Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P ORI/S/HAD 87 03 Indian wolf (Canis Popula lupus pallipes). ORI/S/HAD Leopard (Panthera pardus). 12
pecies of Fauna in the PAs New Data 1998-03 Past Current ation Population Cause of decline Any Management initiative taken NA 15+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. NA 1 Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. 29
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P ORI/S/HAD 87 03 Mouse deer (Tragulus Popula menrinual). ORI/S/HAD Pangolin(Manis crapsicaudate). 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs New Data 1998-03 Past Current ation Population Cause of decline Any Management initiative taken NA 25+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. NA 50+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. 30
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P ORI/S/HAD 87 03 Otter (Aonix cinerea). Popula ORI/S/HAD Sloth bear (Melurus ursinus). 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs New Data 1998-03 Past Current ation Population Cause of decline Any Management initiative taken NA 20+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. NA 100+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. 31
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P ORI/S/HAD 87 03 Python(Python Popula mollurus) ORI/S/HAD Pea fowl (Pavo cristatus) 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs New Data 1998-03 Past Current ation Population Cause of decline Any Management initiative taken NA 30+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. NA 150+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. 32
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P ORI/S/HAD 87 03 Sambar (Cervus Popula unicolor) ORI/S/HAD Spotted dear (Axis axis). 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs New Data 1998-03 Past Current ation Population Cause of decline Any Management initiative taken NA 2 Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. NA 20+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. 33
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P ORI/S/HAD 87 03 Barking Deer Popula (Munticus muntjack) 110 ORI/S/KAR Nil No 111 ORI/S/KOT Yes Elephant. 112 ORI/S/KUL Yes Yes Four horned antelope (Tetracerus q 113 ORI/S/SATN Yes Yes Gharial (Gavialis gangetiPculesn)ty ORI/S/SATN Yes Mugger (Crocodilus paluPstlreisn)ty ORI/S/SATN Yes ORI/S/SATN Yes Elephant (Elephas maximPulesn)ty ORI/S/SATN Yes ORI/S/SATN Yes Tiger (Panthera tigris) Plenty ORI/S/SATN Yes ORI/S/SATN Yes Leopard (Panthera parduPsl)enty ORI/S/SATN Yes ORI/S/SATN Yes Hornbill Common 114 ORI/S/SATS Gaur Common Indian wolf Common Mouse deer Plenty Sloth bear Common No 115 ORI/S/SIM Yes Yes Chowsingha (Tetracerus quadricorn 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs New Data 1998-03 Past Current ation Population Cause of decline Any Management initiative taken NA 50+ Destruction and At present, protection on a limited scale is being shrinking of habitat enforced. Due to lack of funds, not many due to: (i) management initiatives have been taken. Moreover, encroachment (ii) manpower available to manage the sanctuary is overgrazing by cattle inadequAte. There is lack of accommodation for staff (iii) forest fires (iv) illicit inside the sanctuaRy. Since many of the encroached felling (v) NTFP settlements can be approached only by boat, collection (vi) unavailability of mechanised boats causes problems hunting/poaching, fire in patrolling and inspecting interior areas. The road network needs to be developed and must be manned properly with anti poaching check gates. The most urgent need is the eviction of the encroachers and rehabilitating them outside the sanctuary since the encroachers have occupied the most productive valleys. Under management and guidelines of wildlife sanctuaries Government of Orissa. No specific study quadricRoarrneis), Wild dogB(Cioutiocninatelprifneuresn),cFelying shqausirrbeele(Lnudtroanep.erpicillata), Indian pangolin (Manis crassicaudata), Spotted 3 Biotic interference Gharial Research and Conservation Unit, Tikarpara, recognised as mini zoo. 35 Biotic interference Gharial Research and Conservation Unit, Tikarpara, recognised as mini zoo. 229 Over grazing, forest Conservation by patrolling 14 Fire (Intentional) illicit felClinogn,speorvaacthioinngby patrolling 8 Poaching Conservation by patrolling 50 Habitat destruction Conservation by patrolling Less than 50 Habitat destruction Conservation by patrolling Less than 10 Habitat destruction Conservation by patrolling Less than 50 Habitat destruction Conservation by patrolling Less than 25 Habitat destruction Conservation by patrolling nis) Rare Under management guidelines of \"Project Tiger\", government of India. 34
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P ORI/S/SIM 87 03 Species Popula ORI/S/SIM ORI/S/SIM Yes Wild dog (Cuon alpinus) ORI/S/SIM ORI/S/SIM Yes Mahaseer (Tor tor) 116 RAJ/N/KEO Yes Wolf (Canis lupus) 117 RAJ/S/BAS 118 RAJ/S/BHA Yes Flying squirrel (Petaurista petaurista 119 RAJ/S/JAI Yes Indian pangolin (Manis crassicauda 120 RAJ/S/JAM Yes Yes Black buck (Antilope carv4i1cainpr1a9)92 RAJ/S/JAM Nil No No No RAJ/S/JAM Leopard (Panthera RAJ/S/JAM Yes Pardus) RAJ/S/JAM NO Tiger (Panthera tigris). Not recor Yes Leopard (Panthera Not recor pardus). Caracal ( Felis caracal). Ratel ( Mallivora capensis). Wolf ( Canis lupus). 121 RAJ/S/KELA NA No 122 RAJ/S/KUM Nil No 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs New Data 1998-03 Past Current Any Management initiative taken ation Population Cause of decline Under management guidelines of \"Project Tiger\", government of India. Rare Rare Under management guidelines of \"Project Tiger\", government of India. Rare Under management guidelines of \"Project Tiger\", government of India. a ) Rare Under management guidelines of \"Project Tiger\", government of India. ata) Rare Under management guidelines of \"Project Tiger\", government of India. Reintroduction was carried out once, but it was not 0 Decline in open flat areasuccessful. Decline in harbivarous 33 population Protection rded 1 Biotic disturbance (i).Anicuts, (ii). Patrolling by flying squad. (iii). Cutting rded and habitat of fire lines (iv). Planting in degraded forest areas of degradation. adjoining panchayat land. 18 Biotic disturbance and habitat degradation. 4 Biotic disturbance and habitat degradation. 30 Biotic disturbance and habitat degradation. 7 Biotic disturbance and habitat degradation. 35
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P 123 RAJ/S/NAH 87 03 Leopard (Panthera Popula NO pardus). RAJ/S/NAH Yes Yes Indian pea fowl (Pavo 124 RAJ/S/PHU Yes Yes cristatus). RAJ/S/PHU Yes RAJ/S/PHU Yes No Leopard (Panthera pardus) RAJ/S/PHU NA No Sloth bear (Melursus ursinus) Nil Yes Four Horned Antelope (Tetracuos q 125 RAJ/S/SAJJ NO Flying squirrel (Petaurista petaerite) 126 RAJ/S/SIT Yes 127 RAJ/S/TAL Yes Yes Desert Fox Data Yes avail RAJ/S/TAL Yes Jackal Data 128 RAJ/S/TOD Leopard (Panthera pardus) avail RAJ/S/TOD Sambar (Cervus unicolor) Leopard (Panthera pardus) 129 RAJ/S/VAN No rec 130 SIK/N/KHA Yes Yes Blood pheasants avail SIK/N/KHA Satyr Tragopan No rec avail SIK/N/KHA Goral No rec avail 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs New Data 1998-03 Past Current Any Management initiative taken ation Population Cause of decline (i).Anicuts, (ii). Patrolling by flying squad. (iii). Cutting of fire lines (iv). Planting in degraded forest areas of 5 Biotic pressure and adjoining panchayat land. habitat degradation. Biotic pressure and habitat degradation. 30 13 Decline in herbivore popPulraottieocntiaondtipgohatecnhding 100 15-Oct Habitat deterioration Habitat improvement by protection qua6d3ric2o0r-n2i5s) Poaching Protection tightened )200 25-30 Habitat deterioration andRdeistourabtaionnceof habitat a not 3 Biotic pressure. lable a not 2 Biotic pressure. lable 38 Decline in herbivore popBuleattieornprotection 5 45 Poaching, habitat deterioBreattioenr protection cords 1 Disturbance, decline in pNreoynepopulation lable Feral dogs Anti poaching operations are carried out frequently. cords In order to assist growth of population of these lable animals, habitat improvement is carried out. Personal observations show that there is some improvement in cords the situation lable Feral dogs Anti poaching operations are carried out frequently. In order to assist growth of population of these animals, habitat improvement is carried out. Personal observations show that there is some improvement in the situation Hunting by locals for Anti poaching operations are carried out frequently. meat In order to assist growth of population of these animals, habitat improvement is carried out. Personal observations show that there is some improvement in the situation 36
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula SIK/N/KHA Musk deer No rec avail SIK/N/KHA Serow No rec avail SIK/N/KHA Clouded leopard No rec 131 SIK/S/FAM avail 132 SIK/S/MAE 133 TN/N/GUI Yes No Red Panda Unknown Yes Yes TN/N/GUI Yes Yes Black buck 134 TN/N/GUL YES Yes Jackal (schedule II part 2) TN/N/GUL Yes Yes Sea cow (Dugong) Not kn No Sea turtle Not kn No 135 TN/N/IND NP No Chital 108 in Top NP No reception a 136 TN/S/GRI Grizzled gaint-Sqirral TN/S/GRI macroura squirrel TN/S/GRI Elephant-Elephas TN/S/GRI maximus 137 TN/S/KAN 138 TN/S/KARA Nilglritahr - Hemitragus 139 TN/S/KARI hylocrius 140 TN/S/KOO LTM - Macaca silenus Nil Nil N.A N.A 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline Anti poaching operations are carried out frequently. cords In order to assist growth of population of these lable Hunting by locals for animals, habitat improvement is carried out. Personal meat observations show that there is some improvement in cords the situation lable Hunting by locals for meat Anti poaching operations are carried out frequently. cords In order to assist growth of population of these lable Hunting by locals for animals, habitat improvement is carried out. Personal skin observations show that there is some improvement in the situation Anti poaching operations are carried out frequently. In order to assist growth of population of these animals, habitat improvement is carried out. Personal observations show that there is some improvement in the situation Unknown Biotic pressure None 152-170 None (for past 6 years) nown Not known Habitat degradation Awareness creation among fisher men Not known Habitat degradation nown Legal action taken if sch-I animals are found captured. pslip area Plantation activities Only burning of grassland to maintain openings 16 only stopped 288 345 69 74 184 34 210 46 37
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P 87 03 Elephant-Elephas Popula 141 TN/S/MUD maximus 142 TN/S/UDA NP Yes Nil 100 (a 143 TN/S/VAD No Nil No rec 144 TN/S/VED No Nil 145 TN/S/VELL No Nil avail 146 TN/S/VET No Spoonbill No rec Yes 147 TRI/S/GUM avail NP Yes Pigtaited Macaque No rec TRI/S/GUM Stumptailed Macaque avail TRI/S/GUM No rec Slow Loris TRI/S/GUM avail Phayre's Leaf Monkey 148 TRI/S/TRI NP Yes Gaur TRI/S/TRI Hoolock Gibbon TRI/S/TRI Phayre's Leaf Monkey 149 UP/S/BAK Nil No 150 UP/S/CHA Yes Yes Tiger (Panthera tigris) UP/S/CHA Yes Chinkara (Gazella gazella) 151 UP/S/KAC NA No 152 UP/S/KAI Yes Yes Wild dog 50 to 60 153 UP/S/KAT No 154 UP/S/LAK No 155 UP/S/MAH Nil No 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline avg). 53 Not known None cords No estimate Habitat restoration through aforestation lable available Habitat destruction Habitat restoration through aforestation cords No estimate lable available Habitat destruction Habitat restoration through aforestation cords No estimate Habitat restoration through aforestation lable available Habitat destruction Steps - Protection of habitat, ecodevelopment activities to create awareness among people. cords No estimate Results - Population is regenerating and the local lable available Habitat destruction people are coming forward to help. Steps - Protection of habitat, ecodevelopment activities to create awareness among people. Results - Population is regenerating and the local people are coming forward to help. Steps - Protection of habitat, ecodevelopment activities to create awareness among people. Results - Population is regenerating and the local people are coming forward to help. 5 Habitat decline New management plan is proposed for the PA. 34 Habitat decline New management plan is proposed for the PA. Rare No specific cause is known 38
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- Species P 156 UP/S/NAT 87 03 Popula 157 UP/S/NAW Nil No Wild dog 158 UP/S/OKH No 159 UP/S/PAR No No Tiger 160 UP/S/PAT No Leopard 161 UP/S/RAN No No Sloth bear 162 UP/S/SAMN Yes Yes 163 UP/S/SAMS No No 164 UP/S/SAN No 165 UP/S/SOH Nil No 166 UP/S/SUH Yes No Yes Yes UP/S/SUH Yes UP/S/SUH NA No 167 UP/S/SURA No No 168 UP/S/SURS No 169 UP/S/VIJ 170 UTT/N/COR YES Yes Hog Deer Not known 171 UTT/N/GAN Yes Yes Musk deer Not known Yes Snow leopard UTT/N/GAN None No 172 UTT/N+S/GOV 173 UTT/S/ASK Yes Yes Musk deer Unknown UTT/S/ASK Yes Ghoral Unknown UTT/S/ASK Yes Bharal Unknown UTT/S/ASK Yes Monal pheasant Unknown 174 UTT/S/BINO NA No 13
pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline 70 16 Not known Cattle around the PA is being vaccinated Loss of grass land due to formation of Development of grass land for habitat improvement is proposed to be carried out 424 323 reservoir. None as yet None as yet Not known Hunting Not known Hunting None. Expected to go extinct in this area in the next Unknown Hunting 20-25 years if current trend of depletion continues. Unknown Unknown Hunting, loss of breedingNsopnaece and forage because of development projects in and around the s Unknown Hunting, loss of breedingNsopnaece and forage because of development projects in and around the s Hunting None 39
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 175 UTT/S/KED 176 UTT/S/SON YES Yes Himalayan Brown 177 WB/N/GOR Yes No Bear (Ursus arctos), 178 WB/N/NEO NP No Himalayan Tahr 179 WB/N/SUN Yes (Hemilrasus jemlahicus), Leopard WB/N/SUN Yes (Panthera pardus), WB/N/SUN Leopard Cat (Felis 180 WB/S/BAL bengalensis), Musk 181 WB/S/BET Deer (Moschus WB/S/BET moschiferous), Serow 182 WB/S/CHA (Capricornis sumstraensis), Snow Leopard (Panthera uncia), Cheer Pheasants (Catreus wallichi), Monal Pheasants(Lophopho rus impejanus) NA Not estima Red Panda YES Yes Gangetic Dolphin NP Yes (Platanista Gangetica) Yes Yes Olive Ridley (Lepidochelys Olivacea) Estuarine Crocodile Antilope Cervicapra(Black buck) Jungle Cat Not estima Porcupine Indian pangolin 14
pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline Strict protection measures have been initiated. A breeding centre has been opened for the breeding of endangered Musk Deer. The results are encouraging. ated Not estimated NA Field survey will be conducted very soon. Nil Degradation of Habitat Artificial hatching of eggs and release. Artifical hatching and release in the forest. 12-Translocated,3 Proposal are there to translocate to Battarpur Wildlife 16 1 Died due to old age Sanctuary. Lack of predator base ated Not estimated Biotic disturbances Not taken steps taken to reduce biotic interference 40
Table 1.7: Threatened Sp Sno PA code Old data-1984- New Data 1998- P 87 03 Species Popula 183 WB/S/HAL 184 WB/S/LOT Royal Bengal 185 WB/S/RAI NP Yes Tiger(Panthera tigeris) 186 WB/S/RAM 189 WB/S/SEN No No NA No Yes All faunal species 14
pecies of Fauna in the PAs Past New Data 1998-03 Any Management initiative taken ation Current Population Cause of decline NA Nil Not known Intense protection measures have been taken. Not yet studied. 41
Table 1.8: Faunal Species of Special Interest in the PA 142
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance 1 A&N/S/CUT Sea turtles Threatened 2 A&N/S/NAR Narcondam hornbill (Rhyleceros Found only in the small Island 3 A&N/S/NOR narcondami) sanctuary 4 AP/N/MAH Andaman Teal The species which is threatened in other habitats 5 AP/N/VEN are found in this PA. AP/N/VEN Black Buck - Antelope A threatened species in 6 AP/S/COR cervicapra Andhra Pradesh 7 AP/S/ETU Golden Gecko (Calodacty Found only in this PA AP/S/ETU lodus aureus) AP/S/ETU AP/S/ETU Slender Loris (Loris Found only in the PA and AP/S/ETU Tardigradus) source of Medicine AP/S/ETU Clawless otter Found only in this PA 8 AP/S/GUN Gaur - Bos gaurus Large Population of Gaur use Tiger to roam in these forests AP/S/GUN Giant squirrel Chief Predator of the Forest Pythons 9 AP/S/KAW Barking deer Once-good population 10 AP/S/KOL Leopard cat Sighting in rare Sighting in rare AP/S/KOL AP/S/KOL Rusty spotted cat Wild relative of domesticated 11 AP/S/KOU species 12 AP/S/NEL AP/S/NEL Golden Cat Wild relative of domesticated AP/S/NEL species 13 AP/S/PAK Bison Found only in this PA AP/S/PAK All variety of Teaks Hunted for food AP/S/PAK Pelicans Found only in this PA AP/S/PAK Painted Strokes Found only inthis PA AP/S/PAK Elephas maximus Found only in this PA Grey Pelican Winter Migratory Bird Open Billed Storks Winter Migratory Bird White Ibis Winter Mig. Bird Gaur Sighting incidence reduced Tigers Chief predator of the forest Giant squirrel Leopard cat Sighting is rare Mugger crocodile Sighting is rare 14
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Stable but might be declining Betapur Personal Estimate d Kalara Stable Stable Tugapur Survey Mahaveer Harina Vanasthali Stable National Park Research and estimation Unknown Tirupati, Chamala, Balapalli Research and estimation Personal estimate Unknown Tirupati, Chamala, Balapalli As per current management Increasing WLM Range, Kakinada plan (1992-2002) ed 210 no. (As per1986-87 census) Eturnagaram, Tadvai Range ACF Biodiversity Shri Sailan Stable Eturnagaram & Tadvai Not available Eturnagaram & Tadavi ACF Biodiversity Shri Sailan Decline Eturnagaram & Tadvai Not available Eturnagaram & Tadvai Survey with a animal tracker Not available Eturnagaram & Tadvai Personal estimate Personal estimate unknown GBM Personal estimate Survey unknown GBM Census Tannaram , Indanpally, Census stable Birsaipet, Tadlapet. Census Declining Eluru Range As per current available Declining Eluru Range information. Declining Eluru Range Increasing Palamaner & Kuppam Stable Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary Stable Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary Stable Nelapattu Bird Sanctuary Unknown Kothaguda Kothaguda Not available Kothaguda Not available Kothaguda Not available Kothaguda, Narsampet 43
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance AP/S/PAK Pythons Once good population AP/S/PAK Nilgai Once good population AP/S/PAK Fourhorned antilope Once good population These move in open dry grass 14 AP/S/PRA Black Buck Antelope cervicarpa lands Flamingo - Phoenicopterus 15 AP/S/PUL roteus Migratory Bird Aquatic eco-system it has got 16 AP/S/SIW Otter importance, apex carnivore in 17 ARU/N/MOU Red Panda ( Ailurus fulgens) aquatic eco-system. Cultural Importance ARU/N/MOU ARU/N/MOU Panther Tigris Cultural Importance Pythons Cultural Importance 18 ARU/S/DER Found nowhere else in the ARU/S/DER River Dolphin (Platanista state gangetica) Endangered 19 ARU/S/MEH Wild Buffalo (Bubalis bubalis) Hunted as game ARU/S/MEH Bodorcus Taxi Color ARU/S/MEH Mismi Takin Hunted as game ARU/S/MEH Allurus Fulgens Hunted as game ARU/S/MEH Red Panda Hunted as game ARU/S/MEH Carinascutalata Hunted as game ARU/S/MEH Wood Duck Hunted as game Mismi Monal 20 ASS/N/DIB Spat Billed Pelica ASS/N/DIB White Belied Heron ASS/N/DIB White winged wood Buck Found only in this PA ASS/N/DIB Black breasted parath Found only in this PA ASS/N/DIB Pale capped Pigeon Found only in this PA ASS/N/DIB Lesser Adjutant stork Red Data Listed ASS/N/DIB Greater Adjutant stork, Great Spotted Eagle 14
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Declining Kothaguda, Gudur Stable Kothaguda, Gudur Stable Kothaguda, Gudur s Increasing Chennur, Nilwai Survey and personal estimate t Pulicat Bird Sanctuary Census details n Mamthani river bed of Godavari Survey and personal Stable Mouling Peak observation Stable Local Information Foot hills and near banks of Stable streams Local Information Stable Foot hills Local Information Unknown Anchalghat range Personnel estimate Declining All the ranges Personnel estimate Declining Mehao Declining Mehao Personnel estimate Declining Mehao Personnel estimate Declining Mehao Personnel estimate Declining Mehao Personnel estimate Declining Mehao Personnel estimate Unknown All the ranges Personal estimate and research Unknown All the ranges Personal estimate and Unknown All the ranges research Unknown All the ranges Personal estimate and research Unknown All the ranges Personal estimate and Unknown All the ranges research Unknown All the ranges Personal estimate and research Personal estimate and research Personal estimate and research 44
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance ASS/N/DIB Pochard, Jerdon's Babbler, 21 ASS/N/KAZ Marsh babbler ASS/N/KAZ Rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) Others (A significant populatio ASS/N/KAZ of this most endangered species is found in this PA) ASS/N/KAZ Asiatic wild buffalo Wild relative of domesticated ASS/N/KAZ species 22 ASS/N/MAN Tiger Others (Endangered species - ASS/N/MAN more then 80 found in 23 ASS/N/ORA Kaziranga National Park) ASS/N/ORA Others (Significant population ASS/N/ORA found in Kaziranga National 24 ASS/S/BUR Swamp deer (Cervus duvauceli) Park) ASS/S/BUR ASS/S/BUR Elephant (Elephas maximus) Cultural importance, More tha 25 ASS/S/GAR Pigmy Hog 1000 found in the Kaziranga 26 ASS/S/GIB Hispid Hare National Park ASS/S/GIB Found only in this PA ASS/S/GIB Found only in this PA 27 ASS/S/LAO ASS/S/LAO One Horned Rhinoceros Found only in this PA (Rhinoceros unicornis) ASS/S/LAO Tiger (Panthera tigris) Source of medicine, Other Elephant, Bengal florican commercial value, Hunted as Bengal florican game or for trophy. Tiger Gangetic dolphin Endangered species Elephant Endangered species Hoolock gibbon Endangered species Stump Tailed Macaque Found only in this PA Found only in this PA Pigtailed macaque (Macaca Found only in this PA vemestriuan) Great Indian Bustard Bengal Florican Wild Buffalo 14
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Unknown All the ranges on Personal estimate and research - n Increasing All the ranges Survey an Increasing All the ranges Survey Declining Increasing All the ranges Survey Declining Declining Increasing All the ranges Survey Increasing All the ranges Survey Bansbari and Bhuiyanpara Personal estimate Bansbari and Bhuiyanpara Personal estimate Orang Research, Survey Increasing Orang Research, Survey Declining Burachapori Wildlife Range Personal estimate Stable Burachapori Wildlife Range Census Stable Burachapori Wildlife Range Census Declining Stable C.N.S.E. West Ranges Personal estimate Stable C.N.S.E. West Ranges Personal estimate Stable C.N.S.E. West Range Personal estimate Unknown-Local migrant Unknown (Sightings have reduced over past ten years) Increasing - ( Approximately 250 animals in 1998 and 300 in 2000) 45
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance ASS/S/LAO Tiger ASS/S/LAO Rhino ASS/S/LAO Hog deer Others Adjutant Stork (Leptoptilos Schedule I species and state 28 ASS/S/PAN dubivs) animal of Assam 29 ASS/S/POB Rhino (Rhinoceros unicornis) Highly endangered species White winged wood duck 30 ASS/S/SON (Cairina seutulata) Highly endangered species Bengal florican (Eupodot's ASS/S/SON bengalensis) ASS/S/SON Tiger (Panthera tigris) Highly endangered species ASS/S/SON Bison (Bos gaurus) Highly endangered species Hispid Hare (Capologus ASS/S/SON hispidus), Hornbill Highly endangered species 31 BIH/S/RAJ Ant eater Rare species Wild relative of domesticated 32 CHT/N/IND Wild buffalo (Bubalus bubalis) species 33 CHT/N/KAN Ratel (Mellivora capensis) Status in India is very low 34 CHT/S/TAM Sloth Bear Source of medicine Found only in this PA in CHT/S/TAM Gaur or Indian Bison Surguja District Wild relative of domesticated 35 CHT/S/UDA Wild Buffalo species Spiny tail lizard or Sanda 36 DEL/S/ASO (Uromastix hardwickii) Source of medicine. 37 GOA/S/BON Mouse deer Hunted as game 38 GOA/S/CHO Pteropus giganteus (Flying fox) Unique to this region of India. 39 GUJ/N/BAN Flying squirrel Cultural importance 40 GUJ/S/WIL Caracal (felis caracal) Found only in the Kutch area 41 HAR/N/SUL Sarus crane Found only in this PA 42 HAR/S/ABU Black Buck (Antilope Found only in this PA cervicapra) 14
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Increasing (current estimates- Personal estimate around 14-15 animals) Survey, Research, Personal Part time resident only estimate Personal estimate Declining over past 10 years Personal estimate because of hunting and Personal estimate repeated flooding Personal estimate Personal estimate Declining Personal estimate Survey and Census Increasing Entire Sanctuary Research Stable Census Stable Central Range & Dhekiajuli Census Stable range Personal estimate and survey Stable Personal estimate Stable Central Range & Dhekiajuli Personal estimate Declining range Personal estimate Personal estimate Central Range & Dhekiajuli Personal estimate range Personal estimate Central Range & Dhekiajuli range Central Range & Dhekiajuli range Rajgir Declining Entire PA Stable Kotamsar Common Tamor Pingla Game Range Common Tamor Pingla Game Range Almost stable Udanti Stable Asola Declining Throughout the PA Stable Campal declining Bansada national park a Unknown Bajana National Park Area Increasing Dabwali 46
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance 43 HAR/S/BHIN Pelican, Rosy HAR/S/BHIN Stork, Blacknecked Wild relative of domesticated HAR/S/BHIN Flamingo species HAR/S/BHIN Shelduck, Ruddy HAR/S/BHIN Mallard To preserve wildlife and keep HAR/S/BHIN Partridge, Black & Grey balanced environment HAR/S/BHIN Parakeet, Roseringed Endangered HAR/S/BHIN Cuckoo, Pied Crested All are rare and endangered HAR/S/BHIN Skylark, Eastern animals found in the PA HAR/S/BHIN Kingfisher, Lesser Pied Others (one of the few PAs Owl, Great Horned or Eagle- apart from Dachigam, where HAR/S/BHIN Owl the Hangul may occur) HAR/S/BHIN Owl, Dusky Horned Threatened species HAR/S/BHIN Owl, Brown Fish Threatened species Threatened species 44 HAR/S/BIRB Porcupine Threatened species Spotted Dear and Red Jungle Cultural importance 45 HAR/S/BIRS Fowl Other commercial value 46 HAR/S/KAL Red Jungle fowl Others (one of the few PAs Pelican, Flemingo, Barheaded with a significant population) 47 HAR/S/KHA geese, Mallard, Gadwell Others (one of the few PAs 48 HAR/S/NAH Black Buck with a significant population) Musk deer, Western tragopan, Highly endangered 49 HP/S/DAR Monal pheasant, Serow Highly endangered 50 HP/S/GAM Hangul 51 HP/S/KAN Himalayan Tahr Western tragopan HP/S/KAN Musk deer HP/S/KAN Ghoral HP/S/KAN Monal 52 HP/S/KUG Musk Deer HP/S/KUG Ibex 53 HP/S/LIP Bharal HP/S/LIP Western tragopan 54 HP/S/MAN Musk deer HP/S/MAN 14
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Stable Bhindawas Personal Estimate Stable Stable Bhindawas Personal Estimate Stable Bhindawas Personal Estimate Stable Bhindawas Personal Estimate Stable Bhindawas Personal estimate Stable Bhindawas Personal estimate Stable Bhindawas Stable Personal estimate Stable Bhindawas Stable Bir Bara Ban Jind Personal Estimate Stable Bir Shikar Gah Stable Wildlife sanctuary Kalesar Personal Estimate Personal Estimate Declining Nahar Dofda Personal Estimate Stable Personal Estimate Stable Surveys and personal estimates Stable Unknown Langrea and Beer beats Personal estimate Stable Declining All over the PA Personal estimate Declining Along the snow line in the PA Personal estimate Stable Stable Sangla Personal estimate Declining Sangla Personal estimate Stable Stable Unknown Unknown 47
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance 55 HP/S/RUP Snow leopard Rare species HP/S/RUP Himalayan Tahr Rare Species HP/S/RUP Western Tragopan Endangered Species HP/S/RUP Musk Deer Endangered Species Schedule - I of the Wild Life 56 HP/S/SAN Musk Deer (Protection) Act, 1972 Schedule - I of the Wild Life HP/S/SAN Monal (Protection) Act, 1972 Schedule - I of the Wild Life HP/S/SAN Brown Bear (Protection) Act, 1972 57 HP/S/TUN Monal Cultural importance Musk Deer Other commercial value HP/S/TUN Snow leopard Found only in this Pa 58 J&K/N/HEM Tibetan Argali Found only in this PA Musk deer (Moschus Found only in Kistawar Nation J&K/N/HEM moschiferus) Park Western tragopan 59 J&K/N/KIS Found only in this PA, other J&K/N/KIS Tibetan Antelope commercial value Found in this PA, wild relative 60 J&K/S/CHA Wild Ass of domesticated species. Tibetan Gazelle\\ Found only in this PA. J&K/S/CHA Tibetan Antelope Found only in this PA J&K/S/CHA Wild relative of domesticated 61 J&K/S/KAR Bactrian camel species Hangul (Cervus elaphus J&K/S/KAR hanglu) Child lifting in the past had Musk deer (Moschus created panic during the 62 J&K/S/OVE moschiferus) villagers Brown bear (Ursus arctos) J&K/S/OVE Leopard (Panthera pardus) J&K/S/OVE Serow (Capricornis J&K/S/OVE sumatraenses) J&K/S/OVE Indian Wolf (Canis lupus) 63 JHA/S/HAZ Black Panther 64 KAR/N/ANS 14
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Stable Bhaba & Rupi both Personal estimate Stable Bhaba & Rupi both Personal estimate Stable Bhaba & Rupi both Personal estimate Stable Bhaba & Rupi both Personal estimate Stable Sangla Personal estimate Stable Sangla Stable Sangla Personal estimate Stable All over the PA Personal estimate Declining Along the snow line in the PA Survey, research Increasing Throughout the PA Survey, research Stable Candala pass nal Found only in this Kishtwar Sirchi National Park. Kistwar This animal is hunted for musk Not known Chushul Survey, personal estimate e Both ranges Rresearch, personal estimate Increasing Both ranges. Research Declining Shayok, Daulat beg (Nubra) Personal estimate, survey Not available Stable Nubra Personal estimate Stable Lidder Survey Stable Lidder Survey Unknown Lidder Unknown Lidder Unknown Lidder Unknown Entire PA Unknown Wildlife Range Anashi & Kumbarwada 48
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance King Cobra - Ophiophagus KAR/N/ANS Hannah It has been felt that this species was exist in this PA. 65 KAR/N/BANN Tiger (Panthera tigris) The pugmark are found Lion Tailed macaque (Macaca recently showes its presence. 66 KAR/N/KUD silenus) 67 KAR/S/BRA Lion tailed Macque Western Ghat 68 KAR/S/DAN Black Panther, Kingcobra Very rare 69 KAR/S/DOR Sloth bear (Melursus Ursinus) Panther (Panthera Paredus) Fairly well distributed KAR/S/DOR Chital (axis axis) Confined to small area KAR/S/DOR Herpestes edwardsi (common Confined to small area mangoose) 70 KAR/S/GHA Naza naza (cobra) Confined to small area KAR/S/GHA Confined to small area KAR/S/GHA Vulpes bengalensis(Indian fox) Confined to small area KAR/S/GHA Hysrtix indica (indian porcupine) Confined to small area KAR/S/GHA Lepus regricoltis (indian hare) Confined to small area KAR/S/GHA Caris aureus (jackal) Confined to small area KAR/S/GHA Python molarus (python) Confined to small area KAR/S/GHA Ptyas mucosus (rat snake) Confined to small area KAR/S/GHA Vipera russellii (viper) Confined to small area 71 KAR/S/KAV Ratufa Macroura (Grizzled Endemic to few parts KAR/S/KAV squirrel) Found in Kaveri River Masher Fish 72 KAR/S/MEL 73 KAR/S/PUS Canis Lupus - Indian Wolf Rare and endangered animal Leeches Different varieties of leeches 74 KAR/S/RANE Great Indian Bustard - Choriotis Found only in this PA, No wild 75 KAR/S/RANG nigriceps relation with domestic species No source of medicine, No Hirundo fluvicola, Indian Cliff commercial value, Under the Swallow threat of extinction, Not hunte Winter visitor builds colony of nests 14
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Unknown Wildlife Range Anashi & Kumbarwada . Unknown Anckal Observation by the staff Stable Kudremukh & Sringeri WL Personal estimate Unknown Range Personal estimate Unknown Makutta & Srimangala Personal estimate Common WLR kulgi,Kumbarwada Census 1997 Occasional Kamalapur Census 1997 Rare Census 1997 common Personal estimate common Kanakapura WL Range Personal estimate common Kanakapura WL Range Personal estimate common Narayanadurga and Mudibetta common Reserve Forest common All wet places common common common Stable Stable Stable Stable d s, ed The existence is very erratic Hullatti Survey Stable Ranganathittu Personal estimate 49
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance 76 KAR/S/SHA LTM Other commercial value KAR/S/SHA Black Panther Found only in this PA 77 KAR/S/SOM Lion tailed macaque - Macaca Found only in this PA 78 KER/N/ERA silenus Endangered and endemic Nilgiri tahr Endemic KER/N/ERA Nilgiri marten Others (endemic) 79 KER/S/ARA Lion tailed macaque (Macaca silenus) KER/S/ARA Slender loris (Loris tardigradus) Others (endemic) KER/S/ARA Great Indian hornbill (Tockus 80 KER/S/CHIN griseus) Others (endemic) Grizzled Giant Squirral OTH (Endangered) KER/S/CHIN White Gaur OTH (Albino) OTH (Religious), OTH 81 KER/S/WAY Indian Elephant (Threatened) OTH (Religious), OTH KER/S/WAY Tiger (Threatened) KER/S/WAY Four horned antelope OTH (Threatened) KER/S/WAY Leopard cat OTH (Threatened) KER/S/WAY Malabar civet OTH (Threatened) KER/S/WAY Pangolin OTH (Threatened) KER/S/WAY Flying squirrel OTH (Threatened) 82 MAH/N/AND Ratel Distribution restricted MAH/N/AND Leopard cat Distribution restricted 83 MAH/N/PEN Tiger Population to be increased at sustainable stage MAH/N/PEN Mahasheer(Fish) Population to be increased at 84 MAH/N/SAN sustainable stage 85 MAH/S/ANE Rusty spotted cat Rare 86 MAH/S/BHA Chinkara Found mostly around the 87 MAH/S/BHI Giant Squirrel riparian areas, increasing Giant Squirrel, Ratufa indica (Elphinstoni) Found only in this PA 15
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Kogar Personal Sighting Stable Personal Sighting Increasing Agumbe Ghat Section of this Unknown Range Conservation plan for the lion Entire PA tailed macaque by Shri K. Ullas Entire PA Karanth Survey Survey Unknown Aralam Personal estimate Unknown Aralam Personal estimate Unknown Aralam Bird survey Increasing Chinnar Personal estimate Stable Chinnar Survey Stable Entire PA Survey and personal estimate Stable Entire PA Survey and personal estimate Stable Sulthan Bathery and Muthanga Survey and personal estimate Stable Tholpetty Survey and personal estimate Stable Kurichiyat and Sulthan Bathery Survey and personal estimate Stable Entire PA Survey and personal estimate Stable Entire PA Survey and personal estimate Unknown Moharli,Tadoba,Kolsa Survey & Personal estimate Unknown Tadoba Survey & Personal estimate Increasing, but not remarkable East Pench range Personal estimate Increasing, but not remarkable East Pench range Personal estimate Unknown 1 Sighting Bhandup Complex Sanjay Gandhi National Park Increasing Bhamragarh Sanctuary Census Declining Bhimashankar 1 & 2 Research study by Mr. Rinni Borges 50
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance 88 MAH/S/BOR Tiger Rare to this area 89 MAH/S/CHAN Tiger Rare to this area and it is confined to small area (found MAH/S/CHAN Tricarinate hill turtle only in this PA) Found mostly around the 90 MAH/S/CHAP Giant Squirrel riparian areas 91 MAH/S/DEU Black buck Rare and endangered Chinkara Rare and endangered MAH/S/DEU Wolf Rare and endangered MAH/S/DEU Barking Deer To maintain the balance 92 MAH/S/GAU Chinkara To maintain the balance MAH/S/GAU Great Indian bustard 93 MAH/S/GRE Black buck Endangered MAH/S/GRE Wolf It is a sanctuary for Chinkara MAH/S/GRE Panther 94 MAH/S/GYA Sloth Conservation value & cultura MAH/S/GYA Open Billed Stroks significance 95 MAH/S/JAI Tufted Pochards Hunted as game or for trophy MAH/S/JAI Common Pochards Wildlife protection MAH/S/JAI White Eyed Pochards MAH/S/JAI Coots MAH/S/JAI Bar Headed Geese MAH/S/JAI Common Teal MAH/S/JAI Cotton Teal MAH/S/JAI Democile cranes MAH/S/JAI Flamingo MAH/S/JAI Giant squirrel,Barking deer,Sambar 96 MAH/S/KAL Indian Wolf 97 MAH/S/KAT Chinkara 98 MAH/S/MAY Wolf Fox MAH/S/MAY MAH/S/MAY Peafowl Panthera tigris 99 MAH/S/NAI 100 MAH/S/NAR Tiger 101 MAH/S/PAI 15
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Stable Randhiv, Shidheshwar, Survey Chandoli Survey Declining Dhakale, Tanlali Census Annual survey by wildlife wing Increasing Chaudampalli Annual survey by wildlife wing Increasing Rehekuri Annual survey by wildlife wing Increasing Rehekuri PA Increasing Rehekuri PA Declining All three ranges Census Declining All three ranges Census Stable Nannaj Census Stable All ranges Stable All ranges Survey and personal estimate Increasing Census Increasing Census Not yet studied Census Not yet studied PA Not yet studied Personal estimate Not yet studied Personal estimate&census Not yet studied result Not yet studied Not yet studied Not yet studied Not yet studied Not yet studied Declining Akola Increasing Supe Stable Supe Stable Supe al Increasing Beed Increasing Narnala Stable Sondabi,Kharbi 51
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance MAH/S/PAI Panther Wildlife protection MAH/S/PAI Spotted deer Wildlife Protection MAH/S/PAI Black buck Wildlife protection MAH/S/PAI Barking deer Wildlife protection 102 MAH/S/RAD Bison Giant Squirrel MAH/S/RAD Tiger MAH/S/RAD Sloth Bear MAH/S/RAD Cervus anicolour niger(Sambar) Balance of the ecosystem 103 MAH/S/SAG Axis axis(Chital) Balance of ecosystem MAH/S/SAG Vulpes bengalensis(Indian fox or khoked) Balance of ecosystem MAH/S/SAG Sus scrofa(Wild boar) Balance of ecosystem MAH/S/SAG Felis chaus(Jungle cat) Balance of ecosystem MAH/S/SAG Wild relative of domesticated Blue Bull species 104 MAH/S/TIP Panthera tigris &Panthera pardos Hunted as game or for trophy 105 MAH/S/WAN Wolf Conservation Value 106 MAH/S/YED Brow Antlered Deer (Cervus Found only in this PA 107 MAN/N/KEI eldi eldi) Migrates to the PA 108 MAN/S/YAN Tiger Migrates to the PA Elephant MAN/S/YAN Hoolock gibbon Only Ape species in the PA 109 MEG/N/BAL Threatened species Pangolin, Capped Langoor, MEG/N/BAL Civet cat, Tiger MEG/N/BAL Binturang Hunted for skin Hoolock gibbon 110 MEG/N/NOK The only tail less ape of the Indian sub-continent 15
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Sondabi,Kharbi Increasing Sondabi,Kharbi Personal estimate&census Sondabi,Kharbi result Increasing Sondabi,Kharbi Personal estimate&census Increasing result Stable Personal estimate&census Increasing result Increasing Increasing Personal estimate&census Increasing result Increasing In whole protected area Survey Increasing In the whole area Survey Increasing In the whole area Personal estimate Increasing In the whole protected area Personal estimate Increasing In the whole protected area Personal estimate Increasing Tipeshwar Census Increasing Somthana and Wan Personal Estimate Increasing Yedashi Personal estimate Increasing Throughout the park, where Census Unknown the deer's favoured habitat, the Unknown phumdi, is present Unknown All the ranges Research and Personal All the ranges Estimate Unknown All the ranges Research and Personal Distributed all over the PA Estimate Unknown Research and Personal Estimate Unknown Personal estimate 52
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance MEG/N/NOK Stumped tailed macaque and Their status is not known in th Pig tailed macaque region 111 MEG/S/NON Clouded Leopard (Neofelis State animal MEG/S/NON nebulosa) State bird MEG/S/NON Tiger (Panthera tigris) MEG/S/NON Hill myna Only Ape species found in MEG/S/NON Great Indian pied hornbill India MEG/S/NON Golden cat Threatened species Wild Dog MEG/S/NON Hollock Gibbbon (Hylobates hollock) 112 MEG/S/SIJ Hoolock gibbon MEG/S/SIJ Pangolin, Capped langur, Civet cat, Tiger MEG/S/SIJ Binturong Hunted for skin 113 MIZ/N/MUR State bird of Mizoram, has a Hume's Bartailed Pheasant sparse distribution 114 MIZ/N/PHA Found only in this PA in Blyth's Tragopan Mizoram 115 MIZ/S/DAM Hoolock Gibbon (Hylobates MIZ/S/DAM hoolock) Only ape found in India Wolf Endangered species 116 MIZ/S/KHA State bird of Mizoram, has a Hume's Bartailed Pheasant sparse distribution 117 MIZ/S/LEN State bird of Mizoram, has a 118 MP/N/BAN Hume's Bartailed Pheasant sparse distribution 119 MP/N/SAT Tiger Hunted as game or for trophy. Indian Giant Squirrel Found only in this PA. MP/N/SAT Flying Squirrel Found only in this PA. 120 MP/N/VAN Tiger Endangered Lion Endangered MP/N/VAN Leopard Threatened MP/N/VAN Leopard It occupies the top position in 121 MP/S/GAN the food chain and helps in maintaining ecological balanc 15
of Special Interest in the PA Status Ranges Source Distributed all over the PA Unknown, because a detailed Personal estimate he estimate has not been Personal estimate conducted Personal estimate Personal estimate Stable Nongpoh Personal estimate Declining Nongpoh Personal estimate Stable Nongpoh Personal estimate Stable Nongpoh Declining Nongpoh Personal estimate Stable Nongpoh Research and personal estimate Increasing Nongpoh Research and Personal Estimate Unknown Siju Range Research and Personal Estimate Unknown Siju Range Census Unknown Siju Range Census, personal estimate and local information Increasing North Khawbung Personal estimate Increasing Phawngpui Personal estimate Declining Teirei & Phuldungsei Census Increasing Teirei & Phuldungsei Personal estimate Increasing Rawpui Census Personal estimate Increasing All over the PA. Personal estimate . Increasing Pachmarhi Kamti Stable Van Vihar National Park. Stable Van Vihar National Park. Stable Van Vihar National Park. ce. Increasing Gandhisagar sanctuary. Every year census is carried out. 53
Table 1.8: Faunal Species o Sno PA code Species Significance MP/S/GAN Crocodile Cultural importance as well as MP/S/GAN Otter national bird found abundantly in this P.A. 122 MP/S/NAR Peacock 123 MP/S/NAT Gharial It is an excellent species to keep herbivore population MP/S/NAT Dolphin under control. MP/S/NAT Otter MP/S/NAT Indian Skimmer MP/S/NAT Sarus Crane MP/S/NAT Black necked Stork MP/S/NAT Vultures MP/S/NAT Kestrel 124 MP/S/NOR Wolf ( Canis lupus) 125 MP/S/ORC Turtle (Lissenys punctata) Under schedule I of WLPA MP/S/ORC Turtle (Trionyx gangeticus) Under schedule I of WLPA The largest mammal found in 126 NAG/N/INT Elephants the PA NAG/N/INT Crocodile Found only in this PA Blyth's Tragopan Found only in this PA 127 NAG/S/FAK Barking deer Hunted as game or for trophy 128 NAG/S/PUL Fox Cultural importance Jungle cat NAG/S/PUL Its population in the PA is fast NAG/S/PUL Flying squirrel decreasing Salt water crocodile NAG/S/PUL (Crocodylus porosus) Found only in this PA Elephant Cultural importance 129 ORI/N+S/BHI Bison Cultural importance 130 ORI/S/BAD Sambar State animal Barking deer Cultural importance ORI/S/BAD Spotted deer Cultural importance ORI/S/BAD Elephant ORI/S/BAD ORI/S/BAD 131 ORI/S/BAI 15
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