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Hand and Thumb Gestures on, such as open palms, d so on. Let's say that he other person begins other positive gestures er person the solution en given the go-ahead r hand, if the Steeple gestures such as armd hand-to-face gestures,ay 'yes' or that he can Steeple registers confi-and the other negative g the Steeple are therevealing your emotions stures can be difficult to sed and rehearsed to a ontrol over where yourWhen you learn to read nt, feel more successful er ive gesture - it's a posi-urtship. It's used mainly gay men who want to ention. A woman willn top of the other and a man as if it was on aadmire. 135

The Definitive Book of Body L If you are going to use fgives the green light for it.Holding Hands BehinThe Duke of Edinburghof the British Royal Familing with head up, chin ouhand behind the back.leaders and royalty and isthe beat, the headmasterground, senior military perauthority. Back an superioritThe emotions attached todence and power. Thestomach, heart, crotch anfearlessness. Our experienction when you are in a hinterviewed by newspapedentist's surgery, you'll bauthoritative, as a result o Our work with law enfo136

Languageflattery - sincere or not - this gesture. nd the Back and several other male membersly are noted for their habit of walk- ut and one hand holding the other This gesture is common among s used by the policemen patrollingr walking around the school play- rsonnel and anyone in a position ofnd front views of the ty-confidence gestureo this gesture are superiority, confi- person exposes their vulnerablend throat in a subconscious act ofce shows that, if you take this posi-high-stress situation, such as beinger reporters or waiting outside a begin to feel confident and evenof cause and effect. orcement officers showed that offi-

Hcers who don't wear firearms use thisoften rock back and forth on the ballsing to gain additional height. Police offseldom use this gesture, preferring totheir side or to have their thumbs tucfirearm gives the officer sufficient powbehind the back is not a necessary disp The Hand-Gripping-Wrist gesture coemotion to Palm-in-Palm behind the batration and an attempt at self-controother wrist or arm tightly behind the bby one arm to prevent the other from s The Ha gestureThe higher up one hand grips the oppotrated or angry the person is likely tobelow the person is showing a greaterthan in the previous picture, because tupper arm, not just the wrist. This gestthe expression, 'Get a good grip on yo The Up

Hand and Thumb Gesturess position regularly and of the feet when stand-ficers who wear firearms let their arms hang bycked into the belt. The wer that Palm-in-Palmplay of authority.ommunicates a differentack. It's a signal of frus-ol. One hand grips theback, as if in an attempt striking out. and-Gripping-Wristeosite arm, the more frus-o be. In the illustrationr attempt at self-controlthe hand is gripping the ture shows the origin ofourself.' pper Arm Grip 137

The Definitive Book of Body LWrist-and-arm-gripping bobserved outside a courtroface, in salespeople standand in patients waiting fornervousness or self-restraiit, change to the Palm-in-Pbegin to feel more confideThumb DisplaysAs mentioned earlier, thumthe thumbs represent strenbody language signals invimportant attitudes. Thumassertiveness or sometimetures are secondary gesturThumb displays are positivpose of the 'cool' individuity. A man will use Protwhom he is attracted and ptige clothing also display tlow-status individual, suchThumb displayers also oftegive the impression of extr 38

Language behind the back can often beoom when warring parties are face toding in a customer's reception area a doctor. It's an attempt to disguiseint and, if you catch yourself doing Palm behind the back and you willent and in control.mbs denote superiority. In palmistry, ngth of character and the ego, andvolving the thumbs also show self-mbs are used to display dominance,es aggressive attitudes; thumb ges-res and are usually part of a cluster. ve signals, often used in the typicalual who uses them to show superior-truding Thumbs around women topeople who wear high-status or pres- their thumbs. You will rarely see ah as a vagrant, doing it. The Waistcoat Thruster en rock on the balls of their feet tora height.

Hfhumbs-Protruding-from-Coa Thi men they tion Prin ges con the ron wal the bos who wal non wou fronPrince Charles using his Thumb- TProtruding-from-Coat-Pocket gesture beco perstory verbal message. Take, for exampleto the jury and in a soft, low voiceopinion, ladies and gentlemen ...' whiland tilting back his head to 'look down A lawye to be hu

Hand and Thumb Gesturesat-Pocket is gesture is common to n and women who feel y are in a superior posi-n to others. It's one of nce Charles' regularstures and reveals the in-ntrol attitude he feels at time. In a work envi-nment, the boss will lk around the office in position and, when thess is away, the person o is next in charge will lk around using it. Butne of the subordinates uld dare to use it innt of the boss.Thumb displays can ome obvious when a son gives a contradic- e, the lawyer who turnse says, 'In my humblele displaying his thumbs n his nose' at them. er pretending umble 139

The Definitive Book of BodThis can make the juryor pompous. If a lawyerapproach the jury withstoop forward to appear 'You seem like lawyer said smugl said the witThumbs sometimes probelow) as if the persontude. Women were rarely1960s when they beganauthoritative roles in soc Thum confidenArms-Folded-with-Thumcommon thumb cluster.defensive or negative attattitude revealed by the tusually gestures with histhe balls of his feet when 40

dy Language feel that the lawyer is being insincere r wanted to appear humble, he should his coat open, with open palms and r smaller. an intelligent, honest man,' the ly. 'I'd return the compliment, sir,' tness. 'But I'm under oath.' otrude from the back pockets (see is trying to hide their dominant atti- y seen using Thumb Displays until then to wear trousers and take on more ciety. mb displays revealing nt, authoritative attitudesmbs-Pointing-Upwards is another This is a double signal, showing a titude (folded arms), plus a superior thumbs. The person using this cluster thumbs when he talks, and rocks on n standing.

Closin but stThe thumb can also be used as a sispect when it is used to point at anotthe husband who leans across to his fwife with his thumb and says 'She alargument with her. In this case, the sa pointer to ridicule her. Consequentltating to most women, particularly wThumb Shaking gesture is not coalthough they sometimes use the gethey don't like. 'She alSummaryIhe thumbs have been used as a signfor thousands of years. In Roman timdown meant life or death to a gladtraining, others intuitively decode thunderstand their meaning. You are noto decode thumb signs, but to train y

Hand and Thumb Gestures ng himself off till feeling superior ignal of ridicule or disre-ther person. For example, friend, points towards hislways nags', is inviting an shaking thumb is used as ly, thumb-pointing is irri- when a man does it. The ommon among women, esture to point at people lways nags me!' n of power and authoritymes, the thumb held up ordiator. Even without anyhumb signals and seem tonow in a position not only yourself to use them. 141

C EVALU DECEI Decoding H Bill Clinton i what do yIf you told the absolute trwhat would be the result?through your mind as youwould it bring? For examp To your boss: 'Good m Man to a female cus Susan, and may I say wh Woman to a male neig my groceries. You've got a your hair?' To your mother-in-law interfering, negative oldWhen a woman asks, 'Doeis your answer? If you arefor you, you'd say she loothinking, 'The dress does142

Chapter 7UATION AND IT SIGNALS Hand-to-Face Gestures in front of the Grand Jury - you think he's thinking? ruth to everyone you interacted with, ? If you said the exact words going ou thought them, what consequences ple: morning, boss — you talentless slob.' stomer: 'Thanks for your business, hat wonderful firm breasts you have.' ghbour: 'Thanks for helping me with a nice tight butt but who the hell cuts w: 'It's nice to see you again — you, bat.' es this dress make me look fat?' what e a man, and you know what's good oked good. But you might have been sn't make you look fat - it's all the

Evcake and ice cream you eat that makes if you told everyone the complete tnotonly end up lonely, you might evenprison. Lying is the oil that greases ourand lets us maintain friendly social rcalled White Lies because their goal is tfortable instead of telling them the coshows that social liars are more popultinually tell the truth, even though welying to us. Malicious Lies, however,deliberately sets out to deceive anotherLying ResearchThe least dependable signs of lying arperson has the most control, such as wcan rehearse their lies. The most reliabgestures a person makes automatically,or no control over them. These respohappen during lies because they areimportant things to the liar. Robert Feldman at the UniversityAmherst studied 121 couples as they ha third person. One third of the paappear likeable, while another third wcompetent, and the rest were asked juParticipants were then asked to watchand identify any lies they had told durmatter how big or small. Some lies wsaying they liked someone when they rlies were more extreme, such as falselyof a rock band. Overall, Feldman founticipants told an average of two to threJames Patterson, author of The Day Ainterviewed over 2000 Americans and fularly both at home and at work.

valuation and Deceit Signalss you look fat.'truth all the time, you'dn finish up in hospital orr interactions with othersrelationships. These are to make others feel com-old, hard truth. Research lar than those who con-e know the social liar is , are where one person r for personal the ones over which awords, because a personble clues to lying are the , because they have littleonses are most likely toe emotionally the mosty of Massachusetts in had a conversation witharticipants were told towere instructed to seemust to be themselves. All the video of themselvesring the conversation nowere white lies, such asreally didn't, while othery claiming to be the star nd that 62% of his par-ee lies every ten minutes.America told The Truth,found that 91% lied reg- 143

The Definitive Book of Body L 'It is always the be unless of course you J.So how can you tell when sthinking it over? Recognboredom and evaluation gimportant observation skilyou'll learn the body languThe first part of the chapteThe Three Wise MonThese monkeys symboliseand speak no evil. Their simbasis of the human deceit gsee, speak and hear lies orcover our mouth, eyes or e Hear no evil, sPeople who hear bad newsoften cover their entire facestop themselves from seeingwas the gesture that was144

Languageest policy to speak the truth, are an exceptionally good liar.' .K.JEROME someone is lying, stalling or simply nition of deceit, procrastination,gestures can be some of the most lls you can learn. In this chapter, uage signals that give people will deal with lying and deceit.nkeys those who hear no evil, see no evilmple hand-to-face gestures form the gestures. In simple terms, when we deceit, we are likely to attempt toears with our hands. see no evil, speak no evils or witness a horrific accident willce with their hands to symbolicallyng or hearing the awful news. Thiss most observed worldwide when

Evapeople heard about the planes flying in11 September 2001. As we've already discussed, childrengestures openly when they lie. If a childcover his mouth with one or both handthe deceitful words from coming out.listen to a reprimanding parent, he simphis hands to block out the noise. Whendoesn't want to look at, he covers hisarms. As he becomes older, thesebecome quicker and less obvious, but this lying, covering up or witnessing dece These gestures are also associated witexaggeration. Desmond Morris conducnurses were instructed to lie to their patin a role-play situation. The nurses whofrequency of hand-to-face gestures thatruth to the patients. Men and women anumber of gulps of saliva when lying, buable only with men, as they have an enl 7 did not have sexual relations w said the politician as he gulped andAs mentioned at the beginning of this bgestures in isolation and discussing theis not how they usually occur. They arecluster and should be studied in the sasentence, that is, how each word is relevthe overall context in which they are usea hand-to-face gesture, it doesn't alwayslying. It does indicate, however, thatholding back information and furthergesture clusters can confirm or denyimportant that you avoid interpretinggesture in isolation.

aluation and Deceit Signalsnto the Twin Towers onn often use hand-to-faced tells a lie, he will oftends in an attempt to stop If he doesn't want to ply covers his ears with n he sees something he eyes with his hands or hand-to-face gestures hey still occur when heeit. th doubt, uncertainty oructed research in whichtients about their health o lied showed a greater an those who told the also both increase their ut this is usually notice-larged Adam's apple.with that woman,'d rubbed his, we'll be analysingem individually but thise part of a larger gestureame way as words in a vant to other words anded. When someone usesys mean that he or she is t the person could be r observation of othery your suspicions. It'sg a single hand-to-face 145

The Definitive Book of Body L While there is no single gsion or twitch that confirmseveral clusters you can leacally increase your chancesHow the Face RevealThe face is used more thanup lies. We use smiles, nodup, but unfortunately for usand there is a lack of congand facial signals. Our attirevealed on our faces andmost of the time. Fleeting inco reveal confWhen we're going to try toflashes into our mind, it canface. We usually interpretitch, or that when they resdeeply interested in us, wboring them to death. Focussing how well he got onhe mentioned her name thmomentary sneer that lastvolumes about how he realWomen Lie the BestIn Why Men Lie & Womwomen are better at readinmanipulating others with a146

Language guaranteed movement, facial expres-ms someone is telling a lie, there are arn to recognise which will dramati- s of spotting a lie.als the Truthn any other part of the body to cover ds and winks in an attempt to cover s, our body signals will tell the truth gruence between our body gestures itudes and emotions are continuallyd we are completely unaware of itongruencies in the face flicts in the emotions.o conceal a lie, or a certain thought n be shown for a split second on our someone's quick nose touch as an st their hand on their face they arewithout ever suspecting that we'reor example, we filmed a man dis- n with his mother-in-law. Each time he left side of his face raised in a ted only a split second but told us lly felt. t and That's the Truth men Cry (Pease) we showed howng emotions, and therefore better at an appropriate lie. This trait is seen

Evin baby girls who cry in sympathy withen cause other babies to cry by simpwill. Sanjida O'Connell PhD, authorducted a five-month study into how wethat women are far better liars thanwomen tell more complicated lies thansimple lies such as 'I missed the busbattery was flat — that's why I coulfound that attractive people are moretive ones, explaining why leaders suchBill Clinton were able to get away withWhy It's Hard to LieAs we said in Chapter 3, most peosomeone is lying they smile more thshows the opposite is true — they smilelying is that the subconscious mindindependently of our verbal lie, so ouraway. This is why people who rarely teregardless of how convincing they mathey begin to lie, their body sends ouand these give us a feeling that they'rDuring the lie, the subconscious menergy which appears as a gesture thwas said. Professional liars, such as poland television announcers, have refinedthe point where it is difficult to 'see' thit, hook, line and sinker. They do it in one of two ways. First,like the right gestures when they tell thewhen they have practised telling a lot oof time. Second, they can reduce theirdon't use any positive or negative gethat's also hard to do.

valuation and Deceit Signals ith other babies and can ply bursting into tears at r of Mindreading, con- e lie and also concluded n men. She found that n men, whereas men tell s' or 'My mobile phone ldn't call you.' She also believed than unattrac- as John F Kennedy and h as much as they did. ople believe that when han usual, but research e less. The difficulty with acts automatically and r body language gives us ell lies are easily caught, ay sound. The moment ut contradictory signals, re not telling the truth.mind sends out nervous hat can contradict what liticians, lawyers, actorsed their body gestures tohe lie, and people fall for they practise what 'feel' e lie, but this only works of lies over long periods r gesturing so that they estures while lying, but 147

The Definitive Book of Body L With practic convincinTry this simple test - tell aface and make a consciousEven when your major bopressed, numerous smaltransmitted. These includeand contraction of pupils,ing rate increasing from 10blinks per minute and mandeceit. Research using slowmicro-gestures can occur wpeople such as professionavery perceptive who can re It's obvious then, that toto have your body hiddeinvolves placing the personhim under lights with histors; his lies are much easieLying is easier if you're sittis partially hidden, peerinclosed door. The best wayemail. E L 1 T br tr th Th 48

Language ce, liars can become ng, just like actors. a deliberate lie to someone face-to- effort to suppress all body gestures ody gestures are consciously sup- ll micro-gestures will still bee facial muscular twitching, dilation sweating, flushed cheeks, eye-blink- blinks per minute to as many as 50ny other micro-signals that indicatew-motion cameras shows that these within a split second and it's onlyal interviewers, salespeople and theead them. be able to lie successfully, you needen or out of sight. Interrogationn on a chair in the open or placing body in full view of the interroga- er to see under those circumstances. ting behind a desk where your bodyng over a fence or from behind a to lie is over the telephone or in anEight of the Most CommonLying Gestures1.The Mouth CoverThe hand covers the mouth as the rain subconsciously instructs it tory to suppress the deceitful wordshat are being said. Sometimes this he Mouth Cover

Egesture might only be several fingers oclosed fist, but its meaning remains th Some people try to disguise the Mgiving a fake cough. When actors playthey often use this gesture when discuwith other gangsters or when being inso that the audience knows they're best. If the person who is speaking usesthat they could be lying. If they coveare speaking, it can show they might fthing. One of the most unsettling sigcan see is his audience using this gestA speaker should stop and ask, 'Wouquestion?' or 'I can see some people dtions.' This allows the audience's objethe open, giving the speaker the oppoments and answer questions, just as htheir arms crossed. The Mouth Cover may appear as igesture where one finger is placed vergesture would likely have been used bfather when he was a child. As an adan attempt to tell themselves not tofeeling. The point is that it alerts yobeing withheld. If your p used this were a c chance i adult re

Evaluation and Deceit Signals over the mouth or even ahe same.Mouth Cover gesture by y gangsters or criminals, ussing criminal activitiesnterrogated by the police,being secretive or dishon- this gesture, it indicateser their mouth while you feel you are hiding some-ghts a conference speaker ture while he's speaking.uld someone like to ask adisagree. Let's take ques-ections to be brought into ortunity to qualify state- he would do if they had innocuous as the 'Shhh'rtically over the lips; thisby the person's mother ordult, the person uses it ino say something they're ou to something that is parents or minders s gesture when you child, there's a good it's now in yourepertoire 149

The Definitive Book of Body Lan 2.The Somet severa may b nose t with s to avo TheThe Nose Touch that th in clus couldScientists at the Smell andFoundation in Chicago founknown as catecholamines arthe nose to swell. They useshow blood flow in the bodyalso causes an increase in bindicates that the human noduring lying, and is known ablood pressure inflates the noin the nose to tingle, resultinnose with the hand to satisfy You can't see the swelling wappears to cause the Nose Toenon occurs when a person isAmerican neurologistAlan Hirsch and psychia-trist Charles Wolf did anextensive analysis of BillClinton's testimony to theGrand Jury on his affairwith Monica Lewinsky andfound that, when he told thetruth, he rarely touched his'I did not have sexual relationswith that woman!' 50

nguagee Nose Touch times the Nose Touch can beal quick rubs below the nose or itbe one quick, almost imperceptibletouch. Women perform this gesturesmaller strokes than men, perhapsoid smudging their make-up.e important thing to remember is his type of action should be read sters and in context; the person have hay fever or a cold. d Taste Treatment and Researchnd that when you lie, chemicals re released, causing tissue insideed special imaging cameras that y to reveal that intentional lying blood pressure. This technologyose actually expands with bloodas the 'Pinocchio Effect'. Increased ose and causes the nerve endingsng in a brisk rubbing action to they the 'itch'.with the naked eye but this is what ouch gesture. The same phenom- s upset, anxious or angry.

Evanose. When he lied, however, he gavbefore he answered and touched hisminutes for a grand total of 26 nose toClinton did not touch his nose at all wfully, they said. Studies with Body Imaging cameraman's penis also swells with blood whethe Grand Jury should have pulledinstead. Grand Jury prosecutor: 'Mr Clinton crosstheroad?' Bill Clinton: 'What do you mean by define chicken please? And I did not cr chicken.'3. What About an itchy Nose?The itch of a person's nose is normallyate rubbing or scratching action, asstrokes of the Nose Touch gesture. Asthe Nose Touch can be used both by theown deceit and by the listener who doubAn itch is usually an isolated repetitivgruent or out of context withconversation. 4.The Eye Rub 'See no evil,' s monkeys. When look at somethin with one or both doesn't want to tasteful, the Eye The Eye Rub is 'I just can't see it' block out the decthing it sees, or to avoid having to lperson who is being lied to. Men usual

aluation and Deceit Signalsve a split-second frown nose once every four ouches. Conversely, Billwhen he answered truth-as have revealed that a en he tells a lie. Maybed Bill's trousers downn - why did the chicken y chicken? Could you ross the road with that y satisfied by a deliber-s opposed to the light with the Mouth Cover, e speaker to disguise his bts the speaker's gesture and is incon- the person's overall said one of the wise a child doesn't want to ng he'll cover his eyesh hands. When an adult look at something dis- Rub is likely to occur. the brain's attempt toceit, doubt or distastefullook at the face of the lly rub their eyes vigor- 151

The Definitive Book of Body Lously and if the lie is a realWomen are less likely to uuse small, gentle touchingthey either have been conrobust gestures, or to avoavoid a listener's gaze by lo 'Lying through your teerefers to a gesture cluster ocombined with the Eye portray insincerity and bywho prefer not to tell you e 5.T Im $9 loo sou as 'he'I don't want to hear it.' he aroearlobe. This is the adult vgesture used by the child wreprimands. Other variationthe back of the ear, the Fiscrewed back and forth insibending the entire ear forwa The Ear Grab can also benough or may want to spEar Grab is used by a pePrince Charles often usesTouch when he enters a rolarge crowd. His anxiety iseen a photo or film footaghe is in the relative safety o In Italy, however, the Esomeone is effeminate or g

Languagel whopper they will often look away.use the Eye Rub - instead, they will motions just below the eye, becausenditioned as girls to avoid makingoid smudging make-up. They alsoooking away. th' is a commonly used phrase. It of clenched teeth and a false smile,. This gesture is used by movie actorsy 'polite' cultures such as the English, xactly what they're thinking.The Ear Grab agine you tell someone, 'It only costs 00 and the person grabs their ear,oks away to the side and says, 'Itunds like a good deal to me.' This issymbolic attempt by the listener toear no evil': trying to block the words is hearing by putting the handound or over the ear or tugging at theversion of the Hands-Over-Both-Earswho wants to block out his parent's ns of the Ear Grab include rubbinginger Drill — where the fingertip iside the ear, pulling at the earlobe or ard to cover the ear hole. e a signal that the person has heardpeak. As with the Nose Touch, theerson who is experiencing anxiety. both the Ear Grab and the Noseoom full of people or walks past ais revealed here and we have neverge of him using these gestures whenof his car.Ear Grab is used to indicate thatgay.

E 6.The N The index writing h of the nec observatio the perso five timesShowing uncertainty scratches ever morea signal of doubt or uncertainty andperson who says, 'I'm not sure I agrwhen the verbal language contradictsperson says something like, 'I can ubut the Neck Scratch indicates they d 7.The Colla Desmond Mo to discover t sensation in neck tissues, required to sGetting hot under accounts for the collar uncertain wi presents a go some peoplethey lie and suspect they have beeblood pressure from the deceit causneck when the deceiver feels that youthe truth. It also occurs when a person is feand needs to pull the collar away fromto let the cool air circulate. When ygesture, ask, 'Could you repeat that,clarify that point, please?' This cdeceiver to give the game away.

Evaluation and Deceit SignalsNeck Scratch x finger — usually of thehand — scratches the side ck below the earlobe. Our ons of this gesture revealon scratches an average ofs. Rarely is the number of less than five and hardly e than five. This gesture is d is characteristic of the ree.' It is very noticeable it, for example, when the understand how you feel' don't. ar Pull orris was one of the first that lies cause a tingling the delicate facial and and a rub or scratch was satisfy it. This not only r why people who are ill scratch their neck, itood explanation as to why use the Collar Pull whenen caught out. Increasedses sweat to form on the u suspect he's not telling eeling angry or frustrated m his neck in an attemptyou see someone use this , please?' or, 'Could youcan cause the would-be 153

The Definitive Book of Body L 8. Fingers-in-the-Mouth This is an unconscious att security of the child suckin when a person feels under his thumb or a blanket for h he puts his fingers to his m pens and glasses, and chew ReassuraMost Hand-to-Mouth gestdeception but the Fingersindication of an inner neperson guarantees and assuEvaluation and ProcrA good speaker is said towhen his audience is interealso tell when his listeners hson senses when he is hittfinding out where the buyknows the empty feeling thapresentation to someone wh154

Languageh tempt by the person to revert to the ng on his mother's breast and occurs pressure. A young child substitutes his mother's breast and, as an adultmouth and sucks on cigarettes, pipes'ws gum. ance is needed here tures can be connected to lying or s-in-Mouth gesture is an outwardeed for reassurance so giving theurances is a positive move.rastination Gestures be one who 'instinctively' knows ested in what he's saying and can have had enough. A good salesper- ting his client's 'hot buttons' andyer's interest lies. Every presenterat results when he or she is giving a ho says very little and just sits there

Evwatching. Fortunately, there are a numandHand-to-Chin gestures that can beto test how hot or cold the other personthe speaker how well he is doing.BoredomWhen the listener begins to use his hait is a signal that boredom has set in ais an attempt to hold his head up to sasleep. The degree of the listener's boextent to which his arm and hand areusually begins with the chin being sand then by the fist as interest shown when the head is fully suppillustration), and the ultimate boredomhead is fully supported by the handsevident. The the h fromDrumming the fingers on the table anthe feet on the floor are often misintespeakers as boredom signals, but in fayou are addressing a group of peoplestrategic move must be made to get thetapper involved in the conversation toon the other listeners. Any audienceand impatience signals together is telltime for him to end.

valuation and Deceit Signalsmber of Hand-to-Cheeke used as a thermometer n's attitude is, and to telland to support his head, and his supporting handstop himself from falling oredom is related to thee supporting his head. Itsupported by the thumb Extreme lack of interestported by the hand (seem signal occurs when the and snoring sounds aree hand supporting head to stopm falling asleep nd continual tapping of erpreted by professionalact signal impatience. If and see these signals, a e finger drummer or foot avoid his negative effecte that displays boredomling the speaker that it is 155

The Definitive Book of Body L 'Do you talk in your s 'No,'came the reply.'TThe speed of the finger orthe person's impatience —tient the listener is becominEvaluation GesturesEvaluation is shown by acheek, often with the indexperson begins to lose interested for courtesy's sake, thof the palm supports the hMiddle managers often usecompany president who is gtunately for them, howevesupport the head in any wpresident is likely to feel thinsincere or using false flatt 56

Language sleep?' he asked the speaker.Then please don't talk in mine.' foot tap is related to the extent of the faster the taps, the more impa- ng. closed hand resting on the chin orx finger pointing upwards. When the rest but still wants to appear inter-he position will alter so that the heelhead as boredom sets in. Interested evaluation— the head supports itself and the hand rests on the cheeke this gesture to feign interest to the giving a dull, boring speech. Unfor- er, as soon as the hand begins toway, it gives the game away and thehat some of the managers are being tery. Having negative thoughts

Ev Genuin when t the che head s finger cheek the chi negativ about subject finger eye as continuHe's heard enough or This is not impressed taken but thunder the chin tells the truth abouHolding a gesture cluster affects a plonger a person holds it, the longer thremain. This gesture clusteris a signal that immediateaction is required by thespeaker, either by involvingthe listener in what he issaying or by ending theencounter. A simple move,such as handing somethingto the listener to alter hisPose, can cause a change inattitude.Rodin's The Thinker showed athoughtful, evaluative attitude,but the body posture and handsupporting the head also reveal adejected person

valuation and Deceit Signalsne interest is shownthe hand lightly rests oneek and is not used as asupport. When the index points vertically up the and the thumb supportsin, the listener is havingve or critical thoughts the speaker or hist. Sometimes the index may rub or pull at thes the negative thoughts ue.s gesture is often mis- as a signal of interest, he supporting thumbut the critical attitude.person's attitude so theheir critical attitude will 157

The Definitive Book of Body LaThe Lying IntervieweWe interviewed a man whofor a position with our cohe kept his arms and legsclusters, had very little paquently. Something was othe early stages of the ininformation for an accurgestures. We asked questionhis native country. His anrubbing and nose-touchingaway. We eventually decidewe had seen as opposed to wabout his deceit gesturesoverseas referees, we discovmation about his past. Hein another country probablseas references and, had wlanguage cues and signals,of hiring him.Chin StrokingThe next time you have thea group of people, watch thand you may notice that moface and use an evaluation gof your presentation and askgestions about your ideas, tstop and a Chin Stroking gthe signal that the listenemaking process. 58

anguageeeo had arrived from abroad to applyompany. Throughout the interviews crossed, used critical evaluationalm use and he looked away fre- obviously worrying him, but innterview we didn't have sufficientrate assessment of his negative ns about his previous employers in nswers included a series of eye- gestures and he continued to looked not to hire him, based on what what he had said. We were curious and when we checked with hisvered that he had given false infor- assumed that a potential employer ly wouldn't bother to check over- we not been aware of the body we could have made the mistakee opportunity to present an idea tohem carefully as you give your ideaost will bring one hand up to theirgesture. When you come to the endk the group to give opinions or sug-the evaluation gestures will usuallygesture begins. This Chin Stroke iser is going through the decision-

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