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Home Explore Prayers


Published by Vivian T., 2021-09-01 12:53:31

Description: Prayers by Ramon S. Esguerra


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Reflections & Prayers

A Sunday Reflection February 2, 2020 I wake up thinking of dreams of the past. It gives me no joy feeling sullen dictating a somber mood. I have not opened my Bible to Psalm 145. The thought of dwelling on Miserere in Psalm 51 crossed my mind; the Canticle of Mary in Luke 1, as well. I know that it is not laziness but an attempt of the lurking spirit, not of God, to take my attention away and to think simply how the day unfolds. My very Spirit often yields to the weakness of the flesh to go back to dreamland with an Our Father, a Hail Mary and a Glory Be. The quiet of the still very dark morning leads me to put off the TV and the lamp. A sip from my bedside glass of water clears my throat. It helps me to keep awake, and lying down, it starts my simple thanks for a new day without the sun up yet. I am led with glorifying the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. The prayer of Jabez comes in handy more for me than anyone. And the prayer for protection and blessing upon a multitude - family, relatives, friends, colleagues, fraternity brothers, clients, and all, as the Spirit prompts and leads. Then lifting up the souls of those who passed on for mercy and peace, plus another multitude, including those who do not have anyone to pray for them and those I have forgotten to pray for. The very sick and those who died in the very recent past are in the radar of the intercession. My healing and restoration to the grace of God comes last. What crosses my consciousness are concerns for the world undeniably in turmoil, the injustice to the innocent, a virus of epidemic proportion, natural calamities and disasters, tragedies beyond

imagination, and yes, an unrepenting humankind, still unbelieving and unable to read the signs of the times. End times(?) but only God knows when. Preparedness is a central issue amid my sinfulness and those of many. For all I know, I may still be a saint, or at least hope remains for me to be one. God wants my good, nothing else, and ultimately, my salvation. Let me wake now up to Your glory, to give You all the glory. In praise and thanks of Jesus!

PANALANGIN February 16, 2020 Alisin Mo nawa Panginoon ko ang ano mang pangamba sa puso ko, kasama ang ano mang pag- aalinlangan kung didinggin mo ang mga hinaing ko. Mangyaring unahin at marapatin Mong palisin ang mga pagkukulang at pagmamalabis ko. Ito ay mangagaling lamang sa kabuuan ng kabutihan Mo bilang AMA ko. Sa handog Mo na bagong araw, mapagpanibago ko nawa yaring pagkatao ko at muli kong mapanumbalik ang pag- asa na pukawin Mo ang natutulog na kabutihan sa akin na Ikaw ang nagpunla sa puso kong salawahan at mapag- imbot. Kaawaan Mo ako at buong lakas kong hihigpitan ang yakap ko sa pinagpakuan ng Anak Mo, ang Guro at Tagapagligtas ko na si Hesukristo. Amen!

My Prayer February 17, 2020 Dear Lord, my unworthiness to be here in Your blessed Sacrament would not deter me from giving You the praise and thanks You deserve. Bringing me over here is an answer to my lack of patience as I strive hard not to be idle. You directed me here for a reason as You always do in every step I take day in, day out. This is perhaps a time You want for me to offer You the very life You gifted me with. I do not mind anymore the twists and turns, even the ingratitude of those You led to me for help. The humps and bumps I go through are disguised blessings for they make my erratic faith steady. I gave as you inspired me to, and in clear language without words. I forgive them even as I do not pray to be rewarded for the gift of generosity. Obeying You is more than a reward in itself as I have done Your will, gladly that is. I treasure Your encouragement to keep my faith to the very end and by Your grace as I celebrate my birth soon, let it be a faith with works, all for Your greater glory, in Jesus' name. Amen!

A Homily To Myself February 20, 2020 The struggle I experience daily is one I know I brought to bear upon myself. I want to push the world back and what it offers but I know that I am of it. I lack peace, I believe, and this, notwithstanding of the constancy of my meager prayer life. This mediocrity in prayer is consistent with the inadequacy of the integrity I profess between the thoughts crossing my mind, the desires of my heart, the good intentions I have, on the one hand, and what I really end up doing, on the other. I say that my word is my bond but this may be borne in the air being unmatched by my actions, according what is right, true and fair by God's standards. \"Tinimbang Ako, Ngunit Kulang\" is an appropriate movie title that I sense correctly describes my faith walk. It is \"faith without works\". Before God, that is not worth anything. Not even my perceived generosity helps to raise my profession of faith a notch higher. I admit not approximating the generosity of God. I have a sense that selflessness is not unselfishness. It does not translate into my real loving of my neighbor. Oftentimes, the good that I do to others are really meant for me. Unmasking the untruth of myself is the only beginning of the purification and sanctification I desire for myself. I am naked before God - body, heart and soul. The source and stains of my sinfulness, wrath included, is more than crystal clear. Anger lurks with hate, and there is rash judgment more often than not. The realization is grace is insufficient if not utterly lacking. In my innermost, I long for You, my Lord and my God. I implore Your endless mercy. Not that I ask You to take

this thorn away from my flesh, but that You bring joy to my innermost and do my utmost for Your highest, all in the name of Jesus. Thank you, Lord. Thank you all!

My Prayer 18 March 2020 Dear Lord: I am in distress, my peace and quiet, lost. I see the virus as evil creating havoc to this world. Perhaps, You see humankind as not praying hard enough, or simply, hypocritical in its faith in You or that Your people do not believe You. But You are an unjudging God, one who does not condemn and would not waste His creation formed after His very self. I see the disorder all over topped by the prevailing fear and anxiety of the uncertainty of when You will intervene and end the killer disease that clearly did not come from You. But on second thought, You have already intervened since You have not annihilated this sinful, almost godless, albeit, unbelieving world and generation. Enable me by my meager faith to hold on, not to grumble nor complain. Bury me into the depths of Your wounds that I may I drown with the blood of Your Son, covering me and my loved ones, with the utmost and surest cover of protection. The evil has no power over me, over all of us, as You, o, Lord, are always and ever, in me and with me. That is for all eternity. Thank you, Dear Lord. Thank you.

A Prayer at Dawn March 26, 2020 My dear Father Almighty, as You bring the sun out, let its rays touch us, Your people. Let its brightness propel us to hope for the renewal of the whole wide world. Let its heat warm our cold, at times, indifferent, heart, that we may be prompted to help those in need, in our own modest way. As the sun gives light, may You shine in us as we choose and act to help one another in these trying and distressing times. We may be uncaring but You are not, so we plead the Holy Name of Jesus to cover one and all with Your providential love, to heed Your call to a life giving repentance and to welcome in joy, the renewal of this nation and the rest of the world. By Your abundant unlimited grace, restore us all, to a life of faith freed from the snares of the world, the devil and the flesh. Your victory is our triumph and salvation from despair, desolation and destruction. We believe You are our God, the only God. Amen!

A Brief Good Friday Meditation April 10, 2020 I see Your cross all around me. I commemorate in a modest way Your passion and death. In remembering, I hope to shun lip service. I beseech Your mercy, simple. I am bare before You, even my innermost. That I have offended You many times is brought to light. Forgive me, restore me. Bestow me Your grace. As I receive You, soften my heart, patterned after Your compassion. Lead me strong to forgive those who offended me. I forgive myself as well. To be true to the love I profess for You, let me forgive and love others. Let love in its purest form flow from my heart that others may see that I truly love you. I give praise and glory to You! Allow me to share this in love of you!

Brief Reflection, Black Saturday April 11, 2020 I am quite uncertain of the significance of this day in remembering the passion and death of the Crucified Jesus. I am certain that the day that followed was His resurrection. I am imagining the agonizing experience of Mary, His mother. I have not seen Joseph in the picture by any account. All His lead disciples deserted Him out of fear, unbelief and confusion. They all appear lost with what they thought was a loss of their Master. They did not listen to Him at all in the three times of what He told them earlier about His then forthcoming passion, death and resurrection. It does not appear that they even helped in His burial, nor did they wait at or near the tomb. As hopelessness descends, their desperation, desolation and discouragement, led to despair. They did not remember as they did not listen. That was what was amiss in their profession of faith. It now dawns on me that I could have been one of them, distraught with a deep seated feeling of being abandoned. And if I listened, would I have waited truly to see His rising? My spirit of impatience would have seeped in me, which is of course troublesome as well. May the Holy Spirit strengthen my faith in JESUS and help me overcome the weakness of impatience. Amen!

Easter Monday April 13, 2020 Our Father Almighty, Ever Living God, all glory and praise to You for giving us Jesus and His resurrection. May our remembering His rising from the dead renew our resolve to follow Him. May it lead us all to the obedience He showed to You and Your will. And may the faith we profess in You bring glory to You in the works we do. May we never forget that You are enthroned in our hearts now and forever. Amen. A Prayer April 30, 2020 I look at You, dear Jesus, my Lord and my God, crucified on that cross, still suffering for my sins. May Your passion and death bring me to a continuing repentance for my offenses against Your goodness. Give me the grace to accept Your rebuke and discipline; let me not be lost again and stray. I trust in the firmness of Your hold to bring me to the path of righteousness. May I invoke Your stripes and wounds to heal me and those I pray for and care for. By Your precious blood, bless and keep all of us, in Your mighty Name, I ask, Amen!

A Prayer May 12, 2020 Let me be awake and rise from the fear and anxiety of a new day, dear Father, Ever Living God. May my spirit yield to You as I welcome a new dawn, the freshness of Your inspiration. Subdue my thoughts and desires to Your thoughts. Let me gaze still on Your cross, my Jesus, to realize that You continue to suffer for my sins and the sinfulness of the world. Let me embrace Your wounded body and bathe in Your precious blood. Thank You for bringing me to my knees and a life of service to my neighbor. Amen. A Prayer June 11, 2020 Prompted by Your Holy Spirit, I come to You, my Ever Living God, Father Almighty, offering this new day with my praise and adoration. Make me worthy with a willing spirit to pray to worship You in Jesus. You are the Good in me, the Wisdom in me, the Truth in me. In You, my dear Lord, I trust and I commit to You my joy and suffering of this day to the Cross and the Crucified Jesus. Renew and strengthen my struggling faith. Bring me back by Your grace to the path of salvation as I await the coming of Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, my Rock, my Saviour and Lord. Amen!

Reflection June 15, 2020 One of the ironies of faith is that God often chooses us to accomplish His most important tasks despite our imperfections, not because of our speaking ability, looks, or fitness for the task. God was looking for someone weak enough to use, and He found you and me. When we find our strength in Him, He can use us in ways we could never imagine. A blessed week in Jesus! Reflection June 28, 2020 I said a prayer for you today and know that God must have heard- I felt the answer in my heart although He spoke no word! I didn't ask for wealth or fame (I knew you wouldn't mind)- I asked Him to send treasures of a far more lasting kind! I asked that He'd be near you at the start of each new day to grant you health and blessings and friends to share your way! I asked for happiness for you in all things great and small- but it was for His loving care I prayed the most of all.

A Prayer July 1, 2020 My ever-living God, Almighty Father, may today be full of Your blessings for my family, friends and colleagues. Grant all of us Your constant protection and may be shielded by the precious blood of Jesus from all harm, disease and illness. Strengthen and heal us all in body, mind, heart and soul. Imploring your mercy and grace, enable us to forgive that You may forgive us. Most of all, dwell in us through Your Holy Spirit that we may live a life in all truth and wisdom. We ask all these through the merits of Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever, Amen! A Friday Prayer July 10, 2020 My Ever Living God, Father Almighty: I offer You this day, preserve me. I offer You my soul, sanctify me. I offer You my heart, purify me. I offer You my body, heal me. I offer You my works, encourage me. I offer You those that I truly care for, bless them all for me. In Jesus, Amen!

Prayer July 12, 2020 Almighty and everlasting God, You are the strength to those who suffer and comfort to those who grieve. We, your children who are in trouble is lifting this prayer to you. Loving God. Bless us as we claim your promises of wholeness pray for those who are ill or are suffering loss and long for your healing touch. Energize us, make the weak strong, the sick healthy, the broken whole, and confirm those who serve them as agents of your love. Be with everyone in distress, grant mercy, grant relief, grant refreshment. Empower us, as we begin to rebuild, we commend our neighborhoods to your care. Give us strength of purpose and concern for others, that we may create a community where your will may be done. God of compassion, watch our ways, and weave out of terrible happenings wonders of goodness and grace. Surround those who have been shaken by tragedy with a sense of your present love, and hold them in faith. Though they are lost in grief, may they find you and be comforted; Through Jesus Christ who was dead, but lives and rules this world with you. Amen.

My Litany of the Cross of Christ July 17, 2020 Ever Living and Eternal God, Father Almighty: Thank You for Jesus by whose passion, death and resurrection I am enabled to partake in Your plan of salvation. In His Name, I invoke that - By His agony in the garden, I can overcome the weakness of my flesh and the temptations of the world; By His scourging, I can be purged of any unrighteousness; By His being crowned with thorns, I can persevere with all the sufferings that come my way; By His carrying the Cross, I can have the strength I need to lighten up the burdens of my family and friends; By His Crucifixion, I can bear with Him the pain of my own sins and the sins of the world; By His hands and feet nailed to the Cross, I can withstand the fiery darts of my enemies; By His stripes and pierced body, I can be healed and be a blessing to heal others; By the water and blood that flowed from His five wounds, I can quench my thirst for purity and holiness;

By His last words on the Cross, I can believe in full His promise of paradise and salvation; By His last breath, I can live my struggling faith in all obedience to You and according to Your will. Amen.

A Prayer for Today July 18, 2020 My Ever Living God, Father Almighty: You are the First and the Last, share with me Your eternity; You are the Beginning and the End, my life begins and ends with you; You are the Alpha and the Omega, my hope remains in You now and forever; You are my life and strength, truly You are my every step, my every heart beat, my every breath; You are Most Holy, make me one as I should; You are a loving and caring Father, preserve me, provide for me; You are the absolute truth, save me from the unfaithfulness of men; You are a God of enduring mercy, pardon me and restore me to Your grace; You are my fortress, my stronghold, overcome every tinge of fear, let it flee from me;

You are my all, my everything, I find peace in You in our Garden of prayer. You are God yesterday, today and forever, may You be my destiny. Amen. A Wednesday Prayer July 22, 2020 My Ever Living God, Almighty Father: As a new day comes from Your goodness, see my grateful heart. Knowing that I am nothing without You, may my little faith, a struggling one, be increased and enriched. May I not be tossed by the waves of this world. Keep me from it and deliver me from evil every moment of the day. May my mind and my heart always see my Saviour Jesus in others, family and friends alike, that my love for You and them be constantly inflamed by Your grace. May I go on with this pilgrimage unmindful of troubles, trials, tests and temptations, full of hope that with You, I will ever be glad and content that they too will pass. May You grant me the strength, being my all, my fortress, to overcome complacency, impurity and idleness of my thoughts. And may I find in communion with You and Your Holy Spirit the joy of living in Your Kingdom and everlasting glory, now and forever. Amen.

My Prayer for the Day July 23, 2020 Be exalted Ever Living God, Father Almighty. Thank You for the gift of life and the gift of a new day. Enable me to be always in a state of prayer mindful of Your presence in me. Bless me with Your peace; protect, preserve and provide for us all, friends, colleagues and family. Let me not fall today, but if I do, pull me up to stand and walk still. Let me stay with You as I ask You to stay with me, in Jesus. Amen! My Prayer Today July 24, 2020 My Ever Living God, Father Almighty: Bring me again to my knees more in praise of You, of Jesus, and of the Holy Spirit. Create for me a thankful heart and a life of intimacy with You. Keep me in the Sacred Heart of Jesus, unworthy as I am. Keep me in the palm of Your hand as nothing can separate me from You. Keep me from error and sin in this, Your blessed day. Keep my family and friends in my humbled heart as I intercede for their own intentions. Grant us all today Your peace that surpasses all human understanding. May we all worship You in Spirit and in Truth. Amen.

I KNEEL, I PRAY July 26, 2020 My Ever Living God, God of All, Father Almighty: A holy day of worship dawns upon me. Listen to the praises of my heart. I renew my faith in You, in Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Let me partake of Your abundance of grace and blessings today, including Your mercy. Let me stay with You, my sins besides. Let me not stray, and if I do, get me up to sit, walk and run. By Your power, I will finish the race. The victory is Yours more than mine, for Your greater glory. Keep my family, friends, colleagues and fellow workers and travellers in the palm of Your hand. Let our fear of You be the seed of wisdom and prompt us all to cling to You and be in Your Kingdom. You are our God now and forever. Amen! Beginning of the Week Prayer July 27, 2020 My Ever Living God Almighty, in Jesus: I proclaim You are King of kings and the true one God from glory to glory. Behold a new week for us full of hope, and hope only in You. In these times uncertain, console us with Your Holy Spirit so that our life may be as simple as it can be. With Your rod and staff, free us from the confusion, complexities and contradictions around us. In this troubled world, may we be detached from our self-intetests and selfishness. Instead, enable us

all to embrace and live a life of selflessness, service and sacrifice, all for Your greater honor and glory. Amen! July 28, 2020 I Accept My Lord, Ever Living God, Father Almighty: A new day, a blessed one, is in the offing. In Jesus- I accept the promises, even surprises of a new day, with the hope it brings. I accept Your kingship, Your lordship as You are enthroned in my heart and no one can take me away from You. I accept Your rebuke, Your pardon, for my sins and the weaknesses that hound me as You set me free from them. I accept Your grace to pray for those I care for, even for friends and foes. I accept Your blessing, Your peace, amid this troubled, violent world. I accept Your mission for me to spread the Gospel without need of uttering any word. I accept in all humility of being part of Your kingdom, a humbled servant that I am. All these, for Your glory, now and forever. Amen!

31 July 2020 Gabayan Mo Ako Diyos Ko Sa kaluwalhatian ng Iyong ngalan at ng Iyong Kaharian, nakaluhod akong humihingi ng awa mo at pagpapatawad sa aking mga pagkukulang, pagmamalabis, kapangahasan, kahangalan at kasalanan. Diyos Kang tunay na mahabagin at sa awa mong walang hanggan, mangyari nawang makapagbalik loob ako sa Iyo at sa Iyong Kaharian. Sa pag-ibig mong tunay, sa busilak Mong puso, sa pagmamahal mo sa aba mong kinapal, iparamdam Mo tuwi-tuwina yaring Iyong pagkupkop at pagpapala. Mangibabaw nawa sa lahat ng oras ang pagsunod sa nais mo, at makapanuparan nawa ako sa mga kautangan ko sa kapwa ko. Ang pagkalinga mo sa Iyong lingkod ay walang katapusan, at nawa ang pagmamalasakit ko mga mahal ko at mga kaibigan ay mapantayan ang lubos mong pag-aaruga sa kanilang lahat. Sumaiyo ang Kaluwaltian na walang hanggan, sa Ngalan ni Hesus, Panginoon at Tagapaglitas! Amen.

The Heart: A Prayer August 2, 2020 My ever Living God, Father Almighty, in Jesus, my Lord and Saviour, and in unity with the Holy Spirit, I offer You today my joys and sufferings, in reparation for my sins and plead, with a repentant soul cleansed by Your mercy: Make me a heart that makes You my everything. Make me a heart ever grateful for Your peace and blessings. Make me a heart single hearted to the Gospel and Your Scriptures. Make me a heart ever mindful of the abundance of Your mercy and grace. Make me a heart that seeks and yields to the Sacraments. Make me a heart constantly in a state of prayer for my country and fellowmen. Make me a heart that keeps close my family and friends with open hands. Make me a heart so pure, free from self-righteousness intent in doing what is good, true and just. Make me a heart eternally ready to serve others without expecting any reward or recognition. And,

Make me a heart near the Heart of Jesus for my salvation and the salvation of the world. Amen. Teach Me, Jesus August 3, 2020 My Lord Jesus Christ, teach me to be sweet and gentle in all the events of my life: in disappointments, in the thoughtlessness of others, in the insincerity of those I've trusted, in the unfaithfulness of those on whom I relied. Let me put myself aside to think of the happiness of others; to hide my little pains and heartaches so that I may be the only one to suffer from them. Teach me to profit by the suffering that comes across my path. Let me use it that it may mellow me, not harden or embitter me; that it may make me broad in my forgiveness, not narrow or haughty and overbearing. May no one be less good for having come within my influence, no one less pure, less true, less kind, less noble for having been a fellow traveller in our journey towards eternal life. As I go my rounds from one distraction to another, let me whisper from time to time a word of love to you. May my life be lived in the supernatural, full of power for good and strong in its purpose of sanctity. Amen.

A Prayer of Repentance August 4, 2020 My ever Living God, Father Almighty, in Jesus, I give You praise and exalt You to the high heavens, and above all the earth. As I pray for You to bless me, enable me to be a blessing, not a burden to others. As You \"enlarge my territory\" in the service of others, let me abide in the authenticity and purity of a heart like Jesus. I pray as always not to cause pain to others. Knowing that I hurt them due to my fallen nature, bring me to true repentance and perfect contrition. Humbled by Your discipline, be merciful to blot out my sinful stain, even my errant character. But as I have fallen, do lift me up again to bring me back to Your grace. My offense is before You and in guilt I come to You. Heal my imprudence and recklessness and lead my thoughts, words and actions to please You, with no harm, pain or suffering to anyone who comes my way. I implore still Your enduring mercy to make me worthy of the respect of my fellowmen. Mend my brokenness, free me from extremes, from discontent and self-doubt. Let me be still to know Your perfect will. Praise to You forever and ever. Amen!

A Prayer for Healing August 5, 2020 My ever Living God, Father Almighty, in Jesus and with the Holy Spirit: Grant me the grace today to pray for healing of body, heart, mind and soul, not only for myself but for everyone I pray for and care for, family, friends, colleagues and fellow travellers. May You renew in each one of us an immeasurable faith that by the stripes and wounds of Jesus, we can, and will be, restored. I invoke Your mercy and pity for the suffering and the ones in pain for the maladies that have afflicted them, including those diseased by the deadly virus plaguing the world. May the food and medication we take be blessed as effective cure and treatment for our illnesses. If they fail to provide the remedy we need, we trust that You can give us Your miraculous touch to bring us the vigor and strength we need. With our humbled, contrite heart, we receive in abiding faith Your forgiveness and nourishment that comes with it. As You make us whole, create in us a thankful heart, ever grateful of the hope and healing that You bless us with. To complete the healing, we commend our spirit and soul to You that those we have caused pain, those who have injured and those we have offended, may be kept in the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be consoled. Heal all of us, Christ Jesus! Amen.

A First Friday Prayer August 7, 2020 My Ever Living God, Father Almighty, in Jesus and with the Holy Spirit, I pray: That I may exult and praise You today, in my thoughts, words and acts. Free my heart and soul from the stain of error and sin and make me worthy to enthrone You in my wounded heart. May I implore Your mercy and love that You may save the world, all Your faithful. Bring the faithless, the hopeless, the restless, back to Your fold and loving care. May the Sacred Heart of Jesus give light and radiance to all amid our confusion, given the tests, trials and troubles of the day. Yes, Father, You are our All in all, and without You in our life and in faith walk, we are nothing, and cannot do anything. We ask that You empower us and claim by Your grace, that no one, no power, can separate us from the love of Christ Jesus, Our Saviour, now and forever. Amen A LOVING HEART shares what is good, heals what is hurting, does what is possible, and understands without judging. Everything that has a beginning has an end, so forget the past, move on... plan for the future, and enjoy the moment. There are moments God strips us of every thing, so that we can have nothing... For only then, can we realize or remember that when we have nothing, we have Him...

He is more than enough, for with Him we have everything. *+

A Sunday Prayer Recalled August 9, 2020 Ever Living God, Father Almighty, in Jesus and with the Holy Spirit, I pray that: I may receive Your Gospel today with all wisdom, understanding and openness. May I live in this borrowed life every word of it and encourage me to put its lessons to action. Beyond my Amen and paying lip service to Your teachings, let me learn and re-learn them. Let every verse pierce my heart, my very soul, like an arrow that the wounds and scars it leaves become part of my character as Your child. Let my words, even my thoughts, throughout this blessed day be anchored on Your Scriptures. May You cover me and all those I pray for and care for with the most precious blood of Jesus, our perfect shield of protection. For all these, may I be enabled to give You, my Lord and my God, all the honor and glory, now and forever. Amen. Alleluia!

A Re-Commitment August 10, 2020 Ever Living God, Almighty Father, in Jesus and with the Holy Spirit, I humbly pray: That with a thankful heart, ever grateful of Your goodness, accept our praise for Your Kingdom and bringing all of us to Your fold. Mindful that we are unworthy as our sins are before us, blot out our guilt and in Your mercy, restore us to Your grace. Enable us all to listen and embrace Your Divine messages during this pandemic. We need You to protect us, to save us, and to pull as back to the path of salvation. We need You, Lord God, to heal us, in body, mind, heart and soul. If there is anything amiss in us, fill us all up and bring us in right standing with You. We count on Your love, do not forsake us and we believe You never will. In Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen!

The Kingdom August 12, 2020 My ever Living God, Father Almighty, in Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit, I worship You in Spirit and in truth. I confess Your kingship, as You are King of Kings, and Your Kingdom is at hand, and it has no end. Knowing from You that I cannot serve two masters, I choose You. Put me in Your service, always a humbled servant. As I do Your bidding to go forth, rid me of spots in my soul and character. May I share with You the victory over every whim, malice and caprice that has no place in my heart, as Your Spirit dwells in me as His temple. In living out Your kingdom principles of love and life in Christ, I invoke the equally important commandment of loving others as myself. Make me a servant then in Your kingdom, a servant to serve others, and not to serve myself. Make me serve but make me selfless. In Jesus, Amen.

Blessed Hope August 12, 2020 My Ever Living God, Father Almighty, in Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, I welcome this new day in praise of You. My ever grateful heart is full of hymns of thanksgiving. I entrust to you my thoughts, words and actions today that they may all please You, not offend You or anyone. Pour upon the heap of blessings You promised and grant still Your unending protection for all, my family, friends, colleagues, fellow workers and travellers. Enable me to stay the course of salvation and by Your grace, bless me to be a blessing to others. Let me do the good I should without regard to reward and recognition. Let this be a day for me of service, sacrifice and selflessness. Let this be a day that my works match my faith and prayers, truly a day of glory for You and Your Name. In Jesus, Amen.

Daily Cup August 14, 2020 Lord God, my waking up is a first and welcome blessing of this new day. Thank you, and with expectant hope, may You pour out upon me and those I pray and care Your other countless blessings of the day. Your grace is constant, abundant, and most important to me, grant it. I continue to seek Your mercy, endless and enduring, in bended knees. Help me remember that I came from You, and I will end with You. In this borrowed life and breath then, strengthen and empower me to live through these trying times, hoping in Your goodness, that You will not forsake anyone, and forgive and save us all, Your children. Yes, Lord, ever Living God, remain a loving and caring Father to all of us. In Jesus, Amen. Contentment August 16, 2020 My Lord, my God, Father Almighty, in Jesus and with the Holy Spirit, I welcome this day in peace, and pray: May Your Name be blessed now and forever. Enable me to live the truth of the Gospel. Bring joy to me even in my pain, hurt and suffering. Let me experience Your healing in my body, heart and soul. Calm me and give me what it needs to reject what the world offers. Melt my heart but mend it that I may have it after Yours, free from the cares of ordinary life. May I find and accept what

I have, enough to be truly at peace with You and the people that I care and always pray for. In Jesus, Amen. COMPASSION August 17, 2020 My Lord, my God, Father Almighty, in Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit, receive my praise and thanksgiving for this day that You have made, ushering in a new week of hope, and I pray: You are the beginning and end of it all, my life and this world. On borrowed time, very limited, I need the hope that my purpose will be fulfilled in You, according to Your will. As You are my All in all, let me embrace Jesus to have Your holiness, compassion and perfection even a tiny bit of each. By Your grace, may my faith increase to get through the eye of the needle, even if that faith is as small as a mustard seed. Jesus, my teacher, my master, let me learn from you and follow those footprints, for Your name's sake and the glory of the Father, forever and ever. Amen.

COURAGE August 18, 2020 My Lord and my God, Father Almighty, in Jesus and with the Holy Spirit, I offer You with gladness my joy and sufferings of this day. I firmly believe that the load I must carry will simply be matched by the strength I can draw from You any moment. You remain to me the Holy Mighty God who keeps me from harm's way and any misfortune. You direct the steps I take, the decisions I make, given that by Your Holy will, You control my life, yes, my heart and soul, to Your goodness, and nowhere else. If by any chance I stray, pull me back to Your path, and pull me up if I fall again. May the radiance of Your light shine upon everyone I hold dear, family and friends alike. I give You praise and thanks, in Jesus, Amen. My Daily Prayer August 19, 2020 Pray, Pray, Pray Heavenly Father, ever Living God, in Jesus, and with the Holy Spirit, walk with me today and grant that I may hear Your footsteps, and gladly follow where they lead. Talk to me today and grant that I may hear Your tender voice, and quicken to its counsel. Stay with me today and grant that I may feel Your gentle presence in all I do, say and think. Be my strength when I weaken, my courage when I fear. Help me to know that it is Your hand holding mine throughout the day. And when night falls down, grant that I may know that I am gathered to Your Sacred Heart to sleep in love and peace. Amen.

Holy Promises August 20, 2020 One Minute Prayer \"So do not throw away your confidence, it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what He has promised.\" (Hebrews 10: 35- 36) Father Almighty, ever Living God, my Everything, You have given me so much. Today, my offering is one of thanks and a willing spirit but this is small compared to the expanse of Your mercy. Yet I have confidence that You received the gift of my days with graciousness . . .it is Your way. I carry Your love with me through good and bad times. I pay attention to my blessings because they direct me back to the hand of the Giver. Each day, as today, reveals the rewards of faith lived out. I hunger for a deeper understanding of my purpose under heaven. Give me the courage to do Your will. Open up my heart and my life, so I can fully receive the promises You have for me. In Jesus, Amen.

Follow The Leader August 21, 2020 One Minute Prayer \"Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God, may Your good Spirit lead me to level ground.\" (Psalm 143:10) Lord, where You lead, I will follow. I pray that You will take me from the slippery slope of my way and direct me to the level landscape of Your will. Today and everyday, I want to seek Your teaching, dear Teacher and Master. Let the lessons You have for me be apparent every moment You are presenting them. When I can learn from my past, please help me reflect on those times and heal me so I can be whole, healthy and ready to receive whatever is next in obedience to the will of the Father Almighty. In Jesus, Amen. A Prayer Recalled August 22, 2020 Praise and glory to you, Ever Living God, my Almighty Father. I am a son to you so I proclaim your greatness as a Father. You are a Father to all and You gave us Your only Son to save us. By Your Holy Spirit, turn me inside out, upside down, and rock, shake and wake me to holiness and purity, to a life of obedience, You have called me to. By that same Spirit, let me accept the things I cannot change but inspire me to change and bring out the good and truth in me. You have called me to

perfection yet I can only offer You a true contrite and repentant heart. Let me love You, Father, and live this out in loving those around me, family and friends alike. Being generous, patient and considerate to them, is a good start, by Your grace, in Jesus, Amen! A Prayer at Dawn August 23, 2020 My dear Father Almighty, as You bring the sun out, let its rays touch us, Your people. Let its brightness propel us to hope for the renewal of the whole wide world. Let its heat warm our cold, at times, indifferent, heart, that we may be prompted to help those in need, in our own modest way. As the sun gives light, may Your radiance shine in us as we choose and act to help one another in these trying and distressing times. We may be uncaring but You are not, so we plead the Holy Name of Jesus to cover one and all with Your providential love, to heed Your call to a life giving repentance and to welcome in joy, the renewal of this nation and the rest of the world. By Your abundant unlimited grace, restore us all, to a life of faith freed from the snares of the world, the devil and the flesh. Your victory is our triumph and salvation from despair, desolation and destruction. We believe You are our God, the only God. Amen!

Healing August 24, 2020 Ever Living God, in Christ Jesus and with the Divine Paraclete, I offer You the soul and divinity of Your dearly Son, our Saviour and Lord, again pleading for Your mercy. Put my sins aside and the blemish they did to my soul. This new day, this new week, I implore You to be as loving, caring, good and gracious for those of us, family, friends and colleagues, who are suffering from maladies that do not come from You, an oppression caused by the evil one. Come to our rescue and put away the origin and cause of our affliction and illness. Restore in us that faith when You healed the lame, the blind, the bleeding, the possessed, and even bringing to life the dead. Truly there is nothing impossible for You. Heal us then in body, heart, mind and soul and instead of self- reliance, pride, conceit, duplicity and indifference, grant us all Your virtues of humility, faithfulness, service, charity and most of all, love for our fellowmen. As You heal us, pour upon us the most precious blood of Jesus, in whose Holy Name, we claim and believe, we are truly healed. Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit August 25, 2020 Ever Living God, Father Almighty, in Jesus, I ask for the Holy Spirit to come and fill me with Your holy gifts. Let my weakness be penetrated with Your strength this day that I may fulfill my duties concient iously, that I may do what is right and just. Let my charity be such as to offend no one, and hurt no one's feelings, so generous as to pardon sincerely any wrong done to me. Assist me, O Holy Spirit, in all my trials in life, enlighten me in my ignorance, advise me in my doubts, strenthen me in my weakness, help me in all my needs, protect me in temptations and console me in afflictions. Graciously hear me, O Holy Spirit, and pour Your light into my heart, soul and mind. Assist me to live a holy life and to grow in goodness and grace. In the Name of Jesus, I pray all these. Amen.

A Prayer I Share August 26, 2020 Father Almighty, ever Living God, in Jesus and with the Holy Spirit, I welcome this new day full of excitement. I offer to You first the praise and glory You rightfully deserve. There is a feeling of hope that comes from my heart that will make this day like any ordinary day but so special under Your watchful eyes. I see Your companionship in my isolation and believe that I will be in a continued state of prayer. There is even fervor building up to pray for a lot of people whom You allowed to come my way. I pray for their healing as they need Your loving touch. I pray that You give them provision in this time of great need. I pray for Your consolation for those in grief. I pray for peace for those in distress and trouble; grant them Your peace that passes all understanding. I pray for those lost in life, those living a life without a purpose or mission, that You may show them the path to service, sacrifice and salvation. I pray for those who are unbelieving that they may be engulfed by the Holy Spirit and embraced by the Good Shepherd and be found by Him as a lost sheep, even welcomed by You, as a prodigal son, lost and found. Be exalted as I bless and lift Your Mighty Name to the high heavens, in Jesus, with the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, forever and ever. Thank You for hearing me out Lord God. Amen.

28 August 2020 \"The Kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise. The foolish ones, when taking their lamps, brought no oil with them, but the wise brought flasks of oil with their lamps.\" (Mt25:1-4) \"Therefore, stay awake, for you know neither the day nor the hour.\" (Mt25:13) Reflection: Readiness isn't just about preparation, but wisdom. Preparation is an important part of discipleship. God calls us to serve at any time and we may or may not know what He is asking us to do. The most important aspect of our preparation is listening to the Lord's voice. Through this, we will know what He wants us to do. LORD, GIVE ME THE GRACE TO PREACH THE GOSPEL THROUGH THE FRUIT IT BEARS IN MY LIFE. MAKE MY HEART ALWAYS READY FOR YOUR SECOND COMING, LORD. AMEN.

A Thursday Prayer September 3, 2020 My Lord and my God, I begin this new day in thanksgiving for the gift of life. I breathe, my heart beats and I sit, stand and walk, by Your gracious will. Going through the day, let me be always mindful that Your sacredness is in me through Your Holy Spirit. By that same Spirit dwelling in me, free me from being self- righteous and from the temptation to self-will. Liberate me from the slightest tendency to judge and think ill of my fellowmen. Deliver me from what the world, the flesh and the evil one offers. Lift me up when I stumble upon the humps and bumps of life. Let me soar in eagle's wings simply empowered by the sheer faith I have in You, a God much bigger than my worries, issues and concerns. You are a living and awesome God. Be with me today! Alleluia! Amen.

A Prayer I Share September 4, 2020 My Lord and my God, thank You for the rest and refreshing sleep. Thank You, too, for a new unfolding day. I pray for a day to serve You beyond my supplications. My desires and wants are known to You but make them all pleasing and acceptable to You. Let every minute, every moment, remind me that You are with me in Your ever Merciful Advocate, the Holy Spirit. As You are a faithful God, may Your goodness and truth shine in me. May everything I think, say and do, be a reflection that I am an image of You, and in the likeness of You. May my life today be full of hope for Your grace, mercy and healing. I pray all these, in Jesus' name. Amen.

Reflection September 4, 2020 \"Can you make the wedding guests fast while the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come, and when the bridegroom is taken away from them, then they will fast in those days.\" (Lk5:34-35) Reflection: Fasting and other practices of self-mortification are helpful for prayer; thus, central to a healthy Christian life. Depriving ourselves of food for a short time is also a healthy practice as it gives our bodies the chance to clean up from lingering chemicals and toxins. Fasting heightens our attentiveness and clarity of thought as well. To fast according to Jesus is to realize that without Him, we can never have a real joy; so it is when we confess our sins before Him who is our one true judge. LORD JESUS, DEEPEN MY RELATIONSHIP WITH YOU SO THAT I WILL LEARN TO TRUST YOU MORE AND MORE EACH DAY. AMEN.

A Saturday Prayer, September 5, 2020 Dear Lord, with a heart grateful to You, a heart still repentant, grant that this day be one where I can see the Holy Face of Jesus on those without food and shelter, on the hopeless and the helpless, and on the very sick and the dying. May You empower and enable me to lift a finger or two to be of help and consolation to them by giving them my hand, even of putting my arms around them. May my touch and embrace bring them the warmth of Your care and concern they have been longing for and rightfully deserve. Give me courage and strength not to be weighed down by their burdens, and instead, may You use me to be an instrument of Your comfort, healing and generosity, without any recompense, reward or recognition. With Your eyes of love penetrating the depths of their souls, renew their faith, restore their dignity and revive their hope, in Jesus, Amen.

A Sunday Prayer, September 6, 2020 My Lord, my God, this holy day of rest, let me gather my strength from a week of labor. Allow me to draw from You my every breath and every ounce of energy. Make me mindful throughout this day that my everyday is for You in the service of others for Your further glory. Make my self-sufficiency give way to a total dependence on You. Truly, I am nothing, and without You, I cannot do anything. You are everything, and I ask of You to grant me without fail, a persevering faith. Let me move mountains and create rivers around the barriers and hindrances of my walk on the path Jesus has shown. Pardon my persistence as this only comes from Your in dwelling Holy Spirit who prompts and inspires my heart and soul. I recognize that I have asked of You the same things over and over again. But You know that I do so because You desire me to pray, pray and pray. Give me the constancy and consistency of that disposition then as it is ever enabling to make me safe, secure and sound in this life of almost total isolation in this trying time. I embrace the foot of Your cross, dear Christ Jesus. Amen.

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