y Language or concealing something, they'll often he back. Similarly, a man who wants to after a night out with the boys mightockets, or in an arms-crossed position, to his partner where he was. However, ve her an intuitive feeling that he is not an who is trying to hide something will r talk about a range of unrelated topics r activities at the same time. ir body language can be obvious. fer to look busy as they lie. to watch for a customer's exposedasons or objections about why he can't uy a product, because when someones giving valid reasons, they usually how their palms. When people are eing open in explaining their reasonshey use their hands and flash their alms whereas someone who isn'telling the truth is likely to give the ame verbal responses but conceal their ands. Keeping their hands in their pocketss a favourite ploy of men who don'twant to participate in a conversation.The palms were originally like the vocal ords of body language because they id more 'talking' than any other body art and putting them away was like eeping one's mouth shut. alms-in-Pockets: Prince William showinghe media that he doesn't want to talk
Intentional Use of the PalmSome people ask, 'If I tell a lie and kpeople be more likely to believe me?'If you tell an outright lie with yourstill appear insincere to your listenersgestures that should also be visible wabsent and the negative gestures useand will be incongruent with the opprofessional liars are people who havof making their non-verbal signals coThe more effectively the professionallanguage of honesty when telling a lie Will you still love me when I'm old a visible.'Not only will I love you,' heThe Law of Cause and EffecIt's possible, however, to appear mpractising open palm gestures whothers. Interestingly, as the open paual, the tendency to tell untruths dimit difficult to lie with their palms exof cause and effect. If a person istheir palms, but just having their paficult for the person to tell a convigestures and emotions are directly lireel defensive, for example, you'reacross your chest. But if you simpbegin to experience defensive feelingwith your palms exposed it puts evother person to be truthful too. Incan help to suppress some of the faltell and encourage them to be more
The Power Is in Your Handsms to Deceive keep my palms visible, will The answer is yes - and no. palms exposed, you might s because many of the other when displaying honesty are ed during lying will appear pen palms. Con artists and ve developed the special art omplement their verbal lies. con artist can use the body e, the better he is at his job. and grey?' she asked, palms replied, 'I'll write to you.' ctmore open and credible by hen communicating with alm gestures become habit- minishes. Most people find xposed because of the law being open they'll expose alms exposed makes it dif- incing lie. This is because inked to each other. If you likely to cross your arms ply cross your arms you'll gs. And if you are talking even more pressure on the other words, open palms lse information others may open with you. 35
The Definitive Book of BodPalm PowerOne of the least noticedgiven by the human palmcommands and in handsPalm Power invests its u There are three main pposition, the Palm-DowFinger-Pointed position.are shown in this examppick up something andassume that you use theand facial expressions inonly the position of you The palm facing up isgesture, reminiscent of tand, from an evolutionarno weapons. The personfeel they are being presthreatened by your requcan use the Palm-Up asyou expect them to talk The Palm-Up gestureand gestures like the SingOver-tbe-Heart and man Palm up = non threateningWhen the palm is turnedimmediate authority. Th36
dy Languaged, but most powerful, body signals is m when giving someone directions or shaking. When used in a certain way,user with the power of silent authority.palm command gestures: the Palm-Up wn position and the Palm-Closed- i . The differences of the three positionsple: let's say that you ask someone tod carry it to another location. We'lle same tone of voice, the same wordsn each example, and that you changeur palm. used as a submissive, non-threateningthe pleading gesture of a street beggarry perspective, shows the person holdsn being asked to move the item will notssured into it and are unlikely to feeluest. If you want someone to talk you a 'handover' gesture to let them know and that you're ready to listen.e became modified over the centuriesgle-Palm-Raised-in-the-Air, the Palm-ny other variations developed.g Palm down — authorityd to face downwards, you will projecthe other person will sense that you've
given them an order to move the antagonistic towards you, dependinhim or the position you have with h Turning your palm f upwards to facing downw alters how others peFor example, if the other person wahe might resist a Palm-Down requesto comply if you'd used the Palm-Uyour subordinate, the Palm-Down gbecause you have the authority to u The Nazi salute had the palm facthe symbol of power and tyranny dAdolf Hitler had used his salute inone would have taken him seriolaughed. Adolf Hitler using one of history's most
The Power Is in Your Hands item and may begin to feelng on your relationship with him in a work environment. from facingwards completely erceive you. as someone of equal status, st and would be more likelyUp position. If the person isgesture is seen as acceptableuse it. cing directly down and was during the Third Reich. Ifn the Palm-Up position no ously - they would have notable Palm-Down signals 37
The Definitive Book of BodyWhen couples walk handthe man, walks slightlyposition, palm facing bacforward. This simple littlobserver who wears the l The Palm-Closed-Fingfinger is used like a symburatively beats his listeneevokes negative feelingsover-arm blow, a primal mattack. PointingThe Palm-Closed-Finger-annoying gestures anyonewhen it beats time to thesuch as Malaysia and thperson is an insult as thanimals. Malaysians willto give directions.Our Audience ExpeWe conducted an experiasked to use each of thesof ten-minute talks to arecorded the attitudes offound that the lecturers wreceived 84% positive t38
y Languaged-in-hand the dominant partner, often 1 in front with his hand in the aboveckwards while she has her palm facing le position immediately reveals to an loincloths in that family.ger-Pointed is a fist where the pointed bolic club with which the speaker fig-ers into submission. Subconsciously, it in others because it precedes a right move most primates use in a physicalg finger — 'Do it or else!' -Pointed gesture is one of the most e can use while speaking, particularly e speaker's words. In some countries he Philippines, finger pointing at a his gesture is only used to point at use their thumb to point to people oreriment iment with eight lecturers who werese three hand gestures during a series a range of audiences and we later the participants to each lecturer. Wewho mostly used the Palm-Up positiontestimonials from their participants,
which dropped to 52% when theypresentation to another audience usposition. The Finger-Pointed positioitive response and some participanthe lecture. The pointing finger creates negativeFinger pointing not only registeredtive responses from the listeners; thewhat the speaker had said. If you artry practising the palm-up and pyou'll find that you can create a mohave a more positive effect on othsqueeze your fingers against your thof gesture and talk using this positauthoritative, but not aggressive. Wgroups of speakers, politicians andmeasured the audience reactions. Tto the speakers who used thedescribed those speakers as 'thoug'focused'.
The Power Is in Your Hands delivered exactly the samesing mainly the Palm-Down on recorded only 28% pos- nts had walked out during feelings in most listeners the least amount of posi- ey could also recall less ofre a habitual finger-pointer, palm-down positions andore relaxed atmosphere and hers. Alternatively, if you umb to make an 'OK' typetion, you'll come across as We taught this gesture tod business leaders and weThe audiences who listened fingertip-touch gesturesghtful', 'goal-oriented' and 39
The Definitive Book of Body Squeezing the thumb against thSpeakers who used the fias 'aggressive', 'belligerenamount of information respeaker pointed directly apreoccupied with makinspeaker rather than listenAn Analysis of HandShaking hands is a relic otive tribes met under fritheir arms out with theweapons were being heldpractice of carrying a ccommon so for protectioArm-Grasp as a common40
y Language he fingertips avoids intimidating the audienceinger-pointed position were described nt' and 'rude' and recorded the lowest etention by their audience. When theat the audience, the delegates became ng personal judgements about thening to his content.dshake Styles of our ancient past. Whenever primi-riendly conditions, they would holdeir palms exposed to show that nod or concealed. In Roman times, theconcealed dagger in the sleeve wason the Romans developed the Lower-n greeting. The Lower Arm Grasp - checking for concealed weapons — the original Roman method of greeting
The modern form of this ancient glocking and shaking of the palms athe nineteenth century to sealbetween men of equal status. It hasin the last hundred years or so and hmale domain until recent times. Inpean countries today it is performeand on departure in all business conparties and social events by both wo The handshake evolved as cement a commercial dealEven in places such as Japan, wheregreeting, and Thailand, where theygesture that looks similar to prayingis now widely seen. In most placespumped five to seven times but in soGermany, they pump two or threehold time equal to an extra two pubiggest glad-handers, shaking on boand spending a considerable time eaWho Should Reach First?Although it is a generally acceptedwhen meeting a person for the firstcumstances in which it may not binitiate a handshake. Considering thtrust and welcome, it is important totions before you initiate the hand shaperson happy to meet me or am I foPeople are taught that if they initcustomer on whom they call unannoProduce a negative result as the
The Power Is in Your Handsgreeting ritual is the inter-and was originally used in commercial transactionss become widespread onlyhas always remained in then most Western and Euro-ed both on initial greeting ntexts, and increasingly atomen and men. a way men could with each other.e bowing is the traditional greet using the Wai — ag — the modern handshake s, the hands are normallyome countries, for example times with an additionalumps. The French are theoth greeting and departureach day shaking hands. d custom to shake handst time, there are some cir-be appropriate for you tohat a handshake is a sign ofo ask yourself several ques-ake: Am I welcome? Is this orcing them into it? Sales- tiate a handshake with aounced or uninvited, it can buyer may not want to
The Definitive Book of Bodywelcome them and feelscircumstances, salespeoplfor the other person to inforthcoming, use a smallcountries, shaking handspractice (for example, inconsidered rude to do so;able), but it's now been fohandshake are rated — inand make better first impHow Dominance anCommunicatedConsidering what has alrthe Palm-Up and Palm-Dovance in handshaking. In Roman times, twoother with what amountearm wrestling. If one leahand would finish aboveknown as the Upper Han Let's assume that youtime and you greet each obasic attitudes is subcons 1. Dominance: 'He is try cautious.' 2. Submission: 'I can dom want.' 3. Equality: 'I feel comfoThese attitudes are sent aof them, but they canoutcome of any meetingeffect of these handshake42
Language forced to shake hands. Under these le are advised that it is better to waitnitiate the handshake and, if it is not l head-nod as the greeting. In somes with a woman is still an uncertain many Muslim countries it would be ; instead a small head-nod is accept- ound that women who initiate a firm most places — as more open-mindedpressions.nd Control Areready been said about the impact of own gestures, let's explore their rele- leaders would meet and greet each ed to a standing version of modernader was stronger than the other, hise the other's hand in what becamend position. have just met someone for the firstother with a handshake. One of threesciously transmitted:ying to dominate me. I'd better be minate this person. He'll do what Iortable with this person.'and received without our being aware have an immediate impact on theg. In the 1970s we documented the e techniques in our business skills
classes and taught them as businesslittle practice and application, can dface-to-face meeting, as you will see. Dominance is transmitted by tursleeve) so that your palm faces dowbelow). Your palm doesn't have to fthe upper hand and communicatescontrol of the encounter. Taking controlOur study of 350 successful senior(89% of whom were men) revealed thof the managers initiate the handsh31% of females also used the domiPower and control issues are genwomen, which probably accounts fowomen attempted the Upper Hand rsome women will give men a soft hcontexts to imply submissiveness. Thitheir femininity or implying that dopossible. In a business context, howedisastrous for a woman because menfeminine qualities and not take herdisplay high femininity in business mously by other business women or mit's now fashionable or politically cor
The Power Is in Your Hands strategies, which, with a dramatically influence any . rning your hand (striped wn in the handshake (see face directly down, but is s that you want to take l r management executives hat not only did almost all hake, 88% of males and inant handshake position.nerally less important to or why only one in three ritual. We also found that handshake in some social is is a way of highlighting omination of her may be ever, this approach can ben will give attention to her r seriously. Women whomeetings are not taken seri- men, despite the fact that rrect to say everyone is the 43
The Definitive Book of Bodysame. This doesn't meana masculine way; she simness such as soft handshakwants equal credibility. Women who sh a serious businIn 2001, William Chaplinducted a study into hantypes use firm handshakdon't. Chaplin also foundideas used firm handshakwhether they were open tobusiness sense for womenticularly with men.The Submissive HanThe opposite of the domi(striped sleeve) with yousymbolically giving the odog exposing its throat to The su44
Language a woman in business needs to act inmply needs to avoid signals of female- kes, short skirts and high heels if she how high feminine signals inness meeting lose credibility. n at the University of Alabama con-ndshakes and found that extrovertedkes while shy, neurotic personalities d that women who are open to new kes. Men used the same handshakes o new ideas or not. So it makes goodn to practise firmer handshaking, par- ndshake inant handshake is to offer your handur palm facing upwards (as below), other person the upper hand, like ao a superior dog. ubmissive handshake
This can be effective if you wantcontrol or allow him to feel that he isif for example, you were making an While the palm-up handshake casive attitude, there are sometimesconsider. As we have seen, a pershands will be forced to give you a litheir condition and this makes it eathe submissive position. People whprofession, such as surgeons, artistsgive a limp handshake, purely togesture clusters they use followingfurther clues for your assessmentperson will use more submissiveperson will use more assertive gestuHow to Create EqualityWhen two dominant people shakestruggle takes place as each person apalm into the submissive position.handshake with both palms remainiand this creates a feeling of equabecause neither is prepared to give in Communicating eq
The Power Is in Your Hands to give the other person s in charge of the situationn apology.an communicate a submis- s other circumstances toson with arthritis in their imp handshake because ofasy to turn their palm intoho use their hands in theirs and musicians, may also protect their hands. The their handshake will give of them - a submissive gestures and a dominantures. hands, a symbolic powerattempts to turn the other's The result is a vice-likeing in the vertical positionuality and mutual respectin to the other.quality 45
The Definitive Book of Body LHow to Create RappThere are two key ingredishake. First, make sure thaare in the vertical positionmissive. Second, apply thmeans that if, on a firmnregisters a 7 but the otherback off 20% in strength.7, you'll need to increasemeeting a group of ten peseveral adjustments of angof rapport with everyonewith each person. Also khand can exert around twhand, so allowances musallowed male hands to exefor actions such as tearinghammering. Remember that the hanhello or goodbye or to sealbe warm, friendly and posHow to Disarm a PoThe Palm-Down Thrust isis the most aggressive ofreceiver little chance of estahandshake is typical of thealways initiates it, and thewards forces the receiver in46
Language port ients for creating rapport in a hand- at yours and the other person's palmsn so that no one is dominant or sub! he same pressure you receive. This ness scale of 1-10, your handshake r person is only a 5, you'll need to . If their grip is a 9 and yours is a e your grip by 20%. If you were eople, you'd probably need to make gle and intensity to create a feeling e and to stay on an equal footingkeep in mind that the average malewice the power of the average female st be made for this. Evolution has ert a grip of up to 100 pounds (45kg) g, gripping, carrying, throwing and ndshake evolved as a gesture to say l an agreement so it always needs to sitive.ower Player s reminiscent of the Nazi salute and all handshakes because it gives the ablishing an equal relationship. This e overbearing, dominant person who eir stiff arm with palm facing down- nto the submissive position.
The Palm-Down ThIf you feel someone is giving a Palmpurpose, here are several counters to1.The Step-to-the-RightTechniquIf you receive a dominant handshakeand it's mostly men who do it - it ishis palm back up into an equal positioyou do it. This technique involves first steppinfoot as you reach to shake hands. Thisstepping forward on the right foot is90% of people when shaking with theThe power player attempts to control S
The Power Is in Your Hands hrustm-Down Thrust to you on it: ue e from a power player — not only difficult to turn on, but it's obvious when ng forward with your left s takes a little practice, ass the natural position for e right hand. Step forward on your left foot 47
The Definitive Book of BodyNext, step forward withof the person and into hleft leg across to your rigbelow), and shake the pestraighten the handshakesive position. It feels as ifand is the equivalent of wallows you to take contro Walk across anAnalyse your own apprwhether you step forwayou extend your arm tofooted and are thereforedominant handshake beand it allows the other pinto a handshake with yis easier to deal with tcontrol you.48
y Language your right leg, moving across in fronthis personal space. Finally, bring yourght leg to complete the manoeuvre (seeerson's hand. This tactic allows you toe or even turn it over into the submis- f you're walking across in front of himwinning an arm-wrestling bout. It alsool by invading his personal space. s in front with your right legnd turn his palm up roach to shaking hands and noticeard on your left or right foot when shake hands. Most people are right at a disadvantage when they receive aecause they have little room to moveperson to dominate. Practise steppingyour left foot and you will find that itthe power players who would try to
2.The Hand-on-Top Technique When a power player presents you respond with your hand in the Palm left hand over his right to form straighten the handshake. The Double-Ha This switches the power from him simpler way of dealing with the situ for women to use. If you feel the potrying to intimidate, and he does it rtop and then shake it (as below).player so you need to be selective was a last resort. The last resorThe Cold, Clammy HandshaNo one likes receiving a handshake handed four cold breakfast sausages.meeting strangers, blood diverts awa
The Power Is in Your Hands with a Palm-Down Thrust,m-Up position then put your m a Double-Hander and ander m to you and is a much uation, and is much easier ower player is purposefully regularly, grasp his hand on This can shock a powerwhen using it and do it only rtake that feels like you've been . If we become tense whenay from the cells below the 49
The Definitive Book of Bodyouter layer of the skin oand goes to the arm andration. The result is thbegin to sweat, making ting in a handshake thahandkerchief in a pocketpalms immediately befordon't make a poor first immeeting, simply visualisfront of an open fire. Tto raise the temperatur3-4 degrees.Gaining the Left SiWhen two leaders standthey try to appear equalthe one who stands to tviewers to have a dominait is easier to gain the uthe one to the left of theThis is obvious in theJohn F Kennedy and Ridebate in 1960. At thatbody language but, on aintuitive understanding atice of standing on theapplying the Upper-Hanmoves.50
y Languageon the hands - known as the dermis -d leg muscles for 'fight or flight' prepa-hat our hands lose temperature andthem feel cold and clammy and result- at feels like a wet salmon. Keep at or handbag so that you can dry yourre meeting someone important so you mpression. Alternatively, before a newse that you are holding your palms inThis visualisation technique is provenre of the average person's palm byide Advantaged side by side for media photographs, l in physical size and dress code butthe left of the picture is perceived byant edge over the other. This is becauseupper hand when they shake, makinge photograph appear to be in control. handshake that took place betweenichard Nixon prior to their televisiont time the world was ignorant aboutanalysis, JFK appears to have had anabout how to use it. He made a prac- left-hand side of a photograph, andnd position was one of his favourite
Their famous election debate revealto the power of body language. Pollof Americans who listened to the deNixon was the victor but the majorion television believed Kennedy toshows how Kennedy's persuasive boference and eventually won him the
The Power Is in Your Hands Gaining the Upper Hand - JFK using the left-hand side advantage to put Richard Nixon into the weaker-looking positionled a remarkable testimonyls showed that the majorityebate on radio believed thatity of those who watched it be the clear winner. Thisody language made the dif- Presidency. Standing on the left side of shot gives Bill Clinton the Upper Hand advantage over Tony Blair
The Definitive Book of BodyWorld leaders approaching fromthe wrong side — the right sidethe photograph — and walkinga dominant handshakeWhen Men and WoEven though women havforce for several decaexperience degrees ofmale/female greetings. Msome basic handshakingwere boys, but few womethis can create uncomfofirst to shake a woman's htially more intent on lookhis hand suspended in mshe didn't notice but as hleft with her hand dangliagain and the result islook and feel like two ea52
y Language m of intoomen Shake Handsve had a strong presence in the work-ades, many men and women still fumbling and embarrassment in Most men report that they receivedg training from their fathers when theyen report the same training. As adults,ortable situations when a man reacheshand but she may not see it — she's ini- king at his face. Feeling awkward withmid-air, the man pulls it back hoping he does, she reaches for it and is alsoing in a void. He reaches for her hand a mish-mash of tangled fingers thatager squid in a love embrace.
Initial meetings between me be thrown off by poor handIf this ever happens to you, intperson's right hand with your left, pright hand and say with a smile 'Letgive you an enormous credibility bobecause it shows you care enough athe handshake right. If you are a wstrategy is to give notice to othershands so as to not catch them off gas early as possible to give clear nshake hands and this will avoid anyThe Double-HanderA corporate favourite the world odirect eye-contact, a candidly reassuloud repetition of the receiver's firstby an earnest inquiry about the rhealth. The Double-Han This handshake increases the amgiven by the initiator and gives co
The Power Is in Your Handsen and women candshake technique.tentionally take the other place it correctly into your t's try that again!' This canoost with the other person, about meeting them to getwoman in business, a wises that you intend to shakeguard. Hold your hand outnotice of your intention toy fumbling.over, this is delivered withuring smile and a confidentt name, often accompanied receiver's current state of ndermount of physical contactontrol over the receiver by 53
The Definitive Book of Bodyrestricting his right hanhandshake', the initiatorthe impression he is truused on a person he's juleaving the receiver feeintentions. The Double-acceptable only in circuacceptable. 'You're a lo wNinety per cent of humathe right arm in front oblow - for basic self-defendefence capability, whichgreetings where a personperson. It should be ualready exists, such as whcumstances, self-defenceperceived as genuine.54
y Languagend. Sometimes called the 'politician's r of the Double-Hander tries to give ustworthy and honest, but when it'sust met, it can have the reverse effecteling suspicious about the initiator's-Hander is like a miniature hug and isumstances where a hug could also be ovable, memorable person -whoever you are...'ans are born with the ability to throwof the body - known as an over-arm nce. The Double-Hander restricts this h is why it should never be used in nal bond doesn't exist with the otherused only where an emotional bond hen meeting an old friend. In these cir-e is not an issue so the handshake is
Yassar Arafat plants a Double-H whose tight-lipped expression shoHandshakes of ControlThe intention of any two-handed hasincerity, trust or depth of feeling focant elements should be noticed. Fito communicate the depth of feelconvey and this is relative to the dhand is placed up the receiver's rightto embrace and the initiator's leftmometer of intimacy - the furtherplaced, the more intimacy the initiaThe initiator is both attempting totion with the receiver while, at thecontrol their movement. For example, the Elbow Grasp cocontrol than the Wrist Hold, and thmore than the Upper-Arm Grip.
The Power Is in Your HandsHander on Tony Blair,ows he's not impressed andshake is to try to showor the receiver. Two signifi- irstly, the left hand is usedling the initiator wants todistance the initiator's left t arm. It's like an intention hand is used like a ther- up the receiver's arm it'sator is attempting to show. show an intimate connec- same time, attempting to onveys more intimacy and he Shoulder Hold conveys 55
The Definitive Book of Body The Wrist Hold The Upper-Arm GrSecondly, the initiator'sreceiver's personal space.Elbow Grasp are acceptato the other and in theseonly the outer edge ofShoulder Hold and Uppemay even result in a hug (in Chapter 11). Unless thinitiator doesn't have a gohandshake, the receiver wtrust the initiator's intent56
y Language The Elbow Grasp rip The Shoulder Holds left hand is an invasion of the . In general, the Wrist Hold and theable only where one person feels closee cases the initiator's left hand enters the receiver's personal space. Theer-Arm Grip show close intimacy and('personal space' will be covered morehe intimate feelings are mutual or theood reason for using a double-handedwill probably be suspicious and mis- tions. In summary, if you don't have
some sort of personal bond with t any Double-Hander. And if the p doesn't have a personal connectio hidden agenda. Unless you and the other perso emotional bond, only use a sing It's common to see politicians gree handed handshakes and businessp without realising it can be busineputting people offside.The Blair-Bush Power GamDuring the Iraq conflict in 2003, GBlair presented to the media the imathat was 'united and equal', but closeshows strong power plays by George Out-dressed and out-gunned: G putting the Upper Hand on T
The Power Is in Your Hands the other person, don't use person who gives you one on with you, look for their on have a personal or gle-handed handshake. eting voters using double- people doing it to clients ess and political suicide,me George W Bush and Tony age of a powerful alliance e analysis of photographs e Bush.George BushTony Blair 57
The Definitive Book of BodyIn the above picture, Busfrom the left side of theArmed Forces Commandan English schoolboy mefeet firmly planted togethHold to control Blair. Buleft-of-picture, allowing hto look as if he were calliThe SolutionTo avoid losing power if yright-of-picture, extend ya distance as this forceson to shake hands. Thisequal basis. If photos or vthe other person so you oworst, use a Double-HanThe World's Eight WHere are eight of the whandshakes and their vari1.The Wet FishCredibility Rating: 1/10.Few greetings are as uninwhen the hand is cold orWet Fish makes it univeassociate it with weak chwith which the palm canreceiver as a lack of commay be cultural or otherAfrican cultures a limphandshake can be seen as58
y Languagesh leans in to deliver the Upper Hand photograph. Bush is dressed like ander-in-Chief and Blair is dressed like eeting the headmaster. Bush has hisher on the ground and is using a Back ush regularly jockeys for the positionhim to be perceived as dominant and ing the shots. you inadvertently find yourself on theyour arm early as you approach from the other person to face you straight lets you keep the handshake on anvideo are being shot, always approachoccupy the left-of-picture position. Atnder to give yourself an equal footing.Worst Handshakesworld's most annoying and disliked iations. Avoid them at all times: nviting as the Wet Fish, particularlyr clammy. The soft, placid feel of the ersally unpopular and most people haracter, mainly because of the ease n be turned over. It is read by themmitment to the encounter, but there r implications - in some Asian and handshake is the norm and a firm offensive. Also, one in twenty people
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