Page | 601 3.9.AYUSH Services are admissible and reimbursable to the employees and their dependent family members as per the applicable CGHS rate in various cities. Reimbursement will be allowed for the treatment availed from Government/ Company approved, recognized or empanelled AYUSH Health centres. [5]5Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/MAR/2829 dated 08.05.2018.
Page | 602 Chapter IV Treatment by Specialists and other Special Facilities 4.1.Under special circumstances, when suitable treatment is not available in the hospital of the Company, an Authorized Medical Attendant may refer a case to a private specialist/ clinic/nursing home/hospital, provided he certifies the non-availability of treatment and obtains prior permission of the Chief Medical Officer concerned. If it is not possible to obtain prior permission due to urgency, it should be reported to CMO within 48 hours for his post-facto approval. 4.2.If there is an arrangement of the Company with any private specialist/clinic, etc., for treatment, the AMA should refer the case to such specialists/clinics, Possibility of such reference to nearby Government/CMWO hospital should also be explored. 4.3.In case of such reference, patient will attend clinic/hospital where the specialist is attached to, except on emergencies when the specialist may be called at the patient's residence, in which case, a certificate stating the nature of illness and inability of the patient to attend the Doctor's clinic is to be obtained from the Authorized Medical Attendant. 4.4.Diseases which require special and continued treatment for a long time like heart disease, T.B., Cancer, Leprosy, etc., special arrangement for treatment may be made with approval of the Chief Medical Officer concerned. 4.5.In all cases referred to above, reimbursement will be made as per limitations laid down in Chapter V.
Page | 603 Chapter V Medical Reimbursement in respect of Entitled Employees and his Eligible Family Members 5.1.Where an entitled employee of the Company and/or his entitled family member is treated in a hospital/clinic/nursing home not established by the Company and required to pay charges for such treatment, or where an employee is authorized by the Medical Attendant to purchase medicines/ vaccine etc. from outside and pay for investigations, he will be reimbursed the medical expenses to the extent specified in the schedule hereunder. 5.2.An entitled employee and/ or his eligible dependent receiving medical attendance and treatment as an in -patient will be entitled to reimbursement for accommodation expenses in the hospital according to schedule in this chapter. If accommodation of the entitled class is not available, accommodation of higher class may be allowed provided the Medical Superintendent of the hospital certifies regarding the non-availability of appropriate class of accommodation at the time of admission and that admission could not be delayed without danger to the health of the patient. As far as possible, the patient should be moved to the appropriate class of accommodation as soon as available. 5.3.Continuation of treatment by a registered private practitioner or specialist shall be limited to a period of 30 days and a total of 8 consultations (inclusive of consultation with the general practitioner and specialist) for a single spell of illness, after which period the patient is to be examined by a Company's Doctor who will advise further course of action wherever Company's Doctor is available at the station; otherwise the employee will get a report from the AMA about the disease and the treatment and submit the same to CMO and obtain permission to continue further treatment. In case further consultations or visits are required approval of the CMO for such continuation will be required. Physiotherapy 5.4.Massage treatment by a trained masseur or a masseur with a Government recognized certificate, electrotherapy, (Diathermy, Ultrasonic, etc.) and all other forms of physiotherapy are reimbursable as per rates in the schedule here under subject to a limit of 20 sittings. In special cases, where prolonged physiotherapy is considered essential, the expenses for more than 20 sittings will be reimbursable provided prior approval of CMO is obtained. Charges for Special Nursing and Attendants 5.5.Charges for special nursing and attendants are not normally admissible. However, it may be allowed if special Nurse/ Attendant is engaged as per specific advice in writing (as per Form II, Annexure II) of the Medical Superintendent/Specialist of the hospital/nursing home where the patient is being treated in that the services of special nurse and/or attendant were essential. Special nurse and/or attendant will be allowed for a period of ten days. If it is necessary for more than ten days, permission of CMO will be necessary. The actual expenses subject to the limitation as per
Page | 604 Schedule under this Rule will be reimbursed. Reimbursement of expenditure of special nurse/attendant will not be admissible for treatment at residence. Operation Charges 5.6.Actual expenses for operation as incurred in a Government hospital will be reimbursed. In case the operation is undergone in a private hospital/ nursing home, actual expenditure may be reimbursed, subject to the ceilings laid down in the Schedule of this Chapter. Sales Tax 5.7.Sales Tax, paid by the employees while purchasing medicines from the market, is reimbursable but packing and forwarding charges for such purchases are not reimbursable. 5.8. Schedule of Charges [6]i. The Schedule of Charges would be as per CGHS rates as applicable in various cities or actual whichever is lower except for the following hospitals, where reimbursement would be as per the negotiated rates: a. Shankar Nethralaya, Chennai, Tamilnadu b. Christian Medical College & Hospital, Vellore, Tamilnadu and c. TMC, Kolkata ii. If referred by the Competent Authority to hospitals other than empanelled hospitals, reimbursement would be admissible as per CGHS rates. iii. All items which are reimbursable under CGHS rules shall be applicable to employees. iv. The Schedule of Rates as given in Chapter V of MAR shall be replaced by CGHS rate and wherever the Schedule of Charges is given in MAR, the same be substituted with CGHS rates except in the cases mentioned in point no. (i) above. Travelling Allowance 5.9.Travelling allowance may be paid in the following cases: (a)Actual expenditure incurred by the patient in travelling, subject to maximum of a single Rail fare by the class to which the employee is himself entitled as on transfer from the Headquarters of the employee to the place of medical treatment and back will be reimbursed. No daily allowance will be allowed. (b)Where an attendant accompanies a patient on the authority of the Chief Medical Officer, actual Rail fare by II class for such an attendant may also be reimbursed. However, in case an attendant travels by higher class and in the circumstances of the case the Chief Medical Officer considers travelling by attendant in a higher class is justified, actual fare of such higher class may be reimbursed, subject to 6 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/MAR/2829 dated 08.05.2018. Subsequent clauses are re-numbered accordingly. It was previously amended vide OM No. CIL/C-5B/Med/57261(iv)/760 dated 11.11.1999.
Page | 605 such higher class being not higher than to which the patient is entitled. No daily allowance will be allowed. (c)In case an escort is deputed by the Company, (such escorts are normally medical or para-medical persons) the escort will be considered as on duty and shall be entitled to TA and DA as per Company Rule. Procedures to be Followed While ordering Reimbursement 5.10.All claims for reimbursement will be submitted in the proforma on Form No. III in Annexure III along with the supporting vouchers, cash memos, receipts, etc. to the Controlling Officer who will carefully scrutinize each claim applying the relevant rules and orders before allowing reimbursement. The Controlling Officer of the employee may, after consultation with AMA or CMO, disallow any claim which are not covered by the Rules and Orders of the Company or otherwise not admissible of if not satisfied about the genuineness of the claim. 5.11. Claim will ordinarily be entertained only if preferred within six months from the date of completion of treatment. However, cases after six months will be admissible only when approved by the competent authority who has been delegated with powers to accept time-barred claims. Part-Reimbursement of Medical Expenses 5.12.Normally, a claim for medical reimbursement will be entertained and allowed on the completion of treatment of the patient. But in case a patient is suffering from acute or chronic diseases like cancer, T.B., Leprosy, heart disease, mental or any other diseases where the treatment is prolonged and spread over a period of more than 30 days, reimbursement of medical expenses may be allowed at intervals of every 15 days, at the discretion of the Controlling Officer. 5.13. Advances for Medical Attendance and Treatment to Entitled Employees (a)The Controlling Officer may, on the recommendation of the authorized medical attendant, grant an advance for medical treatment. (b)The advance will be admissible subject to the following terms and conditions: (i)The amount of advance shall not exceed 2 month's pay of the entitled employee or Rs. 2000/- or the amount as certified by the Authorized Medical Attendant/ Dy. MS/MS/CMO to be the approximate cost, whichever is less. (ii)In exceptional cases, where medical advance more than Rs. 2000/- is needed, sanction of CMO and functional director will be necessary. (iii)The advance shall be adjusted against the reimbursement of medical expenses that is admissible under the rules and any excess amount, shall be recovered from the employee concerned.
Page | 606 5.14. Financial Power to Sanction on Reimbursement of Medical Bill (a)Respective Controlling Officers will have full financial power to sanction reimbursement of medical bills for the treatment taken within or outside the district/station, if the bills are otherwise found complying with the provisions of CIL Medical Attendance Rules. (b)All complicated or doubtful claims should be processed through the CMO before sanction is accorded by the Controlling Officer.
Page | 607 Chapter VI Rules relating to Medical Facilities in respect of Piece Rated, Daily Rated and Monthly Rated Employees Rules relating to medical facilities in respect of piece rated, daily rated and monthly rated employees guided by NCWA except the monthly rated non-executive of Ex . NCDC who were guided by Corporation Rules framed by NCDC and appointed before 15.8.67 and also those non-executives guided by Civil Rules, Railway Rules, those Ex-NCDC non-executives who are getting medical reimbursement as per CMAL/ CIL Medical Attendance Rules and also those who are getting medical allowance of one months' pay in a year. 6.1.The Rules contained in this chapter exclusively apply to employees covered in the title hereof and also the members of their family if eligible as per Rules 12, Chapter II. 6.2.Such employee and their family members are entitled to free medical treatment only to the extent available at the Company's hospital/dispensaries and the hospitals maintained by Coal Mines Labour Welfare Organization. In special cases, they may also be allowed for treatment in a Government Hospital/Local Self-Government Hospital. 6.3.If the medicines prescribed by the Colliery Medical Officers are not available in the dispensaries, nor purchased and supplied by the Colliery Management and have to be procured by the workmen themselves, the cost of the same will be reimbursed on presentation of the cash memo. If the listed medicines as prescribed are not available, alternatives certified by the Colliery Medical Officer will be permissible and the cost will be reimbursed, if the medicines have to be purchased, by the workmen. 6.4.In cases referred by the competent Medical Authority of the coal company to outside hospitals the expenditure for treatment shall be reimbursed at the rates applicable for general ward of the hospital concerned. The patient and the escort, if recommended by the Medical Officer of the Company will be eligible for T.A. (excluding D.A.) from the Company. 6.5.If a workman falls seriously ill while on sanctioned leave at his home town and he has to be hospitalized in a Government or a Local Self Government hospital, hospitalization expenditure including the cost of medicine will be reimbursed by the Company ' at rates applicable for the general ward of the hospital. 6.6.In cases referred by the Medical Officer of the colliery to Coal Mines Welfare Organization hospital, if the medicines prescribed by the Doctors are not supplied by the CMWO hospitals or the coal company hospitals/ dispensary and have to be purchased by the workman the cost of the same shall be reimbursed by the coal company and the Company will claim the amount from the CMWO. 6.7.Free diet will be supplied to indoor patients in the Company hospitals. Note: The usual prescribed procedure for reimbursement of medical expenses will, however, have to be observed. The essentials are given below.
Page | 608 Medical Reimbursement of Employees Mentioned in this Chapter and their Entitled Family Members (i)Will be paid from the hospital dispensary drug imprest on production of cash memo (ii)On production of - Reference letter; - Prescriptions/cash memo; - Discharge certificate; and - Essentiality certificate (iii)Same as (ii) except reference letter (iv)On production of CMW.O's prescription, cash memos.
Page | 609 Chapter VII Treatment of Non Entitled Persons in Company’s Hospitals/ Dispensaries 7.1.Non-entitled cases will not be treated or admitted under normal circumstances. However, serious/ emergency cases may be treated/ admitted on the discretion of M.O.I.C. hospital/dispensary subject to availability of beds and/or other facilities. 7.2.The following are the charges to be levied from non-entitled patients treated in the Company's hospital/ dispensary: I.ACCOMMODATION (a)General ward (i)In respect of close relation of employees who are not Rs.12.00 per entitled to free treatment i.e. brother, sister; father-in-law, day (inclusive mother-in-law etc of diet) (ii)Employees of Government department like Directorate Rs. 20.00 per. of Mines Safety, Railways, Post Office, Police day Department etc. located in Company areas and their (inclusive wives/husbands/dependent children of diet) (iii)In respect of others not mentioned above Rs. 20.00 per. day (inclusive of diet) Note: Minor children below 5 years (age to be assessed by Company Doctor) shall be charged half of the above rates (b)Cabin for all classes of patients of single bed (non-air-conditioned) inclusive of diet Item No. I (a) (i) Rs.50 per day Item No. I (a) (ii) Rs.65 per day Item No. I (a) (iii) Rs.65 per day (c)Cabin (air-conditioned) for all classes Rs. 75 per day II.INJECTION CHARGES FOR OPD PATIENTS (i)I. M. Injections Rs. 4.00 per injection (ii)I. V. Injections Rs. 8.00 per injection
Page | 610 III.DRESSING CHARGES Rs. 4.00 for each dressing (minor) Rs. 8.00 for each dressing (major) IV.DELIVERY CHARGES, ETC Genl. Ward Cabin (a)Normal delivery/abortion/miscarriageRs. 150.00 Rs. 250.00 (b)Assisted labour requiring services of Doctor Rs. 250.00 Rs. 350.00 (c)Operative labour, viz. forceps, version Rs. 300.00 including caesarian section Rs. 500.00 V.OPERATION FEES Genl. Ward Cabin (a)Major surgeryRs. 400.00 Rs. 600.00 (b)Minor surgery requiring G.A Rs. 300.00 Rs. 450.00 (c)Simple surgery Rs. 50.00 Rs. 100.00 Note: (1)Plaster materials should be purchased by the party. Cases operated as OPD cases shall pay charges as per rates for patients in general ward. (2)Classification of operations vide Charter V of M.A. Rules VI.DENTAL OPERATION CHARGES FOR INDOOR AND OPD PATIENTS OF ALL CLASSES (a)Tooth extraction Rs. 15.00 per tooth (b)Filling of Tooth Rs. 20.00 per tooth VII.PATHOLOGICAL EXAMINATION CHARGES FOR INDOOR AND OPD FOR ALL CLASSES OF NON-ENTITLED PATIENTS Ordinary Rs. 20/- Special Rs. 40/- Classification of type of pathological test- vide Chapter V of M.A. Rules.
Page | 611 VIII.X-RAY EXAMINATION FOR lNDOOR AND OPD PATIENTS OF ALL CLASSES Rates for all non-entitled patients will be as per Chapter V, Schedule of charges (VI) (Group I) of M.A. Rules. IX.PHYSIOTHERAPY Rs. 10/- per sitting.X.MEDICINES All medicines to be charged at actual cost plus 10% as incidental charges. Common stock mixture, power, ointment etc. may be supplied free of charges to non-entitled indoor patients, subject to availability. XI.CONSULTATION CHARGES AT OPD FOR ALL CLASS OF PATIENTS CMO/ MS/ Sr. Specialist Rs. 40.00 Dy. MS/Specialist Rs. 20.00 MO/Sr. MO Rs. 15.00 7.3.Consultation fees and other charges paid by non-entitled patients should be deposited in Company's account. 7.4.All other charges not mentioned in this schedule will be charged as per schedule for Gr. I cities as mentioned in Chapter V of M.A. Rules. 7.5.CMO is authorized to fix the rates of services rendered which are not covered by these Rules. 7.6.Total amount of charges realized on account of treating non-entitled patients should be shown separately in the Annual Financial Statement. 7.7.Charges in respect of near relative of employees may be adjusted from the salary bill of the employee concerned. An undertaking from employee concerned shall be obtained in this regard prior to treatment of the non-entitled patient. 7.8.In the absence of any arrangement regarding payment of charges for treatment, non- entitled patients shall deposit 10 day's approximate charges (accommodation charges plus operation fee etc.) in advance prior to admission.
Page | 612 Chapter VIII Rules relating to Medical Examination Pre-employment Medical Examination 8.1.Pre-employment medical examination will be done for all new appointees either by a Company Medical Officer or by a Medical Board consisting of Company's Medical Officers formed as per orders of CMO. Medical examination will be done as per standards laid down below A standard form should be used to record the findings; (vide Annexure Form No. IV). The Form No. V (vide Annexure) requires to be filled up by the candidate. Physical standard for pre-employment medical examination The minimum physical standard for the above is as under: A.MINIMUM PHYSICAL STANDARD FOR ALL CALSSESS OF EMPLOYEES DIRECTLY CONNECTED WITH COAL MINING (MINING, GEOLOGICAL, SURVEY, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL, ELECTRO- NICS, OPENCAST, PERSONNEL, MINING TRAINEES, AUTHORISED DRIVERS AND WATCH AND WARD EMPLOYEES, ETC.) (i)A candidate must be in sound mental and physical health and free from any physical defect likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duty. He should not be grossly over-weight or under-weight. (ii)Minimum standard of height may be relaxed to 60\" in case of watch and ward candidates belonging to races such as Gorkhas, Garhwallis and Assamese: Tribals etc. Height must be taken without shoes. (iii) Hearing must be good and there should be no progressive disease affecting hearing. (iv) Speech must be without impediment, excluding stammering of moderate degree. (v)Chest measurement: The girth of the chest in full expiration should be recorded to determine the range of expansion (between the minimum and maximum). In all doubtful cases the functional capacity of the lungs may be tested. In the examination of candidates the following table of correlation of height and chest girth will be applied.
Page | 613 (vi)Chest must be well formed, the lungs and heart must be normal. After 20 hops (or stands and squatting) plus should return to normal within 3 minutes. There should be no evidence of Chronic pulmonary, bronchial, laryngeal, valvular diseases or gross arteriosclerosis. (vii)Blood pressure should be normal in recumbent posture. (viii)The teeth must be in good order, decayed or broken teeth must be properly stopped or crowned and deficient teeth replaced by artificial teeth where necessary. Gums should be in healthy condition (ix)There should be no Hernia. (x)There should be no Hydrocele. In case there is a Hydrocele the person may be permitted to get operated within 3 months and if the operation is successful, he may be declared fit. (xi)The limbs, hands, fingers, feet and toes must be well formed and developed with free and perfect motion of all joints. (xii)Candidates should not suffer from chronic or extensive ulcers, ailments of skin or other system. Subjects of Palsy, Paralysis and Epilepsy are to be rejected. (xiii)Vision should be of the following standards: Note: (a) Total Myopia in the above standard should not exceed -6D. (b) Manifest Hypermetropia should not exceed -3D, total. (c) In case of total error of refraction about -2D, Ophthal- moscopic examination should be conducted to detect any progressive morbid changes of the choroid, or retina. (d)Night blindness and colour blindness: Candidate's night vision will be tested to ascertain whether or not be suffers from night blindness. Tests also should be done for colour blindness.
Page | 614 (e) In case of defective vision due to nebula of the cornea the candidate will be rejected. (f) Squint or any morbid condition subject to risk or aggravation or recurrence in either eye may cause rejection of a candidate. (xiv)Urine should be examined particularly for the presence of sugar and albumin. (xv)Examiners will use their own discretion as to the scope of the general physical examination in each case, and will judge cases on their merits, taking into consideration the prospective duties of the examinees. In the examination of the candidate's hearing the speaking voice test will be employed. The examiner will speak in an ordinary conversational voice, the examinee will be at a distance of three yards and with his back to the examiner; the ear will be separately tested by the occlusion of other ear. It should be understood that the question of fitness involves the future as well as the present; that the main object of medical examination are to secure continuous effective service to prevent earl y retirement and payments in case of premature death or payments of accident compensation attributable to physical deficiencies and unusual medical expenditure on employees of poor physique. (xvi)Particulars against item Nos. 1 to 4 in the prescribed medical examination form are to be furnished by the appointing authorities concerned to the medical examiner (xvii)The report of the medical examination should be treated as confidential. (xviii)Personal statement and declaration should be obtained from all candidates for medical examination in the prescribed form. B.MINIMUM. PHYSICAL STANDARD REQUIRED FOR RECRUITMENT TO POSTS OTHER THAN GROUP 'A' (i)A candidate must be in good mental and bodily health and free from any physical likely to interfere with the efficient performance of his duty. He should not be grossly over-weight or under-weight. (ii)Hearing must be good and there should be no progressive disease affecting hearing. (iii)Speech must be without impediment, stammering of moderate degree excluded. (iv)Chest must be well formed with minimum girth not less than 30 inches (76 cm) on full expiration and not less than 32 inches (81 m) on inspiration . (v)Height must not be less than 60 inches without shoes. (vi)Respiratory system: Lungs should be sound and free from any chronic bronchial or laryngeal disease. (vii)Circulatory system: There should be no evidence of enlargement of heart, chronic vascular disease or gross arteriosclerosis. Blood pressure should be normal in recumbent posture. Pulse should return to normal within 3 minutes after 20 hops or standard and squattings.
Page | 615 (viii)There should be no Harnia. (ix)There should be no Hydrocele. A person with Hydrocele may be declared fit after successful operation within three months after pre-employment medical examination. (x)The limbs, hands, fingers, feet and toe must be well formed and developed with free and perfect motion of all joints. (xi)Candidates should not suffer from chronic ailments of skin or other system. Subjects of Palsy, Paralysis and Epilepsy are to be rejected. (xii)Vision should be of the following standard: Note: Total Myopia should not exceed -6D, Hypermatropia (total) should not exceed +4D. For total myopia over -4D presence of any progressive disease must be eliminated by fundus examination. (xiii)Alimentary system: The candidates should have sufficient number of natural or artificial teeth for mastication and healthy gums. (xiv)Genito -urinary system: There should be no evidence of Kidney disease and urine should be particularly examined for presence of sugar and albumin. Duration of pregnancy if present should be recorded in case of female candidates. (xv)Skeleto-nervous system: The limbs should be well formed and developed and function of all limbs should be within normal limits. Any deformity should be recorded. There should be no evidence of paralysis, palsy and epilepsy. (xvi)Cutaneous system: There should be no evidence of extensive and chronic skin disease or ulceration. (xvii)Examiners will use their own discretion as to the scope of the general physical examination in each case, and will judge cases in their merits. For hearing the speaking voice test will be employed. The examiner will speak an ordinary conversational voice; the examinee will be at a distance of three yards and with his/her back to the examiner; the ears will be separately tested by the occulsion of the other ear. It should be understood that the question of fitness involves the future as well as the present that the main object of medical examination are to secure continuous
Page | 616 effective service to prevent early retirement and payments in case of pre-mature death or payments of accident compensations attributable to physical deficiencies and unusual medical expenditure on employees of poor physique. (xviii)The blood pressure of candidates will be examined. The examination of urine will be compulsory for all categories of candidates and the specimen should be passed in the presence of the examiner. (xix)Particulars against item No.1 to 4 in the prescribed Medical Examination Form are to be furnished by the appointing authorities concerned to the medical examiner. (xx)The report of the medical examination should be treated as confidential (xxi)Personal statement and declaration should be obtained from all candidates for medical examination in the prescribed form. Medical Examination for Re-employment 8.2.In case of re-employment after superannuation, the person concerned will be medically examined by a Medical Board constituted by CMO of the Company for issue of a certificate of fitness. No fees will be charged for such medical examination except for investigation, facilities for which are not available in the Company. 8.3.Medical Examination for Retirement on Medical Ground (i)An employee who desires to retire on medical grounds or an employee who has been reported as permanently incapable of performing his duties on medical grounds, will be examined by a Medical Board constituted by CMO. (ii)An Appellate Medical Board will be constituted by CMO, if necessary. 8.4. Medical Examination in Connection with Leave on Medical Ground (a)Leave application of a Company employee on medical grounds should be supported by a medical certificate either from a Doctor of the Company, or from a private registered practitioner in case where Company's Doctor is not available at the station. In the former case the certificate of fitness should be obtained from the Doctor of the Company and in the latter case the certificate of fitness obtained from the private registered practitioner should be countersigned by a Doctor of the Company. (b)In case of application for leave on medical grounds or for prolonged illness or where administration may so desire, the certificate of registered practitioner for leave on medical ground should be issued or countersigned by the Doctor of the Company as the case may be. (c)In the cases referred to above where certificates are issued or countersigned by the Doctor of the Company, no fees will be charged. (d)Employees returning to duty from medical leave should report to the Company Medical Department either with or without medical certificate etc. as the case may be, for certification of their fitness to return to duty. Belated submission of
Page | 617 fitness certificate to the Company Medical Department for counter signature will not be entertained. 8.5. Periodical Medical Examination Periodical medical examination of coal miners will be conducted as per Mines Act, 1952 and Mines Rules, 1955. The procedure of above examination will be as per said Act and Rules.
Page | 618 Chapter IX Savings 9.1.Relaxation of Rules: The Chairman, CIL and CMDs of the subsidiary companies may relax the provisions of any of these rules in exceptional circumstances. 9.2.Cases already decided shall not be reopened. 9.3.These rules can be withdrawn at the discretion of the CIL without any notice and assigning any reason there under. 9.4.CIL reserves to itself the right to alter and/or to amend any rule or issue a new rule thereunder at any time and without assigning any reason thereof. 9.5.These rules are applicable when medical treatment is undertaken in India. There is no provision in these rules for treatment outside India.
Page | 619 Annexure-I Form No. I (Refer to Rule 12, Chapter II) Declaration of Family Members I do hereby declare that 1. The following are the details of my family: Sl. Name of No. Family Member(s) Relationship Date of Occupation Income If income Birth/ Age above ₹10,000 [7]per month – not dependent 2. The above declaration is true and, if at any stage, the contents of the above declaration are found to be incorrect, I shall be making myself liable got disciplinary action besides refunding the amount drawn for treatment of non-entitled family members. Note: i)The dependents whose income from all source exceeds ₹ 10,000/- [7] per month (including pension) as mentioned above are not dependent for medical benefits. ii) As per Rule 12 Spouse will continue to be dependent for the purpose of these rules, –irrespective of his/ her official status as an employee elsewhere. This will be subject to submission of a declaration that he/ she has not claimed the medical reimbursement from his/ her employer to avoid double claim for an individual and a certificate from his/ her employer to the effect that the Company is not paying medical reimbursement to him/ her. Date: Signature of the Employee Name: _____________________ Design: ____________________ U.M. No.:___________________ Signature of Personnel Executive Name of the Unit:7 Amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/MAR/2829 dated 08.05.2018.
Page | 620 Annexure-II Form No. II (Refer to Rule 5, Chapter V) I certify........................................................................employed in the.………………….. has been under my treatment for …………………………………………………(provisional diagnosis) diseases of the..………. ... hospital ……..... . I, further, certify that special nursing/ attendant was essential from .......... to ............................on which an expenditure of ..................... was incurred (vide bills and receipts attached) for recovery/ prevention of serious deterioration of the condition of the patient. Signature of the Medical Superintendent Doctor-in-charge of hospital/ Clinic/ Nursing home Place................... Date ...................
Page | 621 Annexure-III Form No. III COAL INDIA LIMITED Application for reimbursement of medical expenses Name ...........................Designation & Pay .............……Staff No.................. Divn/Wing…….S. No.NameName & relationshipDoctor’s name & Regd. no.Place of treatment with durationExpense amount Rs. P.Total Remarks1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. 2. I, hereby, declare that the statement in this application is true and the family member for whom medical expenses were incurred is dependent upon me and is entitled to get reimbursement of medical expenses under the Medical Attendance Rules. ………………………………………… ……………………………………….Controlling Officer with Designation Signature of the employee with date Encl: Prescription, receipt, cash memo etc. For Accounts office use only Please issue A/c payee cheque/Pay cash to.............for a sum of Rs................(Rupees ..................) Debit A/C: ...................... Credit A/C …...........Issue cheque no.........Dated ..........for Rs ……... Signature of Accounts officer Received Rs..............(Rupees....................)
Page | 622 Annexure IV –Form No IV Report of Medical Examination 1.Name ............................................................................................................................. 2.Race or Tribe.................................................................................................................. 3.Candidate for the post of................................................................................................ 4.Class of service ........................................... Semi/unskilled ........................................ 5. Age as stated ................................................................................................................. 6.Age by appearance.......................................................................................................... 7.Distinguishing marks of Identification............................................................................. 8.I/We have examined........................................................and my/out findings are given below: (i)General health -Good/Fair/Poor (ii)Speech .................................................... (iii)Height .................................................... (iv)Weight ..................................................... (v)Vision-distant without glasses/with glasses, strength of glasses : Right eye .................................. Left eye .................................... Vision -near Right eye .................................. Left eye .................................... Hypermetropia Right eye .................................. Left eye .................................... (vi)Night/colour blindness.......................................................................................... (vii)Fundus if total/Myopia exceeds:..2D/4D............................................................... (viii)Girth of chest ...................................................................................................... (i)After full inspiration........................................................................ (ii)After full expiration ........................................................................ (ix)Skin....................................................................................................................... (x)Teeth and gums..................................................................................................... (xi)Hearing ............................ Right ear ....................... Left ear ................................ (xii)Progressive diseases of ear if any (xiii)Lungs ............................................. (xiv)Heart ..............................................Pulse ............................................... (a)Pulse reading after 20 hops .................................................................(b)Pulse reading after 3 minutes after hopping ........................................(xv)Blood pressure
Page | 623 (xvi)Liver (xvii)Spleen (xviii)Hernia .............................................. Present/Absent ...................................... (xix)Hydrocele ....................................Present/Absent ........................................... (xx)Urine analysis specific Gr.........................Albumin .................. Sugar.............. (xxi)Remarks about mental health. .......................................................................... (xxii)Loco-motor system: any abnormality ............................................................. (xxiii)Pregnancy, if present....................... Duration ................................(Applicable only in case of females) (xxiv)Report of X-ray of chest................................................................................... 9.I/we consider that he/ she is not of sound mental and is/is not of sound physical health and is capable/ incapable of bearing fatique and exposure and is fit/unfit to work under Coal India Ltd., excepting ...............which I/we do not consider to be any disqualification for appointment. 10.Ground for disqualification.................................................................................................... 11.Signature................................ L.T.I........................ of the candidate taken in my presence. Place ..................................... Signature of the Medical Date .................................... Examiner(s) and Designation
Page | 624 Annexure-V Form No. V Pre-employment medical examination Candidate's statement and declaration (The candidates must make the statement required below prior to his medical examination and must sign the declaration therein. He is specially directed to the wading contained in the note below:) 1.State your name in full (in block letters) 2.Age 3.Birth Place 4.(a)Have you ever suffered from any serious disease requiring continuous treatment for more than 15 days at a time? (b)Have you ever been hospitalized for more than seven days at a time? If so, what was the disease? 5.Furnish the following particulars concerning your family. Father's age: if living, his age and state of health Father's age at death and cause of death No. of brothers living, their age state of health No. of brothers dead, their ages and causes of death Mother's age, if living and state of health Mother’s age at death and cause of deathNo. of sisters living, their ages and state of health No. of sisters dead, their ages and causes of death All the above answers are, to the best of my belief true and correct. Candidate's signature ……………………..Signed in my presence Signature of the Chairman of the board ………………………………………..Note: The candidate will be held responsible for the accuracy of the above statement. By willfully suppressing any information, he will incur the risk of losing the appointment and if appointed of forfeiting all claims to superannuation allowance or gratuity.
Page | 625 References 1 Coal India Limited Medical Attendance Rules Book - Amendments till 10.11.1999. 2 OM No. CIL/C-5B/Med/57261(iv)/760 dated 11.11.1999.3 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/Rule 12(iii)&(iv)/28 dated 14.07.2011. 4 Corrigendum No. CIL/C-5C/55123(A)/372 dated 21.01.2014. 5 OM No. CIL/C-5C/55123(A)/437 dated 26.02/ 03.03.2014. 6 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/MAR/2829 dated 08.05.2018.
Page | 626 CIL Executive Mentoring Scheme 1.Title This scheme will be called the ‘CIL Executive Mentoring Scheme’[1]. 2.Scope and applicability This scheme will apply to the following categories of executives of Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries: a. Management trainees on their initial appointment b. Executives on internal selection from non- executive grades c. All lateral recruits in executive cadre in below Board level posts d. Depending on the feedback and efficacy of the scheme, the scheme will be reviewed periodically preferably in 3 years and suitable changes will be made. 3.Objectives of the scheme a. To support the new entrants in understanding Company’s mission, vision, values and goals for facilitating their integration in Company’s culture.b. To facilitate transfer of skills and knowledge of experienced executives in the organization to the new entrants, thereby providing motivation for job performance and creativity. c. To provide support to the new entrants to become comfortable in new workplace environment and place of residence. 4.Key terms The key terms used in the scheme are described below:4.1 Mentoring This is a process whereby a Mentor guides, counsels, coaches and helps a Mentee to acclimatize with the company’s environment and develop his/her overall personality for acquiring company specific competencies through one to one interaction. 4.2 Mentoring Plan The Mentoring plan will be based on the following stages: a. Exploration i.e. establishing rapport and understanding the process. 1 Approved by CIL Board in its 319 Board meeting held on 12.08.2015 and as per the advice of CIL Board, it is thsubsequently approved by CMDs in its 97 meeting held on 16.09.2015. Communicated vide OM No. thCIL/C5A(PC)/673 dated 12.10.2015. Later modified vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Mentorship/699 dated 12.07.2021.An Online Module called as “Online Mentor Mentee Management System” (OMMS) has been developed as a part of -online Human Resource Management System (HRMS).
Page | 627 b. Planning i.e. identifying development needs, strength & weakness of the Mentee. c. Process Learning i.e. undertaking learning strategies thereby gaining experience and learning. Mentor may also familiarize Mentee about the experts in the relevant field available in the organization whom the Mentee can contact as part of the development process. d. Evaluation and closure i.e. capturing the experience of the program, improvements and skill enhancement in the Mentee. 4.3 Mentor Mentor is a senior executive generally 2 levels above (minimum E-5 grade) for Mentees joining at induction level. For lateral entrants, Mentor is one level higher executive. Mentor is the one who is having flair for mentoring, knowledge with experience & skills in a specific field and also willing to transmit them to Mentees.He/she will normally be from the same discipline that of the Mentee and working preferably in the same unit or nearby projects. To the extent possible, a Mentor should not be the reporting or controlling officer of a Mentee. 4.4 Mentee Mentee is a new entrant in an executive cadre in the company at any level. 4.5 Competent authority The competent authority under the scheme will be the Director (P&IR), CIL/ Subsidiary. 5.Methodology 5.1 Mentoring period The Mentoring period will normally be for a period of 24 months for Entry level executives and 12 months for lateral entrants commencing from the date of appointment as Mentor. However, the period of Mentorship may be extended further, if need is felt, based on justifications received from Mentor concerned or FDs or GM (HRD) of concerned Subsidiary. 5.2 Implementing Authority General Manager (HRD) of CIL/ Subsidiary will be the implementing authority under this scheme. He/She will invite applications from willing/ interested executives of E-5 and above grades as per the format enclosed in Annexure 1. Employees who have flair for mentoring and who have undergone training and certification for Mentorship will be preferred/considered by GM (HRD) of CIL/ Subsidiaries.
Page | 628 After scrutiny, a pool of executives considered to be fit for the role of Mentors will be chosen in consultation with concerned Functional Directors. GM(HRD) of CIL/Subsidiaries can also nominate executives, suitable for Mentor’s role, to the list of selected Mentors. The selected Mentors should have exhibited professional excellence, integrity, good conduct and leadership qualities. The details of such Mentors like Discipline, Qualification, Place of posting, No. of years of experience, Place of residence, e-Mail address will be made available online, preferably on a dedicated portal on company’s website. Mentees shall provide 3 preferences for a Mentor from the list provided online. The preference for Mentors shown by Mentee will be given due cognizance as far as possible. GM (HRD) of CIL/Subsidiary will also organize suitable training of the selected Mentors, if they have not undergone Mentorship Training or not played the role of a Mentor for 5 years after such training. Mentee shall be provided a Mentor within a month of joining. 5.3 Gender Sensitization Keeping in view cultural & environmental aspects, Gender Sensitization will be taken due care of, at operational level as far as possible and female executives will be paired with a female Mentor. However, if the same is not possible, the Mentor allotted to female executive will be provided training on Gender Sensitivity by HRD department. The female Mentee, in such situation will additionally be provided a senior female executive, not necessarily from the same place of posting, as additional Mentor. The additional female Mentor will be preferably in the same grade or one grade above the allotted Mentor, whom the female Mentee can contact in case she feels any discomfort in continuing with the allotted Mentor. On getting such communication from the Mentee, the additional female Mentor will communicate to GM (HRD) of respective Subsidiary for change of Mentor. Mentee may request for change of Mentor directly to GM (HRD) as well. In situation where a female Mentee is assigned a male Mentor, GM (HRD) will take special care by obtaining regular feedback from such Mentee/s. 5.4 Interactive meetings Face to face interactions will be encouraged for increasing familiarization between Mentors and Mentees. If in-person interactions are not possible, a mutually convenient way of interaction will be decided by Mentor and Mentee. It is advisable that each Mentor and Mentee maintain a diary wherein the important discussions of the interactions are noted.5.5 Online Platform “Online Mentor-Mentee Management System (OMMMS)” will be provided in HRMS where there will be provision for online interaction between Mentor and Mentee, Details
Page | 629 of Mentors, evaluation forms and regular feedback on the scheme to GM (HRD) of the concerned Subsidiary.5.6 Feedback mechanism Concerned GM(HRD) will obtain quarterly feedback from Mentor and Mentee through online OMMMS portal. The quarterly feedback will be provided from the next quarter after allocation of Mentor to a Mentee, if the period of Mentorship is less than a month in that quarter. For example, if an executive has joined in the month of July, then he/she shall be provided a Mentor by August and the first quarterly feedback will be obtained for the July-September quarter in the month of October and year end feedback to be provided after completion of 4 quarter i.e. April-June. Similarly, if an executive has joined in the month thof August and Mentor is allotted in the month of September, then the first quarterly feedback will be for the October-December quarter in the month of January and year end feedback to be provided after completion of 4 quarter i.e. July-September. thThe feedback received will be noted by concerned GM(HRD) and communicated to the concerned for making changes in policy at the time of review. 5.7 Change of Mentor during the Mentoring period A new Mentor will be assigned to a Mentee if the existing Mentor gets transferred or the Mentee gets transferred as per assessment of concerned GM(HRD). Also, existing Mentor may nominate another Mentor to a Mentee based on the initial interaction. In such situations, the new Mentor will be assigned for the remaining mentoring period by concerned GM(HRD) in consultation with concerned Functional Director. 5.8 Inclusion in PRIDE/PAR Reporting and Reviewing authorities will be encouraged to provide comments on the suitability of an executive to be appointed as a Mentor for easy identification of Mentors in future. This will also encourage executives assigned as Mentors to take their responsibility seriously. Suitable provisions will be made in online PRIDE/PAR systems accordingly. 5.9 Mentor Mentee ratio One Mentor will normally have maximum of 5 Mentees under him/her. However, this ratio may vary based on availability of Mentors, but no Mentor will be assigned more than 10 Mentees under him/her at any point of time. 5.10 Duration and frequency of Mentoring sessionsDuring the mentoring period of initial 24 months for entry level and 12 months for lateral entrants, the Mentees and Mentor should meet frequently. While, one to one interactions
Page | 630 are to be encouraged between Mentor and Mentees, it is advisable that Mentor should meet all Mentees together in an informal set-up as well at least once every quarter outside the work environment. The expenses borne on such meetings will be reimbursed on self-certification basis to the Mentors within the limit of 300 per Mentee per meet. ₹5.11 Mentoring process and evaluation Based on the initial interactions with the Mentee; Mentor will understand the professional needs of the Mentee and help him/her in shaping goals. Mentor will regularly provide feedback and suggestions to the Mentees. Depending on need, Mentors may also interact with the Controlling Officer or HoD of the Mentee or any other senior executive to meet the objectives of the scheme.The evaluation at the end of each year will be submitted by Mentors and Mentees in the online evaluation format in OMMMS portal in Annexure 2 & Annexure 3 which will capture details like over-all experience, improvements etc. GM (HRD) of Subsidiaries will coordinate with Area Authorities to organize annual meet of all such Mentors and Mentees at area level for sharing of experience/ knowledge/ idea. Such meets may be followed by cultural events/ programme where outstanding Mentors may be felicitated. These events will be given due coverage along with the photographs of such meets in company’s in-house magazine. 5.12Mentor’s orientation programGM (HRD) of respective subsidiaries will organize training programmes for Mentor certification through IICM. Alternatively, reputed Faculties or Institutions may be invited to impart such training or the Mentors may be sponsored for such training within India to external Institutes. 6.Repeal Unless specified otherwise, all existing provisions of the CIL Mentoring Scheme and amendments thereof will stand superseded by this scheme from the date of its implementation.7.Interpretation The power to interpret the provisions of this scheme is reserved with the Director (P&IR), CIL and his/her interpretation will be final.8.Savings The Director (P&IR), CIL can modify/alter/amend the provisions of the scheme with the approval of Chairman, CIL.
Page | 631 Annexure-1 Application for Mentorship Name & EIS No. Designation: Qualification: No. of years of experience: Place of posting: Place of residence: Contact number: e-Mail id: 1. Do you have any prior experience or knowledge as a Mentor or Mentee in either an informal or formal set up? If yes, please describe briefly. 2. Have you undergone any Mentorship training in the past? If yes, please mention date, place & duration. 3. What are your strengths (at least three) which in your opinion will help you in taking up the role of a Mentor effectively? 4. Please rate yourself on a scale of 10 (1 being lowest and 10 being highest) on your mentoring skills? Signature: Date:
Page | 632 Annexure-2 Year- End (4 Quarter) Evaluation Form th(For Mentors) (To be submitted separately for each Mentee) Name of the Mentor: Name of the Mentee: 1. Brief description of your overall experience with the mentoring program. 2. Please rate on a scale of 1 to 5 the effectiveness of the program in helping your Mentee to develop the skills/ knowledge required for discharging his/her duties and being acclimatized in the work set-up. (1- Non-effective, 2 Minimal effective, 3 Effective, 4- ––Highly effective, 5- Exceptionally effective), 3. Do you think the period of Mentorship should be extended for the Mentee? (with justification) 4. Suggestions for modifications in the scheme of mentoring process/program, if any. 5. Would you recommend this experience as a Mentor to a colleague? If not, why? 6. Are you interested in serving as a Mentor again? If no, reasons thereof?
Page | 633 7. Rate your Mentee on a scale of 1 to 5 ( 1 Non-effective performer, 2- Minimally Effective –Performer, 3- Effective Performer, 4 Highly Effective Performer, 5-Exceptional –performer) 8. Anything else that you would like to share about your Mentee. Signature: Date:
Page | 634 Annexure-3 Year End (4 Quarter) Evaluation Form th(For Mentees) Name of the Mentee : Name of the Mentor: 1. On a scale of 1 to 5, how was your overall experience with the mentoring process? (1- Poor, 2-Below average, 3- Average, 4-Good, 5-Outstanding) 2. Did you feel the guidance provided to you by your Mentor was adequate to prepare you for your role and made you comfortable? Rate on a scale of 1 to 5. (1- Poor, 2-Below average, 3- Average, 4-Good, 5-Outstanding) 3. Have you and your Mentor been able to build a comfortable working relationship? Rate on a scale of 1 to 5 (1- Poor, 2-Below average, 3- Average, 4-Good, 5-Outstanding) 4. How do rate your learning from your Mentor’s experience and background? Rate on a scale of 1 to 5 (1- Poor, 2-Below average, 3- Average, 4-Good, 5-Outstanding) 5. Do you think your Mentorship program should be extended further, which will cater to your individual development plan and in achieving your goals? If yes, reasons thereof. 6. Suggestions for modifications in the scheme of mentoring process/program, if any. Signature: Date:
Page | 635 References 1 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/673 dated 12.10.2015. 2 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Mentorship/699 dated 12.07.2021.
P a g e | 636Coal India Executives Overseas Site Posting Rules 2010 1.0. Title & Commencement These rules, called the Coal India Executives Overseas Site Posting Rules, 2010 and will [1]be applicable to all regular executives of the Company. 1.1.These Rules are effective from 28 thSeptember’2010. 1.2.If an executive is transferred/posted to an overseas posting more than 3 months’ time continuously, it will be treated as “Overseas Posting” for the total period of his/her staying at overseas. 2.0.All Project Sites abroad will normally be “NON FAMILY STATIONS” and executives -deputed to these Sites are not entitled to take their families except in the circumstances stated herein. 3.0. Executives eligible to take their Families 3.1.The Head of the Project/General Manager, Resident Director/Resident Manager in each Project Site 3.2.Executives who are initially posted for a minimum period of one year. 3.3.Approval of the Chairman & Managing Director, CIL will be required in each case. The period of proposed stay at Project Site will be indicated in the posting order. 3.4.‘Family’ means an executive’s wife/husband, legitimate children and step children residing with and wholly dependent upon him. 4.0. Pay & Allowances 4.1. Basic Pay 4.1.1.The executives posted in overseas site will be paid in India in Indian currency. 4.1.2.Perks and other allowances at the rate as applicable 4.1.3.Superannuation Benefit 4.1.4.No Dearness Allowance, which may be applicable in India, will be payable. 4.1.5.In case of persons joining Coal India Limited on deputation for posting at sites abroad, basic pay will also include deputation (duty) allowance. If the basic pay has been fixed 1 Approved by CIL Board in its 259 meeting held on 21.08.2010. Communicated vide OO No. CIL/C-th5A(vi)/Overseas/1501 dated 28.09.2010.
P a g e | 637including deputation (duty) allowance, no separate deputation (duty) allowance will be admissible. NOTE: Unless it is otherwise provided in the terms of contract, the executives taken on deputation from Government/other Public Sector Undertakings/Electricity Boards and posted direct to the foreign sites are entitled to deputation (duty) allowance as per the Government of India Rules. 4.2. Foreign Posting Allowance 4.2.1. Foreign posting allowance shall be paid in the currency of the country of posting. Rates will be @ 50% (rounded upto 10)of the foreign posting allowance ,based on the conditions prevalent in the country of posting and the living allowance to be paid to officials in the similar rank in the Mission of Government of India in that Country. The rates in the country of posting will be revised as per the order issued by MEA, GoI for the respective countries from time to time. The equivalency of CIL grades with that of GoI officials will be as under:Sl. No. Category as in the Govt. of India CIL equivalent 1. High Commissioner N/A 2. Minister N/A 3. Counselor E9 & E8 4. First Secretary/Sr.PPS E5,E6 & E7 5. Second/P.PVT/Third Secretary E1 to E4 6. Non-Rep Gazetted Officer T&S Gr.A1,A & B ,Excv.Spl.A,B ,Clerical Gr. Spl. 7. Non Gazetted Official T&S Gr. C,D, E, Excv. Gr. C,D ,Grade I,II,III, DR Cat.IV,V,VI 8. Security Guard Gr.F,G, Excv. Gr.E, DR III 9. Gr.’D’ PersonnelGr. H, Cat I,II The order regarding the rates of foreign posting allowance for the Country of posting will be issued by the Personnel Division on the above basis with the approval of D(P&IR), CIL. [2]The Foreign Posting Allowance will be paid at rates given below in respect of posting in Mozambique w.e.f. 01.04.2015: [3] 2 Amended vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Overseas/66 dated 26.04.2012. 3 Amended vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Overseas/01 dated 01.01.2015. Previously amended vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Overseas/67 dated 27.04.2012.
P a g e | 638Sl. No. Grade Foreign Posting Allowance in US $ p.m. 1 E9 & E8 2070 2 E5,E6 & E7 1910 3 E1 to E4 1680 4 T&S Gr.A1, A & B , Excv. Spl. A, B, 1310 Clerical Gr. Spl. 5 T&S Gr. C, D, E, Excv. Gr. C, D, Grade 1120 I,II,III, DR Cat. IV,V,VI 6 Gr.F, G, Excv. Gr.E, DR III 650 7 Gr. H, Cat I,II 620 4.3. Non-Family Station Allowance 4.3.1. Non-family Station Allowance which is a part of foreign posting allowance will be given to all executives, who leave their families to India. Executives, who are entitled to take their families abroad but leave their families in India, shall also be eligible to draw Non-Family Station Allowance. The Non-Family Station Allowance is payable at the rate of 10% of the basic pay. 5.0. Medical Facilities 5.1. For executive during the period of posting abroad the company make suitable arrangement for insurance cover. 5.1.1. In place where no insurance cover is available, suitable arrangements shall be made by the Site office to appoint Authorized Medical Attendants. The claims submitted by the executives on the basis of medical advice by Authorized Medical Attendants designated for the purpose shall be reimbursed in full. In cases where Authorized Medical Attendants are not appointed, claims of the executives at the Site shall be decided on merits of each case by the Head of the Site Office. 5.2. For Members of Family left behind in India The family members left behind in India will be entitled to medical attendance and treatment (both out-patient and in-patient treatment) as per CIL Medical Attendance Rules applicable to regular executives of the Company posted in India. The executive before leaving will nominate his spouse or any individual to sign on his behalf in the application for reimbursement of medical expenses during his overseas posting period to his controlling officer.
P a g e | 639Where Company’s Hospitals/Dispensaries facilities are available, the treatment should be availed from these Hospitals/Dispensaries. 6.0. Housing 6.1.During the period of posting abroad6.1.1.Free furnished family/bachelor accommodation as the case may be, will be provided to the executive as per scale approved by the Management from time to time. 6.2.In India 6.2.1.Executives who are in occupation of Company accommodation whether owned or leased will be permitted to continue occupation for the bonafide use of their families if they do not take their family abroad. If an executive is permitted and is taking his spouse abroad, Company’s accommodation shall be surrendered. If Company accommodation is not availed of, House Rent Allowance will be paid in India with reference to the actual place of living of the executive’s family subject to the Rules and Regulations and will be paid by the parent Unit/Division. No House Rent Allowance will, however, be admissible if an executive takes his spouse abroad but keeps his children/parents in India. 7.0. Outfit Allowance 7.1.An executive posted to a foreign site shall be entitled to an outfit allowance as under: (i) If proceeding with family - Rs.30000/- (ii) If proceeding alone - Rs.15000/- (iii) Half of this amount as admissible can be claimed in foreign currency. 8.0. Transfer Grant 8.1.A Transfer Grant equivalent to one month’s basic pay is admissible to an executive posted to a site abroad. Half of his amount may be claimed in foreign currency.8.2.No Transfer Grant is admissible if the executive’s family is not disturbed and continues to reside in same station. In the case of those, who are living in Company-leased accommodation or are drawing HRA, transfer grant is admissible only if the executive’s family shifts from the previous station of posting. 8.3.Similarly, on his posting back, an equivalent amount as mentioned above shall be payable in Indian Rupees, if an executive is posted to a station other than the place at which his family is residing, requiring resettling up of domestic establishment. 8.4.Executives will also be permitted to leave their families and household effects, as per entitlement, at any place in India and they will be reimbursed the actual amount of expenditure against documentary proof. Such place shall be treated as the place of normal residence of his family left behind in India for all purposes during the executive’s posting
P a g e | 640to site. Similarly, reimbursement will also be made when executive is transferred back and shifts his family to the place of posting. 9.0. Payment of Salary Advance in India & Abroad 9.1.An amount equivalent to one month’s basic pay shall be paid as advance in Indian Rupees before an executive is relieved in India for posting abroad. This amount shall be recovered by the parent Unit/Division in three equal monthly installments from the month following that in which the executive concerned reports for duty abroad.Similarly an amount equivalent to one month’s basic pay as advance of pay for re-establishing the family on arrival back in India is admissible. This will be recovered by the parent Unit/Division in three equal installments. 9.2.Foreign Posting Allowance Advance9.2.1.An amount equivalent to one month’s foreign posting allowance shall be admissible as advance on arrival at the Project site abroad, which is recoverable in here equal monthly installments from the month following that in which the executive concerned reports for duty at the Project site. However, in case the posting of an executive is curtailed to a shorter duration for any reason, the recovery of Foreign posting allowance advance shall be so regulated so as to ensure that the advance is realized, in full, in foreign currency before the individual concerned is repatriated from the Project Site. 10.0. Joining Time 10.1.Executives, who are posted to sites abroad, will be allowed joining time as per T.A Rules of the Company. This joining time cannot be availed of in the country of posting. 10.2.Similarly, on transfer back to India, executives will be allowed joining time which can either be availed of in the country of posting or in India or en route at the discretion of the executive. However, during the period of joining time, an executive will be paid joining time pay and allowances in India and in Indian Rupees as per Joining time Rules of the Company. No foreign posting allowance will be paid for such joining time. However, notional D.A will be taken into account for this purpose. 11.0. Travelling Allowance 11.1. For onward journey 11.1.1.Executives permitted to proceed with family will be provided Economy/Entitled Class Air Ticket each at full rates for self and spouse and children above 12 years of age. For children less than 12 years of age, half ticket or concessional ticket in economy/entitled class as actually charged by the Airlines will be provided by the Company. Executives proceeding alone will be provided single economy/entitled class ticket. 11.1.2.Any tax paid by the executive at the port of embarkation shall be reimbursed in full.
P a g e | 64111.1.3.Baggage Allowance @ 25Kgs per ticket (over and above the free allowance given by the airlines) shall be provided. 11.1.4.In addition to the above, additional baggage as indicated below may be availed of by surface/sea: (i). 600 Kgs, if individual is accompanied by family. OR (ii). 300 Kgs, if not accompanied by family. NOTE: The additional baggage as in Rule 11.1.4 above will be allowed to be converted into air freight, subject to the expenditure being entitled to the ocean freight payment. However, this facility will be allowed for return journey only. T.A for journey upto the point of Embarkation/Disembarkation. 11.2.1.Executives transferred from various Units/Divisions of the Company, will be entitled to travel in the class permitted in the T.A Rules of the Company for journey up to the point of embarkation. 11.2.2.Excess baggage within the maximum limit as in Rule 11.1 above can be availed by the executives transferred from a Unit/Division to the point of embarkation for going to the Site abroad as per T.A Rules of the Company. 11.2.3.For return journey For return journey (including from the point of disembarkation), all the entitlements as mentioned in Rule 11.1 and 11.2 shall be admissible. 12.0. Leave 12.1.Executives posted at Project Site shall continue to be governed by Leave Rules of the Company. 13.0. Leave Travel Concession 13.1. For ExecutiveLeave Travel Concession for the blocks of years which have neither been availed by the executive nor adjusted under Rule 15.3 upto the date of an executive’s return to India may be availed of by him on his return or carried forward to the next block available on that date for LTC journeys in India.
P a g e | 64213.2. For Family left behind in India Family members left behind in India will be entitled to avail Leave Travel Concession from the place of their residence in India as per rules. 14.0. Encashment of Earned Leave 14.1.Executives may be allowed to encash their Earned Leave in accordance with the normal rules of the Company and the payment will be made on the basis of pay and Notional Dearness Allowance which they would have drawn had they been serving in India. Encashment of leave earned in India would be made in Indian Currency only and payment on account of encashment of leave earned abroad may be allowed in the country of posting with reference to basic pay and notional Dearness Allowance an executive is in receipt of on the date of sanction and at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of sanction. 15.0. Home Leave Passage 15.1.Home leave passage to the executive and his family for to and fro journeys to India will be admissible after completion of a minimum of one years’ stay in a foreign site provided the leave does not exceed 15 days excluding journey time. 15.2.Executives who are not eligible to take their families can also avail the above facility after serving a tenure of posting of 12 months. 15.3.Journey within India in both the cases will be governed by Leave Travel Concession Rules of the Company and counted against normal Leave Travel Concession entitlement. 15.4.Passage from the Project site to the place of residence of the family in India will be admissible. Part of the journey from the place of posting abroad to the airport in India nearest to the home town may be permitted to be performed by air. 15.5.Executives who after having availed of home leave passage, desire to come back on their own request, before expiry of one year of their availing of home leave passage will be allowed to do so at their own cost. 16.0. Second Home Leave Passage 16.1.When the executives who have not taken their families with them are required to stay at the overseas site for a considerable length of time for the reasons that their continuance at the overseas site is essential in the interest of work, such executives may be granted second home leave passage at an appropriate time after a spell of 12 months’ stay at the site on rejoining duty after availing of the first home leave passage subject to the following conditions: - (a)No home leave passage will be granted to any executive if it falls due within six months of the termination of the contract.
P a g e | 643(b)If after availing home leave passage as above, repatriation of the executive is necessitated on his request, or in the opinion of the Project Manager on grounds of misconduct etc., the cost of home leave passage availed of is liable to be recovered from the executive. This provision will also be applicable to the executive, who comes to India on home leave and are not willing to return to the site for whatever reason. (c)Other provisions regulating the grant of home leave passage as also those applicable to the executives who are eligible to take their families with them to the overseas site will remain unchanged. 17.0. Entitlement of Travelling Allowance On Tour 17.1.For tours within the country of posting, Daily Allowance as prescribed, from time to time, by the CIL will be paid in addition to the road transport, train or air fare, as the case may be, and as decided by the Head of the Project Site. 17.2.For tours outside India (except in the country of posting) as also for tours in India, the executives will be governed by the rules as applicable, from time to time, to other executives working in India. In all cases tours outside the country of posting should have the prior approval of CMD, CIL. 18.0. Payment of Allowance for the first 30 Days If residential accommodation is not provided in the country of posting and the executives are forced to stay in a hotel for the first 30 days of their tenure in the country of posting, Daily Allowance as admissible to the officers of their corresponding status in the Ministry of External Affairs stationed in the country of posting will be admissible. No foreign posting allowance will, however be payable in addition to the Daily Allowance for the said period. 19.0. Leave Spent in India/Places other than the Country of Posting 19.1.Full foreign posting allowance if the period of leave does not exceed 30 days. 19.2.In case the period exceeds 30 days, for such excess periods foreign posting allowance will be admissible @ 50% of the normal rate, upto the period not exceeding 60 days. 19.3.Non-Family Station Allowance, where admissible, will continue to be paid in full for the period of leave upto 60 days only. However, beyond this period, it will not be paid. NOTE: (1)The foreign posting allowance will be payable as per the rules stated above only in respect of leave earned in the country of posting abroad (2)Executives may be permitted to come to India or go to any other country to avail leave. All expenses in connection with their trip to India or any other country will be borne by the executives themselves. No foreign posting allowance will be admissible for the
P a g e | 644entire period if the executives who come to India/go to countries other than the place of posting on leave overstay beyond the sanctioned leave period. 20.0. Payment of Profit Sharing Bonus/Special Incentive Performance The executives posted abroad will be paid Performance Related Pay, if admissible, at the same rates as applicable to the unit/area/subsidiary prior to the present assignment, except in cases where protection is envisaged with reference to the entitlements in the previous Unit/Area as per orders already in force. This payment will be made in Indian Rupees and in India only. Executives recruited by CIL on contract basis in India may be paid Performance Related Pay in Indian currency and those recruited locally may be paid said bonus in the currency of the country abroad. The rate will be the one applicable to Corporate Office executives. 21.0. Repatriation 21.1.For any reasons, except in case of self-sickness, where the executive has been hospitalized during the first year of posting and it has been certified by the Authorized Medical Attendant designated for the purpose that the sickness of the executive concerned is not likely to be cured within a reasonable time and that his repatriation to India is inevitable, if an executive is to be repatriated to India before the expiry of the tenure of posting. (a)Within six months of his posting, he has to bear the cost of passage for both ways i.e. initial onward and return. (b)Beyond six months but within 12 months of his posting abroad, the executives may be reimbursed the expenditure involved in TA/DA and visa fees incurred by them for themselves. (c)In respect of cases falling under (a) and (b) above, they will not however, be entitled to any transfer grant or TA for the family even if the posting in India is to a station other than the one where the family was allowed to stay during the period of their posting abroad. The cost of return passage will also be borne by the executive concerned. (d) In case of death of an executive during the posting in overseas site the full expenditure of the transportation of body, passage money for family etc. will be borne by the company. 21.2.Beyond one year, the executives concerned will be allowed the excess baggage on return passage to the extent it was permitted to be brought by air from India. Other facilities like entitlements of salary advance, joining time, traveling allowance and daily allowance for itself upto the point of embarkation while leaving for India and from the point of disembarkation in India to the place of posting as also traveling allowance for the family if the posting to a station other than the place where the family was permitted to stay during the period of his posting abroad will also be allowed. The executives will, however, not be entitled to the transfer grant.
P a g e | 64521.3.In all the above cases, the executive will be permanently repatriated to India. Mere compliance with the above stipulation does not confer or constitute a right for an executive to get himself repatriated to India from overseas site. This has to be only at the convenience of the Project Site Management. Repatriation under this rule has the effect of forfeiture of other entitlements like excess baggage and transfer grant. 22.0. Recovery of Provident Fund On Indian Pay Plus D.A Provident Fund recovery may be made on the Indian Pay plus notional DA which the executives would have drawn had they been serving in India. 23.0. Indian Payments 23.1.Payments in respect of claims which arise in India such as Basic Pay, HRA, Medical reimbursement in India, etc. shall be made in Indian currency. 23.2.The Divisions will pay the entitlements to the executives upto the date of relief from the Divisions. The joining time pay and allowance, even if the joining time is availed of abroad, will also be paid in Indian Currency. However, the entitlement for the transit (journey) period between India and the country of posting may be claimed either in rupees or in the currency of the country of posting as may be desired by the executive. 23.3.From the foregoing it will be seen that the payments become due to the executives both in foreign currency and in Indian Rupees. Similarly, recoveries also will have to be effected both in foreign currency and Indian currency. 23.4.All the payments and recoveries whether in Foreign Currency or in Indian Rupees detailed in Annexure I (a) and I (b) will be arranged by site offices to have a centralized control. 23.5.For this purpose, Site Office(s) will prepare two bills i.e. one including the payments and recoveries in Foreign Currency and the other including the payments and recoveries due in Indian Rupees. Foreign currency salary will be paid by the site office after effecting the recoveries to be made in foreign currency by corresponding credit of recoveries to Project Manager (Overseas) through intra Division account who will further dispose of the recoveries statement of Foreign recoveries received in support of the credit from site offices by arranging payments to various agencies i.e. Provident Fund etc. 23.6.In the case of bill covering payment and recoveries in Indian rupees, site office will send the passed and checked bill to CIL for onward instruction to the subsidiary/area/unit where the executive is posted for further action. 23.7.Where the payments in Indian Rupees due to the individual are more than the recoveries, the payment due will be arranged by Project Co-coordinator for the sites, by credit to the account of said individual or his nominee authorized to receive the payment in any of the banks in India. If the amount of recoveries is more than the Payments due for a particular month, the same will be held in suspense and adjusted in subsequent month. However, if the recoveries continue to be more than the payments due in Indian Rupees, the individual
P a g e | 646will be required to give a standing authority to Project Co-coordinator to claim its payment from his non-resident account maintained in India. 24.0. Rate of Exchange 24.1.Indian pay and other entitlements stated in rupees and payable in the currency of the country of posting will be converted at the rate of exchange applicable to Indian Embassy executives working in that country. 24.2.Facilities for remittance of savings to India at the prescribed exchange rate, will also made available to executives, at his option through the Project Site Office. This will be subject to the rules of the foreign country applicable to the repatriation of savings to India and the relevant rules of the Government of India. 25.0. Miscellaneous 25.1.Income Tax liability accruing in India or in the Country of posting will be met by the executives themselves and the Company for this purpose will be authorized by them to make deductions from their salaries, if considered necessary. 25.2.The executives may be required to execute an agreement with the Company before they are posted to the overseas site abroad in the form and manner as may be prescribed by the Company from time to time. 25.3.In project sites the company will make arrangement for full boarding and lodging facility. [4]25.4.The company will make arrangement for transportation for all executives from the place of residence to the place of work and back. 26.0. Interpretation The power to interpret these rules is reserved with the Director (P&IR), CIL/ Chairman, CIL and their interpretation will be final. 27.0. Savings This rule can be withdrawn or amended at the discretion of the company without any prior notification and assigning any reason therefore. 4 Amended vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Overseas/66 dated 26.04.2012.
P a g e | 647Annexure I(a)–Payment / Recoveries in Indian Rupees(FOR MARRIED EXECUTIVES)Except Salary all payment/recoveries as done in the last salary paymentPaymentDeductions/RecoveriesFixedVariableFixedVariableOptionalBasic PayPerksAll Statutory DeductionsForeign posting AllowancePRPAny AdvanceLeave EncashmentNon-Family Station AllowanceHRA
P a g e | 648Annexure I (b)–Payment / Recoveries in Foreign Currency(FOR BACHELOR EXECUTIVES)PaymentDeduction/RecoveriesFixedVariableFixedVariableOptionalPayPerksAll statutory deduction Foreign posting allowancePRPRecoveries of advance, if anyLeave encashment
P a g e | 649References 1 OO No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/Overseas/1501 dated 28.09.2010. 2 OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Overseas/66 dated 26.04.2012. 3 OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Overseas/67 dated 27.04.2012. 4 OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Overseas/01 dated 01.01.2015.
Page | 650 Coal India Travelling Allowance Rules 2010 1.0. Title, Commencement, Scope and Applicability 1.1.These rules shall be called the CIL Travelling Allowance Rules & will supersede [1]Coal India Travelling Allowance Rules, 2008 and all subsequent amendments. 1.2.These rules shall come into force in respect of journeys commencing on or after 1st, July’2010. 1.3.Unless otherwise specified these rules shall be applicable to all employees of Coal India (both executive and non-executive) including all employees in its Subsidiary Companies and offices and trainees, probationers and apprentices (other than those engaged under the Apprentices Act 1961) as well as to Board level executives as per terms & conditions of their appointment. 1.4.These Rules shall also apply to employees under contract or agreement with Coal India/its subsidiaries or on deputation to the extent not otherwise specified in the contract or agreement or terms of deputation. 2.0. Savings The Company reserves the right to modify, cancel or amend all or any of these rules or any supplementary rules or a part of a rule or supplementary rule issued in connection with these rules without previous notice of its intention. 3.0. Interpretation The power to interpret these rules is reserved with Director (P&IR), CIL / Chairman, CIL and his /their interpretation will be final.4.0. DefinitionUnless there be anything repugnant in the subject or context, the following terms in these rules are used in the sense herein explained:a)‘Competent Authority’ means the Board of Directors of Coal India or any authority to which the power is delegated. b)‘Company’ means Coal India Limited including Subsidiary Companies and Offices of Coal India Limited. 1Approved by CIL Board in its 257 meeting held on 31 May and 1 June 2010. Communicated vide OO thststNo. CIL/C-5A(vi)/TA/1459 dated 01.07.2010. Previously called as Traveling Allowance Rules 1972 which was then superseded by Coal India Traveling Allowance Rules 1983 & then subsequently as Coal India Traveling Allowance Rules 2008 & then further superseded as Coal India Traveling Allowance Rules 2010.
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