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gutarati to english

Published by Dhaval Kataria, 2022-05-25 15:41:55

Description: gutarati to english


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˽™ …þw rðftË …rhÞtus™t Ë‚‚ yð„ý™t/W…uûtt Development Project (I.C.D.P.) Ëò {tufqVe - Reprieve Ëò„ - Alert; watchful; vigilant ˽™ …tf - Intensive crop Ëò‚eÞ - Homogenous ˽™ «ðtË - Intensive touring Ëò…tºt „V÷‚/ƒuŒhfthe - Culpable negligence ˽™/½r™c ƒ™tððwk - Intensify; strengthen Ëòðx - Adornment; decoration; ˽™ ðýtx - Heavy texture ˽™‚t - Intensity; strength ornamentation; embellishment ˽™tu¥th ‚ƒ¬tu - Post-intensive phase ˽¤wk - Entire; whole Ëòðx ft{„ehe - Applique work Ër[ºt - Pictorial; picturesque; illustrated ËSð - Animate; living; alive; live Ër[ºt ytð]Â¥t - Illustrated edition ËSð sL{«{tý/Œh - Live birth rate Ër[ºt ònuh¾ƒh - Pictorial advertisement Ëßs - Equipped (2)Ready Ër[ºt «ftþ™ - Pictorial publication Ëßs fhðwk - Outfit; equip Ër[ºt ÷u¾ - Illustrated article Ëßs™ - Gentleman Ër[ºt Ët{rÞf - Pictorial periodical ËxturzÞtu - Speculator Ër[ð - Secretary Ëèt ƒòh - Speculative market Ër[ðt÷Þ - Secretariate Ëèt™tu ðu…th - Speculative trade Ër[ðt÷Þ ŒV‚h ¾kz - Secretariate record Ëètu - Speculation Ëzf - Road room Ëz‚wk - Septic; putrefying; decaying; rotting Ëztr™htuÄf - Antiseptic Ë[tux - Unfailing; cogent; clinching; effective Ëze/ftunðtE „Þu÷wk - Putrid; decayed; rotten Ë[tux …whtðtu - Clinching evidence Ëztu - Putrefaction; decay; rot; rottenness Ëå[tE - Righteousness; truth; veracity; Ëztu ÷t„ðtu/Ëzðwk - Decay; putrefy; rot ËZ - Sail integrity ËZ rð™t™e ntuze - Dumb barge ËZðt¤e ntuze - Sailing boat Ëò - Punishment; sentence ËZðt¤wk ðntý - Sailing ship Ëò/rþûtt fhðt…tºt - Punishable; culpable Ëýftu - Pang; shooting pain Ëò fhðe - Punish; sentence ËýËý‚tu/szƒt‚tuz sðtƒ - Retort Ëò ½xtztu - Mitigation of punishment Ë‚‚ - Continuous; constant; incessant; Ëò …t{u÷tu fuŒe - Convict Ëò …t{u÷tu „w™u„th - Condemned criminal persistent Ëò ¼tu„ððe - Undergo sentence Ëò {tVe - Remission of sentence Ë‚‚ yð„ý™t/W…uûtt - Persistent negligence Ëò {wÂõ‚ - Impunity Ë‚‚ yt¿tt¼k„ - Persistent disobedience Ëò {wÂõ‚™tu ftÞŒtu - Impunity law 442

Ë‚‚ yt¿tt¼k„ ËíÞr™ct…qðof/„k¼eh‚t…qðof «r‚¿tt fhðe Ë‚‚/÷t„÷t„x r™»V¤‚t - Persistent failure Ë¥ttðth …tuþtf - Official dress Ë‚{e - Bill of lading Ë¥ttðth «ftþ™ - Official publication Ë‚fo - Vigilant; alert; watchful Ë¥ttðth Vhs - Official duty Ë‚t{ýe - Harassment; annoyance Ë¥ttðth ƒkÄýe¾‚ - Official bond Ë‚tððwk - Harass; annoy Ë¥ttðth ƒw÷urx™ - Official bulletin Ëífth - Reception (2)Entertainment Ë¥ttðth ¼t»ttk‚h - Official translation Ëífth fhðtu - Receive (2)Entertain Ë¥ttðth {trn‚e™e Ëw÷¼ «tÂó - Access to Ëífth ¼ÚÚtwk - Entertainment allowance; official information sumptuary allowance Ë¥ttðth {w¾…ºt - Official organ Ëífth Ë{thk¼ - Reception Ë¥ttðth {qze - Authorized capital Ë¥tt - Power; authority; right; governance Ë¥ttðth ÞtŒe - Official communique Ë¥tt y™wËth - Intra vires Ë¥ttðth he‚u - Officially Ë¥tt yt…ðe - Empower; authorize Ë¥ttðth huVhe - Official Referee Ë¥tt yt…u÷wk - Empowered; authorized Ë¥ttðth ð‚wo¤ - Official circle Ë¥tt …h ft… - Stint in power Ë¥ttðth Ë{thk¼ - Official function Ë¥tt ƒnth™wk - Ultra vires Ë¥ttðth ËkMÚtt - Official body Ë¥ttÄthe - Ruling Ë¥ttðth/Ëhfthe ËtÄ™/Ëútu‚ - Official source Ë¥ttÄthe/þtËf …ût - Party in power; ruling Ë¥ttðth nurËÞ‚ - Official capacity Ë¥ttrð¼ts™ - Division of power party Ë¥ttËk½»to - Struggle for power Ë¥ttËtU…ýe - Devolution of powers; delegation Ë¥ttrÄfth/Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Authority Ë¥tt™e Yyu - In exercise of power; by virtue of powers of power Ë¥ð - Essence; extract ËíÞ - Truth Ë¥tt™wk {q¤ - Source of power ËíÞ„tu…™/Ët[e ðt‚ Aw…tððe - Suppression of Ë¥tt™wk htsfthý - Power politics Ë¥tt™tu W…Þtu„ - Exercise of power facts; suppressio veri Ë¥tt™tu Œwhw…Þtu„ - Abuse of power Ë¥ttYZ …ût - Ruling party ËíÞr™ct - Truthfulness; integrity; loyalty Ë¥ttðth - Official (2)Authoritative ËíÞr™ct…qðof yufhth - Solemn declaration Ë¥ttðth fÚt™ - Official version ËíÞr™ct…qðof «r‚¿tt - Solemn affirmation Ë¥ttðth ftÞtuo - Official functions ËíÞr™ct…qðof/„k¼eh‚t…qðof «r‚¿tt fhðe - Ë¥ttðth f]íÞ - Official act Ë¥ttðth/yrÄf]‚ Œh - Official rate Solemnly affirm ËíÞ…ýu òu„ðtE fhu÷wk - Expressly provided 443

ËíÞ…ýu òu„ðtE fhu÷wk Ëóftuý/¼ws ËíÞt„ún - Passive resistence; insistence on ËæÄh - Solvent (2)Sound truth ËæÄh/Mðtð÷kƒe Wãtu„ - Viable industry ËæÄh ò{e™„ehe - Gilt-edged security ËíÞt™tþ - Destruction ËæÄh ŒuýŒth - Solvent debtor ËíÞt¼tË - Semblance of truth ËæÄh‚t(ytŠÚtf) - Solvency ˺t - Session (2)Term (3)Semester ËæÄh‚t «{tý…ºt - Solvency certificate ˺t-yÇÞtË¢{ - Terminal course Ë™Œ - Sanad (2)Charter ˺tðth Ër{r‚ - Sessional Committee ˙˙txe¼Þto/˙˙e¾us Ë{t[th - ˺t Ë{tó fhðwk - Prorogue ˺tË{tÂó - Prorogation (2)Term ending Sensational news ˺ttL‚ - Terminal Ë™u…t‚/ËÂÒt…t‚ - Delirium ˺ttL‚ …heûtt - Terminal examination ËL{t™ - Honour; respect Ëíðh - Immediate; prompt; urgent ËL{t™ fhðwk - Honour; respect Ëíðh …t÷™/y™w…t÷™ - Immediate compliance ËL{t™ …ºt - Roll of Honour Ëíðh «íÞw¥th - Swift response; prompt reply ËL{t™ …Œðe - Title of honour Ëíðh {tLÞ‚t (ft.) - Precipitate recognition ËL{t™ «‚ef - Mark of honour Ëíðh hðt™„e - Immediate despatch ËL{t™ Ë{thk¼ - Ceremonial honour Ëíðh ËtU…ýe - Immediate delivery ËL{t™ Ëqr[ - Honour roll Ëíðhu - At the earliest ËL{tr™‚tu™e ™t{tðr÷ - Roll of honour ËŒh - Head ËL{tLÞ/ËL{t™™eÞ - Honourable; respectable ËŒh {wft{ - Head quarters ËL{w¾ - In presence of; in front of; face to face ËŒhnw - Ditto; as above; said Ë…h{wk - Auspicious; festive ËŒðwk - Suit Ë…tx - Flat; plain ËŒMÞ - Member Ë…tx/Ë{‚÷ s{e™ - Flush land; levelled ËŒk‚h - Totally; quite; completely land; flat land ËŒt[the - Virtuous ËŒe - Century Ë…tx ƒ™tððwk - Level ËŒT„‚ - Late; deceased Ë…tx {t„o - Surfaced road ËŒT„wý - Virtue Ë…txtƒkÄ - Promptly; swiftly; speedily ËŒT„wýe - Virtuous Ë…txe - Surface (2)Level ËŒTƒwÂØ - Good sense; resipiscence Ë…txe s¤r™ftË - Surface drainage ËŒT¼tð - Good faith; goodwill Ë…txe ðu„ - Surface velocity ËŒT¼tð…qðof Œtðtu [÷tððtu - Litigate bonafide Ëóftuý/¼ws - Heptagon ËóË{qn - Septenary 444

ËóË{qn Ë{É‚w s¤M‚h Ëótn - Week ˼t Þtusðe - Hold meeting Ëótn{tk ºtý ðth - Tri-weekly ˼t¾kz - Assembly hall Ë«{tý - Symmetrical (2)Proportionate ˼t„]n - House; Assembly hall (2)Hall Ë«{tý‚t - Symmetry (2)Proportion (3)Auditorium ËVh - Trip; tour; travel; journey ËVh òu¾{ðe{tu - Trip transit insurance ˼t„]n™t {us …h {wftÞu÷t ft„¤tu {txu™e Ër{r‚ ËV¤ - Successful - Committee on Papers laid on the Table ËV¤ W{uŒðth - Successful candidate of the House ˼t„]n™e ftÞoðtne™tu ynuðt÷ - Report of proceedings of House ËV¤ Útðwk - Succeed ˼t„]n™e ƒuXftu - Sittings of House ËV¤‚t - Success ˼t„]n™e nŒ/nfq{‚ûtuºt - Precincts of House ËVtE - Sweeping (2)Conservancy ˼t„]n™tu {‚ - Sense of Assembly; sense of (3)Sanitation (4)Abstersion; cleanliness; House neatness ˼t™ - Conscious; cautious; alert ˼t{k[ - Platform; rostrum ËVtE fh - Scavenging tax ËÇÞ - Member (2)Civilized ËVtE ft{Œth - Scavenger; sweeper ËÇÞ ™ ntuÞ yuðe ÔÞÂõ‚ - Non-member ËVtE ¾[o - Conservancy charges ËVtE ÿÔÞ/ËVtEfthf - Detergent (2)Uncivilized person ËVtE r™heûtf - Conservancy Inspector ËÇÞ-Ër[ð - Member Secretary ËVthe Wãt™ - Safari park ËÇÞ‚t - Civilization ËVt¤wk - Stunned; bewildered (2)Sudden ËÇÞ™tUÄýe - Enrolment ËVuŒ yƒh¾ - Muscovite ËÇÞ…Œ - Membership ËVuŒ ztu¤ - White grubs ËÇÞ…Œ {txu „uh÷tÞft‚ - Disqualification for ËVuŒ ¼qftu - White powder membership ˃¤ - Sound; potent; cogent; solid; strong; ËÇÞ…ŒuÚte htS™t{wk - Resignation of seat; powerful resignation from membership ˃¤ fthý - Cogent reason ˃¤ y™u ðtsƒe fthý - Valid and cogent reason ËÇÞtu™e „uhntshe ƒtƒ‚™e Ër{r‚ - Committee ˃¤ fthýtu/…whtðt …h ytÄtrh‚ - Well founded ˃¤ …whtðtu - Strong evidence; clinching on Absence of members evidence ËÇÞtu™wk ntshe…ºtf - Attendance book of ˼t - Assembly; meeting; conference; members convention; gathering ËÇÞtu™tu Œhßòu - Status of members Ë{É‚w y…ðtn - Fair weather run off ˼t ¼hðt™tu yrÄfth - Right to assemble Ë{É‚w s¤M‚h - Fair weather water level Ë{fût - Equal; equivalent 445

Ë{fût Ë{‚tu÷ ytnth Ë{fthe y™wŒt™ - Equalization grant misapprehension Ë{fthe r™rÄ - Equalization fund Ë{fthe Ve - Equalization fee Ë{sþÂõ‚ - Understanding; intelligence; sense Ë{fthe þwÕf - Countervailing duty Ë{òðx - Persuasion Ë{ftr÷f ftÞo¢{ - Synchronized programme Ë{òðx¼ÞwO - Persuasive Ë{ftr÷f‚t - Synchronism Ë{òððwk - Persuade; exhort; explain Ë{ft÷efhý - Synchronization Ë{S ™ þftÞ yuðwk - Incomprehensible; Ë{ft÷e™/Ë{Ët{rÞf - Coeval; unintelligible contemporary; synchronous Ë{Srð[the™u - Judiciously Ë{ftuý - Square Ë{sq‚e - Explanation; elucidation Ë{¾zf «Œuþ - Petrographic region Ë{„ú - Entire; complete; full; whole; total; (2)Conciliation (3)Agreement overall Ë{sq‚e îtht r™htfhý - Solution by Ë{„ú W…Þtur„‚t - Total utility conciliation Ë{„ú r[ºt - Overall picture Ë{„ú r™Þkºtý - Overall control Ë{sq‚e-™tUÄ - Explanatory note Ë{„ú he‚u sðtƒŒth - Solely responsible Ë{sq‚efth - Conciliator Ë{„ú ð»to Œhr{Þt™ - Throughout the year Ë{sq‚e™tu yk‚/Ë{tÂó - Termination of Ë{„ú ËwÄthýt - Overall improvement Ë{„ú nðt÷tu - Overall charge; sole charge agreement Ë{„ú‚Þt - Entirely; totally; fully; wholly; in Ë{‚÷ s{e™ - Flat land; levelled land toto Ë{‚÷ …]c - Level surface Ë{‚÷ {t„o - Surfaced road Ë{„ú‚t - Entirety; completeness; wholeness; Ë{‚÷ hu¾t - Level line Ë{‚÷ Ë…txe - Flat surface totality Ë{‚¤ fhu÷wk - Levelled Ë{‚¤ ƒ™tððwk - Level Ë{„ú‚t÷ûte yr¼„{ - Holistic approach Ë{‚t…-…uxe - Incubator Ë{[‚w¼wos - Rhombus Ë{‚tðtŒ - Egalitarianism Ë{[tuhË - Square Ë{‚tðtŒe Ë{ts - Egalitarian society Ë{sŒth - Prudent; wise; sensible; judicious; Ë{‚w÷t/Ë{‚tu÷…ýwk - Balance; equilibrium; rational equipoise Ë{sŒthe - Prudence; wisdom; rationality; Ë{‚wÕÞ ftÞo¢{ - Matching programme Ë{‚tu÷ - Equal weight; equal sensibility Ë{‚tu÷ ykŒts…ºt - Balanced budget Ë{‚tu÷ ytnth - Balanced diet Ë{s…qðof - Judiciously; prudently; wisely Ë{Œþeo - Impartial; unbiased; unprejudiced Ë{sVuh - Misunderstanding; 446

Ë{Œþeo Ë{ÞËh Ë{áÂü - Impartiality; even mindedness of time Ë{Äthý fhðwk - Moderate Ë{Äthý fhðwk ‚u - Moderation Ë{Þ ƒ[tð™th - Time-saving Ë{Äthýf‚to - Moderator Ë{Þ {t„e ÷u‚wk ft{ - Time consuming work Ë{LÞtÞ - Equity Ë{Þ rð¼ts™™wk Ätuhý - Time sharing basis Ë{LÞtÞe „ehtu - Equitable mortgage Ë{Þ ðe‚ðtu - Lapse of time Ë{LÞtÞe rn‚ - Equitable interest Ë{Þ Ëkfu‚ - Time signal Ë{LðÞ - Co-ordination; synthesis; integration Ë{Þ ËtÚtu fŒ{ r{÷tððt - Keep pace with Ë{LðÞ yrÄfthe - Co-ordinating Officer Ë{LðÞ yuf{ - Co-ordination unit time Ë{LðÞ Ër{r‚ - Co-ordination Committee Ë{LðÞfth/f‚to - Co-ordinator Ë{Þ„t¤tu - Period; duration; spell (2)Tenure Ë{LðÞtí{f yð÷tuf™ - Synthetic view Ë{ÞŒh - Time rate Ë{ÂLð‚ - Integrated; co-ordinated Ë{ÞŒh …Ør‚ - Time rate system Ë{ÂLð‚ yr¼„{ - Integrated/co-ordinated Ë{ÞŒþeo …ºtf - Time statement Ë{ÞÄtuhý - Time-scale approach Ë{Þr™Ätohý - Timing Ë{Þ™e ƒhƒtŒe - Time-killing; wastage of Ë{ÂLð‚ yti»tÄ - Synthetic drugs Ë{ÂLð‚ ftÞo¢{ - Integrated/co-ordinated time programme Ë{Þ™tUÄ …ºt - Time sheet Ë{Þ™tUÄf - Timer; time keeper Ë{ÂLð‚ áÂüftuý - Synthetic/integrative view Ë{Þ…ºtf - Time table; schedule Ë{ÂLð‚ Ëuðt - Co-ordinated service Ë{Þ…t÷ - Time keeper Ë{LË ƒsðýe - Service of summons Ë{Þ…t÷f - Punctual Ë{LË ƒòððtu - Serve summons Ë{Þ…t÷™ - Punctuality; regularity Ë{LË…tºt fuË - Summons case Ë{Þ«ƒkÄ/ÔÞðMÚtt - Time management Ë{…x÷ {tusýe - Plane table survey Ë{ÞƒØ ftÞo¢{ - Time-bound programme Ë{…t&ðeoÞ ËtkÄt - Prismatic joints Ë{Þ{ÞtoŒt - Time limit Ë{«¼tðe fh - Non-differential tax Ë{Þ{ntuh - Time stamp Ë{¼tð - Impartiality; equanimity; sympathy Ë{Þ{t…f Þkºt - Timer Ë{¼tð nz‚t÷ - Sympathetic strike Ë{Þ{q÷f W…Þtur„‚t - Time utility Ë{Þ - Time (2)Occasion Ë{Þ÷ûte «ðh …„thÄtuhý - Senior time-scale Ë{Þ y™wËqr[ - Time schedule Ë{Þ÷ûte Þtus™t - Time plan Ë{Þ s‚tk - In course of time; with passage Ë{ÞËh - Timely; in time; in due course Ë{ÞËh ftÞoðtne - Timely action 447

Ë{ÞËh ftÞoðtne Ë{t[th ÷u¾™ Ë{ÞËh …t÷™ - Timely compliance Ë{…oý - Surrender; dedication Ë{ÞËq[f‚t - Presence of mind Ë{…oý fhðwk - Surrender; dedicate Ë{ÞtÄth - Time base Ë{…oý-…ºt - Dedicatory letter Ë{Þt™wfq÷ - Opportune Ë{ð»tto hu¾t - Isohyet Ë{Þt™w¢{/Ët÷ðthe - Chronology Ë{ðtÞ‚kºt - Federation (of autonomous Ë{Þt™wËth ft{ - Time work states) Ë{ÞtðrÄ - Period of time; period; tenure Ë{Þtk‚hu - Periodically Ë{ðtÞe - Federal Ë{Þtur[‚ - Opportune; well-timed; timely Ë{ðtÞe htßÞ - Federal State Ë{Þtur[‚‚t - Timeliness Ë{ÔÞt…e - Co-extensive Ë{Þtu¥th Vhs/ft{„ehe - Late duty Ë{þe‚tu»ý - Temperate Ë{Y… - Homogeneous; similar Ë{þe‚tu»ý ytƒtunðt - Temperate climate Ë{Y…‚t - Homogeneity; analogy; similarity Ë{þe‚tu»ý frxƒkÄ - Temperate zone Ë{Úto - Competent; capable; potent; able; Ë{M‚ - Entire; all; whole Ë{M‚h - Horizontal powerful Ë{ÂMÚtr‚ - Isostasy Ë{Útof - Supporter; sponsor; corroborant; Ë{MÞt - Problem (2)Puzzle protagonist; supporting (2)Seconder Ë{MÞt™wk r™htfhý/Wfu÷ - Solution of problem Ë{MÞt™tu {q¤ {wÆtu - Crux of problem Ë{Útof y™u þw¼uåAf - Supporter and well Ë{MÞt÷ûte yÇÞtË - Problem-oriented study Ë{t[th - News wisher Ë{t[th yusLËe - News agency Ë{Útof ŒM‚tðus - Supporting document Ë{Útof …whtðtu - Corroborative evidence; adminicular evidence Ë{Útof ðtW[h - Supporting voucher Ë{t[th ft…÷e - News slip Ë{Útof Ëuðtytu - Supportive services Ë{t[th ftÞto÷Þ - News bureau Ë{Útof nwf{ - Confirmatory order Ë{t[th r[ºt - News reel Ë{Úto™ - Confirmation; corroboration; Ë{t[th r™Þkºtý - Press censorship support; endorsement Ë{t[th-«r‚ƒkÄ - News blackout Ë{Úto™ fh™th - Corroborater; supporter Ë{t[th-«Ëthý - Newscasting Ë{Úto™ fhðwk - Support; confirm; corroborate; Ë{t[th {qÕÞ - News value endorse Ë{t[th ÷u¾ - News feature Ë{t[th ÷u¾f - Newsman Ë{Úto™ …ºt - Letter of confirmation Ë{t[th ÷u¾™ - News writing Ë{Úto™«‚/™f÷ - Confirmatory copy Ë{t[th rð¼t„ - News section Ë{Úto™ hrn‚ - Unconfirmed 448

Ë{t[th rð¼t„ Ë{tÄt™™e Þtus™t Ë{t[th rð&÷u»tý - News analysis Ë{tsðtŒ - Socialism Ë{t[th ÔÞt… - News coverage Ë{tsðtŒe - Socialist Ë{t[th Ë{eûtt - News review Ë{tsðtŒe yÚto‚kºt - Socialist economy Ë{t[th Ëk…tŒf - News Editor Ë{tsðtŒe {t¤¾wk - Socialistic pattern Ë{t[th Ëth - Press round-up Ë{tsðtŒe ÷tufþtne - Socialist democracy Ë{t[th Ëuðt - News service Ë{tsrðhtuÄe - Antisocial Ë{t[th™e Í÷f - News highlights; news flash Ë{tsrðhtuÄe ‚¥ðtu - Antisocial elements Ë{t[th™e ƒtƒ‚ - News item Ë{tsrð»tÞf - Social Ë{t[th…ºt {tæÞ{ - Journalistic media Ë{tsþt† - Sociology Ë{t[th…rºtft - News bulletin Ë{tsþtMºte - Sociologist Ë{t[thÞtuøÞ - Reportable; newsworthy Ë{tsrþûtý - Social education Ë{ts - Society (2)Community Ë{tsrþûtý Ëk„Xf - Social Education Ë{ts îtht ƒrn»f]‚ - Social cast-off; socially Organizer boycotted Ë{tsËuðt - Social service Ë{ts ™ðh[™t - Social reconstruction Ë{tsËuðt ËkMÚtt - Social service agency Ë{ts ÔÞðMÚtt - Social order/system Ë{tSfhý - Socialization Ë{ts Ëwhûtt - Social defence; social security Ë{tSf]‚ Wãtu„ - Socialized industry Ë{tsfÕÞtý - Social welfare Ë{tÄt™ - Reconciliation; settlement; Ë{tsfÕÞtý yrÄfthe - Social Welfare Officer conciliation; compromise Ë{tsfÕÞtý r™Þt{f - Director of Social Ë{tÄt™/…‚tðx yrÄfthe - Conciliation Welfare Officer; Settlement Officer Ë{ts™e þÂõ‚ - Social force; social strength Ë{ts™tu Ítuf - Social trends Ë{tÄt™ fh™th - Compromiser Ë{ts™tu ËntÞ…tºt ð„o - Vulnerable section of Ë{tÄt™ fhðwk - Conciliate; compromise Ë{tÄt™ îtht Wfu÷ - Solution by conciliation society Ë{tÄt™ ™ ÚtE þfu ‚uðtu {‚¼uŒ - Unbridgeable Ë{tsr{r‚ - Sociometry disagreement Ë{ts{q÷f ytÞtus™ - Social planning Ë{ts{q÷f rþûtý - Socialized education Ë{tÄt™ …k[ - Conciliation Panch Ë{tsh[™t - Social structure Ë{tÄt™ {kz¤ - Conciliation Board Ë{ts÷ûte - Social; socially-oriented Ë{tÄt™ Ër{r‚ - Conciliation Committee Ë{ts÷ûte Wí…tŒf Ët{„úe - Social input Ë{tÄt™fth - Conciliator; settlor Ë{ts÷ûte ftÞoþt¤t - Social workshop Ë{tÄt™fthe - Conciliatory Ë{tÄt™™e Þtus™t - Scheme of compromise Ë{tÄt™™tu „t¤tu - Settlement period 449

Ë{tÄt™™tu „t¤tu Ë{tk‚h ðnuý Ë{tÄt™ÞtuøÞ „w™tu (ft.) - Compoundable Ë{t fhðwk - Complete; finish; terminate offence Ë{t Útðwk (ft.) - Cease to exist Ë{t - Completion; finish; end; expiration; Ë{trÄ - Feretory; tomb Ë{trÄ ÷u¾ - Epitaph termination Ë{trÄ rþ÷t - Ledger Ë{t ™turxË - Termination notice Ë{trÄ MÚtt™ - Sepulchre Ë{tÂÂ…tºt - Terminable Ë{t™ - Similar; equal; equivalent; uniform; Ë{tÂÂ…tºt ¾[o - Terminable charges identical (2)Common Ë{tÂÂ…tºt Œuðwk - Terminable debt Ë{t™ fƒò-¼tu„ðxtu - Tenancy in common Ë{tÂÂ…tºt …xtu - Terminable lease Ë{t™ ®f{‚ (yÚto.) - Par value Ë{tÂÂ…tºt ÷tu™ - Terminable loan Ë{t™ „ýtu‚-nf - Tenancy in common Ë{tÂÂ…tºt ðtŠ»tfe - Terminable annuity Ë{t™ Ätuhýu - On equal basis; pari passu Ë{tÞtus™ - Adjustment Ë{t™ …tf - Uniform crop Ë{tÞtus™ fhðwk/ËtÄðwk - Adjust Ë{t™ …tÞhe/Œhßòu - Equivalent rank Ë{tÞtus™ ¾kz (yÚto.) - Escalator clause Ë{t™ «Þtus™/nu‚w - Kindred purpose Ë{tÞtus™ ËntÞ - Adjustment assistance Ë{t™ ¼tzq‚ nf - Tenancy in common Ë{tÞtus™ rnËtƒ - Adjusting account Ë{t™ ¼tðu - At par; at equal rate Ë{tÞturs‚ Þtus™t - Adjusted scheme Ë{t™ rð‚hý - Equal distribution Ë{tÞturs‚ rË÷f - Adjusted balance Ë{t™ rþûtt - Like punishment Ë{th (f].) - Plank Ë{t™ Ëkð„o - Common cadre Ë{thft{ - Repair Ë{t™ Ëe{t/nŒ - Common boundary Ë{thft{/{ht{‚ ™ ÚtR þfu yuðwk - Irreparable Ë{t™ Ëe{tðt¤wk - Co-terminous; conterminous Ë{thk¼/Ë{thtun - Function; ceremony Ë{t™ rn‚ - Common interest Ë{thk¼ r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Manual of ceremonials Ë{t™‚t - Equality; parity (2)Similarity; Ë{thk¼ …huz - Ceremonial parade kinship Ë{tððwk - Absorb; include Ë{tðuþ - Absorption; inclusion Ë{t™‚t ®f{‚ - Parity price Ë{tËþÂõ‚ - Capacity Ë{t™‚t Œh - Parity rate Ë{tk‚h - Parallel; collateral Ë{t™tÚteo - Synonymous Ë{tk‚h ò{e™„ehe - Collateral security Ë{t™tÚteo þçŒ - Equivalent; synonym Ë{tk‚h …whtðtu - Collateral evidence Ë{t™w¼qr‚ - Empathy Ë{tk‚h ƒòh - Parallel market Ë{t…™ - Conclusion; summing up Ë{tk‚h ðnuý - Parallel flow Ë{t…™ ˺t - Closing session 450

Ë{tk‚h ˼t Ë{wÿe Ëuðt Ë{tk‚h ˼t - Parallel meeting Ë{wÿ‚xeÞ ð™ - Littoral forest Ë{tk‚h Ëhfth - Parallel Government Ë{wÿÚte Œqh™tu rðM‚th - Land-locked area Ër{r‚¾kz - Committee room Ë{wÿ™wk ‚r¤Þwk - Sea bottom; sea bed Ë{efhý - Equation Ë{wÿ{tk zqƒu÷t ¾zf - Submarine rock Ë{eûtf - Reviewer (2)Commentator; critic Ë{wÿÞtºtt - Voyage Ë{eûtf yrÄfthe - Reviewing Officer Ë{wÿrð¿tt™ - Oceanography; oceanology Ë{eûtt - Review (2)Commentary Ë{wÿrð¿tt™e - Oceanographer Ë{eûtt nuX¤™wk - Under review Ë{wÿe - Maritime; marine Ë{eûtt nuX¤™wk ð»to - Year under review Ë{wÿe yŒt÷‚ - Maritime Court Ë{e…‚t - Juxtaposition; propinquity; Ë{wÿe yrÄfthûtuºt - Maritime jurisdiction contiguity; proximity; adjacency;nearness Ë{wÿe Wãtu„tu - Maritime industries Ë{e…ð‚eo - Proximal; adjacent; nearby; Ë{wÿe ftV÷tu - Sea convoy proximate Ë{wÿe ft{„ehe - Maritime operation Ë{wÿe ftÞŒtu - Maritime law Ë{wr[‚ - Proper; appropriate; due Ë{wÿe ™qh/¼tzwk - Ocean freight Ë{wr[‚ …t÷™ - Due observance Ë{wÿe …èe - Maritime belt Ë{wå[Þ - Pool Ë{wÿe …rhðn™/nuhVuh - Maritime transport Ë{wå[Þ f{o[theð„o - Pool staff Ë{wÿe «ðtË …tur÷Ëe - Voyage policy Ë{wå[Þ Œh - Pool rates Ë{wÿe {Útf - Maritime station Ë{wå[Þ ðu[tý - Pool sales Ë{wÿe {t„o - Sea passage Ë{wŒtÞ - Community; mass; group Ë{wÿe {tusýe - Marine survey Ë{wŒtÞ fuLÿ - Community Centre Ë{wÿe Þt‚tÞt‚ - Maritime traffic Ë{wŒtÞ/Ët{qrnf rðftË ytÞtus™ - Community Ë{wÿe ÞwØ - Maritime warfare Development Planning Ë{wÿ - Sea; ocean Ë{wÿe htßÞ - Maritime state Ë{wÿ rf™tht™wk Ënu÷„tn-MÚt¤ - Seaside resort Ë{wÿe ðntýðxwk - Maritime shipping Ë{wÿ r[nT™ - Sea mark Ë{wÿe rðM‚th - Maritime area Ë{wÿ ‚hý M…Äto - Sea swimming competition Ë{wÿe ËhnŒ - Sea frontier Ë{wÿ ‚hVe - Seaward Ë{wÿe Ë÷t{‚e - Maritime safety Ë{wÿ Ë…txe - Sea level Ë{wÿe Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Maritime sovereignty Ë{wÿ Ëuðt - Sea service Ë{wÿe Ëe{t - Maritime boundary Ë{wÿfk… - Sea quake Ë{wÿe Ëe{tþwÕf - Sea customs Ë{wÿ„t{e - Sea faring Ë{wÿe Ëuðt - Maritime service 451

Ë{qn Ëhfthe ytÞwðuorŒf yti»tÄr™{toýþt¤t Ë{qn - Mass; batch (2)Group (3)Set; lot Ëh-Ëu™t…r‚ - Commander-in-chief Ë{qn yr¼„{ - Cluster approach Ëhf‚e Ëeze - Escalator Ë{qn ftÞo - Team work Ëhfðwk - Slip; slide (2)Creep Ë{qn Sð™ - Group living; community life Ëhfth-Ëhfth ðå[u™t ËkƒkÄtu - Inter- Ë{qn «Œþo™ - Group show governmental relations Ë{qn «tÚto™t - Mass prayer Ë{qn ¼tð™t - Community spirit; community Ëhfth-Ëhfth ðå[u™e Ë{sq‚e - Inter- sentiment governmental agreement Ë{qn ð™r™{toý - Community forestry; mass Ëhfth-Ëhfth ðå[u™wk - Inter-governmental Ëhfth-Ëhfth ðå[u™wk Œuðwk - Inter-governmental forestry debt Ë{qn/Ët{wŒtrÞf rðftË - Community Ëhfth-Ëhfth ðå[u™wk ™týtk-htuftý - Inter- development governmental investment Ë{qn rðftË fuLÿ - Community Development Ëhfth-Ëhfth ðå[u™tu fhth - Inter- Centre governmental agreement Ë{qn rðftË …rhÞtus™t - Community Ëhfth™t ftÞŒt …ht{þof/…ht{þeo - Legal Development Project Remembrancer to Government; Ë{q¤„tu ™tþ - Extirpation; total destruction; Remembrancer of Legal Affairs to Government annihilation Ëhfth™t f]r»t Rs™uh - Agricultural Engineer to Ë{q¤„tu ™tþ fhðtu - Extirpate; stamp out; root Government out; annihilate Ëhfth™t f]r»t-fexrð¿tt™e - Agricultural Ë{¤q e ¢trk ‚ - Basic revolution; entire revolution Ë{]Ø - Wealthy; prosperous; affluent; rich; Entomologist to Government opulent Ëhfth™t ƒt„tÞ‚þtMºte - Horticulturist to Ë{]Ø Ë{ts - Affluent society Government Ë{]ÂØ - Wealth; prosperity; affluence Ë{uxe ÷uðwk - Wind up Ëhfth™t hËtÞý-…heûtf - Chemical Examiner Ë{uxe ÷uðwk ‚u - Winding up Ë{tuå[ ¾uztý - Contour ploughing to Government Ë{tuå[ ¾u‚e - Contour cultivation Ë{tuå[ Zt¤ - Contour gradient Ëhfth™t hËtÞýþtMºte - Chemist to Government Ëhfth™t Ër[ð - Secretary to Government Ëhfth™wk ð÷ý - Official approach; Government trend Ëhfthe - Governmental; official; government Ë{tuå[ ™fþtu - Contour map Ëhfthe y™ts™e Œfw t™ - Government grain shop Ë{tuå[ {tusýe - Contour survey Ë{tuå[ hu¾t - Contour line Ëhfthe/Ë¥ttðth ynuðt÷ - Official report Ë{tuå[ Ë…txe - Contour surface/level Ëhfthe ytÞwðuorŒf yti»tÄr™{toýþt¤t - Government Ayurvedic Pharmacy 452

Ëhfthe ytÞwðuorŒf Œðt¾t™wk Ëhfthe {nuËq÷ Ëhfthe ytÞwðuorŒf Œðt¾t™wk - Government Ëhfthe r™Þkºtý - Government control Ayurvedic Dispensary Ëhfthe r™ýtoÞf - Official Referee Ëhfthe/Ë¥ttðth r™ðtËMÚtt™ - Official Ëhfthe ytðf/Q…s - Government revenue/ residence receipt Ëhfthe ™tufhe - Government service Ëhfthe/Ë¥ttðth ytkfzt - Official statistics Ëhfthe LÞtËe - Official Trustee Ëhfthe Wãtu„ËtnË - Government enterprise Ëhfthe …ºt - Government letter Ëhfthe yusLËe - Government agency Ëhfthe …ºtÔÞðnth - Official correspondence Ëhfthe f{o[the - Government employee Ëhfthe …rºtft - Official bulletin Ëhfthe f{o[the Ëk½ - Government staff Ëhfthe …rh…ºt - Government circular Ëhfthe …rhðn™ Ëuðt - Government Transport federation Service Ëhfthe fk…™e - Government company Ëhfthe ft{fts - Government affairs; official Ëhfthe …tx÷eytu - Treasury benches Ëhfthe «ftþ™ - Government publication business; Government business Ëhfthe «ftþ™ rz…tu - Government Publication Ëhfthe ¾‚/ƒkÄýe¾‚ - Official bond Ëhfthe ¾htƒt™e s{e™ - Government waste land Ëhfthe „wó‚t yrÄr™Þ{ - Official Secrets Act Depot Ëhfthe ò{e™„ehe - Government security Ëhfthe ònuh™t{wk - Government notification Ëhfthe «r‚r™rÄ - Government delegate/ Ëhfthe rxrfx - Service-stamp representative Ëhfthe «r‚r™rÄíð - Government representation Ëhfthe Xhtð - Government resolution Ëhfthe «tur{Ëhe ™tux - Government Ëhfthe zuhe Vt{o - Government dairy-farm promissory note Ëhfthe ‚fr™fe ËkMÚtt - Government technical Ëhfthe Vz[t yrÄfthe - Official Liquidator institute Ëhfthe VrhÞtŒ …ût - Public Prosecution Ëhfthe ‚kºt - Government machinery Ëhfthe VtusŒthe ðfe÷ - Public Prosecutor Ëhfthe ‚th - Service telegram Ëhfthe ƒt„ - Government garden Ëhfthe r‚òuhe - State treasury; exchequer Ëhfthe ƒtuLz - Treasury bond Ëhfthe Œðt¾t™wk - Government dispensary Ëhfthe ¼tus™Ë{thk¼ - State banquet Ëhfthe ŒM‚tðus - Government document; Ëhfthe {æÞMÚt {wÿýt÷Þ/«uË - Government official document Central Press Ëhfthe ŒqÄ …whðXt Þtus™t - Government milk Ëhfthe {h½tk Vt{o - Government poultry farm supply scheme Ëhfthe {h½tk ËkðÄo™ yuf{ - Government Ëhfthe Œuðwk - Public debt poultry breeding unit Ëhfthe ™týwk - Government money Ëhfthe {nuËq÷ - Government revenue/receipt 453

Ëhfthe {w¾…ºt Ëh{w¾íÞth Ëhfthe {tæÞr{f þt¤t - Government Ëhfthe Ëuðt x…t÷ rxrfx - Postage service stamp Secondary School Ëhfthe rnËtƒ - Government accounts Ëhfthe nfw { - Government order; official order Ëhfthe {tLÞ‚t - Government recognition; Ëhfthe nwf{tu ÚttÞ íÞtkËwÄe - Pending the official recognition orders of Government Ëhfthe {tr÷fe - State ownership Ëhfthe nqkze - Treasury bill Ëhfthe {w¾íÞth - Official Assignee Ëhfthe nurËÞ‚ - Governmental capacity Ëhfthe {w¾…ºt - Mouthpiece of government; Ëhfthu yt…u÷e ¾t‚he {txu™e Ër{r‚ - official organ Committee on Government Assurances Ëhfthe {wÿý y™u ÷u¾™Ët{„úe - Government Ëh¾t yk‚hu ytðu÷wk - Equidistant Ëh¾t ¼tðu - At par; at equal rate Printing and Stationery Ëh¾t…ýwk - Similarity; equality; conformity; Ëhfthe {wÿýt÷Þ - Government printing press parity Ëhfthe/Ë¥ttðth ÞtŒe - Communique Ëhfthe ÞtŒe-…ºt - Government memorandum Ëh¾t{ýe - Comparison Ëhfthe hnuýtf™tk {ft™tu/r™ðtË - Government Ëh¾t{ýefth - Comparer residential buildings/quarters Ëhfthe hts…ºt - Official gazette Ëhfthe htnu - Officially Ëh¾tððwk - Compare Ëhfthe ðfe÷ - Government Pleader Ëh¾wk - Equivalent; equal; similar Ëhfthe ðneðx - Government administration Ëh¾wk/Ë{t™ fhðwk - Equalize Ëhfthe ðneðxf‚to - Official Administrator Ëh¾tu/Ë{t™ ™kƒh/¢{tkf - Even number Ëhfthe rðr™Þ{ - Government regulation Ëh½Ë - Procession Ëhfthe rþüt[th - Official decorum; official Ëh½Ë/þtu¼tÞtºtt {t„o - Processional route etiquette; protocol Ëh‚[qf - Oversight; inadvertence Ëh‚[qfÚte - Inadvertently; through oversight Ëhfthe ©{ yrÄfthe - Government Labour Ëh‚…tË (ft.) - Examination-in-chief ËhŒth - Leader Officer ËhŒthe - Leadership Ëh™t{tÞkºt - Addressograph Ëhfthe ËÇÞ - Official member Ëh™t{wk - Address Ëhfthe Ë{thk¼ - State function Ëh…ý - Fire wood Ëhfthe ËntÞ - Government aid/assistance Ëh¼h ®ƒŒw - Breakeven point Ëhfthe ËntÞfe - Government subsidy Ëh¼ht - Hospitality Ëhfthe Ëk„X™ - Government organization Ëh{w¾íÞth - Dictator Ëhfthe Ëk…Œt - Government estate Ëhfthe ËkMÚtt - State Agency Ëhfthe Ëtûte - Approver Ëhfthe Ëe÷/{ntuh - Official seal 454

Ëh{w¾íÞthþtne ËðoftÞoût{ Ëh{w¾íÞthþtne - Dictatorship Ëhuhtþ W…¼tu„ ð]Â¥t - Average propensity to Ëh÷efhý - Simplification Ëhðt¤t Þkºt - Totalizer consume Ëhðt¤tu - Addition; sum; total ËhðiÞwk - Balance-sheet Ëhuhtþ fûtt™wk - Mediocre ËhËt{t™ - Baggage; luggage; household Ëhuhtþ ftZðe - Strike an average Ëhuhtþ sL{«{tý/sL{Œh - Mean birth rate goods (2)Paraphernalia; equipment; Ëhuhtþ Äztu - Average tare equipage Ëhuhtþ r™Þ‚ ¾[o - Average fixed cost Ëhuhtþ …„th™e hò - Leave on average pay ËhnŒ - Border; frontier Ëhuhtþ …z‚h ¾[o - Average cost ËhnŒ-r™þt™ - Landmark Ëhuhtþ ƒ[‚ð]Â¥t - Average propensity to save ËhnŒ …tu÷eË - Border police Ëhuhtþ {nuËq÷/ytðf - Average revenue ËhnŒ-¼qr{ - Border land Ëhuhtþ ðtŠ»tf …qh - Mean annual flood ËhnŒ Ë÷t{‚e Œ¤ - Border Security Force Ëhuhtþ ðtŠ»tf ƒt»…e¼ð™ - Mean annual (B.S.F.) evaporation ËhnŒ-ËkrÄ - Boundary treaty Ëhuhtþ ðtŠ»tf ðhËtŒ - Average annual ËhnŒ™wk yr‚¢{ý - Violation of frontiers ËhnŒe htßÞ - Border state rainfall/rain ËhnŒe rðM‚th - Border area Ëh¤ - Simple; straight forward (2)Easy Ëhuhtþ ðtŠ»tf rðftË Œh - Average annual Ëh¤ ƒ™tððwk - Simplify Ëh¤ ƒ™tðtÞu÷ ftÞoðtne - Simplified growth rate procedure Ëhuþ - Glue ËhiÞt™tu ÔÞðËtÞ - Perfumery Ëh¤‚t - Straightforwardness; simplicity ËhiÞtu - Perfumer Ëhkò{ ¼ÚÚtwk - Equipment allowance Ëhtuðh - Lake; reservoir ËhtE - Inn Ëhtuðh r™ûtu… - Lacustrine deposits Ëhtý - Grindstone Ëhtuðhe {íMÞ-Wãtu„ - Lacustrine fisheries ËhtrýÞtu - Knife-grinder Ëso xtkfe - Surge tank ËhtËhe - Mean; average Ëso™ - Creation ËhtËhe rðËk„r‚ - Average discrepancy Ëso™tí{f «ð]Â¥t - Creative activity ËrhÞt{ hM‚tu - Thoroughfare Ëso™tí{f rþûtý - Creative education ËheË]… - Reptile Ë…tofth «ðtn - Meander Ëhuhtþ - Mean; average Ë…tofth Ëeze - Spiral-stair Ëhuhtþ Wí…tŒ™ - Average production Ëðo {txu y™ts - Food for all Ëðo {txu hnuXtý - Shelter for all ËðoftÞoût{ - Omnicompetent 455

ËðoftÞoût{‚t Ëðtuoå[ yŒt÷‚/LÞtÞt÷Þ ËðoftÞoût{‚t - Omnicompetence ËðoË¥ttÄthe ‚kºt - Sovereign authority Ëðo„útne - Omnibus; comprehensive; ËðoË¥ttÄeþ htßÞ - Sovereign State exhaustive ËðoË{tðuþe ¼tð - All inclusive quotation ËðoËk„ún - Gazetteer Ëðo„útne ytÞtus™ - Comprehensive planning; ËðoËk{‚ - Unanimous; consensual ËðoËk{‚ yr¼„{ - Consensual approach exhaustive planning ËðoËk{‚ yr¼«tÞ - Unanimous opinion ËðoËk{‚ [qkxýe - Unanimous election Ëðo„útne/ƒnw÷ûte fËtuxe - Omnibus test ËðoËk{‚ {ksqhe - Unanimous approval Ëðo„útne «r‚r™rÄíð - Cross-section ËðoËk{r‚ - Unanimous consent; unanimity; Ëðo„útne rðÄuÞf - Omnibus Bill Ëðo„útne rðM‚th rðftË ftÞo¢{ - Comprehensive Area Development Programme Ëðo„útne Ë{eûtt - Comprehensive review consensus Ëðo„útne nwf{ - Blanket order ËðoÚtt - Utterly; completely; strictly; outright ËðoËtÄthý/ËðoËt{tLÞ - General (2)Common ËðoÚtt r™r»tØ - Strictly prohibited ËðoËt{tLÞ ð]ÂØ Œh - General growth rate ËðoÚtt ËwËk„‚ - Strictly relevant ËðoMð - All; everything ËðoŒt - Forever; always; everlasting Ëðonf MðtÄe™ - All rights reserved ËðoÄ{oË{¼tð - Secularism ËðtorÄfth - Sovereignty Ëðo™tþ - Devastation ËðtorÄfthðtŒ - Totalitarianism Ëðo…ûteÞ Ë¼t - All-party meet ËðtorÄfthe - Totalitarian; plenipotentiary Ëðo«Út{ ¼t»tý - Maiden speech ËðtorÄfthe htßÞ - Totalitarian State Ëðo«Út{ ËVh - Maiden voyage Ëðto™w{‚ - Unanimous; consensus Ëðo¼ûte - Omnivorous Ëðto™w{r‚ - Unanimously; consensusly Ëðo{wÂõ‚ - Amnesty ËðtO„e - Exhaustive; all-round; Ëðo÷ûte yrÄfth - Right in rem Ëðo/rðrðÄ ðM‚w ¼kzth - Departmental store comprehensive; overall ËðoÔÞt…f/ËðoÔÞt…e - Ubiquitous; universal; ËðtO„e ‚t÷e{ - Comprehensive training omnipresent ËðtO„e á~Þ - Panoramic view ËðtO„e áÂü - Stereoscopic view ËðoÔÞt…f‚t - Ubiquity; omnipresence; ËðtO„e hk„¼qr{ - Total theatre ËŠðË [wfðýe - Service payment universality Ëðtuoå[ - Topmost; sovereign; paramount; ËðoÔÞt…e ƒ™tððwk - Universalize highest; supreme ËðoË¥ttf htßÞ - Totalitarian State ËðoË¥ttÄthe - Sovereign Ëðtuoå[ y„ú‚t - Topmost priority Ëðtuoå[ yŒt÷‚/LÞtÞt÷Þ - Supreme Court; Appex Court 456

Ëðtuoå[ ftÞŒtu Ëðu‚™ Ëðtuoå[ ftÞŒtu - Supra jus Ë÷t{‚e {txu™e y„{[u‚e/ËtðÄt™e - Safety Ëðtuoå[ ®ƒŒw - Peak point; apex precaution Ëðtuoå[ þÂõ‚ - Imperium Ëðtuoå[ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Supreme Authority Ë÷t{‚e hûtf/Ëwhûtt [turfÞt‚ - Security guard Ëðtuoå[ ËkMÚtt - Sovereign body; apex body Ë÷t{‚e rðM‚th/Ëwhûtt ûtuºt - Security zone; Ëðtuoå[‚t - Supremacy; paramountcy Ëðtuoíf]ü - Excellent security belt Ëðtuo…rh‚t - Sovereignty; supremacy; Ë÷t{‚e ÔÞðMÚtt/Ëwhûtt «ƒkÄ - Security paramountcy arrangement Ëðtuo…rh‚t {txu™tu Ëk½»to - Struggle for supremacy Ëðtuo…he - Paramount; supreme; sovereign Ë÷t{‚e ËtÄ™/W…fhý - Safety appliance Ëðtuo…he y„ú‚t - Top priority; over-riding Ë÷t{‚e nŒ - Safety limit Ë÷t{‚e™tk …„÷tk/Ëwhûtt™t W…tÞ - Safety priority measures Ëðtuo…he yrÄfth - Sovereign rights Ëðtuo…he ¾kz (ft.) - Non-obstante clause Ë÷t{e - Salutation Ëðtuo…he ònuh rn‚ - Over-riding public interst Ë÷t{e/{wÂõ‚ ¼tzwk - Quit-rent Ëðtuo…he ™ir‚f {t™f - Ultimate moral standards Ë÷t{e MÚt¤ - Saluting base Ëðtuo…he ˼t„]n - Sovereign assembly Ë÷tn - Advice; counsel; admonishment Ë÷t{‚ - Safe; secured; protected Ë÷tn yt…ðe - Advise; counsel; admonish Ë÷t{‚ y™u ËwhÂût‚ òótu/fƒòu - Safe and Ë÷tn-Ëq[™ - Advice; suggestion; counsel Ë÷tnfth - Adviser/Advisor; consultant; secured custody counsellor Ë÷t{‚ y™u ËwhÂût‚ …týe …whðXtu - Safe and Ë÷tnfth …rh»tŒ - Advisory Council protected water supply Ë÷tnfth {kz¤ - Advisory Board Ë÷tnfth Ër{r‚ - Advisory Committee; Ë÷t{‚ fƒòu - Safe custody Ë÷t{‚ Útt…ý ¾kz - Safe deposit vault Consultation Committee Ë÷t{‚e - Security; safety Ë÷tn¼ÞwO - Advisable ËÕ‚™‚ - Kingdom (2)Sultanat Ëð÷‚ - Concession; facility; convenience Ë÷t{‚e yrÄfthe - Safety Officer; Security Ëðthe - Ride Officer Ëðt÷ - Question; query Ë÷t{‚e y™u Ëwhûtt - Safety and security Ërð™Þ ¼k„ - Civil disobedience Ë÷t{‚e yr¼Þt™ - Safety campaign ËrðM‚h - Elaborate; exhaustive; in detail; Ë÷t{‚e/Ëwhûtt Aqx - Safety allowance detailed Ë÷t{‚e/Ëwhûtt™u ÷„‚tu ¾kz - Safety clause ËrðM‚h ðýo™ - Detailed description Ë÷t{‚e/Ëwhûtt r™Þ{tu - Safety rules Ëðu‚™ - Salaried 457

Ëðu‚™ f{o[the Ënfthe Wãtu„ËtnË Ëðu‚™ f{o[the - Paid employee; paid staff; Ën-LÞtÞtÄeþ - Associate Justice Ën-…heûtf - Co-examiner salaried employee Ën-«r‚ðtŒe - Co-respondent Ën-«ðtËe/Þtºte - Fellow-passenger; co- Ëðu‚™ ™tufhe - Paid service Ëðu‚™ hò™tu rŒðË - Paid holiday passenger Ëðu‚™ htus„th - Wage-employment Ëðu‚™ ntuÆtu/…Œ - Salaried office Ën-«tæÞt…f - Associate professor Ëþõ‚ - Strong; powerful Ën-¼t„eŒth - Co-partner Ëþ† - Armed Ën-¼t„eŒthe - Co-partnership Ëþ† Œ¤ - Armed forces Ën-¼t»tt - Associate language Ëþ† …tu÷eË - Armed constabulary; armed Ën-{tr÷f - Co-owner Ën-{tr÷fe - Co-ownership constables Ën-÷ðtŒ - Co-arbitrator Ën-ðneðxf‚to/ðneðxŒth - Co-administrator Ëþ† ƒkz/ƒ¤ðtu - Armed mutiny; armed Ën-ðtŒe-Co-plaintiff Ën-ðthË-Co-heir (2)Co-parcener; parcener rebellion/revolt Ën-ðtËe-Co-habitant; inmate Ën-rð{t™[t÷f -Co-pilot Ëþ† rðÿtun/rðÃ÷ð - Armed insurrection Ën-ðe{tu-Co-insurance Ëþ† ËthsLx - Sergeant at arms Ën-rþûtý - Co-education ËþwÕf „úkÚtt÷Þ - Subscription library Ën-ËÇÞ - Associate member ËM‚™«týe - Mammal Ën-Ëe{tð‚eo - Co-terminous ËM‚t{tk ËM‚tu Œh/¼tð - Cheapest rate Ën-rnMËuŒth - Co-sharer ËM‚wk - Cheap Ënfth - Co-operation ËM‚wk ™týwk - Cheap money Ënfth yrÄfthe - Co-operation Officer ËM‚uÚte ðu[tý - Undersell Ënfth ytÞtusf/Ëk„Xf - Co-operative Ën - Associate; with (2)Cum (3)Co- Ën-yæÞût…Œ - Co-chairmanship organizer Ën-y…htÄe - Accomplice Ën-yÂM‚íð - Co-existence Ënfth ¾t‚wk/rð¼t„ - Co-operation Ën-ythtu…e/ËtÚte ‚ntu{‚Œth - Co-accused Ën-Wí…tŒ™/…uŒtþ - Co-product Department Ën-fƒsuŒth - Co-occupant Ën-ftÞofh/f{o[the - Co-worker (2)colleague Ënfthe ytÞtus™ - Co-operative planning Ën-ûtuºt - Associate sector Ënfthe ytðtË™ {kz¤e - Co-operative housing Ën-ò{e™ - Co-surety Ën-‚kºte/Ëk…tŒf - Co-editor society Ënfthe ytkŒtu÷™ - Co-operative movement Ënfthe Wãtu„ËtnË - Co-operative enterprise 458

Ënfthe f]r»t Ënð‚eo Ëqr[ Ënfthe f]r»t - Co-operative farming Ëns ð]Â¥t - Instinct Ënfthe f]r»t {kz¤e - Co-operative farming Ën™ fhðwk - Bear; suffer (2)Tolerate society Ën™ fhe þftÞ yuðwk/ËÌt - Tolerable Ën™ fËtuxe - Tolerance test Ënfthe ¾heŒ-ðu[tý - Co-operative marketing Ën™ ™ ÚtE þfu ‚uðwk - Unbearable; intolerable Ënfthe ¾heŒ-ðu[tý {kz¤e - Co-operative Ën™þÂõ‚/Ën™þe÷‚t - Tolerance; endurance; marketing society sufferance Ënfthe [¤ð¤/«ð]Â¥t - Co-operative Ën™þe÷ - Tolerant; patient; forbearing Ën™-Ëe{t - Tolerance limit movement Ën…÷tÞ™ - Elopement Ën…÷tÞ™ fhðwk - Elope Ënfthe zuhe - Co-operative dairy Ën¼tr„‚t - Participation; association; Ënfthe ‚t÷e{ ftÞo¢{ - Co-operative training programme Ënfthe rÄhtý {kz¤e - Co-operative Credit Society Ënfthe …Ør‚/«ýt÷e - Co-operative system partnership Ënfthe …rhÞtus™t - Co-operative project Ën¼t„e - Participant; associate; partner Ënfthe …rh»tŒ - Co-operative Council Ën{‚ Útðwk - Agree; concur Ënfthe …þw ËkðÄo™ {kz¤e - Co-operative Cattle Ën{‚e - Concurrence; agreement Ën{‚e-ûtuºt - Zone of agreement Breeding Society Ënfthe …k[ - Co-operative tribunal ËnÞtºte - Fellow-traveller Ënfthe ƒUf - Co-operative Bank ËnÞtu„ - Co-operation; collaboration; Ënfthe {kz¤e - Co-operative Society participation Ënfthe {kz¤eytu™t ™tUÄýe yrÄfthe - Registrar ËnÞtu„÷ûte ytÞtus™ - Participatory planning ËnÞtu„e/ËnÞtu„ yt…™th - Collaborator; of Co-operative Societies co-operator Ënfthe ðneðx - Co-operative administration Ënfthe rð‚hý {kz¤e - Co-operative ËnhtßÞ - Condominium Ënðhýe - Co-optation; co-option Distributive Society Ënðhýe fhðe - Co-opt Ënðhýe …t{u÷ ËÇÞ - Co-opted member Ënfthe rðM‚hý Ëuðt - Co-operative extension Ënð‚eo/Ën„t{e - Concurrent; attendant; service concomitant Ënfthe ðe{tu - Co-operative insurance Ënð‚eo ftÞoðtne - Concurrent action Ënfthe Ëk½ - Co-operative union Ënfthe ËkþtuÄ™ - Co-operative research Ënfthe ËkMÚtt - Co-operative institute/ Ënð‚eo …„÷tk - Concomitant steps Ënð‚eo {qÕÞtkf™ - Concurrent evaluation institution Ënð‚eo Ëqr[ - Concurrent list 459 Ëns - Inborn; inartificial (2)Natural; inherent; innate

Ënð‚eo nfq{‚/yrÄfthûtuºt Ëne™t ™{q™t™e ft…÷e Ënð‚eo nfq{‚/yrÄfthûtuºt - Concurrent ËntÞf Ëuðt - Auxiliary service ËntÞf‚to Ëtûte - Favourable witness jurisdiction ËntÞfthe - Subsidiary ËntÞfthe yk„ - Subsidiary organ Ënð‚eo rnËtƒ-‚…tËýe - Concurrent audit ËntÞfthe yt¿tt - Subsidiary mandate ËnðthËt nf - Parcenary ËntÞfthe Œh¾tM‚ - Subsidiary motion ËntæÞtÞe - School-fellow; school-mate ËntÞfe - Subsidy Ënt™w¼qr‚/n{ŒŒeo - Sympathy ËntÞfe yt…ðe - Subsidize Ënt™w¼qr‚ ht¾™th - Sympathizer ËntÞfeÞwõ‚ Œh - Subsidized rate Ënt™w¼qr‚Œþof nz‚t÷ - Sympathetic strike ËntÞ‚t {t÷Ët{t™ - Aid material Ënt™w¼qr‚…qðof rð[thýt - Sympathetic ËntÞ‚t«tó þt¤t - Aided school ËntÞ¼q‚ - Helpful consideration ËntÞ¼q‚/ËntÞY… Ëuðtytu - Back-up service; ËntÞ - Help; assistance; aid auxiliary service; supportive service ËntÞ fhðe - Help; assist; aid ËntÞ ™ {u¤ð‚e þt¤t - Unaided school ËntrÞ‚ ËkMÚtt - Aided institution ËntÞ {u¤ð‚e ËkMÚtt - Aided institution Ënthtu - Support; shelter; help ËntÞ-ËtÄ™ - Aid Ërn‚ - Including; with ËntÞf - Accessory; ancillary (2)Helpful ËrnÞthwk - Common; joint ËrnÞthtu ÷½w‚{ ftÞo¢{ - Common Minimum (3)Auxiliary (4)Assistant Programme ËntÞf y™wŒt™ - Grant-in-aid ËntÞf fthý - Contributory cause ËrnÞthwk ƒòh - Common market ËntÞf òr‚ - Auxiliary species Ërn»ýw - Tolerant ËntÞf Œ¤ - Auxiliary force Ërn»ýw‚t - Tolerance ËntÞf …„÷wk - Step-in-aid Ëne - Signature (2)True; correct ËntÞf …hðt™tu - Accessory licence Ëne fh™th - Signatory (2)Subscriber ËntÞf …rh[trhft - Auxiliary nurse ËntÞf …whtðtu - Adminicular evidence (3)Signer ËntÞf …qðo-sYrhÞt‚tu - Supporting Ëne fh™th yrÄfthe - Signing Officer infrastructure; auxiliary infrastructure Ëne fh™th Ëtûte - Subscribing witness Ëne fhðe - Sign (2)Subscribe ËntÞf ƒuŒhfthe/„V÷‚/W…uûtt - Contributory Ëne fhe™u Ëe÷ fhu÷wk - Signed and sealed Ëne ð„h™tu ŒM‚tðus - Unsigned document negligence Ëne™t ™{q™t™e ft…÷e - Specimen signature ËntÞf {t„o - Service road slip ËntÞf {qze - Auxiliary capital ËntÞf Ët{„úe - Accessories; auxiliary 460 materials; subsidiary materials

Ëne™t ™{q™t™tu [tu…ztu Ëkfr÷‚ „út{eý Qòo ftÞo¢{ Ëne™t ™{™q t™tu [t…u ztu - Specimen signature book Ëkfxft÷e™ A÷‚e - Emergency spillway Ëne™tu ™{q™tu - Specimen signature Ëkfxft÷e™ …„÷tk - Emergency measures ËneË÷t{‚ - Safe and secured Ëkfxft÷e™ ÂMÚtr‚ - State of emergency Ënu‚wf - Purposive; purposeful; intentional Ëkfxft¤™e Ëhfth - Crisis government Ënu÷„tn - Excursion; tour; outing; pleasure Ëkfx™e …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Critical situation trip ËkfxË{Þ - Emergency; exigency; critical Ënu÷týe - Holiday-maker period ËntuŒh ¼tE/ƒnu™ - Uterine brother/sister Ëkfh - Cross breed; hybrid ˤ - Fold Ëkfh f…tË - Hybrid cotton ˤ„‚wk - Burning; ablaze Ëkfhý - Hybridization; cross-breeding ˤ„‚tu ftfztu - Fire brand (2)Burning rag Ëkfhý ftÞo¢{ - Cross-breeding programme ˤ„ðwk - Inflame; catch fire Ëkf÷™ - Co-ordination; integration; ˤ„tððwk - Ignite; set ablaze; set to fire compilation ˤ„e QXðwk ‚u - Inflammation Ëkf÷™ yrÄfthe - Compilation Officer; Co- ˤ„e QXu ‚uðwk - Inflammable ordinating Officer ˤk„ - Continuous; through; without break ˤk„ ƒË-ÔÞnth - Through bus service Ëkf÷™ yuf{ - Co-ordination unit ˤk„ ƒw®f„ - Through booking Ëkf÷™ fthfw™ - Compilation Clerk ˤk„ {wËtVhe - Through journey Ëkf÷™ …ºt - Compilation sheet ˤk„ Ëuðt/™tufhe - Continuous service Ëkf÷™ …ºtf - Compilation register ˤk„…ýwk - Continuity Ëkf÷™ Ër{r‚ - Co-ordination Committee Ër¤Þtu - Bar; rod Ëkf÷™fth/Ëkf÷™f‚to - Co-ordinator; compiler ˤe - Probe; stick Ëkfr÷‚ - Integrated; co-ordinated; compiled ˤu¾{ - Catarrh Ëkfr÷‚ yÇÞtË¢{ - Integrated course Ëkfx - Hazard; misery; distress; menace; Ëkfr÷‚ Wãtu„tu - Integrated industries Ëkfr÷‚ ftÞo¢{ - Integrated programme peril; danger; calamity (2)Emergency Ëkfr÷‚ „út{ …Þtoðhý ËwÄthýt ftÞo¢{ - Ëkfx [u‚ðýe - Alarm; alert; warning Integrated Village Environment Ëkfx îth - Emergency door Improvement Programme Ëkfx {t„o - Emergency route Ëkfx Ë{Þ™wk rÄhtý - Stand by credit Ëkfr÷‚ „út{rðftË - Integrated Rural Ëkfx/{ŒŒ {txu™tu ËkŒuþtu - S.O.S. message (save Development Ëkfr÷‚ „út{eý Qòo ytÞtus™ yuf{ - Integrated Rural Energy Planning Cell our soul) Ëkfr÷‚ „út{eý Qòo ftÞo¢{ - Integrated Rural Ëkfx Ëtkf¤ - Alarm chain Energy Programme 461

Ëkfr÷‚ „út{eý rðftË ftÞo¢{ ËkÂûtó ytð]Â¥t Ëkfr÷‚ „út{eý rðftË ftÞo¢{ - Integrated Ëkfu‚ Œe… - Signal lamp Rural Development Programme Ëkfu‚ ™t{/Ëk¿tt - Code name Ëkfu‚ ¼t»tt - Code language Ëkfr÷‚ „út{eý-þnuhe rðftË - Integrated rural Ëkfu‚ ¼t»tt yrÄfthe - Cipher Officer Ëkfu‚ ÔÞðMÚtt/ËtÄ™ - Signalling device – urban development Ëkfr÷‚ ònuh {qze-htuftý ytÞtus™ - Integrated Public Investment Planning Ëkfr÷‚ rsÕ÷t Þtus™t - Integrated district plan Ëkfu‚ þçŒ - Password; watchword; code word Ëkfr÷‚/yufef]‚ rÄhtý - Integrated credit Ëkfu‚ ËtÄ™ - Signalling appliance Ëkfr÷‚ ƒòh - Integrated market Ëkfu‚efhý - Codification Ëkfr÷‚ ƒòh Ë{t[th Ëuðt - Integrated market ËkfuLÿý - Focusing news service Ëkftu[ - Hesitation; scruple (2)Contraction; Ëkfr÷‚ rðftË - Integrated development shrinking Ëkfr÷‚ rðftË ytÞtus™ - Integrated Ëk¢{ý - Transference (2)Communication development planning (3)Transition (4)Infection Ëkfr÷‚ rðM‚th rðftË ftÞo¢{ - Integrated area Ëk¢{ý Ë{Þ™e fzeY… ¼t»tt - Transitional link development programme language Ëkfr÷‚ Ëkfw÷ - Integrated complex Ëk¢t{f htu„ - Infectious disease Ëkfr÷‚ Ëuðt - Integrated service; co-ordinated Ëk¢t{ý - Transfusion service Ëk¢tkr‚ - Transition Ëk¢tkr‚ ft¤ - Transitional period; transit period Ëkfr÷‚ rnËtƒ - Integrated accounts; Ëk¢tkr‚ Ë{Þ™e òu„ðtEytu - Transitional compiled accounts provisions ËkfÕ… - Determination; decision; resoluteness; resolution; commitment Ëk¢tkr‚ Ë{Þ™e ÔÞðMÚtt - Transitional ËkfÕ…ƒØ - Committed arrangement ËkfÕ…þÂõ‚ - Volition Ëk¢tkr‚ft÷ ËkrÄ - Transitory treaty Ëkf¤tÞu÷wk - Related; connected; associated Ëkûtthý - Corrosion Ëkfwr[‚ - Parochial (2)Narrow ËkÂûtó - Concise; short; brief (2)Abridged; Ëkfwr[‚ {t™Ëðt¤wk - Narrow minded abbreviated; succinct Ëkfwr[‚‚t - Parochialism ËkÂûtó yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne - Summary trial Ëkfw÷ - Complex (2)Complicated ËkÂûtó yÇÞtË¢{ - Condensed course Ëkfu‚ - Signal; code; indication ËkÂûtó yð÷tuf™ - Synoptic view Ëkfu‚ yt…ðtu - Indicate (2)Beckon Ëkfu‚ fhðtu - Allude ËkÂûtó ykŒts…ºt - Abridged budget Ëkfu‚ [tðe - Clue ËkÂûtó ytfthýe - Summary assessment Ëkfu‚-r[nT™ - Notation ËkÂûtó ytð]Â¥t - Abridged edition 462

ËkÂûtó fhðwk Ëk„e‚fth ËkÂûtó fhðwk - Abbreviate; shorten; abridge; ËkÏÞtí{f rnËtƒ - Numerical account summarize ËkÏÞtrÄf søÞt - Supernumerary post ËkÏÞtrÄf ƒ¤ - Supernumerary strength ËkÂûtó ftÞo…Ør‚ - Summary procedure ËkÏÞtrÄf {ŒŒ™eþ - Supernumerary Assistant ËkÂûtó „w™tËtrƒ‚e - Summary conviction ËkÏÞtrÄf ÞtŒe - Supernumerary list ËkÂûtó s{tƒkŒe - Summary settlement ËkÂûtó ‚…tË - Brief check-up; summary ËkÏÞtrÄf ËÇÞ - Supernumerary member ËkÏÞtƒ¤ - Numerical strength (2)Strength inquiry; summary investigation ËkÏÞtƒ¤ ðÄthðwk - Strengthen ËkÏÞtƒkÄ - Numerous; innumerable ËkÂûtó ŒV‚h - Summary records ËkÏÞtðt[f - Numeral ËkÂûtó r™htfhý - Summary settlement Ëk„ - Company; companionship; association ËkÂûtó …ºtf - Summarized statement Ëk„Xf/ytÞtusf - Organizer ËkÂûtó {trn‚e - Resume; brief Ëk„X™ - Organization ËkÂûtó he‚u - Summarily; briefly Ëk„X™ {t¤¾wk - Organizational structure ËkÂûtó he‚u r™ft÷ - Summary disposal Ëk„rX‚ - Organized ËkÂûtó he‚u r™ýoÞ - Summary determination Ëk„rX‚ fhðt - Organize ËkÂûtó he‚u LÞtÞr™ýeo‚ - Summarily dealt with Ëk„rX‚ ûtuºt - Organized sector ËkÂûtó he‚u rþûtt…tºt - Summarily punishable Ëk„rX‚ «r‚fth/rðhtuÄ - Organized resistance ËkÂûtó Y… - Abbreviation; abridged; short Ëk„rX‚ «ÞtË - Organized effort ËkÂûtó Ë{t[th - Press round-up; thumbnail Ëk„rX‚ {sqhð„o - Organized labour Ëk„rX‚ ht¾ðwk - Hold together sketch Ëk„rX‚ Ë{ts - Organized society Ëk„ý™Þkºt/Ëk„ýf - Computer ËkÂûtó ËkMfhý - Abridged edition Ëk„{ - Confluence (2)Junction ËkÂûtó Ëw™tðýe - Summary trial Ëk„htuÄ - Quarantine ËkÂûtó Ëu™t-LÞtÞt÷Þ - Summary court martial Ëk„htuÄ «r‚ƒkÄ - Quarantine restriction Ëkûtu… - Abbreviation; abridgement; summary; Ëk„htuÄ ƒkŒh - Quarantine port Ëk„htuÄ hò - Quarantine leave conciseness Ëk„e‚ - Music Ëk„e‚ ¾kz - Music room Ëkûtu… fhðtu - Abridge; summarize Ëk„e‚ ˼t/„tuce - Concert Ëkûtu…-÷u¾™ - Precis writing Ëk„e‚fth - Composer (2)Musician Ëkûtu…f - Abstracter/Abstractor Ëkûtu…tûth - Abbreviation Ëkûtu…efhý - Precis writing; summarization ËkÏÞt - Number (2)Figure ËkÏÞtí{f/ËkÏÞtŒþof - Numeral; numerical ËkÏÞtí{f ytÄth-Ët{„úe/{trn‚e - Numerical data 463

Ëk„e‚þt† Ëk½ðtŒ Ëk„e‚þt† - Musicology Ëk„únt÷Þ ŒV‚hŒth - Museum Record Keeper Ëk„e™ - Sound; solid; valid (2)Bayonet Ëk„únt÷Þ ÔÞðMÚtt yrÄfthe - Curator of Ëk„e™ ytÄth - Solid foundation Ëk„e™ fthýtu - Solid reasons; sound reasons Museums Ëk„e™ ftÞo-rËØtk‚tu - Sound business principles Ëk„e™ ¿tt™ - Sound knowledge Ëk„únt÷Þ ÔÞðMÚtt…f - Museum Keeper Ëk„e™ «„r‚ - Solid progress Ëk„únt÷Þrð¿tt™ - Museology Ëk„e™ ƒ™tððwk - Strengthen Ëk„út{ - Battle (2)War Ëk„e™ ÂMÚtr‚ - Strong position Ëk„út{¼qr{ - Battle field/ground Ëk„u{h{h - Marble Ëk„útnf - Accumulator; collector Ëk„ún - Store; storage (2)Collection (2)Compilator (3)Accumulation Ëk½ - Union; association; organization Ëk„ún fhðtu - Store (2)Collect (3)Hoard; Ëk½ ytƒfthe þwÕf - Union excise duties Ëk½ ònuh Ëuðt ytÞtu„ - Union Public Service accumulate Commission Ëk„ún fuLÿ - Storage centre Ëk„ún ¾[o - Storage charges; storage cost Ëk½/{kz¤ h[ðt™tu yrÄfth/nf - Right of Ëk„ún „tuŒt{ - Storage godown Ëk„ún xtkfe - Storage tank association Ëk„ún ƒkÄ - Storage dam Ëk„ún¾tuh - Hoarder Ëk½ftÞo - Team work Ëk„úns¤tþÞ - Storage reservoir Ëk½x™ - Organization; constitution Ëk„únýe - Sprue Ëk½rx‚ „uË - Associated gas Ëk„únÔÞðMÚtt - Storage Ëk½rx‚ htßÞ - Integrated State Ëk„únÔÞðMÚtt y™u …rhðn™ - Storage and Ëk½™t f{o[the - Union employees Ëk½™t rð»tÞtu - Union subjects transport Ëk½r™‚ ŒqÄ - Condensed milk Ëk½™e Ve - Union fees Ëk„únÔÞðMÚtt y™u ð¾th - Storage and Ëk½™wk ËÇÞ…Œ - Union membership Ëk½«Œuþ - Union territory warehousing Ëk½ƒØ {sqhð„o - Unionized labour Ëk½¼tð™t - Team spirit; esprit de corps Ëk„únþÂõ‚ - Storage capacity Ëk½hðwk - Hoard; store Ëk„únþe÷ - Acquisitive Ëk½ht¾tuh - Hoarder Ëk„únËð÷‚tu - Storage facilities Ëk½ht¾tuhe - Hoarding Ëk„únMÚt¤ - Place of storage Ëk½ht¾tuhe rðhtuÄe Íwkƒuþ - Dehoarding drive Ëk„ún®Ë[tE - Storage irrigation Ëk½»to - Struggle; conflict; clash; strife Ëk„únt÷Þ/Ëk„únMÚtt™ - Museum Ëk½ðtŒ - Unionism 464

Ëk½ðtŒe Ëkztuðýe Ëk½ðtŒe - Unionist Ëk[t÷™ r™Þkºtý - Managerial control Ëk½ Ëhfth - Union government Ëk[t÷™ {trn‚e …Ør‚ - Management Ëk½Ëuðt - Union service ˽k efhý - Unionization information system Ëk[Þ - Accumulation; collection (2)Digest Ëk[Þ fhðtu - Accumulate; collect Ëk[t÷™ rð¼t„ - Managerial department Ëk[Þe «uVhLË þuh - Cumulative preference Ëk[t÷™ Ër{r‚ - Managing Committee share (2)Steering Committee Ëk[th - Communication; transmission Ëk[t÷™ ËntÞfe - Management subsidy Ëk[thRs™uhe - Communication engineering Ëk[t÷™ Ëk¼t¤e ÷uðwk - Take over management Ëk[th…Ør‚ - Communication system Ëk[t÷™ ËkMÚtt - Operating agency; governing Ëk[thƒkÄe - Curfew Ëk[th{tæÞ{ - Channel of communication body Ëk[thËtÄ™ - Means of communication Ëk[trh‚ htu„«r‚hûtt - Transmitted immunity Ëk[t÷™ÞtuøÞ - Manageable Ëk[the htu„ - Communicable disease Ëk[tr÷‚ «ðtË - Conducted tour; guided tour Ëk[t÷f - Manager; director; conductor Ëkr[‚ - Cumulative (2)collected; amassed; Ëk[t÷f xÙMxe - Managing trustee Ëk[t÷f ¼t„eŒth - Managing partner accumulated Ëk[t÷f {kz¤ - Board of directors Ëk[t÷f ËkƒkÄe - Managerial Ëkr[‚ yËh - Cumulative effect Ëk[t÷f Ër{r‚ - Managing Committee Ëkr[‚ sÚÚttu - Cumulative stock Ëk[t÷™ - Management; administration; Ëkr[‚ r™rÄ - Consolidated fund Ëkr[‚ …whtðtu - Cumulative evidence conduct; direction Ëkr[‚ {wŒ‚e Útt…ý Þtus™t - Cumulative time Ëk[t÷™ fhðwk - Manage; administer; direct; deposit scheme conduct Ëkr[‚ ÷t¼ - Cumulative benefits; collective Ëk[t÷™ f{o[theð„o - Managerial staff benefits Ëk[t÷™ ftÞo - Managerial function Ëk[t÷™/ÔÞðMÚtt ¾[o - Management cost; Ëkr[‚ ÷t¼tkþ - Cumulative dividend Ëkr[‚ rþûtt/Ëò - Cumulative punishment/ management expenses; operating cost sentence Ëk[t÷™ sqÚt - Steering group Ëk[t÷™/ÔÞðMÚtt ‚t÷e{ - Management training Ëk[tu - Machine; engine Ëk[t÷™ r™Þ{ - Steering rule Ëkòu„ - Coincidence Ëkòu„ðþt‚T - Under the circumstances Ëkòu„tí{f/ËtkÞtur„f …whtðtu - Circumstantial evidence Ëkòu„tu - Circumstances Ëk¿tt - Sign hint (2)Name; technical term ËkztË - Latrine; privy Ëkztuðýe - Involvement; implication 465

Ëkztuððwk ËkrÄ™tu {q¤…tX Ëkztuððwk - Involve; implicate ËkŒ¼o ™kƒh - Reference number Ëk‚r‚ - Progeny; offspring ËkŒ¼o …wM‚ft÷Þ - Reference library Ëk‚r‚ r™Þ{™ - Birth control ËkŒ¼o {tæÞ{ - Reference media Ë‚k ÷Ë - Collusion ËkŒ¼o rð¼t„ - Reference section Ëk‚tzðwk - Conceal; hide ËkŒ¼o Ët{„úe - Reference material Ëk‚t… - Agony; anguish; misery; vexation; ËkŒ¼o Ëqr[ - Reference list ËkŒ¼o nuX¤™e ƒtƒ‚ - Matter under reference trouble; distress ËkŒ¼o nuX¤™wk - Under reference ËkŒ¼oÚte yLÞÚtt y…uÂût‚ ntuÞ ‚u rËðtÞ - Unless Ëk‚w÷f - Equilibrant; balancer Ëk‚w÷™ - Balance; equilibrium the context otherwise requires Ëk‚w÷™ ®f{‚ - Equilibrium price Ëk‚w÷™ s¤tþÞ - Balancing reservoir Ërk ŒøÄ - Ambiguous; inexplicit; vague; dubious Ëk‚w÷™ ®ƒŒw - Equilibrium point ËkrŒøÄ ƒtkÞÄhe - Dubious undertaking Ëk‚wr÷‚ ykŒts…ºt - Balanced budget ËkrŒøÄ‚t - Ambiguity; vagueness Ëk‚wr÷‚ «tŒurþf rðftË - Balanced regional ËkŒuþ - Message; communication ËkŒuþðtnf - Messenger growth ËkŒuþtÔÞðnth - Communication ËkŒuþtÔÞðnth Rs™uhe - Communication Ëk‚wr÷‚ he‚u - In level-headed way Ëk‚wr÷‚ rðftË - Balanced development engineering Ëk‚wü - Satisfied; contented; pleased Ëk‚]Âó ût{‚t - Saturation capacity ËkŒuþtÔÞðnth …Ør‚ - Communication system Ëk‚]Âó ûtuºt - Zone of saturation ËkŒun - Doubt; suspicion Ëk‚tu»t - Satisfaction; contentment; content ËkŒuntí{f - Doubtful; suspicious Ëk‚tu»tfthf - Satisfactory ËkrÄ - Treaty; convention Ëk‚tu»te - Satisfied; contented ËkrÄ fh™th - Treaty-maker Ëkºte - Sentinel; sentry ËkrÄ fhðt™e Ë¥tt - Treaty-making power Ëkºte fðtÞ‚ - Sentry drill ËkrÄ «M‚tð - Eirenicon Ëkºte [tufe - Sentry post ËkrÄ-nf - Treaty right Ëkºte™e ftuxze - Sentry room ËkrÄ„‚ sðtƒŒthe - Treaty obligations Ëkºte™e htu™ - Sentry beat ËkrÄÚte y¤„t Útðwk ‚u - Withdrawal from treaty ËkŒ¼o - Reference; context ËkrÄ™t{wk - Treaty instrument ËkŒ¼o fthfw™ - Reference Clerk ËkrÄ™e òu„ðtEytu - Provisions of treaty ËkŒ¼o ftÞto÷Þ - Reference bureau ËkrÄ™e …rðºt‚t - Sanctity of treaty ËkŒ¼o „úkÚt - Reference book ËkrÄ™tu {q¤…tX - Text of treaty 466

ËkrÄƒØ htßÞ Ëk«ŒtÞðtŒ ËkrÄƒØ htßÞ - Treaty State Ëk…qýo - Entire; whole (2)Exclusive ËkrÄðt - Gout; arthritis Ëkr™c - Sincere; devoted (3)Finished; completed Ëk… - Unity Ëk…Â¥t - Wealth; property Ëk…qýo ythtuøÞ - Positive health Ëk…Â¥t fh - Wealth tax Ëk…qýo yuf{‚e - Absolute unanimity Ëk…Œt - Estate Ëk…qýo fuLÿ …whMf]‚ - Fully centrally sponsored Ëk…Òt - Abundant; prosperous; rich; wealthy; Ëk…qýo ¾t™„e - Strictly confidential Ëk…qýo „heƒe - Absolute poverty affluent Ëk…qýo [ftËýe/‚…tË - Thorough check Ëk…qýo [[to - Full dress debate Ëk…fo - Contact; liaison; link (2)Touch Ëk…qýo òýfthe - Thorough knowledge Ëk…qýo ™tþ - Total destruction (3)Communication Ëk…qýo r™Þkºtý - Blanket censorship Ëk…qýo {ht{‚ - Overhaul Ëk…fo yrÄfthe - Liaison Officer Ëk…qýo ÞwØ - Total war Ëk…fo ¼t»tt - Lingua franca; link language Ëk…qýo ðu[tý - Outright sale Ëk…foðkr[‚ - Incommunicado Ëk…qýo Ë¥tt - Absolute power; carte blanche Ëk…t‚-®ƒŒw - Focus point Ëk…qýo Ëtrƒ‚e - Abundant proof Ëk…tŒf - Editor Ëk…qýo nf™e s{e™ - Freehold land Ëk…tŒf/‚kºte rð¼t„ - Editorial department Ëk…qýo‚Þt ytðhe ÷uðtÞu÷t ðtË - Fully covered Ëk…tŒfeÞ - Editorial Ëk…tŒfeÞ fxth - Editorial column habitation Ëk…tŒfeÞ ™er‚ - Editorial policy Ëk…tŒfeÞ ™tUÄ - Editorial notes Ëk…qýo‚t - Entirety; totality Ëk…tŒfeÞ …t™wk - Editorial page Ëk…qýo…ýu/Ëk…qýo he‚u - Solely; in toto; out and Ëk…tŒfeÞ «[th - Editorial publicity Ëk…tŒ™ - Editing (2)Compilation out; outright; entirely; totally (3)Acquisition Ëk…qýo…ýu y™u y™LÞ he‚u - Wholly and Ëk…tŒ™ fhðwk - Acquire (2)Compile (3)Edit exclusively Ëk…tŒ™ ‚fr™f - Technique of editing Ëk…tŒ™ Ër{r‚ - Editorial Committee Ëk…qýo…ýu y™u yËhfthf he‚u - Fully and Ëk…trŒ‚ - Acquired (2)Edited (3)Compiled Ëk…trŒ‚ s{e™ - Acquired land effectually Ëk…tÂïof ò{e™„ehe - Collateral security Ëk…tÂïof …whtðtu - Collateral evidence Ëk…qýo…ýu r™Œtuo»t Xhu÷ - Honourably acquitted Ëk…qýo…ýu r™r»tØ/«r‚ƒkrÄ‚ - Absolutely forbidden; strictly prohibited Ëk…qýo…ýu Ëk‚tu»tfthf - Thoroughly satisfactory Ëk«ŒtÞ - Sect; creed (2)School Ëk«ŒtÞðtŒ - Sectarianism 467

ËkƒkÄ ËkÞwõ‚ y™u W¥thSrð‚t rðfÕ… ËkƒkÄ - Relation; alliance; connection; Ëk¼tÔÞ ¼k„ - Potential infringement association; contact; nexus; rapport Ëk¼t»tý - Conversation; dialogue Ëk¼t¤ - Care; attendance ËkƒkÄ ‚qxðt ‚u - Rupture of relations Ëk¼t¤…qðof - Carefully ËkƒkÄ Ähtð‚wk/ËkƒØ - Related; concerned; Ëk¼t¤ðwk - Take care (2)Look after Ëk{‚ Útðwk - Agree; accede; assent; concur pertinent ËkƒkÄ Ëk„e™ ƒ™tððtu ‚u - Strengthening of relationship ËkƒkrÄ‚ - Related; appertaining; respective; Ëk{‚ ™ Útðwk - Dissent; disagree; differ concerned Ëk{‚ nwf{™t{wk - Consent decree Ëk{r‚ - Assent; concurrence; consent ËkƒkrÄ‚ fthfw™ - Clerk concerned Ëk{r‚ ft…÷e - Consent slip ËkƒkÄe - Relative; kindred Ëk{r‚Úte ÚtÞu÷e …‚tðx - Settlement by consent ËkƒØ - Related; connected Ëk{r‚…ºt - Letter of consent ËkƒØ fhðwk - Affiliate; join; associate; attach; Ëk{r‚ðÞ - Age of consent Ëk{r‚þtË™ - Rule by consent connect; annex; ally Ëkr{© ð™ - Mixed forest Ëkr{©ý - Admixture; mixture ËkƒØ ƒ™tðxtu - Allied products Ëk{u÷™ - Conference; convention ËkƒØ‚t - Relevance; pertinence Ëk{tun™ - Hypnosis; hypnotism ËkƒtuÄ™ - Address (2)Speech Ëk¼ð - Probability; likelihood; possibility Ëk¼ð‚Þt ™¼tW - Potentially viable Ëk¼rð‚ - Probable; potential; feasible; likely; possible ËkÞ‚ ytŒ‚tu - Temperate habits Ëk¼rð‚/y…uÂût‚ ytÞw»Þ - Life expectancy ËkÞ‚ ¼t»tt{tk ÷¾u÷wk - Temperately worded Ëk¼rð‚ fthý - Probable reason ËkÞ‚ ÷tufþtne - Moderate democracy Ëk¼rð‚ ½x™t - Eventuality ËkÞ{ - Restraint; abstinence; abstinency; Ëk¼rð‚ r™Þtuf‚t - Prospective employer temperance Ëk¼rð‚ ðthË - Heir presumptive ËkÞ{e - Abstinent; temperate; moderate Ëk¼rð‚‚t - Feasibility; potentiality; ËkÞ{e/ËkÞ‚ ¼t»tt - Moderate language eventuality; likelihood ËkÞkºt - Plant ËkÞwõ‚ - Joint; combined; united; compound; Ëk¼thýwk - Keepsake; memento; remembrance Ëk¼thðwk - Remember; recollect composite Ëk¼tð™t - Possibility; probability; feasibility ËkÞwõ‚ yÄeûtf - Joint Superintendent Ëk¼tðe fh - Presumptive tax ËkÞwõ‚ y™rÄfth «ðuþ - Joint tresspass Ëk¼tðe …„th - Presumptive pay ËkÞwõ‚ y™u W¥thSrð‚t rðfÕ… - Joint and Ëk¼tÔÞ - Probable; potential survivorship option 468

ËkÞwõ‚ y™u ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ sðtƒŒthe ËkÞwõ‚ «ðh Ër{r‚ ËkÞwõ‚ y™u ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ sðtƒŒthe - Joint and ËÞk õw ‚ sðtƒŒthe - Joint liability; joint several liability responsibility ËkÞwõ‚ y™u ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ he‚u - Jointly and ËkÞwõ‚ ò{e™„ehe - Joint security severally ËkÞwõ‚ Sð™ y™u W¥thSðe ðtŠ»tfe - Joint life ËkÞwõ‚ y™u ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ he‚u sðtƒŒth - Jointly and survivor annuity and severally liable ËkÞwõ‚ Sð™ ðtŠ»tfe - Joint life annuity ËkÞwõ‚ y™u ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ he‚u ƒkÄtÞu÷ - Jointly and ËkÞwõ‚ Sð™ ðe{t …tìr÷Ëe - Joint life insurance severally bound policy ËkÞwõ‚ yhS - Joint application ËkÞwõ‚ xÙMxe - Joint trustee ËkÞwõ‚/yrð¼õ‚ Ëk…Œt/s{e™-ò„eh (ft.) - ËkÞwõ‚ Xhtð - Joint resolution Joint/undivided estate ËkÞwõ‚ ‚…tË - Joint enquiry ËkÞwõ‚ ythtu…/‚ntu{‚™t{wk - Joint indictment ËkÞwõ‚ Œh - Joint rate; composite rate ËkÞwõ‚ Wí…tŒ™ - Joint product; joint ËkÞwõ‚ ŒtŒyhS - Joint petition production ËkÞwõ‚ Œeðt™e LÞtÞtÄeþ - Joint Civil Judge ËkÞwõ‚ Œu¾hu¾ - Joint supervision ËkÞwõ‚ fƒò-¼tu„ðxtu - Joint occupancy ËkÞwõ‚ Äthf - Joint holder ËkÞwõ‚ fƒsuŒth - Joint occupier ËkÞwõ‚ r™rÄ - Joint fund ËkÞwõ‚ fƒòu - Joint possession ËkÞwõ‚ r™{ýqf - Joint appointment ËkÞwõ‚ fhth - Joint contract ËkÞwõ‚ r™Þkºtf - Joint Controller ËkÞwõ‚ ftÞo¢{ - Composite programme ËkÞwõ‚ r™Þkºtý - Joint control ËkÞwõ‚ fwxwkƒ - Joint family; undivided family ËkÞwõ‚ r™Þt{f - Joint Director ËkÞwõ‚ fwxwkƒ™e r{÷f‚ - Joint family property ËkÞwõ‚ r™heûtý - Joint inspection ËkÞwõ‚ fwxwkƒ«Útt - Joint family system ËkÞwõ‚ ™tUÄ - Joint note ËkÞwõ‚ fw÷Ër[ð - Joint Registrar ËkÞwõ‚ ™tUÄýe yrÄfthe - Joint Registrar ËkÞwõ‚ ûtuºt - Joint sector ËkÞwõ‚ …xt¼tu„ðxtu - Joint tenancy ËkÞwõ‚ ûtuºt™e …rhÞtus™tytu - Joint sector ËkÞwõ‚ …ht{þo/Ë÷tn - Joint consultation ËkÞwõ‚ …ht{þo/Ë÷tnfth Ër{r‚ - Joint projects Consultative Committee ËkÞwõ‚ ¾t‚wk/rnËtƒ - Joint account ËkÞwõ‚ ¾u‚e/f]r»t - Joint farming ËkÞwõ‚ …ntU[/…tð‚e/hËeŒ - Joint receipt ËkÞwõ‚ „ýtu‚/„ýtu‚nf - Joint tenancy ËkÞwõ‚ „ýtur‚Þtu - Joint tenant ËkÞwõ‚ …whðXtu - Joint supply ËkÞwõ‚ „út{eý ‚t÷e{ y™u «tiãtur„fe fuLÿ - ËkÞwõ‚ …uŒtþ - Joint product Composite Rural Training and ËkÞwõ‚ «r‚r™rÄíð - Joint representation Technology Centre ËkÞwõ‚ «ðh Ër{r‚ - Joint Select Committee ËkÞwõ‚ s{e™¾t‚wk - Joint holding 469

ËkÞwõ‚ «&™ Ëkhûtý r™rÄ ËkÞwõ‚ «&™ - Compound problem; composite ËkÞwõ‚ ðe{tu - Joint insurance problem ËkÞwõ‚ ÔÞÂõ‚„‚ ò{e™„ehe - Joint personal ËkÞwõ‚ ƒkÄýe¾‚ - Joint bond security ËkÞwõ‚ ƒuXf - Joint sitting; joint meeting ËkÞwõ‚ þuhtu - Joint endorsement ËkÞwõ‚ ¼tu„ðxtu - Clubbed occupancy; joint ËkÞwõ‚ Ër[ð - Joint Secretary occupancy ËkÞwõ‚ ˺t - Joint session ËkÞwõ‚ Ë{MÞt - Compound problem ËkÞwõ‚ {‚Œth{kz¤ - Joint electorate ËkÞwõ‚ Ër{r‚ - Joint Committee ËkÞwõ‚ {kºte{kz¤ - Coalition ministry ËkÞwõ‚ Ën{‚e - Joint concurrence ËkÞwõ‚ {tr÷f - Joint owner ËkÞwõ‚ Ëk…Œt - Joint estate ËkÞwõ‚ {tr÷fe - Joint ownership ËkÞwõ‚ Ëkð„o - Joint cadre ËkÞwõ‚ r{÷ - Composite mills ËkÞwõ‚ Ët¾ - Joint attestation ËkÞwõ‚ r{÷f‚ - Joint property ËkÞwõ‚ ËtnË - Joint venture ËkÞwõ‚ {wËÆtu - Joint draft ËkÞwõ‚ rËrð÷ ss - Joint Civil Judge ËkÞwõ‚ {qze - Joint capital ËkÞwõ‚ Ëq[™t - Joint notice; joint intimation ËkÞwõ‚ {qze ¾u‚e - Joint stock farming ËkÞwõ‚ nf/yrÄfth - Joint right ËkÞwõ‚ hrsMxÙth - Joint Registrar ËkÞwõ‚ rn‚/rn‚ËkƒkÄ - Joint interest ËkÞwõ‚ hsqyt‚ - Joint representation ËkÞwõ‚ rnËtƒ-‚…tË™eË - Joint Auditor ËkÞwõ‚ htßÞ - Composite State ËkÞwõ‚ ®nŒw fwxwkƒ - Joint Hindu family ËkÞwõ‚ ht»xÙËk½ - United Nations organization (U.N.O) ËkÞwõ‚ ht»xÙ rŒ™ - United Nations Day ËkÞwõ‚ nwf{™t{tÄthf/nwf{™t{wk Ähtð™th - Joint ËkÞwõ‚ he‚u - Jointly; conjunctively; collectively decree holder ËkÞwõ‚ he‚u Äthý fhu÷ ðM‚w - Joint holding ËkÞwõ‚ he‚u …whMf]‚ - Jointly sponsored ËkÞwõ‚ nwf{™t{wk - Joint decree ËkÞwõ‚ he‚u rn‚ËkƒkÄ Ähtð™th - Jointly ËkÞwr‚ ft¤ - Synodic period ËkÞwr‚ ð»to - Synodic year interested ËkÞtu„ - Coincidence ËkÞwõ‚ ð[™…ºt - Joint promissory note ËkÞtus™ - Assemblage; combination; ËkÞwõ‚ ð…htþ - Conjunctive use; common use amalgamation ËkÞwõ‚ ðneðxf‚to - Joint executor ËkÞwõ‚ ðthË/ðthËŒth - Joint heir Ëkhûtý - Defence; conservation; protection ËkÞwõ‚ ðthËtu - Parcenary; joint legacy/ Ëkhûtý ykŒts…ºt - Defence budget Ëkhûtý Wí…tŒ™ - Defence production heirship Ëkhûtý Œ¤ - Defence forces ËkÞwõ‚ ðtŠ»tfe - Joint annuity Ëkhûtý r™rÄ - Defence fund 470

Ëkhûtý Vt¤tu ËkrðÄt™{tk rð„‚u ŒþtoÔÞt «{týu Ëkhûtý Vt¤tu - Defence contribution Ëk÷ø™ rð»tÞ - Cognate subject Ëkhûtý ƒ[‚ «{tý…ºt - Defence savings Ëk÷ø™ ÔÞðËtÞ - Allied occupation Ëk÷ø™ þt¤t - Affiliated school certificate Ëk÷ø™ ËkMÚtt - Affiliated institution Ëk÷ø™ Ëuðtytu - Allied services Ëkhûtý ƒ[‚ ƒUf - Defence savings bank Ëk÷ø™‚t - Affiliation; attachment; contiguity Ëkhûtý {kºtt÷Þ - Ministry of Defence ËkðíËhe - Anniversary Ëkhûtý rð¼t„ - Defence department Ëkð„o - Cadre Ëkhûtý Ër{r‚ - Defence Committee Ëkð„o ƒnth™e søÞt - Ex-cadre post Ëkhûtý ËkþtuÄ™ - Defence research ËkðŠ„‚ - Encadred Ëkhûtý Ëuðt - Defence services Ëkð„eofhý - Encadrement Ëkhûtý nhtu¤ - Defence line ËkðÄof - Breeder Ëkhûtý rnËtƒ - Defence account ËkðÄof rƒÞthý - Breeder seeds ËkhûtýtÄe™ htßÞ - State under protectorate ËkðÄo™ - Breeding; culture Ëkh[™t - Structure ËkðÄo™ fuLÿ - Breeding centre Ëkh[™t Rs™uh - Structural engineer ËkðÄo™ „]n ({íMÞ.) - Nursery Ëkh[™t Rs™uhe - Structural engineering ËkðÄo™ ½uxtu - Stud-ram Ëkh[™t yuf{ - Structural unit ËkðÄo™ ‚¤tð ({íMÞ.) - Nursery pond Ëkh[™t ftÞo - Structural work ËkðÄo™ rƒÞthý - Pedigree seeds Ëkh[™t/{t¤¾t™u ÷„‚wk - Structural ËkðŠÄ‚ - Enlarged Ëkh[™tí{f ™wfËt™ - Structural damage ËkðŠÄ‚ ytð]Â¥t - Enlarged edition Ëkh[™tí{f …rhð‚o™ - Structural change ËkðtŒ - Dialogue (2)Concord Ëkh[™tí{f VuhVth - Structural modification ËkðtŒŒt‚t - News reporter; news Ëkh[™tí{f {w~fu÷eytu - Structural difficulties Ëkh[™tí{f ðÄthtu - Structural addition correspondent Ëkh[™tí{f ËwrðÄt - Structural convenience Ëk÷ø™ - Allied; affiliated; associated ËkðtrŒ‚t - Harmony ËkðtŒe - Harmonious (2)Attached; appended (3)Adjoining; ËkðtŒe yÚto½x™ - Harmonious construction contiguous ËkrðÄt™ - Constitution ËkrðÄt™ ˼t - Constituent assembly Ëk÷ø™ Wãtu„ - Allied industry ËkrðÄt™™e Ëðtuo…rh‚t - Supremacy of Ëk÷ø™ f[uhe - Allied office Ëk÷ø™ ftÞo¢{ - Allied programme; affiliated Constitution programme ËkrðÄt™™tu {wËÆtu/¾hztu - Draft constitution ËkrðÄt™{tk rð„‚u ŒþtoÔÞt «{týu - As spelled out Ëk÷ø™ «Œuþ - Contiguous territory 471 Ëk÷ø™ ðM‚w - Appendage; accompaniment

ËkðuŒ™ ËkËŒrð»tÞf/ËkËŒeÞ in Constitution ËkþtuÄf - Researcher (2)Explorer ËkðuŒ™ - Sensation ËkþtuÄ™ - Search; research (2)Exploration ËkðuŒ™ût{ - Sensory ËkþtuÄ™ yrÄfthe - Research Officer ËkðuŒ™þÂõ‚ - Sense of feeling ËkþtuÄ™ yæÞu‚tð]Â¥t Þtus™t - Research ËkðuŒ™þe÷ - Sensitive fellowship scheme ËkðuŒ™þe÷ y™u ‚tuVt™™e þõÞ‚tðt¤tu rðM‚th - ËkþtuÄ™ ynuðt÷ - Research report Sensitive and trouble prone area ËkþtuÄ™ yuf{ - Research unit ËkþtuÄ™ fhðwk - Research; search (2)Explore ËkðuŒ™þe÷ ûtuºt - Sensitive zone ËkþtuÄ™ ftÞofh - Research worker ËkðuŒ™þe÷ rðM‚th - Sensitive area ËkþtuÄ™ ftÞo¢{ Ër{r‚ - Research Programme ËkðuŒ™þe÷‚t - Sensitivity ËkðuŒ™tnhý - Anaesthesia Committee ËkðiÄtr™f - Constitutional ËkþtuÄ™ fuLÿ - Research centre ËkðiÄtr™f yŒt÷‚ - Constitutional Court ËkþtuÄ™ „úkÚtt÷Þ - Research library ËkðiÄtr™f yrÄfth - Constitutional right ËkþtuÄ™ …Ør‚ - Research method ËkðiÄtr™f W…tÞ - Constitutional remedy ËkþtuÄ™ «Þtu„þt¤t - Research laboratory ËkðiÄtr™f fxtufxe - Constitutional crisis ËkþtuÄ™ {Útf - Research station ËkðiÄtr™f ftÞŒtu/ft™q™ - Constitutional law ËkþtuÄ™ {ŒŒ™eþ - Research Assistant ËkðiÄtr™f òu„ðtE - Constitutional provision ËkþtuÄ™ ËkMÚtt - Research institute ËkðiÄtr™f ‚kºt - Constitutional machinery ËkþtuÄ™-‚…tË …Ør‚ - Exploratory method ËkðiÄtr™f/ƒkÄthýeÞ «r¢Þt - Constitutional ËkþtuÄ™-‚…tË {tusýe - Exploratory survey ËkþtuÄ™™wk ûtuºt - Scope of research process ËkÂ&÷ü yr¼«tÞ/{k‚ÔÞ - Synthetic opinion Ëk&÷u»tý - Synthesis ËkðiÄtr™f {zt„tkX - Constitutional deadlock ËkËŒ - Parliament ËkðiÄtr™f ðzt - Constitutional head ËkËŒ …rºtft/Ë{t[th…ºt - Journal of Parliament ËkðiÄtr™f rðËk„r‚ - Constitutional anomaly ËkËŒ ¼ð™ - Parliament House ËkðiÄtr™f Ë¥tt - Constitutional power/authority ËkðiÄtr™f/ƒkÄthýeÞ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Constitutional Authority ËkðiÄtr™f Ëhfth - Constitutional Government ËkËŒ {‚Œth rð¼t„ - Parliamentary ËkðiÄtr™f ËwÄthtu - Constitutional amendment Constituency ËkðiÄtr™f Mðt‚kºÞ - Constitutional liberty ËkðiÄtr™f‚t - Constitutionality ËkËŒ™e Ëðtuo…rh‚t - Supremacy of Parliament ËkþÞ - Doubt; suspicion ËkËŒ™wk rðËso™ - Dissolution of Parliament ËkþÞtí{f - Doubtful; suspicious ËkËŒ™tu yrÄr™Þ{ - Act of Parliament ËkËŒ…Ør‚ - Parliamentarism 472

ËkËŒËÇÞ Ëtûte yt…ðe ËkËŒrð»tÞf/ËkËŒeÞ - Parliamentary ËkMÚtt„‚ - Institutional ËkËŒËÇÞ - Parliamentarian; Member of ËkMÚtt„‚ yÚtoþt† - Institutional economics Parliament ËkMÚtt„‚ [qkxýe - Organizational poll ËkMÚtt„‚ ‚t÷e{ - Institutional training ËkËŒeÞ ftÞŒtu - Parliamentary law ËkMÚtt„‚ rÄhtý - Institutional credit ËkËŒeÞ ftÞo…Ør‚ - Parliamentary procedure ËkMÚtt„‚ ™týt-ÔÞðMÚtt - Institutional finance ËkËŒeÞ …Ør‚ - Parliamentary practice; ËkMÚtt„‚ {t¤¾wk - Institutional network ËkMÚtt™ - Institute; colony parliamentary system ËkMÚtt™ðtŒe - Colonist ËkMÚtt…f - Founder ËkËŒeÞ ƒtƒ‚tu - Parliamentary affairs ËkMÚtt…™ - Incorporation; establishment ËkËŒeÞ ¼t»tt - Parliamentary language ËMk Úttr…‚/r™„r{‚ f…k ™e - Incorporated company ËkËŒeÞ ÷tufþtne - Parliamentary democracy ËkMÚttr…‚ ûtuºt - Corporate sector ËkËŒeÞ rðþu»ttrÄfth - Parliamentary privilege ËkMÚttr…‚ ƒ[‚ - Corporate savings ËkËŒeÞ Ër[ð - Parliamentary Secretary ËkMÚttr…‚ {tr÷fe - Corporate ownership ËkËŒeÞ Ër{r‚ - Parliamentary Committee ËkMÚttr…‚ ËkMÚtt - Corporate body ËËk ŒeÞ Ëðk tŒŒt‚t - Parliamentary correspondent ËkMÚttðtŒ - Institutionalism ËkË„o - Contagion (2)Contact ËkMÚttðtŒe - Institutionalist ËkË„osLÞ htu„ - Contagious disease ËkM{hýeÞ rŒ™ - Red letter day; memorable day ËkË„or™»tuÄ - Quarantine Ëkn‚ - Package ËkË„or™»tuÄ «r‚ƒkÄ - Quarantine restriction Ëkn‚ ftÞo¢{ - Package programme ËkË„or™»tuÄ ƒkŒh - Quarantine port Ëkn‚ ™er‚ - Package policy ËkË„or™»tuÄ hò - Quarantine leave Ëkn‚ ËntÞ - Package assistance ËkË„or™»tuÄ rðr™Þ{tu - Quarantine regulations Ëknth - Carnage; massacre; slaughter ËkMfhý - Orientation (2)Edition Ëkrn‚t - Code (2)Compilation ËkMfhý y™u yÇÞtË fuLÿ - Orientation and Study Centre ËkMfhý ‚t÷e{ ftÞo¢{ - Orientation Training Programme ËkMfth/ËkMf]r‚ fuLÿ - Cultural centre Ëtfth fhðwk - Materialize ËkMfth «ð]Â¥t - Cultural activity Ëtfe÷/ËtkÄtðt¤e/òuztÞu÷e Ae… (¼qM‚h.) - ËkMfthðthËtu - Cultural heritage Articulata ËkMfthe - Cultured ËkMÚtt - Association; institution; organization; Ëtûth - Literate; educated; well-read Ëtûth‚t - Literacy institute; body Ëtûth‚t yr¼Þt™ - Literacy campaign ËkMÚtt yk‚„o‚ ‚t÷e{ - In house training Ëtûte - Witness (2)Testifier 473

Ëtûteytu™e ÞtŒe ËtŒtk f…ztk{tk Ëtûte yt…ðe - Vouch (2)Testify; bear witness Ët[uËt[wk ðýo™ - Faithful description Ëtûteytu™e ÞtŒe - List of witnesses ËtsËhkò{ - Equipage Ëtûte™wk …tkshwk - Witness box ËtSkŒtu - Instrumentalist Ët¾ - Attestation Ëtxt…Ør‚ - Barter system; exchange system Ët¾ fh™th yrÄfthe - Attesting Officer Ëtxwk - Exchange Ët¾ fhðe - Attest; testify; certify Ët‚íÞ - Continuity Ët¾ fhu÷e ™f÷/«‚ - Attested copy Ët‚ð»teoÞ - Septenary Ët¾-ŒMf‚ - Attestation ËtÚt-™tUÄ - Covering note Ët„ - Teak ËtÚt-…ºt - Covering letter Ët„™wk ÷tfzwk - Teak wood ËtÚt-ÞtŒe - Covering list Ët„h - Sea; ocean ËtÚt/Ëtuƒ‚ rðntuýwk - Solo Ët„h ‚¤™t ¼qfk… - Sub-marine earthquakes ËtÚte - Associate; partner; companion; Ët„h îe… - Sea island Ët„h «ðtË - Sea cruise colleague; mate Ët„h ÞwØ - Sea battle; sea warfare Ët„h Ë…txe - Sea level ËtÚte ftÞofh - Co-worker Ët„hyr¼{w¾ - Seaward ËtÚte «r‚r™rÄ - Associate delegate Ët„h™tift - Sea craft ËtÚte ht»xÙtu - Allied nations Ët„h«ðtË-ÞtuøÞ‚t - Sea worthiness ËtÚteŒth - Companion Ët„he‚ - Accomplice ËtÚtu òzu ÷u - Appended; attached; accompanying Ët„tu¤ - Stucco ËtÚtu òuzu÷ …ºt - Accompanying letter; Ët[ - Truth Ët[ðýe - Preservation; care forwarding letter Ët[ððwk - Preserve; take care Ët[t…ýwk - Veracity; truth ËtÚtu ƒtkÄðwk - Attach; bind Ët[e Ëne - Genuine signature ËtÚtu ƒezðwk - Enclose Ët[wk - True; genuine (2)Correct; right (3)Real ËtÚtu ƒez÷u t/u ËtÚt™u tu ŒM‚tðsu - Enclosed document Ët[wk y™u ÞÚttÚto - True and faithful ËtÚtu ¼t„e sðwk - Elope Ët[wk yÚto½x™ - True interpretation ËtÚtu ¼t„e sðwk ‚u - Elopement Ët[wk Œuðwk - Good debt ËtÚtu Ëne fh™th - Co-signatory Ët[wk {t™fefhý/ÄtuhýMÚtt…™ - True ËtÚttuËtÚt - Simultaneous (2)Together ËtÚttuËtÚt y{÷ - Simultaneous execution standardization ËtÚttuËtÚt ¼tu„ððt™e Ëò - Sentences to run concurrently ËtŒ„e - Simplicity ËtŒh hsq - Submitted with compliments ËtŒh hðt™t - Forwarded with compliments 474

ËtŒe fuŒ Ëtrƒ‚e {txu „útÌt ËtŒtk f…ztk{tk - In plain clothes ËtÄr™f …whtðtu - Material evidence ËtŒe fuŒ - Simple imprisonment ËtÄ™tu™e ðnU[ýe - Distribution of resources; ËtŒwk rzƒuL[h/Éý…ºt - Simple debenture distribution of means ËtŒwk ƒkÄýe ¾‚ - Single bond ËtŒwk ÔÞts - Simple interest ËtÄ™tu™wk yufºtefhý - Pooling of resources; Ëtá~Þ - Analogy; similarity; resemblance Ëtá~Þ fËtuxe - Analogy test; similarity test collection of resources ËtÄf-ƒtÄf rð[thýt - Pros and cons ËtÄ™ - Equipment; appliance; instrument; ËtÄ™tu™tu W…Þtu„ - Resources utilization ËtÄ™tu…tÞ - Ways and means tool; apparatus; device; means ËtÄ™tu…tÞ …uþ„e - Ways and means advances ËtÄthý - Ordinary; common; general ËtÄthý {tk„ - Moderate demand ËtÄ™ y™u ËtæÞ - Means and ends ËtrÄ‚ …whtðtu - Derivative evidence ËtÄ™-ytÄtrh‚ {t¤¾kw - Resource-based network ËtæÞ - Goal; aim ËtÄ™-W…Þtu„ rþûtý - Resource-use education Ët™„ehtu - Hypothecation ËtÄ™-s{tðx - Resource mobilization Ët™„ehtu …ºt - Letter of hypothecation ËtÄ™-…uxe - Instrument box; tool box Ët™„ehtu {qf™th - Hypothecator ËtÄ™-{t¤¾wk - Resources matrix Ët™{tk/Ët™„ehtu {qfðwk - Hypothecate ËtÄ™-Ë{MÞt …h ytÄtrh‚ rðM‚th ftÞo¢{ - Ët™wfq¤ - Favourable Resource-problem-based area programme Ët™wfq¤ «r‚¼tð - Favourable response Ët…uût - Relative ËtÄ™ Ër{r‚ - Resources Committee Ët…uût‚t - Relativity ËtÄ™-Ëk…Òt ð„o - Wealthy class; creamy Ët…uût‚tðtŒ - Theory of relativity ËtÂtrnf - Weekly layer; affluent class ËtÂtrnf …ºtf - Weekly statement ËtÂtrnf hò - Weekly holiday ËtÄ™Y… {qze - Instrumental capital ËtÄ™rðr™Þtu„ - Instrumentation ËtÄ™rðr™Þtu„ y™u r™Þkºtý - Instrumentation and control ËtÄ™Ëhkò{ - Paraphernalia; equipment; ËtV Œt™‚ - Bonafides ËtV ™f÷ - Fair copy equipage; outfit ËtV ËqÚthwk - Neat and tidy; neat and clean ËtƒŒwk - Alert; stand to ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t/ËkËtÄ™ - Resources Ëtrƒ‚ fhðt™e sðtƒŒthe - Burden of proof; ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t™tu ûtÞ - Erosion of resources ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t™tu …qhu…qhtu/÷t¼«Œ W…Þtu„ - onus of proof; onus probandi Exploitation of resources Ëtrƒ‚ fhðwk - Prove Ëtrƒ‚e - Proof (2)Evidence ËtÄ™Ët{„úe - Equipment ËtÄ™Ët{„úe™wk {t™fefhý - Standardization of equipment 475

Ët¼th Ët{trsf «¼tð Ëtrƒ‚e {txu „útÌt - Admissible in proof {txu™e Ër{r‚ - Committee on Welfare of Ët¼th - With thanks Socially and Educationally Backward Ët{„úe - Materials (2)Equipments classes Ët{„úe ¼ÚÚtwk - Equipment allowance Ët{™tu - Resistance; confrontation; Ët{trsf y™u Ë{qn Ëuðtytu - Social and encounter community services Ët{rÞf - Periodic; periodical Ët{trsf yLÞtÞ - Social injustice Ët{rÞf ynuðt÷ - Periodical report Ët{trsf yÚtoþt† - Social economics Ët{rÞf [wfðýe - Periodical payment Ët{trsf yþtkr‚ - Social unrest Ët{rÞf ‚…tË - Periodical check Ët{trsf ykŒts…ºt ‚iÞth fhðwk ‚u - Social Ët{rÞf Œu¾¼t¤ - Periodical maintenance Ët{rÞf r™Þ‚…ºtf - Periodical return budgeting Ët{trsf ythtuøÞ - Social health Ët{trsf ytŠÚtf rðftË - Socio-economic development Ët{rÞf r™heûtý - Periodical inspection Ët{trsf ytŠÚtf ytÞtus™ - Socio-economic Ët{rÞf {tusýe - Periodical survey planning Ët{rÞf Ë{eûtt - Periodical review Ët{trsf Wíf»to/WíÚtt™ - Social uplift Ët{rÞf n…‚tu - Periodical instalment Ët{trsf yuf{ - Social unit Ët{rÞf‚t - Periodicity Ët{trsf ftÞt…÷x - Social transformation Ët{rÞf…ºt - Periodical; magazine; journal Ët{trsf ftÞo - Social work Ët{ÚÞo - Capacity; potency; competence Ët{trsf ¾[o - Social expenditure Ët{Ët{tk yzrÄÞtkðt¤e [tu…ze - Foil and Ët{trsf sðtƒŒthe - Social responsibility counterfoil book Ët{trsf sqÚt - Social group Ët{Ët{u - Vis-a-vis Ët{trsf Œ{™ - Social suppression Ët{ksMÞ - Propriety Ët{trsf Œhßòu - Social status Ët{k‚þtne - Feudalism Ët{trsf Œq»tý - Social evil; social stigma Ët{t Útðwk - Oppose; resist Ët{trsf ™er‚ - Social policy Ët{trsf - Social Ët{trsf LÞtÞ - Social justice Ët{trsf yrÄ¢{/yrÄ©uýe - Social heirarchy Ët{trsf …At‚…ýwk - Social backwardness Ët{trsf y™u ytŠÚtf he‚u …At‚ ð„tuo - Socially Ët{trsf …rhðuþ/ðt‚tðhý - Social milieu Ët{trsf …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Social situation and Economically backward classes Ët{trsf …rhÂMÚtr‚rð¿tt™ - Social ecology Ët{trsf y™u ™ir‚f ythtuøÞ - Social and moral hygiene Ët{trsf y™u þiûtrýf he‚u …At‚ð„tuo™t fÕÞtý Ët{trsf …Þtoðhý - Social environment Ët{trsf «r‚¼tð - Social response 476

Ët{trsf «tiãtur„fe Ët{t™½h Ët{trsf «Útt - Social practices measures Ët{trsf «¼tð - Social impact Ët{trsf Ën¼tr„‚t - Social participation Ët{trsf «tiãtur„fe - Social technology Ët{trsf Ëk„X™ - Social organization Ët{trsf ƒrn»fth - Social boycott Ët{trsf Ëk½»to - Social struggle Ët{trsf ¼uŒ¼tð - Social discrimination Ët{trsf ËkMfth - Social rites Ët{trsf {™turð¿tt™ - Social psychology Ët{trsf ËkMÚtt - Social institution Ët{trsf {n¥ð - Social significance Ët{trsf ËtÄ™Ëk…Â¥t - Social resources Ët{trsf {t¤¾wk - Social framework; social Ët{trsf M‚hefhý - Social stratification structure Ët{trsf ÂMÚth‚t - Social stability Ët{trsf nf - Social right Ët{trsf {qze - Social capital Ët{trsf-ytŠÚtf Wíf»to - Socio-economic Ët{trsf {qÕÞtu - Social values Ët{trsf he‚u - Socially upliftment Ët{trsf YrZ-rhðts - Social custom Ët{trsf-ytŠÚtf …rhƒ¤tu - Socio-economic Ët{trsf ÷t¼tkþ - Social dividend factors Ët{trsf ÷t¼tuÚte ðkr[‚ - Socially Ët{trsf-ytŠÚtf {tusýe - Socio-economic disadvantaged survey Ët{trsf ð™r™{toý - Social forestry Ët{trsf ð™r™{toý ftÞo¢{ - Social forestry Ët{trsf-ytŠÚtf ðt‚tðhý - Socio-economic programme milieu Ët{trsf ð‚oýqf - Social behaviour Ët{trsf-ytŠÚtf ËwÄtht - Socio-economic Ët{trsf ð÷ý/Y¾ - Social trend; social attitude Ët{trsf rðþu»ttrÄfth - Social privilege reforms Ët{trsf ðe{tu - Social insurance Ët{trsf Ë{MÞt - Social problem Ët{trsf-ytŠÚtf ÂMÚtr‚ - Socio-economic conditions Ët{trsf-«ð]Â¥t - Social activity Ët{trsf-htsfeÞ Ëk„X™ - Socio-political organization Ët{trsf Ë{t™‚t - Social equality; social Ët{trsf-÷t¼ - Social benefit; social parity advantage Ët{trsf Ë÷t{‚e - Social security Ët{trsf-ËtkMf]r‚f …tËtk - Socio-cultural Ët{trsf Ë÷t{‚e ftÞo¢{ - Social security aspects programme Ët{t™ - Baggage; luggage; goods; belongings Ët{trsf Ë÷t{‚e {txu™t rn‚trÄfthe - Social Ët{t™ y™u rƒM‚htu - Kit and bedding Ët{t™ ðe{t …tur÷Ëe - Baggage insurance security beneficiary policy; luggage insurance policy Ët{trsf Ë÷t{‚e™t ÷t¼ - Social security Ët{t™-Útu÷tu - Kit-bag benefits 477 Ët{trsf Ë÷t{‚e™tk …„÷tk - Social security

Ët{t™™e Aqx Ët{tLÞ Ëk‚w÷™/Ë{‚w÷t Ët{t™-ðu„™ - Kit wagon Ët{tLÞ ƒuhtus„the - Normal unemployment Ët{t™½h - Luggage office; cloak-room Ët{tLÞ ¼rð»Þ r™rÄ - General Provident Ët{t™™e Aqx - Free allowance of luggage Fund Ët{tLÞ - General; ordinary; normal Ët{tLÞ y…ðtŒ - General exception Ët{tLÞ ¼tzwk - Ordinary fare Ët{tLÞ yÚto - Usual meaning Ët{tLÞ ¼tð-Ë…txe - General price level Ët{tLÞ ynuðt÷ - General report Ët{tLÞ ¼t»tt{tk ËkŒuþtu - Message in clear Ët{tLÞ ŸztE - Normal depth Ët{tLÞ ¼usÄthý ût{‚t - Normal moisture Ët{tLÞ fÚt™/r™ðuŒ™ - General statement Ët{tLÞ fhth - Simple contract capacity Ët{tLÞ ft{„ehe - General duty Ët{tLÞ ft{„ehe fthfw™ - General Duty Clerk Ët{tLÞ ¼tu„ðxt-nf - Ordinary tenure Ët{tLÞ ftÞŒtu - General law Ët{tLÞ {ntuh - Common seal Ët{tLÞ ftÞo…Ør‚ - General procedure Ët{tLÞ {kºte - General Secretary Ët{tLÞ ¾t‚tðne - General ledger Ët{tLÞ {t™ðe - Layman Ët{tLÞ „ehtu - Ordinary mortgage Ët{tLÞ {wÿt/Ëe÷ - Common seal Ët{tLÞ ½x™t - Ordinary occurrence Ët{tLÞ Þt‚tÞt‚ - General traffic Ët{tLÞ r[rfíËf - General practitioner Ët{tLÞ htßÞ Ëuðtytu - General State Services Ët{tLÞ r[rfíËt - General practice Ët{tLÞ he‚u - Generally; ordinarily; normally Ët{tLÞ [qkxýe - General election Ët{tLÞ he‚u Ë÷t{‚ - Tolerably safe Ët{tLÞ s™ - Public; people; layman Ët{tLÞ Y…hu¾t - Broad outline Ët{tLÞ ¿tt™ - General knowledge Ët{tLÞ Y…u - In general Ët{tLÞ ‚th - Ordinary telegram Ët{tLÞ ÷tuftu - Grassroots; mass; populace Ët{tLÞ Œh - Ordinary rate; flat rate Ët{tLÞ ðhËtŒ - Normal rainfall Ët{tLÞ Œh¾tM‚ - General proposal Ët{tLÞ ð„eofhý - General classification; Ët{tLÞ r™rÄ rnËtƒ - General fund account Ët{tLÞ r™Þ{ - General rule; canon broad classification Ët{tLÞ r™heûtý - General inspection Ët{tLÞ ðneðx - General administration Ët{tLÞ ðneðx rð¼t„ - General Administration Department Ët{tLÞ ðu[týðuhtu - General sales tax Ët{tLÞ ÔÞðMÚtt-¾[o - Overhead charges; overheads Ët{tLÞ ™tUÄ - General remarks Ët{tLÞ ÔÞðMÚtt…f - General Manager Ët{tLÞ …rh…ºt - General circular Ët{tLÞ þt¾t - General branch Ët{tLÞ «s™™ Œh - General fertility rate Ët{tLÞ Ë¼t - General body meeting Ët{tLÞ «Útt/«ýt÷e - General practice Ët{tLÞ Ë{sq‚e/fhth - General agreement 478

Ët{tLÞ ËkMfhý yÇÞtË¢{tu Ëth Ët{tLÞ Ë{wå[Þ - Common pool Ët{qrnf Sð™ - Corporate life; community life Ët{tLÞ Ëk‚w÷™/Ë{‚w÷t - General equilibrium; Ët{qrnf r™rÄ - Pool fund general balance Ët{qrnf …rhÞtus™t - Community project Ët{qrnf …rhÞtus™t ðneðx - Community Ët{tLÞ ËkMfhý yÇÞtË¢{tu - General project administration orientation courses Ët{qrnf {tr÷fe - Collective ownership Ët{tLÞ Ëqr[ - General index Ët{qrnf/Ët{wŒtrÞf/Ëtðosr™f r{÷f‚ - Ët{tLÞ Mðef]r‚ - General acceptance Ët{tLÞ nz‚t÷ - General strike Collective property; community property Ët{tLÞ rn‚ - Common interest Ët{qrnf ð„o-ƒZ‚e - Mass promotion Ët{tLÞ rnËtƒ - General accounts Ët{qrnf þÞ™¾kz - Dormitory Ët{tLÞ‚Þt/ËtÄthý he‚u Ëk‚tu»tfthf - Fairly Ët{qrnf Ët{u÷„ehe - Group involvement Ët{rq nf níÞt - Carnage; massacre; mass killing satisfactory Ët{qrnf rnËtƒ - Group accounts Ët{u - Opposite; against; before; in front of Ët{tðt¤tu - Opponent; respondent Ët{u÷ - Included; appended; annexed Ët{e ™tUÄ - Cross entry Ët{u÷ fhðwk - Include; annex; append Ët{e Ëne - Counter signature Ët{u÷„ehe - Involvement (2)Inclusion Ët{e Ëne fhðe - Countersign Ët{u÷„ehe y™u Ën¼tr„‚t - Involvement and Ët{e Ëne fhu÷wk - Countersigned Ët{wŒtrÞf/Ët{qrnf - Corporate; collective; participation community Ët{tu ythtu… - Counter-charge Ët{tu s{t-nðt÷tu - Per contra credit Ët{wŒtrÞf yr¼„{ - Community approach Ët{tu Œtðtu - Counter-claim Ët{wŒtrÞf f]r»t - Collective farming Ët{tu …ût - Opposite party; opposition Ët{wŒtrÞf fuLÿ - Community centre Ët{tu «ðtn - Upstream Ët{wŒtrÞf Sð™ - Community life Ët{tu ðtkÄtu - Cross objection Ët{wŒtrÞf ¼tð™t - Community spirit Ët{tu-Ë{t™ rnMËtu - Matching share Ët{wŒtrÞf {tr÷fe - Community ownership ËtBÞ - Similarity; resemblance; parity; Ët{wÿÄw™e - Strait Ët{wk Ëtu„kŒ™t{wk - Counter-affidavit semblance Ët{wk-Ë{t™ y™wŒt™ - Matching grant Ët{qrnf ythtuøÞ fuLÿ - Community Health ËtBÞðtŒ - Communism ËtBÞðtŒe - Communist Centre ËtBÞtðMÚtt - Equipoise Ët{útßÞ - Empire Ët{qrnf W…tÞ/…„÷tk - Collective measures Ët{qrnf ftÞo¢{ - Community programme Ët{qrnf ¾u‚e - Collective farming Ët{qrnf sðtƒŒthe - Collective responsibility 479

Ëth-ykŒts…ºt Ëtðo¼ti{ {kz¤/ËkMÚtt Ët{útßÞðtŒ - Imperialism Ëtðosr™f fÕÞtý - General welfare; public Ëth - Abstract; summary (2)Extract; sum welfare and substance; brief Ëtðosr™f fuLÿ - Public centre Ëth-ykŒts…ºt - Abstract budget Ëtðosr™f „úkÚtt÷Þ - Public library Ëth yt…ðtu - Recapitulate; summarize Ëtðosr™f r[rfíËt÷Þ - Community clinic Ëth-Ëkûtu…/fÚt™ - Recapitulation Ëtðosr™f xur÷Vtu™ - Public telephone Ëth„¼o - Pithy Ëtðosr™f xur÷Vtu™ ftÞto÷Þ - Public call office Ëthý „tkX - Hernia Ëtðosr™f ‚hý ntus - Public swimming pool Ëth‚¥ð - Kernel; essence; quintessence Ëtðosr™f {™tuhks™ MÚt¤ - Place of public Ëth… - Goodness entertainment ËthY… - Compendious Ëtðosr™f {t÷ðtn™ - Public carrier Ëthðth - Treatment (2)Nursing Ëtðosr™f {tr÷fe - Community ownership Ëthðth fhðe - Treat Ëtðosr™f hËtuzwk - Community kitchen Ëthðth fuLÿ - Treatment centre Ëtðosr™f hM‚tu - Thorough fare Ëthðth ¾[o - Treatment charges Ëtðosr™f hurzÞtu Ëux - Community radio set ËthËk„ún - Compendium (2)Digest Ëtðosr™f ðtn™ - Public vehicle ËthtËth rððuf - Discretion Ëtðosr™f þt¤t - Public school; community Ëthtkþ - Summary; gist; epitome; compendium school Ëthe ytƒY/«r‚ct - Good repute Ëthe yuðe hf{ - Substantial amount; sizable Ëtðosr™f ˼t¾kz/¼ð™ - Community hall Ëtðosr™f MÚt¤ - Public place amount Ëtðosr™f M™t™t„th - Balnea Ëthe/…qh‚e òýfthe - Fair knowledge Ëtðosr™f rn‚ - Common interest; public Ëthe þt¾ - Good reputation interest Ëthe ÂMÚtr‚{tk/nt÷‚{tk - In good repair; in Ëtðorºtf - Universal; general good condition; in sound condition Ëtðorºtf «thkr¼f rþûtý - Universal elementary Ëthe nt÷‚ - Sound condition education Ëthtu Œt¾÷tu ƒuËtzðtu - Set good example ËtÚtof - Meaningful (2)Successful Ëtðorºtf ƒ™tððwk - Universalize Ëtðosr™f - Public; omnibus; common; Ëtðorºtf {‚trÄfth - Universal suffrage Ëtðorºtf htu„«r‚hûtt ftÞo¢{ - Universal Immunization Programme general Ëtðorºtf rþûtý - Universal education Ëtðorºtf nz‚t÷ - General strike Ëtðosr™f yrÄfth - Jura publica Ëtðo¼ti{ - Sovereign; paramount Ëtðosr™f RÂM…‚t÷ - General hospital Ëtðosr™f W…ÿð - Public nuisance 480

Ëtðo¼ti{ htßÞ Ëtkfur‚f/Ëq[f þçŒ Ëtðo¼ti{ yrÄfth - Sovereign rights Ëtn[Þo - Association; company; Ëtðo¼ti{ «Œuþ - Sovereign territory companionship Ëtðo¼ti{ {kz¤/ËkMÚtt - Sovereign body Ëtðo¼ti{ htßÞ - Sovereign State Ëtnrsf - Natural; spontaneous Ëtðo¼ti{ ÷tufþtne «òË¥ttf htßÞ - Sovereign Ëtnrsf «r‚¼tð - Spontaneous response ËtnË - Venture; adventure (2)Enterprise democratic republic ËtnË {qze ™týt-ÔÞðMÚtt Þtus™t - Venture Ëtðo¼ti{ Ë¥tt - Sovereign power Capital Financing Scheme Ëtðo¼ti{ Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Sovereign Authority Ëtðo¼ti{ Ë{t™‚t - Sovereign equality ËtnrËf/ËtnËe - Adventurous (2)Enterprising Ëtðo¼ti{‚t - Sovereignty Ëthw/{txu - For; fine (2)Good (3)Adventurer (4)Entrepreneur Ët÷ - Year (2)Dovetail; tenon Ët÷ ËtkÄtu - Dovetail joint ËtrníÞ - Literature ËtrníÞ Ë¼t - Literary-society ËtrníÞ/ËtrnÂíÞf [tuh - Plagiarist ËtrníÞfth - Man of letters; literary person; litterateur; literator Ët÷ðth - Yearwise ËtrnÂíÞf - Literary Ët÷Ë - Amiable ËtrnÂíÞf [tuhe - Plagiarism Ëtr÷Þtýwk - Annuity (2)Privy purse ËtnuŒe …ºtf - List of witnesses Ëtð ytkĤtu - Totally blind Ët¤ - Loom Ëtðft r…‚t - Stepfather Ëtkfzt {™™wk - Narrow minded Ëtðfe …wºte - Stepdaughter Ëtkfze ¾tE - Slit trench Ëtðfe/ytuh{t™ ƒnu™ - Stepsister; half sister Ëtkfze søÞt - Narrow stretch Ëtðfe {t‚t - Stepmother Ëtkfzwk - Narrow Ëtðfwk/ytuh{t™ - Step Ëtkfztu {t„o - Bottle-neck; narrow stretch of Ëtðfwk ƒt¤f - Stepchild road; narrow pass; gangway Ëtðfwk Ë„…ý - Steprelation Ëtðftu/ytuh{t™ …wºt - Stepson Ëtkf¤/þ]k¾÷t - Chain Ëtðftu ¼tE - Stepbrother; half brother Ëtkf¤-yk‚h/{t… - Chainage Ëtð[u‚e - Caution; precaution; alertness Ëtkf¤/Íq÷‚tu …w÷ - Chain bridge Ëtð[u‚e™tk …„÷tk - Precautionary measures Ëtkf¤ {tusýe - Chain survey ËtðÄ/Ëtð[u‚/Ë[u‚ - Cautious; alert; Ëtkf¤ðt¤tu - Chainman Ëtkf¤ðwk - Connect; attach; enlink; link attentive; mindful; vigilant; conscious Ëtkfur‚f ykf - Code number Ëtkfur‚f ‚th - Cipher telegram ËtðÄt™ - Vigilant; stand to Ëtkfur‚f ¼t»tt{tk ËkŒuþtu - Message in code ËtðÄt™e - Caution; vigilance; advertence; language precaution 481

Ëtks™e …t¤e rˬtu {thu÷e ðM‚w Ëtkfur‚f/„qZ ÷¾tý™tu yÚto fhðtu - Decipher; ËtkMf]r‚f Rr‚ntË - Cultural history decode ËtkMf]r‚f ¢tkr‚ - Cultural revolution ËtkMfr] ‚f …rhðþu /…Þtðo hý - Cultural milieu Ëtkfur‚f/Ëq[f þçŒ - Key-word; code word ËtkMf]r‚f «ð]Â¥t - Cultural activities Ëtks™e …t¤e - Evening shift ËtkMf]r‚f ƒtƒ‚tu - Cultural affairs Ëtks™tu ð„o - Evening class ËtkMf]r‚f {qÕÞ - Cultural value ËtXk „tXk - Collusion; complicity; nexus ËtkMf]r‚f rðftË - Cultural development ËtkZ - Bull; breeding bull ËtkMf]r‚f ð]kŒ - Cultural-group ËtkZ ËkðÄo™ {Útf - Bull stud farm ËtkMf]r‚f rþûtý - Cultural education Ëtkíð™ - Consolation ËtkMf]r‚f Ë{t™‚t/ËtBÞ - Cultural equality Ëtkíð™ yt…ðwk - Console ËtkMf]r‚f Ëk½»to - Cultural conflict ËtkÚt - Rent of tenancy; rent ËtkMf]r‚f Ëk…fo yrÄfthe - Cultural Relation ËtkÚtðwk - Let out land ËtkÚte ¾uzq‚ - Share cropper; rent farmer Officer ËtkÄ™th - Joiner; welder ËtkMf]r‚f ËkƒkÄ - Cultural affinity/relation ËtkÄt ð„h™e xâqƒ - Seamless tube ËtkMf]r‚f M‚h - Cultural strata ËtÄk t-…hq ý - Stopping ËtkMÚttr™f Œhßòu - Dominion status ËtkÄtft{ - Jointing; welding rËf÷ - Face; countenance ËtkÄtðt¤tu - Pointsman rËf÷e„h - Knife-grinder; burnisher ËtkÄtu - Joint rˬt-xkf™ - Mintage ËtkæÞ Œir™f - Eveninger rˬt-xkft{ý - Mintage; brassage ËtkæÞ ðkŒ™t - Even song rˬt-r™{toý/rˬt …tzðt ‚u - Coinage Ëtkr™æÞ - Contiguity; juxtaposition; nearness; (2)Mintage vicinity rˬt …heûtf - Coin examiner rˬt™e At… - Stamp impression Ëtk«‚ - Current; recent; present rˬtrðŒT/þtMºte - Numismatist; Ëtk«ŒtrÞf - Sectarian Ëtk«ŒtrÞf rþûtý - Sectarian education numismatologist Ëtk«ŒtrÞf‚t - Sectarianism rˬtrð»tÞf - Numismatic Ëtk¼¤u÷e ðt‚ - Hearsay rˬtþt† - Numismatology; numismatics Ëtk¼¤u÷e ðt‚™tu …whtðtu - Hearsay evidence rˬtu - Coin (2)Stamp ËtkÞtur„f „w™u„th/y…htÄe - Episodic criminal rˬtu {thðt™e Ve - Stamping fee ËtkÞtur„f …whtðtu - Circumstantial evidence rˬtu {thðt™e þtne - Stamping ink ËtkMf]r‚f - Cultural rˬtu {thðtu ‚u - Stamping ËtkMf]r‚f ytŒt™-«Œt™ - Cultural exchange 482

rˬtu {thu÷tu ft„¤ ®ËnŒþo™ rˬtu {thu÷e rxrfx - Stamped ticket ®Ë[tE fhðe - Irrigate rˬtu {thu÷e ðM‚w - Stamped article ®Ë[tE ft{tu - Irrigation works rˬtu {thu÷tu ft„¤ - Stamped paper ®Ë[tE fqðt - Irrigation wells rË‚{ - Tyranny; torture; oppression ®Ë[tE ûtuºt™e s¤r™ftË/y…ðtn ÔÞðMÚtt - rË‚thtu - Star (2)Fortune; destiny rËØ - Proved; achieved Drainage system of command area/ rËØ fhðwk - Prove irrigation area rËØ nfef‚ - Fait accompli rËØnM‚ - Pastmaster ®Ë[tE s¤ - Irrigation water rËØtk‚ - Principle; formula; tenet; theory; ®Ë[tE ‚¤tð - Irrigation tank ®Ë[tE ™nuh - Irrigation canal doctrine; canon ®Ë[tE …rhÞtus™t - Irrigation project ®Ë[tE {nuËq÷ - Irrigation revenue rËØtk‚ y™u ÔÞðnth - Theory and practice ®Ë[tE {txu™wk ™t¤wk - Irrigation culvert rËØtk‚-htu…ý - Indoctrination ®Ë[tE Þtus™t - Irrigation scheme rËÂØ - Achievement ®Ë[tE ð»to - Irrigation year rËÂØfËtuxe - Achievement test ®Ë[tE rð¼t„ - Irrigation Department rË™u{t/[÷r[ºt - Cinema; movie ®Ë[tE rðM‚th/ûtuºt - Command area; irrigation rË™u{t/[÷r[ºt-Þkºt - Cinematograph rË™u{t„]n - Cinema theatre area; ayacut rË^‚ - Tactics; tact; skill rËVthË - Recommendation ®Ë[tE rðM‚th rðftË ftÞo¢{ - Command Area rË{uLx™t ðtxt - Cement pointing rË÷f - Balance Development Programme rË÷f-{u¤ - Agreement of balance rË÷rË÷tu - Sequence ®Ë[tE þÂõ‚ - Irrigation potential rËr÷ft hu‚e - Silica sand ®Ë[tE Ëð÷‚tu - Irrigation facilities rËðtÞ - Without; except; save ®Ë[tE nuX¤™tu ¾uzðtý rðM‚th - Culturable ®Ë[tE - Irrigation ®Ë[tE yrÄr™Þ{ - Irrigation Act command area ®Ë[tE Rs™uh - Irrigation Engineer ®Ë[tE Rs™uhe - Irrigation engineering ®Ë[tE nuX¤™tu rðM‚th - Area under irrigation ®Ë[tE W…fh - Irrigation cess ®Ë[tEÞtuøÞ rðM‚th - Irrigable area ®Ë[tE fh™th - Irrigator ®Ër[‚ f]r»t - Irrigated farming ®Ër[‚ ûtuºt - Irrigated area ®Ër[‚ s{e™ - Irrigated land ®Ër[‚ …tf - Irrigated crop ®Ër[‚ ðtðu‚h - Irrigated plantation ®Ër[‚ rðM‚th - Irrigated area ®ËŒqh - Vermilion; cinnabar ®ËŒqrhÞt hk„™e ÍtkÞ - Vermilion tint 483

®Ën™wk y¼ÞthÛÞ Ëe{tð‚eo fuË ®ËÄð/®ËÄt÷qý - Rock salt ËeÄtu Zt¤ - Steep slope ®ËnŒþo™ - Lion show ËeÄtu Œh - Through rate ®Ën™wk y¼ÞthÛÞ - Lion sanctuary ËeÄtu ŒtŒh - Straight stair ®Ëntð÷tuf™ - Retrospection ËeÄtu «nth - Direct attack Ëeze - Stair; stair case; ladder ËeÄtu {t„o/hM‚tu - Direct route ËeÄ - Alignment ËeÄtu {wftƒ÷tu - Straight contest ËeÄt/«íÞût nðt÷t{tk - In direct charge ËeÄtu ðkþt™w¢{ - Immediate descent ËeÄe ytðf - Direct income ËeÄtu ðu…th - Direct trade ËeÄe [qkxýe - Direct election ËeÄtu/«íÞût Ëk…fo - Direct contact ËeÄe xufhe - Steep hill ËeÄtu/ˤk„ hM‚tu - Through road ËeÄe/ˤk„ xÙu™ - Through train ËeÄtu/Mð‚kºt yusLx - Direct agent ËeÄe ¼h‚e - Direct recruitment Ëe{t - Limit; boundary; border ËeÄe ¼h‚eÚte r™{tÞu÷ - Direct recruit Ëe{t ytÞtu„ - Boundary Commission ËeÄe ¼u¾z - Precipice Ëe{t M‚h¼k„ - Boundary fault ËeÄe hðt™„e - Direct despatch Ëe{t-fh - Terminal tax ËeÄe hu¾t - Straight line Ëe{t/Ëe{tð‚eo ûtuºt - Frontier zone ËeÄe ÷kƒtE™t s¤{t„o - Linear waterways Ëe{t-™fþtu - Boundary map; border map ËeÄe ÷kƒtE™e ™nuh - Linear channel Ëe{t-™tftðuhtu - Terminal toll tax ËeÄe ÷kƒtE™wk s¤tþÞ - Linear reservoir Ëe{t-r™Ätohý - Delimitation; demarcation ËeÄe ÷tE™ òuztý - Straight line connection Ëe{t-…ÚÚth - Boundary stone ËeÄe/«íÞût Ëtûte - Direct testimony Ëe{t-hu¾t - Boundary line; line of ËeÄe ®Ë[tE - Direct irrigation ËeÄe Ëeze - Straight stair demarcation ËeÄe nheVtE/M…Äto - Direct competition ËeÄwk - Straight (2)Direct; through Ëe{t-÷t„‚ - Terminal charges ËeÄwk y™wŒt™ - Outright grant; direct grant Ëe{t-rððtŒ - Boundary dispute; border ËeÄwk fthý ™nª - Causa sine qua non ËeÄwk [Ztý - Steep gradient dispute ËeÄwk ƒtuÞwk - Direct float ËeÄwk ¼hr‚Þwk - Straight bill of lading Ëe{t-rðM‚th/«Œuþ - Frontier; border area ËeÄwkËt{t™ - Ration Ëe{t-ËkrÄ - Boundary treaty; border treaty ËeÄtu yhsŒth - Direct applicant Ëe{t-M‚k¼ - Boundary pillar; landmark Ëe{t/ËhnŒ™e …u÷e …th - Transborder Ëe{tr[nT™ - Landmark; milestone Ëe{t…th™tu ðu…th - Trans-frontier trade; trans- border trade 484

Ëe{tð‚eo òu¾{ Ëw¾ Ëe{tð‚eo - Terminal; border line Ëe{tk‚ ™týtk™e ÷tu™ - Margin money loan Ëe{tð‚eo fuË - Border line case Ëe{tk‚ ™týwk - Margin money Ëe{tð‚eo òu¾{ - Border line risk Ëe{tk‚ {nuËq÷ - Marginal revenue Ëe{tð‚eo ƒòh - Terminal market Ëe{tk‚ {t„ - Marginal demand Ëe{tþwÕf - Custom duty Ëe{tk‚ {qze Wí…tŒ™ „wýtu¥th - Marginal Capital Ëe{tþwÕf yrÄfthe - Customs Officer Output Ratio Ëe{tþwÕf f[uhe - Customs house Ëe{tþwÕf ¾t‚wk - Customs department Ëe{tk‚ ðÄthtu/yrÄþu»t - Marginal surplus Ëe{tþwÕf-{wõ‚ rð{t™½h - Custom-free airport Ëe{tk‚ðtŒ - Marginalism Ëe{tkf™ - Boundary delimitation; demarcation Ëe{tk‚ Ë{tÞtus™ - Marginal adjustment Ëe{tkf™ y™u {tusýe - Demarcation and survey Ëer{‚ - Limited; restricted Ëe{tkf™ fhðwk - Demarcate Ëer{‚/{ÞtorŒ‚ fhðwk - Restrict; limit Ëer{‚ xÙtrVf - Captive traffic Ëe{tkf™ hu¾t - Demarcation line Ëer{‚ {‚trÄfth - Restricted suffrage Ëe{tkrf‚ nŒ/ËhnŒ - Demarcated boundary Ëeh{ y™u hËe y™w¼t„ - Serum and vaccine Ëe{tk‚ - Marginal Ëe{tk‚ yËh - Marginal impact section Ëe{tk‚ ytðf - Marginal income Ëe{tk‚ Wí…tŒf - Marginal producer Ëeh{ {t™fefhý - Serum standardization Ëe{tk‚ Wí…tŒf‚t - Marginal productivity Ëeh{ Ëtkÿefhý «Þtu„þt¤t - Serum Ëe{tk‚ Wí…tŒ™/Q…s/…uŒtþ - Marginal product Ëe{tk‚ Wí…tŒ™™wk {qÕÞ - Value of marginal concentration laboratory product Ëe÷ƒkÄ - Sealed Ëe÷ƒkÄ xuLzh/r™rðŒt - Sealed tender Ëe{tk‚ W…Þtur„‚t - Marginal utility Ëeðý-«rþÂûtft - Lady Tailoring Instructor Ëe{tk‚ Q…s - Marginal yield ËeËwk - Lead Ëe{tk‚ ®f{‚ - Marginal price ˪„‚u÷ - Groundnut oil ˪„Œtýt - Groundnut seeds Ëwf‚t™ - Rickets Ëe{tk‚ f]r»t - Marginal farming Ëwft™ - Rudder; steering; helm Ëe{tk‚ ¾heŒ™th - Marginal buyer Ëwft™ sqÚt - Steering group Ëe{tk‚ ¾heŒe - Marginal purchase Ëwft™ Ër{r‚ - Steering Committee Ëe{tk‚ ¾[o - Marginal cost Ëwft™ Ëk¼t¤ðwk - Steer Ëe{tk‚ ¾uzq‚ - Marginal farmer Ëwft™™e yËh - Steerage Ëe{tk‚ s{e™ - Marginal land Ëwft™e - Helmsman; pilot; steerer/steersman Ëe{tk‚ ™Vtu - Marginal profit Ëwft™e™e ft{„ehe - Pilotage 485

Ëw¾-Œw:¾ ËwÄtht ™tUÄ Ëwft™e-Ve - Pilotage Ëw®[r‚‚ yr¼«tÞ - Considered opinion Ëw¾ - Happiness; pleasure Ëw‚htW - Cotton Ëw¾-Œw:¾ - Vicissitudes Ëw‚htW y™u huþ{e ft…z Wãtu„ - Cotton and silk Ëw¾-{]íÞw - Euthanasia Ëw¾[u™™e ™tufhe - Sinecure textile industries Ëw¾z - Sandal wood Ëw¾rzÞtu - Confectioner Ëw‚htW ft…z™tu Wãtu„ - Cotton textile industry Ëw¾ze - Bonus; reward (2)Sweetmeat ËwÚtth - Carpenter; joiner Ëw¾Œ - Amicable; amiable; pleasant; pleasing ËwÚtthft{ «rþûtf - Carpentry Instructor Ëw¾Y… - Safe and sound; comfortable ËwŒe½o ðtxt½tx - Protracted negotiation ˾w Ë„ðz - Amenity; conveniences ËwáZ - Solid; strong Ëw¾tfthe - Well-being ËwáZ fhðwk - Consolidate; strengthen Ëw¾trÄfth - Easement ËwáZ ò{e™„ehe - Seasoned security Ëw¾tL‚ ™txf - Comedy ËwáZ‚t - Solidarity Ëw„{ - Accessible; easy; perspicuous ËwÄhðwk - Improve Ëw„{ Zt¤ - Easy gradient ËÄw htE - Municipality Ëw„{ ƒ™tððwk - Facilitate ËwÄhe ™ þfu ‚uðtu „w™u„th - Unreformable Ëw„{ ËkŒ¼o - Easy reference Ëw„{ MÚtt™ - Accessible place offender/criminal; incorrigible offender/ Ëw„{‚t - Accessibility (2)Perspicuity criminal Ëw„krÄ‚ …tf - Aromatic plants; fragrant plants Ëw„krÄ‚ htËtÞrýf …ŒtÚto - Aromatic chemical ËwÄhe þfu yuðtu „w™u„th - Improvable offender Ëw„kÄe ÿÔÞ - Essence; perfume ËwÄhu÷e nt÷‚/ÂMÚtr‚ - Improved condition Ëw„kÄe ÿÔÞtu ‚iÞth fhðt™wk/ðu[ðt™wk MÚt¤ - ËwÄhu÷wk - Advanced; civilized (2)Improved ËwÄthf - Reformer (2)Reformatory Perfumery ËwÄth„]n/ËwÄthýt „]n - Reformatory ËwÄthýt - Betterment (2)Improvement; Ëw„kÄeÞwõ‚ ÂM…rhx - Perfumed spirit Ëw„úrÚt‚ - Integrated; well-knit reformation (3)Revision (4)Correction & Ëw„útne fËtuxe - Sensitive test rectification (5)Amendment Ëw„útne Ëq[ftkf - Sensitive index Ëw„útÌt - Comprehensible ËwÄthýt fh - Betterment tax Ëw½z y™u MðåA - Neat and clean ËwÄthýt fhðe - Better (2)Improve; reform (3)Revise (4)Correct (5)Amend ËwÄthýt r™rÄ - Betterment fund ËwÄthýt {tusýe - Revision survey ËwÄthýt÷ûte rþûtý - Correctional education ËwÄthýt÷ûte ËkMÚtt - Correctional institution ËwÄthðtÞtuøÞ/ËwÄtht…tºt - Amendable 486

ËwÄtht …h™tu ËwÄthtu Ëwhûtt fð[ ËwÄthðwk - Correct; rectify (2)Revise ËwÄthu÷tu ft™q™/ftÞŒtu - Amended law (3)Improve (4)Amend (5)Reform ËwÄthu÷tu ¾kz (ft.) - Amended clause ËwÄthtu - Amendment; reformation; ËwÄtht ™tUÄ - Rectifying entry ËwÄtht …h™tu ËwÄthtu - Amendment to improvement; reform; rectification; amendment correction ËwÄtht ËkƒkÄe - Reformatory ËwÄthtu fh‚wk rðÄuÞf - Amending bill ËwÄtht-yrÄr™Þ{ - Amendment Act ËwÄthtu fh‚tu yrÄr™Þ{ - Amending Act ËwÄtht-ft…÷e - Amendment slip; correction Ëw™tðýe - Hearing; trial slip Ëw™tðýe yŒt÷‚ - Trial court Ëw™tðýe yrÄfth - Right of audience ËwÄtht-VuhVth - Additions and alterations Ëw™tðýe fthfw™ - Bench Clerk ËwÄtht-ÞtŒe - Correction list Ëw™tðýe …qðuo™e ‚…tË - Pre-hearing ËwÄtht-ðÄtht - Additions and alterations ËwÄthtí{f - Reformatory; reformative; investigation amendatory; corrective Ëwr™Âù‚ fhðwk - Ensure; ascertain Ëw…h‚ fhðwk - Entrust; hand over (2)Surrender ËwÄthtí{f ft™q™ - Amendatory law Ëw…h‚ fhu÷ {‚ - Tendered vote ËwÄthtí{f …„÷tk - Corrective measures; Ëw…h‚ fhu÷e hò - Surrendered leave Ëw…h‚™t{wk - Assignment reformative measures Ëw…tºt - Worthy; proper ËwótðMÚtt - Dormancy ËwÄthtðtŒ - Reformism Ëw«s™™þt†/rðãt - Eugenics ËwÄthtðtŒe - Reformist Ëw«r‚Âc‚ - Well-reputed ËwÄthe ™ þftÞ yuðwk ƒt¤f - Incorrigible child Ëw«rËØ - Well-known; renowned; famous ËwÄthe ™ þftÞ ‚uðwk - Incorrigible Ëw{thu - Approximately ËwÄthe þftÞ yuðtu „w™u„th - Improvable offender Ëw{u¤ - Accord; unity; consistency; harmony ËwÄthu÷ r™rðŒt - Revised tender Ëw{u¤¼ÞwO ðt‚tðhý - Congenial atmosphere ËwÄthu÷t ykŒts - Revised estimate Ëw{u¤ðt¤wk - Harmonious ËwÄthu÷t …uLþ™-r™Þ{tu - Revised pension rules ËwÄthu÷t hò-r™Þ{tu - Revised leave rules ËwÄthu÷tk f]r»t-ytuòh - Improved agricultural implements ËwÄthu÷tk «qV - Revised proofs ËwÞtus™ - Rationalization ËwÄthu÷e s{e™ - Improved land ËwÞturs‚ - Well-planned ËwÄthu÷wk - Improved; corrected; revised; Ëwhûtt - Safety; security amended Ëwhûtt yxftÞ‚/yxf - Security detention ËwÄthu÷wk ykŒts…ºt - Revised budget Ëwhûtt/Ë÷t{‚e yrÄfthe - Security Officer ËwÄthu÷wk rƒÞthý - Improved seeds 487

Ëwhûtt ft[ ËwËßs ¾kz/ytuhztu Ëwhûtt fhth - Security pact Ëwr÷r¾‚ ŒM‚tðus - Engrossed document Ëwhûtt fð[ - Protection cover; security cover Ëw÷u¾™/Ëw÷u¾™f¤t - Calligraphy Ëwhûtt ft[ - Safety glasses Ëw÷u¾™fth - Calligraphist Ëwhûtt fuŒe - Security prisoner Ëw÷un - Conciliation; settlement (2)Treaty Ëwhûtt …èe - Shelter belt Ëw÷un-þtkr‚™tu ¼k„ - Breach of peace and Ëwhûtt …rh[h - Security attendant tranquility Ëwhûtt …rh»tŒ - Security Council Ëwhûtt/Ë÷t{‚e «{tý…ºt - Safety certificate Ëw÷un-þtkr‚ðt¤wk htßÞ - Tranquil State Ëwhûtt Vhs yrÄfthe - Security Duty Officer Ëw÷unfth - Peace-maker Ëwhûtt {txu ntr™fthf - Detrimental to security Ëw÷unþtkr‚ - Peace and tranquility Ëwhûtt ð„eofhý - Security classification Ëwðýo y™t{‚ - Gold reserve Ëwhûtt ËtðÄt™e - Safety precaution Ëwðýo sÞk‚e/{ntuíËð - Golden jubilee Ëwhûtt-«ÞwÂõ‚ - Safety device Ëwðýo {t™f - Gold standard Ëwhûtt-ðtÕð - Safety valve Ëwðýo rðr™{Þ {t™f/Ätuhý - Gold exchange Ëwhûtt-nŒ - Safety limit Ëwhûttí{f W…tÞtu - Protective measures standard ËwhÂût‚ - Safe; secured; well-protected ËwhÂût‚ fƒòu - Safe custody ËwðýoƒtuLz - Gold bond ËwhÂût‚ r‚òuhe-¾kz - Treasury Strong room ËwðýoÞw„ - Golden age ËwhÂût‚ he‚u - Safely; securely Ëwðt - Dill seed Ëwhk„ - Mine; tunnel; dynamite ËwðtåÞ - Legible Ëwhk„ A÷‚e - Tunnel spillway ËwðtåÞ‚t - Legibility Ëwhk„ {qf™th - Miner ËwðtÌt - Portable Ëwhk„ {qfðe - Mine ËwðtÌt‚t - Portability Ëwhu¾ r[ºt/á~Þ - Sharp picture ËwrðÏÞt‚ - Well-known; famous; renowned Ëwhwr[ - Decency; decorum ËwrðÄt - Facility; convenience Ëwhwr[¼k„ - Indecorum; indecency ËwÔÞðMÚtt - Sound management; orderliness Ëw÷¼ - Easily available; accessible (2)Soft; ËwÔÞðÂMÚt‚ - Well-ordered; in good order ËwÔÞðÂMÚt‚ fhðwk - Streamline cheap Ëwþtu¼™ - Adornment; decoration; Ëw÷¼ ™týt-ûtuºt - Soft currency area ornamentation; embellishment Ëw÷¼ ™týtk - Cheap money Ëwþtu¼™ htuþ™e - Decorative lighting Ëwþtu¼™-ònuht‚ - Display advertisement Ëwþtur¼‚ ytð]Â¥t - De-luxe edition Ëw÷¼‚t - Accessibility; easy availability Ëw»twó - Dormant 488

ËwËßs r™ðtË Ëq[ððwk ËwËßs fhðwk - Furnish; equip Ëqfwk ½tË - Hay ËwËßs ¾kz/ytuhztu - Furnished room Ëqfwk {h[wk - Dry chilli ËwËßs r™ðtË - Furnished residence Ëqfwk nðt{t™ - Dry weather ËwËk„‚ - Relevant; concordant; consistent; Ëqftu [thtu - Dry fodder compatible; germane Ëqftu {uðtu - Dry fruit Ëqftu rðM‚th - Dry area; arid area ËwËk„‚‚t/ËwËk„r‚ - Coherence; conformity; Ëqû{ - Micro; minute (2)Fine relevance/relevancy; compatibility concord; consistency ËwËk„rX‚ - Well-organized Ëqû{ [tufËtE W…fhý - Precision instrument ËwËkðtŒe - Harmonious Ëqû{ s¤Ëútð - Micro watershed ËwM‚ - Languid; lazy; idle; sluggish; lethargic Ëqû{ Sðrð¿tt™ - Microbiology ËwM‚ yÚto‚kºt - Sluggish economy Ëqû{ Sðtðþu»t - Microfossils ËwM‚e - Lethargy; sluggishness; laziness; Ëqû{ …heûtý - Microscopic examination Ëqû{ rVÕ{«‚ - Microfilm copy idleness Ëqû{ MVrxf - Microlite Ëqû{‚t - Minuteness ËwMÚttr…‚ - Well-established; well-founded Ëqû{Œþof Þkºt - Microscope ËwM…ü - Precise; perspicuous; explicit; Ëqû{…tu»tf ‚¥ðtu - Micro-nutrients categorical; unambiguous ËwM…ü r[ºt - Sharp picture ËwM…ü ¼q÷ - Palpable error ËwM…ü he‚u ™¬e fhtÞu÷ - Well-defined Ëq„ - Disgust; dislike (2)Nausea ËwM…ü he‚u/ËwM…ü…ýu - Explicitly; clearly; Ëq[f - Indicative; suggestive (2)Indicator; distinctly pointer ËwM…ü þçŒ - Unambiguous term Ëq[f ytkf - Index number ËwM…ü/«‚er‚fthf ƒnw{‚e - Convincing Ëq[f ftkxtu - Indicator; pointer majority Ëq[f «&™ - Leading question Ëq[f þçŒ - Catch-word ËwkŒh - Fair; beautiful; handsome; fine; pretty Ëq[™ - Suggestion; hint ËwkŒh {htuzŒth ÷¾tðx - Calligraphy Ëq[™-…Ør‚ - Suggestion system Ëwkðt¤e {txe - Mellow soil Ëq[™-…uxe - Suggestion box Ëwkðt¤wk - Smooth Ëq[™-…tuÚte - Suggestion book Ëqfe É‚w - Dry season Ëq[™t - Instruction; advice (2)Notice Ëqfe ¾tkËe - Hacking cough Ëq[™t yt…ðe - Advise; instruct; hint Ëqfe ¾u‚e - Dry farming Ëq[™t-…ºt - Advice note Ëqfe „tuŒe - Dry dock Ëqfwk - Arid; dry 489

Ëqr[ Ëuðt Éý Ëq[™t™wk WÕ÷k½™ - Violation of instruction ËqÞo-{krŒh - Sun-temple Ëq[ððwk - Suggest; propose; hint ËqÞorfhý r[rfíËt - Heliotherapy Ëqr[ - List; roll; inventory; catalogue; ËqÞofqfh - Solar cooker ËqÞo[¢ - Solar cycle schedule; index ËÞq «o ftþ - Sunlight ËqÞo®ƒƒ{t…f - Heliometer Ëqr[ ft…÷e - Index slip ËqÞo{t¤t - Solar system Ëqr[ fthfw™ - Index clerk ËqÞo{w¾e - Sun flower Ëqr[-ftzo - Index card ËqÞoM™t™ - Sun bath Ëqr[-f]r{ - Pin-worm Ëqðt {txu™e ythÂût‚ søÞt - Reserved berth Ëqr[ ‚iÞth fhðe ‚u - Indexing Ëqðt™e søÞt - Sleeper berth Ëqr[ ™tUÄ - Index entry Ë]Âü - World (2)Nature (3)Creation Ëqr[ hrsMxh - Index register Ë]Âü¢{ rðhwØ™tu „w™tu - Unnatural offence Ëqr[fth - Cataloguer; indexer Ëuõxh-Ëuõxh ðå[u Ë{‚w÷t - Inter-sectoral Ëqr[‚ - Suggested; proposed; indicated balance (2)Implied (3)tacit Ëuõxhðth ¾[o-òu„ðtE - Sectoral outlay Ëqr[‚ „ehtu - Tacit mortgage Ëuõxhðth-Y…hu¾t - Sectoral profile Ëqr[‚tÚto - Implication; connotation Ëuõþ™-[tufe - Section post Ëqr[…ºt - Catalogue Ëu‚w - Bridge Ëq[efhý - Indexing (2)Cataloguing Ëu™t - Army; troop Ëqsðwk - Swell Ëu™tr™rÄ - Troops fund ËqÍ - Resourcefulness; insight Ëu™t…r‚ - Commander Ëq‚h - Cotton yarn Ëu™ux-ËÇÞ - Senate member; senator Ëq‚h ð„uhu™tu ytkf - Count ËurLÿÞ - Organic Ëq‚¤e - Packthread; jute string; hemp string ËurLÿÞ ¾t‚h - Organic manure Ëqºt - Formula (2)Maxim (3)Motto ËurLÿÞ …ŒtÚto - Organic matter ËuLËh yrÄfth - Censorial power (4)Thread; fibre ËuLËh fhðwk - Censor ËuLËh ft{„ehe - Censorship Ëqºt f]r{ - Thread worm ËuLËh ftÞto÷Þ - Censorship bureau ËqºtÄth - Compere Ëuðf - Servant Ëqºt™t Y…{tk {qfðwk - Formulate Ëuðt - Service (2)Attendance; nursing; employ ËqºtV÷f - Placard 490 ËqºtËkrn‚t - Formulary ËqºtMÚtt™ - Key position Ëqºttuå[th - Slogan shouting Ëq{Ët{ - Dead silent; deserted

Ëuðt ftÞo Ëtu„kŒ …h yt…u÷e swƒt™e Ëuðt Wãtu„tu - Service industries ËuðtðrÄ - Servitude Ëuðt Éý - Service debts Ëuðt¤/þuðt¤ - Moss Ëuðt ftÞo - Mission Ëuðtð]¥t - Service roll Ëuðt fuLÿ - Service centre Ëuðtk‚ hò - Terminal leave Ëuðt [wfðýe - Service payment Ëuðtk‚/Ëuðt Ë{t ÷t¼ - Terminal benefits Ëuðt r™rÄ - Service Fund ËUfzu ¾[o - Percentage charges Ëuðt …tuÚte - Service Book Ëiftu - Century Ëuðt «¼t„ - Service division ËiØtkr‚f - In principle; theoretical Ëuðt ƒtuzo - Service Board ËiØtkr‚f WŒTðtn - Theoretical lift Ëuðt rðM‚th yr¼„{ - Service area approach ËiØtkr‚f [[to - Academic discussion; Ëuðt Ë{wå[Þ - Package of services theoretical discussion Ëuðt Ënfthe {kz¤e - Service Co-operative ËiØtkr‚f ¿tt™ - Theoretical knowledge Society ËiØtkr‚f Mðefth - Acceptance in principle Ëuðt ËkMÚtt - Missionary institution Ëir™f - Soldier Ëuðt Ëuõxh - Service Sector Ëir™f yk„u™wk - Military Ëuðt-yk‚„o‚ ‚t÷e{ - In-service training Ëir™f fthfw™ - Soldier Clerk Ëuðt-ythûtý - Job reservation Ëir™f rfx - Soldier’s kit Ëuðt-fhth - Service contract Ëir™f rxrfx - Soldier ticket Ëuðt-¾[o - Service charge Ëir™f xwfze - Picket Ëuðt-…ºt - Service sheet Ëir™f Œ¤ - Troops Ëuðt-{wŒ‚ - Length of service Ëir™f hts™er‚¿t - Soldier statesman Ëuðt-þw©q»tt - Nursing; tending Ëir™f þt¤t - Military school Ëuðt-Ë{tÂó - Termination of service Ëir™f-Ët{t™ - Accoutrement Ëuðt/™tufhe™e ¾htE - Service verification Ëir™fr™ðtË - Barrack Ëuðtytu Vhe [t÷w fhðe - Restoration of services ËiLÞ - Army; military Ëuðtr™ð]¥t Ëir™f - Veteran; ex-serviceman ËiLÞ Atðýe - Cantonment Ëuðt™e þh‚ - Condition of service ËiLÞ s{tðx - Mobilization Ëuðt™e/™tufhe™e «ðh‚t - Seniority of service ËiLÞ-‚kºt - Logistics Ëuðt¼tð - Missionary spirit ËiLÞŒ¤ - Division Ëuðt¼tðe - Public spirited; missionary ËiLÞ™e s{tðx fhðe - Mobilise/Mobilize Ëuðt{tk ‚qx/¼k„ - Interruption in service; break Ëtu ð»to - Century in service Ëtuyu Ëtu xft - Cent per cent 491

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