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HR_Manual_CIL 01112021

Published by nitinbiharisaxena, 2022-03-14 08:00:20

Description: HR_Manual_CIL 01112021


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P a g e | 45112.0. Sale and transfer of the conveyance before complete repayment of advance (i)Specific approval of the sanctioning authority for the sale of the conveyance while any amount in respect of the advance still remains due to the company. The sale proceeds will be applied first to repay the balance of the advance interest thereon. (ii)Sanction may be given by the Functional Directors and the Divisional Managing Directors to the sale and transfer of the conveyance to another Company Officer who performs the duties of a kind which renders the possession of a conveyance necessary, provided that the latter Company Officer records a declaration that the conveyance transferred to him remains subject to the mortgage bond and that he is bound by its terms and provisions. A copy of the declaration will be sent to the Controller of Accounts. 13.0. Intimation regarding purchase of vehicle [5]The executive shall, within one month of payment of advance, intimate regarding purchase of the vehicle. 14.0. Liability on accidents/mishaps [5]Use of vehicle will be the sole responsibility of the borrower. The company is not liable, directly or vicariously or partly, to any litigation or claims arising out of any accident or mishaps or loss to the borrower and/or to any other party. The borrower will submit an undertaking to this effect at the time of hypothecation. 15.0. Status of Applications [5]All application should be decided in a time bound manner within 15 working days and the status are to be updated in the company’s website for information of the applicants. 5Incorporated vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Conveyance/2184 dated 30.06.2017.

P a g e | 452Annexure-I APPLICATION FOR ADVANCE FOR THE PURCHASE OF ______________________ 1 Name of the applicant (in block letters) 2 Designation 3 Colliery/group/Area/Office to which attached 4 Pay (Basic pay) 5 Amount of advance asked for 6 Anticipated price of the motor car/ motor cycle/ scooter 7 Number of installments in which the advance is desired to be repaid 8 Whether advance for the purchase of any conveyance was obtained previously, and if so; a)Date of drawal of the advance b)The amount of advance and/ or interest hereon still outstanding, if any 9 Whether the intention is to purchase a)A new or an old motor car/ motor cycle/ scooter b)If the intention is to purchase motor car/motor cycle/scooter through a person other than a regular or reputed dealer or agent whether previous sanction of the competent authority has been obtained as required under the Conduct Rules 10 Whether the applicant is on leave or is about to proceed on leave a) The date of commencement of leave and b) The date of expiry of leave 11 Are any negotiation or preliminary enquiries being made so that delivery may be taken of the Motor Car/Motor Cycle/scooter within one month from the date of drawal of advance?

P a g e | 45312 a)Certified that the information given above is complete and true b)Certified that I have taken delivery of the Moto car/Motor Cycle/Scooter on account of which I am applying for the advance, or that I shall complete negotiations for the purchase of, pay finally and take possession of the Motor Car/Motor cycle/Scooter before the expiry of one month from the date of drawal of the advance and that I shall insure it from the date of taking delivery of it. Applicant’s Signature Date…………………………… ____________________________________________________________________________ ** Strike out whichever is not applicable Certified that purchase of a …………………………………………………… the applicant is necessary for the efficient discharge of his duties. Controlling Officer Sanctioned Sanctioning Authority Budget Certificate Budget Officer

P a g e | 454Annexure-II FORM OF BOND FOR ADVANCE FOR THE PURCHASE OF MOTOR VEHICLEThis agreement made this …………………. day of the month …………… in the year ……………………………………………… between …………………………………...………… S/O …………………………………… an employee of Coal India Limited as an …………………………………… hereinafter called the ‘Borrower and ……………………………………. S/O ………………………………..………………Resident of ……………………………….. hereinafter called the “surety of the Borrower (which expressions shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the context be deemed to include all their heirs, assigns and executors) of the one part and the Coal India Limited hereinafter called the “Company” of the other party. Whereas the Borrower had applied and had been granted an advance of ₹…………………..(Rupees…………………..……………………………………..) for the purchase of a Motor Car/ Motor Cycle/ scooter in accordance with the rules of the Company presently in force or to be subsequently amended and severally agree to confirm and abide by the following terms and conditions; 1. That the payment of the above said amount will made by monthly installments of Rs………................………………out of the monthly pay and remuneration of the borrower and the Company will be entitled to deduct the same out of his salary. 2.That the said amount of Rs………………………………… shall carry interest at …………….………per annum. 3. That immediately after purchase of the motor vehicle, the Borrower shall get it insured against full loss by fire, theft or accident with a Recognized Insurance Company and will also write a letter in the prescribed form to the Insurance Company as required by the Rules of the Company. 4. That the Borrower shall also execute a hypothecation bond, with respect to the Motor Vehicle purchased by the Borrower, on the prescribed form as required by the Rules of the Company. 5. That if the Borrower leaves the service of the Company or his services are terminated for any reason whatsoever, before completes payment and realization of the whole amount advanced and interest thereon, the company will be entitled to realize the amount due from the Borrower and his surety jointly and severally.

P a g e | 4556.That the Borrower undertakes to confirm strictly to the terms of this bond and further agrees that in case of violation of any of the terms aforesaid, the company will be entitled to realize the entire amount together with interest due from the Borrower and his surety jointly or severally. In witness whereof the said Borrower and his Surety hath hereunto put their hands this ................ ……………………. day of the month of ……………………….. in the year aforesaid at.............. ………………………………………………… Signed by the said Borrower at………………………………………… ………………………………………….. In the presence of: (Full Signature of the Borrower) Ist witness ……………………………….. Address………………………………….. Occupation………………………………. 2nd witness ……………………………….. Address…………………………………... Occupation……………………………….. Signed by Shri …………………………… ………………………………………… ……… For and on behalf of the Company At…………………………………………. For and on behalf of the Coal India limited In the presence of: Ist witness ……………………………….. Address………………………………….. Occupation………………………………. 2nd witness ……………………………….. Address…………………………………... Occupation………………………………..

P a g e | 456Annexure-III FORM OF LETTER TO BE WRITTEN TO THE INSURANCE COMPANY INTIMATING THAT COAL INDIA LIMITED IS INTERESTED IN THE POLICY. From: ……………………………….. ……………………………….. ………………………………. To: ………………………………. ………………………………. ………………………………. (Through the) Dear Sir, I beg to inform you that Coal India Limited is interested in the Motor car/ Motor Cycle/ Scooter Insurance Policy………………secured in your company and to request that you will kindly insert a clause to the following effect in the policy: (i)It is hereby declared and agreed that Shri………………………….. (Owner of the Motor car/ Motor Cycle/ Scooter has hypothecated the Motor car/ Motor Cycle/ Scooter to Coal India Limited as security for an advance for purchase of the Motor car/ Motor Cycle/ Scooter and it is further declared and agreed that Coal India Limited is interested in any moneys, which, but for the endorsement, would be payable to the said Shri ……………………………..……. in respect to the loss or to said the Motor car/ Motor Cycle/ Scooter(which loss or damage is not made good by repair, re-instalment or replacement) and such money shall be paid to the Coal India Limited, as long as it is the mortgage of the Motor car/ Motor Cycle/ Scooter and its receipt shall be full and final discharge to the Insurance Company in respect of such loss or damage. (ii)Save as by this endorsement expressly agreed, nothing herein shall modify or affect the rights and liabilities of the insured or the Insurance Company respectively, under or in connection with this policy or any term, provision or condition thereof. Yours faithfully, Place: Date:

P a g e | 457No………………………………………. Forwarded. The receipt of the letter may be kindly be acknowledged. It is also requested that the undersigned may kindly be informed whenever any claim is paid under the policy and also if the premium is not paid regularly for renewal. For Coal India limited Signature……………………………….. Designation………………………………… Place: Date:

P a g e | 458Annexure-IV FORM OF HYPOTHECATION BOND FOR A MOTOR VEHICLE This Agreement made this …………………………………. day of the month …………… in the year …………………….between …………….................................................... S/O …………………………………………hereinafter called the “Borrower” in employment of CoalMines Authority Ltd. /Coal India Ltd.(hereinafter called the Company) of the other part. Where the Borrower had applied and had been granted an advance of Rs………………………..(Rs…………………………………………………………….……...) for the purchase of a motor car/motor cycle/scooter in accordance with the Rules of the Company presently in force or to be subsequently amended from time to time, and whereas one of the rules is that the Borrower will hypothecate the said motor vehicle to the Company as security for the amount led by the Company, and whereas the Borrower has purchased with or partly with the amount so lent as advance the motor car/ motor cycle/ scooter the particulars of which are set out in the Schedule annexed to this agreement. Now this Indenture Witnessed that in pursuance of the said agreement, and for the consideration aforesaid, the Borrower doth hereby agree to pay to the Company the sum of ₹……………………………..aforesaid or the balance thereof amounting to ₹…….. …………….by equal installments of ₹…………………………….each month on the first day of the month with interest on the unpaid balance calculated at the rate specified in the Rules of the Company and the Borrower doth agree that such installments may be recovered by the Company by monthly deduction out of his salary in the manner provided for in the said rules and in further pursuance of this agreement the Borrower doth thereby assign any hypothecate the said Motor car/motor cycle/scooter to the Company. The Borrower doth hereby declare that he has paid in full the purchase price of the said motor car/ motor cycle/scooter and the same is his exclusive property and that he has not pledge or pawn the said vehicle anywhere else and shall not pledge or pawn it so long as money remains due to the Company and the Borrower hereby agrees, that if at anytime, the Borrower shall die, or leave the service of the Company or in any other manner become unfit or unable to pay the Company or if the Borrower may sell or pledge in any other manner part with the possession of the said vehicle or if the said vehicle is attached in the execution of any degree against the Borrower, the entire unpaid balance together with all interest then due shall become payable and the Company shall be entitled to recover the same from the Borrower and from his heirs and assigns and it id further agreed that in the event of the happening of any of the above said circumstances the Company shall be entitled to take possession of the vehicle and sell the said vehicle either by public auction

P a g e | 459or private contract and if the sale proceeds fall short of the dues of the Company, to realize the balance from the Borrower. And the Borrower further agrees that so long as the entire amount of the Company is not paid up, he shall not in any way cause any damage or suffer or permit the vehicle to be damaged in any way so long as this bond is not completely discharged and in the event of any accident or damage to the motor vehicle during the continuance of these presents shall cause them to be repaid and made good forthwith at his own expense. In witness whereof the said borrower ………………………………………….has hereunder to set his hand this …………………….day of the month……………. in the year above mentioned at…………………………………………………………………… Witness No. 1 ……………………………… Witness No. 2………………………………. ………………………………….. Borrower THE SCHEDULE Description of the motor vehicle with cost, marks, etc.

P a g e | 460References 1 Conveyance Advance Rules - Amendments upto 12.05.1989. 2 OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Conveyance/2184 dated 30.06.2017. 3 Letter No. CIL/XI(D)/04027/2021/26915 dated 20.07.2021.

P a g e | 461CIL Furniture and Household Goods Purchase Scheme 1.0. Title and commencement The scheme will be known as ‘CIL Furniture and Household Goods Purchase Scheme’[1]. This will come into force with immediate effect. The objective of the scheme is to regulate advance to executives for purchase of furniture and household goods, the recovery and allied matters. 2.0. Scope and applicability The scheme is applicable to executive cadre employees (Board level and below Board level) to enable purchase of furniture and household goods for their residence. 3.0. Definitions In this scheme, unless there is anything repugnant to the context, the following terms would have the meaning as assigned to hereunder: a)‘Company’ means Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries. b)‘Employee/ Executive’ means the employees holding a post in executive cadre including Board level executives in CIL & its subsidiaries who are eligible to be covered under this scheme as per the eligibility defined below in clause 4 .c)‘Furniture and household goods’ means the furniture and household capital items that will be purchased as per the employees' choice out of the schedule of furniture and household items provided under this scheme. d)‘Residence/ house’ means own/ rented house of an executive or the residential accommodation provided by the company where the executive ordinarily resides while on normal duty of the company. e)‘Masculine’will include the ‘feminine’ and vice versa. f)‘Sanctioning authority’:[2]The following authorities are authorized to approve the advance: i)CMD, CIL/ Subsidiary. ii)FDs & CVOs of CIL/ Subsidiary for EDs, GMs, HoDs and employees working directly under him/ her. 1 Approved by CIL Board in its 360 meeting held on 10.03.2018. Communicated vide OM No. thCIL/C5A(PC)/Furniture/2827 dated 08.05.2018. 2 Amended due to letter No. CIL/XI(D)/04027/2021/26915 dated 20.07.2021.

P a g e | 462iii) EDs, GMs/ HoDs of CIL/ Subsidiary for all employees working under his/ her administrative control. 4.0. Eligibility 4.1.Subject to the conditions as mentioned under these rules, executives who are in regular pay scale are eligible for purchase of furniture and household goods, for their residence, under this scheme, provided they have completed 1-year service in the company. 4.2.Executives who are deputed outside and have opted for CIL pay and allowances will be eligible for the subject facility. However, if absorbed by the borrowing company, such executives will have to compulsorily repay the outstanding amount of the advance. 4.3.Executives who join the company on deputation would not be eligible for the facility. 4.4.Executives whose remaining service is less than 2 years are not eligible for purchase of furniture and household goods under this scheme. 4.5.If both husband and wife are employed, only one of them will be entitled to avail the loan under this scheme. 5.0. Amount of Advance 5.1.Subject to the eligibility conditions specified in clause 4 above, the maximum amount of advance admissible to different grades of executives will be as under: Sl. No. Category of Executives Maximum amount of loan 1. Upto E4 grade ₹2.00 lakhs 2. E5, E6 & E7 grade ₹3.00 lakhs 3. E8 & above including Directors ₹5.00 lakhs 5.2.In the event of promotion/ appointment of an employee to a higher level during the stipulated period of scheme, claim for the difference in entitled advance will not be allowed. 6.0. Purchase of furniture and household items 6.1.The employee availing the said facility would decide in advance the furniture and household goods to be purchased within the authorized ceiling out of the schedule of items given in Annexure-I. Minimum value of any item to be purchased will be ₹2500/- (Rupees two thousand five hundred).

P a g e | 4636.2.The request for sanction of advance for purchase of furniture and household goods is to be made on the prescribed format as per Annexure II to the sanctioning authority through proper channel who will, after due verification, act upon it. 6.3.On sanction of an advance, the employee will submit necessary agreement and personal security bond in the prescribed format given in Annexure III IV&respectively, on non-judicial stamp paper of requisite value. 6.4.On disbursement of the advance, the employee will purchase the specified items and will submit adjustment along with cash memo and other documents, as indicated hereinafter, to the finance department head through the head of establishment where the employee is posted within 45 days from the date of receipt of advance, failing which penalty @ 18% per annum on the amount drawn will be charged. 6.5.Original warranty card may be retained by the employee along with a photocopy of the original bill for future reference and use. It would be the responsibility of the concerned employee to ensure that he is satisfied with the goods he has purchased and delivery of the item(s) at the residence would have to be arranged by the employee himself. 6.6.In cases where the amount of adjustment bill is less than the amount drawn, the short fall would be recovered from the salary of the employee payable for the month in which adjustment is submitted. 7.0. Period and periodicity of loan 7.1.The term of loan shall not exceed 05 years. 7.2.The loan under this scheme will be a one-time advance to the executives and therefore second loan during the service period will not be allowed. 7.3.If an employee ceases to be in the service of the company due to retirement on attaining the age of superannuation, voluntary/pre-mature retirement or for any other reason, he will have to compulsorily deposit outstanding amount payable as on the date of separation reduced by the amount already recovered in installments in one lump sum immediately upon such cessation, failing which it will be recovered in lump sum from any/all permissible terminal dues payable to him at that time or in future. 7.4.In the event of death of an employee during the period when furniture and household goods are covered under the scheme, the outstanding amount, on the date of demise, will be recovered from the permissible dues payable to the nominees/ legal heirs of the deceased employee. 8.0. Custody, Carriage and Insurance 8.1.All furniture and household goods purchased under this scheme are the property of the company until the entire loan amount along with interest is repaid by the concerned employee. The employee is, therefore, liable to keep the same with him in a reasonably good/ running condition at his residence and will be liable for its

P a g e | 464safe carriage and custody in the event of transfer, change of residence, long absence etc. 8.2.Insurance cover for the items purchased under the scheme will be the responsibility of the employee and all expenses in this regard will be borne by him. 9.0. Alienation, transfer or disposal The employee will not save as expressly permitted by the company in writing, alienate, hypothecate, transfer, assign or otherwise part with the furniture and household goods in any manner, whatsoever, and will not do or omit any act, deed, matter or thing whereby the security of the goods and the recovery and realization of outstanding amount due to the company is, in any manner, prejudiced or otherwise affected. 10.0. Rate of interest The advance under these rules will carry interest at par with average yearly cash credit rate as notified by State Bank of India from time to time. The rate of interest for current year is 8.25%. It is chargeable from the date of the payment of advance and the amount of interest shall be calculated on the balance outstanding on the last date of each month. 11.0. Surety 11.1.The employee will execute an agreement in the prescribed form on a non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value as notified by respective State Government under Indian Stamps Act for the repayment of the advance with two surety of permanent employee of the company (Annexure V). 11.2.An employee will be permitted to stand as surety against one loanee employee only at a time. In case the subsisting surety obligation is discharged, the discharged surety may stand as surety again for another loanee employee. 11.3.The liability of the surety will continue till the advance with the interest due thereon is repaid to the company. 11.4.The surety should not be spouse or member of the same joint family and should not have stood surety for anyone else. 11.5.The sureties must be the permanent employees of the company of same status as that of the applicant or of higher status having sufficient length of service upto the period of recovery of advance with interest from the loanee. 11.6.There should not be any doubt about the financial solvency of the sureties. 12.0. Repayment 12.1.The advance granted to a company employee under this scheme, together with the interest thereon, will be repaid in full by monthly installments within a period not exceeding 60 months.

P a g e | 46512.2.The amount to be recovered monthly will be fixed in whole rupees except in the case of the last installment when the remaining balance, including any fraction of a rupee,will be recovered. 12.3.Recovery of the advance granted will commence from the month following the purchase after the date on which the first installment of the advance is paid to the company employee. 12.4.It will be open to company employee to repay the amount in a shorter period if he so desires. In any case, the entire amount must be repaid in full with interest thereon before the date on which he is due to retire from the service. 12.5.Recovery of the advance will be effected through the monthly pay/leave salary/subsistence allowance bills of the employee. These recoveries will not be held up or postponed except with prior concurrence of the company. 13.0. General conditions 13.1.The company, if considers necessary, may arrange physical verification or take periodic inventory of the furniture and household goods at the employee's residence. In case the items that have been purchased under the scheme are not found at the residence of the employee, stern disciplinary action will be initiated against the errant employee under the CIL CDA Rules. Such an employee will be debarred from availing the facility in future. In case the employee has sent the good(s) for repairs/maintenance, he must maintain the voucher from the vendor for having received the good(s) for repair/maintenance, details of repair cost and date of delivery. 13.2.An employee availing the facility and not complying with any of the provisions of this scheme or any other conditions/ term/ promise/ undertaking given by him or misusing the furniture and household goods facility granted in any form will render himself liable to disciplinary action and will be bound to refund the entire amount of the purchase price outstanding together with interest @ 18% per annum. 13.3.The company will be the sole authority to determine whether or not there has been a breach of the scheme or any other conditions or the terms relevant to the grant of the said facility by the employee. The employee will have no right to contest such determination. 14.0. Savings CIL reserves the right to relax, alter, amend or withdraw partly or fully any of the provisions of this scheme at its discretion without assigning any reasons thereof.

P a g e | 466Annexure-I (Clause 6.1)Schedule of items permitted for granting advance under the scheme Category Item Item type Item description Allowed nos. (units) A Furniture items Sofa set 2 Center table 2 Dressing table 3 Almirahs 3 Showcase/sideboard 3 Dining table 1 Dining chairs 8 Computer/ study table 1 Computer chair 1 Book Shelves 2 Arm/easy chairs 6 Beds (single) 6 Beds (double) 3 Diwans 2 Side tables 6 TV cabinet 3 Drawing room cabinet 1 B Electrical items Refrigerator 1 Cooking range 1 Washing machine 1 Table/pedestal/ceiling/exhaust fan 10 Deep freezer 1

P a g e | 467Water purifier 1 Cooler 3 Air conditioner with stabilizer 3 TV 3 Vacuum cleaner 1 Dish washer 1 Microwave oven 1 Inverter with battery/home UPS/ generator 1 Audio videos ystem/ car stereo 1 Camera/digital camera/video camera 2 Printer/Scanner 1 each Electrical chimney 1 Geyser/water heater 3 Room heater/blower 3 Grinder cum mixer 1 C Equipment using renewable sources of energy Domestic solar thermal water 1 heater Solar cooker 1 D Other capital Fitness equipment/ health care devices Items As per need

P a g e | 468Annexure-II (Clause 6.2)Form of Application for Advance Sr. No Parameters Details 1. Name 2. EIS no. 3. Designation and grade 4. Place of posting 5. Area/ company 6. Date of birth 7. Date of joining CIL 8. Date of superannuation 9. Basic pay (Rs.) 10. Authorized cost ceiling for furniture and household goods (Rs.) Details of furniture and household goods proposed to be purchased Sl. No. Furniture & household good Estimated cost Nos. of each item (inclusive all taxes) Total cost of items

P a g e | 469Amount of advance required: ₹…Certified that 1)The information provided is correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. 2)I agree to abide by the terms and conditions stipulated in the CIL furniture and household goods purchase scheme. Date Signature of the Employee Place:

P a g e | 470Annexure-III (Clause 6.3)Draft format of agreement to be executed under the CIL Furniture & Household Purchase Scheme This AGREEMENT is made at this……… ofbetween_______ (Coal India Limited/ subsidiary hereinafter called \"the Company\" having its registered office at ____________ which expression will unless repugnant to the context or meaning thereof be deemed to include its successors and assigns) of the one part and Shri/ Smt. ……..Designation………EIS no …………………residing at ………………….(hereinafter called \"the Employee\" which expression will include his/ her heirs, executors, administrators and legal representatives of the other part). WHEREAS a)The employee is in the service of the company posted at…………….. of the company and requires furniture and household goods for use at his residence. b)The company has considered the request of the employee, being found eligible under the rules for grant of furniture and household goods facility and has agreed to extend the said facility to the employee, for purchase of following furniture and household goods more particularly described as below (hereinafter called\" the said Furniture and Household Goods\")for use at his residence on the terms and conditions hereinafter contained .Sl. No. Furniture and household good (inclusive Estimated cost all taxes) Nos. Total cost Now it is hereby agreed by and between the parties hereto as follows: (i)The company will provide advance to purchase the said furniture and household goods at the price of ₹………. (Mention total cost).

P a g e | 471(ii)The company will allow the employee to use the said furniture and household goods during the period in the service of the company and performs and observes all the conditions of his service and all. (iii)The covenants on this part and the conditions herein contained. (iv)The employee agrees to repay the loan amount and interest in suitable installments within a maximum period of 60 months from the date of approval communicated to him. (v)If the employee ceases to be in the service of the company due to retirement on attaining the age of superannuation, voluntary/ premature retirement, or any other reasons, he will have to compulsorily pay back the loan and interest amount in one lump sum immediately upon such cessation failing which it will be recovered in lump sum from any/all permissible terminal dues payable to him at that time or in future. (vi)In the event of death of an employee during the period when the furniture and household goods are covered under the scheme, the outstanding amount of loan and interest as on the date of demise will be recovered from the permissible dues of the deceased. (vii)During the course of the furniture and household goods being in the use of the employee:a)He will be liable to keep the furniture and household goods with him in a reasonably good/ running condition at his residence and will be liable for its safe carriage and custody in the event of transfer, change of residence, long absence etc. b)The safe custody of furniture and household goods will be sole responsibility of the individual. c)The company, if considers necessary, may arrange physical verification or take periodic inventory of the furniture and household goods at the employee's residence. In case the items that have been purchased under the scheme are not found at the residence of the employee, stern disciplinary action will be initiated against the errant employee under the CIL CDA rules. Such an employee will be debarred from availing the facility in future. d)He will allow the company's representative at all reasonable times to inspect and verify the said furniture and household goods and to take periodic inventory at the residence of employee.

P a g e | 472(viii) The repairs and maintenance of the furniture and household goods will be undertaken by the employee himself. (ix)The employee will not, save as expressly provided by the company in writing, alienate, hypothecate, transfer, assign or otherwise part with the furniture and household goods in any manner, whatsoever, and will not do or omit any act, deed, matter or thing whereby the security of the company and the recovery & realization of outstanding amount due to the company, in any manner, is prejudiced or otherwise affected. (x)An employee availing the facility and not complying with any of the provisions of the scheme or any other conditions/term/ promise/undertaking given by him or misusing the furniture and household goods facility granted in any form, will render himself liable to disciplinary action and will be bound to refund the entire amount of the purchase price outstanding together with interest @18% per annum. (xi)This agreement will come to an end on payment of full amount of loan and interest or at the time of exit from the scheme, for any reason whatsoever, after the same is paid to/ recovered by the company. (xii)In the event of any dispute or difference arising out of any of the provisions herein contained, or any breach of interpretation thereof, the decision of the Director(P&IR), CIL, will be final and binding. (xiii) The employee agrees and undertakes to do all acts, deeds and things necessary to implement the above agreement as required by the company from time to time. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the employee hereto set and subscribed his hand and the company has executed through these presents, the day, month and year first hereinabove written. Signed and delivered on behalf of Signed by Shri/ Smt Coal India Limited/subsidiary By…………………… (Authorized officer of the company)In the presence of…….. In the presence of……..

P a g e | 473Annexure-IV (Clause 6.3)Personal security bond for furniture and household goods scheme KNOW ALL MENby these presents that…. (herein after referred to as ‘the employee\") residing at…………………employed as……… in Coal India Limited/ subsidiary (hereinafter referred to as\" the Company”) to hold and firmly bind unto in favour of the company myself, my heirs, executors, administrators, legal representatives and/or assignees, for the true and faithful repayment of money determined by the company in accordance with the terms and conditions contained in the Agreement executed for providing furniture and household goods at my residence (hereinafter referred to as 'the said Agreement'). SIGNEDand delivered by me at this day of ………………..20____.WHEREAS the company has decided to provide advance to purchase furniture and household goods to above bounden Shri/ Smt………………….on the ……… of……………….20___, under the said agreement, on terms and conditions set out therein, to be repaid in the time and manner thereunder indicated and the repayment thereof is secure by this personal bond in terms herein contained. NOW THE CONDITION of this above written personal bond is such that if I, the user, will repay, or cause to be repaid the loan amount and interest for the purchase of the furniture and household goods, and other expenses if any, in the manner indicated in the said agreement, then and in such an event, this bond or obligation will be void and stand automatically cancelled, otherwise the same will remain in full force and virtue. IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have set and subscribed their respective hands and seal the day, month and year first above written. Signature SIGNED on behalf of the Company Employee Witness (1) Witness (1) Witness (2) Witness (2)

P a g e | 474Annexure V(Clause 11.1)Form of surety bond for availing advance for the purchase of furniture and households goods Know all men by these present that I,_________________, son of________resident of________________in the District of ________________at present employed as _____________in the _____________ is surety on behalf of Shri________________________ (borrower), do hereby bind myself and my respective heirs, executors and administrators to pay to the Coal India Limited/ subsidiary (herein after referred to as the ‘Company’) on demand the sum of Rs.________________ (Rupees_________________________ only) together with interest thereon as hereafter specified and all costs between attorney and client and all charges and expenses that will or may have been incurred by or occasioned to the Company to be paid to the Company for which payment to be well and truly made. Whereas the company has agreed to grant to Shri_________________________, son of Shri_______________________________, resident of_______________________ in the District of____________________at present employed as ___________ in the Coal India Limited/ subsidiary (herein after called the ‘borrower’) at the borrower’s own request and advance of ₹__________________(Rupees___________________________________________only) for the purchase of ___________________________. And whereas the borrower has undertaken to repay the said amount in ______ equal monthly installments with interest as calculated at the rate and in the manner prescribed under the Coal India furniture and households goods advance scheme, which expression will include any amendment hereof for the time being in force or on so much there of as will for the time being in force or on so much thereof as will for the time being remain due and unpaid calculated according to the said scheme. And whereas in consideration of the company having agreed to grant the aforesaid advance to the borrower the surety has agreed to execute the above bond with such conditions as hereunder are written. Now the condition of the above written bond is that if the said borrower will, while employed in the company, duly and regularly pay or cease to be paid the company the amount of the aforesaid advance owing to the company by installments with interest as calculated in the aforesaid manner, thereon, or on so much thereof as will for the time being remain due and unpaid calculated according to the said scheme from the day of the advance until the said sum of

P a g e | 475₹___________________(Rupees ________________________only) with interest as calculated in the aforesaid manner will be duly paid, then this bond will be void, otherwise the same will be and remain in full force and virtue. But so nevertheless that if the borrower will die or become insolvent or at any time cease to be in the services of the company the whole or so much of the said principal sum of ₹_______________________(Rupees_____________________only) thereof as will then remain unpaid and the interest due will immediately become due and payable to the company and be recoverable from the surety in one installment by virtue of the bond. The obligation undertaken by the surety will not be discharged or in any way affected by an extension of time or any indulgence granted by the company of the said borrower whether with or without the knowledge or consent of the surety. Signed and delivered by the ______________________________ ___________________________ (Surety Name) (Surety Signature) in the presence of. 1. 2. Signature, address and occupation of the witness. ACCEPTED For and on behalf of Coal India Limited. Note: (not to be typed) 1. Surety must be confirmed employee of the company. (He does not have surety for more than one employee). 2. Surety must sign in each page of the bond. 3. Bond paper must contain appropriate value. 4. Bond must be typed neat and clean.

P a g e | 476References 1 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Furniture/2827 dated 08.05.2018. 2 Letter No. CIL/XI(D)/04027/2021/26915 dated 20.07.2021.

P a g e | 477House Building Advance Rules [1]1.0. Eligibility House Building Advance may be granted to the Company Employees on regular appointment after completion of minimum 5 years’ service excluding probationary period. [2]Note: (i)In case where both the husband and wife happen to be company employees and eligible for the grant of advance, it shall be admissible to only one of them. (ii)In respect of employees of Govt. Organizations/Public Sector Undertaking joining CIL as a fresh appointee after serving lien from the previous employees, the permanent status earned by them in that organization and/or the period of continuous services rendered by them in said organizations immediately before joining CIL shall also be counted for the purpose of this rule for grant of House Building Advance to them. In such cases, no further examination of the documents pertaining to the properties against which loan has been advanced by their erstwhile employers will be necessary. However, the employee will be required to create a fresh mortgage of the concerned property in favor of CIL as per HBA rules of CIL. In such cases payment will be made directly to the previous employer from whom the advance was taken and not to the employee. 2.0. Conditions to be fulfilled An applicant for the grant of an advance must satisfy the following conditions: (A)He must not have availed of any loan or advance for acquisition of the house in the past from any government source (e.g. Ministry of Rehabilitation or a Central or State Housing Scheme), or drawn an advance or made a final withdrawal from his provident fund in connection with the acquisition of a house, provided, however, where the loan or advance, already availed of does not exceed the amount admissible under these rules it would be open to the company’s employee concerned to apply for an advance under these rules one condition that he undertakes to repay the outstanding loans, advances, together with interest (if any) thereon forthwith in one lump sum to the Ministries/Departments concerned. (B)Neither the applicant, nor the applicant’s wife/husband/minor child must be the owner of a house. However, this condition may be relaxed by the company in exceptional circumstances, for example, if the applicant’s wife/husband/minor child owns a house in a village, and the applicant desires 1 Approved by Coal Mines Authority Limited (CMAL) Board on 26.07.1974. Amendments upto 09.01.1990 was communicated in a Book form. 2 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018.

P a g e | 478to settle down in a town or where an applicant happens to own a house jointly with other relatives, and he desires to build a separate house for his bonafide residential purposes. (C)The floor area of the house to be constructed or purchased must not be less than “22 Sq. m.”(D)No employee will be eligible for House Building Advance if: [3]1. He is superannuating within 60 months. 2. He is on deputation from Central or State Government or other Organization. 3. The purchase of the land/house is made from any family member/relative who is dependent upon him. 3.0. Purposes for which advance may be granted An advance may be granted for: (a)Constructing a new house (including acquisition of a suitable plot of land for the purpose), either at the place of duty or at the place where the company servant purposes to settle after retirement. Application for advance for purchasing a ready built house or for repayment of any outstanding amounts on accounts of loans expressly taken from Govt. Organizations/Public Sector Undertakings together with interest accrued thereon subject to the overall ceiling limit of the House Building Advance for the purpose aforesaid before the date of receipt of application for advance, may also be considered. (b)Enlarging the living accommodation in the existing house owned by the Employee or owned jointly with his/ her wife/ husband and the total cost of the additions and extensions of which does not exceed for Rs. 6,00,000/- provided the Employee has minimum 3 years of service left. [4]4.0. Amount of Advance (a)Not more than one advance shall be sanctioned under these rules to a company servant during his entire service. (b)The amount of House Building Advance would be limited to 75 months’ pay (including Dearness Pay, Personal Pay and Special Pay, Special DA and VDA where admissible) or 30.0 lakhs, whichever is less. This will subsume the ₹advance amount under “CIL Furniture and Household Goods Purchase Scheme” for the following purposes: [4]3 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018. 4 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018.

P a g e | 479(i)Construction of a new house on the plot owned by the employee or the employee and his/her wife/husband jointly provided they mortgage the house jointly. (ii)Purchasing a plot and constructing a house thereon. (iii)Purchasing a plot under co-operative schemes and constructing a house thereon. (iv)Outright purchase of a new and unlived in ready built house/flat from Housing Boards, Development Authorities and other statutory or, semi Govt. bodies, co-operatives and also from private parties. (v)Repayment of loan and/or advance taken by the applicant for constructing or purchasing a house. (vi)Acquiring of flats/houses through membership of co-operative group housing societies, subject to the following conditions: (A)(i)The applicant shall execute a personal bond in the prescribed form and also furnish two sureties in the prescribed from. The surety bond shall be executed jointly by two sureties who are permanent employees of Coal India and its Subsidiaries of same status as that of the applicant or of higher status having sufficient length of service upto the period of recovery of advance with interest from the loanee. (ii)The surety should not be husband/wife of member or the same joint family and should not have stood surety for anyone else. (iii)The amount of advance shall not exceed 75 months pay (including Dearness Pay, Personal Pay and Special Pay, Special DA and VDA where admissible) or 30.0 lakhs ₹[5] or the cost of the flat whichever is the least, as admissible under the rules. (B)The amount of house building advance sanctioned to an employee shall be disbursed in the following manner: (i)A sum equal to 30% of the advance sanctioned shall be payable to the applicant on his executing the bond and on furnishing two sureties in the prescribed form. (ii)The remaining amount of the house building advance sanctioned to an employee shall be disbursed in suitable installments as fixed by the sanctioning authority at the time issue of sanction, on the basis of the payment schedule of the flat furnished by the 5 Due to enhancement of the advance limit vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018.

P a g e | 480concerned co-operative group housing society. For each disbursement the employee shall produce a demand letter from the housing society indicating the progress of the construction, the correctness of which may be verified by the sanctioning authority by arranging inspection of premises. (iii)The original agreement between the housing society and the applicant, the share certificate issued by the society, the letter from the society allotting a flat to the members and original receipts for payment should be produced for verification by the loanee. A certificate that the co-operative society is registered with the Registrar or Co-operative Societies of the concerned State shall also be produced. (C)On transfer of the ownership of the flat in favour of the employee, the employee will mortgage it to the company as surety for the loan obtained from the company. Subject to the provision that the employee (i.e. Borrower) is in a position to make a personal investment not less that 5% of the total estimated cost of the house or of the land and the house taken together in cases covered by rule 3 (a) above. The actual amount of advance to be sanctioned will be determined by the Sanctioning Authority on the basis of plans and the detailed specifications and estimates to be furnished by applicants justifying the amount of advance applied for, and shall in no case exceed the estimated cost of construction/purchase and/or redemption within the ceiling prescribed above. Note: Pay at the time of Competent Authority’s approval and no subsequent increase by way of promotion, transfer, increment etc. will be taken into consideration. (c) Repaying Capacity The advance shall be restricted to the amount which the employee may be expected to be in a position to repay by convenient, monthly deductions from his/her pay before the date of his/her superannuation under the rules of the company and partly if necessary from the Gratuity that the employee may be eligible for under the service rules of the company. For this purpose, it shall be taken that an employee shall commence repayment of advance 18 months after the payment of advance by the competent authority and that installment calculated upto 50% of pay will be within his paying capacity.

P a g e | 481Provided that in respect of employees governed by the payment of Wages Act, the repaying capacity would be assessed taking into consideration the limits deductions stipulated in Section 7(3) of the said Act. Clarification:The house building advance should be restricted to amount which the employee is in a position to repay before the date of his superannuation taking his monthly repaying capacity to be 50% of his pay. In the cases where the recovery of the total advance cannot be effected within the stipulated time for unforeseen reasons such as long leave without pay, termination of service, voluntarily retirement, resignation, death, etc, the amount of outstanding house building advance is to be recovered from the gratuity of the employee. (d)Subject to the provisions contained in Clause 4(c), the maximum amount of additional loan can be obtained by an employee from the Financial Institution is as under: [6]Basic Pay Maximum ceiling of additional loan Upto 2700/- ₹₹1.00 Lakh ₹2701/- to 4500/- ₹₹1.50 Lakhs ₹4501/- & above ₹2.00 Lakhs 5.0. Disbursement & Security 1.Advance required partly for purchase of land and partly for constructing a new house or enlarging living accommodation in an existing house shall be paid as follows: (i)An amount not exceeding 20 percent of the admissible amount will be payable to the applicant for purchasing a plot of land on his executing an agreement in the prescribed form for the repayment of the advance. In all cases in which part of the advance is given for the purpose of land, the land must be purchased and the sale-deed in respect thereof produced for the inspection of the Head of the department concerned within two months of the date of which the above amount of 29% is drawn failing which the applicant shall be liable to refund at once the entire amount to the company together with interest thereon. (ii)An amount equal to 30% of the balance of the advance to the applicant on his mortgaging in favour of the company the land purchased by him along with the house to be built thereon where such mortgage is permitted by the terms of the sale of land. In cases where the terms of sale do not vest title in the purchaser till a house is erected on the land, the applicant shall execute an agreement with the company in the prescribed form agreeing to 6 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50724/V/166 dated 11.11.1997.

P a g e | 482mortgage the land together with the house to be built thereon, as soon as the house has been built and the title to the property is completed. The mortgage can also be effected by the employee concerned by simple deposit of the title deeds/documents accompanied by written memorandum (Equitable Mortgage) determining the scope and extent of the Security in notified areas. (iii)An amount equal to 40% of the amount remaining after deducting from the sanctioned amount of the advance the installment given for the purchase of land will be payable when the construction of the house reaches plinth area. (iv)The balance of the sanctioned advance will be payable when the construction of the house has reached roof level provided the Head of the Department is satisfied that the development of the area in which the house is built is complete in respect of amenities such as water supply, street lighting, roads, drainage and sewerage. 2.Advance required only for constructing a new house or enlarging living accommodation in an existing house shall be paid as follows: (i)An amount equal to 30% of the sanctioned advance will be payable to the applicant on his mortgaging in favour of the company the land purchased by him along with the house to be built thereon where such mortgage is permitted by the terms of the sale of land. In cases where the terms of sale do not vest title in the purchaser till a house is erected on the land the applicant shall execute an agreement with the company in the prescribed form agreeing to mortgage the land together with the house to be built thereon, as soon as the house has been built and the title to the property is complete. The mortgage can also be affected by the employee concerned by simple deposit of the title deeds/documents accompanied by written memorandum (Equitable Mortgage) determining the scope and extent of the security in notified areas. (ii)A further amount not exceeding 40% of the sanctioned advance will be payable when the house has reached plinth level. (iii)The remaining 30% of the sanctioned advance will be payable when the house house has reached roof level provided the Head of the Department is satisfied that the development of the area in which the house is built is complete in respect of amenities such as water supply, street lighting, roads, drainage and sewerage. 3.Advance required either for purchasing a ready built house or for repaying a loan taken by the applicant for constructing or purchasing a house shall be paid as follows: (a)The Head of department may sanction payment of the entire amount required by, and admissible to the applicant in one lump sum on the applicant’s

P a g e | 483executing an agreement in the prescribed form for the repayment of the loan. The acquisition of the houses must be completed, and the house mortgaged to company within 3 months of the drawal of the advance, failing which the advance together with the interest thereon shall be refunded to company forthwith, unless an extension of this time limit is granted by the Head of the Department concerned. (b)In addition to executing the agreement/mortgage, referred to in sub-paragraph (a) above, the applicant is required to furnish surety of a permanent employee in the prescribed form before the sanctioned advance or any part thereof is actually disbursed to them. [7]Note: (i)The liability of the surety will continue till the house built/purchased/redeemed is mortgaged to company or till the advance with the interest due thereon is repaid to the company whichever happens earlier. (ii)Utilization of the advance for a purpose other than that for which it is sanctioned shall render the company employee liable to disciplinary action under the company’s conduct and discipline rules, apart from his being called upon to refund to company forthwith the entire advance drawn by him (together with interest thereon calculated as in Rule 6). 6.0. Interest [7]The interest rate for the advance would be as per the prevailing rate fixed by Government of India on House Building Advance from time to time. 7.0. Construction, Maintenance, etc. (a)The construction of the house or additions to living accommodation in an existing house, as the case may be shall be: (i)Carried out in accordance with the approved plan and specifications on the basis of which the amount of advance has been computed and sanctioned. The plan and specifications must note be departed from without the prior concurrence of the Managing Director(s)/Functional Director(s). the company employee shall certify, when applying for installments of advance admissible at the plinth/roof level, the construction is being carried out strictly in accordance with the plan and estimates furnished by him to the company that the construction has actually reached plinth/roof level, and that the amount already drawn has actually been used on the construction of the house. The head of the Department may, if necessary arrange to have inspection carried out to verify the correctness of the certificates; and (ii)Completed within 18 months of the date on which the first installment of the advance is paid to the company employee concerned. Failure to do so will 7 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018.

P a g e | 484render the company employees liable to refund the entire amount advanced o him (together with interest thereon calculated as in Rule 6 above), in one lump sum. An extension of the time limit may be allowed upto one year by the head of Department, and for no longer period by the company, in these cases where work is delayed due to circumstances beyond his control. The date of completion must be reported to the Head of Department concerned without delay. Clarification: 1. In terms of rule 7 (a) (i)of the House Building Allowance Rules, the loanee has to satisfy the Head of Department regarding correctness of the certificates produced by the loanee of construction at various stages of release of installments of advance. 2. Instances have come to notice in which carrying out of inspection of the premises takes considerable time particularly when employee constructs house in far off places. As a result of this, the loanee experience difficulties in drawal of subsequent installments of house building advance. 3. The matter has been examined and in order to remove the difficulties it has been decided that in such exceptional cases, the installments of the house building advance at various stages of construction may be released on the basis of certificated issued by qualified and registered Engineers/Architects regarding house having reached upto plinth/roof level. (b)Immediately on completion or purchase of the house or redemption, as the case may be, the company employee concerned shall insure the house, at his own cost, with the National Insurance Company (A Govt. of India Undertaking) for a sum not less than the amount of the advance and shall keep it so insured, against damage, fire, flood or lighting, till the advance is fully paid to company and deposit the policy with his Head of Department. The premium must be paid regularly and the premium receipts produced for inspection by the appropriate authority (viz. Head of Office or Department concerned).the Head of Department/Accounts Officer will obtain from the company employee drawing the advance a letter to the insurer with which the house is insure to notify to the letter the fact that the company is interested in the Insurance Policy secured. The Head of Department/Accounts Officer will himself forward the letter to the insurer and obtain his acknowledgement. In the case of insurances effected on annual basis, this process should be repeated every year until the advance has been fully repaid to company. (c)The house must be maintained in good repair at his own cost by the company employee concerned. He shall also keep it free from all encumbrances, and shall continue to pay all the Municipal and other local rates and taxes regularly until the advance has been paid to company in full. The company employee shall furnish an annual certificate to this effect to the Head of Department.

P a g e | 485(d)During the continuance of mortgage and so long as the loan or any part thereof or interest due thereon shall remain unpaid, the company employee shall not create any change, lien, encumber transfer or otherwise alienate mortgaged property. However, in the event the company employee is in need to have additional loan from any Financial Institutions, in order to complete the House or Flat by creation of a second mortgage, the company may grant permission on application by the employee subject to compliance of the following conditions to satisfaction of the company. i)The Financial institutions from which the employee proposed to obtain an additional loan is recognized by Reserve Bank of India. ii)The second mortgage proposal to be created by the employee shall not in any way effect and/or prejudice the financial interest of the company and the mortgage created by the employee in favour of the company shall continue to remain first charge on the mortgaged property. iii)The amount of additional loan intended to be obtained by the company employee from the Financial Institution does not exceed the maximum ceiling provided in Clause 4 (d). iv)The amount to be paid by the employees towards servicing of the loan drawn from the company and servicing of the additional loan should not exceed the permissible limit of remaining capacity of the employees as provided in Clause 4 (c). [8](e)After the completion of the house, annual inspection may be carried out by any authorized officer under instructions from the Head of Department concerned, to ensure that it is maintained in good repair until the advance has been repaid in full. The company employee concerned shall afford full facility for those inspections to the officer(s) designated for the purpose. [9]Note:Furnishing the false certificate will render the company employee concerned liable to suitable disciplinary action apart from his being called upon to refund to the company forthwith the entire advance drawn by him. 8.0. Repayment of Advance (a)The advance granted to a company employee under these rules, together with the interest thereon shall be repaid in full by monthly installments within a period not exceeding 20 years. 8 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50724/V/166 dated 11.11.1997. 9 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50724/V/166 dated 11.11.1997.

P a g e | 486First the recovery of the advance shall be made in not more than 180 monthly installments and then interest shall be recovered in not more than 60 monthly installments. Note: (i)The amount to be recovered monthly shall be fixed in whole rupees, except in the case of the last installment when the remaining balance including any fraction of a rupee shall be recovered. (ii)Recovery of advance granted for constructing a new house or enlarging living accommodation in an existing house shall commence from the month following the completion of the house or 18 months after the date on which the first installment of the advance is paid to the company servant, whichever is earlier. In the case of advances taken for purchasing a ready built house or for repaying earlier loans (including those from private parties) taken for purchasing or constructing a house, recovery shall commence from the pay of the month following that in which advance is drawn. (iii)It will be open to company employee to repay the amount in a shorter period of they so desire. In any case, the entire amount must be repaid in full with interest thereon before the date on which they are due to retire from service. (iv)In order to avoid undue hardship to a company employee who is due to retire within 20 years of the date of application for the grant of an advance, the Head of Department may permit him to repay the advance with interest in convenient monthly installments (the amount of which shall not be less than the amount of monthly installments on the basis of repayment within the period of 20 years) during the remaining period of his service provided he gives an undertaking authorizing the company to recover the entire outstanding amount from the gratuity that may be payable and any other retirement benefits that may be sanctioned to him or in the event of his death to realize the outstanding balance from any benefit that may be payable to his estate. In any event the company will have liberty to enforce the deed of mortgage which will be executes by the employee in favour of the company. (v)In case the company employee does not repay the balance of the advance due to the company on or before the date of hi retirement, it shall be open to the company to enforce the security of the mortgage at any time thereafter, and recover the balance of the advance due together with interest and cost of the recovery, by sale of house or in such other manner as may be permissible under the law. (vi)While issuing the L.P.C. in the case of transfer of an employee from one Subsidiary to another Subsidiary Company the incidence of H.B.A. drawn by the employee concerned should clearly be spelt out and also separate communication be sent to the concerned Subsidiary Company where the employee has been transferred, for regular recovery of the advance from the employee concerned by them as done in the case of P.F. and other advances.

P a g e | 487The amount of monthly installment of the advance so recovered should be regularly remitted to the Subsidiary where from the advance had been drawn. (b)Recovery of the advance shall be effected through the monthly pay leave salary bills of the company employee concerned by the Head of the Office or the Accounts Officer concerned, as the case may be. These recoveries will not be held up or postponed except with prior concurrence of the company. (c)If a company employee ceases to be in service for any reason other than normal retirement/superannuation, or if he/she dies, before repayment of the advance in full, the entire outstanding amount of the advance shall become payable to the company forthwith. The company may however, in deserving cases, permit the company employee concerned, or his successors in interest, as the case may be or the sureties in cases covered by Rule 5(b) if the house has not been completed and/or mortgaged to the company by that time, to repay the outstanding amount together with interest thereon calculated as in Rule 6 above, in suitable installments. Failure on the part of the company employee concerned or his successors, as the case may be, to repay the advance for any reason whatsoever, will entitle the company to enforce the mortgage and take such other action to effect recovery or the outstanding amount as may be permissible. (d)The property mortgaged to the company shall be reconveyed to the company employee concerned (or his successors in interest, as the case may be) after the advance together with the interest thereon has been repaid to the company in full. 9.0. Sanctioning Authority:[10]The following authorities are authorized to approve the advance after satisfying themselves that the employee has the capacity to repay the same in the stipulated period: i)CMD, CIL/ Subsidiary. ii)FDs & CVOs of CIL/ Subsidiary for EDs, GMs, HoDs and employees working directly under him/ her. iii) EDs, GMs/ HoDs of CIL/ Subsidiary for all employees working under his/ her administrative control. Functional Directors of CIL & its Subsidiaries are authorized to approve the advance after satisfying themselves that the Employee has the capacity for repaying the advance in the stipulated period. The application for House Building Advance is to be decided within one month and the status of the application is to be uploaded on the website of the Company. 10 Amended due to letter No. CIL/XI(D)/04027/2021/26915 dated 20.07.2021. Earlier incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018.

P a g e | 48810.0. Procedure for dealing with applications:[11](a)Applications should be submitted by the company employee to the Head of their Department in the prescribed form (in duplicate) through proper channel. The following documents should accompany the applications: (i)A declaration in regard to the house property, if any, owned by the applicant or the applicant’s wife/husband/minor children at the time of application.(ii)If the advance is required for enlarging living accommodation in an existing house, or for repaying earlier loans taken for constructing or purchasing a house, an attested copy of the sale deed as well as of documents if any, establishing that the applicant possesses indisputable title to the property in question. A site plan should also be furnished where advance is required for repayment of earlier loan(s) authentic evidence indicating the outstanding amount(s) of the loan(s) in question should also be furnished; and (iii)In cases where applicants happen to be in possession of land and desire to build a new house on it, a copy of the sale deed or the other proof of the applicant having clear title to land on which the house is proposed to be built, along with a site plan. If the land happens to be lease-hold, an attested copy of the lease deed should also be enclosed. (b)The Head of Departments will scrutinize the application and satisfy themselves of the correctness of the facts, etc. stated therein. They will also examine the title deeds, etc. furnished in compliance with sub rules (ii) and (iii) above (in consultation with their law officers and revenue and registration authorities, if necessary) to make sure that the applicant does, in fact, possess a clear title to the property in question. After this has been done, the Head of Department will forward the application to the Sanctioning Authority [12] along with their recommendations. (c)The Sanctioning Authority [12] will examine the applications with reference to the priorities, etc. if any, laid down for dealing with them. Subject to funds being available, the application will be returned to the Head of the Department concerned indicating: (i)The amount of advance that may be sanctioned by the Head of the Department where it happens to be required partly for purchasing the plot of land for constructing a house (see also sub rules d(ii) and (c) below), or required for repaying earlier loan(s) taken for constructing or purchasing a house, or for purchasing a ready built house, and (ii)The monetary limit upto which the grant of an advance could be considered in due course, in other cases (viz. for constructing a new house or for increasing living accommodation in existing house). 11 Clause No. amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018.12 Amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018.

P a g e | 489(d)On receipt of the approval of the Sanctioning Authority [12]: (i)Formal sanction to the grant of advance to applicant in cases covered by sub rule (c) (i) above will be accorded by the Head of Department concerned who shall also arrange to complete the prescribed formalities, such as execution of agreement, mortgage deed, surety bond, undertaking etc in the prescribed forms (in consultation with appropriate legal authorities where necessary), and then scrutinize disbursement of an appropriate amount out of the sanctioned advance to the applicant. Where land or ready built house is intended to be purchased, with the help of the advance, the Head of the Department may, before authorizing payment of the advance, also require the company employee concerned to certify that the negotiations for the purchase have reached concluding stages, that purchase price is not likely to be less than the amount of advance sanctioned, and that he has satisfy himself that the transaction will enable him to acquire indisputable title to the land/house in question in such cases, the sales deeds, etc. should be examined by the Head of the Department carefully (in consultation with legal and other authorities where necessary) to ensure that the company employee concerned has actually acquired indisputable title to the property in question. It should also be verified that the market value of the land/house purchased is not less than the advance sanctioned; and (ii)The Head of Department shall instruct applicants desirous of constructing a new house or enlarging living accommodation in an existing house, to furnish 2 copies of plans, as well as specifications and estimates in the prescribed proforma. The plans must be got duly approved by the Municipality or other local body concerned before submitting them to the Head of the Department. (e)The plans, specifications and estimates referred to in sub-rule (d) (ii) above should be referred to the Sanctioning Authority [13] with reference to the earlier correspondence on the subject. The Managing Director/Functional Director will after examining all these details inform the Head of Department of the maximum amount of advance that could be granted to the applicant concerned. On receipt of the recommendations of the Managing Director/Functional Director, the Head of Department will accord final sanction to the grant of the advance or if necessary amend the original sanctions issued in cases where the advance is required partly for purchasing a plot of land (see sub-rule (c) (i) and (d) (i) above). The Head of Department shall also attend to all formalities as explained in sub-rule (d) (i) above, and then authorize the disbursement of the first installment of advance for construction purposes to the applicant. The payment of remaining two installments of advance may be authorized by the applicants as prescribed in rule 7 (a) and such inspections may be deemed necessary. It should also be verified before disbursing the last installment of the advance, that the development of the site has been completed (vide rule 5 above). 13 Amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/HBA/2828 dated 08.05.2018.

P a g e | 490(f)The Head of Department shall also ensure that the transaction/construction of the house is completed within the period prescribed in the Rules and that: (i)The prescribed mortgage deed is executed immediately on completion/ redemption/ purchase of the house, and the document kept in safe custody after registration; (ii)The house is insured in the manner indicated in Rule 7 (b) above immediately on its purchase/completion/redemption, and that the premium receipts are regularly produced for inspection; (iii)The house is maintained in good repair and that necessary insurance premia and municipal rates and taxes are paid regularly, and the requisite certificate furnished annually, until the advance has been repaid in full; (iv)Monthly recovery of installments of repayment of the advance commences from the due date and is made regularly from the pay/leave salary bill of the company employee concerned thereafter; (v)In the case of the company employee likely to retire within 18 months of the date of their application for the advance (see Rule 5 (b) above), the amount of their gratuity will be adequate to cover the balance outstanding against them just before the date of their retirement; (vi)Any amount drawn in excess of the expenditure incurred, is refunded by the company employee concerned to the company forthwith together with the interest if any due thereon; and (vii)The property mortgaged to the company is released immediately on the repayment of the advance and the interest thereon in full. (g)To enable the Managing Director/Functional Director to watch the disbursement of the funds and the progress on the construction of houses, Head of Department will send to him a consolidated quarterly progress report (in respect of all the Department to which it relates, in the prescribed proforma. In order to enable the Head of Department to furnish the progress report to the Managing Director/Functional Director in time, all the Company’s Administrative Departments including the attached and subordinate offices to the Company will send them a consolidated quarterly progress report (in respect of all departments and offices under it) by the 15 of the month following the quarter to which it threlates in the prescribed proforma.

P a g e | 491Annexure I Application form for advance for building etc. of houses. 1. (a) Name (in block letters) …………………………………EIS no…………………(b)Designation……………………………………………………………………...(c)Scale of pay……………………………………………………………………...(d) Present pay (excluding of allowances/ perks but including Dearness Pay if any) ………………2. (a)Department of office in which employed…………………………………………………(b)Station where posted……………………………………………………………………...3. Please state: Whether you are a permanent permanent employee and the Govt. if so, give length of particulars. service rendered Do you hold a Date appointment under present age the Central or a State of Date on which Is your spouse a birth & you will attain company age of employee? If so, superannuation give the name, designation, office etc. 1 2 3 4 5 4. Do you or does your spouse/ minor child already own a house? If so, please state: Station where it Floor area Its is situated with (in sq. ft.) address approximate valuation Reasons for desiring to own another house, or enlarging living accommodation in an existing house, as the case may be 1 2 3 4

P a g e | 4925. a) Do you require the advance for building a new house? If so, please indicate: Approx. floor area Estimated cost of the house proposed to be constructed (in sq. ft.) Amount of No. of yrs. in which advance required the advance with interest is proposed to be repaid Cost of Cost land of Total building 1 2 3 4 5 6 Note: Entries in columns 2 to 4 will have to be supported by specifications, estimates (in the enclosed form) and plan at the appropriate state. b) Whether you are already in possession of land? If so, please state: Name of the city Whether you wish Area of the Name of the municipality or or town where it to settle there after plot (in sq. other local authority (if any) in is located superannuation yds.) whose jurisdiction it is located 1 2 3 4 c) If no plot is already in your possession, how and when do you propose to acquire one? State the approximate plot area (in sq. yds.) proposed to be acquired. 6. Do you require the advance for enlarging living accommodation in an existing house, if so, please state: No. of Total room in floor the house area of storey (excluding the lavatory, bath room (in sq. is & kitchen) ft.) room If an Particulars of additional Amount No. additional is proposed to be added the foundation strong enough information desired of advance which the desired of yrs. in advance with interest is proposed to be repaid No. of Floor rooms area (in sq. ft.) Estimated cost 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

P a g e | 493Note: A plan on the existing house should accompany the application. 7. Do you require the advance for repaying loans taken earlier for purchasing/ constructing a house? If so, please state: Location Floor area Plinth of the of house the area house in the house house sq. ft. of of in sq. ft. Total cost Names and Amount the addresses of of (including whom loans required land) parties from advance were taken & the amount outstanding in their favour on the date of application No. of years in which the advance with interest is proposed to be repaid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Note: A plan of the house and specification used in construction should accompany the application 8. Do you require the advance for purchasing a ready built house? (a) (i) if so, and in case you already have a house in view, please state: Location of area house Floor Plintof house (in house sq. ft.) h area of the house (in sq. ft.) Approx. age of l value of & the Municipathe house addresName s of the d to be e owner Approx. Amounprice expectepaid t of years in advancrequired No. of which advance with interest is proposed to be repaid 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

P a g e | 494(b) If you do not already have a house in view, how, when and where do you proposed to acquire one indicate: The approximate amount The approximate amount of No. of years in which the up to which you will advance required prepare to buy a house advance with interest is proposed to be repaid Note: Details specified against item 8 (a) above should be furnished in this case also as soon as possible and in any case before the full amount of advance can be drawn. (ii) Have you satisfied yourself that the transaction would result in your acquiring an indisputable title to the house? Note: A plan for the house should accompany the application. (b) If you do not already have a house in view, how, when and where do you proposed to acquire one indicate: The approximate The approximate amount of No. of years in which the amount up to which advance required you will prepare to buy a house advance with interest is proposed to be repaid Note: Details specified against item 8 (a) above should be furnished in this case also as soon as possible and in any case before the full amount of advance can be drawn. 9. If the land on which the house stands, or proposed to be constructed, free hold or lease hold? If lease hold, state: The term How much of the Whether of the term has already conditions of the for the plot lease expired lease permit the Premium paid Annual rental of the plot

P a g e | 495land being mortgaged to the company 1 2 3 4 5 Note: A copy of the lease/ sale deed should accompany the application 10. (a) Is your title to land/ house undisputed and free from encumbrances? (b) Can you produce, if required, original documents (sale or lease deed) in support of your title? If not, state the reason indicating what other documentary proof, if any, you can furnish in support of your claim?(See items 5(b), 6 and 7 above). (c) In case you have, does the locality in which the plot of land/ house is situated possess essential services like roads, water supply, drainage, sewerage, street lighting, etc.? (Please furnish a site plan with complete address). 11. In case you happen to be due to retire from service within 20 years of the date of this application, do you undertake to repay the outstanding balance of the advance by making a final (House Building) withdrawal from your provident fund and/or authorized the company to adjust the remaining balance against any gratuity that may be admissible to you? 12. Is Rule 5(b) applicable to your case? If so, State: (i) the name, designation, scale of pay, office/ department, etc. of the permanent company employees who is willing to stand surety for you and; (ii) The date on which the proposed surety is stand due to attain the age of superannuation. DECLARATION I SOLEMNLY DECLARE THAT the information furnished by me in reply to the various items above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I HAVE READ THE RULES REGULATING the grant of advances to employees for building etc., of houses and agree by the terms and conditions stipulated therein. I CERTIFY THAT: (i)My wife/ husband is not a company employee. (ii) My wife/ husband who is a company employee has not applied for and/ or obtained an advance under these rules; and

P a g e | 496(iii) Neither I nor my wife/ husband has applied for and/ or obtained an advance or loan from any other Government source for the acquisition of a house. ……………………………………….. (Signature of the applicant) Station: Designation…………………………..Date: Department/ office in which employed………..………………………………..*Strike out the alternative(s) not applicable. (To be completed by the applicant’s head of department)No……………………………………Station…………………………Dated…………………… forwarded to the sanctioning authority. The facts stated in the application have been verified and found correct. It is recommended that an advance of ₹…………………………may be granted to the applicant. I have satisfied myself, on the basis of monthly deductions, etc., made from the applicant’s salary that this amount is well within his/ her repaying capacity. Signature………………………………Designation……………………………Name of Department……….………….Name of the signing officer should also be indicated in block letters below his signature.

P a g e | 497Form No. 1 Abstract of cost of original estimates and detailed specifications (based on details in Form No. 2) for grant of advance. Amount (₹).……………………………………………………….Name……………………………………………………………..Designation……………………………………………………….Locality and address in which the house is proposed to be constructed……………………………Item. Up- heads of items of work No. Quantity Rate QR No. per Amount Total I Earthwork (Earthwork excavation for foundations and disposing of surplus earth etc.) 1000 C. Ft. II Concrete work (Foundation concrete with cement of lime using stone or brick ballast either below floors or for footing) 1000 C. Ft. III Damp Proof course (Concrete on rich cement mortar or bitumbastic compound) IV Roofing work (R.C.C. or any other type of suitable roof) V Reinforced cement concreteVI Masonry (Brick, stone, concrete blocks walls etc.) VII Wood work

P a g e | 498(For doors and windows, wooden scantlings for roofs etc.) VIII Steel work (For reinforcement holdfast, window bars, etc.) IX Flooring (Concrete, stone or marble chip etc.) X (Plastering, pointing, colour or whitewashing, painting etc.) XI (Like Rain water pipes, sholves jails,chulas, pogs, hooks for fans etc.) XII Sanitary installation (Closets, connections pipes, manholes, drains etc.)XIII Water Supply (Tap water meters, water tanks G.I. pipe etc.)XIV Electricity (Electric points, meters, connections, lines etc.)Total Cost ………………………………… (Signature of applicant) Date……………………………

P a g e | 499Form No. 2 Detailed estimate for advance for the building of a house (Detailed estimate sheet to support the quantities given in Form 1) Name……………………………………………………………..Designation……………………………………………………….Office to which attached…………………………………………Locality and address in which the house is proposed ……………………………………………Sl. No. Details of work No. Measurement Quantities Length Breadth Height I. Earthwork 1. Earthwork in excavation in all soils for foundation and other trenches and depositing the same within one chain bed and up to 5’0” liftFront wall1 19 ½ 1 ½ 2 59 Rear verandah retaining wall1 19 ½ 1 ½ 1 ½ 44 Outside wall1 20 ½ 1 ½ 2 62 Common walls between rooms 1 ½ 12 ½ 1 ½ 2 56 W.C. front and rear 2 3 ¾ 1 1 ½ 11 W.C. front and side 1 ½ 4 ¾ 1 1 ½ 11 Steps in front and rear 2 4 ½ 1 ½ ½ 7 Total earthwork 250 2. Refilling the excavated earth etc. continue details for all items as given in sample Form No. 1 ………………………….(Signature of applicant) Date…………………….Note: The entries made in columns 3 to 7 against Item 2 above are just to explain how the entries form is to be prepared

P a g e | 500Annexure II (To be executed on a non-judicial stamp paper of appropriate value) DECLARATION Re: In the matter of housing loan of ₹……………………. lent and advance and/ or to be lent and advanced by the company in the matter of declaration of equitable mortgage by deposit of the title deeds of the immovable properties situated at……………………………… ……………………………………………………………..created on the ……………………….. day of ……………………………………………………..1.I,………………,son of…………,aged………,at present residing at…………………….do solemnly affirms and state and declare as follows: 2.I am an employee of Coal India Limited/ subsidiary (hereinafter called ‘Company’) and am working at present as………………………………………..3.With a view to secure the housing loan of ₹…………………………..interest and other moneys lent and advanced and/ or to be lent and advanced by company to me, I have created as and by way of security an equitable mortgage by deposit of title deeds, a mortgage in favour of the company on the ………………………… of……………………4.I confirm and declare that (save and except the said equitable mortgage in favour of the company), my property described in the schedule is free from all encumbrances claims and demands and I am the full and absolute owner, thereof, and no other person has any right, title, interest, claim or demands whatsoever thereof. 5.I further confirm and declare that my said property is not affected by any litigation, attachment, process of the court, lispendens or otherwise, howsoever, and there was no impediment in my creating the equitable mortgage in favour of company as stated above. SCHEDULE OF PROPERTY Solemnly declare at………………………………………By the within named……………………………………..Signature of the borrower This…………………………….day of……………….20……..Before me (To be affirmed before on this commissioner/ chief metropolitan magistrate/ magistrate/ notary public)

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