ments - Where to Sit, and Whyas an attempt to give eachf authority and status. Aof relaxed informality andamong people who are oflaim the same amount ofecome a worldwide symbol ng in a circle promotes therthur was unaware that if an the others in the groupof group power. The king that the knights seated on granted the next highestight having more than the inished relative to the dis-way from the king. status person at d table distortswer distributionKing Arthur was, in effect, n and was likely to be the -eight per cent of respon- opposite them on a rounde or be competitive. Fifty-opposite could be used toerest, as in a public person, 71% said they sation or co-operating.ves use rectangular, squaredesk, which is usually thetivity, brief conversations, table, often a coffee table 337
The Definitive Book of Body Lwith wrap-around seatinginformal relaxed atmosphefound in families that practinant parent. Square tablesKeeping Two PeopleLet's assume that you, persA and B, and that you area round table. Assume thmany questions and that pWhen A asks you a questcarry on a conversation withis simple but effective inquestion, look at him as yhead towards B, then bacmake your final statementfinish your sentence. This technique lets B feeparticularly useful if you neRectangular Board TaOn a rectangular table, itthat position A has alwayeven when all people at tmeeting of people of equalA will have the most influehis back to the door.338
Language or lower chairs, is used to create an ere or to persuade. It is also oftentise democracy or don't have a dom-s belong in a canteen. Involvedson C, are going to talk with persons all sitting in a triangular position athat person A is talkative and asksperson B remains silent throughout. tion, how can you answer him and ithout making B feel excluded? Usenclusion technique: when A asks ayou begin to answer, then turn yourck to A, then to B again until yout, looking finally at A again as youel involved in the conversation and isneed to have B on side with you. Keeping both parties involved when answering a question ables seems to be a cross-cultural normys commanded the most influence,the table are of equal status. In al status the person sitting at position ence, assuming that he doesn't have
Seating ArrangeIf A's back was facing the door, thethe most influential and would beStrodtbeck and Hook set up sometions which revealed that the personwas chosen significantly more oftenif that person was perceived as beclass. Assuming that A was in theB has the next most authority, thenB are perceived as being task-orienas being occupied by an emotionalis concerned about group relationparticipate. This information makpower plays at meetings by placingstating where you want each persdegree of control over what happenWhy Teacher's Pet Sits OnResearchers at the University ofpeople can retain up to three timthings they see in their right visualeft. Their study suggests that youside' to your face when you areothers. According to this researchbecause it's in the other person's ri Studies show that the lef is the best side for giving
ements - Where to Sit, and Why Power Positions at a rectangular table person seated at B would be e strong competition for A. experimental jury delibera- n sitting at the head positionen as the leader, particularly eing from a high economic best power position, person n D, then C. Positions A and nted while position D is seen leader, often a woman, whonships and getting people to kes it possible to influence g name badges on the seats son to sit. This gives you a ns in the meeting. the Left f Oregon determined thatmes more information about al field than they do in theiru are likely to have a 'better presenting information to your better side is your left ight visual field. ft side of your face g a presentation. 339
The Definitive Book of Body LaDr John Kershner of Ontariostudied teachers and recordedseconds for 15 minutes. Hethe pupils on their right.looked straight ahead 44% otime and to their right onlythat pupils who sat on the lethan those on the right and ththan those on the right. Ourdeals are made when a salethan to their right. So, whenthem to jockey for the teacheadults and attend meetings,ceived power given to the pePower Plays at HomeThe shape of a family diningpower distribution in that froom could have accommodthe table shape was selectedfamilies go for round tabletables and 'authoritative' typ Next time you have a dinnthe shyest, most introvertedthest from the door with thamazed to see how simplyseating position encouragesand with more authority anattention to them.How to Make an AudiThe Book of Lists — a voluminformation about human be340
anguageo Institute for Studies in Education d where they were looking every 30 found that teachers almost ignore The study showed that teachers of the time, to the left 39% of they 17% of the time. He also foundeft performed better in spelling tests hose on the left were picked on lessr research found that more businessesperson sits to the customer's leftn you send a child to school, teacher's left side but, when they become tell them to go for the extra per-erson on their boss's right. g-room table can give a clue to the family, assuming that the dining-dated a table of any shape and that after considerable thought. 'Open'es, 'closed' families select squarepes select rectangular tables.ner party, try this experiment: place guest at the head of the table, fur-heir back to a wall. You will bey placing a person in a powerful them to begin to talk more oftennd how others will also pay moreience Cryme that lists each year all sorts ofehaviour — shows public speaking
Seating Arrangemas our number one fear, with feaverage, at number seven. Does thisfuneral, you're better off being in teulogy? If you are asked to address animportant to understand how an auinformation. First, never tell the auoverawed - they'll start looking foand will be sure to find it. They'll neunless you tell them. Second, use cspeak, even if you're feeling terrifiopen and closed palm positionsThumbs and keep your arms unfoldaudience, arm crossing, face touchStudies show that people who sit iretain more than others in the authose in the front row are keener thashow more attention to the speakepicked on. People who sit in the front participate more and are mThose in the middle sections are thask the most questions, as the middsafe area, surrounded by others. Ththe least responsive and attentive. Wence's left — the right side of the staghave a stronger effect on the rightaudience's brains, which is the emotStanding to the audience's right —impacts the audience's left brain heaudience will laugh more and lauhumour and stand to the left siderespond better to emotional pleas anthem from the right side of the stage
ments - Where to Sit, and Why ear of death ranking, on s mean that, if you're at a the coffin than reading the audience at any time, it'sudience receives and retainsudience you feel nervous or or nervous body language ever suspect you're nervous confidence gestures as you ied. Use Steeple gestures, s, occasional Protruding ded. Avoid pointing at the hing and lectern gripping. in the front row learn and udience, partially because an others to learn and they er in order to avoid being rows learn more, more enthusiastic. he next most attentive and dle section is considered a he side areas and back areWhen you stand to the audi- ge — your information will brain hemisphere of your tional side in most people.— the left side of stage - emisphere. This is why an ugh longer when you use e of the stage, and they nd stories when you deliver e. Comedians have known 341
The Definitive Book of Body Lathis for decades - make themthe right.The Attention ZoneUsing parameters employedAdams and Biddle, we condmate how much participatiowhere they were sitting in acould recall of what the presremarkably similar to the orthough our participants wedents. We also found feAustralians, Singaporeans,French or Finns. High-statusmost places — most notablyleast, so we recorded audiengenerally of equal status.'Funnel Effect1. Retention of information an on their choiceAs you can see, when partstyle, there is a 'learning zextends directly down the cefront row. Those sitting in tof participation, interacted342
anguagem laugh from the left and cry from by researchers Robert Sommer andducted a study of audiences to esti-on was given by delegates based on seminar room and how much theysenter was saying. Our results were riginal Robert Sommer study, evenere adults and Sommer's were stu- ew cultural differences between South Africans, Germans, Brits, s individuals sit in the front row iny in Japan - and they participate thence data only where delegates were The result was what we call the nd participation by attendees based e of seat (Pease, 1986) ticipants are sitting in classroomzone' shaped like a funnel, whichentre of an audience and across thethe 'funnel' gave the most amount most with the presenter and had
Seating Arrangthe highest recall about what wasparticipated the least sat in the babe more negative or confrontationThe rear positions also allow a deto doodle, sleep or escape.An Experiment in LearninWe know that people who arechoose to sit closest to the front ansiastic sit in the back or to the sidexperiment to determine whetheresult of where people chose to sthe topic, or whether the seat a peticipation and retention. We did thdelegates' seats so they could noWe intentionally sat enthusiastic pof the room and well-known bacWe found that this strategy not otion and recall of the normally nefront, it decreased the participatiopositive delegates who had beenhighlights a clear teaching stratereally to get the message, put themsenters and trainers have abandmeeting concept for training smawith the 'horseshoe' or 'open-sqevidence suggests that this produbetter recall as a result of the increattendees and the speaker.Getting a Decision Over DBearing in mind what has alreadyritories and the use of square, re
gements - Where to Sit, and Why being discussed. Those whoack or to the sides, tended tonal and had the lowest recall.elegate a greater opportunityng most enthusiastic to learnnd those who are least enthu- des. We conducted a furtherer the Funnel Effect was asit, based on their interest inerson sat in affected their par-his by placing name cards onot take their usual positions. people to the sides and backck-row hermits in the front.only increased the participa-egative delegates who sat up on and recall of the usually relegated to the back. Thisegy - if you want someonem in the front row. Some pre-doned the 'classroom style'aller groups and replaced itquare' arrangement becauseuces more participation andeased eye contact between allDinner been said about human ter-ectangular and round tables, 343
The Definitive Book of Body Llet's consider the dynamicsbut where your objective isproposition. If you are going to do buegy to complete most ofarrives. Once everyone starto a standstill and alcoholthe stomach takes blood awmaking it harder for peoplehope to achieve these typesit can be disastrous in busieveryone is mentally alert. No one ever makes aA hundred thousand yearswith his kill at the end of awould share it inside a comentrance to the cave to wwarmth. Each caveman satthe cave to avoid the possibwhile he was engrossed inthat were heard were the gthe crackle of the fire. Tharound an open fire at duskthat modern man re-enactsparties. Modern man also rmuch the same way as he dago. Now to our restaurant oryour favour is easier when tdefensive barriers have beenkeeping in mind what has ators, a few simple rules nee First, whether you are dhave the other person sittin344
Language of going to a restaurant for a meal, s to get a favourable response to ausiness over dinner, it's a wise strat- the conversation before the food ts eating the conversation can come dulls the brain. After you've eaten,way from the brain to help digestion, e to think clearly. While some men of effects with a woman on a date, iness. Present your proposals whilea decision with their mouth full.s ago, ancestral man would returna hunting day and he and his group mmunal cave. A fire was lit at theward off predators and to provide t with his back against the wall ofbility of being attacked from behind eating his meal. The only soundsgnashing and gnawing of teeth andhis ancient process of food sharing was the beginning of a social event at barbecues, cookouts and dinnerreacts and behaves at these events in did over a hundred thousand yearsr dinner party: getting a decision in the other person is relaxed and hisn lowered. To achieve this end, and already been said about our ances-ed to be followed.dining at home or at a restaurant,ng with his back to a solid wall or
Seating Arrangscreen. Research shows that respirfrequencies and blood pressure rapsits with his back to an open spacare moving about. Tension is furthback is towards an open door or athis a good position to seat sounnerve or rattle. Next, the lighmuffled background music shousenses. Many top restaurants havesimile near the entrance of the restof the fire that burned at the ancibest to use a round table and to hof other people obscured by a scyou want a captive audience. Top restaurants use these relaxlarge amounts of money from thordinary food, and men have beenyears to create a romantic atmospheasier to obtain a favourable destances than it will ever be in rlighting, tables and chairs placebanging of plates, knives and forkSummarySeating positions should not bepeople in specific positions canmeeting. The next time you go toyourself: who is the person you wwhere is the best position to sit toto want to argue or oppose? If thwho has claimed a seating positionpower? If you want to control,answers to these questions will noedge, they will prevent others frcontrol the meeting.
gements — Where to Sit, and Whyration, heart rate, brainwavepidly increase when a personce, particularly where others her increased if the person'sa window at ground level. Soomeone when you want tohts should be dimmed anduld be played to relax the an open fireplace or fire fac-taurant to recreate the effectsient cave feasts. It would behave the other person's viewcreen or large green plant ifxation techniques to extract heir customers' wallets for using them for thousands ofhere for their women. It's farecision under these circum- estaurants that have brighted in open areas and theks. accidental; placing certainn affect the outcome of a a meeting with anyone, ask want to influence most ando achieve this? Who is likelyhere is no appointed leader,n to give themselves the most where should you sit? The ot only give you a powerfulrom trying to dominate or 345
Cha INTERVIEW PLAY OFFICE Adam left the interview su it what he'd said that blew brown suit, goatee beard, e turned them off? Or had hMost job interviews are non-a strong correlation betweenthe interviewee and whether omost of the factual informatilum vitae — the real stuff abindicator of performance - isis the impression the candida First impressions ar of the bu346
apter 18 WS, POWERYS AND POLITICS uspecting he'd done badly. Was w it? Or perhaps his chocolate earring and overstuffed briefcase he simply sat in the wrong chair? -productive because studies show n how much the interviewer likes or not they get the job. In the end, ion that comes from the curricu- bout the candidate that is a good s forgotten. What is remembered ate made on the interviewer. re the 'love-at-first-sight' usiness world.
Interviews,Professor Frank Bernieri of the Unithe performances of job applicantsgrounds during 20-minute interviewwere asked to rate each candidate otion, intelligence and competence.was asked to watch video footage ofeach interview. The results showeimpressions in 15 seconds almost pathe interviewers. This study givesdence that you definitely don't get afirst impression and that your approbody language are the key factors inWhy James Bond Looked Cand CollectedResearch in the field of linguistics hship between the amount of status,commands, and their vocabularysocial or management ladder a persto be able to communicate in worguage research has revealed a corrcommand of the spoken word and tuse to communicate their message.of the status scale can use his rangenicate his meaning, whereas thelower-status person will rely morecommunicate his message. He doesubstitutes gestures for words. As athe person is on the socio-economtion and body movement they are li Special Agent James Bond usedeffect by having minimal body gewas under pressure. When he wasbaddies, being insulted or shot amotionless and spoke in short, mon
Power Plays and Office Politics iversity of Toledo analysed s of various ages and back-ws in which the interviewers on attributes such as ambi- Then a group of observers f just the first 15 seconds of ed that the observers' first aralleled the impressions of us further convincing evi- a second chance to make a oach, handshake and overall n deciding the outcome.Cool, Calm has shown a direct relation- power or prestige a person range. The higher up the son is, the better he is likely rds and phrases. Body lan- relation between a person's the number of gestures they The person at the top end e of vocabulary to commu- less educated, less skilled on gestures than words to esn't have the words so he a general rule, the higher upmic scale, the less gesticula- likely to use. d these principles to great estures, especially when he s being intimidated by the at, he remained relatively notone sentences. 347
The Definitive Book of Body La James Bond was so love immediatelyHigh status people alwaysrevealing as little of their emJim Carrey are the oppositeroles, emphasising a lack ofless, intimidated men.The Nine Golden KeyImpressionsLet's assume you're goingmake the best first impressioup to 90% of their opinionand that 60 to 80% of the im Here are nine Golden Keyinterview:1.In the Reception AreaRemove your outerwear andble. Avoid entering an officecan make you fumble and lotion area — never sit. Recepbecause when you do, you'rhave to deal with you. Standback (confidence) and slowly(confident, controlled) or uslanguage is a constant remwaiting. But never do this at2.The EntryYour entry tells others how yreceptionist has given youwithout hesitation. Do no348
anguage o cool he could even make y after killing ten villains. 'keep their cool', which meansmotions as possible. Actors such as — they often play highly animated f power; and usually plays power-ys to Making Great First to an interview and you want to on. Keep in mind that others form about you in the first four minutes mpact you will make is non-verbal. ys to getting it right first time in and give it to the receptionist if possi-e with your arms full of clutter thatook inept. Always stand in a recep-ptionists will insist you 'take a seat' re out of sight and they no longer d with Hand-in-Hand behind your y rock back and forth on your feet se the Steeple gesture. This bodyminder that you are still there and t the Tax Office. you expect to be treated. When the the green light to enter, walk in ot stand in the doorway like a
Interviewsnaughty schoolchild waiting to seewalk through the door of the psame speed. People who lack coperform a small shuffle as they en3.The ApproachEven if the person is on the phdrawer or tying his shoelaces, walwith a smooth motion. Put down yever is in your hands, shake the petake a seat. Let the other person sewalking confidently into offices andkept waiting. People who walkconvey that they have plenty of tiinterested in what they are doingThis is fine for retired millionaires aand Queensland, but not for anypower, authority or capability or thtial mate. Influential people and thwalk briskly at a medium pace wit4.The HandshakeKeep your palm straight and retuLet the other person decide whento the left of a rectangular desk asgiven a Palm-Down handshake. Ndesk. Use a person's name twicenever talk for more than 30 second5. When You SitIf you are compelled to sit in a lother person, turn it away 45 degrbeing stuck in the 'reprimand' poschair, angle your body instead.6. Seating AreasIf you're invited to sit in an inf
s, Power Plays and Office Politics e the headmaster. When youperson's office, maintain theonfidence change gears andnter.hone, rummaging through alk in directly and confidentlyyour briefcase, folder or what-erson's hand and immediatelyee that you are accustomed to d that you don't expect to be slowly or take long strides ime on their hands, are not or have nothing else to do. and those who live in Florida yone who wants to conveyhat they are a healthy, poten-hose who command attentionth medium length strides.urn the pressure you receive. to end the handshake. Step you approach to avoid beingNever shake directly across a in the first 15 seconds and ds at a time.low chair directly facing therees from the person to avoidsition. If you can't angle theformal area of the person's 349
The Definitive Book of Body Langoffice, such as at an informal cbecause 95% of business rejea desk. Never sit on a low soflook like a giant pair of legsessary, sit upright on the edglanguage and gestures, and anfrom the person.7.Your GesturesPeople who are cool, calm, cemotions use clear, uncompHigh-status individuals useindividuals. This is an ancientpower don't have to move mEuropeans gesture more fromers, and Southern Europeansarms and shoulders. Mirrorexpressions when appropriate8. DistanceRespect the other person'slargest in the opening minutesclose, the person will respondusing repetitive gestures suchrule, you can move closer tofrom new ones. Men generalwork with while women genthey work with men. Work clfurther back from significantly9.Your ExitPack your things calmly andshake hands if possible, turnclosed when you entered, cloPeople always watch you froma man, make sure you have shiis an area many men neglect350
guage coffee table, this is a positive sign ections are delivered from behind fa that sinks so low it makes you topped by a small head - if nec- ge so you can control your bodyngle your body to 45 degrees away collected and in control of their plicated, deliberate movements. fewer gestures than low-status t negotiating ploy — people withmuch. Keep in mind that Easternm the elbow down than Western- s gesture more with their entire the other person's gestures and e. Personal Space, which will be s of the meeting. If you move tood by sitting back, leaning away orh as drumming the fingers. As a familiar people but further back lly move closer to women they nerally move further back when loser to those of similar age and y older or younger ones. deliberately - not in a frenzy -n and walk out. If the door was ose it behind you as you leave.m behind as you leave so, if you're ined the back of your shoes. This and women are critical of this.
Interviews, PWhen a woman decides to leave shethe door and begin to adjust the bacso that she makes a good rear-view iAs mentioned earlier, hidden camerwoman, others study your rear as ylike it or not. When you get to theand smile. It's far better that they recyour rear end.When Someone Keeps You WIf someone keeps you waiting forshows either they're disorganised opower play. Keeping someone waitireducing their status and enhancingwho is making them wait. This sampeople are waiting in line at a restauassumes that the wait is going to bwhy would we all be waiting? Always take a book, PDA, laptoshows that you too are busy and arevenienced. When the person who haout to meet you let them speak first,your work and greet them, then pacdently. Another good strategy when msome financial papers and a calculWhen they call for you say, 'I'll be refinish these calculations.' Or you cophone calls. The clear message you avery busy person and are not beingdisorganisation. And if you suspect ta power game, arrange for an urgenyou during your meeting. Take theamounts of money, drop in a well-kncaller you never settle for second breport back to you as soon as poss
Power Plays and Office Politics will point her foot towardsck of her clothing and hair impression as she departs. ras show that, if you're ayou depart — whether youe door turn around slowly call your smiling face than Waiting more than 20 minutes it or it could be a form of ing is an effective way ofg the status of the personme effect can be seen when urant or cinema - everyone be worthwhile, otherwise op or office work, whiche not prepared to be incon-as kept you waiting comes lift your head slowly fromck up smoothly and confi- made to wait is to take out lator and do calculations.eady in a moment - I'll justould make all your mobileare sending is that you're a g inconvenienced by their the other person is playingnt call to be put through to call, loudly mention largenown name or two, tell the best and that they are tosible. Hang up the phone, 351
The Definitive Book of Body Lanapologise for the interruptionhappened. Hey, it works for J If the other person takes aa third person enters and beversation, take out your bookThis gives them privacy and dyour time. If you feel the petionally, take out your ownimportant follow-up calls abwere discussing earlier.Fake It Till You Make ItIf you avoid Hand-to-Face gesness signals, does this meanand get away with it? Well...nopen positions when you knlikely to sweat, your cheeksstrict. The most competent liaacting role and act as if theysional actor who can do tpresented with an Oscar. Whlies, there is powerful evidencskills we've mentioned througsecond nature to you and serv Scientists proved the 'faketests on birds. In many bird sis, the darker its plumage wfirst in line for food and matelighter, weaker birds and dyedbirds would be 'lying' to thenant. But the result was thatthe real dominant birds becauweak and submissive bodyweaker birds, both male andalso injected with testostero352
nguage n and continue as if nothing had James'll work for you. phone call during the meeting oregins what seems like a long con- k or homework and begin to read. demonstrates that you don't waste erson is doing these things inten- mobile phone and make several bout the important ventures you t? stures and always talk using open- you can tell some real whoppers not necessarily, because if you usenow you're lying, your palms are may twitch and your pupils con- ars are those who can go into their actually believe the lie. A profes- this better than anyone else ishile we are not suggesting you tell ce that if you practise the positive ghout this book, they will becomeve you well for the rest of your life. it till you make it' concept using species, the more dominant a birdwill be. Darker coloured birds are es. Researchers took a number of d their plumage dark so that these other birds that they were domi- t the 'liar' birds were attacked by use the 'liars' were still displaying language. In the next tests the d female, were not only dyed butone hormones to make them act
Interviews,dominantly. This time the 'liars' sucting around acting in confidencompletely fooled the real dominanthat you need to cast yourself into aview and mentally practise in advayou want others to take you seriousSeven Simple Strategies foExtra Edge1. Stand up for MeetingsConduct all short-term decision-up. Studies show that standing conshorter than sitting ones and the peing meeting is perceived as havinwho sit. Standing whenever otheralso an excellent timesaver, so cochairs in your own work area. Stand to the point and others don't wchatter or questions such as 'How's2. Sit Competitors with Their BAs discussed, studies reveal that wheopen space we become stressed, blheart beats faster, our brainwave outpmore quickly as our body readies itsThis is an excellent position in which3. Keep Your Fingers TogetherPeople who keep their fingers closehands and keep their hands belowmost attention. Using open fingersabove the chin is perceived as less p4. Keep Your Elbows OutWhen you sit on a chair, keep your
Tower Plays and Office Politics cceeded as they began strut-nt, superior ways, which nt birds. This demonstrates a believable role in an inter-ance how you will behave if sly.or Giving You the-making meetings standing nversations are significantlyerson who conducts a stand-ng higher status than those rs enter your workspace is onsider having no visitors'tanding decisions are quick waste your time with social s the family?' Backs to the Door en our backs are towards an lood pressure increases, our put increases and we breatheself for a possible rear attack. h to place your opponents.ed when they talk with theirw chin level, command thes or having your hands held powerful.r elbows out or on the arms 353
The Definitive Book of Body Laof the chair. Submissive, timto protect themselves and a5. Use Power WordsA study at the University opersuasive words in spokentee, love, proven, results,safety and you. Practise usyou'll get from the discoverantee you more love, betteAnd they're completely safe6. Carry a Slim BriefcaseA slim briefcase with a cimportant person who is codetails; large, bulky briefcasthe work and are perceivedto get things done on time.7. Watch Their Coat ButAnalysis of videotaped conunions and corporations, sment is reached when peoPeople who cross their armtheir jacket buttoned and asuddenly unbuttons their jaably assume that they haveSummaryBefore you go to an importafor five minutes and mentathese things and doing themclearly, your body will be awill react accordingly.354
anguagemid individuals keep their elbows inare perceived as fearful.of California showed that the mostn language are: discovery, guaran- save, easy, health, money, new,sing these words. The new resultsry of these proven words will guar-er health and will save you money.e, and easy to use. ecombination lock is carried by anoncerned only with the bottom-lineases are carried by those who do all as not being sufficiently organisedttonsnfrontations, for example, betweenshow a higher frequency of agree-ople have their coats on their chest often do it withare more negative. When a personacket in a meeting, you can reason- also just opened their mind.ant interview or meeting, sit quietlyally practise seeing yourself doingm well. When your mind sees them able to carry them out and others
InterviewsOffice Power PoliticsHave you ever been for a job inteor helpless when you sat in the visviewer seemed so big and overwheinsignificant? It is likely that thearranged his office furnishings tpower and, in so doing, lower yochairs and seating arrangements can office. There are three factors in raisinusing chairs: the size of the chair aof the chair from the floor and thtive to the other person.1. Chair Size and AccessoriesThe height of the back of the chastatus. The higher the back of thstatus the person sitting in it iqueens, popes and other high-statof their throne or official chair asto show their status relative to evetive has a high-backed leather chaa low back. How much power whave if they were always sitting on Swivel chairs have more powerallowing the user freedom of munder pressure. Fixed chairs allowthis lack of movement is compensbody gestures that reveal their awith armrests, those that lean bachave more power.2. Chair HeightThe acquisition of power using he16 but it is worth noting that staadjusted higher off the floor tha
s, Power Plays and Office Politics erview and felt overwhelmed sitor's chair? Where the inter- elming and you felt small and e interviewer had cunningly to raise his own status and ours. Certain strategies using can create this atmosphere inng perceived status and power and its accessories, the height he location of the chair rela- air raises or lowers a person'she chair, the more power and is perceived to have. Kings, tus people may have the back high as 8 feet or more (2.5m) eryone else; the senior execu- air and his visitor's chair haswould the Queen or the Pope n a small piano stool? and status than fixed chairs,movement when he is placed w little or no movement and sated for by the sitter's use ofattitudes and feelings. Chairs ck and those that have wheels eight was covered in Chapteratus is gained if your chair is an the other person's. Some 355
The Definitive Book of Body Langadvertising executives are knchairs that are adjusted for mtors sit opposite, in the defenthat is so low that their eyes a3. Chair LocationAs mentioned in the chapterpower is exerted on a visitoropposite in the Competitive Pto place the visitor's chair aexecutive's desk into the sociafurther reduces the visitor's stHow to Switch Table TeWhen two people sit directltable, they unconsciously divEach claims half as his own tencroaching upon it. There will be occasions, hoinappropriate to take the cornLet's assume that you have a fto present to another person wlar desk and your objective ispresenting. First, place the arlean forward and look at it, taback into your territory.356
guagenown for sitting on high-backedmaximum height while their visi-nsive position, on a sofa or chairare level with the executive's desk.r on seating arrangements, most when his chair is placed directlyPosition. A common power play isas far away as possible from theal or public territory zone, which tatus. erritoriesly opposite each other across avide it into two equal territories.territory and will reject the otherowever, when it may be difficult orner position to present your case.folder, book, quotation or sample who is sitting behind a rectangu-s to get into the best position forrticle on the table and he'll either ake it over to his side, or push it Paper placed on territorial line
Interviews,If he leans forward to look at iyou're compelled to deliver youryou sit because he doesn't want yoIf this happens, angle your bodypresent your case. If he takes it ogives you the opportunity to askterritory and take either thePosition.If, however, he pushes it back towaNever encroach on the other personbeen given verbal or non-verbal pewill put them offside.Seated Body PointingTake the following situation: you'reto counsel a subordinate whose worscratch. You feel that you will needrequire direct answers and this maypressure. At times you will also nee
Power Plays and Office Politics it but doesn't pick it up, presentation from whereou on his side of the desk.dy away at 45 degrees toonto his side, however, thisk permission to enter his Corner or Co-operative Taking paper into his territory signals non-verbal acceptance Non-verbal agreement to enter his spaceards you, stay on your side.n's territory unless you have ermission to do so or youe a supervisor and are about rk performance is not up to to use direct questions thaty put the subordinate under ed to show the subordinate 357
The Definitive Book of Body Lacompassion and, from timethoughts or actions. Leaving aside interviewthese illustrations, considecounselling session will be iwill be seated on a chair wthat causes him to use bwill give you an understaYou'll be sitting on a swiveeliminate some of your ownaround. There are three main angthe standing triangular posiinformal, relaxed attitudeopening position for a coun Opening a session keepsYou can show non-verbalfrom this position by mirroAs in the open standing pospoint to form a triangle, wh By turning your chairsomeone you non-verballyanswers to your direct quest358
anguagee to time, that you agree with his and questioning techniques forer the following points: (1) The in your office; (2) The subordinatewith fixed legs and no arms, onebody gestures and postures thatanding of his attitudes; and (3)el chair that has arms, letting you gestures and allowing you to movegle positions you can use. As withition, sitting at 45 degrees gives an to the meeting and is a goodnselling session. n using a 45 degree angle things relaxed agreement with the subordinateoring his movements and gestures.sition, their bodies point to a thirdhich can show agreement. to point your body directly at tell them that you want directtions.
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