing htu…t-WAuh fuLÿ - Nursery ÷¾tðx - Style of writing; writing htu…t WAuh rðftË yrÄfthe - Nursery ÷¾u÷e ®f{‚ - Marked price; posted price ÷¾u÷wk - Scripted; written Development Officer ÷„ze - Ingot ÷„¼„ - Round about; about; approximate htu…t½h - Plant-house 381

÷„¼„ …qýo htus„th ÷ßò/þe÷¼k„ fhðtu ÷„¼„ …qýo htus„th - Near full employment ÷½w ytiãtur„f ðËtn‚ - Mini industrial estate ÷„tzðwk - Affix; join; fix; fasten ÷½w áÂü - Myopia; short sight ÷„t‚th - Incessant; round the clock; ÷½w ™{q™tE fËtuxe - Small sample test continuous; non-stop ÷½w …wM‚f - Monograph ÷½w «r‚{t - Statuette ÷„t‚th «ÞtË - Sustained efforts; incessant/ ÷½w rVÕ{ - Micro film ÷½w ËtÄ™…uxe - Mini kit continuous efforts ÷½wr[ºt/«r‚{t - Miniature painting ÷½w‚{ - Minimum ÷„tu÷„ ytðu÷ - Contiguous; adjacent ÷½w‚{ fh…tºt {ÞtoŒt - Minimum taxable limit ÷„tu÷„…ýwk - Contiguity; adjacency ÷½w‚{ ®f{‚ - Minimum price ÷ø™ - Marriage; wedding ÷½w‚{ Œh - Minimum rate ÷ø™ yŒt÷‚ - Matrimonial Court ÷½w‚{ …„th - Minimum pay ÷ø™ Sð™ - Married life ÷½w‚{ ðu‚™ yrÄr™Þ{ - Minimum Wages Act ÷ø™ …Ae™wk - Post-nuptial ÷ø™ …qðuo™wk - Ante-nuptial ÷ø™ «{tý…ºt - Marriage certificate; marriagelines ÷ø™ Vtuf „ýðwk ‚u (ft.) - Nullity of marriage ÷½w‚t „úkrÚt - Inferiority complex ÷ø™ ËkƒkÄ - Conjugal relation ÷½w{‚e - Minority ÷ø™ nf - Conjugal rights; marital rights ÷½w{‚e ftu{tu - Minority communities ÷ø™-ðÞ - Marriageable age ÷½w{‚e «r‚r™rÄíð - Minority representation ÷ø™-rðåAuŒ - Divorce; dissolution of marriage ÷½w{‚e Ëhfth - Minority Government ÷ø™-ËnðtË - Consummation of marriage ÷½wY… - Miniature form ÷ø™ÞtuøÞ - Marriageable ÷½wr÷r… - Shorthand; stenography ÷ø™rð»tÞf - Nuptial; marital ÷½wr÷r… fËtuxe - Stenography test ÷ø™rð»tÞf Œhßòu - Marital status ÷½wr÷r… xtE…ft{ - Stenotyping ÷ø™ËkMfth - Solemnization of marriage ÷½wr÷r… «rþûtf - Shorthand Instructor ÷½w - Small (2)Short (3)Minor ÷½wr÷r…f - Shorthand writer; stenographer ÷½w y¾ƒth - Tabloid ÷½wM‚heÞ ytÞtus™ - Microplanning ÷½w y„ú÷u¾ - Leaderette ÷[e …zu÷wk - Accumbent; bent down ÷½w ytð]Â¥t - Pocket-edition ÷[e÷wk - Pliable ÷½w Wãtu„ ‚t÷e{ ËkMÚtt - Small Industries ÷ò{ýe™tu Atuz - Humble plant; mimosa Training Institute pudica ÷½w Wãtu„tu - Small industries; small scale ÷ßò - Modesty industries; mini industries ÷ßò/þe÷¼k„ fhðtu - Outrage modesty 382

÷ßòne™ ÷~fhe Œtð…u[ ÷ßòne™ - Shameless; impudent ÷ðý Ëhtuðh - Salt lake ÷xftðu÷e A‚ - Suspended ceiling ÷ðý Ëq[ftkf - Salt index ÷ztE - Fight; battle; combat ÷ðts{ - Subscription ÷ztÞf sux rð{t™ - Jet fighter ÷ðts{ ¼hðwk - Subscribe ÷ztÞf ¼tð™t - Fighting spirit ÷ðtŒ - Arbitrator ÷ztÞf rð{t™ - Fighter aircraft ÷ðtŒe - Arbitration ÷ýýe - Harvesting; reaping ÷ðtŒe yŒt÷‚ - Court of arbitration ÷ýýe/ft…ýe Þkºt - Harvester ÷ðtŒe fhth - Arbitration agreement ÷ýýe/ft…ýe™e ft{„ehe - Harvesting ÷ðtŒe [wftŒtu - Arbitration award ÷ðtŒe îtht r™htfhý - Solution by arbitration operation ÷ðtŒe îtht …‚tðx - Settlement by arbitration ÷ðtŒe …k[ - Arbitration Tribunal ÷ýýe/ft…ýe™e {tuË{ - Harvest season ÷ðtŒe {kz¤ - Arbitration board ÷ýðwk - Harvest; reap ÷ðtŒe {txu ËtU…ðwk - Submit to arbitration ÷‚ - Addiction (2)Habit ÷ðtŒe ËkrÄ - Treaty of arbitration ÷‚t - Climber; creeper ÷ðtŒe…tºt - Arbitrable ÷¥ttu - Locality ÷®ð„ - Clove ÷Útzðwk - Falter; stumble ÷~fh - Army; military; force ÷Œt{ý y™u W‚ht{ý - Loading and unloading ÷~fh {txu™tu …whðXtu - Military supplies ÷Œt{ý ¾[o - Loading charges ÷~fh™e ft{„ehe - Military operations ÷…ztf - Slap; blow ÷~fh™e xwfze - Battalion; troop of army ÷…Ëðwk - Slip; slide ÷~fh™tu ½tuztu - Trooper ÷…uxðwk - Enfold; envelop ÷~fh{tk ¼h‚e - Enlistment ÷…uxât/ðªxtéÞt rð™t™tu {t÷ - Loose goods ÷~fh{tk ¼h‚e fhðe - Enlist ÷Vk„wk - Cunning; roguish ÷~fhþtne - Militarism ÷çÄ«r‚c - Dignified; reputed; illustrious ÷~fhe yŒt÷‚ - Military Court; court martial ÷÷[tððwk - Entice; induce; allure ÷~fhe ftÞŒtu - Military law; martial law ÷r÷‚ f÷t - Fine arts ÷r÷‚ f÷t yftŒ{e - Fine Arts Academy; Academy of Fine Arts ÷r÷‚ f÷t fuLÿ - Fine Arts Centre ÷~fhe fw{f - Troop; draft ÷ð[ef - Flexible; elastic ÷~fhe Atðýe - Military cantonment ÷ð[ef…ýwk - Elasticity; flexibility ÷~fhe ‚t÷e{ - Military training ÷ðý s¤ «ðuþ - Salt water intrusion ÷~fhe Œtð…u[ - Military manoeuvres 383

÷~fhe ÔÞqnh[™t™u ÷„‚wk ÷t„w …zu ™rn ‚uðwk ÷~fhe ÔÞqnh[™t™u ÷„‚wk - Strategic; strategical ÷tEËLË rð™t™wk - Unlicensed ÷~fhe þÕÞr[rfíËf - Military Surgeon ÷tEËLË™e ftÞŒuËh‚t - Validity of licence ÷~fhe þtË™ - Military rule ÷tfzt™tk Ze{[tk …tzðtk - Logging ÷~fhe þtË™…Ør‚ - Militarism ÷tfzt™e Vt[h - Wooden wedge ÷~fhe Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Military Authority ÷tfzt™e Ët¤ - Wooden loom ÷~fhe Ëk…fo yrÄfthe - Military Liaison ÷tfztk™e VhË - Parquet floor ÷tfzt™wk …trxÞwk - Wood plank Officer ÷tfzwk ðnuhðt™e r{÷ - Saw mill ÷tûtrýf - Typical; peculiar ÷~fhe Ëuðt - Military service ÷tûtrýf „wýÄ{o - Characteristic property ÷~fhe ËuðtÞtuøÞ ðÞ - Military service age ÷tûtrýõ‚t - Characteristic; peculiarity; ÷~fhefhý - Militarization ÷Ëý - Garlic speciality ÷rnÞtu - Copyist; scribe; writer ÷nuh - Breeze; wave (2)Freak; whim ÷t¾ - Lac (2)Lakh ÷nuhe - Jolly ÷t¾ft{ - Lacquer ÷k„zwk - Lame; crippled ÷t¾ Wí…tŒ™ - Lac cultivation ÷k„h - Anchor ÷t¾ Wí…tŒ™ Vt{o - Lac brood farm ÷k„h ™t¾ðwk - Berth; moor; cast anchor ÷t¾ ƒes ð]ût - Lac brood tree ÷k„h ƒtuÞwk - Mooring buoy ÷t¾ rðftË yrÄfthe - Lac Development ÷k„h-Ve - Anchorage; moorage ÷k„h-ƒkŒh - Anchorage port Officer ÷k„h™tu …ÚÚth - Killick ÷k„hðtztu - Anchorage; anchoring ground; ÷t¾ ËkþtuÄ™ ËkMÚtt - Lac Research Institute ÷t„ýe - Feeling; sentiment; emotion mooring berth; moorage ÷t„ýe Œw¼tððe - Offend; hurt feeling ÷t„ýe«Ät™ - Sensitive; sentimental ÷k„hMÚtt™ - Berth; anchorage; mooring berth ÷t„ýeþLq Þ/ð„h™kw - Heartless; devoid of feeling ÷k…x - Debaucherous; lewd; adulterous ÷t„‚wk𤄂wk - Concerned; respective; relating ÷kƒ - Perpendicular; steep; plummet ÷kƒ[tuhË ytzƒkÄ - Rectangular weir to ÷kƒ[tuhË ¾tk[tu - Rectangular notch ÷t„÷t„x - Persistent; incessant; continuous; consecutive ÷t„ðwk - Appear; seem ÷kƒ[tuhË ™nuh - Rectangular channel ÷t„w ™rn …tzu÷wk - Unapplied ÷kƒtE - Length ÷t„w …z‚wk ntuÞ íÞtk - Wherever applicable ÷kƒtððwk - Prolong; lengthen; protract; extend ÷t„w …zu ‚uðwk - Applicable ÷tR™Œtuhe - Alignment ÷t„w …zu ™rn ‚uðwk - Inapplicable 384

÷t„w …tzðwk ÷tk[ ÷t„w …tzðwk - Apply ÷t¼«Œ W…Þtu„ - Exploitation; exploitative use ÷t„tu - Impost; charges; duty; tax ÷t¼«Œ ®f{‚ - Remunerative price ÷t[th - Helpless ÷t¼«Œ …Œ - Lucrative office ÷t[the - Helplessness ÷t¼«Œ ðtðu‚h - Economic plantation ÷tXe{th - Lathi charge ÷t¼«Œ rn‚ - Lucrative interest ÷tz ÷ztððt - Pamper ÷t¼hrn‚ …tìr÷Ëe - Policy without profit/ ÷tŒðwk - Impose; enjoin (2)Load ÷tŒe …ÚÚth - Paving stone; flag stone benefit ÷tŒer[ºt - Mosaic ÷t…‚t/ƒu…‚t - Missing; lost ÷t¼ðkr[‚ rð¼t„ - Disadvantaged section ÷t…‚t «{tý…ºt - Non-traceable certificate ÷t¼tkþ - Dividend ÷t…e - Putty ÷t¼tkþ …ºt - Dividend warrant ÷t¼ - Benefit; advantage; gain; profit ÷t¼tkþ/rzrðzkz rð™t - Ex-dividend ÷t¼ fh - Gains tax ÷tÞf - Qualified; deserving; fit; proper; ÷t¼ {u¤ð™th ÔÞÂõ‚/÷t¼tÚteo - Beneficiary ÷t¼ {u¤ððtu - Reap benefit suitable ÷t¼ rð™t™e ƒZ‚e - Dry promotion ÷t¼fthf - Beneficial; profitable; ÷tÞf W{uŒðth - Qualified candidate ÷tÞf Útðwk - Qualify remunerative; lucrative ÷tÞft‚ - Qualification; eligibility ÷tÞft‚ Ëuðt - Qualifying service ÷t¼fthe Þtus™t - Beneficiary scheme; ÷tÞft‚ Ähtð™th - Qualified; eligible ÷tÞft‚ ™rn Ähtð‚tu W{uŒðth - Unqualified advantageous scheme; lucrative scheme candidate ÷t¼ŒtÞf ftÞo - Gainful activity ÷t¼ŒtÞf ÄkÄtu - Gainful occupation ÷tÞft‚ …heûtt - Qualifying examination ÷t¼ŒtÞe - Fruitful; rewarding; gainful; ÷tÞft‚ {u¤ððe - Qualify ÷tÞfe-ytz - Efficiency bar beneficial; economic ÷t÷ {txe - Red soil ÷t÷[ - Bait; allurement; temptation; ÷t¼ŒtÞe …Œ/ntuÆtu - Office of profit ÷t¼ŒtÞe …uŒtþ - Economic yield inducement; enticement ÷t¼ŒtÞe {tr÷fe - Beneficial ownership ÷t¼ŒtÞe htus„th ftÞo¢{ - Gainful ÷t÷Ët - Desire; greed ÷tðt-…ÚÚth - Basalt employment programme; beneficial ÷tþ - Corpse; dead body employment programme ÷tk„h-¼tzwk - Groundage ÷tk„hðwk - Berth; moor; anchor ÷t¼«Œ - Advantageous; beneficial; ÷tk[ - Corruption; bribe; graft; hush money; profitable; exploitative; remunerative; illegal gratification (2)Venality lucrative 385

÷tk[ ÷u™th ÷u¾™Ët{„úe ÷tk[ ÷u™th - Grafter; venal; corrupt; bribee r÷÷t{e ®f{‚ - Knock down price ÷tk[hwþð‚ - Bribery; corruption (2)Venality r÷Ëtuxtu - Trail ÷tkA™ - Calummy; stigma; stain; blot; blemish ®÷„ - Gender ÷tkƒt „t¤t™tk …rh«uûÞtu - Long term perspectives ÷exe - Rule; line ÷tkƒt „t¤t™wk ytÞtus™ - Long-term planning; ÷exeðt¤tu ft„¤ - Ruled paper ÷eÚttu-{wÿf - Lithographer; litho printer long-range planning ÷e÷/þuðt¤ - Algae; moss ÷e÷e ðtz - Live fence; live hedge ÷tkƒt Ë{Þ™e ƒuhtus„the - Chronic ÷e÷wk ¾t‚h/÷e÷tu …zðtË - Green manure unemployment ÷tkƒe {wŒ‚™e rÄhtý …Ør‚ - Long term credit system ÷tkƒe {wŒ‚™e ™týt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Long term finance ÷e÷tu ½tË[thtu - Green fodder ÷tkƒe {wŒ‚™e ÷tu™ - Long term loan ÷e÷tu …tf - Green crop ÷tkƒe {wŒ‚™wk rÄhtý - Long term credit ÷wå[tE - Knavery; roguery; craftiness ÷tkƒe hòytu - Long term leave ÷wå[wk - Cunning; knave; roguish ÷tkƒtu ¼tu„ðxtu (ft.) - Prescription ÷wArýÞwk - Wiper; doormat; mop r÷r¾‚ - Written; in writing ÷wó - Vanished; extinct (2)Lost r÷r¾‚ r™ðuŒ™ - Written statement ÷wó ™Œe - Lost river r÷r¾‚ ™turxË - Notice in writing ÷wnth - Hammersmith; blacksmith r÷r¾‚ …hðt™„e - Permission in writing ÷qýtu - Erosion r÷r¾‚ «{tý/…whtðtu - Testimonial evidence ÷q÷wk - Lame r÷r¾‚ he‚u Œþtoðu÷e - Specified in writing ÷qkx - Plunder; robbery r÷r¾‚ Y… yt…ðwk - Reduce to writing ÷qkxVtx - Depredation; robbery; dacoity r÷r¾‚ Mðef]r‚ - Written acknowledgement ÷qkxVtx fhðe - Ransack; loot r÷r¾‚ nwf{ - Written order ÷qkxthtu/÷qkxVtx fh™th - Depredator; gangster; r÷ßs‚ - Relish; zest; joy dacoit; robber; looter r÷r… - Script ÷u-ðu[ - Marketing; purchase and sale r÷r…fth - Script writer ÷u¾ - Article (2)Instrument (3)Deed r÷ÃÞk‚h - Transliteration; transcription ÷u¾f - Author; writer r÷ÃÞk‚h fhðwk - Transcribe ÷u¾™f÷t - Art of writing r÷ÃÞk‚hfth - Transcriber; transcripter ÷u¾™[qf - Slip of pen r÷÷t{ - Auction ÷u¾™þi÷e - Style of writing r÷÷t{ fh™th - Auctioneer ÷u¾™Ët{„úe - Writing materials; stationery; r÷÷t{Úte ðu[tý - Auction sale; sale by auction stationery articles 386

÷u¾™Ët{„úe y™u {wÿý ÷tufþtne Zƒ™wk ÷u¾™Ët{„úe y™u {wÿý - Stationery and ÷tuff¤t - Folk art ÷tuf„e‚ - Folk song printing ÷tuf[qkxýe - Popular election ÷tufò„]r‚ - Mass awakening/awareness ÷u¾™Ët{„úe f[uhe - Stationery office ÷tuf‚hVe …„÷tk - Populist measures ÷u¾™Ët{„úe fthfw™ - Stationery Clerk ÷tuf™txâ - Folk drama ÷u¾™Ët{„úe rz…tu - Stationery depot ÷tuf™]íÞ - Folk dance ÷u¾™Ët{„úe ¼ÚÚtwk - Stationery allowance ÷tuf…t÷/÷tuftÞwõ‚ - Ombudsman ÷u¾{t¤t - Series of articles ÷tuf«ftu…/yt¢tuþ - Public outrage ÷u¾t™wŒt™ - Vote on account ÷tuf«r‚r™rÄ - Public representative ÷ur¾‚ ƒtkÞÄhe - Undertaking in writing ÷tuf«r‚r™rÄíð yrÄr™Þ{ - Representation of ÷uxhtEx {txe - Laterite soil ÷uýŒth - Creditor People’s Act ÷uýŒuý/÷uðzŒuðz - Dealing; transaction ÷uýŒuý™wk ‚thý - Balance of payments ÷tufr«Þ/«[r÷‚ - Popular ÷uýtk™e rƒ™-ðËq÷t‚ - Non-recovery of dues ÷tufr«Þ ƒ™tððwk - Popularize ÷uýtk™e {tVe/Aqx - Remission of dues ÷tufr«Þ Ëhfth - Popular Government ÷uýwk - Dues ÷tufr«Þ‚t - Popularity ÷uýwk „ýtu‚/ËtkÚt - Rent due ÷tufVt¤tu - Popular contribution ÷uýwk zwƒtzðwk - Defeat debt ÷tuf¼t»tt - Lingua franca; language of people ÷uýwk Útðwk - Fall due ÷tuf{‚ - Referendum; public opinion; ÷uÚt-fthe„h - Latheman ÷u™th - Recipient; receiver plebiscite ÷u…™ - Priming; lining ÷uðzŒuðz fh - Transaction tax ÷tuf{‚ {tusýe - Opinion poll ÷uðt™tk …„÷tk - Line of action; action to be taken ÷tuf{‚™wk «r‚®ƒƒ - Reflex of public opinion ÷uðt…tºt ¾[o - Chargeable expenditure ÷tuf{tæÞ{ yuf{tu - Media units ÷uðe…tºt - Leviable ÷tuf{t™Ë - Mass psychology ÷tuf Ën¼tr„‚t - Community participation; ÷tuf÷ûte yrÄfth (ft.) - Jura in rem ÷tuf÷ûte [wftŒtu (ft.) - Judgement in rem public participation ÷tuf÷t„ýe - Sentiments of people; public ÷tufytkŒtu÷™/[¤ð¤ - Mass movement; sentiments popular movement ÷tufrðãt/fÚtt - Folklore ÷tufþtne/÷tuf‚kºt - Democracy ÷tufWíËð/÷tuf{u¤tu - Folk festival ÷tufþtnefhý - Democratization ÷tuffÕÞtý yÚtuo ËntÞf - Conducive to public ÷tufþtne Zƒ™wk - Democratic good/welfare 387

÷tufþtne r™Þkºtý ÷tun-ftkfhux ÷tufþtne r™Þkºtý - Democratic control ÷tuftuÂõ‚ - Adage; proverb ÷tufþtne ðneðx - Democratic administration ÷tuftu™tu xuftu - Popular support ÷tufþtneðtŒ - Democratism ÷tuftu…Þtu„e W…¢{ - Public utility undertaking ÷tufþtne rðfuLÿefhý - Democratic ÷tuftu…Þtu„e Ëuðt - Public utility service decentralization ÷tu¾kz, …tu÷tŒ y™u rË{uLx r™Þkºtf - Controller ÷tufþtne M…Ätoí{f ytÞtus™ - Democratic of Iron; Steel and Cement Competitive Planning ÷tu¾kz™tk …‚htk - Iron sheets ÷tu¾kz™tu …txztu - Girder; beam ÷tufrþûtý - Public education ÷tu¾kz™tu ¼k„th - Iron scrap ÷tufrþûtý yrÄfthe - Mass Education Officer ÷tu¾kz™tu Ët{t™ - Hardware ÷tufË¥tt - Republic ÷tuZt-ythe - Hacksaw ÷tuf˼t - House of People ÷tuZt™e ft[e Ät‚w - Iron ore ÷tuf˼t™t yæÞût - Speaker of the House of ÷tuZt™wk/÷tu¾kz™wk/÷tun - Ferrous ÷tuZu÷tu f…tË - Ginned cotton People ÷tuÚtthe ÷k„h (™tift) - Kedge anchor ÷tu™ y™u …uþ„e - Loans and advances ÷tufË{Úto™ - Popular support ÷tu™ y™u …uþ„eytu™e …h‚ [wfðýe - Repayment ÷tufËhfth - Popular government ÷tufËnÞtu„/Ën¼tr„‚t - Public participation; of loans and advances community participation ÷tu™ yt…™th - Loaner ÷tu™ ÷u™th - Loanee ÷tufËk„e‚ - Folk music ÷tu™™wk Y…tk‚h - Conversion of loan ÷tfu Ë…k fo - Mass communication; public relation ÷tufËk…fo {txu™tk {tæÞ{ - Mass media ÷tuf/s™Ëk…fo yrÄfthe - Public Relations Officer ÷tufËkMf]r‚ - Folk culture ÷tu™…tºt ™týtk - Loanable funds ÷tufËtðo¼ti{íð - Sovereignty of people ÷tu™…tºt {qze - Loanable capital ÷tufËtrníÞ - Folk literature; folklore ÷tu… - Annulment; extinction; deletion ÷tufËuðf - Public Servant; servant of people ÷tu… fhðtu - Delete; extinct; annul ÷tufMðtMÚÞ - Public health ÷tu…-r[n™T - Deletion mark ÷tufrn‚ - Public interest; common good; ÷tu¼ - Greed; temptation ÷tu¼tððwk - Entice; tempt; allure general interest ÷tu÷f - Pendulum ÷tu÷f™e „r‚ - Swing of pendulum ÷tufrn‚-rðhwØ - Against public interest ÷tu÷w… - Covetous ÷tuft…ðtŒ - Scandal ÷tun-ftkfhux - Ferro concrete ÷tuft…oý fhðwk - Throw open to the people 388 ÷tuftu - Public; people; mass

÷tun-{wÿf ð[„t¤t™e Ëhfth ÷tun-{wÿf - Ferro printer ð¾‚Ëh - In time; timely ÷tun-{wÿý - Ferro printing ð¾‚tu𾂠- From time to time ÷tune [Ztððwk ‚u - Blood transfusion ð¾tý - Praise; eulogy; commendation; ÷tune™t y™ir‚f ÔÞt…th™wk/ðu…th™wk r™Þkºtý - approbation Suppression of immoral traffic ð¾tý fhðtk - Praise; commend; eulogize; ÷tune™wk Œƒtý - Blood pressure ÷tune™wk Ë„…ý - Blood relation; kindred approbate ÷tune™tu y™t{‚ sÚÚttu - Blood reserve ÷tune™tu ðu…th - Immoral traffic in women ð¾th - Warehouse; godown ÷tune™tu ËkƒkÄ - Consanguinity ð¾th r™„{ - Warehousing Corporation ÷tune™tu ËkƒkÄ Ähtð™th - Privies in blood; ð¾th r™heûtf - Inspector of Warehouses ð¾th …h/ ƒuXt - Ex-warehouse consanguineous ð¾th …h/ ƒuXt ËtU…ýe - Ex-warehouse delivery ð¾th hûtf - Warehouse Keeper ÕÞt™‚ - Shame; disgrace; contempt; scorn ð¾th-ÔÞðMÚtt - Warehousing ð¾th Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Warehouse Authority ð ð¾tuze ftZðwk - Denounce; reprehend ð¾tuze ftZðwk ‚u - Denunciation; reprehension ðfhtu - Turnover ð„/«¼tð - Influence; good offices ðfe÷ - Pleader; lawyer; legal practitioner; ð„Œth/ð„ðËe÷tðt¤wk - Influential ð„h ‚iÞtheyu - Off-hand; ex-tempore advocate ð„hrð[tÞuo - Recklessly; thoughtlessly ð„uhu - Et cetera (etc.) ðfe÷ …rh»tŒ - Bar Council ð„tuðýe fhðe - Malign; disgrace; slander ðfe÷™e ËntÞ {u¤ððt™tu yrÄfth - Right to ð[„t¤t™tk …„÷tk - Interim measures ð[„t¤t™e [wfðýe - Interim payment counsel ð[„t¤t™e ™týtÔÞðMÚtt - Bridging finance ð[„t¤t™e ™wfËt™e - Interim loss ðfe÷{kz¤ - Bar Association; bar ð[„t¤t™e Vt¤ðýe - Interim allotment ðfe÷t‚ - Practice of law; pleading; legal ð[„t¤t™e {wŒ‚ - Interim period ð[„t¤t™e htn‚ - Interim relief profession; advocacy ð[„t¤t™e ÷tu™ - Intermediate loan; bridging ðõ‚t - Speaker; orator loan ðõ‚]íð - Oration; elocution ðõ‚]íð M…Äto - Elocution competition ð[„t¤t™e Ëhfth - Interim Government ðõ‚]íðf¤t - Oratory 389 ðõ‚]íðþÂõ‚ - Elocution; eloquence ð¢e¼ð™ - Refraction ð¢tuÂõ‚ - Ironical expression; irony

ð[„t¤t™e rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe ðxtð {qÕÞ ð[„t¤t™e rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Interim audit ð[÷wk - Intermediary; intermediate ð[„t¤t™wk - Interim; intermediate; stop-gap; ð[÷tu fƒsuŒth/¾t‚uŒth - Intermediate tenure ad interim holder ð[„t¤t™wk ykŒts…ºt - Interim budget ð[÷tu/Œhr{Þt™ {™tE nwf{ - Interlocutory ð[„t¤t™wk Wí…tŒ™ - Intermediate product ð[„t¤t™wk ytìrzx - Interim audit injunction ð[„t¤t™wk rÄhtý - Intermediate credit ð[„t¤t™wk «{tý…ºt - Interim certificate ð[÷tu/{æÞ{ {t„o - Golden mean ð[„t¤t™wk ƒtu™Ë - Interim bonus ð[÷tu/Œhr{Þt™ nwf{ - Interlocutory order ð[„t¤t™wk ð¤‚h - Interim compensation ðå[u søÞt ht¾ðe - Spacing ð[„t¤t™tu W¥th - Interim reply ðå[u …zðwk - Intervene ð[„t¤t™tu „ehtu - Mesne mortgage ðå[u {tÚtwk {thðwk - Interfere ð[„t¤t™tu „ehtu ht¾™th - Mesne mortgagee ðå[u™e søÞt - Interstice ð[„t¤t™tu [wftŒtu - Interim award ðå[u™e/ð[÷e ®f{‚ - Middle price ð[„t¤t™tu/ytz-…tf - Catch crop ðAuhtu - Colt ð[„t¤t™tu {™tE-nwf{ - Interim injunction; ðs™ - Weight; load ðs™ Ÿ[f™th Þkºt - Hoisting machine; crane ad-interim injunction; interlocutory ðs™ fhðwk - Weigh injunction; interim stay-order ðs™ftkxtu - Weighing machine ðs™{tk ½x - Loss of weight; shortfall in ð[„t¤t™tu ÷t¼/™Vtu - Mesne profit ð[„t¤t™tu Ë{Þ - Interim period weight ð[„t¤t™tu nwf{ - Interim order ð[™ - Promise ðsr™Þwk - Weight ð[™„úne‚t - Promisee ðx÷tÞu÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Proselyte ð[™Œt‚t - Promisor ðx÷tððwk - Proselytize ð[™…ºt - Pronote; promissory note ðxnwf{ - Ordinance ð[™ƒØ Útðwk - Commit ðxtW - Convertible; negotiable ð[™ƒØ/«r‚ƒØ hnuðwk - Stand committed ðxtW ¾‚ yrÄr™Þ{ - Negotiable Instruments ð[™ƒØ‚t - Commitment ð[÷e/Œhr{Þt™ yhS - Interlocutory Act application ðxtW ¾‚…ºt - Convertible bond ðxtW [÷ý - Convertible currency ð[÷e …uŒtþ - Intermediate product ðxtð - Discount ð[÷e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Intermediary; middleman; ðxtðût{‚t - Negotiability ðxtð ¾t‚tðne - Discount ledger mediator ðxtð Œh - Discount rate ðxtð {qÕÞ - Discounted value 390

ðxtð hrsMxh ðÄ‚e {wŒ‚™e …tìr÷Ëe ðxtð hrsMxh - Discount register ðýðxtÞu÷tu [uf - Uncashed cheque ðxtð rnËtƒ - Discount account ðýð…htÞu÷ rË÷f - Unexpended balance ðxtððt {txu hsq - Tendered for cash ðýð…htÞu÷e rxrfx - Unused ticket ðxtððwk - Encash ðýðnU[tÞu÷ ™Vtu - Undistributed profit ðxtððwk ‚u - Encashment ðýðwk - Weave; interweave ðxtðe sðwk - Exceed ðýËðwk - Worsen; deteriorate ðxt¤ - Proselytization ðýËk‚tu»ttÞu÷e sYrhÞt‚ - Unmet need ðxt¤ «ð]Â¥t - Proselytizing activities ðýtx - Texture; weaving; fabric ðxu{t„wo - Passer-by; traveller; wayfarer ðýtx {tM‚h - Weaving Master ðzðt - Forefather ðýtx r{÷ - Weaving mill ðzðt™÷ - Submarine fire ð‚™ - Native place; home town; domicile ðze÷tu…tŠs‚ s{e™ - Ancestral land ð‚™ «ðtË htn‚ - Home travel concession ðze÷tu…tŠs‚ ò„eh - Ancestral estate ð‚™¼qr{ - Native country ðze÷tu…tŠs‚ r{÷f‚ - Ancestral property ð‚™e - Native; inhabitant ðzwk {Útf - Head quarter ð¥tt-ytuAt ÞtŒe…ºt - Plus minus memorandum ðZðwk - Rebuke; blame; scold; reprimand ð¥tt-ytuAt™e ™tUÄ - Plus minus entries ðýytu¤¾e fZtÞu÷ - Unidentified ðíË÷ - Kind; loving; affectionate ðýfh - Weaver ðŒ‚tuÔÞt½t‚ - Contradiction in terms ðý¾[uo÷e rË÷f - Unspent balance ðÄ - Excess (2)Killing ðý¾uztÞu÷e s{e™ - Virgin land/soil; ðĽx - Fluctuation; variation; excess and uncultivated land shortfall ðý[wfðtÞu÷wk - Outstanding; unpaid ðĽx Út‚wk ƒòh - Variable market; fluctuating ðý[wfðu÷ ÷tu™ - Undisbursed loan ðýòuR‚e …uŒtþ - Unwanted product market ðýÍth - Caravan ðý™tUÄtÞu÷ fk…™e - Unregistered company ðĽx Út‚tu Œh - Fluctuating rate ðý…qhe {t„ - Uncovered demand ðĽx Út‚tu ¼tð - Fluctuating price ðý¼htÞu÷wk {nuËq÷ - Unremitted revenue ðĽx Útðe - Fluctuate; vary ðý¼tu„ðu÷e hò - Unavailed leave ðĽx™t Œhu «þwÕf - Sliding scale tariff ðý{t„e {qze - Uncalled capital ðĽx…tºt ðtŠ»tfe - Variable annuity ðý{tøÞwk ð[™ - Gratuitous promise ðÄ‚t s‚t ¼tð - Rising prices ðý÷ÏÞtu ftÞŒtu - Unwritten law ðÄ‚e W…Þtur„‚t - Increasing utility ðÄ‚e {t„ - Increasing demand ðÄ‚e {wŒ‚™e …tìr÷Ëe - Increasing term policy 391