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Home Explore gutarati to english

gutarati to english

Published by Dhaval Kataria, 2022-05-25 15:41:55

Description: gutarati to english


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…¾ðtrzÞt{tk yuf ðth …At‚ ð„o …¾ðtrzÞwk - Fortnight …„th Ätuhýtu™wk ËwÞtus™ - Rationalization of …¾t÷e - Water carrier pay-scale …„ {qfðt™wk …trxÞwk - Foot-rest …„rÚtÞwk - Step …„th r™Þ‚/™¬e fhðtu ‚u - Fixation of pay …„Úte/…„hM‚tu - Walk-way; footpath; …„th …ºtf - Pay roll …„th-«{tý…ºt - Pay certificate foottrack; foot-road …„th rƒ÷ - Pay bill; salary bill …„Úte y™u …„uhwk - Tracks and trails …„th {t¤¾wk - Pay structure …„Úte™e Äth - Kerb; edge …„th {u¤ð‚tu f{o[the - Paid employee …„Œkze - Path-way; track …„th ËtÚtu™e hò - Leave with pay …„™tu ÷fðtu - Paraplegia …„th ËtÚtu™e ÷tkƒe hò - Vacation with pay …„…t¤t s™th ÔÞÂõ‚/htnŒthe/…„…t¤wk - …„th rnËtƒ - Salaries account; pay account Pedestrian …„thŒth - Salaried …„thŒth yrÄfthe - Salaried Officer …„…t¤wk …Þox™ - Hiking …„thŒth f{o[the - Salaried Employee …„…uËthtu - Getting a foothold; entry …„thŒth/ðu‚™Œth ð„o - Salaried class …„÷tk-r™»ýt‚ - Footprints expert …„th™e VuhXhtðýe - Refixation of pay …„÷tk ÷uðtk - Take actions; take measures; take …„th™wk Ë{Þ-Ätuhý - Time-scale of pay …„th…k[/ytÞtu„ - Pay Commission steps …„e - Tracker; tracer of footprint (2)Watchman …„uhwk - Trail; track …„÷tk Ër{r‚ - Action Committee …„uhwk þtuÄ™th - Tracker; footprint tracer …„÷t™wk r™þt™ - Footprint …„uhwk þtuÄðwk - Trace; track …„÷wk - Step (2)Foot print (3)Measure; action …[hk„e - Multicoloured …„÷qArýÞwk - Doormat …[hk„e þnuh - Cosmopolitan city …„th - Pay (2)Salary …[tððwk - Digest (2)Grasp thoroughly …„th y™u ¼ÚÚttk - Pay and allowances …„th y™u rnËtƒ yrÄfthe - Pay and Accounts (3)Imbibe; assimilate Officer …[tðe …tzðwk - Usurp; grab …At‚ - Backward …„th ft…÷e - Pay slip …At‚ ytrŒòr‚ - Backward tribe …„th [wfðýe …ºtf - Salary payment register …At‚ ¿ttr‚ - Backward caste …„th Xhtðýe - Pay fixation …At‚ ð„o - Backward class …„th-rŒðË - Pay day …At‚ ð„o fÕÞtý - Backward class welfare …„th Ätuhý - Pay scale; scale of pay …„th Ätuhý Ÿ[wk ÷tððwk ‚u - Upgradation of pay scale …„th Ätuhý™e ËwÄthýt - Revision of pay-scale 242

…At‚ ð„o fÕÞtý …z½e …At‚ rðM‚th - Backward area …xu yt…ðwk - Lease; demise …At‚…ýt™tu ytkf - Index of backwardness …xu yt…e þftÞ ‚uðwk - Leasable …At‚…ýwk - Backwardness …xu yt…u÷ rðM‚th - Leased area …Ae‚ - Rear wall of building …xu Œu™th/yt…™th - Lessor …Ae™t …t™u ¾U[ðwk - Carry forward …xu ht¾u÷ {ft™ - Leasehold building …Ae™t Ë{Þ™wk - Posterior …xu ht¾u÷ r{÷f‚ - Leasehold property …Ae™e ‚the¾™wk - Postdated …xu ÷u™th/ht¾™th - Lessee …Ae™e ‚the¾™tu [uf - Postdated cheque …xuÚte Äthý fh™th - Leaseholder …Ae™wk - Next; later (2)Posterior …xuÚte Äthý fhu÷ - Leasehold …Ae™tu „ehtuŒth - Posterior mortgagee …xuÚte Äthý fhu÷ „ehtu - Leasehold mortgage …Ae™tu rŒðË - Following day …xuÚte …h‚ {u¤ððwk - Lease back …Ae™tu/…tA¤™tu ËkŒ¼o - Later reference …xuŒth - Leaseholder …sðýe - Harassment; annoyance; vexation …xtu - Lease …sððwk - Harass; annoy; vex …èe - Batten; bar of wood (2)Tape; tab; strip …xr[ºt - Ekotaba; scroll painting …èe ƒ™tððe - Tape making …xt fhth - Lease agreement …èe ðtðýe - Strip-sowing …xt ¾‚ - Lease deed …èe ËtkÄtu - Fished joint …xt „ýtur‚Þtu - Leasehold tenant …èeŒth ¾u‚e - Strip cropping/farming …xt „ehtu - Leasehold mortagage …ètu - Belt; strap …xt îtht ‚ƒŒe÷e…tºt - Transferable by lease …z - Layer; substratum; stratum; strata (2)Fold …xt™t{wk - Lease deed …z [Ztððwk - Lamination …xt …Ør‚ - Leasehold system …z ƒ™ðtk/…zh[™t - Lamination …xt ¼tzq‚ - Leasehold tenant …z ð¤ðt - Foliation …xt nf - Leasehold right …z ¾ðtý - Exfoliation …xt ËtU…ýe - Surrender of lease …zfth - Challenge (2)Defiance …xt™e {wŒ‚ - Lease period …zfthðwk - Challenge …xt™e hf{ - Lease money …zfthe ™ þftÞ ‚uðe Ë¥tt - Unchallengeable …xt™wk rð¼ts™ - Severance of lease …xt™tu «r‚÷u¾ - Counterpart of a lease power …xtðt¤tðne - Peon book …xtðt¤tu - Peon …z¾wk - Side …xeÞ Ätuðtý - Sheet erosion …z¾u™wk - Adjacent; adjoining; by the side of …z½e - Base stone …z½tu - Echo 243

…z½tu …ºtfth/y¾ƒthe …rh»tŒ …zAtÞtu - Shadow …‚ððwk/…‚tððwk - Settle (2)Resolve (3)Dispose of …z‚h-®f{‚ - Cost price …‚tft - Ensign; small flag …z‚h-®f{‚ ™¬e fhðe ‚u - Costing …‚tðx ¾‚ - Composition deed …z‚h-®f{‚ ÷t¼ rð&÷u»tý - Cost benefit …‚tðx/…‚ðýe - Settlement; composition; analysis disposal …z‚h-®f{‚ rnËtƒ - Cost accounts …‚tðxðt¤e s{e™ - Settled land …z‚h-®f{‚ rnËtƒ yrÄfthe - Cost Accounts …‚tðxðt¤e Ëk…Â¥t - Settled property Officer …‚tðu÷ rnËtƒtu - Settled accounts …‚es - Trust …z‚h fuË - Await case; pending case …¥twk - Letter card (2)Leaf (3)Card (4)Playing …z‚h ¾[o ™¬e fhðwk ‚u - Costing …z‚h ¾[o rnËtƒ …Ør‚ - Cost accounting card …z‚h s{e™ - Fallow land; waste land …z‚e - Decadence; downfall; fall; decline …¥ttu - Whereabouts (2)Address (3)Information …zŒt Œeðt÷ - Panel wall …¥ttu {u¤ððtu/÷„tzðtu - Locate; track down; …zŒe - Partition wall …zŒtu - Screen; curtain find out; trace out …z¼ª‚ - Buttress …zðt¤wk ÷tfzwk - Ply wood …ºt - Letter (2)Leaf (3)Sheet …zt¤e - Corridor …ºt ftzo - Letter card …ztð - Camp; encampment …ºt x…t÷ - Letter mail …ztð ¼qr{ - Camping ground …ºt ‚th - Letter telegram …ztðe ÷uðwk - Extort; exact (2)Snatch; seize …ºt …uxe - Letter box …zefwk - Packet …ºt rƒ÷ - Letter bill …ztuþ™wk - Contiguous; neighbouring …ºt ÔÞðnth™e «ýt÷e - Channel of …ztuþ™tu «Œuþ/{w÷f - Contiguous territory; correspondence neighbouring country …ºtf - Statement (2)Register (3)Proforma …ztuþnf - Easement …ºtf …h - On roll …ztuþnf suðtu yrÄfth - Quasi-easement …ºtf™tu ™{q™tu - Specimen form …ztuþnf™tu ÷tu… - Extinguishment of easement …ºtf{tk W‚the ÷eÄu÷wk - Transcribed in the …ztuþe Œuþ - Neighbouring country …‚™ - Fall; decline; downfall; decadence register …‚hwk - Tin; sheet …ºtfrnËtƒ - Proforma account …ºtfth - Newsman; journalist; pressman …ºtfth fthrfŒeo - Journalistic career …ºtfth Œe½to - Press gallery …ºtfth/y¾ƒthe …rh»tŒ - Press conference …ºtfth «ðtË - Journalists tour 244

…ºtfth «ðtË …ŒtÚto …ºtfth Ëk½/{kz¤ - Press Association …Œ „úný fhðwk - Accede …ºtfthíð - Journalism …Œ Äthý fhðwk/Ëk¼t¤ðwk - Assumption of office …ºtr{ºt - Pen friend …Œ …qðtorÄfthe - Predecessor in office …ºtðne - Letter-book …Œ/ntuÆt™e «ðh‚t - Seniority of rank …ºtÔÞðnth - Correspondence …Œ Vhe „úný fhðwk - Resume office …ºtÔÞðnth yÇÞtË¢{ - Correspondence course …Œ Mðefth - Acceptance of office …ºtÔÞðnth fhðtu - Correspond Œf - Medal …ºtÔÞðnth fthfw™ - Correspondence Clerk …Œ¢{ yt÷u¾ (f{o[theð„o™tu) - Organogram …ºtÔÞðnth ¾[o - Correspondence charge …Œ„úný - Accession to office …ºtÔÞðnth …ºtf - Correspondence register …ŒåÞwr‚ - Degradation …ºtÔÞðnth þt¾t - Correspondence branch …ŒÄthý - Incumbancy …rºtft - Leaflet; pamphlet; handbill …ŒÄthý yt÷u¾ - Incumbancy chart …Út - Way; road; path …ŒÄthýft¤ - Incumbency period …ÚtŒþof - Guide; path finder; pioneer …ŒÄthe - Incumbent …ÚtŒþof „tze - Pilot car …Œ™t{ - Designation …ÚtŒþof Þtus™tytu - Pioneering schemes …Œ™t{ yt…ðwk - Designate …Útht¤ - Rocky …Œ™tr{‚ - Designated …Útht¤ {txe - Rocky soil …Œ™tr{‚ yæÞût - Speaker designated …Útthe - Bed; bedding (2)Berth …Œ™e áÂüyu Wå[/[rZÞt‚wk - Superior in rank …ÚÚth - Stone …Œ™e {wŒ‚ - Term of office …ÚÚth [ý‚h yM‚h - Stone masonary lining …Œ«tÂó/…Œthtuný - Accession; accession to …ÚÚth szðt (‚f.) - Pitching office …ÚÚth ƒ™ðt™e «r¢Þt - Petrification …ÚÚth™e ¾tý - Quarry …Œðe - Degree …ÚÚthƒtS - Stone throwing; lapidation …Œðe …heûtt - Degree examination …ÚÚtrhÞtu ftu÷Ëtu - Steam coal …Œðe ÷E ÷uðe - Disentitle …ÚÞ ytnth - Diet …ŒðeŒt™ Ë{thk¼ - Convocation …ÚÞt…ÚÞ - Regime; regimen …ŒðeÄthe - Degree holder …Œ - Rank; office; post; position; designation …ŒtrÄfthe - Office-holder; office-bearer; (2)Foot functionary …Œ y™w„t{e - Successor in office …Œt™w„t{e Útðwk - Succeed to the position/office …Œ ¾t÷e ntuðwk - Vacancy in office …ŒtÚto - Material; matter; substance; object …ŒtÚto…tX - Lesson 245

…ŒtÚto…tX …hðt™„e/Aqx y…tÞ yuðwk …ŒtÚtorð¿tt™ - Physics …hSðe™tþf - Parasiticide …ŒtÚtorð¿tt™e - Physicist …hSðerð¿tt™ - Parasitology …ŒtðrÄ - Tenure of office …hSðerð¿tt™e - Parasitologist …Ør‚ - Method; system …hXý - Dowry …Ør‚rð¿tt™ - Methodology …h‚ fhu÷e hf{ - Refund …Ør‚Ëh - Systematic …h‚ [wfðýe - Repayment …Ør‚Ëh yÇÞtË - Systematic study …h‚ [qfððt™e …uþ„e - Repayable advance …Ør‚Ëh ft{„ehe - Systematic work …h‚ [qfððt™wk Út‚wk - Repayable …Ør‚Ëh ‚…tË - Systematic investigation …h‚ [qfððwk - Repay …Ør‚Ëh VuhVth - Systematic mutation …h‚-ðuhtu (ðtrý.) - Drawback …™eh - Cheese …hŒuþ - Abroad; foreign country …h¾ - Test; examination; screening …hŒuþe/rðŒuþe - Foreigner; outsider; exotic …h¾ Ër{r‚ - Screening Committee …hŒuþ™wk - Foreign …h[qhý - Miscellaneous (2)Coins of lower …h™t¤ - Conduit; aquaduct; water pipe denomination …hƒerzÞwk - Envelope; cover …h{ ytŒuþ - Writ of Mandamus …h[qhý y™u yýÄtÞwO ¾[o - Miscellaneous and …h{ „tu…™eÞ/„wó - Top secret …h{ Ë¥tt - Absolute authority; imperium unforeseen expenditure …h{týwþ† ™tƒqŒ - Denuclearisation/ …h[qhý/Aqxf ft{ - Miscellaneous work; odd Denuclearization jobs; job work …h{trÄfth - Prerogative …h{trÄfth yŒt÷‚ - Prerogative Court …h[qhý ¾[o - Miscellaneous expenditure; …h{trÄfth rhx - Prerogative writ …h{tuíf]ü - Par excellence; paramount sundry charges …hðz‚wk/…tu»týût{ ¼tzwk - Economic rent/fare …hð÷rÞf ytzƒkÄ - Parabolic weir …h[qhý [esðM‚wytu - Petty articles …hðþ‚t - Dependence …h[qhý {ht{‚ - Petty repairs …hðt™„e - Permission …h[qhý {t÷ - Sundry goods …h[qhý hò - Casual leave …h[qhý htufz - Petty cash …h[qhý htufzðne - Petty cash book …h[qhý ÷tu™ y™u …uþ„eytu - Miscellaneous loans and advances …hSðe/…htu…Sðe - Parasite …hðt™„e rð™t „hu ntshe - Absence without leave …hSðe Atuz - Parasitic plant …hðt™„e/Aqx y…tÞ yuðwk - Permissive; …hSðe sk‚w - Parasitic worm permissible …hSðe {q¤ - Parasitic root …hðt™„eŒth/…hðt™„e…ºt Ähtð™th - Permit 246 holder

…hðt™„eŒth/…hðt™„e…ºt Ähtð™th …htÄe™ …hðt™„e…ºt/{ksqhe…ºt - Clearance certificate; …hM…h/yLÞtuLÞ/yhË…hË ÔÞðnth - permit Reciprocality …hðt™„e…ºt …Ør‚ - Permit system …hM…h Ëkf¤tÞu÷ …rhÞtus™tytu - Inter-related …hðt™„e…ºt Ve - Permit fee projects …hðt™„e…tºt - Permissible …hðt™„e…tºt/„útÌt/MðeftÞo {ÞtoŒt - Permissible …hM…h Ëk[th/Ëk…fo - Inter communication …hM…h ËkƒkÄ - Inter-relation; mutual relation limit …hM…h ËkƒØ/Ëkf¤tÞu÷ ftÞo¢{ - Inter-related …hðt™„e«tó „ehtu - Permitted mortgage programme …hðt™t ™er‚ - Licensing policy …hðt™t Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Licensing Authority …hM…h Ëk{r‚ - Mutual consent …hðt™tŒth - Licensee; licence holder …hM…htð÷kƒ™ - Inter-dependence …hðt™tŒth ðu…the - Licensed dealer …hk‚wf - Proviso …hðt™t{wõ‚ fhðwk - Delicense …hk…ht - Tradition; convention; custom …hðt™tu - Licence …hk…ht„‚ - Traditional; conventional; …hðt¤t ¾zf - Coral rock …hðt¤t xt…w/«ðt÷îe… - Coral island customary …hðt¤t™wk ftu‚h - Corallite …hðt¤wk/«ðt÷ - Coral …hk…ht„‚ Qòo - Conventional energy …hk…ht„‚ ftÞŒtu - Traditional law …hk…ht„‚ fthe„h - Traditional craftsman; traditional artisan …hk…ht„‚ fwrxh y™u „]nWãtu„tu - Traditional …hþw - Halberd; hatchet; axe cottage and household industries …hËt¤ - Corridor …hk…ht„‚ sYrhÞt‚tu - Conventional necessities …hËuðtu - Perspiration; sweat …hk…ht„‚ Äztu - Customary tare …hM…h - Reciprocal; inter-se; mutual …hk…ht„‚ ¼tu„ðxtu - Prescription …hM…h ytŒt™-«Œt™ fhðwk - Reciprocate …hk…ht÷ûte Ë{ts - Tradition-oriented society …hM…h fhth/Ë{sq‚e - Mutual agreement …hk…htðtŒ - Traditionalism …hM…h r¢Þt - Interaction …hk…htrðhtuÄe - Nonconformist …hM…h Sð™ ðe{tu - Mutual life insurance …htE ÔÞÂõ‚ - Stranger; outsider …hM…h/…thM…rhf «ðh‚t - Inter-se seniority …htftct - Climax; extremity; peak; apex …hM…h rðr™{Þ - Mutual exchange …ht¢{ - Prowess; valour …hM…h rðhtuÄ - Incompatibility …htsÞ - Defeat; overthrow; discomfiture …hM…h rðhtuÄe - Incompatible …htrs‚ þºtw - Subdued enemy …hM…h rðhtuÄe Œtðtu - Interpleader suit …htÄe™ - Dependent; subjection; alieni juris …hM…h ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ËkƒkÄ - Inter-personal …htÄe™ s™‚t - Subjugated population relation …htÄe™‚t - Dependence; subjection 247

…htÄe™ s™‚t …rh…õð ¼qr{ …ht{þo - Consultation …rh[h - Attendant …ht{þo yrÄfthe - Consultative Officer …rh[Þto - Nursing …ht{þo ¾[o - Consultancy expenditure …rh[Þto„]n - Nursing home …ht{þo …rh»tŒ - Advisory Council …rh[ÞtoËuðt - Nursing service …ht{þo Ve - Consultation fees …rh[tÞf - Introductory; indicative; illustrative …ht{þo Ër{r‚ - Advisory Committee; …rh[thf - Male nurse …rh[trhft - Nurse Consultation Committee …rhr[‚ - Acquainted; familiar; known …rhr[‚ fhðkw - Familiarize …ht{þo Ëuðt - Consultation service …rhr[‚ fhtððwk - Introduce …ht{þo Ëuðt Ë{wå[Þ - Package of consultancy …rhåAuŒ - Paragraph (2)Section …rhýr‚ - Consummation; culmination; services transformation …ht{þo nfq{‚ - Advisory jurisdiction …ht{þof/…ht{þeo - Adviser/Advisor; …rhýt{ - Result; outcome; cousequence …rhýt{Y… - Consequent; resultant; counsellor; consultant consequential …ht{þof {kz¤ - Advisory Board …ht{þeo Rs™uh - Consulting Engineer …rhýt{Y… ¾tux - Consequential loss …ht{þeo r[rfíËf - Consulting Physician …rhýt{Y… VuhVth - Consequent change …ht{þeo {tusýeŒth - Consulting Surveyor …rhýt{MðY… - Resultant; consequential …ht{þeo MÚt…r‚ - Consulting Architect …rhýt{e yËh - Resultant/consequential effect …htð÷kƒe - Hanger-on; dependent …rh‚t… - Mental agony/torment; anguish …rhfÂÕ…‚ ytŒþo/™{q™tu - Conceptual model …rhíÞt„ - Renunciation; relinquishment …rhûtuºt - Zone; zoning …rhŒþof - Periscope …rhûtuºteÞ …rh»tŒ - Zonal Council …rhrÄ - Perimeter; round …rh½ - Circumference; periphery …rh…õð - Mature; seasoned …rh½hu¾t - Contour …rh…õð nfŒtðt - Matured claim …rh[Þ - Introduction; acquaintance …rh…õð Útðt {txu™tu/…rh…õð‚t „t¤tu - Gestation …rh[Þ yt…ðtu/fhtððtu - Introduce …rh[Þ …ºt - Letter of introduction; period (2)Maturity period credentials …rh…õð Útðwk - Mature; ripe …rh…õð ¼qr{ - Mature soil …rh[Þ/{w÷tft‚ ftzo - Visiting card …rh…ºt - Circular …rh[Þtí{f - Introductory …rh…ºt-™tUÄ - Circular note …rh[Þtí{f WÕ÷u¾/ËkŒ¼o/r™Œuoþ - Introductory reference 248

…rh…ºt …rhðn™ y™w¼t„ …rh…ºt-Ëk„ún - Book circular …rhÞtus™t {qÕÞtkf™/{w÷ðýe - Project …rh…ºt nwf{/ytŒuþ - Circular order evaluation; project appraisal …rh…rºt‚ fhðwk - Circulate …rh…Út - Circuit …rhÞtus™t™e yËhfthf‚t - Project …rh…tf - Result; outcome …rh…txe - Method; manner (2)Style effectiveness; project efficacy (3)Tradition …rhÞtus™t™e ft{„ehe - Project performance …rhÞtus™t™e ftÞoût{‚t - Project efficiency …rh…qýo - Perfect; complete …rhÞtus™t™e Y…hu¾t - Project profile …rh…qýo‚t - Perfection (2)Outline of project …rhÞtus™t™wk MÚt¤-r™Ätohý - Location of the project …rh«uûÞ - Perspective; vista …rhÞtus™t™tu rðM‚th - Area of the project …rhƒ¤ - Factor …rhÞturs‚ rðftË - Projected development; …rh¼t»tt - Terminology; technical terms planned development …rh¼ú{ý - Rotation; wandering about …rhhÂût‚ ytnth - Preserved food …rh{tý - Measure; dimenstion; size; volume; …rhð‚o™ - Change; transformation magnitude; quantum …rhð‚o™ ftuXtu - Conversion table …rh{tý ËkƒkÄe r™Þkºtý - Quantitative …rhð‚o™ût{/…rhð‚o™þe÷ - Convertible; restriction flexible; changeable …rh{týtí{f - Quantitative …rhð‚o™ût{/Y…tk‚hût{ ¾‚…ºt - Convertible …rhr{‚ - Limited; confined bond …rhr{r‚ - Perimeter …rhð‚o™ût{/Y…tk‚hût{ [÷ý - Convertible …rhÞtus™t - Project currency …rhÞtus™t yrÄfthe - Project Officer …rhÞtus™t ynuðt÷ - Project report …rhð‚o™ût{‚t - Flexibility; convertibility …rhÞtus™t ykŒts - Project estimate …rhð‚o™ Útðwk - Undergo change …rhÞtus™t Wí…tŒf Ët{„úe - Project inputs …rhð‚o™þe÷ Þtus™t - Rolling plan …rhð‚o™þe÷‚t - Variability; flexibility; …rhÞtus™t r™Þt{f - Project Director convertibility …rhÞtus™t r™{toý y™u Œu¾hu¾-r™Þkºtý yuf{ - …rhðŠ‚‚/Y…tk‚rh‚ ƒtu™Ë - Commuted bonus Project Formulation and Monitoring Cell …rhðÄof - Amplifier …rhÞtus™t …Ør‚ - Project method …rhðÄo™ - Amplification; enlargement …rhÞtus™t …rhýt{ - Project result …rhðn™ - Transport; transportation …rhÞtus™t …Þtoðhý - Project environment …rhðn™ y™w¼t„ - Transport section …rhÞtus™t «r¢Þt - Project process …rhðn™ yusLx - Transporting agent …rhÞtus™t «ð]Â¥tytu - Project activities …rhðn™ ¾[o - Transport charge; 249

…rhðn™ yusLx …heûttÚteo transportation cost; carriage charge …rhÂMÚtr‚-Ët™wfq¤ …rhÞtus™t - Eco-friendly …rhðn™ ‚kºt - Transport Authority project …rhðn™ r™Þt{f - Director of Transport …rhðn™ r™heûtf - Transportation Inspector …rhÂMÚtr‚÷ûte ynuðt÷ - Situation report …rhðn™ …Ør‚ - Transport system …rhÂMÚtr‚rð¿tt™rð»tÞf ð]ÂØ - Ecological …rhðn™ {txu™wk ðtn™ - Transport vehicle …rhðn™ Ëuðt - Transport service enhancement; ecological development …rhðn™ût{ - Transportable …rhðn™ût{‚t - Transportability …rhÂMÚtr‚rð¿tt™e - Ecologist …rhðth - Family; household …rhÂMÚtr‚rð»tÞf - Ecological …rhðth fÕÞtý - Family welfare …rhÂMÚtr‚rð»tÞf ½xf - Ecological factor …rhðth r™Þtus™ - Family planning …rhÂMÚtr‚rð»tÞf ™fþtu - Ecological map …rhðth÷ûte {tusýe - Household survey …rhÂMÚtr‚rð»tÞf Ë{‚w÷t - Ecological balance …rhðtnf - Transporter …heûtf - Examiner …rhðeûtt - Probation …heûtý - Examination; test …rhðeûtt …h - On probation …heûtý yrÄfthe - Testing Officer …rhðeûtt …h Atuzðwk - Release on probation …heûtý ynuðt÷ - Test report; testing report …rhðeûtt Ë{Þ - Probationary period; …heûtý Wí¾™™ - Test digging; test excavation …heûtý fhðwk - Examine; test …heûtý fqðtu - Test well …heûtý ¾[o - Testing charges; test charges; examination charges probation period …heûtý ™{q™tu - Test piece; sample for testing …heûtý …Ør‚ - Method of examination …rhðuþ (…rhÂMÚtr‚™t ËkŒ¼o{tk) - Ambience …heûtý-Þkºt - Testing machine …rhrþü - Appendix …heûtý nuX¤ - Under examination …rhþwØ‚t W…fhý - Precision instrument …rh©{e - Painstaking; industrious; …heûtt - Examination; test …heûtt {kz¤ - Examination Board hardworking; diligent …heûtt {txu hsq fhðwk - Submit for examination …heûtt Þtus™t - Scheme of examination …rh»tŒ - Council …heûtt þwÂØ/…heûtý™e …rðºt‚t - Sanctity of …rh»tŒ-ËÇÞ - Councillor …rhËntÞf yrÄfthe - Aide-de-camp examination …rhËkðtŒ - Seminar; symposium …rhËe{t - Perimeter; border …heûtt™wk ftÞoûtuºt - Scope of examination …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Situation; condition; circumstances …heûttÚteo - Examinee; candidate …rhÂMÚtr‚ y™wfq÷™ - Acclimatization …huS - Abstinence; temperance …rhÂMÚtr‚ rð¿tt™ - Ecology …huS …t¤™th - Abstainer; abstinent; continent 250

…huS …Þtoðhýrð»tÞf Ë{‚w÷t/Ëk‚w÷™ …huz/fðtÞ‚ {uŒt™ - Parade ground …Þtoó …whtðtu - Adequate evidence …huþt™e - Trouble; harassment; suffering; …Þtoó ËtÄ™ - Sufficient means distress …Þtoó/…qh‚e Ëtrƒ‚e - Adequate proof …Þtoó‚t - Adequacy; fullness; sufficiency …htuût - Indirect (2)Constructive (L.) …ÞtoÞ/Ë{t™tÚteo þçŒ - Synonym; equivalent …htuût y™w{r‚ - Constructive assent …ÞtoÞðt[e - Synonymous …htuût ytðf - Indirect income …ÞtoÞðt[e þçŒ - Synonymous/equivalent …htuût fƒòu - Constructive possession …htuût fh - Indirect tax word; synonym …htuût fhth - Constructive contract …htuût ¾heŒ-ðu[tý - Indirect marketing …Þtoðhý - Environment (2)Milieu …htuût [qkxýe - Indirect election …Þtoðhý y™u ythtuøÞ rþûtý - Environmental and Hygiene Education …htuût sðtƒŒthe - Constructive liability …Þtoðhý yÇÞtË - Environmental study …htuût ™turxË - Constructive notice …Þtoðhý hûtý - Environment protection …htûu t/y«„x …ztþu nf - Non-apparent easement …Þtoðhý hûtý/hûtt ftÞo¢{ - Environment …htuût «r‚r™rÄíð - Indirect representation Protection Programme …htuût «tÂó - Indirect receipts …htuût VtÞŒtu - Remote advantage …ÞtoðhýsLÞ …rhð‚o™ - Environmental change …htuût ƒsðýe - Substituted service …Þtoðhý/ðt‚tðhýsLÞ yËh - Environmental …htuût he‚u {¤u÷e {trn‚e - Second hand influence information …Þtoðhý/ðt‚tðhýsLÞ MðtMÚÞ - Environmental …htuût Ëk…fo - Indirect contact …htuût Ëtrƒ‚e - Indirect proof hygiene …htuýt„‚ - Hospitality; entertainment …htu…fthe - Philanthropist; benevolent …Þtðo hý™u Ët™fw ¤q - Envo-friendly; eco-friendly …Þtoðhý÷ûte ytÞtus™ - Environmental planning …Þtoðhý÷ûte «¼tð-ytfthýe yÇÞtË - Environment impact assessment study …htu…Sðe ËkðÄo™ - Parasite breeding …Þtoðhý÷ûte ËwÄthýt - Environmental …ýo - Leaf improvement …ýofr÷ft - Leafbud …ýofwrx - Gunyah; hermitage …ÞtoðhýðtŒe - Environmentalist …ýoË{qn - Foliage …Þtoðhýrð»tÞf {ksqhe - Environmental …Þox™ - Tour; excursion …Þtoó/…qh‚wk - Sufficient; adequate; enough clearance …Þtoðhýrð»tÞf Ë{‚w÷t/Ëk‚w÷™ - Environmental balance; environmental equilibrium …Þtoó ytÄth - Sufficient ground …ðo - Festival …Þtoó fthý - Sufficient cause/reason …ðo‚rð¿tt™ - Oreology; oreography 251

…ðo …þw«Œþo™ yrÄfthe …ðo‚thtuný - Mountaineering …þw¾tý r{©ý Ã÷tLx - Feed mixing plant …ðo‚thtuný ËkMÚtt - Mountaineering Institute …þw[htE - Herding; cattle grazing …ðo‚eÞ ð»toý - Orographic precipitation …þw[htý - Pasturage …hw ÚtE „Þu÷wk - Putrid …þwr[rfíËt ¾t‚wk - Veterinary Department …hwk/W…™„h - Suburb …þw[tuh - Abactor;cattle thief …÷x™ - Battalion; platoon; regiment …þw[tuhe - Abaction …÷xtu - Turn; change …þws™™rð¿tt™e - Animal geneticist …÷tÞ™ - Fleeing; running away; escaping …þw‚t - Beastliness …÷tÞ™ Út™th - Deserter; escapee …þwÄ™ - Livestock; cattle stock …÷tÞ™ðtŒ - Escapism …þwÄ™ yðuûtf - Livestock Supervisor …÷tÞ™ðtŒe - Escapist …þwÄ™ „ý‚he - Livestock census …÷t¤ðwk - Wet; drench …þwÄ™ rðftË - Livestock development …÷e‚tu [tk…ðtu - Match of gun (2)Instigate; …þwÄ™ ðe{tu - Livestock insurance …þwÄ™ ËkðÄof - Stock breeder incite; excite …þwÄ™ ËkðÄo™ - Stock breeding; animal …÷tuxðwk - Train; educate breeding …Õ÷wk - Jointure (2)Scale …ð™ ytkfze - Eye-hook; stopper …þwÄ™ ËkðÄo™ Vt{o - Stock breeding farm …ð™ ðu„{t…f/ðu„{t…e - Anemometer …þw™wk [t{zwk - Hide …ð™ ËtÚtu ¾U[tE ytðu÷e {txe - Aeolian soil …þw™wk xtu¤wk - Herd …ð™/…týe{tk ½ËztE ytðu÷e ðM‚wytu - Drift …þw™wk {zŒwk/þƒ - Carcass …ð™[¬e - Windmill …þw…t÷f/{t÷Äthe - Cattle keeper; stockman; …ð™™wk ‚tuVt™ - Gale; whirl wind; cyclone …ð™ðu„t÷u¾™ Þkºt - Anemograph stock farmer; herdsman; cattle breeder …rðºt - Sacred; holy; pious …rðºt ftÞŒtu - Sacred law …þw…t÷™ - Cattle breeding; animal husbandry …rðºt «‚ef - Holy symbol; hierogram …þw…t÷™ y™u zuhe-ÔÞðËtÞ - Animal husbandry …rðºt MÚtt™ - Holy place …rðºt‚{ - Sacrosanct and dairying …rðºt‚{ MÚt¤ - Sacrarium …þw WAuh - Stock raising; cattle rearing …þw…t÷™ y™u …þwhtu„ Ëuðt - Animal …þw f‚÷¾t™wk - Cattle slaughter house …þw¾tý/Œtý - Concentrates; cattle feed Husbandry and Veterinary Services …þw…t÷™ Wãtu„ - Pastoral industry …þw «s™™ - Animal breeding …þw «Œþo™ - Cattle exhibition; cattle show …þw«Œþo™ yrÄfthe - Cattle show Officer …þw ƒ[tð/hûtý yrÄfthe - Cattle Salvage Officer 252

…þw ƒ[tð/hûtý yrÄfthe …nu÷ðnu÷wk «ð[™ …þw/Ztuh ƒòh - Cattle market …ËkŒ„e {kz¤ - Selection Board …þw{hfe/{nt{the - Rinder pest; cattle plague …ËkŒ„e ÞtŒe - Select list …þw{u¤tu - Cattle fair …ËkŒ„e Ër{r‚ - Select Committee; Selection …þwhtu„ RÂM…‚t÷ - Veterinary hospital Committee …þwhtu„ r[rfíËf - Veterinary Practitioner …þwhtu„ Œðt¾t™wk - Veterinary dispensary …ËkŒ„efth/f‚to - Selector …þwhtu„ r™heûtf - Veterinary Inspector …ËkŒ„e™tu rðfÕ… - Option …þwhtu„ Ëso™ - Veterinary Surgeon …ËkŒ„e÷ûte - Selective …þwhtu„ Ëthðth fuLÿ - Veterinary Aid Centre …ËkŒ„e÷ûte yr¼„{ - Selective approach …þwhtu„[t¤tu - Epizootic …ËkŒ„e÷ûte ftÞo¢{ - Selective programme …þwhtu„rð¿tt™ - Veterinary science …ËkŒ„e÷ûte «ðuþ - Selective admission …þwðÄ - Slaughter …ËkŒ„e÷ûte ¼h‚e - Selective recruitment …þwðtztu - Paddock; stockyard; pen …Ëth Útðwk - Pass …þwrðftË yrÄfthe - Cattle Development …Ëth/ÔÞ‚e‚ Útðwk ‚u - Lapse …M‚tðtu - Penitence; remorse; repentance Officer …M‚e - Waste paper …þw ðe{tu - Cattle insurance …ntz™e ½txe - Mountain pass …þw-ËkðÄo™ Vt{o - Cattle breeding farm …ntze - Hilly; mountainous …þw ËkþtuÄ™ {Útf - Livestock Research Station …ntze rfÕ÷tu - Hill fort …ùt‚T - Then; afterwards …ntze ð™/sk„÷ - Hill forest …ùt¥tt… - Repentance; remorse; penitence …nuhðuþ - Dress; dressing; costume; style of …ùtŒT ¼qr{ft - Background dressing …ùtŒT rð[th - After thought …ùtî‚eo - Retrospective …nuhu„eh - Guard; watchman; sentinel …ùtî‚eo yËh - Retrospective effect …nuhtu - Patrol …Âù{™wk - Occidental; western …nuhtu ¼hðtu - Patrol; patrolling …Âù{efhý - Westernisation/Westernization …nu÷ - Initiative; initiation (2)Facet …ËkŒ fhðwk - Select; choose …nu÷ fhðe - Initiate …ËkŒ fhu÷wk ðÞ-sqÚt - Selected age-group …nu÷-þÂõ‚ - Initiative …ËkŒ„e - Selection; choice (2)Preference …nu÷ðnu÷e ŒrhÞtE ËVh - Maiden voyage …ËkŒ„e ¢{ - Order of preference …nu÷ðnu÷wk - Maiden …ËkŒ„e søÞt - Selection post …nu÷ðnu÷wk «ð[™ - Maiden speech …ËkŒ„e …Ør‚ - Selection method …nu÷ðt™ - Athlete; wrestler …nu÷tk y™u …tA¤Úte fhu÷t WÕ÷u¾tu/…wAtýtu - 253 Previous and later references

…nu÷ðt™ …tf Akxftð …nu÷tk™e ‚the¾™tu [uf - Ante-dated cheque …k[tk„ - Almanac; ephemeris/ephemerides …nu÷tk™wk - Prior; former; previous …nu÷uÚte - From the beginning; in advance (2)Calendar …nu÷tu Vt÷ - Firstling …ntu¤tE - Width; span …k[tÞ‚ ™týt ƒtuzo - Panchayat Finance Board …ntU[ - Acknowledgement; receipt (2)Reach …k[tÞ‚ {kºte - Panchayat Secretary …k[tÞ‚hts ‚kºt - Panchayatraj administration (3)Capacity …k[tÞ‚hts Ër{r‚ - Panchayatraj Committee …k[tÞ‚hts ËkMÚttytu - Panchayatraj …ntU[-«{tý…ºt - Receipt certificate …ntU[ {¤ðt…tºt - Acknowledgement due Institutions …ntU[ ÷E™u rð‚hý - Under receipt delivery …ntU[ ÷¾ðe/yt…ðe - Acknowledge receipt …krz‚ - Learned person; scholar …ntU[-ðtW[h - Receipt voucher …kzu - Personally; in person …ntU[™wk yzrÄÞwk - Receipt counterfoil …kr‚Þt¤wk/¼t„eŒthe - Partnership …ntU[ƒwf - Receipt book …kÚt - Sect; creed (2)Way …ntU[ðt™wk {Útf/MÚt¤ - Station of destination; …kŒh rŒðË - Fortnight …kŒh rŒðË{tk yuf ðth - Fortnightly destination …k… ytuhze - Pump-room …k… ®Ë[tE - Lift irrigation …ntU[ðt¤wk [÷ý - Receipted challan …k… ®Ë[tE {kz¤e - Lift irrigation society …ntU[ðt¤wk rƒ÷ - Receipted bill …k… ®Ë[tE Þtus™t - Lift irrigation scheme …ntU[ðwk - Reach; approach …k…ðt¤tu - Pumpman …ntU[tzðwk - Deliver …k…t¤ðwk - Pamper; coddle; fondle …ntU[e þftÞ yuðwk - Approachable; accessible …tR… [turfÞt‚ - Line guard …kf - Mud …tf - Crop; harvest …kf-ßðt¤t{w¾e - Mud volcano …tfykŒts - Crop estimate …kf-…ÚÚth - Mud stone …tf Wí…tŒ™ - Crop production …kfs - Lotus …tf Wí…tŒ™™e …Ør‚ - Agronomic practice …kÂõ‚/nhtu¤ - Line; queue …tf f]r»t - Crop farming …k¾tfth ytðht ûtuºt - Fan-shaped catchment …tf f]r»t-ÔÞðMÚtt - Crop husbandry …k„w - Handicapped; lame; crippled …tf/VË÷ „wýtkf - Crop coefficient …k[ - Tribunal (2)Umpire; referee …tf Akxftð - Crop spraying …k[™t{wk - Panch-nama …tf rÄhtý {kz¤e - Crop credit society …k[ð»teoÞ Þtus™t - Five Year Plan …tf r™Œþo™ - Crop demonstration …[k ðtŠ»tf - Quinquennial …tf r™Þkºtf - Crop regulator; crop controller 254

…tf rÄhtý {kz¤e …tA÷e ƒ¥te …tf ƒxtE - Crop sharing …tfe Ëzf - Metal road; metalled road …tf {txu ™týtk yt…ðtk - Financing of crops …tfe Ëtrƒ‚e - Positive proof …tf Þtus™t - Cropping scheme …tfwk - Solid; substantive (2)Seasoned …tf hûtý - Crop protection …tfwk yM‚h - Brick lining …tf htu„ - Crop disease …tfwk/r™Âù‚ fhðwk - Ensure …tf ÷uðt™tu Ztk[tu - Crop pattern …tfwk [ý‚h - Brick-work …tf ðh‚thtu/…qðto™w{t™ - Crop forecast …tfwk ƒtkÄft{ - Masonry work …tf ðe{tu - Crop insurance …tfwk nwf{™t{wk - Decree absolute …tf ÔÞðMÚtt - Crop management; crop …tfu÷e …tpr÷Ëe - Matured policy husbandry …tfu÷e nqkze - Matured bill …tftu fqðtu - Lined well …tf Ëkhûtý - Crop protection …tftu/heZtu „w™u„th - Confirmed criminal; …tf ËkðÄo™ - Crop breeding …tf nheVtE - Crop competition habitual criminal/offender …tf nuX¤™tu rðM‚th - Area under crop …tÂûtf - Biweekly; fortnightly …tff÷t/htkÄýf÷t - Culinary art …t¾kz - Hypocrisy; pretence …tf‚e {wŒ‚ - Maturity period …t¾zk e - Hypocritical; pretentious (2) Hypocrite …tf‚e {wŒ‚u ƒtu™Ë - Maturity bonus …t„hý - Bedding …tf‚e {wŒ‚u {qÕÞ - Maturity value …t„÷ - Insane; lunatic; mad …tf™t ytkfzt - Crop statistics …t„÷¾t™wk - Lunatic asylum …tf™e r™»V¤‚t - Crop failure; failure of crops …t„÷…ýwk - Madness; lunacy; insanity …tf«Þtu„/ys{tÞþ/y¾‚htu - Crop experiment …t[™ ‚kºt - Digestive system …tfhûtý yrÄfthe - Crop Protection Officer …t[™ {t„o - Digestive tract …tfðwk - Mature; ripe …tA÷e ‚the¾Úte y{÷ - Retrospective effect …tfþt† - Cookery …tA÷e ‚the¾Úte y{÷e ƒ™u yu he‚u - …tft ÄturhÞt - Lined field channel Retrospectively …tft …qkXt™wk …wM‚f - Hard bound book …tfe Ekx - Burnt brick …tA÷e ‚the¾Úte {ksqhe - Retrospective sanction …tfe „xh - Sewer …tA÷e ‚the¾™wk - Back-dated; post dated …tfe ™nuh - Lined canal …tA÷e ™tufhe - Past service; previous service …tfe …„Úte - Pavement …tA÷e ƒ¥te - Tail lamp; tail light …tfe …ntU[ - Effectual receipt …tA÷e ƒtfe - Arrears; outstanding dues …tfe þtne - Indelible ink …tA÷e ƒtswyu - Rearward …tA÷e Ëex - Pillion 255

…tA÷e ƒtfe …týe W÷u[ðwk …tA÷wk - Latter …tx™„h - Capital …tA÷wk …izwk - Trailing wheel; rear wheel …tx™„h …rhÞtsu ™t ð‚¤ow - Capital Project Circle …tA÷wk ÷k„h - Steam anchor …tx÷e - Bench …tA÷u …t™uÚte ¾U[u÷ - Brought forward …tx÷e ƒŒ÷ðe - Defect; desert …tA÷tu yuf{ (÷~f.) - Tail unit …tx÷eƒŒ÷w - Defector; deserter …tA÷tu ¼t„ - Rear; past; tail end …tx÷eƒŒ÷tu - Crossing the floor …tA¤ òuzu÷e xÙf - Trailing truck …txt …hÚte Q‚he sðwk ‚u - Derailment …tA¤ òuzu÷wk - Trailing …txt®…ze - Dressing …tA¤ òuzu÷wk ðtn™ - Trailer …txt®…ze/{÷{…èe fh™th - Dresser …tA¤ {kzât hnuðwk - Pursue …trxÞwk - Plank (2)Black-board (3)Flag station …tA¤ {kzât hnuðwk ‚u/…tA¤ ÷t„ðwk ‚u - Pursuance (4)Nameplate; signboard …tA¤ hne „Þu÷wk - Belated …tA¤ hne sðwk - Lag behind …txe - Slate …tA¤ ÷tøÞt hnuðwk ‚u - Pursuit …txtu - Bandage; dressing (2)Rail …tA¤Úte - Subsequently; afterward; ulterior …tX - Lesson (2)Recitation …tA¤Úte fhtÞu÷e ™tUÄ - Post-entry; postscript …tX ¼ýtðu yuðe Ëò - Exemplary punishment …tA¤Úte fhu÷ …wAtý - Later reference …tX¼uŒ - Difference in text; recension …tA¤Úte fhu÷e ‚ƒŒe÷e - Ulterior transfer …tXËwÄth - Emendation …tA¤™e yËh - After effect …tXËwÄth fhðtu - Emend …tA¤™wk - Latter (2)Reverse …tXwk - Bed-sore; kind of ulcer …tAt Vhðwk/Vhðwk ‚u - Return …tXâ¢{ - Syllabus; curriculum …tAe ¾U[u÷e fƒq÷t‚ - Retracted confession …tXâ…wM‚f - Text-book …tAwk yt…ðwk - Return; give back …tXâ…wM‚f {kz¤ - Text-Book Board …tAwk ¾U[e ÷uðwk - Withdraw …tXâ…wM‚f Ër{r‚ - Text-Book Committee …tAwk ƒtu÷tððwk - Recall …tzt-ËtZk Ëðk Ä™o Vt{o - Buffalo-bull mother farm …tAwk {u¤ððwk - Regain …tze ™t¾ðwk - Demolish; dismantle …tAwk nxtððwk - Revert …týe - Water (2)Strength …tAtu Vhu÷tu [uf - Dishonoured cheque; …týe yt…™the ™¤e - Water pipe …týe W÷u[™th - Bailer bounced cheque …týe W÷u[ðwk - Bail; dewater …tAtu‚htu …tf - Late crop …týe ftZe ™t¾ðwk - Drain …tAtu‚he ¾u‚e - Late cultivation …týe-¾[o/÷t„‚ - Water charge …txztu - Girder; beam …týe ¾t¤ðt™tu …t¤tu - Breakwater 256

…týe ftZe ™t¾ðwk …tÞ{t÷e …týe ¾U[™the ™¤e - Suction pipe …tºt - Receptacle; container (2)Qualified; …týe Œh/r…Þtðtu - Water rate eligible; deserving (3)Charactor of story …týe-r™ft÷ - Drainage; drain or play …týe r™ft÷ ÔÞðMÚtt - Drainage system; …tºt‚t - Eligibility; worthiness; qualification drainage …tºt‚t „wý - Qualifying marks …tºt‚t ÞtŒe - Eligibility list …týe r™ft÷™¤e - Drain pipe …tºt‚t/ÞtuøÞ‚t «{tý…ºt - Eligibility certificate …týe r™ft÷™tk ft{ - Drainage works …tºt‚t/÷tÞft‚ Ähtð™th W{uŒðth - Qualified …týe …whðXt …Ør‚ - Water supply system …týe …whðXt™tu Ëútu‚ - Source of water supply candidate …týe …whðXtu - Water supply …týe …qhwk …tz‚e ™nuh - Feeding canal …tºt‚t™e ‚the¾ - Qualifying date …týe «r¢Þt - Water treatment …tŒxe…/™tUÄ - Footnote …týe Vhe ð¤ðwk ‚u - Inundation …tŒxe…/™tUÄ r[ö - Footnote mark …týe þtu»te ÷u™th fqðtu - Soak well …tŒh - Outskirts …týe[wk - Dismissal; sack …tŒhe - Clergyman; priest …týezqçÞt ¾zf - Submarine rock …tÄhwk - Straight; directly; promptly …týeŒth - Spirited (2)Sharp …t™¾h - Defoliation …týe™t ™¤™e ÔÞðMÚtt - Piped supply of water …t™¾h É‚w - Autumn …týe™t ËtÄ™ rð™t™wk „t{ - No source village …t™¾h ð™/sk„÷ - Deciduous forest …týe™e xtkfe - Water tank …t™t ™kƒh - Page number; folio number …týe™e Ëhuhtþ ŸztE - Hydraulic mean depth …t™t™k u ¢{ ™ƒk h yt…ðtu ‚/u …c] ¢{tfk ™ - Pagination …týe™tu r™ft÷ fhðtu - Drain …t™t™e …tA¤ - Overleaf …týe™tu ¼htðtu - Water logging …t™wk - Folio; page; sheet (2)Leaf (3)Spanner; wrench …t…¼ehw - God-fearing …týe™tu {thtu - Water cannon …t{h - Mean; abject; meek …týe™tu {t„o/™ef/ftkË/™t¤wk - Channel …t{h‚t - Meanness; abjection …týe{tk zwƒtzðwk - Submerge …t{ðwk - Acquire; obtain; realize …týeðt¤tu - Water bearer; waterman …tÞ¾t™wk - Latrine …t‚¤e ƒnw{‚e - Slender majority; thin …tÞŒ¤ - Infantry …tÞ{t÷e - Ruin; devastation; destruction majority …tÞhe - Rank; grade …tÞhe W‚th - Relegation; reduction in rank; …t‚¤wk …‚hwk (Ät‚w™wk) - Foil …t‚t¤ - Abyss degradation; demotion; reversion …t‚t¤™e SðË]Âü - Abyssal life 257

…tÞhe …trh¼tr»tf …tÞhe W‚thðe - Reduce in rank …th„{™ …tË - Transit pass …tÞ÷tux - Ve - Pilotage …th„BÞ ¾zf - Permeable rock …tÞ÷tux™e ft{„ehe - Pilotage …th„BÞ‚t - Permeability …tÞt™t/{q¤¼q‚ rËØtk‚tu - Basics; basic/ …thýwk - Cradle fundamental principles …thŒ - Quick-silver; mercury …thŒþof - Transparent …tÞt™e ft{„ehe - Ground work; basic work …thŒþof‚t - Transparency …tÞt™e/{q¤¼q‚ sYrhÞt‚tu - Basic necessities/ …thÄe - Huntsman; hunter …th…ºt - Passport needs; fundamental needs …thr{r‚ - Parameter …th÷tirff - Ultramundane …tÞt™e ™týt ËkMÚtt - Ground Financing …thðuÄf …„÷wk/…thðuÄ™ - Break-through …thËeytu™wk Œ¾{wk - Tower of silence Institution …tÞt™e …qhýe - Filling in foundation …tÞt™e ËkMÚttytu - Grassroot agencies …tÞt™wk/…tÞtY… - Basal; fundamental; basic; rudimentary …tÞt™wk [tufXwk - Base block; ground block; …thM…rhf - Inter-se; reciprocal; mutual …thM…rhf yð÷kƒ™ - Inter-dependence underlying block …thM…rhf {t„ - Reciprocal demand …thM…rhf ðe{tu - Reciprocal insurance …tÞt™wk ‚¤ - Foundation level …thM…rhf/yLÞtuLÞ ðu…th - Reciprocal trade …tÞt™wk rþûtý - Basic education; fundamental …thM…rhf/yLÞtuLÞ Ë{sq‚e - Reciprocal education …tÞt™tu yÇÞtË¢{ - Basic course; foundation course …tÞt™tu Wãtu„ - Basic industry; basal industry agreement/understanding …tÞt™tu ¾tztu - Foundation pit …tÞt™tu Úth - Bedding; foundation layer; …thM…rhf ËntÞ Ëkfu‚ - Logrolling …thM…rhf/yLÞtuLÞ ËkƒkÄ - Reciprocal relation substratum …thM…rhf/yLÞtuLÞ nf - Reciprocal rights …tÞt™tu …ÚÚth - Foundation stone …thM…rhf‚t - Reciprocity; mutuality …tÞt™tu M‚h - Grassroot level; initial level …thk„‚ - Adept; expert; well-versed …tÞt{tkÚte ytÞtus™ - Grassroot planning …thk…rhf ÔÞðËtÞ - Traditional occupation …tÞtu - Base; foundation; basis; basement …thtþeþe - Indicator …tÞturhÞt - Pyorrhoea …trh‚tur»tf - Prize; award …th fhðwk - Pass; cross …trh¼tr»tf - Technical; terminological …thfwk - Foreign; alien …trh¼tr»tf ™t{ - Technical name …th„{™ rz…tu - Transit depot …trh¼tr»tf þçŒ - Technical word; technical …th„{™ …hðt™„e-…ºt - Transit permit term 258

…trh¼tr»tf ™t{ …tËwk …trh¼tr»tf þçŒtðr÷ - Terminology; technical …t÷™„]n - Foster home terminology …t÷™…tu»tý - Rearing; breeding; maintenance; …trh¼tr»tf‚t - Technicalities fosterage …trhðtrhf ¾u‚h - Family farm …t÷™…tu»tý fhðwk - Rear; breed; maintain; foster …trhÂMÚtr‚f ‚kºt/Ëkòu„tu - Ecosystem; ecology …tr÷‚/…tÕÞ ƒt¤f - Foster child …trhÂMÚtr‚f «tiãtur„fe - Eco-technology …tÕÞ yŒt÷‚ - Court of wards …trhÂMÚtr‚f ð]ÂØ - Ecological enhancement; …tðztu - Shovel ecological augmentation …tð‚e/hËeŒ - Acknowledgement; receipt …tð‚e/hËeŒ yt…ðe - Acknowledge receipt; …trhÂMÚtr‚f Ë{‚w÷t - Ecological balance; acknowledge; issue receipt ecological equilibrium …tð‚eòu„ - Acknowledgement due …trhÂMÚtr‚f Ë{‚w÷t™wk …w™:MÚtt…™ - Restoration …tðhÄwk - Adept; clever; capable; proficient; of ecological balance/equilibrium expert; skilled …thtu - Mercury; quick-silver …tþ - Loop; trap; bait; snare …tfo fhðwk ‚u - Parking …tþ ð]ût - Trap tree …t‹f„-MÚt¤ - Parking place …tþð‚t - Brutality …tŠÚtð - Temporal; earthly; material …tþðe ƒ¤ - Brutal force …tïo - Flank (2)Lateral …tþðe ƒnw{‚e - Brute majority …tïor[ºt - Profile …tùrh‚ ŒqÄ - Pasteurized milk …tïo Œeðt÷/¼ª‚ - Flank wall …tùhefhý - Pasteurization …tïoËk„e‚ - Background music …tùtíÞ - Occidental; western …tïeoÞ - Lateral …tïtíÞ Zƒ™wk - Westernized …tïeoÞ {t„o …rhÞtus™t - Lateral road project …tùtíÞ ËkMf]r‚ - Occidentalism; western …tËo÷ f[uhe - Parcel Office …tËo÷ fthfw™ - Parcel Clerk culture …t÷f - Warden; keeper; guardian …t»ttý ËkMf]r‚ - Lithic culture …t÷f fwxwkƒ/…rhðth - Foster family …t»ttýefhý - Petrification …t÷f r…‚t - Foster father …tË…tuxo yrÄfthe - Passport Officer …t÷f {t‚t - Foster mother …tË…tuxo r™Þkºtý f[uhe - Passport Control Office …t÷f {t‚tr…‚t - Foster parents …tË…tuxo Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Passport Authority …t÷¾ - Scaffold …tËwk - Aspect (2)Side …t÷¾e - Palanquin …tËu - Near; at hand; near-by; close …t÷™ fhðwk - Comply; observe (2)Discharge; …tËu ytððwk - Approach; come near maintain 259

…tËu …eZ yt„uðt™ …tËtu - Facet (2)Dice r…‚]ðkþeÞ - Patrilineal …t¤ - Bank; embankment r…‚]-Ëkfhý - Back-cross …t¤-ƒkÄ - Breakwater; bund r…¥t - Bile; gall …t¤ðwk - Foster; breed; maintain; rear r…¥ttþÞ - Gall bladder …t¤t-Œeðt÷ - Embankment wall r…Þ‚ f]r»t - Irrigated farming …t¤tƒkÄe - Bunding r…Þ‚ s{e™ - Irrigated land …t¤e - Shift r…Þ‚ ðtðu‚h - Irrigated plantation …t¤e …Ør‚ - Shift system r…Þ‚ rðM‚th - Irrigated area …t¤u÷wk - Domestic; pat r…Þtðtu - Water rate …t¤tu - Embankment r…htr{z ½tx™wk „tu…wh - Pyramidal gateway …tk¾ - Wing (2)Branch …tk¾wk ÚtÞu÷wk ð™ - Degraded forest tower …tk„¤wk - Paralytic; lame …tk[ ™f÷ - Quintuplicate r…htr{z Þw„ - Age of pyramids …tk[ ð»to™tu „t¤tu - Quinquennium ®…shwk - Cage …tk[{e f‚trhÞtu - Fifth columnist; traitor …efŒt™e - Spitoon …tkshwk - Cage …eAunX - Set back; retreat …tkrzíÞ - Erudition; learning …eAtu - Chase; pursue …tkzwhtu„ - Anaemia …exðwk - Strike; beat …tkŒztk …h Akxftð - Foliar spray …eX - Market yard (2)Back …tkŒzwk - Leaf …eX«Œuþ/¼qr{ - Hinterland r…[fthe - Syringe; spray gun …erXft - Background (2)Raised wooden seat; r…Atý - Acquaintance; familiarity r…Atýðwk - Recognize; know; identify base of column r…‚htE - Cousin r…‚]½t‚f/½t‚e - Patricide …eXwk - Bar (2)Market r…‚]‚kºt - Patriarchy …ez™ - Persecution; tyranny; oppression r…‚]íð - Parentage; paternity …ezt - Affliction; pain; agony; suffering r…‚]…ûte - Agnate; paternal relative …ezts™f - Painful; troublesome r…‚]«Ät™ fwxwkƒ - Patriarchal family …ezt™tþf - Anodyne r…‚]«Ät™ Ë{ts - Patriarchal society …erz‚ - Aggrieved; pained; tormented; afflicted; r…‚]ðÄ/níÞt - Patricide oppressed; down-trodden; affected …eZ - Veteran; seasoned (2)Beam …eZ yt„uðt™ - Veteran leader; seasoned leader …eýwk - Beverage; drink …e‚ - Irrigated crop 260

…eýwk …w™:Šð[thýt yÚtuo ËtU…tÞu÷ rðÄuÞf …e™„tŒe - Pin-cushion …w™hwí…tŒ™ ¾[o - Reproduction cost …e…/…e…zwk - Cask; barrel …w™hwØth - Regeneration; renovation …ehËðwk - Serve food …w™hwØth fhðtu - Regenerate; renovate …ehtus - Beryl; turquoise; sapphire …w™½ox™ fhðwk - Restructure; rebuild; reconstruct …e÷ðwk - Crush (2)Gin …w™so™™ - Regeneration; reproduction …e÷tk-WAuh„]n - Brooding house …w™so™™ fhðwk - Regenerate; reproduce …e÷wk - Pullet …w™Soð™ - Revivification …eðt™e ÷‚ðt¤wk - Addicted to drink …w™Sorð‚ fhðwk - Revive; reactivate; revivify; …eðt™wk ythtuøÞ«Œ …týe - Wholesome drinking regenerate water …w™Sorð‚ fhðwk ‚u - Revival; regeneration; …eðt™wk …týe - Drinking water; potable water …eðt™wk Ë÷t{‚ …týe - Safe drinking water reactivation …eðt÷tÞf - Drinkable; potable …eËðwk - Grind; pulverize …w™ŠÄhtý - Refinance …eËu÷tu ftu÷Ëtu - Pulverized coal …w™Š™{toý - Reconstruction; regeneration …e¤wk …ºtfthíð - Yellow journalism …w™Š™{toý ftÞo¢{ - Reconstruction programme …ª¾ðwk - Rensack; scatter …w™{woÿý - Reprint; reimpression …ªsýtu - Carding machine …w™{worÿ‚ ytð]Â¥t - Reprint edition …ªsðwk - Card …w™{woÿefhý (yÚto.) - Remonetization …ªòhtu - Carder …w™{qoÕÞtkf™ - Revaluation; reappraisal …wg - Major; mature; adult …w™{uo¤ - Readjustment …wg ô{h™t Útðwk - Attain majority …w™{ioºte (ƒu ht»xÙtu ðå[u) - Rapprochement …wg {‚trÄfth - Adult franchise; adult …w™ho[™t - Reformation; reconstruction; suffrage reorganization; reconstitution; reshuffling; shake-up …wg ðÞ™wk - Adult; grown up; matured …wg‚t - Adulthood; maturity …w™÷oø™ - Remarriage …wAtý - Reference …w™÷uo¾™ - Rewriting …wAtý fhu÷e ƒtƒ‚ - Matter under reference …w™ðo™efhý/…w™ðo™htu…ý - Reafforestation …wrxft - Capsule …w™ðo„eofhý - Reclassification; regrouping …wÛÞr‚rÚt - Death anniversary …w™ðoËðtx - Rehabilitation; resettlement …w™hwÂõ‚/…w™hwå[thý - Reiteration; repetition …w™Šð[thýt - Reconsideration …w™hwí…tŒ™ - Reproduction; regeneration …w™:Šð[thýt yÚtuo ËtU…tÞu÷ rðÄuÞf - Bill re- referred …w™Šð[thýt™u yk‚u - On second thought; at the end of reconsideration 261

…w™Šð[thýt™u yk‚u …whðXtfth™e þt¾ …w™Šðr™Þtu„ - Reappropriation …™w :ht…u ý - Replanting …w™Šð¼ts™ - Redivision …w™:Ë{tÞtus™ - Readjustment …w™Šð÷tuf™ yhS - Review petition …w™:Ëq[efhý - Recataloguing …w™Šð÷tuf™ nwf{ - Review order …w™:MÚtt…™ - Rehabilitation; resettlement …w™ðeo{tu - Reinsurance …w™ðuo[tý - Re-sale (2)Restitution; restoration …w™ÔÞoðMÚtt - Resettlement; rearrangement …™w :ytËð™ - Re-distillation …w™:MÚtt…™ ¼ÚÚtwk - Rehabilitation allowance …w™:¾heŒe - Repurchase …w™:MÚtt…™ rðÄuÞf - Restitution Bill …w™:„ehtu - Remortgage …w™:MÚtt…™t - Re-establishment; rehabilitation; …w™:[ftËýe - Re-checking …w™:‚…tË - Re-examination restoration …w™:‚…tË fhðe - Re-examine …w™:‚t÷e{ - Retraining …w™:MÚttr…‚ fhðwk - Rehabilitate; restore; …w™:™t{r™ÞwÂõ‚ - Renomination …w™:™tUÄýe - Re-registration restitute …w™:LÞtÞ r™ýoÞ - Readjudication …w™:…qŠ‚ - Replenishment …w™:MVrxfefhý - Recrystallization …w™:«¼hý - Recharge …w™:Mðef]r‚ - Re-acceptance …w™:«¼hý fqðtu - Recharge well …w™hð÷tuf™ - Review …w™:«{tý™ - Revalidation …w™htð‚o™ - Revision; repetition; recurrence …w™:«{trý‚ fhðwk - Revalidate …w™htð‚o™ yk‚ht÷ - Recurrence interval …w™:«ðtn™ - Resurgence …w™htð‚o™ fhðwk - Revise; repeat …w™:«ðuþ - Re-entry …w™htð‚eo - Repetitive; recurring …w™:«ðuþ™tu yrÄfth - Right of re-entry …w™htkf™ fhðwk - Write back …w™:«Ëthý - Rebroadcast; relay …wr™‚ Ät{ - Sanctum sanctorum; holy place …w™:«Ëthý fhðwk - Relay …whòuþ/…whÍz…e ftÞo¢{ - Crash programme …w™:«Ëthý fuLÿ - Relay station …whðXt yrÄfthe - Supply Officer …w™:«tÂó - Retrieval; regain …whðXt y™wËqr[ - Supply schedule …w™:«thk¼ - Recommencement; restart …whðXt ®f{‚ - Supply price …w™:Vt¤ðýe - Reallotment; reallocation …whðXt ¾t‚wk - Supply Department …w™:Vw„tðtu - Reflation …whðXt {kz¤e - Feeder society …whðXt Ëk‚w÷™ zuhe - Feeder balancing dairy …whðXtfth-¾t‚tðne - Supplier’s ledger …whðXtfth™t rnËtƒ - Supplier’s accounts …whðXtfth™e þt¾ - Supplier’s credit …whðXt™e ÂMÚtr‚MÚtt…f‚t - Elasticity of supply …whðXt™tu r™Þ{ - Law of supply 262

…whðXt™e ÂMÚtr‚MÚtt…f‚t …whtuð[™ …hw ðXtu - Supply …whtðþu»t - Relics; antiquities …whðXtu y™u r™ft÷ - Supplies and disposals …whtðM‚w Ëk„únt÷Þ - Antiquarium …whðXtu y™u {t„ - Supply and demand …whtðM‚wrðŒT - Archaeologist; antiquarian …whðXtu …qhtu …tz™th - Supplier …whtðt-ðM‚w ytkf - Exhibit …whðýe - Supplement …whtðt/Ëtrƒ‚e™tu ƒtuòu - Burden of proof …whMf‚to/rn{tÞ‚e - Protagonist; proponent; …whtðtÚte rËØ fhðwk - Substantiate by evidence …whtðt™t nu‚wÚte „útÌt - Admissible in proof sponsor; exponent; promoter …whtðt™e sðtƒŒthe - Onus of proof …whtðt™e Íeýðx¼he ‚…tË - Sifting of …whMf‚to Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Sponsoring Authority …whMfth - Prize; award evidence …whMf]‚ fhðwk - Sponsor …whMf]‚ ftÞo¢{ - Sponsored programme …whtðt™e Ëw™tðýe - Hearing of evidence …whtýwk ŒV‚h - Archives …whtðt™wk {n¥ð - Weight of evidence …whtýtu/y«[r÷‚ ftÞŒtu - Antiquated law; …whtðt™tu yr‚huf - Pre-ponderance of evidence …whtðt™tu y¼tð - Want of evidence obsolete law …whtðt™tu ftÞŒtu - Law of evidence …whtðt™tu r™Þ{ - Rule of evidence …wht‚¥ð - Archaeology …whtðt™tu Ëthtkþ - Summary of evidence …wht‚¥ð yrÄfthe - Archaeological Officer …whtðt™tu Mðefth - Admission of proof …wht‚¥ð {ŒŒ™eþ - Archaeological Assistant …whtðthrn‚ fƒq÷t‚ - Naked confession …wht‚¥ð {tusýe - Archaeological survey …whtðtY…u Mðefth - Admission in evidence …wht‚¥ð¿t/rðŒT/ðu¥tt - Archaeologist; …whtðtu - Proof; evidence; testimony …whtðtu xtkfðtu - Quote evidence antiquarian …whtðtu hsq fhðtu - Adduce evidence …whtðtu þtuÄe ftZðtu ‚u - Discovery of evidence …wht‚¥ðrðãt/þt† - Archaeology …whtk‚ - Balance; surplus …wht‚¥ðrðãtrð»tÞf - Archaeological …whtk‚ ƒtfe - Closing balance …wht‚¥ðrð»tÞf SýtuoØth - Archaeological …whtk‚ðt¤wk ykŒts…ºt - Surplus budget …whtk‚ðt¤wk htßÞ - Surplus State salvage; archaeological renovation …whtu„t{e - Predecessor …whtuð[™ - Foreword; preface; introduction …wht‚™ - Ancient (2)Old …whw»t ™Ëo - Male Nurse …wht‚™ yðþu»ttu - Antiquities; relics …whw»t {‚trÄfth - Manhood suffrage …wht‚™ft÷ - Archaic period 263 …whtr÷r…/…whtr÷r…rð¿tt™ - Palaeography …whtr÷r…rðŒT - Palaeographer …wht÷u¾ - Epigraph; inscription …wht÷u¾rðãt - Epigraphy …wht÷u¾ðu¥tt - Epigraphist …wht÷u¾eÞ M{thf - Epigraphic monument

…whw»t ™Ëo …qh rð¼ts™ Ztk[tu …whw»t {ŒŒ™eþ - Male Assistant …wks - Heap; pile …whw»t ðkþ¢{ - Male line …qA…hA - Inquiry; query (2)Interrogation …whw»t ðtuzo - Male ward …qA…hA yrÄfthe - Inquiry Officer …w÷ - Bridge …qA…hA f[uhe/ftÞto÷Þ - Enquiry/Inquiry …w÷ Rs™uh - Bridge Engineer office …w÷ r™heûtf - Bridge Inspector …w÷-ðuhtu - Pontage …qA…hA fh™th - Inquirer (2)Interrogator …w»f¤ - Plentiful; immense; abundant …qA…hA fhðe - Enquire (2)Interrogate …wÂü - Confirmation; corroboration; …qA…hA fthfw™ - Enquiry Clerk …qò - Worship; adoration affirmation; endorsement; support …qò„]n - Sacrarium; worship room …wÂü yt…ðe/fhðe - Affirm; confirm; …qßÞ - Reverend; venerable corroborate; support; endorse …qßÞ¼tð - Reverence …qýe - Sliver …wÂü yt…u yuðtu …whtðtu - Corroborative evidence …qýo Œtðtu - Plenary cause …wÂüŒtÞf/…tu»tf - Nourishing; nutrimental; …q‚¤wk - Statue (2)Effigy …qh - Flood; inundation nutrient …qh yk„u yt„tne - Flood forecast …qh W…þ{™ - Flood abatement …w»… ËkðÄo™ - Floriculture …wM‚f - Book; volume …wM‚f y™u «ftþ™ …heûtf - Examiner of Books and Publications …wM‚f …tAwk yt…ðt™e ‚the¾ - Due back …qh „únýût{‚t - Flood absorption capacity …wM‚f-ƒkÄtE - Book-binding …qh r[nT™ - Flood mark …wM‚f-ƒkÄtEfth - Book-binder …qh s÷{t„o - Flood way; flood route …wM‚f-¼kzth - Book depot …qh îth - Penstock; flood gate …wM‚f-{u¤tu - Book fair …qh r™Þkºtý - Flood control …wM‚f-rð¢u‚t - Book-seller …qh r™MËhý - Flood discharge …wM‚f™e Œwft™ - Book stall …qh-…t¤tu - Flood embankment …wM‚f™wk ™t{ - Title of book …qh {t„or™Ätohý - Flood routing …wM‚f™tu ™{q™tu - Prototype of book to be …qh {uŒt™ - Flood plain printed (2)Dummy …qh-hûtý™tk ft{ - Flood protection works …wM‚ft÷Þ - Library …qh-htuÄ™ - Flood proofing; flood prevention …wM‚t Œeðt÷ - Retaining wall …qh rð¼ts™ Ztk[tu - Flood distribution pattern …wÂM‚ft - Booklet; handbook …qh þtu»tý - Flood absorption …wM‚tu - Dike; dyke; buttress; breakwater; quay …qh ©uýe - Flood series 264

…qh þtu»tý …qhu…qhwk …qh ®Ë[tE - Flood irrigation …qh‚wk - Adequate; enough; sufficient …qh M‚h - Flood stage; flood level …qh‚wk ¿tt™ - Adequate knowledge …qhf - Supplementary; contributory …qh‚wk ntuðwk - Suffice (2)Adminicular (L.) (3) Make-up (Eco.) …qh‚wk/ÞtuøÞ fthý - Good reason …qh‚tu …whtðtu - Adequate evidence; sufficient …qhf y™wŒt™ - Supplementary grant …qhf ykŒts - Supplementary estimate evidence …qhf ykŒts…ºt - Supplementary budget …qhÚte ÚtÞu÷ ™wfËt™ - Flood damage …qhf ytnth - Supplementary food/diet …qh™tk {uŒt™tu - Flood plains …qhf f{týe - Supplementary income …qh™wk ðthkðth ytððwk ‚u - Flood frequency …qhf ft{ (yÚto.) - Make-up work …qh™tu [Ztð - Flood lift; flood rise …qhf ftÞo¢{ - Supplementary programme …qh…tx - At full speed …qhf ftÞoðtne - Supplementary proceedings …qhrð»tÞf ðh‚thtu - Flood forecasting …qhf ftÞoËqr[ - Supplementary agenda …qht ytkfzt{tk - In round figures …qhf ¾tuhtf - Accessory food/diet …qht …„th™e hò - Leave on full pay …qhf òu„ðtE - Supplementary provision …qht Ë{Þ™e ntshe - Full-time attendance …qhf …ºtf - Supplementary statement …qhe Ëne fhu÷wk - Signed in full …qhf …tf - Supplementary crop …qhwk - Entire; complete; full …qhf …whtðtu (ft.) - Adminicular evidence; …qhwk fhðwk - Finalize; finish; complete; conclude …qhwk ™t{ - Full name admicle …qhf «&™ - Supplementary question …qhwk …tzðwk - Furnish; provide …qhf {t„ýe - Supplementary demand …qhu ytkfzu fhðwk - Round off figures …qhf htuS - Make-up wages …qhu…qhe yþõ‚‚t - Total disability …qhf ðrËÞ‚™t{wk - Codicil …qhu…qhe fturþþ - Utmost endeavour …qhf ðt[™ - Supplementary reading …qhu…qhe [wfðýe - Full payment; complete …qhf ÔÞðËtÞ - Supplementary pursuit/ payment occupation …qhu…qhe ðËq÷t‚ - Full recovery; complete …qhf ËtÄ™tu - Supplementary resources recovery; total recovery …qh„úM‚ rðM‚th - Flood-affected area …qhýe - Earth filling; filling …qhu…qhe Ëk¼t¤ - Utmost care …qh‚t/…Þtoó «{tý{tk - In fair measure …qhu…qhtu W…Þtu„ - Full utilization …qhu…qhwk - Utterly; completely; entirely …qh‚t…ýwk - Adequacy; sufficiency (2)Complete; outright; absolute …qh‚e Ëtrƒ‚e - Adequate proof; sufficient proof …qhu…qhwk {n¥ð - Utmost importance 265 …qýo - Absolute; perfect; whole; plenary

…qhu…qhwk {n¥ð …qðo-«Þtu„ …qýo yrÄfth - Plenary powers; absolute powers …qýorðht{ - Full stop …qýo yrÄðuþ™ - Plenary session …qýtorÄfthe - Plenipotentiary; invested with …ýq o y™u rƒ™þh‚e - Absolute and unconditional absolute powers …qýo Œtðtu - Plenary cause …qýo-…„th™e hò - Leave on full pay …qýtorÄfthe «r‚r™rÄ - Representants …qýo-«{trý‚ - Fully vouched …qýo-«{trý‚ ytfÂM{f ¾[o - Fully vouched plenipotentiary contingencies …qýtOf - Integral number; integer (2)Round …qýo ƒnw{‚e - Absolute majority figure …qýo ƒuXf - Plenary meeting …qýo ¼tu„ðxtu - Absolute monopoly; absolute …qŠ‚ - Addendum; supplement …qŠ‚ ykf - Supplementary issue occupancy …qŠ‚/…whðýe y™u þwÂØ…ºt - Addenda and …qýo hõ‚ - Whole-blood corrigenda …qýo htus„the - Full employment …qýo rðfrË‚ Útðwk - Mature …qŠ‚…ºt - Addendum …qýo-rðfrË‚ Þtus™t - Full-fledged scheme …qðo-yûth¿tt™ ËkMf]r‚ - Pre-literate culture …qýo rððuf/rððufƒwÂØ/rððuftrÄfth - Absolute …qðo ytÞtus™ - Advance planning; pre-planning …qðo-Rr‚ntË - Antecedents; past history discretion; prudence …qðo-Rr‚ntË™e ¾htE - Verification of …qýo ðe{t-hûtý - Full coverage; total insurance antecedents cover …qðo-WŒtnhý - Precedent …qðo-„ehtu - Prior mortgage …qýo Ë¥tt - Plenary powers; pleno jure …qðo-„tuXðýe - Pre-arrangement …qýo ËÇÞ - Full-fledged member …qðo-[ftËýe - Prior scrutiny …qýo ËÇÞ…Œ - Full membership …qðo-[wftŒt rþhM‚tu/ftÞŒtu - Case law …qýo MVrxf{Þ - Holocrystalline …qðo-sYrhÞt‚ - Pre-requisite; pre-requirement …qýo Mð‚kºt‚t - Total freedom; carte blanche …qýo Mðtr{íð Ähtð™th - Freeholder (2)Infrastructure …qýo Mðef]r‚/Mðefth - Absolute acceptance …qýo nf - Absolute right; absolute privilege …qðo-sYhe òu„ðtE - Infrastructural provision …qýoft÷e™ - Full time; whole time …qðo-sYhe Ëð÷‚tu - Infrastructural facilities …qýoft÷e™ htus„th - Full time/wholetime …qðo-‚iÞthe™tu „t¤tu - Gestation period …qðo-Œ~Þ - Flash back employment …qðo-áütk‚/r™ýoÞ - Precedent …qðo-r™Š{‚ ftkfhux - Precast concrete …qýo‚t - Entirety; completion; fullness …qðo-«Þtu„ - Rehearsal …qýo‚t ynuðt÷ - Completion report …qðo-«Ëqr‚ r[rfíËt÷Þ - Prenatal clinic; ante- natal clinic 266

…qðo-«Ëqr‚ r[rfíËt÷Þ …qðo÷ûtý …qðo-«Ëqr‚rð»tÞf - Ante-natal; pre-natal …qðo„únhrn‚ - Unprejudiced; unbiased …qðo-«Ëqr‚ rþþw y™u ƒt¤ Ëk¼t¤ - Ante-natal …qðo„únhrn‚ yr¼«tÞ - Unbiased opinion infant and child care …qðo[wfðýe - Prepayment …qðo[u‚ðýe - Early warning; precaution …qðo-«Ëqr‚ Ëk¼t¤ - Ante-natal care; pre-natal …qðos - Ancestor; predecessor …qðo¿tt™ - Prevision care …qðo‚t¢{ - Order of precedence …qðo‚iÞthe Y… …„÷wk - Preparatory action …qðo-«tÚtr{f þt¤t - Pre-primary school …qðo‚iÞthe™wk ft{ - Spade work …qðo-«tÚtr{f rþûtý - Pre-primary education …qðoŒþo™ - Preview …qðo-{ksqhe - Prior sanction; pre-consent …qðoáütk‚Y… fuË - Precedent (2)Test case …qðo-htus„th ‚t÷e{ - Pre-employment training …qðoÄthýt - Preconception; forecast; …qðo-rðM‚hý ½xf - Pre-extension block …qðo-ð]¥ttk‚ - Antecedents presumption …qðo-ÔÞðËtÞ ‚t÷e{ fuLÿ - Pre-vocational …qðoÄthýt ytÞtus™ - Forecast planning training centre …qðoÄthýt fhðe - Presume; presuppose; …qðo-ÔÞðMÚtt - Pre-arrangement forecast; preconceive …qðo-þt¤tðÞ - Pre-school age …qðo-þt¤tðÞ ƒt¤ftu - Pre-school children …qðo-ËkŒ¼o - Back reference …qðor™Þ‚/…qðor™Ätorh‚ - Predestined; …qðo-Ëk{r‚ - Previous consent predetermined …qðo-Ëw™tðýe - Pre-hearing; pre-audience …qðo-Ëuðt ‚t÷e{ - Pre-service training …qðor™ýoÞ™tu rËØtk‚ - Stare decisis …qðo-rn‚ - Prior interest …qðor™Ätorh‚ ¾[o - Predetermined cost …qðo-rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Pre-audit …qðor™Š{‚ - Prefabricated …qðo-rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe …Ør‚ - Pre-audit system …qðor™Š{‚ ftUr¢x yM‚h (‚f.) - Precast concrete …qðo-rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe rƒ÷ - Pre-audit bill …qðofÕ…™t - Preconception; presupposition; lining presumption …qðo™wk - Oriental …qðoLÞtÞ/…qðor™Šý‚ ƒtƒ‚ - Res-judicata …qðofÂÕ…‚ - Pre-conceived; pre-supposed …qðo…„÷tk - Advance action …qðofÂÕ…‚ Y…hu¾t - Pre-conceived outline …qðo¼qr{ft/…ùtŒT¼q - Background (2)Backdrop …qðofÂÕ…‚ rð[th - Pre-conceived idea …qðo{]íÞw …t{u÷ - Predeceased …qðo„ - Prefix …qðoÞturs‚ - Pre-planned; pre-arranged; …qðo„t{e - Predecessor premeditated …qðoÞturs‚ ftð‚hwk/»tzâkºt - Premeditated/pre- planned conspiracy …qðo„ún - Bias; prejudice …qðo÷ûtý (‚.) - Prognosis …qðo÷u…™ - Precoating 267

…qðo÷u…™ …uxkx Œðt …qðoð‚T - Status quo; as before (2)Stet …]åAt fhðe - Inquire (2)Query …qðoð‚T fhðwk - Restore; reinstate …]ÚtfT - Separate; several; distinct …qðoð‚T fhðwk ‚u - Reinstatement; restoration …]Út¬hý - Analysis (2)Segregation; dissection …qðoð‚eo - Preceding; precedent …]Út¬hý y™u …ht{þo sqÚt - Analytical and …qðoð‚eo ¾kz - Preceding clause …qðoð‚eo òu„ðtE - Preceding provision Consultative Group …qðoð‚eo r™Þ{ - Preceding rule …qðoð‚eo þh‚ - Condition precedent; …]Út¬hý y™u ftuüf rð¼t„ - Analysis and precondition tabulation section …qðoð‚eo rn‚ - Precedent interest; precondition …]Út¬hý {ŒŒ™eþ - Analytical Assistant …qðorð[thýt - Preconsideration; premeditation …]Út¬hý™u ÷„‚e Ëð÷‚tu - Analytical facilities …qðoËkæÞt - Eve …]Út¬hýrðãt - Analytics …qðorËØ - A priori …]Út¬hýtí{f fËtuxe - Analytical test …qðoËq[f - Premonitory …]Út¬hýtí{f {trn‚e - Analytical data …qðoËq[f ynuðt÷ - Premonitory report …]Út¬th - Analyser; analyst …qðoËq[™ - Premonition …]Úðe - Earth …qðoM™t‚f - Under graduate …]Úðe™e Ë…txe - Earth surface …qðtorÄfth - Precedence …]Úðe™tu …tu…ztu - Earth crust …qðtorÄfthe - Predecessor …]c - Crust (2)Leaf (3)Folio; page …qðto…h ËkƒkÄ - Reference to context; contextual …]c ™kƒh - Folio number; page number …qðto…htÄe - History sheeter …]c þe»tof - Page head …qðtoÇÞtË - Rehearsal; practice …]ceÞ ðu„ - Surface velocity …qðtoÇÞtË fhðtu - Rehearse …ì®f„/…ìf fhðt™tu ¾[o - Packing charges; …qðuoûtý ft{„ehe - Prospecting operation …qðuoûtý …hðt™tu - Prospecting licence package …qðtuoõ‚ - Aforesaid; former; above mentioned; …ì®f„/…ìf fhðwk ‚u - Packing above-said …ì®f„-Ët{„úe - Packing material …u[ - Screw (2)Twist; turn …q¤tu - Bundle of grass …u[fþ - Screw driver …qkArzÞtu ‚thtu - Comet …u[{t…f - Screw gauge …qkS - Assets; capital; wealth …ux - Belly; stomach …qkXwk - Paper board; cardboard …uxkx yt…™th - Patentor …]åAt - Inquiry (2)Query …uxkx-ftÞŒtu - Patent law …uxkx Œðt - Patent medicine …uxkx îtht ËwhÂût‚ - Protected by patent 268

…uxkx îtht ËwhÂût‚ …uxt-ð„eofhý …uxkx {u¤ððe - Patent …uxt-™tÞƒ r™heûtf - Sub-Deputy Inspector …uxkx«tó - Patentable …uxt-r™Þ{ - Sub-rule; bye-rule …uxkx«tó ÔÞÂõ‚ - Patentee …uxt-™tUÄýe yrÄfthe - Sub-Registrar …uxkx nf - Patent right …uxt-…xt nwf{ - Sub-let order …uxt-y™w¼t„ - Sub-section …uxt-…xu yt…™th - Sub-letter; sub-lessor …uxt-ytÄth - Sub-base …uxt-…xu yt…ðwk - Sub-let; underlet …uxt-ytÞtu„ - Sub-commission …uxt-…xu yt…ðwk ‚u - Sub-letting; underletting …uxt-Wí…tŒ™ - Sub-manufacture …uxt-…xuŒth - Underlessee; sub-lessee …uxt-yusLx - Sub-agent …uxt-…xtu - Sub-lease; underlease …uxt-ytuðhrËÞh - Sub-Overseer …uxt-…w÷ r™heûtf - Sub-bridge Inspector …uxt-f[uhe - Sub-office …uxt-«Œuþ - Sub-region …uxt-fLxÙtõx/fhth - Sub-contract …uxt-«Œuþ htus„th yrÄfthe - Sub-regional …uxt-fLxÙtõxh - Sub-contractor …uxt-f÷{ - Sub-section Employment Officer …uxt-ft™q™/ftÞŒtu - Bye-law …uxt-ft{ - Sub-work …uxt-«¼t„ - Sub-division …uxt-fuLÿ - Sub-station …uxt-«¼t„eÞ yrÄfthe - Sub-divisional Officer …uxt-¢{tkf/™kƒh - Sub-number …uxt-«¼t„eÞ f[uhe - Sub-divisional Office …uxt-ûtuºt - Sub-sector …uxt-«¼t„eÞ {ursMxÙux - Sub-divisional …uxt-¾kz - Sub-clause …uxt-„ýtur‚Þtu - Sub-tenant; under-tenant Magistrate …uxt-„ehtu - Sub-mortgage …uxt-[qkxýe - Bye-election …uxt-Vfhtu - Sub-paragraph …uxt-s{e™ ¼tu„ðxt nf - Under tenure …uxt-¼tzq‚ - Sub-tenant; under-tenant …uxt-rsÕ÷tu - Sub-district …uxt-¼tzu yt…™th - Sub-letter …uxt-sqÚt - Sub-group …uxt-¼tzu yt…ðwk - Sub-let …uxt-x…t÷ f[uhe - Sub-post office …uxt-¼tzu yt…ðwk ‚u - Sub-letting …uxt-x…t÷ {tM‚h - Sub-Post Master …uxt-{Útf - Sub-station …uxt-XufuŒth - Sub-contractor …uxt-{tr÷f - Sub-proprietor; under-proprietor …uxt-Xuftu - Sub-contract …uxt-{tr÷fe nf - Under-proprietary right …uxt-r‚òuhe - Sub-treasury …uxt-{wÏÞ ËŒh - Sub-major head …uxt-ŒV‚h f[uhe - Sub-record office …uxt-hrsMxÙth - Sub-Registrar …uxt-ð™¾kz - Sub-range …uxt-ð„o - Sub-class …uxt-ð„eofhý - Sub-classification …uxt-ðtW[h - Sub-voucher 269

…uxt-ðtW[h …i‚]f W¥thtrÄfthe …xu t-rð¼trs‚ - Sub-divided …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ ft„¤tu - Pension papers …uxt-ðu[tý - Sub-sale …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ ftzo - Pension card …uxt-þe»tof - Sub-title; sub-heading …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ fuË - Pension case …uxt-ËŒh - Sub-head …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ ¾[o - Pensionary charges …uxt-Ër{r‚ - Sub-Committee …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ [wfðýe nwf{ - Pension …uxt-Ëhðt¤tu - Sub-total …uxt-ËnðthËtu - Sub-coparcenary payment order …uxt-Ëe{tk‚ - Sub-marginal …uxt-ËtU…ýe nwf{ - Sub-delivery order …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ ‚fuŒthe þt¾t - Pension …uxt-nðt÷tu - Sub-charge …uxt-rnËtƒ fthfw™ - Sub-accounts Clerk Vigilance Branch …uxt rnËtƒ-‚…tË™eË - Sub-Auditor …uxt-rnËtƒ™eË - Sub-Accountant …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ r™Þ{tu - Pension rules …uxt-rnËtƒ {ntuh - Sub-account seal …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ ÷t¼ - Pensionary benefits …uxt¤ - Entrails …uLþ™™wk Y…tk‚h - Commutation of pension …uxtððwk - Ignite; kindle; light …uLþ™…tºt - Pensionable …uxe - Case; box; chest …uLþ™…tºt ™tufhe/Ëuðt - Qualifying service; …uxu [t÷™thwk - Reptile …uxu [t÷ðwk/Ëhfðwk - Crawl pensionable service …uxÙtu-hËtÞý - Petrochemical …uxÙtu-hËtÞý Ëkfw÷ - Petro-chemical complex …uÞ - Beverage; drinking (2)Drinkable; …uZe - Lineage; generation; ancestry potable (2)Concern; firm …uÞ ¾r™s s¤ - Table water …uZe„‚ ÄkÄtu/ÔÞðËtÞ - Ancestral occupation …uhtu÷/þh‚e/{wŒ‚e Awèe - Parole …uZe™t{wk - Genealogy …uhtu÷/þh‚e/{wŒ‚e Awèe {u¤ð™th - Parolee …uŒt fhðwk - Generate; produce …uhtu÷ …h - On parole …uŒtþ - Output; product; yield …uhtu÷ …h Awxfthtu - Release on parole …uLþ™ fthfw™ - Pension Clerk …uþ„e - Advance; earnest money; imprest …uLþ™ Vt¤tu - Pensionary contribution …uþ„e Äthf - Imprest holder …uLþ™ Ë{fthe r™rÄ - Pension Equalization …uþ„e ™týwk - Imprest money …uþ„e r™rÄ - Imprest fund Fund …uþ„e rnËtƒ - Imprest account …uþ„e™e hf{ - Imprest amount; advance …uLþ™/r™ð]Â¥t-ðu‚™ yrÄfth - Pensionary right money …uËðwk - Penetrate; enter …U‚htu - Manoeuvre/Manoeuver …i‚]f - Paternal; patrilineal …i‚]f W¥thtrÄfthe - Lineal heir …i‚]f …uZe - Parental generation 270

…i‚]f …uZe …tu÷eË …nuhu„eh/hûtf …i‚]f hõ‚ËkƒkÄ - Lineal consanguinity …tu÷tý - Cavity …i‚]f ðkþs - Lineal descendant …tu÷tŒ - Steel; rolled steel …i‚]f ðthËtu - Patrimony …tu÷tŒ-Ëkh[™t/{t¤¾wk - Steel structure …i‚]f ð]ût - Parental tree; pedigree …tu÷tŒ™u …týe [ztððwk - Hardening of steel …iËtŒth - Rich; wealthy; moneyed; affluent …tu÷e Œeðt÷ - Hollow wall …tìr÷þÞkºt - Buffing machine …tu÷eË yíÞt[th - Police excesses/atrocities …tìr÷Ëe ™t{u fhðe ‚u - Assignment of policy …tu÷eË yŒt÷‚ - Police Court …tìr÷Ëe hŒ Útðe ‚u - Lapse of policy …tu÷eË yrÄfth/yrÄfthûtuºt ƒnth™tu „w™tu - Non- …tìr÷ËeÄthf - Policy-holder …tufux{th - Cut purse; pick pocket cognizable offence …tu¾hts - Topaz …tu[e {txe - Loose soil; soft soil …tu÷eË yrÄfthûtuºt™tu/yrÄfth™tu „w™tu - …tu[wk ÷tfzwk - Soft wood …tux÷wk - Bundle; pack; package Cognizable offence …tu‚ - Fabric; texture …tu‚t™t …ût™e rðhwØ {‚Œt™ fhðwk ‚u - Cross …tu÷eË yrÄfthe - Police Officer …tu÷eË yrÄr™Þ{ - Police Act voting …tu÷eË yÄeûtf - Superintendent of Police …tu÷eË y™whûtf/y™whûtý - Police escort …tu‚t™e Ë¥tt{tk ntuÞ yuðtk …„÷tk ÷uðtk - Take …tu÷eË y™whûtý nuX¤ - Under police escort …tu÷eË ynuðt÷ - Police report measures in one’s power …tu÷eË ytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Police …tu÷eË ytðtË - Police lines …tu‚t™e Ëne ËtÚtu - Under one’s hand/own …tu÷eË W…-r™heûtf - Police Sub-Inspector …tu÷eË-fƒòu - Police custody signature …tu÷eË ftÞoðtne/…„÷wk - Police action …tu÷eË xwfze - Police party; police squad …tu‚t™e Ëneðt¤wk ÷¾tý - Writing under one’s …tu÷eË ‚…tË - Police inquiry …tu÷eË ‚t÷e{ ftp÷us - Police Training College hands/own signature …tu÷eË ‚t÷e{ þt¤t - Police Training School …tu÷eË Œ¤/ƒ¤ - Police force; constabulary …tu‚t™wk - Own …tu÷eË r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Police Manual ‘…tu‚t™wk {ft™ ƒ™tðtu’ Þtus™t - ‘Own your …tu÷eË r™Þ{tu - Police rules …tu÷eË r™heûtf - Police Inspector appartment’ scheme (O.Y.A.) …tu÷eË …nuhu„eh/hûtf - Police guard …tu÷eË ƒt‚{e - Police intelligence …tu‚t™wk ntuðt™tu nfŒtðtu fhðtu - Lay claim to …tu‚t™u [qfððt…tºt - Payable to self 271 ‘…tu‚t™tu xur÷Vtu™ ðËtðtu’ Þtus™t - ‘Own your telephone’ scheme …tu‚u - Self; in person; personally …tu…ze/Athe ƒtÍðe ‚u - Incrustation …tu…ztu - Crust

…tu÷eË ƒt‚{e «ftþ™ …tu÷eË {Útf - Police Station …tu»týût{ Œh - Economic rate …tu÷eË-{Útf yrÄfthe - Police Station Officer …tu»týût{ …qhf ytnth - Nutritional supplement …tu÷eË-{Útf nðt÷tÄthe - Police station-in- …tu»tý™e ¾t{e - Nutritional deficiency charge …tu»tý™tu y¼tð - Innutrition …tu»týrð»tÞf - Nutritional …tu÷eË {ntr™heûtf - Inspector General of …tu»týþtMºte - Nutritionist …tu»týne™ - Innutritious Police …tu»týne™‚t - Innutrition …tuËŒtuzt - Poppy capsules …tu÷eË hnuXtý - Constabulary quarters …tu¤ - Street; lane …tu÷eË hts - Police regime …tiºt - Grand son …tu÷eË hts…ºt - Police gazette …tiºte - Grand daughter …tu÷eË htßÞ - Police State …tu÷eË ðfe÷ - Police Prosecutor …tu÷eË ðtÞh÷uË yrÄfthe - Police Wireless Officer …tu÷eË rðr™Þ{tu - Police regulations …tihtrýf - Legendary …tu÷eË þtuÄ-‚…tË - Police investigation …tiÂüf - Nutrient; nutrimental; nourishing; …tu÷eË Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Police Authority analeptic …tu÷eË/Ëir™f Ë÷t{e - Guard of honour …tiÂüf ytnth - Nutritious diet; nourishing …tu÷eË Ëuðt - Police service food; nourishment; nutritious food …tu÷eË nfq{‚ - Police jurisdiction …tiÂüf‚t - Nutriment …tuþtf - Dress; clothing …tIyt - Flattened rice …tuþtf ¼ÚÚtwk - Clothing allowance ÃÞtŒwk - Pawn …tu»tf - Nutrient; nourishing «fhý - Chapter …tu»tf ytnth - Nutritious food; nutriment «fÂÕ…‚ - Hypothetical …tu»tf Wãtu„ - Feeder industry «fth - Category; form; type; mode; kind …tu»tf ™nuh - Feeder canal «fthtí{f - Typical …tu»tf …tf - Nurse crop «ftþ - Light; illumination …tu»tf ð]ût - Nurse tree «ftþ fuLÿ - Spot light …tu»tf‚t …]Út¬hý - Nutritive analysis «ftþ-r[rfíËt/W…[th - Phototherapy …tu»tý - Nutrition; nourishment «ftþ-«u»tý - Transmission of light …tu»tý-{qÕÞ - Nutritive value «ftþf - Publisher …tu»tý ËkþtuÄ™ «Þtu„þt¤t - Nutrition Research «ftþf {kz¤ - Publisher’s Association Laboratory «ftþ™ - Publication …tu»týût{ s{e™/¾t‚wk - Economic holding «ftþ™ yrÄfthe - Publication Officer 272

«ftþ™ yrÄfthe «[r÷‚ ÔÞðMÚtt «ftþ™ «¼t„ - Publication Division «ûtu… - Projection; interpolation «ftþ™„]n - Publishing house «ûtu…f - Projector «ftþ™wk rfhý - Beam; ray «ûtu…ý - Projection «ftþ{tk ytýðwk - Unearth; bring to light «ûtu…tí{f - Projective «ftþ{t…™tu yuf{ - Candle power «ûtu…tMºt - Missile «ftþð‚wo¤ - Spot light «ûtuÃÞ - Projectile «ftþrð¿tt™ - Optics «¾h - Sharp; pointed «ftþrð¿tt™e - Opticist «¾h rðît™ - Master; genious «ftþrð»tÞf - Optical «ÏÞt‚ - Well-known; famous; illustrious «ftrþ‚ fhðwk - Publish «„x - Evident; manifest; overt «ftkz - Stem «„x fhðwk - Disclose; manifest; release; «feýo - Miscellaneous; sundry (2)Scattered «feýo fthfw™ - Miscellaneous Clerk reveal; expose «feýo ŒuðtŒth - Sundry debtor «feýo ÷uýŒth - Sundry creditor «„x/ònuh fhðwk ‚u - Disclosure; exposure «feýo Ëk…Â¥t - Sundry assets «„x hnMÞ - Open secret «f]r‚ - Nature; temperament «„x…ýu - Evidently; openly; apparently; above board «„r‚ - Progress; headway «„r‚ ynuðt÷ - Progress report «f]r‚-r[ºt - Landscape «„r‚ yt÷u¾ - Progress chart «f]r‚-rðþu»t‚t - Idiosyncrasy «„r‚fq[ - Strides of progress «f]r‚rðŒT - Naturalist «„r‚ftzo - Progress card «f]r‚rð¿tt™ - Natural science «„r‚¢{ - Step; progressive step «f]r‚ Ëkhûtý - Nature conservation/ «„r‚™e ‚frðntuýwk …Œ - Blind alley position conservancy «„r‚þe÷ - Progressive «„r‚þe÷ yÚto‚kºt - Progressive economy «ftu… - Indignation; wrath «„r‚þe÷ Œuþ - Progressive country «r¢Þt - Process; processing «„r‚ne™ Ë{ts - Static society «r¢Þt Wãtu„ - Processing industry «[r÷‚ - In vogue; prevalent «r¢Þt yuf{ - Processing unit «[r÷‚ fhðwk - Popularize; familiarize; put into «r¢Þt fh - Processing tax «r¢Þt ËkÞkºt - Processing plant; treatment plant circulation «r¢Þt ËkþtuÄ™ - Process research «[r÷‚ …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Stock situation «r¢Þt„‚ Mxtpf - Stock-in-process «[r÷‚ ÔÞðMÚtt - Stock arrangement «r¢Þtí{f ftÞŒtu - Adjective-law «[r÷‚ ntuðwk ‚u - Vogue 273

«[r÷‚ ntuðwk ‚u «r‚-«ðtn «[kz - Gigantic; enormous; huge «s™™ût{‚t - Fertility; potency «[kz yt„ - Conflagration «s™™Œh - Fertility rate «[kz ytkÄe - Hurricane «ò - Subject; people; public «[kz ft{„ehe - Stupendous work; tremendous «òË¥ttf - Republic work «Sðf - Vitamin «¿tt - Wisdom; prudence; intelligence; «[kz ÍkÍtðt‚ - Typhoon «[kz «ðtn - Torrent intellect «[kz ƒnw{‚e - Thumping majority; «ßð÷™ - Inflammation; ignition overwhelming majority «ßð÷™þe÷ - Inflammable «ßðr÷‚ - Ablaze; lighted; inflamed; ignited «[kz rðsÞ - Sweeping victory; land slide (2)Enkindled victory; overwhelming victory «ýt÷e - Practice; convention; tradition «[th - Publicity; propaganda; canvassing «ýt÷e y™u ftÞo…Ør‚ - Practice and procedure «[th yrÄfthe - Publicity Officer «ýt÷e„‚ - Conventional; traditional «[th yusLx - Publicity agent «ýu‚t - Originator; pioneer «[th fhðtu - Propagate; publicize; canvass «‚ - Copy; script «[th ftÞo - Publicity work; canvassing work «‚-ðt[f - Copy holder «[th Íwkƒuþ - Publicity campaign «‚ƒkÄ/«‚ðthe fhðe (s{e™™e ƒtƒ‚{tk) - «[th {tæÞ{ - Medium of publicity «[th-Ëqºt - Slogan Classify «[thf - Propagandist; canvasser «‚ƒkÄe/«‚ðthe fh™th (s{e™™e ƒtƒ‚{tk) - «[th÷wó þçŒ - Archaic word Classer «[thðtõÞ™tu rˬtu - Slogan stamp «[thðtŒ - Propagandism «r‚ - Per; to (2)Towards (3)Counter «[wh - Abundant; plentiful; much; profuse; (4)Contra ample «r‚-yt¢{ý - Counter attack «[wh‚t - Abundance; exuberance; «r‚-ytûtu…/ythtu… - Retort; counter-charge «r‚-fÚt™ - Counter-statement plenipotentiary «r‚-[ftËýe - Counter-check «åAÒt - Disguised; hidden; concealed «r‚-ò{e™„ehe - Counter security «åAÒt ƒuhtus„the - Disguised unemployment; «r‚-Œh¾tM‚ - Counter proposal hidden unemployment; concealed «r‚-r™ðuŒ™ - Counter statement unemployment «r‚-…w™hw¥th - Surrejoinder «r‚-«ðtn - Back flow «s™™ - Impregnation; procreation «r‚-{‚Œt™ - Cross voting 274 (2)Reproduction «s™™ût{ - Fertile; potent

«r‚-{‚Œt™ «r‚r™ÞwÂõ‚ …h «r‚-þwÕf - Countervailing duty «r‚¿tt - Vow; oath «r‚-Ëtu„kŒ™t{wk - Counter-affidavit «r‚¿tt…qðof fnuðwk - Affirm; solemny declare «r‚-rnËtƒ - Contra account «r‚¿tt…qðof íÞt„ fhðtu - Abjure; renounce on «r‚fth - Resistance; retaliation; opposition oath «r‚fth fhðtu - Resist; retaliate; oppose «r‚fth-þÂõ‚ - Resistance; resistance power «r‚¿tt…qðof hsqyt‚ - Affirmation; solemn «r‚fthf - Resistant; remedial «r‚fthf W…tÞ - Remedial measure declaration «r‚fq¤ - Adverse; unfavourable; contrary; «r‚¿tt…qðof™tu íÞt„ - Abjurement; renunciation repugnant on oath «r‚fq¤ yËh - Adverse effect; contrary effect «r‚fq¤ W…¼tu„/¼tu„ðxtu - Adverse enjoyment; «r‚ŒMf‚ - Counter signature «r‚ŒMf‚ fhðt - Countersign unfavourable enjoyment; adverse «r‚ŒMf‚ fhu÷wk - Countersigned utilization «r‚rŒ™ - Daily; every day «r‚Äthf Œeðt÷ - Retaining wall «r‚Äthý - Retention «r‚fq¤ fƒòu - Adverse possession; «r‚Äthý fhðwk - Retain unfavourable possession «r‚Äthý-®f{‚ - Retention price «r‚Äthý ¼ÚÚtwk - Retaining allowance «r‚fq¤ xeftrxÃ…ý - Adverse comments; «r‚Äthý-{ÞtoŒt - Retention limit «r‚Äthý-{wŒ‚ - Retention period adverse remarks «r‚Äthý-þÂõ‚/ût{‚t - Retentiveness «r‚fq¤ Œtðtu - Adverse claim «r‚fq¤ he‚u yËh …t{u÷ - Prejudicially affected; adversely affected «r‚fq¤ rðr™{Þ Œh - Unfavourable rate of «r‚æðr™/«r‚½tu»t - Echo exchange «r‚r™rÄ - Representative; delegate; proxy «r‚fq¤ ÔÞt…th rË÷f - Unfavourable balance (2)Envoy of trade «r‚r™rÄ ‚hefu {tuf÷ðwk - Depute «r‚fq¤ Ëkòu„tu Ähtð‚tu rðM‚th - Disadvantaged «r‚r™rÄ ‚hefu™e nurËÞ‚ - Representative area capacity «r‚fq¤ Ëtûte - Hostile witness; adverse «r‚r™rÄíð - Representation witness; unfavourable witness «r‚r™rÄ{kz¤ - Delegation; deputation «r‚r™Þwõ‚ fhðwk - Depute «r‚fq¤ rË÷f - Adverse balance «r‚r™Þwõ‚ f{o[the - Deputationist «r‚fq¤ MÚtt™ - Unsuitable locality; «r‚r™ÞwÂõ‚ - Deputation «r‚r™ÞwÂõ‚ …h - On deputation unfavourable place «r‚r™ÞwÂõ‚ ¼ÚÚtwk - Deputation allowance «r‚f]r‚ - Model; image; replica; facsimile 275 «r‚r¢Þt - Reaction; counter-action «r‚[¢ðt‚ - Anti-cyclone

«r‚r™ÞwÂõ‚ ¼ÚÚtwk «r‚Âc‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ «r‚r™ÞwÂõ‚Úte ƒŒ÷e - Transfer on deputation «r‚ƒ¤ - Stress «r‚r™rn‚/…hf]íÞsLÞ sðtƒŒthe - Vicarious «r‚®ƒƒ - Reflection liability «r‚¼t - Talent; genius «r‚¼t þtuÄ - Talent search; search for talent «r‚…ûte - Adversary; defendent; opponent; «r‚¼tð - Response; reaction (2)Feed back «r‚¼tðþe÷ - Responsive respondent; rival «r‚¼tþt¤e/Ëk…Òt - Gifted; talented; genius «r‚{t - Image; icon; idol; statue «r‚…„÷tk/«íÞw…tÞ - Counter measure «r‚{tË - Per mensem; per month; every «r‚…tŒ™ - Enunciation; substantiation «r‚…trŒ‚ fhðwk - Substantiate; propound; month enunciate «r‚Y… - Counterpart (2)Image «r‚htuÄ - Determent; estoppel «r‚…wÂü/«r‚r™ðuþ/«r‚ ËkŒ¼o/«r‚…tu»tý - Feed back «r‚«ðtn - Back flowing «r‚«ðtn s¤r™ftË ûtuºt - Upstream drainage basin «r‚htuÄ fhðtu - Resist; prevent «r‚htuÄf - Buffer; preventive; resistant «r‚ƒkÄ - Prohibition; restriction; ban; «r‚htuÄf r¢Þt - Buffer action «r‚÷u¾ - Copy estoppel; inhibition; constraint «r‚ð»to - Per annum; every year «r‚ðkxtu¤ - Anti-cyclone «r‚ƒkÄ Œqh fhðtu - Unban «r‚ðtŒ - Counter argument (2)Defence «r‚ƒkÄ {qfðtu - Restrict; constrain; proscribe; «r‚ðtŒe - Respondent; defendant «r‚ðtŒe™t W¥th Ët{u ðtŒe™tu sðtƒ - prohibit; ban Surrejoinder «r‚ƒkÄ-Ëqr[ - Proscription list «r‚ƒkÄf …„÷tk - Prophylactic measures «r‚ðtŒe™e „uhntshe{tk [wftŒtu - Judgement by «r‚ƒkÄf Ëò - Deterrent punishment «r‚ƒkrÄ‚ - Restricted; contraband; default prohibited; banned «r‚ct - Prestige; reputation; repute; status «r‚ƒkrÄ‚ [esðM‚wytu - Contraband articles (2)Goodwill «r‚ƒrk Ä‚ …Mw ‚f - Restricted book; banned book «r‚ƒkrÄ‚ {t÷ - Restricted goods; contraband «r‚ct-«‚ef - Status symbol «r‚ct™ - Foundation goods «r‚Âc‚ - Reputable; respectable; dignified; «r‚ƒkrÄ‚ ðu…th - Contraband trade; restricted distinguished (2)Established trade «r‚Âc‚ htus„th - Respectful employment «r‚Âc‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Dignitary «r‚ƒkrÄ‚ ÔÞðnth/ËtuŒtu - Contraband transaction «r‚ƒkrÄ‚ ËtrníÞ - Prohibited literature; proscribed literature «r‚ƒØ yrÄfth‚kºt - Committed bureaucracy «r‚Ëk‚w÷™ - Counter balance 276

«r‚Ëk‚w÷™ «íÞût {t„ «r‚MÚtt…™ - Subrogation «‚er‚fh Ëtrƒ‚e - Convincing proof «r‚MÚttr…‚ fhðwk - Subrogate «‚e… Ëkfhý - Back crossing (zoology) «r‚MÚttr…‚ nqkze - Redraft «íÞût - Direct; first-hand; evident «r‚M…Äto - Vying «r‚M…Äeo - Rival; competitor; opponent (2)Physical «‚ef - Symbol; token; emblem «‚ef y™wŒt™ - Token grant «íÞût y™wŒt™ - Direct grant «‚ef ft… - Token cut «íÞût y™u yufÄthtu ÷t¼ - Direct and «‚ef ¢{tkf - Token number «‚ef òu„ðtE - Token provision continuous benefit «‚ef {‚ - Token vote «‚ef {t„ýe - Token demand «íÞût y…ðtn s÷t÷u¾ - Direct run off «‚ef {wÿt - Token money «‚ef rˬtu - Token coin hydrograph «‚ef nz‚t÷ - Token strike «‚efY… rðsÞ - Token triumph/victory «íÞût yð÷tuf™ - Direct observation «‚efY… Ë{Úto™ - Token support «íÞût ytÞt‚ - Visible imports «‚efðtŒ - Symbolism «íÞût ytðf - Direct income «‚efðtŒe - Symbolist «íÞût fƒòu - Actual possession (2)Physical «‚efrðãt - Symbology «‚eftí{f fƒòu - Symbolical possession custody «‚eftí{f «r‚r™rÄ - Symbolic representative «‚eftí{f «r‚r™rÄíð - Symbolic «íÞût fh - Direct tax «íÞût ft{ - Practical work; practicles representation «íÞût fu …htuût he‚u - Directly or indirectly «íÞût ¾htE - Direct verification; physical «‚eftí{f ËtU…ýe - Symbolic/symbolical verification delivery «íÞût ¾[o - Direct expenses «‚efefhý - Symbolization «íÞût „ý‚he - Physical count «‚eûtt „t¤tu - Waiting period «íÞût ‚…tË/[ftËýe - Physical check «‚eûtt ÞtŒe - Waiting list «íÞût r™ftË - Visible exports «‚eûtt÷Þ/«‚eûtt¾kz - Waiting room «íÞût r™Œþo™ - Practical demonstration «‚eÂût‚ fuË - Await case; pending case «íÞût r™heûtý - Direct inspection «‚er‚ - Assurance; conviction «íÞût …Ør‚ - Direct method «íÞût …Ør‚yu y…t‚wk rþûtý - Direct method teaching «íÞût …whtðtu - Direct evidence «íÞût «r‚r™rÄíð - Direct representation «íÞût «Ëthý - Spot broadcast «íÞût {‚ - Direct vote «íÞût {t„ - Direct demand 277

«íÞût {t„ÞtŒe yrÄfthe «Œeó «íÞût {t„ÞtŒe yrÄfthe - Direct Indenting «íÞw¥thY… Ëtu„kŒ™t{wk - Affidavit in rejoinder «Út{ rºt{tË - First quarter Officer «Út{ Œþo™e/ŒÂüyu - Prima facie «Út{ Œþo™e …whtðtu - Prima facie evidence «íÞût ÷tufþtne - Direct democracy «Út{ ™kƒh™e/W¥t{ ò{e™„ehe - Gilt-edged «íÞût ðthË/W¥thtrÄfthe - Heir apparent «íÞût Ëtûte - Eye-witness security «íÞût nŒ {t…e™u - By meets and bounds «íÞûtft{ ‚t÷e{ - Practical training «Út{ ™t„rhf - First citizen «íÞûtft{ «rþûtf - Practical Instructor «Út{ ™t{ - First name; forename «íÞ…oý - Extradition «Út{ …ËkŒ„e - First preference «íÞ…oý yrÄfthe - Extradition Officer «Út{ …ËkŒ„e {‚ - First preference vote «íÞ…oý fhðwk - Extradite «Út{ «Œþo™ - Premiere show «íÞ…oý „w™tu - Extradition offence «Út{ {ŒŒ™eþ - First Assistant «íÞ…oý ËkrÄ - Treaty of extradition «Út{ {trn‚e ynuðt÷ - First Information «íÞt„{ - Reversion; return «íÞt½t‚ - Repercussion; reaction Report (F.I.R.) «íÞt½t‚e - Reactionary «íÞt™wŒt™ - Vote-on-credit «Út{ ðt[™ - First reading «íÞtÞwõ‚ rðÄt™ - Delegated legislation «Út{ nhtu¤™wk - Foremost «íÞthtu… - Recrimination «Út{ðth ftuE ËkËtÄ™™e þõÞ‚t ‚…tËðe - «íÞthtu… fhðtu - Recriminate; countercharge; Tapping resource transplant «Út{trÄfth - Precedence «íÞthtu…ý - Transplantation «Útt - Practice; system; tradition «íÞtð‚o™ - Reversion (2)Repatriation «Œþof - Exhibitor «íÞtð‚o™ «{tý…ºt - Repatriation certificate «Œþo™ - Exhibition; display; show «íÞtð‚o™ «ðtn - Return flow «Œþo™ yrÄfthe - Exhibition Officer «íÞtð‚o™ ËkƒkÄe/«íÞtð‚eo - Reversionary «Œþo™ fƒtx - Show-case «íÞtðŠ‚‚ Útðwk - Revert «Œþo™-¾kz - Exhibition room (2)Gallery «íÞtð‚eo ƒtu™Ë - Reversionary bonus «Œþo™-«[th - Exhibition publicity «íÞtð‚eo ðtŠ»tfe - Reversionary annuity «Œþo™ ðt™ - Exhibition van «íÞtð‚eo rn‚ - Reversionary interest «Œþo™ ËntÞf - Gallery Assistant; Exhibition «íÞw¥th - Response; reply; rejoinder «íÞw¥th yt…ðtu - Rejoin; respond; reply Assistant «Œþo™ M÷tEz - Display slide «Œþo™{tk {qfu÷e/{qfðt™e ðM‚w - Exhibit «Œt™ - Contribution «Œeó - Ablaze; lighted; inflamed; illuminated 278

«ŒeÂó «{tý™ «ŒeÂó - Illumination «ƒ¤ - Dominant; intense; strong; powerful «Œq»tf - Pollutant «ƒ¤ rðhtuÄ - Strong opposition «Œ»q tý - Pollution «ƒkÄ - Arrangement; management «Œq»tý r™Þkºtý - Pollution control «Œq»tý r™Þkºtý «r¢Þt Ã÷tLx - Pollution control (2)Provision (3)Treatise; discourse treatment plant «ƒkÄ fhðtu - Manage; arrange; provide «ƒkÄf - Executive; executor; manager «Œq»tý r™Þkºtý ƒtuzo - Pollution Control Board «¼t„ - Division «Œq»tý Vu÷tð‚tu yuf{ - Polluting unit «¼t„eÞ yÄeûtf - Divisional Superintendent «Œq»tý rðhtuÄe …„÷tk - Anti-pollution measures «¼t„eÞ f[uhe - Divisional Office «Œq»tý{wõ‚ - Pollution-free «¼t„eÞ rz…tu - Divisional Depot «Œqr»t‚ fhðwk - Pollute «¼t„eÞ {wÏÞ {Útf - Divisional head quarter «Œqr»t‚ «ðtne r™ft÷-Þtus™t - Effluent «¼t„eÞ ðzt - Divisional head «¼t„eÞ rnËtƒ™eË - Divisional Accountant Disposal Scheme «Œuþ - Region; territory; area «¼the - In-charge «Œþu «ðtË™ yrÄfthe - Regional Tourist Officer «¼the ËÇÞ - Member in-charge «Œuþ «ðtË™ f[uhe - Regional Tourist Office «¼tð - Impression; impact; influence; effect «Œuþ-¼t»tt - Regional language «¼tðûtuºt - Sphere of influence «Œuþ-htßÞ - Territorial State «¼tð …tzðtu - Impress; affect; influence «ŒuþðtŒ - Provincialism «¼tð/yËh rð™t™wk - Unaffected «Ät™ - Prominent; dominant; prime «¼tðþt¤e - Impressive; dominant; influential (2)Minister «¼trð‚ fhðkw - Impress; influence; impact; affect «¼tðe - Impressive; imposing; dominant; «Ät™{kºte - Prime Minister «Ät™{kºte Ër[ðt÷Þ - Prime Minister’s influential Secretariat «¼tðe Œ~Þ - Tableau «¼wíð - Domination; mastery «…k[ - Fraud; ruse; intrigue; deceit «{tý - Proportion; ratio; dose; dosage; «…k[e - Intriguer; fraudulent; insidious «…t‚ - Over-fall measure (2)Proof «…t‚e A÷‚e - Over-fall spillway «ƒØ ðes¤e - Captive power «{tý yt…ðwk - Prove; testify «ƒØ ðes¤e Ëð÷‚tu - Captive power facilities «{tý-…whtðtu - Testimonial evidence «ƒr÷‚ rË{uLx ftpL¢ex - Reinforced cement «{tý/{t… ƒnth™wk - Disproportionate «{týf - Probative concrete «{týf yrÄfthe - Certifying Officer «ƒ÷efhý - Reinforcement «{tý™ - Certification; attestation 279

«{tý…ºt/Œt¾÷tu «Þtu„þt¤t yÇÞtË¢{ «{tý…ºt/Œt¾÷tu - Certificate; testimonial «{trý‚ fh‚e Ëne - Authenticating signature «{tý…ºt yt…™th/«{trý‚ fh™th - Certifier «{trý‚ fhðwk - Authenticate; certify; validate; «{tý…ºt yt…ðwk/«{trý‚ fhðwk - Certify attest; testify «{tý…ºt hŒ fhðwk - Revocation of certificate «{tý¼t™ - Sense of proportion «{trý‚ ŒM‚tðus - Certified document; «{tý¼q‚ - Authentic; valid; legitimate; authenticated/attested document reliable; authoritative; standard «{trý‚ ™f÷ - Attested copy; certified copy; «{tý¼q‚ fhðwk - Authenticate; authorize; authenticated copy attest «{trý‚ ™rn fhtÞu÷ ™f÷ - Unattested copy; «{tý¼q‚ „úkÚt - Standard book «{tý¼q‚ [÷ý - Standard money uncertified copy; unauthenticated copy «{tý¼q‚ ‚tu÷-{t… - Standard weights and «{týefhý - Authentication; certification; measures attestation «{tý¼q‚ Œh - Standard rate «{týu - According to; as per; in accordance with «{tŒ - Laxity; idleness; laziness «{tŒe - Lax; idle; lazy «{tý¼q‚ ™{q™tu - Standard sample «{w¾ - President (2)Main «{tý¼q‚ …tX - Authoritative text «{w¾ Wãtu„ - Core industries «{tý¼q‚ ¼tzwk - Standard rent «{w¾ ƒ™ðwk - Preside «{tý¼q‚ {t¤¾tY… {wËÆtu - Standard skeleton «{w¾…Œ - Presidentship «{w¾…Œ Ëk¼t¤‚t ËÇÞ - Presiding member draft «{w¾…Œ™tu W{uŒðth - Presidential candidate «{w¾…tºt™e ¼qr{ft - Title role «{tý¼q‚ ðu‚™ - Standard wage «{w¾MÚtt™ Ëk¼t¤ðwk - Preside «{tý¼q‚ rˬtu - Standard coin «{uÞ - Theorem «{tý¼q‚‚t - Authenticity; validity «Þí™ - Attempt; endeavour; trial; effort «{týËh - Proportional; proportionate «Þí™ fhðtu - Try; endeavour «{týËh fh - Proportional tax «Þtý - Departure; march (2)Offtake «{týËh ¾[o - Proportional expenditure «Þwõ‚/«Þturs‚ f÷tytu - Applied arts «{týËh Œh - Proportional rate «ÞwÂõ‚ - Device; contrivance «{týËh «r‚r™rÄíð - Proportional «Þtu„ - Experiment; practical; rehearsal; trial «Þtu„-…heûtt - Practical examination representation «Þtu„þt¤t - Laboratory «Þtu„þt¤t yÇÞtË¢{ - Laboratory course «{týrËØ - Authentic; authoritative «{týrËØ fhðwk - Authenticate; validate «{týtkf - Hall mark «{trýf yrÄfthe/f{o[the - Uncorrupt official «{trý‚ - Authentic; certified; attested 280

«Þtu„þt¤t ‚fr™frðŒT «ðtË„tze «Þtu„þt¤t ‚fr™frðŒT - Laboratory technician scale «Þtu„þt¤t r™Œþo™ - Laboratory «ðh «¼t„ - Senior division demonstration «ðh ¼qM‚hþtMºte - Senior Geologist «ðh ðneðxe Œhsòu - Senior administrative «Þtu„þt¤t …rh[h - Laboratory Attendant «Þtu„þt¤t {ŒŒ™eþ - Laboratory Assistant grade «Þtu„þt¤t hûtf - Laboratory Keeper «Þtu„þt¤t ËtÄ™Ët{„úe - Laboratory «ðh Ëuðt™e søÞt - Senior duty post «ðh‚t - Seniority equipments «ðh‚t¢{ - Order of seniority «ðh‚t „w{tððe ‚u - Forfeiture of seniority «Þtu„tí{f - Experimental; trial; practical «ðh‚t ÞtŒe - Seniority list; seniority roll «Þtu„tí{f yÇÞtË - Experimental study «ð‚of - Originator; promoter; pioneer; «Þtu„tí{f ¾u‚e - Experimental farming «Þtu„tí{f þt¤t - Experimental school sponsor «Þtusf - Sponsor «Þtusf ‚hefu ¼hðt™e y™t{‚ - Sponsorship «ð‚of «ð]Â¥tytu - Promotional activities «ð‚of/«uhf ƒ¤ - Impetus deposit «ð‚o{t™ - Prevalent; in force; in progress «ð‚o{t™ ftÞŒtu - Law in force «Þtusf Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Sponsoring Authority «ð‚o{t™/[t÷w ®f{‚ - Prevailing price «Þtus™ - Purpose; purport; motive; aim; «ð‚o{t™/[t÷w Œh - Prevailing rate «ð‚oðwk - Prevail; exist objective; intent «ðŠ‚‚ fhðwk - Introduce «ðÄof - Amplifier «Þturs‚ fhðwk - Sponsor «ðt÷/…hðt¤wk - Coral «Þturs‚ ftÞo¢{ - Sponsored programme «ðtË - Travel; journey; tour «Þturs‚ …tu»tý ftÞo¢{ - Applied Nutrition «ðtË yrÄfthe - Touring Officer «ðtË ynuðt÷ - Tour report Programme «ðtË yusLx - Tourist agent; travel agent «Þturs‚ rð¿tt™ - Applied science «÷Þ …qðuo™wk - Antediluvian «÷tu¼f - Inducer; enticer (2)Seducer «÷tu¼™ - Allurement; temptation; bait; inducement; enticement «÷tu¼™ yt…ðwk - Induce; tempt; allure; entice «ðtË yusLËe - Travel agency; tourist agency «ðõ‚t - Spokesman; spokesperson «ðtË ftÞo¢{ - Tour programme; itinerary «ð[™ - Speech; address; discourse «ðtË ftÞto÷Þ - Tourist bureau/office «ðh - Senior «ðtË ûtuºt - Travel circuit «ðh Œw¼tr»tÞtu - Senior interpreter «ðtË ¾[o - Travelling expenses; journey «ðh …„thÄtuhý - Senior scale; senior pay- charges «ðtË„tze - Tourist coach 281

«ðtË ztÞhe «ðtn{t…f «ðtË ztÞhe - Tour diary «ðtËe - Traveller; tourist «ðtË ŒM‚tðus - Travel document «ðtËe yðhsðh - Tourist traffic «ðtË ™tUÄ - Tour notes «ðtËe-ftzo - Tourist card «ðtË …wÂM‚ft - Tour booklet «ðtËe [uf - Traveller’s cheque «ðtË …uþ„e - Tour advance «ðtËe r™heûtf - Travelling Inspector «ðtË rVÕ{ - Travelogue film «ðtËe …rh[Þ ftzo - Tourist introduction card; «ðtË ¼ÚÚtwk - Travelling allowance tourist identity card «ðtË ¼tzwk - Tourist tariff «ðtË {wft{ - Halt «ðtËe ƒk„÷tu - Tourist bungalow «ðtË htn‚ - Travel concession «ðtËe {t„oŒþof - Tourist guide «ðtË ðýo™/r[ºt - Travelogue «ðtËe ðtn™ - Tourist vehicle «ðtË Ëð÷‚tu - Touring facilities; travelling «ðtËe rðÍt - Tourist visa «ðtËe rnËtƒ-‚…tË™eË - Travelling Auditor facilities «ðtËe-Mð„o - Tourist paradise «ðtË Ëk[t÷f - Tour conductor; tour organizer «ðtn - Current; flow; stream; course; flux; «ðtË ËtrníÞ - Tourist literature discharge «ðtË™ - Tourism «ðtË™ yrÄfthe - Tourist Officer «ðtn Œh - Flow rate «ðtË™ fuLÿ - Tourist centre «ðtn r™Þkºtf - Flow regulator «ðtË™ r™„{ - Tourism Corporation «ðtn {t¤¾wk - Flow pattern «ðtË™ «[th yrÄfthe - Tourist Publicity «ðtn Y…hu¾t - Stream profile «ðtn ðthkðth‚t - Stream frequency Officer «ðtn ðt¤ðt™tk ft{ - Stream training works «ðtË™ «[th ftÞo¢{ - Tourist publicity «ðtn ðu„{t…f - Current meter programme «ðtn þÂõ‚ - Flow capacity «ðtn Ëkh[™t - Flow structure «ðtË™ {trn‚e f[uhe - Tourist Information «ðtn ®Ë[tE - Flow irrigation «ðtn-®Ë[tE rðM‚th - Flow irrigation area Office «ðtn Ëqr[-ytkf - Flow Index «ðtn™ - Transmission «ðtË™ þõÞ‚t - Tourist potential «ðtn™ ÷tE™ - Transmission line «ðtË™ MÚt¤ - Tourist spot; tourist place «ðtn…Ør‚ - Flow pattern «ðtË™u fthýu „uhntsh - Absent on tour «ðtn{t„o - Flow path; flow route (2)Penstock «ðtË…ºtf - Journey log book «ðtn{t…f - Flow meter «ðtË…tË - Travelling pass; travel pass «ðtË{t„o - Transit «ðtË {trn‚e yrÄfthe - Tourist Information Officer 282

«ðtrn‚t «þt{f/«þt{f ðM‚w «ðtrn‚t - Fluency «ðuþ…ºt - Pass; entry pass «ðtne - Fluid; liquid «ðþu …ºtf - Admission form «ðtne f[hthrn‚ - Effluent-free «ðuþ …hr{x - Entry permit «ðtne f[htu - Effluent «ðuþ …hðt™„e - Admittance «ðtne ¾t‚h - Liquid manure «ðuþ …tË - Admission pass «ðtne ŒqÄ Ã÷tLx - Fluid milk plant «ðuþ Ve - Admission fee (2)Entrance fee; «ðtne …ŒtÚto - Fluid «ðtne {ÞtoŒt - Liquid limit entry fee «ðeý - Adept; skilful; expert; proficient; deft «ð]¥t fhðwk - Activate; actuate; motivate «ðuþ ƒkŒh - Port of entry «ð]¥t ht¾ðwk - Occupy; engage «ðuþ-ƒthe - Entrance window «ð]Â¥t - Activity «ðuþ-®ƒŒw/MÚt¤ - Entering point «ð]Â¥tË{qn/„wåA - Activity cluster «ðþu -{™tE - No admission; (2)Entry prohibited «ðu„ - Acceleration «ðuþ-{kz… - Entrance porch «ðu„ „r‚ - Accelerated motion «ðuþ {txu™tk Ätuhýtu - Admission standards «ðu„f - Accelerator; accelerant «ðuþ {t„o - Approach road; entry way; inlet «ðu„{t…f - Accelerometer «ðuþ ÞtuøÞ‚t - Accessibility «ðuþ - Access; entrance (2)Admission «ðuþ hrsMxh - Admission register «ðuþ yt…ðtu - Admit «ðuþ-ðÞ - Entrance age «ðuþ fhðtu - Enter «ðuþ rðÍt - Entry visa «ðuþ fËtuxe/…heûtt - Admission test; entrance «ðuþ ÔÞqn - Entry strategy «ðuþ ÔÞqn h[™tfth - Entry strategist test/examination «ðu~Þ - Approachable; accessible; penetrable «ðuþ-Ëw÷¼ - Accessible «ðuþ-¢{tkf - Enrolment number «ðuþ-nf - Access right; right of entry «ðuþ ût{‚t/Ë{tËût{‚t - Intake capacity; «ðuþ-ntì÷ - Entrance hall «þÂM‚ - Citation; scroll of honour enrolment capacity «þÂM‚ …ºt - Letter of citation; scroll of honour «þMÞ/M‚wíÞ Ëuðt - Meritorious service «ðuþ/nŒ«ðuþ ‚t÷e{ - Induction training «þkË™eÞ - Commendable; laudable; «ðuþût{ ð™ - Accessible forest «ðuþAqx - Admittance; access; admission praiseworthy «ðuþ rxrfx - Admission ticket «ðuþ îth - Gate; entrance (2)Adit (mines) «þkËt - Appreciation; praise; commendation «ðuþ-™tUÄýe - Enrolment «þkËt fhðe - Praise; appreciate «ðþu ™tÄU ðne - Admission register; entry register «þt{f/«þt{f ðM‚w - Palliative 283

«rþûtf «rËØ «rþûtf - Instructor; coach «Ëhðwk - Spread; diffuse; pervade «rþûtý - Instruction; coaching «Ëð - Labour; delivery (2)Birth «rþÂûtft - Instructress; lady coach «Ëð ¾kz - Labour room «þwÕf - Tariff «Ëð-ðuŒ™t - Labour-pain «þwÕf ytÞtu„ - Tariff Commission «ËðtðMÚtt - Confinement «þwÕf fhth - Tariff agreement «Ëk„ - Affair; event; incident; occasion «þwÕf Vuh‚…tË Ër{r‚ - Tariff Revision «Ëk„ðþt‚T - Incidentally; occasionally «Ëk„t™wY…/«Ëk„tur[‚ - Pertinent; relevant; Committee suitable «þwÕf ƒtuzo - Tariff Board «þwÕf {qÕÞ - Tariff value «Ëk„t™wY…‚t/«Ëk„tur[‚‚t - Pertinence; «þwÕf {qÕÞtkf™ - Tariff valuation «þwÕf ÞwØ - Tariff war relevance; suitability «þwÕf ËwÄthtu - Tariff reform «&™ - Question; interrogation «Ëk„tur[‚ ðt‚to - Topical talk «&™ W…ÂMÚt‚ fhðtu - Raise a question «Ëk„tu…t¥t ¾t÷e …z‚e søÞt - Casual vacancy «&™f‚to/…]åAf - Interrogator «Ëk„tu…t¥t „w™u„th - Casual criminal «&™…ºt - Question-paper «ËtÄ™ - Toilet (2)Make up «&™…ºt Vqxe sðwk - Leakage of question paper «ËtÄ™ ðM‚wytu/Ët{„úe - Toilet articles «&™…uxe - Question-box «Ëth/Vu÷tðtu - Circulation; broadcasting «&™÷ûte yÇÞtË - Problem-oriented study «&™ þt¾t - Question branch (2)Spread; expansion; proliferation «&™/«&™tu¥the Ë{Þ - Question hour (2)Zero «Ëthý - Dissemination; broadcasting; hour pervasion; spread; transmission «&™tðr÷ - Questionnaire «&™tu¥th-…Ør‚ - Question-answer method; «Ëthý yrÄfthe - Transmission Officer «Ëthý fuLÿ - Transmission station; interaction method broadcasting station «&™tu¥the ftÞo¢{ - Quiz programme «&™tu™e Íze - Barrage of questions «Ëthý-¾kz …rh[h - Studio Attendant «&™tu™e Mðefth-ÞtuøÞ‚t - Admissibility of «Ëthý xÙtLË{exh - Broadcast transmitter «Ëthý …Ør‚ - Transmission system questions «Ëthý «ƒkÄf - Transmission Manager «Ëthý {ŒŒ™eþ - Transmission Assistant «ËÒt - Delighted; pleased; happy; glad «Ëthý Ë{Þ - Transmission hours «Ëhý - Diffusion; spread; pervasion «Ëthý MxwrzÞtu - Broadcasting studio «Ëhýþe÷ - Pervasive; diffusive «Ëtrh‚ fhðwk - Broadcast; relay; transmit «rËØ - Renowned; noted; illustrious; famous; well-known 284

«rËÂØÞtuøÞ «t„r‚f/W¥thtu¥th Ëhðt¤tu «rËÂØÞtuøÞ - News worthy «MÚtt™ - Starting; departure (2)Take off «Ëq‚t {]íÞwŒh - Maternal mortality «MÚtt™ fhðwk - Set forth; start; depart (2)Take «Ëqr‚/Ëwðtðz - Delivery; maternity; off confinement «MÚtt™ ‚ƒ¬tu - Take off stage «Ëqr‚ y™u ƒt¤ythtuøÞ - Maternity and Child «MÚtt™ ®ƒŒw - Starting point Health «MÚtt™ hu¾t - Start line «MÚtt™ Ëkfu‚ - Starter signal «Ëqr‚ y™u ƒt¤-fÕÞtý fuLÿ - Maternity and «MÚttr…‚ r™ftËfth - Established exporter «MVtux - Explosion Child Welfare Centre «MVtuxf - Detonator (2)Explosive «MðuŒ - Perspiration; sweat «Ëqr‚ y™u Mºtehtu„ rð¼t„ - Obstetrics and «nhe - Watchman (2)Watch-dog «nth - Blow; stroke; hit Gynaecology Department «nth fh™th - Striker «nth fhðtu - Strike; hit; blow «Ëqr‚„]n - Maternity Home «nth-þÂõ‚ - Striking power; striking capacity «Ëqr‚ hò - Maternity leave «tf]r‚f - Natural (2)Physical «Ëqr‚ ÷t¼ - Maternity benefits «tf]r‚f ft[tu {t÷ - Natural raw material «Ëqr‚rð¿tt™ - Obstetrics «tf]r‚f á~Þ - Landscape «Ëqr‚rð¿tt™e - Obstetrician «tf]r‚f ¼q„tu¤ - Physiography; physical «Ëqr‚ ðtuzo - Maternity ward «Ëqr‚ ËkƒkÄe - Natal geography «M‚tð - Motion; proposal; offer «M‚tð …tAtu ¾U[ðtu - Withdrawal of a motion «tf]r‚f Y…tk‚h - Metamorphism «M‚tð {qfðtu - Propose «tf]r‚f Y…tk‚h …t{u÷tu ¾zf - Metamorphic rock «M‚tð hsq fh™th ÔÞÂõ‚ - Mover of a motion «tf]r‚f ÷ûtýtu - Physical features «M‚tð hsq fhðtu - Table a motion «tf]r‚f Ëe{t - Natural boundary «M‚tð Ë{Úto™ - Seconding of motion «tfT-Ëtûth ËkMf]r‚ - Pre-literate culture «M‚tðf‚to - Proposer; mover «t„xâ - Emergence; appearance «M‚tð™t - Introduction; foreword; preface; (2)Manifestation prelude (2)Preamble «t„r‚f ytkfzt - Progressive figures «M‚tð™wk rð»tÞðM‚w - Subject-matter of a motion «M‚tð/Œh¾tM‚™kw rð¼ts™ - Division of a motion «M‚w‚ - Pertinent; relevant (2)In question «M‚w‚ fhðwk - Present; offer; move; put up «t„r‚f fh - Progressive tax «M‚w‚ Œtðtu - Suit in question «t„r‚f ¾[o - Progressive expenditure «M‚w‚ {wÆtu/ƒtƒ‚ - Case in point «t„r‚f …rhð‚o™ - Progressive change «M‚w‚ rð»tÞ - Matter in issue; relevant subject «t„r‚f ðM‚e - Progressive population 285

«t„ir‚ntrËf «tŒurþf yrÄfthe «t„r‚f/W¥thtu¥th Ëhðt¤tu - Progressive total «týerð¿tt™e - Zoologist «t„ir‚ntrËf - Prehistoric «tÚtr{f - Primary; preliminary; elementary; «tøð™ - Primeval forest rudimentary «t[e™ yðþu»t - Antiquarian relics; antiquities «t[e™ ftÞŒtu - Archaic law «tÚtr{f y™u Wã{e - Upright and diligent «t[e™ ft¤Úte - Since antiquity «tÚtr{f ythtuøÞ fuLÿ - Primary Health Centre «t[e™ …t»ttýft¤ …Ae™e ËkMf]r‚ - Epi- «tÚtr{f Wí…tŒ™ - Primary products «tÚtr{f WÆuþ - Primary objective palaeolithic culture «tÚtr{f W…[th/Ëthðth - First aid «tÚtr{f W…[th/Ëthðth …uxe - First aid box «t[e™ r÷r… - Palaeography «tÚtr{f W…[th/Ëthðth «{tý…ºt - First aid «t[e™ M{thf - Ancient monument «t[e™‚{ ¼qM‚h Þw„ - Archaean certificate «tåÞ - Oriental «tåÞ rðãt - Oriental studies «tÚtr{f W…[th/Ëthðth™tk ËtÄ™tu - First aid kits/appliances «tÚtr{f yuf{ - Primary unit «tåÞ rðãtrðþthŒ - Orientalist «tÚtr{f fûtt™tu ð[„t¤t™tu {t÷ - Primary «tåÞ ËkMf]r‚ - Oriental civilization intermediates «tý - Life (2)Vitality «tý½t‚f - Fatal; lethal «tÚtr{f ftÞo - Ground-work; preliminary work «tý½t‚f yfM{t‚ - Fatal accident «tÚtr{f f]r»t rÄhtý {kz¤e - Primary «tý½t‚f þMºt - Leathal weapon «tý-«&™ - Vital issue Agriculture Credit Society «tÚtr{f …rhÞtus™t - Primary project «tÚtr{f …ËkŒ„e - Pre-qualification; primary selection «týðtÞw - Oxygen «tÚtr{f …whtðtu - Primary evidence «týþÂõ‚ - Vitality; vital force «tÚtr{f þt¤t - Primary school «týe-s„‚/Ë]Âü - Animal kingdom; fauna «tÚtr{f rþûtý - Primary education «týe ðýo™fth - Zoographer; zoographist «tÚtr{f rþûtý {kz¤ - Board of Primary «týe Ëk„únt÷Þ/«týeƒt„/«týe½h - Zoo; Education zoological garden; zoological park; «tÚtr{f Ënfthe {kz¤e - Primary Co-operative vivarium Society «týe½h ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Zoo Keeper «týe{{erðŒT - Taxidermist «tÚtr{f Ëuõxh - Primary sector «týe{{erðãt - Taxidermy «tÚtr{f MðY…™wk/fûtt™wk - Primary level; «týeðýo™ - Zoography «týerð¿tt™ - Zoology elementary stage «tÚtr{f rn‚ - Primary interest «tŒurþf - Territorial; regional; provincial «tŒurþf y¾krz‚‚t - Territorial integrity 286

«tŒurþf yË{‚w÷t/yËk‚w÷™ «tÞtur„f yÇÞtË «tŒurþf yrÄfthe - Regional Officer «tŒurþf Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Territorial sovereignty «tŒurþf yË{‚w÷t/yËk‚w÷™ - Regional «tŒurþf Ëe{t - Territorial limits/boundaries «tŒurþf Ëu™t - Territorial army imbalance «tŒurþf rnËtƒ - Regional Accounts «tÄtLÞ - Predominance; dominance; «tŒurþf ytÞtus™ - Regional planning «tŒurþf ytðf - Regional income prominence (2)Priority «tŒurþf ytðf ‚Vtð‚ - Regional income «tæÞt…f - Professor differentials «tæÞt…f…Œ - Professorship «tó fh™th - Receiver; recipient «tŒurþf ytkfzt ËthËk„ún - Regional statistical «tó fhðwk - Acquire; get; obtain; receive; compendium; regional statistical collection procure; earn «tŒurþf ûtuºttrÄfth - Territorial jurisdiction «tó fhu÷ ytðf - Earned income «tŒurþf ¾zf - Country rock «tó/«tó fhu÷wk - Secured; acquired; obtained; «tŒurþf „út{eý ƒuLf - Regional Rural Bank «tŒurþf ‚t÷e{ fuLÿ - Regional Training Centre achieved; earned; procured «tŒurþf ™er‚ - Regional policy «tŒurþf …rhðn™ yrÄfthe - Regional «tó hò - Earned leave «tó/Q¼t ÚtÞu÷t Ëkòu„tu - Given circumstances Transport Officer «tótkf - Score «tÂó - Accrual; receipt; gain; acquisition; «tŒurþf …rhðn™ f[uhe - Regional Transport procurement Office «tÂó ¢{tkf - Accession number (library) «tŒurþf …rh»tŒ - Regional Council «tÂó/ytðf hrsMxh - Receipt register; inward «tŒurþf «r‚r™rÄíð - Regional representation «tŒru þf ¼t»tt - Lingua franca; regional language register «tŒurþf {‚Œth-{kz¤/{‚Œt™ rð¼t„ - Regional «tÂó MÚtt™ - Source constituency; territorial constituency «tÂóf‚to - Recipient «tÃÞ - Available; obtainable; attainable; «tŒurþf {qze ¾t‚wk - Regional Capital Account «tŒurþf {qÕÞtkf™ yrÄfthe - Regional procurable; receivable; accessible Evaluation Officer «tÃÞ ŒM‚tðus - Accessible document «tƒÕÞ - Dominance (2)Strength; force; «tŒurþf {tusýe - Regional survey «tŒurþf htßÞ - Territorial State intensity «tŒurþf htus„th f[uhe - Regional Employment «t{trýf - Honest Exchange «t{trýf ÔÞðnth - Fair deal/dealing «t{trýf‚t - Integrity; honesty; reliability «tŒurþf ðneðx - Regional administration «tÞÂù‚ - Penitence; repentance; penance «tŒurþf ðnU[ýe/rð‚hý - Regional distribution «tÞtur„f - Practical; experimental (2)Pilot «tŒurþf rðftË ™er‚ - Regional development policy «tŒurþf Ër{r‚ - Regional Committee 287

«tÞtur„f Wí…tŒ™ «thkr¼f rþûtý «tÞtur„f yÇÞtË - Pilot study preliminary action «tÞtur„f Wí…tŒ™ - Pilot production «thkr¼f ¾[o - Preliminary expenses; initial «tÞtur„f f]r»t - Experimental farming expenses «tÞtur„f „ý‚he - Pilot census «tÞtur„f r™Þkºtý - Experimental control «thkr¼f ½x - Initial loss «tÞtur„f {tusýe - Pilot survey «thkr¼f [wftŒtu - Judgement nisi «tÞtur„f rþûtý - Experimental education «thkr¼f/Q½z‚tu sÚÚttu - Opening stock «thçÄ - Fate; destiny «thkr¼f ònuh™t{wk - Preliminary Notification «thk¼ - Beginning; introduction; inception; «thkr¼f ¿tt™ - Rudiment; basic knowledge «thkr¼f ‚…tË - Preliminary probe; opening; commencement; prelude; kick off preliminary inquiry «thk¼ fhðtu - Begin; commence; start «thk¼ ‚ƒ¬tu - Take off stage; offtake stage «thkr¼f ‚ƒ¬tu - Preliminary stage; initial stage «thk¼f - Pilot; starter; beginner; pioneer «thkr¼f ‚uS - Initial spurt «thk¼f yÇÞtË - Pilot study «thkr¼f Útt…ý/y™t{‚ - Initial deposit «thk¼f ŒqÄ …whðXt Þtus™t - Pilot milk supply «thkr¼f Œh¾tM‚ - Initial proposal «thkr¼f ™tUÄ - Opening entry scheme «thkr¼f …„÷tk - Preliminary measures «thkr¼f …„th - Initial pay «thk¼f …rhÞtus™t - Pilot project «thkr¼f …‚tðx - Initial settlement «thk¼f Ã÷tLx - Pilot plant «thkr¼f …heûtt - Preliminary examination «thk¼f Þtus™t - Pilot scheme «thkr¼f …ËkŒ„e - Preliminary selection «thk¼f ðes¤e …rhÞtus™t - Pilot power project «thkr¼f «ƒkÄ - Preliminaries «thk¼Úte - Ab initio; from the very beginning «thkr¼f «{tý…ºt - Elementary certificate «thk¼Úte s hŒƒt‚÷ - Void ab initio «thkr¼f «qV - Reader’s proof «th¼k {tk - In the first instance; at the very outset «thkr¼f Vt¤ðýe - Initial allocation; initial «thkr¼f - Initial; initiatory; elementary; allotment preliminary; introductory «thkr¼f ¼ÚÚtwk - Initial allowance «thkr¼f yÇÞtË¢{ - Elementary course «thkr¼f {™tE nwf{ - Preliminary injunction «thkr¼f yðhtuÄ - Initial detention «thkr¼f {wÆtu - Preliminary point «thkr¼f ynuðt÷ - Preliminary report «thkr¼f {qze - Initial capital «thkr¼f ykŒts - Preliminary estimate «thkr¼f {tusýe - Preliminary survey «thkr¼f ft{„ehe - Preliminaries «thkr¼f ÞtŒe - Preliminary list «thkr¼f/‚iÞtheY… ftÞo - Preparatory work; «thkr¼f ð„eofhý - Initial classification «thkr¼f ÔÞðMÚtt - Preliminary arrangement ground work 288 «thkr¼f ftÞoðtne - Preliminary proceedings;

«thkr¼f þtuÄ-‚…tË «tuõËe…ºt «thkr¼f rþûtý - Elementary education «er‚ - Attachment; affection; love «thkr¼f þtuÄ-‚…tË - Preliminary investigation «er‚¼tus™ - Banquet; feast; repast; pleasure «thkr¼f Ë{eûtt - Initial review party «thkr¼f rË÷f - Opening balance «thkr¼f Ëw™tðýe - Preliminary hearing «er{Þ{ s‚wk fhðwk - Waive premium «thkr¼f rnËtƒ - Initial accounts «er{Þ{ Œh - Premium rate «thkr¼f nwf{ - Order nisi «qVðt[f - Proof-reader; reader «thkr¼f nwf{™t{wk - Decree nisi «qVðt[™ - Proof-reading «tÚtoðwk - Pray (2)Request «qV-ËwÄthýt - Proof correction «tðeÛÞ - Proficiency; skill; expertise «qV-ËwÄthýt™tk r[n™T - Proof-reading marks «tðeÛÞ …heûtt/r™…wý‚t fËtuxe - Proficiency test «uÂõx˃kÄe ¼ÚÚtwk - Non-practising allowance «tðeÛÞ «{tý…ºt - Proficiency certificate «uûtf - Audience; spectator; viewer «tÂ&™f - Paper-setter; setter «ûu tf„n] - Auditorium «tËkr„f - Occasional; contingent; casual; «u‚ ¼tus™ - Obsequial dinner «uVhLË þuh Ähtð™th - Preference share incidental holder «tËkr„f f{o[the - Casual employee «tËkr„f ¾[o - Contingent charges; «uVhLË þuh {qze - Preference share capital «uhf - Activator; motivator contingencies; incidental charges «uhf ™u‚]íð - Dynamic leadership «hu ýt - Inspiration; motivation «tËkr„f ¾tux - Incidental loss «urh‚ ytÞt‚ - Induced import «tËkr„f sðtƒŒthe - Contingent liability «urh‚ fhðwk - Actuate; inspire; motivate «tËkr„f ònuh¾ƒh - Casual advertisement «urh‚ …w™:«¼hý - Induced recharge «tËkr„f Œtðtu - Contingent claim «urh‚ {qzehtuftý - Induced investment «tËkr„f ƒtu™Ë - Contingent bonus «urh‚ ÷u¾ - Inspired article «tËkr„f hò - Casual leave «urh‚ ð…htþ - Induced consumption «tËkr„f nwf{ - Incidental order «urh‚ ËkðÄo™ fuLÿ - Induced breeding centre «tM‚trðf - Introductory; prefatory «u»tf - Sender «tM‚trðf ™tUÄ - Introductory note «u»tý fuLÿ - Transmission station «tk„ý - Campus (2)Courtyard «ur»t‚ «ftþ - Transmitted light «tk‚ - Province «uË {trn‚e ftÞto÷Þ - Press Information Bureau «tk‚ yrÄfthe - Prant Officer «uË/y¾ƒthe Ë÷tnfth - Press Adviser «tk‚ðtŒ - Provincialism «uË/y¾ƒthe Ë÷tnfth Ër{r‚ - Press «tk‚eÞ - Provincial Advisory Committee 289

«tuxe™Þwõ‚ Vhs-«ðtË «uË-Mðt‚kºÞ - Freedom of press Ã÷trðft/Ã÷tÍ{t - Plasma «tuõËe…ºt - Proxy paper Ã÷tux …tzðt - Plotting «tuxe™Þwõ‚ - Proteinous «tuíËtnf - Patron; motivator (2)Incentive V «tuíËtnf E™t{ - Incentive premium/prize; Vfhtu - Passage; paragraph; para encouraging premium/prize «tuíËtnf ËkMÚttytu - Promotional agencies V„tððwk - Throw away; reject «tíu Ëtn™ - Patronage; encouragement; incentive Vsu‚e - Disgrace; calumny «tuíËtn™ y™wŒt™ - Incentive grant Vxfze - Alum «tuíËtn™ yt…ðwk - Exhort; encourage; Vxft {thðt/Vxfthðwk - Strike; thrash VxrfÞwk - Fragile; brittle; breakable patronize; promote Vxftu - Stroke; blow; hit Vxtýwk - Obscene/abusive song «tuíËtn™ ðu‚™ …Ør‚ - Incentive wage system Vz[t yrÄfthe - Liquidator «tuíËtn™ Ë{wå[Þ - Package of incentives «tuíËtrn‚ fhðwk - Motivate; inspire; encourage; promote «tuVtu{to ¼hr‚Þwk - Proforma invoice Vz[t{tk ÷E sðwk - Liquidate «tuƒux ðuhtu - Probate duty Vz[tu - Liquidation «tiZ - Adult (2)Mature VrzÞtu - Grain merchant «tiZ yûth¿tt™ ð„o - Adult literacy class Vý„tðu÷tk fXtu¤ - Sprouted pulses «tiZ‚t/«tiZíð - Adulthood Vý„tðu÷tk ƒes - Germinated seeds; sprouted «tiZrþûtý - Adult education seeds «tiZrþûtý fuLÿ - Adult Education Centre Vý„tu - Off-shoot (2)Sprout; germination «tiZrþûtý ð„o - Adult literacy class V™t - Sacrificed (2)Ruined «tiãtur„f ytŠÚtf yÇÞtË - Techno-economic Vhf - Difference; discrepancy; disparity study Vhs - Duty Vhs-…„th - Duty pay «tiãtur„f ytŠÚtf {tusýe - Techno-economic Vhs …h - On duty Vhs …h Vhe ntsh Útðwk - Resume duty survey Vhs/™tufhe …h ntsh Útðwk - Join duties «tiãtur„f WÒtr‚ - Technological upgradation «tiãtur„f ftiþ÷ - Technological skill «tiãtur„f ƒuhtus„the - Technological unemployment Vhs …h™tu f{o[theð„o - Staff on duty Vhs …tzðe - Compel; force; constrain «tiãtur„f rþûtý - Technological education Vhs-…t÷™ - Fulfilment of duty; discharge of «tiãtur„fe - Technology «tiãtur„feÞ ™ðtuíÚtt™ - Technological innovation duty; execution of duty «tiãtur„ferðŒT - Technologist Vhs «íÞu W…uûtt/ƒuŒhfthe - Neglect of duty; 290

Vhs-¼ÚÚtwk Vh‚wk ƒthýwk dereliction of duty VhrsÞt‚ ¼h‚e (÷~f.) - Impressment; Vhs-«ðtË - Travelling on duty conscription Vhs-¼ÚÚtwk - Duty allowance Vhs-{tufqV fhðwk - Suspend VhrsÞt‚ ¼h‚e fhðe(÷~f.) - Impress; Vhs-{tufqVe - Suspension Vhs-{tufqVe ¼ÚÚtwk - Suspension allowance conscript Vhs-{tufqVe nuX¤ - Under suspension Vhs Ëk¼t¤ðe - Assume duties VhrsÞt‚ {t™f - Mandatory standard Vhs-Ëqr[ - Duty roster VhrsÞt‚ {wft{e Ëuðt - Internship Vhs™t ytuXt nuX¤ - Under plea of duty; under VhrsÞt‚ htus„th - Compulsory employment VhrsÞt‚ rð»tÞ - Compulsory subject; colour of duty obligatory subject Vhs™e {wŒ‚ - Tenure of duty Vhs™wk ûtuºt - Sphere of duty VhrsÞt‚ ðe{tu - Compulsory insurance Vhs™tu íÞt„ - Desertion of duty VhrsÞt‚ þt¤t-ðÞ - Compulsory school age VhrsÞt‚ - Obligatory; compulsory; VhrsÞt‚ Ëuðt - Compulsory service Vh‚t …tf - Rotational crops mandatory Vh‚e yŒt÷‚ - Ambulatory court; mobile VhrsÞt‚ y™u ƒkÄ™f‚to - Obligatory and court; circuit court binding Vh‚e yMõÞt{‚ - Circulating assets Vh‚e ¾whþe - Revolving chair VhrsÞt‚ yMÚttÞe ft{Awèe/ftÞo{wÂõ‚ - Lay-off Vh‚e ¾u‚e - Shifting cultivation VhrsÞt‚ yMÚttÞe ft{Awèe/ftÞo{wÂõ‚ Œh - Lay- Vh‚e [htE - Rotational grazing Vh‚e x…t÷ f[uhe - Mobile post office off rate Vh‚e xwfze - Mobile squad Vh‚e Œwft™ - Mobile shop VhrsÞt‚ yMÚttÞe ft{Awèe/ftÞo{wÂõ‚ ðu‚™ - Lay- Vh‚e {qze - Circulating capital Vh‚e ðtz/Œeðt÷ ƒtkÄðe - Enclose; fence off pay Vh‚e ðt™ - Mobile van Vh‚e ®Ë[tE …Ør‚ - Rotational irrigation system VhrsÞt‚ xÙtrVf r™þt™e - Mandatory Traffic Vh‚e Ëeze - Winding staircase; turning stair Vh‚wk - Mobile; itinerant; revolving; peripatetic Sign Vh‚wk ‚t÷e{ sqÚt - Peripatetic training party Vh‚wk Œðt¾t™wk - Mobile dispensary VhrsÞt‚ Útt…ý Þtus™t - Compulsory Deposit Vh‚wk …wM‚ft÷Þ - Mobile library; circulating Scheme library VhrsÞt‚ r™ð]Â¥t - Compulsory retirement Vh‚wk «Œþo™ - Mobile exhibition; travelling VhrsÞt‚ r™ðuztu - Compulsory settlement VhrsÞt‚ «tÚtr{f rþûtý - Compulsory primary education VhrsÞt‚ ƒ[‚ Þtus™t - Compulsory savings scheme VhrsÞt‚ ƒŒ÷e - Compulsory transfer 291

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