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HR_Manual_CIL 01112021

Published by nitinbiharisaxena, 2022-03-14 08:00:20

Description: HR_Manual_CIL 01112021


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P a g e | 701Annexure II (Clause 1.7.2 (c)(iv)) Managerial and Behavioural Competency framework of the CIL (to be used in Online 360 degree appraisal) Proficiency levels /CompetenciesLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Communication Skill [Communicates articulately and assertively to influence critical stakeholders and strives to achieve a win-win solution]People normally receives the messages accurately what he/she communicates but does minimum required of the message. Able to understand the message which is conveyed. Able to share information effectively through various modes of communication. understandable Able to accurately grasp Able to use the meaning of written/ verbal information. Able to receive and convey the message accurately in an easily manner. different techniques of communication and create a personal interest in a way that, with the received message, people take initiatives and achieve desired results. Able to convey the message convincingly and energize people so that they act towards the goal passionately. Able to inspire and motivate people so that they make extra efforts to act on the message to generate extraordinary outcome beyond expected level. Strategic Orientation [Demonstrates comprehensive business and environment awareness including related laws and rules; develops/aligns self and team to the long term business strategy and overall organizational vision]Able to understand the organisation's strategies and knows objectives of the functional area. Able to achieve departmental goals. Able to relate the work with the strategies of the organisation. Able to translate plans into actions. Able to understand and analyze the business environment, organisational objectives and link the short term goals of the department with long term strategic plan. Able to come out with concrete plans based on the strategic plan involving all stakeholders. Able to manage risks considering organisation. contingency factors for business advantages. Able to formulate functional strategies in line with Vision, Mission and values of the Able to anticipate changes, take advance actions and build organizational capabilities for sustainable and profitable operations.

P a g e | 702Proficiency levels /CompetenciesLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Decision Making [Considering multiple factors able to generate alternative choices. Demonstrates ability to choose the appropriate option from the alternatives keeping in mind the term organization impact.]Able to make timely decisions based on organizational policies, rules and guidelines. Able to take decisions in difficult or complex situations, in a timely manner considering the consequences and risks involved. Able to decide based on evaluated alternatives and accepted criteria keeping on root- cause in mind the long term interest of the organization. Able to come out with alternatives and possible solutions based analysis and similar techniques. Involves stakeholders while taking decisions. Able to take decisions on complex issues even with limited information and also to develop organizational systems for decision making. Able to design and develop checks and balances to determine right decisions. Problem Solving [Demonstrates the ability to focus on the present with the context of the past identifying the elements and relationships of a problem in a systematic way and provide an amicable solution that creates value for all the stakeholders.]Able to encourage employees to resolve problems on their own through various techniques. Able to analyse situations, identify key issues and solve problems that arise out of work. Able to assess problem accurately and arrive at a solution. Able to take initiative and techniques to resolve problems with minimal assistance from others. Able to identify problems, use problem solving tools to solve the problems and prevent the chances of reoccurrence. Able to take proactive measures to identify potential areas of problems and initiate measures through to address them by taking into consideration all stakeholders. Able to develop and implement innovative problem solving mechanisms systems and processes and build capabilities among the employees to solve problems at their respective levels. Able to anticipate problems & take proactive measures.

P a g e | 703Proficiency levels /CompetenciesLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Analytical Ability [Demonstrates capability to collate and process data using appropriate tools and techniques to derive meanings and logical links to relationship, work and business.]Able to identify critical information, interpret and use information to draw sound conclusions based upon a analysis. Able to develop conceptual frameworks. Able to tackle a problem by using a logical and systematic approach. Able to identify connections & patterns in information/ data and underlying issues in complex situation. Able to use data analysis tools and techniques; Collate data and convert them into useful information. Able to see meaning in the existing data and interpret them for organizational use. Able to derive insights and creative ideas & solutions from the available data and is also able to derive conclusions even with limited data. Able to generate multiple scenarios for the organization from the way it has existed in the past. Able to arrive at innovative solutions from the existing database management system [MIS]. Team Leadership [Provides direction and support, encourages team work, inspires and motivates team and manages conflict to accomplish group objectives while focusing on capability enhancement of the team]Able to lead people towards meeting the organization's vision, mission, and goals. Able to motivate and bring about high results from the subordinates. Able to provide clear directions and priorities to teams. Able to influence, develop and keep the team members motivated to perform and self-development. Able to define team goals, inspire subordinates to achieve them and bring about high results. Able to reach out and achieve exceptional results involving capabilities related stakeholders in the organization. sustain Able to design and implement empowering systems and processes to develop organisational capabilities. Able to build leadership among team members to outstanding performance and prepare them to take up key roles in future. Collaboration and Coordination [Builds collaborative partnerships with internal and external stakeholders and leverages relations through networking to meet organizational objectives]Able to work cooperatively with others as a team. Able to initiate collaboration with others and assists others in the delivery of their work. Able to contribute positively towards the achievement of team objectives. Able to coordinate within organization to determine required resources to support goals. Able to build relationships with people whose assistance, cooperation and support may be needed. Able to collaborate and collaborative mobilize resources aligning with the elements of leverages work required for accomplishing the goal. Able to identify the key persons who can deliver respective parts to mitigate the of the job and Able to build partnerships with stakeholders and processes relationship to meet organizational objectives. Able to foresee potential pitfalls and devise alternative plans same for timely Able to institutionalize empowering systems and whereby people in the organization develop collaboration and coordination capabilities to execute complex tasks

P a g e | 704Proficiency levels /CompetenciesLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Able to support constructive resolution of conflicts. if required, is able to chip in and perform the job. achievements of milestones. and implement projects. Innovation [Generates ideas and implement them at work improving operational efficiency and organizational effectiveness]Able to find newer and efficient ways to accomplish the day to day tasks. Able to develop a new method, procedure or approach. Able to develop better, faster, or less expensive ways to do things. Able to look at the routine work processes innovative work & systems and find ways of improving the same. Able to re-engineer the existing practices and remove non-value adding practices. Able to create new concepts and come up with innovative ideas Able to design and implement practices using new methods and benchmarking the same. Able to leverage the technology & techniques and embrace them for continuous improvement. Able to design programmes through which innovative work practices are identified, encouraged and adopted across the organization. Able to involve expert agencies to undertake projects that can lead to innovation. Able to implement mechanisms in the organization wherein employees can experiment, learn and contribute. Change Orientation [Demonstrates a desire for better future and takes initiatives to achieve the same by managing and championing change and learning processes]Able to make employees develop a clear understanding of what they will need to do differently, as a result of changes in the organization. Able to rapidly adapt to new information or changing conditions. Able to handle resistance to change, remove barriers and get the necessary resources to implement change. Able to to accept establish processes to ensure the orderly implementation of change. Able to question the status quo with the view to move towards desired direction. Able changes willingly. Able to understand change requirements and support others in their change initiatives. Able to periodically scan the environment and champion explore the new, taking into consideration changes required within and in the organization. Able to advocate changes from time to time to meet the business challenges and organizational sustainability. Able to changes by involving change agents outside the organization.

P a g e | 705Proficiency levels /CompetenciesLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Planning [Able to see the big picture and devise mechanisms to achieve the short term targets leading to the end goal with cost benefit advantages within certain limits. Able to create work schedules, prioritises works, prepare in advance and sets realistic timescales to achieve goals. Able to identify and gather necessary information. Able to develop specific, measurable steps leading toward the accomplishment organizational of the organization's long-term goals. the short term Able to see the ‘Big Picture’ of the work in the organizational context. Able to concretize the work in the context of the strategies. Able decisions to to see clearly goals keeping in pace with the time. Able to devise tools and mechanisms by which long term plan of the organization is translated into work related plans. Able to take trade off derive a plan that is workable and bringing cost benefit advantages. Able to demonstrate the links with the achieved goals in line with the organizational strategy/plan. Able to come out with alternative plans to meet the contingency requirements of the business. Organizing [Demonstrates ability to prioritize and handle routine and contingencies to meet set goals and objectives within defined timelines to achieve operational efficiency.]Able to use all the available resources efficiently and effectively. Able to review and monitor the progress and adapts necessary changes to ensure meet goals. effective meeting of the goals. Able to identify key persons who can deliver outcomes in time. Able to effectively assign appropriate resources to Able to understand the ‘whole’ and factors that leads to it and unite the interdependent parts. Able to group activities, prioritize and focus on critical activities that have maximum impact on the end goal. Able to use techniques like CPM, PERT, etc. Able to review and monitor the progress and adapt necessary changes to ensure goals are achieved efficiently. Able to mobilize and optimize the use of resources keeping in mind the cost benefit analysis. Able to build capabilities in members to improve and sustain similar performance in future. Able to develop mechanisms and systems through which execution excellence is institutionalized in the organization. Result Orientation [Demonstrates drive for results and ensure that operating practices and performance results adhere to high standards of efficiency and excellence.]Able to achieve the goals within the scheduled time. Able to assign clear goals achieve and responsibilities to tasks and goals. employees. Able to focus on the desired result and strive to consistently excellence in all results at Able to support employees in their efforts to achieve goals. Able to understand the processes involved in achieving various stages. Able to set clear standards of performance, identify non value adding processes and Able to bring improvement in business processes that can create and add value to the outcome. Values who contribute synergy and bring out excellent outcome with collaboration and handholding. Able to build a performance driven culture by recognizing and rewarding people those at various levels. Able to institutionalize a culture of result orientation by

P a g e | 706Proficiency levels /CompetenciesLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 re- engineer the same to obtain the desired outcome. putting in place systems and processes that are suitable from time to time. Able to establish clear targets and measures to track progress against the goals. Business Accumen [Understands the tie between revenue and expenses; utilizes financial data and information to make sound business decisions that promote cost consciousness, profitability, revenue and growth]Able to understand the market in which the business operates. Knows the basics of the market and business context. Able to spot trends in the market, anticipate changes and capitalize so as to benefit the organisation. Able to understand and keep up-to-date on local, national, and international policies and trends that affect the organization and shape stakeholders' views; is aware of the organization's impact on the external environment. Able to use existing resources and bring in additional revenues. Able to generate additional revenue by reducing cost of operation. Able to identify and tinker on variables that can factor in for higher efficiency leading to profitability. Able to negotiate with stakeholders to derive maximum opportunities advantage to the organization. Able to take calculated risks to capitalize the best from the available situation. Able to sense and seize business and take advantage of the same. Able to lead the competition by bringing in appropriate mechanisms that can sense market scenario, understand financial impact and positioning accordingly.

P a g e | 707Proficiency levels /CompetenciesLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Technical Expertise [Demonstrates knowledge of rules and laws, systems and processes, functional domain and IT applications in order to carry out the assigned role with conviction.]Able to take steps to develop skills needed for effectiveness in the job. Able to demonstrate depth of knowledge and skill in technical area. Able to share expertise with others. Able to apply technical knowledge to work situations. Able to provide advice or solutions in his/her technical the skills area. Able to remain current with knowledge and use of latest technology. Updates oneself with required for the technology into latest technology. Able to solve operational problems innovatively using appropriate knowledge. Makes effort to bring in latest one's area of operation. Able to realign the processes and systems in line with the professional advancement. Creating an environment where new knowledge can flourish and adopted. Customer/ Service Orientation [Demonstrates passion and willingness to meet the expectations of internal and external customers even when expectations may be seen as unreasonable]Able to demonstrate concern for satisfying customers/ stakeholders. Able to quickly and effectively solve customer/ stakeholders problems and deliver on service commitments. Able to serve and build value- identify key added relationships with customers/ stakeholders. Able to customers/ stakeholder and take initiative to provide them with value added services. delight. Able to Takes feedback make the from the customers/ stakeholder and understands the inputs to tailor customer/ stakeholder requirements and demands. Able to deliver on the promises made to the customer/ stakeholder resulting into customer/ stakeholder customer/ stakeholder, a part of the team and receive make the product/services. way of Able to establish systems and processes through which customer/ service orientation becomes a culture in the organization and institutionalize stakeholder/ customer orientation as conducting the business of the organization. People Development [Demonstrates willingness to coach and develop Abilities among subordinates through Knowledge sharing, continuous feedback, training, etc. Create an atmosphere of learning, open sharing, providing Able to identify areas for individual development among employees and provide feedback & guidance for development. Able to learn from the opportunities provided. Able to delegate Able to share responsibilities and provide opportunities for learning. Able to coach employees to develop their capabilities and share key learnings. knowledge and provide the right guidance to the employees. Able to encourage them to upgrade their existing knowledge from time to time, to learn new skills and acquire new learnings. Able to coach and mentor the subordinates in order to help them perform better. Able to evaluate performance, provide feedback and training to overcome the gaps and encourage the subordinates to reach their full potential. Able to provide workplace that Able to institutionalize systems and process through which continuous learning is facilitated. Able to develop and retain talent and build future leaders.

P a g e | 708Proficiency levels /CompetenciesLevel 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 opportunities to work on multiple tasks and taking higher responsibilities.]fosters the development of others. Each individual will be assessed by the following and their weightage of assessment are as given below: Sl. No. Assessor Weightage 1 Reviewing Authority (Rev.A) 40% 2 Reporting Authority (RA) 30% 3 2 peers nominated by RA a) One from the same department b) One from cross functional department having collaborative dealing with the concerned department 10% 10% 4 2 subordinates nominated by RA 5% 5% Total 100% If subordinate/ peer is not available in the same department, the RA will nominate alternate Executives from other departments with whom the concerned Executive is required to deal with by virtue of his duties and responsibilities.

P a g e | 709Annexure III (Clause 1.8 (a))(A) CIL Leadership Competencies 1.Strategic orientation 2.Customer focus 3.Value orientation 4.Business Acumen 5.Change Orientation 6.Sustainability 7.Team leadership 8.People development 9.Operational excellence (B) CIL Strategic Capabilities 1.Project management 2.Contract management 3.Risk management 4.Occupational health 5.Sustainability 6.Land acquisition, R&R 7.Safety Management 8.Environment management 9.Continuous Improvement Programs (5S, Kaizen, 6 Sigma, Quality Circles, Operations research, Analytical tools etc.) 10. IT programs on operations research packages, statistical tools, ERP etc. 11. Soft skills 12. Corporate communication and image building

P a g e | 71013. Mentoring and coaching 14. Boundary Management 15. Quality Management 16. Stakeholder management 17. Change management 18. Strategic Planning 19. Logistic Management

P a g e | 711Annexure IV (Clause 1.8 (b)) Junior Boards (JBs) (Talent grooming initiative of CIL) A Junior Board is a panel of Executives formed from the talent pool created under the Scheme. Number of members in a JB would be as provided in the table below. The JB would undergo the grooming process as provided in the table. Sl.noBoards/ Decision making bodiesMembers of Junior BoardNo of meetings per JBGrooming process1CIL Board2 executives (E7/E8) from each subsidiary. Multi-disciplinary4•Selected CIL Board level agenda items of strategic importance to be given to the JB.•JB to deliberate the items and come out with their decisions.•JB members will attend the CIL Board meeting on the agenda items and observe the board deliberations.•CIL Board may assign improvement projects for study by JB and call for its report.2CIL Functional Director level co-ordination meeting2 executives (E7/E8) from each subsidiary. Same discipline4•Selected agenda items of strategic importance to be given to the JB•JB to deliberate the items and come out with their decisions•JB members will attend the co-ordination meeting on the agenda items and observe deliberations.•Directors may assign improvement projects for study by JB and call for its report.

P a g e | 7123Subsidiary Board15 executives (E6/ E7) from subsidiary. Multi-disciplinary4•Selected Board level agenda items of strategic importance to be given to the JB.•JB to deliberate the items and come out with their decisions.•JB members will attend the Board meeting on the agenda items and observe the board deliberations.•Board may assign improvement projects for study by JB and call for its report.4Subsidiary Functional Director level co-ordination meeting2 executives (E3/ E4/ E5) from each area. Same discipline3•Agenda to be circulated in advance•JB to be allowed to participate at the meeting.•JB to observe and express their views.•Specific improvement projects to be assigned to teams in the JB for subsequent deliberations5CMD level co-ordination meetings with AGMs/ HoDs2 executives (E3/ E4/ E5) from each area. Multi discipline3•Agenda to be circulated in advance.•JB to be allowed to participate at the meeting.•JB to observe and express their views.•Specific improvement projects to be assigned to teams in the JB for subsequent deliberations6Area GM level coordination meetings15 executives from the area (E2/ E3/ E4) 3•JBs to participate at the meetings and observe and give their views.•AGM to assign specific projects of continuous improvement.•JBs can identify areas of improvement and come out with suggestions and present at the meetings.7Company level JCC10 executives (E2/ E3/ E4)2•JBs to participate at the meetings and observe and give their views.•JBs to study IR related issues and suggest proactive and strategic IR practices.•JBs to study employee relation related issues and suggest solutions for improvement.

P a g e | 7138Company level Safety board10 executives (E2/ E3/ E4)2•JBs to participate at the meetings and observe and give their views.•JBs to undertake safety related projects and present the outcome at the meetings.•JBs to collate best practices in safety and share at the meetings.•Safety improvement projects to be assigned to JBs9Company level welfare board10 executives (E2/ E3/ E4)2•JBs to participate at the meetings and observe and give their views.•JBs to study various organisational studies on trust index, employee engagement, employee satisfaction etc. and develop improvement projects and present at the meetings. •Subsidiaries to have a Talent Grooming Panel (TGP), a panel of Functional Directors of the concerned Company headed by the senior most Director. •The TGP to constitute JBs, for all the Boards/ decision making bodies, from the talent pool created under the Scheme.•TGP to monitor the grooming process.

P a g e | 714Operational Guidelines for implementation of CIL Talent Management Policy 2.1.CIL & its Subsidiaries will develop talent management plans as per CIL Talent “Management Policy for all critical positions within the Organization, identified ”from time to time, to ensure that the positions that are critical to the core activities of a function are occupied by Executives ready for it and thereby a leadership pipeline is created through accelerated development process. 2.2.The planning of the Talent Management Process would be done and coordinated by the Human Resource Development (HRD) Department of CIL & its Subsidiaries through the following Panels/ Committees: a. Talent Grooming Panel CIL (HQ) & its Subsidiaries will have a different Talent Grooming Panel (TGP) consisting of the concerned Functional Directors which will be headed by the senior most Functional Director. This panel will oversee effective implementation of CIL Talent Management Policy in their respective Company and review the process from time to time and take appropriate action for effective implementation. b. Talent Management Committees CIL (HQ) & its Subsidiaries will have different Talent Management Committees for selection of candidates from among the talent pool to the critical positions as prescribed under the Policy. 2.3. Identification of Critical Positions/ Roles The critical positions/ roles in the Organization have been identified through value chain analysis and based on the criticality of the roles/ positions to the core functions. A list of critical positions and their success profile are provided in Annexure I of the Policy. The TGP of CIL(HQ) & its Subsidiaries would review the list from time to time for addition/ deletion depending on their concerned business imperatives. 2.4. Creation of Talent Pool The talent pool, as provided in the Policy, will be created for accelerated grooming of the Executives for taking up the higher roles and responsibilities. Creation of such talent pool will be for a period of 4 years and the Executives in the talent pool will undergo the grooming process as under: a.All Executives upto the promotion of E5 level will be considered in the pool without any screening and will undergo the grooming process as provided in the Policy. b.In the case of Executives in E5 & above grades, the pool will be created in a ratio of 1:3 i.e., for every identified critical position, 3 potential Executives would be selected for the talent pool by applying the following criteria as provided under the Policy:

P a g e | 715Candidate assessment criteria for Talent ManagementElements of assessmentE5 & E6E7 & E8PMS rating for 4 years 40 40 Field Experience20 15 Corporate Experience NA 5 Additional qualification (Post appointment)5 5 Potential assessment25 30 Trainings undergone in the preceding 4 years10 5 Total100100i. PMS Rating for 4 years Executives must have acquired a minimum average of 75% marks in the preceding 4 years’ PMS rating with atleast 2 ‘Outstanding’ ratings. The assessment marks under the assessment element of PMS to be computed based on the aggregate of the last 4 years PRIDE/ PAR rating as under: Example: If the ratings for the last 4 years of a E8 grade Executive are (A)First Year : 4.2 (5 to 1 PRIDE Pre-revised Scale, 5 being the best) (B)Second Year : 3.5 (5 to 1 PRIDE Pre-revised Scale, 5 being the best) (C)Third Year : 2 (1 to 5 Scale PRIDE Revised Scale, 1 being the best) (D)Fourth Year : 91 (1 to 100 PAR Revised Scale, 100 being the best) Then for calculation purposes, all the scores have to be converted to ascending 1 to 100 scale, 100 being the best. The Rating Scales are as under:

P a g e | 716Rating 5 to 1 PRIDE 1 to 5 PRIDE 1 to 100 PAR Pre-revised Scale Revised Scale Revised Scale Outstanding 4.00 to 5.00 1.00 to 1.50 90 to 100 Very Good 3.00 to 3.99 1.51 to 2.50 70 to 89 Good 2.00 to 2.99 2.51 to 3.50 50 to 69 Fair 1.25 to 1.99 3.51 to 4.50 33 to 49 Poor 0 to 1.24 4.51 to 5.00 0 to 32 (A) Conversion of First Year - 4.2 score in 5 to 1 Scale (5 being the best) to 1 to 100 Scale If, 5 100, then 4.2 X X = (4.2 * 100)/ 5 = 84 Hence, the converted score of 4.2 in 5 to 1 scale = 84 in ascending 1 to 100 scale. (B) Conversion of Second Year 3.5 score in 5 to 1 Scale (5 being the –best) to 1 to 100 Scale If, 5 100, then 3.5 X X = (3.5 * 100)/ 5 = 70 Hence, the converted score of 3.5 in 5 to 1 scale = 70 in ascending 1 to 100 scale. (C) Conversion of Third Year 2 score in 1 to 5 Scale (1 being the best) –to 1 to 100 Scale For computing direct proportions, descending 1 to 5 scale (1 being the best) has to be first converted into ascending 5 to 1 scale (5 being the best). If, 1 in 1 to 5 scale 5 in 5 to 1 scale, then the conversion factor is 6 minus the score i.e., [6 - 1] 5 Therefore, the score 2 in 1 to 5 scale (1 being the best) is converted to 5 to 1 scale (5 being the best) as under: [6 2] 4 –Then the score 4 in 5 to 1 scale (5 being the best) is converted to 1 to 100 scale as under: If, 5 100, then 4 X 

P a g e | 717X = (4* 100)/ 5 = 80 (D) Fourth Year 91 score is already in 1 to 100 Scale –Hence, the converted scores would be First Year : 84 Second Year : 70 Third Year : 80 Fourth Year : 91 The aggregate score = 84 + 70 + 80 + 91 = 325 out of 400 Percentage = (325/400) * 100 = 81.25 % The said E8 Executive has scored more than the minimum average of 75% marks in the preceding 4 years with atleast 2 Outstanding ratings i.e., in First & Fourth Year. Hence eligible to be considered for talent pool. PMS rating score out of 40 = 81.25 % of 40 = 32.5 ii. Field/ Corporate Experience For computing field/ corporate experience, 1 mark will be awarded for every completed six months of service in the field/ corporate HQs. In any case, the marks awarded on this account will not exceed maximum marks as per the table above. Any lesser period is to be ignored. The ‘Corporat Experience’e means working experience of an Executive in Corporate Hd. Qtrs. of CIL and/ or Subsidiaries or other establishments directly attached to such Hd. Qtrs. as defined by the Subsidiaries. ‘Field experience’ means working experience in Field other than the Corporate offices as defined above. However, the experience in RSOs, NDLOs, Subsidiary Desk Offices, Ministries, etc. shall neither be considered as Field nor Corporate experience for computation of marks under this criteria. Example: If an E8 grade Executive is having a total of 31 years’ experience and out of which 29 years & 2 months in Field and 1 year & 10 months in Corporate HQ, then the score against Field and Corporate Experience would be calculated as under: Field Experience 29 years & 2 months = [(29 * 2) * 1] + [2 * 0] Field Experience Score = 58 + 0 = 58 (limited to max score 15) = 15

P a g e | 718Corporate Experience 1 year & 10 months = [(1 * 2) * 1] + [1 *1] + [4 * 0] Field Experience Score = 2 + 1 + 0 = 3 (limited to max score 5) = 3 iii. Additional Qualification Additional Qualification is a recognized qualification (degree/ diploma or short term courses of duration not less than three months) acquired by an Executive, post appointment, either in his own field or cross functional qualification. They can be acquired from any registered body, either through full time, part time, correspondence, virtual classes etc. A degree will carry full marks, a diploma course 4 marks and a short term course 3 marks. In any case, the marks awarded on this account will not exceed maximum marks as per the table above. Example: If an E8 grade Executive has acquired recognized qualifications like a diploma and a short term course post appointment, then the score against Additional Qualification is calculated as under: Diploma = 4 marks Short term Course = 3 marks Additional Qualification Score = 4 + 3 = 7 (limited to max score 5) = 5. iv. Potential Assessment: Potential Assessment will be done through 360-degree method internally and through Assessment Development Centers through external agency/ resource persons once in four years. 40% weightage will be given for internal score and 60% weightage for the external score. The aggregate score shall be valid for 4 years. Till the time potential assessment is done through an external agency, the talent management may be conducted only on the basis of the internal assessment. The Competency framework for potential assessment is provided at Annexure II of the Policy. Based on the identified 16 competencies, every Executive will be assessed by the internal assessors in the scale of 5 to 1 corresponding to the Proficiency levels, 5 being the best. The weightage of assessment will be as under:

P a g e | 719Sl. Assessor Weightage 1 Reviewing Authority (Rev.A) 40% 2 Reporting Authority (RA) 30% 3 2 peers nominated by RA a) One from the same department b) One from cross functional department having collaborative dealing with the concerned department 10% 10% 4 2 subordinates nominated by RA 5% 5% Total 100% If subordinate/ peer is not available in the same Department, the RA will nominate alternate Executives from other Departments with whom the concerned Executive is required to deal with by virtue of his/ her duties and responsibilities. The entire internal assessment exercise will be done through online Human Resource Management System (HRMS) every four years. Till the time, online System is kept in place, the said exercise would be done manually by the concerned HRD Department of CIL & its Subsidiaries. Example: The internal competency assessment score for an E8 grade Executive, who acquired the following scores from his/ her internal assessors, would be computed as under:

P a g e | 720Competencies AA Score (40% weightage) weightage) RA Score (30% Peer Score 1 (10% weightage) Peer Score 2 (10% weightage) Subordinate Score 1 (5% weightage) Subordinate Score 2 (5% weightage) Communication Skill 5 4 3 4 1 2 Strategic Orientation 5 4 3 4 1 5 Decision Making 4 4 3 4 1 1 Problem Solving 4 4 3 4 1 4 Analytical Ability 4 4 3 4 2 4 Team Leadership 4 4 3 4 5 4 Collaboration & Coordination 4 5 3 4 1 4 Innovation 4 5 3 5 4 4 Change Orientation 4 5 3 5 4 4 Planning 4 5 4 5 5 5 Organizing 4 5 4 5 4 5 Result Orientation 4 5 4 5 4 5 Business Acumen 4 5 4 5 4 4 Technical Expertise 4 5 4 5 3 4 Customer/ Service Orientation 4 5 4 5 2 4 People Development 4 5 4 5 2 3 Total Score out of 80 66 74 55 73 44 62 Weighted Score 26.4 22.2 5.5 7.3 2.2 3.1 Final Competency Score of internal assessment = 26.4 + 22.2 + 5.5 + 7.3 + 2.2 + 3.1 = 66.7 out of 80. Percentage = (66.7/80) * 100 = 83.38 % If the Potential assessment score would be based only on internal assessment, then the score of the E8 Executive would be 83.38% of 30 i.e., 25.01.

P a g e | 721v. Trainings undergone in the preceding 4 years: An Executive is expected to complete 90 training hours in a training cycle of 4 years. The score on training undergone in a training cycle would be as below: Training hours Score % 90 hours100 75 to 89 hours80 50 to 74 hours50 25 to 49 hours30 Less than 25 hours20 Example: If an E8 grade Executive has undergone training for a period of 70 hours in the preceding 4 years, then the training score would be 50 % of 5 i.e., 2.5. The total score would be calculated as a summation of six elements of assessment. Example: Total assessment score for the E8 grade Executive would be as under: Elements of assessment Score out of 100 PMS rating for 4 years 32.5 Field Experience 15 Corporate Experience 3 Additional Qualification (post appointment) 5 Potential assessment 25.01 Trainings undergone in the preceding 4 years 2.5 Total Assessment Score 83.01 Likewise, the scores of all such eligible Executives will be computed and arranged in the descending order for selection of the top performers in the ratio of 1:3, as mentioned in para 4 (b) of the guidelines, for the talent pool. While selecting the top performers, if tie arises then the tie will be broken by applying the following criteria as per the order: (a) Executives having larger period of service left with to be considered as topper. (b) Inter-se seniority of the Executive, senior being the topper.

P a g e | 7222.5. Development Interventions The Executives selected for the talent pool will be put through rigorous development process for accelerating their learning. Based on the requirements, Executives in the talent pool will be subjected to some of the development interventions as under: a. Training The Executives in the talent pool of CIL & its Subsidiaries would be subjected to accelerated development programmes in CIL Leadership Competencies and CIL Strategic Capabilities as provided in Annexure III of the Policy by their respective HRD Departments in collaboration with Indian Institute of Coal Management (IICM)/ other reputed Institutes like IIMs, IITs, XLRI, etc. b. Junior Boards Junior Board is a panel of Executives formed from the talent pool for giving wider exposure on the functioning of higher roles of the Organization. It will be constituted by the concerned TGPs of CIL & its Subsidiaries for undergoing the grooming process as prescribed in Annexure IV of the Policy. c. Cross-Functional Exposure Opportunities for cross-functional experience would be provided by the concerned TGPs to the selected pool by deploying them in cross functional areas for a duration up to 1 year. Applications may be invited from the pool for deployment in cross functional areas such as HR, Finance, Material Management, Community Development/ CSR, Environment & Forest, Marketing & Sales, Public Relations, Project Planning, Industrial Engineering, IICM, Contract Management, Corporate Planning, ERP, New Technology, HRD, etc. Such deployment will be preceded by a class room training of appropriate duration. d. Individual Development Plan HRD Department of CIL & its Subsidiaries will develop Individual Development Plan (IDP) for all the selected pool of Executives. An IDP would contain the following details: i. Particulars of the Executives ii. Performance for Last 4 years iii. Potential Assessment Score iv. Area of Strength v. Area of Improvement vi. Training Needs identified vii. Proposed grooming intervention e. Exposure to Innovative Projects Executives in the talent pool will be assigned or allowed to undertake projects in the new initiatives, case study, R&D projects etc. by the concerned TGPs.

P a g e | 723f. Mentoring Where ever needed, the Executives in the talent pool would be allowed to have a Mentor in the Organization as per the provisions of the CIL Executive “Mentoring Scheme of the Company. ”2.6. Selection of Candidates for Critical Roles CIL & its Subsidiaries will select panel of Executives from the talent pool for their posting on critical roles in each discipline for grades E5 & above after completion of the above mentioned developmental interventions for a cycle period of 4 years through Talent Management Committees as provided in the Policy. The Committees shall assess suitability of all the candidates in the talent pool for holding the critical positions based on the overall strength of the candidate, in terms of his knowledge, expertise, abilities and learnings. 2.7.A Talent Management plan for a critical role would consist of a pool of Executives selected for the role and proposed development plan for each or group of Executives. The plan will remain valid for a period of 4 years. 2.8.D(P&IR), CIL shall make suitable modifications in the Operational guidelines to address the needs emerging out of operational requirements.

P a g e | 724References 1 CIL OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Talent Mgmt/399 dated 20.03.2020. 2 CIL OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)ED Post/441 dated 25.06.2020.

P a g e | 725CIL Executive Communication Policy [1]1.0. Title and Commencement This policy shall be called as ‘CIL Executive Communication Policy’. It shall come into force with immediate effect. 2.0. PhilosophyCIL believes that clear, transparent, coordinated and timely employee communication is important for enhancing and streamlining internal communications to reinforce Company’s vision and strategic priorities. The people in the organization need to think, feel and act in order to make the goals a reality. Executives should hold right perception, attitude and have trust in the Organization. Executives in CIL inherently have an ownership of their jobs, and the Company honours that ownership and helps make the Executive smarter, a more intelligent, and confident and a broad-thinking partner in the business of the Company. This Policy is intended to provide a framework for good communication within the work environment of the Company. The purpose is to ensure that the Executives of the Organization are well informed, understand how the Company operates, support each other, carry out their daily tasks efficiently and effectively. 3.0. Scope and Applicability This Policy applies to the internal communications happening between the Executives of the Company in their day to day activities. It does not apply to external communications with the stakeholders or the media. 4.0. Communication MediumsCIL will engage the following mediums to articulate its vision and to realize the objectives of the Policy: a) Corporate News CIL thrives to provide all its employees and stakeholders with clear, honest and transparent communication. Coal India will use social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook to showcase its corporate news, achievements, events, happenings, good practices, CSR, etc. The Twitter handle (@CoalIndiaHQ) and Facebook page (@coalindiaHQ) of Coal India are verified by Twitter and Facebook respectively. These apps will 1 Communicated vide CIL/C5A(PC)/Communication/ 372 dated 17.02.2020.

P a g e | 726be updated every day by CC&PR Department of CIL to connect most of the target audience comprising of employees and stake holders across the globe. b) CIL Intra-communication Portal CIL will develop an intra-communication portal for Executive communications, including breaking company news and announcements, compensation and benefits information, employee details, corporate policies, etc. The underlying objective is to empower Executives with the knowledge and ability to access relevant information to help them perform effectively and efficiently in their job roles. The portal would connect Executives across CIL & its Subsidiaries. All Executives will be provided with Login Id and password for the Company's Intra-communication portal. The System Department of CIL will be the Nodal Department for the administration of the portal. c) Open forum with Leaders of the Company On special occasions, the Leaders of the Company (CMDs/ Directors/ HoDs) will address the employees of the Company in an open forum. In such open forums, the concerns, ideas and future goals of the Organization would be discussed to establish proper communication among the Executives on those issues. d) Video uploads The Chairman, CIL & the CMDs of Subsidiaries would address employees on all important occasions such as Independence day, Republic Day, Foundation day, etc. through video uploads in the Company's portal and social media. e) e-Communication e-Communication has already acquired prominence among all the communication modes. CIL provides corporate e-Mail ids to all Executives for faster and effective communication. As a part of e-initiatives, CIL has already started implementing e-Office in CIL & its Subsidiaries. The use of e-Office for all internal official communications between CIL & its Subsidiaries will be encouraged for maintaining more transparency and accountability in the day to day functions of the Company.

P a g e | 727Company’s circulars/ guidelines/ policies, etc. would be uploaded in the portal of CIL for ready references to the Executives of the Company. 5.0. Interpretation The power to interpret the Policy is reserved with the Director (P&IR), CIL and his/ her interpretation will be final. 6.0. Savings Chairman, CIL reserves the right to relax, alter, amend or withdraw partly or fully any of the provisions of this policy as and when needed for the reasons to be recorded in writing.

P a g e | 728References 1 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Communication/372 dated 17.02.2020.

P a g e | 729Retirement & Exits [1]1.1.The service of an employee may cease in any of the following conditions:(1) Superannuation (2) Resignation: (3) Completion of specified period of employment; (4) Removal/dismissal in terms of the Conduct, Discipline and appeal Rules of the Company; and (5) Termination of services in accordance with the contract of employment. 1.2. Superannuation [2]1.2.1.(a) The executives of the company below Board level shall retire on the afternoon of the last date of the month in which he attains the age of sixty years, which is the normal age of superannuation. However, below Board level employees whose date of birth is the first of the month, shall retire from the service on the afternoon of the last date of the proceedings month on attaining the age of sixty years. (b) There shall be complete ban on extension of service beyond the age of superannuation i.e. sixty years. 1.2.2.(a) If the last day of the month happens to be a closed holiday, the retiring employee should formally relinquish charge of office in the afternoon of the last day itself. In cases in which handing over of cash, stores, etc. is involved, this may be made over by the retiring officer to the relieving officer of office on the close of the previous working day. Thereafter, the actual relinquishment of charge of office should be made on the last day of service for which the physical presence of the retiring officer is not required. (b) Retirement on attaining the age of 60 is automatic and, in the absence of specific orders to the contrary by the competent authority, an executive of the company must retire on that date. He/She should hand over charge on the due date to the Head of the Department / Competent Authority. A notice in the form No. R-I, Annexure- I, may be issued to the concerned executive intimating the date of his retirement at least six months in advance in order to enable him to plan his post-retirement activities. Copies of the notice may be endorsed to the pay office concerned and the Personnel Division of Coal India Limited Headquarters. 1 As per 2 edition of Common Coal Cadre (Chapter XV) bearing amendments upto 30.11.1984. nd2 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/CCC/20 dated 27.05.1998.

P a g e | 730Note: (1)No executive, however, can take advantage of non-receipt of formal notice or orders regarding his release, etc. to say that he has been granted extension of service. Retirement on attaining the age of superannuation is automatic. (2)In order to ensure quick settlement of retirement dues to the executives it is necessary to initiate action in this regard 6 months in advance. 1.3. Resignation An employee may resign from the job by informing the appointing authority through his controlling officer in writing of his intention to do so. While no notice for resignation is required during the initial period of probation on his employment in the company, a temporary employee whose probation period has been closed will have to give at-least one month’s notice or salary in lieu thereof. In the case of the regular employees confirmed in writing, resignation can be submitted only by giving three month’s notice or salary in lieu thereof. The controlling officer will make necessary recommendations to the appointing authority for acceptance or otherwise of the resignation and the employee will be relieved from his duties only after he is communicated the acceptance of resignation in writing. Provided that the Management reserves the right not to accept the resignation of the executives against whom disciplinary proceeding are pending or a decision has been taken by the Competent Authority to issue a charge sheet etc. against him/her. Before the resignation is accepted, necessary ‘NO DEMAND CERTIFICATE’ should be obtained from the concerned accounts section and other areas/ divisions/ sections where the employee was working and/or whose properties where under his control. In respect of an employee who has executed a bond and is undergoing training or serving the period obligatory under the bond, the terms of appointment and the bond will also have to be fulfilled before his resignation is accepted. Note:[3]The resignation cases of all those Executives who tender resignation without completing the required notice period by payment of salary in lieu thereof to be processed only on payment of notice pay along with GST at applicable rates. However, the closed cases of resignation may not be re-opened. 1.4. Completion of Specified period of Employment In the case of an employee re-appointed after attaining the age of 58 years, the services shall stand terminated automatically on completion of the period for which he was re-appointed. Such re-appointment will not ordinarily be beyond the period the employee attains the age of 60 years. 3 Incorporated due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/GST/769 dated 15.09.2021.

P a g e | 7311.5. Removal / dismissal An employee may be removed/ dismissed from service in terms of the provisions of the Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules of the company. 1.6.The contract of employment may be terminated by either side by giving one month/three months’ notice as the case may be in terms of the contract of employment or by paying one month/three month’s pay in lieu of the notice.1.7. Executive Retirement before Superannuation Scheme [4]1.7.1.Scope This scheme shall cover all whole-time Executive cadre employees of Coal India Limited and its Subsidiary companies. 1.7.2.Conditions The Executive cadre employees governed by Coal India’s terms and conditions of service and scales of pay, who have put in not less than 20 years of approved qualifying service including service rendered under the mine/ Company from which the employee was taken over, may retire from Coal India’s service before superannuation subject to the following: (a) The Competent Authority will have absolute discretion to refuse permission to an Executive for retirement before superannuation without assigning any reason. (b) Before an Executive gives notice for early retirement from service, he/ she should satisfy himself by means of a reference to the appropriate authority that he/ she has actually completed 20 years’ qualifying service.(c) An employee shall give notice of at least 3 months to the Competent Authority to retire early from service. A notice of less than 3 months may also be accepted by the Competent Authority in deserving cases. (d) The Company will not have the right to retire any Executive on its own under this Scheme. (e) If an Executive wishes to retire under this Scheme while he/ she is on study leave, the retirement shall take effect from the date of commencement of such leave and the leave salary paid in respect of such leave, shall be recovered from the dues payable to him/ her on early retirement. (f) A notice of early retirement may be withdrawn subsequently only with the approval of the Competent Authority provided the request for such withdrawal is made before the expiry of the notice period. 4 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/VRS/447 dated 04.07.2020. Earlier incorporated vide letter No. C-5A(vi)/50718/425 dated 25.01.1982. Temporary VRS Schemes were introduced OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50718/101 dated 05.11.1998 & OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/VRSMG/238 dated 01.01.2003.

P a g e | 732(g) An Executive against whom disciplinary proceedings are pending/ prosecution sanctioned or contemplated in terms of Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules, 1978, shall not be allowed to retire early under this Scheme. Further, vigilance clearance will be required to allow an Executive to retire early under this Scheme. (h) Executives who would be retiring under Compulsory Retirement should be excluded from the Scheme. (i) DPE guidelines issued in future from time to time in respect of such retirement before attaining the age of superannuation would be applicable. Explanation: [5]For computing the minimum required qualifying service under Executive Retirement before Superannuation Scheme, the services rendered in both Executive and Non-Executive Cadre may be considered for early retirement under the Scheme. 1.7.3.Benefits Executives retiring before attaining the age of superannuation under this Scheme, shall be entitled to all retirement benefits of the Company at par with the Executives on superannuation as per applicable statutes/ DPE guidelines/ rules of the Company for the purpose of Gratuity, CPRMSE, CMPF/ CMPS, defined contribution pension (CIL EDCPS 2007), leave encashment, transfer benefits (TA), etc. All the terminal dues admissible to the Executive shall be settled within one month from the date of the acceptance of the retirement. However, on such retirement, the Executives would not be eligible for any other ex-gratia payment. 1.7.4.Definition of Competent Authority ‘Competent Authority’ for approval of retirement before attaining the age of superannuation shall be the Chairman, CIL. 1.7.5.Commencement of the Scheme The amended Scheme shall come into force with immediate effect. 1.7.6.Interpretation The power to interpret the Scheme is reserved with the Director (P&IR), CIL and his/ her interpretation will be final. 1.7.7.Savings The Chairman, CIL reserves the right to relax, alter, amend or withdraw partly or fully any of the provisions of this policy at his/ her discretion or on administrative grounds in the interest of the Company for reasons to be recorded in writing. 5 Incorporated due to letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Ret.bef.Sn/494 dated 14.10.2020.

P a g e | 7331.8. Pre-mature Retirement [6]Notwithstanding anything contained in any part in the Common Coal Cadre, the Chairman-cum-Managing Director of Coal India Limited shall, if he is of the opinion that it is in the Company’s interest to do so, have the absolute authority to retire any executive by giving him notice of not less than three months in writing or three months’ pay and allowance in lieu of such notice; i) If he/she had entered service before attaining the age of 35 years after –he/she has attained the age of 50 years. ii) In any other cases after he/she has attained the age of 55 years. (i)If on a review of the case either on a representation from the executive concerned retired prematurely or otherwise, it is decided to reinstate the concerned executive in service, the authority ordering re-instatement may regulate the intervening period between the date of pre-mature retirement and the date of reinstatement by the grant of leave of the kind due and admissible, including extraordinary leave; or by treating it as “dies non” depending upon -the facts and circumstances of the case; Provided that the intervening period shall be treated as period spent on duty for all purposes including pay and allowances if it is specifically held by the authority ordering re-instatement that the pre-mature retirement was itself not justified in the circumstances of the case, or, if the order of pre-mature retirement is set aside by a Court of Law. (ii)Where the order of pre-mature retirement is set aside by a Court of Law with specific directions, in regard to regulation of the period between the date of pre-mature retirement and the date of reinstatement and no further appeal is proposed to be filled, the aforesaid period shall be regulated in accordance with the directions of the Court. 1.8.1. Procedure for review for Premature Retirement [7]I. Objective The broad object of the procedure is to provide a framework for fair and impartial implementation of Clause 15.8 of the Common Coal Cadre to weed out Officers of doubtful integrity and Officers who have become inefficient or ineffective with a view to ensure probity and to maintain high standards of efficiency and integrity amongst Executives in the service of the Company. II. Competent Authority The Chairman, CIL, if he is of the opinion that it is in the interest of the Company/ Public interest so to do, has the absolute Authority to retire any Executive of the Company under Clause 15.8 of Common Coal Cadre after following the due procedure prescribed hereunder and by giving notice of not less than three 6 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/250 dated 05.12.1990. 7 Incorporated vide OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Probity/2273 dated 01.09.2017.

P a g e | 734months in writing or three months’ pay and allowances in lieu of such notice, at any time after the Executive has attained the age of 50 years or 55 years, as provided in Clause 15.8 of Common Coal Cadre. III. Procedure for Review In order to ensure that the powers vested in the Authority are exercised fairly and impartially, following procedures and guidelines are prescribed for periodic review of the performance of Executives under the rule of Premature Retirement from the service: 1. Executives to be covered under Review The Executives to be reviewed and their review time shall be as below: [8]Sl. Executives to be considered for No. ReviewReview Time(a)Executives entered service before attaining the age of 35 years 6 months before attaining the age of 50 years (b)In other cases 6 months before attaining the age of 55 years (c)Cases for such yearly review will be processed and placed, by concerned EE division, before IRC in the immediate succeeding quarter in which Performance Appraisal ratings are published by CIL.(d)Executives who have been reviewed under the above clauses shall be reviewed at least once in every subsequent years until their attaining the age of 59 years.(e)Notwithstanding anything contained in (d) above, cases will be placed for review quarterly before the IRC if any adverse information/report on the executive regarding his/her performance, or on his/her conduct, or on his/her health is received. Such quarterly review will also include the new cases as per Clause No. III (2) below.(f) Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, a review may be taken up at any time, in cases where no such review had been undertaken earlier. (g) The records of Executives of CIL who are on deputation to other organization are also required to be reviewed by the Review Committees, if they fall in the above categories, and its recommendations placed before the Competent Authority. 2. Period of Review 8 Amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Probity/512 dated 23.11.2020.

P a g e | 735The review should be carried out 6 months before the date on which an Executive completes the qualifying service for review (50/ 55 years) as per the following calendar. The preparation should begin in advance so that the entire exercise can be completed as per the schedule given below: Sl. Initial Review Final No Committee Review Cases of employees who will be Committee attaining the age of 50/55 years, as the case may be, in the quarter indicated below to be reviewed 1 Jan to March May to June of July to Sept. of the same year. the same year. 2 April to June August to Sept. October to December of the of the same year. same year. 3 July to Sept November to January to March of the next December of the year. same year. 4 Oct to February December to April to June of the next year. March of the next year. 3.In order to ensure that the review is undertaken regularly, it is desirable that the Company should maintain register of the Executives who are due to attain the age of 50/55 years. This register should be scrutinized at the beginning of every quarter by the Head of Executive Establishment department of CIL/subsidiaries. 4. Delayed Review Where the review in accordance with the time schedule as indicated above has not been completed for any reason whatsoever, such review may be undertaken in the subsequent quarter. The Review Committee shall record the reason for delayed review in its report. 5. Review Committees Review shall be conducted at 2 levels; Initial review and Final review through Review Committees as below: a.Review Committees for Executives working in subsidiaries other than CMPDIL: I. Initial Review Committee The review of Executives posted in subsidiaries, other than CMPDIL, shall be conducted by a Committee of the following Directors of the concerned subsidiary.

P a g e | 736i.The Director (Personnel) ii.The Director (Finance) iii.The Director (Technical) /Operations iv.The Director (Technical) /P&P II. Final Review Committee The final review of Executives posted in subsidiaries other than CMPDIL shall be conducted by a Committee of the following Directors of CIL. i.The Director(P&IR), CIL ii.The Director (Finance), CIL iii.The Director (Technical), CIL iv.The Director (Marketing), CIL b.Review Committees for Executives posted in CMPDIL I. Initial Review Committee The review of Executives posted in CMPDIL shall be conducted by a Committee of the following Directors of CMPDIL: i.The Director (Technical)/RD&T ii.The Director (Technical)/P&D iii.The Director (Technical) /ES II. Final Review Committee The final review of Executives posted in CMPDIL shall be conducted by a Committee of the following Directors of CIL: i.The Director(P&IR), CIL ii.The Director (Finance), CIL iii.The Director (Technical), CIL iv.The Director (Marketing), CIL c.Review Committee for Executives posted in CIL In the cases of Executives posted in CIL HQs and the units directly under the administration of CIL, review shall be done at only one level conducted by a Committee of the following Directors of CIL: i.The Director (P&IR), CIL ii.The Director (Finance), CIL iii.The Director (Technical), CIL iv.The Director (Marketing), CIL d.The senior most among the Directors of the above Review Committees will be the Chairman of the concerned Committee.

P a g e | 737e.In the cases of reviews where records reflect adversely on the integrity of Executives, the CVO of CIL or concerned subsidiary, as the case may be, would be associated in such reviews, as a member of the Committee. f.The Review Committees at 5 (a) (I) and 5 (b) (I) shall conduct initial review and will submit their observations & recommendations in confidential sealed cover to the CMD of the respective subsidiary. The CMD of the subsidiary will record his comments on the recommendations of the Committee and forward the entire file in a confidential sealed cover to the Director (P&IR), CIL. g.The Review Committee at 5 (c) shall conduct the review and submit its recommendation in confidential sealed cover to the Chairman, CIL. h.The Final Review Committee at 5(a) (II) and 5 (b) (II) shall conduct final review based on the recommendations of the Initial Review Committee and submit its recommendation in confidential sealed cover to the Chairman, CIL. i.All Review Committees may ensure that the prescribed schedule/ calendar for review is strictly followed. 6. Information to be furnished before the Committee The following particulars are to be placed before the Review Committee by the Executive Establishment Department: Sl.No Details to be considered 1 Name of the Executive 2 Designation & grade 3 Date of birth 4 Date of coming to the present post 5 Date of initial appointment 6 Date of completion of 50/55 years 7 Punishment awarded during the service period, if any (details in a separate sheet)

P a g e | 7388 Issues revealing lack of integrity(details in a separate sheet) 9 Details of information on any vigilance enquiry / departmental enquiry pending/ contemplated against him 10 Medical report to be attached 11 Performance rating for last 5 years with remarks, if any 12 Leaves during last five years 7. Guidelines for Review Committees Review Committees should keep the following guidelines in mind while reviewing the cases: (i)Before the cases are put up to the Review Committees, the Personal files of the concerned Officers should be brought up-to-date. (ii)In every review, the entire service records should be considered. The expression ‘service record’ will take in all relevant records and hence, the review should not be confined to the consideration of the EER/PRIDE/PAR dossier. The personal file of the Executive may contain valuable material. Similarly, the work and performance of the Officer could also be assessed by looking into files dealt with by him or in any papers or reports prepared and submitted by him. It would be useful if the Company puts together all the data available about the Executives and prepare a comprehensive brief for consideration by the Review Committee. Even uncommunicated remarks in the EER/PRIDE/PAR may be taken into consideration. (iii)In the case of those Executives who have been promoted during last 5 years, the previous entries in the Annual Performance report may be taken into account if the Officer was promoted on the basis of seniority cum fitness and not on the basis of merit. (iv)Executives whose integrity is doubtful, will be retired. Executives who are found to be ineffective will also be retired. The basic consideration in identifying such Executive should be the fitness/ competence of the Executive to continue in the post which he/ she is holding. While the entire service record of an Officer should be considered at the time of review, no Executive should ordinarily be retired on ground of ineffectiveness if his service during the preceding 5 years or where he

P a g e | 739has been promoted to a higher post during that 5 year period, his service in the highest post, has been found satisfactory. Consideration is ordinarily to be confined to the preceding 5 years or to the period in the higher post, in case of promotion within 5 years, only when retirement is sought to be made on the grounds of ineffectiveness. There is no such stipulation, however where Executive is to be retired on grounds of doubtful integrity. No Executive should ordinarily be retired on grounds of ineffectiveness, if, in any event he would be retiring on superannuation within a period of 1 year from the date of consideration of his case. It is clarified that in a case where there is a sudden and steep fall in the competence, efficiency or effectiveness of an officer, it would be open to review his case for premature retirement. The above instruction is relevant only when an Executive is proposed to be retired on the ground of ineffectiveness but not on the ground of doubtful integrity. (v)The recommendation of the Committee should be either for retaining or for retirement of the Executive under review. In case, if the Committee recommends for retirement of an Executive, the Review Committee should indicate clearly, in detail, the grounds on which the Committee has come to the conclusion that the Executive should be retired prematurely. (vi)The proceedings of the Review Committee should clearly indicate that material relating to the inquiry/ disciplinary proceedings/ Court Proceedings pending against the Officer was not taken into account while coming to the conclusion whether the Officer concerned should be retained in service/ retired from service. 8. Additional Guidelines to be considered by Review Committee The additional guidelines to be considered by the Review Committees for evaluating an Executive on grounds of efficiency and effectiveness and reviewing his/ her integrity: A) Matters to be kept in mind while reviewing Efficiency/ Effectiveness of Performance:(i) While the entire service record of an Executive should be considered at the time of review, greater emphasis should be placed on his performance during the 5 years preceding the review. If an Executive had been promoted to higher post during the period of 5 years, the service in the higher post shall receive greater emphasis. If, during the aforesaid period of 5 years, there is evidence of deterioration in efficiency and unsatisfactory performance, the Review Committee shall examine the entire service record and arrive at a total picture

P a g e | 740about the suitability or otherwise of the Officer for further retention in service. (ii) It is seen in some cases that the overall grade or assessment given on performance is “Average” or “Satisfactory”. While this may not be an “adverse” remark, it can be viewed as a reflection on work output or conduct that is ordinary or routine. Hence, such remarks earned over a period of 5-7 years without mention of any notable achievement would also indicate that the Executive may have reached a plateau in his performance and the case may be reviewed accordingly. (iii) No Executive should ordinarily be retired on grounds of ineffectiveness if, in any event, he would be retiring on superannuation within a period of one year from the date of consideration of his case. However, this will not be applicable in the case of doubtful integrity or where there is a sudden and steep fall in the competence, efficiency or effectiveness of the Officer. (iv) In a case in which the physical or mental condition of an Officer is such as to make him inefficient, it would be appropriate to consider him for retirement. (v) If adverse remarks in the Personal files were communicated, the result of representations of the Executive, if any, should also be considered. If adverse remarks were not communicated to the concerned Officers, due regards should be given to subsequent reports to assess the importance to be given to such adverse remarks. (vi) If the Officer was given a promotion despite adverse entries made in the confidential record that should be considered as a fact in favour of the Officer. B) Matters to be kept in mind while reviewing Integrity:(i)Entries in the Annual Performance Report relating to integrity should be taken into account by the Review Committee. Even if a particular remark on integrity has not been communicated to the Officer or if the remark is of general nature, the Review Committee could take into account the remarks as well as the general reputation of honesty/ integrity that he/ she enjoys, while reviewing any proposal for premature retirement on the above grounds. The Committee shall also take into consideration of ODI (Officers of Doubtful Integrity) & AL (Agreed List) for the purpose. (ii)While considering integrity of an Executive, actions or decisions taken by the Executive which do not appear to be above board, complaint received against him or suspicious property transaction for which there may not be sufficient evidence to initiate departmental

P a g e | 741proceedings, conduct unbecoming to the Company’s interest or obstruct efficiency may be taken into account. (iii)In a number of cases, Officers take action for concluding contracts, settling claims, assessing taxes or duties payable, etc. Doubts may have arisen relating to the bona fide nature of the action taken by the Officer but on account of inadequate proof it may not have been possible to initiate action for a regular departmental inquiry, leading finally to a punishment of the nature that may find entry in the ACR/ PAR dossier of the Officer. But the personal file of the Officer may have details of the nature of doubt that arose regarding the integrity of the Officer and the result of the preliminary investigation that was carried out and this would constitute vital information. C) Where Disciplinary proceedings are in progress: In a case where on an alleged misconduct, a departmental inquiry has been conducted and the stage has been reached for a decision by the Competent Authority on the punishment to be imposed, it would not be appropriate to issue, instead, an order of premature retirement. However, there may be cases where there is independent material to justify the premature retirement of an Officer, either on the ground of inefficiency or lack of integrity; the Review Committee may, in such cases, formulate its recommendations. Further, where no departmental inquiry has been initiated and the specific allegations of misconduct puts the integrity of the Officer concerned in question, then the procedure under Premature Retirement has to be considered. 9. Approval of the Competent Authority The Competent Authority under Clause 15.8 of Common Coal Cadre should bonafide form an opinion to retire the Executive in exercise of powers conferred by that provision and this decision should not be an arbitrary decision or should not be based on collateral grounds. Accordingly, in every case where it is proposed to retire an Executive in exercise of powers conferred by the said rule, the Competent Authority should record in the file its opinion that it is necessary to retire the Executive in pursuance of the aforesaid rule. IV. Consideration of representation against order of Premature Retirement Representations against an order of premature retirement, under Clause 15.8 of Common Coal Cadre, received from the Executive shall be considered in accordance with the following procedure: 1) An Executive who has been given a notice of retirement under the provisions mentioned above, or who has been issued with an order of premature retirement by payment of pay and allowances in lieu of notice, may submit a representation within TWO weeks from the date of service of such notice/order.

P a g e | 7422) On receipt of a representation, the Executive Establishment department of concerned subsidiary/CIL should examine the same to see whether it contains any new facts or any new aspect of a fact already known but which was not taken into account at the time of issue of notice/order of premature retirement. This examination should be completed within two weeks from the date of receipt of the representation. After such examination, the case should be placed before the Representation Committee, for the purpose of considering the representations against premature retirement. 3) The Representation Committee referred above shall be a Committee of 3 CMDs of any of the subsidiaries duly formed from time to time. However, the CMD of the subsidiary where from the case was initiated will not be a member of the Representation Committee. 4) The Committee considering the representation shall make its recommendations on the representation within two weeks from the date of receipt of the reference from the concerned EE department. The Committee shall submit its recommendation to CIL Board which shall be the Authority empowered to pass final orders on the representation, which should stand finally disposed within a period of six weeks from the date of its receipt. 5) If, in any case, it is decided to reinstate a prematurely retired Executive in service after considering his representation in accordance with these instructions, the period intervening between the date of premature retirement and the date of reinstatement may be regulated by CIL Board as duty, or as leave or as dies non, as the case may be, taking into account the merits of each case. 6) Representations from Executives who have been served with an order of premature retirement, but have obtained stay order(s) from a court against the order of premature retirement, will not be considered until the disposal of the court case. Thereafter, the cases may be examined as outlined above but also taking into account any material substantive decision that may have been given in the court judgement. 7) In case of reinstatement, the notice salary already paid may be adjusted against dues or recovered from the pay. V. General Instructions 1) The Head of Executive Establishment Departments of CIL & subsidiaries, as the case may be, shall ensure that all the cases that are ripe for review are placed before the Review Committees & Competent Authority well in time. 2) If the Competent Authority passes speaking orders for premature retirement of an Executive in Public Interest, the Executive should be given three months’ notice in writing or three months' pay and allowances in lieu of such notice while retiring him from service. In computing the notice period of three months, the date of service of the notice shall be included.

P a g e | 7433) No show-cause notice need to be issued to any Executive before a notice of retirement is issued to him under the aforesaid provisions. 4) An extract of the recommendation of the Review Committee should be added to the Personal file of the Officer concerned. 5) The order of Premature retirement shall not be passed as a shortcut to avoid departmental enquiry when such course is more desirable. In cases where action has been initiated for imposing a penalty and the proceedings are in the final stages, the disciplinary proceedings may be finalized before retiring the Officer prematurely. 6) In all cases of Premature retirement, wherein it has been decided to retire an Officer by giving him 3 months’ salary in lieu of three months’ notice, the retirement order and the notice salary should be paid on the date of issue of the order. 7) In the case of Executive on leave, the procedure would be either to recall the Officer from leave and serve the orders of retirement when he joins duty or wait for the Executive to join duty on the expiry of leave and then serve the order. 8) In the case, if it is found that an Officer is evading the receipt of the order of Premature retirement, then the procedure indicated below should be followed for service of the order: - a. If such Executive is not found, by serving it at his last known place or residence or by giving it to an adult member of his family, or b. If the address of such person is known, by sending it to him by registered post, or c. If none of the means aforesaid is available, by affixing it in some conspicuous part of his last known place of residence. d. The scanned copy of the letter may also be sent to the email id of the concerned Executive. e. Necessary recording of service of order should be maintained. f. In all these cases, the Executive Establishment department should ensure that there is no time lag between the date of issue of orders and the date of serving such an order. 9) The Executives, on Premature retirement, shall be entitled to all retirement benefits of the Company at par with the Executives on superannuation. All the terminal dues admissible to the Executive shall be settled within one month from the date of the order.

P a g e | 74410) When an Executive retired prematurely has been restored to duty, reference of his Premature retirement and reinstatement should not be made while considering his name for Promotion or for any other selection. 11) An Executive who has been served with a notice under the said Clause shall not be considered for transfer during the notice period. 12) While scheduling Departmental Promotion proceedings, the schedule of review shall be kept in mind so that the periods of DPC proceedings and the review under the said Clause do not occur concurrently.

P a g e | 745Annexure I Form R/1 Notice for Retirement on SuperannuationShri/ Smt ……………………………………. Designation ………………………………Presently posted …………………………………….. is hereby informed that he/ she on attaining the age of sixty years on …………………. 20 …………. shall retire on superannuation from service with effect from the afternoon of ………………………….. (date) Signature: Date: Signature of the appropriate authority Designation: Acknowledgement I …………………………… now holding the post of ………………………………….. hereby acknowledge the receipt of the notice of retirement on superannuation. Place: Date: Signature of the executive Designation:

P a g e | 746References 1 Chapter XV of Common Coal Cadre Amendments upto 30.11.1984. –2 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/250 dated 05.12.1990. 3 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/CCC/20 dated 27.05.1998. 4 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50718/101 dated 05.11.1998. 5 OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/VRSMG/238 dated 01.01.2003. 6 OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Probity/2273 dated 01.09.2017. 7OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/VRS/447 dated 04.07.2020. 8 Letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Ret.bef.Sn/494 dated 14.10.2020. 9 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Probity/512 dated 23.11.2020. 10. OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/GST/769 dated 15.09.2021.

Page | 747 Contributory Post Retirement Medicare Scheme for Executives of CIL & its Subsidiaries 1.0. Title and CommencementThe scheme shall be known as “Contributory Post Retirement Medicare Scheme for executives of Coal India Limited and its Subsidiary Companies”[1]. The scheme comes into force with immediate effect and supersedes earlier scheme. 1.1.The scheme is to provide Medicare to the retired executives including Board Level appointees of Coal India Limited and its subsidiary companies and their spouses. 1.2.Membership shall be reckoned from the date of Registration under the scheme in CIL and or subsidiary companies as the case may be. 2.0. Eligibility 2.1.The Scheme will apply to the following categories of separated Executives of Coal India limited and its subsidiary companies: Executives, who separate from the company on account of retirement on attaining the age of superannuation or are separated by the company on Medical grounds or retirement under Executive Retirement before Superannuation Scheme or Voluntary 2Retirement Scheme formulated and made applicable from time to time. Membership under the scheme will not be extended to executives who resign from the services of CIL and its subsidiaries. The Board Level appointees, who are separated from the company after completion of the full tenure as per terms of appointment or before, are eligible to become member under the scheme. However, in case of leaving the company prior to completion of tenure, they are eligible to become member under the scheme after attaining age of superannuation and in case of death prior to superannuation, their spouse may become member, provided they do not get similar facilities either in individual capacity or as dependent in any other PSU. The Board level appointees are eligible for benefits irrespective of number of years of service put in, in the company. Note:[3]1 Approved by CIL Board in its 240 meeting held on 08.03.2008. Communicated vide letter No. CIL/C-th5B/IR/Post Retirement Medical/96 dated 25.04.2008. Amendments upto 28.12.2012 was issued, as per the approval of CIL Board in its 289 meeting held on th18.09.2012, vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/CPRMSE/207 dated 28.12.2012. Previously administered vide OM No. CIL/C5A(vi)/50706/A/213 dated 01/09.11.1990 which was amended vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50706/A/226 dated 07.01.2000. 2 Amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/VRS/447 dated 04.07.2020. 3 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Pay Revision 2017/2972 dated 08.08.2018.

Page | 748 The post-retirement medical benefits will be linked to requirement of superannuation and minimum of 15 years of continuous service for other than Board level Executives. The post-retirement medical benefits shall be allowed to Board level Executives (without any linkage to provision of 15 years of service) upon completion of their tenure or upon attaining the age of retirement, whichever is earlier. 2.2.In case of death of a retired executive before becoming member, his/her spouse would be eligible for membership provided the spouse does not get similar medical facilities either as a dependant or in individual capacity. 2.3.In case of death of the retired executive, who has been availing of the benefits under the Scheme, his/her spouse will continue to avail the benefits under the scheme subject to his/her spouse continuing to meet the terms and conditions of the Scheme. 2.4.In case any of the retired executive and or spouse is having Medi-claim/Medical Insurance Policy from any Insurance Company in individual capacity for which he/she has to pay premium can continue the said Policy for getting medical benefit. 2.5.The spouse of an executive who dies while in service is eligible for membership provided he/she is not considered for employment on compassionate ground and he/she does not get similar medical facilities either as a dependant or in individual capacity. Explanation: [4]In case if both husband and wife are employees of the Company, then 1. A One-time option would be allowed to such retired Executives whose spouse is still working to either avail medical facilities as spouse of working employee under MAR or CPRMSE till the working spouse is in service. 2. In case of availing medical facilities under MAR as dependent spouse, their coverage will automatically come under CPRMSE on retirement of working spouse. 3.0. BenefitsThe Medical Benefits to the retired executives and their spouses under the scheme will be admissible for the treatment taken only within India and would be regulated as under: 3.1.Traveling expenses or allowance would not be admitted for journey undertaken for the purpose of obtaining Indoor or Outdoor treatment either for self or spouse. In case of non- ambulatory patient, ambulance charges will be paid in case the ambulance is provided by the Empanelled hospitals. [5]3.2.Reimbursement of medical expenses for indoor and outdoor treatment will be regulated on the following terms and conditions: - 3.2.1. Indoor Treatment 4 Clarified vide letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CPRMSE/408 dated 09.04.2020. 5 Amended vide Corrigendum No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CPRMSE/420 dated 02.07.2015.

Page | 749 a.(i)Where there is no CIL empaneled Hospital at places where the retired executives reside/ unable to go to such empaneled hospitals/ Diagnostic Centres, the retired executives can avail the medical facilities from other PSU Hospital/ other PSUs empaneled Hospital, ESI Hospital, Government hospital including hospital under Municipal Corporation or Hospital/ Diagnostic Centres empaneled by CGHS subject to CGHS rates for the items covered under CGHS and referred by Company Doctor or other extant guidelines and claim reimbursement of expenses incurred. [6](ii)In case of emergency, like Heart attack, accidents, etc., or due to non-availability of empanelled hospitals in a particular town or city, if any retired executive and/or spouse undertake medical treatment in hospitals/ nursing homes other than mentioned above, the reimbursement will be admissible as per the MAR rate. Such payments will be released on case to case basis on obtaining approval of Dir. (P&IR), CIL or CMDs of the subsidiary companies as the case may be .Further in such situations if treatment is received in NABH accredited or super speciality hospital, reimbursement will be restricted to maximum MAR rates. However, in case treatment is undergone in Company approved Hospitals or Nursing Homes, reimbursement will be done as per actual or CGHS rate whichever is less. Where CGHS rate is not available, payment should be made as per MAR. In case of treatment undertaken in non- empanelled hospitals in non-emergency situations prior intimation should be given to the respective CMS of subsidiary companies or Dy. CMO, CIL as the case may be. (iii)100% Cashless Treatment shall be permitted at the empanelled hospital or hospitals notified by CIL. (iv)However, in case of any inadmissible amount, the same shall be adjusted in future from half-yearly payment or from any other amount payable to the retired executive/spouse as the case may be. For the treatment obtained at company’s hospitals by the members/spouses, no charges will be charged from the members/spouses. However, for the purpose of accounting under the scheme, a notional rate of 40% treatment cost will be charged to the retired executives' account. b.Eligibility for indoor admission will be restricted in the Ward/ Cabin as per the following entitlement: Sl. No. Entitlement Grade 6 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/CPRMSE/2005 dated 01.04.2017.

Page | 750 1 Deluxe room Retired Board level executive and executives of E9 grade 2 Individual cabin Retired executives of E8 and E7 grade 3 Twin sharing cabin Retired executives E1 to E6 Grade Explanation: [7]The entitlement of Ward/ Cabin for indoor admission of retired Executives to be regulated at par with the revised grades as per CIL OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/005/35/1345 dated 25.01.2010 which is as under: Pre-revised Grade Revised Grade E-1 E-1 E-2 E-2 E-3 (New Grade) E-3 E-4 E-4 E-5 E-5 E-6 M1 E-7 M2 E-8 M3 M4 E-9 c.The maximum amount reimbursable during the entire life for the retired Executives and spouse would be ₹25 lakhs jointly and/or severally on floater basis i.e., any member of the couple can avail the combined amount of ₹25 lakhs irrespective of single or couple membership. This limit should be applicable in respect of General Diseases only i.e., other than the diseases for which the upper limit is not applicable. Cost of the treatment in OPD of empaneled hospitals would also be permitted and the same will be adjusted against the maximum applicable limit of ₹25 lakhs.[8]d.No limit will be applicable in case of the treatment of the following diseases: (i)Heart and Vascular diseases involving surgical or interventional therapy (ii)Cancer (iii)Renal disease (iv)Paralysis (v)AIDS & (vi)Addison’s disease & Adrenal Histoplasmosis. [9]The detailed clarification of the diseases for which there is no limit and for which medical treatment will be provided is furnished below: 7 Clarified vide letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CPRMSE/415 dated 29.04.2020. 8 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Superannuation/341 dated 01.01.2020. 9Amended vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/CPRMSE/2005 dated 01.04.2017.

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