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HR_Manual_CIL 01112021

Published by nitinbiharisaxena, 2022-03-14 08:00:20

Description: HR_Manual_CIL 01112021


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P a g e | 3011.11Training organization 1.11.1 Training boards and their rolesApex Corporate training board of CIL comprising the following functionaries would be the apex body for L&D activities in CIL and subsidiaries. S. No. Board members Functionaries 1. Director (P&IR), CIL Chairman 2. One Independent director of the board of CIL Member 3. Two CMDs of subsidiaries on rotation of 2 years Member 4. One Director (P) of subsidiary on rotation of 2 years Member 5. One Director (F)/ (T) of subsidiary on rotation of 2 years Member 6. Executive Director, IICM Member 7. CEO, MINREM Member 8. Executive Director (P), CIL Member Secretary The board will be responsible for following activities: a)Creating the overall training and development strategy of CIL based on the L&D philosophy. b)Responsible for developing and upgrading training infrastructure across the company. c)Oversee the implementation of executive development programs. d)Preparing syllabus for departmental examinations for recruitment/ promotions. e)Responsible for monitoring the overall execution of the plan and achievement of key training indicators. f)Updating Chairman, CIL and the CIL board on key aspects of training and development. g)Estimation and proposing of annual L&D budget. 1.11.2 Corporate HRD department The corporate HRD department would be responsible for the following:

P a g e | 302a)Facilitating the execution of tier IV level training programs under the 4 tier training model. b)Conducting periodic training audit of training programs, training infrastructure and functioning of MDIs and VTCs. c)Analyzing training evaluation and developing reports on training effectiveness and value addition through L&D initiatives. d)Assisting the Training Board in their functioning and executing other functions delegated to them by the Training Board. 1.11.3 Subsidiary training board The subsidiary training board will be constituted with the following functionaries: S. No. Board members Functionaries 1. The CMD, subsidiary Chairman 2. The Director (Personnel)/ (Technical)/ (Finance)/ (P&P), Members Subsidiary 3. One Independent Director, subsidiary board Member 4. General Manager (HRD), Subsidiary Member Secretary The subsidiary board will be responsible for the following: a)Development of a long term L&D plan for subsidiary keeping in view of the business imperatives and organizing and designing training program specific to the subsidiaries apart from programs under the 4 tier model. b)Oversee implementation of L&D activities in subsidiary. c)Ensuring that the training and development policy is getting implemented in the subsidiary and all executives are trained according to their individual development plan. d)Developing training strategies for sourcing statutory manpower. e)Develop and upgrade training infrastructure for the subsidiary. f)Facilitating development of a pool of internal trainers and mentors in the subsidiary. g)Achieving training hours per executive per training cycle.

P a g e | 303h)Facilitating company-wide TNI process once in a training cycle for preparation of training plan. i)Developing training strategies, planning and executing training programs for non-executive employees in the subsidiary. Note: In case of MCL, CEO MINREM will be a member of the Subsidiary Training Board.1.11.4 Subsidiary HRD department The subsidiary HRD department would be responsible for the following: a)Preparation of a road map for every training cycle for implementation of L&D activities in the subsidiary and coordinate with IICM in this matter. b)Identifying and nominating the participants for various training programs. c)Conducting training and development programs in MDIs as agreed in the training and development plan. d)Ensuring completion of required training hours by all executives in a training cycle. e)Ensuring availability of required number of certified internal trainers for all disciplines in all on-boarding centers. f)Undertake knowledge transfer initiatives under the knowledge management framework of the company. g)Preparing annual L&D budget for subsidiary. h)Analyzing training evaluation and developing reports on training effectiveness and value addition through L&D initiatives. i)Upgrading on-boarding centers. 1.11.5 Area Training Officers In addition to other responsibilities, the Area Training Officers would be responsible for the following: a)Ensuring that the training plan gets implemented in respect of the executives in the Area. b)Facilitating identification of executives for different trainings based on their training needs. c)Responsible for effectively executing the on-boarding program in their Area as per the on-boarding plan of IICM for different batches of trainees.

P a g e | 304d)Facilitating Mentoring program in the Area as per the Mentoring scheme of the company. e)Responsible for improving training infrastructure in the Area. f)Facilitating formation of Knowledge communities, Quality Circles etc. and monitor their activities under the Knowledge Management Program. g)Responsible for promoting idea generation. [3]h)Facilitating project completion and assessment of the trainees. 1.11.6 Indian Institute of Coal Management (IICM) The IICM would be responsible for the following: a) Creating the training calendar and detailed training plan based on the inputs specified in training need analysis report and other inputs from subsidiaries. b)Design and Organize training programs under the 4 tier model. c)Design and Organize internal technical certification program and internal trainer certification programs. d)Organize and monitor on-boarding program for freshers and their training closure. e)Tie up with premier institution(s) in training or leading universities of India /Abroad. f)Empanel External Trainers. g)Developing e-learning modules in consultation with expert agencies. h)Arranging virtual training programs across MDIs. Nomination to L&D programs is a prerogative of management and cannot be claimed as a right. 1.11.7 Mahanadi Institute of Natural Resource and Energy Management (MINREM) Apart from the training programs provided in the 4 tier model, MINREM shall undertake other training, educational & certification programs to cater the specific needs of MCL and other subsidiaries. 3 Draft CIL Innovation Scheme is yet to be approved.

P a g e | 3051.12 Faculty Honorarium [4]Particulars Honorarium for CIL/ Subsidiaries (in ₹)Serving or Retired Non-Executive Faculty member 500 Serving or Retired Executive Faculty member (E1 to E3) 1000 Serving or Retired Executive Faculty member (E4 to E6) 1250 Serving or Retired Executive Faculty member (E7 & above) 1500 External faculty from non-CIL Organization 2000 Serving or retired Director & CMD of CIL & other PSUs 2500 Serving or Retired Non-Executive/ Executive (E7 & above) of CIL should not get more than 4 sessions in a training module and serving or Retired Director & CMD of CIL & External Non-CIL faculty should not get more than 3 sessions in a training module. The rates are for per session of 90 minutes and will be applicable with immediate effect. 1.13 Training infrastructure All training facilities will be upgraded with modern facilities such as audio visual training aids, internet facilities, wi-fi, cafeteria, reading room cum library, activity rooms, proper classrooms, virtual class facilities etc. 1.14 Repeal Unless specified otherwise, all existing provisions of the CIL Executive Learning & Development Policy and subsequent amendments and circulars will stand superseded by this policy from the date of its commencement. 1.15 Interpretation Interpretation of the provisions of these rules will be reserved exclusively with the Director (P&IR), CIL and his/ her interpretation will be final. 4 Amended vide OM No. CIL/HRD/Faculty Hon./2020-21/14702 dated 25.06.2020.

P a g e | 3061.16 Savings The Director (P&IR), CIL can relax/ modify/ alter/ amend the policy with the approval of the Chairman, CIL.

P a g e | 307Annexure I (Clause 1.7.2) Training plan for a training cycle of 4 years (To be prepared by subsidiary HRD team and submit to corporate HRD department) S. No. Programs No. of Training participants organization Duration Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 T1 (1) Foundation programs for fresher T2 (2) Technical/ functional competency development program T2 (3) Managerial/ Behavioural competency development program T2 (4) Basic leadership development program T3 (5) Advanced technical/ functional competency development programs T3 (6) Advanced Managerial/ behavioural competency development program T3 (7) General management program T3 (8) Cross functional training program T3 (9) Advanced leadership development programs T4 (10) Transformational leadership program T4 (11) Enterprise management program

P a g e | 308T4 (12) Advanced general management program Others Value refresher programs (13) (14) Cross functional training a) Mining for non-mining b) HR for line managers c) Finance for non-finance d) Sales for all (15) Mentor development programs (16) Internal Technical Certifications (ITechC) (17) Internal Trainer Certifications (ITC) (18) Project management (19) Contract management (20) Risk management (21) Self-development program for departmental candidates (22) Other function specific certifications (23) Other strategic capability development programs (24) Other programs (specify)

P a g e | 309Annexure II (Clause 1.7.2) Annual training calendar (To be prepared by subsidiary HRD team) Training calendar 20XX 20YY –Period Programs No. of days Target group Trainer Location January 1) 2) February 1) 2) March 1) 2) April 1) 2) May 1) 2) June 1) 2) July 1) 2) August 1) 2) September 1) October 1) 2) November 1) 2) December 1) 2)

P a g e | 310Annexure III (Clause 1.7.4 i) Training program effectiveness form (Level-1: Reaction) All participants are requested to fill the following form and submit it to the training administrator. (Please indicate your impressions of the items listed below (5 being highest and 1 lowest)). Sr. No. Items Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree 1 The training met my expectations. 5 4 3 2 1 2 I will be able to apply the knowledge learned. 5 4 3 2 1 3 The training objectives for each topic were clearly defined 5 4 3 2 1 4 The content was organized and easy to follow. 5 4 3 2 1 5 The materials provided were pertinent and useful. 5 4 3 2 1 6 The trainer was knowledgeable. 5 4 3 2 1 7 The quality of delivery was good. 5 4 3 2 1 8 The trainer met the training objectives. 5 4 3 2 1 9 Class participation and interaction were encouraged. 5 4 3 2 1 10 Adequate time was provided for questions and discussion. 5 4 3 2 1 11 The time allotted to the training was sufficient 5 4 3 2 1

P a g e | 31112 The infrastructure provided was adequate 5 4 3 2 1 13. How do you rate the training overall? Excellent Very good Good Average Poor 5 4 3 2 1 14. Did the trainer provide practical application examples? 15. What aspects of the training could be improved? 16. Key learnings from the program 17. Other comments & suggestions for further improvement? Name of the participant: Name of the Reporting Officer: Name of the training program: Contact no: Date: E-mail id: Venue:

P a g e | 312Annexure IV (Clause 1.7.4 iii) Level 3 Evaluation (To be send to the reporting manager of the participant after 4 months of completion of training) Name of the participant Designation Grade Name of the program attended Program dates From To How has the program affected the performance? To what extend the participant is able to apply his learning in his work (on the scale of 10)? What is the evidence of change in performance after the training? How can the content/mode of the training program be changed to help improve impact?

P a g e | 313Annexure V (Clause 1.8.1/ 1.8.2/ 1.8.5) Individual training needs identification form (To be finalized by the individual and his reporting officer as part of online PMS appraisal and submitted along with PRIDE form) Name Designation Department Function Grade Name of reporting authority Grade of reporting authority Subsidiary/ entity Requesting you to kindly note the following guidelines 1. Please clearly mention the type of the training program in coloumn-1 to which the nomination is to be made. Please specifically mention the name and other details of the internal/ external training program (if you already know) in coloumn-2. 2. Please specifically list down the behavioral or technical competency in coloumn-3 that will be improved as a result of participation in the training program. 3. Please mention the reason for nomination to the training program in coloumn-4.4. Please use a separate form for each nomination. Type of training program Training program Behavioral/ technical competency Reason for nomination Signature_______________________________________________________________ Date_________________________________

P a g e | 314Organization training needs analysis form (behavioural/ managerial) (These forms should be filled by the subsidiary HRD for each level after collating the Needs of the executives through competency assessments. The form should be send to the corporate HRD team) For the year For level Signatory authority Target number of employees to be trained Critical training areas Training objective & level Training needs (Technical or functional)/(behavioral or managerial) 1. 1. 2. 3. 2. 1. 2. 3. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3.

P a g e | 315Annexure VI (Clause 1.9.1/ 1.9.2/1.10.1) On-boarding program for MTs (C2C) Level Venue Duration Courses to be completed I IICM, Ranchi 15 days Formal induction Welcome and address by a Director of CIL or a CMD of subsidiary Profile of CIL & subsidiaries: -Introduction to CIL/ subsidiary -Vision mission core values and objectives -Indian energy scenario and role of coal -Indian power sector -Coal vision -Organizational structure -Products and services -Functions and roles of different departments -Customers, client and service providers -International scenario of coal business -Experience sharing -Project assignment for on-boarding center Introduction to coal mining Introduction to HRM in CIL Introduction to Marketing & Sales in CIL Introduction to finance Introduction to CMPDIL Introduction to CSR in CIL Corporate governance in CIL

P a g e | 316II (Part 1) On-boarding center 1 One month 1. Classroom mode Introduction to Coal mining: -Basic idea of technologies -Business processes -Work Organization -Work Management System -Health & Safety 2. Work shadowing -Mine visit -Department deputation -Visit to other facilities -Working with role holder 3. Experience sharing -By Directors, AGMs, just joined executives, company level trade union leaders, senior high performing employees 4. Project work -Data collection -Observation -Interviews

P a g e | 317(Part 2) On-boarding center 2 One month 1. Classroom mode a) Financials -Financial performance -Capital structure -Auditing -MoU financial parameters b) Corporate governance & ethics -Organization values -Management of discipline -Ethical practices -Vigilance 2. Work shadowing -Mine visit -Department deputation -Visit to other facilities -Working with role holder 3. Experience sharing -By Directors, AGMs, just joined executives, company level trade union leaders, senior high performing employees 4. Project work -Data collection -Observation -Interviews (Part 3) On-boarding center 3 One month 1. Classroom mode Market -Major customers -Marketing strategy -Quality parameters -Pricing policy Social accountability CSR & sustainability R&R Industrial relations RTI Land acquisition Environment 2. Work shadowing

P a g e | 318-Mine visit -Department deputation -Visit to other facilities -Working with role holder 3. Experience sharing -By Directors, AGMs, just joined executives, company level trade union leaders, senior high performing employees 4. Project work -Data collection -Observation -Interviews III IICM, Ranchi/ 10 days STC CMPDI Technical competencies development program IV IICM, Ranchi 15 days HR management -Career in CIL -Growth in the organization -Opportunities of learning & development -PMS -Compensation & benefits Industrial relations IT initiatives in CIL Corporate communication and image building Project work review Note 1)On-boarding kit is to be provided to the new joinees which contains on-boarding plan, profile of CIL, HR manual, and other learning materials. 2)Trainees will need to maintain learning diary. On-boarding centers

P a g e | 319Sl. No Company On-boarding centers Center number 1 SECL Gevra (OCP) 1 Dipka (OCP) 1 Korba (Both) 2 Sohagpur (Both) 2 Hasdeo (Both) 2 Baikundpur (UG) 3 2 WCL Chandrapur Area (Both) 1 Pathekeda (UG) 3 Nagpur Area (Both) 2 3 MCL Jagannath (OCP) 1 IB valley (OCP) 1 Lakhanpur (OCP) 1 Orient (UG) 3 4 CCL Piparwar(Both) 1 & 2 Dhori (Both) 1 & 2 5 ECL Jhanjhara (UG) 3 Rajmahal (OCP) 1 Sonpurbazari (OCP) 1 6 NCL Nighai (OCP) 1 Dudhichua (OCP) 1 Jayant (OCP) 1 Amlori (OCP) 1 7 BCCL Kusunda (Both) 2 Bastacola (Both) 2 Govindpur (Both) 2

P a g e | 320Putkibalihari (Both) 2 Munnudi (UG) 3 8 NEC NEC (OCP) 2 Note: Each centre will have a on-boarding In-charge

P a g e | 321Annexure VII (Clause 1.9.1) On-boarding program report Name EIS no. Name of the on-boarding centre Name of in-charge of on- Date of commencement boarding centre Date of completion Learning behaviour appraisal S. No. Learning behaviour Comments 1 Punctuality and overall attendance record. 2 Participation in learning events. 3 Followed instructions regarding task completion and assignment. 4 Has received class room training as per the program. 5 Has undertaken work site visits. 6 Has interacted with HODs and others. 7 Has understood the profile of the company. 8 Has understood the role, functions and responsibilities of the position. 9 Took initiative in learning from study materials, website and discussion. 10 Able to get along with others easily; cooperative behaviour

P a g e | 322Overall satisfaction with the candidate’s learning(Please put tick mark in the appropriate level below 1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) 1 2 3 4 5 Signature of the on-boarding centre in-charge Date: Place:

P a g e | 323Annexure VIII (Clause 1.9.1/ 1.9.2) On-the-job skill building training appraisal of Management Trainees (carefully evaluate the Trainee’s learning performance in relation to his job requirement) Name EIS no Company/ area/ unit Date of commencement of training Date of completion of training Name & designation of reporting Sl. no Learning indicators Weightage Score 1 On-the-job training man-days attended. 7 2 Participation in learning events. 3 3 Participation in new initiatives 2 4 Understand the expectations from the job and responsibilities. Able to perform responsibilities in accordance with job procedure and policies. 2 5 Demonstrate the knowledge and skill necessary to perform the job effectively. 3 6 Completes assignments in a thorough, accurate, and timely manner that achieve expected outcome. 3 7 Uses work time productively. 2 8 Maintains harmonious and effective work relationship with co-workers. 2 9 Willing to share information and resources with others to promote positive and collaborative work relations. 2 10 Effectively conveys information and ideas both orally and in writing. Listens carefully and seeks clarifications to ensure understanding. 2 11 Deals positively and effectively with co-workers and others. Demonstrate respect for all individuals. 2 12 Total 30

P a g e | 324Annexure IX (Clause 1.10.5) Managerial and Behavioural Competency framework of the CIL (to be used in 360 degree appraisal) S. No. Competency & definitions Beginner Development area Capable Strength Role model 1 Strategic orientation [Demonstrates comprehensive business and environment awareness including related laws and rules; develops/aligns self and team to the long term business strategy and overall organizational vision] Able to achieve goal of the year keeping in line with long terms strategic plan advantages Able to manage risks considering contingency factors for business Able to anticipate changes and position in the market by taking advance actions for competitive advantage Able to build organizational capabilities in wanted areas with future focus Able to influence and build sustainability in operations taking into consideration of multiple stakeholders 2 Effective communication skills [Communicates articulately and assertively what he/she to influence critical stakeholders and strives to achieve a win-win solution] People normally receives the messages communicates People normally receives the messages accurately but does minimum required of the message With the received message, people take initiative and achieve desired results People get energized and extra efforts to motivated because of the personal interest created and act towards the goal passionately People make act on the message to generate extraordinary outcome beyond the role in the team or in the department 3 Analytical ability [Demonstrates capability to collate and process data techniques using appropriate tools and techniques to derive meanings and logical links to relationship, work and business.] Uses data analysis tools and Able to derive available conclusions even when the data is insufficient Able to derive Able to arrive Able to insights and creative ideas solutions from the data at innovative from the existing data base management system [MIS]generate multiple scenarios for the organization from the way it has existed in the pastAble to contribute to the new body of research knowledge using one’s professional advantage 4 Change orientation [Demonstrates a desire for requirements better future and takes initiatives to achieve the same by managing and championing change and learning processes] Understands change and supports others in their the new change initiatives Question the status quo with the view to move Periodically scans the environment and explores taking into consideration colleagues changes required in the organization. Accepts changes willingly that is proposed/initiated by and other stakeholders Advocates changes from time to time to meet the business challenges and organizational sustainability Champions changes by involving change agents within and outside the organization

P a g e | 325towards desired direction 5 Business acumen [Understands the tie between revenue and expenses; utilizes financial can factor in data and information to make sound business decisions that promote cost consciousness, profitability, revenue and growth] Able to identify and tinker on variables that opportunities for higher efficiency leading to profitability Able to sense and seize business and take advantage of the same Able to take calculated risks to capitalize the best from the available situation Able to negotiate with stakeholders to derive maximum advantage to the organization Able to lead the competition by bringing in appropriate mechanisms that can sense market scenario and positioning the organization accordingly 6 Technical expertise [Demonstrates knowledge of rules and laws, systems and processes, functional domain and IT applications in order to carry out the assigned role colleagues to with conviction.] Updates oneself with the skills required for the latest technology Enable learn latest technology by meeting, giving them appropriate forum like conferences, training program etc. Insist with hisher colleagues to upgrade their education with certification, diploma program etc. Demonstrate craving for new knowledge and technology in public forums technology like production maintenance planning etc. Able to solve operational problems innovatively using appropriate Able to realign the processes and process through systems in line with the technological advancement creating an environment where technology can flourish Institutionalize systems and which continuous learning of technology is facilitated 7 Customer service orientation [Demonstrates passion and willingness to meet the manage high expectations of internal and external customers even when expectations may be seen as unreasonable] Spends time with the customer negotiating to made to the expectations Able to deliver on the identify key promises customer resulting customer delight Able to customers and take initiative to provide them with value added services Establishes systems and processes through which customer orientation becomes a culture in the organization Institutionalize customer orientation as way of conducting the business of the organization

P a g e | 3268 Team leadership [Provides direction and support, encourages team work, inspires and motivates team and manages conflict to accomplish group objectives while focusing on capability enhancement achieve of the team]Able to inspire and bring about high results from his direct reportees Able to reach out and exceptional results involving related stakeholders in the organization Able to design and implement empowering systems and processes Builds leadership capabilities among team members to sustain outstanding performance Able to demonstrate societal concern and value creation for customers Able to institutionalize performance adhering to organizational values and ethical practices 9 Decision making ability[Considering multiple factors able to generate alternative choices. Demonstrates ability to choose the appropriate option from the alternatives keeping in mind the term organization impact.] Able to generate alternatives and possible solutions based on root cause analysis and similar techniques Decides based on evaluated alternatives and accepted criteria keeping in mind the long term interest of the organization Decides involving all the stakeholders Designs and develops checks and balances to determine right decisions Able to take right decisions on complex issues Develops system of decision making focusing on organizational capability

P a g e | 32710 Problem solving ability[Demonstrates the ability to focus on the present with the context of the past identifying the elements and relationships of a problem in a systematic way and provide an amicable solution that creates value for all the stakeholders.] Able to use problem solving tools and techniques to identify and solve non routine problems Proactively takes measures to identify potential areas of problems and initiate measures to address them Solves problems taking into consideration the box of all stakeholders Able to solve problems using out of thinking Able to develop and implement innovative problem solving mechanisms through systems and processes in the organization Able to build capabilities among the employees to solve problems at their respective levels 11 Planning& organizing [Able to see the big picture decisions to and devise mechanisms to achieve the short term targets leading to the end goal with cost benefit advantages within certain limits. Demonstrates ability to prioritize and handle routine and contingencies to meet set goals and objectives within defined timelines to achieve operational efficiency.]Able to take trade off derive a plan that is workable and bringing cost benefit advantages Able to mobilize resources keeping in mind the cost benefits analysisAble to see clearly the short term goals keeping achievement in pace with the time Able to identify key persons who can deliver outcomes in time Able to demonstrate the final of the goals involving the team and other stakeholders Reviews and Monitors the progress and adapts necessary changes to ensure effective meeting of the goals Able to demonstrate the links with the achieved goals in line with the organizational strategy Able to build capabilities in members to systems through improve and sustain similar performance in future Comes out with Plan B (alternative plans) to meet the contingency requirements necessitated by the business Develops mechanisms and which Execution Excellence is institutionalized in the organization

P a g e | 32812 Result orientation [Demonstrates drive for results and ensure that operating practices and performance results adhere to high standards of efficiency and excellence.]Able to identify non value adding processes and excellent re- engineer the same to obtain the desired outcome Able to bring in new processes that can create and add value to the outcome. Values synergy and bring out outcome with collaboration and handholding Builds a performance driven culture that is by recognizing and rewarding people those who contribute at various levels Values brand and does all possible to build lasting brand image Institutionalizes a culture of result orientation by devising systems and processes that are suitable from time to time 13 Innovation[Generates ideas and implement them at work improving operational efficiency and organizational effectiveness] Able to re-engineer the existing practices and remove non value adding practices Able to look at technology and embrace them for continuous improvement Able to design and implement innovative work practices using new methods and benchmarking the same. Able to design programmes through which innovative work practices are identified and innovation adopted across the organization Involve educational institution and other agencies to undertake projects that can leads to Implement mechanisms in the organization wherein employees can experiment and learn 14 Coordination and collaborative ability [Builds collaborative partnerships with internal and external stakeholders and leverages relations through networking to meet organizational objectives]Implement mechanisms in the organization wherein employees can experiment and learn Able to chip in and perform an element of job which is not performed for want of a person Able to foresee potential pitfalls and devise alternative plans to mitigate the same Has established systems and processes that ensure success in coordinating events, programmes etc.Builds collaborative partnerships with stakeholders and leverages in the relationship to meet organizational objectives Institutionalize empowering systems and processes whereby people organization develop coordination capabilities

P a g e | 329Annexure X (Clause 1.10.6) Indicative list of certification areasS. No. Department Certification areas 1 Common certification area for all departments Project management Contract management Risk management Trainer certification Mentor certification Quality certification ERP certification General management 2 Legal Taxation law Law of contract Environment law Corporate law Cyber law Competition law International affairs Patent law Any other certification in the field 3 Survey Land acquisition Auto CAD Any other certification in the field 4 PR Corporate advertising Corporate communications Event management Any other certification in the field 5 Community development Land acquisition R&R projects CSR Baseline survey Social research software Social research Methodology Any other certification in the field 6 Sports Event Management Coach certification Any other certification in the field

P a g e | 3307 Environment CSR Clean coal technology Assessment of carbon footprint Assessment of water foot print Sustainability reporting (GRI guideline based) Renewable energy Any other certification in the field 8 Excavation Safety audit Risk assessment& risk management Quality Circle 5 S, Kaizen Six Sigma Any other certification in the field 9 S&M Quality control CRM Logistics Management Quality Circle Six Sigma Any other certification in the field 10 MM Contract management Supply chain management Logistics and supply chain information systems Warehousing Six Sigma Any other certification in the field 11 Civil/ architect Auto CAD STAAD (structural analysis and design) CSR SA8000 Contract management Any other certification in the field 12 Medical Hospital administration SA8000 standards ISO 9001/2008 Occupational disease Any other certification in the field 13 E&M Contract management ISO 9000 standards Vigilance

P a g e | 331Six Sigma 5 S, Kaizen Any other certification in the field 14 Finance Cost & budgeting Taxation Corporate accounting Project appraisal Company secretary Any other certification in the field 15 E&T Cable networking Wireless communication Voice connectivity OITDS RFID CCTV surveillance Web portal maintenance Mail messaging system Any other certification in the field 16 Mining High wall mining Long wall Short wall Project planning & management Contract management Environment management Land acquisition HRD Risk assessment & risk management Autocad/ Minex Mine planning software 5 S, Kaizen Any other certification in the field 17 IED IE studies Manpower planning Benchmarking Project management Any other certification in the field 18 Security Security systems Disaster management Risk management Any other certification in the field 19 Geoscience Geophysical studies. Hydrogeological studies

P a g e | 332Autocad/ Minex Any other certification in the field 20 Secretarial Secretary Corporate communication Public relations MS project Any other certification in the field 21 Secretarial OL/ Hindi Publication Translation MS Indic language tool (Hindi) Corporate communication Public relations MS project Any other certification in the field 22 CP Project management Six Sigma Quality control & management Any other certification in the field 23 System Web based application development in Java, JSP etc. Network administration Database administration Development of application Infrastructure management Fire protection system Access control Mine planning software ERP solution GPS Any other certification in the field 24 Personnel/ HR Competency mapping Assessment/ development centre PMS Training & development Organization Development (OD) HR audit BEI [Behavioural Event Interview] SA 8000 standards ISO 9000 standards Compensation & benefit 5 S, Kaizen Organizational behaviour

P a g e | 333ERP HR –Research methodology Six Sigma International HRM Psychometric Any other certification in the field

P a g e | 334Annexure XI (Clause 1.10.9)Format for capturing insights during MTPro session Name of participants Session date S. No. Discussion points Perception of the candidates Remedial initiative (to be noted by HR proposed facilitator) 1. Role clarity 2. Superior support 3. Performance hurdles 4. Fairness 5. Satisfaction/ motivational level 6. Expectation from the organization 7. Organizational support 8. Feedback from the superior 9. Carrier expectation 10. Training requirement

P a g e | 335References 1 Chapter VII of the Common Coal Cadre Amendments upto 30.11.1984. –2 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/III/114 dated 25.09.1989. 3 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/ dated 19.05.2006. 4 OM No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/CCC/2100 dated 19.05.2017. 5 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/L&D/400 dated 20.03.2020. 6 OM No. CIL/HRD/Faculty Hon./2020-21/14702 dated 25.06.2020.

P a g e | 336Principles for Fixation of Pay of Executive Cadre Employees [1]1.1. Pay on Initial Appointment The initial basic pay of an executive cadre employee newly recruited and appointed to a post will be fixed normally at the minimum of the scale of pay of the post to which he has been appointed. Higher initial pay of not more than five increments however may be granted at the discretion of the management of the company in deserving cases, on the recommendations of the selection committee. 1.2. Pay fixation on promotion from Non-executive Grade under NCWA pay scales to Executive Cadre Scales of pay and promotion from E1 to E2 grade The pay on promotion from non-executive pay scales under the National Coal Wage Agreement to the executive cadre scales of pay (i.e. E1 or E2 grade) and on promotion from E1 to E2 grade will be fixed in accordance with the provision of FR 22 (C). 1.2.1. Modality of Pay Fixation of the Executives promoted from Non-Executive grade w.e.f 01.07.2001 onwards [2] Illustration of the modality of pay fixation: Promoted from Non-Executive to Executive in E1 grade 1. Reason for Pay Fixation : Appointment/ Promotion 2. Grade of the promoted post : E-1 3. Scale of Pay : Rs. 8600-14600/- 4. Date of joining to the promoted : 25.06.2003 (FN) post Details of existing post 5. Designation : T&S – Gr. ‘A 1’ (SLU)-6. Basic Pay with the Scale : Rs. 11303.00 Rs. 10091-303-13727/- 7. VDA : Rs. 1017.00 8. SDA : Rs. 202.89 9. Att. Bonus : Rs. 1130.30 10. Add one increment in the lower : Rs. 303.00 grade Total : Rs. 13956.19 1 As per 2 edition of Common Coal Cadre (Chapter VIII) bearing amendments upto 30.11.1984. ndSubsequently, amended vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/II/169 dated 07.10.1986. 2 Incorporated vide letter No. CIL/C5A(vi)/005/35/Pay Fixation/193 dated 11/13.07.2006.

P a g e | 337“Fixation”Last total pay in the lower post on 25.06.2003 Rs. 13956.19 His Basic Pay in E-1 grade on 25.06.2003 will be fixed as per calculation given below: Basic Pay less Executive DA = Rs. 13956.19/1.396 = Rs. 9997.27 Basic Pay to be fixed at Rs. 9997.27 i.e., in the stage of E1 grade at Rs. 10061/- Next date of increment will fall due on 1 April every year. st1.3. Deleted [3]1.4. Pay Fixation on promotion of an Executive (a)On the pay, which the employee will be in receipt of on the date of his joining the higher post, one increment will be notionally given in his own lower pay scales. (b)Then, the pay of the employee will be fixed in the higher scale at the appropriate stage as follows: i)If, in higher pay scale, there is a stage of pay equivalent to the pay thus notionally arrived at under foregoing clause, then the pay will be fixed at that stage; ii)If there is no such stage, it will be fixed at the next higher stage; iii)If the notional pay, as above mentioned, is less than the minimum of the next higher scale to which the employee has been promoted, pay will be fixed at the minimum of the said higher scale. (c)For employees on the maximum of their pay scale in the lower post, pay in the higher post will be fixed at the next higher stage. 1.5.Deleted[3]1.6.Deleted[3]1.7.Deleted[3]1.8. Fixation of Pay on Re-employment of Retired Officers in Executive CadreNormally, no extension of service beyond the age of superannuation, i.e. 60 years , [4]is allowed. In case of certain specified posts requiring special qualification and/or statutory requirements, however, officers may be re-employed on contract basis with specified terms and conditions of service and they may be allowed such pay not 3 Deleted due to revised provisions of increment under Pay Revisions. 4 Amended due to OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/CCC/20 dated 27.05.1998.

P a g e | 338exceeding the last pay drawn minus pension and or pensionery equivalent of other retirement benefits as initial pay as may be decided by the competent authority. 1.9. Removal of pay anomaly arising consequent upon revision of pay scales of executives w.e.f. 01.01.2007 [5]The basic principles of removal of anomaly as laid down in FR 22 & 23 need to be adhered and anomaly in pay removed uniformly by steeping up of such senior to the pay of his junior from such day of anomaly of pay has arisen subject to the following conditions: a) The senior officer was all along drawing higher or same basic pay than his junior prior to 01.01.2007. b) Such senior and juniors are covered under the same seniority list and belong to the same grade. c) The senior executive at the time of promotion was drawing same or higher basic than the juniors. d) Any anomaly in pay of senior shall not be considered if his junior was granted any additional increments or any increment as incentive or reward or the pay of such senior was reduced due to any punishment. In respect of an Executive posted in Subsidiaries of CIL: [6]The aggrieved Executive has to apply individually indicating the name of his junior who was in the same grade/ scale and on promotion getting more pay than him to his respective Personnel Division. The Subsidiaries of CIL may constitute a Committee with officers of Personnel & Finance Division and examine the representations of the Executives as per the provisions of OM No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/005/35/56 dated 06.09.2011 to remove anomalies and submit its recommendations. The Personnel Division of the Subsidiary will place the same before the Director (P) of the respective Subsidiary for approval. In respect of an Executive posted under administrative control of CIL (HQ), the application will be addressed to General Manager (P), Executive Establishment, CIL (HQ). Executive Establishment Department of CIL (HQ) will deal such cases on the basis of above guidelines. 1.10. Anomalous situation in fixation of pay on promotion from Non-Executive to Executive cadre after implementation of NCWA-IX [7]The cases fulfilling the following conditions be considered as anomalous situation: i)The affected executive is senior (i.e., promoted from non-executive cadre to executive cadre with NCWA-VIII pay scale) to the executive who has been promoted later in the executive cadre after the implementation of NCWA - IX and the both should be of the same discipline.5 Incorporated vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/005/35/56 dated 06.09.2011. 6 Amended vide Corrigendum No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/005/35/80 dated 05.12.2011. 7 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(v)/E1/E2/279 dated 10.09.2016.

P a g e | 339ii) The affected executive promoted earlier (from Non-executive cadre with NCWA-VIII pay scale) and the junior executive (promoted from non-executive cadre later i.e. after implementation of NCWA- IX) being compared with, had the same channel of promotion when both of them were serving in non- executive cadre and were in the same grade and same subsidiary.To minimize the difference in Basic Pay of the executives promoted during the period of NCWA-VIII and subsequently in NCWA-IX, the following methodology has been decided: a)The executive promoted from Non-executive cadre earlier with NCWA-VIII pay scale and drawing less Salary (Basic+DA) than his junior who entered in Executive Grade later i.e. after implementation of NCWA - IX, in the same discipline and grade, the Salary (Basic+DA) of the affected senior executive promoted from Non- executive cadre earlier with NCWA-VIII pay scale, be made equal to the Salary (Basic+DA) of the junior executive who entered in Executive Grade later i.e. after the implementation of NCWA IX - .b) Accordingly, the difference between the Salary (Basic+DA) of the junior executive (who entered in Executive Grade later i.e. after the implementation of NCWA - IX) and the affected executive promoted from Non-executive cadre earlier with NCWA- VIII pay scale, shall be granted (an additional amount) to senior executive as Difference of Pay i.e., DP. The said amount (DP) once fixed shall not undergo any subsequent upward revision. c) Similarly, in case of junior executive (who entered in Executive Grade later i.e. after the implementation of NCWA - IX) with whom the case is compared, his basic would also be grouped as Basic + Difference of Pay, what has been granted to the Senior Executive as per Sl.No.(b). The example is given below: Particulars Senior Executive Junior Executive 1. Basic as on 1.4.2016 Rs. 22,000/- Rs. 32,000/- 2. After grant of DP. Basic Rs. 22,000/- Rs. 22,000/- Difference of Pay Rs. 10,000/- Rs. 10,000/- d) The additional fixed amount of DP shall be shown separately w.e.f 01.04.2016. The said amount shall be counted for all purpose viz. DA, CMPF, Leave encashment, Pension, Annual Increment etc. till implementation of next executive pay revision wherein it will be absorbed in the fitment benefit. The procedure to deal with the subject is mentioned as below: a)All the applications should be submitted to the respective Personnel Department functioning at Unit/ Area/ Subsidiary/ CIL(HQ) by 15.10.2016.b) Applicant should mention his name and EIS No. and the Name and EIS No. of the executive with whom anomalous comparison is claimed.

P a g e | 340c) Once an application containing anomalous comparison with another executive has been submitted by the senior executive (promoted earlier), no subsequent application claiming anomalous comparison with any other executive will be entertained. d) The applications received at Unit/Area should be consolidated Area wise and sent to the Head of the Executive Establishment Division of the Subsidiary. e) Action for disposal of such cases would be taken at Subsidiary level in accordance with the above decision.

P a g e | 341References 1 Chapter VIII of Common Coal Cadre Amendments upto 30.11.1984. –2 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/II/169 dated 07.10.1986. 3 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/CCC/20 dated 27.05.1998. 4 OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/005/35/56 dated 06.09.2011. 5 Corrigendum No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/005/35/80 dated 05.12.2011. 6 OM No. CIL/C5A(v)/E1/E2/279 dated 10.09.2016.

P a g e | 342Acting/ Officiating arrangements in respect of ExecutivePositions [1]1.1.In respect of temporary executive vacancies on account of leave, etc. acting/ officiating arrangements become necessary and acting/ officiating arrangements for such temporary vacancies should be made in accordance with the following principles.1.2.In respect of vacancies of executive positions for more than 30 days, the senior most people in the area in the line of promotion, who are considered suitable and eligible otherwise, may be allowed to act. If the senior most person in the area, happens to be working in sub-area, other than that where the vacancy has occurred and it is not in the interest of the company to temporarily transfer him to the sub-area, where the temporary vacancy has occurred, the senior most person in the sub area, in the line of promotion, who in the opinion of the competent authority, is capable of shouldering the responsibility and is eligible otherwise, may be allowed to act.1.3. (i) For vacancies lasting for more than 90 days, arrangements for temporary promotion should be made from amongst the eligible executives in the usual manner, or from a live panel. (ii) Where it is not possible to fill up a vacancy for more than 90 days by making temporary promotion or otherwise, the CMD may at his discretion, sanction officiating allowance to the officer officiating on the higher post even beyond the period of 90 days.A quarterly report for such officiating arrangement will be submitted to the Coal India Board in regard to the employees in the scale of pay of E-7 and above. 1.4.Temporary acting arrangements made will not confer any claim for promotion.1.5.The period of ‘Acting’ will not count towards eligibility for promotion to the next higher level. 1.6. Quantum of Acting Allowance: The amount of acting allowance payable to an employee acting in a higher post shall not exceed 20% of his pay or the pay to which he would be entitled to in case of promotion to the higher post, whichever is lower. 1.7.Employees under training or on promotion will not be eligible for any acting allowance for performing functions in higher positions. 1 As per 2 edition of Common Coal Cadre (Chapter IX) bearing amendments upto 30.11.1984. nd

P a g e | 343References 1 Chapter IX of Common Coal Cadre Amendments upto 30.11.1984. –

Page | 344 CIL Executive Job Rotation & Transfer Policy 1.0. Title and commencementThis policy shall be called the ‘CIL Executive Job Rotation & Transfer Policy’ [1]. It shall come into force with effect from 21.05.2018. 2.0. Scope and applicability This policy shall apply to all Executives as provided. 3.0. Job rotation and transfer philosophyCIL is committed to provide comprehensive and diverse ‘on-the-job’ learning opportunities to all Executives for their growth and development. The organization is equally committed to provide a level playing field to the Executives and enable them to pursue their professional interests, while keeping in mind the business requirements. Job rotations and transfers will ensure availability of the right type of talent (defined in terms of technical and behavioral competencies), at the right place and at the right time. Through this process, Executives are exposed to diverse experiences for overall development so as to provide leadership at all levels in the organization. Job rotation would mean rotating Executives, after a set period of time, in different roles in the same discipline, different units and subsidiaries in the same grade or on promotion. It provides an opportunity to work in different units and establishments of the Company, gaining valuable insights into the diverse working environment, technologies and culture of the company. It is also an opportunity to improve Executive motivation and morale, particularly for those who have been working in one position/ role for a long period of time or whose job is of repetitive or stressful in nature. 4.0. Job Rotation PolicyJob rotation can be inter department in a functional discipline, inter unit or inter area as given below: a) Inter sectional rotation in a functional discipline Inter Sectional rotation is applicable to Executives working in CIL and subsidiary HQs where the work is organized in different Sections under a functional discipline. 1Approved by CIL Board in its 360 & 362 meeting held on 10.03.2018 & 28.04.2018 respectively and thndcommunicated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/2849 dated 21.05.2018. Previously called as “Transfer Policy” under Chapter X of Common Coal Cadre which was amended vide various Office Orders/ Memorandums dated 24.05.1993, 04.05.1994, 12.05.1994, 27.06.1996, 09.10.1998, 26.04.2002, 30/31.10.2002, 22.04.2003, 14/16.12.2004, 23.11.2005 (OM No. 182 & 183), 14.07.2006, 07/09.01.2009, 08/20.04.2009, 15.11.2013 and 11.11.2015.

Page | 345 Executives working in a section would be rotated on completion of 5 years in a Section. b) Inter Unit Rotation (i) Area will enable exposure of Executives to different units and functions in a discipline at the earlier stage of their career by rotating them from one unit to another within the Area. (ii) Executives will be rotated from one colliery/ project to another colliery/ project within an Area on completion of 5 years at a colliery/ project in the Area. c) Inter Area Rotation Executives will be rotated from one Area to another on completion of 10 years in an Area. The Area General Managers shall work in an Area, in the same post, for the tenure as applicable for sensitive post irrespective of their tenure in that Area in another post. However, Executives can also be rotated before completion of the period of service mentioned above, if need so arises, at any time, on administrative grounds. HQs to be treated as an Area for the purpose of inter Area rotation. d) Retaining Executives in case of exigencies An Executive may be retained, in exceptional circumstances, for a period not more than one year longer than that prescribed herein above, due to exigencies of work, for the reasons to be recorded by the concerned Authority. No further extension of retention beyond the 1-year period should be allowed in any case. 5.0. Authority for effecting inter-Section/ Unit/ Area Rotation The inter sectional, inter unit and inter area rotations mentioned above will be carried out by the following functionaries: a) Inter sectional rotation within a functional discipline shall be approved by the concerned Functional Director in CIL or Subsidiaries, as the case may be. b) Area General Manager shall approve inter unit rotations in the Area except in the case of Colliery Managers and Project Officers. c) Inter Area rotation in a Subsidiary shall be approved by the concerned Functional Director, except in the case of Area General Managers. d) Rotation of Colliery Managers, Project Officers and Area/ HQ HoDs will be decided by the concerned Functional Director and that of the Area General Manager shall be decided by the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the Subsidiary in consultation with concerned Functional Directors.

Page | 346 6.0. Monitoring and reviewing the progress of the rotation The Director (P&IR) at CIL and the D(P) at Subsidiary level are the nodal Executives for monitoring and reviewing implementation of the rotation program. 7.0. Transfer Policy The objective of transfer policy is to ensure even redeployment of manpower across the Subsidiaries as per availability of vacancy for optimization of performance. Executives shall be transferred from one Subsidiary to another, subject to conditions stipulated hereunder: a) Transfers shall normally be programmed during the period from April to June of every year.b)Transfers on ‘administrative ground’ shall be effected at any time by the concerned Authority.c) An Executive transferred from one company to another will not be transferred back to the Company from where he was transferred for minimum 3 years. d) Subject to administrative exigencies, the following category of Executives shall be given special consideration under the job rotation and transfer policy as under: i. Executives who have less than 2 years of service left may not normally be transferred, or maybe given a posting of their choice, if vacancies are available, keeping in mind administrative requirements. ii. As far as possible, working couples in CIL/ Subsidiaries may be accommodated in the same/ nearest location in the Company. iii. Executives suffering from the following illness at chronic stage may be exempted from transfer under this policy: a. Cancer, not of primary stage b. Paralysis of permanent nature c. Leprosy d. Kidney failure e. Total blindness iv. When the transfers of physically handicapped persons as defined under the PWD Act, 1995, become inevitable due to non-availability of vacancies, it will be ensured that such Executives are accommodated nearest to their original place of posting. v. An Executive who is also a care giver of his/ her disabled child may normally be exempted from transfers. The word disabled includes (i) blindness or low vision, (ii) hearing impairment, (iii) locomotor disability or Cerebral Palsy, (iv) leprosy cured, (v) mental retardation (vi) mental illness, (vii) multiple disabilities and (viii) autism spectrum disorder.

Page | 347 8.0. Transfers on promotions Executives will be transferred from one Subsidiary to another as below: i. Executives on promotion from E5 to E6 grade shall be transferred out of the Subsidiary/establishments of CIL HQs, irrespective of their length of service in the Subsidiary/ establishments of CIL. However, such executives in E5 grade who have spent less than one year in a Subsidiary/ establishments of CIL would be exempted from transfer on promotion to E6 grade. The bar of one year will not apply in cases of request transfers. ii. Transfer of Executives on promotion from E6 to E7 and onwards would be on need based. iii. Executives posted as Company Secretaries on promotion would be transferred as per administrative requirements. iv. In case of transfer on promotion, the Executives should be released to join the promoted post in the respective Company within 60 days from the issue of the order. In the event of non-release, the Executives will be deemed to have been released on expiry of 60 days and must join accordingly. [2]Non-joining on the promoted post within the stipulated time would lead to cancellation of the promotion order and debarring the executive for one subsequent DPC for promotion to the post. [2]9.0. Transfers in general a) An Executive shall be transferred from one subsidiary to another subsidiary on completion of 15 years in a Subsidiary irrespective of promotion or grade. b) Executives can be transferred from one Subsidiary to another subsidiary, at any time, to fill vacancies in different grades available in subsidiaries and for rationalizing the manpower deployment. c)CIL will maintain a database of ‘Preference of Posting’ (Maximum 3 Companies) of Executives and subject to other conditions provided in the policy, such preferences may be considered while transferring Executives on promotions or for manpower rationalization. 2 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/582 dated 17.03.2021.

Page | 348 d) While considering the transfers in a grade, Executives with relatively higher length of completed years of service in a subsidiary would be preferred first for transfer. e)Transfers based on ‘Preference of Posting’ would be considered as ‘Administrative transfer’ for the purpose of transfer benefits under the relevant rules. f) Posting in CIL Hq and establishment under its direct control would be deemed as transfer in a subsidiary for the purpose of implementing the provisions of this policy. 10.0. Transfers on Requests [ ]3Executives could be transferred from one subsidiary to another subsidiary based on their request but subject to administrative requirements. ‘No objection’ of CMDs from the existing subsidiary and acceptance from the subsidiary to which transfer is to be made shall be necessary. Application for Request Transfer shall preferably be submitted online by the Executives. Subsidiaries shall forward the applications, with their consent/ comments, within the prescribed time limit in the online transfer module as under: i. The Controlling Officer (Area GM/ HoD) shall forward the application, with his comments, in 20 days of receipt of the online application in his HRMS domain to the concerned General Manager (EE)/ HoD (EE). Applications pending for more than the prescribed timeline shall automatically escalate to the concerned General Manager (EE)/ HoD (EE) of the parent Subsidiary Company. ii. The General Manager (EE)/ HoD(EE) of the parent Subsidiary shall forward the transfer application, with the views of the concerned CMD to the General Manager (EE)/ HoD (EE) of the Subsidiary Company, to which transfer is to be made. iii. The General Manager (EE)/ HoD(EE) of the Subsidiary Company, to which transfer is to be made, shall forward the transfer application, with the views of their CMD to CIL Headquarter. iv. At CIL (Hq) level, the General Manager (EE)/ HoD(EE), CIL, after taking necessary approval of the Competent Authority on the forwarded applications, will update the final status of the application in the Online Transfer module of HRMS for information to all the concerned. v. The applications should be forwarded from the Subsidiary level only with the views of their concerned CMD and without which, the same shouldn’t be forwarded to the next level. 3 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/43 dated 12.02.2019.

Page | 349 The request transfer orders are generally to be issued only twice in a calendar year i.e., one during the month of March and another during the month of September for applications received in the preceding six months. On issuance of request transfer order, the Executives should be released to join the transferred Subsidiary within 60 days from the date of the issue of the Order. In the event of non-release, the Executives will be deemed to have been released on expiry of 60 days and must join accordingly. [4]11.0. Sensitive post transfers i. If an Executive holding a sensitive post continues to be in the post for 3 years, he would be transferred from that post on completion of the 3 years. However, an Executive may be allowed to continue in a sensitive post, for administrative reasons, for a period beyond 3 years subject a maximum total duration of 5 years in the post. ii. Posting of Executives in Vigilance department and premature reversions would be done by the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of the subsidiary in consultation with the Chief Vigilance Officer of the subsidiary. iii. The sensitive posts shall be as per OM No. CIL/ C5A(PC)/ Transfer/ 583 dated 17.03.2021 and as would be amended/ modified from time to time. [5]iv. Transfer orders issued under sensitive category should be implemented within 60 days of issuance of orders. In the event of non-release of the transferee within the aforesaid period, he/ she will be deemed to have been released on expiry of the 60 days and such an Executive must join the new place of posting accordingly. [4]12.0. Transfer of Non-Executives on promotion to Executive cadre Non-Executives on promotion to Executives cadre shall be subject to inter subsidiary transfer. They will not be transferred back to the company in which they earlier posted for a minimum period of 3 years. 13.0. Other provisionsi. While considering transfers under this policy, it shall be ensured that all Executives get opportunities to work in minimum 3 subsidiaries. Postings in CIL and establishments under its direct administrative control are to be treated as subsidiary posting for the purpose. ii. Any person who brings or attempts to bring outside pressure in the matter of transfer and posting will be proceeded against as per CDA Rules of CIL. An adverse entry will also be made in the PRIDE/ PAR form of the officer concerned. 4 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/582 dated 17.03.2021.5 Sensitive posts amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/583 dated 17.03.2021. Earlier amended vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(ii)/Transfer/Sensitive/B-371 dated 15.11.2013 & OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/167 dated 02.07.2019.

Page | 350 iii. The Director(P&IR), CIL and the CMDs of subsidiaries will ensure effective implementation of transfer/ posting of the Executives. iv. If any change in the place/ department of posting is needed in any transfer/ rotation Order of the Executives issued under this Policy, the approval for the same should be obtained by the concerned Subsidiary/ HOD from the Chairman, CIL/ Competent authority as specified in Clause 5 of the Policy within 60 days for reconsideration of the said transfer/ rotation Order, in the absence of which, he/ she will be deemed to have been released on expiry of the 60 days and such an Executive must join the new place of posting/ department accordingly. Further if Controlling authority still does not release the Executive concerned within the stipulated period, the concerned CMDs/ Chairman, CIL will take action against the erring Officials for such lapse/ delay. [6]14.0. Repeal Unless specified otherwise, all existing provisions of the CIL Executive Job Rotation & Transfer Policy and subsequent amendments and circulars will stand superseded by this policy from the date of its commencement. 15.0. Savings Chairman, CIL reserves the right to relax, alter, amend or withdraw partly or fully any of the provisions of this policy at his discretion or on administrative grounds in the interest of the Company for reasons to be recorded in writing. 6 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Transfer/582 dated 17.03.2021.