Courtship Dspringier gait as a display of healththeir suitability as a partner. A manhis jaw and expand his chest to mnant. A woman who is interested wher breasts, tilting her head, touchwrists and thereby making herself a The ideal place to observe these ca man and a woman approach eachchanges take place when they are cother's gaze and will continue untilother, at which time their original p Body language is a fundamental preveals how available, attractive, redesperate we are. While some couand deliberate, others, such as thospletely unconscious. It is still unsignals but research now shows thaThe Emergence of the ColoIn the majority of mammals, it's thimpress the less than colourful femait the other way around. For centuriof the sexual advertising by decoratclothing and jewellery and paintingto this was during the sixteenth anEurope when men adorned themselvcolourful clothing and out-dressedin mind also that, historically, whiattract men, men have dressed in cloor to frighten away enemies. Todaythe self-obsessed male who is agahimself like a peacock. We see foomanicures, and wrestlers tinting theseen the emergence of the 'metro-seual male who copies women's beh
Displays and Attraction Signalsh and vitality and to convey n will stand taller, protrudemake himself appear domi-will respond by emphasisinghing her hair, exposing her appear submissive.changes is on a beach when other from a distance. The close enough to meet each after they have passed eachposture returns. part of courtship because it eady, enthusiastic, sexy or urtship signals are studiedse just mentioned, are com-nclear how we learn these t many may be inborn.ourful Malehe male that 'dresses up' to ales. Humans, however, do ies, women have done most ting themselves in colourfulg their faces. The exceptionnd seventeenth centuries in ves with beautiful wigs and the average woman. Keep ile women have dressed to othing to either show status we see the re-emergence of ain beginning to decorateotballers having facials andeir hair. In the USA we have exual' male — a heterosex-haviour patterns — he has 287
The Definitive Book of Bodymanicures, pedicures andgoes to the jacuzzi, eats oface-lift and is in touch'metro-sexual' male seemour observation shows 'gories: gay men; effeminassuming traditional femalots of women.Graham's StoryGraham was a man whowould kill to have. He would attend a so'scope out' the availablealmost record-breaking tithe exit with her, escortinhis apartment. He wouldprocess, sometimes severseemed to have a built-in rat the right time and getknew how he did it. Research by animal cbehavioural scientists revea series of intricate couothers subtle, and that mothe animal world, courtshspecific and pre-determinespecies of bird, the malevocal display, puffing upintricate body movementfemale appears to displaysimilar to that performed Human flirtation involvsions not unlike the couanimals, as seen on wildli288
Languaged hair colouring, wears fancy clothesorganic vegetarian food has botox, a with his 'feminine side'. While thems an oddity to many straight men,'metro-sexuals' fall into three cate-nate men; and men who realise thatale behaviours is a great way to meet o developed a skill that most menocial function and somehow quicklye women, make his choice and, inime, would be seen heading towardsng her to his car and driving back to return to the function and repeat this ral times in the same evening. He radar for finding the available womentting them to go with him. No onecourtship behaviour zoologists andeals that male and female animals useurtship gestures, some obvious andost of this is done subconsciously. Inhip behaviour in each species follows ed patterns. For example, in severale struts around the female giving a his feathers and performing manyts to gain her attention, while they little or no interest. This ritual is by humans when courtship begins.ves sequences of gestures and expres- urtship dances of birds and otherife programmes.
Courtship The bottom line is that when aopposite sex they do so by emphasdiscourage the opposite sex we plaences. Highlighting gender d what makes a persoGraham's technique was first to spguage indicated they were availablhis own male courtship gestures.would return the appropriate femnon-verbal green light to proceed t The success women have in intirelated to their ability to send courdecode those being sent back. For agame relies mainly on his ability toto him, as opposed to being ableMost women are aware of courtshless perceptive, often being complewhy so many men have difficultWomen's difficulty in finding partsignals, it's more about finding a mteria. Graham somehow knew exactwomen would describe him as sexy'someone who makes me feel femtion to the constant attention he'd gsignals he used. Men, on the oth'aggressive', 'insincere', 'arrogant'~ their reaction to the competitionsequently, Graham had few male frno man likes a potential rival for thThis chapter is devoted to the femaland to the body language he used i
Displays and Attraction Signals person wants to attract the sising sexual differences. To ay down or hide these differ- differences is on look 'sexy'. pot women whose body lan- le and then to respond with Those who were interestedmale signals, giving him the to the next stage. imate encounters is directly rtship signals to men and to a man, success in the mating o read the signals being sent to initiate his own moves. hip signals but men are far etely blind to them, which is ty finding potential mates. tners is not about reading man who'll match their cri- tly what to look for and y, masculine, humorous andminine'. This was their reac- give them and the courtship her hand, described him as and 'not particularly funny' Graham represented. Con- riends for obvious reasons - he attentions of his woman. le signals Graham could see in return. 289
The Definitive Book of Body LanWhy Women Always CAsk any man who usually mand he will invariably saycourtship, however, show thathe time. A woman does thisbody and facial signals to theis perceptive enough to pickare men who will approachbeing sent the green light butularly successful with findingsuccess rate is low becausesimply playing the numbers In courtship, wome the time - men dIn these cases, if a man dunsuccessful he's likely to pabout other unrelated things'You work at the NationalJohn Smith's sister?' To be sthe numbers game a man hamake a sale - unless, of couman who crosses the floor tdone so at her request aftesignals. It just looks as if hemade the walk across the floof flirtatious encounters but ithink they are the ones takinDifferences Between MMen find it difficult to intwomen's body language and290
nguageCall the Shotsmakes the first move in courtshipy that men do. All studies intoat women are the initiators 90% ofs by sending a series of subtle eye,e targeted man, who, assuming he them up, responds to them. There women in a club or bar withoutt, while some of these men are reg- g partners, their overall statistical they weren't invited first - they're game.en call the tunes most ofdo most of the dancing.detects that his approach will bepretend he's come to talk to hers and he will use corny lines like, Bank don't you?' or Aren't you successful in courtship by playingas to approach a lot of women tourse, he looks like Brad Pitt. Any to chat up a woman has usuallyer picking up her body languagee made the first move because heoor. Women do initiate up to 90% it is done so subtly that most menng the lead.Men and Women terpret the more subtle cues ind research shows that men tend to
Courtship Dismistake friendliness and smiling forbecause men see the world in more semen have 10 to 20 times more testostemakes them see the world in terms of To some men, when a lady say maybe; when she says 'maybe' sh if she says 'yes' she's nWhen they meet a possible partner,but often deceptive, courting signals tpursuing. Women tend to bombard min the first minutes of meeting themthese signals and make a clumsy passambiguous signals in the early stages,into showing their hand. This is one rhave trouble attracting men — men bemake an approach.The Attraction ProcessAs with other animals, human courtsfive-step sequence that we all go thrattractive person. Stage 1. Eye contact: She looks acros man she fancies. She waits till he no gaze for about five seconds and the keeps watching her to see if she does i to deliver this gaze, on average, three man realises what's happening. Thi repeated several times and is the start Stage 2. Smiling: She delivers one o This is a quick half smile that is inte
splays and Attraction Signals sexual interest. This is exual terms than women; erone than women, which f sex. ys 'no' she means he means 'yes'; but no lady. women send out subtle, to see whether he's worthmen with courting ritualsm. Men may misinterpret s. By sending erratic and , women manipulate men reason why many womenecome confused and won't ship follows a predictable rough when we meet an ss the room and spots aotices her then holds his en turns away. He now it again. A woman needs times before the average is gaze process can be t of the flirting process. or more fleeting smiles. ended to give a prospec- 291
The Definitive Book of Body L tive man the green light to many men are not respon woman feeling that he's no Stage 3. Preening: She s breasts and crosses her leg advantage or, if she's stand head sideways towards one She plays with her hair for is grooming herself for her her hair and straighten h respond with gestures suc his stomach in, expanding touching his hair and tuck both point their feet or ent Stage 4. Talk: He approa talk, using cliches such as before?' and other well-wo break the ice. Stage 5. Touch: She look light touch on the arm, e hand touch indicates a hig on the arm. Each level of t the person is happy with th know that the first touch w ing or touching the shoul impression that the wom appearance. Shaking hand touch stage.These first five stages of coudental but they are critical toare the stages that most peThis chapter will examine thsent by men and women - an292
Language make an approach. Unfortunately,nsive to these signals, leaving theot interested in her.sits up straight to emphasise her gs or ankles to show them to best ding, she tilts her hips and tilts here shoulder, exposing her bare neck. up to six seconds — suggesting she r man. She may lick her lips, flick her clothing and jewellery. He'llch as standing up straight, pullingg his chest, adjusting his clothing,king his thumbs into his belt. They tire bodies towards each other.aches and attempts to make small s, 'Haven't I seen you somewhereorn lines that are purely intended toks for an opportunity to initiate aeither 'accidental' or otherwise. Agher level of intimacy than a touchtouch is then repeated to check thathis level of intimacy and to let them was not accidental. Lightly brush- der of a man is done to give theman cares about his health andds is a quick way to move to theurtship may seem minor or even inci- o starting any new relationship andeople, especially men, find difficult. he signals that are most likely to be nd Graham - during these stages.
Courtship DThe 13 Most Common FemGestures and SignalsWomen use most of the same basicincluding touching the hair, smootboth hands on hips, foot and body pextended intimate gaze and increwomen will also adopt the thumbalthough it's a male assertion gestusually only one thumb is tucked inta handbag or pocket. Something in the way sh Attracts me like no othe Something in the way sh GeoWomen become more sexually actimenstrual cycle, when they are moduring this time that they are modresses and higher heels, to walk,provocatively and to use the signalsWhat follows is a list of the 13 motures and signals used by women ethat she could be available.1.The Head Toss and Hair FlickThis is usually the first display a waround a man she fancies. The headhair over the shoulders or away frowith short hair will use this gesturesubtly to show that she cares aboutThis also lets her expose her armpperfume' known as pheromone toman.
Displays and Attraction Signalsmale Courtship preening gestures as men, thing the clothing, one or pointing towards the man,easing eye contact. Some bs-in-belt gesture, which, ture, is used more subtly: to a belt or protrudes from he moves er lover; he woos me... orge Harrison ive in the middle of their ost likely to conceive. It'sore likely to wear shorter talk, dance and act more s we are about to discuss.ost common courtship ges-everywhere to show a manwoman will use when she'sd is flicked back to toss the om the face. Even women e. It's a way for a woman t how she looks to a man. pit, which allows the 'sex waft across to the target 293
The Definitive Book of Body La Preening the hair in the armp2. Wet Lips and Pouting,At puberty, a boy's facial botestosterone gives him a stronose and more pronouncedprotection to the face durienemies. Girls' bone structuchild-like with more subcfemale adolescent face appethe lips. Larger, thicker lipfemaleness because of their cwomen have collagen injectesexual difference and thereby294
anguage r and letting pheromonespit work their magic Mouth Slightly Openone structure alters dramatically as onger, protruding jaw-line, largerd forehead - all the essentials for ing encounters with animals orure remains largely unchanged andcutaneous fat, which makes theear thicker and fuller, particularlyps therefore become a signal of contrast in size to male lips. Some ed into their lips to overstate thisy make themselves more appealing to men. Pouting simply increases the lip display. A woman's outer geni- tal lips are proportionately the same thickness to her facial lips. Desmond Morris describes this as 'self-mimi- cry', as it is intended to symbolise the female genital region. The lips can be made Sex sirens instinctively know how to use mouth and lip displays to get attention
Courtship Dito appear wet either by the use of salwoman the appearance of sexual inv When a woman becomes sexuallyand genitals become larger and reddeThe use of lipstick is an Egyptian insand years old and is intended to migenitals of the sexually aroused femaexperiments using photos of womencolours, men consistently find the brtive and sensual.3. Self-Touching MoAs stated earlier, our minds senget our bodies to act out our Selfsecret desires — and so it iswith Self-Touching. Womenhave dramatically more nervesensors for experiencing touchthan men, making them moresensitive to touch sensations.When a woman slowly and sen-sually strokes her thigh, neckor throat it infers that, if a manplays his cards right, he may beable to touch her in these sameways. At the same time, herself-touch lets her imagine whatit might feel like if the man wasinitiating the touch.4.The Limp WristWalking or sitting whilea submission signal usand gay men. In a simdamaged wing to distBirds will feign an injured wiattention; women use a Limp
isplays and Attraction Signalsliva or cosmetics, giving avitation.y aroused her lips, breasts er as they fill with blood.nvention that is four thou-imic facially the reddenedale. This explains why, inn wearing various lipstickright reds the most attrac-ost pictures of women innsual poses include plenty of f-Touching e holding a Limp Wrist issed exclusively by womenmilar way, a bird feigns atract prey away from itsing to getp Wrist 295
The Definitive Book of Body Lanest. In other words, it's a grtive to men because it makesIn business situations, howevfrom a woman's credibility aously, although some men w The stem of the 5. Fondliwine glass suggest- Fondlinging things that may wine gla phallic-sh yet come indication Taking a be a men When a w likely to s fondling any perso6. Exposed WristsAn interested woman will gunderside skin of her wristswill increase the rate shegrows. The wrist area hashighly erotic areas of the fe more d whethe innate uncons usually she's sp rettes simple holding The Ex Exposing the soft tures ar under side of the males wwrists is a powerful appeara attraction signal296
anguagereat attention getter. It's very attrac-s them feel as if they can dominate. ver, a Limp Wrist seriously detracts and others will fail to take her seri-will probably ask her for a date. ing a Cylindrical Object cigarettes, a finger, the stem of aass, a dangling earring or anyhaped object is an unconsciousn of what may be in the mind. ring off and on the finger can alsontal representation of having sex.woman does these things, a man is symbolically try to possess her by her cigarette lighter, car keys oronal item she has nearby. gradually expose the smooth, softs to the potential male partner and flashes her wrists as her interest long been considered one of theemale body because it is one of thedelicate skin areas; it's uncertainer this is a learned behaviour or is but it certainly operates on anscious level. The palms are alsoy made visible to the man whilepeaking. Women who smoke ciga- find this wrist/palm exposure to do while smoking by simplyg the palm up beside the shoulder. xposed Wrist and head toss ges- re often mimicked by homosexual who want to take on a feminine ance.
Courtship D Women put perfume on the undersit has something to do with the wrperfume. But its real purpose is totowards a potential partner. The pertion to the woman and lets the man7. Sideways Glance Over RaisedThe Raised Shoulder is self-mimicrbreasts. With partially drooped eyelman's gaze just long enough for him tlooks away. This action produces thewoman who does it and being peereceives it. Raising the shoulder highlight of roundness and c8. Rolling HipsFor childbearing reasons, women haand have a wider crotch gap betweenwhen a woman walks she has an acclights her pelvic region. Men can't waa powerful sex difference signal. Itwomen are good runners because thlegs splay out to the side when they rone of the subtle female courtship gefor centuries in advertising to sell gowho see these advertisements havemodel depicted, which results in an iproduct being promoted.
Displays and Attraction Signals side of the wrist believing rist pulse distributing theo thrust the wrist forward rfume simply draws atten- see her under-wrists. Shoulder ry of the rounded female lids, the woman holds the to notice, then she quickly e feeling of peeping in the eped at by the man who ts the femaleness curves ave wider hips than menn the legs. This means that centuated roll which high- alk like this, so it becomesIt also explains why fewheir wider hips make their run. Rolling of the hips is estures that has been usedoods and services. Women the desire to be like theincreased awareness of the 297
The Definitive Book of Body Lan Wiggling when y differences betw9.The Pelvic TiltMedical evidence shows thatmost capable of successfullyhips ratio of 70%, that is, herThis gives her what's knownout recorded history this is tmost dramatic male attentiinterest when the ratio exceegreater or lesser the ratio thepletely loses interest when hmaintains a level of interestbut 70% still remains thesuccess. The way a woman hsimply tilts her pelvis when s Tilting the pelvis wh woman's ability to be298
nguage you walk highlights theween men and woment a woman in excellent health andy bearing children has a waist-to- r waist is 70% the size of her hips. as an hourglass figure. Through-the body ratio that has proved the ion-grabber. Men begin to lose eds 80% and, for most men, the less attentive he will be. He com- her ratio reaches 100% but stillt even when it drops below 70%,e perfect ratio for reproductivehighlights this ratio is simple - sheshe stands. hile standing highlights a ear children successfully.
Courtship Disprofessor Devendra Singh, an evo-lutionary psychologist at theUniversity of Texas, studied thephysical attractiveness of MissAmerica beauty contestants andPlayboy centrefolds over a periodof 50 years and found that thehips-to-waist ratio that holds thegreatest appeal for men is between67% and 80%. Professor Singh conducted a testusing images of women who wereunderweight, overweight and ofaverage weight and showed themto groups of men who were askedto rate them in terms of theirattractiveness. Women of averageweight with a hips-to-waist ratioof around 70% were found to bethe most alluring. In the over-weight and underweight groups,the women with the narrowestwaist got the vote. The experiment'sthat men gave the 70% hips-to-waiseven when the woman's weight was qwoman can be physically larger but wif she has this ratio.10. Handbag in Close ProximityMost men have never seen the contenand studies show that most men arehandbag, let alone open it. A womanitem that's treated by her almost as ibody and so it becomes a strong signputs it close to a man. If she finds hishe may slowly fondle and caress hehim to pass the handbag or to even re
splays and Attraction Signals Kylie Minogue with a cocktail of the things all men love — long hair, neck display, 70% hips-to-waist ratio, open wet mouth, pouting, drooping eyelids, protruding breasts and rounded buttocks, self-touch- ing and Hand-on-Hip gesturess remarkable finding wasst ratio the highest ratingquite heavy. This means a will still turn male headsnts of a woman's handbag afraid even to touch hern's handbag is a personalif it's an extension of hernal of intimacy when sheim particularly attractive,er handbag. She can asketrieve something from it. 299
The Definitive Book of Body LPlacing the handbag near hstrong signal she's interestcates emotional distance.11.The Knee PointOne leg is tucked under thefinds the most interesting.also takes the formality ouopportunity for a fleeting e Po thel2.The Shoe FondleDangling the shoe on thealso indicates a relaxed attiphallic effect of thrustingout of the shoe. This actionmen without them knowinpening.300
Languagehim so he can see it or touch it is ated; keeping it away from him indi- Placing her handbag close to a man is a sign of acceptancee other and points to the person she. This is a relaxed position, which ut of a conversation and gives theexposure of the thighs.ointing her knee ate most interesting person end of the footitude and has the the foot in and n unsettles many ng what is hap- The shoe gives a clue
Courtship D The Leg-Twine: men's one female sitting pos 13.The Leg Twin Most men agree most appealing sit take. It's a gesture to draw attention t states that one leg other to give the tone, which, as p condition that the ready for sexual p Other leg signals used by womuncrossing the legs slowly in fronstroking the thighs with her handtouched. Without referring back to wha how many courting signals andWhat Men Look At in WomIn Why Men Lie & Women Cry (research about which body parts meach other. The research was clear —be attracted to women who show ttive ability and sexual availabilityshape, both men and women prefe
Displays and Attraction Signals s number sition ne that the Leg Twine is the tting position a woman can that women consciously use to their legs. Albert Scheflen is pressed firmly against the appearance of high muscle previously mentioned, is a body takes when a person isperformance. men include crossing andont of the man and gentlyd, indicating a desire to be at you have just read, gestures can you see?men's Bodies (Pease) we summarised themen and women look at on — men's brains are wired to the most healthy reproduc-y. When it comes to bodyer someone with an athletic 301
The Definitive Book of Body Lbody shape. To men, thiswoman's ability to successf Evidence shows that mena child-like face - large eye— because these signals evmost men. This is why moplaces so much emphasisversely, prefer men with addefend - strong jaws, larger Women with child-like fac in men that make thThe good news is that a wbeautiful to attract a man -edge over competitors - shethe signs that she could be awho are not particularly phhave plenty of suitors. Ovewoman by the signs of heattractiveness, and you casignals. Some women are abeing initially attracted to aand availability instead ofnurture, communicate, bepiano. They see discussionmodern women. But almost every study ilast 60 years reached the spoets and writers over the pance and body and what shto men than her intelligenccorrect twenty-first centurwants the same immediatefathers did at first sight, buWomen Cry, he has differen302
Language signals high levels of health and afully reproduce his genes.n are more attracted to women withes, small noses, full lips and cheeksvoke paternal, protective feelings inost advertising for cosmetic surgery on these features. Women, con- dult faces that show the ability to r brows and strong nose.ces cause the release of hormoneshem want to protect females.woman doesn't need to be naturally beauty certainly gives her an initiale mainly needs to be able to display available. This is why some women hysically attractive always seem to erall, a man is more attracted to aer availability than by her physical an learn and practise availabilityappalled at the idea of modern men a woman based on her appearance f wanting her for her ability toe a domestic goddess or play thens on this subject as degrading to into attraction conducted over the same conclusions as the painters,past 6000 years - a woman's appear-he can do with it is more attractivece or assets, even in the politicallyry. The twenty-first-century man e things in a woman as his fore- ut, as we said in Why Men Lie & nt criteria for a long-term partner.
Courtship D The reality is that you need to atcan find out about all your inner viryou bait the hook with what the fishlike. Have you ever tasted a worm?the thought but, for a fish, it's his faHow Beautiful People Miss OMost people are tempted to believe tthe key to attracting a potential paridea promoted by television, filmsattractive people are rare, and are erstandard to which we should all aspmost of us are sceptical about beaufound that we prefer to find mates wtive as we are, which means they arelook for a better offer. This preferencbabies show a preference for lookinthan at beautiful ones.Is He a Bum, Boobs or LegWhen it comes to a man's favouriteuniversally split into three fairly evand legs. In this section, we will be analysiacteristics of the female body and wimpact on the male senses. A womapermanent, portable sexual signpurpose-built to attract male attentbums, breasts and legs play the moprocess. This may not be politicallycally correct.
Displays and Attraction Signals tract a man first before hertues. When you go fishing h likes, not with what you You might be repulsed byavourite dish. Outthat physical appearance isrtner, but this is largely an and the media. Extremelyrroneously promoted as thepire, but studies show thatautiful people. The studieswho are roughly as attrac- more likely to stay and notce appears to be inborn, as ng at average faces rather Man? female body part, men areven groups - boobs, bumsing only the physical char-why each part has such anan's body has evolved as analling system which is tion for reproduction and ost significant part in thisy correct, but it is biologi- 303
The Definitive Book of Body L 1. Bums Men find rounded, peach-sh Female human buttocks d other primate females disp Female humans are the only primates with permanently enlarged buttocksalways give the impressioWomen's buttocks also havefor breastfeeding and act astimes, similar to a camel's h Wearing designer jeans hashighlight the buttocks and givheeled shoes make the weabuttocks, and make her wiggdraws male attention. Marilyquarters of an inch (2cm) off ther wiggle. The females of stheir rears in front of potentia304
Language haped buttocks the most attractive.differ from other primates in thatplay enlarged, protruding buttocks only when they are ready for mating. Human females display enlarged buttocks permanently and are almost always sexually available to males. This is because one of the main purposes of regular human sexual activ- ity is to encourage long-term pair-bonding for the success- ful rearing of children. Humans are the only pri- mates that mate face-to-face — in other primate species, the males approach females from the rear and use her swollen red buttocks as a signal that she's ready for mating. And therein lies the key to men's attraction to women's bums - theyon that she's available for him.e two other purposes: they store fat an emergency food storage in leanhump.s also become popular because theyve them a firm, rounded look. High-arer arch her back, push out hergle when she walks, which invariablyyn Monroe reputedly chopped three- the heel of her left shoe to emphasiseseveral species of beetle also wiggleal mates to attract attention.
Courtship Di2.The BreastsMost of the world has developed anrecent years and cleavage and cosmenow a multi-billion dollar business. Tering that human breasts are little mglands. Most of the breast consists of fatheir rounded shape and most of thimilk production.Overall, breasts serve one clear purpBreasts mimic a woman's rear viewwhen humans walked on all fours.walked towards you on twolegs you'd be unable to tellwhether it was male or female.Humans walk upright on twolegs and enlarged femalebreasts evolved as a mimic ofthe female rear. Tests con-ducted with pictures of bumcracks and breast cleavageconvincingly show that mostmen are unable to differentiateone crack from the other.Tests show that most men can't tell thedifference between a bum crack andcleavage
isplays and Attraction Signals obsession with breasts in etic breast enhancement is This is remarkable consid- more than enlarged sweatat tissue. This gives them is tissue is not involved in pose — sexual signalling.w — a relic from the days . If a monkey or chimp 305
The Definitive Book of Body L Low-cut dresses and push creating cleavage. Fortunate show that men love breasts cleavage that stimulates m whether a woman's breasts look like watermelons - m them all and love a cleavag man is likely to lean forwar body, which presses her brea BEFORE Mona Lisa afterMen's favourite breasts are threproductive peak - in her latare typical of the breasts seenerotic dancers and in advertis Researchers at Purdue Unwoman hitchhiker can doubleby increasing her bust sizepadding.306
Language h-up bras emphasise this signal by ely, nearly all sex research surveyss in most shapes and sizes - it's themen the most. It doesn't matters are the size of a small lemon ormost men are keenly interested inge. A woman who is attracted to ard and bring her arms closer to her asts together and makes a cleavage. AFTER two weeks in the USAhose of a woman at her sexual and te teens and early twenties. Thesen in men's magazine centrefolds, onsements that trade on sex appeal.niversity in America found that ae the number of lifts she is offerede by adding 2 inches (5cm) of
Courtship DisWhen Someone is 'Hot Stuff'The core temperature for the humaFahrenheit but the skin temperatureemotional state. As mentioned edescribed as 'cold' and 'stand-offishcally cooler people because their bloand arm muscles for the 'fight or flitension. So when you call someone aon both the emotional and physicalone person is attracted to another,surface of the skin, making them wawho are in the 'heat of passion', give'steamy encounters' and can be 'hotthis increase in body temperature cawill become flushed or covered in redalso flush. If you're a man, you jus money's worth in the la 3.The Lure o There is a bio love women's reaches pubert lengthening a body and cha Her extra long non-verbal sig sexually matu of childbearin have always potent female Supermodels and disproportionate retained their pub
splays and Attraction Signalsan body is 98.6 degrees varies depending on ourearlier, people who areh' are usually also physi-ood is drawn into the legight' response created by 'cold fish' you are correct levels. Conversely, when their blood rises to thearmer. This is why loverse a 'warm embrace', havet stuff. In many women,an be seen as their chests blotches and their cheeksst got yourast section. of Long Legs ological reason why mens long legs. When a girl ty, her legs undergo rapidas hormones flood herange her into a woman. g legs become a powerful gnal telling males she isuring and is now capableng. This is why long legs been associated withe sexuality. filmstars have bodies that havebescent long legs 307
The Definitive Book of Body LMen love high heels on asion of having fertile-loowoman's sexual shape byback, forcing her buttockssmaller and thrusting her pwith the highest heel — theby far the most efficient se High heels lengthe buttocks swayMost men also prefer a wothose with thinner, spindlylegs highlights the sex diffeand is an indicator of bettto look athletic but willcould play football for EngMale Courtship SignMale displays involve the syou're a woman, you'll psummary of male courtship308
Language woman because it gives her the illu- oking legs. High heels enhance ay lengthening her legs, arching her to protrude, making her feet appear pelvis forward. This is why the shoe e stiletto - with its bondage straps, is ex aide on the market. en a woman's legs, make her and her breasts protrude. oman with shapely, thicker legs over y legs, because additional fat in the erence between male and female legs ter lactation. Men like women's legs be turned off if she looks like she gland. Models such as Elle MacPherson and Rachel Hunter turned female attraction signals into a multi-million dollar businessnals and Gestures show of power, wealth and status. Ifprobably be disappointed with our p signals because, compared to those
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