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HR_Manual_CIL 01112021

Published by nitinbiharisaxena, 2022-03-14 08:00:20

Description: HR_Manual_CIL 01112021


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P a g e | 40139.0 Review 39.1.Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, the Reviewing Authority as specified in the schedule may call for the record of the case within twelve months of the date of the final order and after reviewing the case pass such orders thereon as it may deem fit. “Provided that if the enhanced penalty, which the Reviewing Authority purposes to impose; is a major penalty specified in clauses (f) to (j) of Rule 28 and an enquiry as provided under Rule 30 has not already been held in the case, the Reviewing Authority shall direct that such an enquiry be held in accordance with the provisions of Rule 30 and thereafter consider the record of the enquiry and pass such order as it may deem proper. If the Reviewing Authority decides to enhance the punishment but an enquiry has already been held in accordance with the provisions of Rule 30, the Reviewing Authority shall give show cause notice to the employee as to why the enhanced penalty should not be imposed upon the employee. The Reviewing Authority shall pass final order after taking into account the representation, if any, submitted by the employee. The Coal India Limited, Board of Directors may at any time call for the records of any inquiry, review any order and pass necessary order, as it may deem fit. Note: A Committee to be chaired by Director (P&IR), CIL with Director (Finance), CIL and Director (Technical), CIL as members will process those cases which are beyond 12 months of date of final order for placing before the Board with the approval of the Chairman, CIL. 40.0 Services of Orders, Notices, etc. 40.1.Every order, notice and other process made or issued under these rules shall be served in person on the employee concerned or communicated to the employee by registered post at his/ her last known address. 41.0 Power to relax time-limit and to condone delay 41.1.Save as otherwise expressly provided in these rules, the authority competent under these rules to make any order may, for good and sufficient reasons or if sufficient cause is shown, extend the time specified in these rules for anything required to be done under these rules or condone any delay. 42.0 Savings 42.1.Nothing in these rules shall be construed as depriving any person to whom these rules apply, of any right of appeal which had accrued to the employee under the rules, which have been superseded by these rules.

P a g e | 40242.2.An appeal pending at the commencement of these rules against an order made before the commencement of these rules shall be considered and orders thereon shall be made, in accordance with these rules. 42.3.The proceedings pending at the commencement of these rules shall be continued and disposed as far as may be, in accordance with the provisions of these rules, as if such proceedings were proceedings under these rules. 42.4.Any misconduct, etc., committed prior to the issue of these rules which was a misconduct under the superseded rules shall be deemed to be a misconduct under these rules. 43.0 Removal of doubts 43.1.Where a doubt arises as to the interpretation of any of these rules, the matter shall be referred to the Chairman, CIL for final decision. 44.0 Amendments 44.1.The Coal India Limited Board may amend, modify or add to these rules, from time to time and all such amendments, modifications or additions shall take effect from the date stated therein. 45.0 Repeal 45.1.These rules supersede all the existing rules in respect of Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules 1978 and their amendments concerning Executive cadre employees of Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries to the extent modified.

P a g e | 403Form I –(Rule 6.1) Statement regarding employment of relatives in the Company 1. Name of the Office (in full) : …………………………………………………… 2. Present Post held : …………………………. Area ………………….3. Present basic pay and scale : ……………………………………………………4. Date of joining the Company : …………………………………………………… Particulars of the relatives employed in Company Name & Designation Colliery/ Office/ Deptt. In which employed Basic Pay and scale Relationship with employee appointment of Date of the relative employed in the Company Remarks (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Signature of the employee ……………………….Date ……….………………

P a g e | 404Form II –(Rule 6.1) Declaration regarding relations connected with Firms/ Business House doing Business with the Company 1. Name of the Office (in full) : …………………………………………………… 2. Present Post held : ………………………………...………………….3. Place of posting : ……………………………………………………4. Present basic pay and scale : ……………………………………………………5. Date of joining the Company : …………………………………………………… I, the undersigned, hereby declare that none of my relations are/ the following relations are in connection with any firms or business houses engaged in business dealing with the Company. Sl. No. firm/ business house doing Complete address of the business with the Company with name of proprietor/ partner/ manager. Nature of relationship of the Officer with proprietor/ partner/ manager of the said firm or business house. Nature of business dealings with the Company Nature of pecuniary of other interest of the Officer having relations with said firm/ business house. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) 2. I also undertake to inform the management immediately about the changes that may take place regarding the connections of my relations with the firms doing business with the Company. 3. I further declare that I shall not participate in decisions relating to award of contracts/ giving orders for purchase or sale or any other matter to the advantage of the firm where my relation(s) is/ are having connection. Place: Date: Signature *Strike off whichever is not applicable.

P a g e | 405Form III –(Rule 16.1) Statement regarding any kind of business done by the employee either in his/ her own name or in the name of his/ her family members or benami 1. Name of the Office (in full) : …………………………………………………… 2. Present Post held : …………………………. Area ………………….3. Present basic pay and scale : ……………………………………………………4. Date of joining the Company : …………………………………………………… Details of the Business Name of the person in whose name the business is held/ conducted Relationship of the employee in whose name the business is held/ conducted Approximate monthly income (1) (2) (3) (4) Signature of the employee ……………………….Date ……….………………

P a g e | 406Form IV A –(Rule 19.2/ 19.3) Form for giving prior intimation or seeking previous sanction in respect of immovable property 1. Name and designation : 2. Scale of pay and present pay : 3. Purpose of application Sanction for –transaction/ prior intimation of transaction : 4. Whether property is being acquired or disposed off : 5. Probable date of acquisition/ disposal of property : 6. Mode of acquisition/ disposal : 7. (a) Full details about location viz. Municipal No./ Street/ Village/ Taluk District and State in which situated : (b) Description of the property, in the case of cultivable and dry or irrigated land : I Whether freehold or leasehold : (d) Whether the applicant’s interest in the property is in full or part (in case of partial interest the extent of such interest must be indicated) : 8. Sale/ purchase prices of the property (Market value in the case of gifts) : 9. In case of acquisition, sources or sources from which finance/ proposed to be financed (a) Personal savings : (b) Other sources giving basis : 10. In the case of disposal of property was requisite sanction, information obtained/ given for its acquisition? (A copy of the sanction/ acknowledgement should be attached) : 11. (a) Name and address of the party with whom transaction is proposed to be made : (b) Is the party related to the Applicant? :

P a g e | 407If so, state the relationship. (c) Did the applicant have any dealings with the party in his official capacity at any time or is the applicant likely to have any dealings with him in the near future? : (d) How was the transaction arranged? (Whether through any statutory body or a private agency through advertisement or through friends and relatives, full particulars to be given.) : 12. Any other relevant fact which the applicant may like to mention. : DECLARATION I, ……………………………. hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. I request that I may be given permission to acquire/ dispose off property as described above from/ to the party whose name is mentioned in item 11 above. OR I, ……………………………… hereby intimate the processed acquisition/ disposal of property by me as detailed above. I declare that the particulars given above are true. Station: Date: Signature: Designation: Note 1: In the above form, different portions may be used according to requirement. Note 2: Where previous sanction is asked for, the application should be submitted at least 30 days before the success date of the transaction.

P a g e | 408Form IV B –(Rule 19.3/ 19.4) Form for giving prior intimation or seeking previous sanction in respect of movable property 1. Name of the Employee : 2. Scale of pay and present pay : 3. Purpose of application Sanction for –transaction/ prior intimation of transaction : 4. Whether property is being acquired or disposed off : 5. (a) Probable date of acquisition/ disposal of property : (b) If the property is already acquired/ disposed off actual date of transaction : 6. (a) Description of the property (e.g. Car/ Scooter/ Motor Cycle/ Radiogram/ Jewellery/ Loans/ Insurance Policies, etc.) : (b) Make Model (and also Registration No. in case of vehicles) where necessary : 7. Mode of acquisition/ disposal (purchase/ sale/ gift/ mortgage/ lease or otherwise) : 8. Sale/ purchase price of the property (Market value in the case of gifts) : 9. In case of acquisition, sources from which financed/ proposed to be financed. : (a) Personal savings : (b) Other sources giving details : 10. In the case of disposal of property, was requisite sanction/ intimation obtained/ given for its acquisition? (A copy of the sanction/ acknowledgement should be attached) : 11. (a) Name and address of the party with whom transaction is proposed to be made/ has been made : (b) Is the party related to the Applicant? If so, state the relationship. :

P a g e | 409(c) Did the applicant have any dealings with the party in his official capacity at any time or is the applicant likely to have any dealings with him in the near future? : (d) Nature of official dealings with the party : (e) How was the transaction arranged? (Whether through any statutory body or a private agency through advertisement or through friends and relatives, full particulars to be given.) : 12. Any other relevant fact which the applicant may like to mention. : DECLARATION I, ……………………………. hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. I request that I may be given permission to acquire/ dispose off property as described above from/ to the party whose name is mentioned in item 11 above. OR I, ……………………………… hereby intimate the acquisition/ disposal of property by me as detailed above. I declare that the particulars given above are true. Station: Date: Signature: Designation: Note 1: In the above form, different portions may be used according to requirement. Note 2: Where previous sanction is asked for, the application should be submitted at least 30 days before the success date of the transaction.

P a g e | 410Form V A –(Rule 19.1 I) Statement showing details of assets (other than immovable property liabilities on first appointment and also submission of return on 1 January of each calendar year stName : Designation : Date of joining : Basic Salary : ASSETS LIABILITIES A. Liquid Assets & Investments (including deposits & LIC 1. Liabilities to the Policies) Description Amount/ Original Price Held in the name of & relationship How acquired Annual income derived (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) B. Movable properties Description Amount/ Original Price Held in the name of & relationship How acquired Annual income derived (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Bank Financial Institution 2. Liabilities to friends & relatives 3. Other liabilities, if any. Date: Signature: N.B. Additional sheets may be attached where necessary. Note-1: In the case of share, securities, debentures, etc. face value and approximate market value as on the date of statement may be mentioned. Note-2: In the case of Life Insurance Policies, the date of maturity may also be stated. Note-3: Under B, information may be given regarding items like (a) Gold/ Gold ornaments, approximate weight only be stated. (b) Silver including ornaments, etc. (approximate weight) (c) Other precious metals, items of jewellery, precious stones forming part of

P a g e | 411jewellery, etc. Approximate value to be stated (i) Car, (ii) Scooters/ Motor Cycles, (iii) Refrigerator/ Air Conditioners, Radio/ Radiogram/ Television sets and any other articles, the value of which is individually is more than ₹10,000/-. Note-4: In column 4, may be indicated whether the property was acquired by purchase, gift or otherwise. Note-5: Under liabilities, brief details should be given. Date: Signature:

P a g e | 412Form V B –(Rule 19.1 I/ 19.5) Statement showing details of immovable property on first appointment and also on 1 January of each calendar year (e.g. Lands, House, Shops, other buildings, etc.) stName : Designation : Organization : Date of joining : Basic Pay : Sl. No. Details/ Description of property and its location (See Notes 1 & 5 below) House/ Building/ Land No. If not in own name, state in whose name held and his/ her relationship, if any to the employee How and when acquired (See Notes 2 & 6 below) Value of the property (See note 3 below) Total annual income from the property Remarks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note-1: If the property is not wholly owned the extent of share may also be indicated. Note-2: For the purpose of col. 4, the team ‘lease’ would mean a lease of immovable property from year to year or for any term exceeding one year of reserve yearly rent. When, however, the lease of immovable property is obtained from a person having official dealings with the employee, such a lease should in this column irrespective of the term of the lease whether it is short term or long term, and the periodicity of the payment of rent. Note-3: Col. 5 should be shown: (a) Where the property has been acquired by purchase, mortgage or lease, the price of premium paid for such acquisition. (b) Where it has been acquired by lease the total annual rent thereof also and (c) Where the acquisition is by inheritance, gift or exchange the approximate value of the property so acquired. Note-4: The annual return in respect of immovable property may also be submitted in this form as on 1 January. stNote-5: Name of District, Division, Taluka & Village in which the property is situated and also its distinctive number, etc. will be given in col. 2. Note-6: Whether by purchase, mortgage, lease, inheritance, gift or otherwise & name with details of person/ persons concerned are also be given in column. Date: Signature:

P a g e | 413Form V C –(Rule 19.1 I) Statement of Assets & Liabilities Detailed Statement in respect of Shares/ Debentures purchased under Promoters’/ Employees quota as on 1 January of each calendar year in Officers own name and stalso those held in the names of spouse and dependent children. Name : Designation : Organization : Date of joining the PSU : Basic Salary : P.F. Index No. : Sl. No. Name of the Company No. of shares Face value Cost of acquisition Whether promoters’/ Employees’ quota How acquired Position held at the time of acquisition and if the Company had any borrowing of other facilities at that time 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 A. Self : B. Spouse and Dependent Children : (2) Any addition/ deletions to this statement as on 1 stJanuary, ……. And the profit/ loss incurred by me are given below: Place: Date: Signature:________________

P a g e | 414Annexure (To be submitted along with the Assets & Liabilities Statement as on 1 January of every styear) Form for giving information where total transactions in shares, securities, debentures and investment in mutual fund schemes, etc. exceed ₹10,000/- during the calendar year as on 1 stJanuary ……………1. Name and designation : 2. i) Scale of pay and present pay : ii) P.F. Index No. : 3. Details of each transaction made in shares, securities, debentures, mutual funds scheme, etc. during the calendar year. : 4. Particulars of the party/ firm with whom transaction is made (a) Is party related to you? : (b) Did you have dealings with the party in your official capacity at any time or is the applicant likely to have any dealings with you in the near future? : 5. Source or sources from which financed? (a) Personal savings : (b) Other sources giving details : 6. Any other relevant fact which you may like to mention. : Declaration: I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. Place: Date: Signature: Designation:

P a g e | 415Form V D –(Rule 16.6) Sl. No. Name & Designation of the Officer Name of the Country visit Duration of Stay Source of Funding Remarks

P a g e | 416Form VI (Rule 25.1)No.......................................................................................................................................... Name of the company .......................................................................................................... Place of issue ........................................................................... Dated.................................. ORDER Whereas a disciplinary proceeding against Whereas a case against Sri/Smt....................................................... Sri/Smt..................................................... (Name & designation of the employee) is (Name & designation of the employee) in contemplated/ pending. respect of an original offence is under investigation/inquiry/trial. Now, therefore, the undersigned has been directed to inform that the Competent Authority in exercise of the powers conferred by rule 25.1 of CIL CDA Rules, hereby place the said Sri/ Smt..............................................under suspension with immediate effect.........................and until further order. It has been further ordered that during the period this order will remain in force the headquarters of Sri/Smt............................................................................................(name & designation of the employee) shall be ................................................(name of place) and said............................Sri/ smt.........................................................................................will not leave the headquarters without obtaining the previous permission of the Competent Authority. Signature of Delegated Authority 1. Copy to Sri/Smt.........................................................................................(name & designation of the employee). Orders regarding subsistence allowance admissible to him during the period of his suspension will issue separately.

P a g e | 4172. Copy to Sri/Smt..........................................................................................(name & designation of the lending authority) for information. 3. The circumstances in which the order of the suspension was made are as follows : (Here give details of the case and reasons for suspension) Note: Paras 2 and 3 should not be inserted in the copy of the order of suspension sent to the employee to be suspended. Distribution: 1. 2.

P a g e | 418Form VIA (Rule 25.3(i)) No....................................................................................................................... Name of the company....................................................................................... Place of issue................................... ................................................................. ORDER Whereas a case against Shri/Smt................................................................ (Name and designation of the employee) in respect of criminal offence is under investigation. And whereas the said Shri/Smt....................................................................was detained in custody on................................................. for a period exceeding fortyeight hours. Now, therefore, the undersigned has been directed by the Competent Authority (authority competent to suspend) to inform that the said Shri/Smt............................................................ is deemed to have been suspended by the Competent Authority with effect from the date of detention i.e........................ in terms of sub rule 25.3 (i) of the CIL CDA Rules and will remain under suspension until further orders. Signature of Delegated Authority

P a g e | 419Form VIIA (Rule 30) Memorandum 1.The undersigned has been directed to inform that the Competent Authority proposes to hold an inquiry against Shri.................................................... under rule 30 of the CIL CDA Rules. The substance of the imputations of misconduct or 419isbehavior in respect of which the inquiry is proposed to be held is set out in the enclosed statement or articles of charge (Annexure I). A statement of the imputations of misconduct or misbehavior in support of each article of charge is enclosed (Annexure II). A list of documents by which, and list of witnesses by whom, the articles of charge are proposed to be sustained are also enclosed (Annexure III and Annexure IV). 2.The undersigned has been directed to further inform that Shri............................................................................... is to submit within 10 days of the receipt of this Memorandum a written statement of his defense and also to state whether he desires to be heard in person. 3.He is informed that an inquiry will be held only in respect of those articles of charge as are not admitted. He should, therefore, specifically admit or deny each article of charge. hereby further informed that if he does not submit his written statement of defense on or before that date specified in para 2 above or does not appear in person before the Inquiring Authority or otherwise fails or refuses to comply with the provisions of Rule 30 of the CIL CDA Rules, or the orders/directions issued in pursuance of the inquiry against him exparte. 5.The undersigned has been directed to bring to the attention of Shri.......................................................................................................... to Rule 21 of the CIL CDA Rules, under which no public servant will bring or attempt to bring any outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his interests in respect of matters pertaining to the service under the company. If any representation is received on his behalf from another person in respect of any matter dealt with in these proceedings it will be presumed that Shri........................................................................... is aware of such a representation and that it has been made at his instance and action will be taken against him for violation of Rule 21 of the CIL CDA Rules. 6.The receipt of the Memorandum may be acknowledged. To: Shri............................................ ...............……………………….............................................………………………Name & Designation of the Delegated Authority

P a g e | 420Annexure -1 Statement of articles of charge framed against Shri ...................................... .............................................................................................................................. (Name and designation of the employee) Article- I That the said Shri..................................................................................................................... while functioning as..........................................during the period.......................................... Article II –That during the aforesaid period and while functioning in the aforesaid office, the said Shri................................................................................................... Article III That during the aforesaid period and while functioning in the aforesaid office, the said Shri...................................................................................................

P a g e | 421Annexure II Statement of imputation of misconduct or misbehavior in support of the articles of charge framed against Shri.................................................................................................................... (Name and designation of the employee) Article I –Article- II Article III –Annexure III List of documents by which the articles of charge framed against shri............................................................................................ (Name & designation of the employee) are proposed to be sustained. 1. 2. 3. Annexure IV List of witnesses by whom the articles of charge framed against shri.........................................................................................(Name and designation of the employee) are proposed to be sustained. 1. 2. 3.

P a g e | 422Form VIIB (Rule 32) Memorandum 1.Shri..............................................................................................................(designation) ............................................................ (Office in which working) hereby informed that it is proposed to take action against him under Rule 32 of the CIL CDA Rules. A statement of the imputations of misconduct or 422isbehavior on which action is proposed to be taken as mentioned above is enclosed. 2.Shri...............................................................................................fails to submit his opportunity to make such representation as he may wish to make against the proposal. 3.If Shri............................................................................................................fails to submit his representation within 10 days of the receipt of this Memorandum, it will be presumed that he has no representation to make and orders will be liable to be passed against Shri......................................................................................ex parte. The receipt of this Memorandum should be acknowledged by Shri .......................................... Signature (Name & Designation of the Delegated Authority) To: Shri ........................................................ ................................................................

P a g e | 423Form VIII (Rule 16.5) Bond cum Undertaking (To be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of the appropriate value) To be obtained from the concerned Functional Director(s)/ CMD along with Non Dues Certificate prior to release of terminal benefits KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE ____________________ s/d/o __________________ resident of ________________ presently working as __________________ in (Name of CPSE) (hereinafter called ‘the Obligor”) and (i) Shri __________________ s/d/o _________________ r/o _______________ (ii) Shri __________________ s/d/o _________________ r/o _______________ (hereinafter called “the Sureties”) do hereby jointly and severally bind ourselves and respective heirs, executors and administrators to pay to the _____________ (Name of CPSE) on demand the sum of ₹ _________________ (Rupees _________________________) equivalent to the basic pay drawn by the Obligor during the last six months of his/ her tenure in (Name of CPSE) or ₹10 (ten) lakhs, whichever is more, together with interest thereon from the date of demand at Government rates, for the time being in force, on Government loans or, if payment is made in a Country other than India, the equivalent of the said amount in the currency of that Country converted at the then prevailing official rate of exchange between that Country and India AND TOGETHER with all costs between attorney and client and all charges and expenses that shall or may have been incurred by the Company. 1. AND WHEREAS the Obligor has been appointed to the position of Director/ CMD in (Name of the CPSE) (hereinafter called “The Company”) in terms of Offer of Appointment ref. No. ___________ dated ___________. The aforesaid terms of the offer were accepted by him/ her and the obligor assumed office on _______________. 2. AND WHEREAS in terms of the aforesaid Offer of Appointment it is required that in the event of Obligor’s retirement/ resignation from the Company, the Obligor will not accept any appointment or post, whether advisory or administrative, in any firm or Company whether India or Foreign, with which the Company has or had business relations within one year from the date of Obligor’s retirement/ resignation, without prior approval of the Government. 3. AND WHEREAS it was also required in terms of the aforesaid Offer of Appointment, that terminal benefits due to Obligor, in the event of his/ her retirement/ resignation from the services of Company, would not be released unless a bond regarding aforesaid restrictions on the post retirement is executed by him/ her. 4. AND WHEREAS for the better protection of the Company, the Obligor has agreed to execute this bond with such condition as herein under contained. 5. AND WHEREAS the said Sureties have agreed to execute this bond as sureties on behalf of the above Obligor.

P a g e | 4246. NOW THE CONDITIONS OF THE ABOVE WRITTEN OBLIGATION IS THAT in the event of Obligor’s failure to abide by the restriction pertaining to acceptance of employment or post, whether advisory or administrative, in any firm or Company whether Indian or Foreign, with which the Company has or had business relations, within one year from the date of Obligor’s retirement/ resignation, without prior approval of the Government. Obligor shall become liable for payment of the sum equivalent to the bond amount to (Name of CPSE). In the event of the aforesaid failure and upon the Obligor failing to pay the sum of equivalent to the bond amount to (Name of CPSE), the Company will be at liberty to initiate appropriate civil action for recovery of the aforesaid bond amount from the Obligor. This will be without prejudice to the rights of the Company to initiate any other action as deemed fit in the circumstances of the case. AND upon the Obligor Shri _____________________ and, or Shri._______________ and, or Shri ______________________ and Shri ___________________, the Sureties aforesaid making such payment, the above written obligation shall be void and no effect otherwise it shall be and remain in full force and virtue. PROVIDED ALWAYS that the liability of the Sureties hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of time being granted or by any forbearance act or omission of the Company or any person authorized by it (whether with or without the consent or knowledge of the Sureties) nor shall it be necessary for the Company to sue the Obligor before suing the sureties Shri ____________________ and Shri ____________________ or any of them for amounts due hereunder. THE bond shall in all respects be governed by the laws of India for the time being in force and the rights and the liabilities hereunder shall where necessary be accordingly determined by the appropriate Courts in India. In witness whereof, these present have been signed by a duly authorized officer on behalf of the Company and by the other person(s) party thereto. Signed and delivered by the above Obligor along with his sureties on this ___________ Day of ___________ Month __________ 20_______. Signature of Obligor ______________________________1. Sign of Surety : Name : Designation : Office to which attached : In the presence of __________________________________ For and on behalf of the Company 2. Sign of Surety : Name : Designation : Office to which attached :

P a g e | 425This bond should be executed accordingly & accepted by the accepting authority * Signature of the Accepting Authority *The accepting authority for Directors/ MD/ and CMD of CPSEs would be as under: Directors CMD/ MD of the concerned CPSE MD Chairman of the concerned CPSE CMD Secretary of the concerned administrative Ministry/ Department

P a g e | 426Form IX (Rule 17.2) Proforma for intimation for transactions in shares, securities, debentures, investment in mutual fund schemes, etc. 1. Name of the Executive: _____________________ (a) Designation: ________________ (b) Service to which belongs: _____________ (c) EIS No. ____________ 2. Scale of Pay and present pay: __________ 3. Details of each transaction made in shares, securities, debentures, mutual fund scheme, etc. during the calendar year __________ 4. Particulars of the party/ firm with whom transaction(s) is made: (a) Is party related to the applicant? _______ (b) Did the applicant have any dealings with the party in his/ her official capacity at any time or is the applicant likely to have any dealings with him in the near future ____________ 5. Source(s) from which financed: (a) Personal savings (b) Other sources giving details 6. Any other relevant fact which applicant may like to mention Declaration I hereby declare that the particulars given above are true. Place: Date: Signature Designation

P a g e | 427SCHEDULE Sl. No. Grade of employee Penalties Disciplinary Authority Appellate authority Reviewing Authority (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) 1. All employees posted in CIL or any of the Subsidiaries All penalties Chairman, CIL CIL Board 2. Employees posted in CIL (Hq) & other allied Offices except NEC 2. (a) All employees working in the departments under the administrative control of a Functional Director except Chairman, CIL All penalties except those under Functional rule 28.1 (h) to (j) Concerned Director of CIL Chairman, CIL CIL Board 2 (b) All employees working in the departments directly rule 28.1 (h) to (j) reporting to Chairman, CIL All penalties except those under CIL Director (P&IR), Chairman, CIL CIL Board 2 I Employees upto E6 grade All minor penalties Head of divisions of CIL HQ in respect of officers working under them a) Concerned Functional Director b) Director (P&IR), CIL for officers working in the departments directly reporting to Chairman, CIL Chairman, CIL 3. Employees posted in NEC 3 (a) All employees All penalties except those under of NEC rule 28.1 (h) to (j) Director in-charge Chairman, CIL CIL Board 3 (b) Employees upto E6 grade All minor penalties GM, NEC Director in-charge of NEC Chairman, CIL

P a g e | 428Sl. No. Grade of employee Penalties Disciplinary Authority Appellate authority Reviewing Authority 4. Employees posted in Subsidiaries & its Joint Ventures 4 (a) All employees All penalties except those under concerned rule 28.1 (h) to (j) CMD of the Subsidiary Chairman, CIL CIL Board 4 (b) Employees upto E6 grade All minor penalties Concerned Functional Director CMD of the concerned Subsidiary Chairman, CIL 4 I All employees from All penalties different Subsidiaries nominated as leaders/ members of CIL Coal Stock Measurement Teams except those under (Technical), CIL rule 28.1 (h) to (j) Director Chairman, CIL CIL Board Note: 1. Jurisdiction of the Disciplinary Authority shall be determined with respect to Company/ Unit where the alleged misconduct was committed. 2. Allied Offices of CIL (Hq) means establishments directly attached to CIL(Hq) like RSOs, IICM, CIL New Delhi Office, Joint Ventures of CIL, Ministries or any other Establishments as decided by the Chairman, CIL.

P a g e | 429Appendix I Illustrations on the imposition of penalty a. Censure A minor penalty of censure is imposed on an employee on 15.01.2020. Basic Pay when penalty is imposed ₹70,000/- Currency period of penalty 15.01.2020 Basic Pay during & after the currency period of penalty ₹70,000/- (no change) Annual Increment Applicable on 01.04.2020 Basic Pay would be –₹72,100/- b. Withholding of increments of pay with or without cumulative effect (i) The penalty of withholding of one increment for a period of two years is imposed on an employee on 15.01.2020 without cumulative effect. Basic Pay when penalty is imposed ₹70,000/- Currency period of penalty 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2022 Basic Pay during the Annual increment due on 01.04.2020 will be currency period of penalty withheld for two years i.e., upto 31.03.2022. As such, the Basic Pay w.e.f. 15.01.2020 will be as under: (i)₹70,000/- (from 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2020 – no change) (ii)₹70,000/- (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 – one increment withheld for 1 year) st(iii)₹72,100/- (from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 – one increment given but the earlier one increment is withheld for 2 year) ndBasic Pay after the currency period of penalty is over* ₹76,500/- w.e.f. 01.04.2022 {Basic Pay restored without cumulative effect}*Basic Pay is restored without cumulative effect by considering notional Basic Pay during the currency period of penalty as under: (i)₹70,000/- (from 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2020 no change) –(ii)₹72,100/- (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 notional 1 increment) –st(iii)₹74,270/- (from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 notional 2 increment) –nd

P a g e | 430(ii)Deleted [4]c. Withholding of promotion The penalty of withholding of promotion is imposed on an employee on 15.01.2020 for a period of two years i.e., promotion will be withheld against 2 cut-off dates namely 30.09.2020 & 30.09.2021. Basic Pay when penalty is imposed ₹70,000/- Currency period of penalty 15.01.2020 to 30.09.2021 Basic Pay during & after the currency period of penalty No reduction in Basic Pay. All annual increments will be given from the due dates. Eligibility for promotion (i) Will not be considered for promotion against cut-off dates 30.09.2020 & 30.09.2021 (ii) Will be considered for promotion only from the cut-off date 30.09.2022 & onwards. d. Recovery from pay or leave encashment of the whole or part of any pecuniary loss caused to the Company by negligence or breach of orders or trust The penalty of recovery of ₹1,00,000/- from pay through 8 equal monthly instalments is imposed on an employee on 15.01.2020. Basic Pay when penalty is imposed ₹70,000/- Currency period of penalty 15.01.2020 to 31.08.2020 Basic Pay during & after the currency period of penalty No reduction in Basic Pay. All annual increments will be given from the due dates. Recovery from pay ₹1,00,000/- to be recovered from pay through 8 equal monthly instalments i.e., ₹12,500/- to be recovered from salary of Jan’ 2020 to Aug’ 2020. Note: If the employee is already separated, the recovery would be done from the terminal dues payable to the employees like leave encashment, gratuity (for specific cases as specified in these Rules), performance related pay, yearly amount payable to retired employees for outpatient/ domiciliary treatment under CPRMSE or through any other means as decided by the concerned Disciplinary Authority. 4 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CDA/651 dated 18.05.2021.

P a g e | 431e. Reduction to a lower stage in the scale of pay (i) The penalty of reduction by one stage lower in the scale of pay without cumulative effect for a period of two years is imposed on an employee on 15.01.2020 with immediate effect. During the period of such penalty, the employee will earn increments of pay. Basic Pay when penalty is imposed ₹76,500/- Currency period of penalty 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2022 Basic Pay during the Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of currency period of penalty pay for a period of two years i.e., from 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2022. As such, the Basic Pay w.e.f. 15.01.2020 will be as under: (i)₹74,270/- (from 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2020 – one stage reduced) (ii)₹76,500/- (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 – annual increment given) (iii)₹78,800/- (from 01.04.2021 to 14.01.2022 – next annual increment given) Basic Pay after the currency period of penalty is over* ₹81,170/- w.e.f. 15.01.2022 {Basic Pay restored without cumulative effect}*Basic Pay is restored without cumulative effect by considering notional Basic Pay during the currency period of penalty as under: (i)₹76,500/- (from 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2020 no change) –(ii)₹78,800/- (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 notional 1 increment) –st(iii)₹81,170/- (from 01.04.2021 to 14.01.2022 notional 2 increment) –nd(ii) The penalty of reduction by one stage lower in the scale of pay with cumulative effect for a period of four years is imposed on an employee on 15.01.2020 with immediate effect. During the period of such penalty, the employee will earn increments of pay. Basic Pay when penalty is imposed ₹76,500/- Currency period of penalty 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2024 Basic Pay during the Reduction to a lower stage in the time scale of currency period of penalty pay for a period of four years i.e., from 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2024. As such, the Basic Pay w.e.f. 15.01.2020 will be as under:

P a g e | 432(i)₹74,270/- (from 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2020 – one stage reduced) (ii)₹76,500/- (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 – 1 annual increment given) st(iii)₹78,800/- (from 01.04.2021 to 31.03.2022 – 2 annual increment given) nd(iv)₹81,170/- (from 01.04.2022 to 31.03.2023 – 3 annual increment given) rd(v)₹83,610/- (from 01.04.2023 to 14.01.2024 – 4 annual increment given) thBasic Pay after the currency period of penalty is over ₹83,610/- w.e.f. 15.01.2024 {Basic Pay fixed with cumulative effect}f. Reduction to a lower grade (i) The penalty of reduction to E3 grade for a period of two years is imposed on an E4 grade employee on 15.01.2020 with immediate effect. On completion of two years, the employee will be restored to his original E4 grade along with seniority & pay without any cumulative effect. During the period of such penalty, the employee will not earn increments of pay. Basic Pay & Grade when penalty is imposed ₹76,500/- & E4 grade Present & Back Deemed Present Deemed Date E4 grade 27.12.2019 Date of the grade when Back Deemed Date E3 grade 30.09.2016 penalty is imposed ––Currency period of penalty 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2022 Basic Pay during the Reduction to a lower grade for a period of two years currency period of penalty i.e., from 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2022. As such, the Basic Pay w.e.f. 15.01.2020 will be ₹74,270/- (from 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2022 Basic –fixed as if the employee continued in lower grade & annual increments withheld) Grade & Present Deemed E3 grade & 30.09.2016 Date during the currency period of penalty Basic Pay, Grade & Present Deemed Date after the 15.01.2022 currency period of penalty is over* ₹81,170/-, E4 grade & 27.12.2019 w.e.f. {Basic Pay, Grade & Seniority restored without cumulative effect}*Basic Pay is restored without cumulative effect by considering notional Basic Pay during the currency period of penalty as under: (i)₹76,500/- (from 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2020 no change) –(ii)₹78,800/- (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 notional 1 increment) –st

P a g e | 433(iii)₹81,170/- (from 01.04.2021 to 14.01.2022 notional 2 increment) –nd(ii) The penalty of reduction to E3 grade for a period of two years is imposed on an E4 grade employee on 15.01.2020 with immediate effect. On completion of two years, the employee will be restored to his original E4 grade with seniority fixed at the lower most of his grade on the date of punishment. During the period of such penalty, the employee will not earn increments of pay. Basic Pay & Grade when penalty is imposed ₹76,500/- & E4 grade Present & Back Deemed Present Deemed Date E4 grade 27.12.2019 Date of the grade when Back Deemed Date E3 grade 30.09.2016 penalty is imposed ––Currency period of penalty 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2022 Basic Pay during the Reduction to a lower grade for a period of two years currency period of penalty i.e., from 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2022. As such, the Basic Pay w.e.f. 15.01.2020 will be ₹74,270/- (from 15.01.2020 to 14.01.2022 Basic –fixed as if the employee continued in lower grade & annual increments withheld) Grade & Present Deemed E3 grade & 30.09.2016 Date during the currency period of penalty Notional Basic Pay on (i)notional annual increment ₹76,500/- (from 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2020) (ii)₹78,800/- (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 –annual increment given) (iii)₹81,170/- (from 01.04.2021 to 14.01.2022 –next annual increment given) Basic Pay, Grade & Present Deemed Date after the 15.01.2022 currency period of penalty is over* ₹81,170/- , E4 grade & 15.01.2020 w.e.f. {Basic Pay & Grade restored with loss in Seniority}*Basic Pay is restored without cumulative effect by considering notional Basic Pay during the currency period of penalty as under: (i)₹76,500/- (from 15.01.2020 to 31.03.2020 no change) –(ii)₹78,800/- (from 01.04.2020 to 31.03.2021 notional 1 increment) –st(iii)₹81,170/- (from 01.04.2021 to 14.01.2022 notional 2 increment) –nd

P a g e | 434References 1 Bharat Coking Coal Services (Conduct and Discipline) Rules, 1972. 2 Coal India Executives’ Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules 1978 – 3 rdedition with amendments upto April, 2000. 3 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50774/CDA/225 dated 14/16.12.2004. 4 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50774/CDA/268 dated 22.02.2005. 5 OM No. CIL/C5A(vi)/50774/CDA/100 dated 09.08.2005. 6 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50774/CDA/184 dated 23.11.2005. 7 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/005/35/1210 dated 02/07.05.2009. 8 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50774/CDA/1342 dated 19.01.2010. 9 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50774/CDA/1343 dated 21.01.2010. 10 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50774/CDA/1472 dated 07/15.07.2010. 11 OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CDA/58 dated 08.09.2011. 12 OM No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/CDA/50 dated 20.02.2014. 13 OM No. CIL/C5A(v)/CRC/CDA/11 dated 02.04.2014. 14 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CDA/2275 dated 07.09.2017. 15 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CDA/552 dated 28.01.2021. 16 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CDA/651 dated 18.5.2021. 17 Letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CDA/711 dated 15.07.2021.

P a g e | 435COAL INDIA LIMITED “COAL BHAWAN”10 NETAJIT SUBHAS ROAD KOLKATA-700001No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/CDA/400 Date:27.08.2013 OFFICE ORDER Sub: Grant of Honorarium to Enquiry Officers (EO)/ Presenting officers (PO) The CIL Board of Directions in their 300 meeting held on 03.08.2013, has accorded its thapproval for revision of grant of Honorarium to Enquiry Officer (EO)/ Presenting Officers (PO) appointed in terms of Rule 29.2 & 29.5 of Coal India Executives CDA Rules 1978 and for conducting enquiry as per the respective Standing Orders of CIL & its Subsidiaries. a) The rate of Honorarium payable to Enquiry Officer (EO)/ Presenting Officers (PO) appointed in terms of Rule 22.9 & 29.5 Coal India Executives CDA Rules 1978 is given below: Sl. No. No. of Charged Officer Amount payable EO (Retired) EO (Serving) PO (Serving) 1. When charged officer is 1 (one) (a) If numbers of witnesses are 5 or less ₹20,000/- ₹5,000/- ₹5,000/- (b) If numbers of witnesses are more then 5 ₹40,000/- ₹10,000/- ₹10,000/-2. When charged officer are more than 1 ₹75,000/- ₹10,000/- ₹10,000/- b) The rate of honorarium payable to Enquiry Officer (EO)/ Presenting Officers (PO) appointed for conducting enquiry as per the respective standing orders applicable to the employees of CIL & its Subsidiaries will be limited to 20% of the rate as mentioned above. The Terms & Conditions for payment are as under: 1. In the cases where serving Officer is appointed as E.O/ P.O, the controlling department should make all efforts to relieve the E.O/ P.O of his normal duties to enable his/ her to complete the proceeding expeditiously. 2. Before the payment is received by E.O/ P.O., whether serving or retired, it will be the responsibility of the E.O/ P.O to ensure that: a) All case records and inquiry report (two ink signed copies) properly documented and arranged is handed over to the Disciplinary Authority by the Enquiry officer/ Presenting officer; b) The report returns findings on each of the Article of Charge which has been enquired into and should specifically deal and address each of the

P a g e | 436procedural objections, if any, raised by the charged officers as per the extant rules and instructions. c) Reduction of honorarium by 50% in case of delay in completion of enquiry beyond 06 months from the date of appointment as E.O/ P.O, which is not due to non-cooperation of the charged officer or due to stay order, etc.. 3. The management should ensure the compliance of clause 2 of terms & conditions before releasing the honorarium. 4. The number of disciplinary cases may be restricted to 10 cases in a year, with not more than 2 cases at a time for serving Officers and 20 cases with not more than 4 cases at a time for retired Officers. 5. The retried officers appointed as E.O shall maintain strict secrecy in relation to the documents he/ she receives or information/ data collected by him/ her in connection with the Inquiry and utilize the same only for the purpose of inquiry in the case entrusted to him/ her. No such documents/ information or data are to be divulged to any one during the inquiry or after presentation of the inquiry report. The E.O entrusted with the inquiries will be required to furnish an undertaking to maintain strict secrecy and confidentiality of all records/ documents/ proceedings, etc. 6. The Honorarium will be applicable for departmental proceedings including inquiry proceedings undertaken by the committee on sexual harassment. However, this will not be admissible to the executive whose main job is to conduct enquiries or present cases on behalf of the Management on a whole time basis. 7. Admissibility of TA/ DA to retired/ ex-officers appointed as EO/ PO/ MR will be regular as per the Clause 21.0 of CIL TA Rules, 2010. 8. All secretarial assistance, stationeries, etc will be provided by the engaging authority. The revised rates will be applicable w.e.f. 03.08.2013 i.e. will be payable to the E.O/ P.O who have been appointed on or after 03.08.2013. This supersedes all earlier instructions/office orders in this respect. This issues with the approval of the competent authority. -Sd- (M Nazar Ali) General Manager (P/PC) Distribution: 1. CMD, ECL/BCCL/CCL/WCL/SECL/NCL/MCL/CMPDI 2. D(P&IR)/D(F)/D(T)/D (Mktg ) CIL, Kolkata 3. D(P)/D (F) ECL/BCCL/CCL/WCL/SECL/NCL/MCL

P a g e | 4374. D(RD&T), CMPDI, Ranchi 5. CVO, CIL, Kolkata 6. ED, IICM, Ranchi 7. ED (Internet Audit), CIL Kolkata 8. CGM/TS to Chairman, CIL Kolkata 9. GM,NEC 10. GM(P)/(EE), ECL/BCCL/CCL/WCL/SECL/NCL/MCL/CMPD/CIL 11. GM(Telecom), CIL -with a request to upload the same in CIL website intranet under Circulars/ internet under info circulars, soft Copies e-mailed. –12. GM(Mining)/(Admn.), CIL 13. GM(F)/GM(F) (I/C), CIL, Kolkata 14. GM(P)MP&IR/Recruitment/RTI, CIL Kolkata 15. GM(Rajbhasha), CIL for hindi version –16.GM, CIL New Delhi/ All RSM’s17. TS to D(P&IR)/D (F)/D(T)/D (Mktg), CIL Kolkata 18. Sr.Officer (Secretarial), D(P&IR),CIL 19. Guard file

P a g e | 438डटिललल ायिड्णइ लोके(िर्कपउ ाक राकरस तराभ)COAL INDIA LIMITED (A Govt. of India Enterprise) नवभ लोक \"COAL BHAWAN\" Premise No. 04, MAR, Plot No. AF-III Action Area-1A, Newtown, Rajarhat KOLKATA-700156 (WB)ीनपक न्तराहि कएंA Maharatna Company PERSONNEL DIVISION POLICY CELLCIN: L23109WB1973GOI028844 E-Mail: [email protected] Tel: 033-7110 4271 Website: (An ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 & ISO 50001:2011 Certified Company) ________________________________________________________________________ ंस भ्रदंस : CIL/C5A (PC)/CDA/479कं नदद: 18 09.2020 .नप ञ्ज ्रलभ ्र कयषिव: Guidelines for Departmental Inquiries through Video ConferenceSubsequent to the outbreak of pandemic Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19), the Departmental Inquiry proceedings are being deferred due to travel restrictions and other related issues. As the pandemic is estimated to last for quite some time, it is hampering the interests of the Company as well as the Charged Employees against whom the inquiries are pending. Further, it will impede delivery of justice to all concerned. Therefore, keeping in view of the present condition and to manage future such scenario, the Competent Authority of CIL has approved guidelines for conducting Departmental Inquiries through Video Conference (VC) which is enclosed for implementation with immediate effect. This is for information and compliance by all concerned. -Sd- (दासर्प ालीन) ितीन ाक कधंबर्पाहम (./):णरििव ेस मय्धाम े क लम-ईे1.D(T)/ D (P&IR)/ D (F)/ D(M), CIL 2.CMD, BCCL/ CCL/ CMPDIL/ ECL/ MCL/ NCL/ SECL/ WCL 3.CVO, CIL 4.D(P), BCCL/ CCL/ ECL/ MCL/ NCL/ SECL/ WCL 5.D(T/CRD), CMPDIL 6.CVO, BCCL/ CCL/ CMPDIL/ ECL/ MCL/ NCL/ SECL/ WCL 7.GM/TS to Chairman, CIL 8.GM(P/EE)/(Vigilance)/(S&R)/(E&T), CIL 9.GM/ HoD(P/EE), CIL/ BCCL/ CCL/ CMPDIL/ ECL/ MCL/ NCL/ SECL/ WCL 10. GM, NEC 11. HoD, CIL NDLO 12. HoD, IICM 13. Dy.GM (System), CIL with a request to please upload the same in CIL website for information and –compliance by all concerned.

P a g e | 439CIL Guidelines for Departmental Inquiries through Video Conference Subsequent to the outbreak of pandemic Novel Corona Virus (COVID-19), the Departmental Inquiry proceedings are being deferred due to travel restrictions and other related issues. As the pandemic is estimated to last for quite some time, it is hampering the interests of the Company as well as the Charged Employees against whom the inquiries are pending. Further, it will impede delivery of justice to all concerned. Therefore, keeping in view the present condition and to manage future such scenario, guidelines for conducting Departmental Inquiries through Video Conference (VC) has been formulated as under: 1. The Inquiring Authority may conduct the Inquiry proceedings through Video Conferencing (VC) mode at a location taking into account the availability of records, station/ places where the misconduct occurred as well as the convenience of the witnesses/ Presenting Officer, etc. Such location will be referred as Inquiry Location i.e., the place where the Inquiring Authority physically holds proceedings. 2. VC mode should be utilized to the maximum extent possible to minimize travel undertaken by the Inquiring Authority/ Presenting Officer/ Charged Employee. 3. The Inquiry Location shall be the Office premises of CIL/ Subsidiaries where the misconduct occurred and/ or where the Inquiry has been constituted by the appropriate Disciplinary Authority. 4. The Presenting Officer and the Inquiry Assistant shall invariably participate in VC inquiry from the Inquiry Location, where all the relevant records in physical and digital forms shall be documented and kept. 5. The Inquiring Authority may conduct the inquiry through VC mode, if he/ she so desires, from his/ her residence by his/ her own arrangements or from the nearest premises of CIL/ Subsidiary Companies where VC facilities are available. 6. The Charged Employee and Defence assistant/ witnesses may attend the proceedings as permitted by the Inquiring Authority at Inquiry location or at a Remote Location. A Remote Location can be any Office, Establishment or premises of CIL/ Subsidiaries or any other location as permitted by the Inquiring Authority. 7. The Presenting Officer shall coordinate with the concerned E&T department for facilitating the enquiry through VC. 8. The Presenting Officer shall also act as facilitator and coordinate between the Inquiry Location & other Remote Locations to ensure proper VC facilities. 9. The secure link for the VC shall be provided to the Inquiring Authority by the concerned E&T department well in advance. 10. The Inquiring Authority will share the secure link to all concerned parties for attending the inquiry through VC mode. 11. The Inquiring Authority may record the proceeding of the VC inquiry if he/ she so desires, for the purpose of official records. 12. The proceedings of the inquiry shall be documented by the Inquiry Assistant at the Inquiry Location as directed by the Inquiring Authority and the proceedings along with daily order sheet shall be shared to all parties concerned through the document sharing option available on the VC portal or through official/ designated e-mail account as decided by the Inquiring Authority. 13. In respect of any individual inquiry specific issues, the Inquiring Authority shall take decisions based on the circumstances for ensuring that the principles of natural justice are followed. The decision or ruling of the Inquiring Authority shall be final.

P a g e | 44014. For ease-of-use, all the concerned E&T Department of CIL & its Subsidiaries shall formulate and communicate the step by step procedures to be followed for the use of their concerned VC app at all locations. 15. D(P&IR), CIL shall make suitable modifications in the guidelines to address the needs emerging out of operational requirements with the approval of the Chairman, CIL.

P a g e | 441Ref.No: CIL:D(P&IR): 005:12:08 Date:08.02.2021 OFICE ORDER As per clause 34 of the Coal India Executives’ Conduct, Discipline & Appeal Rules (OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)CDA/552 dt 28.01.2021), “Orders made by the Disciplinary Authority/ Appellate Authority/ Reviewing Authority or the Board, as the case may be containing its findings shall be communicated to the employee concerned in writing by the Authority delegated for communication of orders by the Competent Authority”.In view of the above, the authority for communication of orders pertaining to Disciplinary and appeal cases under CIL CDA Rules are hereby delegated in the following manner: Sl. Case Decided by No. Competent Authority Authority Delegated 1. Disciplinary Authority Chairman/ Directors, CIL GM(P)/EE or HoD, EE Division 2 Appellate Authority Chairman, CIL GM(P) Appeal or HoD, Appeal Division 3 Board of Directors, CIL Company Secretary, CIL 4 Reviewing Authority Chairman, CIL GM(P)/ Appeal or HoD, Appeal Division 5 Board of directors, CIL Company Secretary, CIL Further the following to be ensured: 1. The draft Orders should be vetted by Competent Authority before issuance. 2. The Authority Delegated shall affix his signature along with full name and seal. 3. In case of leave or absence of concerned HoD, the authorized executive for the post will sign. This issues with the approval of competent Authority. -Sd- TS to Director (P&IR), CIL िेटिडलड ायिडइ लोकंमहाक हकंानि(ं))िाात ाक ंाकंा उंाम(हवम लोक॰ह ज़इािेर्प 40, -फ़ए ए ॰ह टॉल्प ंआएिएIII ए ायंरए हश्कए- 1 ,टनंाजां हताट ूय्न,ोकाउाकल651077 ( लागंब ििडा): ा षामंूदं033 2324 6666/2324 8888 : ा ा्क ै फ़ं033 2324 8000 : टइााबैवwww.coalindia.inCoal India Limited (A MAHARATNA COMPANY) A Govt. of India Enterprise Coal BhawanPremises No. 04, MAR Plot No. AF-III Action Area-1A, New Town, Rajarhat Kolkata-700156 (West Bengal) Phone: 033 2324 6666 / 2324 8888 Fax: 033 2324 8000 Website:

P a g e | 442Distribution: 1. ED (Coordination)/TS to Chairman, CIL 2. GM(P/PE)/ GM (Appeal)/ GM(Legal)/GM (Policy)/Company secretary, CIL 3. TS to DT/ TS to DF/ TS to DM, CIL 4. Office file

P a g e | 443Scheme for imparting practical training to the students who have passed Executive/ Professional Programme of Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) [1]1.0. Scope of work of the students [2]The Students after passing Executive/ Professional Programme of ICSI will be under training for the following period on whole time basis: I. Under old training structure of ICSI (applicable to students registered in CS Executive Programme on or after 01.04.2014) For Students who have passed Executive Programme 2 years For Students who have passed Professional Programme 1 year II. Under new training structure of ICSI (w.e.f. 03.02.2020) For Students who have passed 21 months after completion of one Executive/ Professional month Programme [3]Executive Development Programme They shall provide services in the various fields viz (i) liaison with offices of the RoC for filing various e-forms/ returns (ii) assisting in organizing Board meetings/ Annual General Meetings/ Extra-ordinary General Meetings (iii) assisting court cases relating to arbitration matters, etc. (iv) assisting in the matter of disinvestments/ IPOs (v) assisting in various other Secretarial and Legal matters (vi) assisting in formation of Joint Venture/ Subsidiary Companies. 2.0. Registration Coal India Limited/Subsidiaries will be registered with Institute of Company Secretaries of India for imparting training to the students. 3.0. Selection of the students [4]CIL shall impart training to not more than four students in 2:2 ratio for Executive & Professional qualified students and each of the Subsidiaries shall impart training to not more than three students in 2:1 ratio for Executive & Professional qualified students at a time. Students for imparting practical training at their level will be selected by the concerned CIL/ Subsidiary Company based on their suitability, 1 Approved by CIL Board in its 255 meeting held on 17.03.2010. Communicated vide OO No. CIL/C-th5A(i)/50210/Co.Secy/186 dated 02.08.2010. Name of the Scheme amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Company Secretary/282 dated 23.10.2019. 2 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS training/554 dated 28.01.2021. Earlier amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Company Secretary/282 dated 23.10.2019. 3 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS training/809 dated 26.10.2021. 4Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Company Secretary/282 dated 23.10.2019.

P a g e | 444aptitude & requirement and on selection, they will be placed in CIL/ Subsidiary Companies concerned. 4.0. Stipend [5]The students are eligible for a monthly stipend during their entire period of training as under: For Students who have passed Executive Programme ₹10,000/-* For Students who have passed Professional Programme ₹12,000/- *The stipend of ₹10,000/ is to be increased to ₹12,000/- - on passing the Professional Programme during the training period from the date of passing the Professional Programme. 5.0. Accommodation Bachelor Accommodation shall be provided to the students if available. No charge shall be levied for such accommodation. 6.0. Working Hours and Terms and condition a) The students shall be entitled to leaves as under: [6]Leave entitlement Executive qualified Professional qualified students students Under old training 72 days for entire 12 days for entire structure of ICSI period of 2 years. period of 1 year. Under new training 52 days for entire period of 21 months. structure of ICSI [7]b) The students availing leave in excess of their leave which they are entitled, shall be required to undergo training for a further period equivalent to excess leave taken by them. c) They shall agree to stay beyond normal working hours whenever required and for this no extra stipend will be paid to them. d) Unauthorized absence for consecutive 10 days will disqualify them for imparting further training. e) They shall also maintain absolute integrity and maintain the secrecy of the documents they come across during the course of training. f) They shall not share any information without prior approval of Management. 5 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Company Secretary/282 dated 23.10.2019. 6Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS training/554 dated 28.01.2021.7 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS training/809 dated 26.10.2021.

P a g e | 4457.0. Execution of Training Deed In terms of training scheme of the Institute, a student is required to execute a bond (to be furnished by the Legal Deptt) with the organization that the trainees shall have no claim whatsoever of any kind of employment with the employer either in the intervening period or completion of training period. 8.0. Interpretation [8]In case of any doubt in interpretation of any of the provisions of this Scheme, the clarification/ interpretation of the Director (P&IR), CIL will be final and binding. 9.0. Savings [8]Chairman, CIL reserves the right to relax, alter, amend or withdraw partly or fully any of the provisions of this Scheme on administrative grounds or other expedient grounds in the interest of the Company for the reasons to be recorded in writing. 8 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Company Secretary/282 dated 23.10.2019.

P a g e | 446References 1 OO No. CIL/C-5A(i)/50210:Co.secy:/186 dated 02.08.2010. 2 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Company Secretary/282 dated 23.10.2019. 3 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS training/554 dated 28.01.2021. 4 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS training/809 dated 26.10.2021.

P a g e | 447Conveyance Advance Rules [1]1.0. Scope and applicability [2]1. The scheme to provide advance for the purchase of motor car, motor cycle, scooter/moped is admissible to all Board level & below Board level executives of CIL and its subsidiaries. 2. Advance under this scheme will be granted to Management Trainees on regular appointment after completion of initial probation of one year. 3. Advance under this scheme is not admissible to deputationist. 4. Advance under this scheme will not be claimed as a matter of right. Operation of this scheme and grant of advance will be at the discretion of the management. 2.0. Amount [2]Grant of an advance for the first time for purchase of a conveyance shall be limited to the following ceiling or actual cost, whichever is less: Vehicle Maximum Advance Mode of Recovery (Principal + Interest) Motor Car Limited to equivalent of 10 In not more than 100 equal months’ salary of the executive (Basic +DA) or cost an option to pay more than of the vehicle, whichever is one instalment in a month less. monthly installments with Motor Cycle/Scooter/Moped cost of the vehicle, whichever monthly installments with Limited to 80,000 or actual In not more than 72 equal ₹is less. an option to pay more than one instalment in a month 3.0. Essentiality Certificate It should be certified by the Controlling Officer that the purchase of a Car by the Company’s Officer is necessary for the efficient discharge of his official duties, unless the purchase of the conveyance is necessary under the explicit orders of the 1 Amendments upto 12.05.1989 was communicated in a book form. 2 Amended vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Conveyance/2184 dated 30.06.2017.

P a g e | 448Company as a condition of service in the particular case or as a condition of holding a particular post. 4.0. Grant of Second Advance A second advance for the replacement of the old car purchased with an advance from the company can be sanctioned only after the previous advance with interest has been fully repaid. A second advance is not to be reduced by the sale proceeds of the first car. For the second advance the essential certificate regarding the purchase of the car being in the interest of company is not necessary. 5.0. Purchase Before Sanction of Advance An advance may be given for repaying a short private loan taken for purchase of a car, provided that: (i)The conveyance is purchased after applying for the advance and (ii)The conveyance is purchased within three months of applying for the advance. Note: The advance will not be admissible if the conveyance has already been purchase before the application for the grant of the advance 6.0. Certificate of Availability of funds Before the advance is sanctioned a separate reference should be made to the Controller of Accounts to certify that funds are available for grant of the advance. 7.0. Sanctioning Authority [3]The following authorities are authorized to approve the advance after satisfying themselves that the employee has the capacity to repay the same in the stipulated period: i)CMD, CIL/ Subsidiary. ii)FDs & CVOs of CIL/ Subsidiary for EDs, GMs, HoDs and employees working directly under him/ her. iii) EDs, GMs/ HoDs of CIL/ Subsidiary for all employees working under his/ her administrative control. 8.0. Sanction of Advance The sanction should be issued after the Controller of Accounts has certified regarding the availability of funds. The sanction should interalia, mention the: (a)Amount and purpose 3 Amended due to letter No. CIL/XI(D)/04027/2021/26915 dated 20.07.2021. Earlier amended vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Conveyance/2184 dated 30.06.2017.

P a g e | 449(b)Mode of repayment and interest (see below) (c)Agreement, mortgage and insurance (see below) (d)Reference to certification of funds by the Controller of Accounts 9.0. Procedure and conditions for the drawal of the advance (i) Agreement Before the bill for the amount of advance is prepared, the Company Officer will have to sign an agreement with the company in the prescribed form. (ii) Bill of the advance After the agreement in the prescribed form has been signed, the bill for the advance is to be prepared on receipt of the authority from the Controller of Accounts and a certificate is given on the bill that the agreement in the prescribed form has been duly signed by the Company’s Officer and is in order. This certificate should be signed by the Head of the Department. The Company Officer should also certify on the bill that the advance is not being drawn for conveyance which has already been purchased and paid for before the application for the advance and that the advance claimed in the bill is not more than the minimum amount required to meet the balance of the price of the conveyance has been paid for in part. (iii)Mortgage bond The vehicle should be purchased within a month of the date of drawal of the advance and it should be mortgaged to the company in the prescribed form. The bond is then to be signed by the applicant and witnessed. The mortgage bond should be sent to the Controller of Accounts for scrutiny and return. It will then be kept in safe custody of the sanctioning authority till the whole amount of the advance together with interest has been repaid to the company. A certificate will then be obtained from the Controller of Accounts as to the complete repayment of advance plus interest. The bond will then be cancelled and returned to the Company Office. The insurance company should also be informed about the cancellation of the bond. (iv)Insurance (a)While any amount remains to be repaid to the company the conveyance must be insured against the full loss by fire, theft, or accident. It should be comprehensive insurance and not merely insurance covering third party risk. (b)Under the Motor Vehicle Act all the vehicles must be insured as soon as they are on the road. Hence, insurance must be effective as soon as the purchase is made.

P a g e | 450(c)The amount for which the conveyance is insured during any period should not be less than the outstanding balance of the advance accrued at the beginning of that period. The insurance should be renewed from time to time until the amount due is completely repaid. If the amount of the insurance is less than the balance of the advance plus interest, the difference will be recovered from the Company Officer in three installments thus reducing the outstanding advance. After the full repayment of the advance with interest, the Company Officer if he desires may take out insurance covering third party risk only. (d)The Company Officer will write a letter to the insurance company through the Controller of Accounts. The Controller of Accounts will keep a watch on the payment of insurance premia as per his endorsement on the letter. 10.0. Repayment of advance(i)The advance for the purchase of the Car should be repaid in not more than 100 equal monthly installments and a Motor Cycle/Scooter and Moped advance in not more than seventy two and six equal monthly installments (of whole rupees, fractions being recovered in the last installment) plus additional installments for interest each such installment being not appreciably greater than the installment by which the principal was recovered. (ii)The repayment may be made in lesser number of installments if so desired by the Company Officer. (iii)The amount to be recovered monthly will not be affected by the fact of the borrowing company officer going on leave, or being put under suspension. But the sanctioning authority may, in exceptional cases order reduction in the amount of one or more installments (falling due during leave or suspension) provided that the whole amount due is completely recovered within the period originally fixed (80/60 months or less). This will have to be done by increasing the amount of subsequent installments. (iv)The recovery of the amount will start from the first pay drawn after the withdrawal of advance. 11.0. Interest Rate: [4]The interest would be charged at the rates applicable to Central Government employees as prescribed by Ministry of Finance, Government of India from time to time. 4Amended vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Conveyance/2184 dated 30.06.2017.

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