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HR_Manual_CIL 01112021

Published by nitinbiharisaxena, 2022-03-14 08:00:20

Description: HR_Manual_CIL 01112021


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P a g e | 5517.0.Buy back 7.1.On expiry of lifespan, the device will be compulsorily bought back by the executive. 7.2.On expiry of lifespan of 3 years, the said device would be owned by the concerned executives on payment of residual value plus other taxes accrued (5% of 70,000/- plus applicable taxes). An amount equivalent to ₹the residual value plus other applicable taxes will be recovered from the executive's salary, of the subsequent month of purchase of the device, in one installment, which will be adjusted on the expiry of life span of the device. 7.3.In case of superannuation/ separation from CIL, the executive concerned would have to compulsorily buy back the device. The residual value will be calculated on a monthly basis and the balance amount has to be paid by the concerned executive or else the amount will be recovered from the dues payable to the concerned executive. 7.4.Executives who have already been provided with official laptop/ tablet or devices of similar categories by CIL/ subsidiary, before introduction of this scheme, are also eligible for reimbursement under the scheme, provided they buy back the official laptop/ tablet/ gadget, on expiry of 3 years from the purchase, by paying the residual value plus other applicable taxes. 8.0.General 8.1.The device procured under this scheme will be meant for official work and will be the property of the company till bought back by the executive, on completion of 3 years, by paying the residual value plus applicable tax. Thus, there is no additional benefit, direct or indirect, given to the executive by the implementation of the proposed scheme. Therefore, it will not be treated as a perquisite under the pay revision and does not attract any recovery, other than the residual value plus applicable tax. 8.2.On transfer, the executive shall continue to use the same device at the new place of posting. 8.3.Executives shall use only licensed software in the device. Any liability out of non-compliance of this condition will remain with the individual concerned. 8.4.Executives whose resignation is under process will be eligible for the device only if their resignation is not accepted and they withdraw & decide to continue in the company. 8.5.Executives who are on unauthorized absence and/ or absconding shall be eligible for purchase of the device after they join on duty and the period of absence is regularized.

P a g e | 5528.6.CIL reserves the right to verify the device in the office premises as and when deemed fit. 8.7.Executive shall keep and maintain the device in good working condition. They will be entirely responsible for security of data in the device. 8.8.Executive will also be responsible for safety & insurance of the device and in case of theft/ damage etc., written down value on pro-rata basis will be recovered. 8.9.CIL reserves the right to relax, alter, amend or withdraw partly or fully any of the provisions of this scheme at its discretion without assigning any reasons thereof. 8.10.Unless specified otherwise, all existing schemes for providing laptop/ tablet or devices of similar categories in CIL & subsidiaries and subsequent amendments will stand superseded by this scheme from the date of its commencement.

P a g e | 553Annexure X Application for procurement of laptop/ tablet or devices of similar categories Sr. No. Particulars Details 1 Name of the applicant (Full name in block capital letters) 2 Designation and EIS no. 3 Present grade and basic pay 4 Place of posting (area/ project/ department) 5 Date of appointment 6 Date of superannuation 7 Full address of the employee A) Permanent B) Present 8 E-mail ID and mobile no. 9 ‘MAKE’ and model of laptop/ tablet intended to be purchased 10 Configuration of laptop/ tablet and peripherals (give detail) 11 Estimated cost of the laptop/ tablet 12 Name and address of the manufacturer/ dealer/ vendor from whom the laptop is to be purchased 13 Pro forma invoice no. and date with amount issued by the dealer/ vendor 14. Declaration a)I have read and understood the rules under which the laptop/ tablet will be sanctioned by the company and agree to abide by the conditions prescribed by the company.

P a g e | 554b)The details furnished in the application are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. c)I will use the laptop/ tablet for official work. Date: Signature Through Controlling officer

P a g e | 555Annexure Y Undertaking I ……………………………………………… EIS no. ……………………………… working as (designation to be indicated) …………………………………………………… in the …………………………………………………… (name of the department and place of posting to be indicated) do hereby undertake on ……….(day) of ………month) in the year ………. that I am willing to procure and maintain the laptop/ tablet in accordance with the approved terms and conditions in the scheme of the company as communicated vide sanction order no………………………….. dated………………………….I further undertake that I will make the laptop/ tablet available at my workplace every day and use it for official work. On separation/ superannuation from the company, I undertake to deposit the residual value as per the scheme with the company. In case of failure to do so, I authorize the company to recover the dues from any amount due to me from the company such as pay, leave encashment etc. Name: ……………………………………………………Designation: ……………………………………………..Department: ……………………………………………...Place of posting: …………………………………………Dated: ……………………… Signature: …………………………

P a g e | 556References 1 OO No. CIL/C5A(PC)/laptop/49 dated 23.02.2015. 2 OO No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/2018/3081 dated 10.10.2018. 3 Letter No. CIL/XI(D)/04027/2021/26915 dated 20.07.2021.

P a g e | 557Coal India Executive Leave Rules 2010 1.0.TitleThese Rules will be called the Coal India Executive Leave Rules 2010 and will [1]supersede all the earlier Leave Rules & subsequent amendments.2.0.Scope & application These Rules will apply to all whole time regular executives of Coal India Limited and its Subsidiaries. The provisions of leave rules as specifically provided also apply to Management Trainees 3.0.Definition In these rules unless there is anything repugnant in the subject or context: 3.1.“Executive” means the whole time regular executive cadre3.2.“Deputationist” means an executive who is on deputation from other Public Sector, State/Central Government. 3.3.“Management Trainee” means newly recruited executive and appointed in regular pay scale in E-2 grade. 3.4.“Pay” for the purposes of these rules will be the amount drawn monthly by an executive as basic pay in the grade, dearness allowance, deputation pay, personal pay, special pay, non-practicing allowance as applicable to the post held by him. 3.5.“Company” means the Coal India Limited.3.6.“Competent Authority” means the Board of Directors or any authority to which the power is delegated. 3.7.“Sanctioning Authority” means the authority to whom the power to grant leave/ leave encashment is delegated. [2]a) CMD, CIL will have full powers for sanctioning of study leave. b) The following will be the sanctioning authority for various types of leave excluding the study leave: 1 Approved by CIL Board in its 257 meeting held on 31.05.2010 & 01.06.2010. Communicated vide OO thNo. CIL/C-5A(vi)/Leave/1460 dated 01.07.2010. Previously called as “Leave Rules of the Bharat Coking Coal Limited, 1972” and “Leave Encashment Scheme, 1976”.2 Amended due to letter No. CIL/XI(D)/04027/2021/26915 dated 20.07.2021.

P a g e | 558i)CMD, CIL/ Subsidiary. ii)FDs & CVOs of CIL/ Subsidiary for EDs, GMs, HoDs and employees working directly under him/ her. iii) EDs, GMs/ HoDs of CIL/ Subsidiary for all employees working under his/ her administrative control. c) The following will be the sanctioning authority for leave encashment: i)CMD, CIL/ Subsidiary. ii)FDs & CVOs of CIL/ Subsidiary for EDs, GMs, HoDs and employees working directly under him/ her. iii) EDs for employees working under his/ her administrative control. iv) GM(P/EE), CIL/ Subsidiary. 4.0.Commencement These Rules shall come into force with effect from 1 stJuly’2010.5.0.General terms and conditions applicable for leaves 5.1.An executive in the service of the Company will earn leave in accordance with the provisions of these Rules. 5.2.Except on days declared as Company Holidays, every executive must either be on duty or on leave. Absence without leave amounts to misconduct, and also involves a break in the service. 5.3.An executive who absents himself without sanctioned leave for more than 8 calendar days, shall lose his lien and be deemed to have left the services of the Company of his own accord with effect from the date he was due to return to work. The executive will however be entitled to represent his case to the management explaining the reasons for his absence. It will be upto the management to accept the explanation or not and if the explanation is accepted the executive may be reinstated with or without break in service. 5.4.Leave cannot be claimed as a matter of right; but has to be sought and granted by the sanctioning authority. 5.5.Grant/refusal/cancellation of leave to an executive shall depend on the exigencies of work of the Company and shall be at the sole discretion of the leave sanctioning authority. 5.6.In case of deputationist, he is entitled for Casual leave as per this rule and for other leaves, he is governed by the terms and conditions of the deputation.

P a g e | 559Note: [3]Holidays (both general & restricted) are to be governed as per the rules of the concerned Joint Venture Company for all Executives of CIL & its Subsidiaries deputed to work in the Joint Venture Company. However, the general leave rules of the said Executives are to be governed only as per “Coal India Executive Leave Rules 2010”. 6.0.Procedure for sanction of various types of leaves other than Casual leave 6.1.Application for leaveAn application for leave must be made to the competent authority in advance in the prescribed form, if the leave is available at his credit. 6.2.Sanctioning of leave and notification thereof The competent authority will either approve or reject the leave applied for or curtail it in the interest of company’s work according to his discretion and forward the same to the personnel department for necessary updation of leave records and informing the pay office for preparing the salary bills accordingly. 6.3.Relinquishment/ Assumption of the charge No officer will proceed on leave unless: a) He has been conveyed the approval of the leave by the competent authority; b) He has handed over charge to another officer in compliance to specific order, if any; and c) The report of Relinquishment/Assumption of charge should be signed by the relieved as well as the relieving officer and counter-signed by the controlling officer. Copies of the Relinquishment/Assumption charge report mentioned above should be send to the Personnel/Administrative department in the office of the competent authority, to the controlling officer and to the Pay & Accounts officer concerned as early as possible. 6.4.Extension/ Curtailment of leave In case the leave is extended, a fresh application for the extended period must be submitted to the concerned officer. If the leave is curtailed the assumption charge report should contain a note about it counter-signed by the controlling officer. In case the executive does not proceed on leave he will apply for the cancellation of leave applied for. 3 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/44 dated 12.02.2019.

P a g e | 5606.5.Leave on medical grounds Application for leave on medical ground must be supported by a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner/Company doctor. In all cases of leave on medical grounds, it will be necessary to produce a medical certificate of fitness issued by a Registered Medical Practitioner/Company doctor at the time of joining duties. 6.6.Maintenance of leave records The leave records is to be maintained in the proforma given in Annexure I either by means of a loose leaf ledger or register or in the Kardex form in the office of the leave sanctioning authority unless this is given to a level below the S.A.M/Agent office in which case the leave record in respect of field officers, would be maintained by S.A.M’s/Agent’s office. Whenever an officer is transferred out of the area/department/division, the original or attested copy of the leave records must be send to the receiving end along with the L.P.C. 7.0.Types of Leave 7.1.Casual Leave 7.1.1.Casual leave is intended to cover casual absence of the executive for personal reasons. 7.1.2.Casual leave will be allowed to all executives for 12 days in a calendar year subject to the condition that not more than 8 days’ casual leave will be allowed at a time. 7.1.3.Public holidays and weekly offs occurring during the spell of the leave will not be treated as part of the leave. 7.1.4.Casual leave can be granted for half day also. If half-day leave is taken, the lunch interval will be taken as the dividing line. 7.1.5.Casual leave will not be permitted to be combined with any other kind of leave but this can be permitted to be combined with weekly days of rest or public holidays provided that the total period of absence from duty should not exceed 10 days at a time. 7.1.6.An executive who joins service on any day in a calendar year upto 30 June is thentitled to the full credit of 12 days Casual leave for that calendar year and those who join duty on or after 1st July are entitled to 6 days Casual leave. Clarification: Executives separating from the Company in between the calendar year will be credited with full casual leave and will be allowed to avail full entitled casual leave at their credit. [4]4 Amended vide letter No. CIL/C5A(vi)/Leave/1564 dated 01.03.2011.

P a g e | 5617.1.7.Departmental candidates joining in Executive Cadre before 30th June will be entitled to 1 day casual leave in addition to the 11 days in his credit. [5]7.2.Special Casual Leave Special Casual Leave falls outside the scope of normal leave and may be granted to an executive not for personal or domestic reasons but to meet special situation such as the following: a)Periods spent in camp by executives permitted to join the Territorial Army, not exceeding 14 days which can be combined with regular leave, wherever necessary. b)Executives participating in athletic and sports events of National or International importance in a representative capacity or engaged in coaching or administration of teams participating in such events, special casual leave in these cases should not exceed 30 days in any calendar year. If the period exceeds 30 days in any calendar year, the executive can be permitted by competent authority to combine special casual leave with earned leave as a special case but not with other leaves. c)Executives participating in inter-unit or inter-departmental tournament can also be granted special casual leave not exceeding 10 days which can also be permitted by competent authority to be combined with earned leave. d)Executives who donate blood on working days may be granted special casual leave for that day. e)Executives who undergo sterilization operation under the Family Planning Scheme may be granted special casual leave not exceeding six working days. f)Two principal office bearers of recognized Associations who are also executives, attending annual general meetings or conferences of the central organizations to which they are affiliated may be granted special casual leave to a maximum of 10 days in a calendar year. g)In case of the executives appearing in the examination conducted by the CIL or approved by the Management e.g. 2nd class and 1st class Mine Manager Certificate of Competency Examination etc., Special Casual leave for actual no. of days of examination can be granted. h)The executives who are ex-servicemen when called by Ministry of Defence to participate in the Republic Day Parade, special casual leave for the period of their stay in Delhi and minimum period spent on journey to and from Delhi by direct route can be granted. 5 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/2097 dated 18.05.2017.

P a g e | 562i)Special casual leave can be granted for other purposes like sports and cultural activities which enhance the image of the Company at the discretion of the Head of the Office. j)Special Casual Leave can be granted to an executive if he is called as witness by the Court towards the days of his absence, i.e., attendance day and minimum traveling time by shortest route by the number of days falling short after adjusting the casual leave which may be due to him. This concession will only be allowed to the executives when they are called as witnesses in the cases where the Government is a party or a Government calls the incumbent for evidence, even though the Company has nothing to do in these cases. Where the Company is a party and the executive is called in for evidence by the Company, the said executive will be treated as on duty and paid the usual TA/DA. k)For other purpose at the discretion of the Head of the Office taking into consideration local circumstances and the merits of the cases. l) Leave upto a maximum of 90 days may be granted to an aggrieved female executive on the recommendation of the Internal Committee during the pendency of inquiry under Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition & Redressal) Act, 2013. [6]m) Special Casual Leave under RPwD Act, 2016 [7]For employees covered by RPwD Act, 2016, additional Special Casual Leave as enumerated below will be admissible in a calendar year: (i)4 days Special Casual Leave for specific requirements relating to disabilities of the disabled employee. (ii)10 days Special Casual Leave for participating in Conferences/ Seminars/ Trainings/ Workshops related to disability and development related programmes organized by the agencies as specified by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment from time to time. 7.3.Earned Leave on full pay 7.3.1.Every executive shall be credited with earned leave in advance in two installments of 15 days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar year. 7.3.2.When an executive is appointed in the middle of the year, earned leave should be credited in his leave account at the rate of 2 ½ days for each completed month of service which is likely to render in the calendar half year in which he is appointed. 6 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/2097 dated 18.05.2017. 7 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/500 dated 29.10.2020.

P a g e | 5637.3.3.The credit afforded under the above shall be reduced by 1/10th of the period of extra ordinary leave availed of during the previous half year, subject to a maximum of 15 days. 7.3.4.a) The credit for the half year in which an executive is due to retire or resigns from the service, shall be afforded only at the rate of 2 ½ days per completed calendar month in that half year up to date of retirement/resignation. b) The credit for the half year in which an executive is removed/dismissed from service or dies in service, will be afforded at the rate of 2 ½ days per completed calendar month up to the end of calendar month preceding the calendar month in which the executive is removed/dismissed/dies. c) If in the case of an executive, the leave already availed of is more than the credit so due to him, necessary adjustment is to be made in respect of leave salary overdrawn. 7.3.5. Earned Leave can be accumulated upto 300 days. While limiting the maximum of 300 days, where the balance at credit is 286-300 days, further advance credit of 15 days i.e. 300 + 15 on 1st January/1s July will be kept separately and set off against the EL availed of during that half year ending 30th June/31st December. However, if the leave availed is less than 15 days, the remainder will be credited to leave account subject to the ceiling of 300 days at the close of that half year. 7.3.6.The maximum earned leave that may be granted at a time to an executive shall be 180 days except in case of illness. 7.3.7.While affording credit under the clause 7.3.2, 7.3.3 and 7.3.4 above, fraction of a day will be rounded off to the nearest day. 7.4.Half Pay Leave 7.4.1.Every executive shall be credited with half pay leave in advance in two installments of 10 days each on the first day of January and July of every calendar year. 7.4.2.When an executive is appointed in the middle of the year, the leave shall be credited to the said leave account at the rate of 5/3 days for each completed calendar month of service which he is likely to render in the half year of the calendar year in which he is appointed. The credit for the half year in which an executive is due to retire or resigns from the service shall be allowed at the rate of 5/3 days per completed calendar month upto the date of retirement or resignation.

P a g e | 564When an executive is removed or dismissed from service or dies while in service, credit of half pay leave shall be allowed at the rate of 5/3 days per completed calendar month upto the end of the calendar month preceding the calendar month in which he is removed or dismissed from service or dies in service. If in the case of an executive, the leave already availed of is more than the credit so due to him, necessary adjustment is to be made in respect of leave salary overdrawn. 7.4.3.The leave under this rule may be granted on medical certificate or on private affairs. 7.4.4.There is no limit for accumulation of half pay leave. However, the encashment limit as clause 12.5.1 will be 300 days only. 7.4.5.Non- Executives joining Executive cadre are required to exhaust their sick leave before availing HPL. [8]7.4.6.No additional HPL will be credited to Non-Executives in the calendar year of their joining in Executive cadre.[8]Note 1: [9]For calculation of leave salary on availing HPL while in service, half of the Basic Pay and DA along with Perks and other allowances computed on half of the Basic Pay actually drawn may be applied. Note 2:[10]In all the cases, HPL & EL are to be credited after rounding off to the nearest integer value i.e., if the fraction comes below 0.50, then it would be rounded off to the next lower integer value & if it comes to 0.50 & above, then it will be rounded off to the next higher integer value. When an Executive joins in the middle of the month i.e., in the first half of the month, HPL & EL are to be credited for that calendar month and if he/ she joins in the second half of the month, then the same will not be credited for that particular month i.e., 8 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/2097 dated 18.05.2017.9 Clarified vide letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/2213 dated 13.07.2017. 10 Clarified vide OM No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Leave Rules/250 dated 11.09.2019 & Corrigendum No. CIL/ C5A(PC)/ Leave Rules/251 dated 17.09.2019.

P a g e | 565Joining Month Credit of HPL for the half of the year Credit of EL for the half of the year Joining in the first Half of the Month Joining in the second half of the month Joining in the first Half of the Month Joining in the second half of the month January/ July 10 8 15 13 February/ August 8 7 13 10 March/ September 7 5 10 8 April/ October 5 3 8 5 May/ November 3 2 5 3 June/ December 2 0 3 0 7.5.Commuted Leave Half pay leave can be commuted into full pay leave, at his option. When commuted leave is granted, twice the number of such leave will be debited to the half pay leave account of the executive. For commuted leave exceeding 6 days, it will be necessary to produce a medical certificate. Holidays, if any, succeeding the day of fitness can be allowed to be suffixed with commuted leave. Holidays, if any preceding the day of fitness shall be treated as part of leave. 7.6.Extra-ordinary Leave without pay When no other leave is by Rule admissible, Extra-ordinary leave without pay, may be granted to any executive in special circumstances upto following extent: Upto 3 months, on any one occasion other than on ground of illness; Upto 6 months, on any one occasion on ground of illness, other than TB, Cancer, Leprosy, Paralysis, Severe Heart Attack, By-pass/ Open Heart Surgery; Upto 18 months, on any one for TB, Cancer, Leprosy, Paralysis. 7.7.Special Leave Special leave on full pay for a total period not exceeding six months during the entire service may be granted only when the executive is suffering from the

P a g e | 566following diseases on production of medical certificate from an authorized medical officer: T.B. Cancer Leprosy Severe Heart Attack Paralysis By-pass/Open Heart Surgery Renal disease AIDS Brain disorder Cirrhosis/Liver Transplantation Hepatitis ‘B’ or ‘C’Any other disease with recommendation of Director (Personnel) and approved by the Chairman may add to this list. 7.8.Study leave 7.8.1.Study leave for a maximum period of upto 5 years can be granted to an executive. Two years will be with full pay to enable him to study scientific, technical or similar problems or to undergo special course of instruction, if it is considered to be in the company's interest. The balance three years period will be without pay.[11]7.8.2.[12] a)Study leave shall not be denied to an executive who has completed his/her probation period but has not completed 5 years of service thereafter on the condition that he/she furnishes a bond to render service in CIL for an additional period of 5 years.[13]b)It may be granted to an executive who is not due to reach the age of superannuation from the service within five years from the date on which he is expected to return to duty after the expiry of the leave. c)Who executes a Bond as laid down undertaking to serve the Company for a minimum period of five years on joining back after expiry of the leave period, and d)The additional period of leave availed beyond two years without pay will count for the purpose of next promotion in the grade as eligibility period. 7.8.3.It is not debited against the leave account and it counts as service for promotion but not for leave. 11Amended vide OO No. CIL/C5A(v)/CRC/Leave Rules/Amendment/1033 dated 14.08.201512Amended vide OO No. CIL/C5A(v)/CRC/Leave Rules/Amendment/567 dated 22.12.2014.

P a g e | 5677.8.4.The grant of study leave with full-pay is at the discretion of the Chairman, CIL and will be regulated as below: [12]a)Grant of “Study Leave” on full-pay, subject to a maximum period of 2 years during the entire service and beyond which additional 3 years without pay during the entire service. b)For such Post Graduate Degree/Diploma studies for which the duration has been specified as 3 years, the Study Leave will be granted for 3 years out of which, first 2 years only will be on full-pay and the third year shall be without pay. c)Deleted. d)The officer has to execute a Surety Bond from a serving employee for the entire Bond money to be recovered from him in case the officer concerned has not paid the money. e)Consideration of leave without pay for the purpose of eligibility for promotion to the next higher grade will be applicable to all such cases where the executive has already availed the Study leave (both with pay and without pay) but could not be considered for promotion so far for want of regularization of the period of Study leave beyond two years paid period. However, benefit of notional seniority with retrospective effect will be applicable only for such qualification/courses from the recognized universities of govt. of India or their agencies/authorities and reputed universities and colleges abroad in the relevant field. The notional seniority shall not entitle him to any monetary benefit but shall count towards pay fixation. Chairman, CIL shall be the sole authority to decide and interpret the universities/institutions which will qualify for this benefit.[14]7.8.5.If an executive resigns or retires from service or otherwise quits service without returning to duty after a period of Study Leave or within a period of 5 years after such return to duty or fails to complete the course of study he shall be required to refund the actual amount of salary, if any incurred by the Company together with interest thereon at rates for the time being in force before his resignation is accepted or permission to retire or his quitting service is granted.[15]Note I: For 2 (Two) years, salary would be payable but no PRP will be paid for the period of study leave.[16] Note II:Deleted.[16] 7.9.Maternity Leave 7.9.1.Maternity leave may be granted to the female executives (with less than 2 surviving children) of the Company for a period of 180 days from the date of its 14 Amended vide OO No. CIL/C5A(v)/CRC/Leave Rules/Amendment/1033 dated 14.08.2015. 15 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(v)/CRC/Leave Rules/Amendment/567 dated 22.12.2014. 16 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(v)/CRC/Leave Rules/Amendment/567 dated 22.12.2014.

P a g e | 568commencement. The leave is granted on full pay and is not debited against the leave account. 7.9.2.Maternity leave may be granted to female executives having 2 or more than 2 surviving children for a period of 12 weeks of which not more than 6 weeks shall precede the date of her expected delivery.[17]7.9.3.Maternity leave may be granted to female executives who legally adopt a Child below the age of 3 months or a commissioning mother for a period of 12 weeks from the date the Child is handed over to the adopting mother or the Commissioning mother, as the case may be. [17]7.9.4.Maternity leave may be combined with earned leave on medical certificate.[18]7.9.5.Maternity leave not exceeding 45 days may also be granted to a female executive of the company (irrespective of the number of surviving children) during the entire service of that female executive in case of miscarriage including abortion on production of medical certificate from the authorized medical attendant.[18]7.9.6.While sanctioning such maternity leave to a female executive no restriction regarding qualifying service is necessary. [18] 7.10. Quarantine Leave This leave may be granted with pay to an executive who is required not to attend duty in consequence of the presence of any infectious diseases in his family or household. Such leave may be granted on the certificate of the Medical or Public Health Officer for a period not exceeding 20 days and in exceptional cases 30 days. Any leave necessary for quarantine purpose in excess of this period shall be treated as ordinary leave. This leave can be granted in continuation of any other leave. The quarantine is applicable for the following diseases: (i)Small pox, cholera, diphtheria, cerebro-spinal meningitis, typhus fever and plague should be considered as infectious diseases. Chicken pox shall not, however, unless the Medical Officer of the Company or the Public Health Officer of the Corporation/Municipality considers that because of doubt as to the true nature of the disease (for example, small pox) there is reason for the grant of such leave. (ii)In the case of the executives posted in an area under the administration of a State Govt., such other disease as may have been declared by that Government as infectious for the purpose of Quarantine Leave Rules in force in that State 17 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/ 2450 dated 30.11.2017. 18 Clauses renumbered vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/ 2450 dated 30.11.2017.

P a g e | 569may be considered as infectious disease for the purpose of grant of quarantine leave. 7.11. Special disability leave 7.11.1.Special disability leave may be granted to an executive who is disabled by injury intentionally inflicted or caused in, or in consequence of the performance of his official duties or in consequence of his official position. This leave is sanctioned subject to the following conditions: a)The disability manifested itself within three months of the occurrence to which it is attributed and the person disabled acted with the promptitude in bringing it to notice. b)The period of leave shall be such as is certified by a medical board, constituted by a competent authority. The maximum period admissible is 24 months. 7.11.2.Special disability leave may be granted to an executive who is disabled by injury accidentally incurred in or in consequence of the due performance of his official duties or in consequence of his position or by illness incurred in the performance of any particular duty which has the effect of increasing his liability to illness or injury beyond the ordinary risk. The grant of this concession is subject to the further conditions: a)The disability, if due to disease, must be certified by medical board, to be directly due to the performance of the particular duty. b)The disability is in the opinion of the company exceptional in character or that there are circumstances to justify such unusual treatments as the grant of these form of leave. 7.11.3.Special disability leave may be combined with leave of any other kind, and shall be counted as duty. 7.11.4.The executives during the period of special disability leave will draw leave salary equal to full pay and dearness allowance till he/she is declared fit by the Company’s Medical Officer. The leave salary shall be paid on the basis of the last pay drawn by the executive immediately before he/she met with the accident. 7.12. Leave Preparatory to Retirement Leave preparatory to retirement is not a new type of leave but only leave, as due, concluding on the date of the compulsory retirement of an executive. The maximum amount of Earned Leave that can be taken as Leave Preparatory to Retirement shall be 180 days.

P a g e | 5707.13. Lieu Leave 7.13.1. Executives (Mining or any discipline engaged on regular coal production/ O.B. removal) Regular rosters shall be maintained in respect of the officers who are called upon to work on holidays/weekly days of rest and the same should have the approval of the controlling officer in advance. day “Lieu Leave” will be given to executives for each full day of work done for regular coal production on rest day/holiday. The lieu leave credited in the calendar year for work done on rest day or holiday for regular coal production will be allowed to be availed by 30th June of the following year. Grant of lieu leave should be so planned that the concerned executive could be allowed to avail the lieu leave within the time limit mentioned in clause above. The un-availed lieu leave shall be considered lapsed at the end of the time limit mentioned in clause above. The lieu leave will be allowed to be prefixed or suffixed with any other kind of leave and it is not encashable. 7.13.2. Other Executives engaged on Holidays/Rest days Any officers posted at Units, Area head quarters, Company Head Quarter etc. who are called upon to work on holiday/weekly days of rest will be given one day compensatory holiday for each full day of work done. Regular rosters shall be maintained in respect of the officers who are called upon to work on holidays/weekly days of rest and the same should have the approval of the controlling officer in advance. The compensatory holidays so credited for work done on rest day or holiday should be availed within the next 3 months following the day the officer was called for the duty. The un-availed compensatory holiday shall be considered lapsed at the end of the time limit mentioned in clause above. The compensatory holiday will be allowed to be prefixed or suffixed with any other kind of leave and it is not encashable.

P a g e | 571Note:[19]The provision 7.13.2 of Lieu Leave will not be applicable in respect of officers posted in CIL(HQ), RSOs & other allied offices under the direct administrative control of CIL except NEC. 7.14. Child care leave (CCL)[20]Female executives having minor children may be granted Child Care Leave by an authority competent to grant maternity leave, for a maximum period of two years (i.e. 730 days) during their entire service for taking care of up-to two eldest surviving children whether for rearing or to look after any of their needs like examination, sickness etc. Child Care Leave shall not be admissible if the child is eighteen years of age or older. During the period of such leave, the female executives shall be paid leave salary equal to the pay drawn immediately before proceeding on leave. It may be availed of in more than one spell. The leave account for Child Care Leave shall be maintained in the proforma (Annexure-II) and it shall be kept along with the Service Book of the female executive concerned. Child Care Leave may also be allowed for the third year as leave not due (without production of medical certificate). It may be combined with leave of the kind due and admissible. 7.14.1.Child Care Leave shall be granted subject to following conditions: a)Child Care Leave cannot be demanded as a matter of right. Under no circumstances can any employee proceed on Child Care Leave without prior proper approval of the leave by the leave sanctioning authority. b)It will be treated like Earned leave and sanctioned as such. c)Saturdays, Sundays, Gazetted Holidays etc. falling during the period of leave would also count for Child Care Leave as in the case of Earned Leave. d)The leave will not be allowed more than three spells in a calendar year. e)Child Care Leave may not be granted for less than 15 days in a spell. f)LTC/LLTC cannot be availed during CCL. CCL should not ordinarily be granted during the probation period except in case of certain extreme situations where the leave sanctioning authority is fully satisfied about the need of Child Care Leave to the probationer. It may also be ensured that the period for which this leave is sanctioned during probation is minimal. 19 Incorporated vide OO No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/Leave/1554 dated 02.02.2011. 20 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C-5A (PC)/Leave/143 dated 30.08.2012.

P a g e | 5727.15. Paternity Leave [21]A male employee may be granted paternity leave on full pay for a period of 15 days during confinement of his wife, i.e. upto 15 days before or upto 6 months from the date of delivery of the child, based on documentary evidence. In case this leave is not availed, it will be treated as lapsed. Paternity leave, however, will not be granted for the period of third confinement. 8.0.On promotion from non-executive to executive position 8.1.The leave standing to the credit on the day of assumption of charge in the executive position may be allowed to be carried forward on his promotion from Non-Executive position to the executive position in full subject to the ceilings prescribed in the rules. 8.2.As an executive, he will be earning the leave at the rates applicable as per the rules on and from the date he assumes the charge. 9.0.On movement of an Executive from one Public Enterprise to another 9.1.If an executive of Coal India Limited whose application was forwarded through proper channel, joins another Public Sector Organization, an amount equivalent to the leave salary for the earned leave/half pay leave/sick leave standing to his credit on the date of his leaving will be transferred to the new organization, provided the new organization agrees to give credit of such earned leave/half pay leave/sick leave to the executive concerned. 9.2.In the case of an executive joining Coal India Limited from another Public Sector Organization, credit of the earned leave/half pay leave/sick leave in the previous employment will be given to him, provided the previous organization transfers to Coal India Limited an amount equivalent to the leave salary for such earned leave/half pay leave/sick leave. 10.0. Procedure for the grant of Advance in lieu of leave salary 10.1.An advance in lieu of leave salary may be sanctioned to an executive who proceeds on leave for a period of not less than one month/30 days. 10.2. Amount of advance The amount of advance in lieu of leave salary shall not exceed the net amount of leave salary for the first month/30 days of leave with full or half pay, i.e. clearly admissible to him after usual deductions. The amount shall be fixed in whole rupees. a)To determine the amount of advance in lieu of leave salary admissible, the details of deductions to be effected from the leave salary may be ascertained 21 Incorporated vide OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/2097 dated 18.05.2017.

P a g e | 573from the previous month’s salary bill. In addition to this, deductions in respect of advances, if any, the recovery of which has not commenced before the executive proceeds on leave but falls during its currency or deductions to be made in respect of any other event which comes to notice like Court attachment etc. May also be taken into account to extent the information is readily available. b)When an executive proceeds on leave for more than a month/30 days from about the middle of a month, the advance in lieu of leave salary may be made on the basis of the leave salary payable which include allowances as admissible under the rule for one month’s/30 days leave from the date of commencement of leave. c)The usual deductions on account of Income tax, provident fund, house rent, repayment of advance, etc. May be effected from the duty pay which the executive will draw for the portion of the month in which the leave commences if the period of duty is for the major part of a month. Otherwise such deductions may be made from the leave salary. 10.3. Adjustment of advances a)The amount of advance in lieu of leave salary shall be adjusted in full in the leave salary bill in respect of the leave availed of by the executive concerned. If the amount of advance cannot be so adjusted, the balance shall be recovered from the next payment of pay or/and leave salary. b)In the event of resignation within one month/30 days of the leave sanctioned, the balance of the advance shall be refunded immediately and for this purpose the executive with less than 5 years of service shall be required to give a written undertaking before the drawl of the advance that he would refund the amount of advance that cannot be adjusted. c)In the event of death within one month/30 days of the leave the unadjusted advance will be set off against the gratuity due to executive. 11.0. Joining time/Transit Leave on transfer 11.1.An executive transferred from one office establishment to another, situated at a different place, shall be entitled to joining time to join the new post on relinquishing charge of the old post. No joining time is admissible if the transfer is on request basis. 11.2.If a transfer does not necessarily involve, a change of residence from one station to another, the executive will not be entitled to more than one day’s joining time. A holiday counts as a day in such a case. 11.3.In cases involving transfer from one station to another, joining time shall be allowed as under:

P a g e | 574a)6 days for preparation. b)1 day for each 500 kms of journey by rail, or 150 kms by motor/motor cycle/scooter, or 25 kms in any other way, or in case of air journey, actual time occupied in the journey in each case; the part of the day in the case of air journey should be treated as one day; a day shall also be allowed for fractional portion of any distance prescribed above in the case of the journey by rail/motor vehicle or any other way. 11.4.A Sunday shall not count as a day for the purpose of calculations of joining time. When holiday(s) follow(s) joining time the normal joining time shall be deemed to have been extended to cover such holiday(s). 11.5.Joining time shall be calculated by the route which is ordinarily used by the travelers. Travel by road not exceeding 8 kms to or from a railway station at the beginning or end of a journey shall not count for joining time. 11.6.If an executive is transferred to a new post while on leave of not more than 180 days’ duration, his joining time will be calculated from his old station, or from the place in which he received the order of transfer, whichever calculation will entitle him to lesser joining time. If, however, he performs the journey to his old station for winding up his personal affairs, his joining time will be calculated from the old headquarters to new headquarters. In other cases joining time shall be calculated from the place at which he makes over charge. 11.7.The authority sanctioning the transfer may, in special circumstances, reduce the period of joining as admissible under clause 11.3 above. The authority sanctioning the transfer may also grant a longer period of joining time than is admissible under clause 11.3 in the following circumstances: a)When the executive has been unable to use the mode of travelling or not withstanding due diligence on his part, has spent more time on the journey than is normally allowed; or b)When the executive has though no fault on his part missed the train, or fallen sick on the journey. 11.8. Joining Time Pay An executive on joining time shall be regarded as on duty and shall be entitled to be paid as follows: a)If he joins a new post without availing himself of any leave on relinquishing charge of his old post, he shall draw the lower pay and allowances between the post to which he has been transferred or from which he has been transferred. b)If he joins a new post after availing leave with full pay, he shall draw the leave salary which he last drew. But if the joining time is in continuation of leave which did not include a period of leave on full pay, he shall draw the joining time salary as if he had been on leave with full pay.

P a g e | 57511.9.An executive who does not join his post within his joining time is entitled to no pay or leave salary after the end of the joining time. Willful absence from duty after the expiry of joining time may be treated as misconduct for the purpose of conduct rules. 11.10.Availing of Joining Time TA/DA–In case the executive joins duty immediately and avail the joining time later on, the entitlement of TA/DA and joining time will be as follows: a)Journey from new headquarters to old headquarters for the purpose of permanent shifting to new headquarters will be treated as journey on duty and the concerned officer shall be entitled to TA and DA as per rules. b)The joining time shall commence immediately on arrival at the old headquarters; of course, the concerned officer shall be entitled to transfer TA as per rules for permanent shifting for self and family. 11.11.The Joining time/Transit leave should be availed preferably within 6 months. In case of not availing the same, the delay may be condoned by the controlling officer on reasonable ground. 12.0. Leave encashment 12.1. Eligibility Encashment of earned leave and half pay leave will be allowed at the option of the executives, subject to the approval of the Sanctioning Authority competent to sanction the same. 12.2. Extent of leave encashable Only earned leave on full pay and half pay leave at the credit are encashable and not any other kind of leave, such as casual leave, study leave etc. 12.3. Extent of encashment of Earned leave 12.3.1.Encashment of EL will be allowed to an executive only once in a calendar year.12.3.2.The earned leave can be encashed upto 75% of the earned leave at credit or 60 days, whichever is less. 12.3.3.Earned leave at credit will be determined as on the date of making an application for encashment of leave. 12.3.4.The rate of encashment per day will be calculated on the basis of emoluments of an executive in the month in which he applies for the leave encashment (after deducting inadmissible allowances) divided by 30.

P a g e | 57612.3.5.Encashment benefits will not be reckoned as salary for the purposes of Exgratia, etc. 12.3.6.The full portion of the earned leave encashed will be deducted from the leaves at his credit. 12.3.7.The application for leave encashment, wherever necessary, should specifically indicate the quantum of earned leave that the executive desires to encash which shall not be more than the limit specified as above. 12.3.8.The sanctioning authority should specifically indicate the period and the number of days of leave allowed for encashment. 12.3.9.Separate orders shall be issued in respect of the encashment sanctioned for EL. 12.3.10.No encashment of leave during the period under suspension will be permissible. 12.3.11.During study leave, encashment of EL will be permissible only in exceptional circumstances 12.3.12.The encashment of earned leave of those posted to overseas CIL offices/project sites earned during their period of posting abroad will be regulated by the terms and conditions of CIL Overseas Office/Project Site Rules. 12.3.13.Computing The Rate of Earned Leave Encashment: For computing the rate of encashment, basic pay and dearness allowance only will be included. All other allowances, viz. HRA, Coalfield Allowance, Charge Allowance, Underground Allowance, NPA etc. will be excluded.[22] 12.4. Encashment of Earned Leave on Termination of Service/Retirement 12.4.1. On Resignation Leave at credit shall not be granted for encashment if an executive resigns from the service. However, an executive who has resigned from the service can avail the benefit for the encashable portion of earned leave prior to the date of his actual quitting/release from service. 12.4.2.Deleted.[23]12.4.3.Deleted.[23]22Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/2097 dated 18.05.2017.23Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/Leave/ 2225 dated 25.07.2017.

P a g e | 57712.5. Encashment of Leave on separation from service 12.5.1.Encashment of leave, limited to a maximum of 300 days (Earned leave and Half Pay leave combined) at the credit of an Executive, is permissible on the following events:[23]a)On separation from the company on attaining the age of superannuation; b)On death while in service; c)On permanent total disablement; d)On voluntary retirement before the date of superannuation but after attaining the age of 55 years, subject to the terms and conditions of VRS; e)In case of cessation of service after attaining the age of 50 years or more, provided, the executive has put in a minimum of 20 years continuous service as a regular executive in the company and the cessation is not as a result of disciplinary action or leaving the service without approval of the Management. f)In case of cessation of service under the premature retirement provisions of Common Coal cadre. g)In case of Executives who are employed on contract, on tenure, on deputation, on re-employment etc., provided it is mentioned in their Contract/Agreement. Note: To make up the short fall in Earned Leave, no commutation of Half Pay Leave would be permissible. 12.5.2. Computing The Rate of Half Pay Leave Encashment: [24]While computing payment of encashment of half pay leave, half of the basic pay and DA computed on half of the basic shall be taken. 12.6. Deduction No deduction other than Income Tax [25] will be made from the amount payable to a serving executive if the encashment is for a period of less than 30 days. If the encashment is 30 days or more monthly installments of repayment of advances and other dues shall be recovered at the rate of one installment for each period of 30 days. In case of resignation/retirement/retrenchment or death, company’s dues shall be recovered from the amount of encashment. 24 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/2097 dated 18.05.2017. 25 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CMPF/2451 dated 30.11.2017 & Letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CMPF-Lv En/411 dated 17.04.2020.

P a g e | 57813.0. Leave Entitlement/ Leave Encashment of Management Trainees Management trainees who are appointed in regular pay scale will be entitled to Casual leave, Earned leave, Half Pay Leave, Commuted leave, Maternity leave & Paternity Leave at par with the regular executives.[24]During the period of training they are not entitled for any encashment benefit. 14.0. Interpretation The power to interpret these rules is reserved with the Director (P&IR), CIL/ Chairman, CIL and their interpretation will be final. 15.0. Savings The Company reserves the right to alter, amend or withdraw this scheme at its discretion without assigning any reasons therefore.

P a g e | 579Annexure I COAL INDIA LIMITED Form of Leave account — Part 1 Name of the executive: Staff No.: Date of birth: Date of appointment: Earned leave (Total accumulation 300 days)Particulars of service in the calendar half year Completed months of service in the calendar half year EL credited at the beginning of half year Earned leave E.L. to be deducted (1/10th of the period in Col. 5) Total E.L. at credit in days (Col. 4 + 11 – 6) Leave taken Balance EL on return from leave ( Col. 7 – 10) From To No. of days of EOL(Col. 17 of Part 2) availed of during the previous calendar half year From To No. of days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Notes: 1.The earned leave due should be expressed in days. 2.When an executive is appointed during the course of a particular calendar half year, E.L. should be credited at 2 ½ days for each completed month and the fraction of a day will be rounded to the nearest day. 3.The entries in Col. 6 should be in completed days. Fraction of a day will be rounded to the nearest day.

P a g e | 580 Annexure I Contd. COAL INDIA LIMITED Form of Leave account — Part 2 Name of the executive: Staff No: Date of birth: Half Pay Leave (on private affairs and on medical certificate including commuted leave) (@ 20 days for each year of completed service)Length of service No. of completed years Credit of leave Leave taken Total of half pay leave taken (col. 8 + 12) Balance of half pay leave on return from leave Extraordinary leave (without pay) From To Leave earned (in days) Leave at credit (Col. 4 + 14) Against the earning on half pay Commuted leave on medical certificate on full pay Commuted leave converted into half pay leave (twice of Col. 11) Duration No. of days From To No. of days From To No. of days From To 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Notes: 1. Period of EOL should be noted in red ink. 2. The entries in col. 1 and 2 should indicate only the beginning and end of completed years of service at the time half pay leave commences. Where executive completes another year of service while on half pay leave, the extra credit should be shown in col. 1 to 5 by making suitable additional entries and this should be taken into account while completing col. 14.

P a g e | 581Annexure II Proforma for Maintaining Child Care Leave account Period of Child Care Leave taken Balance of Child Care Leave Signature and designation of the certifying officer From To Balance Date

P a g e | 582References 1 Leave Rules of the Bharat Coking Coal Limited, 1972. 2 Leave Encashment Scheme, 1976. 3 OO No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/Leave/1460 dated 01.07.2010. 4 OO No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/Leave/1554 dated 02.02.2011. 5 Letter No. CIL/C5A(vi)/Leave/1564 dated 01.03.2011. 6 OM No. CIL/C-5A (PC)/Leave/143 dated 30.08.2012. 7 OO No. CIL/C5A(v)/CRC/Leave Rules/Amendment/567 dated 22.12.2014. 8 OO No. CIL/C5A(v)/CRC/Leave Rules/Amendment/1033 dated 14.08.2015. 9 OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/2097 dated 18.05.2017. 10 Letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/2213 dated 13.07.2017. 11 OM No. CIL/C5A (PC)/Leave/ 2225 dated 25.07.2017. 12 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/ 2450 dated 30.11.2017. 13 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CMPF/2451 dated 30.11.2017. 14 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/44 dated 12.02.2019. 15 OM No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/Leave Rules/250 dated 11.09.2019. 16 Corrigendum No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave Rules/251 dated 17.09.2019. 17 Letter No. CIL/C5A(PC)/CMPF-Lv En/411 dated 17.04.2020. 18 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Leave/500 dated 29.10.2020. 19 Letter No. CIL/XI(D)/04027/2021/26915 dated 20.07.2021.

P a g e | 583Coal India Executives Leave Travel Concession Rules 2010 1.0. Short Title and Commencement These rules shall be called the Coal India Executives Leave Travel Concession Rules, 2010 . Except where otherwise specifically provided for by an executive order, direction [1]or instruction, these rules come into force with effect from 28th September’2010 and it supersedes earlier Leave travel concession rules and circulars issued in this respect. 2.0. Scope & Coverage 2.1.This rule shall applicable to all Board level and below Board level executives of Coal India Limited and its subsidiaries. It also includes deputationist from other organizations, Public Sector Undertakings unless there is nothing repugnant in their terms of deputation. 2.2.These rules shall not apply to the executives appointed as management trainee. However they are eligible for the LTC after completion of their training and confirmation in the regular grade. 3.0. Definition 3.1.Basic Pay’ means the basic pay of an executive (include Special pay, Personal pay, Non Practicing Allowance as applicable). 3.2.‘Company’means the Coal India Limited.3.3.‘Family’means an executive’s wife/husband, legitimate children and step children residing with and wholly dependent upon him.Not more than one wife is included in a Family for the purpose of these rules. Where the wife is also a Company’s executive, the concession will be admissible to the family on the scale admissible to the husband or the wife and not both. 3.4.‘Shortest Route’means the route by which the destination can be reached earliest in point of time by the approved mode of travel.1 Approved by CIL Board in its 259 meeting held on 21.08.2010. Communicated vide OO No. CIL/C-th5A(vi)/LTC/1500 dated 28.09.2010. Previously called as Leave Travel Concession Rules for Executive Cadre Employees communicated in a Book form with amendments upto 15.05.1989 which was further amended vide OMs dated 25.09.1989, 10.02.1992 & 28.02.1990.

P a g e | 584Note: Executives proceeding on LTC will be entitled to travel between Ranchi to Bombay side or Madras side and vice versa via Tatanagar Rly. Station. For such journeys, the route may also be via Rourkella, Chakradharpur or Kharagapur as the case may be if the executive actually takes such route. 3.5.‘Year’of the purpose of these rules shall mean the calendar year. Leave Travel Concession due for the calendar year will have to be availed of during the calendar year itself. i.e. the outward journey should commence before the end of the calendar year and it is not necessary to complete the inward journey within the calendar year.3.6.‘Home Town’means permanent hometown or village as declared by the executives in company records at the time of his entry into the service of the Company.Note: a)A declaration of ‘Home town’ once made shall ordinarily be treated as final but in exceptional circumstances, the Chairman, a Functional Director/Managing Director of the subsidiary may authorize a change provide that such a change shall not be made more than once during the entire service of an executive. b)Apart from other tests that the authorities mentioned in note (a) above may like to apply, the correct test to determine whether a place declared by an executive should be accepted as his home town or not will be to check. (i)Whether the place declared by the executive is one where he would normally reside but for his service under the Company. (ii)Whether the place is one which requires his physical presence at intervals for discharging various domestic and social obligations and if so, whether the executive has been visiting that place frequently. (iii)Whether the executive owns residential property in that place or whether he is a member of a joint family having such property there. (iv)Whether his near relations are residents in that place. (v)Whether, prior to his entry into Company service, he had been living there for some years. Where the executive or the family of which he is a member owns residential or landed property in more than one place, it would be left to executive to make a choice giving reasons for the same. The decision of the authorities mentioned at note (a) above shall be final in all cases regarding declaration of hometown. 3.7.‘Head Quarters’means the normal place of duty of the executive at the time of outward journey.

P a g e | 5854.0. Entitlement of LTC/LLTC 4.1.Leave Travel Concession 4.1.1The Leave Travel Concession will be admissible once every year to the executives who are entitled to regular leave. It will cover all executives and their families as defined in clause 3.3 above.4.1.2The executives will be entitled to the Leave travel concession to their home town in India. The amount reimbursable by the Company will be 100%. 4.1.3The executives of E5 Grade and above shall be allowed to avail Railway Air Conditioned 1st Class/Air Travel. 4.1.4The executives of E2 to E4 Grade shall be allowed to avail Railway Air Conditioned 2nd Class/Air Travel. 4.1.5Executives of E1 Grade shall be allowed to avail Railway fare for 2nd Class Air Conditioned /1st Class and they will not be entitled to Air travels. 4.1.6The executives may however travel by road and/or steamer if the place of visit has no rail connection but overall ceiling will be the admissible Railway fare. Note: (i)When air services provide two classes of travel, viz. Ordinary and executive class, the Board Level Executives of CIL & Its Subsidiaries and Executives in E-9 Grade shall be entitled to travel by Executive Class.(ii)Executives entitled for Air Travel on LTC/LLTC can travel in passenger planes of airlines only. [2]4.2.Liberalized Leave Travel Concession4.2.1Once in a block of 4 calendar years commencing from the 1st January, 1976 the executives will be entitled to the concession under these rules for journeys to any place in India. This concession will, however, be in lieu of LTC entitlement of that year to travel to hometown and back. This facility of availing LTC for journeys to any place in India once in 4 years will also be available to executives whose home towns are either the same or very close to their places of posting and so are not entitled to LTC for home town.4.2.2(i)If an executive who is entitled to travel by Air on LLTC, travels to a place outside India, per member of the family who are entitled to LLTC would be entitled to reimbursement of LLTC actual air fare or Rs.50,000/- (For executive class entitlement)/Rs.35,000/- 2 Clarified vide letter No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/27 dated 12/13.07.2011.

P a g e | 586(For economy class entitlement), whichever is lower subject to submission of documentary proof. (ii)If an executive who is not entitled to travel by air on LLTC, travels to a place outside India, per member of the family who are entitled to LLTC would be entitled to reimbursement of LLTC, actual air fare or Rs.7600/- whichever is lower, subject to submission of documentary proof. Note: (a)The above admissible reimbursement amount is including the expenditure incurred by the executive from HQ/Residence to the airport for onward journey and from airport to HQ/Residence on return journey as per TA rules. (b)If the family members of the executive perform only outward/only inward journey, the maximum reimbursement amount will be the same as mentioned in 4.2.2 (i) & (ii). 4.2.3The executives and/or members of the family may avail of LLTC facilities for travel to the same place or to different places of their choice in India/Abroad 4.2.4 Encashment of LLTC (i)The executives have the option to avail LLTC once in a block of 4 years or en-cash the same subject to limit of Railway fare in the entitled class upto 1700 km. each way for the executive and entitled family members. (ii)Reservation charges for travel by Superfast Trains or any other surcharge otherwise leviable for actual journey undertaken will not be payable under this scheme. (iii)The facility of encashment of LLTC is also admissible to the family of an executive who dies while in service and not availed LLTC in that block. 4.3.Chairman-cum-Managing Director, CIL is empowered to extend the block year by six months for the executives who have not availed the LTC/LLTC due to exigency of work and in the interest of the company. Note: [3]Under Perks & Allowances, Executives are entitled for an amount equivalent to 5% of Basic pay per month for availing LTC/ LLTC as allowance. On availing LTC/ LLTC, Executives are required to submit their expense details to the Company for availing tax benefit as per Income Tax Act. The reimbursement of LTC/ LLTC under these Rules shall stand amended accordingly. 3 Incorporated due to OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Pay Revision 2017/2972 dated 08.08.2018.

P a g e | 5875.0. Eligibility 5.1.The concession is not admissible to an executive who has not completed one year of continuous service on the date the journey is performed by him or is family as the case may be. The condition of one year continuous service on the date of journey for admissibility of the Leave Travel Concession is applicable equally to permanent executives and probationers. 5.2.The term continuous service under the Company may be computed including the continuous service under the non-executive cadre and the concession in the executive cadre in respect of such an executive could be available during the particular calendar year provided that the train fare facility/LTC available under NCWA has not already been availed of by the concerned executive during the particular calendar year he was in service in the non-executive cadre. Note: A non-executive who had availed home town LTC for 4 adults in the year 1987, against the block year 1987-90, would not be entitled to home LTC for the year 1988 after his promotion in executive cadre. However, if he had drawn the RRF for self only in the year 1987 he would be entitled to home town LTC as an executive for the year 1988 on his incoming an executive. 5.3.The concession will be admissible to executives proceeding on leave just before attaining age of superannuation. But in this case, the Company’s assistance on the usual scale will be limited to fares for self and family for the outward journey only. 5.4.The concession will also be admissible to an executive who had actually applied for leave preparatory to retirement but could not avail the same as it was refused in the interest of company’s work provided that in such cases, the company’s assistance will be limited to fares for self and family for the outward journey only. 5.5.The concession will be admissible for journeys performed by the executives during regular leave including medical leave, leave on half pay, earned leave or casual leave as the case may be irrespective of their duration. 5.6.The concession will not however be admissible to an executive who proceeds on leave and then resigns his post without returning to duty. 5.7.Official status as an executive elsewhere. This will be subject to submission of declaration by the claimant that he/she has not claimed the reimbursement from his/her employer to avoid double claim for an individual. 5.8.The Leave Travel Concession will also be admissible during maternity leave.

P a g e | 5886.0.Restricted Concession LTC/LLTC will be admissible to the members of an executive’s family with reference to the facts existing at the time of the outward and the return journeys independently. The following types of cases are given by way of illustrations only: 6.1.Entitled to reimbursement in respect of the outward journey only: (a)A dependent son/daughter getting employment or getting married after having gone on LTC/LLTC or remaining there for prosecution of studies. (b)The family, having performed the outward journey does not complete the return journey within six months. 6.2.Entitled to reimbursement in respect of the return journey only: (a)A newly married wife coming from the hometown or a place of visit on LLTC to headquarters station or a wife who had been living for a long time at hometown or a place of visit on LLTC and did not avail herself of the LTC/LLTC in respect of the outward journey. (b)A dependent son/daughter, returning with parents or coming alone from hometown or a place of visit on LLTC where he/she has been prosecuting studies or living with grandparents etc. (c)A child who was previously below three/twelve years of age but has completed three/twelve years of age only at the time of the return journey. (d)A child legally adopted by an executive while staying in the hometown or a place of visit on LLTC. 6.3.Entitlement of dependent children studying away from the place of work or hometown on availing LTC: A dependent son/daughter who is prosecuting his/her studies at a place away from the place of work and hometown of the executive would be entitled to this concession for going to the hometown or to the place of work of the executive concerned and back to the place of his/her studies once a year. The assistance will however be limited to the LTC otherwise admissible or the actual expenditure, whichever is less. 7.0.Entitlement of reimbursement in cases where journey is not undertaken by rail 7.1.(i)LTC/LLTC will also be admissible for journeys undertaken by other modes of conveyance provided the place is not connected by Railways. In all cases, the journey

P a g e | 589must be performed by the shortest road route/steamer service. The assistance will be limited to the actual expenses incurred subject to a ceiling of Rs. 8/- per kilometer. The assistance for journeys by own car/taxi will, however, be Rs.12/- per kilometer limited to entitled railway fare. (ii)However, in the case of road journey by bus the reimbursement will be the actual bus fare for each member of the family without limiting it to Rs. 8/- per kilometer. 7.2.(i)It will be permissible for an executive and his family members to travel in a class higher or lower than to which he is entitled. In the former case, the Company’s liability will be restricted to the fare by the class to which the executive is entitled and in the later case to the fare by the class in which he or his family actually travelled. If on such journeys, or part of such journeys, the executive or a member of his family travelled by road or by steamer for the places which are connected by rail, the extent of the Company’s assistance will be limited to what would have been admissible had he travelled by rail in the authorized class or the actual expenses whichever is less. (ii)Journey need not necessarily commence from or end at the headquarters of the executive either in his own case or in the case of his family. But the assistance to be given will be the amount that would have been admissible had the journey been performed between the headquarters and the ‘Home’ of the executive.8.0.Travel by Road in Car Where the executive and his family travel by private car (the cost of propulsion being borne by the executive himself), the concession shall be equivalent to what would have been admissible had the journey been performed by rail by the entitled class as per or the actual expense whichever is less. 9.0.Proof of Journey 9.1.AIR Air ticket & counterfoils of boarding cards/pass 9.2.TRAIN Train number & Name PNR number 9.3.CAR Whichever is relevant Petrol/Diesel receipts Toll/Bridge tax receipts Vehicle repair bills If the car is owned by the executive, the Xerox copy of RC

P a g e | 590If the car belongs to somebody else, the certificate of the owner of the vehicle to the effect that he had lent his car (giving the Registration No. of the vehicle) to the executive concerned for undertaking journey during LTC/LLTC 9.4.PUBLIC BUS/TAXI Tickets/Receipts/Taxi registration number 10.0. Cancellation Charges 10.1.Where an executive has to cancel leave and journey solely for official reason and in the interest of the Company, he may be allowed reimbursement of cancellation charges including reservation charges. 10.2.It may, however, be noted that where an executive cancels his leave and journey not solely due to official reasons but for his own convenience reimbursement of cancellation charges will not be allowed. 11.0. Conveyance Charges 11.1.In connection with the LTC/LLTC journeys by rail/air, the conveyance charges for road journey from headquarters/residence to Railway Station/ Airport and vice-versa will also be reimbursable as per TA rules. 11.2.The road journeys undertake at the intermediate stations during LTC/LLTC journeys such as from Railway station/Airport/Sea Port to Rly. Station/Airport/Sea port and vice versa will also be treated as part of the journeys and the imbursement therefore would be governed as per TA Rules. 12.0. Route for Travel The Company’s liability for the cost of railway fare shall be limited to the fare by the shortest route. Note : An executive or his family members may travel by any route or halt anywhere on the way to or from the home town, but the Company’s assistance shall be limited to the fare by the shortest route calculated on a ‘through’ ticket basis. When an executive or any member of his family performs the journey by a longer route in two different classes of railway accommodation, for example, partly by AC 1st class to which he is entitled class rate will be admissible for the corresponding proportion of the shortest route and the lower class rate for the remaining mileage by such route. Example: If the total distance by the longer route is 1100 kms. and that by the shortest route is 1000 kms and if an executive entitled to AC 1st class has travelled 800 kms. By

P a g e | 591AC 2nd Class and the remaining 300 Kms. by AC 1st class, Company’s share of reimbursement of the expenditure incurred in this case will be as follows: (i) Distance for which AC 2nd class fare will be admissible: [(Distance actually travelled by AC IInd class) x (Total distance by the shortest route)] / (Total distance by the longer route) 800 x 1000 i.e. = 727 Kms. (approx) 1100 (ii) Distance for which AC 1st class fare will be admissible: [(Distance actually travelled by AC Ist class) x (Total distance by the shortest route)] / (Total distance by the longer route) 300 x 1000 i.e. = 273 Kms. (approx) 1100 13.0. Whether executive and Family members should travel together 13.1.The members of the family may travel together or separately in different groups as may be convenient to them. When they travel in different times, reimbursement of expenditure, may be allowed in respect of each such group, if the outward journey of the last such group commences before the expiry of six months from the date of commencement of the outward journey by the first group and return journey of each such group must be completed within six months from the date of commencement of outward journey by that group. the entitlement of the family members to the concession will not depend on whether the executive may or may not proceed on regular leave. 13.2.The time limit of six months mentioned in 13.1 may be relaxed in special cases by the Controlling Officer. 14.0. Advance 14.1.An executive shall be entitled to draw an advance of 80% of the estimated fare by the entitled class. Advance for both the journeys will be admissible only if the return journey is to be completed within 90 days. If, after drawing the advance, the journey is not performed, the advance shall be refunded immediately in full. 14.2.The LTC/LLTC advance may be paid two months in advance of the date of commencement of the outward journey or on the date of sanction of the leave whichever is later.

P a g e | 592As LTC/LLTC can be planned in advance by the executive, he can avail the privileges/ benefits extended by the various airlines by booking the tickets well in advance. 15.0. Leave Travel Concession Claims The claims for leave travel concession shall be submitted within one month after the completion of the return journey. 16.0. Miscellaneous All executives whether on duty or proceeding on leave under Leave Travel concession may be allowed to travel by air from Mohanbari to Kolkata and from Kolkata to Mohanbari. Rest of the journey should be performed as per normal T.A. rules. 17.0. Interpretation The power to interpret these rules is reserved with the Director (P&IR)/Chairman, CIL and their interpretation will be final. 18.0. Savings This rule can be withdrawn or amended at the discretion of the company without any prior notification and assigning any reason therefore.

P a g e | 593References 1 Leave Travel Concession Rules for Executive Cadre Employees Book with –amendments upto 15.05.1989. 2 OM dated 25.09.1989.3 OM dated 10.02.1992.4 OM dated 28.02.1990. 5 OO No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/LTC/1500 dated 28.09.2010. 6 Letter No. CIL/C-5A(PC)/27 dated 12/13.07.2011. 7 OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/Pay Revision 2017/2972 dated 08.08.2018.

Page | 594 Coal India Limited Medical Attendance Rules Chapter I Medical Attendance Rules 1.1. Title These Rules may be called the Coal India Limited Medical Attendance Rules . [1]1.2. Commencement of Rules These Rules shall come into force with effect from 26 December, 1981. th1.3. Extent of Application(a)Officers employed in the executive cadre of Coal India Limited. (b)Management Trainees/ Junior Executive Trainees/ Trainees/ Officers on Deputation/ Foreign service, officers guided by Civil Rules/ Railways Rules and re-employed officers to the extent provided in their terms of appointment. (c)Monthly rated non-executive employees of Ex-NCDC who were appointed before August 15, 1967 (Pre-Wage Board), who were guided by what were known as \"Corporation Rules\" framed by Ex-NCDC Limited and are already in receipt of medical reimbursement under CMAL Medical Attendance Rules. (d)Eligible dependent family members as specified under Rule 12 of Chapter II of these Rules, of employees as mentioned in Rules 3(a) to 3(c) above (e)The daily rated, piece rated, Post Wage Board monthly rated employees guided by NCWA and eligible family members of their families as laid down in Rule 12, Chapter II of these Rules will be entitled to medical facilities limited to the extent as laid down in Chapter VI of these Rules Note: Employees who are getting a month's salary/wages in year as Medical Allowance towards medical expenses, will not be covered by these Rules. 1.4. Note Subject to the availability of the facilities and at the discretion of the Medical Officer -in -Charge of the hospital /dispensary, persons who are not entitled to medical facilities under these Rules, may be given medical attendance and treatment in Company’s hospital /dispensary in case of emergency on payment. Recovery of charges from non-entitled person will be made as per Rules specified in Chapter VII of these Rules. The charges may be revised by Coal India Limited as and when 1 Coal India Limited Medical Attendance Rules was communicated in a Book form with amendments till 10.11.1999.

Page | 595 necessary. All charges from non-entitled patients will be credited to Company's account. 1.5. Interpretation In case of doubt or dispute in respect of interpretation of any provision specified in these Rules, the matter will be referred to Coal India Limited and the decision(s) given by Coal India Limited will be treated as final.

Page | 596 Chapter II Definitions 2.1.Company means [2]a. Coal India Limited (CIL) b. Subsidiary Companies of Coal India Limited namely, Eastern Coalfields Limited (ECL), Bharat Coking Coal Limited (BCCL), Central Coalfields Limited (CCL), Western Coalfields Limited (WCL), Central Mine Planning & Design Institute Limited (CMPDIL), South Eastern Coalfields Limited (SECL), Northern Coalfields Limited (NCL) & Mahanadi Coalfields Limited (MCL). c. North Eastern Coalfields (NEC) d. Subsidiary Companies formed by the Subsidiaries of Coal India Limited mentioned at (b) above. 2.2.\"Chief Medical Officer\" (CMO) means the Chief Medical Officer of Coal India Limited or its subsidiary companies or any other officer specified for the purpose under these Rules by Chairman/Managing Director of a Company. 2.3.\"Authorized Medical Attendant\" (AMA) means any Medical Officer in the service or the Company or any Doctor in a panel or Doctors already approved by Company or in case where no Medical Officer of the Company is available at the station, any Government Medical Officer at the station or a Medical Practitioner duly registered with any State Medical Council (Allopathic System) of India. 2.4.“Entitled Employees” means those employees mentioned in Sub-rule (a), (b) and (c) of Rule 3 of Chapter I of these Rules. Note: Unless otherwise mentioned employee‘’ in all Chapters of these Rules, excepting Chapters VI, VII, VIII and IX, will mean \"entitled employee\". 2.5.“Competent Authority” means such officers as specified by Chairman/Managing Director of a Company for the purpose of these Rules. 2.6.“Controlling Officer” means such officers of the Company as may be so specified by the Chairman/Managing Director from time to time. 2.7.“Hospital” meanshospital ofthe Company, Governmenthospital, hospitals recognized by Central Government under Central Government Health Service Scheme, a hospital maintained by a local authority and any other hospital with which arrangements have been made by the Company, for the treatment of its employees. 2.8.“District” means a revenue district of the State Government. 2 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/MAR/2829 dated 08.05.2018.

Page | 597 2.9.“Station” means place of posting of the employees concerned.2.10.“Medical Attendance” means medical treatment by an Authorized Medical Attendant including such pathological, bacteriological radiological or other methods of examination and investigation for the purpose of diagnosis and treatment (curative and/or preventive) as are considered necessary by the Authorized Medical Attendant, subject to entitlement being confined within the limitation(s) laid down in these Rules. 2.11.“Pay”, for the purpose of these Rules, means the basic pay, and includes special pay, personal pay, deputation allowance, non-practicing allowance of Medical Officers and acting/charge allowance. 2.12.The term “Family” means[3] i. the employee; ii.the employee’s spouse; Employee, whose spouse is employed in Government/ PSUs/ Government bodies and is entitled to similar facilities, can avail the medical facilities from one source only, subject to submission of a certificate from the employee as also from the spouse’s employer regarding medical facilities to the spouse. iii. parents residing with and wholly/ mainly dependent on employee, not availing such facilities from any Government/ PSU and whose total monthly income does not exceed Rs. 10000 per month. In case where spouse is also employed in the company, medical facilities are admissible to the dependent parents of either the husband or the wife only, based on the option exercised, subject to other conditions of admissibility of medical facilities to parents. The option exercised once with regards to the parents will not be changed. iv.Employee’s children.Employee’s children would mean:a. Unmarried children including step children and legally adopted children who are up to the age of 25 years or till they start earning, whichever is earlier; b. Married daughter(s) only in case divorced, abandoned or separated from the husband and financially dependent on and residing with the employee; c. Unmarried and unemployed handicapped children suffering from not less than 40% of any disability, as certified by a competent medical authority. Clarification I Limitation of age as per above clause (iv) (a) would not be applicable to the cases of unmarried and unemployed daughters and employee’s children mentioned in clauses (iv) (b) and (iv) (c). 3 Amended vide OM No. CIL/C5A(PC)/MAR/2829 dated 08.05.2018. Previously amended vide Corrigendum No. CIL/C-5C/55123(A)/372 dated 21.01.2014 & OM No. CIL/C-5C/55123(A)/437 dated 26.02/ 03.03.2014.

Page | 598 Clarification II: Stepchildren include the children of the spouse from a previous marriage, where the same was dissolved due to legal divorce or death of the other party to such marriage. Note: Family members to be declared as per Form I in Annexure I. [4]4 Incorporated due to OM No. CIL/C-5A(vi)/Rule 12 (iii)&(iv)/28 dated 14.07.2011.

Page | 599 Chapter III Treatment 3.1.All employees and their eligible dependents will get free medical treatment in company hospital/dispensaries. 3.2.\"Treatment'' means medical, surgical and nursing facilities etc., as are considered necessary by the Authorized Medical Attendant and will include: (i)Employment of pathological, bacteriological, and other methods for diagnostic or therapeutic or preventive purposes; and (ii)Supply of medicines, vaccines, sera or other therapeutic and prophylactic substances including blood transfusion. Note: (1) Supply of medicines and other items as may be declared as non-reimbursable from time to time, will not be covered. (2) Cost of toilet articles, food (including protein preparations such as protinex, protinules, etc.), beverages, wines are not reimbursable. 3.3.Treatment will also mean and include the following with exceptions shown under each: (a)Eye treatment: Treatment of all types of eye diseases, testing of eyes for correction of errors of refraction once in three years for entitled employees and their eligible family members and provision of eye prosthesis will be allowed, but cost of spectacles is inadmissible. (b)Dental or/ and gum treatment: All types of dental or/and gum treatment will be covered except dental treatment needed for cosmetic purposes. Denture will not be provided. (c)Diabetic treatment: Anti-diabetic treatment will be covered. (d)Sexually transmitted diseases (Veneral diseases): Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases will be covered. (e)Anti-rabic treatment. (f)Physiotherapy: Electrotherapy and all other forms of physiotherapy are covered. (g)Prophylactic immunization: Prophylactic immunization will be covered. (h)Mental diseases: Mental illnesses including delerium tremens will be covered. (i)Treatment of sterility: Treatment of sterility will be admissible. (j)Family planning: All permanent measures for family planning like Vasectomy, Tubectomy and other means of sterilization and among temporary measures

Page | 600 Intra- Uterine Contraceptive device and medical termination of pregnancy (M.T.P.) will be covered for medical reimbursement. (k)Prenatal (ante-natal), natal and post-natal treatment: This treatment will be covered. 3.4.Diet, if charged for separately, over and above cabin/bed charges, in hospital/nursing homes, will not be covered/reimbursed. But, there will be no deduction for diet from cabin/bed rent where charges for diet is included in bed/cabin rent. Attendance and Treatment at Residence 3.5.Medical attendance and treatment should normally be sought in the Company (Government/Coal Mines Welfare Organization (CMWO) hospital/dispensary. In exceptional cases, where removal of the patient to the hospital/dispensary is considered dangerous to the life of the patient, the Authorized Medical Attendant, may, at his discretion attend to the patient at his residence. Treatment of Employees Outside the Station while on LTC/Leave/ Tour 3.6.If any entitled employee and/or his entitled dependent falls ill out of station while on LTC/Leave/Tour and obtains treatment in a Government hospital, the Company will allow reimbursement of the actual cost of treatment. In case of treatment by a private practitioner, or in a private nursing home or a private hospital, the reimbursement will be limited to the ceilings laid down in Chapter V. Temporary Separation 3.7.lf an eligible dependent member of the family of an entitled employee goes out of station temporarily and fall sick, he can avail treatment outside the place of employment of entitled employee but reimbursement will be admissible for treatment up to a maximum period of two months during a calendar year. Reimbursement will be limited to the ceilings laid down in Chapter V. Note: (1)If the dependent of an entitled employee permanently resides away from the place of posting of the employee, no medical reimbursement will be admissible excepting in case of children living away from their parents for purpose of study and/or training. (2)If the wife of an entitled employee stays away temporarily from the place of posting of the employee for the purpose of confinement, reimbursement for delivery, including ante-natal, natal and post-natal treatment will be admissible, but it will be limited in a total period of 3 months. Treatment of Entitled Employee's Eligible Dependents on Transfer 3.8.On transfer of an entitled employee, his eligible dependents will be entitled to medical treatment at the declared home town of the employee or in place of last posting or in such other place as may be approved by the Controlling Officer, upto six months from the date he hands over charge at the previous station. Medical reimbursement will be the limited to the ceilings laid down in Chapter V.

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