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gutarati to english

Published by Dhaval Kataria, 2022-05-25 15:41:55

Description: gutarati to english


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ðÄ‚tu ‚wÂü„wý ð™ ™tƒqŒe ðÄ‚tu ‚wÂü„wý - Increasing optimum utility ðÄthe™u fnuðwk - Exaggerate ðÄ‚tu-½x‚tu ðu‚™ Œh - Sliding wage scale ðÄthu …z‚wk ðs™ - Over load; overweight ðÄhtð¤ - Hydrocele ðÄthu Ëthwk - Preferable; desirable; better ðÄðwk - Exceed; enlarge; expand; increase ðÄthtu - Increase; addition; excess ðÄthðwk - Step up; intensify; enhance ðÄw - More; much ðÄtht™t Aqxt ¼t„ - Spares; spare parts ‘ðÄw y™ts W„tztu’ Þtus™t - ‘Grow More Food’ ðÄtht™t ¼tzt™e rxrfx - Excess fare ticket scheme ðÄtht™e ft{„ehe - Extra duty; additional duty ðÄtht™e ftÞoËqr[ - Additional agenda ðÄw ®f{‚u/¼tðu - At premium; at high price/ ðÄtht™e [wfðýe - Extra payment; additional rate payment ðÄw xeft-rxÃ…ý - Further remarks ðÄtht™e ™f÷ - Spare copy; extra copy ðÄw ™tUÄtÞu÷wk ¼hýwk - Over-subscribed issue ðÄtht™e ™wfËt™e - Ultra damages ðÄw …z‚tu ykŒts - Overestimate ðÄtht™e {t„ - Excess demand ðÄw …z‚tu ¼th - Overburden ðÄtht™e {txe - Extra soil ðÄw …ËkŒ fhðtÞtuøÞ - Preferable ðÄtht™wk - Excess; additional; surplus; spare; ðÄw htuftý - Overstay ðÄw rð[thýt - Further consideration extra ðÄw rð[thýt yÚtuo - Ad referendum; for further ðÄtht™wk y™wŒt™ - Excess grant consideration ðÄtht™wk ¾[o - Excess expenditure; additional ðÄw…z‚wk ft{ - Overwork charge/expenditure ðÄw{tk ðÄw - Maximum ðÄtht™wk r™ðuŒ™ - Additional statement ð™ - Forest; jungle; woods ðÄtht™wk ™qh - Excess freight ð™ yrÄfthe - Forest Officer ðÄtht™wk …izwk - Spare wheel ð™ y™u …Þtoðhý rð¼t„ - Forest and ðÄtht™wk ¼tzwk - Extra fare Environment Department ðÄtht™wk ðtn™ - Spare vehicle; extra vehicle ðÄtht™wk þwÕf - Additional duty; excess duty ð™ yÚto‚kºt - Forest economy ðÄtht™tu yufhth - Additional declaration ð™ yt™wðkrþfe - Forest genetics ðÄtht™tu fh - Additional tax ð™ W…Þtu„ - Forest utilization ðÄtht™tu f{o[theð„o - Excess-staff; additional ð™ W…Þtu„ yrÄfthe - Forest Utilization staff Officer ðÄtht™tu ¼t„ - Spare part ð™ fexrð¿tt™ - Forest entomology ðÄtht™tu Ët{t™ - Excess baggage; excess ð™ ¾t‚wk/rð¼t„ - Forest Department ð™ [turfÞt‚ - Forest guard luggage ð™ ™tƒqŒe - Deforestation; disforestation 392

ð™ ™er‚ ð™M…r‚ hûtt yrÄfthe ð™ ™er‚ - Forest policy ð™¾kz f{o[the - Ranger ð™ …uŒtþ - Forest produce/product ð™¾kz {tusýeŒth - Range Surveyor ð™ ¼qr{‚÷ - Forest floor ð™„út{ - Forest village ð™ {qÕÞtkf™ - Forest valuation ð™r™{toý - Forestry ð™ hûtý - Forest protection ð™r™{toý÷ûte ftÞo¢{ - Forestry-oriented ð™ hUsh - Forest Ranger programme ð™ ðneðx - Forest administration ð™ rðr™Þ{/rðr™Þ{™ - Forest regulation ð™r™ðtËe - Forest dweller ð™ rðþu»ttrÄfth - Forest privilege ð™…t÷ - Forester ð™ ðuhtu - Forest tax ð™{t¤¾wk - Forest organization ð™ ÔÞðMÚtt - Forest management ð™{tk ¾u‚e - Inforest cultivation ð™ ÔÞðMÚtt yrÄfthe - Forest Settlement ð™{tk Út‚tu „w™tu - Forest offence ð™htS - Grove Officer ð™htu…ý yrÄfthe - Afforestation Officer ð™ Ë÷tnfth Ër{r‚ - Forest Advisory ð™rðãt/ð™rð¿tt™ - Forestry Committee ð™rðãt/ð™rð¿tt™ ftp÷us - Forestry college ð™ Ëk„X™ - Forest organization ð™rðãt÷Þ - Forest school ð™ Ëk…Â¥t - Forest resources ð™ð]ûtrð¿tt™ - Silviculture ð™ ËkƒkÄe ytkfzt - Forest statistics ð™ð]ûtrð¿tt™e - Silviculturist ð™ Ëkhûtý - Conservation of forest ð™ð]ÂØ/ð™htu…ý - Afforestation; afforestment ð™ ËkðÄo™ - Forestation; afforestation; ð™Ëk…Œt/ò„eh - Forest estate ð™Ëkhûtf - Conservator of Forests silviculture ð™MÚt÷e - Woodland ð™M…r‚ - Vegetable; vegetation ð™ ËkðÄo™ ft{„ehe - Silvicultural operation ð™M…r‚ y™u …þwË]Âü - Flora and fauna ð™ ËkþtuÄ™ ËkMÚtt - Forest Research Institute ð™M…r‚ y™u «týeË]Âü™tu yÇÞtË - Flora and ð™ Ëqr[ - Forest inventory ð™ nf - Forest right fauna study ð™-ytÄtrh‚ Wãtu„tu - Forest-based industries ð™-f]r»t …Ør‚ - Agri-silvi method ð™M…r‚ ŒunÄ{o rð¿tt™ - Plant physiology ð™-s¤rð¿tt™ - Forest hydrology ð™M…r‚ …rhÂMÚtr‚rð¿tt™ - Plant ecology ð™-ðËtn‚e/r™ðtËe - Inforest settler ð™M…r‚ …rhÂMÚtr‚rð¿tt™e - Plant ecologist ð™-ðËtn‚e „t{ - Inforest settlement village ð™M…r‚ {ŒŒ™eþ - Botanical Assistant ð™¾kz - Forest range; range ð™M…r‚ hûtt yrÄfthe - Plant Protection ð™¾kz yrÄfthe - Range Forest Officer Officer 393

ð™M…r‚ htu„rð¿tt™ ðhËtŒ ytÄtrh‚ f]r»t ð™M…r‚ htu„rð¿tt™ - Plant pathology ð…htþ™wk Ätuhý - Scale of consumption ð™M…r‚ ð„eofhý rð¿tt™e - Plant Taxonomist ð…htþe rÄhtý - Consumption credit ð™M…r‚ ðtz - Vegetative hedge; vegetative ð…htþe {t÷™tu Wãtu„ - Consumers’ industry ðVtŒth - Loyal; faithful fence; vegetative enclosure ðVtŒthe - Allegiance; loyalty; faithfulness; ð™M…r‚ Ëk„únt÷Þ - Herbarium fidelity ð™M…r‚-Wãt™ - Botanical garden ð™M…r‚-hûtt - Plant protection ðVtŒthe ¾‚ - Fidelity bond ð™M…r‚-hûtt„]n - Conservatory ðVtŒthe „hu xk e …trp ÷Ëe - Fidelity guarantee policy ð™M…r‚Sðe - Herbivorous ðVtŒthe ðe{tu - Fidelity insurance ð™M…r‚™tþf - Herbicide ðVtŒthe/htsr™ct™t þ…Út - Oath of allegiance ð™M…r‚rð¿tt™ - Botany ð{¤ - Whirlpool; eddy ð™M…r‚rð¿tt™e - Botanist ðÞ ½xf - Age factor ð™tðhý - Forest cover ðÞ «{tý…ºt - Age certificate ð™efhý - Afforestation; forestation ðÞsqÚt - Age group ð™efhý yrÄfthe - Afforestation Officer ðÞr™ð]¥t Útðwk - Superannuate ð™efhý fhðwk - Afforest ðÞr™ð]Â¥t - Superannuation ðLÞ ytrŒòr‚ - Forest tribe ðÞr™ð]Â¥t yrÄfth - Superannuation right ðLÞ ytðf - Forest revenue ðÞr™ð]Â¥t „úuåÞwExe - Superannuation gratuity ðLÞ«týe Ëkhûtý/…rhhûtý - Wild life ðÞr™ð]Â¥t r™rÄ - Superannuation fund ðÞr™ð]Â¥t …uLþ™ - Superannuation pension preservation; preservation of wild life ðÞr™ð]Â¥t ¼ÚÚtwk - Superannuation allowance ðÞr™ð]Â¥t ÷t¼ - Superannuation benefits ðLÞ«týe Ëkhûtý yrÄfthe - Wild-life ðÞr™ð]Â¥t™e ô{h - Age of superannuation ðÞ{ÞtoŒt - Age limit Preservation Officer ðh¾ - Foil ðhýtr„Þtu - Foppish; dandyish; dandy ðLÞ {nuËq÷ - Forest revenue ðhýe fhðe - Select ðLÞ«týeSð™ - Wild life ðh‚tÞu÷e sYrhÞt‚ - Felt want ð…htþ - Consumption; use ðh‚thtu - Forecast ð…htþ ytÞtus™ - Consumption planning ðhŒe - Order (2)Uniform ð…htþ ¾[o - User cost ðhËtŒ - Rainfall; rain ð…htþ ðuhtu - Consumption tax ðhËtŒ ytÄtrh‚ f]r»t - Rainfed agriculture ð…htþ nf - Right of user 394 ð…htþfth™u y™wfq¤ - User friendly ð…htþŒth - Consumer ð…htþŒth Wãtu„tu - Consumer industries

ðhËtŒ ytÄtrh‚ rðM‚th ðýo™ y™wËth ðu[tý ðhËtŒ ytÄtrh‚ rðM‚th - Rainfed area ‘ð„oŒeX yuf rþûtf’™e Þtus™t - ‘Single teacher ðhËtŒ ¾U[tÞt™tu „t¤tu - Dry spell per class’ scheme ðhËtŒ™e yr™Þr{‚‚t - Vagaries of monsoon ðhËtŒ™e {tuË{ - Rainy season; monsoon ð„orð„ún - Class-war ðhËtŒ™e nu÷e - Rain spell ð„oËk½»to - Class-struggle; class conflict ð„orn‚ - Group interest ðhËtŒ™wk ƒt»…e¼ð™ - Raindrop evaporation ð„eofhý/«‚ƒkÄe/«‚ðthe - Classification ðhËtŒ™tu yt÷u¾ - Pluviograph ðhËtŒ™tu ™fþtu - Rainfall map (2)Sorting ðhËtŒ{t…f - Rain gauge; pluviometer ðhËtŒhÂût‚/htuÄf - Rain-proof; rain-tight ð„eofhý f[uhe - Sorting office ðhËtŒe …týe - Storm water ð„eofhý fhðwk - Sort; classify ðhËtŒe …týe™e „xh - Storm water drain ð„eofhý x…t÷ f[uhe - Sorting mail office ðhËtŒe ðtðtÍtuzwk - Thunderstorm ð„eofhý r™heûtf - Sorting Inspector ðhtz - Share; part; portion ð„eofhý …uxe - Sorting case ðht¤ - Steam; vapour ð„eofhý ÞtŒe - Sorting list; classification list ðht¤ Wí…tŒf ËkÞkºt - Steam generating plant ð„eofhý rð¼t„ - Sorting department ðht¤-yuÂLs™ - Steam engine ð„eofhý Ër{r‚ - Classification Committee ðht¤ ƒtuE÷h - Steam boiler ð„eofhý rˬtu/ð„eofhý™wk Ëe÷ - Sorting seal ðht¤[tr÷‚ fth¾t™wk - Steam factory ð„eofhýrð¿tt™ - Taxonomy ðht¤[tr÷‚ ðntý - Steamship/steam-vessel ð„eof]‚ - Classified; sorted ðht¤[tr÷‚ n¤ - Steam-plough ð„eof]‚ fhðwk - Classify; sort ðht¤Úte [t÷‚e rðnth™tift - Steam launch ð„eof]‚ ònuh¾ƒh - Classified advertisement ðht¤{t…f - Steam-gauge ð„eof]‚ ‚thes - Classified abstract ð„eof]‚ {trn‚e - Graded data ð„eof]‚ ÞtŒe - Classified list ðht¤htuÄf - Steamtight; steam proof ð„uo‚h «ð]Â¥t - Extra-class activity; extra ðrhÞt¤e - Fennel ðrhc - Senior curricular activity ðrhc‚t - Seniority ðrhc‚t ÞtŒe - Seniority list; seniority roll ð[oMð - Dominance; domination; ð„o - Category; sort; class; division ð„o¾kz - Class-room predominance ð„oýefth - Sorter; classer ð„oýefth x…t÷e - Sorting postman ðßÞo/r™r»tØ - Taboo; prohibited ðýo - Hue (2)Letter (3)Race (4)Caste ðýof-r[n™T - Descriptive mark ðýo¢{/ðýto™w¢{ - Alphabetic order ðýo™ - Narration; description ðýo™ y™wËth ðu[tý - Sale by description 395

ðýo™ ™t{tðr÷ ðËk‚tuíËð ðýo™ ™t{tðr÷ - Descriptive roll ð»toýeÞ s¤ - Precipitable water ðýo™tí{f - Narrative; descriptive ð»to™tu yk‚ - Close of year ðýo¼uŒ - Racial discrimination ð»tto Í{ý - Storm seepage ðýor÷r… - Alphabet ð»tto ‚eðú‚t - Rainfall intensity ðýoððwk - Narrate; describe ð»tto …rhhûtf - Rainfall shield ðýoÔÞðMÚtt - Caste hierarchy ð»ttoðkr[‚ ûtuºt - Rain shadow area ðýoËkfh - Cross breed; hybrid ð»tto Ëq[ftkf - Rainfall index ð‚oýqf - Behaviour; treatment; conduct ð»ttoÉ‚w - Rainy season; monsoon ð‚oýqf y™u rþM‚ - Conduct and discipline ð»tto{t…f - Pluviometer; rain gauge ð‚oýqf «{tý…ºt - Conduct certificate ð»tto÷u¾ - Pluviograph ð‚oýqf™tu r™Þ{ - Rule of conduct ð»tto˺t - Monsoon session ð‚o™/yt[hý - Behaviour; conduct; ð»ttoË™ - Annuity ð»ttuoð»to - Year to year demeanour ð÷¾tk - Vain efforts; futile attempts ð÷ý - Inclination; aptitude; tendency; ð‚o™ r™heûtý „]n - Observation Home ð‚o{t™ - Current; present; existing leaning; trend ð‚o{t™ ft¤ - Present tense ð‚o{t™…ºt - Newspaper; press ð÷Þ ztEf - Ring dykes ð‚o{t™ ˺t - Current session ð÷tuððwk - Churn ð‚o{t™ Ë{t[th - Current affairs ðþ{tk ht¾ðwk - Control ð‚oðwk - Behave ðË‚e „ý‚he yrÄfthe - Census Officer ð‚toð - Behaviour; conduct ðË{wk - Distressing; troublesome; difficult; ð‚wo¤ - Round; circle ð‚wo¤ f[uhe - Circle office tough ð‚wo¤ r™heûtf - Circle Inspector ð‚wo¤ {t„o - Ring road ðËðtx - Settlement; residence; dwelling; ð‚wo¤tfth (¾„tu¤) - Orb ðÄo{t™ {t„ - Increasing demand habitat ðŠÄ‚ ytð]Â¥t - Enlarged edition ðŠÄ‚ ¼rð»Þ r™rÄ - Contributory provident ðËðtx fh™th - Occupant; occupier; settler; fund dweller ð»to„tkX - Anniversary ðËðtxûtuºt - Residential area ð»toý ‚eðú‚t - Precipitation intensity ðËðtxÞtuøÞ - Residential; inhabitable; habitable ðËðtxðt¤t rðM‚thtu - Settled areas ðËðtxe - Domiciled ðËk‚/ðËk‚É‚w - Spring ðËk‚tuíËð - Spring festival 396

ðËtððwk ðM‚e™t ytkfzt ðËtððwk - Settle ðËq÷ fhðt™e hf{ - Amount recoverable ðËtn‚ - Colony; settlement; estate; dominion ðËq÷ fhðwk - Recover ðËtn‚™u ÷„‚wk - Colonial ðËq÷ fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Recoverable ðËtn‚e - Settler ðËq÷ ™ ÚtR þfu ‚uðwk - Irrecoverable; non- ðËtn‚efhý - Colonization ðrËÞ‚ - Bequest; bequeathing; will; recoverable testament ðË÷q ™ ÚtE þfu yðu e ÷t™u - Non-recoverable loan ðËq÷t‚ - Recovery; collection ðrËÞ‚ fh - Bequests tax; will tax ðËq÷t‚ yxftððe - Stay recovery ðrËÞ‚ fhe yt…™th - Legator ðËq÷t‚ yrÄfthe - Recovery Officer; ðrËÞ‚ fhu÷wk - Testate ðrËÞ‚ «{tý…ºt - Probate of will Realising Officer ðrËÞ‚/ðe÷ {wsƒ - Ex-testament ðrËÞ‚Œth - Legatee ðËq÷t‚ y™wËqr[ - Recovery schedule ðrËÞ‚™t{t r™Þwõ‚ ðt÷e - Testamentary ðËq÷t‚ yusLx - Collection Agent ðËq÷t‚ fthfw™ - Collection Clerk guardian ðËq÷t‚ ftÞoðtne - Recovery proceedings ðËq÷t‚ ¾[o - Collection charges ðrËÞ‚™t{t Ëqr[ - Testamentary inventory ðËq÷t‚ s‚e fhðe - Waive recovery ðrËÞ‚™t{t/ðe÷Úte yt…u÷e r{÷f‚ - Bequest; ðËq÷t‚ hrsMxh - Collection register ðËq÷t‚/W½htýeðne - Collection book will ðËq÷t‚…tºt - Recoverable ðËq÷t‚…tºt [wfðýe - Recoverable payment ðrËÞ‚™t{tÚte yt…ðwk - Bequeath ðËq÷t‚…tºt hf{ - Amount recoverable ðrËÞ‚™t{t™e …whðýe - Codicil ðM‚e - Population ðrËÞ‚™t{t™u ÷„‚wk - Testamentary ðM‚e ðÄthtu - Growth of population ðrËÞ‚™t{t™tu ðneðx fh™th - Executor ðM‚e„ý‚he - Population census; census ðrËÞ‚™t{wk - Testament; will ðM‚e„ý‚he yrÄfthe - Census Officer ðrËÞ‚™t{wk fh™th - Testator ðM‚e„ý‚he yrÄr™Þ{ - Census Act ðrËÞ‚™t{wk fh™th Mºte - Testatrix ðrËÞ‚™t{wk fhðt™e ût{‚t - Testamentary capacity ðrËÞ‚™e/ðe÷™e Yyu - Ex-testament ðM‚e„ý‚he ynuðt÷ - Census report ðrËÞ‚™wk yrÄf]‚ «{tý…ºt - Probate ðM‚e„ý‚he ft…÷e - Census slip ðrËÞ‚e W¥thtrÄfth - Testamentary succession ðM‚e„ý‚he™e ft{„ehe - Census operation ðrËÞ‚e ŒM‚tðus - Testamentary document ðM‚e„ý‚he™tu ™fþtu - Census map ðrËÞ‚e ðthËtu yt…ðtu - Legate ðM‚e„wýtu¥th/«{tý - Population ratio ðrËÞ‚e Ëk…Â¥t - Testate estate ðM‚e™t ytkfzt - Statistics of population 397

ðM‚er™Þkºtý ðneðx-¾‚ ðM‚er™Þkºtý - Population control ðn™-¾[o - Transport charges; carriage; ðM‚e™e yŒ÷tƒŒ÷e - Exchange of population ðM‚e™e „e[‚t - Population density carriage charges ðM‚erð»tÞf ð÷ý - Demographic trend ðM‚eËkÏÞt rð¿tt™ - Demography ðn™ût{‚t - Carrying capacity ðM‚eËkÏÞt™t ytkfzt - Demographic data ðntý - Vessel; ship; craft ðM‚eËkÏÞt™e {tusýe - Demographic survey ðntý …h ËtU…ýe - Ex-ship delivery ðM‚eËkÏÞt™tu yÇÞtË - Demographic study ðntý …h™e ®f{‚ - Ex-ship price; on board ðM‚w - Article; item; thing; object ðM‚w …h rˬtu {thðtu - Stamping of article price ðM‚w Y…u [wfðýe - Payment in kind/ specie ðM‚w‚: - Virtually; de facto; in fact; actually ðntý hËeŒ - Bill of lading ðM‚w‚: {qÕÞ - De facto value; actual value; ðntý ÷tk„hðt™wk MÚt¤ - Roadstead; berth ðntý ÷tk„hðwk - Moor; attach to mooring real value ðntý ËkƒkÄe - Naval; marine ðntý-ðe{tu - Hull insurance; ship insurance ðM‚w™t Y…{tk - In specie; in kind ðntý-ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Rigger ðM‚w™wk {wÿtkf™ - Stamping of article ðntý/rð{t™ ð„uhu fhthÚte ¼tzu ÷uðwk - Charter ðM‚w«[th - Canvassing of goods; propagation ðntý™t {t÷™wk ¼hr‚Þwk - Bill of lading ðntý™wk ftXwk/Ëtxe - Hull; frame of ship of goods ðntý™wk ¾wÕ÷wk ¼h‚ - Bulk cargo ðntý™wk ‚r¤Þwk - Keel ðM‚w¼kzth - Emporium ðntý™tu yt„¤™tu ¼t„/{tuhtu - Bow ðM‚wY… ytðf - Income in kind/specie ðntý™tu ftV÷tu - Fleet ðM‚w÷u¾f - Script writer ðntý™tu Ëts - Rig ðM‚wðth „ý‚he - Physical count; itemwise ðntý{tk [zðwk - Embark; go on board (ship) ðntý{tk ¼hu÷tu {t÷ - Cargo; merchandise calculation ðntýðxwk - Shipping; navigation ðntýwk - Dawn; daybreak ðM‚wrðr™{Þ - Barter; exchange; truck ðneðx - Administration; management ðM‚wrðr™{Þ …Ør‚ - Barter system ðneðx fhðtu - Administer; manage ðM‚wÂMÚtr‚ - Matter of fact; fact; state; reality; ðneðx ™ƒ¤tu …tzðtu - Undermine the condition; state of affairs administration ð† - Garments; clothes; fabrics ðneðx ËntÞfe - Management subsidy ðn™ - Carrying; bearing; conveying; ðneðx-ftiþ÷ - Management skill ðneðx-¾‚ - Administration bond transporting; transmission ðn™ fhðwk - Transport; convey; transmit; carry ðn™ ‚Útt rð‚hý ™¤e - Conveyance and distribution conduit 398

ðneðx-…ºt ð¤„e hnuðwk ðneðx-…ºt - Letter of administration ðneðxe {t¤¾wk - Administrative structure; ðneðx-ÔÞðMÚtt{tk fzftE ÷tððe - Tighten the administrative set-up administration ðneðxe rð¼t„ - Administrative department ðneðxf‚to/ðneðxŒth - Administrator; ðneðxe rðM‚th - Administrative area ðneðxe ÔÞðMÚtt - Administrative arrangement executor ðneðxe þt¾t - Administrative branch ðneðxe Ë¥tt - Administrative power; ðneðx™wk {t¤¾wk - Structure of administration ðneðx÷ûte Ët{tLÞ ÔÞðMÚtt-¾[o - executive power Administrative overheads ðneðxe Ëk[t÷f - Managing Director ðneðxe Ëw„{‚t - Administrative convenience ðneðxrð»tÞf - Administrative; managerial ðneðxe Ëuðt - Administrative service ðneðxe - Administrative; executive ðneðxe nðt÷tu - Administrative charge ðneðxe yrÄfth - Executive power; ðneðxe nwf{ - Administrative order ðneðxe‚kºt - Administration; administrative administrative power machinery ðneðxe yrÄfthûtuºt/nfq{‚ - Administrative ðnuý - Current; flow; stream; course; flux; jurisdiction efflux ðneðxe yrÄfthe - Administrative Officer; ðnuý ®Ë[tE - Flow irrigation Executive Officer ðnuý-®Ë[tE rðM‚th - Flow irrigation area ðnu‚wk …týe - Running water; flowing water ðneðxe ynuðt÷ - Administrative report ðnu{ - Doubt; suspicion (2)Superstition ðneðxe yuf{ - Administrative unit ðnuh - Saw-dust ðneðxe f{o[theð„o - Administrative staff/ ðnuhðwk - Saw ðnu÷e [wfðýe - Premature payment; early personnel payment ðneðxe ftÞoŒût‚t - Administrative efficiency ðneðxe ftÞtuo - Executive functions; ðnu÷e …tf‚e ò‚ - Early maturing variety ðnu¤tu - Water course; stream administrative works ðnU[ýe - Partition; distribution; break-up ðnU[ðwk - Dispense; distribute; divide ðneðxe ¾[o - Administrative charges; ð¤ - Twist; torsion; twisting (2)Thread 𤠌uðtu - Entwist; twist administrative expenditure ð¤„ý - Obsession ð¤„e hnuðwk - Persist; adhere ðneðxe ‚t÷e{ - Administrative training 399 ðneðxe áÂüftuý - Administrative view ðneðxe r™Þkºtý/ykfwþ - Administrative control; managerial control ðneðxe ƒnt÷e/{ksqhe - Administrative approval; administrative sanction ðneðxe {kz¤ - Governing body; managing body ðneðxe {trn‚e/ƒt‚{e yuf{ - Administrative intelligence unit

ð¤‚h ðtõÞ¾kz/ðtõÞtkþ/þçŒË{qn ð¤‚h - Compensation; rebate; discount ðkþ„‚/ðthËt„‚ [trhºÞ - Inherited character ð¤‚h yrÄfthe - Compensation Officer ðkþ„‚/ðthËt„‚ htu„-«r‚hûtt - Inherited ð¤‚h yt…ðwk - Compensate; redeem ð¤‚h W…Œt™ - Compensation gratuity immunity ð¤‚h ¼ÚÚtwk - Compensatory allowance ð¤‚h-hò - Compensatory leave; ðkþs - Descendant ðkþ…hk…ht - Ancestorship; heredity; ancestry; compensatory holiday lineage ð¤‚hY… Éý…ºt - Compensatory debenture ð¤‚hY… …uLþ™ - Compensating pension ðkþ…hk…ht„‚ ÄkÄtu/ÔÞðËtÞ - Ancestral ð¤‚tk …„÷tk (™e Ët{u) - Counter measures ð¤‚e x…t÷ - Return of post occupation; hereditary profession ð¤‚e {wËtVhe - Return journey ð¤‚e/Ët{e ¼ux - Return present/gift ðkþ…hk…ht„‚ r{÷f‚ (ft.) - Hereditament ð¤‚tu ½t fhðtu - Strike back ðkþ…hk…ht„‚ ÷tune™tu ËkƒkÄ - Lineal ð¤‚tu Vuhtu - In trip ð¤‚tu nw{÷tu - Counter attack consanguinity ð¤trðÞtu - Escort ð¤tkf - Turning point; turn; diversion; ðkþ…hk…ht„‚ ðM‚w/Ëk…Â¥t - Heirloom ðkþ…hk…ht„‚ ðthË - Lineal heir divergence; curve; bend ðkþ…hk…ht„‚ nf - Hereditary right; ancestral ð¤tkf®ƒŒw …h - On turn right ðr¤Þtðt¤wk - Corrugated ðr¤Þtðt¤wk …‚hwk - Corrugated sheet ðkþð]ût/ðkþtð÷e - Genealogical tree ðr¤Þtðt¤tu ft„¤ - Corrugated paper ðkþðu÷tu - Parentage; pedigree ð¤e - Rafter (2)Moreover; also ðkþt™w¢{ …Ør‚ - Pedigree system ðkr[‚ fhðwk - Deprive of; devoid of ðkþt™w¢{«tó nf - Title by descent ðkxtur¤Þtu - Cyclone; whirlwind ðkþt™w¢r{f ðthË - Heir of line ðkŒtu - Cockroach ðkþtð÷e …ºtf - Pedigree table ðkæÞ/ðkæÞt - Sterile; infertile; barren ðkþeÞ ‚k„rŒ÷e - Ethnic tension ðkæÞíð - Sterility; infertility ðkþeÞ ®nËt - Ethnic violence ðkæÞefhý - Sterilization ðt/nðt ƒthe - Ventilator ðkæÞef]‚ - Sterilized ðtE - Epilepsy ðkþ - Lineage; descent; breed; dynasty ðtW[h ‚…tËðwk ‚u - Vouching; checking of voucher ðtW[h rð™t - Without voucher ðtfuV - Conversant; aware ðtõTAxt/ðtõT…xw‚t - Eloquence; oratory; fluency ðtõT…xw - Eloquent ðtõÞ - Sentence ðtõÞ¾kz/ðtõÞtkþ/þçŒË{qn - Phrase 400

ðtÊT{Þ ðtrýÂßÞf W…¢{ ðtÊT{Þ - Literature ðtx - Road; path; way (2)Wick (3)Waiting ðt[™t÷Þ - Reading-room ðtxtft{ - Pointing ðtAhze - Heifer ðtxt½tx - Negotiation; discussion ðtAhzwk - Calf ðtxt½tx fhðe - Negotiate; discuss ðtAhztu - Steer ðtxt½tx îtht r™htfhý - Solution by ðtsƒe - Reasonable; proper; just; fair ðtsƒe yÚtðt Ëk¼rð‚ fthý - Reasonable or negotiation probable ground ðtxt½txÚte Xhtðu÷ fhth - Negotiated contract ðtz - Fence; hedge; fencing ðtsƒe y™u …Þtoó fthý - Good and sufficient ðtzðt¤e søÞt - Enclosed space ðtztu - Courtyard; enclosure; yard reason ðtrýßÞ - Commerce ðtrýßÞ Rs™uh - Commercial Engineer ðtsƒe ytþkft - Reasonable apprehension ðtrýßÞ yusLx - Commercial Agent ðtsƒe fhðuht - Judicious taxation ðtrýßÞ fuLÿ - Commercial centre ðtsƒe fthý - Just ground; justifiable cause; ðtrýßÞ-‚th - Commercial telegram ðtrýßÞ-Œq‚ - Consul good reason; appropriate cause; just cause ðtrýßÞ-Œq‚tðtË - Consulate ðtrýßÞ-r™heûtf - Commercial Inspector ðtsƒe ®f{‚/{qÕÞ - Reasonable price/value; ðtrýßÞ-ƒUf - Commercial bank ðtrýßÞ {trn‚e - Commercial intelligence fair price ðtrýßÞ rðãtþt¾t - Commerce faculty ðtrýßÞ þt¤t - Commercial school ðtsƒe ¾[o - Reasonable charges ðtrýßÞ rþûtý - Commercial education ðtsƒe Xhtðe þftÞ ‚uðwk - Justifiable; ðtrýßÞ Ër[ð - Commercial Secretary ðtrýßÞ Ë÷tnfth/…ht{þof - Commercial reasonable Counsellor/Advisor ðtsƒe Xhtðe þftÞ ‚uðwk fthý - Justifiable ðtrýßÞ ËkrÄ - Commercial treaty cause/reason ðtrýßÞrð»tÞf - Commercial ðtrýÂßÞf - Mercantile; commercial ðtsƒe Œh - Fair rate; reasonable rate ðtrýÂßÞf Wãtu„ ËtnË - Commercial ðtsƒe VrhÞtŒ - Legitimate grievance ðtsƒe ƒnt™wk - Just excuse; reasonable excuse enterprise ðtsƒe ¼tzwk - Fair rent; reasonable rent ðtsƒe ¼tð «{tý…ºt - Fair price certificate ðtrýÂßÞf W…¢{ - Commercial undertaking ðtsƒe ¼tð™e Œwft™ - Fair price shop ðtsƒe {w÷ðýe/{qÕÞtkf™ - Just valuation ðtsƒe htuS/ðu‚™ - Reasonable wage ðtsƒe/Wr[‚ Xhtððwk - Justify;vindicate ðtsƒe…ýwk - Justification; reasonableness; propriety ðt®sºt - Musical instrument 401

ðtrýÂßÞf f÷t ðtÞŒt ðu…th ðtrýÂßÞf f÷t - Commercial art ðt‚tðhý - Atmosphere; environment ðtrýÂßÞf f÷tfth - Commercial artist ðt‚tðhý Œqr»t‚ fhðwk - Vitiate atmosphere ðtrýÂßÞf ft{fts - Mercantile business ðt‚tðhýsLÞ VuhVth - Environmental change ðtrýÂßÞf ftÞŒtu - Mercantile law ðt‚turzÞwk - Talkative; loquacious ðtrýÂßÞf [esðM‚w - Merchandise; ðt‚tu…Sðe - Aerobic ðtíËÕÞ - Affection; love commercial goods ðtŒ - Theory; debate; discussion (2)Ism ðtŒ-rð»tÞ - Matter in issue/question; matter ðtrýÂßÞf suðwk - Quasi-commercial ðtrýÂßÞf ŒM‚tðus - Mercantile document under dispute ðtrýÂßÞf ™Vtfthf‚t - Commercial ðtŒf - Instrumentalist profitability ðtŒ„úM‚ - Impugned; disputable ðtŒrððtŒ - Dispute; debate; controversy ðtrýÂßÞf …tf - Commercial crop ðtŒ¤ - Cloud ðtrýÂßÞf {t÷ - Mercantile goods ðtŒ¤ Vtxðwk ‚u - Cloud burst ðtrýÂßÞf ÷uðzŒuðz - Commercial transaction ðtŒ¤e - Sponge ðtrýÂßÞf ËkMÚtt - Commercial establishment ðtŒt‚e‚ - Indisputable; unquestionable ðtrýÂßÞf rnËtƒ - Commercial accounts ðtŒe - Plaintiff (2)Snake-charmer ðtrýßÞefhý - Commercialisation/ ðtŒe/VrhÞtŒe™u ÷„‚wk - Accusatorial ðtã Ëk„e‚ - Instrumental music Commercialization ðtãð]kŒ - Orchestra ðtãð]kŒ h[™t - Orchestral composition ðtýe-r[rfíËt/W…[th - Speech therapy ðt™ - Colour ðtýe r[rfíËf - Speech Therapist ðt…h™th - Consumer; user ðtýerþûtý - Speech education ðt…hðwk - Use; consume (2)Expend; spend ðtýeMðt‚kºÞ - Freedom of speech ðtÞŒt ®f{‚ - Forward price ðt‚[e‚ - Parley; talk; conversation; parlance ðtÞŒt ¾heŒe - Forward buying ðt‚[e‚™e …heûtt - Conversational test; ðtÞŒt ƒòh - Forward market ðtÞŒt ÷uðzŒuðz - Forward transaction colloquial examination ðtÞŒt rðr™{Þ - Forward exchange ðtÞŒt rðr™{Þ ƒòh - Forward exchange ðt‚[e‚™e ¼t»tt - Colloquial language ðt‚s - Aeolian market ðt‚s ¾zf (¼qM‚h) - Aeolian rock ðt‚s ¼qr{ (¼qM‚h) - Aeolian soil ðtÞŒt ðu…th - Forward trading ðt‚s hu‚e (¼qM‚h) - Aeolian sand ðt‚«M‚h - Aeolian bedding ðt‚t™wfq÷f - Air-conditioner ðt‚t™wfq÷™ - Air-conditioning ðt‚t™wfqr÷‚ - Air-conditioned 402

ðtÞŒt ËtU…ýe ðt‚to ðtÞŒt ËtU…ýe - Forward delivery ðthË-«{tý…ºt - Heirship certificate ðtÞŒt™tu ËtuŒtu - Forward contract ðthËt-fh - Succession tax ðtÞŒtu - Promise ðthËt-«{tý…ºt - Succession certificate ðtÞÔÞ - North-west ðthËt-¼t„eŒth - Parcener; co-heir ðtÞw - Wind; air (2)Gas ðthËt þwÕf - Legacy duty ðtÞw ðt‚to÷t… - Radio talk ðthËtE - Inheritance; heirship; heirdom ðtÞw ËkƒkÄe - Aerial ðthËt„‚/ðthËt{tk Q‚hu÷wk - Hereditary ðtÞw-Œƒtý - Air pressure ðthËt„‚ ÔÞðËtÞ - Inherited profession ðtÞw-«Œq»tý - Air-pollution ðthËt…tºt - Inheritable ðtÞw-«ð[™ - Radio address ðthËt…tºt Éý…ºt - Heritable debenture ðtÞw-Ëu™tæÞût/nðtE Œ¤™t ðzt - Chief of Air ðthËt{tk yt…ðwk - Bequeath ðthËt{tk {¤ðwk - Inherit Staff ðthËt{tk {¤e þfu ‚uðwk - Inheritable ðthËt{tkÚte ƒt‚÷ fhðwk - Disinherit; ademption ðtÞw„r‚-rð¿tt™ - Aerodynamics ðtÞw„útne{q¤ - Aerating root of legacy ðtÞw½™‚t-{t…f - Aerometer ðtÞwr[rfíËt/W…[th - Aerotherapeutics ðthËtðuhtu - Inheritance tax ðtÞwSðe/ðt‚Sðe - Aerobic ðthËtnf ÷E ÷uðtu - Disinherit ðtÞw¼th{t…f - Barometer ðthËtu - Bequest; legacy; inheritance; heritage ðtÞw{kz¤ - Atmosphere ðthËtu yt…™th - Legator ðtÞw{t…f - Airometer ðthËtu/ðthËt™e r{÷f‚ - Hereditament ðtÞwr{© - Aerated ðthkðth - Often; off and on; repeatedly; ðtÞwr{© …eýwk - Aerated water; aerated drink ðtÞwr{©ý - Aeration frequently ðtÞwhtuÄf - Wind break ðtÞwrð¿tt™ - Aerology ðthkðth y™tð]Âü þõÞ‚t rðM‚th - Chronically ðtÞwrð¿tt™e - Aerologist ðtÞwrð»tÞf - Aerial drought prone area ðtÞwðu„{t…f - Anemometer ðtÞwËu™t - Air force ðthkðth „w™t¾tuhe ‚hV ð¤™th - Recidivist ðth - Yardstick; yard (2)Day (3)Time ðthkðth Út‚wk - Chronic; frequent ðth÷kƒtE - Yardage ðthkðth‚t - Frequency ðthË/ðthËŒth - Heir; inheritor ðtht …Ør‚ - Rotation system ðthtVh‚e - In rotation; by turns ðthtVh‚e ƒ™‚wk - Rotative ðtrh„]n - Waterworks ðthtu - Turn; round ðt‚to - Story; tale 403

ðt‚to÷t… ðtM‚rðf ytkfzt ðt‚to÷t… - Conversation; talk ðt÷e…ýwk - Guardianship; tutelage ðtŠ»tf - Annual; yearly; per annum ðtð - Step-well; stairwell ðtŠ»tf Wí…tŒ™/Q…s - Annual product; annual ðtðxtu - Flag; banner yield ðtðz - Whereabouts; news; information ðtðýe - Sowing ðtŠ»tf f{týe - Annual earning ðtðýeft{ - Sowing operation ðtŠ»tf ¾htE - Annual verification ðtðh - Epidemic ðtŠ»tf Útt…ý Þtus™t - Annuity Deposit Scheme ðtðh-rð¿tt™ - Epidemiology ðtŠ»tf rŒ™ - Anniversary; annual day ðtðkxtu¤/ðtðtÍtuzwk - Gale; cyclone; whirlwind; ðtŠ»tf ™Vtu - Annual profit ðtŠ»tf ™týt…ºtf - Annual financial statement tempest ðtŠ»tf r™rÄ - Annuity fund ðtðtÍtuzt/ytkÄe/‚tuVt™™e [u‚ðýe - Gale ðtŠ»tf r™Þ‚…ºtf - Annual return warning ðtŠ»tf …xtu - Yearly lease ðtŠ»tf ƒtuLz - Annuity bond ðtðu‚h - Plantation; sowing ðtŠ»tf ¼tzwk - Annual rent; yearly rent ðtË - Odour; smell (2)Habitation ðtŠ»tf {tusýe - Annual survey ðtËý - Vessel; utensil ðtŠ»tf Þtus™t - Annual plan ðtËý Wãtu„ - Utensil industry ðtŠ»tf h{‚tuíËð - Annual sports festival ðtËýfqËý - Pots and pans; mess-kit ðtŠ»tf ÷ðts{ - Yearly subscription ðtËý¼kzth - Utensils store ðtŠ»tf ðhËtŒ - Annual rainfall ðtËe ¾tuhtf - Stale food ðtŠ»tf ðneðxe ynuðt÷ - Annual administrative ðtM‚ð - Reality; actuality ðtM‚ð{tk - De facto; virtually; in fact; in report effect ðtŠ»tf Ë{thtun/ðtŠ»tftuíËð - Annual function ðtŠ»tf Ë{eûtt - Annual review ðtM‚ð{tk/¾hu¾h Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Sovereignty de ðtŠ»tf Ët{tLÞ ƒuXf/˼t - Annual general facto meeting ðtM‚ð÷ûte - Realistic ðtŠ»tf rnËtƒ - Annual account ðtM‚ð÷ûte yr¼„{ - Realistic approach ðtŠ»tfe - Annuity ðtM‚ððtŒ - Realism ðtŠ»tfe …Ør‚ - Annuity system ðtM‚rðf - Real; actual; genuine; virtual; factual ðtŠ»tfe ƒkÄýe ¾‚ - Annuity bond ðtM‚rðf y™u ÔÞðnthw yr¼„{ - Hard headed ðt÷e - Guardian and practical approach ðtM‚rðf yMõÞt{‚ - Concrete/real/genuine assets ðt÷e½tuztu - Stallion ðtM‚rðf ynuðt÷ - Factual report ðt÷e…ýt™wk «{tý…ºt - Guardianship certificate ðtM‚rðf ytkfzt - Actuals 404

ðtM‚rðf WŒTðn™ ðtkÄt…tuÚte ðtM‚rðf WŒTðn™ - Actual lift ðtn™/ðntý ƒŒ÷e ðu…th - Transhipment trade ðtM‚rðf fƒòu - Possession in fact; physical ðtn™ ¼ÚÚtwk - Conveyance allowance; transport possession allowance ðtM‚rðf ¾heŒ™th - Effective purchaser; real ðtn™-¼tzwk - Conveyance hire ðtn™ ð„uhu™e ¼thu yðhsðh - Heavy traffic; purchaser peak hours ðtM‚rðf „t¤tu - Clear span ðtM‚rðf «Þtu„ - Practical application ðtn™ ðuhtu - Wheel tax ðtM‚rðf «&™ - Real issue; genuine problem ðtn™™e yðhsðh - Movement of vehicles ðtM‚rðf ¼q÷ - Real mistake; genuine mistake ðtn™™wk yufkŒh ðs™ - Gross vehicle weight ðtM‚rðf {tr÷f - Real owner ðtn™™tu «ðuþ Útðtu - Arrival of vehicle; entry of ðtM‚rðf r{÷f‚ - Real property ðtM‚rðf {w~fu÷e - Genuine hardship vehicle ðtM‚rðf {qÕÞ - De facto value; actual value; ðtn™{tk VuhVth - Alteration in vehicle real value ðtn™tu™u rƒ™-W…Þtu„e Xhtððtk - Condemnation ðtM‚rðf ht»xÙeÞ ytðf - Real national income of vehicles ðtM‚rðf ðu‚™ - Real wages ðtM‚rðf‚t - Actuality; reality ðtrnft ð»toý - Channel precipitation ðtM‚w/„]n«ðuþ - House warming ðtrn™e - Duct; conduit ðtM‚wrþÕ… - Architectural sculpture ðtrnÞt‚ - Rubbish; worthless; useless; ðtn-«r‚ðtn …Ør‚ - Flow and return system ðtnf - Bearer; carrier; conveyer nonsense (2)Conductor ðt¤e ÷eÄu÷e/ytk‚hu÷e ¾wÕ÷e søÞt - Enclosure ðt¤e þftÞ yuðwk - Pliable; flexible ðtnf ™¤e - Duct; conveyance conduit ðt¤tu - Guinea worm ðtnf rð‚hf ™¤e - Conveyance and ðtkfztu - Dowry ðtkfe ftuŒt¤e - Crook spade distribution conduit ðtkfwk - Crooked; bent; curved ðtkftu[qkftu hM‚tu - Zigzag road ðtn™ - Vehicle; carriage; conveyance ðtk[e ™ þftÞ yuðwk - Indecipherable; illegible; ðtn™ Q¼wk ht¾ðt™e søÞt - Parking place ðtn™-ftkxtu - Weigh bridge unreadable ðtn™ ¾[o - Conveyance charges; carriage ðtkA™eÞ - Desirable; preferable; agreeable charges ðtkÄts™f - Objectionable; obnoxious ðtkÄts™f ƒtƒ‚ - Objectionable matter ðtn™ [÷tððt™e fËtuxe - Driving test ðtÄk ts™f ¼t„ ftZe ™t¾ðtu - Expurgate; expunge ðtn™ ƒ„ze sðwk - Break down ðtkÄt…tºt - Objectionable ðtn™/ðntý-ƒŒ÷e - Transhipment ðtkÄt…tuÚte - Objection book 405

ðtkÄt-ÞtŒe rðf]r‚f]‚ ÂM…rhx ðtkÄt-ÞtŒe - Objection memo rðftË …rh»tŒ - Development Council ðtkÄt-ÞtŒe…ºt - Memorandum of objection rðftË {kz¤ - Development Board ðtkÄt ËtÚtu - Under protest rðftË Þtus™t - Development scheme/plan ðtkÄtu - Objection; protest rðftË ÔÞqn - Development strategy ðtkÄtu WXtð™th - Objector; protestor/protester rðftË Ë{Úto™ - Development support ðtkÄtu WXtððtu - Raise objection; protest rðftË Ër{r‚ - Development Committee ðtkË - Bamboo rðftË-ËntÞ - Developmental aid rðfx - Hard; tough; terrible rðftËût{ þnuhtu - Sustainable cities rðfht¤ - Terrible; horrible rðftË™e Ëk¼tÔÞ‚t/þõÞ‚t - Development rðf÷tk„ - Handicapped rðfÕ… - Option; alternative potential rðfÕ… …ËkŒ fh™th - Optant rðfÕ… …ËkŒ fhðtu - Opt rðftË™wk ËŒh - Head of development rðfË‚t Wãtu„tu - Burgeoning industries; rðftË™wk Ëuõxh - Sector of development rðftË÷ûte sYrhÞt‚tu - Developmental needs developing industries rðftË÷ûte «ð]Â¥t - Developmental activities rðftËþe÷ Œuþ - Developing country rðfË‚e òr‚ - Developing caste rðrfhý r[rfíËf - Radiologist rðfË‚tu Œuþ - Developing country rðrfhý-r[rfíËt - Radiotherapy rðfrË‚ - Advanced; developed rðrfhý-r[rfíËtrð¿tt™ - Radiology rðfrË‚ Œuþ - Developed country rðrfhýÄ{eo - Radio active rðfrË‚ rðM‚th - Forward area rðfeýo - Staggering; tottering rðftË - Development; growth rðf]‚ - Distorted; deformed; perverse rðftË ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of rðf]‚ yÚto½x™ - Twisted/distorted Development interpretation rðftË ytÞtus™ - Development planning rðf]‚ fhðwk - Distort; deface; pervert rðftË f{o[theð„o - Development personnel; rðf]‚ ¾zf - Metamorphic rock rðf]‚ {™tuð]Â¥t - Morbidity; perverted development staff mentality rðftË ft{tu - Development works rðftË ût{‚t - Development potential rðf]‚ {t™Ëþt† - Abnormal psychology rðftË ¾[o - Development expenses rðf]‚ hsqyt‚ - Distortion rðftË ½xf - Development block rðf]‚ rˬtu - Defaced coin rðftË ™er‚ - Development policy rðf]r‚ - Deformity; distortion; abnormality; rðftË …rhÞtus™t - Development project perversion; deformation rðf]r‚f]‚ ÂM…rhx - Denatured spirit 406

rðf]r‚„úM‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ rð[thËhýe rðf]r‚„úM‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Pervert; morbid rð½x™ - Decomposition; disintegration; rðf]‚efhý - Denaturation disorganization; disruption rðfurLÿ‚/rðfuLÿef]‚ - Decentralized rðfurLÿ‚ ûtuºt - Decentralized sector rð½x™tí{f «ð]Â¥t - Disruptive activity rðfurLÿ‚ rsÕ÷t ytÞtus™ - Decentralized rðΙ - Hurdle; obstacle; hindrance; bar; District Planning barrier rðfuLÿefhý - Decentralization rðΙŒtuz - Hurdle race rðftuý{t™ - Theodolite rð[ûtý - Clever; active; sharp; intelligent rð¢{ - Record rð[h‚e ytrŒòr‚ - Nomadic tribe rð¢{¼ksf - Record breaker rð[h‚wk - Nomadic; itinerant rð¢Þ - Sale rð[÷™ - Aberration rð¢u‚t - Vender/Vendor; seller rð[÷™{t…f - Aberrometer rðûtu… - Interruption; disturbance; obstruction rð[th - Concept; conception; idea; thought rð¾ðtŒ - Discord; dispute rð[thýt - Deliberation; consideration; rð¾kz™ - Fission; splitting rð¾uhe ™t¾ðwk - Disband; disperse; scatter thinking rðÏÞt‚ - Distinguished; illustrious; rð[thýt yÚtuo - For consideration renowned; well-known; famous rð[thýt yÚtuo hsq - Submitted for rð„‚ - Detail; particulars; description consideration rð„‚Œþof nwf{ - Speaking order rð„‚ðth/rð„‚…qýo - Detailed; elaborate; in rð[thýt Œh¾tM‚ - Motion for consideration rð[thýt nuX¤™t ft„¤ - Papers under consideration rð[thýtÄe™ - Under consideration rð[thýeÞ - Considerable; ponderable detail rð[thÄtht - Ideology; theory rð[thð÷ý - Trend of thinking; trend of rð„‚ðth ynuðt÷ - Detailed report rð„‚ðth ytfÂM{f rƒ÷ - Detailed contingent thought bill rð[thðt™t {wÆt - Terms of reference rð[thrðr™{Þ - Exchange of views; rð„‚ðth r™heûtý - Detailed inspection rð„‚ðth …ºtf - Detailed statement interchange of ideas rð„‚ðth ËŒh - Detailed head rð[thrð{þo - Deliberation; discussion rð„‚ðth rnËtƒ - Detailed accounts rð[thrð{þo fhðtu - Discuss; confer; deliberate rð„‚ðth rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Detailed audit rð[thðwk - Think; envisage; consider rð„tu…™ {t…f - Exposure meter rð[thþe÷ - Discreet; prudent rð„tu…™ Ë{Þ{t…f - Exposure timer rð[thþe÷ [wftŒtu - Discerning judgement rð„ún - Battle; war; warfare rð[thËhýe - Ideology 407

rð[th-Ëtn[Þo rðŒtÞ Ëºt rð[th-Ëtn[Þo - Association of ideas rð¿tt…™ ðuht yrÄfthe - Advertisement Tax rð[th-Mðt‚kºÞ - Freedom of thought rð[thtu™e yt…-÷u - Exchange of views Officer rðÂåAÒt - Scattered; split rðÂåAÒt [u‚™t - Split-off consciousness rð¿tt…™ ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Advertisement Manager rðåAuŒ - Dissolution; disruption; severance; rð¿tt…™ Ët{„úe - Advertising material rð¿tt…™/ònuh¾ƒh rVÕ{ - Advertising film separation rð¿tt…™þt¾t - Advertisement branch rðxkƒýt - Ignominious treatment; sorrow; rðsÞ - Triumph; conquest; victory rðsÞr[n™T - Trophy grief; trouble rðsÞ«t nf - Title of conquest rðsÞe/rðsu‚t - Triumphant; victorious; rðzkƒ™t - Imitation; mimicry; mockery conqueror (2)Difficulty; harrasment rðòr‚ «s™™ - Outbreeding; inter-breeding rð‚hf - Distributor; dispenser rðò‚eÞ - Exotic; heterogeneous; dissimilar rð‚hý - Distribution (2)Delivery rðò‚eÞ …ŒtÚto - Foreign matter rð‚hý f[uhe - Delivery Office rð¿tt™ - Science rð‚hý fhðwk - Distribute; dispense (2)Deliver rð¿tt™ yrÄfthe - Scientific Officer rð‚hý ¾[o - Distributive cost rð¿tt™ …ht{þof - Science Consultant rð‚hý s¤tþÞ - Service reservoir rð¿tt™ «ðtn - Science stream rð‚hý ƒòh - Distributive market rð¿tt™ rðãtþt¾t - Faculty of science rð‚hý {tæÞ{ - Distribution channel rð¿tt™ Ë{t[th - Science news rð‚hý ÷tE™ - Service line rð¿tt™ ËntÞf - Scientific Assistant rð‚hý ðu…th - Distributing trade rð¿tt™ ËwÄthýt yuf{ - Science improvement rð‚hý ÔÞðMÚtt - Delivery mechanism; unit distribution mechanism/ system rð¿tt™™tu rðr™Þtu„ - Application of science rð‚hý þt¾t - Delivery branch rð¿tt™rð»tÞf fÚttËtrníÞ - Science fiction; rð‚hý rËØtk‚ - Theory of distribution rð‚hýf‚to - Distributor scientific fiction rð‚tzðwk - Harass; persecute rð¥t ytÞtu„ - Finance Commission rð¿tt™e - Scientist rðŒtÞ - Farewell rð¿tt…f - Advertiser rðŒtÞ «ð[™/ÔÞtÏÞt™ - Farewell address; rð¿tt…™ - Advertisement rð¿tt…™ yt…ðwk - Advertise valedictory address rð¿tt…™ yusLx - Advertisement Agent rð¿tt…™ ¾[o - Advertisement charges rðŒtÞ {t™…ºt - Valedictory address rðŒtÞ ÷u‚wk - Outgoing; retiring rðŒtÞ Ëºt - Lame duck session 408

rðŒtÞ Ë{thk¼ rðãtÚteo«ðtË rðŒtÞ Ë{thk¼ - Farewell ceremony rðŒuþe ËntÞ ftÞo¢{ - Foreign aid programme rðrŒ‚ fhðwk - Convey; impart; apprise rðŒuþe ËntÞðt¤e Þtus™t - Externally aided rðŒuþ - Abroad; foreign project; foreign aided project rðŒuþ r™ðtËe - Resident abroad rðŒuþ ™er‚ - Foreign policy rðŒuþe rnËtƒ - Foreign accounts rðŒuþ «ðtË«ð]Â¥t - Out bound tourism rðŒuþe nqkrzÞt{ý - Foreign exchange rðŒuþ {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of External affairs rðŒuþe nqkrzÞt{ý sðtƒŒthe - Foreign exchange rðŒuþ {kºte - Minister of External affairs rðŒuþ ðu…th - Foreign trade liability rðŒuþ Ër[ð - Foreign Secretary rðŒuþ ËtÚtu ËkƒkÄMÚtt…™ - Foreign tie-up rðŒuþe nqkrzÞt{ý r™Þ{™ - Foreign exchange regulation rðŒuþe nqkrzÞt{ý ƒòh - Foreign exchange market rðã{t™ - Existing; prevalent; extant rðŒuþ Ëuðt - Foreign service rðã{t™ fhth - Subsisting/existing contract rðŒuþÚte {t÷ {k„tððtu ‚u - Importation rðãt - Learning; knowledge; science; rðŒuþ™e rþ»Þð]Â¥t - Foreign scholarship rðŒuþe - Exotic; external (2)Foreigner discipline; erudition rðŒuþe Éý - Foreign borrowing rðŒuþe ò‚tu - Exotic species; foreign species rðãt/þiûtrýf yr¼hwr[ …heûtt - Scholastic aptitude test rðãt-Mðt‚kºÞ - Academic liberty; educational autonomy rðŒuþe Œuðwk - External debt; foreign debt rðãt…rh»tŒ - Academic Council rðŒuþe r™Þkºtý - Foreign control rðãt{q÷f - Academic; educational rðŒuþe «íÞu ‚eðú yý„{tu - Xenophobia rðãt{q÷f rþûtý - Academic education rðŒuþe «ðtËe - Foreign tourist rðãtÚteo - Student; pupil rðŒuþe «tiãtur„fe - Imported technology; rðãtÚteo yðMÚtt - Pupilship; studentship foreign technology rðãtÚteo ytkŒtu÷™ - Students’ agitation rðãtÚteo-…rh[trhft - Student nurse rðŒuþe ƒtƒ‚tu - External affairs; foreign affairs rðãtÚteo …rh»tŒ - Students’ Council rðŒuþe {tA÷e - Exotic fish rðãtÚteo «ð]Â¥t - Student activity rðŒuþe htßÞ™tu «òs™ - Subject of foreign rðãtÚteo {nt{kz¤ - Students’ Federation rðãtÚteo {kz¤ - Students’ Association State rðãtÚteo Ë÷tnfth Ër{r‚ - Students’ Advisory rðŒuþe rðþu»t¿t‚t - Imported know-how Committee rðŒuþe ðu…th ™er‚ - Foreign trade policy rðŒuþe ÔÞÂõ‚ - Foreigner rðãtÚteo rn‚ r™rÄ - Students’ Benefit Fund rðŒuþe Ë¥tt/Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Foreign Authority rðŒuþe ËntÞ - Foreign aid; external assistance rðãtÚteo«ðtË - Student tour 409

rðãtÚteo¼kzth rðÄtÞf rðãtÚteo¼kzth - Students’ store rðãw‚Ët{„úe - Electrical equipment rðãtÚteoËk½ - Students’ Union rðãw‚Ët{t™ - Electrical goods rðãt÷Þe rþM‚ - Scholastic discipline rðÿtun - Insurgency; insurrection; uprising; rðãtÔÞtËk„e - Scholar; learned; erudite rðãtþt¾t - Faculty; discipline mutiny; rebellion; revolt rðãtþt¾t-yæÞût - Dean rðãtþt¾t „úkÚtt÷Þ/…wM‚ft÷Þ - Faculty library rðÿtun fhðtu - Rebel; revolt rðãtþt¾t ðt[™¾kz - Faculty reading room rðÿtun «r‚fthf ft{„ehe - Counter insurgency rðãtËkMÚtt - Academic institution rðãw‚ - Electricity; power operation rðãw‚ Qòo - Electrical energy rðãw‚ fk…™e - Electricity company rðÿtune - Mutineer; insurgent; rebellious rðãw‚fthe„h - Electrician rðî¥tt - Erudition; learning; scholarship rðãw‚ ¾[o - Electric charges rðît™ - Erudite; learned; scholar; man of letters rðãw‚ ½kxze - Electric bell rðÄðt - Widow rðãw‚[tr÷‚ - Electrically propelled/driven; rðÄðt Ä™ - Jointure; property of widow rðÄt™ - Statement (2)Statute; legislation power-driven rðÄt™ …rh»tŒ - Legislative Council rðÄt™{kz¤ - Legislature rðãw‚r[rfíËt - Electrotherapy rðÄt™{kz¤ „]n - House of Legislature rðãw‚ Ztu¤ - Electroplating rðÄt™{kz¤ Ër[ð - Legislature Secretary rðãw‚ Œƒtý - Voltage rðÄt™{kz¤™tu ËÇÞ - Legislator rðãw‚Œþof - Electroscope rðÄt™ þt¾t - Legislation Branch rðãw‚ Ät‚wrð¿tt™ - Electrometallurgy rðÄt™Ë¼t - Legislative Assembly rðãw‚ r™heûtf - Electric Inspector rðÄt™Ë¼t „]n™wk ƒw÷urx™ - Bulletin of House rðãw‚ r™heûtý - Electrical inspection rðÄt™Ë¼t «&™ - Legislative assembly rðãw‚ «ðtn - Electric current rðãw‚ ¼êe - Electric furnace question (L.A.Q.) rðãw‚ ¼th - Electrical load rðãw‚{t…f - Electrometer rðÄt™Ë¼t Ër[ðt÷Þ - Legislative Assembly rðãw‚rð¿tt™ - Electrology rðãw‚ðu„e ftÞo¢{ - Blitz programme Secretariat rðãw‚ þÂõ‚ - Electric power rðãw‚ËtÄ™ - Electrical appliance rðÄt™Ë¼t/ËkËŒ„]n{tk {wftƒ÷tu - Floor test rðÄt™Ë¼t™t ËÇÞ - Member of Legislative Assembly (M.L.A.) rðÄt™Ë¼t™e ËÇÞËkÏÞt - Strength of Legislative Assembly rðÄt™Ë¼t™wk rðËso™ - Dissolution of Assembly rðÄtÞf - Constructive; positive 410

rðÄtÞf …„÷wk rðr™{Þ rnËtƒ rðÄtÞf …„÷wk - Positive measure/step rðæðkËf ‚¥ð - Subversive element rðrÄ - Procedure; method; formality; rðæðkËf «ð]Â¥t - Subversive activity rð™Þ - Modesty; supplication ceremony; rite (2)Destiny (3)Law rð™ü - Extinct; perished; destroyed; ruined rð™kr‚/rð™ðýe - Request; solicitation; rðrÄ {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Law rðrÄËh - Duly; formally; regularly; entreaty ceremoniously; methodically rð™kr‚ fhðe - Request; solicit; entreat rð™t ‚the¾ - Undated rðrÄËh yrÄf]‚ fhu÷ - Duly authorized rð™t rð÷kƒu - Without delay rðrÄËh ‚…tË/…qA…hA - Formal inquiry rð™t þh‚u - Unconditionally rðrÄËh ‚t÷e{ - Formal training rð™t{qÕÞ - Free of charge; gratis; gratuitous rðrÄËh ŒM‚tðus - Formal document rð™t{qÕÞ «‚ - Free copy; gratis copy rðrÄËh ™turxË - Formal notice rð™t{qÕÞ rð‚hý - Free distribution rðrÄËh {ksqhe - Formal sanction rð™t{qÕÞ Ëuðt - Free service rðÄwh - Widower rð™t{qÕÞ nuhVuh - Free transit rðÄuÞf - Bill rð™tþf - Destructive; devastative rðÄuÞf yxftððwk ‚u - Blocking of Bill rðr™{Þ - Exchange; barter rðÄuÞf Œt¾÷ fhðwk ‚u - Introduction of Bill rðr™{Þ „wýtu¥th - Exchange ratio rðÄuÞf …Ëth Útðwk - Passage of Bill rðr™{Þ Œh - Exchange rate rðÄuÞf …tAwk ¾U[ðwk ‚u - Withdrawal of Bill rðr™{Þ r™Þkºtý - Exchange control rðÄuÞf hsq fhðwk ‚u - Presentation of Bill rðr™{Þ r™»tuÄ - Exchange ban rðÄuÞf™t «¼the ËÇÞ - Member in charge of rðr™{Þ «r‚ƒkÄ - Exchange restrictions rðr™{Þ ƒòh - Exchange market Bill rðr™{Þ ƒUf - Exchange bank rðr™{Þ {tæÞ{ - Exchange media rðÄuÞf™wk «{týefhý - Authentication of Bill rðr™{Þ {qÕÞ - Exchange value rðÄuÞf™u Ë{Úto™ - Endorsement of Bill rðr™{Þ ð»to - Exchange year rðÄuÞf™tu {wËÆtu - Draft Bill rðr™{Þ Ë{{qÕÞ‚t - Par of exchange rðÄuÞf{tk y™wð‚eo VuhVthtu - Consequential rðr™{Þ Ëqr[ - Exchange list rðr™{Þ ÂMÚthefhý r™rÄ - Exchange changes in Bill stabilization fund rðÄuÞtí{f - Positive; affirmative rðÄuÞtí{f ‚xMÚt‚t - Positive neutrality rðr™{Þ rnËtƒ - Exchange account rðÄuÞtí{f …whtðtu - Positive evidence rðæðkË/rð™tþ - Devastation; depredation; 411 subversion; destruction rðæðkËf - Depredator; destroyer; devastator (2)Subversive; destructive; devastative

rðr™{Þ rnËtƒ ‚thes rð¼trs‚ fhu÷tk s{e™ ¾t‚tk rðr™{Þ rnËtƒ ‚thes - Exchange account rð…w÷ ft{„ehe ftÞo¢{ - Operation flood abstract programme rðr™{Þ rnËtƒ ðtkÄt - Exchange account rð…w÷ ft{„ehe™tu ‚ƒ¬tu - Operation flood objections phase rðr™{Þût{ - Convertible (2)Interchangeable; rð…w÷‚t - Abundance; immensity; exchangeable exuberance; plenitude rðr™{Þût{ ƒkÄýe¾‚ - Interchangeable bond rð…w÷Œþof ft[ - Magnifying glass rðr™{Þût{‚t - Convertibility rðÃ÷ð - Mutiny; insurgency; insurrection; (2)Interchangeability; exchangeability revolt rðr™{Þ…ºt - Bill of exchange; letter of exchange rðÃ÷ðfthe - Mutinous; rebellious rðr™{ÞÞtuøÞ/Y…tk‚hût{ Éý…ºt - Convertible rð¼õ‚ - Separated; divided; partitioned debenture rð¼t„ - Department rð¼t„ ËkƒkÄe/rð¼t„eÞ - Departmental rðr™{ÞËtæÞ ¾‚…ºt - Convertible bond rð¼t„efhý - Departmentalization rðr™Þ{™ - Regulation; monitoring rð¼t„eÞ/¾t‚tfeÞ r™Þkºtý - Departmental rðr™Þ{™ {wÂõ‚ - Deregulation rðr™Þ{™/rðr™Þr{‚ fhðwk - Regulate; monitor control rðr™Þr{‚-ƒòh - Regulated market rð¼t„eÞ/¾t‚tfeÞ Ëk…fo yrÄfthe - rðr™Þtu„ - Appropriation Departmental Liaison Officer rðr™Þtu„ fh‚tk ðÄw (¾[o) - Excess over rð¼t„eÞ/¾t‚tfeÞ rnËtƒ - Departmental appropriation accounts rðr™Þtu„ fhðtu - Appropriate rðr™Þtu„ rðÄuÞf - Appropriation Bill rð¼tsf - Separator (2)Divider rðr™Þtu„ rnËtƒ - Appropriation account rð¼tsf ®ƒŒw - Cut-off point rð™e‚ - Polite; moderate; modest rð¼ts™ - Apportionment; division; partition; rð™tuŒ - Entertainment; merriment rð…he‚ - Adverse; reverse; inimical; opposite; break-up contrary rð¼ts™ ¾‚ - Deed of partition rð¼ts™ Œeðt÷ - Partition wall rð…he‚ yËh - Adverse effect rð¼ts™ hu¾t - Dividing line rð…he‚ ™tUÄ - Adverse remarks rð¼ts™ nwf{™t{wk - Partition decree rð…ÞtoÞ - Antonym rð¼ts™Úte r™ýoÞ ÷uðtu ‚u - Decision by division rð…w÷ - Enormous; plentiful; immense; rð¼trs‚ - Split; divided; apportioned rð¼trs‚ ytðf - Split income abundant; affluent rð¼trs‚ fh - Apportioned tax rð…w÷ Wí…tŒ™ - Mass production; bumper rð¼trs‚ fhu÷tk s{e™ ¾t‚tk - Fragmented production holdings 412

rð¼trs‚ ˺t rðhtuÄ …ût rð¼trs‚ ˺t - Split session rð{t„eo M‚h - Cross bedding rð¼tßÞ - Separable; divisible rð{wõ‚ ytrŒòr‚ - Denotified tribe rð¼tßÞ Ë{wå[Þ - Divisible pool rð{wõ‚ fhðwk - Absolve; liberate; free rð¼tð™t - Concept; conception; idea rð{tu[f ðtÕð - Escape valve rð¼tð™t/…rhfÕ…™t fhðe - Conceptualize; rð{tu[™ - Release rðÞtu„ - Separation conceive rðh{ðwk - Stop; cease rðh÷ - Rare; scarce; infrequent rðr¼Òt ‚¥ðtu™wk ƒ™u÷wk - Heterogeneous rðh÷ ¾r™s - Rare minerals rð{t™ - Aeroplane rðhksf - Bleaching agent rð{t™ yðhsðh - Air traffic rðhks™ - Bleaching rð{t™ Rs™uhe - Aeronautical engineering rðhtx - Huge; large rð{t™ Wãtu„ - Aeronautical industry rðht{ - Interval; intermission; recess rð{t™f{o[the - Air crew; crew rðht{ ½rzÞt¤ - Stop clock rð{t™ûtuºt - Air field rðht{ r[n™T - Punctuation mark rð{t™[t÷f - Pilot; aeronaut; airman; rðht{Þwõ‚ - Pauseful rðht{MÚtt™ - Halting place navigator rðhtË‚ - Heritage (2)Bequest rðhwØ - Opposite; against; adverse; counter rð{t™[t÷™ - Navigation rð{t™x…t÷ - Air-mail (2)Versus; antagonistic rð{t™‚tu…[e - Air gunner rð{t™Œ¤ - Air force rðhwØ r™ýoÞ ÷uðtu - Over rule rð{t™™tþf - Anti-aircraft rðhwØ {‚ - Noes rð{t™™qh - Air freight rðhwØ Ëtûte - Hostile witness rð{t™…èe - Runway rðhwØ Ëtu„kŒ™t{wk - Counter affidavit rð{t™…rh[trhft - Air hostess rðhwØtÚteo - Antonyms rð{t™…rhðn™ - Aerial navigation; air rðhwØtÚteo þçŒ - Antonym rðhtuÄ - Contradiction; contrast (2)Protest; transport; air navigation opposition rð{t™ {Útf - Airport; aerodrome rð{t™{t„o - Airways rðhtuÄ fhðtu - Oppose; protest; contradict rð{t™ðtztu - Hangar rðhtuÄ ™tUÄ - Note of protest; protest note rð{t™ðtnf snts - Air craft carrier rðhtuÄ ™tUÄtððtu - Lodge a protest rð{t™rð¿tt™ - Aeronautics rðhtuÄ …ût - Opposite party; opposition rð{t™ Ëðuoûtý - Aerial survey rð{t™Ëk[t÷™/rð{t™ÔÞðnth - Aviation; 413 aeronautics

rðhtuÄ …ût™t/rð…ût ™u‚t rððtn rðhtÄu …ût™t/rð…ût ™‚u t - Leader of the opposition rð÷krƒ‚ ðtŠ»tfe - Deferred annuity rðhtuÄ …ût™e …tx÷eytu - Opposition benches rð÷krƒ‚ Ë{t[th - Delayed news rðhtuÄ ËtÚtu Ëne - Signed under protest rð÷tËði¼ð - Luxury rðhtuÄŒþof ˼tíÞt„ - Walkout rð÷e™ htßÞ - Merged State rðhtuÄŒþof nz‚t÷ - Protest strike rð÷e™efhý - Merging rðhtuļtð - Antipathy; aversion rð÷wó - Extinct; destroyed rðhtuÄtí{f - Antagonistic; adverse rð÷wó «týe - Extinct animal rðhtuÄt¼tË - Paradox; contrast rð÷tu… - Extinction; extinguishment rðhtuÄt¼tËe - Paradoxical; controversial rð÷tu…f MxuB… - Obliterator stamp rðhtuÄe - Opponent; antagonist; dissident; rð÷tu…™ - Abrogation; obliteration; wipe; hostile annihilation rðhtuÄe sqÚt - Opposition group rððhý - Annotation; elucidation; write-up rðhtuÄe «[th - Hostile propaganda rððhýfth - Commentator; critic rðhtuÄe ƒnw{‚e - Hostile majority rððtŒ - Dispute; contention; controversy rð÷ûtý - Genius; extraordinary rððtŒ yhS - Appeal rð÷ûtý‚t - Peculiarity; speciality rððtŒ fh™th/rððtŒe - Disputant; appellant rð÷kƒ - Delay; deferment; procrastination rððtŒ fhðtu - Dispute; contend rð÷kƒ «ÞwÂõ‚ - Delaying tactics rððtŒ rð»tÞ - Subject of dispute; point of issue rð÷kƒ Ve - Late fee rððtŒ rð»tÞ™e …‚tðx - Settlement of issue rð÷kƒ ÷t„‚ - Demurrage charges rððtŒ„úM‚ - Disputed rð÷kƒ þwÕf - Demurrage rððtŒ™wk Ë{tÄt™ - Settlement of dispute rð÷kƒfthf y™u yðhtuÄf …rhƒ¤tu - Lags and rððtŒt‚e‚ - Incontestable; undebatable rððtŒt‚e‚ ¾kz - Incontestable clause constraints rððtŒtM…Œ - Disputable; debatable; rð÷kƒfthe - Procrastinatory; dilatory contentious; controversial rð÷kƒfthe Œh¾tM‚ - Dilatory motion rð÷kƒfthe ™er‚ - Dilatory policy rððtŒtM…Œ «&™ - Disputable matter/issue rð÷krƒ‚ - Belated; delayed; deferred rððtŒtM…Œ/[[toM…Œ ƒtƒ‚ - Debatable issue; rð÷krƒ‚ [wfðýe - Deferred payment questionable issue; controversial issue; disputable issue rð÷krƒ‚ r™rðŒt - Delayed tender rððtŒtM…Œ {wÆtu - Moot point rð÷krƒ‚ …„th - Deferred pay rððtŒtM…Œ nfef‚ - Fact in issue rð÷krƒ‚ ƒtu™Ë - Deferred bonus rððtrŒ‚ yrÄr™Þ{ - Impugned Act rð÷krƒ‚ ÷t¼tkþ - Deferred dividend rððtn - Engagement; betrothal (2)Marriage 414

rððtn ËkƒkÄe/ðiðtrnf rðrþü ¼q„¼os¤ y…ðtn rððtn ËkƒkÄe/ðiðtrnf - Connubial; marital; rððuftrÄfth - Discretion; discretionary power nuptial; conjugal; matrimonial rððuftrÄfth{tk Œ¾÷ fhðe - Interfere with rððtrn‚ - Married discretion rðrðÄ - Various; diverse rððuftÄe™ - Discretionary rðrðÄ SðË]Âü - Biodiversity rððuftÄe™ y™wŒt™ - Discretionary grant rðrðÄ …rh{týe yr¼„{ - Multi-dimensional rððuftÄe™ r™rÄ - Discretionary fund approach rððuftÄe™ Ë¥tt - Discretionary power rððufe - Discreet; polite rðrðÄ …tf r™Œþo™ - Multi-crop demonstration rððu[f - Critic; reviewer rðrðÄ ðM‚w ¼kzth - Departmental store rððu[™ - Criticism; exposition; explanation rðrðÄ rð¿tt™eÞ/þtMºteÞ yr¼„{ - Multi- rðþŒ - Clean; pure (2)Distinct rðþŒ‚t - Clarity disciplinary approach rðþthŒ - Learned; skilled; well-versed rðrðÄ‚t - Variety; diversification; diversity (2)Graduate rðrðÄ‚t ÷tððe - Diversify; variegate rðrðÄ‚t{tk yuf‚t - Unity in diversity rðþt¤ - Large; enormous; huge; extensive; rðrðÄ‚t˼h ftÞo¢{ - Variety programme rðrðÄ÷ûte - Multipurpose mammoth rðrðÄ÷ûte ™Œe …rhÞtus™t - Multipurpose rðþt¤ á~Þ - Panorama; panoramic view River Project rðþt¤ «Œþo™ - Titanic show rðþt¤‚t - Magnitude; largeness rðrðÄ÷ûte …rhÞtus™t - Multipurpose Project rðrþü - Typical; distinguished; especial; rðrðÄ÷ûte {kz¤e - Multipurpose Society rðrðÄ÷ûte Ënfthe {kz¤e - Multipurpose Co- remarkable; peculiar operative Society rðrþü y™wŒt™ - Exceptional grant rðrþü y…htÄe - Typical criminal rðrðÄ÷ûte Ët{wŒtrÞf fuLÿ - Multipurpose rðrþü yðþtu»tý - Specific absorption rðrþü ft{„ehe - Specific work Community Centre rðrþü „wýÄ{o - Characteristic property rðrþü „wýð¥tt - Outstanding merits rðrðÄ÷ûte ntEMfq÷ - Multipurpose High rðrþü ½™‚t - Specific gravity rðrþü ‚¥ðtu - Highlights School rðrþü Äthýût{‚t - Specific retention rðrþü r™:Ëútð - Specific discharge rðð]¥t yÚto‚kºt - Open economy rðrþü ¼q„¼os¤ y…ðtn - Specific rððuf - Discretion (2)Politeness rððuf…qýo - Discretionary (2)Judicious groundwater run off rððufƒwÂØ - Discretion rððufƒwÂØ™tu Œwhw…Þtu„ - Abuse of discretion 415 rððufþqLÞ/rððufne™ - Impolite (2)Injudicious rððufne™/yrð[the ¾heŒe - Injudicious purchase

rðrþü {t÷ rðï™e ½x™tytu rðrþü {t÷ - Specific goods rðþu»t¿t Ëuðt - Specialist service rðrþü he‚u - Specifically; particularly rðþu»t¿t‚t - Specialization; special know-how rðrþü he‚u Œþtoðu÷ - Specifically stated rðþu»t¿t‚t {u¤ððe - Specialize; expertize rðrþü ÷ûtý/¾trËÞ‚ - Characteristic feature rðþu»tý - Adjective; attribute rðrþü rð„‚ðýo™ - Specification rðþu»t‚: - In particular rðrþü rð„‚ðýo™™e y™wËqr[ - Schedule of rðþu»t‚t - Peculiarity; speciality specifications rðþu»t‚t«tó søÞt - Specialized post rðþu»ttrÄfth - Privilege; special right rðrþü ÔÞÂõ‚ - Distinguished person rðþu»ttrÄfth fh - Privilege tax rðrþü Ëuðt - Distinguished service rðþu»ttrÄfth ¼k„ - Breach of privilege rðrþü‚t - Highlights (2)Speciality rðþu»ttrÄfth Ër{r‚ - Privilege Committee rðþwØ - Very pure (2)Holy; sacred rðþu»ttrÄfth™tu íÞt„ - Waiver of privilege rðþu/»tu - About rðþu»ttrÄfth«tó/rðþu»ttrÄf]‚ - Privileged rðþu»t - Special (2)Additional rðþu»ttrÄfth«tó ð„o - Privileged class rðþu»t yrÄr™Þ{ - Special Act rðþu»ttrÄfth«tó ÔÞÂõ‚ - Privileged person rðþu»t fhe™u - Especially; mainly; a fortiori rðþu»ttrÄf]‚ Œh - Privileged rate rðþu»t ftiþ÷ - Specialized skill rðþu»ttrÄf]‚ Œh¾tM‚ - Privileged motion rðþu»t ftiþ÷ {u¤ðu÷e ÔÞÂõ‚ytu - Specially rðþu»ttrÄf]‚ ðrËÞ‚™t{wk - Privileged will rðþur»t‚ - Specialized skilled persons rðþu»t ¾[o - Special charges; particular charges rðþu»t òýfthe - Special know-how rðþur»t‚ yusLËe - Specialized agency rðþu»t ‚fr™fe òýfthe - Special technical rðþu»tefhý - Specialization know-how rð©t{ - Relaxation; rest rðþu»t ™tUÄ - Remarks (2)Nota bene rð©t{¾kz - Retiring room rðþu»t …t¤e - Swing shift rð©t{ /rð©tkr‚ „]n - Rest house rðþu»t ÞtuøÞ‚t - Distinction; special merits rð©t{¼ð™/yr‚rÚt„]n - Circuit House rðþu»t ÷ûtý™tu ™fþtu - Characteristic map rð&÷u»tf - Analyser; analyst rðþ»u t rð„‚tu - Further particulars; further details rð&÷u»tf yÇÞtË - Analytical study rðþu»t Ë{MÞtðt¤t rðM‚thtu - Special problem rð&÷u»tý - Analysis areas rðï ythtuøÞ ËkMÚtt - World Health rðþu»t-r[n™T - Insignia; distinguishing mark Organization (WHO) rðþu»t¿t - Specialist; expert rðïftuþ - Cyclopaedia; encyclopaedia rðþu»t¿t sqÚt/{kz¤ - Brains trust; expert group rðï™e ½x™tytu - Global affairs 416

rðï«rËØ rð»tÞwõ‚ ¾tuhtf rðï«rËØ - World famous rðïtËw ÔÞÂõ‚ - Person of confidence/confident rðïƒkÄwíð - Universal brotherhood rð»t - Poison; venom rðï ƒUf - World Bank rð»t yrÄr™Þ{ - Poison Act rðïÞwØ - World war rð»t[¢ - Vicious circle rðïÔÞt…e - Worldwide; universal rð»tsLÞ - Toxic; venomous rðïþtkr‚ - Universal peace; global peace; rð»t{ - Unequal; incongruous; undulating world peace (2)Uneven (3)Adverse rðï-Ë{Þ - Universal time rð»t{ ¢{/ËkÏÞt - Uneven number; odd number rðïË™eÞ - Bonafide; trustworthy; reliable; rð»t{ r[rfíËt(‚.) - Heteropathy credible rð»t{ …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Anomalous position; adverse rðïË™eÞ …whtðtu - Reliable evidence condition rðïË™eÞ‚t - Reliability; trustworthiness; rð»t{‚t - Inclemency; severity rð»t{thý - Antidote credibility rðïË™eÞ‚t z„tðe Œuðe - Shake credibility rð»tÞ - Subject; theme; topic rðïM‚heÞ M…Äto - Global competition rð»tÞ ËtÚtu ËkƒkÄ Ähtð‚wk - Relevant/pertinent to rðïtË - Trust; faith; confidence; reliance subject rðïtË ytÄtrh‚ [÷ýe ™tux - Fiduciary paper rð»tÞ Ëqr[ - Index; contents; catalogue money rð»tÞf - Relating to rðïtË ytÄtrh‚ ÷tu™ - Fiduciary loan rð»tÞfurLÿ‚ yr¼„{ - Subject matter rðït˽t‚ - Betrayal; breach of trust; approach treachery; abuse of trust; perfidy rð»tÞ r™»ýt‚ Ër{r‚ - Subject expert rðït˽t‚e - Treacherous; perfidious; committee traitorous rð»tÞ™e ƒtƒ‚{tk yËk„‚ - Repugnant/ rðïtË™e Œh¾tM‚ - Vote of confidence irrelevant to subject rðïtË™tu «M‚tð - Motion of confidence rðïtË…ºt - Letter of credence rð»tÞ«ðuþ - Introduction rðïtË…tºt - Trustworthy; reliable; faithful; rð»tÞðM‚w - Theme; subject matter; contents rð»tÞðth „úkÚt©uýe - Subject series credible rð»tÞþe»tof - Title rðïtË…tºt/rðïË™eÞ Ëtûte - Reliable witness; rð»tÞËq[f „e‚ - Theme song credible witness rð»tÞËq[f …trh¼tr»tf þçŒ - Buzz word; buzz rðïtË…tºt ËtÄ™ - Reliable source phrase rðït˼k„ - Breach of trust rð»tÞtk‚h - Digression; different subject rðïtËw - Trustworthy; reliable rð»tÞwõ‚ - Poisonous; venomous rðïtËw yrÄfthe - Trusted Officer rð»tÞwõ‚ ¾tuhtf - Poisoned food 417

rð»trð¿tt™ rðnk„{ áÂü rð»trð¿tt™ - Toxicology rðM‚th - Area; region; range; extent; rð»ttýw - Virus rð»ttýw hËe - Virus vaccine magnitude; dimension (2)Expansion rð»ttýw/rð»ttýwsLÞ htu„ - Virus disease; viral rðM‚th fhðtu - Enlarge; extend; expand disease rðM‚th ƒkÄ fhe Œuðtu - Sealing of area rðM‚th rðftË ytÞwõ‚ - Area Development rð»ttýwrð¿tt™ - Virology rð»ttŒ - Dejection; sadness; melancholy Commissioner rð»twðð]¥t - Equator rð»fk¼f - Interlude rðM‚th rðftË ftÞo¢{ - Area Development rðüt - Night soil; excreta (2)Dung rðüt¾t‚h - Night soil compost Programme rðÂü - Negotiation rðÂüfth - Negotiator rðM‚th rðftË Þtus™t - Area Development Plan rðËso™ - Dissolution; dissipation; dispersion rðM‚th…qðof - Elaborately rðËŠs‚ - Dissolved; dissipated; dispersed rðM‚thrðþu»t ftÞo¢{ - Area specific rðËk„‚ - Inconsistent; contradictory; programme incompatible; incongruous; impertinent rðM‚thrðþu»t «tuíËtn™ ftÞo¢{ - Area specific rðËk„‚‚t - Incompatibility; discrepancy; incentive programme impertinence; contradiction; inconsistency rðM‚thrðþu»t Þtus™t - Area Specific Plan rðËk„r‚ …ºtf - Discrepancy statement rðM‚]‚ - Extensive; exhaustive; broad-based; rðËkðtŒ - Discord; disagreement rðËkðtrŒ‚t - Impertinency; incompatibility elaborate; detailed rðËkðtŒe - Absonant; incompatible; rðM‚]‚ ynuðt÷ - Exhaustive report inconsistent; conflicting; inharmonious rðM‚]‚ fhðwk - Expand; extend; enlarge rðM‚]‚ [[to - Detailed discussion rðËkðtŒe ynuðt÷ - Conflicting report rðM‚]‚ r™heûtý - Detailed inspection rðM‚hý - Extension; expansion rðM‚]‚ ð™rðãt - Extensive forestry rðM‚hý yÇÞtË¢{ - Extension course rðM‚]‚ rð„‚ðýo™ - Specification rðM‚hý ft{„ehe - Extension/expansion work rðM‚]‚-rþ¾h ytzƒkÄ - Broad-crested weir rðM‚hý fuLÿ - Extension centre rðMÚtt…™ r™Þkºtý - Shifting control rðM‚hý ‚t÷e{ fuLÿ - Extension training centre rðMÚttr…‚ - Oustee; displaced rðM‚hý ð™r™{toý - Extension forestry rðMVtux - Eruption; explosion rðM‚hý rþûtý - Extension education rðMVtux ðe{tu - Explosion insurance rðM‚hý Ëuðt - Extension service rðMVtuxf - Explosive; eruptive rðM{Þ - Surprise; astonishment rðM{]r‚ - Oblivion; forgetfulness rðnk„{ á~Þ - Panorama; panoramic view rðnk„{ áÂü - Bird’s eye view 418

rðnk„tð÷tuf™ ðe{t «{tý…ºt rðnk„tð÷tuf™ - Overview ðes¤e rð¿tt™ - Electrology rðnthÄt{ - Holiday home; resort ðes¤e þÂõ‚ - Electric power ðe„‚ - Contents; detail; particular ðes¤e þwÕf - Electricity duty ðe„‚ðth ftuXtfhý - Detailed tabulation ðes¤e ËkÞkºt - Power plant ðesWí…tŒ™ - Power generation ðes¤efhý - Electrification ðes½kxze - Electric bell ðes¤efhý fhðwk - Electrify ðesr[rfíËt - Electrotherapy ðes¤e™e ¾U[ - Shortage of power ðesZtu¤ - Electroplating ðes¤e™e {t„ - Power demand ðesŒþof - Electroscope ðes¤e™wk «tÂóËtÄ™ - Source of power ðesÄt‚wrð¿tt™ - Electrometallurgy ðes¤e™tu Úttk¼÷tu - Lamp post ðes…whðXt{tk ft{[÷tW ½xtztu - Load shedding ðeòýw - Electron ðes«Ät™ Wãtu„ - Power-intensive industry ðeòýw Wãtu„ - Electronic industry ðes¼êe - Electric furnace ðeòýw ËtÄ™Ët{„úe™e [ftËýe y™u rðftË fuLÿ - ðes¼th - Charge Electronic Testing and Development ðes¼th fuLÿ - Load centre Centre ðes/ðes¤e{t…f - Electrometer ðesr¤f/rðãw‚-ðu„e ftÞo¢{ - Blitz programme; ðeòýwrð¿tt™ - Electronics ðeòýwrð»tÞf - Electronic crash programme ðeýðwk - Pluck; pick; select ðesr¤f nz‚t÷ - Lightning strike ðe‚ðwk - Elapse; lapse (2)Suffer ðes¤e - Electricity ðe‚e {wŒ‚™tu [uf - Stale cheque ðes¤e fk…™e - Electricity company ðeíÞt ð„h™e {wŒ‚ - Unexpired period ðes¤e fthe„h - Electrician ðerÚtft - Arcade ðes¤e ¾[o - Electric charges ðe™ððwk - Request; entreat ðes¤e ½h - Electricity house; power house ðe{t yusLx - Insurance Agent ðes¤e r™Þkºtý ƒtuzo - Power Control Board ðe{t fhth - Contract of Insurance ðes¤e r™heûtf - Electric Inspector ðe{t ‚ƒeƒe yrÄfthe - Insurance Medical ðes¤e …rhÞtus™t - Power project Officer ðes¤e …whðXtu - Power supply ðe{t Œ÷t÷ - Insurance broker ðes¤e «ðtn - Electric current ðe{t r™rÄ - Insurance fund ðes¤e {Útf - Power station ðe{t r™Þkºtf - Controller of Insurance ðes¤e Þtus™t - Power scheme ðe{t …tìr÷Ëe - Insurance policy ðes¤e ð…htþ - Power consumption ðe{t «{tý…ºt - Certificate of insurance 419

ðe{t Ëuðt ð]¥t…rºtft ðe{t Ëuðt - Insurance service ðeþe - Inn; eating house ðe{t rn‚ - Insurable interest ðªxt¤ðwk - Enfold; wrap; roll ðe{tf‚to/ðe{tu W‚th™th - Insurer ðªxtu - Roll ðe{tfk…™e - Insurance Company ðªÄðwk - Drill; penetrate; bore; pierce; prick ðe{tf]‚ - Assured; insured ð]ût - Arbor; tree ðe{t¾[o - Insurance charges ð]ût yk‚:ûtu…ý - Tree injection ðe{tŒth - Insurant; insured person ð]ût WAuh - Rearing of trees ðe{t™e hf{ - Insured amount; sum assured ð]ût ð„o - Tree class ðe{t™wk «er{Þ{ - Insurance premium ð]ût ðtðu‚h - Tree plantation ðe{t…tºt rn‚ - Insurable interest ð]ût rðM‚th - Arboreal area ðe{t…tºt/ðe{tÞtuøÞ - Insurable ð]ût-Ë{]Ø - Arboreous ðe{t…tËo÷ - Insured parcel ð]ût½xt/ð]ûtðtrxft - Grove ðe{t…tpr÷Ëe VheÚte [t÷w fhðe - Revival of ð]ût™e f÷{ fhðe - Ingraft ð]ût{t„o - Avenue; boulevard policy ð]ûtrð¿tt™/rðãt - Arboriculture; silviculture; ðe{t«{tý…ºt - Insurance certificate dendrology ðe{thûtý - Insurance cover ðe{trð¿tt™ - Actuarial science ð]ûtrð¿tt™e - Dendrologist; arboriculturist ðe{trð¿tt™e - Actuary ð]ûtËkðÄo™ - Arboriculture; silviculture ðe{tkf™ rð¼t„ - Actuarial Department ð]ûtne™ rðM‚th - Denuded areas; deforested ðe{tu - Insurance; assurance ðe{tu W‚htððtu - Insure areas ðe{tu W‚htÔÞt rð™t™wk - Uninsured ðe{tu …tfðt™e ‚the¾ - Date of maturity of ð]ûtthtu…ý - Tree-plantation ð]ûttk„AuŒ™ - Abscission insurance ð]ûttuãt™ - Arboretum ð]ûttu™wk xtu[-AuŒ™ - Pollarding of trees ðeh‚t - Gallantry; bravery ð]¥t «uûtt„]n - Amphitheatre; arena ðeh‚t …whMfth - Gallantry award ð]¥t-r[ºt - News reel ðeh…qò - Hero-worship ð]¥t-Y…f - News feature ðeÞo - Semen ð]¥t¾kz - Segment ðeÞo ò¤ðýe - Semen preservation ð]¥tr™ðuŒf - News correspondent; ðeÞo ƒUf - Semen bank ðeÞohtu…ý/ðeÞoËu[™ - Insemination commentator ðe÷ (RåAt…ºt) yt…ðwk - Bequeath ð]¥tr™ðuŒ™ - Commentary ð]¥t…rºtft - Bulletin; official statement 420

ð]¥ttk‚ ðu[tý ÔÞðMÚtt…f ð]¥ttk‚ - Narration; description; annals ð]kŒ - Troupe; troop; group ð]¥ttk‚ ÷u¾f - Annalist; writer of annals ð]kŒ„t™ - Chorus; group song ð]¥ttk‚r™ðuŒf - Reporter ðufuþ™ LÞtÞtÄeþ - Vacation judge ð]Â¥t - Instinct; penchant; tendency; ðu„ - Pace; velocity; acceleration; impetus; inclination; propensity; leaning speed; momentum ð]Â¥t-Qæðeofhý - Sublimation of instinct ðu„ yt…ðtu - Accelerate; expedite; hasten; ð]Â¥tft - Stipend speed up ð]Â¥tft„útne - Stipendiary ð]Â¥tft„útne ys{tÞþe - Stipendiary ðu„{t…f - Tachometer ðu„ðÄof - Accelerative; acceleratory; probationer accelerant (2)Accelerator ð]Â¥tft„útne LÞtÞtÄeþ - Stipendiary Judge ð]Â¥tft„útne …rh[trhft - Stipendiary nurse ðu„e÷e «„r‚ - Strides of progress ð]Â¥tft„útne {ursMxÙux - Stipendiary Magistrate ðu„e÷wk - Accelerated; speedy ð]Â¥tft„útne rðãtÚteo - Stipendiary student ðu„e÷tu «ðtn - Torrent ð]Â¥tftÄthf - Stipend-holder ðu„e÷tu rðftË - Accelerated growth ð]Útt - In vain; meaningless; useless; fruitless ðu[™th - Vender/Vendor; seller ð]ØtðMÚtt - Senility; old age ðu[ðtÞtuøÞ {t÷ - Marketable goods ð]ØtðMÚtt r™ð]Â¥tðu‚™ - Old age pension ðu[ðwk - Sell; dispose of; vend ð]ÂØ - Increase; growth; enlargement; excess; ðu[tW - Saleable; marketable ðu[tW yMõÞt{‚ - Live assets augmentation ðu[tW «ftþ™ - Priced publication ð]ÂØ fhðe - Enlarge; grow; increase; augment ðu[tW Vts÷ {t÷ - Marketable surplus goods ð]ÂØ/rðftË fuLÿ - Growth centre; development ðu[tý - Sale; disposal ðu[tý yxftððwk - Stoppage of sale centre; augmentation centre ðu[tý Q…s - Sale proceeds ðu[tý yusLx - Selling agent ð]ÂØ «r¢Þt - Growth process ðu[tý fhth - Contract of sale ð]ÂØŒh - Growth rate ðu[tý ftWLxh - Sale counter ð]ÂØr™Þkºtf - Growth regulator ðu[tý ®f{‚ - Selling price ð]ÂØ÷ûte {qze-Wí…tŒ™ „wýtu¥th - Incremental ðu[tý …ºtf - Sales register ðu[tý {txu™tu {t÷ - Stock-in-trade capital output ratio ðu[tý {qÕÞ - Sale value ðu[tý ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Sales manager ð]ÂØð÷Þ - Growth ring ð]Âü - Rainfall; rain storm ð]Âü y…ðtn - Storm run off ð]Âü yðrÄ/Ë{Þ - Storm duration ð]Âü rð‚hý «fth - Storm distribution pattern 421

ðu[tý ËtuŒtu ðu…th «tuíËtn™ ðu[tý ËtuŒtu - Sale transaction ðu‚™ Ëe{t - Wage brackets ðu[tý rnËtƒ - Sales account ðu‚™ MÚtr„‚‚t - Wage freeze ðu[týf‚to - Salesman ðu‚™ ÂMÚthefhý - Stabilization of wages ðu[týfuLÿ - Emporium; sale-depot ðu‚™ rnËtƒ - Salaries account ðu[týût{/…tºt/ÞtuøÞ - Saleable; marketable; ðu‚™ðne - Wage-book negotiable ðu‚™rð»tÞf ytkfzt - Wages statistics ðu‚h - Litter ðu[týût{‚t/ÞtuøÞ‚t - Saleability; ðu‚h™th - Cutter ðu‚hðwk - Cut marketability; negotiability ðuŒ™t - Agony; pain; anguish ðuŒ™t„úM‚ - Afflicted; painful; anguished; ðu[tý¾‚ - Deed of sale; sale deed ðu[tý™t ft„¤tu - Sale papers agonizing ðu[tý…ºt - Sale letter ðu[tý…tºt Éý…ºt - Marketable debenture ðuŒe - Altar ðu[týƒthe - Sales counter ðuÄ - Hole; bore (2)Altitude ðu[týðuht y™w¼t„ - Sales tax section ðuÄþt¤t - Observatory ðu[týðuht ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Sales Tax ðu…th - Trade; business; market; marketing; ðu[týðuht ytÞwõ‚ f[uhe - Commissionerate of commerce Sales Tax ðu…th y™u ðtrýßÞ - Trade and commerce ðu[týðuht …k[ - Sales Tax Tribunal ðu…th yðhtuÄ - Trade barrier ðu[týðuhtu - Sales tax ðu…th ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Trade ðuX - Forced labour; bonded labour ðu…th yusLx - Trade Agent ðurXÞtytu™wk …w™:MÚtt…™ - Rehabilitation of ðu…th yusLËe - Trade agency ðu…th ftzo - Trade card bonded labour ðu…th fuLÿ - Trade centre; commercial centre ðu…th r[nT™ - Trade mark ðu‚™ - Wage; pay; salary ðu…th rÄhtý - Trade credit ðu‚™ [wfðýe …ºtf - Acquittance roll ðu…th r™„{ - Trading Corporation ðu‚™ Œh - Wage rate ðu…th r™Þkºtý - Trade restriction ðu‚™ …Ør‚ - Wages system ðu…th …rºtft - Trade journal ðu‚™ ƒtuzo - Wage Board ðu…th …rh»tŒ - Trade Council ðu‚™ ¼tð ™Vt[¢ - Wage-price-profit spiral ðu…th «Útt - Trade practice ðu‚™ {t™fefhý - Standardization of wages ðu…th «tuíËtn™ - Trade promotion ðu‚™ {u¤ð™th ð„o - Salaried class ðu‚™ htus„th ftÞo¢{ - Wage Employment Programme ðu‚™ ËntÞfe - Wage subsidy 422

ðu…th ƒrn»fth ðu¤tËh ðu…th ƒrn»fth - Trade boycott ðu…the ¼tð-ÞtŒe - Trade price list ðu…th ƒkÄe - Trade ban ðu…the {nts™ - Trade guild ðu…th {qze - Trade capital ðu…the {kz¤ - Chamber of Commerce; Board ðu…th {u¤t ‚kºt - Trade Fair Authority ðu…th {u¤tu - Trade fair of Trade ðu…th hnMÞ - Trade secret ðu…th rððtŒ - Trade dispute ðu…the {thftu - Trade mark ðu…th ÔÞðnth - Trading ðu…the ðxtð - Trade discount ðu…th ËkrÄ - Trade treaty ðu…the ðntý - Merchant vessel ðu…th rnËtƒ - Trading account ðu…the ËkƒkÄtu - Trade relations ðu…th nqkze - Trade bill ðu…the ËkMÚtt/…uZe - Commercial establishment/ ðu…th™e ™tftƒkÄe - Trade blockade ðu…th™e Y¾ - Trend of trade firm/concern; business organization ðu…thðýs - Mercantile business ðu…thrð»tÞf fxtufxe - Trade crisis ðu…the ËtuŒtu - Commercial transaction ðu…thrð»tÞf swB{uŒthe - Trading liability ðu…the/ðtrýÂßÞf yusLËe - Mercantile agency ðu…thrð»tÞf Ë{sq‚e - Trade agreement ðu…the/ðtrýÂßÞf ƒUf - Commercial Bank ðu…the - Dealer; businessman; trader; ðuh/ðuh¼tð - Animosity; enmity; vengeance; tradesman; merchant rancour ðu…the yusLx - Mercantile Agent ðuht™ - Arid; barren; desolate ðu…the fk…™e - Trading company ðuht™ s{e™ - Barren land; desert; desolate ðu…the ft{fts - Trading operation ðu…the r[nT™ yk„u „uhftÞŒu ËtuŒtƒtS - land Trafficking in trade marks ðuht…tºt - Taxable; dutiable ðuht…tºt {t÷ - Dutiable goods ðu…the sqÚt - Trade group ðuht…tºt r{÷f‚ - Taxable property ðu…the ™t{ - Trade name ðuht…tºt {qÕÞ - Taxable value ðu…the ™t{t …Ør‚ - Mercantile system of ðuht{wõ‚ - Duty-free; free of tax ðuhtu - Tax; duty accounting ðu÷ - Climber ðuþ/™t{ Äthý - Impersonation ðu…the …hðt™tu - Dealer’s licence ðuþ/™t{ Äthý fh™th/ðuþÄthe - Impersonator; ðu…the …tf - Commercial crop ðu…the «r‚r™rÄ - Trade representative imposter ðu…the «r‚r™rÄ{kz¤ - Trade delegation ðuþ¼q»tt ¾kz - Green room ðu~Þt - Prostitute; harlot; courtesan ðu~Þt„]n - Brothel ðu~Þtð]Â¥t - Prostitution; harlotry ðu¤tËh - In time; timely 423

ðifÂÕ…f ðiÄtr™f {t÷fe-nf ðifÂÕ…f - Alternate; alternative; optional ðiÄtr™f ynuðt÷ - Statutory report ðifÂÕ…f/yiÂåAf yÇÞtË¢{ - Elective ðiÄtr™f ythûtý - Statutory reservation curriculum ðiÄtr™f yusLx - Statutory Agent ðiÄtr™f f…t‚ - Statutory deduction ðifÂÕ…f ftÞtuo - Optional functions ðiÄtr™f fƒònf - Statutory occupancy rights ðifÂÕ…f/yiÂåAf …Ør‚ - Elective system ðiÄtr™f fk…™e - Statutory company ðifÂÕ…f {‚ - Alternative vote ðiÄtr™f ft{fts - Legislative business ðifÂÕ…f {t„ - Optional demand; alternative ðiÄtr™f ftÞŒtu - Statutory law ðiÄtr™f ftÞo - Legislative function; legislative demand act ðifÂÕ…f hò - Optional holiday ðifÂÕ…f htus„th - Alternative employment ðiÄtr™f ftÞo…Ør‚ - Legislative procedure ðifÂÕ…f htus„th Þtus™t - Alternative ðiÄtr™f ®f{‚ - Statutory price ðiÄtr™f ¾‚ - Statutory instrument employment scheme ðiÄtr™f „ýtur‚Þtnf - Statutory tenant rights ðifÂÕ…f ÷t¼ - Alternative benefit ðifÂÕ…f/yiÂåAf rð»tÞ - Elective subject; optional subject ðifÂÕ…f ÔÞðËtÞ - Alternate occupation ðiÄtr™f „ýtur‚Þtu - Statutory tenant ðifÂÕ…f Ëtrƒ‚e - Alternative proof ðiÄtr™f ½tu»týt - Statutory declaration ði[trhf ¢tkr‚ - Ideological/rational/intellectual ðiÄtr™f sðtƒŒthe - Statutory responsibility ðiÄtr™f òu„ðtE - Statutory provision revolution ðiÄtr™f ‚kºt - Statutory authority ðiÄtr™f ÄthýtrÄfth - Statutory lien ði¿ttr™f - Scientist (2)Scientific ðiÄtr™f r™„{ - Statutory corporation ði¿ttr™f y™u ytiãtur„f ËkþtuÄ™ …rh»tŒ - Council ðiÄtr™f r™Þ{ - Statutory rule ðiÄtr™f …„÷wk/W…tÞ - Legislative measure of Scientific and Industrial Research ðiÄtr™f …ºtf - Statutory statement ðiÄtr™f …k[ - Statutory tribunal ði¿ttr™f yr¼„{ - Scientific approach ðiÄtr™f «M‚tð - Statutory motion ði¿ttr™f ytÄth - Scientific back-up ðiÄtr™f VuhVth - Statutory modification ði¿ttr™f ytÄthËt{„úe - Scientific data ðiÄtr™f ƒnw{‚e - Statutory majority ði¿ttr™f W…fhý - Scientific instrument ðiÄtr™f/ft™q™e ƒkÄ™ - Statutory obligation ði¿ttr™f ftÞo«ýt÷e - Scientific procedure ði¿ttr™f ‚fo - Scientific reasoning ði¿ttr™f …heûtt - Scientific test ði¿ttr™f «ýt÷e - Scientific line ði¿ttr™f ËkþtuÄ™ Ër{r‚ - Scientific Research Committee ðiÄtr™f ƒuXf - Statutory meeting ði¿ttr™f ËtÄ™ - Scientific apparatus ðiÄtr™f {æÞMÚt ÷ðtŒ - Statutory arbitrator ðiÄtr™f - Statutory; legislative ðiÄtr™f {t÷fe-nf - Statutory title 424

ðiÄtr™f ÷tuf{‚ ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ Ëk…fo ðiÄtr™f ÷tuf{‚ - Statutory referendum ÔÞÂõ‚ - Individual; person ðiÄtr™f rðr™Þ{tu - Statutory regulations ÔÞÂõ‚ …rh[Þ …wM‚f - Who’s who ðiÄtr™f rðþu»ttrÄfth - Legislative prerogative/ ÔÞÂõ‚ Mðt‚kºÞ - Individual liberty; individual privilege freedom ðiÄtr™f ©uýe - Statutory grade ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ - Individual; personal; private ðiÄtr™f Ë¥tt/Ë¥ttrÄfth - Statutory authority/ ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ yrÄfth - Right in personam; power; legislative authority/power personal right ðiÄtr™f Ë{Þ{ÞtoŒt - Statutory time-limit ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ y™u ËkÞwõ‚ he‚u - Severally and jointly ðiÄtr™f Ër{r‚ - Statutory Committee ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ytðf rð¼ts™ - Personal income ðiÄtr™f ËntÞf y™wŒt™ - Statutory grant-in- distribution; personal income apportion aid ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ RLxhÔÞw - Personal interview ðiÄtr™f ËkMÚtt - Statutory body ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ fhth - Individual agreement ðiÄtr™f ËwÄthtu - Legislative amendment ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ¾t‚tðne rnËtƒ - Personal ledger ðiÄtr™f nf - Statutory rights account ðiÄtr™f nwf{ - Statutory orders ði{™MÞ - Enmity; animosity; vengeance ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ [t÷w ¾t‚t rnËtƒ - Individual current ði{tr™f - Aeronaut ðiÞÂõ‚f - Personal; individual ledger account ðiðtrnf - Nuptial; marital; conjugal; ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ sðtƒŒthe - Personal responsibility matrimonial ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ‚t÷e{ - Individual training ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ r™ðuŒ™ - Personal statement ðirðæÞ - Multiplicity; diversity; variety ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ™wfËt™ - Personal loss ðirðæÞ ÷tððwk - Diversify ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ VrhÞtŒ - Individual complaint ðirðæÞefhý - Diversification ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ƒsðýe - Personal service ðiÂïf - Global; universal ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ƒtkÞÄhe - Individual guarantee ðiïefhý - Globalization; universalization ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ƒuhtus„the - Personal unemployment ðtuzo …rh[h - Ward boy ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ {t„oŒþo™ - Individual guidance; ðtuzo hûtf - Ward keeper ðtuzo Ëurðft - Female ward servant personal guidance ðtuzo™ Ëuðtytu - Warden services ðtphkx yrÄfthe - Warrant Officer ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ {tr÷f - Individual proprietor ÔÞõ‚ - Manifest; expressed ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ {tr÷fe - Individual proprietorship ÔÞõ‚ y™u „Š¼‚ - Expressed and implied ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ {trn‚e - Individual information/bio- ÔÞõ‚ fhðwk - Express data ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ {tk„ - Individual demand ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ he‚u - Individually; personally ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ Ëk[t÷™ - Personal management ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ Ëk…fo - Personal contact 425

ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ Ëuðt ÔÞðËtÞþt† ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ Ëuðt - Personal service ÔÞÚto - Useless; in vain; fruitless; futile; ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ËtuŒtu - Individual bargaining ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ nwf{™t{wk - Personal decree meaningless; sterile ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ nurËÞ‚ - Personal capacity ÔÞÂõ‚„‚/yk„‚ y™w¼ð - Personal experience ÔÞÚto [[to - Sterile/Futile discussion ÔÞÂõ‚„‚/YƒY Ëw™tðýe - Personal hearing ÔÞÚto‚t - Futility; fruitlessness; ÔÞÂõ‚r[ºt - Portrait ÔÞÂõ‚íð - Personality meaninglessness ÔÞÂõ‚íð fËtuxe - Personality test ÔÞÂõ‚ŒeX - Per capita; per head ÔÞðËtÞ - Occupation; business; pursuit; ÔÞÂõ‚ŒeX ytðf - Per capita income ÔÞÂõ‚r™c/ðtŒe - Subjectivist profession; vocation ÔÞÂõ‚r™c ™er‚þt† - Subjective ethics ÔÞÂõ‚r™c {qzeðtŒ - Individualistic capitalism ÔÞðËtÞ y™u Ëuðt-Ëuõxh - Business and service ÔÞÂõ‚…qò - Personality cult ÔÞÂõ‚{q÷f Ëuðtytu - Individualized services sector ÔÞÂõ‚÷ûte fhƒtus - Subjective burden of ÔÞðËtÞ fËtuxe - Trade test; professional test taxation ÔÞðËtÞ «{tý…ºt - Trade certificate; ÔÞÂõ‚÷ûte ¾[o - Subjective cost professional certificate ÔÞÂõ‚÷ûte [wftŒtu - Judgement in personam ÔÞÂõ‚÷ûte …Ør‚ - Subjective method ÔÞðËtÞ «rþûtf - Job Instructor ÔÞÂõ‚÷ûte {qÕÞ - Subjective value ÔÞðËtÞ «rþûtý ‚t÷e{ - Job instruction ÔÞÂõ‚ðtŒ - Individualism ÔÞÂõ‚ðtŒe - Individualist training ÔÞðËtÞ {t„oŒþo™ - Vocational guidance ÔÞðËtÞ {t„oŒþo™ yrÄfthe - Vocational Guidance Officer ÔÞðËtÞ ðuhtu - Profession tax ÔÞðËtÞ Ëk½ðtŒe - Trade unionist ÔÞðËtÞ Ëk[t÷™ - Business management ÔÞðËtÞ ËkƒkÄe ytkfzt - Occupational statistics ÔÞðËtÞ/{sqhËk½ - Trade union ÔÞðËtÞ/{sqhËk½ðtŒ - Trade unionism ÔÞðËtÞ/ÔÞtðËtrÞf yÇÞtË¢{ - Trade course; professional course; vocational course ÔÞÂõ‚rðþu»t - Dignitary ÔÞðËtÞ/ÔÞtðËtrÞf {t„oŒþof - Career master ÔÞ„ú - Perturbed; disturbed; puzzled ÔÞðËtÞsLÞ òu¾{ - Occupational hazard ÔÞ„ú‚t - Perturbance; disturbance ÔÞðËtÞsLÞ htu„ - Occupational disease ÔÞ‚e‚ Útðwk - Elapse; lapse; pass ÔÞðËtÞ÷ûte ð„eofhý - Occupational ÔÞÚtt - Sorrow; grief; suffering; agony; stratification/classification affliction; distress ÔÞðËtÞ÷ûte/htus„th÷ûte ‚t÷e{ - Job-oriented ÔÞrÚt‚ - Afflicted; distressed; grieved training ÔÞr¼[th - Adultery; debauchery ÔÞðËtÞþt† - Occupationology 426

ÔÞðËtÞ÷ûte/htus„th÷ûte ‚t÷e{ ÔÞtfw¤‚t ÔÞðËtÞËk½ - Syndicate ÔÞðMÚtt…feÞ - Managerial ÔÞðËtÞe - Practitioner; professional ÔÞðMÚtt…feÞ f{o[theð„o - Management ÔÞðËtÞe f÷tfth - Professional artist personnel; managerial staff ÔÞðËtÞe r[rfíËf - Medical practitioner ÔÞðËtÞe …ºtfth - Practising journalist; ÔÞðMÚtt…feÞ ft{„ehe - Managerial work ÔÞðMÚtt…feÞ «ð]Â¥t - Managerial activity working journalist ÔÞðMÚttrð»tÞf ËntÞfe - Managerial subsidy ÔÞðËtÞe Mºteytu {txu™wk Atºtt÷Þ - Working ÔÞðÂMÚt‚ - In order; systematic; well-arranged women’s hostel ÔÞðnth - Practice; dealing; treatment; ÔÞðËtÞtur[‚ yr¼„{ - Professional approach transaction ÔÞðËtÞtu™wk ht»xÙeÞ ð„eofhý - National ÔÞðnth-fwþ¤ - Tactful; practical classification of occupations ÔÞðnthût{ - Feasible; pragmatic; practicable ÔÞðnthût{‚t - Feasibility; pragmaticality; ÔÞðMÚtt - Arrangement; management practicability (2)System ÔÞðnth{tk - In practice ÔÞðMÚtt y™u ftÞoher‚ - Organization and method ÔÞðnth …qh‚wk ¿tt™ - Working knowledge ÔÞðMÚtt fhðe - Manage; arrange ÔÞðnth ¼t»tt - Working language ÔÞðMÚtt fhe þftÞ ‚uðwk - Manageable ÔÞðntrhf òýfthe - Practical knowledge ÔÞðMÚtt ft{„ehe/ftÞo - Managerial work; ÔÞðnthw - Practical; pragmatic ÔÞðnthw yr¼„{ - Practical approach; managerial function pragmatic approach ÔÞðMÚtt {t¤¾wk - Organizational structure ÔÞðMÚtt rð&÷u»tý - System analysis ÔÞðnthw {qÕÞ - Practical value ÔÞðMÚtt ËntÞfe - Management subsidy ÔÞðnthw rð¼ts™ - Practical division ÔÞðMÚtt/ÔÞðMÚtt…feÞ r™Þkºtý - Managerial ÔÞË™ - Addiction; habit ÔÞË™{wÂõ‚ - De-addiction; detoxification control ÔÞË™e - Addict; addicted; habituated ÔÞk„r[ºt - Cartoon; caricature ÔÞðMÚtt/Ëk[t÷™ {kz¤ - Managing body ÔÞk„ r[ºtfth - Cartoonist; caricaturist ÔÞðMÚtt‚kºt - Administration; management ÔÞk„ rVÕ{ - Cartoon film ÔÞðMÚtt…f/ÔÞðMÚttf‚to - Manager; steward ÔÞðMÚtt…f, f÷t y™u Rr‚ntË y™w¼t„ - Keeper; Art and Historical Section ÔÞðMÚtt…f ‚kºte - Managing Editor ÔÞðMÚtt…f, «f]r‚rð¿tt™ y™w¼t„ - Keeper; ÔÞk„tuÂõ‚ - Innuendo ÔÞks™ - Consonant (2)Delicious item Natural Science Section ÔÞðMÚtt…f {kz¤ - Governing body ÔÞtfw¤ - Perturbed; disturbed; bewildered ÔÞðMÚtt…f Ër{r‚ - Managing Committee ÔÞtfw¤‚t - Perturbance; bewilderment; disturbance 427

ÔÞtÏÞt ÔÞtÞt{ ‚t÷e{ «rþûtf ÔÞtÏÞt - Definition ÔÞtswfe Útt…ý - Deposit bearing interest ÔÞtÏÞt ™ fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Indefinable ÔÞtsu ™týtk Äehðtk - Lend money ÔÞtÏÞt fhðe - Define ÔÞtrÄ - Disease; malady; ailment ÔÞtÏÞt‚t - Lecturer ÔÞtrÄ„úM‚ - Diseased; ailing ÔÞtÏÞt‚t…Œ - Lecturership ÔÞtrÄ™tþf yti»tÄ - Curative drug ÔÞtÏÞt™ - Lecture; speech ÔÞt… - Scope; magnitude ÔÞtÏÞt™ …Ør‚ - Lecture method ÔÞt…f - Broad-based; exhaustive; extensive; ÔÞtÏÞt™{t¤t - Series of lectures comprehensive; mass; massive; ÔÞts - Interest expansive; universal; general ÔÞts W…÷f rnËtƒ - Interest suspense account ÔÞts [wfðýe nwf{ - Interest payment order ÔÞt…f W¥thtrÄfth - Universal succession ÔÞtsftuXtu - Interest table ÔÞt…f ƒuhtus„the - Mass unemployment ÔÞts¾[o - Interest charges ÔÞt…f Y…hu¾t - Broad outline ÔÞts¾tW - Usurer ÔÞt…f ð„eofhý - Broad classification ÔÞts¾tuhe - Usury ÔÞt…f rþûtý - General education ÔÞts™e Aqx - Remission of interest ÔÞt…f Ë¥tt - Sweeping power ÔÞts™e skºte - Interest table ÔÞt…f/Ët{qrnf Ët{u÷„ehe - Mass involvement ÔÞt…f‚t - Generality; expansion; comprehensiveness ÔÞts™wk ¼thý - Burden of interest ÔÞt…th - Trade; business ÔÞts™tu Œh - Interest rate ÔÞt…th yt„tne - Business forecast ÔÞts™tu ƒòh-Œh - Market rate of interest ÔÞt…th-„]n - Business house ÔÞts™tu r¼Òtf-Œh - Differential rate of interest ÔÞt…th r[n™T ™tu {tr÷fe nf - Title to the ÔÞts™tu þqLÞ Œh - Zero rate of interest trademark ÔÞts{tVe - Remission of interest ÔÞt…th «ýt÷e - Trade practice ÔÞts{wõ‚ …uþ„e - Interest-free advance ÔÞt…th ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Business Manager ÔÞts{wõ‚ ÷tu™ - Interest-free loan ÔÞt…trhf ËtÄ™ - Trading channels ÔÞtshrn‚ Œuðwk - Passive debt; debt without ÔÞtÂó - Extent; profusion; coverage interest ÔÞtÞt{ - Athletics; physical exercise; ÔÞtshrn‚ ƒtuLz - Passive bond gymnastics; drill ÔÞtsw - Interest-bearing; with interest ÔÞtÞt{ ‚t÷e{ - Physical training; gymnastic ÔÞtsw ò{e™„ehe - Interest-bearing security training ÔÞtsw ƒkÄýe-¾‚ - Interest bearing bond ÔÞtsw ÷tu™ - Loan bearing interest ÔÞtÞt{ ‚t÷e{ «rþûtf - Physical Training Instructor; Gymnastic Instructor; Drill Instructor; Drill Master 428

ÔÞtÞt{ rþûtý ÔÞqnh[™t fhðe ÔÞtÞt{ rþûtý - Physical education ÔÞtðËtrÞf {trn‚e - Occupational information ÔÞtÞt{ rþûtý r™heûtf - Inspector of Physical ÔÞtðËtrÞf {trn‚eËt{„úe - Occupational Education informative material ÔÞtÞt{rðãt - Gymnastics ÔÞtðËtrÞf {tusýe - Occupational survey ÔÞtÞt{ðeh - Athlete; gymnast; sportsman ÔÞtðËtrÞf hnMÞ - Professional secret ÔÞtÞt{þt¤t - Gymnasium ÔÞtðËtrÞf he‚u ‚t÷e{ƒØ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Vocationally ÔÞtðËtrÞf - Professional; vocational; trained person occupational ÔÞtðËtrÞf htus„th - Professional employment ÔÞtðËtrÞf y„r‚f‚t - Occupational ÔÞtðËtrÞf ð‚o™ - Professional behaviour ÔÞtðËtrÞf rðþu»ttrÄfth - Professional immobility privilege ÔÞtðËtrÞf y…ð‚o™ - Professional misconduct ÔÞtðËtrÞf yr¼„{ - Occupational approach ÔÞtðËtrÞf þt¤t - Vocational school ÔÞtðËtrÞf ytkfzt - Occupational statistics ÔÞtðËtrÞf rþûtý - Occupational education; ÔÞtðËtrÞf fËtuxe/…heûtý - Professional test ÔÞtðËtrÞf ¾u‚e - Vocational agriculture professional education; vocational ÔÞtðËtrÞf „r‚þe÷‚t - Occupational mobility education ÔÞtðËtrÞf òýfthe - Professional knowledge ÔÞtðËtrÞf ‚t÷e{ - Vocational training ÔÞtðËtrÞf Ëh™t{wk - Professional address ÔÞtðËtrÞf Ë÷tn - Vocational counselling ÔÞtðËtrÞf Ë÷tnfth - Professional adviser ÔÞtðËtrÞf ËkþtuÄ™ y™u …]Út¬hý - ÔÞtðËtrÞf ‚t÷e{ …t{u÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Vocationally Occupational research and analysis trained person ÔÞtðËtrÞf ËkMÚtt - Professional institution ÔÞtðËtrÞf Œhßòu - Occupational status ÔÞtðËtrÞf M‚hefhý - Occupational ÔÞtðËtrÞf áÂüftuý - Professional outlook/ stratification view ÔÞtðntrhf - Practical ÔÞtðËtrÞf Ätuhý - Professional standard ÔÞtðntrhf {™turð¿tt™ - Practical psychology ÔÞtðËtrÞf ™er‚ - Professional policy ÔÞtðntrhf rð¿tt™ - Practical science ÔÞtðËtrÞf ™er‚þt† - Professional ethics ÔÞtË - Diameter ÔÞtðËtrÞf …ºtfth - Professional journalist ÔÞtË…eX - Rostrum; pulpit; dais ÔÞtðËtrÞf …rhð‚o™ - Occupational shift ÔÞwí…Â¥t - Etymology ÔÞtðËtrÞf …w™:MÚtt…™ fuLÿ - Vocational ÔÞwí…Òt ykf - Derived figure Rehabilitation Centre ÔÞqn - Strategy; manoeuvre/manoeuver ÔÞtðËtrÞf «r‚r™rÄíð - Occupational ÔÞqnh[™t - Strategy; deployment; representation regimentation ÔÞtðËtrÞf «r‚ct - Professional prestige ÔÞqnh[™t fhðe - Regiment; deploy 429

ÔÞqnh[™tfth þƒ½h yðuûtf ÔÞqnh[™tfth - Strategist þõÞ - Possible; feasible; probable ÔÞqn÷ûte nðtEŒ¤ - Tactical air force þõÞ ntuÞ ‚ux÷wk/íÞtk ËwÄe - To the extent possible ÔÞqntí{f - Strategic; strategical þõÞ‚t - Possibility; feasibility; probability ÔÞqntí{f òËqËe …qðo‚…tË - Strategical þõÞ‚t yÇÞtË - Feasibility study reconnaissance þõÞ‚t ynuðt÷ - Feasibility report þõÞ‚t «{tý…ºt - Feasibility certificate ÔÞqntí{f r™ýoÞ - Strategic decision þX - Knave; roguish; shrewd; cunning ÔÞqntí{f …rhƒ¤ - Strategic factor ÔÞqntí{f ƒtUƒ{thtu - Strategic bombing þX‚t - Roguery; knavery ÔÞqntí{f {n¥ð - Strategic importance þý - Jute; hemp; flax ÔÞqntí{f Þtus™t - Strategic plan þý rðftË yrÄfthe - Jute Development ÔÞqntí{f rðM‚thtu - Strategic areas Officer ÔÞqntí{f MÚtt™ - Strategic point ÔÞqntí{f ÂMÚtr‚ - Strategic position þý-ft„¤ - Jute paper ðúý - Sore; wound þý„th - Adornment; embellishment þý™e Œtuhe - Hemp cord þý™wk f…zwk/þrýÞwk - Hessian cloth; jute cloth; þ flax cloth þý™wk Œtuhzwk - Hemp rope þ‚ - Hundred þf™tu ÷t¼ - Benefit of doubt þ‚f/þ‚tçŒe - Century þf{kŒ - Suspect; doubtful þ‚tçŒe {ntuíËð - Centenary þfhtu - Falcon; hawk þºtw - Enemy; foe þfð‚eo - Epoch-making þºtw‚t - Animosity; enmity þÂõ‚ - Power; potentiality; capacity; þºtw‚t¼Þtuo «[th - Hostile propaganda þr™ - Saturn strength; efficacy; ability þ…Út - Oath; vow þ…Út ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Oath þÂõ‚ŒtÞf ytnth …rhÞtus™t - Energy food project þÂõ‚™tk …th¾tk - Test of strength; trial of þ…Út ÷u™th - Swearer-in strength þ…Út ÷uðztððt - Administer oath; swear in þ…Út ÷uðt - Take an oath; swear þÂõ‚™tu Œwhw…Þtu„ - Abuse of power; misuse of þ…ÚtrðrÄ Ë{thk¼ - Swearing-in-ceremony þƒ - Corpse; dead body power þƒ½h - Mortuary; morgue þƒ½h yðuûtf - Morgue Supervisor þÂõ‚-…heûtt - Trial of strength þÂõ‚{t™/þÂõ‚þt¤e - Powerful; capable; able; energetic; strong 430

þƒ…heûtý þhtV‚ þƒ…heûtý - Postmortem examination; þh‚ fhth - Wagering contract þh‚™wk …t÷™ fhðwk - Fulfil the condition autopsy þh‚¼k„ - Breach of condition þh‚e - Conditional (2)Contingent þƒ…heûtý ynuðt÷ - Post-mortem report þh‚e y™wŒt™ - Conditional grant þƒ…uxe - Coffin; casket þh‚e yt¾he™t{wk - Qualified ultimatum þƒðtnf - Pall bearer þh‚e fhth - Contingent contract þƒðtrn™e - Hearse; bier þh‚e „ehtu - Conditional mortgage þçŒ - Word (2)Lexicon þh‚e [wfðýe - Conditional payment þçŒftuþ - Dictionary þh‚e ‚ƒŒe÷e - Conditional transfer þçŒr[ºt - Sketch; portrait þh‚e ƒZ‚e - Conditional promotion þçŒò¤/«…k[ - Jugglery of words þh‚e ƒtkÞÄhe - Conditional guarantee þ猫Þtu„ - Expression (2)Idiom þh‚e ÷tu™ - Conditional loan; tied loan þ猼kztu¤ - Vocabulary; glossary þh‚e ðu[tý - Conditional sale þçŒþ: - Verbatim; literally þh‚e þhýt„r‚ - Conditional surrender/ þçŒþ: ™f÷ - Verbatim copy þçŒþ:™tUÄ - Verbatim note capitulation þçŒËkÏÞt - Wordage þçŒËk[Þ/Ëqr[/þçŒtðr÷ - Glossary þh‚e þuhtu - Conditional endorsement þçŒtÚto - Meaning þh‚e Ë{sq‚e - Conditional agreement þçŒtÚtoþt† - Semantics þh‚e ËntÞ - Conditional aid þçŒt¤w - Verbose þh‚e Mðefth/Mðef]r‚ - Conditional acceptance; þçŒtu ftZe ™t¾ðt - Expunction of words þ{™ - Pacification qualified acceptance þ{™ fhðwk - Pacify; allay; alleviate þ{™ fwkz - Stilling pool þh‚e nwf{ - Order nisi þ{™ fqðtu - Stilling well þh‚e nwf{™t{wk - Decree nisi þ{þuh - Sword þh‚tu - Terms and conditions þr{Þtýtu - Canopy; pavilion; tent þh‚tu n¤ðe fhðe/þh‚tu{tk AqxAtx {qfðe - þÞ™¾kz - Bedroom þÞ™-Þt™ - Sleeper coach Relaxation of conditions þhýt„r‚ - Surrender; capitulation þhýtÚteo - Refugee þhŒ - Autumn þh‚ - Condition; term (2)Wager; bet þhŒe - Catarrh; cold þh{ - Shame (2)Bashfulness þh{s™f - Ignominious; shameful þh{t¤ - Bashful; shy þhtV - Money-lender (2)Banker (3)Cashier þhtV‚ - Politeness 431

þhtVe þkft þhtVe - Money-lending þ†r¢Þt¾kz - Operation theatre þhtVe-Œh - Lending rate þ†r¢Þt rð¼t„ - Surgical department þhtƒ - Liquor þ†r¢Þt ðtuzo - Surgical ward þhtƒe - Drunkard þ† {tufqVe - Suspension of arms þhth‚ - Wickedness; villainy (2)Mischief þ†rðht{ - Cease fire þheV - Reputed þ†rðht{-ËkrÄ - Armistice þheh - Body þ†Ëßs - Up in arms þhehftu»trð¿tt™ - Histology þ†Ëhkò{ yrÄfthe - Armament Officer þhehftu»trð¿tt™e - Histologist þ†Ëhkò{ rð¼t„ - Ordnance department þheh™tu yðÞð - Limb þ†Ëhkò{/þMºtt† - Armament þhehh[™trð¿tt™ - Anatomy þMºtt„th - Armoury; arsenal þhehh[™trð¿tt™e - Anatomist þntŒ‚/þneŒe - Martyrdom þhehh[™trð»tÞf - Anatomical þneŒ - Martyr þhehrð¿tt™ - Physiology þnuh yŒt÷‚ - City Court þhehrð¿tt™e - Physiologist þnuh Œeðt™e yŒt÷‚ - City Civil Court þY fhðwk - Start; begin; launch; initiate; þnuh-¼ÚÚtwk - City allowance þnuh {‚Œth-{kz¤/{‚Œt™-rð¼t„ - City commence constituency þYyt‚ - Commencement; beginning; þnuh {tusýe - City survey initiation; starting þnhu ð¤‚h ¼ÚÚtkw - City compensatory allowance þnuhe - Urban þYyt‚Úte - From the beginning; ab initio þnuhefhý - Urbanization þYyt‚{tk - In the beginning; in initio; þnuhefhý fhe þftÞ ‚uðtu rðM‚th - Urbanizable commence area þÕÞr[rfíËf - Surgeon þnuhe ûtuºttu - Urban fields þ† - Weapon; arm þnuhe ðËtn‚ - Urban settlement þ† yrÄr™Þ{ - Arms Act þnuhe rðftË - Urban development þ† y™u ŒtY„tu¤tu - Arms and ammunition þnuhe rðftË Ë¥tt‚kºt - Urban Development þ† y™u Ëir™f-Ët{„úe/Ët{t™ - Arms and Authority accoutrements þnuhe rðM‚th - Urban area þ† õðtÞ‚ - Arms drill þnuherðM‚th™wk yr™Þkrºt‚ rðM‚hý - Urban þ† fthfw™ - Arms Clerk þ† ftiþ÷ - Skill at arms sprawlt þ†r¢Þt - Surgery; operation þ†r¢Þt fhðe - Operate þkft - Doubt; suspicion 432

þkft fhðe þthft{-Þkºt þkft fhðe - Suspect; doubt þt¾rðM‚hý - Credit extension þkfthrn‚ …whtðtu - Undoubted evidence þt¾t - Branch (2)Recension of the veda þkftþe÷ Mð¼tð - Suspicious nature þt¾t f[uhe - Branch office þkftM…Œ - Doubtful; suspicious þt¾t x…t÷ f[uhe - Branch post office þkftM…Œ „tkz…ý - Suspected insanity þt¾t rz…tu - Branch depot þkftM…Œ [trhºÞ - Suspected character þt¾t ™Œe - Branch river þfk tM…Œ/‚fhthe ŒM‚tðsu - Questioned document þt¾t ™nuh - Branch canal þkftM…Œ …qðoRr‚ntË - Questionable antecedents þt¾t{]„ - Monkey þkftM…Œ ƒtƒ‚ - Doubtful matter þt¾t ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Branch Manager þkftM…Œ {]íÞw - Suspicious death þt¾t-þt¾t ðå[u ÷uðzŒuðz/ÔÞðnth - Inter- þkftM…Œ rðŒuþe - Suspected foreigner branch transaction þkftM…Œ rð»t«Þtu„ - Suspected poisoning þt¾tðth - Branchwise þkftM…Œ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Suspicious person; suspect þtý…ý - Prudence; wisdom þkftM…Œ Ëkòu„tu - Suspicious circumstances þtýwk/Ë{sŒth - Prudent; wise þkfw - Cone þt™ - Grandeur (2)Dignity þkfw ytfth ftk… - Alluvial cone þt™Œth - Magnificent; stately þkfw {tusýe - Cross-staff survey þt… - Curse; imprecation þkfwÿw{-ð™ - Coniferous forest þtr…‚ - cursed þkfwð]ût - Conifer þtƒtþe - Acclamation; congratulation; þk¾ - Conch-shell; conch felicitation; compliment þtf¼tS - Vegetable and greens þtf¼tS™e ¾u‚e - Olericulture þtÂçŒf - Literal; verbal (2)Textual þtf¼tS™tu ðtztu (½h ytk„ýu) - Kaleyard; þtÂçŒf/þçŒþ: yÚto½x™ - Literal interpretation þtÂçŒf VuhVth - Verbal alteration kitchen garden þt{f - Anodyne þtftnthe - Vegetarian þth - Bore þt¾ - Reputation; credit (2) Surname þth-rAÿ - Bore hole þt¾ r™Ätohý - Credit rating þthf - Borer; driller þt¾ …ºt - Letter of credit þthft{ - Drilling; boring þt¾ …ºt™e Ëð÷‚ - Credit card facility þthft{ fh™th - Borer þt¾ «{tý…ºt - Credit certificate þt¾ ðe{tu - Credit insurance þthft{ Rs™uh - Drilling Engineer þt¾{ÞtoŒt - Credit limit þthft{-Þkºt - Borer; boring machine; drilling machine 433

þthfqðtu þtkr‚{Þ þthfqðtu - Bore well þtËf - Ruler; governor þthze - Gimlet; drill; borer þtËf …ût - Party in power; ruling party þthze-Þkºt - Drilling machine þtËf ð„o - Governing class; ruling class þtherhf - Physical; manual (2)Corporal(L.) þtË™ - Governance; rule; ruling þtherhf y÷kfhý (ft.) - Personal adornment þtË™ fhðwk - Govern; rule þtherhf yË{Úto‚t - Physical incapacity/ þtË™ft¤ - Regime unability þtMºteÞ - Classical þtMºteÞ …Ør‚ - Classical method þtherhf ythtuøÞ - Physical health þtnòu„ [uf - Bearer cheque þtherhf Eò - Physical injury; bodily injury þtne[qË ft„¤ - Blotting paper þtherhf ft{ - Manual work þtneðtŒ - Imperialism þtherhf ¾tuz¾tk…ýðt¤wk - Physically þtneðtŒe - Imperialist þtnwfth - Banker; money-lender handicapped þtnuŒe - Evidence; testimony (2)Witness þtk‚ - Quiet; calm; silent; peaceful þtherhf ‚…tË - Physical examination þtk‚ …tzðwk - Pacify; conciliate þtherhf áÂüyu yÞtuøÞ - Physically unfit þtk‚ …týe - Slack/silent water þtherhf ÞtuøÞ‚t - Physical fitness þtkr‚ - Peace; silence þtherhf ÞtuøÞ‚t «{tý…ºt - Physical fitness þtkr‚ y™u Ë÷t{‚e - Peace and security ‘þtkr‚ ò¤ðtu’ rðM‚th - Silence Zone certificate þtkr‚ …k[ - Tribunal of peace þtkr‚ r{þ™ - Peace mission þtherhf rþûtt (ft.) - Corporal punishment þtkr‚ ËkrÄ - Treaty of peace þt÷uÞ rþûtý - Formal education þtkr‚ MÚtt…f - Peace-maker þt¤t Atuzðt™e ðÞ - School leaving age þtkr‚Œ¤ - Peace force þt¤t ðÞ - School age þtkr‚…rh»tŒ - Peace Conference þt¤t{kz¤ - School Board þt¤tk‚/þt¤t Atuzât™wk «{tý…ºt - School leaving certificate þtï‚ - Perpetual; eternal þtï‚/ftÞ{e W¥thtrÄfth - Perpetual succession þtï‚ ft¤ - Perpetuity; eternity þtï‚ ‚ƒŒe÷e - Transfer in perpetuity þtkr‚…qýo «r‚fth - Passive resistence þtï‚/ftÞ{e …xtu/¼tzt…xtu - Perpetual lease þtkr‚…qýo Ën-yÂM‚íð - Peaceful co-existence þtï‚/ftÞ{e ðtŠ»tfe - Perpetual annuity þtkr‚…qðof - Peaceably; peacefully; quietly þtï‚/ftÞ{e rn‚ - Perpetual interest þtkr‚¼ksf - Peace breaker þtï‚‚t - Perpetuity; eternity þtkr‚{Þ - Peaceful 434

þtkr‚{Þ Ë{tÄt™ rþûtt…tºt þtkr‚{Þ Ë{tÄt™ - Pacific settlement rþûtý rð¼t„/¾t‚wk - Education Department þtkr‚{kºtýt - Negotiation for peace rþûtýþt† - Science of education þtkr‚ {txu ¾‚htu - Threat of peace þtkr‚hûtf Œ¤ - Peace keeping force (2)Pedagogics þtkr‚ðtŒ - Pacifism þtkr‚ðtŒe (hts.) - Pacifist rþûtýþtMºte/rþûtýrðŒT - Educationalist/ þtkr‚Ëu™t - Peace force (2)Peace brigade rþfM‚ - Defeat Educationist rþfth - Hunt; game (2)Prey rþfth yrÄr™Þ{ - Game Act rþûtý Ë{t[th - Educational news rþfth …hðt™tu - Game licence rþûtý Ër{r‚ - Education Committee rþfth {txu …xt-nf - Sporting lease rþûtý Ë÷tnfth - Educational Adviser rþfth™e þh‚tu - Sporting terms rþûtý ËkƒkÄe - Educational; academic rþfthhûtf - Game-keeper; game-warden rþûtýËkMÚtt - Academic/Educational institution rþfthe - Huntsman; hunter rþûtý Ët{„úe - Teaching aids rþfthe fq‚htu - Sporting dog; hound rþûtý Ëuðt - Education service rþûtfð„o - Teaching staff rþûtý™wk {tæÞ{ - Medium of instruction rþûtý - Education rþûtý™wk ÷tufþtnefhý - Democratization of rþûtý ftÞo - Teaching work rþûtý r™Þt{f - Director of Education education rþûtý r™Þt{f™e f[uhe - Directorate of rþûtý™tu y™w¼ð yt…‚e þt¤t - Practising education school rþûtý r™heûtf - Educational Inspector rþûtý ™er‚ - Educational policy rþûtýtrÄfthe - Education Officer rþûtý Ve - Tuition fee rþûtýu‚h - Extra-curricular ‘rþûtý ƒŒ÷ y™ts’ ftÞo¢{ - ‘Food for rþûtt - Punishment; chastisement education’ programme (2)Education rþûtý {™turð¿tt™/{t™Ëþt† - Educational rþûtt n¤ðe fhðe ‚u - Mitigation of punishment rþûttí{f - Penal; punitive psychology rþûttí{f f…t‚ - Penal cut rþûttí{f fh - Punitive tax rþûtý {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Education rþûttí{f ftÞoðtne/…„÷wk - Penal action; penal rþûtý {kºte - Minister of Education rþûtý Þtus™t - Educational plan measure rþûttí{f ¾[o - Punitive cost rþûttí{f ¾kz - Penal clause; penalty clause rþûttí{f LÞtÞ - Punitive justice rþûttí{f ÔÞts - Penal interest rþûttí{f nfq{‚ - Penal jurisdiction rþûtt…tºt - Punishable 435

rþûtt{tkÚte ƒ[tððwk þe¾ððwk rþûtt{tkÚte ƒ[tððwk - Screen from punishment rþhtuðuŒ™t - Headache rþûttþt† - Penology rþ÷tLÞtË fhðtu/rþ÷thtu…ý fhðwk ‚u - Laying rþÂût‚ - Educated; literate rþÂût‚ ƒuhtus„the - Educated unemployment foundation stone rþÂût‚ ð„o - Educated class rþ¾h - Peak; apex; top; summit (2)Pinnacle rþ÷t{wÿf - Lithographer; litho printer rþ¾h …rh»tŒ - Summit conference rþ÷t÷u¾ - Rock inscription rþ¾h ƒìkf - Apex bank rþ÷tM‚k¼ - Obelisk rþ¾tW - Learner; apprentice; tiro; tyro; rþÕ…/rþÕ…f¤t - Sculpture rþÕ…fth/rþÕ…e - Sculptor novice rþÕ…„út{ - Craft village rþþw - Infant rþ¾tW ÷tEËLË/…hðt™tu - Learner’s licence rþþw fÕÞtý fuLÿ - Infant welfare centre rþ¾t{ý - Advice; counsel rþþw/ƒt¤ {]íÞw Œh - Infantile death rate; rþ¾t{ý yt…ðe - Advise; counsel rþrÚt÷ - Loose (2)Sluggish; slack infantile mortality rþrÚt÷ [trhºÞ - Loose character rþrÚt÷‚t - Lassitude; laxity; tardiness; rþþw/ƒt¤f ËkƒkÄe - Infantile rþþw„e‚ - Nursery rhyme slackness; lethargy rþþw{krŒh - Infant school; nursery school; rþrÚt÷‚t Œh - Tardiness rate nursery; kindergarten (K.G.) rþrƒh - Camp rþrƒh yrÄfthe - Camp Officer rþþwníÞt - Infanticide rþrƒhtÚteo - Camper rþü/ËkMfthe - Civilized; classical; cultured rþÞ¤ - Modesty; chastity rþü Sð™Ätuhý - Decent standard of life rþÞt¤w …tf - Winter crop rþü ¼t»tt - classical language rþÞt¤w h{‚tuíËð - Winter sports rþü‚t/rþüt[th - Decency; decorum; rþÞt¤w ˺t - Winter session rþhåAuŒ Þkºt - Guillotine etiquette rþhM‚tu - Custom; usage; convention; rþ»Þ - Disciple (2)Pupil; student practice; tradition rþ»Þð]Â¥t - Scholarship rþM‚ - Discipline rþht - Vein rþM‚ Ë¥tt yrÄfthe - Disciplinary Authority rþhtu®ƒŒw - Zenith rþM‚™tk …„÷tk - Disciplinary action rþhtu÷kƒ - Altitude rþM‚…t÷f - Disciplinarian rþhtuð† - Headcover; head-wear rþM‚…t÷™ - Maintenance of discipline ®þ„ - Pod; capsule þe¾ - Advice; counsel þe¾ððwk - Teach; instruct; train 436

þe½ú þuh ‚ƒŒe÷e þe½ú - Express; immediate; speedy; quick; þw¼uåAt ftzo - Greeting card swift; rapid; prompt þw¼uåAt ‚th - Greeting telegram þw¼uåAt r{þ™/Œq‚{kz¤ - Goodwill mission þe½ú x…t÷ Útu÷tu - Express mail bag þw¼uåAt {w÷tft‚ - Goodwill visit þe½ú x…t÷ Ëuðt - Speed post service þw¼uåAt ËkŒuþtu - Goodwill message þe½ú ‚th - Express telegram þw¼ú - White þe½ú …ºt - Express letter þw{th - Estimate; estimation; approximation þe½ú «ðtn - Rapid flow þw{thu - Approximately þe½ú ðnU[ýe - Express delivery þwÕf - Duty þe½ú nfŒtðtu - Prompt claim þwÕf…tºt {t÷ - Dutiable goods þe½úftÞo xwfze - Flying squad þwÕf{wõ‚ - Duty-free þe‚f - Cooler þw©q»tt - Attendance; after-care; nursing þe‚¤t - Small pox þw©q»tt „]n - Nursing home þe‚t„th - Cold storage þw»f - Arid; dry þe‚tu»ý - Lukewarm þw»f/Ëqfe ytƒtunðt - Dry climate þe»tof - Title; heading; caption þq™{q™/Ëq™{q™ - Stunned þe÷ - Modesty (2)Chastity þqLÞ - Zero (2)Nil þe÷¼k„ fhðtu - Outrage modesty þqLÞ ytÄtrh‚ ykŒts…ºt - Zero based Budget þwfðtõÞ - Catch-word þqLÞ ytÿo‚t Ëq[ftkf - Zero moisture index þwØ - Pure; refined þqLÞ fhŒt‚t fk…™e - Zero tax company þwØ fhðwk - Purify; refine þqLÞ ft¤ [[to - Zero hour debate þwØ fhtÞt rð™t™wk - Unrefined þqLÞ ƒuhtus„the - Zero unemployment þwØ ƒwÂØ - Good faith; bonafide þqLÞ ƒuhtus„the rsÕ÷tu - Zero unemployment þØw ƒÂw Ø…ðq fo ™kw - Bonafide; in good faith; sincerly þwØ‚t - Purity district þwÂØ…ºt - Errata; corrigendum þqLÞ{™Mf - Absent-minded þwÂØ…ºt ft…÷e - Errata slip þqLÞtðftþ - Vacuum þwØefhý - Purification þ]k¾÷t - Chain; series þwØefhý r¢Þt - Refinement þu¾e¾tuh - Boaster; braggart; vaunter þw¼ ytþÞ - Bonafides; bonafide intention; þu‚hkS - Carpet good faith þu‚hkSft{ r™»ýt‚ - Carpet Master þw¼uåAf - Well-wisher þuh ¾t‚tðne - Share ledger þw¼uåAt - Goodwill; good wishes (2)Greeting þuh ‚ƒŒe÷e - Share transfer 437

þuht îtht ‚ƒŒe÷e…tºt þiûtrýf hurzÞtu Mxuþ™ þuht îtht ‚ƒŒe÷e…tºt - Transferable by þuhtu™e ÞtŒe - Share list endorsement þuhtu™wk …uxt-rð¼ts™ - Sub-division of shares þuðt¤ - Algae; moss þuh «{tý…ºt - Share certificate þuðt¤rð¿tt™ - Algology þuh Vt¤ðýe - Share allotment þuh ƒòh - Share market þu»t - Residual (2)Remainder þuh {qze - Share capital þu»t ytðf - Residual income þuh {qze Vt¤tu - Share capital contribution þu»t ftÞo/ƒtfe ft{„ehe - Residual work þuh {qze rnËtƒ - Share capital account þu»t {qÕÞ - Residual value þuhze - Sugarcane þu»t ðrËÞ‚Œth - Residuary legatee þuhze Wí…tŒf {kz¤e - Sugarcane Growers’ þu»t Ë¥ttytu - Residuary powers þiûtrýf - Academic; educational; scholastic Society þiûtrýf y™w¼ð - Educational experience þiûtrýf WÆuþ - Educational objective þuhze W…fh yrÄfthe - Sugarcane Cess Officer þiûtrýf f{o[theð„o - Teaching staff þuhze rðftË yrÄfthe - Sugarcane þiûtrýf fËtuxe - Scholastic test þiûtrýf fthrfŒeo - Educational career Development Officer þiûtrýf ftÞo - Academic work; educational þuhze™e ¾u‚e - Sugarcane cultivation work þuhze™wk ftu÷wk - Sugarcane crusher þuhze™wk ðtðu‚h - Sugarcane cultivation þiûtrýf r[rfíËt - Educational therapy þuhŒ÷t÷ - Share broker; stock broker þiûtrýf ™er‚þt† - Educational ethics þuhÄthf - Share holder þiûtrýf …ht{þof/Ë÷tnfth - Educational þuhÄthf fk…™e - Share holding company þuh…ºt - Scrip consultant þuh…ºt ÷t¼tkþ - Scrip dividend þuhƒòh - Stock exchange; stock market þiûtrýf …tïo¼qr{ft - Educational background þuhðnU[ýe ÞtŒe - Share distribution list þiûtrýf «[th - Educational publicity þuhe - Lane; street þiûtrýf «Þtus™ - Educational motive þuhe™e Œeðtƒ¥te - Street light þiûtrýf rVÕ{ - Educational film þuhe{tk …ÚÚth szðt ‚u - Stone paving of streets þiûtrýf {™turð¿tt™ - Educational psychology þuhtu - Endorsement (2)Remarks þiûtrýf {t„oŒþo™ - Educational guidance þuhtu {thðtu - Endorse; indorse þiûtrýf {tusýe - Educational survey þuhtu {thu÷ [uf - Endorsed cheque þiûtrýf hurzÞtu «Ëthý - Educational þuhtu {thu÷ ƒkÄýe ¾‚ - Indorsed bond broadcasting þuhtu/Ëne fh™th - Endorser/Indorser þiûtrýf hurzÞtu Mxuþ™ - Educational radio station 438

þiûtrýf ÷tÞft‚ ©{ „r‚þe÷‚t þiûtrýf ÷tÞft‚ - Academic qualifications; þtuhƒftuh - Pandemonium (2)Uproar; tumult; educational qualifications commotion þiûtrýf ð»to - Academic year þtu»tf - Absorbent (2)Exploiter þiûtrýf ðneðx - Educational administration þtu»tfqðtu - Soak well þiûtrýf rðftË - Educational development þtu»t¾tztu - Soak pit þiûtrýf rðM‚hý - Educational extension þtu»tý - Exploitation; sweating (2)Absorption þiûtrýf ð]ÂØ - Educational growth þtu»tý «Útt - Sweating system þiûtrýf ËntÞ - Educational aid þtu»tðwk - Absorb; suck (2)Exploit (3)Suffer þiûtrýf ËkMÚtt - Educational institute þtur»t‚ {sqh - Sweated labour þiûtrýf ËwÄtht - Educational reforms þti[t÷Þ - Toilet; lavatory; privy; latrine þiûtrýf Mðt‚kºÞ - Academic liberty þtiÞo - Gallantry; bravery; valour þiûtrýf MðtÞ¥t‚t - Academic autonomy þtiÞo/ƒntŒwhe …trh‚tur»tf - Gallantry award þi÷e - Style (2)Manner; method ~Þt{-ïu‚ - Black and white þiþð - Infancy ©Øt - Faith; trust; reliance þtuf - Mourning ©Øtksr÷ - Tribute; homage þtuf «M‚tð - Motion of condolence ©ØuÞ - Reverend; venerable þtuf˼t - Condolence meeting ©{ - Labour þtu¾ - Fondness; interest ©{ yŒt÷‚ - Labour Court þtu¾™tu rð»tÞ/þtu¾«ð]Â¥t - Hobby ©{ yrÄfthe - Labour Officer þtuÄ - Detection; quest; search (2)Discovery; ©{ y™u htus„th - Labour and employment exploration (3)Invention ©{ y™u htus„th rð¼t„ - Labour and þtuÄ ‚…tË - Investigation Employment Department þtuÄ r™ƒkÄ - Dissertation ©{ yÚtoþt† - Labour economics þtuÄ «ƒkÄ - Treatise ©{ ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Labour þtuÄ «tuíËtn™ {kz¤ - Invention Promotion ©{ Wí…tŒf‚t - Labour productivity Board ©{ Wí…tŒ™ „wýtu¥th - Labour output ratio ©{ fhth - Labour agreement/contract þtuÄe ftZðwk - Detect; discover; find ©{ f÷tf - Labour hours; man hours þtuÄe þftÞ ‚uðwk - Traceable ©{ f÷tf …Ør‚ - Man-hour method þtu¼t - Decoration; embellishment; beauty; ©{ ft{Œth - Manual worker; labour ©{ ftÞto÷Þ - Bureau of labour prestige ©{ „r‚þe÷‚t - Mobility of labour þtu¼t™t Atuz - Ornamental plants; decorative plants þtu¼tÞtºtt - Procession 439

©{ r™ðuþ Ër¢Þ Ënt™w¼qr‚ ©{ r™ðuþ - Labour input ©uýeƒØ - In series; seriate ©{ ƒ[tð ËtÄ™/W…tÞ - Labour saving device ©uÞ - Credit (2)Welfare ©{ {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Labour ©uc - Excellent; outstanding; best ©{ {kºte - Minister of Labour ©uc f]r‚/h[™t - Masterpiece ©{ rðÄt™ - Labour legislation ©uc‚t - Excellence ©{ rð¼ts™ - Division of labour ©tu‚t/©tu‚t„ý - Audience; listener; hearer ©{ ÔÞðMÚtt - Labour arrangements &÷t½t - Praise; commendation ©{ rþrƒh - Labour camp ïtË - Breath; respiration ©{ Ëkrn‚t - Labour Code ïu‚ fwc - Leucoderma ©{/{sqhe™wk «{tý - Labour content ïu‚…ºt - White paper ©{ftÞo - Manual work; labour work ©{Sðe - Labourer »k ©{Sðe ð„o - Proletarian class; proletariate; »txTftuý - Hexagon labour class ©{«Ät™ Wãtu„ - Labour intensive industry »tzâkºt - Conspiracy; racket; plot; intrigue ©{«Ät™ ft{ - Labour intensive work »tzâkºt h[™th - Machinator; conspirator ©{«Ät™ ‚fr™f - Labour intensive technique; »tzâkºt h[ðwk - Machinate; conspire; plot labour oriented technique ©{«Ät™ «ð]Â¥tytu - Labour oriented activities Mk ©{«Ät™ «tiãtur„fe - Labour intensive technology ©{«Ät™ Þtus™t - Labour intensive scheme Ëf(-¬)hxuxe - Muskmelon ©{{q÷f r™rðü/Wí…tŒf Ët{„úe - Labour input Ëf{of r¢Þt…Œ - Transitive verb ©{þÂõ‚ - Labour power Ër¢Þ - Active; busy ©{ËtæÞ - Arduous; laborious; strenuous Ër¢Þ s{e™¾t‚wk - Operational holding ©{/{sqh rŒ™ - Labour Day Ër¢Þ ƒ™tððwk - Activate ©r{‚ - Tired; exhausted; weary Ër¢Þ ¼t„eŒth - Active partner; working ©ðýËntÞf ËtÄ™ - Hearing aid partner ©tÔÞ - Audio Ër¢Þ hË - Active interest ©e{k‚ - Rich; wealthy Ër¢Þ ð÷ý - Active tendency ©w‚÷u¾™ - Dictation Ër¢Þ rð[thýt - Active consideration ©wr‚ rð¿tt™ - Acoustics Ër¢Þ Ënt™w¼qr‚ - Active sympathy ©uýe - Series; serial (2)Line; row (3)Level Ër¢Þ Ëuðt - Active service 440

Ër¢Þ Ëuðt ˽™ ‚t÷e{ Ëût{ - Competent; capable; able Ë„…ý - Relation; relationship (2)Betrothal Ëût{ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Competent Authority Ë„¼to - Pregnant ˾‚ - Severe; drastic; rigorous; strict Ë„¼toðMÚtt - Pregnancy (2)Hard; firm; strong Ë„ðz - Facility; convenience Ë„ðz fhe yt…ðe - Facilitate ˾‚ ftÞoðtne - Strong/strict/severe measures Ë„tðtŒ - Nepotism ˾‚ ftkfhe - Hard gravel Ë„tkËkƒkÄe - Kith and kin ˾‚ fuŒ - Rigorous imprisonment Ë„eh - Minor ˾‚ X…ftu yt…ðtu - Reprimand; censure Ë„eh ƒt¤ftu™wk fÕÞtý - Minor’s welfare ˾‚ Œw¾tðtu - Acute pain; severe pain Ë„eh ÔÞÂõ‚ îtht {‚Œt™ - Urchin voting ˾‚ …rh©{/{sqhe - Hard labour Ë„eh…ýkw - Minority ˾‚ …nuht nuX¤™tu fuŒe - Close prisoner Ë„ehðÞ (ft.) - Non-age; minor age ˾‚ …týe - Hard water Ë„wk - Kindred; relative; kinsman ˾‚ «ÞtË - Strenuous effort Ë„tuºt - Collateral; cognate ˾‚ {hrzÞtu - Hard gravel Ë„tuºt rððtn - Endogamy ˾‚/fXý ÷tfzwk - Hard wood ˽™ - Compact; intensive (2)Compressed; ˾‚ ðtŒrððtŒ - Acrimonious debate; hot solid discussion ˽™ y™u ÔÞt…f f]r»t - Intensive and extensive ˾‚/W„ú rðhtuÄ - Stiff opposition; strong cultivation opposition ˽™ yÇÞtË - Intensive study ˾‚tE - Stringency; severity; strictness ˽™ yÇÞtË¢{ - Intensive course ˾tð‚ - Charity ˽™ f]r»t - Intensive agriculture; intensive ˾tð‚ ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Charity ˾tð‚ ‚kºt - Charity Organization cultivation; intensive farming ˾tð‚e - Charitable ˽™ f]r»t rðM‚th ftÞo¢{ - Intensive ˾tð‚e y™wŒt™ - Charitable grant Agricultural Area Programme (I.A.A.P.) ˾tð‚e Œt™ - Charitable donation ˾tð‚e Œuý„e - Charitable endowment ˽™ ½uxtk rðftË ½xf - Intensive Sheep ˾tð‚e LÞtË - Charitable trust; charity trust ˾tð‚e r{÷f‚ - Charity property Development Block ËÏ‚tE - Coercion ËÏ‚e/ËÏ‚tE™tk …„÷tk - Coercive measures ˽™ [[to fhe r™htfhý ÷tððwk - Talk out Ë„z - Information ˽™ [[to˺t - Brainstorming session ˽™ Íwkƒuþ - Intensive drive; all out drive ˽™ ‚…tË ftÞoðtne - Mopping up operation ˽™ ‚t÷e{ - Intensive training ˽™ …þw rðftË …rhÞtus™t - Intensive Cattle 441

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