Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp 187 UP/S/RAN Sadan Samal (BombaTxuc 188 UP/S/SAMN (Ougania ootuneusis) UP/S/SAMN UP/S/SAMN UP/S/SAMN UP/S/SAMN 189 UP/S/SAMS 190 UP/S/SAN 191 UP/S/SOH 192 UP/S/SUH 193 UP/S/SURA 194 UP/S/SURS UP/S/SURS UP/S/SURS 195 UP/S/VIJ 196 UTT/N/COR 197 UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN UTT/N/GAN 198 UTT/N+S/GOV UTT/N+S/GOV UTT/N+S/GOV UTT/N+S/GOV UTT/N+S/GOV UTT/N+S/GOV UTT/N+S/GOV UTT/N+S/GOV UTT/N+S/GOV 199 UTT/S/ASK 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 ucnei(bTao)ona ciliataH)arar (TerminaliBaachheerbau(lTae) rminSailriasb-Aelelurziczaia) odoratisma, Haldu-Adina cordifolia 17
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK Erosion Annual Unknown UTT/S/ASK 1.862 UTT/S/ASK Dam 1995 UTT/S/ASK 0.056966 UTT/S/ASK Development activities (micro hyde1l9p8r5ojects) Approximat UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK Fire Annual 0.4 UTT/S/ASK 453 UTT/S/ASK Grazing Annual Negligible UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK Habitation Annual 2 200 UTT/S/BIN Mining Since 1990 120 7.00 NTFP collection Annual Tourism Annual Pilgrimage Annual Cultivation Annual Development activities (roads) Annual 47.07 Fire 1999 UTT/S/BIN Dam 1992-94, 1996-98 4.70 15.00 UTT/S/BIN Grazing Throughout the year Throughout the year 4.23 UTT/S/BIN NTFP collection 1962-74 UTT/S/BIN Cultivation, habitation Since 1950s 201 UTT/S/BINO 3.3874 202 UTT/S/SON 301.1 Dam (Ramganga reservoir) UTT/S/SON Grazing UTT/S/SON Habitation UTT/S/SON Cultivation UTT/S/SON NTFP collection 203 WB/N/GOR 79.45 Nil 204 WB/N/NEO 88 205 WB/N/SUN 2585 Floods Every year 2585.00 WB/N/SUN Cyclone Every year 2585.00 WB/N/SUN Erosion Every year 2585.00 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 Askot, Dharchula Degradation, others (certain floral species are destroyed) 2 Dharchula 6 Dharchula Degradation, poor regeneration ang changes in habitat types. telEy n2t5irehaA.skot is at risk Others (loss of forest area) Askot, Dharchula Askot, Dharchula Population decline, degradation,Ppionoer regeneration, changes in habitat types. 4 Askot, Dharchula 3 Askot, Dharchula Degradation, poor regeneration, population decline. Askot, Dharchula 2 Degradation, poor regeneration, Gchrasnsgeess in habitat types. Askot, Dharchula 0 Askot, Dharchula Poor regeneration, others (general disturbance) 0 Binsar (pine forest) Population decline, degradation, poor regeneraion. Binsar (streams and nallas) Unknown Unknown 0 Binsar (Mix forest) Degradation, poor regeneration, general disturbance. 0 Binsar Binsar Degradation, poor regeneration, changes in habitat types. 3 Palain, Maidavan, Adnala Degradation Pine Sonanadi Others-Growth of Alvius nadida in river beds and upstream of check dams. Others-Soil erosion, poor Pine, mainly regeneration due to grazing Negligible, as only dead wood & some fruits are extracted. Local extinction Sal Sheesam Khair Population decline and poor regeneration Degradation, poor regeneration 0 Mainly sea face Ecosystem is damage Keora 0 Mainly sea face Eco-system is damages (Sonneratia 0 Mainly sea face apetala) 18 Sundari (Heritiera fomes) Bhola (Hibiscus)
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK UTT/S/ASK 200 UTT/S/BIN UTT/S/BIN UTT/S/BIN UTT/S/BIN UTT/S/BIN 201 UTT/S/BINO 202 UTT/S/SON UTT/S/SON UTT/S/SON UTT/S/SON UTT/S/SON 203 WB/N/GOR 204 WB/N/NEO 205 WB/N/SUN WB/N/SUN WB/N/SUN 51
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 19
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Area of Activity Years Area the PA Affected WB/N/SUN WB/S/BAL Others (Including Fish & Non Every year 2585.00 206 WB/S/CHA Entry of sweet water) 1.30 207 WB/S/HAL 2.021 None 1987,1993,1996,1997,1 208 WB/S/LOT 9.492 998,1999 5.95 NA From time inmemorial 209 WB/S/RAI 38 210 WB/S/RAM 211 WB/S/SEN 1.3 Floods 0.1431 No 38.88 Illegal collection of firewood 52
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers Ranges Impact Species1 Species2 Species3 0 Mainly sea face Gila (Enjada scandens) 0 Wildlife Range Population decline,Disease Sissoo(Dalbe Entire sanctuary rgia sissoo) 20
Table 1.19: Human Activities and Other Natural Phe Note: All values for area Sno PA code Species4 Species5 Sp WB/N/SUN WB/S/BAL 206 WB/S/CHA 207 WB/S/HAL 208 WB/S/LOT 209 WB/S/RAI 210 WB/S/RAM 211 WB/S/SEN 52
enomenon Having an Impact on the Flora of the PAs are in square kilometers pecies6 Species7 Species8 Species9 21
Table 1.20: Forest Fires in PAs 522
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area 1 AP/N/MAH Affected Ranges 2 AP/N/MRU 14.59 No 3 AP/N/VEN 4 AP/S/GUN 2.8 No 525.97 NP Yes 1194 Yes 5 AP/S/KAW 893 NO Yes 5 times Jannaram, Indanpa 357.63 NP Tadlapet, Birsaipet 6 AP/S/KOU Yes 1994 200 Kaddam, Pembi. 4.58 Palamaner and AP/S/KOU 590.68 NO 1995 9 1.2 Kuppam AP/S/KOU Palamaner and AP/S/KOU 1996 6 0.2 Kuppam AP/S/KOU 1997 7 AP/S/NEL 1998 All ranges 8 AP/S/PAP Yes 5 2 Chennur, Nilwai 9 AP/S/POC 130 No 4 2 Mamthani and Nee Miao and Gandhig 10 AP/S/PRA 136 NO Yes 2 10 Wildlife Ranges. 11 AP/S/SIW 29.81 NO Yes 142.5 All ranges Yes 1998 12 ARU/N/NAM 1985.245 NO Yes Every year 3 1 Mehao Yes 1995 13 ARU/S/DER 190 52 14 ARU/S/MEH 281.5 YES
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark External and internal fire lines mantained. Additional watch and ward during dry No fires have occurred due to season. fire control operations and strict patrolling. Fire control and fire tracing operations are being carried out with available forests Yes - details not avaliable Maintenance of existing fires lines It is basically teak dominated dry deciduous forest. Home fires are caused commonly ally, due to mahua Fire control measures are being practised to t, Mahua collectors cause collectors and cattle prevent the fires along existing and new fire the fire. herders while grazing. lines in the sanctuary. Due to trespassers and All are ground fire, no sheperd men. damage effected to the plant growth Due to trespassers and All are ground fire, no sheperd men. damage effected to the plant growth Podu, biotic interference Affects regeneration Fire tracing is being done annually Fire lines 200 kms with 3 mtrs width, No equipment used elwai Mahua collectors will Due to fire accidents Local methods like brush wood beatings are Fire Grid lines of 3m width have gram come and fire while regeneration is used to control the fires been formed from one end to collecting the Mahua affected leaf fallen on the other end,by forming flowers. the ground is burnt Increased patrolling in the park sectors of 20-25 ha each in the which is a source of months of March Mahua flower collectors fodder during the Fire line cutting in the fire prone areas will cause summer No provision exists except watch and ward query response for control fires.Pedestrian and duty by daily wage labourers. measures cattle graziers also Due to repeated fires cause fires regeration is affected Destruction of habitat Slash and burning for with lasting gaps and cultivation which is done negative effect on by encroachers and burrowing animals. nearby hamlets. Habitat as well as animals are damaged Human - either (extent not recorded) intentional/deliberate or Loss of flora and unintentional fauna Man made 23
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Old data- New Data Year of Area Affected Ranges Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires ARU/S/MEH 7 0.5 Mehao ARU/S/MEH 1996 5 ARU/S/MEH 2 0.2 Mehao ARU/S/MEH 1997 10 0.75 Mehao 15 ARU/S/YOR 1998 16 ASS/N/NAME 2 Mehao 1999 445.975 No 200 17 ASS/N/ORA 78.8 No North and south 18 ASS/S/BAR 26.21 Yes 1 4.5 ranges 19 ASS/S/GIB 19.16 NP Yes 1999 20 CHD/S/SUK 26.11 YES Yes 2 0.02 Kansal and Nepli 21 CHT/N/KAN 200 YES Yes 1995-96 100 60 Throughout the pa CHT/N/KAN 1996-97 100 60 Throughout the pa CHT/N/KAN 1997-98 100 60 Throughout the pa CHT/N/KAN 1998-99 100 60 Throughout the pa 52
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Man made Man made Loss of flora and Man made fauna Man made Loss of flora and fauna Loss of flora and fauna Loss of flora and fauna No such steps taken so far, as the area is yet to be brought under scientific management Fire set by villages Controlled burning of grass occasionally lands is taken up every year as Intentional fires set by a part of grass land graziers management for Rhino habitat The fires spread from For last two year no fire lines have been cut adjoining areas in Punjab and Haryana. Controlled by fire line cutting During summer season i.e. April, May and June, fire watcher are engaged to check the incidence of fire. Fire lines are also prepared and maintained. Habitat loss in the pinch period (Summer), herbivora population affected, All deliberately lit by ingress of weeds, The length of the fire line is 299 km. Fire tribals as burning is their regeneration of flora watchers are engaged during the fire season The area given is an ark tradition affected and continuous patrolling is done. approximation Habitat loss in the pinch period (Summer), herbivora population affected, All deliberately lit by ingress of weeds, The length of the fire line is 299 km. Fire tribals as burning is their regeneration of flora watchers are engaged during the fire season ark tradition affected and continuous patrolling is done. Habitat loss in the pinch period (Summer), herbivora population affected, All deliberately lit by ingress of weeds, The length of the fire line is 299 km. Fire tribals as burning is their regeneration of flora watchers are engaged during the fire season ark tradition affected and continuous patrolling is done. Habitat loss in the pinch period (Summer), herbivora population affected, All deliberately lit by ingress of weeds, The length of the fire line is 299 km. Fire tribals as burning is their regeneration of flora watchers are engaged during the fire season ark tradition affected and continuous patrolling is done. 24
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges CHT/N/KAN 1999-2000 100 Throughout the pa 22 CHT/S/ACH 551.552 Yes Annually Along the PWD roa 1 all ranges 23 CHT/S/BAD 104.45 Yes 1998 1 0.01 Compartment No 3 CHT/S/BAD 558.55 YES 1999 Compartment No 3 24 CHT/S/SIT 237.27 Yes 1996-97 358, 368, 369, 372 23.99 YES 6 0.15 373 CHT/S/SIT 1997-98 Risgaon and Sitan CHT/S/SIT 1998-99 1.14 Range CHT/S/SIT 1999-2000 0.13 Sitanadi Range CHT/S/SIT 2000-2001 0.24 Sitanadi Range 25 CHT/S/UDA Yes 1996-97 Risgaon and Sitan CHT/S/UDA 1998-99 0.17 Range CHT/S/UDA 1999-2000 CHT/S/UDA 2000-2001 0.04 Risgaon Range 26 GUJ/N/BAN Yes 1994/95 6 0.23 Udanti GUJ/N/BAN 1995/96 1 0.02 Udanti GUJ/N/BAN 1996/97 12 0.26 Udanti GUJ/N/BAN 1997/98 40 3.02 Udanti GUJ/N/BAN 1998/99 5 0.14 Bansda national pa 8 0.17 Bansda national pa 5 0.21 Bansda national pa 1 0.03 Bansda national pa 4 0.08 Bansda national pa 52
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark ark All deliberately lit by Habitat loss in the The length of the fire line is 299 km. Fire Data filled in during the field ad in tribals as burning is their pinch period watchers are engaged during the fire season visit. Original Q1 has not tradition (Summer), herbivora and continuous patrolling is done. responded to this question 366 population affected, 355, Biotic pressures and ingress of weeds, There are fire lines and fire watchers are 2, natural causes like regeneration of flora employed. There are 22 EDCs and money nadi friction in bamboos affected for fire control is given to them to employ fire watchers. nadi Started by villagers for Negligible NTFP Collection and for The total length of fire lines in the PA is getting a better flush of Only fallen dry leaves 237.622 km. Other measures include grasses etc and twings are burnt clearing of fire lines, fire watching by FPCs of forest villages. No equipment is used for fire Started by villagers for Only fallen dry leaves fighting. NTFP Collection and for and twings are burnt. getting a better flush of The total length of fire lines in the PA is grasses etc Only dry leaves and 237.622 km. Other measures include grasses were burnt clearing of fire lines, fire watching by FPCs of NTFP Collection by forest villages. No equipment is used for fire villagers Only dry leaves and fighting. grasses were burnt NTFP Collection by (1) Fire lines are cut and burnt (2) Labour villagers Only dry leaves and engaged to watch and ward (3) All staff are grasses were burnt alerted and ordered to carry out frequent NTFP Collection by patrolling villagers Only dry leaves and grasses were burnt (1) Fire lines are cut and burnt (2) Labour NTFP Collection by engaged to watch and ward (3) All staff are villagers Only dry leaves and alerted and ordered to carry out frequent grasses were burnt patrolling NTFP Collection by villagers (1) Fire lines are cut and burnt (2) Labour engaged to watch and ward (3) All staff are alerted and ordered to carry out frequent patrolling (1) Fire lines are cut and burnt (2) Labour engaged to watch and ward (3) All staff are alerted and ordered to carry out frequent patrolling (1) Fire lines are cut and burnt (2) Labour engaged to watch and ward (3) All staff are alerted and ordered to carry out frequent patrolling ark Accidental Only dry leaves, grass Fire line works were carried out. Fire guards ark Accidental etc. were burnt round the clock were deployed ark Accidental ark Accidental Only dry leaves, grass Fire line works were carried out. Fire guards ark Accidental etc. were burnt round the clock were deployed 25 Only dry leaves, grass Fire line works were carried out. Fire guards etc. were burnt round the clock were deployed Only dry leaves, grass Fire line works were carried out. Fire guards etc. were burnt round the clock were deployed Only dry leaves, grass Fire line works were carried out. Fire guards etc. were burnt round the clock were deployed
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Old data- New Data Year of Area Affected Ranges Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires 27 GUJ/S/RAT 55.65 Yes 1996 36 0.64 Kanjeta GUJ/S/RAT 1997 62 0.58 Kanjeta GUJ/S/RAT 1998 32 1 Kanjeta GUJ/S/RAT 1999 68 1.5 Kanjeta GUJ/S/RAT 7.584 NP 2000 27 0.38 Kanjeta 28 HAR/S/BIRS 100 NP Yes 2 0.35 Pinjore 29 HAR/S/KAL Yes 1995 1 20 Kalesar 1 20 Kalesar HAR/S/KAL 1996 1 20 Kalesar HAR/S/KAL 1997 1 20 Kalesar HAR/S/KAL 1998 1 20 Kalesar HAR/S/KAL 1999 30 HAR/S/SAR 44.02 NP Yes 1998-99 1 0.04 HAR/S/SAR 46.5857 NO Yes 1999 1 0.03 31 HP/S/DAR 2 2.1 Dofda 32 HP/S/DHA 943.98 NP Yes 1995-96 1 0.12 Keori beat of Uhl ra HP/S/DHA 1997-98 HP/S/DHA 1998-99 2 0.03 Keori beat of Uhl ra HP/S/DHA 1999-2000 2 0.27 Keori beat of Uhl ra Bir and Keori beat 6 0.7 Uhl range 33 HP/S/GAM 109 YES Yes 1999 1 0.06 Langera 52
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Accidental fire Ground fire which Preparation of fire lines, Keeping fire burns leaf litter and watchmen, local people's co-operation. Accidental fire dry grass. Accidental fire Ground fire which burns leaf litter and Accidental fire dry grass. Accidental fire Ground fire which Unknown burns leaf litter and Due to dry areas and dry grass. grass in the summer Due to dry areas and Ground fire which grass in the summer burns leaf litter and Due to dry areas and dry grass. grass in the summer Due to dry areas and Ground fire which grass in the summer burns leaf litter and Due to dry areas and dry grass. grass in the summer By engaging labour By engaging labour and asking for help from local villagers By engaging labour and asking for help from local villagers By engaging labour and asking for help from local villagers By engaging labour and asking for help from local villagers By engaging labour and asking for help from local villagers Natural The artificial plantations of eucalyptus were burnt Eradication of saccharinia Natural The artificial Eradication of saccharinia Negligence by local plantations of people eucalyptus were burnt Firelines were constructed and fire watchers were engaged ange Accidental Regeneration affected ange Accidental About 4000 saplings Fire watchers are employed in the fire ange Accidental of Robinia and Ban season. Controlled burning is done. There is of as well as grasses a 1.5 km. long fireline at Bir-Keori. were affected. Accidental Negligible Fire watchers are employed in the fire Accidental season. Controlled burning is done. There is a 1.5 km. long fireline at Bir-Keori. 8000 saplings of Kail, Fire watchers are employed in the fire Robinia and grasses season. Controlled burning is done. There is were affected a 1.5 km. long fireline at Bir-Keori. 8000 Saplings of Fire watchers are employed in the fire Deodar, Chir, Darek season. Controlled burning is done. There is etc. were affected a 1.5 km. long fireline at Bir-Keori. Inspection paths act as fire lines. Clearing of It was a surface fire fire lines is undertaken. Fire watchers are with minimal impact on employed depending on availability of the PA. budget. 26
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area 34 HP/S/KAL Affected Ranges 35 HP/S/RUP 69.47 NO Yes 1999 2 0.15 Kalatop-Khajjiar HP/S/RUP 269.15 YES Yes 1996 3 0.65 Bhaba HP/S/RUP 4 1.51 Bhaba 36 HP/S/SHI 90.37 NO 1998 5 4.3 Rupi and Bhaba HP/S/SHI 1999 1 1 Karsog Yes 1995 7 24 Karsog 1999 37 JHA/S/HAZ 186.255 NO Yes 1995 0.35 Entire PA JHA/S/HAZ 50.8093 NO 1996 0.38 Entire PA 250 NO JHA/S/HAZ 1997 0.06 Entire PA 880.02 YES JHA/S/HAZ 1998 0.04 Entire PA JHA/S/HAZ 1999 0.06 Entire PA 38 JHA/S/PAR Yes 1995 0.08 Parasnath 0.02 Parasnath JHA/S/PAR 1996 6 0.03 Wildlife Range Ana 39 KAR/N/ANS Yes 1995 4 0.02 Wildlife Range Ana 5 0.03 Wildlife Range Ana KAR/N/ANS 1996 3 0.01 Wildlife Range Ana KAR/N/ANS 1997 2 0.02 Wildlife Range Ana KAR/N/ANS 1998 45 89.19 KAR/N/ANS 1999 24 16.67 40 KAR/N/BAND Yes 1995-96 19 18.87 KAR/N/BAND 1996-97 61 13.26 KAR/N/BAND 1997-98 KAR/N/BAND 1998-99 52
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Accidental Grasses were burnt There are fire lines and fire watchers are Near drought conditions led to Set off deliberately by engaged to control fires. There is a need for more spread of fires in 1999 local people Degdradation and a wireless system to prevent and fight fires Set off deliberately by changes in habitat effectively. local people Set off deliberately by Degdradation and A 3 km fire line exists in Rupi Range. Fire local people changes in habitat watchers are engaged. Villagers are asked to help in fire fighting operations Deliberate Degdradation and changes in habitat A 3 km fire line exists in Rupi Range. Fire Deliberate The fire caused watchers are engaged. Villagers are asked to damage to 100 help in fire fighting operations saplings of Deodar The fire caused A 3 km fire line exists in Rupi Range. Fire extensive damage to watchers are engaged. Villagers are asked to the PA help in fire fighting operations Forest employees and local bodies help to fight fire. There are also fire lines in the PA. No special equipment is used to fight fire. Forest employees and local bodies help to fight fire. There are also fire lines in the PA. No special equipment is used to fight fire. Mahua flower collection Affects both flora and A fire line of 10 km in length was cut in 1985. and careless pedestrians fauna to some extent But it is not maintained regularly. Another fire line of 10 km in length was cut in 1999. In addition, fires are fought/controlled by staff and labour manually. Mahua flower collection Affects both flora and and careless pedestrians fauna to some extent Mahua flower collection Affects both flora and and careless pedestrians fauna to some extent Mahua flower collection Affects both flora and and careless pedestrians fauna to some extent Mahua flower collection Affects both flora and and careless pedestrians fauna to some extent Unknown People Only dry leaves and Forest staffs with the help of villagers dry grasses burnt controlled the fire Unknown People Only dry leaves and Forest staffs with the help of villagers dry grasses burnt controlled the fire ashi Accident and Mischief Ground fire, Forest Engaging fire watchers, fire teraccing, Fire damage is negligible line 86 K.M. Green twigs ashi Accident & Mischief Ground fire, Forest damage is negligible ashi Accident & Mischief Ground fire, Forest damage is negligible ashi Accident & Mischief Ground fire, Forest damage is negligible ashi Accident & Mischief Ground fire, Forest damage is negligible 27
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges 41 KAR/N/BANN 104.27 Yes 1996-97 10 8 All over 1997-98 15 13 All over KAR/N/BANN 1998-99 17 15 All over KAR/N/BANN 1999-2000 19 14 All over KAR/N/BANN 2000-2001 Harohally (2), Anek KAR/N/BANN No 5 9 (2), Project(1) 42 KAR/N/KUD 600.324 Yes 1994 Veeranahosally, 5 20 Metikuppe, DB Kup 43 KAR/N/NAG 643.392 YES 1995 Anechaukur, KAR/N/NAG 1996 Kallahalla, 4 15 Veeranahosally KAR/N/NAG 1997 Veeranahosally, KAR/N/NAG 1998 Antharasanthe, Yes 2 8 Metikuppe KAR/N/NAG 0.885 NO Yes 1995 13.5 NP Veeranahosally, D 44 KAR/S/ADI 1996 3 10 Kuppe, Antharasan 1997 45 KAR/S/ARA 1998 Metikuppe, KAR/S/ARA 1999 Anechowkur, KAR/S/ARA 5 20 Veeranahosally KAR/S/ARA Yes 1995 0.02 Adichunchanagiri KAR/S/ARA 1996 4 3 Arabitittu Sanctuar 46 KAR/S/BHA 492.46 NO 6 2 Arabitittu Sanctuar 4 3 Arabitittu Sanctuar KAR/S/BHA 6 4 Arabitittu Sanctuar 0 0 Arabitittu Sanctuar 12 1 Lakkavalli, Muthod 10 0.98 Hebbe, Thanigeby 52
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Accidental Ground fire no impact About 300 kms of fire lines are maintained along the boundary & game roads & fire controlled by deploying fire watchers to combat fire if occurred by using the network of wireless, roads, communication & vehicles, for transports. Accidental Ground fire No impact Accidental Ground fire no impact Accidental Ground fire no impact In villages kal Ground fire no impact Demarcation line. Fire lines to a tune of An almost same area gets burnt Men made for various 1800kms. Fire watchers to watch and ward every year. ppe reason All the fires was during summer season. Caution and publicity ground fires, damage among the public. DB Men made for various to crown was Every year fire lines are made to extent of nthe reason negligible. 1763 kms in Nagarahole NP. Near by 270 All the fires was tribal fire watchers are employed to beet the ry Men made for various ground fires, damage fire in traditional method using green broom. ry reasons to crown was ry negligible. 10 kms of firelines around the sanctuary and ry Men made for various All the fires was inside the sanctuary ry reasons ground fires, damage About 30-40 Km fire line has been cleared di to crown was and fire watchers were engaged during fire yle Men made for various negligible. season to extinguish accidental fire reasons All the fires was Accidental fires by ground fires, damage pilgrims to crown was negligible. Incidental fires All the fires was ground fires, damage to crown was negligible. Habitats gets effected Ground cover fire Nature of fire occurrence There were no Clearance of Demarcation line-236 kms, and is only ground fire casualties of wild fireline clearance to an extent of 500 kms, animals. The grass and engaging watchers to the fire combat and leaf litters were squad are the main steps taken to prevent destroyed due to fire fires. Nature of fire occurrence There were no is only ground fire casualties of wild animals. The grass and leaf litters were destroyed due to fire 28
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges KAR/S/BHA 1997 9 0.97 KAR/S/BHA 1998 8 0.95 Hebbe, Thanigeby KAR/S/BHA 181.29 NO 1999 6 0.93 47 KAR/S/BRA 475.018 YES Yes 1999 7 0.8 Srimangala 48 KAR/S/DAN Yes 1994-95 39 0.33 Wildlife Range Kul KAR/S/DAN 1995-96 KAR/S/DAN 1996-97 WLR Phansoli & KAR/S/DAN 1997-98 34 0.33 Kumbarwada KAR/S/DAN 1998-99 WLR Phansoli & 20 0.25 Kumbarwada WLR Phansoli & 23 0.26 Kumbarwada WLR Phansoli & 45 0.25 Kumbarwada 49 KAR/S/KAV 526.95 No 50 KAR/S/MEL 49.82 NO Yes 1995 2 0.9 Narayanadurga SF KAR/S/MEL 247 1996 1 0.7 Narayanadurga SF KAR/S/MEL 1997 1 0.6 Narayanadurga SF KAR/S/MEL 1998 1 0.5 Narayanadurga SF KAR/S/MEL 1999 1 0.5 Narayanadurga SF 51 KAR/S/MOO No Nugu Wildlife 2 Sanctuary 52 KAR/S/NUG 30.32 NO Yes 53 KAR/S/PUS 92.66 No 52 54 KAR/S/SHE 395.6 No
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Nature of fire occurrence There were no By clearing & burning firelines by engaging No severe fires are noticed and is only ground fire casualties of wild firewatchers, patrolling by staff etc. only few grassy patches are animals. The grass burnt during summer and are and leaf litters were About 200 kms of fire lines are cleared r extinguished in time. destroyed due to fire Fire lines are being traced well in advance at vulnerable places so that no accidental fire No fire incidents There were no occurs. Also fire watchers are engaged during summer to put off any accidental fire casualties of wild 500 Kms fire lines as precaution animals. The grass About 50 km of firelines are cleared just before the summer and fire watchers are Nature of fire occurrence and leaf litters were engaged to put off accidental fire during summer yle is only ground fire destroyed due to fire Fire lines, fire watchers Fire line and 'D' line ,engaging fire watchers, Nature of fire occurrence There were no fire protection camps and deploying is only ground fire casualties of wild vichels.Length of 'D' line=574 kms, length of Human animals. The grass fire line = 830 kms. and leaf litters were destroyed due to fire Grassland lgi Fire by miscreants Only ground fire no forest wealth or wildlife damaged Fire by miscreants Only ground fire, no forest wealth or wildlife damaged Fire by miscreants Only ground fire, no forest wealth or wildlife damaged Fire by miscreants Only ground fire, no forest wealth or wildlife damaged Fire by miscreants Only ground fire, no forest wealth or wildlife damaged every year, and fire watchers are employed during summer months/ season who beat the fire with bushes & extinguish the fire. F Accidental Fire Ground Fire F Accidental Fire Ground Fire F Accidental Fire Ground Fire F Accidental Fire Ground Fire F Accidental Fire Ground Fire Accidentally Spread of exotic weeds and reduction of regeneration 29
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges 55 KAR/S/SOM 88.97 No Annually 56 KER/N/ERA 100 according to the Entire PA 57 KER/S/ARA 55 1 5 Chinnar Yes WII study 58 KER/S/CHIN 90.442 NO No Yes 1997 59 KER/S/WAY 344.44 NO Yes 1994 0.7 All ranges KER/S/WAY 1995 3.82 All ranges KER/S/WAY 1996 17 0.07 Muthanga KER/S/WAY 1997 Sulthan Bathery an 8 0.63 Kurichiyat 60 MAH/N/AND 625.4 NP Yes 1994 MAH/N/AND 1995 Compartment MAH/N/AND 1996 11 25.76 number:22 MAH/N/AND 1997-98 MAH/N/AND 1998-99 Compartment 61 2.35 number:55 Compartment 131 42.71 number:96 Compartment 58 24.71 number:56 Compartment 130 45.84 number:109 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Demarcation line. Fire lines to a tune of 140 No forest fires severely occurred kms. Fire watchers to watch and ward during in the last five years. summer season.Keeping in touch with adjoining fire service station,caution to the public. People from tea estates, tribal agricultural fields and tourists Tourists Burning of the Clearing fire lines=85 km., engaging people grassland for fire protection. There are about 190 kms of fire lines. 20 fire watchers are employed for 4 months every year. Fires are fought by beating them with bushes. Man-made Value of loss was 518 kms of firelines were laid in 1998-99. estimated to be Rs. Hundred fire mazdoors were engaged. 3,000.00 Sixtyone awareness camps were held. Equipments used are rocker punpsets, shovel, rake and other implements to beat fires Man-Made 518 kms of firelines were laid in 1998-99. Hundred fire mazdoors were engaged. Sixtyone awareness camps were held. Equipments used are rocker punpsets, shovel, rake and other implements to beat fires Man-Made Value of loss was 518 kms of firelines were laid in 1998-99. estimated to be Rs. Hundred fire mazdoors were engaged. 71,820.00 Sixtyone awareness camps were held. Equipments used are rocker punpsets, shovel, rake and other implements to beat fires nd Value of loss was 518 kms of firelines were laid in 1998-99. Man-Made estimated to be Rs. Hundred fire mazdoors were engaged. 25,000.00 Sixtyone awareness camps were held. Equipments used are rocker punpsets, shovel, rake and other implements to beat fires Not known Ground fire,weed 1984- Modern forest fire control project.Total becomes hardy & the length of firelines-990.131kms(length of Not known grassland shrinks. 20mtrs.-313.776kms, 13mtrs.-192.04kms, 10mtrs.-472.840kms, 5mtrs.-11.550kms) Not known Ground fire,weed becomes hardy & the Not known grassland shrinks. Not known Ground fire,weed becomes hardy & the 30 grassland shrinks. Ground fire,weed becomes hardy & the grassland shrinks. Ground fire,weed becomes hardy & the grassland shrinks.
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Old data- New Data Year of Area PA Area 1984-87 Affected Ranges Sno PA code 133.884 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires 61 MAH/N/NAV 4.82 MAH/N/NAV Yes 1989 23 3.12 MAH/N/NAV MAH/N/NAV 1990 18 6.7 4.61 MAH/N/NAV 1991 19 62 MAH/N/PEN 1992 15 MAH/N/PEN MAH/N/PEN 257.26 YES 1993 29 5.21 MAH/N/PEN Yes 1994-95 29 42.62 East and west Pen MAH/N/PEN 103.09 19 11.37 East and west Pen 63 MAH/N/SAN 127.11 NP 1995-96 24 36.66 East and west Pen 1996-97 64 MAH/S/AMB 82.94 NP 1997-98 8 20.62 East and west Pen 104.38 1998-99 10 5.74 East and west Pen 65 MAH/S/ANE Yes SGNP,Yeur 66 MAH/S/BHA Yes 1998 52 Yes 1999-00 Sule round Compartments- No 0.7 988,1002 & 980 67 MAH/S/BHI 130.78 Yes 1995-96 5 Bhimashankar MAH/S/BHI 61.1 YES 1996-97 9 Bhimashankar MAH/S/BHI 1997-98 0 Bhimashankar MAH/S/BHI 1998-99 1 Bhimashankar MAH/S/BHI 1999-2000 1 Bhimashankar 68 MAH/S/BOR Yes 1997 1 3 Bor Sanctuary MAH/S/BOR 1998 1 1 Bor Sanctuary 69 MAH/S/CHAN 308.97 Yes 1996-97 1 0.25 Nandoli village are MAH/S/CHAN 1997-98 2 2.5 Khandalapur area MAH/S/CHAN 1998-99 Khandalapur, Chandoli, Nivale, 4 17 Dhakale 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark loss of Rs 4500 nch Accidental/ manmade loss of Rs 8800 Laying of internal and external fire lines,fire nch Accidental/ manmade fighting squads,fire observation tower, fire is nch Accidental/ manmade Damage to flora and extinguished with tree branches(beating) nch Accidental/ manmade fauna nch Accidental /manmade Damage to flora and Forest fighters(Mannual) fauna Vandalism, Jatra Damage to flora and fauna Not known Damage to flora and Manmade/Hunting fauna poaching Damage to flora and fauna Burns grass and Use of human resource to extinguish the fire causes damage to natural crop 14kms length. Equipment used- by beating with shrubs & green tree branches Degradation Outer boundary of the forest and 16kms roads inside PA- fire lines have been taken- 20mtr.patch is burnt mannually every year. Fire protection scheme is prepared & implemented every year.A total length of 172.36km is cut & burnt under this scheme 1. External firelines around the area and internal firelines along roadsides taken, 2. Fire watchers are appointed during 15th February to 31st May, '3. Length of fire lines is as follows-external firelines-40km., internal firelines-15 km., 4. No special equipments are used for fire fighting. Ground fire,dry leaves Accidental have been burnt. Protection,Fire watchers & firelines Accidental Ground Fire,dry ea Local people leaves have been Local people burnt. Local people Ground fire-burning of Fire tracing works, extinguishing the fires 31 leaf litter and small wherever seen. Length of fire line taken seedling. every year is internal 185 km and external 90 km. Fire lines are taken manually. Fire in Malki lands (ground fire) Fire in Malki lands (improvement in grasses)
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Old data- New Data Year of Area Affected Ranges Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires MAH/S/CHAN 133.23 NP 1999-2000 Nivale, Tanali, 70 MAH/S/CHAP Yes 1995 1 12 Khandalapur areas Nil MAH/S/CHAP 1996 17 6.53 Chaudampalli MAH/S/CHAP 1997 21 1.74 Chaudampalli MAH/S/CHAP 1998 3 0.08 Chaudampalli MAH/S/CHAP 2.17 1999 15 4 Chaudampalli Yes 1991 71 MAH/S/DEU 1 0.2 MAH/S/DEU 1996-97 4 72 MAH/S/GAU 260 NP Yes 1995 All three ranges bu maximum in Chalis MAH/S/GAU 1996 5 2 due to pilgrim traffi MAH/S/GAU 1997 All three ranges bu maximum in Chalis MAH/S/GAU 1998 5 2 due to pilgrim traffi MAH/S/GAU 8496.41 1999 All three ranges bu 73 MAH/S/GRE Yes 1998-99 maximum in Chalis 5 2 due to pilgrim traffi MAH/S/GRE 1999-2000 MAH/S/GRE 2000-2001 All three ranges bu maximum in Chalis 5 1.5 due to pilgrim traffi All three ranges bu maximum in Chalis 10 10 due to pilgrim traffi 1 Nannaj 8 Nannaj 1 0.005 Nannaj 74 MAH/S/GYA 203.56 NP Yes 1997-98 12 4.45 Buldhana & Khamg 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark s Local people Fire in Malki lands, Fire protection scheme is prepared & Nil improvement in implemented every year.A total length of Unknown grasses (leaf litter 252.4km is cut & burnt under this scheme Unknown burning). Unknown Unknown Nil The forest floor was burnt due to ground fire. The forest floor was burnt due to ground fire. The forest floor was burnt due to ground fire. The forest floor was burnt due to ground fire. Ground fire Yet to be evaluate Fire protection measures taken every year, all along periphery and roads-3 meters fire lines. Document-H (part-I), page 32 ut Degradation of PA sgaon ic Accidental & Man made ut Degradation of PA sgaon ic Accidental & manmade ut Degradation of PA sgaon ic Accidental & manmade ut Degradation of PA sgaon ic Accidental & manmade ut Degradation of PA sgaon ic Accidental & manmade Document-J gaon Man made Migration of wild animals, degradation of their habitat & the regeneration of grass species has been affected 32
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges MAH/S/GYA 361.71 NO Yes 1998-99 Buldhana & 4.27 YES 14 3.77 Khamgaon 75 MAH/S/KAL Yes 1996-97 73.69 NP Harishchandra(1),B MAH/S/KAL 5.145 1997-98 12 dardara(11) MAH/S/KAL 1998-99 Harishchandra(3),B MAH/S/KAL 1999-2000 6 dardara(3) 76 MAH/S/KAR Yes 1994-95 MAH/S/KAR 1995-96 Harishchandra(1),B MAH/S/KAR 1996-97 3 dardara(2) MAH/S/KAR 1997-98 1 Bhandardara MAH/S/KAR 1998-99 3 0.12 77 MAH/S/KAT Yes 1997 MAH/S/KAT 1998 4 0.21 MAH/S/KAT 1998-99 1 0.04 78 MAH/S/MAY Yes 1999-2000 4 0.13 Akola 3 0.12 Akola 1 79 MAH/S/NAG 152.81 YES Yes 1996-97 43 65.95 Nagzira MAH/S/NAG 1997-98 7 0.71 Nagzira MAH/S/NAG 29.9 1998-99 27 10.83 Nagzira 12.35 NP Yes 1999 11 5 Beed 80 MAH/S/NAI Yes 1998-99 81 MAH/S/NAR 5 Narnala Yes 1995 82 MAH/S/PAI 324.64 NP 53 1996 MAH/S/PAI
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Man made Migration of wild Total 25kms fire lines have been taken(3 mtr. Bhan animals, degradation Length) Bhan of their habitat & regeneration of grass space has been affected. Bhan Unknown Ground fire Fires have been extinguished manually. Unknown Ground fire Unknown Ground fire Tendu leaf,Moha flower Ground flora burning Fire line scheme is under process Tendu leaf,Moha flower Ground flora-burning Internal and external fire lines. Internal lines along road side and external along periphery. Loss of food & ground cover, temporary migration of Laying of internal and external fire lines,fire animals & disturbance fighting squads,fire observation tower fire is Man made to breedings sites. extinguished with tree branches(beating) Man made Loss of food & ground cover, temporary migration of animals & disturbance to breedings sites. Man made Loss of food & Manmade ground cover, Unknown temporary migration of animals & disturbance 33 to breedings sites. Degradation of PA Due to paucity of funds limited number of firelines have been taken-fire lines of 3 Regeneration mtrs(width)over 10kms area of the PA destroyed Length-39.62,No equipments are provided Regeneration of grass Fire lines-regular,fire fighters (human beings) species restricted which has affected herbiveres Regeneration of grass species restricted which has affected herbiveres
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges MAH/S/PAI 1997-98 22 13.37 Kharbi,Umarkhed MAH/S/PAI 351.16 1998-99 57 106.19 Kharbi,Umarkhed 10.87 NP 83 MAH/S/RAD No 2 0.01 10 84 MAH/S/SAG Yes 1995,96 MAH/S/SAG 1997 MAH/S/SAG 1998 MAH/S/SAG 1999 85 MAH/S/TIP 140.29 NP Yes 1998 11 6.53 Tipeshwar MAH/S/TIP 1999 21 10.8 Tipeshwar 86 MAH/S/WAN 205.86 NP Yes 1994-95 21 12.1 Wan & Somthana MAH/S/WAN 1995-96 19 8.63 Wan & Somthana MAH/S/WAN 1996-97 18 7.84 Wan & Somthana MAH/S/WAN 1997-98 21 6.8 Wan & Somthana MAH/S/WAN 177.52 YES 1998-99 24 12.76 Wan & Somthana 87 MAH/S/YAW 22.37 NP Yes 1997-98 17 13 MAH/S/YAW 1998-99 Yes 1999 2 1 Yedshi 88 MAH/S/YED 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Human interference Regeneration of grass Human interference species is restricted which has affected herbivores Regeneration of grass species is restricted which has affected herbivores Firelines of 10mts breadth are taken annually along the borderof the PA and alongside the road passing through the PA Fire line 60km taken every year.When fire occurs it is extinguished by counter fire and by man power Degradation Degradation Man made Degradation of Fireline cutting and burning is usually taken Man made habitat up depending on availability of funds.The usual practice for fire fighting is by physically Degradation habitat beating the fire by branches of trees and by of wild animals cleaning forest floor & in some cases, counter fire is used. Miscreants & people Regeneration is Length-387km.Equipments-Tree collecting mahua,sambar destroyed, wild branches(No other equipments are provided) horns,tendu leaves animals are scared, cause fire. under ground fauna is disturbed Miscreants & people Regeneration is collecting mahua,sambar destroyed, wild horns,tendu leaves animals are scared, cause fire. under ground fauna is disturbed Miscreants & people Regeneration is collecting mahua,sambar destroyed, wild horns,tendu leaves animals are scared, cause fire. under ground fauna is disturbed Miscreants & people Regeneration is collecting mahua,sambar destroyed, wild horns,tendu leaves animals are scared, cause fire. under ground fauna is disturbed Miscreants & people Regeneration is collecting mahua,sambar destroyed, wild horns,tendu leaves animals are scared, cause fire. under ground fauna is disturbed Fire lines have been taken of 3 mtrs Width Degradation of PA have been taken alongside the roads. Degradation of PA Railway & manmade Degradation of PA Due to paucity of funds limited no. of fire line have been taken in PA-4-5km.Rly track only 34 with 3m width
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code Old data- New Data Year of Number of Fires Area 89 MAN/S/YAN PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Affected Ranges No 90 MEG/S/NON 184.4 MEG/S/NON 29 NO Yes 1995 1 2 Birbah range MEG/S/NON 1996 1 6 Birbah range MEG/S/NON 1997 2 3 Birbah range MEG/S/NON 1998 1 5 Birbah range 91 MIZ/N/MUR 1999 0 92 MIZ/N/PHA 200 NO Yes 4 North Khawbung 93 MIZ/S/DAM 50 NP Yes 1998 1 2 Phawngpui MIZ/S/DAM MIZ/S/DAM 500 NO Yes 1995 1 0.25 Teirei MIZ/S/DAM 1996 1 0.35 Phuldungsei MIZ/S/DAM 1997 1998 1 0.18 Phuldungsei 94 MIZ/S/KHA 1999 1 Rawpui 95 MIZ/S/LEN 41 NP Yes Ranges not yet 96 MP/N/BAN 120 NP Yes 36 demarcated MP/N/BAN 1161.471 YES Yes 1998 MP/N/BAN 0 N.A. MP/N/BAN 0.272 NP 1997 0 N.A. MP/N/BAN 292.857 YES 1996 0 N.A. 97 MP/N/GHU 1995 98 MP/N/PEN 524.37 YES 1994 99 MP/N/SAT No N.A. No Nil Yes 1994 MP/N/SAT 1995 5 5.62 Pachmarhi and Ka MP/N/SAT 1996 3 3.02 Pachmarhi and Ka MP/N/SAT 1997 5 0.36 Pachmarhi and Ka MP/N/SAT 478 NO 1998 1997 2 1.3 Pachmarhi and Ka 100 MP/S/BAG 368.62 YES Yes 1997 10 1.57 Bagdara 132.778 YES MP/S/BAG 344.686 NP 1998 1 0.01 Bagdara MP/S/BAG 57.197 1999 4 0.52 Bagdara 101 MP/S/GAN No Nil N.A. 102 MP/S/KHE No N.A. 0 N.A. 103 MP/S/KUN Yes 1998 1 2 Sesaipura 104 MP/S/NAR Yes 4 3 Narsingarh 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Fire lines have been cut. Human interference Retards growth of Human interference new seedlings Human interference Human interference Retards growth of new seedlings Retards growth of new seedlings Retards growth of new seedlings Jhuming Loss of habitat Fire fighting operations are carried out by staff Jhuming Habitat destruction Firelines have been made. Firefighting is Sparks from burning of Negligible carried out by staff along with local villagers bitumen on roadside Degradation Jhum burning Fire fighting squad is recruited, except for this year due to lack of funds. Jhum burning Degradation Fire fighting operations are carried out by the staff Jhuming Loss of habitat Degradation of No steps taken Jhuming habitat N.A. For NTFP collection. For NTFP collection. N.A. N.A. For NTFP collection. N.A. N.A. For NTFP collection. N.A. N.A. For NTFP collection. N.A. Disturbance to wildlife N.A. and interferes with N.A. natural growth. amti. Unknown Disturbance to wildlife and interferes with amti. Unknown natural growth. amti. Unknown Disturbance to wildlife and interferes with amti. Unknown natural growth. Accidental Disturbance to wildlife and interferes with Accidental natural growth. Accidental Dried grass and N.A. leaves are burnt N.A. Dried grass and Caused by trespassers. leaves are burnt Unknown Dried grass and N.A. leaves are burnt N.A. 35 N.A. N.A. Not much. 383 K.M of length fire lines are maintained inside PA. Regeneration is adversely affected
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Old data- New Data Year of Area Affected Ranges Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires 2 Narsingarh MP/S/NAR 1998 2 5 Narsingarh MP/S/NAR 1999 5 N.A. 105 MP/S/NAT 0 460 NO No N.A N.A. 106 MP/S/NOR 1186.961 NO No 1995 0 0.05 Mohli, Noradehi. MP/S/NOR 0.28 All range of P.A. MP/S/NOR 12.96 NO 1996 2 0.12 All range of P.A. MP/S/NOR 1997 10 1.86 All ranges of P.A. MP/S/NOR 1998 107 MP/S/SAI 1999 7 N.A. No Nil 51 0 108 NAG/S/PUL 9.23 NP Yes 1999-2000 1 0.08 Buffer area NAG/S/PUL Yes 1999-2000 1 0.12 Buffer area 109 ORI/S BAI 168.35 Every year ground fires occur in the Yes sanctuary. 110 ORI/S/BAD 304.03 NP Yes 1996-97 1 150 Badarama ORI/S/BAD 1997-98 1 150 Badarama ORI/S/BAD 1998-99 ORI/S/BAD 1999-2000 1 150 Badarama ORI/S/BAD 2000-001 1 150 Badarama 111 ORI/S/BAL 71.72 NP Yes 1996-97-98 ORI/S/BAL 1999 ORI/S/BAL 2000 1 0.6 Balukhand 112 ORI/S/CHA 193.39 NO Yes 1995 Dampada and Chandaka Wildlife 3 70 Range 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Unknown Unknown Regeneration is adversely affected Regeneration is adversely affected Biotic factors. Poor regeneration. Fire watchers and fire fighting squads are Biotic factors. Poor regeneration. employed in fire season. Biotic factors. Poor regeneration. Fire watchers and fire fighting squads are Biotic factors. Poor regeneration. employed in fire season. N.A. N.A. N.A. Caused by smokers who Only ground fire Annually, fire lines around the sanctuary are dropped burning Only ground fire cut and cleared. cigarettes on the ground Caused by children It affects the natural 10 km. of fire lines have been cut during regeneration, kills 1999-2000. Employees extinguish fire with Deliberate, for Mahua insects, reptiles and the help of local people. collection. Fires are also insects and eggs of Every year watchers for one month are accidentally caused. birds and reptiles. engaged i.e. in the month of March. This was not done this year. This year 33.5 km. fire Extinction, Population lines have been cleared decline and Poor regeneration. Deliberate, for Mahua Extinction, Population collection. Fires are also decline and Poor accidentally caused. regeneration. Deliberate, for Mahua Extinction, Population collection. Fires are also decline and Poor accidentally caused. regeneration. Deliberate, for Mahua Extinction, Population collection. Fires are also decline and Poor accidentally caused. regeneration. Fire brigades were deputed from Puri, Pipili, Ninapara from distances of 18km, 58km, 40km respectively for extinguishing fires through active participation of forest department and local villagers. Dry twigs No particular impact Firewood and charcoal Forest fires adversely Fire lines are drawn to control fire and fire smugglers set forest fires affect wildlife inside watchers are engaged to prevent fires. the PA. Flora species are also affected. Natural regeneration is prevented and saplings are damaged 36
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges ORI/S/CHA 1996 Dampada and Chandaka Wildlife 4 75 Range ORI/S/CHA 1997 Dampara Wildlife Range and Chanda 4 82 Wildlife Range ORI/S/CHA 1998 Dampara Wildlife Range and Chanda 5 80 Wildlife Range ORI/S/CHA 346.9 NP 1999 Dampara Wildlife Range and Chanda 113 ORI/S/DEB Yes 1997-98 5 78 Wildlife Range 114 ORI/S/HAD 1995 Kamgaon and 1.6 Lakhanpur Ranges 2 5 Compartments : 5,11,13,15,16 191.6 YES Yes 1996 ORI/S/HAD 2 5 Compartment : 5,11,13,15,16 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Firewood and charcoal Forest fires adversely smugglers set forest fires affect wildlife inside the PA. Flora species are also affected. Natural regeneration is prevented and saplings are damaged Forest fires adversely affect wildlife inside the PA. Flora species are also affected. Natural regeneration aka Firewood and charcoal is prevented and smugglers set forest fires saplings are damaged Forest fires adversely affect wildlife inside the PA. Flora species are also affected. Natural regeneration aka Firewood and charcoal is prevented and smugglers set forest fires saplings are damaged Forest fires adversely affect wildlife inside the PA. Flora species are also affected. Natural regeneration aka Firewood and charcoal is prevented and smugglers set forest fires saplings are damaged Poor regeneration, 40kms long fire lines exist. Fires are s Accidental damage to saplings extinguished by staff and labourers. (1) For enriching soil on Degrade the foothills for cultivation. environment, affect (2) For collection of regeneration causing mahua flowers by loss of wildlife habitat, clearing the ground negative impact on cover. (3) For charcoal flora and fauna, soil preparation. erosion due to destruction of the protective ground cover etc. (1) For enriching soil on Degrade the foothills for cultivation. environment, affect (2) For collection of regeneration causing mahua flowers by loss of wildlife habitat, clearing the ground negative impact on cover. (3) For charcoal flora and fauna, soil preparation. erosion due to destruction of the protective ground cover etc. 37
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code Old data- New Data Year of Number of Fires Area ORI/S/HAD PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence 2 Affected Ranges 1997 5.5 Compartments : 5,11,13,15,16 ORI/S/HAD 1998 2 7 Compartments : 5,11,13,15,16 ORI/S/HAD 1999 3 8 Compartments : 5,11,13,15,16 115 ORI/S/KHA 116 NP Yes 2001 2 116 Girishchandrapur ORI/S/KHA 399.5 NP 2000 ORI/S/KHA 1999 2 116 Girishchandrapur ORI/S/KHA 1998 ORI/S/KHA 1997 2 116 Girishchandrapur 116 ORI/S/KOT Yes 1997,98,99 2 116 Girishchandrapur ORI/S/KOT 2000,2001 2 Girishchandrapur 399.5 Both 399.5 Both 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark (1) For enriching soil on Degrade the foothills for cultivation. environment, affect (2) For collection of regeneration causing mahua flowers by loss of wildlife habitat, clearing the ground negative impact on cover. (3) For charcoal flora and fauna, soil preparation. erosion due to destruction of the protective ground cover etc. (1) For enriching soil on Degrade the foothills for cultivation. environment, affect (2) For collection of regeneration causing mahua flowers by loss of wildlife habitat, clearing the ground negative impact on cover. (3) For charcoal flora and fauna, soil preparation. erosion due to destruction of the protective ground cover etc. (1) For enriching soil on Degrade the foothills for cultivation. environment, affect (2) For collection of regeneration causing mahua flowers by loss of wildlife habitat, clearing the ground negative impact on cover. (3) For charcoal flora and fauna, soil preparation. erosion due to destruction of the protective ground cover etc. Deliberate setting of fire Poor regeneration for collection of tendu Poor regeneration leaves and Mahua Poor regeneration flowers. Poor regeneration Poor regeneration Deliberate setting of fire for collection of tendu No fire lines leaves and Mahua flowers. Deliberate setting of fire for collection of tendu leaves and Mahua flowers. Deliberate setting of fire for collection of tendu leaves and Mahua flowers. Deliberate setting of fire for collection of tendu leaves and Mahua flowers. Shifting cultivation (Podu),collection of Mahua/Tendu Shifting cultivation (Podu),collection of Mahua/Tendu 38
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges 117 ORI/S/KUL 272.75 Yes 1996 2 204.5625 Nilgiri ORI/S/KUL 1997 2 204.5625 Nilgiri ORI/S/KUL 1998 2 204.5625 Nilgiri ORI/S/KUL 1999 2 81.825 Nilgiri ORI/S/KUL 2000 2 109.1 Nilgiri 118 ORI/S/SATN 795.52 Yes 1995 2 100 All ranges ORI/S/SATN 1996 2 150 All ranges ORI/S/SATN 1997 2 130 All ranges ORI/S/SATN 1998 2 150 All ranges ORI/S/SATN 1999 2 160 All ranges 119 ORI/S/SATS 268.94 Yes Every year All ranges of PA w 2 1540 varying extents 120 ORI/S/SIM 2200 Yes 1996 ORI/S/SIM All ranges of PA w 1997 2 1540 varying extents 53
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark Man made Ground flora and 1. Formation and maintenance of fireline, 2. fauna affected. Deployment of fire fighting squad at Man made Quantum of damage vulnerable fire prone area, 3. Use of special is not scientifically type of fire fighting equipment, 4. There are Man made assessed. around 20 km. of fire line and 45 km. of major Ground flora and roads. Man made fauna affected. Quantum of damage At the fag end of fire season (March) neagre Man made is not scientifically fund comes, fire watchers engaged. assessed. Maximum fireline 10 km. is cleared beating Intentional fire by Ground flora and the fire by a long twig, sometime by counter people, MFP collectors fauna affected. firing. Intentional fire by Quantum of damage people, MFP collectors is not scientifically Intentional fire by assessed. people, MFP collectors Ground flora and Intentional fire by fauna affected. people, MFP collectors Quantum of damage Intentional fire by is not scientifically people, MFP collectors assessed. Ground flora and Man made fauna affected. Quantum of damage with is not scientifically Man made assessed. with Habitat degradation Man made Habitat degradation 39 Habitat degradation Habitat degradation Habitat degradation It affects the natural 10 kms of fireline made during 1999-2000, regeneration, kills The staff with the help of local inhabitants insects, reptiles, extinguish the fire. invertibrates and eggs of birds reptiles. Ground flora and 1. Formation and maintenance of fire lines, 2. fauna affected. Deployment of fire fighting squads at Quantum of damage vulnerable fire prone areas, 3. Use of special not scientifically type of fire fighting equipments, length of fire assessed. line is about 150 kms. and about 585 km. of major forest roads. Ground flora and fauna affected. Quantum of damage not scientifically assessed.
Old data- New Data Year of Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires Area Affected Ranges ORI/S/SIM 1998 All ranges of PA w ORI/S/SIM 1999 2 1540 varying extents ORI/S/SIM 2000-01 2 440 2 880 121 ORI/S/SUN 600 No 15 0.12 Keoladeo 122 RAJ/N/KEO 28.73 Yes 1997-98 11 2.18 Keoladeo RAJ/N/KEO 138.69 1998-99 6 0.3 Keoladeo RAJ/N/KEO 195.015 1999-2000 8 1.7 Keoladeo RAJ/N/KEO 2000-01 300 NO 123 RAJ/S/BAS No 124 RAJ/S/BHA No 125 RAJ/S/JAM No 1994-95 RAJ/S/JAM 1995-96 RAJ/S/JAM 1996-97 RAJ/S/JAM 672 1997-98 1 0.16 Jamwa Ramgarh. RAJ/S/JAM 608.56 1998-99 1 Mandrayal 126 RAJ/S/KELA 52.4 NO Yes 5 3.7 Kumbhalgarh 127 RAJ/S/KUM Yes 1997-98 Kumbhalgarh and RAJ/S/KUM 1999-99 10 8.7 Bokara RAJ/S/KUM 1999-2000 3 4.75 Kumbhalgarh RAJ/S/KUM 2000-01 2 0.57 Sadri and Bokara RAJ/S/KUM 2001-02 Nahargarh (Garh 128 RAJ/S/NAH Yes 1995 1 0 ganesh). 1 0.07 Nahargarh. RAJ/S/NAH 1996 RAJ/S/NAH 1999 Nahargarh (Kishan 1 0.07 Bag). 129 RAJ/S/PHU 511.41 Yes 1995 8 0.74 Mamer 54
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark with Ground flora and Man made fauna affected. Quantum of damage not scientifically assessed. 60% of total Fire lines are created through out the sanctuary is prone to sanctuary, bush beating is used. No fire. But only ground equipment is available with us. fire. No adverse impact is noticed. Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Creation and maintenance of fire lines (50 km.) Fire lines (65 km.) Not known. Degradation, Poor Laying out and cutting of fire lines, fire regeneration, beating migration of fauna away form site, loss of habitat. Deliberate No impact Fire incidents are rare. Even then. 7 fire Not known watch towers have been constructed. Not known Only surface fires- Pathways act as firelines. Not known grasses etc. were Not known burnt Laying out and cutting of fire lines, fire beating Only surface fires- grasses etc. were With the help of local villagers and staff, burnt cutting/clearing fire lines of 320 meters; beating fires using branches of trees tied in Only surface fires- the shape of a broom. grasses etc. were burnt Only surface fires- grasses etc. were burnt Only surface fires- grasses etc. were burnt Not known. Degradation. Not known. Poor regeneration. n Not known. Poor regeneration. Not much. Only Negligence by tribals ground fires. Local while collecting Mahua migration of fauna, flowers/honey poor regeneration 40
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Sno PA code Old data- New Data Year of Number of Fires Area 130 RAJ/S/SAJJ PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Affected Ranges Yes 1999 1 RAJ/S/SAJJ 5.19 2001 1 1.5 RAJ/S/SAJJ 2001 1 0.005 131 RAJ/S/SIT 422.94 132 RAJ/S/TOD 495.27 1 133 RAJ/S/VAN 25.6 134 SIK/N/KHA 135 SIK/S/FAM 1784 NO Yes 1997 Lompokhari in Dzo 51.76 Yes January, 1999 1 2 range 136 SIK/S/MAE 35.34 Annualy, during South-West part of 137 TN/N/IND 958.57 NP February and Ravangla Yes March. 3 0.1 Poll, Udu, ullandi TN/N/IND 0.4763 1 0.07 Manombolly 1.0421 Yes 1996 2 0.2 Valper, Amaravath TN/N/IND 0.6512 1 0.1 Udumalaipet 1997 1 0.01 Pollachi TN/N/IND 1.2 321 1998 16 4.57 Mud,Nel,Tep,Kar TN/N/IND 5 2.4 Mud,Tep,Kar 138 TN/S/CHI 25 1999 139 TN/S/KAN 0.44 44 3.87 Mud,Nel,Tep,Kar 140 TN/S/KARI 1.28 2000 No 141 TN/S/KOO 0.27 No 0.77185 No Nil 142 TN/S/MUD 0.37948 No N.A TN/S/MUD No Nil TN/S/MUD Yes 1998 143 TN/S/MUK 1999 144 TN/S/POIN No 2000 145 TN/S/UDA No 146 TN/S/VAD No Nil 147 TN/S/VED No Nil 148 TN/S/VELL No Nil 149 TN/S/VET No Nil No Nil 150 TRI/S/GUM 389.59 NP Yes every yr Gurma, Halia, 151 UP/S/CHA 96 No 5 0.148 Ghorawal Yes 2000-2001 152 UP/S/KAI 501 UP/S/KAI 1999-2000 Halia, Roberts gan Yes 1997-98 5 0.835 Ghorawal, Gurma 153 UP/S/KAT 400.09 1998-99 8 2.67 UP/S/KAT 4 0.79 54
rest Fires in PAs are in square kilometers New Data 1998-03 Causes Impacts Control measures Remark By human carelessness Nil Roads and tracks are used as fire lines. Source: Doc D By human carelessness Nil By human carelessness Nil Cutting and burning of fire lines. NA ongri Rhododendron None Unknown bushes were completely burnt Fire beating with the help of local people NA f Both intentional and Degradation, loss of None accidental food for wild animals Man made Engaging fire watchers, making fire lines, fire Man made No financial loss, camps people participation ground fire hi Man, Made Man, Made No financial loss, Man made ground fire No financial loss, ground fire No financial loss, ground fire No financial loss, ground fire Under growth human Nil interfirence & poachers Vichels, Sprays, Check fires, Beating, 340 km Horn collectors road, Fire line 50kms Poachers 50-60 fire lines, fire watchers N.A No fires in the last 5 years Graziers Ground fires had little A vigilant watch is maintained. The local impact. people have also been educated about the Unknown all ill effects of forest fires. Ground fire had little 37 km of fire lines. Manual beating of fire is nj, impact also carried out. Unknown Negligence of local Fire watcher teams are deployed during the villagers fire season. Mobilization of people and Negligence of local awareness activities are being carried out villagers before the fire season. 41
Table 1.20: For Note: All values for area Old data- New Data Year of Area Affected Ranges Sno PA code PA Area 1984-87 1998-03 occurrence Number of Fires 4 0.14 UP/S/KAT 1999-2000 12 6.55 UP/S/KAT 1996-97 1 0.5 Bah 154 UP/S/NAT 635 Yes 2001-2002 155 UP/S/PAR 10.8447 No 156 UP/S/RAN 220.41 Yes 1999-2000 8 0.1 Manikpur 5.26 Yes 2000-01 6 0.16 Markundi UP/S/RAN Yes Not known 1 Saman Bird Sanctu 157 UP/S/SAMN Yes 1996-97 26 3.05 Tulsipur, Bankataw 158 UP/S/SUH 452.472 1997-98 26 1.37 Tulsipur, Barahawa UP/S/SUH 1998-99 UP/S/SUH 1999-2000 4 0.15 Barahawa UP/S/SUH Yes 1994-95 28 0.93 All ranges 159 UTT/N/COR 520.824 YES 1995-96 Tourism, Kalagarh 7 2.63 Surpduli UTT/N/COR 1996-97 Bijrani, Sarpduli, D UTT/N/COR 1997-98 49 31.92 Jhirna, Kalagarh UTT/N/COR 1998-99 10 7.56 Dhela, Jhirna, Kala No UTT/N/COR 2390.024 Yes 1999-2000 4 0.37 Kalagarh, Bijrani UTT/N/GAN 957.969 Yes 2000 4 0.13 Kalagarh, Bijrani 160 UTT/N+S/GOV 1999 10 1 All ranges 161 UTT/S/ASK 599.93 1998 Askot and Duk bloc UTT/S/ASK Dharchula range a UTT/S/ASK 0.08 particularly vulnera Askot and Duk blo of Dharchula range 14 1.44 particularly vulnera Askot and Duk blo of Dharchula range 0.25 particularly vulnera 54
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