51 | P a g ec) To immediately refund 6% simple interest amount accrued on the already collected security deposit amount as compensation to the concerned Executives who are currently serving under Bond period. For the remaining bond period, the security deposit amount will continue to be deducted from such Executives and on successful completion of 60 months, the deducted security deposit amount as a whole will be returned to the concerned Executives without any interest. [18] Clarification I:[20] i) All the executives appointed as Management Trainees are covered under a service Bond of Rs. 3 lakhs to serve the Company for a minimum period of 60 months. The deduction of Rs. 5000/- per month from the salary as security deposit is against the said Bond amount. On completion of the 60 months service, the amount so deducted will be refunded without any interest. [18]ii) In the event of failure on the part of the Management Trainee to serve the company for the minimum period of 60 months, he/she will have to deposit the balance of the bond amount after adjusting the security deposit so deducted. iii) Executives who had earlier executed bond for Rs. 50,000/- only would also be liable to pay Rs. 3 lakhs in view of their placement in E2 Grade on appointment and E3 grade on completion of one year training vide circular No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CCC/42 dated 22.03.2012. iv) Executives who were under obligation to deposit Rs.50,000/- as Security Deposit in terms of Appointment conditions are also liable to pay Rs.3 Lakhs as given at Point (iii) above. v) The case where resignation of an executive during the bond period has already been accepted by the Management, such cases will not be reopened. Clarification II: [21]In the event of death of an executive during bond period, the deducted security deposit shall be refunded without interest [22] as in the case of refund on completion of the bond period to the nominee of the deceased. 1.21. Leave [23]It will be governed as per Coal India Executive Leave Rules 2010. 1.22. Leave Travel Concession [23]It will be governed as per Coal India Executive Leave Travel Concession Rules 2010. 20 Incorporated vide letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/BOND/296 dated 18.08.2014. Earlier clarified vide letter No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/96 dated 06.07.2012.21 Incorporated vide letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/BOND/1913 dated 09.01.2017. 22Amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Sec.Deposit/473 dated 02.09.2020. 23 Amended due to specific provisions in the concerned Rules.
52 | P a g e1.23. Qualifying Service for the purpose of Gratuity The period spent on training will be treated as qualifying service for the purpose of retirement gratuity scheme of the company provided the trainee successfully completes the training period and is appointed in the regular scale. 1.24. General The management reserves the right to extend the period of their training without notice at its discretion. 1.25. Proposal with Regard to Extension/ Re-employment of Executives after Compulsory Retirement on attaining the age of 58 years Deleted.[24] 1.26. Modalities of selection from Non-Executive to Executive grade in Mining and Survey [25]The methodology for selection from Non-Executive to Executive cadre in Mining (Under Manager) and Survey discipline will be done only through paper DPC. In case of Mining, the seniority of the eligible candidates is to be reckoned from the date of effectiveness of the requisite statutory certificate as per the relevant Cadre Scheme and the rest of the conditions with regard to requirement of clearances (Vigilance, Departmental and Safety) and minimum performance rating of “Good” remain unaltered. In case of Survey discipline, the norms for determination of seniority of eligible candidates for selection from Non-Executive to Executive Cadre in E1 & E2 grade will be as under:[26](i) The one who is senior in T&S Grade A1 (ii) If (i) is the same, then the date of coming in T&S Grade A (iii) If (i) & (ii) are also the same, then the date of coming in T&S Grade B (iv) If still there is a tie, then the one senior in age i.e., date of birth will be reckoned to be the senior. The rest of the conditions are same as envisaged above for Mining discipline. 1.27. Training Closure of Management Trainees of Mining discipline [27]1. After successful completion of training period and passing training closure examination at IICM, the training of Management Trainees of Mining discipline will be closed without waiting for 2 ndClass Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency and they will be placed in E3 grade. 24 Deleted due to OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/50729/CCC/20 dated 27.05.1998. 25 Incorporated due to letter No. CIL/C5A(i)/50254/NE-E/99 dated 10.06.2010. 26 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Rect. Survey/423 dated 21.05.2020 & OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/ Rect. Survey/477 dated 12.09.2020. 27 Incorporated due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Tr_Cl Min/472 dated 25.08.2020.
53 | P a g e2. Their further promotion to E4 grade will be done only after submission of Second Class or First Class Mine Manager’s Certificate of Competency to work both in Underground and Opencast mines. 1.28. Recruitment Modalities of Company Secretary discipline [28]1. Modalities for internal selection/ promotion of Departmental candidates Sl. ParametersMax Marks 1 Qualification i. Acquired Company Secretary Qualification with Associate membership of ICSI 15 Marks 25 Marks ii. Acquired Company Secretary Qualification with Fellow membership of ICSI 20 Marks iii.Acquired full time UG/ PG Degree in Law 5 Marks 2 Post qualification experience in Company Secretary department of CIL/ Subsidiaries as Non-Executives*: For each completed year of experience 04 Marks 16 Marks 3 ACR of last 3 years Outstanding 08/ Very Good 06/ ––Good 04 –{If employee doesn’t have enough experience to have 3 years of ACR, then based on the ACR Report for the period the employee had been in the service of the company, marks for other years will be allotted on an average basis to avoid the employees being put to disadvantage.} 24 marks 24 marks 4 Personal Interview (Professional, Technical knowledge and General awareness) 35 Marks 35 Marks Minimum total marks (1+2+3+4) for empanelment UR/EWS/OBC(NCL)SC/ ST/ PWD60 Marks 54 Marks 100 Marks 28 Incorporated due to OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS/569 dated 18.02.2021.
54 | P a g e*Experience of 6 months and more as on the date of DPC/ Selection will be treated as one year and experience of less than 6 months will be ignored. Note:Employees whose performance is assessed as less than “Good” in any of the years under review will not be considered fit for selection. 2. Modalities for Direct/ Open recruitment of Executives in entry level i.e., E2 grade Sl. ParametersMax Marks 1 Computer based online Test Paper - I 100 Marks Paper - II 100 Marks Total 200 Marks Qualifying marks in the Computer based online testGeneral (UR)/ EWSOBC (Non-creamy layer)SC/ ST/ PwDMinimum 40 marks in each paperMinimum 35 marks in each paperMinimum 30 marks in each paperNote:In case, there is tie in total marks, it will be resolved by giving preference to those candidates who have worked in a Listed Company. 3.Modalities for Lateral recruitment [29] Sl. ParametersMax Marks 1 Qualification i. Acquired Company Secretary Qualification with Associate membership 15 Marks 25 Marks ii. Acquired Company Secretary Qualification with Fellow membership of ICSI 20 Marks iii.Acquired full time UG/ PG Degree in Law (Or) Chartered Accountant 5 Marks 29Amended vide OM No.CIL/C5A(PC)/ CS Cadre/665 dated 01.06.2021
55 | P a g e2 Relevant post qualification experience* i. Minimum required experience for the notified grade 16 Marks 40 Marks ii. For additional years of experience in non-listed Company @ 6 marks per year24 Marks iii.For additional years of experience in listed Company @ 8 marks per year 24 Marks 3 Personal Interview (Professional, Technical knowledge and General awareness) 35 Marks 35 Marks Minimum total marks (1+2+3) for empanelment General/ UR OBC (NCL) SC/ ST/ PWD60 Marks 55 Marks 50 Marks 100 Marks *Experience of 6 months and more as on the date of the Selection will be treated as one year and experience of less than 6 months will be ignored. Note:i.Against a single Notification/ Advertisement, one Candidate will be allowed to apply for only one Post. ii.Relevant post qualification experience means relevant work experience in a Company Secretarial set-up with good understanding & knowledge of Companies Act, Rules and Regulations, SCRA, SEBI, Competition Act, FEMA Act, Listing requirements, maintenance of statutory books/ registers/ records/ etc., Memorandum and Articles of Association. It also includes having good knowledge of process, procedures and formalities of Public issue/ Right issue/ Bonus issue/ Split/ allotment of shares & certificates thereon/ listing of shares/ dividend payment/ monitoring activities of share transfer agents regarding share transfer/ demat/ etc.iii.Candidates applying for E7 & E8 grade posts should have atleast 3 years of experience in a listed Company out of his/ her last 7 years. [30]iv.For candidates from PSEs/ Government SectorThe applications of candidates from PSEs/ Government Sector will be considered only if:(a) The Candidate should have minimum two years' experience (residency period) in immediate lower grade’s pay scale or equivalent.30 Amended vide OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS/581 dated 16.03.2021.
56 | P a g eExample:For E8 grade (₹1,20,000 – 2, 80,000), the candidate should have put in minimum 3 years of service in E7 grade in either of the following scales:(i)₹18,500 – 23,900 (IDA) Post 01.01.1997(ii)₹43,200 – 66,000 (IDA) Post 01.01.2007(iii)₹1,00,000 – 2,60,000 (IDA) Post 01.01.2017(iv)₹14,300 – 18,300 (CDA) Pre-revised(v)₹37,400 – 67,000 + GP 8700 (CDA)(vi)₹1,23,100 – 2,15,900 (Level 13) CDA(b) The applications against the notifications are received through proper channel or with No Objection Certificate. v.For candidates from Private SectorThe applications of candidates from Private Sector will be considered only if:(a) The candidates have the required years of relevant post qualification experience in Organizations having Net worth of minimum ₹500 Crores (Net worth as per Companies Act) with an average annual turnover of ₹1,000 Crores or more (to be ascertained based on the audited annual financial statements of last 3 FYs) and (b) The Candidates have minimum required post qualification relevant experience for the notified grades as under: Grade Min. reqd. exp. for candidates of Private Sector Min. reqd. exp. for candidates of PSEs/ Govt. Sector as per Cadre Scheme E3 6 years 4 years E4 10 years 8 years E5 14 years 12 years E6 15 years 13 years E7 17 years 15 years E8 19 years 17 years vi.The grade wise upper age limits for recruitment of Executives will be as under: [31]Grade Upper Age limit E2 30 E3 36 31 Amended vide OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CS/581 dated 16.03.2021.
57 | P a g eE4 40 E5 44 E6 48 E7 52 E8 55 vii.On selection, the Grade seniority and the Basic Pay would be protected for the Candidates of PSEs/ Government Sector. viii.Deserving Candidates may be given advance increments on recommendation of the Selection Committee as per Clause 1.13 of Recruitment Policy of Executives. ix.Rest of the selection criteria like roster maintenance, reservation of vacancies, age relaxation, Date of Birth verification, etc. will be the same as followed in the recruitment of Executives in Finance discipline unless specified otherwise.
58 | P a g eAnnexure 1
59 | P a g eAnnexure 2
60 | P a g e
61 | P a g e
62 | P a g eCoal India Limited A Maharatna Company (A Govt.of India Enterprise) 10, NETAJI SUBHAS ROAD, CALCUTTA - 700 001, W.B. PHONE; 033 2248 8099/22310 578/2242 4641 GRAM; COAL INDIA FAX; 033-2231 0578/ 2210 0833 E-MAIL: [email protected]: www.coalindia.in No- CIL/5A(i)/502997/MT/ Date To, Subject: Offer of appointment as Management Trainee( …………. ) In Coal India Limited. With reference to your interview held on ……………. for appointment in the organization, Chairman- Coal India Limited is pleased to offer you appointment as Management Trainee (-------------) with initial basic pay of Rs.20600/- in the scale of pay Rs.20600-46500/-(E2 Grade) in Coal India Limited /its subsidiary companies. The appointment is subject to your being found medically fit as per the rules of the company. The terms and conditions of your appointment (in triplicate) are enclosed herewith as Annexure – “X”. In case the offer is accepted by you, kindly sign each page of the offer of appointment and the terms & conditions as laid down therein, as a token of your acceptance and report to General Manager (Personnel) or his representative- Camp. IICM, Kanke, Ranchi / CMO, Central Hospital, CCL, Gandhinagar, Ranchi on ………. at 08.00 hrs, along with all original certificates / documents in support of your credentials and three sets of photocopies of the same, for initial medical examination. On being found medically fit, you will be allowed to undergo induction training for a period of about 10 days with effect from…….. at IICM, Kanke- Ranchi (Jharkhand). Your posting may be done at any establishment of Coal India Limited or its Subsidiary companies in India/abroad at the discretion of the management during the said induction training. You will be under training for a period of one year from the date of joining. The documents required to be filled up and presented at the time of reporting for initial medical examination, are stated in Annexure “Y”.If you fail to report for Medical Examination on the aforesaid date and time mentioned above, this offer of appointment will automatically stand cancelled unless extended in writing at the discretion of the management. Annexure 3
63 | P a g eWishing you a bright future ahead. Encl:-As above. General Manager(P/Recruitment) Copy to: 1. D (P), CCL, Ranchi. - He is requested for necessary action including arrangement for initial Medical Examination. 2. Executive Director, IICM, Ranchi. 3. Executive Director (Medical Services), CIL -Ranchi 4. CMS, CCL- Ranchi 5. CMO, Gandhi Nagar Hospital, CCL, Ranchi 6. TS to D (P&IR), CIL.Kolkata.
64 | P a g eList of documents required to be produced, duly completed and attested, at the time of Initial Medical Examination: Sl.No Documents Annexure 1 Two copies of offer of appointment along with terms & conditions duly signed on each page in acceptance of the same. A 2 Prescribed Bio-data form duly filled by candidate (in duplicate) B3 Declaration form duly filled in by the candidate(in duplicate) C4 8 copies of recent Passport size Photographs duly attested by Gazetted Officer. In addition to this, 3 copies of un-attested passport size photographs.D5 Originals and Attested Copies (in duplicate) of Mark-sheets / Certificates relating to Educational & Professional qualification from High School onward. E6 Marriage Declaration Form duly filled (in duplicate) as per prescribed form. G7 SC/ST/OBC (non-creamy layer)/PH certificate, if any, issued by the Competent Authority in the prescribed form (in triplicate) given under Appendix IIIA / IIIB/ IIIC. H8 Attestation Form duly filled in by candidate and counter-signed by Gazetted officer in Triplicate (given in Schedule VI. I9 Identity certificate duly filled by candidate and counter-signed by Gazetted officer in Triplicate (given in Schedule VII. J10 Release Order from your present employer if you are working in Central/State Govt. or Public Sector Undertakings. K11 Forms schedule-IV duly filled in on being declared medically fit to be submitted at the time of joining Induction Training. L12 Additional documents to be submitted in triplicate by the candidates belonging to Engineering discipline (Mining, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining Machinery, Civil, Chemical, Mineral, System / EDP, Electronics & Telecommunication, Environment engineering) at the time of Medical Examination.M 13 Affidavit as per proforma executed on minimum Rs 10/- non judicial stamp paper duly notarized, along with two attested copies to the effect that you have not undergone any Apprenticeship Training under Apprentices Act, 1961. M114 Obligation of employer in respect of newly appointed. M215 Obligation of Apprentice. M316 Schedule-V (as per prescribed format - Rule IIA under Apprentices (Amendment) Act, 1973). M417 Model contract of Apprenticeship (Format enclosed. M518 Contract Registration Card (Proforma enclosed ) M6ANNEXURE Y
65 | P a g eAnnexure X –Terms and conditions of appointment of Management Trainees: 1.0.Your appointment is subject to your being found medically fit as per rules of the company in this regard, by the Medical Officer/Chief Medical Officer of the Company (Central Hospital, CCL Gandhinagar, Ranchi-834008 Jharkhand). 2.0 First Year i.e. the Training Period2.1 (a) During the training period of one year, you will be paid initial Basic of ₹50,000/- per month in E2 scale of pay i.e. 50,000 1,60,000/-plus House Rent Allowance, ₹–Dearness Allowance, Perks, Underground Allowance and Coalfield Allowance, etc. as admissible 2.1 (b) During your training period you are likely to be posted temporarily in various projects and will be put in a Camp. It is mandatory to stay in semi furnished hostel accommodation during Camp training 2.1 (c) You are likely to be shifted to 3 or 4 Camp Training sites during your training period. Travelling Allowance/ Daily allowance is admissible as per Travelling Allowance Rule of the Company in this regard 2.1 (d) Daily Allowance as per company rules will be paid when you are in a residential / non-residential Training program at HRD Centre, IICM and during training outside the company. During the posting at IICM or HRD Centre at the time of joining the Company, no Daily Allowance is payable 2.1 (e) You will be eligible for Medical Facilities as per the provision of Medical Attendance Rule of CIL 2.2 If you are posted in North East (Assam) for training you will be entitled to North East(Assam) Allowance as admissible 2.3 You will not be entitled to any other allowances during the said period of training 2.4 The training period may be extended without notice at the discretion of the Company. Your training will be in accordance with the training program of the Company as may be decided from time to time 2.5 During training, you will be eligible for leave as per the provisions of Leave Rules for Executive of CIL as amended from time to time. 2.6 On being appointed to the company, you will have to serve a minimum of 60 months
66 | P a g eduring which a deduction @ 5,000/- per month as retention amount from the ₹stipend/salary will be made. The amount will be subject for deduction of PF etc. Failure on your part to serve the Company for a minimum period of 60 (sixty) months would result in forfeiture of the retention amount. However, on completion of minimum period of service of 60 months, the said amount shall be refunded to you without any interest. [32] In addition to the above you have to execute the Bond for 3 (three) Lakhs for serving ₹the company for a minimum period of 60 months. 2.7 In case you belong to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled Tribe / OBC (Non-creamy layer)/ Physically handicapped, you are required to submit the relevant Certificate (as applicable) in triplicate, as prescribed in the proforma attached. 2.8 During the period of training, your services can be terminated by the Company without any notice and without assigning any reason thereof. 2.9 In case you fail to qualify in the training closure examination conducted by Coal India/ IICM, your training will be extended for 6 months period. In case you fail to get through the said examination for second time, your appointment will be cancelled/ terminated. 2.10 For Management Trainees of Mining, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining Machinery, Civil, Chemical, Mineral, System/ EDP, Electronics & Telecommunication, Environment Engineering disciplines During training period of one year, you will –be governed by the Apprentices Act, 1961 and you will have to execute the Contract of Apprenticeship in the format enclosed herewith (marked Annexure-M5) in triplicate. Other terms and conditions of your Apprenticeship will be governed by the provisions of the Apprentices Act 1961, as amended from time to time. 3.0 Regular Appointment 3.1 On satisfactory completion of your training and after passing such tests and examination as may be prescribed from time to time for the purpose, you may be appointed on probation for a period of one year in E3 grade carrying the scale of pay of ₹60,000 – 1,80,000/-(E3) per month, at the discretion of the Company. 3.2 The period of probation may be extended without any notice or assigning any reason at the discretion of the company. 3.3 After successful completion of your probation period and on receipt of a satisfactory 32 Amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Sec.Deposit/473 dated 02.09.2020.
67 | P a g ereport about your antecedents, both from the unit of your posting/ CIL / IICM, your service may be confirmed in writing by the Competent Authority. 3.4 During your regular service in the Company you will be entitled to leave, medical facilities, leave travel concession and other allowances and perquisites as per rules / orders framed/issued from time to time. 3.5 The age of superannuation will normally be 60 years. 4.0 Termination of Service 4.1 Your services, during probation, can be terminated by the Company by giving you notice of one month or one month’s salary in lieu thereof.4.2 Upon confirmation, your services can be terminated by the company giving three months notice and without assigning any reason thereof. The Company always reserves the right of giving you salary in lieu of such notice. 4.3 Your services can be terminated by the Company during regular service in terms of provisions of CDA Rules, if you are found guilty of any acts of omission/ commission/ misconduct mentioned in CDA Rules,1978 (as amended from time to time). 4.4 Your services can be terminated at any time by the Company without any previous notice if the Company is satisfied on medical evidence that you are unfit and are likely for a considerable time to remain unfit by reasons of ill health for discharge of duties. 4.5 For Management Trainee (Mining) It will be obligatory to obtain 2nd Class Mine –Managers Certificate of Competence within 2 yrs of joining , failing which your services shall be terminated. 4.6 For Management Trainees of Mining, Electrical, Mechanical, Mining Machinery, Civil, Chemical, Mineral, System / EDP, Electronics & Telecommunication, Environment Engineering disciplines Even if you have already been registered / –undergone training under the Apprentices Act 1961, you will have to undergo in-company training for one year. In any circumstances, the training period of one year shall not be reduced. 5.0 Security Deposit & BondOn being appointed to the company, you will have to serve a minimum of 60 months during which a deduction @ 5,000/- per month as retention amount from the ₹
68 | P a g estipend/salary will be made. The amount will be subject for deduction of PF etc. Failure on your part to serve the Company for a minimum period of 60 (sixty) months would result in forfeiture of the retention amount. However, on completion of minimum period of service of 60 months, the said amount shall be refunded to you without any interest. [33]In addition to the above you have to execute the Bond for 3 (three) Lakhs for ₹serving the company for a minimum period of 60 months. 6.0 Other Terms and Conditions of Service 6.1 You shall truly and faithfully serve the Company, obey its lawful orders, maintaining secrecy, diligently and carefully learn and perform such work and business as may be entrusted to you, attend to your work regularly during such hours as may be prescribed and perform such duties as may be assigned from time to time and maintain perfect discipline. 6.2 You shall devote your whole time to your duties and shall not carry out or be a party in any respect to any business or occupation whatsoever. 6.3 You shall be responsible for the charge and care of the Company’s money, goods and stores and any property entrusted to you, or in your hands and shall truly and faithfully account for or pay over or deliver, to the proper person all money, goods and store and property which shall at any time come to your hands, or under your charge on account of the Company. 6.4 If you are married you will have to furnish a declaration in the attached form (Annexure-G) to the effect that you do not have more than one wife living. In the event of your having more than one wife for any reason, you should make a representation immediately and this offer of appointment in that case will be subject to your being exempted in that behalf from the rules in force in the Company. 6.5 If any declaration given or information furnished by you proves to be false or if it is found that you have willfully suppressed any material information, you will be liable to be removed from service without any notice whatsoever and without assigning any reason thereof and without enquiry proceeding and to such other action as the Company may deem necessary. 6.6 You shall be a subscriber to the Coal Mines Provident Fund and contributory Pension Scheme of the Company in accordance with the rules and regulations thereof with which you shall abide by in all respects. 33 Amended due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Sec.Deposit/473 dated 02.09.2020.
69 | P a g e6.7 You shall be liable to serve in any establishment of CIL or its Subsidiary Company in India/ abroad and will be governed by the rules and regulations of service and administrative orders of the Company in force from time to time. 6.8 In respect of any matters for which no provision has been made in this letter, the provisions in the rules or orders issued by the Company shall apply and the decision of the Company as to their applicability shall be final and binding. 6.9 In the case of any dispute as to the interpretation of any part of this letter or the rules governing the service of the employees or otherwise howsoever arising, the decision of the Chairman cum Managing Director and / or the Chief of Personnel Division of the Company thereon shall be final and binding. 6.10 The expression “the Company” in the letter shall be deemed to include all or any officers or office of the Coal India Limited and its Subsidiaries for the time being placed in authority or by virtue of his position having authority over you. 6.11 You will also be liable to serve for a minimum period of 4(four) years (including the time spent on training) in the Defence service for work relating to the Defence efforts anywhere in India or abroad, if so required. The liability to serve in the Defence service will be limited to the first 10(Ten) years of service and will not ordinarily apply to the Executives above 40 years of age. 6.12 You will have to produce a release certificate from your present employer in case you are holding a post in any organization of the Central/State Government or Public Sector Undertaking. 6.13 For the purpose of reporting for joining duty as Management Trainee, Rail fare will be reimbursed on production of railway ticket which will be limited to Rail fare of AC 3 Tier by the shortest route. 6.14 The Company reserves the right not to accept your resignation even after completion of your 60 Months (including Training) service period, if the circumstances so warrant i.e. if the disciplinary proceedings are pending or a decision has been taken by the Competent Authority to issue a Charge sheet.
70 | P a g eACCEPTANCE OF THE OFFER I have read the contents of the appointment letter and I hereby accept / do not accept the offer of appointment with the terms and conditions made there under and undertake to abide by the same. Full Signature Place : Name (in Capital) Date : Address: ------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
72 | P a g e11B. PHYSICALLY HANDICAPPED- PH CATEGORY (Y / N): IF YES, TYPE OF DISABILITY: (DISABILITY OF 40% OR ABOVE WILL ONLY BE CONSIDERED FOR PH) 12 A. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATION : Name of the Institute Course / School UniversityYear of passing Marks Division % of Grade / Specialization (if any) Matriculation / SSC / 10 thHSC / 12 thstd. Graduation Post Graduation 12 B. PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION : Sl No Name of the Course Institute / University Year of passing % of Marks Grade / Specialization Division (if any) FOR EDUCATIONAL AND PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS PLEASE NOTE THE FOLLOWING: Enclose Photo Copy of Mark sheet issued by the competent authority duly attested by the Gazetted Officer and having signature of the candidate In case of SPI/SPA/CGPA/CPI, equivalent % of marks should be mentioned and in support of the documentary evidence from the University/ Institute should be enclosed. Kindly note that overall aggregate should be mentioned as per final result in Degree based on which Division/Class is maintained
73 | P a g eAll the above courses are approved / recognized by Govt. of India / UGC 12 C. EXPERIENCE DETAILS : Sl No Post held GradePay Scale OrganizationName of PeriodTotal period (Yr. Month)Nature Reason of workfor leavingFrom To 13. OTHER INFORMATION (IF ANY)_________________________________ DECLARATION : I,_________________________________________________ hereby declare that the information as furnished above is correct to be best of my knowledge and belief. If any of the information as furnished above is found to be incorrect, my candidature for the post applied is liable to be cancelled. Date_________________ _________________ Signature of the candidate List of Enclosures : 1. Two passport size photographs duly attested by Gazetted Officer 2. Certificate in support of date of birth, 3. Caste certificate (complete address of the issuing Authority should be mentioned 4. Certificate of educational / professional qualification along with mark-sheets of all the years, date of publication of the result & percentage of marks(in case of marks is CGPA/SGPA, the same may be converted into percentage duly certified by the Institute/University
74 | P a g e5. Certificate in support of extra- curricular activities at National/International level/NCC. 6. Certificates in support of work experience details / Experience certificates Note: If space is inadequate for Sl Nos 12 to 14, please attach separate sheets
75 | P a g eAnnex C –DECLARATION PERSONAL DATA OF AN EXECUTIVE AT THE TIME OF ENTRY INTO THE SERVICE PART 1 1. Name of the executive: ____________________ PIS No.:_______________ 2. Father’s name/ Husband’s Name: _____________________3. Mother’s name: ____________________________________4. Name of the Company posted: ________________________ 5. Date of Birth(in figures): _____________________________ Date of Birth (in words): _____________________________ 6. Date of initial appointment : __________________________ 7. Designation: ___________________________________________________ 8. Present Grade: _________________________________________________ 9. Discipline: _____________________________________________________ 10. Sex: ______________________________ Blood group: ______________ 11. Marital Status (Married/Unmarried, Widow/Widower). If married, name of Spouse: _______________________________________________________ 12. Religion: ______________________________________________________ 13. Whether belongs to General/SC/ST/OBC (Non-creamy layer) (based on caste certificate): ______ 14. Whether belongs to minority community (Yes /No): _____________________ 15. Qualification (supported by documents): ______________________________ 16. Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ PO - ______________ PS - ______________Dist - ___________PIN - ___________ Affix Attested Photograph
76 | P a g eTelephone no.: _________________________________________________ Mobile no. : ____________________________________________________ Email Address: _________________________________________________ Address of Office of Supdt. of Police under whose jurisdiction, above PS comes _________________________________________________________________ 17. Present Address: ____________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________PIN - _______________________ PO - ______________ PS - ______________Dist - ___________PIN - ___________ Telephone no.: _________________________________________________ Mobile no. :____________________________________________________ Address of Office of Supdt. of Police under whose jurisdiction, above PS comes _________________________________________________________________ 18. Mark of identification: ____________________________________________ 19. CMPF Account no. ( to be filled up after allotment): _____________________ 20. Details of dependents: S.No. Name Relation Date of Birth /Age Occupation/ Name of Employer in case of service Annual Earning 1. 2. 3. 21. Name of the nominee for receiving gratuity (Form L to be attached): ______________________________________________________________ 22. Particulars of next kin for communication in case of emergency. (a) Name: (b) Relationship: (c) Address:
77 | P a g eDeclaration: I, _______________________ solemnly affirm that the above declaration is correct and I understand that in the event of the declaration being found to be incorrect after my appointment, I shall be liable to be dismissed from service and other actions as per the law of land. Signature of the in charge Signature of the of the executive establishment executive concerned Date Date
78 | P a g eAnnex - G MARRIAGE DECLARATION FORM R(DECL-II) Shri/Shrimati/Kumari………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………declare as under:That I am unmarried/a widower/a widow. That I am married and have only one wife living. That I am married and my husband has no other wife or more living. Application for grant of exemption is enclosed. I solemnly affirm that the above declaration is correct and I understand that in the event of the declaration being found to be incorrect after my appointment I shall be liable to be dismissed from service. Date: Signature Note:Please delete clauses not applicable. Applicable in case of clause(1), (2) & (3) only.
79 | P a g eAPPENDIX-IIIA Form of Caste Certificate This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari………………………………………………………………………son/daughter of ………………………………………………….…………………….ofvillage/town……………………………………………………………… in District/Sub-Division……………………………………………………………………………………………….of the State/Union Territory…………………………………………… belongs to the…………………………………………………Caste/Tribe………………………………………………………… which is recognized as a Scheduled Caste”/Scheduled Tribe under the Scheduled Casters and Scheduled Tribes(Lists)Modification Order 1956 read with the Reorganisation Act, 1960 and the Punjab Reorganization Act, 1968, the Constitution(Jammu & Kashmir) Scheduled Castes Order 1956, the Constitution(Andaman and Nicobar Islands)” Scheduled Tribes Order 1956, the Constitution(Pondichery)Scheduled Castes Order, 1964. The Constitution (Uttar Pradesh) (Scheduled Tribes) Order, 1967. The Constitution (Goa, Daman & Diu)/ scheduled Castes Order, 1968. The Constitution(Nagaland) Scheduled Tribes, Order, 1970 2.Shri/Smt./Kumari…………………………………………………………………and”/or……………………………………………………his/her.....................................................................family ordinarily reside(s) in village”/town………………………………………of District/Division ……………………………………………………………of the state”/ Union Territory…………………………………………………of……………………………….…………………………………Signature…………………………Place…………………………Designation…………………….Date………………………… (with Seal of Office) State/Union Territory……….*Please delete the words which are not applicable. Note: 1.The term’ordinarily resides’ used here will have the same meaning as in /section 20 of the Representation of the Peoples Act, 1950. 2.Authorities empowered to issue certificate are given on reverse.
80 | P a g eAppendix-III List of Authorities Empowered to issue Certificate of Verification 1.District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate/Collector/Deputy Commissioner/Additional Deputy Commissioner/Deputy Collector/1st ClassStipendary Magistrate/City Magistrate/Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant Commissioner. 2.Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency Magistrate. 3.Revenue Officers not below the rank of Tehsildar 4.Sub Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family normally resides 5.Administrator/Secretary to Administrator/Development Officer(Laccadive and Minicoy island) (Not below the rank of 1st Class Stipendary Magistrate).
81 | P a g eAppendix-III(B) FORM OF CERTIFICATE TO BE PRODUCED BY OTHER BACKWARD CLASSES(NON-CREAMY LAYER)APPLYING FOR APPOINTMENT TO POSTS UNDER THE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA. (G.O Deptt. Of Per.&Trg. O.M No.36033/28/94-Estt.(SCT), dated 23.11.1995) This is to certify that………………………………………………….son of………………………………………………………Village…………………………………………Districe/Division…………………………………………………………………………in the……………………State………………………..belongs to the……………………… community which is recognized as a Backward Class under:- *(i).Government of India, Ministry of Welfare, Resolution No.12011/68/93—BCCO, dated the 10th September, 1993, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part I, Section I, No.186. dated the 13th September, 1993. *(ii).Government of India, Ministry of Welfare. Resolution No.12011/9/94-BCC, dated the 19-10.1994, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary. Part I, Section I, No.163, dated 20.10.1994. (iii).Resolution No.12011/7/95-BCC, dated the 24th May, 1995, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part I, Section I, No.88, dated 25.5.1995. Shri…………………………………………………………..and/or his family ordinarily reside(s) in the ………………………………….District/Division of the…………………………………………..State. This is also to certify that he/she does not belong to the persons/sections(Creamy layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the Government of India, Department of Personnel and Training, O.M No.36012/22/93-Estt.(SCT), dated 8.9.1993. District Magistrate Deputy Commissioner, etc. Dated: SEAL *Strike out whichever is not applicable.
82 | P a g eAppendix-III(C) DECLARATION FOR OBC (Non-Creamy Layer) CANDIDATES \"I, _________________________ son / daughter of Shri _______________________ resident of village/town/city ______________________ district _____________________ state ______________ hereby declare that I belong to the ___________________________ community which is recognized as a backward class by the Government of India for purpose of reservation in services as per orders contained in Department of Personnel and Training Office Memorandum No. 36012/22/93-Estt. (SCT) dated 8.9.1993. It is also declared that I do not belong to persons / sections (Creamy Layer) mentioned in Column 3 of the Schedule to the above referred Office Memorandum dated 8.9.1993.\"
83 | P a g ePROFORMA-V The form of certificate to be produced by Physically Handicapped candidates applying for appointment to posts under the Government of India. Name & Address of the Institute/Hospital: Certificate No. ________________Date. _____________________ DISBAILITY CERTIFICATE This is to certify that Shri/Smt/Kumari _____________________________________ son/daughter of --_____________________________________________________ age_______________Sex___________Identification mark(s)____________________ is suffering from permanent disability of following category: A. Locomotor or Cerebral PalsyB. Blindness of Low Vision(i) Blind (ii) PB-Partially blind. C. Hearing Impairment(i) D- Deaf (ii) PD- Partially deaf (Delete the category whichever is not applicable.) 3 This condition is progressive / non-progressive / likely to improve / not likely to improve. Re-assessment of this case is not recommended / is recommended after a period of ______ years _________ months.* 3. Percentage of disability in his/her case is ____________________ per cent. 4. Shri/Smt/Kumari _____________meets the following physical requirement for Recent Photograph of the candidate showing the disability duly attested by the chairperson of the Medical Board. (i) BL- Both legs affected but not arms (a) Impaired Reach (ii) BA-Both arms affected (b) Weakness of grip (iii) BLA-Both legs and both arms affected (a) Impaired reach (b) Weakness of grip (iv) OL-One leg affected (right or left) (c) Ataxic (v) OA-One arm affected (a)Impaired reach (b) Weakness of grip (c)taxic (vi) BH-Stiff back and hips (cannot sit or stoop) (vii) MW-Muscular weakness and limited physical endurance.
84 | P a g edischarge of his/her duties. (i) F- Can perform work by manipulating with fingers Yes/No (ii) PP- Can perform work by pulling and pushing Yes/No (iii) L- Can perform work by lifting Yes/No (iv) KC Can perform work by kneeling and crouching –Yes/No (v) B - Can perform work by bending Yes/No (vi) S - Can perform work by sitting Yes/No (vii) ST Can perform work by standing –Yes/No (viii)w Can perform work by walking –Yes/No (ix) SE Can perform work by seeing –Yes/No (x) H Can perform work by hearing/speaking –Yes/No (xi) RW Can perform work by reading and writing –Yes/No ( Dr.) Member Medical Board ( Dr.) Member Medical Board ( Dr.) Chairman Medical Board Countersigned by the Medical Superintended/ CMO/ Head of Hospital (With Seal) Strike out whichever is not applicable
85 | P a g eAnnex I –(Schedule VI) –COAL INDIA LIMITED (A Government of India Enterprises) ATTESTATION FORM (All answers must be given in words and not by dots or dashes) “WARNING”1. The furnishing of false information or suppression of any factual information in the attestation form would be a disqualification,and is likely to render the candidate unfit for employment in the Company under the Government 2. If detained, arrested, prosecuted bound down, fined convicted, acquitted debarred etc. subsequent to the completion and submission of this form, the details should be communicated immediately to the authority to whom the attestation form has been sent early, falling which it will be deemed to be a suppression of factual information 3. If the fact that false information has been suppression of any factual information in the Attestation form comes to notice at any-time during the service of a person, his service would be liable to be terminated. 1.Name in full(in Block Capitals), with aliases, if SURNAME NAME any(please Indicate, if you have added or dropped in any stage any part of your name or Surname) 2.Present address in full(i.e. Village, Thana and District, or House Number, Lane/Street/Road and Town) 3.Home Address(i.e. Village, Thana and District, or House Number, Lane/Street/Road and Ton name of the District Headquarters) (b).If originally a resident of Pakistan or Bangladesh The address in that country and the date of migration to Indian Union. 4. Particulars of places (with periods of residences) where you have resided for more than one year at a time during the preceding five years. In case of stay abroad(including Pakistan or Bangladesh) particulars of all places where you have resided for more than one year after attaining the age of 21 years should be given:
86 | P a g eFrom To Residential Address in full (i.e. Village Name of the District Hqrs. Thana and District, or House No. of the mentioned in Lane/Street/Road and Town) the proceeding column. 5.(a).Information to be furnished with regard to sons(s) and/or daughter(s) in case they are studying/living in a foreign country. Name Nationality(by birth and/or by domicile) Place of birth Country in Date which studying/living with full address mentioned from which studying in the country in previous column. 6. Nationality: 7. (a) Date of birth In figure In words (b) Present age (c) Age of Matriculation 8. (a) Place of birth District and State in which situated (b) District and State in which you belong (c) District and State to which your father originally belongs. 9. (a).Yours Religion (b).Are you a member of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled
87 | P a g eTribe/OBC/Physically handicapped? 10. Educational qualifications showing places of education with years in School and Colleges since 15th year of age: Name of School/College Dt. Of Date of Examination With full address entering leaving passed 11(a).Are you holding or have any time held an appointment under the Central or State Government or a semi-Government or a Quasi Government body, or an Autonomous Body, or a Public Undertaking or a Private Firm or Institution? If so, give full particulars with dates of employment up-to-date. Period: From To Designation, employment and nature of employment Full name and address of employer Reasons for leaving previous service (b). If the previous employment was under the Govt.of India/State Govt. /an Undertaking owned or controlled by the Govt. of India or a State Govt.an autonomous Body/University/Local Body. If you had left the services on giving a month’s notice under Rule 5 of the Central Civil Service(Temporary Service) Rules, 1965 or any similar corresponding rules where any disciplinary proceedings framed against you, or had you been called upon to explain your conduct in any matter at the time you have given notice or termination of service, or at a subsequent date, before your services actually terminated? 12.(1): (a) Have you ever been arrested? Yes/No (b) Have you ever been prosecuted? Yes/No (c) Have you ever been kept under detention? Yes/No (d) Have you ever been bound down? Yes/No (e) Have you ever been fined by a Court of Law? Yes/No (f) Have you ever been convicted by a Court of Law for any offence? Yes/No (g) Have you ever been debarred from any examination or rusticated by any University or any other educational authority/Institution? Yes/No (h) Have you ever been debarred/disqualified by any Public Service Commission/Staff Selection Committee for any it’s examination/selection? Yes/No (i) If any case pending against you in any court of law at the time of filling up this attestation form? Yes/No
88 | P a g e(j) If any case pending against you in any University or any other educational authority/Institution at the time of filling up the Attestation Form? Yes/No (k) Whether discharged/expelled/withdrawn from any training Institution under the Government of otherwise? Yes/No (l) If the answer to any of the above mentioned question is ‘Yes’ give full particulars of the case/arrest/detention/fine/conviction/sentence/punishment etc. and/or the nature of the case pending in the Court/University/Educational Authority etc. at the time, filling up this form. Note: (i)Please also see the “Warning” at the top of this Attestation Form. (ii)Specific answer to each of the questions should be given by striking out ‘Yes’ or ‘No’ as the case may be.13.Name of two responsible persons of your locality or two references to whom you are known. 1……………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………..2………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………I certify that the foregoing information is correct and completed to the best of my knowledge and belief. I am not aware of any circumstances which might impair my fitness for employment under Government. Place: Signature of Candidate Date:
89 | P a g eAnnex J –IDENTITY CERTIFICATES (Schedule VII) (Certificate to be signed by any one of the following) 1. Gazetted Officers of Central or State Government 2. Member of Parliament or State Legislature belong to the Constituency where the candidate or his parents/guardian is ordinarily resident 3. Sub-Divisional Magistrates/Officers. 4. Tahsildar or Naib/Dy.Tahsilders authorized to exercise magisterial powers. 5. Block Development Officers. 6. Post Master. 7. Panchayat Inspectors 8. Principal/Head Master of the recognized School/College/Institution where the candidate studied last. Certify that I have known …………………………………….Son/daughter of Shri…………………………………………………For the last…………………………………….Year………………………….. months and that to the best of my knowledge and belief the particulars furnished by him/her are correct. Place: Signature Date: Designation or Status and Address (TO BE FILLED BY THE OFFICE) 1. Name, Designation, full address of the appointing authority. 2.Post of which the candidate is being considered.
90 | P a g eANNEX L –SCHEDULE-IV Dated__________________ The General Manager (P)/(Recruitment) Coal India Limited Coal Bhawan 10, Netaji Subhas Road Kolkata-700 001. Sub: Offer of appointment as ___________________________________________________ Dear Sir, Pursuant to appointment letter No.__________________________________ Dated_____________ I have since joined in ____________________________________ on _______________________ This is for your information and record. Yours faithfully, Signature Name (in capital) Full Address____________________________
91 | P a g eANNEX-M Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Appropriate value Bond for Management Trainee Selected for Employment under Coal India Limited KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS THAT WE…………………………………………………………Son of…………………………………………………….by Caste………………………………………………Resident of village……………………………..P.O……………………..P.S………….Dist………………………………………State…………………………………… (permanent address Should be given) and at present residing at village………………………..…P.O……………..…………….P.S……………………………………..…Dist…………………………….hereinafter called the Management Trainee and………………………………..by profession…………………………son of…………………….Of village………………………………………..District………………..…………..State..………………………hereinafter called the surety do hereby bind ourselves and our respective heirs, executors and administrators to pay to the Coal India Limited, having its registered office in Calcutta (hereinafter called “the Company”), on demand the sum of Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees three lakh only) or the amount received by the Management Trainee as stipend, pay, allowances, travelling expenses and cost of equipment etc., during the period of training and service in the Company together with interest (at prevalent bank rate) whichever is less, to be paid to the Company, their successors and assigns at Calcutta. Dated this…………………………………..…date of………………………………………….….Two thousand Twelve……………………………………WHEREAS the above bounden*…………………………………………………………………………………..Has been selected by the Company for employment. Now the condition of the above Written obligation along with the terms of the letter of appointment is that: (a) In the event of the above bounden*……………………………….not conforming to the instructions regarding training and discipline conveyed to him by an authorized office to the Company. (b) Getting adverse reports regarding the progress of his training or regarding his conduct, or (c) Failing to continue the job for which he has been selected for reasons other than ill health PROVIDED THAT such ill-health has not been brought on by his own neglect, carelessness or misconduct PROVIDED FURTHER THAT THE opinion of Medical Officer of the Company or any other Medical Officer nominated by the Company shall be final both in regard to the ill-health or whether the ill-health has been brought on by the negligence, carelessness or misconduct of the above
92 | P a g ebounden*……………………….(d) Failing to join forthwith the post offered to him; or (e) Refusing to serve the Company or any of its subsidiaries for a minimum period of three years in any capacity commensurate with his training as directed by the Company; or (f) Failing to refund the Company any overpayment made to him during the course of training……………………………………the training/service will be liable to termination and the above bounden*……………………………………………………………………………… and the said**……………………………………………………………………………….shall jointly or severally forthwith refund to the Company on demand and without demur an amount at the following rates: Total emoluments drawn less reimbursement received from Govt., if any (proportionate payment in case the period is less than one month) for the period of training and the actual salary with allowances received by you during the subsequent period of your service. (plus interest thereon calculated at the prevalent bank rate) Provided that if he is trained in India, the total amount so payable by the employee shall in no event exceed Rs. 3,00,000/- (Rupees three lakh) only. AND UPON his making such refund the above written obligation shall be void and of no effect, otherwise it shall be and shall remain in full force and virtue. PROVIDED ALWAYS that it is hereby agreed and declared that decision of the Company as to whether the above bounden*……………………………..has or has not performed and observed the obligations and conditions herein before rejected shall be final and binding PROVIDED FURTHER that the liability of the said*………………..hereunder shall not be impaired or discharged by reason of time being granted or by any forbearance, act or omission of the Company or any person authorized by them (whether with or without consent or knowledge of the said*………………..) nor shall it be necessary for the Company to use the above bounden…………………………..before suing said**……………………………………………….. for amounts.PROVIDED FURTHER that this bond shall in all respects be governed by the laws of India. The Company may, however, at its discretion alter interrupt the training and service for any reason whatsoever without incurring any liability either to the above bounden………………………… or the said**……………………….in the presence of***…………………………………………….SEAL Signed and delivered by the Above bounden*…….. Signature of Management Trainee Full address: Present: Permanent:
93 | P a g e Signature of the surety with full address SIGNED AND DELIVERED By the above bounden** In the presence of*** At………………………..(Place) Dated the………………………..(Seal)Full address: Present: Permanent: Full name of Management Trainee ** Full name of Surety ***Signature, name, designation and full address of the Attesting Officer with his official seal, if any, The officer attesting the Bond should be Gazetted Officer in the employment of the Govt. or any officer of the Company.
94 | P a g eANNEX-M1 DECLARATION AFFIDAVIT (TO BE OBTAINED FROM THE Student before joining as an Apprentice) ______________________________________ Son/Daughter of__________________________ aged________________________residingat___________________hereby solemnly affirm and state as under : 2. That after passing the above said examination: (a) I did not have training or job experience for one year or more. (b) I did not undergo apprenticeship training at any place under the apprentices act. What is stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
95 | P a g eANNEX-M2 SCHEDULE-1B OBLIGATION OF EMPLOYER 1.The employer shall make suitable arrangement in his establishment for imparting a course of apprenticeship in accordance with the provisions of the Act and Rules there under and with the approval of the Apprenticeship Adviser 2.Where any person has, during his course in technical institution, become a graduate or technician apprentice and during his apprenticeship training he has to receive related instruction, then the Employer shall release such person from training to receive the relating instruction in such institution for such period as may be specified by the Apprenticeship Adviser 3.(a)The Employer shall pay to the Apprentice at the rate of Rs. 20,600/- per month plus usual allowance as per rules (b)The stipend payment for particular month shall be paid by the 10th day of the following month. No deduction shall be made from the stipend payment for the period during which the Apprentice remains on casual and medical leave. Stipend shall, however, not be paid for the period for which Apprentice remains on extra ordinary leave (c)The continuance of the stipend will be subject to satisfactory report on the Apprentices work and conduct. In case of unsatisfactory progress of the Apprentice, the Employer may withhold the stipend payment and refer the matter to the Apprenticeship Adviser concerned. No apprentice shall be engaged on training between hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. except with the approval of the Apprenticeship Adviser, who shall give his approval if he is satisfied that it is in the interest of the training of the Apprentice or in public interest. 4.Grant of Leave Apprentices In establishments where proper leave rules do not exist or the total leave of different types admissible to their workers is less than thirty seven days in a year, the apprentice shall be entitled to the following kind of leave and subject to the conditions specified under such kind of leave (a) Casual Leave i) Casual leave shall be admissible for maximum period of twelve days in a year. ii) Any holiday intervening during the period of casual leave shall not be counted for the purpose of limit of twelve days. iii) Casual leave shall not be utilized during any year shall stand lapsed at the end of the year. iv) Casual leave shall not be combined with medical leave, if casual leave is preceded or followed by medical leave, the entire leave taken shall be treated
96 | P a g eas medical or casual leave, provided that it shall not be allowed to exceed the maximum period prescribed in respect of medical or casual leave, as the case may be. v) Except in the case of extreme urgency, application for such leave shall be made to the appropriate authority and sanction obtained prior to the availing of leave. (b) Medical Leavei) Medical leave upto fifteen days during training may be granted to the Apprentice who is unable to attend duty owing to illness. The unused leave shall be allowed to accumulate maximum of forty days. ii) Any holiday intervening during the period of medical leave shall be treated as medical leave and accounted for in the limits prescribed under Clause (i) above. iii) The employer may be called up the Apprentice to produce a medical certificate from a registered medical practitioner in his medical leave. A medical certificate shall, however, be necessary if the leave exceeds six days. iv) It shall be open to employer to engage a special examination of an Apprentice if he has reason to believe the Apprentice is not really ill or the illness is not of such a nature as to prevent his attendance (c) Extra Ordinary Leave Extra-ordinary leave upto a maximum of ten days or more in a year may be granted to the Apprentice after he has exhausted the entire casual and medical leave, if the employer is satisfied with genuineness of the grounds on which the leave is applied for. (d) In case of establishments where proper leave rules exist for workers, the leave to the apprentice shall be granted by the employers in accordance with those rules. 5.The employer will arrange for a suitable person to be placed in charge of the training of apprentices as laid down under the Act and Rules there under. Signature of the Apprentice Signature of the Employer Dated ________________ Dated_______________
97 | P a g eANNEX-M3 SCHEDULE II –OBLIGATION OF APPRENTICE 1. The apprentice shall abide by the rules and regulations of the establishments in all matter of conduct and discipline and carry out lawful orders of the Employer and superiors in the establishment. 2. The apprentice shall learn his subject field in Engineering and Technology conscientiously and diligently and attend to practical and instructional classes regularly. 3. The apprentice shall maintain a record of work during the period of his apprenticeship training in a proforma approved by the apprenticeship Adviser. 4. Where the contract of apprenticeship in terminated for on the part of apprentice to carry out the terms of contract, the apprentice shall refund to the employer as cost of training such amount as may be determined by the Apprenticeship Adviser. In such event the apprentice shall not be entitled to enter into another contract of apprenticeship under the Act with any other Employer. 5. Except in case of extreme urgency shall submit application for all leave except medical leave to the appropriate authority and obtain sanction before the leave is taken. 6. Continuance of payment of stipend shall depend on satisfactory performance of the apprentice during the training period. In case unsatisfactory progress of the trainee, the establishment will withhold the stipend and refer the matter to Apprenticeship concerned. Signature of Apprentice Signature of Employer
98 | P a g eANNEX-M4 SCHEDULE-V (Ref. Rule II(A) under the Apprentice (Amendment) Act, 1973) (To be submitted (In Triplicate) within ten days after engagement of Apprentices) (A) Where the apprentice is a student of sandwich Course: No. (B) Personal Details : 1 Name and address of the establishment 2. Nature of Industry & Standard Industrial Classification Code No. 3 Registration No. & Date of contract of apprenticeship 4 Subject field in Engineering / Technology 5 Date of commencement of training 6 Name and Address of Apprentice 7 Name and Address of guardian 8 (i) Educational qualification at entry Photo of Apprentice (Passport Size) (ii) Examination Passed (iii) Name of institution (iv)Date of passing (v)Remarks
99 | P a g eANNEX-M5 COAL INDIA LIMITED Model Contract of Apprenticeship in the case of Graduate Apprentice for Coal India Limited This contract made this_________________________________________daysof__________________________of Two thousand________________ between ____________________carrying on business at ___________________ (hereinafter called the “Employer”) of the First Part____Shri _____________________________________________________ son of________________________ Resident of ________________________________________________________________ (hereinafter called the Apprentice) Of the second part and Shri ________________________________________________ son of ___________________ resident of _________________________________hereinafter called the ‘surety’ which expression shall include his heirs, executors, administrators ,legal representatives and assigns of the ‘Third Part’ whereas the apprentice has requested the employer to engage him as an Apprentice for training in the designated subject fled of _____________________under the Apprenticeship Act, 1961. And whereas the Employer having satisfied himself that the Apprentice has requisite qualifications for being engaged as an Apprentice under Apprentices Act, 1961 and the rules made there under, has agreed to engage him as an Apprentice in employer’s establishment on the terms and condition hereinafter appearing subject to the surety joining in the agreement as herein contained. And whereas the Surety at the request of the Apprentice and in consideration of the provision has agreed to join in this agreement. NOW THESE PRESENT WITNESS AND IT IS MUTUALLY agreed by and between the parties as follows: 1. The employer hereby agrees to engage the Apprentice as an apprentice in the designated subject field of___________________and the Apprentice thereby agrees to serve the Employer as an Apprentice as hereinafter provided. 2. The period of training shall be 12 months commencing from the date of Apprentice is asked to report for training under the provisions of Apprentice Act, 1961 and rules thereof (to which this contract relates)Apprenticeship programme for the first twelve months within the said period owing to illness or other circumstances beyond his control, the Employer shall extend the period of his apprenticeship until he completes the prescribed period if so required by the Apprenticeship Adviser concerned.
100 | P a g e3. The Apprentice hereby declares that on other contract of Apprenticeship already subsists between him and any other contract of Apprenticeship with any other employer before the expiry or termination of this contract of apprenticeship. 4. Subject as hereinbefore and hereafter provided this contract of apprenticeship shall terminate on the expiry of the first 12 months of apprenticeship training. During Apprenticeship training either party may make an application to the Central Apprenticeship Adviser for the termination of the contract and when such an application is made, the party making the application shall send by a post copy thereof to the other party of the contract. The Central Apprenticeship Adviser after considering the contents of the application and objections, if any, filed by the other party may terminate the contract if he is satisfied that the parties to the contract or any of them have or has failed to carry out the terms and condition of the contract and that it is desirable in the interest of the parties or any of them terminate the same. Provided that the party responsible for the termination of contract due to his failure to carry out the terms and conditions of the contract shall pay compensation as laid down in the Apprenticeship Act, 1961 and rules there under. Provided further that no compensation shall be payable any party. If all the parties are agreed that it is desirable in the interest of the parties or any of them to terminate the contract subject to the condition that the Apprentice shall not be eligible for engagement by the same or any other Employer as Apprentice under the Act. 5A On successful completion of 12 months of apprenticeship training, the Apprentice may be offered an employment and the Apprentice shall be bound to accept the employment and to continue with the employment for a period of 3 years from the date of his employment. During the regular service you shall be paid ________________per ₹month, in the scale of ______________in E2 grade together with usual allowance ₹admissible to the executive of the Company. 5B The employer, if it so required by him, shall at the time of joining the apprenticeship training ask the Apprentice to sign a Bond requiring him to serve Employer for a minimum period of 3 years after successful completion of training and in pay scale of ₹________________and with such additional terms and conditions as are deemed fit by the Employer and are permissible under the rules of the establishment of the Employer. The Apprentice shall be bound to sign such bond before joining the apprenticeship training. The terms and conditions referred to in the previous sentences shall be binding on the apprentice during his employment and during his apprenticeship for first 12 months under the Act.
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