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In the Beginning...Silent movie actors like Charlie Chbody language skills, as this was thecation available on the screen. Eachgood or bad by the extent to whichbody signals to communicate to thfilms became popular and less emnon-verbal aspects of acting, manyinto obscurity and only those with gskills survived. As far as the academic studyperhaps the most influential pre-twCharles Darwin's The Expression oAnimals, published in 1872, but thmainly by academics. However, it spof facial expressions and bodyDarwin's ideas and observations haresearchers around the world. Sincenoted and recorded almost a milsignals. Albert Mehrabian, a pioneguage in the 1950s, found that the toabout 7% verbal (words only) andof voice, inflection and other sound It's how you looked wh it, not what you actuAnthropologist Ray Birdwhistell pionnon-verbal communication — what hetell made some similar estimates ofcommunication that takes place betwthat the average person actually spabout ten or eleven minutes a day antakes only about 2.5 seconds. Birdwhmake and recognise around 250,000

Understanding the Basicshaplin were the pioneers of e only means of communi-h actor's skill was classed ash he could use gestures andhe audience. When talkingmphasis was placed on they silent movie actors faded good verbal and non-verbal of body language goes,wentieth-century work wasof the Emotions in Man andhis work tended to be read pawned the modern studies language, and many ofave since been validated by that time, researchers have llion non-verbal cues andeer researcher of body lan- otal impact of a message is 38% vocal (including toneds) and 55% non-verbal. hen you said ually said. neered the original study ofhe called 'kinesics'. Birdwhis-f the amount of non-verbalween humans. He estimatedpeaks words for a total ofnd that the average sentencehistell also estimated we can facial expressions.

The Definitive Book of Body L Like Mehrabian, he fouface-to-face conversation iof communication is donesands of recorded sales int1970s and 1980s showedlanguage accounts for bemade around a negotiatin80% of their initial opiniofour minutes. Studies alsotelephone, the person wwins, but this is not sobecause overall we make osee than what we hear.Why It's Not What YDespite what it may be pomeet people for the firstabout their friendliness, dopartner - and their eyes ar Most researchers now afor conveying informationnegotiating interpersonal aas a substitute for verbal mgive a man a 'look to kill' ato him without opening he Regardless of culture, wwith such predictability thathat a well-trained personment a person is makBirdwhistell even learned hwas speaking, simply by w Many people find difficstill biologically animals. Wsapiens — a hairless ape thand has a clever, advanced

Language und that the verbal component of a is less than 35% and that over 65% e non-verbally. Our analysis of thou- terviews and negotiations during the that, in business encounters, body etween 60 and 80% of the impactng table and that people form 60 to on about a new person in less than show that when negotiating over thewith the stronger argument usually true when negotiating face-to-face, our final decisions more on what weYou Sayolitically correct to believe, when we time we quickly make judgements ominance and potential as a sexual re not the first place we look. agree that words are used primarily n, while body language is used for attitudes and in some cases is usedmessages. For example, a woman can and will convey a very clear message er mouth.words and movements occur together at Birdwhistell was the first to claimn should be able to tell what move-king by listening to their voice. how to tell what language a personwatching their gestures. culty in accepting that humans are We are a species of primate — Homo hat has learned to walk on two limbs brain. But like any other species, we

are still dominated by biological rulreactions, body language and gesturthat the human animal is rarely awaments and gestures can tell one stotelling another.How Body Language RevealThoughtsBody language is an outward refletional condition. Each gesture or mkey to an emotion a person may bexample, a man who is self-conscimay tug at the fold of skin under hiaware of extra pounds on her thigdown; the person who is feeling feartheir arms or cross their legs or bota large-breasted woman may conscbreasts while, at the same time, uncotures with his hands. Prince Charles finds a b

Understanding the Basics les that control our actions, res. The fascinating thing is are that its postures, move- ory while its voice may be ls Emotions and ection of a person's emo-movement can be a valuable be feeling at the time. Forcious about gaining weight is chin; the woman who is ghs may smooth her dressarful or defensive might fold th; and a man talking withciously avoid staring at her onsciously use groping ges-bosom buddy 11

The Definitive Book of BodyThe key to reading bodya person's emotional condsaying and noting the csaying it. This allows yoreality from fantasy. In reobsession with the spokesationalists. Most people,body language signals anwe now know that mostconversation are revealedFrance's President Chirac,Australia's Prime Ministereveal the relative sizes oonce defended pay increassalaries to corporate executive salaries had risen bpoliticians' increases wementioned politicians' incapart. When he mentionethem only a foot (30cm)that he felt politicians werwas prepared to admit. President Jacque of an issue or sim12

y Language language is being able to understand dition while listening to what they arecircumstances under which they are ou to separate fact from fiction and ecent times, we humans have had anen word and our ability to be conver- , however, are remarkably unaware ofnd their impact, despite the fact that of the messages in any face-to-faced through body signals. For example, , USA's President Ronald Reagan ander Bob Hawke all used their hands to of issues in their mind. Bob Hawke ses for politicians by comparing theircutive salaries. He claimed that exec-by a huge amount and that proposedere relatively smaller. Each time he comes, he held his hands a yard (1m)ed executive salaries, however, he held apart. His hand distances revealed re getting a much better deal than he es Chirac — measuring the sizemply boasting about his love life?

Why Women are More Perc we say someone is 'perceppeople, we are unknowingly referrianother person's body language anwith verbal signals. In other words,a 'hunch' or 'gut feeling' that someusually mean that their body languadon't agree. This is also what speaness, or relating to a group. For exasitting back in their seats with thecrossed on their chest, a 'perceptihunch or feeling that his delivery waswould realise that he needed to takgain audience involvement. Likewis'perceptive' would blunder on regard Being 'perceptive' means being able between someone's words andOverall, women are far more perceptgiven rise to what is commonly refeition'. Women have an innate abilitnon-verbal signals, as well as havingdetails. This is why few husbands caaway with it and why, conversely, mwool over a man's eyes without his r Research by psychologists at Hahow women are far more alert toThey showed short films, with the sand woman communicating, and thto decode what was happening by resions. The research showed that waccurately 87% of the time while taccuracy. Men in 'nurturing' occutypes, acting and nursing, did nearly

Understanding the Basicsceptiveptive' or 'intuitive' abouting to their ability to readnd to compare these cues when we say that we haveeone has told us a lie, weage and their spoken wordsakers call audience aware-ample, if an audience were eir chins down and arms ive' speaker would get a s not going across well. Heke a different approach tose, a speaker who was not dless. to spot the contradictionsd their body language. tive than men, and this has erred to as 'women's intu-ty to pick up and decipherg an accurate eye for smallan lie to their wives and get most women can pull the realising it. arvard University showed body language than men.sound turned off, of a manhe participants were askedeading the couple's expres-women read the situation the men scored only 42%upations, such as artisticy as well as the women; gay

The Definitive Book of Body Lmen also scored well. Femin women who have raisedmother relies almost solelymunicate with the child anperceptive negotiators thansignals early.What Brain Scans SMost women have the braany man on the planet. Mscans (MRI) clearly showity for communicating wido. Women have betweenbrain to evaluate others' bareas. This explains howand rapidly work out thecouples at the party - whoand so on. It also explainmen don't seem to talk mwomen never seem to shut As we showed in WhyRead Maps (Orion), the ftracking — the average womunrelated topics at the samprogramme while talkingsecond conversation behicoffee. She can talk aboutconversation and uses fiveemphasise points. Unfortuthree of these tones. As awomen are trying to comm Studies show that a perdence face to face about tmore likely to make morperson than someone who14

Languagemale intuition is particularly evidentd children. For the first few years, the y on the non-verbal channel to com-nd this is why women are often more n men because they practise readingShowain organisation to out-communicate Magnetic Resonance Imaging brain why women have far greater capac- ith and evaluating people than menn fourteen and sixteen areas of the behaviour versus a man's four to six a woman can attend a dinner party state of the relationships of othero's had an argument, who likes whons why, from a woman's standpoint,much and, from a man's standpoint, t up. Men Don't Listen & Women Can't female brain is organised for multi- man can juggle between two and fourme time. She can watch a televisiong on the telephone plus listen to a ind her, while drinking a cup of t several unrelated topics in the one vocal tones to change the subject orunately, most men can only identify result, men often lose the plot whenmunicate with them. rson who relies on hard visual evi- the behaviour of another person is re accurate judgements about that o relies solely on their gut feeling.

The evidence is in the person's bowomen can do it subconsciously, anyconsciously to read the signals. That'How Fortune-Tellers Know SIf you've ever visited a fortune telleramazed at the things they knew aboucould possibly have known — so it muinto the fortune-telling business shotechnique known as 'cold reading' wracy of around 80% when 'reading' aWhile it can appear to be magicalpeople, it is simply a process based oof body language signals plus annature and a knowledge of probabinique practised by psychics, tarotand palm readers to gather informati'cold readers' are largely unaware ofverbal signals and so also become cmust have 'psychic' abilities. This allformance, bolstered by the fact that p'psychics' go with positive expectThrow in a set of tarot cards, a crysttheatre, and the stage is perfectlyreading session that can convincesceptic that strange, magical forces mdown to the reader's ability to decodstatements made and to questions agathered from simple observation aance. Most 'psychics' are femalediscussed previously, they have the exthem to read the body signals of baemotional condition.

Understanding the Basics ody language and, while yone can teach themselves 's what this book is about. So Much r you probably came away t you — things no one else ust be ESP, right? Research ows that operators use awhich can produce an accu- a person you've never met. l to naïve and vulnerable on the careful observation understanding of human ility statistics. It's a tech- card readers, astrologists ion about a 'client'. Many their abilities to read non- convinced that they really l adds to a convincing per- people who regularly visit tations of the outcome. tal ball or two and a bit of set for a body-language- even the most hardenedmust be at work. It all boils de a person's reactions toasked, and by information about a person's appear- because, as women, as xtra brain wiring to allow abies and to read others'

The Definitive Book of Body The fortune-teller gaz started laughing uncontr nose. It was the first timTo demonstrate the poinyou personally. Imaginefilled room where a jewelis seated at a low, moon-s I'm glad you've come to things that are troubling signals from you. I sense of life sometimes seem whether you can achieve are friendly, social and o times you are withdraw pride in being an indepe accept what you see and h like change and variety b restrictions and routine. feelings with those closes be too open and revealing 'S' is exerting a strong woman who is born in N month with an exciting and controlled on the ou worried on the inside and you have made the rightSo how did we go? Did wthat the information in thrate for any person readinread body language posturother twitches and movemand a stick of incense, an

Language zed into her crystal ball and then rollably. So John punched her on theme he'd ever struck a happy medium. t, here now is a psychic reading for you've come to a dimly lit, smoke- l-encrusted psychic wearing a turban shaped table with a crystal ball: this session and I can see you have g you because I am receiving strong e that the things you really want out unrealistic and you often wonder them. I also sense that at times you outgoing to others, but that at otherwn, reserved and cautious. You take endent thinker but also know not to hear from others, without proof. You but become restless if controlled by You want to share your innermost st to you but have found it unwise tong. A man in your life with the initial influence over you right now and aNovember will contact you in the next offer. While you appear disciplinedutside, you tend to be concerned and d at times you wonder whether or not choice or decision.we read you accurately? Studies show is 'reading' is more than 80% accu-ng it. Throw in an excellent ability to res, facial expressions and a person'sments, plus dim lighting, weird musicnd we guarantee you can even amaze

the dog! We won't encourage you tbut you'll soon be able to read othersInborn, Genetic or LearnedWhen you cross your arms on your cright or right over left? Most pedescribe which way they do this unarms on your chest right now and tthe position. Where one way feels cocompletely wrong. Evidence suggestgenetic gesture that cannot be chang Seven out of ten peo their left arm over thMuch debate and research has beennon-verbal signals are inborn, learneor acquired in some other way. Evifrom observation of blind people (wnon-verbal signals through a visualthe gestural behaviour of many diffworld and from studying the behaviopological relatives, the apes and mon The conclusions of this research infall into each category. For exampleborn with the immediate ability to seither inborn or genetic. The Germaround that the smiling expressions oblind occur independently of learmeans that these must also be inbornand Sorenson supported some ofabout inborn gestures when they studof people from five widely differenteach culture used the same basic

Understanding the Basics to become a fortune-teller s as accurately as they do. Culturally?chest, do you cross left over eople cannot confidentlyntil they try it. Cross your then try to quickly reverse omfortable, the other feels ts that this may well be a ged. ople cross heir right. done to discover whether ed, genetically transferred idence has been collectedwho could not have learned channel), from observing ferent cultures around the our of our nearest anthro- nkeys. ndicate that some gesturese, most primate babies are suck, showing that this is an scientist Eibl-Eibesfeldt of children born deaf and rning or copying, which n gestures. Ekman, Friesen Darwin's original beliefs died the facial expressions cultures. They found that facial gestures to show

The Definitive Book of Body Lemotion, which led them tmust also be inborn. Cultural differenc body language signDebate still exists as to wlearned, and become habmost men put on a coat rigleft arm first. This showssphere for this action whilWhen a man passes a womturns his body towards herher body away from himinborn female reaction or hsciously watching other feSome Basic OriginsMost of the basic communthe world. When people asad or angry they frown oruniversally used to indicatbe a form of head loweringbecause it's also used by pfrom side to side to indicaand appears to be a gestuhas had enough milk, it treject its mother's breastenough to eat, he shakes hiattempt to spoon-feed himto use the head shaking gesative attitude.18

Language to the conclusion that these gestures ces are many but the basic nals are the same everywhere.whether some gestures are culturallybitual, or are genetic. For example, ight arm first; most women put it on that men use their left brain hemi- le women use the right hemisphere. man in a crowded street, he usually r as he passes; she instinctively turnsm to protect her breasts. Is this an has she learned to do this by uncon- emales? nication signals are the same all over are happy they smile; when they are r scowl. Nodding the head is almost te 'yes' or affirmation. It appears tong and is probably an inborn gesture people born blind. Shaking the head ate 'no' or negation is also universal ure learned in infancy. When a baby turns its head from side to side to t. When the young child has hadhis head from side to side to stop anym and, in this way, he quickly learns sture to show disagreement or a neg-

The head-shaking gesture and owes its origin to breThe evolutionary origin of some gestprimitive animal past. Smiling, for exfor most carnivorous animals, but foconjunction with non-threatening gsion. Baring the teeth and nostril flaringof attacking and are primitive signalsSneering is used by animals to warnthey'll use their teeth to attack or dgesture still appears even though humwith their teeth. Human and animal sneering — you on a date with either ofNostril flaring allows more air to oxygration for fight or flight and, in theothers that back-up support is needenent threat. In the human world, sneirritation, when a person feels undethreat or feels that something is not r

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