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gutarati to english

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„wsht‚e - yk„úuS ðneðxe þçŒftuþ Gujarati - English Administrative Dictionary ¼t»tt r™Þt{f, „wsht‚ htßÞ, „tkÄe™„h Director of Languages, Gujarat State, Gandhinagar

© ¼t»tt r™Þt{f™e f[uhe, © Directorate of Languages, „wsht‚ htßÞ, Gujarat State, „tkÄe™„h. Gandhinagar. «Út{ ytð]Â¥t : 2005 First edition : 2005 ®f{‚ Y. Price Rs. «ftþf : Publisher : ¼t»tt r™Þt{f, Director of Languages, „wsht‚ htßÞ, Gujarat State, ç÷tuf ™k. 6, «Út{ {t¤, Block No. 6, First Floor, ztì. Sðhts {nu‚t ¼ð™, Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan, „tkÄe™„h - 382010 Gandhinagar - 382010 {wÿf : Printer : Ëhfthe {wÿýt÷Þ, Government Press, ðztuŒht Vadodara ftìBÃÞwxhefhý : Computerisation: RLzuût-ƒe, iNDEXTb, Wãtu„ ¼ð™, Udyog Bhavan, „tkÄe™„h - 382 011 Gandhinagar - 382 011

qqqqqqqqqqqrqrqrqrqrqrqqqrrqrqrqrqrqrqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqrqrqrqrqrqrrqqq …qðo¼qr{ft ¼t»tt yuf r™hk‚h ðnu‚e Ërh‚t™t «ðtn suðe Au. ¼t»tt Ë‚‚ rðftËþe÷ hnu Au. „wsht‚ hts¼t»tt yrÄr™Þ{, 1961™u y™w÷ûte™u, Ë{„ú ðneðxe‚kºt™e ¼t»tt™u ÷tuftr¼{w¾ fhðt™wk ¼„ehÚt ftÞo …qýo fhðt{tk ytÔÞwk. „wsht‚e hts¼t»tt ntuðt™u fthýu htßÞ™tu ðneðx ðÄw™u ðÄw ÷tuftr¼{w¾ ƒLÞtu Au. Ëhfth™tk y™ufrðÄ ™¬h ftÞtuo ‚u{s rðftË™e y™uf Âûtr‚òu rðM‚hðtÚte Ëhfth™e «ð]Â¥tytu™tu ÔÞt… ðæÞtu Au. ‚uÚte, yt f[uheyu 1987{tk ‘rºt¼t»te ðneðxe þçŒftuþ' (yk„úuS- „wsht‚e-rnLŒe) «ftrþ‚ fÞtuo n‚tu. yt þçŒftuþ™u ‘ËkMfth yìðtuzo’ yu™tÞ‚ fhðt{tk ytÔÞtu Au. ht»xÙeÞ M‚hu Ë{t™‚t ò¤ððt™t nu‚wÚte Wõ‚ ftuþ{tk fuLÿ Ëhfth™e f[uheytu{tk ð…ht‚t fux÷tf ðneðxe þçŒtu™u yu s Y…u Mðefthðt{tk ytÔÞt Au y™u ‚u™t „wsht‚e-rnLŒe …ÞtoÞtu yt…ðt{tk ytÔÞt Au. htßÞ ðneðx{tk ð…ht‚t yk„úuS ðneðxe þçŒtu™t „wsht‚e …ÞtoÞtu yt þçŒftuþ{tkÚte Ëh¤‚t…qðof òýe þftþu. htßÞ™e hts¼t»tt ‚hefu „wsht‚e™t ÔÞt… y™u rðftË™u fthýu „wsht‚e ¼t»tt{tk y™uf ™ðt ðneðxe þçŒtu rðfËtððt{tk ytÔÞt Au, þtuÄðt{tk ytÔÞt Au y™u Mðefthðt{tk ytÔÞt Au. …rhýt{MðY…u „wsht‚e ðneðxe þçŒtu™t yk„úuS …ÞtoÞtu Œþtoð‚t yuf þçŒftuþ™e ‚t‚e sYrhÞt‚ Q¼e ÚtE. fux÷tf Ëhfthe rð¼t„tu/f[uheytu y™u ÔÞÂõ‚ytu ‚hVÚte ytðtu þçŒftuþ «rËØ ÚttÞ ‚u {txu™e …qA…hA y™u {t„ýe Ë‚‚ Út‚e n‚e fthý fu fux÷tf rfMËt{tk ‚u{ýu htßÞ Ëhfth, fuLÿ Ëhfth, Wå[ LÞtÞt÷Þtu y™u Ëðtuoå[ yŒt÷‚ ËtÚtu yk„úuS{tk Ëhfthe …ºtÔÞðnth fhðt™tu ntuÞ Au. …hk‚w „wsht‚e-yk„úuS ðneðxe þçŒftuþ W…÷çÄ ™ n‚tu. ‚uÚte „wsht‚e ðneðxe þçŒtu™t yk„úuS …ÞtoÞtu þtuÄe þftÞ ‚u{ ™ n‚t. ½ýt ÷tkƒt Ë{Þ™e yt sYrhÞt‚™u æÞt™{tk ÷E™u, „wsht‚ Ëhfth™t Ët{tLÞ ðneðx rð¼t„ ‚hVÚte {¤u÷ {ksqhe y™wËth „wsht‚e-yk„úuS ðneðxe þçŒftuþ ‚iÞth fhðt yk„u™e ft{„ehe ntÚt Ähðt{tk ytðe. ¼t»tt r™Þt{f™t yæÞût…Œ nuX¤ rðrðÄ ûtuºttu{tkÚte …tk[ ¼t»tt-‚ß¿ttu™e ƒ™u÷e Ër{r‚ ‚u{s ËÇÞ Ër[ð ‚hefu ™tÞƒ ¼t»tt r™Þt{f ©e yu÷.fu . hturn‚™t rŒþtËq[f {t„oŒþo™ nuX¤ yt þçŒftuþ™e ft{„ehe ÞtuøÞ he‚u Ëk…Òt fhðt{tk ytðe Au. ytþhu …tk[ ð»to™t Ë{Þ„t¤t Œhr{Þt™ yt Ër{r‚yu „wsht‚e ¼t»tt y™u ‚u™t yk„úuS …ÞtoÞtu™u yt¾he Y… ytÃÞwk Au. su{tk „út{ …k[tÞ‚Úte ÷E™u htßÞ y™u fuLÿ Ëhfth ‚u{s yŒt÷‚tu™t htusƒhtus™t ðneðx{tk ð…ht‚t „wsht‚e þçŒtu™u Ë{tððt{tk ytÔÞt Au. ‚ƒeƒe, {trn‚e, ËkŒuþtÔÞðnth, «Ëth {tæÞ{tu, «tiãtur„fe ‚u{s ytÄwr™f rð¿tt™ ð„uhu{tk ð…ht‚t „wsht‚e™t rðrðÄ þçŒtu™t yk„úuS rqrqrqrqrqrqqqqqqqq

qqqqqqqqqqqrqrqrqrqrqrqqqrrqrqrqrqrqrqqqqqqqq qqqqqqqqqqqrqrqrqrqrqrrqqq …ÞtoÞtu™tu …ý ‚u{tk Ë{tðuþ fhðt{tk ytÔÞtu Au; su …ife fux÷tf þçŒtu™t yk„úuS yÚto £uL[ ¼t»tt{tk …ý yt…ðt{tk ytÔÞt Au. yt ftuþ{tk „wsht‚e þçŒtu™tu ðýo¢{ ‘‘ËtÚto „qsht‚e òuzýeftuþ'' {wsƒ ht¾ðt™tu yt„ún ht¾ðt{tk ytÔÞtu Au, …hk‚w ftìBÃÞwxh™e {ÞtoŒt™t fthýu ËkÞwõ‚ þçŒtu, Aqxt þçŒtu ‚u{s ðå[u ÷½whu¾tðt¤t þçŒtu™tu ¢{ ‘‘ËtÚto òuzýeftuþ'' {wsƒ ò¤ðe þftÞtu ™Úte. htßÞ Ëhfth™e ftìBÃÞwxhefhý™e ™er‚ y™wËth yt þçŒftuþ™e ftìBÃÞwxh Ëeze …ý ‚iÞth fhðt{tk ytðe Au. „wsht‚e-yk„úuS ¼t»tt™t …ht{þoftu W…htk‚ yt þçŒftuþ™e ft{„ehe Ëthe he‚u …th …tzðt {txu f[uhe™e ËkþtuÄ™ þt¾t™t ËkƒkrÄ‚ yrÄfthe y™u f{o[theytuyu …ý ftuþ™u {n¥t{ W…Þtu„e ƒ™tððt {txu r™ct…qðof y™u «þkË™eÞ ft{„ehe fhe Au. yt þçŒftuþ ‚iÞth fhðt{tk yuf Þt ƒeS he‚u suytu ËntÞY… ƒLÞt Au ‚uðt ‚{t{ …ht{þoftu, ‚ß¿ttu, yrÄftheytu y™u f{o[the ¼tR-ƒnu™tu™tu nwk ӌޅqðof yt¼th {t™wk Awk. yt þçŒftuþ ‚iÞth fhðt{tk ™e[u™t ËÇÞ©eytuyu …tu‚t™e {t™Œ Ëuðtytu yt…e Au. 1. ©e …kfs¼tE ò™e, yt[tÞo©e, ftì{Ëo ftì÷us, „tkÄe™„h. 2. ©e rºtf{¼tE …xu÷, r™ð]¥t «tæÞt…f. 3. ©e fu. yu{. {uÚÞw, «tæÞt…f, ftì{Ëo ftì÷us, „tkÄe™„h. 4. ©e fwkŒ™÷t÷ S. ÔÞtË, r™ð]¥t «tæÞt…f. 5. ©e rŒ™uþ[kÿ htð¤, r™ð]¥t «tæÞt…f. 6. ©e ƒt. {. þtn, r™ð]¥t ™tÞƒ ¼t»tt r™Þt{f. 7. ©e yk. ƒ. htXtuz, r™ð]¥t {ŒŒ™eþ ¼t»tt r™Þt{f. yt þçŒftþu ™t ftBì ÃÞxw hefhý™e ft{„ehe Ën»to …ýq o fhe yt…™th RLzûu t ƒe, Wãt„u ¼ð™, „tkÄe™„h™t yrÄfthe/f{o[the„ý™tu …ý nwk yt¼th {t™wk Awk. AuÕ÷u, yt ftuþ™wk Ëw½z-ËwkŒh {wÿýft{ fhe yt…ðt ƒŒ÷ ðztuŒht {æÞMÚt {wÿýt÷Þ™tu …ý nwk Éý Mðefth fhwk Awk. yt ftuþ Ënw Ëhfthe yrÄftheytu/f{o[theytu ‚u{s y™wðtŒftu™u W…Þtu„e y™u {t„oŒþof ƒ™þu yuðe ©Øt Au. „tkÄe™„h ðhŒhts …krz‚ ‚t. 31-3-2005 ¼t»tt r™Þt{f rqrqrqrqrqrqqqqqqqq

** & Introduction & ** Language is like a flow of continuously flowing river. Language is continuously developing. In pursuance of the Gujarat official Languages Act, 1961, the strenuous task of switching over the language of the entire administration was completed. The administration of the State has become more and more people- oriented because of Gujarati as an official language. Owing to many fold functions of the Government and more areas of development, activities of the Government have been expanded. Therefore, this Directorate had published Trilingual Administrative Dictionary (English-Gujarati- Hindi) in 1987. SANSKAR AWARD has been conferred to this dictionary. With a view to maintaining equality at national level some administrative words being used in the offices of the Central Government have been accepted in the same form and Gujarati-Hindi equivalents have been given therein. As a result Gujarati equivalents of the English administrative words being used in the State Administration can be found easily from the said dictionary. With the extent and development of Gujarati as an official language of the state, many new administrative words in Gujarati language have been developed, coined and accepted, resulting which a need of one dictionary giving English equivalents of Gujarati administrative words was highly felt. Inquiries and demands for such dictionary were being made by some Government departments/offices and individuals because they have to enter into official correspondence in English with other State Governments and the Central Government, High Courts, Supreme Court in some cases. But Gujarati- English Administrative Dictionary was not available from which one can find English equivalents of Gujarati administrative words. Taking this long felt need into account, in pursuance of the sanction received from the General Administration Department, Government of Gujarat, the work of preparing Gujarati-English Administrative Dictionary was undertaken. The work of this dictionary has been completed under the guidance of a committee comprising five experts of language from various fields under the chairmanship of the Director of Languages and Shri L.K. Rohit, Deputy Director of Languages as a member secretary. This committee has properly finalized many words of Gujarati language and their English equivalents during the period of &about five years. This dictionary includes Gujarati words being used in day-to-day administration right from Gram Panchayat to the State and Central Government as well as courts. English equivalents of various Gujarati words being used in &

** && ** medical, information, communication, media, technology, modern sciences etc. are also given. Moreover French words have also been given as an English equivalents for some Gujarati words. The alphabetic order of gujarati words in this dictionary has been maintained as per ‘‘Sarth Goojarati Jodnikosh'' but due to some limitations of the computer, the alphabetic order of some Gujarati words having space inbetween or hyphen and conjuction could not be maintained. As per the computerization policy of the state Government, the C.D. of this dictionary has also been prepared. Besides the consultants of Gujarati and English languages, the officers and staff of the Research Branch of this Directorate have made sincere and commendable efforts to make this dictionary as possible as utmost useful. I am thankful to the consultants, experts, officers and the staff at this juncture, who had become helpful in one way or other in preparation of this dictionary. The following members have rendered their honorary services during the work of preparation of this dictionary. 1. Shri Pankajbhai Jani, Principal, Commerce College, Gandhinagar. 2. Shri Trikambhai Patel, Retd. Professor. 3. Shri K.M. Mathew, Professor, Commerce College, Gandhinagar. 4. Shri Kundanlal J. Vyas, Retd. Professor. 5. Shri Dineshchandra Rawal, Retd. Professor. 6. Shri B.M. Shah, retired Dy. Director of Languages. 7. Shri A.B. Rathod, retired Assistant Director of Languages. I am also thankful to the officers/employees of iNDEXTb, Udyog Bhavan, Gandhinagar who completed computerisation of the dictionary. Lastly, I owe a debt of gratitude to the Central Press, Vadodara for clean and beautiful printing work. I hope that this dictionary will be useful and guiding to Government officers/ employees as well as translators. &Gandhinagar Varadraj Pandit Director of Languages Dated : 31-3-2005 &

‘‘„wsht‚e - yk„úuS ðneðxe þçŒftuþ’’{tk Œþtoðu÷t Ëkûtu…tûthtu™e Ë{sq‚e ™e[u {wsƒ Au :- (yÚto.) - yÚtoþt† (ft.) - ft™q™e (f].) - f]r»t (‚.) - ‚ƒeƒe (‚f.) - ‚fr™fe (¼qM‚h.) - ¼qM‚hþt† ({wÿ.) - {wÿý (hts.) - hts™er‚ (hËt.) - hËtÞýþt† (÷~f.) - ÷~fh (rþ.) - rþûtý

y™¢w {rýfk ðýo …]c ™k. ðýo …]c ™k. y .................. 1 z .................. 175 yt .................. 39 Z .................. 176 R .................. 57 ‚ .................. 177 E .................. 58 Út .................. 190 W .................. 58 Œ .................. 191 Q .................. 69 Ä .................. 207 É .................. 71 ™ .................. 212 yu .................. 72 … .................. 241 yi .................. 76 V .................. 290 ytu .................. 77 ƒ .................. 297 yti .................. 79 ¼ .................. 317 f .................. 81 { .................. 329 ¾ .................. 113 Þ .................. 362 „ .................. 124 h .................. 365 ½ .................. 137 ÷ .................. 381 [ .................. 140 ð .................. 389 A .................. 149 þ .................. 430 s .................. 153 »t .................. 440 Í .................. 169 Ë .................. 440 x .................. 171 n .................. 501 X .................. 174 «ftþ™tu y™u «ð]Â¥tytu 512

y yft¤u sL{u÷wk - Abortive; premature born yft¤u sL{u÷wk ƒt¤f - Abortive child; yfztE - Stiffness (2)Arrogance yfÚt™eÞ/yfÚÞ - Inexpressible premature child yfƒkÄ - Intact yfƒkÄ Ëe÷ - Seal intact y®f[™ - Indigent; pauper; poor yfhý - Non-feasance y®f[™ Œtðtu - Pauper suit yfhtkr‚Þwk - Glutton y®f[™ ™Úte yu{ Xhtððwk - Dispauper yf÷tí{f - Inartistic y®f[™ ÷tuftu™tu ðfe÷ - Pauper pleader yfÕÃÞ - Inconceivable; unimaginable y®f[™‚t - Pauperism; poverty; destitution yfËeh - Effectual;efficacious; effective yfef - Cornelian; agate yfËeh R÷ts - Panacea; effective remedy yfwŒh‚e - Unnatural; artificial yfM{t‚ - Accident; unfortunate occurrence; yfwþ÷ - Unskilled; inefficient; incompetent; unforeseen event; casualty; casualities inapt; inexpert yfM{t‚ …uxe - Accident chest yfwþ¤‚t - Inefficiency; inaptitude; yfM{t‚ ÷t¼ - Accident benefit yfM{t‚ ð¤‚h rxÙçÞw™÷ - Accident Claim incompetence Tribunal yf]rºt{ - Inartificial; natural; real yfurþfeÞ rAÿ - Non-capillar pore yfM{t‚ ðe{tu - Accident insurance y¬z - Hard; stiff; rigid (2)Arrogant yfM{t‚™tu ¼tu„ ƒ™ðwk - Meet with accident y¬z…ýwk - Rigidity; stiffness (2)Arrogance yf¤ - Incomprehensible; inconceivable y¬÷ - Intellect; intelligence; understanding; yf¤t{ý - Uneasiness yftŒ{e - Academy sense yfthý - Gratuitous; aimless; without cause; y¬÷ne™ - Fool; stupid; senseless baseless; groundless; without rhyme or yr¢Þ ðtÞwytu (‚f.) - Inert gases reason yût‚ ð™ - Virgin forest yût{ - Incompetent; incapable; weak; yftƒor™f ¾t‚h - Inorganic manure yftƒor™f hËtÞýrð¿tt™ - Inorganic chemistry unable; inefficient yft¤…õð ƒt¤f - Precocious child yft¤…õð‚t - Precocity; prematurity yût{ ƒ™tððwk - Incapacitate; disable yft¤{]íÞw - Premature death; untimely death yût{‚t - Incapability; incapacity; inability; yft¤ð]Âü - Unseasonal rain incompetency; inefficiency yûtBÞ - Inexcusable; unpardonable yûtBÞ „uhntshe - Inexcusable absence yûth - Letter; syllable (2)Handwriting yûth¿tt™ - Literacy yûth¿tt™™wk Ätuhý - Standard of literacy

yûth¿tt™™tu Œh y„BÞ yûth¿tt™™tu Œh - Literacy rate y¾kz - Entire; whole; unbroken; undivided yûthŒun - Literary work y¾kz rðM‚th - Compact block yûth{wÿf - Letter-press printer y¾kz Ë{Þ„t¤tu - Continuous period; yûthþ:/yûthyu ûth - Ad litteram; word by word; unbroken period letter by letter; literatim; literal; verbatim y¾kz‚t - Integrity; continuity yûttkþ - Latitude y¾kz™eÞ - Irrefutable yûteÞ ™nuh - Axial canal y¾krz‚ - Entire; whole; continuous; unbroken yûteÞ «ðtn™wk ðnuý - Axial flow y¾krz‚ ™tufhe - Continuous service; unbroken y¾‚ht-Ën-r™Œþo™ - Trial-cum- service demonstration y¾krz‚ «ðtË - Unbroken journey y¾‚htY… - Experimental y¾krz‚‚t - Integrity; solidarity y¾‚htu - Experiment; trial y¾tztu - Wrestlers’ ground; arena; gymnasium y¾íÞth™t{wk/y¾íÞth…ºt - Power of attorney y¾t‚ - Gulf; bay; wide inlet of sea y¾ƒth - Newspaper y¾tã - Inedible y¾ƒth yusLx - News agent y¾tã ‚u÷ - Inedible oil y¾ƒth {tæÞ{ - Journalistic media yr¾÷ - Entire; all; whole y¾ƒthe ynuðt÷ - Press report yr¾÷ Œþo™ - Panoramic view y¾ƒthe ft„¤ - Newsprint yr¾÷ ¼th‚ „útnf ¼tðtkf - All India y¾ƒthe ft…÷e - Newspaper cutting/clipping Consumer’s Price Index y¾ƒthe ònuh¾ƒh - Press advertisement y¾ƒthe ònuht‚ - News publicity yr¾÷ ¼th‚ Ëuðt - All India Service y¾ƒthe ‚th - Press telegram y¾qx ËtÄ™tu - Inexhaustible resources y¾ƒthe r™Þkºtý - Press censorship y„rý‚ - Innumerable; incalculable; y¾ƒthe r™ðuŒ™ - Press hand-out y¾ƒthe/…ºtfth…rh»tŒ - Press conference numberless; countless y¾ƒthe «r‚r¢Þt - Press reaction y¾ƒthe «r‚r™rÄ - Press representative y„r‚f - Immobile; immovable; motionless; y¾ƒthe ÞtŒe - Press note y¾ƒthe ËwrðÄt yrÄfthe - Press Facilities static; fixed Officer y„r‚f yÚtoþt† - Static economics y„r‚f‚t - Immobility y¾ƒthe Mðt‚kºÞ - Freedom of press y„íÞ - Importance; significance y¾ƒthtu{tk «rËÂØ yÚtuo™e {trn‚e - Press y„{[u‚e - Foresight; precaution; forethought y„{[u‚e ht¾ðe - Foresee release; press note y„{áÂü - Foresight y„BÞ - Incomprehensible; mysterious; enigmatical; unintelligible 2

y„h y„ú÷u¾ y„h - Salt-pan (2)If (3)Or yÂø™þt{f - Fire fighter; fire extinguisher y„rhÞtu - Salt worker; salt pan worker yÂø™ËkMfth - Cremation; incineration y„ðz - Inconvenience; discomfort yøLÞ† - Fire arms; fire missile; rocket y„tW - Heretobefore; formerly; before; prior to yøLÞ† rðþu»t¿t - Fire arms expert y„tWÚte - In advance; beforehand; previously y„ú - Prominent; chief; first; forefront y„tWÚte [qfðu÷wk - Prepaid y„úftÞo - Prominent work y„tWÚte [qfðu÷wk ¾[o - Prepaid expenses y„ú„ÛÞ - Pre-eminent; foremost; leading y„tWÚte ‚thðu÷ r™»f»to - Foregone conclusion y„ú„ÛÞ …uZe - Leading firm y„tWÚte ÷eÄu÷e rxrfx - Advance ticket y„ú„ÛÞ ntuðwk - Precede; be first in order y„tW™wk - Former y„ú„t{e/y„úŒq‚ - Forerunner; torch bearer y„tÄ - Unfathomable y„úýe - Leader; pioneer y„tþe - Terrace y„úýe xwfze - Spearhead team; main team; y„tþe™e …t¤e - Parapet yÂø™ - Fire; blaze; conflagration pioneer team yÂø™f]‚ ¾zf - Igneous rock yÂø™f]‚ ¾r™s - Pyrogenatic minerals y„ú‚t - Precedence; priority yÂø™s …ÚÚth - Basalt y„ú‚t yrÄfth - Right of priority yÂø™sLÞ ¾zf - Agglomerate y„ú‚t yrÄ…ºt - Warrant of precedence yÂø™sLÞ ¾zfË{wå[Þ - Agglomeration y„ú‚t yt…ðe - Accord priority; give priority yÂø™Œtn - Cremation; incineration y„ú‚t ftÞo¢{ - Priority programme yÂø™Œuð‚t - Vulcan y„ú‚t r™Ätohý - Prioritisation yÂø™r™ðthý - Fire prevention y„ú‚t {tk„…ºt - Priority indent yÂø™…èe - Fire belt y„ú‚t ÞtŒe - Priority list yÂø™…heûtt - Acid test; ordeal y„ú‚t¢{ - Order of priority; precedence yÂø™«r¢Þt - Igneous activity y„ú‚t¢{ y™wËth - In order of priority yÂø™hûtt …èe - Fireline y„ú‚t¢{ðt¤tu rðM‚th - Priority area yÂø™htuÄf Ekx - Fire brick y„ú‚t«Œt™ - Prioritisation/Prioritization yÂø™htuÄe - Fire proof y„ú‚t«t Wãtu„ - Priority industry; leading yÂø™þ{™ - Fire fighting yÂø™þ{™ ™¤ - Fire hydrant industry yÂø™þ{™ Ëuðt - Fire service; fire brigade y„ú‚t«t rðM‚thtu - Priority areas y„ú‚the¾ ÔÞts - Advance interest y„ú‚tnf ¾‚ - Underlying bond y„ú‚tnf „ehtu - Underlying mortgage y„ú÷u¾ - Editorial; leading article 3

y„úðŠ‚‚t y[u‚™‚t y„úðŠ‚‚t - Precedence; priority yr„ú{ ™qh - Advance freight y„úð‚eo - Anterior; prior to; preceding; yr„ú{ …„÷tk - Advance action yr„ú{ …„th - Advance pay foregoing yr„ú{ «er{Þ{ - Advance premium yr„ú{ hf{ - Advance money y„úËr[ð - Principal Secretary yr„ú{ htu…ý - Advance planting y„únf - Precedence; prerogative y„úuËh - Pioneer; leader y„útrÄfth - Pre-emption; preference y„úuËh yuf{ - Pioneer unit y„útrÄfth [wfðýe - Preferential payment y½rx‚ - Improper; unbecoming; unseemly; y„útrÄfth Œh - Preferential rate y„útrÄfth Œuðwk - Preferential debt indecorous y„útrÄfth {‚Œt™ - Preferential voting y„útrÄfth {qze - Preference capital y½rx‚ ft{ - Improper act y„útrÄfth ÷t¼tkþ - Preference dividend y½tx - Absolute (2)Donated or gifted land y„útrÄfth þuh - Preference share y½tx s{e™ - Free land; freehold land y„útrÄfth þuh Ähtð™th - Preference share y½tx ðu[tý - Absolute sale; outright sale y[ftðwk - Hesitate; be indecisive; vacillate holder y[[toM…Œ - Non-controversial y[÷/y[¤ - Constant; stationary; y„útrÄfth þuh{qze - Preference share capital y„útrÄfth Mxtpf - Preferred stock invariable; immovable y„útÌt - Unacceptable; inadmissible y„útÌt fhðwk - Reject; disallow; refuse y[÷ «r¢Þt - Stationary process y„útÌt fhðwk ‚u - Rejection; disapproval; y[¤ r™Þ{ - Invariable law y[t™f - Suddenly; unexpectedly refusal y®[íÞ - Inconceivable; incomprehencible y[qf - Unfailing; infallible; certain; without y„útÌt „ýu÷tu …whtðtu - Rejected evidence y„útÌt …whtðtu - Inadmissible evidence fail y„útÌt‚t - Inadmissibility; unacceptibility yr„ú{ - Advance; foremost y[qf y{÷…tºt nwf{ - Imperative order yr„ú{ y™wŒt™ - Advance grant y[qf fhðt…tºt - Imperative yr„ú{ ykŒts - Advance estimate y[qf…ýwk - Infallibility; certainty yr„ú{ ytÞtus™ - Advance planning y[qf…ýu - Invariably; certainly yr„ú{ RòVtu - Advance increment y[u‚™ - Unconscious; insentient; inanimate yr„ú{ [wfðýe - Advance payment y[u‚™ {™ - Unconscious mind yr„ú{ xwfze - Advance party y[u‚™‚t - Unconsciousness; insensibility; yr„ú{ ™f÷ - Advance copy inertia 4

y[tufË/y[tu¬Ë yxftÞ‚e y[tufË/y[tu¬Ë - Uncertain; indeterminate; ysrð»ttýw Wí…tŒ™ {Útf - Goat Virus inexact; inaccurate; indefinite Producing Station y[tufË {tusýe - Inexact survey ysrð»ttýw …uxt-rz…tu - Goat Virus Sub-depot y[tufË‚t - Inexactitude ysk…t¼he …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Tense situation y[tufËtR - Inaccuracy ysk…tu - Unrest; uneasiness; state of tense yAz‚wk - Cursory; superficial yA‚/y¼tð - Scarcity; shortage mind yA‚„úM‚ rðM‚th - Scarcity area yA‚™e …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Scarcity condition yòý - Unknown; ignorant; unaware yA‚™wk ð»to - Lean year; scarcity year yòý‚tk - Unknowingly; unintentionally yA‚htn‚ ft{tu - Scarcity relief works; yòý‚tk fËqh fh™th - Non-wilful defaulter yòý…ýwk - Ignorance; unawareness scarcity works yòÛÞwk/yòÛÞtu - Stranger; unknown yò‚ ƒt¤f - Unborn child yA‚ðu‚™ - Scarcity wages yò‚eÞ - Asexual; without sex yAƒzt - Chicken pox ySýo - Indigestion; dyspepsia yrAÿt¤w - Impervious ysuÞ - Unconquerable; invincible yrAÿt¤w ¾zf - Impervious rock yòuz - Unique; matchless; unmatched yrAÿt¤w …z - Impervious layer y¿tt‚ - Obscure; unknown; ignorant yAq‚ - Untouchable y¿tt‚ ðuþu - Incognito ys{tÞþ - Probation; trial y¿tt‚™t{ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Anonym; unknown person ys{tÞþ îtht ¼q÷ËwÄth …Ør‚ - By trial and y¿tt‚ðtË fhðtu - Go into hiding y¿tt™ - Ignorance; absence of knowledge error method y¿tt™e - Ignorant; uneducated yxf - Surname (2)Detention ys{tÞþ …h - On trial; on probation yxf[t¤wk - Mischief (2)Mischievous ys{tÞþe - Probationary yxfŒeðt÷ - Return wall ys{tÞþe ¾tzt - Trial pits yxf{tk ht¾ðwk - Detain; keep under detention ys{tÞþe „t¤tu - Probation period; yxf{tk ÷uðwk - Arrest; detain yxfðwk - Stop probationary period; trial period yxf¤ - Estimation; guess; surmise yxftÞ‚ - Detention ys{tÞþe {qÕÞtkf™ - Apprentice assessment yxftÞ‚ fuB… - Detention camp ys{tÞþe Ëuðt - Probationary service yxftÞ‚ nwf{ - Detention order ys{tððwk - Try; experiment; test yxftÞ‚e - Person detained; detenu ys{tðe òuÞu÷wk - Tried; tested 5 ys{tðu÷t W…tÞtu - Means adopted ysðtr¤Þwk - Ventilator (2)Sky light (3)Bright half of a lunar month

yxftð¾tztu y‚kºt yxftð¾tztu - Catch pit yýÄthe [qkxýe - Snap poll yxftð™ef - Catch drain yýÄthe {w÷tft‚ - Surprise visit; unexpected yxftððwk - Stop; withhold; prevent visit yxftðe Œuðwk - Stop; discontinue yx…xt…ýwk - Complexity; complication; yýÄthe nz‚t÷ - Lightning strike yýÄthu÷ ¾[o - Unforeseen expenditure intricacy yýÄtÞto y™u yr™ðtÞo Ëkòu„tu - Unforeseen and yx…xwk - Complicated; intricate; complex unavoidable circumstances; unexpected yxthe - Balcony; gallery and unpreventable circumstances yXðtrzf - Weekly yXk„ „w™u„th - Hardened offender/criminal yýÄtÞwO - Fortuitous; sudden; accidental; casual; unanticipated;unexpected; unforeseen yz„ - Firm; resolute yýÄtÞwO yt„{™ - Unexpected arrival yz„‚t - Firmness; resoluteness yýÄtÞwO f]íÞ - Unforeseen act yz[ý - Obstruction; hitch; bottleneck yýÄtÞwO ¾[o - Unforeseen expenditure; yzrÄÞwk - Counterfoil yzËètu - Approximation; rough estimate; unanticipated expenditure; unexpected expenditure estimation yýÄtÞtuo rð÷kƒ - Unexpected delay yzËètu ftZðtu - Estimate yý™{ - Unbeaten (2)Unyielding yrzÞ÷ - Obstinate; stubborn yýƒ™tð - Discord; strained relations yztuyz - Adjoining; contiguous; abutting; yrý/yýe - Point yrý™tu «Ëk„ - Emergency; exigency adjacent yrýÞt¤wk/yýeŒth/yýeðt¤wk - Pointed; sharp yœtu s{tððtu - Squat yZth…uS - Octodecimo yýe ftZðt™wk ËtÄ™ - Sharpener yýytðz‚ - Lack of skill/knack; inefficiency yýe ð„h™wk - Blunt yý¾…‚e ÔÞÂõ‚ - Unwanted person; persona yýw - Atom yýw y«Ëth ËkrÄ - Non-proliferation treaty non grata yýwQòo - Atomic energy; nuclear energy yý„{‚t fh - Obnoxious taxes yý„{‚wk - Disgusting; repulsive; unpleasant yýwQòo ytÞtu„ - Atomic Energy Commission yý„{tu - Dislike; aversion; disgust yýwƒtuBƒ - Atombomb yý½x‚e ÷t„ð„ - Undue influence yýwÞw„ - Nuclear age yý½x‚wk - Improper; unbecoming yýwrð¿tt™ - Nuclear Science yý½z - Untrained; unskilled; unpolished yýwþÂõ‚ - Nuclear power yýAts‚kw - Unbecoming; unseemly; indecorous yýwþ† - Nuclear weapon yýÄthe fxtufxe - Unforeseen emergency 6 y‚kºt - Chaotic; disordered; anarchic

y‚kºt‚t yíÞrÄf ðhËtŒ y‚kºt‚t - Chaos; anarchy; disorder yr‚{n¥ð™wk - Crucial; vital y‚t„ - Bottomless; immeasurable yr‚{qzefhý - Over-capitalization y‚thtkrf‚ «&™ - Unstarred question yr‚{qÕÞtkf™ - Overvaluation y‚tŠff - Illogical; irrational yr‚{qÕÞtkrf‚ [÷ý - Over-valued currency yr‚ytð~Þf rn‚ - Vital interest yr‚huf - Excess yr‚W¥t{ - Excellent; superfine yr‚htuftý - Overstay (2)Over investment yr‚Wí…tŒ™ - Overproduction yr‚÷tŒý - Overloading yr‚W…tz - Overdrawal yr‚ðËq÷t‚ - Overcollection yr‚fh¼th - Overtaxation yr‚ðM‚e - Overpopulation yr‚fwþ¤ Þkºtfthe„h - Highly skilled mechanic yr‚ðM‚eðt¤wk - Over populated yr‚¢{ý - Encroachment; infringment; yr‚rðþt¤ - Stupendous; huge transgression yr‚rðïtË - Over confidence yr‚rðM‚hý - Overexpansion yr‚¢r{‚ …„thðÄthtu - Jump in pay yr‚ð]ÂØ - Overgrowth (2)Hyperplasia; yr‚¾[to¤ - Extravagant; lavish yr‚¾[to¤ yÚto‚kºt - High cost economy hypertrophy yr‚„w - Top secret; highly confidential yr‚ð]Âü - Excessive rainfall yr‚[htE - Overgrazing yr‚þÞ - Abundant; excessive; exorbitant; yr‚[wfðýe - Overpayment; excess payment immense yr‚Srð‚t {qÕÞ - Survival value yr‚rÚtf÷tfth - Guest artist yr‚þÞ ¼ez - Overcrowding yr‚rÚt„]n - Guest house yr‚þÞtuÂõ‚ - Exaggeration; hyperbole yr‚rÚtÔÞtÏÞt‚t - Guest lecturer yr‚þÞtuÂõ‚ fhðe - Exaggerate yr‚rÚtËífth - Hospitality yr‚þÞtuÂõ‚¼ÞwO r™ðuŒ™ - Exaggerated yr‚rÚtËk…tŒf - Guest editor; visiting editor yr‚™Vt fh - Excess profit tax statement; sweeping statement yr‚™Vtu - Excess profit yr‚™q‚™ Þw„ - Ultra advanced age; ultra yr‚ËkðuŒ™þe÷‚t - Over sensitivity yr‚Ëth - Diarrhoea/Diarrhea modern age yr‚ËtðÄt™/yr‚ËtðÄ - Over cautious; over yr‚…fð - Overripe careful; scrupulous; conscientious; yr‚«ðtn - Influx meticulous yr‚¼th - Overload; overweight yr‚{n¥ð™e ƒuXf - Crucial meeting yr‚Ëqû{Œþof - Ultra-microscope y‚qx rð¢{ - Unbroken record y¥th - Scent; perfume y¥th„]n - Perfumery yíÞrÄf ðhËtŒ - Heavy rainfall; downpour 7

yíÞk‚ yÕ… yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne nuX¤ yíÞk‚ yÕ… - Very little; meagre yŒ÷tƒŒ÷e fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Interchangeable; yíÞk‚ ytÄwr™f - Ultra-modern exchangeable yíÞk‚ ytÄwr™f «tiãtur„fe - State of the art yŒkz™eÞ/yŒkzâ - Unpunishable technology yŒt fhðwk - Pay; discharge yíÞk‚ ytð~Þf/sYhe - Very essential; yŒt fhe ™ ntuÞ ‚uðe sðtƒŒthe - Undischarged absolutely necessary liability yíÞk‚ fwþ¤ - Highly skilled yŒt÷‚ - Court yíÞk‚ „heƒ - Very poor yŒt÷‚ yr¼hûtf - Keeper of the Court yíÞk‚ „heƒsqÚt - Core poverty group; yŒt÷‚ îtht Ë{Úto™Œþeo ½tu»týt - Judicial extremely poor group assertion yíÞk‚ „w - Most confidential; top secret yŒt÷‚ Ve - Court fee yíÞk‚ „w‚t - Utmost secrecy yŒt÷‚ {thV‚ VrhÞtŒ r™ðthý - Judicial yíÞk‚ „tu…™eÞ - Most secret yíÞk‚ ßð÷™þe÷ - Highly inflammable redressal yíÞk‚ ‚tfeŒ™wk - Most immediate; most urgent yŒt÷‚™e ƒuXf - Sitting of the court yŒt÷‚™tu r‚hMfth/y™tŒh - Contempt of the court yíÞk‚ ÄtŠ{f - Ultra religious; over religious yŒt÷‚™tu Œhßòu - Status of the court yíÞk‚ r™»ýt‚ òýfthe - Formidable expertise yŒt÷‚™tu r™Þ{ - Rule of the court yíÞk‚ ™e[e ®f{‚ - Rock bottom price yŒt÷‚{tk ntsh hnuðt™tu ytŒuþ - Summons; yíÞk‚ ¼q÷¼hu÷wk - Grossly inaccurate subpoena yíÞk‚ rð÷kƒ - Inordinate delay yíÞk‚ ðu„e÷e „r‚ - Tremendous speed yŒt÷‚e - Judicial yíÞk‚ ËkðuŒ™þe÷ - Over sensitive/sentimental yŒt÷‚e yrÄfthe - Judicial Officer yíÞt[th - Atrocity; outrage yŒt÷‚e yr¼«tÞ/{‚ - Judicial opinion yíÞt[th yrÄr™Þ{ - Atrocity Act yŒt÷‚e ynuðt÷ - Judicial report yíÞth ËwÄe - Till now; so far; heretofore; yŒt÷‚e fƒòu - Judicial custody yŒt÷‚e fƒq÷t‚ - Judicial confession heretobefore; hitherto yŒt÷‚e ft[e su÷ - Judicial lock-up yíÞtð~Þf VuhVth - Vital modification yŒt÷‚e ft™q™ - Statute of the court yÚtzt{ý - Collision; conflict; clash; skirmish yŒt÷‚e ft{„ehe/ftÞo - Judicial work; judicial yÚtztðwk - Clash; collide yÚttf - Indefatigable; tireless; unwearied; function untiring yŒt÷‚e fthfw™ - Judicial Clerk yŒt÷‚e ftÞo…Ør‚ - Judicial procedure yŒ÷tƒŒ÷e - Interchange; exchange; shuffle yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne - Trial; judicial proceedings yŒ÷tƒŒ÷e fhðe - Interchange; exchange yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne nuX¤ - On trial 8

yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne nuX¤™wk yrÄf LÞtÞtÄeþ yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne nuX¤™wk - Under trial yŒt÷‚e MxuB… - Judicial stamp yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne™u …tºt - Triable yŒt÷‚e nwf{™t{wk - Court decree yŒt÷‚e ftÞoðtne™tu …ûtfth - Party to judicial yŒt÷‚u fhu÷e Ëò - Judicial sentence yŒtð‚ - Animosity; enmity; hostility proceeding yá~Þ - Invisible; unapparent yá~Þ ytÞt‚ - Invisible import yŒt÷‚e s{trnËtƒ - Judicial deposit account yá~Þ r™ftË - Invisible export yŒt÷‚e òÂtu - Judicial custody yŒT¼w‚ - Wonderful; marvellous yŒt÷‚e ‚…tË - Judicial enquiry; judicial yã‚™ - Modern; up-to-date; latest yã‚™ Þkºt - Modern machinery; latest probe machinery yŒt÷‚e ‚kºt - Judicial machinery yŒt÷‚e ŒM‚tðus/¾‚ - Judicial document yÂî‚eÞ - Unique; matchless; unmatched yŒt÷‚e …k[ - Judicial Tribunal yÄ:…‚™ - Downfall yŒt÷‚e …wAtý - Judicial reference yÄ:«ðtn - Underflow yŒt÷‚e …whtðt™tu ftÞŒtu - Law of judicial yÄ:Ëhý/yÄ:MÚtt™tk‚h - Downward evidence displacement yŒt÷‚e …whtðtu - Judicial evidence; judicial yÄ:Ëkh[™t - Sub-structure; understructure yÄ:M‚h - Substratum proof yÄ{ - Mean; wicked yÄ{ „w™tu - Heinous crime yŒt÷‚e …qðoáütk‚ - Judicial precedent yÄ{‚t - Meanness; abjection yŒt÷‚e «r¢Þt - Judicial process yÄð[ yÇÞtË Atuze Œu™th - Drop out yŒt÷‚e «{tý…ºt - Judicial certificate yÄt‚w - Non-metalic; non-metal yŒt÷‚e VUË÷tu - Judgement; verdict yÄt‚w ¾r™s - Non-metallic mineral yŒt÷‚e {wfÆ{tu - Court case yrÄf - Additional; excess; excessive yŒt÷‚e {ìrsMxÙux - Judicial Magistrate yrÄf Q…s yt…‚e ò‚tu - High yielding yŒt÷‚e htnu Wfu÷ - Judicial settlement yŒt÷‚e rð[thýt nuX¤ - Sub-judice varieties yŒt÷‚e rððtŒ - Judicial dispute yŒt÷‚e þt¾t - Judicial branch yrÄf fh - Super tax; surcharge yŒt÷‚e Ër¢Þ‚t - Judicial activism yrÄf f÷uõxh/Ë{tn‚to - Additional Collector yŒt÷‚e Ë¥tt/LÞtÞË¥tt - Judicial authority; yrÄf [wfðýe - Excess payment yrÄf rsÕ÷t {ursMxÙux - Additional District judicial power Magistrate yŒt÷‚e Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Judicial Authority yŒt÷‚e Ëtrƒ‚e - Judicial proof; judicial yrÄf ™Vtu - Excess profit 9 yrÄf LÞtÞtÄeþ - Additional Judge evidence yŒt÷‚e Ëuðt - Judicial service

yrÄf «¼tðe yËh yrÄfuLÿ yrÄf «¼tðe yËh - Overriding effect yrÄfth™e Yyu - By authority; by virtue of power yrÄf «¼tðe Ë¥tt - Overriding power yrÄfth™e ËtU…ýe - Delegation of power; yrÄf ¼hýwk - Excess remittance yrÄf {wÏÞ Ër[ð - Additional Chief Secretary devolution of power yrÄf ÷t„‚ - Surcharge yrÄf ÷t„‚ x…t÷ - Surcharged mail yrÄfth™wk ftÞoûtuºt - Scope of authority yrÄf ðuhtu - Super tax yrÄfth™wk fuLÿefhý - Centralization/ yrÄf Ër[ð - Additional Secretary yrÄf Ë{Þ ft{ fh™th - Overtime worker concentration of authority/power yrÄf Ë{Þ Œh - Overtime rate yrÄf‚{ - Maximum; maximal yrÄfth™tu yk‚ - Extinction of right yrÄf‚{ ®f{‚ - Maximum price yrÄfth™tu íÞt„ fhðtu - Relinquish power yrÄf‚{ s¤Ë…txe - Maximum water level yrÄfth™tu Œwhw…Þtu„ - Misuse/abuse of yrÄf‚{ Œh - Maximum rate yrÄf‚{ r™MËhý - Maximum discharge authority/power yrÄf‚{ …„th - Maximum pay yrÄf‚{ …hq ‚eð‚ú t - Maximum intensity of flood yrÄfth…ºt - Accreditation; authorization yrÄf‚{ …qhË…txe - Highest flood level yrÄf‚{ ¼tð - Ceiling price; maximum price letter; letter of authority; letter of yrÄf‚{ {ÞtoŒt - Ceiling; maximum limit authorization yrÄf‚{ ðtn™tu™e yðhsðh - Peak traffic yrÄf‚t - Excess; abundance yrÄfth…ºt ËtÚtu {tuf÷ðwk - Accredit yrÄfrŒ™ - Leap day yrÄftrh‚t - Empowerment yrÄf¼th - Overload; overweight yrÄfthe - Officer yrÄfh - Super tax yrÄfthe™e Ë¥tt - Bureaucratic power yrÄfth - Right; authority; power yrÄftr÷f …„thÄtuhý - Super time-scale yrÄfth yt…ðtu - Authorize; empower; entitle yrÄftkþ - Mostly yrÄfth …]åAtytŒuþ - Writ of Quo warranto yrÄftkþ {‚ - Majority vote yrÄfth rƒÕ÷tu - Authorization badge yrÄf]‚ - Accredited; authorized; authentic yrÄfthûtuºt - Jurisdiction; sphere of authority yrÄf]‚ ytzr‚Þtu - Accredited agent; yrÄfthûtuºt™tu rðM‚th - Scope of authority authorized agent yrÄf]‚ fhðwk - Accredit; authorize; authenticate; empower yrÄf]‚ ¾ƒh…ºte - Accredited press correspondent yrÄf]‚ …tX - Authorized version yrÄf]‚ {qze - Authorized capital yrÄf]‚ ðu…the - Accredited dealer; authorized dealer yrÄf]‚ ËkðtŒŒt‚t - Accredited press correspondent; authorized press reporter yrÄfuLÿ - Epicentre 10

yrÄ¢{ yæÞt…™ rðãt÷Þ yrÄ¢{ - Hierarchy yrÄ©urýf - Hierarchical yrÄ¢{ý - Supersession yrÄ©urýf Ë{ts - Hierachical society yrÄ¢r{f - Hierarchical yrÄ©uýe - Hierarchy yrÄ¢r{f {t¤¾wk - Hierarchical structure yrÄËkh[™t - Super structure yrÄ¢r{f Ë{ts - Hierarchical society yrÄËe{tk‚ ¾heŒe - Super-marginal purchase yrÄ¢r{f Ëk„X™ - Hierarchical organization yÄeûtf - Superintendent yrÄ„úný - Requisition yÄeûtf Rs™uh - Superintending Engineer yrÄ„úný yrÄfthe - Requisition Officer yÄeûtý - Superintendence yrÄ„úný {wÂõ‚ - Derequisition yÄe™ - Subordinate (2)Subject to yrÄŒh - Premium rate yÄe™‚t - Subordination; subjection yrÄr™Þ{ - Act yÄehtE - Impatience yrÄr™Þ{ fhðtu/½zðtu - Enact yÄehwk - Impatient yrÄr™Þ{™e yk‚„o‚ - Within the Act yÄqhwk - Incomplete; imperfect yrÄr™Þ{™tu «th¼k - Commencement of the Act yÄqhtu y™u rðf]‚ ynuðt÷ - Sketchy and yrÄr™Þ{™tu {wÏÞ ¼t„ - Main body of the Act yrÄr™Þ{™tu ÔÞt… - Extent of the Act truncated report yrÄr™ýtoÞf - Umpire; referee yrÄ…ºt - Warrant yÄqhtu fhth - Incomplete contract yrÄ…ºt™tu fuË - Warrant case yÄtu„r‚ - Downfall; decline yrÄ{qÕÞ - Premium; value above par; above yÄtu¼qr{ s¤r™ftË - Sub-soil drainage yÄtu¼qr{ «ðtn - Sub-soil flow yÄtu¼qr{ ®Ë[tE - Sub-soil irrigation; sub- irrigation par yÄtuð‚eo htßÞ - Subjacent state yÄtuð† - Nether garments yrÄ{qÕÞ Mxtìf - Premium stock yæÞût - Chairman; chairperson (2)Speaker yrÄhts…Œ - Suzerainty; regency yæÞût…Œ - Chairmanship (2)Speakership yrÄhtßÞ - Suzerain state yæÞûtMÚtt™ ÷uðwk - Preside over yrÄðtË - Domicile yrÄðtË «{tý…ºt - Domicile certificate yæÞÞ™ - Study; learning yrÄðtËe - Domiciled yæÞÞ™fuLÿ - Study centre; school of learning yrÄð]¬ „úkrÚt - Adrenal gland yæÞt…f - Professor yrÄðuþ™ - Session; plenary session yæÞt…™ - Teaching; instruction; coaching; yrÄþu»t - Surplus; excess training yrÄþu»t {qÕÞ - Surplus value yrÄþtur»t‚ s¤ - Absorbed water yæÞt…™ {krŒh - Training centre yæÞt…™ rðãt÷Þ - Training college 11

yæÞt…™ rðãtþt¾t y™t{‚ Ëk÷ø™ ðe{tÞtus™t yæÞt…™ rðãtþt¾t - Teaching faculty y™ts …whðXt Þtus™t - Grain supply scheme yæÞt…™ rðïrðãt÷Þ - Teaching university y™ts …uþ„e - Foodgrain advance yæÞt…™ þt¤t - Training school y™ts {t…ƒkÄe - Food rationing yæÞtÞ - Chapter y™ts ðu…th Þtus™t - Grain Trading Scheme yæÞtnth - Unexpressed y™ts½h - Granary yæÞu‚t - Fellow y™tsrz…tu - Grain depot yæÞu‚tð]Â¥t - Fellowship y™ts™e ftuXe - Grain container yÄúwðeÞ - Non-polar y™ts™e Œwft™ - Grain shop y™rÄfth«ðuþ - Trespass; intrusion y™ts™e …rhÂMÚtr‚ - Food position y™rÄfth«ðuþ fh™th - Trespasser; intruder y™ts™e «t - Food procurement y™rÄfth«ðuþ fhðtu - Trespass; intrude y™ts™tu ftuXth - Granary y™rÄf]‚ - Unauthorized; unauthoritative; y™tÚt - Orphan; destitute unofficial y™tÚtt÷Þ/y™tÚtt©{ - Orphanage; destitute’s y™rÄf]‚ ftÞo - Unauthorized act home y™rÄf]‚ ¾[o - Unauthorized expenditure y™tŒh - Disregard; disrespect y™rÄf]‚ „uhntshe - Unauthorized absence y™tŒh fhðtu - Disregard; disrespect y™rÄf‚] ð…u the - Interloper; unauthorized dealer y™tŒhýeÞ - Disrespectful; dishonourable y™rÄf]‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Unauthorized person y™t™Ë - Pineapple y™rÄf]‚ ËntÞ - Unauthorized aid y™t{‚ - Reserved (2)Deposit y™rÄf]‚ nz‚t÷ - Unauthorized strike; y™t{‚ fthfw™ - Deposit Clerk unofficial strike y™t{‚ sÚÚttu - Reserve stock; buffer stock y™t{‚ xwfze - Picket; reserve team y™rÄf]‚ nM‚ûtu… - Unauthorized interference y™t{‚ Œ¤ - Reserve forces y™LÞ - Unique; matchless; exclusive y™t{‚ søÞt™e ™tƒqŒe - Dereservation of post y™LÞ nf - Exclusive right y™t{‚ …tu÷eË Œ¤ - Reserve Police Force y™LÞËk¢tBÞ - Inalienable y™t{‚ ¼kztu¤ - Reserve fund y™LÞËk¢tBÞ‚t - Inalienability y™t{‚ {qf™th - Depositor y™þ™ - Fast y™t{‚ {qze - Reserve capital y™nŒ - Abundant; plentiful y™t{‚ ht¾u÷wk - Reserved y™k‚ - Endless; infinite y™t{‚ ð™ - Reserved forest y™ts - Foodgrain; grain y™t{‚ Ëk÷ø™ ðe{tÞtus™t - Deposit-linked y™ts r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Food manual y™ts r™heûtf - Foodgrain Inspector Insurance Scheme 12

y™t{‚ rnËtƒ yr™ðtÞo sYrhÞt‚ y™t{‚ rnËtƒ - Reserve account yr™Þ‚ - Indefinite; non-scheduled; non- y™t{e/™™t{e yhS - Anonymous application contract y™tÞwõ‚ yrÄfthe - Non-commissioned yr™Þ‚ ytfÂM{f ¾[o - Non-contract Officer contingencies y™tÞturs‚ yÚto‚kºt/yÚtoÔÞðMÚtt - Unplanned yr™Þ‚ f{o[the - Casual employee economy yr™Þ‚ ¾t÷e søÞt - Casual vacancy y™tðhý - Inauguration yr™Þ‚ Vuhtu - Non-scheduled trip y™tðhý fhðwk - Inaugurate; unveil yr™Þ‚ {sqh/©r{f - Casual labourer y™tð‚of - Non-recurrent; non-recurring yr™Þ‚ {wŒ‚ {txu - Sine die; for indefinite y™tð‚of ¾[o - Non-recurring expenditure period y™tð~Þf - Unnecessary; unessential y™tð~Þf ËkŒ¼o - Unnecessary reference yr™Þ‚ {wŒ‚™e Ëò - Indeterminate sentence y™tð]Âü - Drought yr™Þr{‚ - Irregular; erratic y™tð]Âü «r‚fthf …tf - Drought resistant crop yr™Þr{‚ htus„th - Irregular employment y™tð]Âü þõÞ‚t rðM‚th - Drought prone area yr™Þr{‚‚t - Irregularity y™tð]Âü þõÞ‚t rðM‚th ftÞo¢{ - Drought yr™Þwõ‚ …ºtfth - Freelance journalist yr™ýoÞ - Indecision Prone Area Programme yr™ýtoÞf/yÄqhe [[to - Inconclusive debate y™tð]Âü Ët{u hûtý …qhwk …tzðwk - Drought yr™ýtoÞf/yr™ýoÞtí{f - Indecisive proofing yr™ýeo‚ ƒtƒ‚ - Undecided matter yr™ŠŒü - Unspecified yr™„r{‚ ËkMÚtt - Unincorporated body yr™Ätorh‚ - Undecided; undetermined yr™åA™eÞ ƒ™tð - Untoward incident yr™Ätorh‚ ™wfËt™ ¼h…tE - Unliquidated yr™åA™eÞ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Undesirable person; damages unwanted person yr™ðtÞo - Unavoidable; indispensable; yr™åA™eÞ ÔÞðnth - Undesirable conduct/ inevitable behaviour; undesirable transaction yr™ðtÞo yfM{t‚ - Unavoidable accident yr™åA™eÞ nheVtE - Unhealthy competition yr™ðtÞo yr™ü - Necessary evil yr™åAt - Unwillingness; reluctance; yr™ðtÞo ytð~Þf‚t - Inescapable requirement yr™ðtÞo f{o[theð„o - Skeleton staff disinclination yr™ðtÞo fthý - Unavoidable cause yr™ðtÞo ¾[o - Unavoidable expenditure; yr™ÿt™tu htu„ - Insomnia yr™ÿt™tu htu„e - Insomniac obligatory expenses yr™rÄf ytðf - Unfunded income yr™rÄf Œuðwk - Floating debt; unfunded debt yr™ðtÞo sYrhÞt‚ - Unavoidable requirement yr™Þkrºt‚ Ë¥tt - Uncontrolled power; 13 unrestricted authority

yr™ðtÞo Ze÷ y™w„t{e Ëhfth yr™ðtÞo Ze÷ - Unavoidable delay y™wfq÷™ - Adjustment; adaptation yr™ðtÞo …whtðtu - Indispensable evidence yr™ðtÞo Vhs - Bounden duty (2) Conditioning (3) Accomodation yr™ðtÞo þh‚ - Unavoidable condition; sine y™wfq÷™ût{‚t - Adjustability; adaptability qua non y™wfq÷™þe÷ - Adjustable; adaptable y™wfq¤ - Convenient; favourable; suitable; fit yr™ðtÞo Ëð÷‚ðt¤wk {ft™ - Skeleton house; y™wfq¤ ™ ntuÞ ‚uðwk - Unfavourable; inconvenient y™wfq¤ …ztuþnf - Easement of convenience house with basic facilities y™wfq¤ ƒ™ðwk - Adapt; be favourable; yr™ðtÞo Ëkòu„tu - Unavoidable circumstances conducive; be adjustable yr™ðtÞo‚t - Inevitablility yr™ðtÞo…ýu - Necessarily; unavoidably y™wfq¤ ƒ™tððwk - Adapt; adjust yr™ðtËe Þwr™ðŠËxe - Non-residential y™wfq¤ ðt‚tðhý - Congenial atmosphere; university favourable atmosphere yr™ùtrÞf r™„o{ {t„o - Non-modular outlet y™wfq¤ þh‚tu - Accommodating terms; yr™Âù‚ - Uncertain; indefinite; favourable terms indeterminate y™wfq¤‚t - Convenience yr™Âù‚ ‚xMÚt‚t - Precarious neutrality y™wf]r‚ - Imitation; copy yr™Âù‚ …rhýt{ - Precarious conclusion y™w¢{ - Order; sequence yr™Âù‚ {wŒ‚ ËwÄe {tufqV - Adjourned sine die y™w¢{ ftuXtu - Sequence table yr™Âù‚ {wŒ‚™e Ëò - Indeterminate sentence y™w¢{rýft - Index; table of contents yr™Âù‚ ht»xÙeÞ‚t - Uncertain nationality y™w¢{ ™kƒh - Serial number yr™Âù‚ ðhËtŒ - Erratic rainfall y™w¢{ rËØtk‚ - Sequence theory yr™Âù‚‚t - Uncertainty; incertitude y™w¢{tkf - Serial number yr™ü - Evil y™w¢{u - Respectively yr™üfthf - Pernicious; harmful y™w„t{e - Successor; follower y™er‚ - Immorality y™w„t{e yrÄr™Þ{ - Subsequent Act y™er‚¼he ð‚oýqf - Unwholesome conduct; y™w„t{e y™wŒt™ - Subsequent grant y™w„t{e yËh - After effect immoral behaviour y™w„t{e ‚ƒ¬tu - Subsequent stage y™w„t{e …ºt-ÔÞðnth - Subsequent y™wfhý - Imitation (2)Mimicry y™wfhýtí{f - Imitative correspondence y™wfhýtí{f f÷t - Imitative arts y™wfhýeÞ - Exemplary; model y™w„t{e ƒ™ðwk - Succeed; follow y™wfhýeÞ ðM‚w - Model y™w„t{e {ìrsMxÙux - Succeeding Magistrate y™wf»tof rð{t™ - Towing aircraft y™w„t{e Ëhfth - Successor Government 14

y™w„t{e Ëw™tðýe y™w«Ëqr‚ Ëk¼t¤ y™w„t{e Ëw™tðýe - Subsequent hearing y™wí…tŒf ©{ - Unproductive labour y™w„t{e nwf{ - Subsequent order y™wŒt‚t - Grantor y™w„ún - Favour; grace; mercy y™wŒt™ - Grant y™w[h - Attendant; bearer; follower y™wŒt™ fh‚tk ðÄw (¾[o) - Excess over grant y™w[hð„o - Retinue y™wŒt™ {¤‚wk ™ ntuÞ ‚uðe þt¤t - Unaided school y™wr[‚ - Improper; unworthy; unfit; y™Œw t™ {¤u ð‚e þt¤t - Aided/grant-in-aid school y™wŒt™ hŒ Útðwk ‚u - Lapse of grant inappropriate; inapt; unfair; undue y™wŒt™ ÷u™th - Grantee y™wŒt™ ËtU…ýe - Surrender of grant y™wr[‚ ft{ - Improper act y™w™Þ - Earnest request; entreaty y™wr[‚ f]íÞ - Wrongful act y™w…{ - Unique; excellent; matchless y™wr[‚ òuztý - Misjoinder y™w…Þtu„ - Non-use y™wr[‚ Œtðtu - Undue claim y™w…Þtu„ft¤ - Outage; period of non-use y™wr[‚ Ä™«t fh - Unjust enrichment tax y™w…ÂMÚt‚ - Absent; not present y™wr[‚ …ût…t‚ - Capricious partiality y™w…ÂMÚt‚ {‚Œt™ - Absentee voting y™wr[‚ ¼t»tt - Improper language y™w…ÂMÚt‚ {‚Œth - Absent voter y™wr[‚ ÷t¼ - Undue advantage y™w…ÂMÚtr‚ - Absence; alibi; non-appearance; y™wr[‚ rð÷kƒ - Undue delay; unreasonable absentism delay; laches y™w…tŠs‚ ytðf - Unearned income y™wr[‚ ÔÞðnth - Misbehaviour y™w…tŠs‚ RòVtu - Unearned increment y™wr[‚ þçŒ - Improper word y™w…tŠs‚ hò - Unearned leave y™wr[‚ ©{«Útt - Unfair labour practice y™w…t÷™ - Compliance y™wr[‚ ËkƒkÄ - Illicit relationship y™w…t÷™ ÚtÞt rð™t™wk - Uncomplied with y™wr[‚ ËtÄ™tu îtht {u¤ðu÷ - Ill-gotten y™w…t÷™ ™tUÄ - Compliance note y™wr[‚ ËtuŒtu - Unfair bargain y™w…t÷™ nuX¤/y™w…t÷™ ÚtE hÌtwk ntuÞ ‚uðwk/ y™wr[‚‚t - Inequity; impropriety; unfairness y™wSðe - Survivor y™w…t÷™™u yÄe™ - Under compliance y™w¿tt - Permission; consent y™w…t÷™/…t÷™ynuðt÷ - Compliance report y™w¥th - Unanswered; unacknowledged y™w«Ëqr‚ yð÷tuf™ - Post-natal observation y™wí…tŒf - Unproductive; non-productive y™w«Ëqr‚ yuf{ - Post-partum unit y™wí…tŒf ft{ - Unproductive work y™w«Ëqr‚ r[rfíËt÷Þ - Post-natal clinic y™wí…tŒf ¾[o - Unproductive expenditure y™w«Ëqr‚rð»tÞf - Post-natal; post-partum y™wí…tŒf ƒ[‚ - Unproductive savings y™w«Ëqr‚ Ëk¼t¤ - Post-natal care y™wí…tŒf {qÕÞ - Non-productive value 15

y™wƒØ fhðwk y™wÕ÷k½™eÞ nwf{ y™wƒØ fhðwk - Annex y™wY… - Suitable; appropriate; y™wƒkÄ - Correlation; appurtenance commensurate; corresponding y™w¼ð - Experience y™w¼ð{q÷f …whtðtu - Empirical evidence y™wY… òu„ðtEytu - Corresponding provisions y™w¼ð÷ûte rð&÷u»tý - Empirical analysis y™wY… VuhVth ËtÚtu - Mutatis mutandis; with y™w¼ðrËÂØ - A posteriori y™w¼ðe - Experienced corresponding changes y™w¼t„ - Section y™w¼t„ yrÄfthe - Sectional Officer y™wY… ƒ™tððwk ‚u - Adaptation y™w¼t„ r[ö - Section mark y™wY… ƒ™tððwk/ƒ™ðwk - Adapt y™w¼t„ x…t÷ ÞtŒe - Section mail list y™wY… Ë{Þ - Relevant time; corresponding period y™wY… ntuðwk - Correspond y™wY…ût{‚t - Adaptability; adjustability y™wY…‚t - Parity; correspondence y™w¼t„ ™tUÄðne - Sectional note-book y™whu¾f - Tracer y™w¼t„ {wÏÞ fthfw™ - Sectional Head Clerk y™whu¾f ™fþt„h - Tracer Draftsman y™w¼t„ htus™eþe - Section diary y™whu¾ý y™w¼t„ - Tracing section y™w¼t„ nwf{ - Section order y™whu¾ýeÞ - Traceable y™w¼t„ðth - Sectionwise y™whur¾‚ r[ºt - Traced picture y™w¼qr‚ - Experience y™whtuÄ - Appeal; request; solicitation y™w{‚Œt™/{‚Œt™ …Ae™e {tusýe - Exit poll y™w÷t¼ - Perquisite y™w{r‚ - Assent; concurrence; sanction; y™w÷t¼ {qÕÞ - Perquisite value y™w÷u¾ - Transcription; transcript consent; approval y™w÷u¾f - Transcriber y™w÷u¾™ - Transcription y™w{r‚ y™u …hðt™tu - Leave and licence y™w÷u¾™ fhðwk - Transcribe y™w{r‚…ºt - Pass; permit; letter of consent y™w÷u¾™ fuLÿ - Transcription centre y™w{t™ - Inference; conjecture; hypothesis; y™w÷u¾™ Ve - Transcription fee y™wÕ÷k½™eÞ - Peremptory; inviolable surmise; supposition; presumption; guessing y™w{tuŒf - Approver; supporter; corroborater y™w{tuŒ™ - Approbation; approval; support; corroboration; ratification y™w{tuŒ™ yt…ðwk - Corroborate; confirm; y™wÕ÷k½™eÞ yrÄfth - Inviolable right approve; ratify; approbate y™wÕ÷k½™eÞ …h{ ytŒuþ - Peremptory y™wÞtÞe - Follower mandamus y™whûtý/y™whûtf xwfze - Escort y™wÕ÷k½™eÞ rhx - Peremptory writ y™whûtý Vhs/ft{„ehe - Escort duty y™wÕ÷k½™eÞ nwf{ - Imperative order; y™whûtý nuX¤ - Under escort peremptory order 16

y™wð‚eo y™q… y™wð‚eo - Following y™wËkÄt™ - Connection; continuation y™wð‚eo yÇÞtË - Follow-up study y™wËk¼t¤ - After-care y™wð‚eo ftÞo - Follow-up work y™wËk¼t¤ „]n - After-care home y™wð‚eo ftÞo¢{ - Follow-up programme y™wËk¼t¤ Ëuðt - After-care service y™wð‚eo ftÞoðtne - Follow-up action y™wËtûth‚t ftÞo¢{ - Post-literacy programme y™wð‚eo VuhVth - Consequent change y™wËth - According to; in pursuance of; in y™wð‚eo {qÕÞ - Survival value conformity with; in consonance with; y™wð‚eo ðtxt½tx - Follow-up negotiation following; corresponding to y™wð‚eo þh‚ - Condition subsequent y™wð‚eo Ëk…fo - Follow-up contact y™wËth ftÞo fhðwk - Fall in line with y™wð‚eo ntr™ - Consequential loss y™wËqr[ - Schedule y™wðt‚ - Leeward y™wËqr[ ztpfux - Schedule docket y™wðt‚„{™ - Leeway y™wËqr[‚ ytrŒòr‚ fÕÞtý Ër{r‚ - Committee y™wðt‚ ‚x - Lee shore y™wðtŒ - Translation; version on Welfare of Scheduled Tribes y™wðtŒf - Translator y™wrþûtý - Coaching y™wËqr[‚ ytrŒòr‚ytu - Scheduled tribes y™wrþûtý yt…ðwk - Coach y™wËqr[‚ Wãtu„tu - Scheduled industries y™wrþûtý ð„o - Coaching class y™wËqr[‚ òr‚ fÕÞtý Ër{r‚ - Committee on y™wrþûtý-Ën-{t„oŒþo™ fuLÿtu - Coaching-cum- Welfare of Scheduled Castes Guidance Centres y™wËqr[‚ òr‚ytu - Scheduled castes y™w©ðý - Monitoring y™wËqr[‚ Œh - Scheduled rate y™w©ðý fuLÿ - Monitoring station y™wËqr[‚ ƒUf - Scheduled bank y™w©ðý Ëk„X™/‚kºt - Monitoring organization y™wËqr[‚ htus„th - Scheduled employment y™w©ðý Ëuðt - Monitoring service y™wËqr[‚ rðM‚th - Scheduled area y™w©tu‚t - Monitor y™wËqr[{tk r™Þ‚ fhu÷ - Set forth in schedule y™w»tk„e - Ancillary; related; connected; y™wM™t‚f - Post-graduate y™wM™t‚f yÇÞtË - Post-graduate study accessory y™wM™t‚f yÇÞtË¢{ - Post-graduate course y™wM™t‚f rðãtÚteo - Post-graduate student y™wËúðý Útðwk - Percolate y™w»tk„e ÷t¼ - Fringe benefit y™wËútð - Percolation y™w»tk„e nf - Accessory right y™wËútð ½x - Percolation loss y™wË{Úto™ - Ratification; endorsement; y™wËút𠂤tð - Percolation tank confirmation y™wËútð ðu„ - Velocity of percolation y™q… - Lagoon y™wËhý - Pursuance; following 17

y™uf y…f]íÞf‚to y™uf - Numerous; many yLÞ Œuþ{tkÚte ytðe™u ðË™th - Immigrant y™uf‚t - Multiplicity; diversity yLÞ Œuþ{tkÚte ytðe™u ðËðwk - Immigrate y™ufðtŒe - Pluralist yLÞ rƒ™fh {nuËq÷ - Other non-tax revenue y™ufðtŒe ÷tufþtne - Pluralist democracy yLÞ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Other person y™ufrðÄ - Multifarious; manifold; various yLÞ Ëk¢{ý - Alienation y™ufrðÄ Ëuðtytu - Multifarious services yLÞºt - Elsewhere y™ir‚f - Immoral; illicit yLÞºt ntshe - Alibi y™ir‚f ËkƒkÄ - Illicit relation yLÞÚtt - Otherwise y™ir‚f ËtÄ™tu - Corrupt means yLÞÚtt òu„ðtE fhðt{tk ytðe ntuÞ ‚u rËðtÞ - y™ir‚f‚t - Immorality y™tu¾wk - Unique; matchless; extraordinary Unless otherwise provided; save as y™tir[íÞ - Impropriety otherwise provided y™ti…[trhf - Informal y™ti…[trhf [[to - Informal discussion yLÞŒuþeÞ - Alien; foreign y™ti…[trhf rþûtý - Informal education; non- yLÞtÞ - Injustice yLÞtÞe yxftÞ‚ - Wrongful detention formal education yLÞtÞe f]íÞ - Wrongful act yLÞtÞe ÞwØ - Unjust war y™ti…[trhf‚t - Informality yLÞtÞe/yLÞtÞ…qýo - Unjust; wrongful y™tihË - Illegitimate yLÞtuLÞ/…hM…h - Reciprocal; mutual; inter se y™tihË Ëk‚t™ - Illegitimate child yLÞtuLÞ r¢Þt - Interaction y™tihË‚t - Illegitimacy yLÞtuLÞ ËkŒ¼o - Cross reference yL‚:…hSðe/yL‚:…htu…Sðe - Endoparasite yLÞtuLÞ‚t - Reciprocity yL‚„o‚ òu„ðtEytu - Underlying provisions yLÞtuLÞt©Þ - Inter-dependence yL‚„o‚ rð[th - Underlying idea yLðÞ - Connection; relation yL‚„o‚/ytk‚rhf …whtðtu - Internal evidence yLðÞu - According to; in accordance with yL‚¼tuo{ «ðtn - Subterranean stream yLðeûtf - Scrutinizer yÒt - Food yLðeûtý - Scrutiny yÒtytÞwõ‚ - Commissioner of Food y…fhý - Misfeasance yÒtûtuºt/ËŒtðú‚ - Charity kitchen y…fth - Ingratitude; disloyalty yÒt™¤e - Oesophagus y…feŠ‚ - Disrepute; infamy; opprobrium; yÒtËkfx - Food crisis yÒtËr{r‚ - Food Committee disgrace yÒtËt{„úe - Food stuff y…f]íÞ - Tort; misdeed y…f]íÞf‚to - Tort feasor 18

y…f]íÞsLÞ sðtƒŒthe y…ðtn y…f]íÞsLÞ sðtƒŒthe - Tortious liability y…hk…ht„‚ - Untraditional; unconventional; y…fuLÿe …k… - Centrifugal pump non-conventional y…õð‚t - Immaturity y…ût - Independent y…htÄ - Offence; crime; guilt y…ût ËÇÞ - Independent member y…ût Ëhfth - Non-party government (2)Delinquency y…[Þ - Catabolism y…[Þ™(htËt.) - Reduction y…htÄ fhðt™e xuð - Recidivism y…[tu - Indigestion; dyspepsia y…htÄ ¼tð™t - Sense of guilt y…‚xeÞ „tuŒe - Offshore dock y…htÄ{tk ËntÞ fhðe - Abet y…htÄrð¿tt™ - Criminology y…htÄe - Offender; guilty; criminal; culprit (2)Delinquent y…htÄe Xhtððwk - Convict y…‚xeÞ {tAe{the - Offshore fishing y…htÄeð„o - Underworld; world of criminals y…‚xeÞ þthft{ - Offshore drilling y…rhr[‚ - Unknown; unacquainted; y…™tððtÞtuøÞ - Adoptable; acceptable unfamiliar y…™tððwk - Adopt; accept y…rhýe‚ - Unmarried; unwedded y…™tððwk ‚u - Adoption; acceptance y…rh…õð - Immature y……tur»t‚ - Malnourished y…rh…õð‚t - Immaturity y…«ðuþ - Trespass; intrusion y…rhr{‚ - Immeasurable; ad infinitum y…«ðuþ fh™th - Trespasser; intruder y…rhð‚o™ût{ - Inalterable; inflexible y…¼úkþ þçŒ - Deformed word; corrupt word y…rhð‚o™ût{‚t - Inalterability y…{t™ - Insult; dishonour y…rhð‚o™þe÷ - Unchangeable; unalterable y…{t™s™f - Insulting; derogatory; offensive y…rhð‚o™eÞ - Unalterable y…{t™s™f ¼t»tt - Offensive language; y…rhntÞo - Unavoidable; inevitable insulting language; derogatory language y…Þto - Insufficient; inadequate y…{tr™‚ - Insulted; disgraced; dishonoured y…Þto òýfthe/¿tt™ - Inadequate knowledge y…{tr™‚ fhðwk - Insult; dishonour y…ð[™ - Slander; abuse y…{tŠ„‚ ‚th - Misrouted telegram y…ð[™tí{f - Slanderous; abusive y…{]íÞw - Unnatural death y…ðn™ - Drift y…{]íÞw ‚…tË - Inquest y…ðtŒ - Exception y…{]íÞw …heûtf - Coroner y…ðtŒ¾kz - Saving clause y…{]íÞw …heûtf™tu ynuðt÷ - Coroner’s report y…ðtŒY… - Exceptional y…Þþ - Disrepute; discredit; ill-fame y…ðtŒY… Ëkòu„tu - Exceptional circumstances y…h {t‚t - Stepmother y…ðtn - Runoff 19

y…ðtn ŸztE y…qýo y…ðtn ŸztE - Depth of run-off y…tºt - Ineligible y…ðtn„wýtkf - Run-off coefficient y…tºt rn‚trÄfthe - Ineligible beneficiary y…rðºt - Unholy; impious y…tºt‚t - Ineligibility y…rðºt fhðwk - Sacrilege; desecrate; profane; y…th - Endless; immeasurable y…th„BÞ - Impermeable; impassable defile y…thŒþof - Opaque; intransparent y…thŒþof‚t - Opacity; intransparency y…rðºt‚t - Impurity; sacrilege; profanity y…t÷™ - Non-fulfilment; non-compliance y…ÔÞÞ - Wastage y…e÷ yŒt÷‚/ftuxo - Appellate Court; Court of y…þçŒ - Abuse; abusive language; foul appeal language y…e÷ yrÄfthe - Appellate Authority y…þwfr™Þt¤ - Inauspicious; ill-omened y…e÷ fh™th - Appellant y…Ët{tLÞ - Abnormal; exceptional; y…e÷ fhðt {txu …hðt™„e - Leave to appeal y…e÷ fhðt™e ¾tË …hðt™„e - Speacial leave extraordinary to appeal y…Ët{tLÞ Ze÷ - Abnormal delay y…Ët{tLÞ Vhf - Abnormal variation y…e÷ ftZe ™t¾ðe ‚u - Dismissal of appeal y…Ët{tLÞ ƒt¤f - Abnormal child y…e÷ ûtuºttrÄfth/nfq{‚ - Appellate y…Ët{tLÞ {™turð¿tt™/{t™Ëþt† - Abnormal jurisdiction psychology y…e÷ ÚtE þfu ‚uðwk - Appealable y…Ët{tLÞ {t„ýe - Abnormal demand y…e÷ ™ ÚtR þfu ‚uðwk - Inappealable y…Ët{tLÞ ÷t¼ - Abnormal profit y…e÷ ÞtŒe - Memorandum of appeal y…Ët{tLÞ ðĽx - Abnormal fluctuations y…e÷™tu nf - Right of appeal y…M{th - Epilepsy y…e÷…tºt - Appealable y…nhý - Abduction; kidnapping y…e÷…tºt [wftŒtu/VUË÷tu - Appealable (2)Hijacking judgement y…nhý fh™th - Abductor; kidnapper y…e÷…tºt nwf{™t{wk - Appealable decree y…e÷Ë¥tt - Appellate powers/authority (2)Hijacker y…qh‚t f{o[theytu Ähtð‚tu yuf{ - Under- y…nhý fhðwk - Abduct; kidnap (2) Hijack staffed cell y…Ó‚ - Kidnapped; abducted (2)Hijacked y…k„ - Handicapped; physically y…qh‚e ™týtÔÞðMÚttðt¤wk - Under funded y…qh‚wk - Insufficient; inadequate handicapped; crippled y…qh‚tu ytnth - Underfeeding y…qýo - Incomplete; imperfect y…k„ ft{Œth - Physically handicapped 20 worker y…k„ ƒ™tððwk - Maim; cripple; mutilate y…k„‚t - Disability; disablement; handicap y…k„‚t ðe{tu - Disability insurance

y…qýo ŒM‚tðus yƒtrÄ‚ y…qýo ŒM‚tðus - Inchoate document y«Þturs‚ ™týwk - Idle money y…qýo {tr÷fenf - Imperfect title y«Þturs‚ þÂõ‚ - Idle capacity y…qýo M…Äto - Imperfect competition; y«Þturs‚ ËtÄ™tu - Idle resources y«ðeý - Unskilled; untrained; untalented incomplete competition y«ðu~Þ - Impassable; impermeable y«M‚w‚ - Irrelevant; impertinent y…qýo nf - Imperfect title y«M‚w‚ rðÄt™ - Obiter dictum y…qðo - Unprecedented; unusual; unique y«M‚w‚‚t - Irrelevance; impertinence y…uûtt - Expectation; anticipation y«t hò - Leave not earned y…uÂût‚ - Expected; anticipated y«tÃÞ - Unavailable; unobtainable; not y…uÂût‚ ft{„ehe - Job specification; expected available work y«tÃÞ Qòo - Unavailable energy y…uÂût‚ ¾[o - Anticipated expenditure y«tÃÞ ðM‚w™wk ƒòh - Gray market y…uÂût‚ ƒ[‚ - Anticipated savings y«tÃÞ‚t «{tý…ºt - Non-availability y…uÂût‚ {¤‚h - Expected return y…i‚]f r{÷f‚ - Non-ancestral property certificate y…tiÂüf - Innutritious; lean y…tiÂüf ytnth - Lean diet y«t{trýf - Dishonest y«ftrþ‚ r™Þ{Ëk„ún - Unpublished manual y«t{trýf‚t - Dishonesty y«„x - Unpublished; undisclosed; invisible; y«t{trýf‚t yt[hðe - Indulge in dishonesty y«t{trýf‚tÚte {u¤ðu÷ - Ill-gotten hidden yVh - Irreversible; unchangeable (2)Firm yVh r™ýoÞ - Firm decision; unalterable y«„x ytðf - Undisclosed income y«„x fh - Hidden tax decision y«„x ƒuhtus„the - Hidden unemployment y«„x ¼tððÄthtu - Hidden price rise yV÷t‚q™ - Excellent; de-luxe y«„x ËntÞfe - Hidden subsidy yV÷t‚q™ ytð]Â¥t - De-luxe edition y«[r÷‚ - Unprevailing yV÷t‚q™ „tze - De-luxe train y«r‚{ - Unique; incomparable; unparallel yVðt - Rumour; hearsay y«íÞût - Indirect; intangible yVðt Vu÷tð™th - Rumour monger y«íÞût {qÕÞ - Intangible value yV¤ - Fruitless; unfruitful y«íÞ…oý „w™tu - Non-extradition offence yVeý - Opium y«{týËh „ze - Asymmetrical folding yƒ½ze - Right now; soon; just now y«{trý‚ rVÕ{ - Uncertified film yƒh¾ - Mica; talc yƒtÄ ftÞoðtne - Unhampered action yƒtrÄ‚ - Absolute 21

yƒtrÄ‚ R÷t¾tu/{tr÷fenf yÇÞtË¢{ yƒtrÄ‚ R÷t¾tu/{tr÷fenf - Absolute title yr¼™kŒ™ ‚th - Greeting telegram yƒtrÄ‚ {tr÷f - Absolute owner yr¼™uÞ ™txf - Stageable drama yƒtrÄ‚ r{÷f‚ - Absolute property yr¼Òt yk„ - Integral part; part and parcel yƒtrÄ‚ Ë¥tt - Absolute power yr¼«tÞ - Opinion yƒtrÄ‚ Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Absolute sovereignty yr¼«tÞ Ähtððtu - Hold opinion yƒtrÄ‚ ËtuŒt„ehe - Sole bargaining yr¼«u‚ - Intended; desired; implied yƒtrÄ‚ ËtuŒt„ehe yusLx - Sole bargaining yr¼«u‚/WÂÆü yÚto - Intended meaning; agent implication; connotation yƒtrÄ‚ ËtuŒt„ehe nf - Sole bargaining right yr¼{t™ - Pride; ego yƒtrÄ‚ nf - Absolute right; absolute yr¼{t™e - Proud; egoist yr¼Þt™ - Campaign; drive privilege yr¼hûtf - Custodian yr¼hkrs‚ - Stained yƒUfeÞ r‚òuhe - Non-banking treasury yr¼hwr[ - Aptitude; liking; taste yƒtu÷ - Dumb; mute yr¼hwr[ fËtuxe - Aptitude test y¼ý - Uneducated; illiterate yr¼÷t»tt - Ambition;keen desire y¼ÿ ð‚o™ - Ungentlemanly behaviour yr¼÷u¾ - Inscription; engravement (2)Record y¼ÞthÛÞ - Sanctuary yr¼ðtŒ™ - Greeting; salutation; felicitation y¼tr„Þwk - Unlucky; unfortunate yr¼ð]ÂØ - Accretion; increase; growth y¼tð - Absence; want; lack (2) Dislike yr¼ÔÞÂõ‚ - Expression; utterance yr¼„{ - Approach yr¼ÔÞÂõ‚ Mðt‚kºÞ - Freedom of expression yr¼„útne fuLÿ - Receiving centre yr¼þtu»tý - Assimilation; absorption yr¼„útne Mxuþ™ - Receiving station y¼q‚…qðo - Unprecedented yr¼½x™ f÷t - Plastic art y¼uã - Impervious; impenetrable yr¼ò‚ - Noble; thoroughbred y¼uã M‚h - Impervious layer yr¼™Þ - Acting; performance yÇÞÚto™t - Request; prayer yr¼™Þ fhðtu - Act; perform yÇÞtË - Study; exercise; practice yr¼™Þf÷t - Performing art; dramaturgy; yÇÞtË yuf{ - Study cell yÇÞtË ftÞo¢{ - Study schedule; study theatrical art programme yr¼™Þût{ - Stageable yr¼™ð - Modern; new yÇÞtË ftiþ÷ - Study skill yr¼™ð ðM‚wytu - Novelty goods yÇÞtË¢{ - Curriculum; syllabus; course yr¼™kŒ™ - Congratulation; felicitation; 22 greeting yr¼™kŒ™ftzo - Greeting card

yÇÞtË¢{tu™wk {t¤¾wk y{wf yÇÞtË¢{tu™wk {t¤¾wk - Structure of courses y{÷{tk ™ ntuÞ ‚uðwk - Inoperative yÇÞtË ¾kz - Study room y{÷{tk {qfðwk - Implement; execute; enforce yÇÞtË sqÚt - Study group y{÷{tk {qfe þftÞ yuðwk - Enforceable; yÇÞtË xwfze - Study team implementable yÇÞtË…qhf «ð]Â¥tytu - Co-curricular activities y{÷{tk hnu÷wk - In force yÇÞtË hò - Study leave y{÷{tk hnuðwk - Remain in force yÇÞtË ð‚wo¤ - Study circle y{÷{tk ÷tððwk - Enforce; execute; implement; yÇÞtË rð»tÞ - Syllabus yÇÞtË Ër{r‚ - Board of studies bring into force yÇÞtË ËntÞ - Study aid yÇÞtË Ëqr[ - Study schedule y{÷{tk ntuÞ yuðtu ftÞŒtu - Law in force y{÷{tk ntuÞ ‚uðwk - In force y{÷{tk ntuðwk - Be in force; be under implementation yÇÞtËu‚h - Extra-curricular y{÷ÞtuøÞ Þtus™t - Workable scheme yÇÞtËu‚h ftÞo¢{ - Extra-curricular y{÷e - Effective; operative programme y{÷e ƒ™ðwk - Take effect y{k„¤ - Inauspicious; ill-omened yÇÞtËu‚h «ð]Â¥t - Extra-curricular activity y{t™w»te - Inhuman yÇÞwŒÞ - Advancement; rise; uplift; y{t™w»te ð‚o™/ÔÞðnth - Inhuman treatment prosperity y{tLÞ - Unrecognized; inadmissible; y{ÞtorŒ‚ ¼t„eŒthe - Unlimited partnership unapproved; invalid y{÷ - Implementation; enforcement; y{tLÞ yusLx - Unapproved Agent execution y{tLÞ fhðwk - Disallow; disapprove; disprove; y{÷ yrÄfthe - Implementation Officer reject y{÷ fhðtÞtuøÞ - Enforceable; exercisable y{tLÞ fhu÷ …whtðtu - Rejected evidence y{÷ fhðtu - Enforce; execute; implement y{tLÞ {‚…ºt - Invalid ballot paper y{÷ fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Enforceable; y{tLÞ Ëhfth - Unrecognized Government implementable y{tLÞ‚t - Non-recognition; invalidity; y{÷ ™ fhe þftÞ ‚uðwk - Unenforceable disapproval y{÷Œth - Officer y{t… - Immeasurable; limitless y{÷Œthþtne - Bureaucracy (2)Officialdom yr{ºtht»xÙ - Unfriendly nation y{÷ƒsðýe - Enforcement; execution yr{r©‚ - Unmixed; unblended; y{÷{tk - In operation; in force y{÷{tk ytððwk - Come into effect/force; come unadulterated into operation y{wf - Particular; special; specific; such and y{÷{tk ytÔÞt™e ònuht‚ fhðe - Promulgate such; so and so 23

y{q‚o yÚtoþt† y{q‚o - Intangible; abstract; unembodied; yhË…hË Ëƒk Äk - Mutual relation; reciprocation yhË…hË MÚtt™ ƒŒ÷ðwk - Transpose incorporeal yhË…hË MÚtt™ƒŒ÷e - Transposition yhksf ¼qr{ - Non-cohesive soil y{q‚o yMõÞt{‚ - Intangible assets yhtsf‚t - Anarchy; lawlessness, chaos; y{q‚o r{÷f‚ - Incorporeal property y{q‚o {qÕÞ - Intangible value disorder y{q‚o Ëk…Â¥t - Intangible property y{q‚o nf - Incorporeal right yhtsf‚tðtŒ - Anarchism y{tu½ - Infallible; certain yhtsf‚tðtŒe - Anarchist y{tu½‚t - Infallibility; certainty yheÞ fqðtu - Radial well yB÷r…¥t - Acidity yheÞ Œhðtòu - Radial gate yB÷{t…™ - Acidimetry yheÞ «ðtn - Radial flow yB÷eÞ ¼qr{ - Acidic soil yheÞ ÔÞðMÚtt - Radial system yÞÚttÚto ™t{ - Misnomer yhwr[ - Aversion; anorexia yÞtuøÞ - Improper; unworthy; unfit; yhwr[fh - Repellent; odius; unappetizing yfo/Ë¥ð - Essence; extract unsuitable; inappropriate; ineligible yÚto - Meaning; purport; purpose yÚto ½xtððtu - Construe; interpret yÞtuøÞ Xhtððwk - Disqualify yÚto Útðtu/ntuðtu - Mean yÞtuøÞ Œhr{Þt™„ehe - Improper intervention; yÚto/‚foËk„‚‚t - Rhyme of reason yÚtoût{ Œh - Economic rate undue interference yÚtoût{ ¼tzwk - Economic rent yÚto½x™ - Interpretation yÞtuøÞ‚t - Incapability; ineligibility; yÚto½x™ fhðwk - Interpret; construe yÚto½x™tí{f - Interpretative unworthiness yÚto‚kºt - Economy yÚto‚kºt™e yÔÞðMÚtt - Dislocation of finances yhÂût‚ ƒt¤f - Unprotected child yÚto…qýo/yÚto˼h - Meaningful; significant; yhsŒth - Applicant (2)Petitioner yhsŒth™e ô{h/ðÞ - Age of applicant pithy yhS fhðt™tu nf - Right to petition yhS fhðe - Apply yÚtor{r‚ - Econometrics yhS Mðefthðe/æÞt™{tk ÷uðe - Entertain an yÚtorð»tÞf ytkfzt - Economic statistics yÚtoÔÞðMÚtt - Economy application yÚtoþt† - Economics yhS…ºt - Application form 24 yhÛÞ - Forest; jungle yhÛÞ¼qr{ - Forest land yhƒe ytkfzt - Arabic numerals yhË…hË - Reciprocal; mutual; inter se yhË…hË ÔÞðnth - Reciprocity

yÚtoþt† y™u ytkfzt r™Þt{f y÷„ ‚…tË yÚtoþt† y™u ytkfzt r™Þt{f - Director of yÄoËhfthe ÞtŒe…ºt - Demi-official reminder Economics and Statistics yÄoËhuhtþ …„th - Half average pay yÄoËhuhtþ …„th™e hò - Leave on half yÚtoþtMºte - Economist yÚtoËq[f‚t - Significance average pay yÚtone™ - Meaningless; insignificant; absurd; yÄoMVrxf{Þ - Hemicrystalline inane yÄoMðÞk[tr÷‚ - Semi-automatic yÄoMðtÞ¥t ËkMÚtt - Semi-autonomous body yÚtone™‚t - Meaninglessness; absurdity yÄeo ftXeyu - At half-mast yÚtto‚T - Namely; that is to say; in other word yÄeo rxrfx - Half ticket yÄo- - Semi-; half; quasi; demi-; hemi- yÄeo Ve - Moiety fees; half fees yÄo-yŒt÷‚e - Quasi-judicial yÄwO - Semi-; half yÄo-ytÿo - Semi-humid yÄwO ¼tzwk - Half fare yÄoft™q™e - Quasi-legal yÄtuo ft„¤/yÄwO …t™wk - Half sheet yÄoftÞ{e f{o[theð„o - Semi-permanent staff yÄtuo …„th - Half pay yÄofwþ¤ - Semi-skilled y…oý - Dedication; offering; presentation; yÄofwþ¤ fthe„h - Semi-skilled artisan yÄo„tu¤ - Semi-circular; hemisphere cession yÄo„tu¤tfth f{t™ - Semi-circular arch y…oý fhðwk - Dedicate; offer yÄoò„ú‚ {™ - Subconscious mind y…oý…ºt - Dedicatory letter yÄo‚fr™fe fthfw™ - Semi-technical clerk y…oýËkrÄ - Treaty of Cession yÄo…„the hò - Leave on half pay; half pay yðto[e™ - Modern leave yðto[e™ Þw„ - Modern age y÷„ - Separate; distinct yÄo«r‚{t/yÄo{qŠ‚ - Bust y÷„ y™u Ët[tu rnËtƒ - Separate and correct yÄo{trËf - Half monthly; fortnightly yÄoðtrýÂßÞf - Quasi-commercial account yÄðo tŠ»tf - Half-yearly; six monthly; bi-annual y÷„ yr¼«tÞ - Dissenting opinion yÄoðtŠ»tf …heûtt - Half-yearly examination y÷„/y÷tÞŒe RÂM…‚t÷ - Isolation Hospital yÄoþw»f - Semi-arid y÷„ fhðwk - Detach; disconnect; sever; yÄoþw»f ®Ë[tE - Semi-dry irrigation; semi- separate arid irrigation y÷„ fhth - Separate contract yÄoËhfthe - Demi-official (2)Semi y÷„ fhe þftÞ yuðwk - Detachable government; quasi-government y÷„ [wftŒtu - Separate judgement y÷„ At…u÷e ™f÷ - Off-print yÄoËhfthe ŒM‚tðus - Semi-public document y÷„ ‚…tË - Separate inquiry yÄoËhfthe …ºt - Demi-official letter 25

y÷„ ‚ntu{‚ yÕ… {t„ýe y÷„ ‚ntu{‚ - Separate charge yr÷r¾‚ - Unrecorded; unwritten y÷„ ‚thððwk - Sort; assort yr÷ - Detached; aloof y÷„ Útðwk - Secede; segregate y÷tun Ät‚w - Non-ferrous metal y÷„ …z™thwk htßÞ - Seceding State y÷tirff - Supernatural; divine y÷„ …tzðt™e ft{„ehe - Sorting yÕ… - Little; insignificant y÷„ …tze Œuðwk ‚u - Isolation; disconnection; yÕ… yûth¿tt™ðt¤t rðM‚thtu - Low literacy segregation; separation pockets y÷„ …tzu÷wk - Separated; divided; segregated; yÕ… yrÄfth ¼tu„ð‚t - Under-privileged yÕ… ytðf-sqÚt ytðtË™ Þtus™t - Low Income isolated Group Housing Scheme y÷„ …tzu÷tu rsÕ÷tu - Segregated district y÷„ «fth™wk - Diverse; different yÕ… ytðf-ð„o - Low income bracket y÷„ ðtuzo - Isolation ward yÕ… Wí…tŒ™ - Under-production y÷„ Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Individual sovereignty yÕ… frÚt‚ - Understated y÷„/…]ÚtfT he‚u - Separately; severally yÕ…ftr÷f - Temporary;ephemeral; y÷„y÷„ sðtƒŒthe - Several liability y÷„y÷„ …ûtfth - Several parties transitory; momentary; short lived y÷„‚t - Separation; severalty; segregation; yÕ…ftr÷f yMðMÚt‚t - Temporary indisposition isolation yÕ…ftr÷f „tkz…ý - Temporary insanity yÕ…ftr÷f VtR÷ - Ephemeral file y÷„‚t r™Þ{ - Segregation law yÕ…ft÷e™ - Temporary; transitory; short y÷„‚t nwf{ - Separation order y÷„‚tðtŒe - Secessionist; separatist lived; momentary y÷„‚tðtŒe Íwkƒuþ - Separatist movement; yÕ…ft÷e™ rÄhtýr™rÄ - Short term loan fund secessionist movement yÕ…ft÷e™ r™ÞwÂõ‚ - Temporary appointment yÕ…ft÷e™ rðr™{Þ Œh - Short term exchange y÷„‚tðtŒe ð÷ý - Separatist tendency y÷ƒ¥t - Of course rate y÷rðŒt - Farewell; goodbye y÷kfhý - Ornamentation yÕ…s™‚kºt - Oligarchy y÷kfth - Ornament yÕ…Sðe - Short lived y÷kf]‚ fhðwk - Embellish yÕ…‚{ ðÄthtu - Minimal rise y÷k½™eÞ - Insurmountable; impassable; yÕ……rh[Þ - Nodding acquaintance yÕ……tu»tý - Undernutrition; underfeeding; uncrossable; insuperable undernourishment y÷tÞŒwk - Separate y÷tÞŒtu fƒòu - Separate possession yÕ……tur»t‚/yÕ……tu»tý …t{u÷wk - Undernourished; underfed; insufficiently nourished yÕ… ƒnw{‚e - Thin majority yÕ… {t„ýe - Scant demand 26

yÕ… {qÕÞtkf™ yðhsðh™tu nf yÕ… {qÕÞtkf™ - Under valuation yð„wý - Vice; demerit yÕ…{qÕÞtkrf‚ [÷ý - Under-valued currency yð[™ƒØ ht»xÙ - Uncommitted nation yÕ… htus„th - Under employment yð¿tt - Disobedience yÕ…ðÞ «{tý…ºt - Under age certificate yð¿tt fhðe - Disregard; disobey yÕ…rðfrË‚ yÚtoÔÞðMÚtt/yÚto‚kºt - Under yð¿ttfthe - Disobedient; insolent; impudent development economy yð‚hý - Quotation; notes; act of descent yð‚hý xtkfðwk - Quote yÕ…rðfrË‚ Œuþtu - Under developed countries yðŒþt - Downfall; decline (2)Plight yÕ…ðu‚™Úte fhtÞu÷e {sqhe - Sweated labour; yðrÄ/{wŒ‚e ðe{tu - Term assurance/insurance yð™r‚ - Degradation; degeneration; low paid labour decadence; downfall yÕ…ðu‚™Úte ft{ fh‚tu {sqh/©r{f - Sweated yð™ðtu {t÷ - Novelty goods; variety goods labour; low paid labour yð™tr÷ft - Flume; canal yð{qÕÞ™ - Devaluation yÕ…ðu‚™e ft{ - Low paid work yðÞð - Organ; limb (2)Constituent; part; yÕ…ËtÄ™ yÚto‚kºt - Resource scarce economy yÕ…ËtÄ™tu - Meagre resources component yÕ…tnth - Refreshment yÕ…tnth„]n - Cafeteria; canteen yðh - Another (2)Junior yÕ…tuÂõ‚ - Understatement yðh Rs™uh - Junior Engineer yÕ…tuÂõ‚ fhðe - Understate yðh fthfw™ - Junior Clerk yÕ…tuÂõ‚ fhtÞu÷ - Understated yðh ûtuºt yrÄfthe - Junior Field Officer yðftþ - Space (2)Scope; chance yðh ™fþt„h - Junior Draftsman yðftþ/yk‚heût «tiãtur„fe - Space technology yðh LÞtÞtÄeþ - Puisne Judge yðftþ/yk‚heût ËkƒkÄe - Spatial yðh {ŒŒ™eþ-‚…tË™eË - Junior Assistant yðftþÞtºtt - Space travel yðftþÞtºte - Space traveller; space man Examiner yðftþÞt™ - Space craft; spaceship yðh MÚt…r‚ - Junior Architect yðftþËkþtuÄ™ - Space research yðh rnËtƒ™eË - Junior Accountant yðftþËkþtuÄ™Þt™ - Space probe; space yðhsðh - Movement; traffic research ship yðhsðh fhðe - Move yðhsðh …ºtf - Movement register yðftrþf - Spatial yðhsðh {txu {t„o r™Ätohý - Routing of traffic yðf]…t - Disfavour yðhsðh™tu {t„o - Passage yð„ý™t - Disregard; neglect; disobedience yðhsðh™tu nf - Right of passage yð„ý™t fhðe/yð„ýðwk - Neglect; disregard; 27 ignore; disobey; overlook

yðhtuÄ yrð[the ¾[o fh™th yðhtuÄ - Obstacle; obstruction; hurdle; yð~Þk¼tðe - Inevitable hindrance; bottleneck; barricade; barrier; yðËhðtŒe - Time server; opportunist impedence; interruption (2)Hitch yðËt™ - Death; demise yðËt™™u ÷„‚wk ònuh™t{wk - Obituary yðhtuÄ Œqh fhðtu ‚u - Debottlenecking yðhtuÄ …w÷ - Impedance bridge Notification yðhtuÄf ÞwÂõ‚-«ÞwÂõ‚ytu - Obstructive tactics yðhtuļuŒ™ - Break-through yðMÚtt - Position; condition (2)Stage of life yðhtuÄY… - Inhibitory; obstructive yðnu÷™t - Contempt; disregard yðhtuÄðwk - Impede; intercept; hold up; obstruct yð¤e yËh - Adverse effect yðhtuÄËq[f ƒ¥te - Obstruction light yð¤wk - Inverse; opposite; contrary yðhtun - Descent yð¤u {t„uo Œtuhðwk - Misguide; misdirect; mislead yð„eof]‚ - Non descript; non-classified; yð¤tu yÚto - Misinterpretation unclassified yðtåÞ - Illegible; unreadable; indecipherable yðtåÞ ‚th - Indecipherable telegram; yð„eof]‚ [wfðýe - Unclassified payment yð„eof]‚ ŒM‚tðus - Unclassified document illegible telegram yð„eof]‚ «tÂÂ/hËeŒ - Unclassified receipt yðtåÞ ÷¾tý - Illegible writing yð„eof]‚ ð™ - Unclassified forest yðtåÞ‚t - Illegibility yðýo™eÞ - Indescribable yðts - Voice; sound; tone yðhwØ s¤tþÞ - Impounding reservoir yðts™e „r‚Úte ðu„e÷wk rð{t™ - Supersonic yð÷ - First; best aircraft yð÷ fthfw™ - Aval Karkun yð÷kƒ™ - Dependence; support; prop yðts«r‚ƒkrÄ‚ rðM‚th - Silence zone yð÷tuf™ - Observation (2)Review yðtkrA‚ ‚¥ðtu - Unwanted elements yð÷tuf™ fhðwk - Observe yðtkrA‚ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Unwanted person; persona yð÷tuf™ {txu hsq - Submitted for perusal yð÷tuf™fth - Observer non grata yðrþü - Residuary yðrþü …ŒtÚttuo - Tailings yðtk‚h «&™ - Interpellation yðþu»t - Remains; relics; residue yrðfrË‚ - Undeveloped; rudimentary; yð~Þ - Necessarily; surely; certainly; of abortive; inchoate course yrð[r÷‚ - Unperturbed; steadfast; stable; yð~Þ…ýu - Certainly; by all means; surely; firm inevitably yrð[the - Indiscriminate; indiscreet; imprudent; rash; reckless yrð[the y™u ƒuŒhfthe¼ÞwO f]íÞ - Rash and negligent act yrð[the ¾[o fh™th - Prodigal; extravagant 28

yrð[the/yrððufe ð‚oýqf yðuS yusLx yrð[the/yrððufe ð‚oýqf - Misbehaviour; yrð÷tuÃÞ - Indefeasible; indelible yrð÷tuÃÞ r[ö/r™þt™ - Indefeasible/indelible inconsiderate conduct mark yrð[the…ýwk - Imprudence; rashness; yrð÷tuÃÞ þtne - Indelible ink indiscretion yrð÷tuÃÞ nf - Indefeasible right yrððtŒtM…Œ - Non-controversial yrð[the…ýu - Recklessly; foolishly; yrððtrn‚ - Unmarried; unwedded yrððuf - Impudence; indiscretion; thoughtlessly impoliteness yrðã{t™ - Non-existent yrðrÄËh …ºt - Unofficial letter yrððufe - Impolite; immodest; indiscreet; yrðrÄËh™e …ht{þo/Ë÷tnËr{r‚ - Informal impudent Consultative Committee yrðïË™eÞ - Dubious; doubtful; yrðrÄËh™wk - Informal; unofficial yrð™Þ - Incivility; discourtesy; immodesty untrustworthy; unreliable yrð™Þe - Immodest; impolite; discourtious yrðr™{Þût{ - Inconvertible; nonconvertible yrðïË™eÞ fk…™e - Dubious company yrð¼õ‚ - Joint; united; undivided yrðïË™eÞ‚t - Incredibility; unreliability; yrð¼õ‚ fwxwkƒ - Joint family; undivided untrustworthiness family yrðïtË - Mistrust; distrust yrð¼trs‚ - Undivided; joint yrðïtË «M‚tð - No confidence motion; vote yrð¼tßÞ - Indivisible; inseparable; of no confidence impartible yrðïtË™e Œh¾tM‚/«M‚tð - Vote of no- yrð¼tßÞ s{e™ò„eh - Impartible estate yrð¼tßÞ r{÷f‚ - Indivisible property; confidence; motion of no-confidence; no- trust motion impartible property yðuûtf - Supervisor yrð¼tßÞ Ëtðo¼ti{íð - Indivisible yðuûtf yrÄfthe - Supervising Officer yðuûtf ynuðt÷ - Supervisory report sovereignty yðuûtf Vtuh{u™ - Supervising Foreman yðuûtý ËkMÚtt - Supervisory body yrð¼tßÞ‚t - Indivisibility; impartibility yðuûtý nwf{ - Supervision order yrðh‚ - Relentless; incessant; uninterrupted; yðus - Consideration yðus hf{ - Consideration money continuous; constant yðushrn‚ fLxÙtõx - Nude contract; naked yrðh‚ y…ðtn - Sustained run-off contract yrðh‚ «ÞtË - Unceasing effort; continuous yðuS - Substitute; stop-gap; proxy effort; incessant effort yðuS yusLx - Substituted agent yrðht{ - Continuance 29 yrð÷kƒ ftp÷ - No delay call yrð÷kƒu - In a summary way; without delay

yðuS f{o[theð„o yï…Út/{t„o yðuS f{o[theð„o - Relieving staff yþÂõ‚ - Weakness; debility; infirmity yðuS ¾[o - Substituted expenses yþõÞ - Infeasible; impossible yðuS rŒðË - Substituted day yþt÷e™ - Immodest; indecorous; indecent yðuS «r‚r™rÄ - Substituted agent yþt÷uÞ rþûtý - Informal education; non- yðuS ƒsðýe - Substituted service yðuS {t÷ - Substitute goods formal education yðuS ð¤‚h - Vicarious compensation yðuS ËÇÞ - Substitute member yþtk‚ - Restless; disturbed yðuS nwf{ - Substituted order yþtkr‚ - Disorder; disturbance yðuSfhý - Subrogation; substitution yþtkr‚ Vu÷tð™th - Trouble-maker yðuSft{ - Subbing yþtkr‚s™f - Troublesome yðuS™e yËh - Substitution effect yrþü - Indecent; indecorous; immodest; yðuS…ºt - Proxy paper; proxy yðuS…ºt îtht {‚Œt™ - Voting by proxy discourteous yðu‚™ - Honorary; gratuitous yðu‚™ f÷tfth - Amateur yrþü þçŒ - Abusive word; indecent word; yðiÞÂõ‚f ¾t‚tðne - Impersonal ledger yðiÞÂõ‚f rnËtƒ - Impersonal account filthy word; obscene word yÔÞõ‚ - Implicit; unexpressed yÔÞðMÚtt - Mismanagement; disorder; yrþü‚t - Indecorum; indecency; incivility disorganization (2)Obscenity; vulgarity yÔÞðÂMÚt‚ - Haphazard; disorderly; yrþM‚ - Indiscipline yþwØ - Impure disorganized yþwÂØ - Impurity yþw¼ - Inauspicious yÔÞðnthw - Impracticable; inexpedient yþtu¼™eÞ - Indecorous; unbecoming; yÔÞtÏÞuÞ - Indefinable yþõ‚ - Infirm; invalid; unable; feeble unseemly yþõ‚ ft{Œth - Impaired worker yþõ‚/™ft{wk/…k„w ƒ™tððwk - Incapacitate yþtu¼™eÞ ÔÞðnth/ð‚o™ - Unseemly behaviour yþõ‚‚t - Disability; invalidity; infirmity y~{e¼ð™ - Petrifaction; fossilization yþõ‚‚t …uLþ™ - Disability pension; invalid y©tÔÞ - Inaudible y©tÔÞ‚t - Inaudibility pension y©wðtÞw - Tear gas y©wðtÞw xtuxtu - Tear gas shell yþõ‚‚t ðe{tu - Disability insurance y&÷e÷ - Obscene; vulgar y&÷e÷ ËtrníÞ - Obscene literature; pornography y&÷e÷/„÷e[ ¼t»tt - Obscene/abusive language y&÷e÷‚t - Obscenity; indecency; vulgarity yï…Út/{t„o - Bridle-path 30

yï…t÷ yË÷e …whtðtu yï…t÷ - Horse-keeper yË{ŠÚt‚ Ëtûte - Uncorroborated testimony yïrðãt - Hippology yË{t™ - Unequal; uneven yïþÂõ‚ - Horse power yË{t™ «r‚r™rÄíð - Unequal representation yïËkðÄo™ ûtuºt - Stud farm yË{t™ {qÕÞ - Unequal value yïËu™t - Cavalry yË{t™ rðftË - Unequal development yüf - Octave; octad yË{t™ rð‚hý - Uneven distribution; yüð»teoÞ - Octennial unequal distribution yüþ‚tçŒe - Octocentenary yË{t™‚t/yË{Y…‚t - Dissimilarity; yËíÞ - Untrue; false yËíÞ fÚt™ - False statement inequality; unevenness; disparity yËŒT¼tð/Œw¼toð - Bad faith y˃tƒ - Dead stock yË{tÞturs‚ Œtðtu - Unadjusted claim yËÇÞ - Indecent; impolite; indecorous; yË{tÞturs‚ rË÷f - Unadjusted balance yË{tÞturs‚ rnËtƒ - Unadjusted account uncivilized yË{trðü ¾[o - Unabsorbed expense yËh - Impact; effect; influence; incidence; yËÇÞ ð‚o™ - Misbehaviour yËÇÞ‚t - Incivility impression yË{‚÷ - Uneven; undulating yË{‚÷ s{e™ - Undulating ground; uneven yËh r™{qo¤ fhðe - Neutralize; nullify yËh …t{u÷ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Person affected yËhfthf - Effective; effectual; efficacious; impressive land yËhfthf ft{„ehe - Effective action yËhfthf ðhËtŒ - Effective rainfall yË{‚tðtŒe Ë{ts - Inequalitarian society yËhfthf‚t - Effectiveness yË{‚w÷t - Imbalance; disequilibrium yËh™tu rðM‚th - Sphere of influence yË{‚tu÷ - Unbalanced yË÷ - Genuine; indigenous; original; yË{‚tu÷ rðftË - Unbalanced growth/ authentic; real; true development yË÷ fŒ™wk - Life-size yË{Y… - Unidentical yË÷ ®f{‚ - Face value yË{Úto - Incapable; unable; incompetent yË÷ ™{q™tu - Archetype; original model; yË{Úto/yût{ ƒ™tððwk - Incapacitate; disable yË{Úto‚t - Incapability; incapacity; inability prototype yË{Úto‚t ÷t¼ …tìr÷Ëe - Incapacitation benefit yË÷ «‚ - Original copy policy yË÷t{‚ - Unsafe yË÷e - Original; genuine yË{Úto™eÞ - Unsupportable; untenable yË÷e …whtðtu - Genuine evidence yË{ŠÚt‚ - Unsupported; unconfirmed yË{ŠÚt‚ ynuðt÷ - Unconfirmed report 31

yËnfth™e [¤ð¤ yËtæÞ yËnfth™e [¤ð¤ - Non-co-operation yËkƒØ - Incoherent; irrelevant; inconsistent movement yËkƒØ‚t - Incoherence; irrelevance; yËnfthe ð÷ý - Unco-operative attitude/ inconsistency tendency yËk¼ð/yËk¼rð‚ - Improbable; impossible yËk¼rð‚‚t/yËk¼tÔÞ‚t - Improbability; yËn{‚e - Disagreement yËntÞ - Helpless impossibility yËntÞ‚t - Helplessness yËk{‚ yr¼«tÞ - Dissenting opinion yËrn»ýw - Intolerant yËk{‚ Útðwk - Dissent; disagree yËrn»ýw‚t - Intolerance yËk{r‚ - Dissent; non-consent; disagreement yËÌt - Unbearable; intolerable; insufferable yË{k r‚™tÄU - Note of dissent; minute of dissent yËkÏÞ - Numerous; innumerable; countless yËkÞ‚ - Unrestrained; loose yËk„rX‚ ûtuºt - Unorganized sector yËkÞ{ - Intemperance; incontinence yËk„rX‚ {sqh/©r{f ð„o - Unorganized yËkÞ{e - Intemperate; incontinent labour class yËkÞwõ‚ - Uncombined; undivided yËkMftrh‚t - Indecency; unrefinedness yËk„‚ - Irrelevant; impertinent; inconsistent; yËkMf]‚ ytrŒòr‚ - Uncivilized tribe yËkMf]‚ òr‚ - Uncivilized race inconsonant; incongruous yËkMf]‚/yËkMfthe - Uncivilized; indecent; yËk„‚ ¾zf - Exotic rock unrefined yËk„‚‚t/yËk„r‚ - Irrelevance; yËkrn‚tƒØ ftÞŒtu - Uncodified law inconsistency; impertinence; anomaly; yËtÄthý - Extraordinary; exceptional; discordance special yËk[Þe ÷t¼tkþ - Non-cumulative dividend yËk‚w÷™ - Imbalance yËtÄthý …rhð‚o™/Y…tk‚h - Anamorphosis yËk‚wr÷‚ - Unbalanced yËtÄthý «„r‚ - Spectacular progress yËk‚wr÷‚ ykŒts…ºt - Unbalanced budget yËtÄthý «r‚r™rÄ - Extraordinary yËk‚wr÷‚ ytnth - Unbalanced diet yËk‚wr÷‚ Þt‚tÞt‚ - Unbalanced traffic representative yËk‚wr÷‚ rðftË - Lop-sided development yËk‚wü - Discontented; dissatisfied; yËtÄthý hò - Extraordinary leave yËtÄthý hts…ºt - Extraordinary Gazette disgruntled; dissident; unsatisfied yËtÄthý Ëkòu„tu - Exceptional yËk‚tu»t - Discontent; dissatisfaction circumstances; extraordinary yËkrŒøÄ - Indubitable; clear; explicit circumstances yËkrŒøÄ yÚto½x™ - Strict construction yËtÄthý Ët{tLÞ Ë¼t - Extraordinary yËkrŒøÄ he‚u - Expressly; clearly; general meeting categorically yËtæÞ - Malignant; irremediable; incurable 32

yËtæÞ htu„ yÂMÚt yËtæÞ htu„ - Malignant disease; intractable yM‚h ÷„tððwk - Line yM‚h ÷„tðu÷ fqðtu - Lined well disease; incurable disease yM‚h ÷„tðu÷ ™nuh - Lined canal yM‚hft{ - Lining work yËt{rÞf - Inexpedient; untimely yM‚ÔÞM‚ - Helter-skelter; orderless; yËt{ÚÞo - Disability; incapability; haphazard; topsyturvy incompetence yÂM‚íð - Existence; entity yËt{trsf - Antisocial yÂM‚íð yrÄfth - Right of existence yËt{trsf ‚¥ðtu - Antisocial elements yÂM‚íð «{tý…ºt - Existence certificate; life yËt{tLÞ - Unusual; extraordinary; certificate exceptional; special; uncommon yÂM‚íð r{xtðe Œuðwk - Sweep away existence yËt{tLÞ Ÿ[wk - Unusually high y† - Projectile yËtðÄ - Indiscreet; incautious; unwary; y†rð¿tt™/rðãt - Ballistics yMÚttr™f - Adventitious; non-local inadvertent; heedless; careless yMÚttr™f {q¤ - Adventitious root yMÚttÞe - Impermanent; transitory; transient; yËtðÄ s™‚t - Unwary public yËtðÄ…ýwk - Inattention; inadvertence; floating heedlessness; carelessness yMÚttÞe yMõÞt{‚ - Floating assets yMÚttÞe fthý - Transient cause yËtðÄ…ýu - Inadvertently; carelessly; yMÚttÞe sðtƒŒthe - Floating liability yMÚttÞe òu„ðtEytu - Transitory provisions negligently yMÚttÞe ‚ƒ¬tu - Passing phase yMÚttÞe Œuðwk - Floating debt yËtðÄt™ - Imprudent; careless; rash yMÚttÞe …tìr÷Ëe - Floating policy y®Ër[‚ htu…tWAuh „]n - Dry nursery yMÚttÞe ƒuhtus„the - Frictional unemployment yËe{‚t - Immensity yMÚttÞe {ft™ - Hutment yËe÷ - Client yMÚttÞe {‚ - Floating vote yËwhÂût‚ - Insecure; unguarded; unsafe; yMÚttÞe {qze - Floating capital yMÚttÞe {qÕÞ - Transitory value unprotected; unsecured yMÚttÞe ðM‚e - Floating population yMÚttÞe ËÇÞ - Non-permanent member yËwhÂût‚ hu÷ðu Vtxf - Unguarded level yÂMÚt - Bone crossing; unmanned railway crossing 33 yËrw ðÄt - Inconvenience; incommodiousness yMõÞt{‚ - Assets yMõÞt{‚ y™u sðtƒŒthe - Assets and liabilities yMõÞt{‚ ‚ƒŒe÷e - Transfer of assets yMõÞt{‚tu …h {thftu ÷„tððtu - Marking on assets yM¾r÷‚ «ðtn - continuous flow; uninterrupted flow yM‚h - Priming; lining; bedding; liner

yÂMÚtyk„ÔÞtÞt{ r[rfíËt ynuðt÷ yt…ðtu yÂMÚtyk„ÔÞtÞt{ r[rfíËt - Osteo-physio- yMðMÚt {™ - Upset-mind; disturbed mind yMðefth - Repudiation; disapproval; therapy disallowance; abnegation; non- yÂMÚtfwk¼ - Cinerary urn acceptance; rejection; denial yÂMÚtr[rfíËt …Ør‚ - Osteopathy yÂMÚt[qýo - Bone meal yMðefth fh™th - Abnegator yÂMÚt¼k„ - Fracture yMðefth fhðtu - Abnegate; deny; reject; yÂMÚth - Unstable; inconstant; unsteady yÂMÚth ™týwk - Soft money forsake; disclaim; discard; refuse yÂMÚth «ðtn - Unsteady flow yÂMÚth‚t - Unsteadiness; instability; yMðeftÞo - Unacceptable; inadmissible yMðeftÞo/y„útÌt …whtðtu - Inadmissible inconstancy evidence yÂMÚtrð¿tt™ - Osteology yÂMÚtrð¿tt™e - Osteologist yMðeftÞo‚t - Inadmissibility; unbecomingness yM…ü - Inexplicit; indefinite; vague; yMðef]‚ - Unaccepted; unacknowledged; ambiguous; indistinct rejected yM…ü W¥th - Vague answer yMðef]‚ fhðwk - Abnegate; reject; disapprove yM…ü á~Þ‚t - Poor visibility yMðef]‚ [uf - Dishonoured cheque yM…ü ÷¾tý - Indistinct writing yMðef]‚ {‚ - Rejected vote yM…ü ðtkÄt - Vague objections yMðef]‚ ðM‚w - Refused article yM…ü þçŒtu{tk - Obscurely worded yMðef]r‚ - Non-acceptance; disallowance; yM…ü‚t - Ambiguity; vagueness yM…]~Þ - Untouchable abnegation; rejection yM…]~Þ‚t - Untouchability yM…]~Þ‚t ™tƒqŒe/r™ðthý - Abolition of ynk - Ego ynkfth - Egoism; egotism; ego untouchability ynkfthe - Egoist; imperious; haughty ynkfuLÿe - Egocentric yMVwx - Inarticulate; mum; mute; dumb; ynk¼tð - Egoism; egotism y®nËt - Non-violence voiceless ynª yt …nu÷tk - Hereinbefore ynª yt ËtÚtu òuzu÷ - Hereto annexed yÂM{‚t - Dignity; glory; self-respect ynª yt™e …Ae ‚h‚ Œþtoðu÷wk - Next hereinafter yMðåA - Unclean (2)Impure; dirty yMðåA ÔÞðËtÞ - Unclean occupation mentioned yMðåA‚t - Uncleanliness (2)Impurity; ynª W…h WÕ÷u¾u÷ - Herein abovereferred to dirtiness ynª nðu …Ae... ‚hefu WÕ÷u¾u÷ - Hereinafter yMðMÚt - Indisposed; uneasy; unwell referred to as.... ynuðt÷ - Report (2)Account (3)Description ynuðt÷ yt…ðtu - Report 34

ynuðt÷ ÷¾™th/{tuf÷™th yrÄfthe yk„‚ Ër[ð ynuðt÷ ÷¾™th/{tuf÷™th yrÄfthe - Reporting ykfwrþ‚ ft…z - Controlled cloth Officer ykftuzt…fz - Hook grip ykftuztu - Hook; link ynuðt÷ nuX¤™wk ð»to - Year under report y„k - Limb; constituent; organ; part; component ynuðt÷ÞtuøÞ - Reportable yk„ rðf]‚ fhðwk - Deform; maim ynuËt™ - Obligation; gratitude yk„fËh‚ - Physical exercise; gymnastics y¤„t…ýwk - Aloofness; detachment yk„AuŒ™ - Amputation y¤„wk fhðwk - Isolate; separate; detach yk„‚ - Personal; private y¤rð‚hwk - Mischievous y¤rËÞwk - Earthworm y„k ‚ ytût…u /ytht…u - Personal allegation/charge y¤Ëe - Linseed yk„‚ f{o[theð„o - Personal staff y¤Ëe™wk ‚u÷ - Linseed oil yk„‚ ft{u hò - Leave for personal work ykf - Number; digit; figure yk„‚ ftÞŒtu - Personal law ykf™ yrÄfthe - Marking Officer yk„‚ ¾t‚tðne - Personal ledger ykf™ Þkºt - Franking machine yk„‚ ¾t‚wk - Personal account ykf™ þtne - Marking ink yk„‚ sðtƒŒthe - Personal obligation ykrf‚ fhðwk - Mark; earmark; inscribe yk„‚ òýfthe - Personal knowledge ykrf‚ fhu÷e hf{ - Earmarked amount; yk„‚ ò{e™ - Personal surety marked amount yk„‚ ò{e™„ehe - Personal security yk„‚ ò{e™„ehe ƒkÄýe¾‚ - Personal security ykrf‚ ®f{‚ - Book value ykrf‚ {wÿt - Engraved seal; inscribed seal; bond carved seal yk„‚ Sð™ - Private life; personal life ykrf‚ {qÕÞ - Nominal value; face value; yk„‚ …„th - Personal pay denominational value yk„‚ VtE÷ - Personal file yk„‚ ƒŒ™t{e - Personal vilification ykrf‚ Þtus™t - Earmarked scheme yk„‚ ¼ÚÚtwk - Personal allowance ykrf‚ hf{ - Earmarked amount; face amount yk„‚ {ŒŒ™eþ - Personal Assistant ykfwh - Germ; sprout yk„‚ {t÷{‚t - Personal goods and chattels ykfwhý - Germination; sprouting ykfwhýût{ rƒÞthý - Viable seed yk„‚ r{÷f‚ - Personal property; peculium ykfwhýût{‚t - Germination capacity; viability yk„‚ he‚u sðtƒŒth - Personally responsible ykfwþ - Restraint; control; constraint; check yk„‚ ÷tu™ - Personal loan ykfwþ™tƒqŒe/{wÂõ‚ - Decontrol yk„‚ rðþu»ttrÄfth - Personal privilege ykfwþ{wõ‚ ¼tð - Decontrolled price yk„‚ Ër[ð - Personal Secretary 35

yk„‚ ËhËt{t™ yk‚ŒuoþeÞ s¤ yk„‚ ËhËt{t™ - Personal effects; personal yk‚ ËwÄe - Till the end belongings yk‚{tk - In conclusion; finally; ultimately; in yk„‚ Ë÷t{‚e - Personal security the end; at the end; at last yk„‚ Ë÷t{‚e yrÄfthe - Personal Security yk‚h - Distance; gap; difference; margin Officer yk‚h Atuzðt {txu™e f¤ - Space bar yk‚h ht¾ðwk ‚u - Keep distance; spacing yk„‚ Ët{t™ - Personal luggage yk‚hk„ ÔÞÂõ‚ - Intimate person; close yk„¼q‚ - Component; constituent yk„¼q‚ yuf{ - Component unit associate yk„¼q‚ ½xf - Component part yk‚htÞ - Barrier; hurdle; impediment; yk„¼q‚ ¼t„ - Integral part; component part hindrance; interruption; obstacle; yk„¼q‚ Þtus™t - Component plan obstruction; bottleneck yk„hûtf - Body guard yk‚htÞ Q¼tu fhðtu - Impede; hinder; thwart; restrain yk„rðf]r‚ - Deformation yk‚ht÷ - Interval; intermission yk„rðåAuŒ - Vivisection; amputation yk‚heût - Space yk„rðåAuŒf - Amputator yk‚heût Þtºtt - Space travel yk„ÔÞtÞt{ r[rfíËf - Physio-therapist yk‚heût Þt™ - Space craft yk„ÔÞtÞt{ r[rfíËt - Physio-therapy yk‚heût Þw„ - Space age yk„Ëk[the htu„ - Contagious disease yk‚heût ËkþtuÄ™ - Space research yk„efth fhðtu (Ä{o ) - Embrace yk‚heût/yðftþ W…Þtu„ fuLÿ - Space yk„qXt …tËu™e ytk„¤e (‚so™e) - Forefinger; Application Centre index finger yk‚heûtÞtºte - Astronaut; spaceman; yk„qXt™e At… - Thumb impression cosmonaut; space traveller yk„qXt™wk r™þt™ - Thumb mark yk„tu™e [ehVtz - Vivisection yk‚„o‚ ¾t{e - Inherent lacuna/defect yk„úuS {tË - Calendar month yk‚„o‚ {qÕÞ - Intrinsic value yk„úuS ð»to - Calendar year yk‚„o‚ ÷ûtý - Inherent characteristic yksr÷ - Tribute; homage yk‚„o‚ Ë¥ttrÄfth - Implied authority ykxË - Vengeance; enmity yk‚„tuo¤ - Concave ykztfth/ykztf]r‚ - Oval yk‚„útone Ztk[tu - Intake structure yk‚ - End yk‚„útone ™¤e - Intake pipe yk‚ ytððtu - Come to an end; expire; cease to yk‚„útone ðtrnft - Intake duct yk‚Íohý - Infiltration; infusion exist yk‚ŒuoþeÞ - Inland; hinterland yk‚ s÷îth - Tail gate yk‚ŒuoþeÞ s¤ - Inland water 36

yk‚ŒuoþeÞ s¤ûtuºt ykr‚{ ÷t¼ yk‚ŒuoþeÞ s¤ûtuºt - Inland waters yk‚:htuÄ™ {t…f - Interceptometer; in yk‚ŒuoþeÞ s¤…rhðn™ - Inland water transport terceptogauge yk‚ŒuoþeÞ x…t÷ - Inland post yk‚:htuÄe ™t÷e - Intercepting ditch yk‚ŒuoþeÞ ‚th - Inland telegram yk‚:htu…ý - Interplantation yk‚ŒuoþeÞ ™ti…rhðn™ - Inland navigation yk‚:þÂõ‚ - Potency; inner power yk‚ŒuoþeÞ …ºt - Inland letter yk‚:Ë{wÿ ¾zf - Submarine rock yk‚ŒuoþeÞ {íMÞtuãtu„ - Inland fisheries yk‚:Ë{wÿe fuƒ÷ - Submarine cable yk‚ŒuoþeÞ Þt‚tÞt‚ - Internal traffic yk‚:Ë{wÿe …wht‚¥ðþt†/rðãt - Submarine yk‚ŒuoþeÞ ðu…th - Inland trade; domestic trade archaeology yk‚ŒuoþeÞ nðtE x…t÷Ëuðt - Inland air mail yk‚:Ë{wÿe ¼qfk… - Submarine earthquake service yk‚:MÚt sÚÚttu - Buffer stock yk‚:MÚt htßÞ - Buffer state yk‚Š™rn‚ Ë¥tt - Inherent power yk‚:MÚtt…™ - Embedment yk‚¼to„ - Core; kernel yk‚:Ëútð - Infiltration (2)Hormones yk‚{wo¾e - Introvert yk‚:Ëútð ût{‚t - Infiltration capacity yk‚ðo‚eo yÇÞtË¢{ - Sandwich course yk‚:Ëútð Ëq[ftkf - Infiltration index yk‚ðo‚eo „t{ - Inland village; interior village yk‚:Ëútðe „úkrÚt‚kºt - Endoctrine system yk‚ðo‚eo …tf - Catch crop ykr‚{ - Last; final; conclusive; ultimate; yk‚ðo‚eo «Œuþ - Hinterland yk‚ðton - Influx terminal yk‚ðtone s¤ - Inflowing water yk‚ŠðhtuÄe - Self-contradictory ykr‚{ W…tÞ - Last remedy yk‚ð]oÂØ - Ingrowth ykr‚{ yuf{ - Ultimate unit yk‚ÔÞtoË (‚f.) - Calibre ykr‚{ xtu[{ÞtoŒt - Absolute ceiling yk‚ne™ - Endless ykr‚{ r™Þkºtý - Ultimate control yk‚:fhý/yk‚htí{t - Conscience; inner being ykr‚{ …„th «{tý…ºt - Last pay certificate yk‚:fýo - Labyrinth ykr‚{ …heûtt - Final examination yk‚:…]c - Inter leaf ykr‚{ …uŒtþ - Final product yk‚:«s™™ - Inbreeding ykr‚{ «r¢Þt - Finishing process yk‚:«ðtn - Inflow; undercurrent ykr‚{ ®ƒŒw - Culminating point yk‚:«ðtne Ätht - Influent stream; influent ykr‚{ {Útf - Terminal station; terminus ykr‚{ ÷ûÞ - Ultimate goal; ultimate aim flow yk‚:htuÄ™ - Interception; hindrance; ykr‚{ ÷t¼ - Terminal advantage/benefit impendiment 37

ykr‚{ ðu„ ykþftr÷f ™tufhe ykr‚{ ðu„ - Terminal velocity ykŒts…ºt «ð[™ - Budget speech ykr‚{ ËkMfth - Funeral ceremony; last rite; ykŒts…ºt ƒnth™tk ft{tu - Non-budgeted works ykŒts…ºt ˺t - Budget session burial; cremation; obsequies ykŒts…ºt™wk Ë{Þ…ºtf - Budget calendar ykŒts…ºt{tk Ë{trðü ft{tu - Budgeted works ykr‚{ Ë¥tt - Ultimate authority ykŒts…ºtrð»tÞf - Budgetary ykr‚{ Ëe{t - Dead line ykŒts Ër{r‚ - Estimate Committee ykr‚{ Mxuþ™ - Terminal ykŒtS - Estimated; approximate ykr‚{‚t - Finality ykŒtS ytkfzt - Estimated figures ykr‚{ðtŒe - Extremist ykŒtS ®f{‚ - Estimated value yk‚u - Ultimately; lastly; at last; at the end ykŒtS ¾[o - Estimated expenditure ykíÞuÂü - Funeral ceremony; last rite; ykŒtS sÚÚttu - Estimated stock ykŒtsu - Approximately; round about obsequies; burial; cremation ykÄ - Blind; visually handicapped ykÄs™„]n - Home for the blind ykºt…wåA - Appendix ykÄ©Øt - Superstition; blind faith ykºt…wåAþtuÚt - Appendicitis ykÄtÄqkÄ - Indiscriminately; recklessly; ykŒh s‚wk ðnuý - Inward flow ykŒh™t ¼t„{tk ytðu÷wk „t{ - Interior village furiously ykŒh™wk - Internal; interior ykŒh™wk yM‚h - Internal lining; inner lining ykÄtÄqkÄe/yhtsf‚t - Disorder; chaos; anarchy ykŒh™tu ŒhŒe - Indoor patient ykÄthftuxze - Dungeon ykŒh™tu ¼t„ - Interior part; inner part ykÄth¾kz - Dark room ykŒhtuykŒh - Inter-se; internally; mutually ykÄth¾kz {ŒŒ™eþ - Dark room Assistant ykŒhtuykŒh™e «ðh‚t - Inter-se seniority ykÄth…x - Black out ykŒts - Estimate; estimation ykÄthwk - Darkness ykŒts ftZðtu - Estimate; guess; conjecture ykÄuh - Lawlessness; disorder; chaos; ykŒtsfth - Estimator ykŒts…ºt - Budget anarchy; grave irregularity ykŒts…ºt y™wŒt™ - Budget grant ykŒts…ºt òu„ðtE - Budget provision ykþ - Portion; part; piece; share; degree; ykŒts…ºt Œh¾tM‚ - Budget proposal ykŒts…ºt r™Þkºtý - Budgetary control segment ykŒts…ºt …Ae™e [ftËýe - Post budget ykþftr÷f - Part-time scrutiny ykþftr÷f f{o[the - Part-time employee; part- ykŒts…ºt …nu÷tk™e [ftËýe - Pre-budget timer scrutiny ykþftr÷f ft{Œth - Part-time worker ykþftr÷f ™tufhe - Part-time service/job 38

ykþftr÷f rþûtf ytfthðwk ykþftr÷f rþûtf - Part-time teacher ytfÂM{f r™{ýqf - Fortuitous appointment ykþ‚: - Partly; in part; partially ytfÂM{f …qh - Flash flood ykþ‚: …htð÷kƒe - Partial parasite ytfÂM{f «fth - Casual nature ykþÄthf - Shareholder ytfÂM{f ƒZ‚e - Fortuitous promotion ytfÂM{f ƒnw{‚e - Chance majority yk ytfÂM{f rƒ÷ - Contingent bill ytfÂM{f ¼q÷ - Accidental slip yt W…hÚte - Hereupon ytfÂM{f {ŒŒ - Adventitious aid ytfht ÔÞts™e ÷tu™ - Usurious loan ytfÂM{f {w÷tft‚ - Surprise visit ytfht…ýwk - Acridity; acrimony ytfÂM{f ÷t¼ - Windfall gain ytfhe fËtuxe - Ordeal; crucial test ytfÂM{f Ëuðt - Emergency service ytfhe ®f{‚ - Prohibitive price ytfÂM{f nfŒtðtu - Contingent claim ytfhe [[to - Acrimonious debate ytfÂM{f‚t - Emergency; contingency ytfhe xeft - Stricture ytfÂM{f‚t r™rÄ/Vkz - Contingency fund ytfhe þh‚ - Onerous condition ytfÂM{f‚t «ftþÔÞðMÚtt - Emergency lighting ytfhe Ëò - Deterrent punishment; severe ytfÂM{f‚t Ëuðtytu - Emergency services ytfth - Form; shape punishment; rigorous imprisonment ytfthýe - Assessment; estimation; estimate ytfthýe yrÄfthe - Assessment Officer ytfhwk/fzf/˾‚ - Hard; drastic; onerous ytfthýe fh™th - Assessor ytfhtu fh - Onerous tax ytfthýe fhðe - Assess ytfýof - Ear-phone ytfthýe ™ fhu÷e s{e™ - Unassessed land ytf»tof - Attractive; catchy ytfthýe ð»to - Assessment year ytf»toý - Attraction ytfthýe Ë¥ttrÄfthe - Assessing Authority ytfÂM{f - Accidental; unexpected; ytfthýe/s{tƒkŒe ™fþtu - Cadastral map ytfthýe/s{tƒkŒe {tusýe - Cadastral survey contingent; fortuitous ytfthýe/s{tƒkŒe {tusýeŒth - Cadastral ytfÂM{f y™wŒt™ - Contingent grant surveyor ytfÂM{f ytð~Þf‚t - Emergency; exigency; ytfthýefth - Assessor urgency ytfthýe…ºtf - Cadastre ytfthƒkŒ - Assessment roll ytfÂM{f ¾[o - Contingent charges; ytfthðwk - Assess; estimate; evaluate 39 contingent expenditure; contingencies ytfÂM{f ¾[o™e rnËtƒ‚…tËýe - Contingent audit ytfÂM{f ¾[o…ºtf - Contingent register ytfÂM{f ½x™t - Accidental event

ytftþ„k„t yt¾tƒtu÷wk ytftþ„k„t - Galaxy; milkyway yt¾he ¾[o - Terminal cost; ultimate ytftþá~Þ - Skyscape ytftþ{tk yÚtzt{ý - Mid-air-collision expenditure ytftþ{t„o - Skyway ytftþðtýe - All India Radio (2)Divine yt¾he [wfðýe - Final payment yt¾he Auztu - Dead end utterance yt¾he ‚ƒ¬tu - Final stage yt¾he ‚the¾ - Dead line; last date ytftþðtýe fuLÿ - Radio station yt¾he r™ð]Â¥tðu‚™ - Final pension ytftþe y…«ðuþ - Aerial trespass yt¾he …‚tðx - Final settlement ytftþeÞ - Celestial yt¾he …rhýt{ - Final result; ultimate result ytftkûtt - Desire; aspiration yt¾he …heûtt - Final examination ytf]r‚ - Design; form; shape yt¾he …whtðtu - Final evidence ytf]r‚fth - Designer yt¾he …uŒtþ - End product yt¢{f - Aggressive; offensive; militant yt¾he «M‚tð - Final proposal yt¢{f «ûtu…t† - Offensive missile yt¾he «qV - Final proof yt¢{f ÞwØ - Offensive war; aggressive war yt¾he ®ƒŒw - Culminating point; culmination yt¢{f þ† - Offensive weapon yt¾he ƒuXf - Final meeting; last meeting yt¢{f nðtE snts - Strike aircraft yt¾he {‚ - Final vote yt¢{f‚t - Militancy; agressiveness yt¾he {wft{ - Ultimate destination yt¢{ý - Invasion; aggression; attack yt¾he {wÂõ‚nwf{ - Absolute order of discharge yt¢{ýfth - Invader; attacker; aggressor yt¾he Y… yt…ðwk - Finalize yt¢{ýfthe - Aggressive yt¾he ÷t¼tkþ - Final dividend yt¢{ý¾tuh - Aggressor; assailant yt¾he ð…htþ - Final consumption yt¢tuþ - Wrath; anger yt¾he ËíÞ - Ultimate truth ytûtu… - Allegation; charge yt¾he Ëhðt¤tu - Final total ytûtu……ºtf - Statement of imputations yt¾he Ëe{t - Final boundary ytûtu…tí{f/®™Œtðt[f WÂõ‚ - Innuendo yt¾he rnËtƒ - Final accounts yt¾h/ykr‚{ ™tUÄ - Closing entry yt¾he rnËtƒ‚…tËýe - Final audit yt¾he - Final; last; ultimate yt¾he nwf{™t{wk - Final decree; decree absolute yt¾he ynuðt÷ - Final report yt¾he™t{wk - Ultimatum yt¾he Wvuþ - Ultimate end yt¾hu - Ultimately; finally; lastly yt¾he W…Þtu„ - End use yt¾÷tu - Bull yt¾he ytu… - Finishing touch yt¾tƒtu÷wk - Outspoken 40

yt¾e ®sŒ„e™tu ðe{tu yt„¤…tA¤™e Ëk…fo fzeytu yt¾e ®sŒ„e™tu ðe{tu - Whole life insurance; yt„÷tu rŒðË - Previous day yt„ðe{tu - Fire insurance life-time insurance yt„ðtìzo™ - Fire warden yt„þ{™ yrÄfthe - Fire Officer yt¾wk - Entire; whole; complete yt„þ{™ r™heûtf - Fire Inspector yt„ - Fire; arson; incendiary; conflagration yt„þ{™ ËtÄ™Ët{„úe - Fire fighting yt„ ƒwÍtð™th - Fireman yt„ ƒwÍtð™th ËtÄ™ - Fire fighter; fire equipments extinguisher yt„þ{™ Ëuðt - Fire fighting service yt„þt{f - Fire extinguisher; extinguisher yt„ ƒwÍtððe - Extinguish fire yt„Ëeze - Fire escape yt„ ntu÷ð™tht™e xwfze - Fire brigade yt„¤ ¾U[ðwk - Carry forward yt„‚tMðt„‚t - Hospitality; entertainment yt„¤ ¾U[u÷ - Carried forward yt„‚tMðt„‚t fhðe - Entertain yt„¤ sýtðu÷e/…qðoð‚eo òu„ðtE - Foregoing yt„r™ðthý - Fire prevention yt„™e [u‚ðýe - Fire alarm provision yt„™wk òu¾{ - Fire risk yt„…èe/yÂø™…èe - Fire belt yt„¤ sýtðu÷wk - Aforesaid yt„«qV/yt„hÂût‚ - Fire-proof yt„¤ òuzðwk - Prefix yt„ƒ[tð Ëhkò{ - Fire safety devices yt„¤ Ä…tððwk - Pursue yt„ƒkƒtu - Fire engine yt„¤ ™ef¤e sðwk - Overtake yt„ƒtux - Steamer; steamship yt„¤ …ntU[tzðwk - Pass on yt„ƒtUƒ - Incendiary bomb; incendiary yt„¤ hðt™„e - Onward despatch yt„{™ - Arrival yt„¤ Ëtkfztu hM‚tu - Narrow road ahead yt„{™-ƒrn„o{™ ÔÞðMÚtt - Incoming and yt„¤Úte Äthýt ƒtkÄðe - Foresee; forecast yt„¤Úte Äthe ÷eÄu÷wk/…qðofÂÕ…‚ - Presupposed; outgoing system preimagined; presumed yt„{tkÚte ƒ[e Aqxðt™tu {t„o - Fire escape yt„hûtý - Fire protection yt„¤™t ÷¾tý/…tA÷e nfef‚ ËkƒkÄe …wAtý - yt„÷e ‚the¾™tu [uf - Ante-dated cheque yt„÷wk - Preceding; previous; foregoing; Back reference antecendent yt„¤™e ftÞoðtne - Further action; further yt„÷wk Œuðwk - Antecedent debt; previous debt proceedings yt„÷wk …t™wk - Front page; prepage yt„÷wk …izwk - Fore wheel; front wheel yt„¤™e ‚the¾ ™t¾ðe - Post dating yt„÷wk ð»to - Preceding year; previous year yt„¤™tu Œu¾tð - Front elevation; facade yt„÷tu fhth - Antecedent contract yt„¤…z‚kw - Outstanding; predominant; leading yt„¤…tA¤™e Ëk…fo fzeytu - Backward and forward linkages 41

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