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Home Explore 2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

Published by Shekhar Singh Collections, 2022-01-11 06:38:28

Description: 2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

Keywords: 2003 - vol 2,National Parks,Biological profiles


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Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied Sub Himalayan light alluvial semi- by Forest Type ARU/S/YOR evergreen forest 2B/1S1 ARU/S/YOR 2/2S1 114.01 31 ASS/N/DIB Secondary moist bamboo brakes 248.85 32 ASS/N/KAZ 340 4D/SS1,4D/SS2,4D/SS3,4D/SS4 12.3 ASS/N/KAZ Eastern seasonal swamp &4D/SS5 24.32 ASS/N/KAZ forest,Barringtonia swamp ASS/N/KAZ forest,Syzygium cumini swamp low 370 forest,Eastern seasonal swamp low 50 33 ASS/N/MAN forest(Cephalanthus ) & Eastern ASS/N/MAN 100 407.9 Dillenia swamp forest ASS/N/MAN 20.06 Tall alluvial grassland(?) 19.5 34 ASS/N/NAME 4.5 ASS/N/NAME Alluvial Short grassland(?) ASS/N/NAME 221.81 Wetland (Aquatic grass)(?) 6 35 ASS/N/ORA 36 ASS/S/BAR 519.77 Low alluvial Savannah woodland 3/1S1 19.16 37 ASS/S/BUR Assam Semi-evergreen forest 2B/C1(a,b) 52 44 ASS/S/BUR Sub-himalayan high alluvial semi- 2B/C1/1S1 20 ASS/S/BUR evergreen 7.1 38 ASS/S/DIP 20 39 ASS/S/EKAR Eastern Alluvial Secondary Semi 2B/2S2 15 40 ASS/S/GAR 200 Evergreen forest 8 41 ASS/S/GIB 37 42 ASS/S/KAR Eastern Wet Alluvial Grassland 4D/2S2 ASS/S/KAR 43 ASS/S/LAO EEavesrtegrrneeDnillpeanticahSeswMamopistforest 4D/3S5 ASS/S/LAO 78.8 deciduous(?) ASS/S/LAO 26.21 Semi deciduous type(?) 3/1S1 ASS/S/LAO 44 Low Alluvial Savanna Woodland 4D/2S2 ASS/S/LAO Eastern Wet Alluvial Grassland 5S2 44 ASS/S/NAMB 45 ASS/S/PAN Swamp forest 4.14 Not Reported 2BC-1/b 2BC-1/s 221.81 Moist Semi-evergreen forest GROUP 2 6 Moist semi evergreen 4D/2S2 19.16 Tropical Semi Evergreen Forest 3/1S1 96 Moist Deciduous forest Degraded forest 70.1 Eastern wet alluvial grassland Low alluvial Savannah woodland Seral stages of moist mixed deciduous formation(?) Tropical Semi-evergreen formation(?) Aquatia area(?) 37 Moist Semi-evergreen forest 2BC-1/b 33.93 Not Reported 46 ASS/S/POB 16 Eastern wet alluvial grassland 4D/2S2 11.45 ASS/S/POB i swamp forest 4D/SS2 0.65 ASS/S/POB 2.04 Low alluvial savannah woodland 3/1S1 47 ASS/S/SON 35.84 220 Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests GROUP 1 ASS/S/SON ASS/S/SON Assam Alluvial plains semi-evergreen ASS/S/SON ASS/S/SON forest 2B/C1a ASS/S/SON 48 BIH/S/RAJ Bamboo Brakes(?) Cane Brakes(?) Grass land and Thatch area(?) Deciduous(?) 35.84 Dry deciduous Miscellaneous type 18

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied 49 CHD/S/SUK 26.11 Not Reported by Forest Type CHD/S/SUK 50 CHT/N/IND 2799.09 Southern mdroyimstimxeidxeddedceidcuidouosufosrest 5A/C3 9.96 CHT/N/IND forest 3B/C2 16.02 51 CHT/N/KAN 3C/C2eiii CHT/N/KAN 200 SMoouistht eprennminosuislat mr viaxelledydseaclidfouroeusst 3B/C2 150 CHT/N/KAN forest 35 3B/C1c 15 52 CHT/S/ACH Slightly moist teak forest 53 CHT/S/BAR 551.55 551.552 Moist Sal Bearing Forest 3C/C2 54 CHT/S/BHA 138.95 55 CHT/S/GOM 244.66 Sal forest 277.82 56 CHT/S/PAM Teak forest 382 CHT/S/PAM 60.23 57 CHT/S/SIT Teak Plantations 268.69 58 CHT/S/TAM 315.36 Mixed Forest CHT/S/TAM 9.8 CHT/S/TAM Bamboo overlapping 59 CHT/S/UDA 27.81 CHT/S/UDA 138.95 Southern dry mixed deciduous forest 5A/C3 2 CHT/S/UDA 3 CHT/S/UDA 277.82 Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest 5B/C2 3 CHT/S/UDA 60 DEL/S/ASO 442.23 Southern moist mixed deciduous 3B/C2 1.8 61 GOA/S/BON 0.8 GOA/S/BON Southern dry mixed deciduous forest 5A/C3 23.99 160.35 GOA/S/BON 558.55 Mixed Sal Forest 62 GOA/S/CHO 54.24 608.527 Dry penisular sal forest 5B/C1c GOA/S/CHO 100 GOA/S/CHO Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 63 GUJ/N/BAN 64 GUJ/S/PUR Khair-sissu forest 5B/1S2 65 GUJ/S/RAT 237.27 Southern dry mixed deciduous forest 5A/C3 66 GUJ/S/WIL Dry Teak Forest 5A/C1b GUJ/S/WIL GUJ/S/WIL Dry penisular sal forest 5B/C1c GUJ/S/WIL GUJ/S/WIL Moist peninsular sal forest 3C/C2eii 67 HAR/N/SUL 68 HAR/S/ABU Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 69 HAR/S/BHI 27.81 North Tropical Thorn '4BTS2 70 HAR/S/BIRB 7.95 Western Coastal Semi Evergreen 71 HAR/S/BIRS Moist Bamboo brakes 72 HAR/S/CHIL Southern Secondary Moist Mixed 73 HAR/S/KAL Decideous forest 74 HAR/S/KHA 75 HAR/S/NAH 1.8 76 HAR/S/SAR Mangrove forest 77 HP/N/GRE Mangrove forest 23.99 Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest 3 160.345 Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest 3 Tropical Dry Deciduous Teak Bearing forest , Southern Tropical Dry Mixed 55.65 Deciduous forests 5A/C1, 5A/C3 4953.71 Mangrove Scrub 4B/TS1 Dry Deciduous Scrub 5/DS1 Dry Savannah Forest 5/DS2 Desert Thorn Forest 6B/C1 Zizyphus Scrub 6B/DS1 1.42 Not Reported 113.968 Not Reported 4.07 Not Reported 4.14 Not Reported 7.584 Not Reported 0.28 Not Reported 100 Not Reported 0.816 Not Reported 2.09 Not Reported 44.02 Not Reported 905.4 Not Reported 19

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied 78 HP/S/DAR 46.5857 Moist deodar forests 12/C1c by Forest Type HP/S/DAR HP/S/DAR Western Mixed coniferous forests 12/C1d 1.24 HP/S/DAR 25.99 HP/S/DAR Moist temperate deciduous forests 12/C1e 15.31 79 HP/S/DHA HP/S/DHA Kharsu oak forests 12/C2a 4.05 HP/S/DHA West Himalayan sub alpine forests 14/C1b 8.87 1.51 HP/S/DHA 943.98 Ban oak forests 12/C1a Moist deodar forests 12/C1c 73.33 HP/S/DHA Western Mixed coniferous forests and 50.02 80 HP/S/GAM HP/S/GAM Himalayan temperate parkland 12/C1d and 12/DS2 254.46 HP/S/GAM HP/S/GAM Kharsu oak forests and Birch/ 12/C2 a and 15/C1 35 Rhododendron scrub 45 81 HP/S/KAI 82 HP/S/KAL Himalayan temperate pasture, Sub- 4 alpine pasture and Alpine pasture 12/DS3, 14/DS1 and 15/C3 25 HP/S/KAL HP/S/KAL 109 Moist deodar forests 12/C1c 14.6626 83 HP/S/KAN Western Mixed coniferous forests 12/C1d 1.2 84 HP/S/KHO 12/C2a Kharsu oak forests 15/C3 5.5289 85 HP/S/KUG HP/S/KUG Alpine pastures 12/C1c 0.0971 HP/S/KUG 12/C1a 41.5958 HP/S/KUG 12.6108 Not Reported 12/C1d 75.6741 69.47 Moist deodar forests 243.6542 86 HP/S/LIP Ban oak forests HP/S/LIP 2.88 HP/S/LIP Western Mixed coniferous forests 12.783 HP/S/LIP 58.1797 Not Reported 1.34 87 HP/S/MAN 19.3474 Not Reported 4 HP/S/MAN 3 HP/S/MAN 378.87 Moist deodar forests 12/C1c 5 HP/S/MAN Western Mixed coniferous forests 12/C1d HP/S/MAN 15/C2 20 HP/S/MAN Deciduous alpine forests 15/C3 10 12/C2b 56 88 HP/S/NAR Alpine pastures 16/C1 30.89 Dry deodar forests 16/B1d 5 89 HP/S/PON 15/C3 10 Dry Alpine scrub 90 HP/S/RUP 5 HP/S/RUP Dwarf juniper scrub 2 HP/S/RUP 3 HP/S/RUP Alpine pastures HP/S/RUP HP/S/RUP 29.003 Moist Deodar forest 12/C1c HP/S/RUP 139.05 Western Mixed Coniferous forest 12/C1d HP/S/RUP Kharsu Oak forest 12/C2a Himalayan Temperate Pastures 12/DS3 Birch/Rhododendron Scrub forest 15/C1 Alpine Pastures 15/C3 Not Reported 307.7 Not Reported 269.15 Upper or Himalayan chir pine forests 9/C1b Ban oak forests 12/C1a Western Mixed coniferous forests 12/C1d Moist temperate deciduous forests 12/C1e Low level blue pine forests 12/C1f Kharsu oak forests 12/C2a Alder forests 12/1S1 West Himalayan sub alpine forests 14/C1b 20

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied HP/S/RUP Alpine pastures 15/C3 by Forest Type HP/S/RUP 16/C1 Dry Alpine scrub 12/C1a 110 91 HP/S/SAN 650 Ban oak forests 12/C1c HP/S/SAN 12/C1d 2 HP/S/SAN Moist deodar forests 12/C1e HP/S/SAN 12/C1f HP/S/SAN Western Mixed coniferous forests 12/C2a HP/S/SAN Moist temperate deciduous forests 13/C1 HP/S/SAN 13/C2a HP/S/SAN Low level blue pine forests 12/C2b HP/S/SAN 15/C3 HP/S/SAN Kharsu oak forests 16/C1 HP/S/SAN Dry broad leaved and coniferous 12/C1c 92 HP/S/SHI forests 12/C1a HP/S/SHI 12/C1e HP/S/SHI Neoza pine forests 12/C1d HP/S/SHI 12/C2a HP/S/SHI Dry deodar forests 9/C1b HP/S/SHI Alpine pastures Dry Alpine scrub 90.37 Moist deodar forests Ban oak forests Moist temperate deciduous forests Western Mixed coniferous forests Kharsu oak forests Upper or Himalayan chir pine forests 93 HP/S/TUN 64 Western Mixed coniferous forests 12/C1d 59.9774 HP/S/TUN Low level blue pine forests 12/C1f 14.1359 HP/S/TUN 15/C1 HP/S/TUN Sub alpine forest 15/C2 3.0555 HP/S/TUN 15/C3 1.8433 Deciduous alpine forest 8.8321 94 J&K/N/HEM 95 J&K/N/KIS Alpine Pastures 300 3350 Riverine forest 325 J&K/N/KIS J&K/N/KIS 425 Mixed conifer 325 J&K/N/KIS Forest in the area of 35% of the total 96 J&K/S/CHA area (425) 100 97 J&K/S/KAR 30 98 J&K/S/OVE Moist temperate deciduous forest 99 JHA/S/HAZ Mixed conifer forest 4000 Mycricaria spp. JHA/S/HAZ 5000 Hippophae spp. JHA/S/HAZ 425 Not Reported 100 JHA/S/PAR 186.255 Dry penisular sal forest 5B/C1c JHA/S/PAR JHA/S/PAR Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 JHA/S/PAR Dry Bamboo brake 5/E9 50.8 Dry Sal bearing Forests 5B/C1 5B/C2 Northern mixed deciduous forests 5/DS1 5/E2 Dry deciduous scrub forests Boswellia Forests 21

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied JHA/S/PAR Central Indian Subtropical Hill Forest 8A/C3 by Forest Type 101 JHA/S/RAJ 0.74 Not Reported 59.53 102 JHA/S/UDH 1.27 Not Reported 119 103 KAR/N/ANS 250 Moist Deciduous 3B/C2 51.57 KAR/N/ANS Semi-ever green 2A/C2 19.9 KAR/N/ANS 2A/C2 KAR/N/ANS Semi-ever green 1A/C4 394.59 320.07 104 KAR/N/BAND Ever green 165.36 KAR/N/BAND 880.02 Moist Mixed Deciduous KAR/N/BAND 73 Dry Deciduous 31.24 105 KAR/N/BANN 185.99 KAR/N/BANN Scrub type 196.334 104.27 Dry Deciduous 106 KAR/N/KUD 104.27 Dry Deciduous Scrub 218 KAR/N/KUD 600.324 1A/C4 104.074 KAR/N/KUD 111.152 2A/C2 107 KAR/N/NAG 48.906 KAR/N/NAG 5D/S2 63.072 KAR/N/NAG 643.392 Moist-Deciduous 89.557 KAR/N/NAG 136.473 KAR/N/NAG Moist/Dry Deciduous 90.155 KAR/N/NAG KAR/N/NAG Scrub/Dry Deciduous 0.885 13.5 108 KAR/S/ADI Dry Deciduous 109 KAR/S/ARA 2.226 110 KAR/S/ATT Dry Deciduous 396.84 111 KAR/S/BHA Dry Deciduous/Semi evergreen 70.17 KAR/S/BHA Dry/moist deciduous 17.68 KAR/S/BHA 0.885 5DS1-Dry deciduous forest scrub 234.78 112 KAR/S/BIL 13.5 5 AC3 (3 is subscript) 86.22 KAR/S/BIL 2.226 Moist Deciduous 218.52 KAR/S/BIL 492.46 Moist deciduous 113 KAR/S/BRA 142.758 KAR/S/BRA Dry deciduous 151.9 KAR/S/BRA Evergreen and grassy blanks(Shola 84.77 KAR/S/BRA and grassy blanks) 33.28 KAR/S/BRA 540 Dry Deciduous forest, Evergreen 21.19 KAR/S/BRA Dry Deciduous forest 41.12 114 KAR/S/DAN Evergreen forest KAR/S/DAN 181.29 Tropical Wet evergreen 55.873 KAR/S/DAN Shola Forest 29.785 KAR/S/DAN 0.4368 KAR/S/DAN Tropical-Moist Deciduous forest KAR/S/DAN 526.955 115 KAR/S/DOR Tropical-Dry Deciduous Forest 116 KAR/S/GHA 4.48 117 KAR/S/GUD Tropical-Semi- Every green 45.34 118 KAR/S/KAV Grassland Total KAR/S/KAV 475.018 Moist-Deciduous 3A/C1 KAR/S/KAV Moist-Deciduous 3A/C1 119 KAR/S/MEL KAR/S/MEL Moist-Deciduous 3A/C1 Moist-Deciduous 3A-C1 Semi-evergreen 2A/C2 Semi-evergreen 2A/C2 55.873 Open Srub Forest 29.785 Not Reported 0.7368 Moist Deciduous Forest Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous 526.95 Forest Type 5A Champion Type 5A Champion classified 49.82 Dry Deciduous scrub forest Dry Deciduous scrub forest 22

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied West Coast Tropical Evergreen by Forest Type 120 KAR/S/MOO KAR/S/MOO 247 Forests 60 70 KAR/S/MOO West Coast Semi Evergreen Forests KAR/S/MOO 70 121 KAR/S/NUG Southern Secondary Moist Mixed 47 122 KAR/S/PUS Deciduous Forest 30.32 KAR/S/PUS 19.5 KAR/S/PUS Dry Grass Lands and others 30.65 KAR/S/PUS 10.1 KAR/S/PUS 30.32 Southern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest 5AC3 7.6 123 KAR/S/RANE 92.66 Tropical Semi-Evergreen 24.8 124 KAR/S/RANG 119 125 KAR/S/SHA Tropical Wet Evergreen 0.67 KAR/S/SHA 192.84 KAR/S/SHA Shola Forest 7.65 126 KAR/S/SHE 102.03 KAR/S/SHE Tropical Moist Deciduous 243 KAR/S/SHE 107 127 KAR/S/SOM Grasslands 45.6 KAR/S/SOM 15 KAR/S/SOM 119 Southern Forests 50 128 KAR/S/TAL 67 5 DS1 - Dry Deciduous Scrub 23.97 KAR/S/TAL 35 KAR/S/TAL 431.26 Evergreen Forests 26 KAR/S/TAL KAR/S/TAL Evergreen Forests 9 6 129 KER/N/ERA Moist Decediuous 29 KER/N/ERA KER/N/ERA 395.6 Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous 30 KER/N/ERA Southern Tropical Moist Deciduous 70 KER/N/ERA Semi Evergreen 3 130 KER/S/ARA 1 KER/S/ARA 88.97 1A/C4 2 KER/S/ARA 2A/C2 21 KER/S/ARA 28.087 3B/C2/2Si 3 131 KER/S/CHIN 2.913 KER/S/CHIN 105.01 Tropical Wet Evergreen 30 KER/S/CHIN Tropical Moist Deciduous 55 10 KER/S/CHIN Semi Evergreen 5 132 KER/S/WAY Shola KER/S/WAY 133.884 Grass land 133 MAH/N/AND 200 Southern montane wet temperate 11A/C1 134 MAH/N/NAV 100 forests (Shola forests) 11A/C1/DS2 135 MAH/N/PEN Southern montane wet grasslands MAH/N/PEN Southern montane wet scrub 11A/C1/DS1 South Indian tropical hill savannah 8A/C1/DS1 West coast tropical evergreen forest 1A/C4 55 West Coast Tropical Evergreen 5/E7 West Coast Semi-evergreen 5A/C3 South Indian Moist Decidous Plantations 90.442 Laterite Thorn Forest Southern dry mixed deciduous forest Southern montane wet grasslands 11A/C1/DS2 Southern montane wet temperate 11A/C1 forests (Shola forests) Southern moist mixed deciduous 3B/C2 344.44 forests 2A/C2 West coast semi-evergreen forest Southern tropical dry deciduous 5A-CI-1B 625.4 forest. Southern Tropical dry deciduous 5A/C3 133.884 forest Southern Tropical dry deciduous 5A/C/i/v 257.26 forest Dry teak bearing 23

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied MAH/N/PEN by Forest Type Southern dry deciduous mixed forest 5A/C-3 57.26 136 MAH/N/SAN 103.09 Type 3 B/C-7 M.Teak bearing forest 15.1791 Type 3/B C-2 Southern Moist mixed 86.8676 MAH/N/SAN deciduous forest 0.65689 MAH/N/SAN 0.39.04 Type 4B/TS-1 Mangrove Scrub Forest MAH/N/SAN Type 8A A/C-2 Western Sub tropical 127.11 MAH/N/SAN hill forest 124.72 MAH/N/SAN Mangrove Scrub 4B/TS-1 104.38 69 Semi evergreen patches 8A/C-2 14 30 137 MAH/S/AMB 127.11 S.Tropical Dry Deciduous 5A/C-I MAH/S/AMB 'A'-Type 3 B/C 2 78.73 73.11 138 MAH/S/ANE 82.94 Not Reported 35.61 Southern India 'Moist deciduous 133.23 139 MAH/S/BHA 104.38 'Mixed forest 2.17 140 MAH/S/BHI 130.78 Sub Tropical Evergreen forest 260 MAH/S/BHI Western Sub-tropical hill forests MAH/S/BHI 203.56 Moist Deciduous forest 141 MAH/S/BOR 4.18 142 MAH/S/CHAN 61.1 Not Reported 0.09 MAH/S/CHAN 308.97 Western Sub Tropical hill forests 8A/C2 38.76 MAH/S/CHAN West Coast Semi Evergreen forests 2A/C2 152.81 29.9 143 MAH/S/CHAP Southern Moist Mixed Deciduous 144 MAH/S/DEU 12.35 forests 3B/C2 177.53 MAH/S/DEU 185.92 5 A Southern Tropical dry deciduous 145 MAH/S/GAU 133.23 Forest 146 MAH/S/GRE MAH/S/GRE 2.17 Dry Deciduous scrub forest 147 MAH/S/GYA Deccan Peninsula Central plateau 6 B 148 MAH/S/JAI 149 MAH/S/KAL Southern tropical Dry deciduous MAH/S/KAL 260 'Thorny forest 5A-C MAH/S/KAL 150 MAH/S/KAR Dry Deciduous Scrub forest and Thorn MAH/S/KAR 8496.41 forest Southern Tropical Thorn forest 6A/O 203.56 Southern Tropical dry deciduous 6B 341.05 Not Reported 361.71 Southern tropical evergreen forests Southern tropical dry deciduous forest Moist deciduous forest 4.27 3B/C2 4F 151 MAH/S/KAT Southern tropical dry deciduous 4AC/1 152 MAH/S/MAL 73.69 forest 5A-3C 153 MAH/S/MAY 29.122 Not Reported 154 MAH/S/NAG Southern Tropical Dry Deciduous 155 MAH/S/NAI 5.145 Thorn forest 152.81 5A/ C-3 156 MAH/S/NAR 157 MAH/S/PAI Southern tropical dry deciduous 29.9 thorny forest MAH/S/PAI Southern tropical Dry deciduous 158 MAH/S/RAD Forest,sub group 5-A 324.64 Southern tropical dry deciduous Southern tropical dry deciduous Western Tropical hill 351.16 forests(evergreen) 24

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied MAH/S/RAD by Forest Type West coast semi-evergreen forests. 2A/C2 MAH/S/RAD 10.87 Southern moist mixed diciduous 140.29 159 MAH/S/SAG 140.29 160 MAH/S/TIP forests 3B/C2 205.86 177.52 MAH/S/TIP Major group:-Tropical Forest.Sub 22.37 161 MAH/S/WAN Group:-Southern Tropical Thorn 1.2 162 MAH/S/YAW 10.87 Forest 184.4 140.29 Dry decidious 163 MAH/S/YED 164 MAN/N/KEI 5A Southern Tropical Dry Decidious 165 MAN/S/YAN Forest Southern tropical'Dry Deciduous Teak 205.86 Bearing Forest sub group 5AC1(b) Type-1 Southern Tropical Dry 177.52 Deciduous subtype-5AC1b Southern tropical dry deciduous 22.37 thorny forest 5 A.3 C 40 Pine forests 184.4 Wet Deciduous forest 166 MEG/N/BAL 220 Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests GROUP 1 47.48 MEG/N/BAL Tropical Semi- Evergreen forests GROUP 2 Not Surveyed MEG/N/BAL Shola type forests(?) Not surveyed MEG/N/BAL Riverine forest(?) GROUP 1 Not surveyed MEG/N/BAL Grassland and tree savannah(?) Not surveyed MEG/N/BAL Tropical moist deciduous forests 2B/C1b Not surveyed MEG/N/BAL Bamboo forests(?) GROUP 1 MEG/N/BAL Secondary formation(?) GROUP 2 9 Eastern subsubmontane semi - GROUP 3 6 167 MEG/N/NOK GROUP 8 10 MEG/N/NOK 47.48 evergreen forest 5.18 MEG/N/NOK Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests MEG/N/NOK Tropical Semi-Evergreen Forests 200 MEG/N/NOK Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests 90 MEG/N/NOK Subtropical Broadleaved Hill Forests 80 Bamboo forest(?) 30 168 MEG/S/BAG MEG/S/BAG 0.027 GROUP 3 18 MEG/S/BAG Tropical Moist Deciduous Forests MEG/S/BAG Deciduous Forest(?) 2B/1S1(?)[THIS IS THE SUB- MEG/S/BAG Bamboo Forest(?) HIMALAYAN LIGHT ALLUVIAL Secondary Formation(?) SEMI-EVERGREEN FOREST] 169 MEG/S/NON 3C/C3 29 Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests 3C/C1(ii) MEG/S/NON Moist mixed deciduous forest GROUP 1 MEG/S/NON (without sal) GROUP 2 170 MEG/S/SIJ Khasi hill sal 2B/C2 MEG/S/SIJ MEG/S/SIJ 5.18 Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests GROUP 1 171 MIZ/N/MUR Tropical Semi -Evergreen Forests MIZ/N/MUR Riverein Forest & Grassland(?) MIZ/N/MUR 172 MIZ/N/PHA 200 Cachar semi-evergreen forest MIZ/N/PHA Sub-tropical evergreen(?) MIZ/N/PHA Montane Sub-tropical Forests 50 Sub-Montane(?) Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests deciduous 25

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied by Forest Type 173 MIZ/S/DAM 500 Tropical Wet Evergreen Forests GROUP 1 174 MIZ/S/KHA 41 Cachar semi-evergreen forest 2B/C2 500 175 MIZ/S/LEN 41 120 Sub tropical evergreen(?) GROUP 2 70 MIZ/S/LEN 50 176 MIZ/S/NGE Montane Sub-tropical Forests 60 50 MIZ/S/NGE 110 Sub-tropical evergreen(?) N.A. 177 MP/N/BAN Tropical Semi-Evergreen Forests N.A. MP/N/BAN 1161.47 Moist Siwalik sal forest 3C/C2a 178 MP/N/GHU West Gangetic moist mixed 20 179 MP/N/PEN deciduous forest 3C/C3a 85 187.857 MP/N/PEN 0.272 Not Reported 3B/C1c 78.65 MP/N/PEN 292.857 Slightly moist teak forest 5A/C1b 89.14 180 MP/N/SAT 5A/C3 82.87 MP/N/SAT Dry teak forest 3B/C1b 36.7 MP/N/SAT 3B/C1c 98.12 MP/N/SAT Southern dry mixed deciduous forest 3B/C2 78.65 MP/N/SAT 524.37 Moist teak forest 5A/C1b 15.76 MP/N/SAT 5B/C1 44.48 MP/N/SAT SSloiguhthtleyrmn moiostistet makixfeodredset ciduous 5A/C3 MP/N/SAT forest 8A/C3 Dry plains sal forest Dry sal-bearing forest Southern dry mixed deciduous forest Central Indian subtropical hill forest Under submergence 181 MP/N/VAN 4.45 Tidal swamp forests 4B 4.45 182 MP/S/BAD 104.45 Dry penisular sal forest 5B/C1c 5B/C2 231.047 MP/S/BAD Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 92.15 183 MP/S/BAG 478 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B 92.15 184 MP/S/GAN 368.62 Northern tropical dry deciduous 5B/C2 36.8 36.8 MP/S/GAN Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5/E2 73.72 MP/S/GAN 36.8 MP/S/GAN Boswellia forest 5/E1 MP/S/GAN 202.21 MP/S/GAN Anogeissus pendula forest 5/DS1 185 MP/S/KAR 105.778 Dry deciduous scrub 5/1S2 2 186 MP/S/KHE MP/S/KHE Khair -sissu forest 344.686 57.197 187 MP/S/KUN Not Reported 188 MP/S/NAR 61.119 189 MP/S/NAT 132.778 Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests GROUP 5 190 MP/S/NOR Forest blanks 1080.457 31.053 MP/S/NOR 344.686 Northern tropical dry deciduous 5B 24.413 MP/S/NOR MP/S/NOR 57.197 Dry deciduous scrub 5/DS1 460 No Forest 1186.96 South Indian moist deciduous forests 3B Southern tropical dry deciduous forests 5A Dry deciduous scrub 5/DS1 Dry grassland 5/DS4 26

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied Southern Tropical Dry Decideous by Forest Type 191 MP/S/ORC 5 A/C IB 192 MP/S/PEN 44.9 Teak forest 3B/C1c 44.9 118 Slightly moist teak forest 5AC(b)iv(?) 25 MP/S/PEN 5A/C3 20 MP/S/PEN Southern dry mixed deciduous forest 73 193 MP/S/RAL 5/DS4 194 MP/S/SAI 2.6198 Not Reported 3C/C2e 12.96 195 MP/S/SAN 12.96 Dry grassland 5/DS1 304.61 196 MP/S/SAR 197 MP/S/SON 364.593 Moist peninsular sal forest 2B 5.68 348.12 Dry deciduous scrub 198 NAG/N/INT 209.21 Not Reported 11B 202.02 NAG/N/INT Northern tropical semi-evergreen NAG/N/INT 202.02 forests 8B 6.41 NAG/N/INT Sub- Tropical Forest(?) 2B 9.23 199 NAG/S/FAK Cane and Bamboo brakes(?) 4B/TS2 3C/C2e(ii) 4.7 200 NAG/S/PUL Revering forests and Swamps(?) 3C/C2e(iii) 141.448 Northern montane wet temperate 201 NAG/S/RAN 6.41 forests 3C/2S1 304.03 203 ORI/N+S/BHI Northern sub-tropical broad-leaved 5B/C2 304.03 204 ORI/S/BAD 9.23 wet hill forests 5B/E9 Northern tropical semi-evergreen 304.03 ORI/S/BAD 4.7 forests 145 Mangrove forests 304.03 ORI/S/BAD 304.03 Moist peninsular low level sal Area of sub type ORI/S/BAD Moist peninsular valley sal ORI/S/BAD Northern secondary moist mixed not estimated deciduous forest Area of sub type 205 ORI/S/BAI Northern dry mixed deciduous forest not estimated ORI/S/BAI Area of sub type Dry bamboo brake ORI/S/BAI not estimated 168.35 Moist Peninsular sal forest 3C/C2e ORI/S/BAI 71.72 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 206 ORI/S/BAL 15.53 207 ORI/S/CHA Moist mixed deciduous forest(without 321.9 ORI/S/CHA sal) 3C/C3 25 ORI/S/CHA 29.23 208 ORI/S/CHI Moist bamboo brakes,Moist 74.98 209 ORI/S/DEB ORI/S/DEB peninsular sal forest 2/E3,3C/C2e&5B/C(?) 210 ORI/S/HAD ORI/S/HAD 71.72 Not Reported 193.39 Not Reported 15.53 Not Reported 5B/C2 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C1c Dry peninsular sal forest 5B/C1c 191.6 Dry peninsular sal forest 5B/C2 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 211 ORI/S/KAR 147.66 Moist Peninsular High Level Sal forest 3C/c2e 50.77 ORI/S/KAR 7 ORI/S/KAR Terminalia tomentosa forest 3/E1 117.7332 Dry Peninsular Sal forest 5B/C1c 27

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied 212 ORI/S/KHA by Forest Type 116 5B/C1c ORI/S/KHA Dry peninsular sal forest Not disti. ORI/S/KHA 40 213 ORI/S/KOT Dry bamboo brake 5/E9 90 214 ORI/S/KUL 399.5 2B/C3 142 ORI/S/KUL 272.75 Orissa Semi Evergreen forest 3C/C1d 3B/2S1 169.98 ORI/S/KUL Very moist peninsular (coastal) sal 3C/C2 80 215 ORI/S/LAK forest Southern secondary moist mixed 1540 ORI/S/LAK deciduous forest 250 216 ORI/S/SATN 250 174.958 Sub.type 3C/C2 80 ORI/S/SATN 200 ORI/S/SATN Moist sal-bearing forest 400 ORI/S/SATN ORI/S/SATN 795.52 Moist Peninsular Sal Forest 3C/C2e 2.6 8.2 217 ORI/S/SATS Dry Peninsular Sal Forest 5B/C1c 6.6 7.5 218 ORI/S/SIM North Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest 5B/C2 6.1 2.2 ORI/S/SIM Dry Tropical Riverain Forest 5/ISI 5.24 ORI/S/SIM 3.86 ORI/S/SIM Dry Bamboo Brakes 5/E9 ORI/S/SIM 138.69 Orissa Semi Evergreen Forest; Moist 195.015 218 ORI/S/SUN ORI/S/SUN Peninsular Sal Forest ; Moist Mixed 52 300 219 PUN/S/ABO Deciduous Forest ;Riparian Fringing 300 220 PUN/S/AIS 300 221 PUN/S/BHA 268.94 Forest ; Bamboo brakes 2B/C3; 3C/C2; 3C/C3; 4RS1; 300 222 PUN/S/BHU Northern Tropical Semi-evergreen 223 PUN/S/DOS 224 PUN/S/GUR 2200 forests 225 PUN/S/HAR Northern Tropical Moist Deciduous 226 PUN/S/MAH 227 PUN/S/MOT forest 228 PUN/S/TAK 229 RAJ/N/DES Dry Deciduous Hill forests 230 RAJ/N/KEO High Level Sal Forest 231 RAJ/S/BAS 232 RAJ/S/BHA Grassland 233 RAJ/S/JAI 234 RAJ/S/JAM Moist mixed deciduous forest(without RAJ/S/JAM 600 sal) 3C/C3 RAJ/S/JAM RAJ/S/JAM Northern tropical dry deciduous forest 5B 235 RAJ/S/KELA RAJ/S/KELA 186.05 Not Reported 5B/C2 RAJ/S/KELA 2.6 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 8.2 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 6.6 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 7.5 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 6.1 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 86 Not Reported 5B/C2 2.2 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 5B/C2 5.24 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 6B/C1 3.86 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B 3162 Desert thorn forest GROUP 5 28.73 Not Reported Southern Tropical Dry Decideous 5B 5B/C2 138.69 forest 195.015 Dry Deciduous Thorn forest 5B/E1 5B/C2 52.00 Dry decidious 6B/C1 300 Tropical Dry Deciduous Forests Northern tropical dry deciduous forests Northern dry mixed deciduous forest Anogeissus pendula scrub. 672 Anogeissus Pendula forest 672 Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous forest 672 Desert Thorn forest 28

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied Tropical Dry Deciduous forest ; by Forest Type 236 RAJ/S/KUM Northern Tropical Dry Mixed 5; 5B 237 RAJ/S/NAH GROUP 5 609 608.56 Deciduous forest GROUP 5 52.4 RAJ/S/NAH 52.4 Tropical Dry Deciduous forests 52.4 RAJ/S/NAH 52.4 RAJ/S/NAH Tropical Dry Deciduous forests 52.4 RAJ/S/NAH 52.4 Northern troical dry deciduous forests 5B 238 RAJ/S/PHU 184.29 Northern dry mixed deciduous forests 5B/C2 RAJ/S/PHU 137.55 Anogeissus pendula forest 5/E1 RAJ/S/PHU 189.6 Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous 5.19 239 RAJ/S/SAJJ forest ; Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous 422.94 RAJ/S/SAJJ 7.19 240 RAJ/S/SIT 511.41 forest II 5 B; II C 2 241 RAJ/S/TAL 102.61 242 RAJ/S/TOD Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous 96.79 RAJ/S/TOD forest ; Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous 206.65 RAJ/S/TOD 117.19 RAJ/S/TOD forest II 5 B; II C 2 243 RAJ/S/VAN 25.6 244 SIK/N/KHA Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous Not SIK/N/KHA 12 Surveyed forest ; Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Surveyed SIK/N/KHA Surveyed forest II 5 B; II C 2 SIK/N/KHA 2450 to 2749 245 SIK/S/BAR Forest type- II Dry Deciduous Tropical meters SIK/S/BAR 5.19 forest 2700 to 3000 SIK/S/BAR Sub types- Tropical Dry Deciduous meters SIK/S/BAR SIK/S/BAR forest ; Anogeissus Pendula forest ; 246 SIK/S/FAM SIK/S/FAM 5.19 Bosewellia Serrata forest 5, 5/E1, 5/E2 SIK/S/FAM 422.94 Northern Dry Mixed forest 5C2 247 SIK/S/KYON 7.19 Desert thorn forest 6B/C1 SIK/S/KYON 495.27 Dry Deciduos type SIK/S/KYON SIK/S/KYON Dry Deciduos type SIK/S/KYON SIK/S/KYON Dry Deciduos type 248 SIK/S/MAE Dry deciduos type SIK/S/MAE 25.6 II Dry Tropical forest 1784 11B/C(?) Himalayan Moist Temperate Forests East Himalayan dry juniper/birch 13/C7 forest(J.wallichiana ) East Himalayan sub-alpine birch/fir 14/C2 forest 104 Sub-tropical(?) Wet temperate(?) Moist temperate conifer forest(?) GROUP 12 Sub Alpine Forests GROUP 14 Alpine scrub Group 15 51.76 3C/C3/2S1 8B/C1 East Himalayan sub-alpine birch/fir 8/C1B 31 forest 14/C2 Sub alpire pastures 14/DS1 East Himalayan Dry Juniper/birch forest(J.wallichiana ) 13/C7 15/C1 Birch /Rhododendron scrub forest 15/C2 12/DS1 Deciduous alpine scrub Montane bamboo brakes 35.34 Wet temperate forest 35.34 Moist Temperate Coniferous forest 29

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied by Forest Type SIK/S/MAE 35.34 Sub Alpine forest 14/C2 3000 to 3300 East Himalayan sub-alpine birch/fir 14/DS1 meters 249 SIK/S/SHIN 14/DS1 SIK/S/SHIN 43 forest 15/C1 2.7 SIK/S/SHIN Sub-alpine pastures 15/C1 SIK/S/SHIN 15/C2 47.5 SIK/S/SHIN Sub-alpine pasture 183.5 SIK/S/SHIN 6A/C1 Birch /Rhododendron scrub forest 5/2S1 89 250 TN/N/GUI 38/C2 1 251 TN/N/GUL Birch-Rhododendron scrub forest 252 TN/N/IND 2/E3 Patches 253 TN/N/MUD Deciduous alpine scrub 100 2.8194 Tropical Dry Evergreen forest 11AC/I TN/N/MUD 6.2337 Not Reported 68.46 TN/N/MUD 10 TN/N/MUD 958 Not Reported TN/N/MUD 321 Southern high level thorn forest NA TN/N/MUD NA TN/N/MUD Southern Tropical forest NA 254 TN/N/MUK TN/N/MUK Dry deciduous forest NA TN/N/MUK TN/N/MUK Southern moist mixed decided 1.2933 255 TN/S/CHI 17.28 256 TN/S/GRI West coast semi ever green 5.6 TN/S/GRI 0.5 TN/S/GRI Moist Bamboo Break TN/S/GRI 16.4121 Riparian fringing forest 0.77 TN/S/GRI 78.46 Grass land TN/S/GRI 257 TN/S/KAN Shola patches 258 TN/S/KARA 259 TN/S/KARI Montane wet temeperate forest 260 TN/S/KOO 261 TN/S/MEL 0.4763 Not Reported 262 TN/S/POIN TN/S/POIN 477.83 West coost tropical everygreen forest 263 TN/S/PUL 264 TN/S/UDA West coast semiever 265 TN/S/VAD 266 TN/S/VALL Green forest-2A/C2 267 TN/S/VED 268 TN/S/VELL Dry teak forest 269 TN/S/VET 270 TRI/S/GUM Southern mixed dry 'deciduous forest TRI/S/GUM 5A/C3 TRI/S/GUM TRI/S/GUM Dry grassland O/DS4 TRI/S/GUM 271 TRI/S/TRI 1.0421 Not Reported TRI/S/TRI 4.53 Not Reported TRI/S/TRI TRI/S/TRI Not Reported 1.2933 Not Reported 5.93 Not Reported 25 Dry ever green Grad land Mangroves 0.44 Not Reported 1/1B/CB(?) 1.28 Not Reported 16.41 Southern thorn scrub 0.27 Not Reported 0.77185 Not Reported 0.37948 Not Reported 389.59 1/3/3C/C3(?) 133CE11S1(?) 1/3/3C/E1/2S1(?) 1/2/2B/2SI(?) 194.704 Trop, Semi, Evergreen, Forests(?) East Himalyan lower Bhabar sal(?) GROUP 3[PROBABLY] Moist mixed decideious forest GROUP 3 Saranch wood land(?) 30

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied 272 UP/S/BAK 28.9421 4 D/5S 3 by Forest Type 273 UP/S/CHA 96 3C/C2 B(iii) 0.1516 UP/S/CHA Riparian fringing forest 4E/RSI 7 UP/S/CHA 157.26 274 UP/S/KAC Southern dry mixed deciduous 275 UP/S/KAI 42.06 forest,Dry Siwalik sal forest,Dry plains 37.53 UP/S/KAI UP/S/KAI sal forest,Dry peninsular sal forest 5A/C3,5B/C1a,5B/C1b,5B/C1c 11 UP/S/KAI 387.69 UP/S/KAI &Northern dry mixed deciduous forest &5B/C2 UP/S/KAI 11.64 7 Gangetic Plains 5A/C to 5B/C 501 Deciduous forest 5B/E Boswellia Bamboo 5B/E Riverine 4E/S Deciduous scrub 5/D Dry pennisular sal forest 5B/C 276 UP/S/KAT 400.09 3C/C 2b II 5/E 1 45.85 UP/S/KAT 3C/C 2b II and 5B/C 1b. 4E/RS 1 66.49 UP/S/KAT 5B/C 1b 5B/C2 62.09 UP/S/KAT 5B/C2 5B/S 27.88 UP/S/KAT 3/1S1 247.01 5B/E9 277 UP/S/LAK 80.24 Not Reported 0.75 278 UP/S/MAH 5.42 5A/C1 b 1.4 5A/C3 2.1 UP/S/MAH 5A/C2 UP/S/MAH 635 Dry Deciduous Thorn forest 135.68 279 UP/S/NAT 280 UP/S/NAW 2.246 Not Reported 4 281 UP/S/OKH 4 Miscellaneous forest 10.84 282 UP/S/PAR 283 UP/S/PAT 10.8447 Wetlands area 1.05 284 UP/S/RAN 1.05 Northern High Dry Deciduous 0.3133 UP/S/RAN 203.04 UP/S/RAN 220.41 Tropicla Riparian Fringe forest UP/S/RAN Northern Dry Deciduous forest 3.05 UP/S/RAN Deciduous Scrub forest 0.459 UP/S/RAN Anogeissus pendula forest 5B/E1 10.9132 285 UP/S/SAMN Dry Bamboo brakes 2.6522 286 UP/S/SAMS Boswellia forest 5B/E2 5.2 287 UP/S/SAN 5.26 Dry Deciduous forest. 201.46 288 UP/S/SOH 7.99 17.886 UP/S/SOH 2.246 14.324 428.2 Tropical Semi Evergreen 14.251 UP/S/SOH Tropical Moist Decidous UP/S/SOH Tropical Littoral and Swamp forest UP/S/SOH Tropical Dry Decidous UP/S/SOH UP/S/SOH Northern Tropical Semi Evergreen UP/S/SOH UP/S/SOH North Indian Tropical Moist Decidous UP/S/SOH 289 UP/S/SUH forest UP/S/SUH Termanalia allata forest UP/S/SUH Low Alluvial Savanna Woodland forest UP/S/SUH Tropical Seasonal Swamp forest UP/S/SUH Primary Seral of Dry Decidous forest 452.472 Moist Shivalik Sal forest 3C/C 2a Moist Bhabhar Dun 3C/C 2b Moist Eastern Heavy Alluvium Sal 3C/C 2d Most Sal Savannah 3C/C2/DS 1 Mixed Deciduous 3C/C3 31

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied UP/S/SUH Termnalis Tomentosa forest 3/E1 by Forest Type UP/S/SUH Low Alluvial Savannah Woodland 3/1S1 32.329 7.13 UP/S/SUH Syzygium cumini swamp forest 4D/SS 3 112.361 UP/S/SUH Dry Shiwalik sal Forest 5B/C1a 47.251 UP/S/SUH Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous Forest 5B/C2 7.012 UP/S/SUH Dry Deciduous Scrub Forest 5/DS 1 4.038 170.662 UP/S/SUH Aegle Forest 5/E6 235.044 UP/S/SUH Khair Sissoo Forest 5/1S2 69.215 290 UP/S/SURA 2.01 291 UP/S/SURS 34.329 Not Reported 5/E-1 292 UP/S/VIJ 7.13 Northern High Dry Deciduous 306.269 293 UTT/N/COR 2.62 Not Reported 3C/C2a 1.691 3C/C2b(i0 UTT/N/COR 520.824 Moist Siwalik sal forest 42.202 Bhabar-dun sal 3 UTT/N/COR West Gangetic moist mixed 3C/C3a 18 UTT/N/COR deciduous forest 1.5 0.6365 UTT/N/COR Low alluvial savannah 3/1S1 2.0627 woodland(Salmalia albizzia ) 266.375 UTT/N/COR NNoorrtthheInrnditaronpmicoailsdt rdyedceidcuidouuosufsorest 3C 18.96 UTT/N/COR 194.5426 forests 5B UTT/N/COR 10 5B/C/a(?) 15.3526 UTT/N/COR 67.1005 Northern dry mixed deciduous forest 5B/C2 UTT/N/COR 0.476 DNroyrtthroeprnictarol rpivicearladinryfodreecsitduous 5/1S1 10.9 UTT/N/COR forests 5B 3.63 UTT/N/COR Subtropical Pine Forests 9/c/9(?) 3.174 294 UTT/N/GAN 0.405 Area under ramganga river(?) 65.75 UTT/N/GAN 2.194 UTT/N/GAN 2390.02 Moist Deodar 12C/1C 45.135 UTT/N/GAN Western Mixed Coniferous 12C/1D 11.412 UTT/N/GAN West Himalayan Upper Oak/Fir 12C/2B UTT/N/GAN Riverine Blue Pine 12/1S2 0.02 UTT/N/GAN Subalpine Blue Pine 14/2S1 22.366 Alpine Pastures 15C/3 UTT/N/GAN 4.92 Himalayan Temparate Pasturos 12D/S3 34.2 UTT/N/GAN 13.3 Dwarf Rhododendron Scrub 15E/1 UTT/N/GAN Dwarf Juniper Scrub 15E/2 UTT/N/GAN 295 UTT/N+S/GOV Dry Alpine Scrub 16C/1 UTT/N+S/GOV Birch/Rhododendron Scrub 15C/1 UTT/N+S/GOV 957.969 Sub Tropical Pine forest UTT/N+S/GOV 3C/C2A UTT/N+S/GOV Himalayan Moist Temperate forest 3C/C3 296 UTT/S/ASK Himalayan Dry Temperate forest 1 C/DS UTT/S/ASK Sub Alpine forest 12C/1E UTT/S/ASK Moist Alpine Scrub 12C/1F UTT/S/ASK 599.93 12C2/A UTT/S/ASK 12C/2B UTT/S/ASK 47.07 Upper or Himalayan chir pine forest 12C/3A UTT/S/ASK Ban oak forest (Quercus incana ) 12D/53 UTT/S/ASK 13I/1S UTT/S/ASK 14C/B UTT/S/ASK 14D/S UTT/S/ASK 9/C1b UTT/S/ASK 12/C1a 297 UTT/S/BIN UTT/S/BIN 32

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied UTT/S/BIN Moru oak forest(Quercus dilatata ) 12/C1b by Forest Type 298 UTT/S/BINO 3.3874 Himalayan Moist temperate forest II C/1 a 3.0039 UTT/S/BINO 3.3874 Himalayan Sub Tropical Pine forest 8C 1 0.3874 9/DS1 299 UTT/S/KED 975.2 Himalayan subtropical scrub 16.63 UTT/S/KED 12/C1a 32 UTT/S/KED Ban oak forest (Quercus incana ) 49.6 UTT/S/KED Moru oak forest(Quercus dilatata ) 12/C1b 4.37 UTT/S/KED Himalayan subtropical 12/DS1,12/DS2 49.17 scrub,Himalayan temperate 53.11 UTT/S/KED secondary scrub 195.33 UTT/S/KED UTT/S/KED Lower Western Himalayan temperate 12/C1 6.91 UTT/S/KED forest 12/C2a 2.15 24.47 UTT/S/KED Kharsu oak forest(Quercus 28.93 UTT/S/KED semicarpifolia ) 46.73 UTT/S/KED West Himalayan upper oak/fir forest 12/C2b Not Known 300 UTT/S/SON Himalayan temperate pastures 12/DS3 Not Known UTT/S/SON Not Known UTT/S/SON Alder forest 12/1S1 Not known UTT/S/SON Not known UTT/S/SON West Himalayan sub-alpine birch/fir Not known UTT/S/SON Not known UTT/S/SON forest 14/C1b UTT/S/SON Not known UTT/S/SON Sub-alpine pastures 14/DS1 Not known UTT/S/SON 15/C1,15/C2/15/E1/15/E2/15/C3 UTT/S/SON Birch/Rhododendron scrub UTT/S/SON forest,Deciduous alpine scrub,Dwarf Rhododendron scrub,Dwarf juniper 301 WB/N/GOR scrub,Alpine pastures WB/N/GOR North Indian Tropical Moist 301.1 Deciduous Forest WB/N/GOR WB/N/GOR Moist Shiwalik Sal 3C/C2a 302 WB/N/NEO Moist Bhabardun Sal 3C/C2b WB/N/NEO Moist Mixed Deciduous 3C/C3a WB/N/NEO Alluvial Savannah Woodland 3/ISI WB/N/NEO Northern Tropical Dry Deciduous 5B WB/N/NEO Dry Shiwalik Sal 5B/C1a 303 WB/N/SUN WB/N/SUN Northern Dry Mixed Deciduous 5B/C2 Dry Bamboo Brakes ` 5E9 khair Sisoo 5/IS2 Himalayan Sub Tropical Pine Shiwalik chir 9/C1a 5B/IS2 Northern Dry Deciduous Seral Sal 3C/CIb, 3C/CIc 79.45 Khair Sissu Association Eastern Bhabar Sal Forest, Eastern Tarai Sal Forest Sub-Himalayan Secondary Wet Mixed Deciduous Forest 2B/2S3 Sal Savannah Eastern Himalayas Moist Mixed 3C/C3 b 88 Deciduous forest 2B/2S3 8B/C1 Sub Himalaya Secondary Wet Mixed forests Brich-Rhododendrom 14/C2 Eastern Himalaya Sub Tropical Wet Hill forests Eastern Himalayan Wet Temperate forest & Montane Wet Temperate 11B/C1 East Himalayan sub-alpine forest 2585 Mangrove scrub 4B/TS1 Mangrove forest 4B/TS2 33

Table 1.2: Forest Types Note: All values for area in this table are in square kilometers Sno PA code PA Area Forest type Code Area Occupied WB/N/SUN by Forest Type Brackish water mixed forest (Heritiera) 4B/TS4 304 WB/S/BAL 2.021 305 WB/S/BET 2.021 Northern tropical dry deciduous 5B 0.6686 306 WB/S/BIB 0.6686 Tropical Moist deciduous Forest 3A 307 WB/S/CHA 3A 0.64 0.64 Tropical Moist Deciduous Forest 5.95 308 WB/S/HAL 9.492 Eastern Bhabar Sal forest 3C/C1b 5.95 309 WB/S/LOT Moist Tropical Forest/Littoral and 38 310 WB/S/RAI 5.95 Tidal Seral Forest (Mangrove) 311 WB/S/RAM Moist Tropical Forest/Littoral and 1.3 1431 312 WB/S/SEN 38 Tidal Seral Forest (Mangrove) Northern secondary moist mixed 1.3 deciduous forest 3C/2SI 0.1431 Tropical dry deciduous forests East Himalayan Subtropical Wet Hill 38.88 Forests 8B/C1 34

Table 1.3: The Status of the Forests in PAs 35

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh 1 A&N/N/SAD 32.54 Kalara 32.54 Area disturbe 2 A&N/S/CUT 5.82 Betapur 133 32.54 3 A&N/S/INT 10.5 4 A&N/S/NAR 133.00 Tugapur (includes many PAs) 1.43 133.00 45.0 5 A&N/S/NOR 6.81 Kalara 14.59 6.81 33.5 6 AP/N/KAS 3.48 Tugapur 3.48 72.4 1.43 Kasu Brahmanada Reddy National 2.8 1.43 7 AP/N/MAH Mahaveer Harina Vanasthali National 150 8 AP/N/MRU 134.31 4.00 14.59 Park 241.66 2.80 9 AP/N/VEN 2.80 Chilkur 105.00 AP/N/VEN 525.97 Tirupati 100.73 AP/N/VEN 525.97 Chamala 169.16 Balapalli 10 AP/S/COR 235.70 Wildlife Management Range, Kakinada 235.7 190.18 216.8 11 AP/S/ETU 803.00 Eturnagaram 380.35 212.90 114.1 AP/S/ETU Tadvai 425.8 5.95 85.1 12 AP/S/GUN 1194.00 VELGODE 23.78 2.99 3.5 14.95 6.70 4.4 AP/S/GUN NANDYAL 26.81 6.87 AP/S/GUN BAIRLUTY 27.48 8.44 10.7 AP/S/GUN CHELAMA 8.79 9.6 AP/S/GUN GBM 21.1 10.49 4.2 AP/S/GUN DORNAL 43.97 13.59 AP/S/GUN GUNDLAKAMMA 41.96 17.5 AP/S/GUN TURIMELLA 14.6 45.3 13.5 13 AP/S/KAW 893.00 Tannaram 141.27 63.57 35.3 AP/S/KAW Birsaipet 0.20293 0.09 0.0 AP/S/KAW Tadlapet 95.19 0.43 0.2 AP/S/KAW Pembi 75.2 48.88 11.2 AP/S/KAW Kaddam 152.7 68.72 38.1 AP/S/KAW Indanpally 167.74 75.48 41.9 14 AP/S/KOL 308.00 Eluru 308 15 AP/S/KOU 357.63 Palamaner 74.00 59.5 148.11 105.00 84.0 AP/S/KOU Kuppam 209.52 19.4 16 AP/S/KRI 194.21 Nagayalanka 194.21 9.71 20.0 17 AP/S/MAN 18 AP/S/NEL 20.00 Manjira 20 3.23 1.3 19 AP/S/PAK 4.58 Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary 4.58 76.56 30.6 153.12 10.62 AP/S/PAK 860.00 Kothaguda - I (Core I) 21.24 14.71 4.8 AP/S/PAK M'bad (Tessi) 18.89 26.79 1.8 AP/S/PAK Pasra (Tessi) 89.31 31.08 17.8 AP/S/PAK Kothaguda (Tessi) 62.16 31.30 6.2 AP/S/PAK Kothaguda - II (Core - II) 39.13 92.94 3.9 AP/S/PAK Mulug [Tessi] 265.549 105.31 39.8 AP/S/PAK Narsampet (Tessi) 210.616 52.6 20 AP/S/PAP Gudur (Tessi) 98.56 98.5 AP/S/PAP 129.87 129.8 AP/S/PAP 590.68 V.R. Puram 148.36 148.3 Kookinoor Polavaram 3

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Nil Nil Nil Nil Under control 59 Cattle grazing and collection of dry fuel 00 Slight distribance in fringe 58 Grazing, Local needs NTF (Collection ) areas 49 Grazing incidence high NTF, Collection, local needs Slight distrubance in fringe 84 9.43 (NTF) areas 11 73.03 16 126.93 Local needs like bamboos, firewood, grazing, NTFP Slight disturbance in fringe 57 10.70 49 5.98 (GRA)(NTF) areas 72 6.70 62 8.24 The vegetation increasing 22 5.28 59 13.19 proposed for planting activity 69 12.59 59 13.59 9.43 Non inundation by sea, grazing, tree felling by digging channels coming 32 35.32 under control 05 0.05 3.04 24 0.24 0.81 28 11.28 3.57 FIR, GRA, FEL, NTF stable 18 38.18 1.50 FIR, GRA, FEL NTF stable 94 41.94 2.68 FIR, GRA, FEL,NTF stable 308.00 2.75 FIR, GRA, FEL, NTF stable 50 8.11 00 9.52 3.17 FIR, GRA, FEL,NTF stable 42 19.42 00 4.40 FIR, GRA, FEL, NTF stable 39 62 45.94 4.20 FIR, GRA, FEL, NTF stable 89 4.25 84 0.92 4.53 FIR, GRA, FEL, NTF stable 86 40.19 22 24.86 After formation of vss 91 1.96 82 119.47 disturbing factors like grazing 65 42.12 Grazing, Cultivation, Encrocahment, Pressure on the forest and culttivation like problems 56 87 7.06 due to over population. are minimized 36 Grazing, Cultivation, Encrocahment, Pressure on the forest 0.01 due to over population. Grazing, Cultivation, Encrocahment, Pressure on the forest 0.05 due to over population. Grazing, Cultivation, Encrocahment, Pressure on the forest 3.76 due to over population. Grazing, Cultivation, Encrocahment, Pressure on the forest 7.64 due to over population. Grazing, Cultivation, Encrocahment, Pressure on the forest 8.39 due to over population. Cultivation, Other - Pisciculture Same 6.50 Drought, Grazing Minimum 11.00 Habitation, NTFP 0.19 Grazing, Tree Felling Control Fishing Moderate Cattle from adjacent village 1.49 0.92 4.47 1.96 No change 13.27 Podu reduced 10.53 Grazing Grazing, Podu cultivation Grazing, Tree felling, Podu cultivation 36

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh AP/S/PAP Rampachodavaram 198.26 Area disturbe 21 AP/S/POC 130.00 Pocharam 130 18.20 198.2 22 AP/S/PRA 34.00 136.00 Chennur 34.00 88.4 AP/S/PRA Nilwai 17.0 17.0 23 AP/S/PUL 600.00 Pulicat Bird Sanctuary 461 447.1 24 AP/S/SIW 29.81 Chennur 32.7693 6.75 3.7 AP/S/SIW Manthani 32.0781 6.75 3.7 25 ARU/N/MOU 483.00 Jengging Wildlife Range 240.00 4. 240 243.00 ARU/N/MOU Ramsingh Wildlife Range 243 544.01 26 ARU/N/NAM 1985.25 Miao Wildlife Range 548.28 903.60 ARU/N/NAM Namdapha Wildlife Range 1004 ARU/N/NAM Gandhigram Wildlife Range 345 27 ARU/S/DER 190.00 Anchalghat 68 68. ARU/S/DER Borguli 60 60. ARU/S/DER Sibiamukh 62 62. 783 28 ARU/S/KAM 783.00 Wakro 277.51 3. 281.5 29 ARU/S/MEH 281.50 Deopani 37.00 138.7 185 30 ASS/N/DIB 340.00 Guijan 54.25 100.7 155 ASS/N/DIB Saikhowa 31 ASS/N/KAZ 407.90 Western Range 126 46.00 80.0 3

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Grazing, Podu cultivation 26 Erosion, Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP collection, Podu reduced 40 23.40 Cultivation and Tree felling Erosion and Grazing only 00 17.00 Illicit cultivation and pressure on the forest due to over 00 17.00 Inhabitants in Islands, 3.40 population 17 Illicit cultivation and pressure on the forest due to over Formation of roads across 75 3.75 3.40 population lake & Silting of lake are 75 3.75 Inhabitant in Islands(Continues), Formation of roads continue, Agricultural is across lake(Continues), Aquaculture(Stopped), Silting of .27 lake(Continues), Accumulation of Sand bar across stopped and Accumulation of 100.40 13.83 mouth(Periodical) 345.00 sandbar across month is Biotic pressure like cattle grazing dependency by the 0.75 villagers for fuelwood and small timber Due to implementation of Eco- Biotic pressure like cattle grazing dependency by the development programme 0.75 villagers for fuelwood and small timber awareness has been created among the villagers so further dependency is being reduced Due to implementation of Eco- development programme awareness has been created among the villagers so further dependency is being reduced Sometimes the hamlets/refugee settlers collect NTFP for 0.15 their requirement and also graze cattle in the fringe areas People encroach land for cultivation. Frequent hunting of animals takes place. .00 Flood, Fire (Burning), NTFP Collection .00 Flood, Fire (Burning), NTFP Collection .00 Flood, Fire (Burning), NTFP Collection .94 Landslide, Erosion, NTFP Collection, Fire (Burning), 75 9.25 Dams, Grazing, Habitation, Cultivation, Tree felling, 75 0.05 Floods, Other (Non maintenance) 00 Habitation, Cultivation -Stable; Floods, Erosion- Increasing; Floods, Grazing, Habitation, Tree felling, NTFP collection, Grazing, Felling, NTFP Erosion, Cultivation, Fishing collection, Fishing- Habitation, Cultivation -Stable; Floods, Erosion- Increasing; Floods, Grazing, Habitation, Tree felling, NTFP collection, Grazing, Felling, NTFP Erosion, Cultivation, Fishing collection, Fishing- Floods and erosion are an annual phenomena. Controlled burning (FIR) is regularly done to preserve the rhino habitat. Tourism covers Flood, Erosion, Fire, Tourism a only small area. 37

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh Area disturbe ASS/N/KAZ Eastern Range 81 41.00 40.0 ASS/N/KAZ Central Range 204 84.00 120.0 32 ASS/N/MAN 519.77 Bhuiyanpara 150 109.8 150 ASS/N/MAN Panbari 219.77 ASS/N/MAN Bansbari 200 33 ASS/N/NAME 200 34 ASS/N/ORA 78.80 Orang 78.81 63.05 15.7 35 ASS/S/BAR 26.21 Barnadi wildlife range, Rajagarh 26.21 8.812 18.3 36 ASS/S/BUR 44 Burachapori Wildlife Range 44.06 13.2 37 ASS/S/EKAR 221.81 Northern Range-Dolamara 221.81 204.0652 17.74 38 ASS/S/GAR 6 6 5.4 0 39 ASS/S/GIB 19.16 Northern Range 3.83 57.6 3.8 ASS/S/GIB Southern Range 3.83 3.8 ASS/S/GIB Eastern Range 3.83 31.45 3.8 ASS/S/GIB Western Range 3.83 2.14 3.8 ASS/S/GIB Central Range 3.84 0.90 38 1.61 14.0 40 ASS/S/KAR 96 96 1.70 2.7 70.10 Laokhowa 70.1 2.16 41 ASS/S/LAO 0.1 42 ASS/S/NAMB 37 N.E. Range (Silonijan) 37 129.74 0.6 16.00 Hadwk block 2.14 81.60 43 ASS/S/POB 0.5 ASS/S/POB Jug Dol 1 1.3 ASS/S/POB 2.3 2.0 ASS/S/POB Tamulidova Block 1.7 2.8 ASS/S/POB Solmari Block 5.4 ASS/S/POB Pagladova Block 3.3 Noltoli Block 135 44 ASS/S/SON 220.00 Central Range 85 ASS/S/SON Dhekiajuli Range 35.84 35.84 Rajgir 9.96 45 BIH/S/RAJ 26.11 Kansal 16.02 46 CHD/S/SUK Nepli CHD/S/SUK 47 CHT/N/IND 2799.09 Game Range Sendra 305 152.50 122.0 CHT/N/IND Game Range Bijapur 688.37 309.77 344.1 CHT/N/IND 519.00 259.5 Game Range Kutru 865 3

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Floods and erosion are an Flood, Erosion, Fire, Tourism annual phenomena. 00 Controlled burning (FIR) is Flood, Erosion, Fire, Tourism regularly done to preserve the 00 Grazing, Cultivation, Tree felling rhino habitat. Tourism covers 150.00 Grazing, Cultivation, Tree felling a only small area. 150.00 Grazing, Tree felling Floods and erosion are an Floods, erosion, grazing, habitation. annual phenomena. 89 109.89 Controlled burning (FIR) is 30 Grazing, Habitation (encroachments), Cultivation, Tree regularly done to preserve the 9.83 felling, NTFP collection, Others (Poaching) rhino habitat. Tourism covers 76 a only small area. Tree felling, Grazing, Fire, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Ongoing and Constant 35 7.86 Erosion, Cultivation & Poaching Ongoing and Constant 218 11.8962 Floods, droughts, erosion, grazing, felling, cultivation, Ongoing and Constant 10.1338 NTFP collection. 448 Grazing, Tree felling, NTFP 0.6 Grazing, habitation and cultivation collection, Cultivation, Others Grazing, development activities (Poaching) - Decreasing; 3.83 Grazing, Tree Felling Cultivation, Habitation- Stable 83 Grazing, Tree Felling Tree felling & Poaching 83 Grazing, Tree felling (increasing), Grazing, 83 Grazing, Tree felling Habitation, NTFP Collection, 84 Grazing, Tree felling Erosion & Cultivation (Stable) 8.4 02 56.08 Disturbances continue to exist 775 in the form of habitation, cultivation etc. as detailed and 10 to the extent indicated 69 Stable 54 2.70 32 1.98 Flood, Grazing, Cultivation, Tree felling Increasing 03 0.54 Grazing Stable 89 0.43 Tree felling Tree felling, Grazing Decreasing 27.84 Tree felling, Grazing, Fodder collection Decreasing Tree felling Tree felling, Grazing, Cultivation, Fodder collection Decreasing Tree felling, Grazing, Fodder collection Decreasing 2.70 Encroachment Stable 0.09 Encroachment Stable 8.00 Erosion, Fire, Grazing, Tourism, Pilgrimage. 9.96 16.02 Erosion, Dams, Development projects. 00 30.50 Habitation and Grazing 19 34.42 Habitation and Grazing 50 86.50 Habitation and Grazing 38

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh Area disturbe 48 CHT/N/KAN 200.00 Kotamsar 105 40.95 39.9 CHT/N/KAN Koleng 95 59.85 24.7 101.48 33.8 49 CHT/S/ACH 551.55 Achanakmar 169.13 160.79 163.02 8.9 CHT/S/ACH Lamni 178.65 20.3 45.08 69.7 CHT/S/ACH Game 203.77 277.82 138.9 49.99 166.8 50 CHT/S/BAR 244.66 Barnawapara Sanctuary 244.66 51 CHT/S/BHA 138.95 Bhairamgarh 138.95 215.02 74.2 52 CHT/S/GOM 277.82 Gomarda 277.82 53 CHT/S/PAM 442.23 Pamed 442.23 187.02 65.3 54 CHT/S/SIT 558.55 Risgaon Range 296.99 139.97 593.8 6.95 23.7 55 CHT/S/SIT Sitanadi Range 261.57 8.3 1.80 56 CHT/S/TAM 608.53 Tamor Pingla Game Range 593.843 23.99 4 57 CHT/S/UDA 237.27 Udanti 237.27 36.8832 11.93 58 DEL/S/ASO 27.81 Asola 27.81 59 GOA/S/BON 7.95 Valpoi 1 Collem 1 GOA/S/BON Ponda 6 GOA/S/BON 1.80 Campal, Panaji 60 GOA/S/CHO 1.8 61 GUJ/N/BAN 23.99 Bansa national park, Navtav 23.99 62 GUJ/S/PUR 160.35 Singana 46.33 GUJ/S/PUR Ahwa (W) 9.82 GUJ/S/PUR Kalibel 22.83 GUJ/S/PUR Bheskatri 45.97 GUJ/S/PUR Bardipada 64.11 63 GUJ/S/RAT 55.65 Kanjeta 54.24 64 GUJ/S/WIL Morbi (T) range of Jamnagar 96.84 4953.71 (Territorial) division 3

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Cultivation, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Grazing, Tree The level of disturbance is: 90 15.23 Felling, Fire (Burning), Tourism, OTH (Hunting), OTH High for cultivation, low for (Fishing), OTH (Termite collection), OTH (Silk cocoon habitation, high for NTFP, low 70 10.45 8.93 collection) for grazing, very high for felling 83 33.83 including bamboo cutting, high 93 8.93 Cultivation, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Grazing, Tree for fire, low for tourism, low for 38 20.38 Felling, Fire (Burning), Tourism, OTH (Hunting), OTH hunting and fishing and termite 75 65.02 (Fishing), OTH (Termite collection), OTH (Silk cocoon collection and high for silk 95 collection) cocoon collection 81 225.43 The Kota-Pendra PWD road passes through the PA. The level of disturbance is: 25 There are 22 forest villages inside the PA High for cultivation, low for 39 The Kota-Pendra PWD road passes through the PA. habitation, high for NTFP, low 84 There are 22 forest villages inside the PA for grazing, very high for felling 73 71.18 The Kota-Pendra PWD road passes through the PA. including bamboo cutting, high 34 5.56 There are 22 forest villages inside the PA for fire, low for tourism, low for Grazing, OTH (Human interference), OTH (Vehicles), hunting and fishing and termite 1 64.81 Development Projects collection and high for silk 1 Cultivation, OTH (Encroachment) cocoon collection 4.8 1.2 Disturbance is due to encroachment by local tribals These disturbances are 328 4.8816 gradually leading to the 96.84 (I) Fuel wood collection (ii) N.T.F.P. Collection (iii) degradation of forests 7.72 Grazing (iv) Fire (Burning) These disturbances are gradually leading to the (I) Fuel wood collection (ii) N.T.F.P. Collection (iii) degradation of forests 9.15 Grazing (iv) Fire (Burning) Fire and Grazing are light while NTFP collection is Fire (Burning), Grazing and N.T.F.P. Collection moderate to heavy 2.40 Habitation Moderate Declining Grazing, NTFP Collection, Others (Trespassing), Mines 5.56 (adjacent to the sanctuary in Haryana). Disturbed Grazing by peripheral villages Grazing by peripheral villages Habitation, tourism 0.18 Fire (Burning), Grazing, Tree felling and Habitation Erosion, Fire (Burning), Grazing, Cultivation, Tourism, Tree Felling Erosion, Fire (Burning), Grazing, Cultivation, Tourism, Tree Felling Erosion, Fire (Burning), Grazing, Cultivation, Tourism, Tree Felling Erosion, Fire (Burning), Grazing, Cultivation, Tourism, Tree Felling Erosion, Fire (Burning), Grazing, Cultivation, Tourism, Tree Felling 0.5424 Biotic pressure, NTFP collection, grazing. OTH (Salt production), OTH (Transportation of migratory animals), OTH (Charcoal manufacturing) 39

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh GUJ/S/WIL Bhachau & Adesar range of Kutch-East 35.5 Area disturbe GUJ/S/WIL (T) division GUJ/S/WIL Halwad, Dhrangadhra & Patadi range 150.65 of Surendranagar (T) division 248.63 65 HAR/N/SUL Sami, Santalpur & Radhanpur range of B.K. (T) division 1.42 66 HAR/S/ABU 1.42 Sultanpur National Park 113.97 Dabwali Range 67 HAR/S/BHIN 4.07 Jhajjar range 4.07 4.07 68 HAR/S/BIRB 4.14 Forest Range(T) Jind 69 HAR/S/BIRS 7.58 Pinjore Range 8 8.0 70 HAR/S/CHIL 0.28 Pehowa/Pandri 176 70.40 52.8 71 HAR/S/KAL 100.00 Kalesar Forest range 72 HAR/S/KHA 300 120.00 90.0 73 HAR/S/NAH 0.82 Jhajjar range 2.09 Nahar range 74 HAR/S/SAR 44.02 Saraswati 44.02 362.37 33.0 75 HP/N/GRE 905.40 Jiwanal range 430.37 109.15 64.1 HP/N/GRE Tirthan Range 278.15 321.23 128.0 30.75 5.5 HP/N/GRE Sainj Range 462.6 76 HP/S/DAR 46.59 Dofda Range 46.59 47.20 783.5 943.98 77 HP/S/DHA Uhl Range and Sansal Beat of Baijnath 943.98 Range 78 HP/S/GAM Bhandal range consisting of Bhandal, 113.75 44.00 30.0 79 HP/S/KAI 109.00 Sangani, Beer and Langrea Beats 12.6108 80 HP/S/KAL 69.47 Kalatop-Khajjiar 20.12 81 HP/S/KAN 58.1797 82 HP/S/KHO 19.3474 378.87 37.89 246.2 30.89 10.1 83 HP/S/KUG Kugti Block of Bharmour Territorial 84 HP/S/LIP 378.87 Range 85 HP/S/MAN 30.89 Sangla 29.003 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed OTH (Salt production), OTH (Transportation of migratory Disturbed animals), OTH (Charcoal manufacturing) 35.50 OTH (Salt production), OTH (Transportation of migratory Disturbed animals), OTH (Charcoal manufacturing) 75.33 OTH (Salt production), OTH (Transportation of migratory Disturbed animals), OTH (Charcoal manufacturing) 149.18 0.40 Disturbance is caused by local people who live in the Stable villages situated in the PA and by vehicles that move about within and around the sanctuary 00 Felling and Grazing The PA has extreme human 80 52.80 158.40 interference No 0.28 Agricultural Activity 00 90.00 270.00 No 05 34.95 2.09 17 104.83 05 13.32 Plantations of Acacia, 59 9.32 50 94.40 OTHER CAUSES:- The area has been planted with Euclyptus and Prosopis juliflora are being taken up in Eucalyptus, Dalbergia & Acacia which was earlier ridges & pits of saline patches 44.02 abandoned due to excessive salts & water logging. which are lacking vegetation. (1)Grazing(2)Habitation(3)Fire(4)DEV(5)Erosion(6)Drough Same as enumerated in the 0.13 t previous column earliar. (1)Grazing(2)Habitation(3)Fire(4)DEV(5)Erosion(6)Drough Same as enumerated in the 0.09 t previous column earliar. (1)Grazing(2)Habitation(3)Fire(4)DEV(5)Erosion(6)Drough Same as enumerated in the 0.14 t previous column earliar. 0.93 Fire (burning), Grazing, Habitation, NTFP collection, Stable 18.88 Cultivation, Tree felling Minimal 00 5.86 Grazing Grazing, Tree felling (timber demand), NTFP collection, habitation, Development projects (PWD road), Pilgrimage, 1.61 Tourism, Cultivation, OTH (Charcoal manufacturing) 27 85.25 Grazing, Habitation, NTFP collection, Cultivation, OTH Overall decline in disturbance 19 20.70 Stable (Felling due to Timber Demand), Development projects (PWD road), Tourism, Pilgrimage, OTH (Erosion due to 9.47 glaciers) Grazing, NTFP Collection 40

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh 86 HP/S/NAR 278.38 Wildlife Range Barot Area disturbe 278.38 87 HP/S/PON 307.70 Nagrota Surian and Dhameta 161.23 80.62 32.2 88 HP/S/RUP 269.15 Rupi 107.92 89 HP/S/RUP Bhaba 53.96 32.3 350 90 HP/S/SAN 650.00 Sangla 90.37 87.50 175.0 91 HP/S/SHI 90.37 Wildlife Range Karsog 92 HP/S/TUN Tundah Block Swai Territorial Range 80.34 8.03 48.2 93 J&K/N/HEM 64.00 of Bharmour Division 3350 100.5 8 94 J&K/N/KIS 3350 Hemis National Park 425.00 Kishtwar 75 7.50 11.2 J&K/N/KIS 95 J&K/S/CHA Sirchi 350 140.00 52.5 96 J&K/S/CHA 4000 Chushul 1500 13 2500 97 J&K/S/KAR Nyoma 22 98 J&K/S/OVE 5000 99 JHA/S/HAZ 5000 Karakorum Sanctuary 425.37 1000 27 425.00 Lidder 186.255 212.69 106.3 100 KAR/N/ANS 186.26 Hazaribagh wildlife Sanctuary 198.43 99.22 74.4 250.00 Anashi 101 KAR/N/ANS 250.00 Kumbarwada 51.57 20.63 14.1 102 KAR/N/BAND 880.02 Bandipur 65.6 65.6 61.25 KAR/N/BAND Gundre 61.25 104.50 KAR/N/BAND 104.5 120.50 KAR/N/BAND A.M. Gudi 120.5 Moolehole 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Floods, Fire (burning), Drought, Erosion, Grazing, Heavily disturbed Habitation, NTFP collection, Cultivation, Tree felling, 139.19 5.57 Landslides Habitation, NTFP collection, Grazing, Fire (Burning), OTH The biotic pressures are 25 46.76 1.61 (Fuelwood collection) stable and not increasing 38 20.50 Habitation, NTFP collection, Grazing, Fire (Burning), OTH The biotic pressures are 00 87.50 1.08 (Fuelwood collection) stable and not increasing 63.26 Grazing, Habitation, NTFP collection, OTH (Fuel and Heavily disturbed 3.50 Fodder) collection Drought, Landslides, Erosion, Fire (burning), Grazing, 27.11 Habitation, NTFP collection, Tree felling Grazing, Habitation, NTFP collection, Cultivation, OTH (Felling due to Timber Demand), Development projects (PWD road), Tourism, Pilgrimage, OTH (Erosion due to 20 20.09 4.02 glaciers) 871 1306.5 Negligible Floods, land slides, erosion, grazing, cultivation, tourism Stable 26.25 Biotic interference by humans and cattle residing within 25 56.25 the nation park area. 26.25 In the summer months the whole area of this range remains heavily disturbed as seasonal graziers come down along with their live stock and enter in the area of 50 157.50 national park (Alpine Zone). 350 148.5 1.5 Floods, landslides, erosion, grazing, habitation, tourism. Stable 250 247.5 2.5 Floods, landslides, erosion, grazing, habitation, tourism. Stable Erosion, development projects (2 micro hydel projects, roads, schools, PHC, hotels) grazing, habitation, mines, NTFP collection, cultivation, tree felling, tourism, others 700 1250 50 (army and ITBP activity). Stable 34 85.07 21.27 Grazing, Habitation, Drought, Landslide, Cultivation, Fire Fire (Burning), Habitation, NTFP collection, Cultivation, 186.26 2.67 Tree felling, Tourism, Development projects Anashi forest range is subject to some disturbance and show 14.88 Fire, Grazing, Dams, Habitation, Pilgramages a slight change in their natural 41 9.92 species composition Kumbarwada forest ranges is subject to some disturbance and show a slight change in 1.34 Dams, Grazing, Fire, Habitation their natural species 13 15.47 composition 60 41

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh KAR/N/BAND N.Bagur 61 Area disturbe KAR/N/BAND Mdiyur KAR/N/BAND Hedeyala 96.25 61.0 KAR/N/BAND Maddur 115.25 96.2 KAR/N/BAND Moyar 126.27 115.2 126.2 103 KAR/N/BANN 104.27 Anckal 129.5 129.5 KAR/N/BANN Harohally 25 KAR/N/BANN Picnic corner KAR/N/BANN Project 20% 50% 50% 50% 30% 104 KAR/N/KUD Kudremukh, Sringeri, Venur, Karkala 600.324 480.26 60.0 105 KAR/N/NAG 600.32 Range 104.074 62.44 20.8 643.39 Nagarahole 17.12 16.1 KAR/N/NAG 48.906 18.90 18.9 KAR/N/NAG Veeranahosally 63.012 Metikuppe 40.30 22.3 KAR/N/NAG 89.557 45.08 9.9 KAR/N/NAG Antharasanthe 90.155 Anechankur 61.41 20.4 KAR/N/NAG 136.473 72.25 16.6 KAR/N/NAG D.B. Kuppe 111.152 106 KAR/S/ADI Kallahalla 0.45 0.3 0.89 Adichunchanagiri Peacock Sanctuary 0.89 107 KAR/S/ARA 10.13 3.3 108 KAR/S/ATT 13.50 Arabitittu Wildlife Sanctuary 13.5 1.33 2.226 Ranebennur 2.226 109 KAR/S/BHA 492.46 Hebbe 164.1 KAR/S/BHA Muthodi 164.1 KAR/S/BHA Lakkavalli & Thanigebyle 86.22 90.00 164.1 110 KAR/S/BIL 218.52 48.20 86. 540 B.R.T. (Yelandur) 234.78 28.55 KAR/S/BIL Bylore 29.76 218. KAR/S/BIL K. Gudi Range and Punjur Range 120 42.38 111 KAR/S/BRA 52 45.57 24.8 KAR/S/BRA 181.29 Sreemangala Wildlife Range 2.0 112 KAR/S/DAN Bramhagiri Wildlife Range 142.758 KAR/S/DAN 74.4 85.6 KAR/S/DAN 475.02 Kulgi Wildlife Range 22.3 KAR/S/DAN Wildlife Range, Kumbarwada 105.96 52.9 Wildlife Range, Gund 151.9 91.1 Wildlife Range, Phansoli 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed 00 Grazing, fire (burning), NTFP collection, tree felling, Gradually improving 25 9.27 habitation Gradually improving 25 27 Grazing, fire (burning), NTFP collection, tree felling, 50 habitation 40 30 20% 10% Habitation Gradually improving 50% 20% Mining, grazing, tree felling, fire (burning), habitation Gradually improving Interference by the people staying at the inside the enclosures and also by the adjoining villages is the main cause for disturbances at present as their present as their main aims are to collect dry fuel and leaves apart from 60.03 Fire, Grazing and collection of Non-timber forest produces picking up of NTF Produces 03 15.61 Tourism, Pilgramages, Fire, Habitation 81 5.20 14 14.67 0.98 Grazing, Fire, OTH(Fuelwood collection) 90 25.20 39 26.87 Grazing, Fire, OTH (Fuelwood collection) 92 22.54 47 40.94 Grazing, Fire, Habitation, Tourism, OTH (Fuelwood 67 5.56 36 0.09 collection) 38 356 12.62 Grazing, Fire, Habitation&Others(Fuelwood Collection) 15 Tourism,Grazing, Fire, Habitation&Others(Fuelwood 15 13.65 Collection) 15 16.67 Tourism, Habitation, Fire, Grazing .22 .52 0.18 Grazing, Fire, Pilgramages Decreasing 80 5.00 00 0.80 Disturbances has been come 65 28.55 32 22.32 2.03 Grazing, Drought, Fire, Occasionally illicit cutting down considerably 98 10.60 14 15.19 0.04452 Submersion Dam Land acquisition and rehabilitation of 16 villages, which is under progress. Fire accurance is common during Fire, Other summer and preventive Fire, other measures are taken Fire Land acquisition and Prepaid license extraction of large woody species. fire (burning) wood collection rehabilitation of 16 villages, Tourism 1.20 Fire, Biotic Encroachment which is under progress. Fire 1.00 Fire, Biotic Encroachment 77.09 Development projects, Fire, Grazing, Habitation accurance is common during 0.07 Dams, Grazing, Fire, Habitation 21.19 Dams, Fire, Grazing summer and preventive 15.19 Erosion, Fire, Grazing, Habitation, Cultivation measures are taken Land acquisition and rehabilitation of 16 villages, which is under progress. Fire accurance is common during summer and preventive measures are taken EPT EPT 42

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh 55.873 Area disturbe 113 KAR/S/DOR 55.87 Kamalapur 29.785 55.87 114 KAR/S/GHA 29.79 Ranebennur Wildlife Range 0.74 0.0 115 KAR/S/GUD 0.70 0.74 Kargal Wildlife Range 116 KAR/S/KAV 526.95 Kaveri Wildlife Sanctuary 526.95 421.56 5.2 117 KAR/S/MEL 49.82 Narayanadurga 45.34 9.07 27.2 Mudibetta Reserve Forest 4.48 0.90 KAR/S/MEL 247 2.6 118 KAR/S/MOO 247.00 Kundapur Wildlife Range 30.32 123.50 49.4 119 KAR/S/NUG 30.32 Nugu Wildlife Sanctuary 18.19 12.1 92.66 120 KAR/S/PUS 92.66 Kadamakal Reserve Forest 119 9.27 20.3 121 KAR/S/RANE 119.00 Ranebennur Wildlife Range 0.67 122 KAR/S/RANG 0.27 0.1 0.67 Ranganathittu Birds Sanctuary 218.88 123 KAR/S/SHA 175.10 43.7 431.23 Kogar 212.34 KAR/S/SHA 146.92 191.11 21.2 124 KAR/S/SHE Kargal 58.77 29.3 395.60 Shimoga 63.34 34.84 23.4 KAR/S/SHE 189.35 56.81 37.8 KAR/S/SHE Sacrebyle Hanagere 125 KAR/S/SOM 88.97 Karkala Wildlife Range 88.97 70.29 9.7 126 KAR/S/TAL 105.01 Bhagamandala 50.84 41.1 54.16 46.0 KAR/S/TAL Mundrote 100 25.00 5.0 127 KER/N/ERA 100.00 Eravikulam 55 22 30.0 128 KER/S/ARA 55 Aralam 129 KER/S/CHIN 90.44 90.4 90.44 Chi 130 KER/S/WAY 74.2928 26.00 18.5 344.44 Muthanga KER/S/WAY 86.0284 30.11 25.8 Sulthan Bathery KER/S/WAY 77.6693 37.28 32.6 Tholpetty KER/S/WAY 106.4526 42.58 31.9 131 MAH/N/AND Kurichiyat 213 149.10 21.3 625.40 Tadoba 198 138.60 29.7 MAH/N/AND 200 140.00 30.0 MAH/N/AND Moharli 46.8 132 MAH/N/NAV Kolsa 133.884 53.55 133.88 Navegaon 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Encroachment by doing Agriculture 04 People are being enlightened 27 5.27 20 2.27 and educated and also local 69 0.45 40 49.40 people are employed 13 Interference of people for collecting dry fire wood and non especially tribals for watch 39 60.23 18 timber produce. The people who live in enclosure and and ward, antipoaching 78 23 adjoining villages depend on the forests produce and also activities and fire fighting 38 29.38 44 fragment fire damages occur. Grazing by cattle is also works. Hance disturbances 87 90.89 0.53 causing disturbance are reduce and under control 79 18 5.08 6.80 Grazing, Fire, Tree felling Declining 04 6.50 0.45 Grazing, Fire, Tree felling Declining 24.70 Habitation Same Fire, Grazing, Tree felling Decreasing Fire, Grazing, NTFP collection, Pilgramages, Tourism, Status quo 2.78 Genimalai Cultivition Grazing, Tourism Under control Encroachment, clear felling of plants, agricultural land and MPM plantation extraction hydro electric project Encroachment, clear felling of plants, agricultural land and MPM plantation extraction hydro electric project 29.38 Grazing 5.07 Dams, Grazing 22.72 Habitation, Mines/quarries, Grazing Due to vigilant watch and ward Interference by the people staying at the inside the and also enlightening the enclosures and also by the adjoining villagers is the main intention of sanctuaries to the cause for disturbance as their main aims are to collect dry fuel and leaves apart from picking up of non timber forest local peoples; the 8.90 produces 4.58 Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP collection disturbances are being 1.62 Cultivation, felling, Pilgrimages considerably reduced Status quo 00 29.15 Drought, erosion, habitation Under control 085 0.01 Grazing Grazing is stable, enclosures 43 are stable, NTFP collection is Grazing, OTH (Silvicultural operations), OTH stable, Silvicultural operations 57 29.72 17.09 (Enclosures), NTFP collection are declining Grazing is stable, enclosures 81 30.11 Grazing, OTH (Silvicultural operations), OTH are stable, NTFP collection is 15.49 (Enclosures), NTFP collection stable, Silvicultural operations 62 7.77 are declining Grazing, OTH (Silvicultural operations), OTH Grazing is stable, enclosures 94 31.94 40.39 (Enclosures), NTFP collection are stable, NTFP collection is 30 42.60 stable, Silvicultural operations 70 29.70 Grazing, OTH (Silvicultural operations), OTH are declining 00 30.00 28.74 (Enclosures), NTFP collection Grazing is stable, enclosures 86 26.78 are stable, NTFP collection is N.A Grazing,fuelwood collection & timber collection stable, Silvicultural operations N.A Fuelwood collection &Minor forest produce collection are declining N.A Fuel wood collection & Minor Forest Produce collection Same 6.69 Fire,grazing,NTFP collection,tree felling & tourism Same Same Not fully under control 43

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh 148 Area disturbe 133 MAH/N/PEN 257.26 East Pench 108 74.00 West Pench 43.20 29.6 MAH/N/PEN 38.57 43.2 134 MAH/N/SAN 103.09 Sanjay Ghandhi National Park 5.89 5.89 Krishnagiri upwan Borih 58.6 MAH/N/SAN 58.64 41.47 Yeur(Thana district) 127.11 8.2 MAH/N/SAN 135 MAH/S/AMB 127.11 Sonala 82.94 136 MAH/S/ANE 82.94 Shirpur 137 MAH/S/BHA 104.38 Bhamragarh 104.38 93.94 9.3 138 MAH/S/BHI 130.78 Bhimashankar-2 44.89 6.898 2.69 12.22 MAH/S/BHI Bhimashankar-1 68.98 17.2 139 MAH/S/BOR 61.10 Bor 61.1 26.8 140 MAH/S/CHAN 308.97 Mandur Wildlife range 308.97 52.5249 98.87 141 MAH/S/CHAP 133.23 Chaudampalli 133.23 53.29 54.6 142 MAH/S/DEU 2.17 3379.76 54.0 143 MAH/S/GAU 260.00 Kannad 120 21.0 60 36.0 MAH/S/GAU Chalisgaon 80 MAH/S/GAU Nagad 5.53 5. 144 MAH/S/GRE 8496.41 Karmala 2.5 2 MAH/S/GRE Rehekuri MAH/S/GRE Sholapur 34.68 Yes 145 MAH/S/GYA 203.56 Buldhana 92 23.00 23.0 MAH/S/GYA Khamgaon 111.51 27.88 27.8 North Jaikwadi (Paithan) & South 146 MAH/S/JAI 341.05 Jaikwadi (Shevgoan) 341.05 119.37 85.2 147 MAH/S/KAL 361.71 Harishchandra & 'Bhandardara 148 MAH/S/KAR 4.27 Karnala Bird Sanctuary Range 4.27 3.88 5.8 149 MAH/S/KAT 73.69 Akola 38.76 5.1 150 MAH/S/MAY 5.145 Supe 5.145 45.84 151 MAH/S/NAG 152.81 Nagzira 152.81 11.96 53.4 152 MAH/S/NAI 29.90 Beed 5.9 153 MAH/S/NAR 12.35 Narnala 29.9 0.00 154 MAH/S/PAI 324.64 Sondabi range 12.35 0.00 12.3 Kharbi range 117.53 9.90 58.7 MAH/S/PAI 351.16 Dajipur 185.95 18.25 92.9 155 MAH/S/RAD Radhanagari 19.8 99 36.4 MAH/S/RAD 10.87 Sagareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary 182.46 140.29 Tipeshwar 28.06 35.0 156 MAH/S/SAG 10.87 84.3 157 MAH/S/TIP Somthana 140.29 106.2 160 MAH/S/WAN 205.86 Wan 75.2 161 MAH/S/WAN 177.52 PAL 89.39 83.8 161 MAH/S/YAW 116.47 Jamnya MAH/S/YAW 79.94 97.58 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed 60 29.60 7.40 20 16.20 5.40 38.57 Encroachment,illicit cutting in Nagla block 64 Encroachment 29 8.29 Encroachment 39 1.04 24.88 Encroachment Not changed 934 32.3208 245 28.2818 Human habitation on the periphery are mostly by Madia 88 21.39 Gonds who depend on the forest for their livelihood.Since 704 24.7176 Nil their population is very low, the disturbance is neglegible. 62 13.32 Grazing, NTFP collection, pilgrimage, dam, cultivation, Minimization of disturbance is 9.8758 tree felling under consideration. Minimization of disturbance is 16.5552 Landslides, grazing, NTFP collection, tourism, pilgrimage under consideration. 0.61 Grazing & Fuelwood collections. Disturbance minimised due to shifting of villages out of 9.2691 Grazing, habitat, cultivation sanctuary. Heavy grazing ,28 villages in & around the PA ,state highway passes through the midst of the PA. Prashant Dham temple Complex within the PA , poaching by tribals & sharing interstate boundary with Andhra Pradesh on the 11.99 Western side. 3063.29 Area having private agricultural land, roads, villages, Area under the charge of 00 60.00 316.47 townships etc. forest department is 00 36.00 undisturbed. Other private 00 40.00 6.00 Illicit cutting ,grazing ,encroachment & fire. areas fully disturbed. .53 3.00 Illicit cutting ,grazing, encroachment & fire 2.5 4.00 Illicit cutting, grazing ,encroachment & fire. Controlled Controlled Yes Cattle, human (biotic pressures) Controlled Cattle, human (biotic pressures) 00 46.00 Cattle, human (biotic pressures) Not fully under control Grazing,illicit cutting ,human interferance & road Heavily disturbed 88 55.76 0.92 construction Grazing,illicit cutting, human interferance & road Fire, development projects, 26 136.42 0.11 construction grazing, tourism, 4.27 Fishing, cultivation & water supply schemes. 81 28.68 mines/quarries & pilgramages 145 Biotic dependence, habitation & grazing 48 45.84 98 11.96 (1)Vehicular traffic(2)Visitors & tourism(3)Local People 35 0.39 Network of roads for villages 77 58.77 98 92.98 Biotic pressure 80 64.35 7.64 Fire,grazing,NTFP collection,tree felling & tourism 49 118.60 11.96 Grazing fuelwood collection, roads(traffic) 0.83 (1)Grazing(2)Fire 6.52 07 70.15 Human pressure ,grazing 39 Fire,roads 25 4.22 4.95 NTFP collection 26 9.12 Encroachment (Cultivation), NTFP collection 86 Drought, Erosion, development project, fire, grazing, 4.35 habitation, mines/quarries, tourism & pilgramages 7.01 Illegal felling, grazing & poaching 5.00 Grazing(ii)Submergence due to Wan project 6.00 Grazing(ii)Submergence due to Wan project 4.68 Fire and grazing 13.72 Fire and grazing 44

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh 162 MAH/S/YED 22.37 Yedashi 22.37 Area disturbe 11.19 4.4 163 MAN/N/KEI 40.00 Keibul 1.2 129.08 0.2 Yangoupokpi Lokchao Wildlife 198.00 164 MAN/S/YAN 184.4 46 165 MEG/N/BAL 184.4 Sanctuary 220 23.52 22.0 166 MEG/N/NOK 220.00 Mahadeo 24 23.01 0.4 MEG/N/NOK 47.48 Nokrek Northen Range 23.48 20.30 0.4 167 MEG/S/BAG Nokrek Southern Range 0.03 4.92 0.0 168 MEG/S/NON 29 5.8 169 MEG/S/SIJ 0.03 Baghmara Wildlife Range 5.18 188.00 0.2 170 MIZ/N/MUR 29.00 Nongpoh Wildlife Range 200 49.00 2.0 171 MIZ/N/PHA 50 5.18 Siju Wildlife Range 25.00 25.0 172 MIZ/S/DAM 200.00 North Khawbung 250 37.50 25.0 MIZ/S/DAM 50.00 Phawngpui 250 4.92 31.9 173 MIZ/S/KHA 41 81.6 174 MIZ/S/LEN 500.00 Teirei 19.20 175 MIZ/S/NGE 120 110.00 21.0 176 MP/N/BAN Phuldungsei 110 122.9 41.00 Rawpui 105 84.00 MP/N/BAN 120.00 Range (s) not yet demarcated 245.84 21.7 177 MP/N/PEN 110.00 Ngengpui 145.24 116.19 29.5 1161.47 Tala, Kallawah, Khitauli, Magadhi. 147.61 103.33 MP/N/PEN 44.5 Panpatha (Sanctuary) 178.06 80.12 178 MP/N/SAT 292.86 Karmajhiri 34.6 346.318 266.66 MP/N/SAT Gumtara 524.37 Pachmarhi Kamti 179 MP/N/VAN 4.45 Van Vihar 4.45 3.34 1.0 180 MP/S/BAD 104.45 Game Range Sanctuary Bagicha 104.45 20.89 26.1 181 MP/S/BAG 478.00 Bagdara 231.047 92.4 182 MP/S/GAN 368.62 Gandhi Sagar In36a8ll.6th2e 3 ranges pu3t6t.o8g6ether, th1e8t4o.t3 183 MP/S/KAR 202.21 Game range Karera 184 MP/S/KHE 132.78 Kheoni 202.21 185 MP/S/KUN 344.69 Sesaipura game range. 186 MP/S/NAR 132.778 66.39 53.1 57.20 Game range Narsingarh 187 MP/S/NOR 344.686 304.69 30.9 1186.96 Mohli 57.197 2.86 10.3 223.973 89.5 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed (1)Fuel wood collection(2)Grazing(3)Railway Under control 47 6.71 8.95 traffic(4)Road traffic 24 0.72 Grazing , NTFP collection 6.1 4.61 Firewood collection (stable), land slides (increasing), fire 00 48 4.61 (burning) (stable), habitation (stable), cultivation (stable) 47 03 Fire, NTFP collection, Tourism 80 2.90 26 Illegal cutting of trees Minor 00 10.00 Illegal collection of NTFP Minor 1.00 NTFP collection 00 195.00 Grazing in fringe areas and inside the sanctuary 00 185.00 98 4.10 Fire, NTFP collection, Tourism Negligible 60 19.20 Fire, Habitation, Cultivation, Felling Under control & stable 2.30 Fire, NTFP collection Stable Felling, NTFP collection, Fire , Jhuming prior to Declining and negligible 5.00 relocation of villages in 1989-90 Felling, NTFP collection, Fire , Jhuming prior to relocation Declining and negligible 2.50 of villages in 1989-90 Fire, Cultivation Stable Cultivation, Fire, Felling, OTH (Hunting) Stable & under control 00 92 122.92 79 7.26 Dam, Grazing. 52 14.76 Grazing , Fire Increasing day by day due to increasing population and 51 53.41 Tourism, Pilgrimage, Habitation, Fuel wood. tourism Illicit fishing by local fishery federation in Tawa dam and 63 45.02 Dam, Grazing. grazing by local people. The ranges namely, safari, management and tourism have been identified for the purpose of working. In total 08 0.03 Tourism 4.45 sq. kms. of the park is 4 Forest villages are situated inside the sanctuary. These villages are having cultivation area of about 500 hectares. 11 27.16 30.29 Habitation and Cultivation Total encroached area is Erosion, Fire (Burning), Grazing, Habitation, NTFP about 16 hectares Continuing 42 138.63 Collection, Cultivation, OTH (Nistar), OTH (Encroachment) 1. Infiltration of millions of sheep from Rajasthan, 2. Huge cattle population on the periphery of the sanctuary, 3. Excess grazing by livestock, 4. Dependency of large number of people on the forest, 5. Heavy biotic interference 6. Large quantity of timber is taken away to meet fuelwood requirement as well as for selling 9. At the All sources of disturbance are t3a1l area un1d4e7r.p45lantations is 59 time of the scarcity of grass people resort to lopping. increasing 11 13.28 Biotic Factors (Fire, Grazing, Tree felling) 90 30 42.90 10.10 Moderate grazing and Nistar needs of peripheral villages. Moderate 59 134.38 1.14 Fire, Grazing, Habitation, Cultivation, Tree felling, Growing day by day. Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Cultivation, Tree felling. Disturbance continues. 45

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh MP/S/NOR Jhapan 150.975 Area disturbe MP/S/NOR Singpur 162.093 MP/S/NOR Noradehi 214.337 75.4 MP/S/NOR Sarra 214.704 89.1 107.1 139.5 188 MP/S/ORC 44.9 Orchha Range 150.3 106.20 30. 189 MP/S/PEN 118.00 Kurai 118 2.62 10.6 190 MP/S/RAL 2.62 2.62 Indore Ralamandal Sanctuary. 40.2 191 MP/S/SAI 12.96 28.7 12.96 Sailana 192 MP/S/SAN 160.97 364.59 Dubari MP/S/SAN 143.64 193 MP/S/SAR Bastua 348.12 194 MP/S/SON 348.12 Sardarpur 209.21 209.21 Son Gharial 195 NAG/N/INT 202.02 151.52 10.1 196 NAG/S/FAK 202.02 Intanki Range \"A\" 6.41 6.41 6.41 Fakim 197 NAG/S/PUL 9.23 4.62 2.3 198 NAG/S/RAN 9.23 Puliebadze 4.7 1.88 0.4 199 ORI/N+S/BHI 4.70 Rangapahar 430.249996 397.6248 145 Rajnagar 913.87 191.137426 302.4055 ORI/N+S/BHI 548.93 Kanika 200 ORI/S/BAD 304.03 Badarma 304.03 304.0 201 ORI/S/BAI 67.3 168.35 Banigocha Wildlife Range 168.35 101.01 ORI/S/BAL 202 ORI/S/CHA Balukhand Konarka 19.41 193.39 Bhubaneswar Wildlife Range ORI/S/CHA ORI/S/CHA Chandaka Wildlife Range 55.23 55.2 ORI/S/CHA Haldia Wildlife Range 57.85 57.8 203 ORI/S/DEB Dompada Wildlife Range 60.9 ORI/S/DEB 60.9 115.3 127.4 204 ORI/S/HAD 346.90 Lakhanpur Range 164.8 49.44 ORI/S/HAD 54.63 1.6 ORI/S/HAD Kamgaon Range 182.1 1.7 ORI/S/HAD No such ranges exists, but 4.2 ORI/S/HAD compartments inside Boula Reserve Compartment 1=4.08 1.0 191.60 Forest have been considered Compartment 10= 3.6 4.41 Compartment 11=8.40 Compartment 12= 3.54 Compartment 13=6.06 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Cultivation, Disturbance continues. Tree felling. Disturbance continues. 49 75.49 Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Cultivation, Disturbance continues. Tree felling. Disturbance continues. 15 72.94 Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Cultivation, Tree felling. 17 107.17 Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Cultivation, Tree felling. 56 75.15 .06 75.15 45.09 Tourism, pilgrimages, habitation, cultivation. Grazing Common, Abundant 62 1.18 Fire, Grazing. Nil. The whole area is fenced. 24 120.73 Grazing (by the domestic cattle of neighbouring villages), 73 114.91 Cultivation. Continues Erosion, Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, 348.12 Cultivation, Other-Nistar, Encroachment. Continues Erosion, Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Increasing 10 40.40 Cultivation, Other-Nistar, Encroachment. Grazing, Habitation, Cultivation. 31 2.31 47 2.35 Village settlement, Cultivation, Felling, Development Increasing 837 84.624362 activities, NTFP collection (Agarwood), 537 55.332144 OTH(Hunting/fishing) 03 Habitation, Tree Felling, NTFP collection, Grazing, Increasing 34 Erosion, Landslide 23 Human Settlement Increasing 85 13.70805 Habitation, grazing, tourism, cultivation 90 36 24.70185 Habitation, grazing, tourism, cultivation 47 Sambalpur township is only 63 2.45 76 2.65 15kms from the sanctuary. 20 4.20 06 2.48 Pressure on the sanctuary is 64 2.42 3.04 Fire, Grazing, Tree felling, Habitation increasing for felling of trees. Drought, Erosion, Fire, Grazing, Illicit felling, Disturbance Presently only ground fire is 0.13 caused by encroached villagers. seen. (1) Cyclone common and damaged by 1999 super cyclone (2) NTFP Collection -(Cashew nut) (3) Fire very rare. Habitation, Cultivation, Tree felling, Cyclone Habitation, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, Cyclone, Development Projects. Habitation, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire Habitation, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, Cyclone Drought, Erosion, Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Cultivation, Tree felling, Tourism Drought, Erosion, Fire, Grazing, Habitation, NTFP Collection, Cultivation, Tree felling, Tourism Encroachment-Dalki village-Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavily Disturbed . Moderate illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavily Disturbed . Moderate to heavy illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, 0.40 Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavily Disturbed . Fire, Moderate to heavy illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavily Disturbed . Sajnapal village encroachment.- Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavily Disturbed. 46

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh 147.66 Jugsaipatna Area disturbe ORI/S/HAD Compartment 14=5.17 2.0 ORI/S/HAD 5.8 Compartment ORI/S/HAD 15=10.71 ORI/S/HAD ORI/S/HAD Compartment 16=7.16 1.4 ORI/S/HAD Compartment 2=8.75 3.0 ORI/S/HAD Compartment 4=8.33 5.8 ORI/S/HAD Compartment 8=4.42 1.7 ORI/S/HAD Compartment 9= 5.65 1.7 ORI/S/HAD Compartment3=3.77 1.3 ORI/S/HAD Compartment5=5.84 4.3 205 ORI/S/KAR Compartment6=8.94 4.0 Compartment7=8.92 3.5 27.54 11.0 ORI/S/KAR Bhawanipatna 147.96 44.388 90.99 206 ORI/S/KHA 116.00 Girish Chandrapur(Part of this range) 116 167.13 116.0 207 ORI/S/KOT 399.50 Kotagarh 238.75 47.7 21.53 6.1 ORI/S/KOT Belghar 30.75 27.275 109 208 ORI/S/KUL 272.75 Nilgiri 272.75 209 ORI/S/LAK 174.96 Chandragiri 174.958 174.9 210 ORI/S/SATN 795.52 Purunakote 287.79 115.116 71.94 ORI/S/SATN Jillinda 13.74 5.496 4.8 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Junaposi encroachment, Dalki (Part) encroachment- Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, Heavily Disturbed . 07 3.10 NTFP Collection . OMC, FACOR Chromite Mining Lease, encroachment Heavily Disturbed . 89 4.82 Phujihar village- Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavily Disturbed . 43 5.73 OMC, FACOR Lease. 'Raighati village encroachment, Heavily Disturbed . 06 5.69 Sialimalia village encroachment- Grazing, Habitation, Heavily Disturbed . 83 2.50 Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection. Heavily Disturbed . 77 2.65 Ratanmara village encroachment-Grazing, Habitation, Heavily Disturbed . 70 3.96 Heavily Disturbed . 32 2.45 Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavily Disturbed . 38 1.46 Moderate illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Heavily Disturbed . 02 4.92 Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavily Disturbed . 57 5.35 Moderate to heavy illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, 016 16.524 Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Heavy illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, 0.15 Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection Heavy illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection Moderate illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Encroachment- Pitanau village- Grazing, Habitation, Dam, 0.90 Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection . Moderate to heavy illicit felling, Grazing, Habitation, Dam, 0.25 Cultivation, Tree felling, Fire, NTFP Collection Tree felling, cultivation, fire (burning) (burning) 954 11.8368 0.7398 Fire(burning), grazing, habitation, cultivation, tree felling. All forestry operations have 00 01 Forestry operations, biotic interference's been stopped. Biotic 75 11.94 pressure continues. 15 3.08 11.94 Fire, Grazing, Cultivation, Tree felling, Habitation Continuing 9.1 125.465 Fire, Grazing, Cultivation, tree felling, Habitation Continuing 96 Under regulation 10.91 Dam, grazing, NTFP collection, fire (burning) 475 43.1685 Shifting cultivation Timber smuggling Due to biotic pressure the forest is heavily disturbed. 809 3.435 57.558 Fire, grazing, habitation, tree felling Smuggling of teak from teak plantations is the main Fire, grazing, habitation, tree felling problem. Due to severe drought, forest fire was upto 80% of forest cover. Due to biotic pressure the forest is heavily disturbed. Smuggling of teak from teak plantations is the main problem. Due to severe drought, forest fire was upto 80% of forest cover. 47

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh Area disturbe ORI/S/SATN Pampasar 168.16 100.896 33.6 211 ORI/S/SATS 268.94 Kusanga Wildlife Range 101.56 40.624 40.6 167.38 66.952 66.9 ORI/S/SATS Chhamun dia range 212 ORI/S/SIM 2200 2200.00 1309.00 429. ORI/S/SIM Bisoi, Pithabata (buffer), Udala, 40% ORI/S/SIM Thakurmunda 45% 20% ORI/S/SIM Gurguria, Badampahar, Kendumundi, 50% Dudhiani 25% Bangriposhi, Dukura, Kaptipada 15% ORI/S/SIM Nawana 70% 30% 85% 15% ORI/S/SIM Pithabata (core) 90% 10% Chahala, National Park and 200 ORI/S/SIM Upperbarakamara 213 ORI/S/SUN 600.00 Nawapara 400 ORI/S/SUN Komna 2.6 2.60 8.2 8.20 214 PUN/S/ABO 186.05 6.6 6.60 215 PUN/S/AIS 2.60 Aishwan 7.5 7.50 216 PUN/S/BHA 8.20 Bhadson 6.1 6.10 217 PUN/S/BHU 6.60 Bhunerheri 218 PUN/S/DOS 7.50 Dosanjh 2.2 2.20 219 PUN/S/GUR 6.10 Gurdial Pura 5.24 5.24 220 PUN/S/HAR 3.86 3.86 221 PUN/S/MAH 86.00 N.A. 222 PUN/S/MOT 2.20 Mehas 28.73 1054.0 223 PUN/S/TAK 5.24 Moti Bir 224 RAJ/N/DES 3.86 Takhani Rehmapur 138.69 1054.0 195.015 RAJ/N/DES 3162.00 Jaisalmer 527.0 RAJ/N/DES Miyazlar 52 Barmer 14.365 14.3 225 RAJ/N/KEO 276 28.73 Wildlife Range KNP 143.42 111.922 226 RAJ/S/BAS 227 RAJ/S/BHA 138.69 Bassi 85.13 19.5015 117.0 195.015 Bhainsroadgarh 239.34 228 RAJ/S/JAI 55.20 69.0 52.00 Jaisamand 14.342 28.6 229 RAJ/S/JAM 4.2565 17.0 230 RAJ/S/KELA 300.00 Jamwa Ramgarh. 23.934 47.8 672 Karanpur RAJ/S/KELA Baler RAJ/S/KELA Kela Devi 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Due to biotic pressure the forest is heavily disturbed. 632 21.8608 11.7712 Fire(burning), grazing, habitation, tree felling Smuggling of teak from teak 624 20.312 Fire (burning), Grazing, Habitation & Illicit felling plantations is the main 952 29.45888 problem. Due to severe 4.01712 Fire (burning), Grazing, Habitation & Illicit felling drought, forest fire was upto 80% of forest cover. Declining Declining .00 396.00 66.00 Under regulation 40% Indiscriminate collection of timber and firewood, small Under regulation 30% timber, NTFP fire, grazing etc. Under regulation 35% Indiscriminate collection of timber and firewood, small timber, NTFP fire, grazing etc. 200.00 Indiscriminate collection of timber and firewood, small 400.00 timber, NTFP fire, grazing etc. Indiscriminate collection of timber and firewood, small Under regulation timber, NTFP fire, grazing etc. Indiscriminate collection of timber and firewood, small Under regulation timber, NTFP fire, grazing etc. Indiscriminate collection of timber and firewood, small Under regulation timber, NTFP fire, grazing etc. Stable Fire, Habitation, Cultivation Stable. Cannabis has stopped. Fire, Habitation, Cultivation, Grazing, Tree felling, NTFP NTFP now checked collection, Drought, Erosion, Dam, Other (Encroachment and cannabis cultivation). 00 Grazing Slightly disturbed. Slightly disturbed. 00 Grazing Disturbed. 00 527.00 Grazing Increasing Illegal grazing, illegal fuelwood collection, illegal fish Slightly Increasing. 365 collection Dam, grazing, NTFP collection, tree felling, tourism, 283 5.13153 21.63564 pilgrimages 009 48.75375 9.75075 Drought, erosion, dam, grazing, cultivation Biotic interference due to cattle population and human population of adjoining / peripheral villages. Grazing, Habitation, Mines/quarries, NTFP collection, 00 113.16 38.64 Dam, Fire, Cultivation. 684 100.394 Negligible Grazing, movement of local people 026 63.8475 Negligible Grazing, movement of local people 868 167.538 Negligible Grazing, movement of local people 48

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh RAJ/S/KELA Mandrayal 207.17 Area disturbe 120.78 231 RAJ/S/KUM 608.56 Bokhara 143.16 31.0755 51.79 RAJ/S/KUM Kumbhalgarh 94.97 6.039 42.2 RAJ/S/KUM Desuri 249.66 RAJ/S/KUM Sadri 14.316 100.2 52.4 23.7425 18.9 232 RAJ/S/NAH 52.40 Nahargarh Sanctuary. 49.9 184.26 74.898 233 RAJ/S/PHU 511.41 Kotra 33.0 137.55 11.53 RAJ/S/PHU Panarwa 189.6 3.11 2. RAJ/S/PHU Mamer 5.19 3.60 143. 234 RAJ/S/SAJJ 5.19 Sajjangarh 235 RAJ/S/SIT 422.94 Jakham 150.02 83. 84.75 178. RAJ/S/SIT Dhariyawad RAJ/S/SIT Badi Sadari 188.17 2.8 236 RAJ/S/TAL 7.19 Tal Chapper Sanctuary. 7.19 237 RAJ/S/TOD 495.27 Raoli 102.61 RAJ/S/TOD Bheem 96.79 RAJ/S/TOD Bijaji ka Guda RAJ/S/TOD Jojawar 117.19 206.65 238 RAJ/S/VAN 25.6 Van Vihar 25.6 12.8 7. 239 SIK/N/KHA 1784.00 Dzongri 104 19.6688 15.01 SIK/N/KHA Mangan SIK/N/KHA Dzongu 51.76 21.00 5.5 6.0078 19.08 240 SIK/S/BAR 104.00 Barsey 31 35.34 20.00 5.0 241 SIK/S/FAM 51.76 Fambong Lho 2.7 43 6.2 242 SIK/S/KYON 31.00 Kyongnosla 2.7 43.89 32.9 243 SIK/S/MAE 35.34 Maenam 30.37 26.5 109.72 41.63 27.7 244 SIK/S/SHIN 43.00 Shingba 75.92 69.00 51.7 245 TN/N/GUI 2.8194 Guindy National Park 101.56 116.0 138.76 102.90 34.3 TN/N/GUL Ramnad, Mandapam, Kilakarai, 172.5 40.18 246 TN/N/IND Tuticorin 63.30 54. 958.57 Pollachi 290.17 54 TN/N/IND Ulandy 171.5 78.46 68 TN/N/IND Manambolly 80.35 TN/N/IND Amaraathi 63.3 0.4 TN/N/IND Udumalpet 54.25 TN/N/IND Valparai 54.6 13.50 33.7 247 TN/N/MUD 321.00 Masinagudi 68.5 TN/N/MUD Teppakadu 78.46 TN/N/MUD Nelakottai 0.48 TN/N/MUD Kargudi TN/N/MUD Mudumalai 135.02 248 TN/N/MUK 78.46 Mukurthi 249 TN/S/CHI 0.48 Chitrangudi 250 TN/S/GRI 477.83 Srivilliputhur 4

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily ed disturbed Plantations Causes Current status 925 124.302 Negligible Grazing, movement of local people 273 71.2602 1.2078 Grazing, fire, habitation, cultivation 212 25.7688 2.8632 Pilgrimage, fire (burning), grazing, habitation, cultivation 994 42.7365 9.497 Pilgrimage, grazing, fire, habitation, cultivation 932 99.864 24.966 Pilgrimage, grazing, fire, habitation, cultivation Grazing, Habitation, NTFP collection, Other (Old 01 2.62 5.24 encroachment) Slightly increasing. Drought, fire (burning), grazing, habitation, NTFP collection, cultivation, tree felling Increasing Drought, fire, grazing, habitation, NTFP collection, cultivation, tree felling Increasing Drought, fire, grazing, habitation, NTFP collection, cultivation, tree felling Increasing .08 Grazing Increasing .72 6.30 Grazing, habitation, cultivation, tree felling, pilgrimages Under control .90 0.85 Grazing, habitation, cultivation, tree felling, pilgrimages Under control .39 9.78 Under control Drought, Mining (Salt pans) in the catchment area, Spread 88 0.72 of Prosopis juliflora, Grazing pressure, Stray dogs. Stable Drought, fire (burning), grazing, habitation, cultivation, tree felling Drought, fire, grazing, habitation, cultivation, tree felling Drought, fire, grazing, habitation, cultivation, tree felling Drought, fire, grazing, habitation, cultivation, tree felling Excessive grazing, settlements, katcha, pucca roads, mining in adjoining areas, forest produce gatherers, drought, cultivation, grazing, habitation, NTFP collection, .68 4.864 0.256 tree felling Under control Grazing, habitation, NTFP collection, cultivation, tourism, Increasing fires. Grazing, habitation, NTFP collection, felling Increasing Grazing, NTFP collection (collection of Sirsoo grass for 104 17.0808 food, collection of fuelwood ) Increasing 50 4.50 Grazing, habitation, felling, OTH ( Road bordering the Increasing 836 10.2486 sanctuary) 00 18.00 Grazing, habitat, tree felling, tourism, pilgrimage Stable 23 92 21.94 Landslides, grazing, felling, erosion, tourism, development Increasing 57 3.80 75 34.69 activities (road), NTFP collection, OTH(Snow avalanches), 75 34.50 07 63.84 floods 30 34.30 OTH- fishing-use of trawler nets damages the corals Continuous 40.18 which upsets the whole eco-system Increase .25 Increase 4.6 10.97 Grazing, Habitation, Pilgramages Exits 8.5 15.18 Habitaion, Tourism, Dams Exits 34.69 Habitation, Dams Exits 48 17.25 Habitation, Grazing 76 81.01 8.71 Habitation, Grazing, Tourism, Pilgramages 17.15 Habitation, Dams, Pilgramages Yes Grazing projects No Grazing projects Yes Fire Yes Fire, Road Yes Fire OTH- Eggs collection by local villagers Watcher posted for protection Droguht, Erosion, Fire (Burning), Grazing, NTFP Drought, Erosion, Fir (Buring), 6.75 collection, FEL, Tourism, Pilgramages, Grazing, Landslide, Pilgramages 49

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh Area disturbe TN/S/GRI Watrap 120.42 6.02 24.0 TN/S/GRI Rajapalavam 129.16 13.92 41.7 TN/S/GRI Saptur 101.78 10.1 251 TN/S/KAN 1.04 Kanjarankulam 104.21 1.03 4.5 252 TN/S/KARA 4.53 Tanjavur range 4.53 13.13 253 TN/S/KARI 0.65 Sancturay Range 0.65 0.2 254 TN/S/KOO 1.20 Tirunelveli 255 TN/S/MEL 5.93 N.A 1.2933 20.0 256 TN/S/POIN 25.00 Kodikkarai 257 TN/S/PUL 61.47 Mangroves 25 0.4 258 TN/S/UDA 0.44 Tanjavar wild life 1.2 259 TN/S/VAD 1.28 Tanjavur wild life 0.44 3.2 260 TN/S/VALL 16.41 Tirunelveli 1.28 16.41 261 TN/S/VED 0.27 Sanctuary Range 262 TN/S/VELL 0.77 Erode Range 0.27 0.77 0.2 263 TN/S/VET 0.38 Vettangudi 0.77 136.29 0.38 38.9 264 TRI/S/GUM 389.59 Tirthmukh 29.2 265 TRI/S/TRI 194.70 Rajnagar. Abhoya, Rangamura 389.16 266 UP/S/BAK 28.9421 Bakhira 194.7 0.15 267 UP/S/CHA 96 Chandra Prabha 268 UP/S/KAC 7 Kachhua Wildlife Sanctuary 96 72 4 269 UP/S/KAI 7 1.4 28.0 501 Gurma 4.2126 UP/S/KAI 140.42 14.5 UP/S/KAI Roberts Ganj 4.843 47.1 UP/S/KAI Gharawal 48.43 7.0662 UP/S/KAI Halia 235.54 11.086 55. All ranges PF 221.72 1 270 UP/S/KAT 26.975 UP/S/KAT 400.09 Nishangara 107 4.969 43. UP/S/KAT Murtiha 4.9 Dharmapur 107.9 14.601 21.90 UP/S/KAT 49.69 Katarniaghat 48.67 271 UP/S/LAK 80.24 Lakh Bahosi Bird Sanctuary 207.89 41.578 114.33 272 UP/S/MAH 80.24 20.06 20. 5.42 Lalitpur 1.355 4.0 273 UP/S/NAT 635 Etawah 100 1.0107 0.67 1.6 1 UP/S/NAT Bah 135 274 UP/S/NAW 2.246 Nawab Ganj Bird Sanctuary 2.246 275 UP/S/OKH 4 Okhla Bird Sanctuary 4 5

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed Drought, Erosion, Fire 08 84.29 Drought, Erosion, Fire(Buring), Grazing, NTFP collection, (Buring), Grazing, Landslide, 75 69.58 18 81.42 6.02 TEL, Tourism, Pilgramages Pilgramages Yes Drought, Erosion, Fire 53 26 Drought, Erosion, Fire (Buring), Grazing, NTFP collection, (Buring), Grazing, Landslide, 00 5.00 13.92 TEL, Torusim, Ppilgramages Pilgramages Yes Drought, Erosion, Fire(Buring), Grazing, NTFP collection, 44 28 10.18 TEL, Tourism, Pilgramages No birds so no killing 28 Previous to notification birds were hunted in this tank by 23 local villagers. Since notification, no birds have been 92 272.41 21 19.47 spotted. 24 2.27 Grazing 4.9 0.7 0.65 GRA 084 101.1024 529 24.215 Controlled 108 157.8118 .43 133.032 Grazing Disturbed 107 Biotic pressure Reduced .16 16.185 0.26 Grazing 969 14.907 0.54 Grazing during summer, and fishing during dry season. Still prevalent 015 7.3005 Grazing and Habitation Controlled Human disturbance due to the 395 20.789 0.27 GRA, TOU lake bund being used for .06 40.12 commuting by local villagers 065 OTH- Growth of prosopis juliflora Persistent Erosion, dam, fires, grazing, habitation, NTFP collection, Stable Stable 77.83 cultivation, felling, pilgrimage 9.74 Biotic interference Stable Grazing, felling, fishing. 1.Grazing in peripheral areas of the sanctuary, 2. Human trespassers, 3. Vehicle traffic on road adjoining the sanctuary, 4. Stone mining leases on private land. Floods, erosion, habitation, development projects. 7.021 Over grazing and fire wood collection 4.843 Over grazing and fire (burning) wood collection 23.554 Over grazing and fire wood collection 22.172 Over grazing and fire wood collection Over grazing and fire wood collection 1. Establishment of seed farm, Girijapuri. 2. Settlement on 21.58 Nepalese side of the sanctuary. 9.938 1. Settlement on Nepalese side of the sanctuary 4.867 1. Settlement on Nepalese side of the sanctuary. 1.Construction of Girijapuri dam and its colony, 2. Establishment of seed farm, Girijapuri, 3. Settlement on 31.1835 Nepalese side of the sanctuary. Grazing of cattle and human trespassers. Grazing Moderate 80 Grazing (heavy), erosion (very heavy), habitation 1 (moderate), others. 108 Mining (heavy), grazing (heavy), erosion (very heavy), 738 0.5615 1.35 habitation (moderate), others 1.2 1.2 Disturbance by local villagers for fuel wood, grass and occasionally fishing. Dam development project, grazing, tourism, others. 50

Table 1.3: The Statu Note: All values for area in this Sno PA code Total Area Range Name Range Area Undisturbed Sligh 276 UP/S/PAR 10.8447 Parvati Arga Range 10.84 Area disturbe 9.756 277 UP/S/PAT 1.05 Patna Bird Sanctuary 1.05 1.0 0.525 278 UP/S/RAN 220.41 Manikpur 130.95 0.5 47.142 UP/S/RAN Markundi 189.45 83.8 279 UP/S/SAMN 5.26 Saman Bird Sanctuary 5.2 134.5095 1.40816 54.94 UP/S/SAMS Samaspur Bird Sanctuary 7.99 4.3945 3.739 280 UP/S/SAN 2.246 Sandi Bird Sanctuary 3.0854 1.5427 2.55 0.617 281 UP/S/SOH 428.2 Pakri 64.5 UP/S/SOH South Chauk 50.894 UP/S/SOH Laxmipur 51.598 UP/S/SOH North Chauk 55.997 UP/S/SOH Madhawalia 80.917 UP/S/SOH Nichlaul and Shivpur 98.2 282 UP/S/SUH 452.472 Barahawa 101.16 72.8352 26.30 UP/S/SUH Tulsipur 84.07 60.5304 21.01 UP/S/SUH East Suhelwa 80.16 65.7312 13.62 UP/S/SUH West Suhelwa 90.36 67.77 21.68 UP/S/SUH Bankatawa 96.72 77.376 17.40 283 UP/S/SURA 34.329 Surahatal Bird Sanctuary 5.14935 24.03 284 UP/S/SURS 34.329 285 UP/S/VIJ 7.13 Sur Sarovar Bird Sanctuary 3.565 1.4 2.62 Vijay Sagar Bird Sanctuary 7.13 2. UP/S/VIJ 41.05 2. 286 UTT/N/COR Vijay Sagar Bird Sanctuary 2.62 7.66 520.82 Bijrani 30.7 UTT/N/COR 2.62 14.21 22.9 UTT/N/COR Tourism 102.624 26.55 UTT/N/COR Dhela 30.36 2.8 UTT/N/COR Jhirna 75.644 72.76 6.1 UTT/N/COR Kalagarh 18.944 30.3 Sarpduli 40.849 15.5 151.818 103.945 287 UTT/N/GAN 2390.024 Gangotri 2390.02 1673.014 239.0 288 UTT/N+S/GOV 957.969 Rupin 146.46 29.292 24.89 5

us of Forests in PAs s table are in square kilometers htly Heavily Plantations Causes Current status ed disturbed 084 Grazing and fishing Moderate 525 808 1. 70% land is private land, 2. 30% is Gram Samaj land, 3. 405 984 0.052 Reserve forest is not notified. 568 1.0387 708 0.61708 Efforts are going on to control 64.5 Grazing it. 50.894 Controlled through 51.598 Grazing, habitation. ecodevelopment 55.997 Floods, drought, grazing. 80.917 Grass collection, fishing. 98.2 Grazing, human trespassers 016 1.0116 Grazing, fuel wood, NTFP collection, fodder, thatch grass, 175 1.6814 fencing material, building material like poles, use of forest 272 0.8016 roads, floods, fire(burning), habitation. 864 0.9036 Grazing, fuel wood, NTFP collection, fodder, thatch grass, 096 0.9672 fencing material, building material like poles, use of forest 303 5.14935 426 2.139 roads, floods, fires, habitation. .62 .62 Grazing, fuel wood, NTFP collection, fodder, thatch grass, 79 30.79 99 45.99 fencing material, building material like poles, use of forest 84 1.89 13 8.17 roads, floods, fires, habitation. 36 91.09 59 15.59 Grazing, fuel wood, NTFP collection, fodder, thatch grass, 002 478.004 fencing material, building material like poles, use of forest 982 87.876 roads, floods, fires, habitation. Grazing, fuel wood, NTFP collection, fodder, thatch grass, fencing material, building material like poles, use of forest roads, floods, fires, habitation. Grazing, fuel wood, NTFP collection, fodder, thatch grass, fencing material, building material like poles, use of forest roads, floods, fires, habitation. Encroachment (very low), grazing (moderate), forest fires (heavy), NTFP collection (moderate), felling (low), 1.0116 poaching (low), lopping (low). Encroachment (Very low), grazing (moderate), forest fires (heavy), NTFP collection (moderate), felling (low), 0.8407 poaching (low), lopping (low). Encroachment (very low), grazing (moderate), forest fires (heavy), NTFP collection (moderate), felling (low), poaching (low), lopping (low). Encroachment (very low), grazing (moderate), forest fires (heavy), NTFP collection (moderate), felling (low), poaching (low), lopping (low). Encroachment (very low), grazing (moderate), forest fires (heavy), NTFP collection (moderate), felling (low), 0.9672 poaching (low), lopping (low). Floods, erosion, habitation, development projects. Stable Grazing, tourism, pilgrimage, others. Grazing Reducing Fishing Stable Tourism and fire. Heavy Tourism and dam Heavy Fire, grazing and development project. Low Fire, grazing and development project. Moderate Fire and dam Heavy Erosion, tourism and fire. Moderate Tourism, pilgrimage, avalanches, erosion, development activities (roads), grazing, tree felling, fire, NTFP collection, others (army camps and hunting) Grazing, NTFP collection, tree felling, habitation, cultivation, floods, erosion, development activities (road 4.3938 and path maintenance) Slight Increase 51

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