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Home Explore 2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

Published by Shekhar Singh Collections, 2022-01-11 06:38:28

Description: 2003 - Vol 2 - Reassessing the Management of National Parks in India - Biological Profiles of Individual PAs

Keywords: 2003 - vol 2,National Parks,Biological profiles


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Table 1.15: Threatened Sno PA code OLD DATA 1984- New Data 1998- Species name Ra 87 03 Panch Anguli ( Orchis latifolia) SIK/N/KHA Dz Lokhim ( Rheum enwdi) SIK/N/KHA NP Yes Maple Dz 71 SIK/S/SHIN Sh Juniper SIK/S/SHIN Sh Birch SIK/S/SHIN Sh 'Rhododendron barbatum, SIK/S/SHIN Rhododendron ciliatum, Sh Rhododendron thomson SIK/S/SHIN Sh SIK/S/SHIN Juniper Sh SIK/S/SHIN Larch Sh SIK/S/SHIN Rhododendron Rhododendron barbatum, G 72 Rhod.ciliatum. Rhod.Thomson Pa TN/N/GUI Va Yes Sandalwood Va 73 TN/N/IND NP Yes Rinunculus reni formis Va TN/N/IND Va TN/N/IND Micholia nilgiricia Va TN/N/IND Impetirus elegans Va TN/N/IND Litrea bourdulloml Va TN/N/IND Legianthus acuminatus Va TN/N/IND Lycopodium currum Va TN/N/IND Occunda regalis Ul TN/N/IND Phychotrla barberi Ul TN/N/IND Selegimella species Va Sandulua album utteria Va TN/N/IND Va TN/N/IND Michalia nilgiricia Va TN/N/IND Impetieus elegans Va TN/N/IND Litrea bourdillomil Va TN/N/IND Legianthus acuminatus Va TN/N/IND Lycopodium currum TN/N/IND Occunda regalis Phychotrla barberi 24

Species of Flora in PAs New Data 1998-03 anges Magnitude of Probable Cause Management Initiative to zongri Decline mitigate the problem, if any zibgru, kokshsus hingba Number Fregutent collection by None hingba portess None hingba None hingba Number None Micro-climatic changes and grazing Micro-climatic changes and grazing Micro-climatic changes and grazing Micro-climatic changes and grazing hingba Changes hingba Grazing hingba Guindy National Not known Not known Not surveyed ark Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumalpet Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumd Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumd Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumd Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumd Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumd Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumd Not known Not known Not special initiatives alpari, Udumd Not known Not known Not special initiatives alpari, Udumd Not special initiatives landy, Pol, Val, Not known Not known landy Not known Not known Not special initiatives Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumalpet Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumalpet Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumalpet Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumalpet Not known Not known Not special initiatives alp, Udumalpet Not special initiatives alp, Udumalpet alp, Udumalpet 40

Table 1.15: Threatened Sno PA code OLD DATA 1984- New Data 1998- Species name Ra 87 03 Va TN/N/IND Selegimella species Ul TN/N/IND Sandulua album utteria Va M 74 TN/N/MUD NO Yes Sandal 75 TN/S/KAN No Nil Al 76 TN/S/KOO No N.A 77 TN/S/MUK Yes Orchid 78 TN/S/POIN NO Yes Aristalocia tegala TN/S/POIN Caesalpine Bonduc TN/S/POIN Caesalpina bonduc 79 TN/S/PUL 80 TN/S/UDA NO Yes Mangroves 81 TN/S/VAD No Nil 82 TN/S/VED No Nil 83 TN/S/VELL No Nil 84 TN/S/VET No Nil NP Yes Babul 85 TRI/S/GUM NP Yes Holigrana caustica Ti NP TRI/S/GUM Terenia macnoulata Ti TRI/S/GUM Wallichia caryotoide Ti TRI/S/GUM Terenia Macnoulata Ti TRI/S/GUM 86 TRI/S/TRI Wallichia caryotoide Yes Ramdala(Duabanga grandiflora) TRI/S/TRI Udal, Kadam Fl TRI/S/TRI (Anthocophalus chisessis) 87 UTT/N/GAN Udal, Kadam (An thocophalus chisessis) Utish, Jata Mansi, Salem Mishri, Salem Panja, Somlata, Patther Yes Laong G 24

Species of Flora in PAs New Data 1998-03 anges Magnitude of Probable Cause Management Initiative to Decline mitigate the problem, if any alpari, Udumd Not special initiatives landy, Pollachi, Not known Not known Not special initiatives alparai Masinagudi Not known Not known Staff protection 50/hec Elephant trampling Not known Medicinal expoloitation None Natural Natural regeneration Natural Natural regeneration Change in salinity Plantation ll Not known Bird dropping & Gap planting undertaken for excessive growth of P. Babul trees in 1994. irthmukh Not quantified Juliflora irthmukh Not quantified Habitat destruction Habitat restoration through irthmukh Not quantified aforestation irthmukh Habitat destruction Habitat restoration through aforestation Habitat destruction Habitat restoration through aforestation Large reduction in Natural regeneration Artificial regeneration is being population. Very adversely affected due attempted few plants continue to biotic interference. to survive lora out PA Gangotri Not known Unsustainable None extraction 41

Table 1.15: Threatened Sno PA code OLD DATA 1984- New Data 1998- Species name Ra 87 03 88 All medicianl plants En UTT/N+S/GOV Yes Athyrium duthiei, Acer caesium, Th 89 Yes Cymbidium eburneum, PA Yes Cypripedium cordigerum, C. UTT/S/ASK No elegans, C. himalaicum, Up 90 Yes Dioscorea deltoidea, Eria Up occidentalis, Nardostachys Lo UTT/S/SON grandiflora, Picrorhiza kurrooa Up 91 WB/N/GOR Bamboo (Dendrocalamus Lo 92 strictus) Up Nil Lo WB/N/NEO Up Rhododendron spp. Lo Up WB/N/NEO Swentia chirata Lo Up WB/N/NEO Lycopodium spp. Lo Up WB/N/NEO Aconitum spp. Lo Up WB/N/NEO Aristolochia spp. Lo Up WB/N/NEO Berberis cristata NP Ra WB/N/NEO Costus speciosa NP S. WB/N/NEO Didymocarpus pedicellate NP NP WB/N/NEO NO Ranwolfia serpentina WB/N/NEO Taxus wallichiana 93 WB/N/SUN Yes Dhundul (Xylocarpus granatum Koenig) WB/N/SUN Sundari(Heritiera fomes Buch- WB/N/SUN Ham(T) WB/N/SUN Amoor(Aglma cuculata Singra(Cynometra iripa) 24

Species of Flora in PAs New Data 1998-03 anges Magnitude of Probable Cause Management Initiative to ntire PA mitigate the problem, if any Decline Restriction of pressures Non known Over exploitation in the past and at present hroughout the Habitat destruction Over feeding by The species is being artificially A and over elephants. planted in the PA. exploitation 90% pper Neora Not known Non entry of sweet Nil Not known water from the river. pper Neora, Not known ower Neora Not known Not known pper Neora, Not known ower Neora Not known Not known pper Neora, Not known ower Neora Not known NA pper Neora, ower Neora pper Neora, ower Neora pper Neora, ower Neora pper Neora, ower Neora pper Neora, ower Neora pper Neora PE Range, NPW ange PE,NPW,BHT, .W.L.S.Range PE,NPW Range PE,NPW & BH 42

Table 1.15: Threatened Sno PA code OLD DATA 1984- New Data 1998- Species name Ra WB/N/SUN 87 03 Bhola(Hibiscus NP WB/N/SUN tillaceous),Gila(Enjada WB/N/SUN scandens) NP WB/N/SUN Sundari (Heritiera fomes Buch- S. WB/N/SUN Ham(T) NP 94 WB/S/BAL Amoor (Aglma cuculata) 95 WB/S/SEN Singra (Cynometra iripa) NP Bhola (Hibiscus tiliaceus), Gila NP (Enjada scandens) No None NP Yes All the indigenous spp. 24

Species of Flora in PAs New Data 1998-03 anges Magnitude of Probable Cause Management Initiative to PE,NPW & BH mitigate the problem, if any Decline PE, NPW, BHT, NA Non entry of sweet Nil .W.L.S.Range water from the river. Nil PE, NPW Range NA Nil Non entry of sweet Nil PE, NPW & BH NA water from the river. PE, NPW & BH NA Non entry of sweet water from the river. Non entry of sweet water from the river. 43

Table 1.16: Occurrence of Weeds in PAs 244

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1 A&N/N/SAD 1984-87 03 weeds 2 A&N/S/CUT 3 A&N/S/INT No 32.54 10. 4 A&N/S/NAR NP 5.82 5 A&N/S/NOR NP No 6 AP/N/KAS 133.00 7 AP/N/MAH No 6.81 No 3.48 NP No 1.43 NP Yes 14.59 Lantana Camara AP/N/MAH Parthenium 4 8 AP/N/MRU NP Yes 2.80 Lautana Camara 2 2 AP/N/MRU NP No Parthinium NO No 9 AP/N/VEN YES Yes 525.97 10 AP/S/COR 235.70 11 AP/S/ETU 803.00 Anisomeles malabarica - maha veera 12 AP/S/GUN NP No 1194.00 0.15, 0.24 13 AP/S/KAW NO Yes 893.00 Mahavira 0.15, 0.15 0.15, 0.10 24

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first occurred .00 Mahaveer Harina 1970 Invaded the grass Uprootal of weeds is being done Vanasthali National 1975 lands Park 1978 1980 Invaded the grass Uprootal of weeds is being done 4.00 Mahaveer Harina lands Vanasthali National Park Very high Being uprooted in small bits and area High sown with grass seeds 2.80 Chilkur Being uprooted in small bits and area 2.80 Chilkur sown with grass seeds Tadvai, Eturnagaram Suppressing the Uprootal of weeds whenever funds are grasses causing available scarcity of food to wild ungulate and bovines 4, Jannaram, Tadlapet, 1994 It is wide spread in Under JFM scheme in all the VSS area 5, Indanpally, Birsaipet, nature not allowing uprootal of Mahavira is being practiced 0 Kaddam, Pembi. other sp. to before the flowering takes place. germinate under the mahavira weed grass. 45

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 14 AP/S/KOL 1984-87 03 weeds 15 AP/S/KOU YES Yes 308.00 Ipomea aquatica, 308. AP/S/KOU Scripus, Phragmites, NP Yes Ottelia, Typha, 30. 16 AP/S/KRI NP Yes Vallisnaria, Chara, 10. 17 AP/S/MAN NO Yes Nymphoea, Eichhornia (Water 5 hyacinth) 2 357.63 Lantana Dodonia 194.21 Prosopis juliflora 20.00 Ipomea 18 AP/S/NEL NO Yes 4.58 19 AP/S/PAK NO 860.00 Anisomeles malabarica AP/S/PAK NO Yes Hiptis species 0 AP/S/PAK Eucalyptus Species 20 AP/S/PAP YES No 590.68 Lantana Camara NO Yes AP/S/PAP Ocimum sp. 21 AP/S/POC 130.00 22 AP/S/PRA 136.00 Mahavira 23 AP/S/PUL NO No 600.00 24 AP/S/SIW NO No 29.81 25 ARU/N/MOU NP No 483.00 24

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed .00 Eluru first occurred Dominant and dreadful weed .00 1950 Reduced pressure NIL .00 for fuel wood in PA NIL 5.00 Nagayalanka Before declaration Serving as nesting 2.00 Manjira of Sanctuary and roosting places Kothaguda, Suppressing the Up rootal of weeds whenever funds are Narsampet. grasses resulting in available-motivating people to go for food scarcity to wild rotational grazing is being done. There Kothaguda - I ungulate are several villages inside the PA. Kothaguda - II Spread throughout sanctuary Scarcely spread throughout sanctuary 0.10 Chennur, Nilwai It is spreading in a In JFM programme in all the treatment speedy manner area of V.S.S. the removal of weeds in progress 46

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area 26 ARU/N/NAM affected b 1984-87 03 weeds NO Yes 1985.25 Mikenia scandance Not surveyed 27 ARU/S/DER NO No 190.00 Unknown 28 ARU/S/KAM NP No 783.00 29 ARU/S/MEH NO No 281.50 30 ARU/S/YOR NP No 445.98 31 ASS/N/DIB NP Yes 340.00 Lantana ASS/N/DIB Yes Michania Unknown ASS/N/DIB Yes Lorenthas Unknown 32 ASS/N/KAZ NP 407.90 Eichhornia crassipes 31. ASS/N/KAZ (Water hyacinth) 122. Mikenia spp. ASS/N/KAZ Plimosa spp. 122. 33 ASS/N/MAN NP 519.77 Micania ASS/N/MAN Parthenium Small area ASS/N/MAN Lantana Small area 24

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first occurred Miao, Namdapha and The weed was Gandhigram introduced during World War - II from Japan and it damages /suppresses the original flora of any area throughout this area Guijan and Saikhowa Unknown Floods are None regulating the Guijan and Saikhowa Unknown spread of weeds. Guijan and Saikhowa Unknown Floods are None .00 All the ranges Not known regulating the .50 All the ranges Not Known spread of weeds Parasite on Salix None spp. Damages Manual eradication is carried out every waterbodies year, however, the success rate is low. Competes with Manual eradication is carried out every other grasses, trees year, however, the success rate is low. .50 All the ranges Not Known Competes with Manual eradication is carried out every other grasses, trees year, however, the success rate is low. In all the grasslands. Negligible None a Kahitama and Negligible None Bansbari Negligible None a Kahitama and Bansbari 47

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1984-87 03 weeds ASS/N/MAN Eupatorium Small area 34 ASS/N/ORA 78.80 35 ASS/S/BAR NP No 26.21 NP Yes 36 ASS/S/BUR 44 Lantana NP Yes ASS/S/BUR Ipomea 37 ASS/S/DIP 0.02 38 ASS/S/EKAR NP No 221.81 6 39 ASS/S/GAR NP No 6 40 ASS/S/GIB Yes 19.16 Eupatorium ASS/S/GIB No Yes Michenia seandous 6 41 ASS/S/KAR 42 ASS/S/LAO 96 Negligible 70.10 Lantana ASS/S/LAO Eupatorium Negligible ASS/S/LAO Hyacinth Negligible 43 ASS/S/NAMB NP No 37 1 44 ASS/S/PAN NP No 33.93 45 ASS/S/POB NP Yes 16.00 Ipomaea spp. 46 ASS/S/SON Yes 220.00 Lantana camara ASS/S/SON No Euphorbia 47 BIH/S/RAJ 35.84 24

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first None occurred a Along roads and rivers Negligible Burachapori Wildlife 1992 Infested moist high Uprooting and burning is carried out. 2 Range 1990 lands. Uprooting and burning is carried out. Burachapori Wildlife Infested moist low 1 Range lands 6.00 Periferral area of Negligible None N.S.E.W. Negligible None None 6.00 Periferral area of Not known N.S.E.W. Not known Not known e Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary e Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary e Laokhowa Wildlife Sanctuary 1.00 Tuplung, Jugdol Not known Increasing Annual burning is carried out 48

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1984-87 03 weeds 48 CHD/S/SUK YES Yes 26.11 Congress grass 5 (Parthenium) CHD/S/SUK 26.11 Lantana (Lantana 6 camara) 49 CHT/N/IND NO No 2799.09 1 50 CHT/N/KAN YES Yes 200.00 Lantana CHT/N/KAN No 200.00 Eupatorium spp. 20. Yes 51 CHT/S/ACH NO 551.55 144. 52 CHT/S/BAR NO No 244.66 Lantana camara, No 53 CHT/S/BHA NO Bantulsi, Gazer 54 CHT/S/GOM grass, Chhin grass, Cassiatora 138.95 277.82 24

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem 5.22 Kansal and Nepli the weed first 6.53 Kansal and Nepli occurred 1975 1. Do not allow Parthenium weed removal is regularly grasses to grow. 2. carried out but it again spreads in the Hamper the area. development of habitat for animals, 3. Reduce the availability of food (fodder) for animals. 1975 1. Do not allow Parthenium weed removal is regularly grasses to grow. 2. carried out but it again spreads in the Hamper the area. development of habitat for animals, 3. Reduce the availability of food (fodder) for animals. 1.00 Kotamsar Long ago Hindering Uprooting .00 Kotamsar and Koleng regeneration and Uprooting growth of indigenous plants 10 years ago Hindering regeneration and growth of indigenous plants .66 Barnawapara Each year 20-25 ha of weed eradication is carried out. 49

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 55 CHT/S/PAM 1984-87 03 weeds 56 CHT/S/SIT No 442.23 140. NO Yes 558.55 Lantana Camara 57 CHT/S/TAM YES Yes 608.53 Cassia Tora 25. CHT/S/TAM Bantulsa 35. CHT/S/TAM Lantana 7 58 CHT/S/UDA Yes 237.27 Chhin Grass 118. CHT/S/UDA (Phoenyx sylvestris) Lantana Camara 11. 59 DEL/S/ASO NP Yes 27.81 Lantana camara 2 DEL/S/ASO Parthenium 1 60 GOA/S/BON NP Yes Eupatorium 61 GOA/S/CHO NO No 7.95 odoratum 62 GUJ/N/BAN NP No 1.80 63 GUJ/S/PUR No 64 GUJ/S/RAT No 23.99 160.35 55.65 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first occurred .00 Risgaon and Sitanadi 1970 Affecting new 4 to 6 sq. km. of lantana covered area is Range regeneration being cleared of the weed by uprooting Before the each year .00 Game Range Tamor formation of The weeds are Eradication of weeds being done Pingla the PA affecting the Before the grasslands Eradication of weeds being done .00 Game Range Tamor formation of Pingla the PA The weeds are Eradication of weeds being done Before the affecting the 7.00 Game range Tamor formation of grasslands Uprooting in some parts Pingla the PA The weeds are Uprooting in some parts .64 Udanti 1988 affecting the grasslands Weed removal is carried out .86 Udanti Hinders the growth 2.00 Asola of palatable grasses Hinders the growth of palatable grasses Encroachment over indigenous species. 1.00 Asola 1994-95 Encroachment over Weed removal is carried out indigenous species. Decline in ground 2 Ponda NA vegetation. Eradication by uprooting 50

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1984-87 03 weeds 65 GUJ/S/WIL NP Yes 4953.71 272. HAR/N/SUL NO Yes 1.42 Congress Grass 0 (Parthenium) 0 66 No 3 HAR/N/SUL Yes Lantana 67 HAR/S/ABU NP 113.97 68 HAR/S/BHIN NP 4.07 Water Hyacinth (Eichomia) 69 HAR/S/BIRB NP No 4.14 3 70 HAR/S/BIRS NP Yes 7.58 Congress Grass 0 HAR/S/BIRS NP No Lantana 0 71 HAR/S/CHIL NP Yes 0.28 72 HAR/S/KAL 100.00 Lantana NP No HAR/S/KAL No Congress grass 73 HAR/S/KHA NP Yes 0.82 74 HAR/S/NAH 2.09 75 HAR/S/SAR No 44.02 Sacchareniya 76 HP/N/GRE 905.40 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem .75 All ranges the weed first Not known. Information for this question 0.40 National Park Area occurred has been taken from the report titled \"Ecological Study of the Wild Ass 1973-74 Suppression of Sanctuary, Little Rann of Kutch: A growth and Comprehensive Study on Biodiversity regeneration of and Management Issues\" prepared by Indigenous species the GEER Foundation and encroachment of most of the bets. 1996 Check the growth of Manual weeding surrounding plants. 0.80 National Park Area 1994 Check the growth of Manual weeding surrounding plants. 3.60 Bhindawas, Jhajjar 1992 3/4 of the lake is Tried to eradicate hyacinth by manual presently covered labour last year but could not succeed. by the weed, Weevils and mites were to be released in adversely damaging the month of July 99 for eradication of the wetland water Hyacinth. ecosystem. 3.04 Pinjore Bir Sikar Gah 1990 Pinjore Bir Sikar Gah 0.40 WL sanctuary 1997 0.20 WL sanctuary 1997 Weed has encroached The PA has Eradication of weed frequently over the upon the entire range become prone to affected area in patches fire hazards 51

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 77 HP/S/DAR 1984-87 03 weeds 78 HP/S/DHA 79 HP/S/GAM No 46.59 80 HP/S/KAI NP No 943.98 81 HP/S/KAL NO No 109.00 82 HP/S/KAN #N/A 83 HP/S/KHO No 84 HP/S/KUG NO No 69.47 85 HP/S/LIP #N/A 86 HP/S/MAN No #N/A 87 HP/S/NAR No 378.87 NO No HP/S/PON No 30.89 No #N/A No 278.38 NO 307.70 88 NP No 269.15 186. 87 HP/S/RUP NO No 650.00 88 HP/S/SAN NO No NO No 90.37 89 HP/S/SHI No 64.00 88 HP/S/TUN YES No 3350 89 J&K/N/HEM No 425.00 90 J&K/N/KIS No 4000 89 J&K/S/CHA No 5000 90 J&K/S/KAR NA 425.00 91 J&K/S/OVE Yes 90 JHA/N/RAJ 0.74 91 JHA/S/HAZ 186.26 Lantana, Parthenium, Chakor 92 JHA/S/PAR NP No 50.81 91 JHA/S/UDH NP No 1.27 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first occurred Information for this question was not available with the DFO (WL), Chamba since most of the forest areas of the PA are under control of the Territorial DFOs of Dehra and Nurpur. .26 Entire PA Habitat Nil degradation, fire 52 hazard, competition with palatable species for herbivores

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1984-87 03 weeds 92 KAR/N/ANS NP Yes 250.00 Eupatorium KAR/N/BAND YES Yes 880.02 Lantana camara 93 880.02 Eupitorium KAR/N/BAND KAR/N/BAND 880.02 Strobilanthus 94 KAR/N/BANN NP Yes 104.27 Lantana camara Sporadic 95 KAR/N/KUD No 600.32 Eupotorium 96 KAR/N/NAG YES Yes 643.39 Lantana Camara 75. Eupotorium 25. KAR/N/NAG Parthenium 10. KAR/N/NAG 97 KAR/S/ADI YES 0.89 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first No action is taken occurred No action is taken No action is taken WL Range Anashi & 1975 Degradation of Kumbarwada Habitat Sporadic in Nature Suppresses the occurs throughout NP grass and prevent easy movement of animals Sporadic in Nature Suppresses the occurs throughout NP grass and prevent easy movement of animals Sporadic in Nature Suppresses the occurs throughout NP grass and prevent easy movement of animals No bad impact as it provides food to birds/ungulates and Picnic corner, Project Long back shelter to small 20 range (1960's) Before its animals. Nil Kudremukh Range declaration as NP Impact is not much No action has been taken since its since its presence is impact is too negligible very less and sporadic .00 All the seven ranges They do not allow Steps are taken to remove it in a phased regeneration/grass menner to grow .00 All the seven ranges They don't allow Steps are taken to remove it in a phased regeneration/grass menner to grow .00 Mainly in tourism area They don't allow Steps are taken to remove it in a phased of Nagarahole and regeneration/grass menner along road side of to grow Kallahalla market 53

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1984-87 03 weeds 98 KAR/S/ATT NO NA 2.226 40. 99 KAR/S/BHA Yes 492.46 Eupotorium 20. KAR/S/BHA Parthenium 100 KAR/S/BIL Yes 540 Lantana camara 30% to 60 KAR/S/BIL Parthenium 30% to 60 KAR/S/BIL NO No Eupatorium 0 101 KAR/S/BRA YES Yes 181.29 20. 102 KAR/S/DAN 475.02 Eupotorium 10. No 103 KAR/S/DOR NP No 55.87 104 KAR/S/GHA NO Yes 29.79 105 KAR/S/GUD NP No 0.74 Epotorium 106 KAR/S/KAV NP Yes 107 KAR/S/MEL NO 526.95 108 KAR/S/MOO NO 49.82 KAR/S/MOO 247.00 Eupatorium 247.00 Strobilantus 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first occurred .00 Muthodi Not known Not much Being weeded out regularly .00 Hebbe, Lakkavalli, Not known Open space Thanigebyle Not known encroached wildlife 0% All ranges habitat defaced. Deweeding and uprooting but very minor 0% All ranges Open space Deweeding and uprooting but very minor encroached wildlife habitat defaced.Open space encroached wildlife habitat defaced. Open space encroached wildlife habitat defaced. Wildlife Range Kulgi, 1975 Regeneration of Phansoli, Gund and other species Kumbarwada affected adversely 0.20 Gudavi Birds 30 years Contracting the Clearance of Fire lines etc Sanctuary back, 1970 grazing sanctuary area .00 Kundapur Wildlife 30 years Habitat suppressed No Range earlier habitat suppressed No .00 Kundapur Wildlife 30 years Range earlier 54

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area 109 KAR/S/NUG affected b 1984-87 03 weeds YES Yes 30.32 Lautana Camara 6 KAR/S/NUG NP No Euphatorium 5 NO No 110 KAR/S/PUS Yes 92.66 100. 111 KAR/S/RANG NO 0.67 150. 112 KAR/S/SHA Yes NO 431.23 Eupotorium 113 KAR/S/SHE NP No NO No 395.60 Eupotorium 114 KAR/S/SOM Yes 115 KAR/S/TAL 88.97 116 KER/N/ERA 105.01 100.00 Ageratina KER/N/ERA adenophora KER/N/ERA 100.00 Pteridium aquilinum (Bracken) Chromalaena odoratessima infested in grasslands while Lantana infested elsewhere according to the Management Plan 117 KER/S/ARA Yes 55 Mikenia spp. 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed 6.00 Nugu Wildlife first Being Mechanically removed Sanctuary occurred Being Mechanically removed 5.00 Nugu Wildlife Not known Regeneration of Sanctuary Native species in poor Not known .00 Kargal, Kogar 20 years, Reducing the Clearing of weeds .00 Hanagere, Shimoga 1974 grazing to wildlife Uprooting of the weed in thick patches Around 1975 Poor regeneration in the PA Throughout the PA Not known Total loss of Weeding and cutting Throughout the PA Not known biodiversity This plant cannot be controlled. Total loss of biodiversity 8 Aralam Not known Suppression of Uprootal of exotic weeds, intensity is natural being reduced. regeneration and degradation of habitat 55

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1984-87 03 weeds 118 KER/S/ARA NO Yes Eupetorium Unknown 119 KER/S/CHIN NO Yes (Eupetorium Unknown odoratuns) Unknown KER/S/CHIN 90.44 Lantana 103. KER/S/CHIN Ageratum 120 KER/S/WAY Parthenium 344.44 Eupatorium KER/S/WAY Lantana 103. 121 MAH/N/AND NP Yes 625.40 Lantana 2 Yes 5 MAH/N/AND Rantulas(Occimum tassilicum) 122 MAH/N/NAV NP 123 MAH/N/PEN NO 133.88 257.26 Parthenium 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first Uprootal of exotic weeds, Intensity is occurred being reduced. Weeding in small scale 12 Aralam Not known Suppression of Weeding in small scale Chinnar Not known natural Weeding in small scale regeneration and Weeding in mature Eucalyptus, Chinnar Not known degradation of uprooting and miscellaneous plantations habitat Chinnar Not known Threat on natural Weeding in mature Eucalyptus, flora & fauna uprooting and miscellaneous plantations .33 All ranges Not known Threat on natural Weed eradication works have been flora & fauna undertaken, but sufficient funds are not available. Threat on natural Weed eradication works have been flora & fauna undertaken, but sufficient funds are not available. Aggravates fire hazard, impacts regeneration, reduces food and fodder availability and heightens competition .33 All ranges Not known Aggravates fire hazard, impacts regeneration, reduces food and fodder availability and heightens competition 2.00 Compartment Numbers- Not known Grasses are 91,92 & 117 decreasing 5.00 Compartmment Not known Grasses are Numbers- decreasing 141,91,83,101,50 & 49 56

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b MAH/N/PEN 1984-87 03 weeds MAH/N/PEN 124 MAH/N/SAN NO Yes Lantana camara 12. MAH/N/SAN Ocimum Species 82. 125 MAH/S/AMB NP Yes 103.09 Lantana Camara 126 MAH/S/ANE NP Yes Eupatorium spp. 2 127 MAH/S/BHA NP 127.11 Ran tulsi No 82.94 Parthenium & Kusali 128 MAH/S/BHI YES Yes 104.38 129 MAH/S/BOR 130.78 61.10 Parthenium MAH/S/BOR Ocimum species 3 MAH/S/BOR Cassia tora 1 130 MAH/S/CHAN NP No 308.97 131 MAH/S/CHAP 133.23 Yes 132 MAH/S/DEU Yes Parthenium 2 133 MAH/S/GAU 2.17 (Congress grass) NP 260.00 Lantana, Parthenium & Tarota(Cassia tora) 134 MAH/S/GRE NP Yes 8496.41 Congress grass NA 135 MAH/S/GYA Yes 203.56 Lantana 132. MAH/S/GYA Parthenium 132. 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed .70 Sonala first .94 Aner dam occurred Weeding for plantation 1970 1986 Degradation 2.00 Compartment Numbers- Not known Food & habitat of Uprooting since last year 222 & 286 herbivores is Uprooting sice last year reduced. Uprooting since last year 3.00 Compartment Number- Not known 222 Food & habitat of herbivores is 1.00 Compartment Numbers- Not known reduced. 222 &234 Food & habitat of herbivores is reduced. All around the PA Suppressing the Manual uprooting and destruction by 2.17 including private fields. Not known palatable grass burning before seeding every year. species. Alongside the roads 1996 Not yet done but proposed Degradation .31 Buldhana Khamgaon NA NA Yes, removal of the weed in Rehekuri NotKnown Restricting the range undertaken. growth of grass Eradication of weeds is proposed .31 Buldhana Khamgaon NotKnown species Eradication of weeds is proposed Restricting the growth of grass species. 57

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1984-87 03 weeds MAH/S/GYA Cassia tora 132. MAH/S/GYA NP Yes Occimum sp. 132. 136 MAH/S/JAI NO Yes 2 137 MAH/S/KAL Yes 341.05 Ipoemia 138 MAH/S/KAR Yes 361.71 Lantana,Cassia 139 MAH/S/KAT NP tora,Ipoemia 4.27 Ranmodi(Eupatorium glandulosum) 73.69 Lantana MAH/S/KAT 73.69 Cassia tora 140 MAH/S/MAL NP NA 29.12 2 MAH/S/MAL Not known 2 YES No 5.145 141 MAH/S/MAY NP Yes 152.81 Lantana 142 MAH/S/NAG Yes Parthenium MAH/S/NAG Yes 29.90 Lantana,Parthenium, 143 MAH/S/NAI Cassia tora,Occimum 144 MAH/S/NAR NP sp(Rantulas ),Grass sp-Kusali 12.35 Congress Grass 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed .31 Buldhana Khamgaon first Eradication of weeds is proposed occurred .31 Buldhana Khamgaon Eradication of weeds is proposed NotKnown Restricting the Alongside the growth of grass waterbody species Both around the habitation NotKnown Restricting the 2.00 Karnala growth of gras Akola 1994 Natural Not yet regeneration is adversely affected Management plan & its implementation is in progress. It has retarded the growth of indigenous species. Akola It has retarded the Management plan & its implementation is growth of in progress. indigenous species. 2.00 Nagzira 1990 Not obvious No Nagzira 1990 No Only in traces, periodic uprooting Except for valleys Not known Degradation of Proposed spread all over the PA other palatable grass species 2.47 Narnala 1972 Regeneration of Eradication process will be taken other species is hampered 58

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 1984-87 03 weeds MAH/S/NAR Ran tulsi 2 MAH/S/NAR Lantana camara 3 145 MAH/S/PAI NP Yes 324.64 Congress grass 7 MAH/S/PAI Cassia tora 50. 146 MAH/S/RAD NO Yes 351.16 Ghaneri(Lantana) 25. No 147 MAH/S/SAG NP No 10.87 144. 148 MAH/S/TIP NP Yes 140.29 Cassia tora 41. 20. MAH/S/TIP NP No Ocimum species 149 MAH/S/WAN Yes 205.86 Lantana camera MAH/S/WAN Congress grass MAH/S/WAN Ran tulsi 150 MAH/S/YAW NO 177.52 151 MAH/S/YED NP 22.37 Lantana,Parthenium, Cassia tora,Rantulas,Kusali grass 25

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed Eradication process will be taken first Eradication process will be taken occurred No 2.47 Narnala Regeneration of No other species is hampred Not yet taken 3.08 Narnala Regeneration of other species is hampred 7.00 Scattered in both the Can't say Growth of grass ranges(Sondabhi species is &Kharbi) reduced.(ii)Attracts fire .00 Scattered in both the Can't say Growth of grass ranges(Sondabhi & species is Kharbi) reduced.(ii)Attracs fire .00 Easternside of the PA 1980 It is affecting the Onwards other grass species of the PA On fringes 1972 Regeneration of the Eradication process will be undertaken Tipeshwar other species is Eradication process will be undertaken .10 Wan and Somthana hampered. Eradication process will be undertaken .17 Wan and Somthana 1972 Regeneration of the other species is .59 Wan and Somthana 1972 hampered. Regeneration of the other species is hampered. Except for the valleys Not known Degradation of Proposed plan for improved varities of ,this found all over the fodder species e.g. grasses. PA. grassess 59

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b 152 MAN/N/KEI 1984-87 03 weeds 153 MAN/S/YAN 154 MEG/N/BAL NO Yes 40.00 Zenthinum Spp. 155 MEG/N/NOK Yes 184.4 Mikania plandansa 1 NP Yes 220.00 Michelia champaca, Not known Lantana camara, Eupatorium species NP Yes 47.48 Eupatorium Not known odoratrum, Michelia champaca 156 MEG/S/BAG NP No 0.03 Michelia champaca, Lantana camara, 157 MEG/S/NON NO No 'Eupatorium species 158 MEG/S/SIJ Yes 29.00 159 MIZ/N/MUR NP Yes 5.18 Michelia champaca, 10. NP No Lantana camara, 0 160 MIZ/N/PHA Yes 'Eupatorium species 1 161 MIZ/S/DAM NP 5 NP Yes 200.00 Michenia macarantha MIZ/S/DAM NP No 300. NO No 50.00 162 MIZ/S/KHA Yes 500.00 Lantana 163 MIZ/S/LEN Michenia macarantha 164 MIZ/S/NGE 165 MP/N/BAN 41.00 Michenia macarantha 120.00 110.00 1161.47 Lantana (Lantana camara) 26

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first occurred 100 For a very Adversely effects To be taken up shortly n All the ranges long time the regeneration of Weeding is carried out subject to important floral availability of funds Not known species Not started n Both the ranges (areas Not available Negligible impact on the periphery of abandoned jhum plots) Baghmara Not known Adversely affects Weeding is carried out subject to Siju Wildlife Range the re-generation of availability of funds .00 North Khawbung important floral species NotKnown Adversely affects Weeding is carried out subject to the re-generation of availability of funds important floral species None Not known 0.30 Teirei and Phuldungsei Not known Negligible None None 1.00 Teirei and Phuldungsei Not Known Negligible None 5.00 Rawpui Not known Not known .00 Whole PA. Not known Degradation of Eradication by uprooting and burning. habitat. 60

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b MP/N/BAN 1984-87 03 weeds MP/N/BAN 166 MP/N/GHU NP No Chakora (Cassia 100. 167 MP/N/PEN NO Yes tora) 50. 168 MP/N/VAN 169 MP/S/BAD Sida (Sida acuta), 73. Sidaveronileaf (Folia sidacordifolia) 0.27 Nil 292.86 Lantana camara YES Yes 4.45 Lantana camara 3 Yes 104.45 Calphelie 0 170 MP/S/BAG NO Yes 478.00 Lantana camara 15. 171 MP/S/GAN NO Yes 368.62 Lantara (Lantara 10. camara) 26

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed .00 Whole PA. first Eradication by uprooting and burning. .00 Whole PA. occurred Eradication by uprooting and burning. Not known Degradation of Not known habitat. Degradation of habitat. .22 Karmajhiri and Not known Production of Uprooting Gumtara grasses 3.45 Whole Van vihar Not known Reducing ground Eradication, (but due to lack of budget vegetation and complete eradication cannot be carried good fodder. out). 0.15 Game Range Bagicha Long ago Grass is supressed Eradication of the weed was carried out and Sal germination in April 1999 in 25 ha. under the Habitat is affected Improvement Programme. This programme needs to be carried out further .00 Bagdara 1988 Effecting Weed eradication being undertaken regenaration, under the habitat development scheme effecting wildlife and effecting local species .00 Gandhisagar Degradation of Under the Madhya Pradesh forestry wildlife habitat. project, budget was allotted for control/eradication of weeds. This work was taken up on priority basis. As a result we have been able to notice an appreciable change in wildlife habitat. 61

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area MP/S/GAN affected b 1984-87 03 weeds Cassia tora 10. 172 MP/S/KAR NO No 202.21 173 MP/S/KHE NO No 132.78 N.A. 174 MP/S/KUN NP No 344.69 N.A. 175 MP/S/NAR Yes 57.20 Lantana camara 25. 176 MP/S/NAT NP No 460.00 360. 177 MP/S/NOR Yes 1186.96 Parthenium and NO 1 178 MP/S/ORC NP NA Lantana 7 179 MP/S/PEN NO No 180 MP/S/RAL NO Yes 44.9 118.00 N.A. 181 MP/S/SAI No 182 MP/S/SAN Yes 2.62 Lantana 12.96 N.A. 364.59 Lantana camara 183 MP/S/SAR NP No 348.12 N.A. 26

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed .00 Gandhisagar first Under the Madhya Pradesh forestry occurred project, budget was allotted for control/eradication of weeds. This work Degradation of was taken up on priority basis. As a wildlife habitat. result we have been able to notice an appreciable change in wildlife habitat. .00 The whole PA. Regeneration of Weed eradication is carried out other species is according to the fund availability. .00 Mohli, Singpur, adversely affected Noradehi, Sarra, and area of Jhapan. grasslands is reducing. Around 1975 Grazing area is Steps to eradicate lantana are being reduced. taken at suitable sites. 1.00 1970 In the year 1998 weed removal was 7.50 Dubari and Bastua 1990-92 done in some areas. (1) Disturbs the No initiatives taken till now. floral composition (2) Decreasing range lands (3) Effects free movement of wild animals. 62

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area 184 MP/S/SAT affected b 1984-87 03 weeds NP Yes #N/A Lantana camara 185 NAG/N/INT NP No 202.02 186 NAG/S/FAK NP No 6.41 187 NAG/S/PUL NP No 9.23 188 NAG/S/RAN No 4.70 189 Acanthus ilicifolius ORI/N+S/BHI Yes 145 and Lantana camara 190 ORI/S/BAD Yes NP 304.03 Eupatorium Negligible area. Weeds occur in scattered patches 191 ORI/S/BAI NO 168.35 192 ORI/S/BAL NP No 71.72 Approxima 193 ORI/S/CHA YES Yes 193.39 Eupatorium ly 100 No odoratum 194 ORI/S/CHI NP No 195 ORI/S/DEB NP 15.53 346.90 26

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first Eradication of lantana is being carried occurred out. However, due to lack of budget, the weed is not eradicated from the whole Pachmarhi and Kamti Reduction of other area. Therefore, due to its fast spreading ground flora and growing properties, it recolonises including grasses. eradicated areas. Kanika, Rajnagar Not known Hampers Removal of weeds and cutting of e Along roads, village regeneration, climbers deteriorates the fringes and around quality of None watch towers. vegetation leading to degradation and extinction of palatable grasses Negligible ate All four ranges The commonly known weeds such as Eupatorium and Lantana are not considered weeds for this sanctuary. Not available Fire hazard, checks natural regeneration 63

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area 196 ORI/S/HAD affected b 1984-87 03 weeds Yes 191.60 Pokasungha(Eupator Not ium odoratum) estimated 197 ORI/S/KAR NP No 147.66 Scattered 198 ORI/S/KHA Yes 116.00 Eupatorium in small Yes patches Yes 399.50 Eupatorium 199 ORI/S/KOT NP Yes NP Poka Sungha 171. 200 Yes 272.75 (Eupatorium spp.) ORI/S/KUL 174.96 Sihali(Bauhinia vahili) 201 ORI/S/LAK Atundi(Calycoptria ORI/S/LAK floribunsa) ORI/S/LAK Muturi(Smilax macrophyla) 202 ORI/S/SATN Nagaairi (Lantana 795.52 camara) ORI/S/SATN Pokasungha (Eupatorium odoratum) 203 ORI/S/SATS Yes 268.94 204 ORI/S/SIM Putus (Lantana Yes 2200 camara) 26

nce of Weeds in PAs are in square kilometers Ranges New Data 1998-03 Management initiatives taken to by Year when Impact on the PA mitigate the problem the weed first occurred Compartment: 5,7,10 Not Known Reduction in the None, done due to lack of funding d availability of palatable fodder i.e. grass, shrubs etc. d, Girishchandrapur Not Known No such impact None Both in Belgarh and Affecting species None Kotaharh diversity Eradication of weeds by uprooting, Almost the entire PA Scientifically not followed by burning. assessed Weed removal is carried out. .23 Chandragiri Since long Crippling effect on young plants. 0.5 Not known Habitat quality No management to eradicate Degradation Due Pampasar, Purunakote, all along forest blanks roads and village forest 4.5 interfere Almost all ranges of Scientifically not The commonly known weeds such as PA assessed eupatiorium and lantana are not considered weeds for sanctuary. Eradication of weeds by uprooting followed by burning. 64

Table 1.16: Occurren Note: All figures for area Is there infestation of weeds in the PA Sno PA code OLD DATA New Data 1998- PA Area Weed species Area affected b ORI/S/SIM 1984-87 03 weeds 205 ORI/S/SUN 206 PUN/S/ABO NP Yes Pokasungha 10. 207 PUN/S/AIS NP No (Eupatorium spp.) 208 PUN/S/BHA NP No 600.00 Eupatorium 209 PUN/S/BHU NP No 186.05 N.A 210 PUN/S/DOS NP No 2.60 N.A. 211 PUN/S/GUR NP No 8.20 N.A. 212 PUN/S/HAR NP No 6.60 N.A. NP Yes 7.50 N.A. 6.10 N.A. 86.00 Water Hyacinth 213 PUN/S/MAH NP No 2.20 N.A. 214 PUN/S/MOT NP No 5.24 N.A. 215 PUN/S/TAK NP No 3.86 216 RAJ/N/DES NO 3162.00 217 Yes 28.73 Water hyacinth RAJ/N/KEO RAJ/N/KEO Ipomea cornea 218 RAJ/S/BAS Nil 138.69 219 RAJ/S/BHA NP Yes 195.015 Lantana camara Not 220 RAJ/S/JAI No 52.00 recorded. 221 RAJ/S/JAM Yes 300.00 Parthenium species (Congress grass). 222 RAJ/S/KELA Yes 672 Casia tora 26

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