sufferfrom a condition called hyp genetic condition that causes chroncarry tissues or a handkerchief for many bout of handshaking. The Wet FishThe palms have more sweat glands thbody, which is why sweaty palms becoingly, many people who use the Wet Fit so it's wise to ask your friends toshake style before deciding what you'l2.The ViceCredibility Rating: 4/10.This quietly persuasive style is a favoand reveals a desire to dominate andthe relationship or put people in theirsented in the down position with onefollowed by two or three vigorous rethat can even stop blood flow to the haused by a person who feels weak andnated by others. The Vice
The Power Is in Your Handsperhydrosis, which is anic sweating. It's wise tomop-up strategies beforehan any other part of theome so obvious. Surpris-Fish are unaware they do comment on your hand-ll use in future meetings.ourite of men in business assume early control ofr place. The palm is pre-e sharp downward pumpeturn strokes and a gripand. Sometimes it will be fears they will be domi- 59
The Definitive Book of Bod3. The Bone-CrusherCredibility Rating: 0/10A second cousin to thefeared of all handshakethe recipient's mind anthan the initiator. Theoverly aggressive personearly advantage and attgrinding his knuckles tavoid wearing rings onas the Bone-Crusher cyour business dealings iUnfortunately, there arebelieve someone has doeveryone's attention byhand. Your grip is tooBone-Crusher on notice4. The Finger-Tip GraCredibility Rating: 2/10A common occurrenceTip Grab is a handshamistakenly grabs the otinitiator may seem to hareceiver, he in fact lackcumstances, the main a60
dy Languager0.e Vice, the Bone-Crusher is the mostes as it leaves an indelible memory onnd fingers and impresses no one other Bone-Crusher is the trademark of thenality who, without warning, seizes thetempts to demoralise his opponent by to a smooth paste. If you are female, your right hand in business encounterscan draw blood and leave you to open in a state of shock. The Bone-Crushere no effective ways to counter it. If youone it on purpose, you could bring it toy saying, 'Ouch! That really hurt my strong.' This puts the advocate of thee not to repeat the behaviour.ab0. in male—female greetings, the Finger-ake that missed the mark and the user ther person's fingers. Even though theave an enthusiastic attitude towards theks confidence in himself. In these cir-aim of the Finger-Tip Grab is to keep
the receiver at a comfortable distan can also result from personal spa people in the handshake. This cou intimate space was two feet (60cm) feet (90cm), the latter stands furthe the hands don't connect properly.If this happens to you, take the otheyour left and place it correctly in youa smile 'Let's try that again!' and sbuilds your credibility because you arthat you think they are importantright.5.The Stiff-Arm ThrustCredibility Rating: 3/10.Like the Palm-Down Thrust, the Stifused by aggressive types and its maina distance and away from their personpeople raised in rural areas, who haneeds and want to protect their territ The Stiff-Arm Thru
The Power Is in Your Hands nce. The Finger-Tip Grabace differences between theuld happen if one person's and the other's was threeer back during greeting soer person's right hand withur right hand and say, withshake hands equally. This re telling the other person enough for you to get itff-Arm Thrust tends to ben purpose is to keep you atnal space. It's also used byave larger personal spacetory. ust 61
The Definitive Book of BodyThese people will even lekeep their distance when6. The Socket-WrenchCredibility Rating: 3/10.A popular choice of powatering eyes and, in extrfather of the Bent-Arm-ping the receiver's outsapplying a sharp reverseinto the initiator's territogets the relationship off ThPulling the receiver intoof three things: first, thesafe only within his ownis from a culture that hwants to control you by pwants the encounter to b7.The Pump HandleCredibility Rating: 4/10.With strong rural overtonpumpee and commencesrapid vertical strokes. While up to seven pumtinue to pump uncontrowater from the pumpee.62
y Language ean forward or balance on one foot ton delivering a Stiff-Arm Thrust.her ower players and common cause of reme cases, torn ligaments. This is the-Pull-In, and involves forcefully grip-stretched palm, then simultaneously thrust, attempting to drag the receiverory. This results in loss of balance and on the wrong foot.he Socket-Wrencher the initiator's territory can mean one initiator is an insecure type who feelsn personal space; second, the initiatorhas smaller space needs; or third, hepulling you off balance. Either way, hebe on his terms. nes, the pumper grabs the hand of thes an energetic and rhythmic series ofmps is acceptable, some pumpers con-ollably as if they are trying to draw
The Pump HandlOccasionally, the pumper will ceasehold the receiver's hand to prevent thingly, few people try to pull their hanphysically connected seems to weaken8.The Dutch TreatCredibility Rating: 2/10.Being somewhat vegetarian in approits origins in the Netherlands, whereof 'Geeft 'n hand als bosje worteljes'shake like a bunch of carrots'. It's a dFish but stiffer and less clammy to th The Dutch Treat
The Power Is in Your Hands le pumping but continue toheir escape and, interest-nd away. The act of being n our resolve to retreat.oach, this handshake has a person can be accused meaning 'Giving a hand-distant relative of the Wethe touch. t 63
SummaryFew people have any idea how they cinitial meetings, despite the fact that mthe first few minutes of that meeting ctionship. Take the time to practise hanfriends and colleagues and you candeliver a positive handshake every tiheld vertical and matching the otherperceived as a 10/10 handshake.
The Power Is in Your Handscome across to others inmost of us are aware thatcan make or break a rela-ndshake styles with yourn quickly learn how toime. Keeping the palms person's grip is usually 65
THE MA AND Wha world Bob gazed across the r brunette. She seemed t the uptake, he swiftly sation with her. She di smiling at him so he sauntered past and w you're a jerk.' He wa at him! As with most tive significance of th smile.Children were often toa happy face', 'wear'whites' when meeting son an intuitive level, iin others. The first recorded sci 66
Chapter 3AGIC OF SMILES LAUGHTER at makes this one of the d's most irresistible icons? room and locked eyes with an attractive to smile at him and, not being slow on crossed the room and began a conver- dn't seem to talk much but she was still persisted. One of his female friends whispered, 'Forget it Bob...she thinks as stunned. But she was still smiling men, Bob didn't understand the nega- he tight-lipped, no-teeth-visible female old by their grandmothers to 'put on a big smile' and 'show your pearly someone new because Grandma knew, it would produce a positive reaction ientific studies into smiling were in the
The M early part of the nineteenth centurGuillaume Duchenne de Boulogne use electrical stimulation to distinguish b enjoyrnent and other kinds of smilin of people executed by guillotine to stworked. He pulled face muscles fromto catalogue and record which musclHe discovered that smiles are contmuscles: the zygomatic major musclside of the face and connect to theand the orbicularis oculi, which pullmatic majors pull the mouth back tenlarge the cheeks, while the orbiculnarrow and cause 'crow's feet'. Theseunderstand because the zygomatic matrolled - in other words, they are usedof fake enjoyment to try to appearThe orbicularis oculi at the eyes act ithe true feelings of a genuine smile. Sthe sincerity of a smile is to lookthe eyes. A natural smile produces c wrinkles around the eyes people smile only with thIn the enjoyment smile, not only are tbut the muscles around the eyes areenjoyment smiles involve just the smil
Magic of Smiles and Laughter ry when French scientist ed electrodiagnostics and between the smile of real ng. He analysed the heads tudy how the face muscles m many different angles les caused which smiles. trolled by two sets of les, which run down the e corners of the mouth the eyes back. The zygo- to expose the teeth and laris oculi make the eyes muscles are important toajors are consciously con- d to produce false smiles friendly or subordinate. independently and revealSo the first place to check for wrinkle lines beside characteristic s - insincere heir mouth. the lip corners pulled up, e contracted, while non- ling lips. 67
The Definitive Book of BodyIt has been superseded iVaatdoek, or Sloppy Disnation.The Arafat-Rabin HThe photograph below sYitzhak Rabin and Pashaking hands at the Wseveral interesting attitudkey figure in the shot bection, extra height andreminiscent of a god presMoon, Lips-Sucking smieither felt or faked. Yitzhak Rabin (left) holds h being pulled forward as YIn this famous shot, boththe ground and attempt tYitzhak Rabin assumed tthe picture and used a Stikeep Arafat out of hisstood absolutely erect anArm-Pull-in.64
y Languagein younger generations by De Slappeshcloth. This needs no further expla-Handshakeshows the late Israeli Prime Minister,alestinian Chairman Yassar ArafatWhite House in 1993 and it revealsdes. President Clinton is, in fact, thecause of his unobstructed centre posi- Arms-Spread-Open-Palms gesture,siding over his people. Clinton's Half- ile shows the emotional restraint hehis ground using a Stiff-Arm Thrust to resistYassar Arafat attempts a Bent-Arm-Pull-In men keep their feet firmly planted on to force the other out of his territory-the power position on the left side of iff-Arm Thrust and leaned forward to personal space while Yassar Arafatnd attempted to counter with a Bent-
The Definitive Book of Bo W False smiles pull b backScientists can distinguisusing a coding system c(FACS), which was devUniversity of Californiaversity of Kentucky. Gunconscious brain, whiyou feel pleasure, signathat processes emotionyour cheeks raise, yourslightly. Photographers ask y putts back the zygom a false smile andLines around the eyes cand the cheeks may bunccontracting and that the68
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