antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Indigenous Nagzira To strengthen the food availabality 0.50 1963-66 for herbivores Indigenous Nagzira Under various schemes for 0.90 1984-95 afforestion purpose Indigenous & Exotic Beed Indigenous & Exotic 12.00 1980 onwards Indigenous Narnala Indigenous Narnala 0.83 1964 Sondabhi range & Kharbi 1965-1993 (1)To fulfill the stock.(2)To supply No range 5.15 1975 to 1994 the bamboo to local 0.30 1990 people.(3)'Income generation for 0.30 1991 locals 0.70 1992 to 1995 Exotic Whole sanctuary 6.00 1980-81 To bring barren area under green 6.00 1980-81 cover(2)To stop soil erosion and to Indigenous Whole sanctuary conserve moisture. Indigenous Two territorial ranges which (1)To bring barren area under green Indigenous were reserved forest prior to cover(2)To stop soil erosion and to Indigenous declaration fo sanctuary conserve moisture. Indigenous Wan and Somthana Wan and Somthana 15.05 1965 to 1992 Wan and Somthana 9.23 2.60 Compartment.Number:-54 2.00 Fruit and fodder plantation 12.26 0.07 1986-87 Compartment Noumber-124 0.20 1987-88 Pasture Devp. Compartment Number-49 0.20 1987-88 Fruit and fodder plantations Compartment Number-54 0.70 1989-90 Medow Development. Compartment Numbers- 10, 0.05 1987-88 Medow Development. 117 & 124 0.15 1989-90 Pasture Development. Comptartment Number-54 0.20 1989-90 Fruit & fodder plantation Compartment Number:-117 2.00 1989-90 Fruit s & fodder plantations Compartment Numbers:-118 & 49 0.17 1989-90 Plantation of crop Indigenous & Exotic Compartment Numbers- 10.00 1980 to 1995 For afforestation purposes. 53,57,61 & 124 Yedashi Indigenous Thangbrel Yangbi area 0.05 1998-99 Food & shelter for animals. Indigenous Thangbrel Yangbi area 0.05 1998-99 Food & shelter for animals. 77
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 165 MAN/S/YAN Yes 184.4 Emblica officinalis MAN/S/YAN Yes Parkia roxburghii MAN/S/YAN NP Yes Gmelina arborea MAN/S/YAN NP Yes Quercus spp. MAN/S/YAN NP Yes Tectona grandis MAN/S/YAN YES Yes Citrus spp. 166 MEG/N/BAL NO No 220 167 MEG/N/NOK NO No 47.48 168 MEG/S/BAG No 0.03 169 MEG/S/NON No 29 170 MEG/S/SIJ No 5.18 171 MIZ/N/MUR No 200 172 MIZ/N/PHA NO Yes 50 Pine (Pynus kesya) Yes 173 MIZ/S/DAM 500 Gmelina arborea NP No MIZ/S/DAM NP No Gmelina arborea & Michelia champaca NP No MIZ/S/DAM NO No Gmelina arborea & Michelia champaca NP No MIZ/S/DAM NO No Artocarpus heterophylla NO No MIZ/S/DAM Gmelina arborea & Syzygium cumini 174 MIZ/S/KHA YES Yes 41 175 MIZ/S/LEN 120 176 MIZ/S/NGE 110 177 MP/N/BAN 1161.47 178 MP/N/GHU 0.27 179 MP/N/PEN 292.86 N.A. 180 MP/N/SAT 524.37 181 MP/N/VAN 4.45 Common species found in the area. 182 MP/S/BAD NP Yes 104.45 Teak (Tectona grandis) MP/S/BAD NP No Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) MP/S/BAD Fruit bearing plantation MP/S/BAD Mixed Rapidly growing plantation 183 MP/S/BAG 478 7
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Food and shelter for wild animals Indigenous Yangoupokpi Lokchao Food and shelter for wild animals Wildlife Sanctuary 0.15 1999-2000 Indigenous Yangoupokpi Lokchao 0.20 2000-2001 Indigenous Wildlife Sanctuary Indigenous Yangoupokpi Lokchao Wildlife Sanctuary 0.15 1999-2000 Fuelwood and fodder. 0.20 2000-01 Fuelwood and fodder Indigenous Phawngpui 0.23 1994 Habitat improvement in the Jhum Indigenous Teirei & Phuldungsei 1.50 1993-94 affected area prior to declaration of Indigenous Teirei & Phuldungsei 2.45 1994-95 Phawngpui National Park Indigenous Teirei 3.00 1995-96 Indigenous Teirei 0.45 1996-97 To supplement food & to improve Indigenous Teirei & Phuldungsei 1.00 1998-99 the habitat for animals To supplement food & to improve the habitat for animals To supplement food & to improve the habitat for animals To supplement food & to improve the habitat for animals To supplement food & to improve the habitat for animals Indigenous Van Vihar National Park. 0.45 1985-1997 To increase forest cover, check Exotic erosion, provide food and shade. Indigenous Game Range Bagicha 2.50 1960 To restock the area after coupe felling before notification of Game Range Bagicha 1.00 1960 sanctuary. Game Range Bagicha 0.05 Game Range Bagicha 0.50 For blank filling to increase density of forest under habitat improvement. 78
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 184 MP/S/GAN NP Yes 368.62 Prosopis (Prosopis juliflora) MP/S/GAN Babul MP/S/GAN Khair MP/S/GAN Remzha MP/S/GAN Sirali MP/S/GAN NP Yes Grass seeds 185 MP/S/KAR NO No 202.21 Amla NP Yes MP/S/KAR Khair MP/S/KAR Remzha MP/S/KAR Ber 186 MP/S/KHE 132.78 Ber 344.69 Khair (Acacia catechu) 187 MP/S/KUN Dalbergia sissoo MP/S/KUN 7
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Exotic Gandhisagar 11.80 1990-91 The plantation work was taken up by soil conservation division, Mandsaur. These activities were mainly taken up to improve habitat, for greenery of the area and for better environmental conditions. Aerial seed sowing was done in 1991-92 of Prosopis juliflora seeds. Indigenous Gandhi Sagar 1991-92 The plantation work was taken up by soil conservation division, Mandsaur. These activities were mainly taken up to improve habitat, for greenery of the area and for better environmental condition. Indigenous Gandhi Sagar 1991-92 The plantation work was taken up by soil conservation division, Mandsaur. These activities were mainly taken up to improve habitat, for greenery of the area and for better environmental condition. Indigenous Gandhi Sagar 1992-93 The plantation work was taken up by soil conservation division, Mandsaur. These activities were mainly taken up to improve habitat, for greenery of the area and for better environmental condition. Indigenous Gandhi Sagar 1992-93 The plantation work was taken up by soil conservation division, Mandsaur. These activities were mainly taken up to improve habitat, for greenery of the area and for better environmental condition. The plantation work was taken up by soil conservation division, Mandsaur. These activities were mainly taken up to improve habitat, for greenery of the area and for Indigenous Gandhi Sagar 4.95 1995 better environmental condition. Indigenous Game range Karera. Indigenous Game range Karera. 0.20 1980-81 For gazing by wild animals. Indigenous Game range Karera. Indigenous Game range Karera. 0.50 1985-86 For gazing by wild animals. Indigenous Kheoni range 19.86 1991-97 Environment improvement, soil Indigenous Sesaipura 1991-97 conservation, pasture development. Environment improvement, soil conservation, pasture development. 79
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted MP/S/KUN 'Bombax ceiba 188 MP/S/NAR Yes 57.2 Tectona grandis (Teak) MP/S/NAR Azadirachta indica (Neem) MP/S/NAR Emblica officinalis (Amla) MP/S/NAR Dendrocalamus strictus (Bamboo) MP/S/NAR NO Yes Albizzia lebbeck (Siris) 189 MP/S/NAT NP Yes 460 Information not available 190 MP/S/NOR 1186.96 Sisam (Dalbergia sisso) YES Yes MP/S/NOR NP Yes Teak (Tectona grandis) MP/S/NOR YES Yes Bans (Bamboo arundinaria) MP/S/NOR NP No Amla (Phyllanthes emblica) MP/S/NOR NP Yes Neem (Azadirachta indica) MP/S/NOR YES No Bel (Aegle marmelos) MP/S/NOR NP No Siris (Albizzia lebbek) MP/S/NOR Yes Neem (Azadirachta indica) MP/S/NOR No Bel (Aegle marmelos) MP/S/NOR Bel (Aegle marmelos) 191 MP/S/ORC 44.9 Teak (Tectona grandis) 192 MP/S/PEN 118 Teak (Tectona grandis) MP/S/PEN Bamboo (Dedrocalamus strictus) 193 MP/S/RAL 2.62 Miscellaneous species 194 MP/S/SAI 12.96 195 MP/S/SAN 364.59 Bamboo (Dedrocalamus strictus ) MP/S/SAN Teak (Tectona grandis) 196 MP/S/SAR 348.12 197 MP/S/SON 209.21 198 NAG/N/INT 202.02 199 NAG/S/FAK 6.41 8
antations in PAs Year of Purpose of Planting table are in square kilometers Plantation Area Planting Environment improvement, soil Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges 1991-97 conservation, pasture development. Indigenous Narsingarh 1.00 1996 To cover encroached area and increase forest cover. The Indigenous Narsingarh 1.00 1996 plantation is situated on the periphery of the PA, near Indigenous Narsingarh 1.00 1996 Narsingarh township. Indigenous Narsingarh 1.00 1996 To cover encroached area and increase forest cover. The Indigenous Narsingarh 1.00 1996 plantation is situated on the 0.25 1997-98 periphery of the PA, near Indigenous Sarra 0.25 1997-98 Narsingarh township. Indigenous Sarra 0.25 1997-98 Indigenous Sarra 0.25 1998-99 To cover encroached area and Indigenous Sarra 0.25 1998-99 increase forest cover. The Indigenous Sarra 0.25 1998-99 plantation is situated on the Indigenous Sarra 0.25 1998-99 periphery of the PA, near Indigenous Noradehi 0.25 1998-99 Narsingarh township. Indigenous Noradehi 0.25 1998-99 Indigenous Singpur 0.25 1998-99 To cover encroached area and Indigenous Singpur 1.00 2001-02 increase forest cover. The No Orchha plantation is situated on the Indigenous Kurai 0.15 1992-93 periphery of the PA, near Indigenous Kurai 0.50 1990-91 Narsingarh township. Indigenous Dubari To cover encroached area and Exotic Dubari increase forest cover. The plantation is situated on the periphery of the PA, near Narsingarh township. Habitat management. Habitat management. Habitat management. Habitat management. Habitat management. Habitat management. Habitat management. Habitat management. Habitat management. Habitat management. R.D.F. Forest improvement Replacing uneconomic species. Underplanting in Teak plantations. To cover the soil. Economic plantation. 80
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 200 NAG/S/PUL 201 NAG/S/RAN NP Yes Pinus pelule, Criptomeria (Poma), NP No Duabanga Sonerotiode (Khophon), 202 ORI/N+S/BHI 9.23 Rhododendron, Bamboo, Vitex fagota 4.7 Rai (Rhizophora mucranata), Sundari (Heritiera fomes), Bandari (Bruguiera gymnorhiza), Sinduka (Kandelia candel), Garain (Ceriops decandra) and Avicennia Yes 145 alba 203 ORI/S/BAD NP Yes 304.03 Teak(Tectona grandis) ORI/S/BAD Semul(Bombax ceiba) 204 ORI/S/BAI NO Yes 168.35 Teak(Tectona grandis) 205 ORI/S/BAL NP Yes 71.72 Jhaun (Casuarina equisetifolia) ORI/S/BAL Yes Different species of Eucalyptus genus ORI/S/BAL Lanka amba (Anacardium occidenter) 206 ORI/S/CHA YES 193.39 Teak (Tectona grandis) ORI/S/CHA Sal (Shorea robusta) ORI/S/CHA Sisqoe (Dalbergia sissoo) ORI/S/CHA Gambar (Gnelina arborea) ORI/S/CHA Kambhi (Caraya arborea) ORI/S/CHA Pia-sal (Pterocarpus marsupium) 8
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting 0.22 1982 Indigenous Kanika, Rajnagar and 1.30 2000-2001 To cover up the blanks, to restore Exotic Chandbali 3.12 1965-87 the degraded area and to avoid encroachment Badarma 0.13 1965 For restoration of persisting gaps in Indigenous coppice working circle and Sal conversion circle. Badarma For restoration of persisting gaps in Exotic coppice working circle and Sal conversion circle. Banigocha Range Balukhand Konark To replace the existing crop of low economic value in plains and moderate slopes by Teak. Now indigenous. 71.72 1914 To create a wind breaker for the Introduced as exotic coast line in order to save during initial stages agricultural land from sand. to protect the sea coast from winds. Exotic Indigenous Indigenous All four ranges 1952 To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised Indigenous prior to declaration of sanctuary. All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised Indigenous prior to declaration of sanctuary. All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised Indigenous prior to declaration of sanctuary. All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised Indigenous prior to declaration of sanctuary. All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised Indigenous prior to declaration of sanctuary. All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised prior to declaration of sanctuary. 81
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted ORI/S/CHA Neem (Azadirachta indica) ORI/S/CHA Amla (Emblica officinalis) ORI/S/CHA Jamun (Syzygium cuminii) ORI/S/CHA Bahada (Teminalia bellerica) ORI/S/CHA Kasi (Bridelia retusa) ORI/S/CHA NP Yes Champa (Michelia champaca) 207 ORI/S/CHI NP No 15.53 Nalagrass (Phragmites karka) 208 ORI/S/DEB 346.9 Yes 209 ORI/S/HAD Teak(Tectona grandis), Bamboo(Bambusa tulda), Gamar(Gmelina arborea), ORI/S/HAD 191.6 Sisham(Dalbergia sisoo) ORI/S/HAD Teak(Tectona grandis), Bamboo(Bambosa tulda), Gamar(Gmelina arborea), ORI/S/HAD Sisham(Dalbergia sisoo) ORI/S/HAD Teak(Tectona grandis), Bamboo(Bambosa tulda), Gamar(Gmelina arborea), ORI/S/HAD Sisham(Dalbergia sisoo) ORI/S/HAD Teak(Tectona grandis), Bamboo(Bambusa tulda), Gamar(Gmelina arborea), ORI/S/HAD Sisham(Dalbergia sisoo) Teak(Tectona grandis), Bamboo(Bambusa tulda), Gamar(Gmelina arborea), Sisham(Dalbergia sisoo) Teak(Tectona grandis), Bamboo(Bambusa tulda), Gamar(Gmelina arborea), Sisham(Dalbergia sisoo) Teak(Tectona grandis), Bamboo(Bambusa tulda), Gamar(Gmelina arborea), Sisham(Dalbergia sisoo) Teak(Tectona grandis), Bamboo(Bambusa tulda), Gamar(Gmelina arborea), Sisham(Dalbergia sisoo) 8
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Indigenous Plantation Area Planting All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised prior to declaration of sanctuary. Indigenous All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised prior to declaration of sanctuary. Indigenous All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised prior to declaration of sanctuary. Indigenous All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised prior to declaration of sanctuary. Indigenous All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with valuable species. Plantation raised prior to declaration of sanctuary. Indigenous All four ranges To restock the degraded forest with Balugaon valuable species. Plantation raised prior to declaration of sanctuary. Indigenous 1.24 1994 Teak is exotic to PA Upto 1971(Territorial Gap filling, restocking of degraded Boula Reserve Forest 0.18 ) forest Boula Reserve Forest 1977(Territorial 0.04 ) Boula Reserve Forest 1981(Afforesta 0.60 tion) Raighati (Boula Reserve Forest) 0.80 1989-90 Restocking of degraded forest under Jawahar Rojgar Yojana Boula Reserve Forest 0.13 1990-91 Economic plantation 0.25 1991-92 Economic plantation Kathakata (Inside Boula Reserve Forest) Boula Reserve Forest 0.05 1995-96 Silvipasture 0.80 1995-96 Economic plantation Pitanau (Boula Reserve Forest) 82
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 210 ORI/S/KAR Yes 147.66 Teak (Tectona grandis) ORI/S/KAR Yes Dendrocalamus strictus, Pangamia pinatic, 211 ORI/S/KHA NP Yes Emblica officinalis etc. 116 Teak(Tectona grandis) ORI/S/KHA Teak(Tectona grandis) 212 ORI/S/KOT NP Yes 399.5 Teak(Tectona grandis) 213 ORI/S/KUL Yes 272.75 Teak (Tectona grandis) Yes ORI/S/KUL Yes Acacia ORI/S/KUL Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus teritecornus) Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo), Siris (Albazzia ORI/S/KUL NP Yes lebbeck), Asan (Terminalia alata), Gambar 214 ORI/S/LAK Yes (Gmelina arboria), Arjuna (Terminalia 215 ORI/S/SATN Yes arjuna), Simul (Salbarica malbarica), Tamavind (Tamarindus indica), Bamboo ORI/S/SATN Yes (Bambusa arundinacea) 174.96 Teak(Tectona grandis) 216 ORI/S/SATS Yes 795.52 Teak (Tectona grandis) 217 ORI/S/SIM Yes Phasi (Anogeissus accuminata) ORI/S/SIM Yes 268.94 Teak (Tectona grandis) 218 ORI/S/SUN NP Yes 2200 Tropical pines (Pinus insularis) 219 PUN/S/ABO NP No 220 PUN/S/AIS NP No Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora) 221 PUN/S/BHA NP No Yes 600 Teak(Tectona grandis) 222 PUN/S/BHU NP No 186.05 223 PUN/S/DOS NP Yes Yes 2.6 N.A. 224 PUN/S/GUR NP No 8.2 N.A. 225 PUN/S/HAR NP Mango, Jamun, Neem, Guava, Siris, 226 PUN/S/MAH NP 6.6 Acacia 7.5 N.A. Mango, Jamun, Neem, Guava, Kachnar, 6.1 Acacia Mango, Jamun, Neem, Acacia, Shisham, 86 Salix 2.2 8
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Exotic Bhawanipatna Restocking the area 0.25 1993 Restocking the area Indigenous Bhawanipatna Exotic Girishchandrapur 0.25 1996 Exotic Girishchandrapur 0.07 1976-77 Indigenous 0.08 1977-78 Exotic Kotagarh Range 1980-1984, Commercial plantation, prevention Exotic Nilgiri range 1988-1990, of shifting cultivation, Exotic Nilgiri range 1992-1994, aforestation(some plantations under Nilgiri range 4.78 1995-1998 Drought Prone Area Programme) 4.88 1987-88 0.20 Gap plantation Indigenous Nilgiri range 27.06 1919-1976 Gap filling Indigenous Chandragiri 1.40 2000-2001 Harvest after 70 years rotation. Exotic Purunakote, Pampasar 1971 (10 ha.), Pampasar, Purunakote, 1958 (2 ha.), For construction of Chariot of Lord Indigenous under Jagamath Van 0.24 1959 (12 ha.) Jagannath Puri to be harvested Prakalpa-D.R.D.A. after attaining desirable girth. Exotic 1.86 1995-96 At present under Chhamun To replace the existing crop of low Exotic dia wildlife range economic value in plains and moderate slopes by teak. Exotic Upperbarakamara, Gurguria Exotic and Nawara To experiment the status of sustainability of the species in the Upperbarakamara and prevailing conditions of the Similipal Chahala forests. Komna Wildlife Range To experiment the status of sustainability of the species in the prevailing conditions of the Similipal forests. Compensatory aforestation. Plantation raised in lieu of Mahandi coal fields Ltd.,Talcher (Angul Territorial Division) Indigenous Bhunerheri 0.60 1998-99 Improvement of Habitat Indigenous Gurdial Pura 0.80 1998-99 Improvement of Habitat Indigenous Harike 0.70 Not known Improvement of Habitat 83
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 227 PUN/S/MOT NP No 5.24 228 PUN/S/TAK NP No 229 RAJ/N/DES NO Yes 3.86 3162 Israeli Babul (Acacia tortalis) RAJ/N/DES Yes RAJ/N/DES Yes Rohida (Tecomella undulata) RAJ/N/DES Yes Prosopis juliflora 230 RAJ/N/KEO Yes Ziziphus numularia RAJ/N/KEO Yes 28.73 Babul (Acacia nilotica) RAJ/N/KEO Mitragyna (Perviflora kadamb) RAJ/N/KEO Datepalm (Phoenix sylvestrus) RAJ/N/KEO Lotus (Nymphaea spp.) Prosopis julifora 231 RAJ/S/BAS Yes 138.69 Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) RAJ/S/BAS Yes Khair (Acacia catechu) RAJ/S/BAS Yes Albezia lubec RAJ/S/BAS Yes Amla (Emblicica offiinalis) RAJ/S/BAS Yes Neem (Azadrictica indica) RAJ/S/BAS RAJ/S/BAS Yes Holoptelia intrirafolia 232 RAJ/S/BHA Yes Albezia lubec RAJ/S/BHA Khair, Babool, Amla, Siras, Amltas, Bans, Yes 195.02 Karanj RAJ/S/BHA Khair, Babool, Amla, Siras, Amltas, Bans, RAJ/S/BHA Yes Karanj RAJ/S/BHA Khair, Babool, Amla, Siras, Amltas, Bans, Yes Karanj RAJ/S/BHA Khair, Babool, Amla, Siras, Amltas, Bans, RAJ/S/BHA Yes Karanj RAJ/S/BHA Khair, Babool, Amla, Siras, Amltas, Bans, 233 RAJ/S/JAI Yes Karanj RAJ/S/JAI Khair, Babool, Amla, Siras, Amltas, Bans, RAJ/S/JAI Yes Karanj RAJ/S/JAI Khair, Babool, Amla, Siras, Amltas, Bans, Yes Karanj Khair, Babool, Amla, Siras, Amltas, Bans, Yes Karanj Yes 52 Ber (Zizyphus maerilious) Khair (Acacia catechu) Kumat (Acacia Senegar) Babool ( Acacia nilotica) 8
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Exotic Jaisalmu, Miyazlar, Barmer. 5.76 1993-94 Fuelwood, sand dune stabilisation. Indigenous Jaisalmu,Miyazlar, Barmer. 0.50 1993-94 Timber. Exotic Jaisalmu,Miyazlar, Barmer. 0.30 1993-94 Fuelwood. Indigenous Jaisalmu,Miyazlar, Barmer. 0.30 1993-94 Fodder. Indigenous Keoladeo 0.03 1930 Heronry, bird nesting. Indigenous Keoladeo Keoladeo 1940 Restocking degraded forests, nistar Exotic Keoladeo 1942 needs of local villages. Keoladeo 1.00 1955 Restocking degraded forests, nistar Indigenous Bassi needs of local villages. Indigenous Bassi 0.05 1995-96 Restocking degraded forests, nistar Indigenous Bassi 0.06 1994-95 needs of local villages. Indigenous Bassi 0.04 1994-95 Restocking degraded forests, nistar Indigenous Bassi 0.05 1995-96 needs of local villages. Indigenous Bassi 0.05 1995-96 Restocking degraded forests, nistar Indigenous 0.15 1994-95 needs of local villages. Indigenous R.D.F. Chainpura 0.15 1994-95 Restocking degraded forests, nistar Indigenous R.D.F. Padajhar 0.10 1995-96 needs of local villages. Indigenous R.D.F. Devnarayan Indigenous R.D.F. Kheda Protection for forest and to save Indigenous R.D.F. Nali wildlife R.D.F. Ratanpura 'A' Protection for forest and to save R.D.F. Ratanpura'B' wildlife R.D.F. Amba ka Kharla Protection for forest and to save wildlife Jaisamand Protection for forest and to save wildlife Protection for forest and to save wildlife Protection for forest and to save wildlife Protection for forest and to save wildlife Protection for forest and to save wildlife Habitat improvement and providing 1992 food and fodder 84
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 234 RAJ/S/JAM YES Yes V. babool (Prosopis juloflora), Ardu 235 RAJ/S/KELA Ailanthus excelsa, Shisham (Dalbergia sisoo),Ronj (Acacia leucophlose), Dhak RAJ/S/KELA (Butea monosperma), D.babool (Acacia 236 RAJ/S/KUM nilotica), Churel (Holoptelia intigrefolia), Kumtha (Acacia sengal), Black khair RAJ/S/KUM (Acacia catachu), Ardu (Ailanthus encelsa), Neem(Azadirachta indica), Ber(Zizyphus 237 RAJ/S/NAH jojoba), Kumtha(Acacia zenegal), I. 300 babol(Acacia tortus). RAJ/S/NAH Yes 672 Prosopis juliflora RAJ/S/NAH Yes Babool, Khair, Neem, Churail Yes 608.56 Ber, Desi babool, Khair RAJ/S/NAH Yes Bamboo, Amla, Siris 238 RAJ/S/PHU Yes 52.4 Kumatha(Acacia senegal) RAJ/S/PHU RAJ/S/PHU Israeli babool (Acacia tortalis) RAJ/S/PHU RAJ/S/PHU Israeli babool (Acacia tortalis) RAJ/S/PHU RAJ/S/PHU Yes Israeli babool (Acacia tortalis) 239 RAJ/S/SAJJ 240 RAJ/S/SIT Yes 511.41 Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) RAJ/S/SIT RAJ/S/SIT Yes Amla (Phyllanthus emblica) RAJ/S/SIT 241 RAJ/S/TAL Yes Ber (Zyziphus mauritiana) 242 RAJ/S/TOD Yes Mehua (Madhuca indica) Yes Aam (Magnifera indica) Yes Bahera (Terminalia bellerica) Yes Yes Karanj (Pongamine pinnata) Yes 5.19 Yes 422.94 Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) Yes NO No Khair (Acacia catechu) Amla (Emblica officinalis) Yes Neem (Azadiracta indica) 7.19 495.27 Ber (Zizyphus mauritiana) 8
antations in PAs Year of Purpose of Planting table are in square kilometers Plantation Area Planting Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Indigenous/Exotic. Exotic Jamwa Ramgarh, 48.35 1988-1999 Rehabilitation of degraded forest Indigenous Hawahodi, Vitualpura, 20.00 1984 and improvement of habitat. Indigenous Palikoliyana. Meeting fuelwood demand, Indigenous All ranges 5.00 1996 reforesting barren areas. Indigenous All ranges 70.00 1974 Pasture development Sadri, Desuri Habitat restoration for wildlife Exotic Kumbhalgarh, Bokhara 6.00 1998 Habitat restoration for wild animals. Exotic Nahargarh 0.50 1990 Reforestation and rehabilitation of degraded forests to provide cover to Exotic Nahargarh 0.50 1994 wild fauna Indigenous Nahargarh 0.50 1995 Reforestation and rehabilitation of Indigenous degraded forests to provide cover to Indigenous Nahargarh 0.50 1996 wild fauna Indigenous Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer 3.50 1996 Indigenous Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer Reforestation and rehabilitation of Indigenous Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer 1996 degraded forests to provide cover to Indigenous Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer 1996 wild fauna Indigenous Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer 1996 Indigenous Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer 1996 Reforestation and rehabilitation of Indigenous Kotra, Panarwa, Mamer 1996 degraded forests to provide cover to Indigenous Sajjangarh 1996 wild fauna Indigenous All ranges 0.50 1998-99 Improvement of habitat, providing All ranges 1992 fuel/fodder Indigenous All ranges 1992 Improvement of habitat, providing All ranges 1992 fuel/fodder 1992 Improvement of habitat, providing All ranges fuel/fodder 1992 Improvement of habitat, providing fuel/fodder Improvement of habitat, providing fuel/fodder Improvement of habitat, providing fuel/fodder Improvement of habitat, providing fuel/fodder Eco restoration Eco restoration Eco restoration Eco restoration Improvement of habitat, providing food and fodder 85
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted RAJ/S/TOD Yes Khair (Acacia catechu) RAJ/S/TOD Yes Kumat (Acacia senegal) RAJ/S/TOD Yes Babul (Acacia niloticca) RAJ/S/TOD Yes Neem (Azadirachta indica ) 243 RAJ/S/VAN Yes Yes 25.6 Jungle jalebi (Inga dulcice) RAJ/S/VAN Yes Ronjh (Acacia leucophloea) RAJ/S/VAN Yes Khair (Acacia catechu) RAJ/S/VAN Yes Kumatha (Acacia senegal) RAJ/S/VAN Yes Churel (Holoptelia integrifolia) RAJ/S/VAN Yes Prosopis juliflora RAJ/S/VAN Yes Babool (Acacia nilotica) RAJ/S/VAN Yes Yes Dhok (Anogeisus pendula) 244 SIK/N/KHA SIK/N/KHA NP No 1784 Cedrela toona SIK/N/KHA No Premus 245 SIK/S/BAR Evodia fraxenifolia 246 SIK/S/FAM NP Yes 247 SIK/S/KYON No 104 248 SIK/S/MAE 51.76 249 SIK/S/SHIN 31 Juniper 250 TN/N/GUI 35.34 251 TN/N/GUL 252 TN/N/IND NP Yes Larynx qriltithi, Abies densa, Acer species, 43 Betula species, Rhododendron 253 TN/N/MUD TN/N/MUD Yes 2.82 Gap planting (Ficus jamun) NP No 6.23 254 TN/N/MUK NP Yes 958.57 TN/N/MUK NP Yes 321 Teak 255 TN/S/CHI Eucalyptus 256 TN/S/GRI NP Yes 257 TN/S/KAN 78.46 Wattle 258 TN/S/KARA NP No Pine 259 TN/S/KARI NP 260 TN/S/KOO NP No 0.48 261 TN/S/MEL NP 477.83 262 TN/S/POIN NP 263 TN/S/PUL NP No 1.04 NP 4.53 TN/S/PUL NO No 0.65 264 TN/S/UDA NO Yes 1.2 NP Yes 5.93 25 61.47 Risofora Avecennia 0.44 Acacia Nilotica 8
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Improvement of habitat, providing Indigenous All ranges food and fodder 1992 Indigenous All ranges Improvement of habitat, providing 1992 food and fodder Indigenous All ranges 1992 Improvement of habitat, providing Indigenous All ranges food and fodder 1992 Indigenous Van Vihar 3.50 1995 to 1999 Improvement of habitat, providing Indigenous Van Vihar food and fodder Indigenous Van Vihar 1995 to 1999 Indigenous Van Vihar 1995 to 1999 Restocking of degraded forests. Indigenous Van Vihar 1995 to 1999 Restocking of degraded forests. Exotic Van Vihar 1995 to 1999 Restocking of degraded forests. Exotic Van vihar 1995 to 1999 Restocking of degraded forests. Indigenous Van vihar 1995 to 1999 Restocking of degraded forests. Indigenous Mangan 1995 to 1999 Restocking of degraded forests. Indigenous Mangan 100.00 1999 onwards Restocking of degraded forests. Indigenous Mangan 200.00 1999 onwards Restocking of degraded forests. 1999 onwards Habitat improvement Indigenous Kyongnosla 1998 Forest conservation Indigenous Planted wherever there are Habitat improvement, soil and water Indigenous blanks and landslides conservation, conservation of rare Guindy National Park Rhododendron species To fill the gap (1500 dry evergreen species were planted) Indigenous Nelakoltai, Kargudi Exotic Mudumalai Exotic Exotic Masinagudi 7.00 1970 Fuel Indigenous 0.45 1996 To improve the eco-system Indigenous 0.26 1985-86 Nesting and roosting for birds 86
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 265 TN/S/VAD 266 TN/S/VALL NP Yes 1.28 Acacia Nilotica 267 TN/S/VED NP No 16.41 TN/S/VED NO Yes 0.27 Barringtania acutagula TN/S/VED 268 TN/S/VELL NP Yes Acacia nilotica 269 TN/S/VET NP No 270 TRI/S/GUM Terminalia arjuna TRI/S/GUM 0.77 Acacia Nilotica TRI/S/GUM 0.38 TRI/S/GUM TRI/S/GUM NP Yes 389.59 Teak (Tectona grandis) 271 TRI/S/TRI NP 272 UP/S/BAK Gamar (Gmelina arborea) Ornamental species (Peltaphorum, 273 UP/S/CHA Feruginum, Delonix spp.) UP/S/CHA Albizzia spp.& Rubber (Havea brasil) UP/S/CHA Garjan (Dipterocarpuss spp.) 194.7 UP/S/CHA 28.94 UP/S/CHA Yes 96 Asna (Terminalia tomentosa) 274 UP/S/KAC 275 UP/S/KAI Yes Dhau (Anogeissus latifolio) UP/S/KAI Yes Kahu (Terminalia arjuna) UP/S/KAI Yes Khair (Acacia catechu) 276 UP/S/KAT Yes Jamun (Syzigium euminii) No 7 Yes 501 Bamboo (Dendrocalamus strictus) Mixed species: Amla, Chilbit, Khair, Mahua, Neem, Sagaun, Shisham, Sirus, Kanji, Yes Babool, Imali, Casurina etc. Mixed species: Amla, Chilbit, Khair, Mahua, Neem, Sagaun, Shisham, Sirus, Kanji, Yes Babool, Imali, Casurina etc. Yes 400.09 Dalbergia sissoo 8
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Nesting and roosting for migratory Indigenous T birds 0.54 1986-1988 Native Sanctuary Range For providing nesting grounds for 0.10 Not known birds Native Sanctuary Range 0.10 Not known For providing nesting grounds for birds Native Sanctuary Range Not known For providing nesting grounds for Indigenous Erode range 0.40 1983 birds Social Forestry for Fuel Native Tirthmukh 36.66 1981 Native Tirthmukh 1981 Soil conservation, for ornamental Exotic Tirthmukh 1981 and economic purposes Exotic Tirthmukh 1981 Soil conservation, for ornamental Indigenous Tirthmukh 1981 and economic purposes Soil conservation, for ornamental and economic purposes Soil conservation, for ornamental and economic purposes Soil conservation, for ornamental and economic purposes Indigenous Chandra Prabha 1.Habitat improvement, 2. Soil conservation, 3. Fruit/food for birds, Indigenous Chandra Prabha 4. Water conservation. Indigenous Chandra Prabha 1.Habitat improvement, 2. Soil conservation, 3. Fruit/food for birds, Indigenous Chandra Prabha 4. Water conservation. Indigenous Chandra Prabha 1.Habitat improvement, 2. Soil conservation, 3. Fruit/food for birds, 4. Water conservation. 1.Habitat improvement, 2. Soil conservation, 3. Fruit/Food for birds, 4. Water conservation. 1.Habitat improvement, 2. Soil conservation, 3. Fruit/Food for birds, 4. Water conservation. Indigenous Roberts ganj, Gurma, 127.70 1963 Commercial plantation (mono Ghorawal, Halia 1962 culture) for clear felling. Indigenous as well as Roberts ganj, Gurma, Fuel and fodder, as well as to increase forest density. exotic Ghorawal, Halia Indigenous as well as Roberts ganj, Gurma, Fuel and fodder, as well as to increase forest density. exotic Ghorawal, Halia 14.58 1991-2000 Information not available Indigenous Whole PA Information not available 87
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted UP/S/KAT Yes Teak (Tectona grandis) UP/S/KAT Yes Khair (Acacia catechu) 277 UP/S/LAK 80.24 278 UP/S/MAH 279 UP/S/NAT No 5.42 Yes 635 Dalbergia sissoo UP/S/NAT Yes Acacia arabica UP/S/NAT Yes Neem (Azadiracta indica) UP/S/NAT Yes Khair (Acacia catechu) UP/S/NAT Yes Prosopis sinraria 280 UP/S/NAW 281 UP/S/OKH 2.246 282 UP/S/PAR No 4 283 UP/S/PAT No 10.84 284 UP/S/RAN No 1.05 285 UP/S/SAMN No 220.41 286 UP/S/SAMS Yes 5.26 Prosopis juliflora 287 UP/S/SAN No 7.99 288 UP/S/SOH UP/S/SOH 2.25 UP/S/SOH Yes 428.2 Shisham (Dalbergia sissoo) UP/S/SOH Yes Teak (Tectona grandis) UP/S/SOH 289 UP/S/SUH Yes Jammun (Syzygium cumini) UP/S/SUH UP/S/SUH Yes Khair (Acacia catechu) UP/S/SUH UP/S/SUH Yes Arjun (Terminalia arjuna) 290 UP/S/SURA 291 UP/S/SURS Yes 452.47 Shisham, fruit bearing trees 292 UP/S/VIJ Yes Shisham and other trees Yes Shisham and other trees 293 UTT/N/COR Yes Teak and jamum Yes Shisham, teak, other species UTT/N/COR No 34.33 No 7.13 UTT/N/COR 2.62 UTT/N/COR YES Yes 520.82 Arundo donax(Narkul) UTT/N/COR Yes Arundo donax (Narkul) UTT/N/COR Yes Yes Yes Bombax arundenacea (Bamboo) 294 UTT/N/GAN 295 UTT/N+S/GOV Arundo donax (Narkul) UTT/N+S/GOV Anjana grass Anjana grass Deodar, Poplar, Blue pine (Kail), Prunus 2390.02 cerasoides 957.97 Rubinia Silver oak 8
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Information not available Exotic Whole PA Information not available Information Indigenous Whole PA not available Information not available Indigenous Bah 0.24 1998 Habitat improvement Indigenous Bah 1998 Habitat improvement Indigenous Bah 1998 Habitat improvement Indigenous Bah 1998 Habitat improvement Indigenous Bah 1998 Habitat improvement Exotic Saman Bird Sanctuary 1.00 1994-95 Habitat improvement. Indigenous All the ranges. 8.43 1990 Habitat improvement for wildlife. Exotic All the ranges 9.67 1990 Habitat improvement for wildlife. Indigenous All the ranges 12.64 1990 Habitat improvement for wildlife. Indigenous All the ranges 11.07 1990 Habitat improvement for wildlife. Indigenous All the ranges 8.54 1990 Habitat improvement for wildlife. Indigenous Tulsipur Indigenous Barahawa Indigenous Banakatawa Indigenous East Suhelwa Indigenous West Suhelwa Indigenous Dhikala 0.05 1985 Habitat improvement for tiger and elephant. Indigenous Dhikala 0.05 1986 Habitat improvement for tiger and elephant. Indigenous Dhikala 0.01 1987 Habitat improvement for tiger and elephant. Indigenous Sarpduli 0.03 1988 Habitat improvement for tiger and elephant. Indigenous Bijrani 0.10 1996 Habitat improvement for deer species. Indigenous Jhirna 0.10 1996 Habitat improvement for deer species. Indigenous Gangotri 0.40 1983-84 Exotic All ranges Not known Aforestation Exotic Rupin, Supin Not known Ornamental Ornamental 88
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Kharsu UTT/N+S/GOV Chir pine UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Deodar UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Walnut UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Aesculus indica UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Banj UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Mohru UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Toona serrata UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Chimonobamboosa falcata UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Rubinia UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Silver oak UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Kharsu Yes 296 UTT/S/ASK Yes Yes 599.93 Padam (Prunus cornuta) UTT/S/ASK Yes Panger (Aesculus indica) UTT/S/ASK Yes Yes Angu (Frarinus micrantha) UTT/S/ASK Yes Yes Padam (Prunus cornuta) UTT/S/ASK Yes Yes Padam (Prunus cornuta) UTT/S/ASK Yes Yes Padam (Prunus cornuta) UTT/S/ASK Yes Chir (Pinus roxburghii) UTT/S/ASK Yes Deodar (Cedrus deodara) UTT/S/ASK Yes Banj (Quercus spp.) UTT/S/ASK Yes Wall nut (Juglamce regia) UTT/S/ASK Utis (Alnus napolnous) UTT/S/ASK Chura (Deploknima bunyacea) UTT/S/ASK Jamun (Syzygum cummini) UTT/S/ASK Tun (Toona ciliata) UTT/S/ASK Yes Padam (Prunus cornuta) UTT/S/ASK Yes Panger (Aesculus indica) 8
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Indigineous All ranges Plantation Area Planting For fodder Indigenous Rupin, Supin Commercial Indigenous All ranges Not known Commercial Indigenous All range Not Known For fodder Indigenous All ranges Not Known For fodder Indigenous All ranges Not Known For fodder Indigenous All ranges Not Known For fodder Indigenous All ranges Not Known For fodder Indigenous Rupin, Supin Not Known For peoples needs Exotic All ranges Not known Ornamental Exotic Rupin, Supin Not known Ornamental Indigineous All ranges Not known For fodder Not known Not known Indigenous Askote (20 ha.), Dharchula (25 ha.) 0.45 1994 Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Indigenous 0.50 1995 improving degraded forests. Indigenous Askote (40 ha.), Dharchula (10 ha.) 0.80 1996 Indigenous Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Indigenous Askote (50 ha.), Dharchula (30 ha.) 0.32 1997 improving degraded forests. Indigenous 0.54 1998 Indigenous Askote Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Indigenous 1.07 1999 improving degraded forests. Indigenous Askote Indigenous 0.25 1996 Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Indigenous Askote (80 ha.), Dharchula (27 ha.) improving degraded forests. Indigenous 0.20 1997 Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Indigenous Askote 1.30 1998 improving degraded forests. Indigenous Askote (10 ha.), Dharchula 0.65 1989 Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, (10 ha.) 0.67 1990 improving degraded forests. Askote (70 ha. ), Dharchula 0.95 1991 (60 ha.) 0.85 1992 Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Askote (40 ha.), Dharchula 1.20 1993 improving degraded forests. (25 ha.) Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Askote (20 ha.), Dharchula improving degraded forests. (47 ha.) Askote (60 ha.), Dharchula Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, (35 ha.) improving degraded forests. Askote (80 ha.), Dharchula (5 ha.) Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Askote (80 ha.), Dharchula improving degraded forests. (40 ha.) Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, improving degraded forests. Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, improving degraded forests. Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, improving degraded forests. Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, improving degraded forests. Indigenous Askote (20 ha.), Dharchula 0.45 1994 Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, Indigenous (25 ha.) 0.50 1995 improving degraded forests. Askote (40 ha.), Dharchula Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, (10 ha.) improving degraded forests. 89
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted UTT/S/ASK Yes Angu (Frarinus micrantha) 297 UTT/S/BIN NP Yes 47.07 Oak Yes UTT/S/BIN No Acacia NP Yes UTT/S/BIN Yes Deodar Yes UTT/S/BIN Yes Surai (Cupeaesis perclusa) UTT/S/BIN Yes Akhrot 298 UTT/S/BINO Yes 3.39 299 UTT/S/KED Yes 975.2 300 UTT/S/SON Yes 301.1 Silver Oak Yes UTT/S/SON Yes Teak Yes UTT/S/SON Kalthsagon Yes UTT/S/SON Yes Ailanthus excelsa Yes UTT/S/SON Eucalyptus hybrid UTT/S/SON Sheesham UTT/S/SON Khair UTT/S/SON Semal UTT/S/SON Bamboo UTT/S/SON Silver Oak Teak (Tectona grandis)/Miscellaneous 301 WB/N/GOR 79.45 species. Dhadda (Saccharum species), Purundi WB/N/GOR NO (Alpinia nigra, Alpinia malaeensis), Chepti (Saccharum spontaneum), Malsa 302 WB/N/NEO (Saccharum narenga), Bamboo (Bambusa WB/N/NEO species) Miscellaneous plantation with species like WB/N/NEO Malagiri, Panisaj, Chilanni, Lampata, Sal 303 WB/N/SUN 88 etc. Dhupi, Pine etc. Miscellaneous with Rhododendron species 2585 9
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Indigenous Askote (50 ha.), Dharchula Plantation Area Planting Filling blank spaces, fuel, fodder, (30 ha.) improving degraded forests. 0.80 1996 Indigenous Binsar 0.20 1992 Habitat improvement, food for wild animals, beautification. Exotic Binsar 0.20 1992 Habitat improvement, food for wild Exotic Binsar 0.20 1992 animals, beautification. Exotic Binsar 1992 Habitat improvement, food for wild Exotic Binsar 1992 animals, beautification. Habitat improvement, food for wild animals, beautification. For animals as food. Exotic Sonanadi (Pakhrau 8, 1955-58 Exotic Dhaulkhand 6) 1955-58 Exotic 1995-58 Exotic Sonanadi (Pakhrau 8, Dhaulkhand 6) 1955-58 Sonanadi (Pakhrau 8, After 1958 Dhaulkhand 6) After 1958 1996 Sonanadi (Dhaulkhand 6, 14; Kalushahid 4,14) Sonanadi (Dhaulkhand 6, 14; Kalushahid 4,14) Sonanadi (Dhaulkhand 6, 14; Kalushahid 4,14) Sonanadi (Dhaulkhand 6, 14; Kalushahid 4,14) Palain (Kugadda 8, Bijoragarh 4) Indigenous/Exotic Garumara North and South 0.18 1947 To supply Timber. Indigenous Garumara North and South 1947 To provide fodder for Rhinocerous and other herbivores. Indigenous Lower Neora range Exotic Upper Neora 2.54 1961 Timber production Indigenous Uppar Neora, Racilla chalk 0.45 1965 Timber production 0.10 1996-1997 To cover up the blank area. 90
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 304 WB/S/BAL YES Yes 2.02 Shorea robusta(Sal) WB/S/BAL Acacia auriculiformis WB/S/BAL NP Yes Dalbergia sisoo(Sisoo) WB/S/BAL WB/S/BAL NP Yes Anacardium occidental(Cashew) WB/S/BAL Yes WB/S/BAL Yes Terminalia bellerica(Bahera) WB/S/BAL Terminalia chebula(Hartaki) 305 WB/S/BET Azadiracha indica(Neem) 306 WB/S/BIB 307 WB/S/CHA Pterocarpus marsupium(Pea sal) WB/S/CHA Teak (Tectona grandis), Arjun (Terminalia arjuna), Sissoo (Dalbergia sissoo), Siris (Albizia species), Jarul (Lagerstoermia flos- reginae), Minjri (Cassia siamma), Jam (Eugenia species), Subabul (Leucaena leucocephala), Amlaki (Emblica officinalis), Pitali (Trewia nudiflora), Hijul (Baringtonea 0.67 acutangula) Aswatha (Ficus religiosa), Bat (Ficus bengalensis) ,Arjun(Terminalia arjuna), Raintree (Samaria saman), Sisoo (Dalbergia sissoo), Sirish (Albizzia species), Asan (Terminalia tomentosa), Simul (Bombax ceiba), Minijiri (Cassia siamea), Akashmoni (Acacia auriculiformis), Khair (Acacia catechu), Hijal (Barringtonia 0.64 acutancula) Sal (Shorea robusta)- indigenous, 'Teak 9.49 (Tectona grandis)-exotic Fodder grasses like Daddha (Sacharus spp.), Purundi (Alpina nisea), Chepti (S. Spontaneum), Malse (S. harenga), Bamboo, 'Teak (Tectona grandis)-exotic 308 WB/S/HAL NP Yes Jhow (Casurina equisetifolia), Parash pipal 5.95 (Thespesia populnea) 9
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Indigenous Eastern Part Afforestation of degraded land Exotic Eastern part 1954 and Afforestation of degraded land Indigenous Scattered all over 0.80 1955 Enrichment plantation Indigenous North eastern part 0.82 1975-76 Enrichment plantation Indigenous North eastern part Enrichment plantation Indigenous North eastern part 1954-55 Enrichment plantation Indigenous North eastern part Enrichment plantation Indigenous North eastern part 1975-76 Enrichment plantation 1980 1980 1981 1976 All Indigenous except Block-Bettuadahari Comptt. To have full stock of forests covers Teak, Subabul, Minjiri No.-1 Krishnapar Range 0.67 1951 to 1952 in the degraded vested land. Indigenous Bongaon Social Forest 0.64 1956 To increase forest and to preserve Indigenous Range and protect local flora. Chapramari Beat 1925 (sal), 1.60 1976 (teak) Timber production Chapramari Beat 0.66 1995 to 2001 To provide fodder for wild herbivores. To protect the flora and fauna of the P.A. against the damage caused due to tidal waves in the southern part of the sanctuary. Artificial plantation is being created to counter the effect of natural calamities which is responsible for soil erosion as well as destruction of existing crops in the P.A. 91
TABLE 1.4: Pla Note: All values of area in this Plantations in New Data 1989- the PA 03 Sno PA code Old data 1984-89 New Data 1989-03 Area of the PA Species Planted 309 WB/S/LOT NO Yes Jhow (Casurina equisetifolia), Parash pipal Yes 38 (Thespesia populnea) 310 WB/S/RAI NP WB/S/RAI NO No 1.3 Hijal(Barringtonia acutangula) WB/S/RAI Yes Jarul(Lagerstroemia speciosa) WB/S/RAI Jam (Syzygium cuminii) WB/S/RAI Dumur (Ficus hispida) WB/S/RAI Sissoo(Dalbergia sissoo) WB/S/RAI Arjun(Terminalia arjuna) WB/S/RAI Kadam(Anthocephalus cadamba) WB/S/RAI Pitali(Trewia nudiflora) WB/S/RAI Kanju(Anogeissus acuminata) Gokul(Ailanthus grandis) 311 WB/S/RAM 0.14 312 WB/S/SEN NP 38.88 Dulpi WB/S/SEN Pipli WB/S/SEN Capari WB/S/SEN TOTALS FOR ALL Cactus 100907.746 9
antations in PAs table are in square kilometers Exotic/ Indigenous Ranges Year of Purpose of Planting Plantation Area Planting Indigenous Wildlife Range To protect the flora and fauna of Exotic Wildlife Range 1.30 1952 the P.A. against the damage Indigenous Wildlife Range caused due to tidal waves in the Indigenous Wildlife Range southern part of the sanctuary. Indigenous Wildlife Range Artificial plantation is being created Indigenous Wildlife Range to counter the effect of natural Indigenous Wildlife Range calamities which is responsible for Indigenous Wildlife Range soil erosion as well as destruction of Indigenous Wildlife Range existing crops in the P.A Exotic Wildlife Range To bring blank area under tree Exotic Senchal East Range & cover. Senchal West Range Indigenous Senchal East Range & 1.00 1994 to 1999 To increase forest cover. Senchal West Range 1994 to 1999 To increase forest cover. Indigenous Senchal East Range & Senchal West Range 1994 to 1999 To increase forest cover. Indigenous Senchal East Range & Senchal West Range 1994 to 1999 To increase forest cover. 2864.265 92
Table 1.5: Corridors Connecting PAs to Each Other 93
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Old data New Data Names of P 1984-89 Sno PA code NO 1989-03 through the 1 A&N/N/SAD 2 A&N/S/CUT NP* No 3 A&N/S/INT No 4 A&N/S/NAR NO 5 A&N/S/NOR No No 6 AP/N/KAS No No 7 AP/N/MAH NP No 8 AP/N/MRU NP No 9 AP/N/VEN NP No NP 10 AP/S/COR NO Eturnagaram Yes Sanctuary 11 AP/S/ETU YES Nagarjuna S 12 AP/S/GUN NP Yes Reserve 13 AP/S/KAW NO No 14 AP/S/KOL NO No 15 AP/S/KOU NP No 16 AP/S/KRI NP No 17 AP/S/MAN NO No 18 AP/S/NEL NO No 19 AP/S/PAK YES Pakhal Wild 20 AP/S/PAP NO Yes Eturnagaram 21 AP/S/POC NO No 22 AP/S/PRA NO No 23 AP/S/PUL NO Yes 24 AP/S/SIW NO No 25 ARU/N/MOU NP No No *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 9
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length m - Pakhal Wildlife Forest (R.F) 12.50 kms Sagar Srisailam Tiger Speckled With 6 13 kms Revenue villages Forest Forest area (RF) dlife Sanctuary - Mixed with Revenue m Wildlife Sanctuary villages. 12.5 kms hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 94
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 26 ARU/N/NAM 1984-89 1989-03 through the 27 ARU/S/DER NO Yes Kamlang W 28 ARU/S/KAM NO No 29 ARU/S/MEH NP No Dambuhs-P 30 ARU/S/YOR NO No Arunachal NP No Panbori Re Yes Anglong Fo 31 ASS/N/DIB NP Yes Royal Mana Yes Pakhui Wild 32 ASS/N/KAZ NP (Arunachal 33 ASS/N/MAN NP Yes Burachapor reported to 34 ASS/N/NAME Yes Yes Laokhowa ( No Khalingdwa 35 ASS/N/ORA NP (Bhutan): R proposed, r 36 ASS/S/BAR NP Bornadi rev 37 ASS/S/BUR Yes elephants a 38 ASS/S/DIP NP forest area. 39 ASS/S/EKAR No Laokhowa W 40 ASS/S/GAR Yes 41 ASS/S/GIB NP Nambor Wi No 42 ASS/S/KAR Yes Kaziranga N 43 ASS/S/LAO NP Yes Rajiv Gandh *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 9
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected Corridor type Corridor length e forest corridor Forest 56 Wildlife Sanctuary Paglam ghat area of River, Forest, Islands 7-10 6 km (approx) eserve Forest, Karbi Wetland and 52 km. 10 km orest grassland 2 km. as National Park (Bhutan) Forest and River dlife Sanctuary Pradesh) Forest ri (1997-5 Rhinos move between the PAs) (Rhinos) ar Wildlife Sanctuary Reserve Forest and newly reserve forest 5 km from venue land is corridor across between their . Wildlife Sanctuary Forest ildlife Sanctuary Forest Adjoining National Park Forest 1 km. (the 2 PAs are adjacent to each hi National Par, Orang Wetlands other) 40 km hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 95
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 44 ASS/S/NAMB 1984-89 1989-03 through the 45 ASS/S/PAN Yes Garampani 46 ASS/S/POB NP No NP No 47 ASS/S/SON 48 BIH/S/RAJ NO Yes Nameri Tige NO No NA 49 CHD/S/SUK 50 CHT/N/IND NO The adjoinin 51 CHT/N/KAN YES Yes and Punjab 52 CHT/S/ACH YES No NO No 53 CHT/S/BAR No 54 CHT/S/BHA NO 55 CHT/S/GOM YES Lawan Ran 56 CHT/S/PAM No Yes Sonakhan 57 CHT/S/SIT NO No NO 58 CHT/S/TAM No 59 CHT/S/UDA NO Yes Udanti Sanc 60 DEL/S/ASO NO 61 GOA/S/BON NP Yes Sanjay Nati 62 GOA/S/CHO Yes No 63 GUJ/N/BAN NP No NA 64 GUJ/S/PUR NO 65 GUJ/S/RAT NP Mollem Nat No No NA No Yes Dhamandev Great Rann 66 GUJ/S/WIL NP Yes sancturay *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 9
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected Corridor type Corridor length e forest corridor Forest 5 km. Wildlife Sanctuary er Reserve Reserve Forests (encroached) Partly 15 km ng area falls in Haryana NA NA b Forest nge, Deopur, Kasdol and 20km Forest ctuary Forest 35km ional Park tional Park Natural forest along vi forest with River Rend 3.5km n of Kutch wildlife N.A. N.A. Forest 3 km. N.A. N.A. Forest Desert & government wasteland in the northern portion of the PA hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 96
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 67 HAR/N/SUL 1984-89 1989-03 through the 68 HAR/S/ABU NO No 69 HAR/S/BHIN NP No 70 HAR/S/BIRB NP No 71 HAR/S/BIRS NP No 72 HAR/S/CHIL NO No 73 HAR/S/KAL NP No 74 HAR/S/KHA NO 75 HAR/S/NAH NP No 76 HAR/S/SAR NP No 77 HP/N/GRE NP No NO 78 HP/S/DAR Yes Sangla San NO Manali, Kug 79 HP/S/DHA 80 HP/S/GAM NP Yes sanctuaries 81 HP/S/KAI NO No 82 HP/S/KAL No 83 HP/S/KAN NO No 84 HP/S/KHO Yes Great Hima No 85 HP/S/KUG NO Yes Tundah & D Pin Valley N 86 HP/S/LIP NO Yes Bhaba Sanc 87 HP/S/MAN No 88 HP/S/NAR YES No 89 HP/S/PON NO No *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 9
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length nctuary Pastures and 40-50km gti, Tundah and Nargu glaciers s Forests and Grasslands alayan National Park Forest and glaciers 8 km. Dhauladhar Sanctuaries Forest 5 to 7 kms for National Park and Rupi Glaciers and Tundah, and ctuary Pastures adjoining Dhauladhar Sanctuary Approx. 20-30 kms hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 97
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Old data New Data Names of P 1984-89 Sno PA code 1989-03 through the Pin Valley a national par 90 HP/S/RUP NO Yes Sanctuary 91 HP/S/SAN NP Yes Daranghati 92 HP/S/SHI NO Yes Govind Pas 93 HP/S/TUN NO Yes 94 J&K/N/HEM Yes Kugti sanctu 95 J&K/N/KIS NO No Gya-Miru sa NA 96 J&K/S/CHA Yes Yes 97 J&K/S/KAR Yes No Karakoram 98 J&K/S/OVE YES Changthang 99 JHA/N/RAJ NP Yes Dachigam n Yes 100 JHA/S/HAZ YES No Lawalong a 101 JHA/S/PAR NP Yes Topchanch 102 JHA/S/UDH NP 103 KAR/N/ANS NP Yes Dandeli Wil Madumalai 104 KAR/N/BAND YES Wynad San Cauvery Wi 105 KAR/N/BANN Yes Reserve Fo *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 9
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected Corridor type Corridor length e forest corridor GHNP and Pin Glaciers and Alpine Valley national parks and Great Himalayan Pastures are adjoining the PA. rks, and Lippa Asrang Lippa Asrang Alpine pastures, Sanctuary is 50 km Sanctuary and with glaciers and forests away shu Vihar in Uttaranchal Contiguous with GPV and 40-50 km corridor to Daranghati Sanctuary uary Forest 5-7 kms anctuary 5 km. NA NA Wildlife Sanctuary Both PAs are g Wildlife Sanctuary adjacent to each 50 km. national park other. 20 km. Forest Forests, Wastelands and Koderma sanctuaries and Cultivated lands hi Wildlife Sanctuary ldlife Sanctuary Forest Wildlife Sanctuary, Moist Deciduous nctuary Forest 150 kms 10 km. ildlife Sanctuary and Tally orest (Tamil Nadu) Forest hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 98
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 106 KAR/N/KUD 1984-89 1989-03 through the 107 KAR/N/NAG NP No Wynad Wild 108 KAR/S/ADI NP Yes 109 KAR/S/ARA NO No The PA is in NP No reserve fore Satyamang 110 KAR/S/ATT NO No Nagarahole 111 KAR/S/BHA Kerti State F Yes National Pa 112 KAR/S/BIL Yes Yes Anashi Nati No 113 KAR/S/BRA YES No Gudavi Bird 114 KAR/S/DAN YES Yes 115 KAR/S/DOR NP No Someshwa 116 KAR/S/GHA NO No Wildlife San 117 KAR/S/GUD NP 118 KAR/S/KAV NP Yes Mukambica 119 KAR/S/MEL NO No Bhadra Wild No Pushpagiri 120 KAR/S/MOO YES No (Adjoining) 121 KAR/S/NUG NO No 122 KAR/S/PUS NP Yes 123 KAR/S/RANE NP Yes 124 KAR/S/RANG NO No 125 KAR/S/SHA YES 126 KAR/S/SHE NO Yes 127 KAR/S/SOM YES 128 KAR/S/TAL NP 129 KER/N/ERA YES Yes Chinnar and *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 9
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected Corridor type Corridor length e forest corridor Forest 3 Forest dlife Sanctuary n an enclosure in the Moist Deciduous est. Forest galam Nilgiri Bandipura, Forest 4 to 5 corridors of 40 e etc. km each of 2 to 3 Forest/Nagarahole Forest km. ark/Wynad Sanctuary Forest ional Park Adjacent d Sanctuary Forest 52 km ara and Sharavathi Valley nctuary Forest 20 kms and 10 kms a Wildlife Sanctuary Forest 25 Kms dlife Sanctuary Forest 30 km Wildlife Sanctuary Forest About 25 km d Anamalai sanctuaries Forests and grasslands hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 99
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 1984-89 1989-03 through the 130 KER/S/ARA Brahmagiri 131 KER/S/CHIN Yes Yes Wayanad W 132 KER/S/WAY Yes Kerala 133 MAH/N/AND YES Yes Eravikulam 134 MAH/N/NAV No Gandhi wild 135 MAH/N/PEN YES Yes Nagarahole NP Mudumalai NO Chaprala YES Pench Tige Pradesh) 136 MAH/N/SAN NO Yes Thana-Div. 137 MAH/S/AMB NP Adjoining ra 138 MAH/S/ANE NP Yes division) 139 MAH/S/BHA NP No 140 MAH/S/BHI No 141 MAH/S/BOR NO Yes It connects 142 MAH/S/CHAN No 143 MAH/S/CHAP NP No Black buck within the G 144 MAH/S/DEU Yes sanctuary Territorical 145 MAH/S/GAU NP Yes division 146 MAH/S/GRE No 147 MAH/S/GYA NP No 148 MAH/S/JAI NP No *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected Corridor type Corridor length e forest corridor Sanctuary of Karnataka, Forest 20 km. Wildlife Sanctuary of Forest 20kms Forest Contiguous national park and Indira Forest 20 to 30 km. dlife sanctuary e, Bandipur and er Reserve(Madhya Both forest & Forest wetland Reserve Forest,Protected Forest,Unclassified ange forest(Territorial Forest ? with adjoining forests sanctuary is a sanctuary Whole area falls within GIB sanctuary Great Indian Bustered Forest (Sanctuary area within sanctuary) 100 Kms forest of Buldhana Dry deciduous thorny forest. hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 00
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 149 MAH/S/KAL 1984-89 1989-03 through the 150 MAH/S/KAR NO No 151 MAH/S/KAT NO No 152 MAH/S/MAL NP No 153 MAH/S/MAY NP 154 MAH/S/NAG No No 155 MAH/S/NAI NO No 156 MAH/S/NAR NP Yes Wan-Tiger P NP 157 MAH/S/PAI Not connec 158 MAH/S/RAD NP Pusad div.- 159 MAH/S/SAG NO ,Mahagaon 160 MAH/S/TIP NP Yes kinvat,Bodh 161 MAH/S/WAN NP No NP No 162 MAH/S/YAW No 163 MAH/S/YED NO Yes Ambabarwa 164 MAN/N/KEI NP Not connec 165 MAN/S/YAN NO Yes adjoining te No 166 MEG/N/BAL NP No N.A. 167 MEG/N/NOK NP 168 MEG/N/NON NO Balpakram 169 MEG/S/BAG NP Yes Bagmara R No 170 MEG/S/SIJ NO No 171 MIZ/N/MUR NP No 172 MIZ/N/PHA NP Balpakram Yes Reserve Fo Yes Lengteng W No *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length Project Forest cted to a P.A., but to -range-Bitargaon Pusad Div.-35 to n & to Nanded div-range- hadi,Islapur Dry decidous & open 40km,Nanded div.- forests 50km a,Narnala and project Forest cted to a P.A., but to the erritorial range forest. Forest N.A. N.A. National Park with Forest R.F National Park and Rewak orest Forest 5 - 10 km 15-20 km Wildlife Sanctuary Forest N.A. N.A. hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 01
Table 1.5: Corridors Conne Is the PA connected to another PA through a natural corridor? Sno PA code Old data New Data Names of P 173 MIZ/S/DAM 1984-89 1989-03 through the 174 MIZ/S/KHA NO No 175 MIZ/S/LEN NP No Murlen Nati 176 MIZ/S/NGE NP Yes 177 MP/N/BAN NP No 178 MP/N/GHU YES No NO No 179 MP/N/PEN YES Yes Pench Natio 180 MP/N/SAT Bori and Pa 181 MP/N/VAN YES Hoshangab 182 MP/S/BAD NO 183 MP/S/BAG NO Yes Betul forest 184 MP/S/GAN YES No N. A. 185 MP/S/KAR NO No 186 MP/S/KHE NO Yes Kaimur San 187 MP/S/KUN NO Yes Darra sanct 188 MP/S/NAR NP No NO No N.A. 189 MP/S/NAT No 190 MP/S/NOR NO No N.A. 191 MP/S/ORC NP 192 MP/S/PEN No Kuno wildlif 193 MP/S/RAL YES Yes Ranthambh 194 MP/S/SAI NP No 195 MP/S/SAN NO 196 MP/S/SAR YES Yes Pench natio 197 MP/S/SON NP No No No N.A. Yes Sanjay nati No *NP. If occurring in a column titled \"old data 1984-1987\", depicts th 10
ecting PAs to Each Other New Data 1989-03 PAs that are connected e forest corridor Corridor type Corridor length ional Park N.A. N.A. Forest 15-20 km N.A. N.A. Forest as well as onal Park, Maharashtra. water body. About 5 km. N. A. achmarhi sanctuaries and bad, Chhindwara and t divisions. Forest N. A. nctuary Forest 60km tuary (Rajasthan). Dry natural scrub. 30 km N.A. N.A. fe sanctuary and Forest and river hore tiger reserve. Kuno onal park. Forest 7 km. ional park. Nil Nil Forest Adjoining (1km) hat the relevant data is \"not present\" for that PA in the old data set. 02
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